1 00:00:02,210 --> 00:00:06,755 The most difficult test facing any captain, any crew, 2 00:00:06,965 --> 00:00:09,299 is the loss of a shipmate. 3 00:00:10,051 --> 00:00:13,095 We've come here to honor one of our own. 4 00:00:13,513 --> 00:00:15,681 In the time we knew him, 5 00:00:15,890 --> 00:00:19,018 he showed us just how much one life can truly matter. 6 00:00:19,686 --> 00:00:22,479 We will never forget what he did for us 7 00:00:22,689 --> 00:00:25,524 and for the ship he loved so much. 8 00:00:25,734 --> 00:00:29,486 We will go forward with renewed determination to complete this mission 9 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:33,824 so that his sacrifice won't just have been for the people on this ship 10 00:00:34,993 --> 00:00:38,120 but for all the citizens of Earth. 11 00:02:09,879 --> 00:02:11,797 TRIP: We just reroute the system taps, 12 00:02:12,006 --> 00:02:15,384 compress the anti-matter stream before it reaches the injectors. 13 00:02:15,552 --> 00:02:17,719 That will stabilize the warp field? 14 00:02:17,887 --> 00:02:20,848 Every simulation I run comes back with the same result. 15 00:02:21,057 --> 00:02:24,977 We'll be able to cruise at warp 5.0 with no field fluctuation. 16 00:02:25,186 --> 00:02:27,020 I'm talking about a ride so smooth, 17 00:02:27,230 --> 00:02:30,482 you can build a house of cards on the warp reactor. 18 00:02:30,775 --> 00:02:32,860 If we can maintain high warp for extended periods, 19 00:02:33,069 --> 00:02:35,112 we can cover the Expanse more quickly. 20 00:02:35,321 --> 00:02:39,408 Which boosts our chances of finding the Xindi weapon in time. 21 00:02:40,451 --> 00:02:41,493 [INHALES SHARPLY] 22 00:02:41,661 --> 00:02:44,288 - To the left. - Oh, sorry. 23 00:02:45,748 --> 00:02:48,542 You get me talking about the engines and I forget where I am. 24 00:02:50,128 --> 00:02:53,172 Don't know what it is about fine tuning a piece of machinery. 25 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:55,549 Lie on your back. 26 00:03:00,013 --> 00:03:04,057 You know, you made this sound a whole lot worse than it is. 27 00:03:04,267 --> 00:03:07,311 Advanced neuro-pressure can place great demands on the body. 28 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,981 Well, I have to say that, so far, it's a piece of cake. 29 00:03:11,191 --> 00:03:15,277 We haven't gotten to the more challenging postures. 30 00:03:17,947 --> 00:03:19,781 Well, 31 00:03:20,742 --> 00:03:23,118 I'm always up for a challenge. 32 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,162 Breathe. 33 00:03:32,754 --> 00:03:34,504 - Tucker to the Bridge. - Sir. 34 00:03:34,714 --> 00:03:35,797 Archer. 35 00:03:37,634 --> 00:03:39,343 We're all set down here. 36 00:03:39,802 --> 00:03:41,178 I'll need at least 4.9 37 00:03:41,387 --> 00:03:43,597 to get the plasma hot enough to compress the stream. 38 00:03:43,973 --> 00:03:46,975 - You heard the man, Travis, 4.9. - Aye, sir. 39 00:03:58,947 --> 00:03:59,988 Four-point-five. 40 00:04:01,699 --> 00:04:03,408 Four-point-six. 41 00:04:05,328 --> 00:04:06,453 Four-point-seven. 42 00:04:09,457 --> 00:04:11,291 Four-point-eight. 43 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:13,710 [BEEPS] 44 00:04:15,922 --> 00:04:17,923 The warp field is fluctuating. 45 00:04:19,676 --> 00:04:21,009 [THUD] 46 00:04:21,177 --> 00:04:22,386 Four-point-nine. 47 00:04:23,263 --> 00:04:25,555 Initializing stream compression. 48 00:04:25,723 --> 00:04:27,307 [THUD] 49 00:04:27,475 --> 00:04:29,476 [ENGINES HUMMING] 50 00:04:30,979 --> 00:04:32,938 Damn. 51 00:04:33,147 --> 00:04:34,982 That's a beautiful sound. 52 00:04:35,191 --> 00:04:37,442 Field fluctuations have dropped to zero. 53 00:04:38,152 --> 00:04:39,653 I think we just got our second wind. 54 00:04:41,281 --> 00:04:43,073 [RUMBLING] 55 00:04:43,241 --> 00:04:46,243 [ALARM BLARING] 56 00:04:48,329 --> 00:04:50,289 Something's flooding the intake manifolds. 57 00:04:50,498 --> 00:04:52,708 - Drop to impulse. - I've lost helm control. 58 00:04:52,917 --> 00:04:55,669 - Trip, status. - TRIP: I've got a primary injector flare. 59 00:04:55,878 --> 00:04:57,587 I'm shutting down. 60 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:03,510 It's not responding, captain. 61 00:05:13,313 --> 00:05:15,314 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 62 00:05:16,149 --> 00:05:18,483 The flare's causing a system-wide overload. 63 00:05:44,677 --> 00:05:47,763 Fires reported on B and C Deck. Emergency crews en route. 64 00:05:47,972 --> 00:05:49,222 Helm control is still down. 65 00:05:49,849 --> 00:05:50,891 Analysis. 66 00:05:51,100 --> 00:05:52,684 T'POL: Some kind of polaric field, 67 00:05:52,852 --> 00:05:54,978 approximately 11,000 kilometers in diameter. 68 00:05:55,188 --> 00:05:56,271 Composition, unknown. 69 00:05:56,481 --> 00:05:58,815 I'll need more time to complete a detailed scan. 70 00:05:59,192 --> 00:06:00,859 Is that what stopped us? 71 00:06:01,069 --> 00:06:03,612 T'POL: It's a logical conclusion. 72 00:06:03,863 --> 00:06:04,946 Keep scanning. 73 00:06:05,114 --> 00:06:09,534 Numerous injuries throughout the ship, mostly minor, except for one. 74 00:06:10,078 --> 00:06:12,621 Commander Tucker. He's been taken to Sickbay. 75 00:06:23,383 --> 00:06:25,175 Report. 76 00:06:25,635 --> 00:06:28,512 When we entered the field, nucleonic particles flooded the manifolds, 77 00:06:28,679 --> 00:06:30,305 causing the injector flare. 78 00:06:30,515 --> 00:06:35,185 If Commander Tucker hadn't shut down the reactor, we could have had a breach. 79 00:06:35,770 --> 00:06:37,979 How much time before we can get the engines back online? 80 00:06:38,189 --> 00:06:39,981 We're still running diagnostics. 81 00:06:40,191 --> 00:06:42,943 The damage is significant. It could take weeks. 82 00:06:43,152 --> 00:06:46,530 Commander Tucker's going to have his hands full. 83 00:06:48,866 --> 00:06:51,618 You'll be supervising the repairs. 84 00:06:51,828 --> 00:06:53,495 I've just come from Sickbay. 85 00:06:53,704 --> 00:06:55,414 Trip's in a coma. 86 00:06:55,623 --> 00:06:58,291 He has extensive neural damage. 87 00:06:58,835 --> 00:07:03,797 Dr. Phlox says we have to prepare for the possibility that Trip won't survive. 88 00:07:16,477 --> 00:07:19,563 - How is he? - PHLOX: His condition's unchanged. 89 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:22,190 I'd like to show you something. 90 00:07:23,192 --> 00:07:26,903 This is one of the more interesting members of my little menagerie. 91 00:07:28,114 --> 00:07:31,074 A Lyssarian desert larvae. 92 00:07:31,284 --> 00:07:33,535 Its epidermal layer secretes a viral suppressant 93 00:07:33,703 --> 00:07:35,954 that I use as a salve for cuts and bruises. 94 00:07:36,164 --> 00:07:38,832 How does this relate to Trip? 95 00:07:39,041 --> 00:07:43,003 The larvae has another, somewhat more controversial, property. 96 00:07:43,212 --> 00:07:45,380 When implanted with DNA from another species, 97 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:48,467 it exactly replicates that species' life cycle, 98 00:07:48,676 --> 00:07:51,136 albeit at a rapidly accelerated rate. 99 00:07:51,345 --> 00:07:53,305 - It becomes a clone. - Essentially. 100 00:07:53,473 --> 00:07:57,559 But one that is born, grows old and dies in approximately 15 days. 101 00:07:57,768 --> 00:08:00,395 The Lyssarians call them mimetic symbiotes. 102 00:08:00,605 --> 00:08:03,732 They're a closely guarded secret. Very few people know of their existence. 103 00:08:05,318 --> 00:08:07,777 And you want to do this with Trip? 104 00:08:08,946 --> 00:08:11,198 Use his DNA to grow a symbiote? 105 00:08:11,407 --> 00:08:14,910 To harvest its neural tissue for a transplant. 106 00:08:20,875 --> 00:08:26,588 There is no guarantee that human DNA will stimulate a larvae's growth cycle, 107 00:08:27,048 --> 00:08:29,883 but as it stands now, it may be Commander Tucker's only hope 108 00:08:30,051 --> 00:08:32,052 for survival. 109 00:08:32,929 --> 00:08:36,306 To ensure the tissue's compatibility, I'll have to wait until the symbiote reaches 110 00:08:36,474 --> 00:08:38,767 Commander Tucker's present physical age. 111 00:08:38,976 --> 00:08:40,810 Then I can excise the tissue 112 00:08:41,020 --> 00:08:44,689 from a non-critical region of the symbiote's cerebrum. 113 00:08:44,857 --> 00:08:47,067 It would experience no discernible side effects 114 00:08:47,235 --> 00:08:50,862 and should be able to live out its normal life span. 115 00:08:51,572 --> 00:08:53,949 Its 15-day life span. 116 00:08:54,158 --> 00:08:55,867 I don't make this proposal lightly, captain, 117 00:08:56,077 --> 00:08:59,287 but I'm obligated to provide you with all available options. 118 00:09:00,331 --> 00:09:01,665 [SIGHS] 119 00:09:06,337 --> 00:09:07,379 [DOOR CHIMES] 120 00:09:07,547 --> 00:09:09,130 Come in. 121 00:09:09,465 --> 00:09:11,049 T'POL: We sent out an EV team. 122 00:09:11,259 --> 00:09:14,636 They retrieved a sample of the substance accumulating on the hull. 123 00:09:14,845 --> 00:09:19,307 Multiple hits with a plasma rifle were required to dislodge it. 124 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:27,148 It's composed of highly charged particles, mostly ferric ions, 125 00:09:27,358 --> 00:09:30,902 but there are several elements that we can't identify. 126 00:09:34,282 --> 00:09:36,241 And it's highly magnetic. 127 00:09:36,867 --> 00:09:39,786 So far, the danger to the ship seems negligible. 128 00:09:39,996 --> 00:09:42,455 But the longer we remain in the field, 129 00:09:42,665 --> 00:09:45,250 the more these particles build up. 130 00:09:47,169 --> 00:09:48,461 Do whatever you have to do. 131 00:09:50,339 --> 00:09:52,132 But we need to get those engines back online. 132 00:09:52,341 --> 00:09:53,383 Understood. 133 00:09:58,097 --> 00:10:02,267 Regarding the Lyssarian procedure Dr. Phlox proposed, 134 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:05,312 may I ask if you've reached a decision? 135 00:10:05,521 --> 00:10:07,314 I approved it. 136 00:10:07,690 --> 00:10:09,608 Are you aware that the Lyssarian Prime Conclave 137 00:10:09,817 --> 00:10:11,401 has banned the creation of symbiotes? 138 00:10:11,611 --> 00:10:14,154 We don't answer to the Lyssarian Prime Conclave. 139 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:19,117 Symbiotes are living, conscious entities. 140 00:10:19,327 --> 00:10:22,704 We'll be growing a sentient being for the sole purpose of harvesting tissue. 141 00:10:23,122 --> 00:10:25,332 I'm aware of the ethical implications. 142 00:10:27,126 --> 00:10:31,671 If we weren't in the Expanse, maybe my decision would be different, 143 00:10:32,798 --> 00:10:35,008 but we've got to complete this mission. 144 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:38,595 Earth needs Enterprise. 145 00:10:38,804 --> 00:10:41,222 Enterprise needs Trip. 146 00:10:44,477 --> 00:10:46,603 It's as simple as that. 147 00:11:18,719 --> 00:11:20,512 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 148 00:11:20,721 --> 00:11:22,222 The engines are still down 149 00:11:22,431 --> 00:11:25,684 and the nucleonic particles continue to build up on the hull. 150 00:11:25,893 --> 00:11:29,396 It's been two days since Dr. Phlox initiated the procedure to grow the symbiote. 151 00:11:31,190 --> 00:11:34,818 It's rather sensitive to light at this stage. 152 00:11:35,403 --> 00:11:38,071 By tomorrow morning, if all goes well, 153 00:11:38,280 --> 00:11:42,534 we'll have a healthy baby boy on our hands. 154 00:11:55,214 --> 00:11:58,466 [BABY CRYING] 155 00:11:59,135 --> 00:12:00,844 PHLOX: A perfect genetic duplicate, 156 00:12:01,053 --> 00:12:03,888 right down to the birthmark on his right side. 157 00:12:04,098 --> 00:12:05,640 He certainly sounds healthy. 158 00:12:05,850 --> 00:12:08,643 And hungry. Excuse me. 159 00:12:08,811 --> 00:12:11,020 There, there. 160 00:12:12,690 --> 00:12:18,153 Oh, it's been some time since I've handled a newborn. Oh. 161 00:12:19,321 --> 00:12:21,239 Huh? 162 00:12:23,951 --> 00:12:27,078 But I see I haven't lost my touch. 163 00:12:27,830 --> 00:12:31,249 Three days ago, he was just another one of your creatures, 164 00:12:31,834 --> 00:12:34,169 something you kept on a shelf. 165 00:12:34,378 --> 00:12:37,422 He's certainly come a long way in a short time. 166 00:12:37,631 --> 00:12:39,924 In a short time, he'll be a lot older. 167 00:12:40,092 --> 00:12:41,968 Have you thought of where he's going to live? 168 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:43,344 Why not right here? 169 00:12:43,554 --> 00:12:47,182 I can't think of a more stimulating environment for a developing young mind. 170 00:12:47,391 --> 00:12:50,894 And I'll be able to keep a close watch on his development. 171 00:12:51,687 --> 00:12:54,397 Sounds like you've found yourself a new roommate. 172 00:12:54,607 --> 00:12:56,566 Now all I need to do is find him a name. 173 00:12:57,318 --> 00:13:00,695 The crew's been offering suggestions but nothing sounds right. 174 00:13:01,071 --> 00:13:03,698 Steven, Enrique. 175 00:13:03,908 --> 00:13:05,450 Dennis. Dennis? 176 00:13:05,659 --> 00:13:08,286 Ha-ha. You see my dilemma? Heh. 177 00:13:09,330 --> 00:13:11,414 I'm sure you'll think of something. 178 00:13:14,460 --> 00:13:16,002 PHLOX: Chief medical officer's log. 179 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:18,838 After much deliberation, I have finally thought of a name 180 00:13:19,006 --> 00:13:21,382 for this newest addition to our crew. 181 00:13:21,592 --> 00:13:25,136 It's all right, Sim, it's all right. 182 00:13:25,346 --> 00:13:27,847 Lucky for me, Denobulans require very little sleep. 183 00:13:28,057 --> 00:13:30,350 I'm at a loss to understand how human adults endure 184 00:13:30,518 --> 00:13:34,312 the REM cycle interruptions that accompany the teething stage. 185 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:37,273 Though I knew what to expect, I can't help but be astonished 186 00:13:37,441 --> 00:13:39,442 by Sim's rapid physical development. 187 00:13:39,652 --> 00:13:40,693 A side note. 188 00:13:40,903 --> 00:13:45,532 I may have stumbled across an effective fertilizer for my Orsic fern. 189 00:13:45,741 --> 00:13:48,535 "Those who have never seen a living Martian 190 00:13:48,702 --> 00:13:51,913 can scarcely imagine the strange horror 191 00:13:52,081 --> 00:13:55,542 of its appearance." 192 00:13:55,751 --> 00:13:57,126 That's very good. 193 00:13:57,336 --> 00:14:02,006 Can we just skip to the part where the Martian machines attack? 194 00:14:02,216 --> 00:14:05,260 We just showed you this book. How do you know about the Martian machines? 195 00:14:05,469 --> 00:14:08,513 - My mom read it to me. - Your mom? 196 00:14:08,681 --> 00:14:11,641 Uh-huh. I think it's chapter ten. 197 00:14:11,851 --> 00:14:15,103 PHLOX: It's become quite evident that Sim's remarkable scholastic progress 198 00:14:15,312 --> 00:14:18,314 goes far beyond an aptitude for learning. 199 00:14:18,649 --> 00:14:21,860 He's remembering things that happened to Trip when Trip was this age. 200 00:14:22,069 --> 00:14:26,114 So the older he grows, the more of Trip's life he'll recall? 201 00:14:26,323 --> 00:14:28,783 There are some species that rely solely on genetic sequencing 202 00:14:28,951 --> 00:14:30,827 to pass on their cultural memories. 203 00:14:31,036 --> 00:14:32,829 Evidently, humans have a similar capacity. 204 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:35,540 This could be an important discovery. 205 00:14:35,833 --> 00:14:38,334 He certainly possesses Commander Tucker's curiosity. 206 00:14:38,544 --> 00:14:42,005 This morning, he took apart my medical tricorder. 207 00:14:42,464 --> 00:14:44,132 ARCHER: He's starting to look like Trip. 208 00:14:44,341 --> 00:14:46,342 PHLOX: And he's beginning to ask questions. 209 00:14:46,552 --> 00:14:49,429 "Where did I come from? Where's my mother and father? 210 00:14:49,638 --> 00:14:51,806 Why am I here?" 211 00:14:52,016 --> 00:14:53,474 It's only been three days 212 00:14:53,684 --> 00:14:56,978 and he's already beginning to realize how different he is. 213 00:14:57,187 --> 00:14:59,230 He's going to have to be told the truth. 214 00:14:59,440 --> 00:15:01,107 Soon. 215 00:15:03,277 --> 00:15:05,904 I gave the order that created him. 216 00:15:07,114 --> 00:15:09,782 I should be the one to explain why. 217 00:15:15,497 --> 00:15:18,875 ARCHER: There's nothing Porthos likes more than dinner time. 218 00:15:21,795 --> 00:15:25,548 - Can he do any tricks? - I haven't taught him any. 219 00:15:25,841 --> 00:15:31,638 Mostly what he does is eat, sleep and, uh, not fetch. 220 00:15:31,847 --> 00:15:34,682 - Just fill it up halfway. - Okay. 221 00:15:37,561 --> 00:15:39,520 I used to have a dog. 222 00:15:39,730 --> 00:15:40,939 His name was Bedford. 223 00:15:41,857 --> 00:15:45,193 He was so big, I could ride him like a horse. 224 00:15:45,361 --> 00:15:47,070 Is that right? 225 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:49,656 That's Zefram Cochrane. 226 00:15:51,992 --> 00:15:53,576 He invented warp drive. 227 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:56,287 That's right, he did. 228 00:15:56,497 --> 00:15:59,499 Dr. Phlox says your dad helped design the warp 5 engine. 229 00:16:00,125 --> 00:16:02,543 That's a picture of him right there. 230 00:16:04,254 --> 00:16:07,882 And this is me on my first day of flight school. 231 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:10,843 Did you always want to be a starship captain? 232 00:16:11,387 --> 00:16:14,097 - As long as I can remember. - Why? 233 00:16:14,974 --> 00:16:16,933 It's what I was meant to do. 234 00:16:17,142 --> 00:16:18,393 Bet it's a fun job. 235 00:16:19,979 --> 00:16:21,270 It has its moments. 236 00:16:24,233 --> 00:16:26,192 Let me show you something. 237 00:16:27,486 --> 00:16:28,945 Keep the nose up. 238 00:16:30,531 --> 00:16:32,490 That's right. 239 00:16:34,159 --> 00:16:38,037 - It pulls a little to the left. - Trim the port aileron. 240 00:16:39,081 --> 00:16:40,289 That feels better. 241 00:16:43,252 --> 00:16:45,753 My dad says I should be an engineer. 242 00:16:46,130 --> 00:16:48,506 My mom thinks I should study architecture. 243 00:16:48,841 --> 00:16:52,260 But I want to do what you do, be a starship captain. 244 00:16:57,433 --> 00:16:58,516 You know what's weird? 245 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:00,184 What? 246 00:17:00,394 --> 00:17:02,395 My parents call me Trip 247 00:17:02,604 --> 00:17:05,356 but everyone here calls me Sim. 248 00:17:08,402 --> 00:17:10,737 Where's my mom and dad? 249 00:17:12,781 --> 00:17:13,948 Are they back on Earth? 250 00:17:15,784 --> 00:17:17,577 That's a little difficult to answer. 251 00:17:20,164 --> 00:17:21,497 [BARKS] 252 00:17:37,556 --> 00:17:39,098 It's broken. 253 00:17:39,308 --> 00:17:41,893 Nothing a little glue won't remedy. 254 00:17:42,227 --> 00:17:45,229 I crashed it plenty of times myself. 255 00:17:47,191 --> 00:17:49,400 I miss my parents. 256 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:54,822 Come with me. 257 00:18:02,331 --> 00:18:04,248 Dr. Phlox says I'm not allowed to go in there. 258 00:18:04,458 --> 00:18:06,334 It's okay. 259 00:18:28,357 --> 00:18:30,316 He's Trip. 260 00:18:31,401 --> 00:18:33,277 That's right. 261 00:18:34,404 --> 00:18:36,614 My parents, 262 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:40,118 they're not really mine? 263 00:18:40,702 --> 00:18:43,579 - They're his. - Yes. 264 00:18:44,373 --> 00:18:46,374 So... 265 00:18:49,336 --> 00:18:51,254 That time 266 00:18:52,005 --> 00:18:55,424 I put a garden snake in Lizzie's dollhouse? 267 00:18:57,761 --> 00:18:59,095 That wasn't me. 268 00:19:00,097 --> 00:19:01,389 No. 269 00:19:02,516 --> 00:19:05,518 So I'm just some kind of copy of him. 270 00:19:06,812 --> 00:19:08,604 You're more than that, Sim. 271 00:19:14,361 --> 00:19:16,988 You have Trip's memories 272 00:19:17,573 --> 00:19:19,448 but you also have your own memories, 273 00:19:19,658 --> 00:19:22,535 the ones you're making here on Enterprise. 274 00:19:22,744 --> 00:19:24,287 How long have I lived here? 275 00:19:24,788 --> 00:19:26,956 You were born only four days ago. 276 00:19:28,959 --> 00:19:32,712 - I feel older. - It's hard to understand, I know. 277 00:19:32,921 --> 00:19:37,550 There's part of you, something inside you, 278 00:19:38,010 --> 00:19:39,760 that Trip needs. 279 00:19:41,096 --> 00:19:44,182 Dr. Phlox is going to have to perform an operation. 280 00:19:45,392 --> 00:19:47,268 - Will it hurt? - PHLOX: Not at all. 281 00:19:47,477 --> 00:19:48,895 You won't feel a thing. 282 00:19:49,104 --> 00:19:51,230 Doctors always say that. 283 00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:52,982 When Phlox says it, it's the truth. 284 00:19:57,362 --> 00:19:59,864 Can we go fix the model now? 285 00:20:01,074 --> 00:20:02,158 Sure. 286 00:20:13,295 --> 00:20:15,254 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 287 00:20:15,464 --> 00:20:17,965 Enterprise has been incapacitated for seven days. 288 00:20:18,634 --> 00:20:22,678 And during that time, Sim has practically become a member of the crew. 289 00:20:22,888 --> 00:20:24,388 I've assigned him to Engineering, 290 00:20:24,598 --> 00:20:29,060 where he's been assisting T'Pol in the ongoing effort to repair the engines. 291 00:20:38,946 --> 00:20:41,781 Waveguides. For the primary port bypass? 292 00:20:42,491 --> 00:20:44,784 I think I made some progress. 293 00:20:44,993 --> 00:20:47,161 This looks promising. 294 00:20:48,789 --> 00:20:50,873 They're showing A Night at the Opera tonight. 295 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:52,124 Marx Brothers. 296 00:20:52,501 --> 00:20:54,085 I was wondering if you're planning to go. 297 00:20:54,294 --> 00:20:56,629 I'll be reviewing the field coil equations. 298 00:20:56,838 --> 00:20:59,465 They need to be finished in time for tomorrow's reactor test. 299 00:21:00,592 --> 00:21:02,009 Oh. 300 00:21:02,552 --> 00:21:05,638 Well, what about dinner? You want to grab a bite? 301 00:21:05,847 --> 00:21:09,767 I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I have to work late into the evening. 302 00:21:09,977 --> 00:21:13,688 Ensign Massaro is running a diagnostic on the plasma assembly. 303 00:21:13,897 --> 00:21:17,441 - I'd like you to assist her. - Yes, ma'am. 304 00:21:19,444 --> 00:21:21,904 It's because I'm different, isn't it? 305 00:21:22,614 --> 00:21:24,573 The reason you don't want to do anything with me. 306 00:21:26,159 --> 00:21:30,288 I guess it must be weird, being with someone like me. 307 00:21:31,081 --> 00:21:33,249 Five days ago, I was wearing diapers. 308 00:21:34,126 --> 00:21:38,921 I simply believe that our attention should be focused on the ship's engines, 309 00:21:39,131 --> 00:21:42,550 at least until the current situation is resolved. 310 00:21:42,843 --> 00:21:46,762 I probably won't be around after the current situation is resolved. 311 00:21:48,432 --> 00:21:49,473 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 312 00:21:49,641 --> 00:21:51,392 ARCHER: Archer to T'Pol. 313 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:55,855 Go ahead. 314 00:21:56,064 --> 00:21:58,649 Would you please come to my Ready Room? 315 00:21:59,318 --> 00:22:01,110 On my way. 316 00:22:04,573 --> 00:22:07,908 T'POL: Warp drive should be functional in two weeks. 317 00:22:08,702 --> 00:22:11,162 I'm afraid that won't be soon enough. 318 00:22:11,580 --> 00:22:13,914 - Sir, I-- - According to Malcolm, 319 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:18,377 the accumulation on the hull is generating a diamagnetic field. 320 00:22:18,628 --> 00:22:21,213 It's having a dampening effect. 321 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:25,426 The more the particulate builds up, the more powerful the field becomes. 322 00:22:25,635 --> 00:22:30,139 In another four days, every system on the ship will be off-line. 323 00:22:30,974 --> 00:22:35,311 If we don't make it out of here by then, we never will. 324 00:22:42,903 --> 00:22:44,403 Key lime pie. 325 00:22:44,613 --> 00:22:46,947 I suddenly realized it was my favorite dessert. 326 00:22:47,157 --> 00:22:48,449 Now I know why. 327 00:22:50,077 --> 00:22:52,995 Do these memories just come to you? 328 00:22:53,747 --> 00:22:56,999 Well, the older I get, the more I remember. 329 00:22:57,209 --> 00:22:59,960 It's like I've lived this whole other life. 330 00:23:00,170 --> 00:23:01,837 Can't explain it. 331 00:23:02,047 --> 00:23:04,215 I can't imagine it. 332 00:23:04,674 --> 00:23:07,093 You wanted to ask me about something. 333 00:23:07,302 --> 00:23:08,636 Yeah, I did. 334 00:23:08,970 --> 00:23:11,180 Do you think it's possible to redirect the phase cannons 335 00:23:11,390 --> 00:23:13,349 so they can fire back onto the hull? 336 00:23:13,558 --> 00:23:15,226 I suppose so. Why? 337 00:23:15,394 --> 00:23:17,520 I want to try and blast off enough of that particulate 338 00:23:17,687 --> 00:23:19,397 so we can open up the launch bay doors. 339 00:23:20,107 --> 00:23:21,816 Is someone planning on going somewhere? 340 00:23:22,484 --> 00:23:24,235 All we need to do is build up enough momentum 341 00:23:24,444 --> 00:23:26,862 - to get the ship out of here, right? - Right. 342 00:23:27,072 --> 00:23:30,241 Well, we've got two perfectly good engines sitting in the launch bay. 343 00:23:31,410 --> 00:23:34,912 If we string a couple of grappler lines between the shuttlepods and the ship, 344 00:23:35,122 --> 00:23:36,497 we can tow ourselves clear. 345 00:23:37,499 --> 00:23:40,251 The shuttlepods don't generate that kind of thrust. 346 00:23:40,460 --> 00:23:43,546 We'd never build up enough momentum to get clear of the field in time. 347 00:23:43,964 --> 00:23:45,506 Leave that to me. 348 00:23:49,886 --> 00:23:51,429 [DOOR CHIMES] 349 00:24:00,897 --> 00:24:02,857 Can I come in? 350 00:24:05,986 --> 00:24:09,196 Did you have a chance to look at my calculations? 351 00:24:09,573 --> 00:24:13,033 - I reviewed them thoroughly. - And? 352 00:24:14,578 --> 00:24:18,289 A fusion overburn has never been attempted with a shuttlepod engine. 353 00:24:18,498 --> 00:24:20,040 That doesn't mean it won't work. 354 00:24:20,542 --> 00:24:22,209 I agree. 355 00:24:22,419 --> 00:24:24,795 Despite the risks, I believe it's our best option. 356 00:24:25,297 --> 00:24:28,716 So you're gonna recommend the plan to the captain? 357 00:24:28,967 --> 00:24:30,634 I already have. 358 00:24:33,138 --> 00:24:34,680 Was there something else? 359 00:24:38,018 --> 00:24:40,227 You and Trip used to spend a lot of time here together. 360 00:24:41,229 --> 00:24:44,398 I was instructing him in the practice of Vulcan neuro-pressure. 361 00:24:45,150 --> 00:24:47,067 I remember. 362 00:24:48,403 --> 00:24:50,654 You were lying right there, 363 00:24:50,906 --> 00:24:53,491 working the neural nodes on each other's feet, 364 00:24:53,700 --> 00:24:56,035 talking about the warp engines, 365 00:24:56,453 --> 00:24:58,370 how I was hoping to modify them. 366 00:24:59,080 --> 00:25:01,499 How Commander Tucker was hoping to modify them. 367 00:25:01,708 --> 00:25:04,668 Right. Commander Tucker. 368 00:25:05,837 --> 00:25:08,547 You know, he was really starting to enjoy those sessions with you. 369 00:25:08,965 --> 00:25:10,424 They were helping him sleep. 370 00:25:11,218 --> 00:25:13,427 I'm not sure that's the only reason. 371 00:25:14,387 --> 00:25:15,554 What do you mean? 372 00:25:19,017 --> 00:25:22,269 Was there ever anything between you and Trip? 373 00:25:23,980 --> 00:25:28,192 If you're referring to a romantic relationship, no. 374 00:25:29,319 --> 00:25:31,695 The reason I asked is, 375 00:25:33,865 --> 00:25:35,533 well, 376 00:25:38,036 --> 00:25:40,538 you're all I think about, if you know what I mean. 377 00:25:41,414 --> 00:25:43,040 I'm not talking about an adolescent crush. 378 00:25:43,208 --> 00:25:47,503 That was, well, that was two days ago. 379 00:25:49,381 --> 00:25:52,424 This is much more serious, the way I feel about you. 380 00:25:54,594 --> 00:25:56,345 Anyway, 381 00:25:56,638 --> 00:26:01,141 what's driving me crazy is, I don't know if these feelings are mine 382 00:26:01,851 --> 00:26:02,977 or his. 383 00:26:04,396 --> 00:26:05,980 I can't answer that. 384 00:26:08,316 --> 00:26:10,568 I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable. 385 00:26:10,902 --> 00:26:12,611 I'm not uncomfortable. 386 00:26:14,239 --> 00:26:16,657 I just thought I should tell you this 387 00:26:17,367 --> 00:26:19,201 while I still had the chance. 388 00:26:22,706 --> 00:26:24,331 Come in. 389 00:26:26,585 --> 00:26:28,502 I want to pilot one of the shuttlepods. 390 00:26:28,712 --> 00:26:29,753 That's out of the question. 391 00:26:29,963 --> 00:26:32,548 It's my plan. I think I should have a say in how it's implemented. 392 00:26:32,757 --> 00:26:35,259 This is a dangerous procedure. 393 00:26:35,468 --> 00:26:38,053 - You've never flown a shuttlepod before. - Yes, I have. 394 00:26:38,263 --> 00:26:41,724 Trip has thousands of hours of flying time and I have his memories. 395 00:26:41,933 --> 00:26:46,186 I can't jeopardize this ship on the strength of those memories. 396 00:26:47,147 --> 00:26:52,192 Mayweather and Reed will pilot the shuttlepods. 397 00:26:52,902 --> 00:26:55,988 I want you to coordinate from the Bridge. T'Pol will assist you. 398 00:26:56,197 --> 00:26:59,617 You're worried something will happen to me, aren't you? 399 00:27:01,870 --> 00:27:05,289 You wanna make sure I'm around because you need part of my brain. 400 00:27:05,957 --> 00:27:07,541 Yeah. 401 00:27:08,001 --> 00:27:09,084 That's part of it. 402 00:27:09,294 --> 00:27:12,463 So your concern for my safety is really about saving Trip. 403 00:27:12,672 --> 00:27:14,882 My main concern is that this plan work. 404 00:27:15,091 --> 00:27:19,178 If we don't make it out of here in six hours, it won't matter whether Trip survives or not. 405 00:27:19,387 --> 00:27:20,763 We'll all be dead. 406 00:27:22,515 --> 00:27:26,477 SIM: I've realigned the targeting scanners. They're set for close proximity. 407 00:27:26,686 --> 00:27:28,729 Phase cannons are charged and ready. 408 00:27:38,323 --> 00:27:39,615 Try the doors. 409 00:27:39,783 --> 00:27:40,866 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 410 00:27:41,034 --> 00:27:43,160 They're still frozen. 411 00:27:54,172 --> 00:27:55,798 Archer to Shuttlepods 1 and 2. 412 00:27:56,007 --> 00:27:58,509 - You are clear to launch. - Acknowledged. 413 00:27:58,718 --> 00:28:00,469 Shuttlepod 2, acknowledged. 414 00:28:21,991 --> 00:28:23,033 Whenever you're ready. 415 00:28:24,077 --> 00:28:25,119 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 416 00:28:25,286 --> 00:28:26,370 Set the overburn ratio. 417 00:28:27,372 --> 00:28:29,581 We'll start at 0.175. 418 00:28:29,999 --> 00:28:31,125 Acknowledged. 419 00:28:31,334 --> 00:28:33,127 Oh-point-one-seven-five. 420 00:28:33,336 --> 00:28:35,838 Prepare to initiate on my mark. 421 00:28:36,673 --> 00:28:37,715 Now. 422 00:28:42,887 --> 00:28:44,179 One thousand kilodynes. 423 00:28:44,556 --> 00:28:46,849 Thrust vector holding steady. 424 00:28:51,438 --> 00:28:52,563 Come on. 425 00:28:56,526 --> 00:28:58,193 Two thousand kilodynes. 426 00:28:58,403 --> 00:29:00,195 Engine temperature's rising. 427 00:29:03,867 --> 00:29:05,743 I'm reading zero forward momentum. 428 00:29:06,286 --> 00:29:07,995 REED: Two thousand five hundred kilodynes. 429 00:29:08,538 --> 00:29:10,247 Engine temperature is nearing critical. 430 00:29:10,457 --> 00:29:11,540 We're still not moving. 431 00:29:11,750 --> 00:29:12,833 Come on. 432 00:29:13,042 --> 00:29:14,418 Increase the overburn ratio 433 00:29:14,627 --> 00:29:16,962 - another 30 percent. - Captain? 434 00:29:19,382 --> 00:29:20,424 Go ahead. 435 00:29:20,633 --> 00:29:21,967 [ALARM BLARING] 436 00:29:22,135 --> 00:29:24,011 Increasing 30 percent. 437 00:29:27,640 --> 00:29:28,682 [ALARM BEEPING] 438 00:29:28,850 --> 00:29:30,601 I've got a temperature warning light. 439 00:29:31,311 --> 00:29:34,229 I'm reading 500 degrees above critical. 440 00:29:39,235 --> 00:29:41,779 - Their systems are overloading. - ARCHER: Sim. 441 00:29:41,946 --> 00:29:44,823 - A few more seconds. - They won't last a few seconds. 442 00:29:47,118 --> 00:29:48,452 Sorry, Sim. 443 00:29:48,620 --> 00:29:50,829 Archer to the shuttlepods. 444 00:29:51,372 --> 00:29:53,373 [WHIRRING] 445 00:30:00,673 --> 00:30:02,508 We're moving. 446 00:30:03,343 --> 00:30:05,511 Point-six-two kilometers per hour. 447 00:30:13,353 --> 00:30:17,022 Twelve kilometers per hour and accelerating. 448 00:30:23,238 --> 00:30:24,363 How much do we need? 449 00:30:24,572 --> 00:30:28,116 At this speed, we'll emerge from the field in 6.1 hours. 450 00:30:28,326 --> 00:30:30,077 That's good enough. 451 00:30:30,286 --> 00:30:33,163 Archer to Shuttlepods 1 and 2. 452 00:30:33,373 --> 00:30:35,249 Come on home. 453 00:30:38,670 --> 00:30:39,711 Well done. 454 00:30:40,505 --> 00:30:42,422 Thanks, captain. 455 00:30:48,054 --> 00:30:50,222 You wanted to see me? 456 00:30:52,225 --> 00:30:55,686 - There's been a development. - I'm listening. 457 00:30:56,896 --> 00:30:59,773 Sim won't survive the transplant. 458 00:31:06,739 --> 00:31:11,159 You told me you could remove the tissue without harming him. 459 00:31:11,369 --> 00:31:15,080 That assessment was based on symbiotes grown from Lyssarian DNA. 460 00:31:15,290 --> 00:31:19,001 My tests on Sim show that human-based symbiotes are not as resilient. 461 00:31:19,210 --> 00:31:22,880 If I excise the quantity of neural tissue I need to save Commander Tucker, 462 00:31:24,173 --> 00:31:26,258 Sim will die. 463 00:31:27,176 --> 00:31:28,927 I'm sorry, captain. 464 00:31:38,771 --> 00:31:41,106 Why not give up my life? 465 00:31:42,358 --> 00:31:44,109 I've only got 466 00:31:44,903 --> 00:31:46,486 five, six days left, anyway. 467 00:31:46,696 --> 00:31:48,447 That isn't how we see it. 468 00:31:49,657 --> 00:31:52,200 Let me ask you something, doc. 469 00:31:54,120 --> 00:31:57,247 When you researched Lyssarian larva, 470 00:31:57,999 --> 00:32:03,712 did you come across any references to the Velandran Circle? 471 00:32:06,049 --> 00:32:07,841 They were a group of Lyssarian scientists 472 00:32:08,051 --> 00:32:11,720 who conducted illegal experiments on symbiotes. 473 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:13,889 They claimed to have developed an enzyme 474 00:32:14,098 --> 00:32:16,099 that stopped the rapid aging process. 475 00:32:20,271 --> 00:32:22,189 Is there any truth to it? 476 00:32:24,359 --> 00:32:27,152 Why do you think he kept it a secret? 477 00:32:28,154 --> 00:32:29,529 Doctor? 478 00:32:29,739 --> 00:32:31,490 The enzyme is experimental 479 00:32:31,699 --> 00:32:34,368 with very little empirical evidence to suggest that it works. 480 00:32:34,577 --> 00:32:36,620 That's why I didn't mention it. 481 00:32:36,829 --> 00:32:38,872 There's not much evidence but it exists. 482 00:32:39,082 --> 00:32:40,958 The fact is, 483 00:32:41,167 --> 00:32:43,460 I may not have to grow old and die in a week. 484 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:48,632 There's a chance that I can live out a normal life span. 485 00:32:49,550 --> 00:32:52,010 I can't change what happened to him 486 00:32:52,720 --> 00:32:56,014 but maybe I can change what's gonna happen to me. 487 00:33:03,606 --> 00:33:04,731 [DOOR CHIMES] 488 00:33:04,899 --> 00:33:06,441 Come in. 489 00:33:13,366 --> 00:33:15,033 How long have you been staying here? 490 00:33:15,827 --> 00:33:18,829 I was on the way to my room last night 491 00:33:20,123 --> 00:33:21,540 but I came here instead. 492 00:33:30,008 --> 00:33:32,342 These are Trip's quarters. 493 00:33:32,593 --> 00:33:35,012 Which is where I belong. 494 00:33:36,264 --> 00:33:40,892 I have his memories, I have his feelings, I have his body. 495 00:33:41,102 --> 00:33:42,436 How am I not Trip? 496 00:33:42,895 --> 00:33:46,106 Commander Tucker is lying in Sickbay. 497 00:33:47,025 --> 00:33:48,984 Then what am I? 498 00:33:49,569 --> 00:33:51,862 Just something you grew in a lab? 499 00:33:52,405 --> 00:33:54,740 Does that make it easier for you to condemn me to death? 500 00:33:55,158 --> 00:33:58,994 If you refuse to go through with this, you'll be condemning Trip to death. 501 00:33:59,203 --> 00:34:02,039 - I didn't put him in a coma. - No. 502 00:34:02,498 --> 00:34:04,041 But you can save him. 503 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:05,584 In a way, I will, 504 00:34:07,045 --> 00:34:08,086 by saving myself. 505 00:34:10,173 --> 00:34:12,674 Phlox says there's almost no chance that the enzyme will work. 506 00:34:12,884 --> 00:34:16,845 My life is at stake. Any chance is worth taking. 507 00:34:17,055 --> 00:34:18,305 But at what cost? 508 00:34:19,223 --> 00:34:22,017 It'll take a day to synthesize the enzyme. 509 00:34:22,226 --> 00:34:26,354 By that time, your neural tissue won't be compatible with Trip's anymore. He'll die. 510 00:34:26,981 --> 00:34:28,106 I know. 511 00:34:30,693 --> 00:34:32,194 I can't let that happen. 512 00:34:33,029 --> 00:34:35,072 So what are you gonna do? 513 00:34:35,531 --> 00:34:37,741 Drag me down to Sickbay? 514 00:34:37,950 --> 00:34:40,911 Force me onto a bio-bed at gunpoint? 515 00:34:42,246 --> 00:34:45,916 If you truly have all of Trip's memories, 516 00:34:46,709 --> 00:34:48,418 you know the answer to that. 517 00:34:49,504 --> 00:34:51,463 I don't have to tell you what's at stake. 518 00:34:51,672 --> 00:34:53,840 I must complete this mission. 519 00:34:54,050 --> 00:34:56,718 And to do that I need Trip. 520 00:34:56,969 --> 00:34:58,011 Trip. 521 00:34:59,472 --> 00:35:02,057 I'll take whatever steps necessary to save him. 522 00:35:02,266 --> 00:35:07,270 - Even if it means killing me. - Even if it means killing you. 523 00:35:09,148 --> 00:35:11,108 You're not a murderer. 524 00:35:13,319 --> 00:35:15,362 Don't make me one. 525 00:35:22,870 --> 00:35:24,162 [DOOR OPENS] 526 00:35:26,999 --> 00:35:29,126 I was wondering if there's anything I could still do. 527 00:35:29,335 --> 00:35:33,296 Maybe there's a panel I could install or something. 528 00:35:34,382 --> 00:35:37,843 I've got a few hours to kill before my operation. 529 00:35:38,094 --> 00:35:40,262 You wish to spend your last hours in Engineering? 530 00:35:41,305 --> 00:35:42,806 Why not? 531 00:35:43,015 --> 00:35:45,308 The two things I care about most are in this room. 532 00:35:46,936 --> 00:35:49,980 If you'd like, the A-3 injector port needs replacing. 533 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:51,690 I'll get right on it. 534 00:36:15,464 --> 00:36:16,506 What's the problem? 535 00:36:16,716 --> 00:36:19,885 Someone's rerouted the launch bay controls. We're shut out. 536 00:36:20,636 --> 00:36:23,513 Archer to the launch bay. Come in. 537 00:36:23,973 --> 00:36:26,474 Captain, I'm reading one person in there. 538 00:36:37,695 --> 00:36:40,071 I was all ready to do it. 539 00:36:40,281 --> 00:36:41,740 What stopped you? 540 00:36:41,949 --> 00:36:44,284 Where the hell was I gonna go? 541 00:36:44,785 --> 00:36:47,537 We're nowhere near any habitable planet. 542 00:36:47,747 --> 00:36:51,583 Didn't really want to spend the rest of my life floating around in a shuttlepod. 543 00:36:52,418 --> 00:36:55,337 Which doesn't even have any toilet facilities. 544 00:36:55,838 --> 00:36:58,632 Can you imagine a lousier way to spend your old age, 545 00:36:58,841 --> 00:37:01,927 cooped up in that thing, peeing in a bottle? 546 00:37:03,095 --> 00:37:05,472 Actually, I can imagine a worse fate. 547 00:37:05,681 --> 00:37:07,724 What would that be? 548 00:37:08,184 --> 00:37:09,517 Being stuck in there with Malcolm. 549 00:37:11,812 --> 00:37:13,104 [CHUCKLES] 550 00:37:15,024 --> 00:37:16,900 Damn. 551 00:37:17,944 --> 00:37:19,819 This is a screwed up situation. 552 00:37:20,738 --> 00:37:23,240 I can't argue with you there. 553 00:37:24,116 --> 00:37:26,785 A lifetime in eight days. 554 00:37:28,955 --> 00:37:31,623 It's not that I'm scared of dying. 555 00:37:31,832 --> 00:37:33,708 It's just that 556 00:37:34,627 --> 00:37:36,962 I can't imagine not being here tomorrow. 557 00:37:45,263 --> 00:37:46,805 You want to know what really stopped me? 558 00:37:47,014 --> 00:37:49,683 - What? - My sister. 559 00:37:51,310 --> 00:37:53,603 And she was my sister as much as Trip's. 560 00:37:57,775 --> 00:37:59,276 I believe that. 561 00:38:00,027 --> 00:38:03,655 I don't want what happened to her to happen to anyone else. 562 00:38:05,783 --> 00:38:10,120 That's why I gave the order to create you. 563 00:38:13,582 --> 00:38:15,542 Do me a favor when this is over. 564 00:38:16,711 --> 00:38:21,131 If Commander Tucker decides to do any more modifications to the engines, 565 00:38:22,425 --> 00:38:24,134 tell him to watch his ass. 566 00:38:32,601 --> 00:38:34,102 [INTERCOM BEEPS] 567 00:38:38,274 --> 00:38:41,651 - Yes? - PHLOX: We're ready for you. 568 00:38:45,197 --> 00:38:46,990 On my way. 569 00:38:50,619 --> 00:38:52,245 [DOOR CHIMES] 570 00:39:00,046 --> 00:39:01,921 May I come in? 571 00:39:09,597 --> 00:39:11,765 I just wanted to say 572 00:39:12,892 --> 00:39:15,352 how much your absence will affect the crew. 573 00:39:17,938 --> 00:39:19,689 How much it will affect me. 574 00:39:20,983 --> 00:39:22,233 I appreciate that. 575 00:39:23,110 --> 00:39:26,488 All in all, I guess I've had a pretty good life. 576 00:39:35,748 --> 00:39:38,124 I couldn't have asked for a better going away present. 577 00:39:53,057 --> 00:39:55,392 I'm sorry I doubted you, doc. 578 00:39:57,395 --> 00:39:59,729 - No need to apologize. - Yes, there is. 579 00:40:00,231 --> 00:40:03,316 You see, I don't just remember Trip's childhood. 580 00:40:04,110 --> 00:40:06,111 I remember mine. 581 00:40:07,488 --> 00:40:09,072 You made a damned good father. 582 00:40:10,491 --> 00:40:12,033 You were a damned good son. 583 00:40:13,869 --> 00:40:16,079 You said to me once 584 00:40:16,455 --> 00:40:20,417 that commanding a starship was what you were meant to do. 585 00:40:22,711 --> 00:40:25,505 I guess this is what I was meant to do. 586 00:40:27,341 --> 00:40:28,675 Good luck, captain. 587 00:40:29,510 --> 00:40:30,677 Thanks. 588 00:40:41,355 --> 00:40:42,647 You owe me one. 589 00:41:06,255 --> 00:41:08,965 ARCHER: We will never forget what he did for us 590 00:41:09,133 --> 00:41:11,509 and for the ship he loved so much. 591 00:41:11,719 --> 00:41:15,847 We will go forward with renewed determination to complete this mission 592 00:41:16,056 --> 00:41:20,685 so that his sacrifice won't just have been for the people on this ship, 593 00:41:20,895 --> 00:41:23,569 but for all the citizens of Earth.