1 00:00:31,406 --> 00:00:32,823 Any last words? 2 00:00:33,533 --> 00:00:35,367 Go to hell. 3 00:00:35,869 --> 00:00:37,828 Didn't know Skags believed in hell. 4 00:00:48,339 --> 00:00:50,632 [HORSES WHINNY] 5 00:02:37,282 --> 00:02:39,575 MACREADY: Who's paying for the box? 6 00:02:45,165 --> 00:02:48,125 I hope you're not planning to bury him in the cemetery. 7 00:02:48,334 --> 00:02:50,919 His people don't bury their dead. 8 00:02:51,129 --> 00:02:53,505 But I wouldn't expect you to know that. 9 00:02:53,715 --> 00:02:56,049 I'm sorry I didn't get there in time to stop them. 10 00:02:56,259 --> 00:02:59,178 - What difference would it have made? - He'd have gotten a trial. 11 00:02:59,846 --> 00:03:03,724 And the same people that lynched him would have been sitting on the jury. 12 00:03:04,559 --> 00:03:06,185 Bethany... 13 00:03:07,687 --> 00:03:08,729 He killed a man. 14 00:03:08,938 --> 00:03:12,107 Self-defense or not, that's a hanging offense for a Skag. 15 00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:42,346 - What have you got? - I've confirmed that they're human. 16 00:03:42,555 --> 00:03:45,432 Their DNA is a perfect match. 17 00:03:47,644 --> 00:03:51,355 [QUIETLY] Looks pretty authentic, captain, right down to the spittoons. 18 00:03:51,564 --> 00:03:52,814 And the hangings. 19 00:03:56,778 --> 00:03:59,279 If these people are from Earth, 20 00:04:00,406 --> 00:04:02,741 how the hell did they get here? 21 00:04:06,287 --> 00:04:08,455 Archer to Enterprise. Report. 22 00:04:08,665 --> 00:04:10,791 REED [OVER COM]: We've scanned 90 percent of the surface. 23 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:12,417 The human settlements are clustered 24 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:15,587 within a few hundred kilometers of your location, 25 00:04:15,797 --> 00:04:17,798 about 6,000 people. 26 00:04:18,007 --> 00:04:19,049 ARCHER: And the aliens? 27 00:04:19,259 --> 00:04:20,550 Fewer than a thousand. 28 00:04:20,760 --> 00:04:22,052 Their closest encampment 29 00:04:22,262 --> 00:04:25,222 is 10 kilometers northwest of your present position. 30 00:04:25,431 --> 00:04:27,432 Any signs of technology? 31 00:04:27,642 --> 00:04:29,393 Energy signatures, vessels? 32 00:04:29,602 --> 00:04:30,644 None, sir. 33 00:04:30,853 --> 00:04:32,396 Our quantum scans 34 00:04:32,605 --> 00:04:36,149 put the earlier structures at over 250 years old. 35 00:04:36,359 --> 00:04:37,567 That sounds about right. 36 00:04:37,777 --> 00:04:41,321 REED: But they're all constructed of materials indigenous to the planet. 37 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:43,323 Acknowledged. 38 00:04:44,325 --> 00:04:48,161 Go check out that alien settlement. See what you can find. 39 00:04:48,663 --> 00:04:50,455 There's no telling how anyone would react 40 00:04:50,665 --> 00:04:52,249 if they find out who we really are. 41 00:04:52,458 --> 00:04:53,709 Keep a low profile. 42 00:04:53,918 --> 00:04:55,711 Aye, sir. 43 00:05:11,477 --> 00:05:12,978 TRIP: Morning. 44 00:05:13,604 --> 00:05:14,855 MAN: Can I help you folks? 45 00:05:15,064 --> 00:05:16,606 I hope so. 46 00:05:16,816 --> 00:05:18,275 We need a horse. 47 00:05:18,484 --> 00:05:20,444 What happened to yours? 48 00:05:20,653 --> 00:05:23,280 - Excuse me? - It's a long way from the next town. 49 00:05:23,489 --> 00:05:25,032 How'd you get here? 50 00:05:26,451 --> 00:05:31,913 Our horses perished several miles north of your town 51 00:05:32,123 --> 00:05:35,125 from heat exhaustion. 52 00:05:35,877 --> 00:05:38,920 Well, you're lucky the sun vipers didn't get you, heh-heh. 53 00:05:39,380 --> 00:05:41,590 Or those Skags. 54 00:05:46,304 --> 00:05:47,804 MAN: Come on. 55 00:05:48,931 --> 00:05:51,641 This one here, only 4 years old. 56 00:05:51,851 --> 00:05:53,602 Good stock. 57 00:05:56,022 --> 00:05:58,357 Twenty dollars, she's yours. 58 00:05:58,566 --> 00:06:00,734 Sounds kind of steep. 59 00:06:01,778 --> 00:06:03,612 I don't suppose you'd be interested in a trade. 60 00:06:03,821 --> 00:06:05,947 Well, that depends on what you've got to trade. 61 00:06:09,160 --> 00:06:10,744 [PLAYS TUNE ON HARMONICA] 62 00:06:16,501 --> 00:06:18,960 I haven't seen one of these in years. 63 00:06:19,170 --> 00:06:21,797 Look, uh, I know it's not worth a horse, 64 00:06:22,006 --> 00:06:23,840 but we only need him for a couple of hours. 65 00:06:24,050 --> 00:06:25,801 We just wanna ride out, grab our gear. 66 00:06:26,010 --> 00:06:28,095 We'll be back before you know it. 67 00:06:28,262 --> 00:06:29,304 Uh... 68 00:06:29,514 --> 00:06:31,264 Well... 69 00:06:32,141 --> 00:06:34,976 How about I leave my gun for collateral? 70 00:06:43,444 --> 00:06:45,487 You got yourself a deal. 71 00:06:45,696 --> 00:06:47,239 Here, buddy. 72 00:06:47,448 --> 00:06:50,033 Go on. Go on, girl. 73 00:07:07,301 --> 00:07:10,387 Do you have any experience riding these animals? 74 00:07:10,596 --> 00:07:12,431 I've seen every John Ford Western. 75 00:07:12,640 --> 00:07:16,560 - Who? - Look, how hard can it be? 76 00:07:28,823 --> 00:07:30,949 Better hold on. 77 00:07:58,019 --> 00:08:00,228 - Afternoon. - What can I get you? 78 00:08:00,438 --> 00:08:01,521 I'm passing through town. 79 00:08:01,731 --> 00:08:04,983 I was hoping I could sit in here for a while till it cools down. 80 00:08:05,193 --> 00:08:06,443 Coffee's on the house. 81 00:08:06,652 --> 00:08:07,736 Thanks. 82 00:08:07,945 --> 00:08:09,654 Where you headed? 83 00:08:10,198 --> 00:08:11,698 My brother's got a ranch down south. 84 00:08:12,283 --> 00:08:14,117 He said he could set me up with some work. 85 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:16,786 What's he raising, blue horns? 86 00:08:19,165 --> 00:08:20,415 How'd you know? 87 00:08:20,625 --> 00:08:22,417 The land down there is not good for much else. 88 00:08:22,585 --> 00:08:23,627 [ARCHER CHUCKLES] 89 00:08:29,967 --> 00:08:31,009 See the resemblance? 90 00:08:38,518 --> 00:08:41,228 Yeah. Yeah, I do. 91 00:08:41,437 --> 00:08:44,272 You're not telling me you're related to Cooper Smith. 92 00:08:44,482 --> 00:08:45,732 He's my ancestor. 93 00:08:46,150 --> 00:08:47,776 - I'll be damned. - Yep. 94 00:08:47,985 --> 00:08:50,111 You're looking at the only direct descendant 95 00:08:50,321 --> 00:08:52,072 of the man who overthrew the Skags. 96 00:08:52,740 --> 00:08:54,574 ARCHER: I bet you've got some stories. 97 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:55,909 Got a few I could tell you. 98 00:08:56,077 --> 00:08:57,202 [DOOR OPENS THEN MEN CHUCKLE] 99 00:08:59,497 --> 00:09:01,122 [MEN CHATTER INDISTINCTLY] 100 00:09:01,332 --> 00:09:02,374 MAN: Just getting started. 101 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:04,084 Friends of yours? 102 00:09:04,293 --> 00:09:06,002 Not particularly. 103 00:09:06,212 --> 00:09:08,463 How about a little service? 104 00:09:09,298 --> 00:09:10,465 What will it be? 105 00:09:12,426 --> 00:09:16,137 Anything but that rot-gut you were pouring yesterday. 106 00:09:22,770 --> 00:09:24,229 Why don't you join us? 107 00:09:24,438 --> 00:09:26,231 I'm not allowed to do that, Mr. Bennings. 108 00:09:26,440 --> 00:09:27,649 It's Deputy Bennings. 109 00:09:28,526 --> 00:09:32,070 I can bend a local ordinance, if I choose. 110 00:09:34,448 --> 00:09:36,116 Have a seat. 111 00:09:42,039 --> 00:09:45,083 I imagine you could use a drink 112 00:09:45,293 --> 00:09:47,794 after what happened last night. 113 00:09:50,214 --> 00:09:52,841 Let's raise a glass 114 00:09:54,510 --> 00:09:56,678 to the dearly departed. 115 00:09:57,722 --> 00:09:58,847 To dead Skags. 116 00:09:59,015 --> 00:10:00,307 [MEN CHUCKLE] 117 00:10:04,312 --> 00:10:05,478 Drink up. 118 00:10:14,405 --> 00:10:15,655 [MEN CHUCKLE] 119 00:10:19,201 --> 00:10:22,162 I thought you people could hold your liquor. 120 00:10:23,164 --> 00:10:26,583 Your friend had a few in him the night he killed Clay Stanton. 121 00:10:27,668 --> 00:10:28,835 He didn't drink. 122 00:10:31,339 --> 00:10:32,881 Beg your pardon? 123 00:10:35,426 --> 00:10:38,845 - I better get back to work. - No, no. No, wait a minute. 124 00:10:39,055 --> 00:10:40,972 I don't think I heard you right. 125 00:10:41,182 --> 00:10:46,436 You're telling me that a sober Skag had the nerve to shoot a man? 126 00:10:48,773 --> 00:10:50,565 I find that hard to believe. 127 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:56,196 Maybe you could demonstrate. 128 00:11:14,090 --> 00:11:15,882 Pick it up. 129 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:22,347 Shoot me, right here, between the eyes. 130 00:11:22,890 --> 00:11:26,017 This is your golden opportunity. 131 00:11:26,227 --> 00:11:28,311 Don't pass it up. 132 00:11:28,771 --> 00:11:30,897 I know you'd like to kill me. 133 00:11:31,107 --> 00:11:35,527 That's what all you Skags want, isn't it? 134 00:11:38,155 --> 00:11:39,906 Go ahead. 135 00:11:41,283 --> 00:11:44,661 Or maybe you need to finish that drink first. 136 00:11:47,456 --> 00:11:50,208 Excuse me. Do you think I could get some more coffee 137 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:51,876 before you shoot him? 138 00:12:02,263 --> 00:12:03,638 Who the hell are you? 139 00:12:03,848 --> 00:12:06,099 Name's Archer. 140 00:12:08,102 --> 00:12:09,978 Well, Mr. Archer, 141 00:12:11,522 --> 00:12:14,774 you could learn a thing or two about manners. 142 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:22,949 I don't like being interrupted in the middle of a conversation. 143 00:12:23,159 --> 00:12:24,284 ARCHER: I'll keep that in mind. 144 00:12:24,493 --> 00:12:25,910 There a problem here? 145 00:12:27,913 --> 00:12:31,666 I was just having a drink with our friend Draysik 146 00:12:31,876 --> 00:12:33,710 and this gentleman decided to butt in. 147 00:12:35,880 --> 00:12:38,214 I saw you this morning at the undertaker's. 148 00:12:38,924 --> 00:12:40,467 What's your business here? 149 00:12:40,676 --> 00:12:41,760 Just passing through town. 150 00:12:43,554 --> 00:12:46,055 This Skag a friend of yours? 151 00:12:47,600 --> 00:12:49,768 I just wanted him to get me a cup of coffee. 152 00:12:50,603 --> 00:12:53,563 It's a little hot for coffee today, don't you think? 153 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:01,070 Maybe you're right. 154 00:13:04,408 --> 00:13:06,242 It's been a pleasure. 155 00:13:14,919 --> 00:13:16,628 Keep an eye on him. 156 00:13:16,837 --> 00:13:18,254 Make sure he leaves town. 157 00:13:25,137 --> 00:13:29,182 And, Bennings, leave the Skag alone. 158 00:13:50,412 --> 00:13:55,124 I'd estimate this vessel's been here for at least two centuries. 159 00:13:56,752 --> 00:13:58,753 Where you going? 160 00:13:59,421 --> 00:14:01,297 The captain said to learn whatever we could. 161 00:14:01,507 --> 00:14:03,550 He also said to keep a low profile. 162 00:14:03,759 --> 00:14:05,718 I plan to. 163 00:14:14,061 --> 00:14:15,395 [DOOR OPENS] 164 00:14:20,109 --> 00:14:21,776 Didn't mean to startle you. 165 00:14:22,611 --> 00:14:24,362 What do you want? 166 00:14:26,073 --> 00:14:28,408 My name's Jonathan Archer. 167 00:14:28,617 --> 00:14:31,244 I saw you this morning, paying for that man's casket. 168 00:14:32,204 --> 00:14:34,956 I don't know where you're from, Mr. Archer, 169 00:14:35,165 --> 00:14:38,126 but around here, no one refers to a Skagaran as a man. 170 00:14:38,335 --> 00:14:39,711 If you'll excuse me... 171 00:14:39,920 --> 00:14:41,296 Can I help you with that? 172 00:14:41,505 --> 00:14:43,590 I'll manage. 173 00:14:44,008 --> 00:14:45,925 It's no trouble. 174 00:14:46,135 --> 00:14:47,802 I'll ask you again. 175 00:14:48,012 --> 00:14:49,178 What do you want? 176 00:14:49,972 --> 00:14:52,223 I'd like to learn more about the Skagarans. 177 00:14:52,725 --> 00:14:54,309 Everyone knows about the Skagarans. 178 00:14:54,518 --> 00:14:57,770 - There aren't any where I come from. - Where is that? 179 00:14:57,980 --> 00:15:00,565 Up north, quite a ways. 180 00:15:01,859 --> 00:15:03,401 If certain people had their way, 181 00:15:03,611 --> 00:15:05,737 there wouldn't be any around here either. 182 00:15:08,198 --> 00:15:11,159 I heard about what you did in the saloon today. 183 00:15:11,368 --> 00:15:14,287 Deputy Bennings has a nasty temper. 184 00:15:14,496 --> 00:15:18,041 Why would you risk getting thrown in jail, maybe worse? 185 00:15:18,250 --> 00:15:22,086 I don't think that Skagaran's life is any less valuable than mine. 186 00:15:24,089 --> 00:15:27,550 So, what do you want with me? 187 00:15:28,552 --> 00:15:30,136 Well, 188 00:15:30,346 --> 00:15:33,264 you are the teacher around here, aren't you? 189 00:15:35,142 --> 00:15:39,395 The first Skagaran I ever saw was today, lying in that coffin. 190 00:15:39,605 --> 00:15:43,566 Seems I'd be more likely to get the truth from you 191 00:15:43,776 --> 00:15:45,610 than from the men who put him there. 192 00:15:49,114 --> 00:15:51,032 Would you like to meet more of them? 193 00:16:39,623 --> 00:16:41,374 It's all right. 194 00:17:04,523 --> 00:17:06,357 T'POL [WHISPERING]: Captain. 195 00:17:08,444 --> 00:17:10,278 Bethany. 196 00:17:10,738 --> 00:17:12,488 These are the friends I told you about. 197 00:17:12,698 --> 00:17:15,199 You're from up north too? 198 00:17:16,368 --> 00:17:17,618 That's correct. 199 00:17:19,830 --> 00:17:21,330 The children will be here soon. 200 00:17:22,416 --> 00:17:24,792 You said you wanted to learn something, Mr. Archer. 201 00:17:25,002 --> 00:17:26,836 You're welcome to stay for the lesson. 202 00:17:27,046 --> 00:17:28,463 Thanks. 203 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:32,717 Kind of late at night to be teaching school. 204 00:17:32,926 --> 00:17:35,595 It's illegal to teach Skagaran. 205 00:17:42,770 --> 00:17:44,020 A ship? 206 00:17:44,229 --> 00:17:46,230 What's left of it. 207 00:17:46,857 --> 00:17:49,525 We found these in a data module. 208 00:17:50,194 --> 00:17:52,153 ARCHER: Go back to Enterprise. See what you can salvage. 209 00:17:52,362 --> 00:17:54,405 You're not coming with us? 210 00:17:56,325 --> 00:17:58,159 Don't wanna miss my first day of school. 211 00:18:09,630 --> 00:18:13,299 BETHANY: Nine times 12. Don't forget to carry the one. 212 00:18:13,509 --> 00:18:14,842 Yral. 213 00:18:15,052 --> 00:18:17,845 Nine times 12 equals 108. 214 00:18:18,055 --> 00:18:19,097 BETHANY: That's right. 215 00:18:19,306 --> 00:18:22,308 You're doing very well with your multiplication tables. 216 00:18:22,518 --> 00:18:26,229 Tomorrow night, we'll start with something a little more challenging: 217 00:18:26,438 --> 00:18:28,064 long division. 218 00:18:28,982 --> 00:18:31,567 Kret, collect the slates, please. 219 00:18:34,404 --> 00:18:38,616 I brought a friend with me who'd like to learn more about your people. 220 00:18:39,493 --> 00:18:40,827 Who can tell Mr. Archer 221 00:18:41,036 --> 00:18:43,663 how the humans and the Skagarans came to live together? 222 00:18:45,666 --> 00:18:46,958 Taliyah? 223 00:18:47,543 --> 00:18:52,839 Our ancestors took the humans from their planet and brought them here. 224 00:18:53,257 --> 00:18:54,966 And why did they do that? 225 00:18:55,175 --> 00:18:56,717 To make them work. 226 00:18:57,427 --> 00:19:00,555 But the humans didn't want to work for the Skagarans, did they? 227 00:19:01,598 --> 00:19:03,224 BENNINGS: No, we didn't. 228 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:09,063 Go on home now. Go on. It's all right. 229 00:19:12,317 --> 00:19:14,402 I tried to warn you, Bethany. 230 00:19:14,611 --> 00:19:17,613 Teaching Skags is a crime. You know that. 231 00:19:17,823 --> 00:19:19,574 No one is being hurt here. 232 00:19:19,783 --> 00:19:23,828 So you say, but I'm afraid the law is the law. 233 00:19:24,037 --> 00:19:26,497 I thought you could bend the local ordinances. 234 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:30,960 That's true, but this is one I have no intention of bending. 235 00:19:31,378 --> 00:19:33,504 Get away from me. 236 00:19:43,682 --> 00:19:46,809 Sheriff gave you a chance to leave town. 237 00:19:47,019 --> 00:19:48,686 You should have taken it. 238 00:19:55,777 --> 00:19:57,236 [GLASS SHATTERS] 239 00:20:03,285 --> 00:20:06,662 MAN: Get away from there! Go on, now! 240 00:20:10,250 --> 00:20:13,461 - Best I can do. - Thanks. 241 00:20:14,213 --> 00:20:15,796 What's gonna happen to you now? 242 00:20:17,591 --> 00:20:18,633 Don't worry. 243 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:22,595 This isn't the first time the sheriff and I haven't seen eye to eye. 244 00:20:24,139 --> 00:20:26,098 You didn't get to finish your lesson. 245 00:20:27,809 --> 00:20:29,352 I'd like to hear the rest of it. 246 00:20:30,395 --> 00:20:32,730 You know the story. Everyone does. 247 00:20:32,940 --> 00:20:35,733 Everyone seems to have their own version. 248 00:20:35,943 --> 00:20:39,904 I'm curious to hear the way you teach it to the Skagarans. 249 00:20:41,198 --> 00:20:46,619 That wreck at their settlement, was that their ship? 250 00:20:46,828 --> 00:20:49,288 They used it 300 years ago to go to Earth, 251 00:20:49,498 --> 00:20:51,791 to bring our ancestors back here. 252 00:20:52,000 --> 00:20:54,877 They were building colonies, they needed workers. 253 00:20:55,087 --> 00:20:56,379 You mean slaves? 254 00:20:56,755 --> 00:20:59,382 It was a terrible crime. 255 00:21:02,886 --> 00:21:05,263 Tell me about Cooper Smith. 256 00:21:06,515 --> 00:21:09,976 That's where the stories differ somewhat. 257 00:21:10,185 --> 00:21:14,563 To the humans, he's a folk hero, our liberator. 258 00:21:14,773 --> 00:21:16,816 I'm sure that's what you were taught. 259 00:21:17,025 --> 00:21:20,444 But the Skagarans, they call him Rokdar. 260 00:21:21,613 --> 00:21:23,489 It means "butcher." 261 00:21:24,283 --> 00:21:26,492 He and his men burned the Skagaran ship, 262 00:21:26,702 --> 00:21:27,910 destroyed their weapons. 263 00:21:28,120 --> 00:21:31,706 They murdered most of them, entire families. 264 00:21:31,915 --> 00:21:34,583 Have you heard that version? 265 00:21:36,086 --> 00:21:40,923 Smith wrote the first laws that kept the Skagarans from going to school, 266 00:21:41,133 --> 00:21:45,219 owning property, even marrying. 267 00:21:46,305 --> 00:21:48,889 So they could never enslave the humans again. 268 00:21:49,099 --> 00:21:51,559 That's how they justified it. 269 00:21:52,311 --> 00:21:56,188 Men like Bennings are happy to carry on the tradition. 270 00:22:00,861 --> 00:22:03,279 Sheriff wants to talk to you. 271 00:22:32,392 --> 00:22:35,478 - Care for a shave, Mr. Archer? - No, thanks. 272 00:22:35,687 --> 00:22:38,105 You sure? There's nothing like a barber shave 273 00:22:38,315 --> 00:22:40,524 to make a man feel civilized. 274 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:42,818 I feel civilized enough. 275 00:22:43,028 --> 00:22:45,112 Well, suit yourself. 276 00:22:45,322 --> 00:22:48,074 - Thanks, Henry. - Anytime, sheriff. 277 00:22:48,825 --> 00:22:50,785 MACREADY: Have a seat. 278 00:22:56,875 --> 00:22:59,460 Skagaran whiskey. 279 00:23:00,379 --> 00:23:06,592 It's illegal, but I let Henry keep a bottle around for pulling teeth. 280 00:23:12,974 --> 00:23:15,351 Packs a hell of a wallop. 281 00:23:23,151 --> 00:23:25,986 I thought you were heading south to raise blue horns. 282 00:23:27,030 --> 00:23:28,823 That's the plan. 283 00:23:29,032 --> 00:23:31,409 Then maybe you can tell me why you were out in Skagtown 284 00:23:31,618 --> 00:23:33,494 in the middle of the night. 285 00:23:34,329 --> 00:23:35,454 That a crime? 286 00:23:35,664 --> 00:23:38,707 Deputy says you and Miss Bethany were teaching those children. 287 00:23:38,917 --> 00:23:40,251 That's a crime. 288 00:23:40,460 --> 00:23:43,546 But if I decided to lynch a Skagaran, 289 00:23:43,755 --> 00:23:45,089 that'd be legal? 290 00:23:45,966 --> 00:23:49,635 The law was laid down a long time ago to protect men like you and me. 291 00:23:49,845 --> 00:23:52,638 Protect us from what? Children? 292 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:56,600 You really want those children to learn how to read? 293 00:23:56,810 --> 00:23:58,686 How to do their numbers? 294 00:23:58,895 --> 00:24:00,521 And then maybe they can learn about 295 00:24:00,730 --> 00:24:03,899 how they used to be in charge around here, 296 00:24:04,109 --> 00:24:07,027 how they had guns that could kill a man with a beam of light 297 00:24:07,237 --> 00:24:12,158 and that human beings were nothing but their labor force, their property. 298 00:24:12,367 --> 00:24:15,202 Is that what you want those children to learn, Mr. Archer? 299 00:24:15,662 --> 00:24:18,414 You're judging them on something that happened over 200 years ago. 300 00:24:18,623 --> 00:24:22,209 And it's my job to make sure it never happens again. 301 00:24:23,753 --> 00:24:26,005 Now, I'm not saying it's fair. 302 00:24:26,214 --> 00:24:28,924 It's just the way it's always been. 303 00:24:29,259 --> 00:24:31,177 I expect you to be out of town in an hour. 304 00:24:39,811 --> 00:24:41,103 What's gonna happen to Bethany? 305 00:24:41,313 --> 00:24:43,856 She's been warned. She knew the consequences. 306 00:24:44,065 --> 00:24:46,192 Minimum sentence is 10 years. 307 00:25:09,174 --> 00:25:10,257 Archer to Enterprise. 308 00:25:10,467 --> 00:25:11,592 Go ahead, captain. 309 00:25:11,801 --> 00:25:13,636 Any luck with those data modules? 310 00:25:13,845 --> 00:25:15,221 Several of them were damaged, 311 00:25:15,430 --> 00:25:17,556 but we managed to access some of the logs. 312 00:25:17,766 --> 00:25:19,850 I'm still working on the translation, sir. 313 00:25:20,060 --> 00:25:22,436 I'll meet you at the landing coordinates in an hour. 314 00:25:22,646 --> 00:25:25,189 There's something I have to do first. 315 00:25:36,076 --> 00:25:37,701 [KNOCKING ON DOOR] 316 00:25:43,250 --> 00:25:45,209 [KNOCKING CONTINUES] 317 00:25:50,632 --> 00:25:54,343 I was on my way out of town and realized I forgot something. 318 00:26:04,813 --> 00:26:06,272 BETHANY: What are you doing? 319 00:26:06,481 --> 00:26:08,148 ARCHER: It's called a jailbreak where I come from. 320 00:26:08,358 --> 00:26:10,401 It's called that here too. 321 00:26:16,157 --> 00:26:17,908 Where do you expect me to go? 322 00:26:18,118 --> 00:26:21,161 There are other settlements. I'm sure they can use a good teacher. 323 00:26:21,371 --> 00:26:23,789 - Things won't be different there. - Maybe not. 324 00:26:23,999 --> 00:26:26,709 But you won't be spending 10 years in prison. 325 00:26:45,729 --> 00:26:47,605 [BENNINGS COUGHS] 326 00:26:49,566 --> 00:26:51,692 It was Archer. 327 00:27:00,619 --> 00:27:01,660 [BENNINGS COCKS GUN] 328 00:27:01,828 --> 00:27:03,621 They couldn't have gotten far. 329 00:27:03,830 --> 00:27:06,290 Get Nash and Franklin. 330 00:27:17,886 --> 00:27:19,053 [COCKS GUN] 331 00:27:42,243 --> 00:27:43,702 Archer to Enterprise. 332 00:27:43,912 --> 00:27:45,746 Lock the transporter onto my position. 333 00:27:45,955 --> 00:27:48,666 - There are two of us. - Drop that, whatever it is! 334 00:28:00,387 --> 00:28:01,637 [BENNINGS GRUNTS] 335 00:28:26,204 --> 00:28:28,497 T'POL: Did anyone see you transport? 336 00:28:28,707 --> 00:28:32,251 ARCHER: I didn't exactly have time to find a secluded spot. 337 00:28:32,460 --> 00:28:34,628 These are volatile and suspicious people. 338 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:37,506 Your disappearance may have consequences. 339 00:28:37,716 --> 00:28:41,635 I've removed the projectile, but her injuries were extensive. 340 00:28:42,470 --> 00:28:43,971 Will she make it? 341 00:28:44,139 --> 00:28:45,180 I believe so, 342 00:28:45,390 --> 00:28:48,308 but there are a few things about her physiology I don't understand. 343 00:28:48,518 --> 00:28:49,935 What do you mean? 344 00:28:50,145 --> 00:28:51,979 Aren't you familiar with this woman's ancestry? 345 00:28:53,106 --> 00:28:56,150 The cranial genes are recessive, which explains her human appearance. 346 00:28:56,359 --> 00:29:00,446 My guess is they came from her maternal grandmother. 347 00:29:00,655 --> 00:29:02,364 She's one-quarter Skagaran. 348 00:29:05,285 --> 00:29:07,703 You heard the stories same as me. 349 00:29:07,912 --> 00:29:10,330 Cooper Smith said the Skags could move through thin air 350 00:29:10,540 --> 00:29:12,040 from one place to another. 351 00:29:12,250 --> 00:29:14,418 Maybe you ought to get your eyes checked, Bennings. 352 00:29:14,627 --> 00:29:16,670 - Archer's a human. - He's working with them. 353 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:21,049 - You don't know that. - What was he doing out in Skagtown? 354 00:29:22,218 --> 00:29:25,137 And why'd he stick up for Draysik in the saloon yesterday? 355 00:29:25,346 --> 00:29:27,723 Because you were being a horse's ass. 356 00:29:27,932 --> 00:29:33,312 And who was he talking to on that little box he had? 357 00:29:33,897 --> 00:29:36,064 It was the Skags. 358 00:29:36,274 --> 00:29:38,650 They helped him escape. 359 00:29:39,444 --> 00:29:42,696 This is what we were afraid of, Mac. 360 00:29:42,906 --> 00:29:45,866 That they'd try to take over again. 361 00:29:46,075 --> 00:29:48,744 It's time to put an end to this. 362 00:29:49,662 --> 00:29:52,164 You have something in mind? 363 00:29:53,875 --> 00:29:59,004 I say we ride out there tonight and burn them out. 364 00:29:59,839 --> 00:30:02,132 I guarantee you there'll be plenty of volunteers. 365 00:30:02,342 --> 00:30:04,009 Now you listen to me. 366 00:30:04,219 --> 00:30:05,761 I'm not gonna murder those people 367 00:30:05,970 --> 00:30:10,015 just because some stranger spooked you with a parlor trick. 368 00:30:10,225 --> 00:30:13,268 Now if I get some proof that the Skagarans are up to something, 369 00:30:13,478 --> 00:30:15,646 I'll take care of it. 370 00:30:16,272 --> 00:30:18,607 You've always been too soft on them, Mac. 371 00:30:18,817 --> 00:30:21,652 And you've always harassed them while I looked the other way. 372 00:30:21,861 --> 00:30:24,738 And that's gonna change right now. 373 00:30:25,990 --> 00:30:31,495 As long as you work for me, our job is to enforce the law. 374 00:30:31,704 --> 00:30:33,247 Understood? 375 00:30:35,917 --> 00:30:37,960 Understood. 376 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:57,354 The story she told you was basically true, captain. 377 00:30:57,564 --> 00:30:58,981 The Skagaran ship brought them here 378 00:30:59,190 --> 00:31:02,401 to provide labor for a colony they were trying to establish. 379 00:31:02,610 --> 00:31:05,946 They apparently found the humans suited to survive in this environment. 380 00:31:06,155 --> 00:31:08,240 There are a lot of reports of disciplinary problems, 381 00:31:08,449 --> 00:31:12,661 and then, six months after they arrived, the logs end. 382 00:31:14,247 --> 00:31:16,623 ARCHER: They kidnapped the wrong people. 383 00:31:16,833 --> 00:31:18,667 TRIP: So, what do we do? 384 00:31:18,877 --> 00:31:22,254 They're humans. We can't just leave them here. 385 00:31:22,463 --> 00:31:25,924 We can't transport 6,000 people back to Earth. 386 00:31:26,801 --> 00:31:30,762 Once we've dealt with the Xindi, we'll come back here, 387 00:31:30,972 --> 00:31:33,140 do what we can to help them. 388 00:31:34,017 --> 00:31:35,726 For now, 389 00:31:36,519 --> 00:31:40,188 they deserve to know that Earth hasn't abandoned them. 390 00:32:43,795 --> 00:32:45,253 We need to talk. 391 00:32:47,799 --> 00:32:49,299 MACREADY: And you were born there? 392 00:32:49,509 --> 00:32:51,927 I was born in upstate New York. 393 00:32:52,679 --> 00:32:56,014 Spent most of my adult life in San Francisco, though. 394 00:32:56,224 --> 00:32:57,474 You've heard of San Francisco? 395 00:32:58,518 --> 00:33:00,936 Pacific Coast. 396 00:33:01,396 --> 00:33:03,313 Why didn't you tell us who you were? 397 00:33:03,815 --> 00:33:06,233 I wasn't sure how you'd react. 398 00:33:07,318 --> 00:33:10,028 We thought we'd better get the lay of the land first. 399 00:33:10,238 --> 00:33:12,906 Well, I can't say I blame you. 400 00:33:13,116 --> 00:33:16,702 A part of me never believed Earth even existed. 401 00:33:16,911 --> 00:33:18,954 I thought it was something people made up 402 00:33:19,163 --> 00:33:21,999 because they couldn't stand living here. 403 00:33:22,750 --> 00:33:24,334 You taking us back? 404 00:33:25,920 --> 00:33:27,421 We can't. 405 00:33:27,630 --> 00:33:28,880 Not right now. 406 00:33:29,716 --> 00:33:32,134 Anyway, our ship isn't big enough. 407 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:34,803 Someday we'll come back for you. 408 00:33:38,349 --> 00:33:39,808 You... 409 00:33:40,018 --> 00:33:41,893 You realize 410 00:33:42,687 --> 00:33:44,938 it's not the same world your ancestors left. 411 00:33:45,148 --> 00:33:49,234 - A lot's changed in 300 years. - You're telling me. 412 00:33:49,444 --> 00:33:53,030 We've moved past things like intolerance, prejudice. 413 00:33:54,115 --> 00:33:57,617 The Skagarans abducted my ancestors, captain, 414 00:33:57,827 --> 00:33:59,828 turned them into slaves. 415 00:34:00,038 --> 00:34:02,289 That was a long time ago. 416 00:34:02,498 --> 00:34:06,126 Well, we tend to have long memory when it comes to that sort of thing. 417 00:34:11,132 --> 00:34:13,633 REED: Captain's been in there quite a while. 418 00:34:13,843 --> 00:34:16,511 T'POL: I imagine the sheriff has a lot of questions. 419 00:34:16,721 --> 00:34:17,846 Yeah. 420 00:34:18,056 --> 00:34:20,098 We did what we had to do. 421 00:34:20,308 --> 00:34:23,685 I understand, but if you do make it back to Earth, 422 00:34:23,895 --> 00:34:26,354 you're going to have to leave all that behind. 423 00:34:31,486 --> 00:34:32,527 [DOOR OPENS] 424 00:34:46,292 --> 00:34:47,959 It's all right. 425 00:34:48,169 --> 00:34:51,088 These folks aren't gonna hurt anybody. 426 00:34:51,923 --> 00:34:54,758 This is my first officer, T'Pol. 427 00:34:54,967 --> 00:34:56,802 She's from a planet called Vulcan. 428 00:34:57,011 --> 00:34:58,428 - Pleased to meet you. - Ma'am. 429 00:34:58,638 --> 00:35:01,473 Dr. Phlox reports that his patient is doing much better. 430 00:35:01,682 --> 00:35:03,141 Good. 431 00:35:03,351 --> 00:35:05,435 I thought we'd bring Mr. MacReady-- 432 00:35:05,603 --> 00:35:06,728 [GUNSHOT] 433 00:35:11,984 --> 00:35:14,528 Have your men drop those guns. 434 00:35:14,737 --> 00:35:16,822 Let's talk this through, Bennings. 435 00:35:17,031 --> 00:35:19,199 I never was one for talking. 436 00:35:19,784 --> 00:35:24,287 [COCKS GUN] 437 00:35:31,671 --> 00:35:33,880 ARCHER: Trust me, you don't want to pick a fight with us, deputy. 438 00:35:34,090 --> 00:35:37,008 Should have thought of that before you threw in with the Skags. 439 00:35:37,218 --> 00:35:38,885 We're not taking sides here. 440 00:35:39,345 --> 00:35:42,055 Then where'd you get that machine and those weapons? 441 00:35:42,265 --> 00:35:44,474 These people are from Earth, Bennings. 442 00:35:44,684 --> 00:35:46,184 BENNINGS: Earth? 443 00:35:47,061 --> 00:35:48,770 You're lying. 444 00:35:48,980 --> 00:35:50,063 I can prove it to you. 445 00:35:50,273 --> 00:35:52,607 Just give me a chance. 446 00:36:31,105 --> 00:36:32,355 [WHISPERING] Go! 447 00:36:49,540 --> 00:36:51,124 Lay down some fire! 448 00:38:19,630 --> 00:38:21,131 [T'POL GRUNTS] 449 00:38:22,216 --> 00:38:23,633 Stay back. 450 00:38:24,427 --> 00:38:25,510 [COCKS GUN] 451 00:38:25,678 --> 00:38:27,262 I'll kill her. 452 00:38:42,236 --> 00:38:43,737 Secure the area! 453 00:38:43,946 --> 00:38:45,864 Find the captain! 454 00:39:18,564 --> 00:39:19,939 [COCKS GUN] 455 00:39:39,710 --> 00:39:43,588 We're up too high to see it, but your town is down there, 456 00:39:45,299 --> 00:39:48,301 toward the right edge of that mountain range. 457 00:39:50,513 --> 00:39:52,347 How are you feeling? 458 00:39:52,556 --> 00:39:54,641 I feel fine. 459 00:39:55,267 --> 00:39:56,976 Not even a scar. 460 00:39:57,186 --> 00:39:59,938 Dr. Phlox does excellent work. 461 00:40:03,609 --> 00:40:05,360 You must think we're barbaric. 462 00:40:07,905 --> 00:40:10,490 All the things humanity has accomplished, 463 00:40:10,699 --> 00:40:15,203 building ships like this, traveling to other worlds... 464 00:40:15,413 --> 00:40:18,748 And we're still down there shooting each other. 465 00:40:20,292 --> 00:40:24,546 The progress on Earth, it didn't happen overnight. 466 00:40:24,755 --> 00:40:27,090 But it was progress, all the same. 467 00:40:27,299 --> 00:40:29,050 You've managed to change. 468 00:40:29,260 --> 00:40:31,219 We haven't. 469 00:40:31,720 --> 00:40:34,097 Even if you could take us back, I don't think we're ready. 470 00:40:36,684 --> 00:40:40,687 It may be a while before we're able to start sending ships here. 471 00:40:41,730 --> 00:40:43,523 My guess is, 472 00:40:43,732 --> 00:40:47,152 by the time they arrive, they'll find things have changed. 473 00:40:49,029 --> 00:40:50,655 I think you're giving us too much credit. 474 00:40:50,865 --> 00:40:53,741 It's happening already. I spoke with MacReady. 475 00:40:53,951 --> 00:40:57,495 He agrees that in light of recent events, 476 00:40:58,205 --> 00:41:01,040 some of your laws might be a little outdated. 477 00:41:12,845 --> 00:41:15,805 BETHANY: Before people could travel through space to other planets, 478 00:41:16,015 --> 00:41:18,391 they had to get off the ground first. 479 00:41:18,601 --> 00:41:22,479 Almost 40 years after my human ancestors left Earth, 480 00:41:22,688 --> 00:41:26,107 two brothers from Ohio became the first human beings 481 00:41:26,317 --> 00:41:29,360 to build a successful flying machine. 482 00:41:29,570 --> 00:41:34,073 Their names were Orville and Wilbur Wright. 483 00:41:35,618 --> 00:41:38,953 Would anyone like to see a picture of their airplane? 484 00:41:39,163 --> 00:41:40,413 Oh, you all would. 485 00:41:40,623 --> 00:41:42,290 Well, here it is right here, 486 00:41:42,500 --> 00:41:44,250 and you can see here's Orville Wright, 487 00:41:44,460 --> 00:41:46,920 and his brother Wilbur is flying the plane. 488 00:41:47,129 --> 00:41:49,679 Now, this is a machine that actually...