1 00:00:03,294 --> 00:00:04,503 ALIEN: Hoshi. 2 00:00:04,671 --> 00:00:06,505 NARRATOR: Previously on Star Trek: Enterprise: 3 00:00:06,673 --> 00:00:08,048 ALIEN: I know you're on an urgent mission. 4 00:00:08,258 --> 00:00:09,383 Who are you? 5 00:00:09,592 --> 00:00:10,676 Don't be frightened. 6 00:00:10,885 --> 00:00:11,927 What do you want? 7 00:00:12,137 --> 00:00:15,597 You're searching for something. I can help. 8 00:00:17,308 --> 00:00:19,852 HOSHI: He was horrified that 7 million of us were killed. 9 00:00:20,687 --> 00:00:23,814 He says he's willing to use his abilities to help us find the Xindi. 10 00:00:25,567 --> 00:00:26,608 What's this? 11 00:00:26,818 --> 00:00:29,236 It helps me extend the range of my telepathy. 12 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:31,071 HOSHI: He gave me these coordinates. 13 00:00:31,281 --> 00:00:33,198 - What are they for? - A Xindi colony. 14 00:00:33,408 --> 00:00:36,201 He said they're building part of the weapon there. 15 00:00:38,955 --> 00:00:41,540 DEGRA: We're preparing to test the weapon on an uninhabited planet 16 00:00:41,708 --> 00:00:43,959 in the Calindra System. 17 00:00:44,169 --> 00:00:47,546 But we're going to need another shipment of kemocite. 18 00:00:47,756 --> 00:00:51,050 At least 100 kilograms. 19 00:00:51,259 --> 00:00:53,510 I'll contact Gralik. 20 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:55,971 If the test is successful, 21 00:00:56,139 --> 00:00:59,141 how long before we can deploy the weapon? 22 00:01:00,602 --> 00:01:03,103 A matter of weeks. 23 00:02:36,156 --> 00:02:38,448 There are no defensive systems? 24 00:02:38,616 --> 00:02:41,577 No active sensor sweeps or artificial satellites. 25 00:02:41,786 --> 00:02:44,788 No vessels anywhere in the vicinity. 26 00:02:44,998 --> 00:02:48,250 We've seen how different Xindi technology is. 27 00:02:48,459 --> 00:02:51,211 They could have defenses we can't detect. 28 00:02:51,754 --> 00:02:53,338 It's also possible that what we were told 29 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:54,965 about this colony 30 00:02:55,133 --> 00:02:57,134 isn't accurate. 31 00:02:57,468 --> 00:03:01,263 We're putting a lot of faith in Hoshi's telepathic friend. 32 00:03:07,395 --> 00:03:09,605 What about these energy readings? 33 00:03:09,814 --> 00:03:11,815 They could be coming from a weapons complex. 34 00:03:12,025 --> 00:03:15,694 They could also be electrical storms, deposits of diamagnetic ore-- 35 00:03:15,904 --> 00:03:18,947 Or a glitch in our sensors, I know. But if there's any chance 36 00:03:19,115 --> 00:03:21,867 that something on that planet could lead us to the Xindi weapon, 37 00:03:22,035 --> 00:03:23,243 we have to investigate it. 38 00:03:26,331 --> 00:03:28,957 After we enter the system, we'll stay on the far side of that moon. 39 00:03:29,125 --> 00:03:30,417 It should keep us out of view. 40 00:03:30,960 --> 00:03:33,587 Tell Major Hayes he'll be joining us on a reconnaissance mission. 41 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:36,215 We launch in two hours. 42 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:43,513 Archer to Enterprise. 43 00:03:43,681 --> 00:03:44,806 T'POL [OVER RADIO]: Go ahead. 44 00:03:44,974 --> 00:03:48,477 I've found a landing site 12 kilometers north of the energy readings. 45 00:03:48,686 --> 00:03:50,395 Any sign they've detected us? 46 00:03:50,605 --> 00:03:52,272 Scans are still negative. 47 00:03:52,482 --> 00:03:54,608 Your signal's breaking up. 48 00:03:54,817 --> 00:03:57,027 I've set a steep approach vector. 49 00:03:57,779 --> 00:03:59,154 And we've ionized the hull. 50 00:03:59,364 --> 00:04:01,240 It will help disperse any scanning beams. 51 00:04:01,449 --> 00:04:02,783 Acknowledged. 52 00:04:02,992 --> 00:04:05,994 If anyone sees us, they'll think we're a meteor. 53 00:04:17,257 --> 00:04:19,007 ARCHER: How much farther? 54 00:04:19,217 --> 00:04:21,260 REED: Eight hundred meters. 55 00:04:23,096 --> 00:04:25,347 Just over that rise. 56 00:04:41,823 --> 00:04:42,864 [DEVICE BEEPING] 57 00:04:43,032 --> 00:04:45,158 That's definitely the source of the energy readings. 58 00:04:54,669 --> 00:04:55,752 ARCHER: They're Xindi. 59 00:04:55,962 --> 00:04:57,838 - HAYES: Reptilian? - ARCHER: No. 60 00:04:58,047 --> 00:05:01,216 One of the other species we saw in the database. 61 00:05:05,388 --> 00:05:07,222 ARCHER: We've picked up readings across the spectrum. 62 00:05:07,432 --> 00:05:09,433 Positron emissions, antiproton bursts. 63 00:05:09,642 --> 00:05:12,019 Whatever they're doing in there, it's using a lot of power. 64 00:05:12,186 --> 00:05:14,479 Corporal Hawkins is standing by with an assault team. 65 00:05:14,689 --> 00:05:16,648 Tell him to keep standing by. 66 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:19,192 I'm not ready to send in the troops just yet. 67 00:05:19,402 --> 00:05:21,403 We've checked out the perimeter of the complex. 68 00:05:21,612 --> 00:05:23,864 I think we can get inside without being detected. 69 00:05:24,073 --> 00:05:26,908 We'll maintain communications silence inside the complex. 70 00:05:27,118 --> 00:05:30,662 I'll contact you at 0400. Archer out. 71 00:05:44,469 --> 00:05:46,511 I'm not picking up any security devices. 72 00:05:46,721 --> 00:05:47,971 What about people? 73 00:05:48,181 --> 00:05:50,265 Approximately 80 inside the complex, 74 00:05:50,433 --> 00:05:52,768 but not within 100 meters. 75 00:06:25,051 --> 00:06:26,510 Captain. 76 00:06:27,470 --> 00:06:29,596 Some kind of radiolytic compound. 77 00:06:29,806 --> 00:06:31,765 It doesn't match anything in our database. 78 00:06:31,974 --> 00:06:34,059 There's several hundred kilograms in this room. 79 00:06:34,227 --> 00:06:35,644 [DOOR OPENS] 80 00:06:39,690 --> 00:06:42,984 GRALIK: There were impurities in the last three production cycles. 81 00:06:43,194 --> 00:06:46,363 SLOTH: We found a ruptured seal in the tertiary processing chamber. 82 00:06:46,572 --> 00:06:47,614 It's been repaired. 83 00:06:47,824 --> 00:06:49,449 We'll have to increase the production rate 84 00:06:49,617 --> 00:06:50,659 by at least 60 percent. 85 00:06:50,868 --> 00:06:52,077 Assign two additional teams. 86 00:06:52,286 --> 00:06:54,287 Degra isn't being realistic. 87 00:06:54,497 --> 00:06:57,332 This facility wasn't designed to manufacture such large quantities. 88 00:07:00,878 --> 00:07:03,338 Your job is to synthesize kemocite. 89 00:07:03,548 --> 00:07:05,757 I suggest you get back to it. 90 00:07:07,677 --> 00:07:09,428 Have these canisters retested. 91 00:07:09,637 --> 00:07:13,181 Salvage what you can, then destroy the rest. 92 00:07:42,962 --> 00:07:44,379 [DOOR CLOSES] 93 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:56,391 We have it, captain. 94 00:07:56,601 --> 00:07:58,768 ARCHER: I need an analysis as soon as possible. 95 00:07:58,978 --> 00:08:00,937 Acknowledged. 96 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:07,611 Captain, this place obviously has something to do with the weapon. 97 00:08:07,778 --> 00:08:10,363 It seems to me the sooner we put it out of commission, the better. 98 00:08:10,531 --> 00:08:11,656 HAYES: Two spatial charges. 99 00:08:11,866 --> 00:08:14,743 That's all it would take to destroy the complex from orbit. 100 00:08:14,952 --> 00:08:17,162 That might set them back for a while. 101 00:08:17,663 --> 00:08:20,207 But we can't lose sight of our main objective. 102 00:08:21,125 --> 00:08:23,960 I wanna know where they're shipping this kemocite. 103 00:08:24,629 --> 00:08:26,838 It could lead us to the weapon. 104 00:09:14,428 --> 00:09:16,346 I have some questions for you. 105 00:09:28,025 --> 00:09:30,193 GRALIK: Who are you? 106 00:09:34,031 --> 00:09:35,615 What do you want from me? 107 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:36,908 Sit down! 108 00:09:38,119 --> 00:09:39,828 There's nobody else here, sir. 109 00:09:40,037 --> 00:09:41,204 Apparently he lives alone. 110 00:09:45,084 --> 00:09:46,668 Stand watch outside. 111 00:09:53,884 --> 00:09:55,010 What's your name? 112 00:09:56,304 --> 00:09:58,471 Gralik Durr. 113 00:09:58,681 --> 00:10:01,016 My name's Jonathan Archer. 114 00:10:01,684 --> 00:10:02,892 I'm from Earth. 115 00:10:04,395 --> 00:10:05,604 Is that supposed to explain 116 00:10:05,771 --> 00:10:07,897 why you forced your way into my home? 117 00:10:12,445 --> 00:10:14,279 Tell me about kemocite. 118 00:10:16,032 --> 00:10:19,075 - It's a multiphasic isotope. - Used for what? 119 00:10:19,660 --> 00:10:21,536 There are numerous applications. 120 00:10:21,746 --> 00:10:24,122 It depends on the level of refinement. 121 00:10:28,711 --> 00:10:32,088 You're working with someone named Degra. 122 00:10:33,924 --> 00:10:35,300 Who is he? 123 00:10:35,509 --> 00:10:37,927 That's none of your concern. 124 00:10:47,480 --> 00:10:48,938 What's he using it for? 125 00:10:49,774 --> 00:10:52,942 Kemocite can be used for any number of purposes. 126 00:10:53,152 --> 00:10:54,778 I don't make a habit of asking our clients 127 00:10:54,945 --> 00:10:56,154 what they plan to do with it. 128 00:10:56,364 --> 00:10:57,489 Maybe you should, 129 00:10:57,698 --> 00:10:58,948 because this batch is being used 130 00:10:59,116 --> 00:11:00,992 to create a weapon to exterminate my people! 131 00:11:01,994 --> 00:11:03,620 - What? - I wanna know where the weapon 132 00:11:03,788 --> 00:11:06,081 is being built and when it's going to be ready. 133 00:11:06,290 --> 00:11:08,541 I don't know what you're talking about. 134 00:11:08,709 --> 00:11:11,086 I'm not leaving here until I get the answers I need. 135 00:11:19,261 --> 00:11:22,764 I managed to identify a subquantum imprint. 136 00:11:22,973 --> 00:11:25,225 It matches the signature of the Xindi probe. 137 00:11:25,434 --> 00:11:27,060 TRIP: There's no doubt about it, captain. 138 00:11:27,269 --> 00:11:29,979 This isotope was used in the weapon that attacked Earth. 139 00:11:30,147 --> 00:11:32,607 T'POL: Have you learned anything from the interrogation? 140 00:11:32,817 --> 00:11:34,401 Not yet, but this should help. 141 00:11:34,610 --> 00:11:36,236 TRIP: Something else, captain. 142 00:11:36,445 --> 00:11:38,029 I ran a scan on that rifle we picked up. 143 00:11:38,197 --> 00:11:40,448 There it was again, the same quantum imprint. 144 00:11:40,658 --> 00:11:42,325 I'd like permission to take it apart. 145 00:11:44,286 --> 00:11:45,745 Go ahead. 146 00:11:45,955 --> 00:11:47,914 We'll contact you in a couple of hours. 147 00:11:48,124 --> 00:11:49,874 T'POL: Understood. 148 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:53,628 Congratulations, sir. 149 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:56,005 Three months ago, we entered the Expanse 150 00:11:56,215 --> 00:11:59,801 with no idea who these Xindi were, or how to find them. 151 00:12:00,010 --> 00:12:03,680 And now we're about to destroy one of their weapons facilities. 152 00:12:11,689 --> 00:12:15,316 ARCHER: I thought we were here to try and stop a war, not start one. 153 00:12:15,860 --> 00:12:17,193 REED: They struck first. 154 00:12:17,403 --> 00:12:20,238 Because they were told we're going to attack them. 155 00:12:20,448 --> 00:12:22,699 They think they're acting in self-defense. 156 00:12:22,908 --> 00:12:24,534 By destroying this complex, 157 00:12:24,702 --> 00:12:27,454 we'll be confirming their worst fears about humanity. 158 00:12:27,663 --> 00:12:31,499 Let's not forget the 7 million people that were killed. 159 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:47,682 Have Major Hayes lay down blast suppressors. 160 00:12:48,809 --> 00:12:51,227 When this facility goes, 161 00:12:51,437 --> 00:12:54,397 I don't wanna take the rest of the settlement with it. 162 00:12:59,862 --> 00:13:01,863 What about Gralik, sir? 163 00:13:02,072 --> 00:13:04,491 He'll tell them about Enterprise. 164 00:13:07,077 --> 00:13:10,163 I'll deal with Gralik when the time comes. 165 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:15,126 I don't intend to let anyone know we were here. 166 00:13:17,588 --> 00:13:19,798 I can't imagine what the captain wants this for. 167 00:13:20,007 --> 00:13:21,466 He was quite insistent. 168 00:13:21,675 --> 00:13:24,969 We ran the quantum analysis three times. 169 00:13:25,346 --> 00:13:26,971 Doesn't he trust us? 170 00:13:27,181 --> 00:13:30,642 He said he needed it to help prove a point. 171 00:13:36,941 --> 00:13:39,025 How long are you going to keep me here? 172 00:13:39,235 --> 00:13:40,485 That's up to Captain Archer. 173 00:13:41,111 --> 00:13:44,113 Well, you can tell him that I'll be in my study. 174 00:13:44,281 --> 00:13:46,407 I'm afraid you're going to have to stay right here. 175 00:13:46,575 --> 00:13:49,452 - I have work to do. - And I'm under orders. 176 00:13:49,620 --> 00:13:51,120 Please sit down. 177 00:13:52,915 --> 00:13:56,292 I've already told you everything I know. 178 00:13:56,460 --> 00:13:57,877 [DOOR OPENS] 179 00:13:58,587 --> 00:14:01,965 Ah, Captain Archer. I was beginning to think you'd forgotten about me. 180 00:14:09,682 --> 00:14:11,850 You said you weren't involved in building weapons. 181 00:14:12,726 --> 00:14:14,269 That's correct. 182 00:14:14,478 --> 00:14:16,020 Explain this. 183 00:14:23,487 --> 00:14:24,654 I don't know what this is. 184 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:28,032 It's a fragment of a probe that murdered 7 million people. 185 00:14:32,663 --> 00:14:35,123 The dead pilot was Xindi. 186 00:14:35,332 --> 00:14:37,208 The alloy is Xindi. 187 00:14:37,418 --> 00:14:39,460 And it's imprinted with the quantum signature 188 00:14:39,628 --> 00:14:41,254 of the compound you produce here! 189 00:14:41,463 --> 00:14:44,465 We know you're constructing a larger version of the weapon, 190 00:14:44,675 --> 00:14:45,884 big enough to destroy a planet. 191 00:14:46,093 --> 00:14:47,719 I wanna know where it's being built! 192 00:14:50,014 --> 00:14:52,599 You burst into my home, 193 00:14:52,766 --> 00:14:57,562 show me some twisted piece of metal 194 00:14:57,771 --> 00:15:01,232 and tell me it proves I'm a mass murderer? 195 00:15:03,152 --> 00:15:05,278 I've never seen your species before. 196 00:15:05,487 --> 00:15:07,488 I've never heard of a planet called Earth, 197 00:15:07,656 --> 00:15:08,990 and whether you believe me or not, 198 00:15:09,158 --> 00:15:12,410 I had nothing to do with killing millions of its inhabitants. 199 00:15:20,252 --> 00:15:22,503 I'm flattered you requested my assistance, commander, 200 00:15:22,671 --> 00:15:26,215 but weaponry isn't exactly my area of expertise. 201 00:15:26,425 --> 00:15:29,177 Well, my scans of this thing showed organic components, 202 00:15:29,386 --> 00:15:33,264 and I figured anything biological is more your turf than mine. 203 00:15:39,605 --> 00:15:41,481 What do you think? 204 00:15:43,567 --> 00:15:45,568 PHLOX: They appear to be generating synaptic impulses. 205 00:15:53,702 --> 00:15:55,662 Is it alive? 206 00:15:58,749 --> 00:16:00,166 Wouldn't make very good pets, 207 00:16:00,334 --> 00:16:01,334 [SNIFFS] 208 00:16:01,502 --> 00:16:03,544 but definitely organic. 209 00:16:08,842 --> 00:16:12,261 And it seems to have reproductive capabilities. 210 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:18,559 The kemocite is extremely refined. 211 00:16:18,769 --> 00:16:20,395 Did it come from this facility? 212 00:16:20,604 --> 00:16:22,313 It did. 213 00:16:22,940 --> 00:16:26,609 We supply many species with kemocite, not just Xindi. 214 00:16:26,819 --> 00:16:29,654 It has countless applications. 215 00:16:29,863 --> 00:16:33,074 When Degra requested shipments so highly refined, 216 00:16:33,283 --> 00:16:34,617 we celebrated, 217 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:37,787 realizing the wealth it would bring to our colony. 218 00:16:37,997 --> 00:16:41,499 We never considered why he wanted such pure kemocite. 219 00:16:41,709 --> 00:16:44,752 Perhaps our greed blinded us from the possibility 220 00:16:44,962 --> 00:16:47,630 that it would be used in constructing a weapon. 221 00:16:47,840 --> 00:16:50,633 - Is Degra a Reptilian? - No. 222 00:16:50,843 --> 00:16:53,428 He's a Xindi-Primate. 223 00:16:54,138 --> 00:16:57,181 I met one at a mining complex. 224 00:16:57,391 --> 00:16:59,142 They're similar to you, apelike. 225 00:17:00,269 --> 00:17:04,313 Degra and his people have always been fair, truthful. 226 00:17:04,523 --> 00:17:06,024 That may have been why I believed him 227 00:17:06,233 --> 00:17:08,484 when he said the shipment was for research. 228 00:17:08,694 --> 00:17:14,323 Perhaps they've become as untrustworthy as the Reptilians. 229 00:17:14,533 --> 00:17:17,326 We've run into a few of them too. 230 00:17:18,454 --> 00:17:21,289 It's hard to imagine five sentient species 231 00:17:21,457 --> 00:17:23,708 evolving on the same planet. 232 00:17:23,917 --> 00:17:25,710 Five? 233 00:17:26,378 --> 00:17:29,255 Hm. I suppose there are now. 234 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:33,801 - No, thanks. - Do you mind? 235 00:17:34,344 --> 00:17:35,386 No, go ahead. 236 00:17:40,642 --> 00:17:42,060 Mm. 237 00:17:42,686 --> 00:17:46,606 There was a sixth species, the Avians. 238 00:17:46,815 --> 00:17:48,524 They've been gone since the war. 239 00:17:48,734 --> 00:17:51,027 - Gone? - Extinct. 240 00:17:51,236 --> 00:17:52,528 As far as I'm told, 241 00:17:52,738 --> 00:17:55,948 none of them fled before our home world was destroyed. 242 00:17:57,076 --> 00:17:59,327 We found some debris. 243 00:17:59,536 --> 00:18:00,578 How did it happen? 244 00:18:01,121 --> 00:18:03,706 The war went on for nearly 100 years. 245 00:18:03,916 --> 00:18:05,291 The sides changed, 246 00:18:05,459 --> 00:18:07,543 alliances were forged and then broken. 247 00:18:07,753 --> 00:18:08,795 By the time it ended, 248 00:18:08,962 --> 00:18:12,757 I doubt any of the six species remembered what started it. 249 00:18:12,966 --> 00:18:15,593 But everyone remembered what ended it. 250 00:18:16,720 --> 00:18:19,555 As well as being unstable politically, 251 00:18:19,765 --> 00:18:25,186 our planet was even more unstable geologically. 252 00:18:26,396 --> 00:18:29,607 In a final desperate act, 253 00:18:29,817 --> 00:18:32,068 the insectoids and Reptilians 254 00:18:32,277 --> 00:18:34,028 detonated massive explosions 255 00:18:34,196 --> 00:18:38,074 beneath the eight largest seismic fissures. 256 00:18:40,202 --> 00:18:45,540 I'd like to think they didn't realize how devastating the result would be. 257 00:18:51,338 --> 00:18:53,673 My grandfather lived there. 258 00:18:53,882 --> 00:19:00,513 He told me of places where the sky was sometimes filled with Avians. 259 00:19:02,099 --> 00:19:04,058 Now they're gone. 260 00:19:07,938 --> 00:19:10,940 The other five species did survive. 261 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:15,611 From what I can tell, they don't all live on remote colonies like this one. 262 00:19:15,821 --> 00:19:18,322 The descendants of those that escaped 263 00:19:18,490 --> 00:19:21,325 are scattered across the Expanse. 264 00:19:22,369 --> 00:19:26,539 Many live peaceful lives, but, obviously, not all. 265 00:19:26,707 --> 00:19:27,707 [DOOR OPENS] 266 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:29,167 HAYES: Captain. 267 00:19:29,710 --> 00:19:30,918 I'll be right back. 268 00:19:31,128 --> 00:19:32,753 Sir. 269 00:19:36,049 --> 00:19:38,092 It's okay. 270 00:19:40,179 --> 00:19:41,512 The suppressors are in place. 271 00:19:41,722 --> 00:19:44,473 The blast wave should be mostly confined to the facility. 272 00:19:44,683 --> 00:19:47,143 Sir, I noticed a lot of activity down there. 273 00:19:47,352 --> 00:19:49,145 It seemed like something is going on. 274 00:19:49,313 --> 00:19:50,771 [RADIO BEEPS] 275 00:19:53,025 --> 00:19:54,066 Archer. 276 00:19:54,276 --> 00:19:57,320 T'POL: Captain, we've detected a ship approaching the planet. 277 00:19:57,529 --> 00:20:01,824 The hull configuration matches the Xindi vessel that attacked us. 278 00:20:03,702 --> 00:20:05,661 Reptilians. 279 00:20:28,685 --> 00:20:30,686 Recognize anyone? 280 00:20:36,652 --> 00:20:40,613 The Reptilians seem rather upset about something. 281 00:20:56,838 --> 00:20:58,381 You got something? 282 00:20:58,590 --> 00:21:01,467 I've been running scans of the weapon's organic component. 283 00:21:01,677 --> 00:21:06,097 Its neural pathways appear to help modulate the rifle's power output. 284 00:21:06,306 --> 00:21:07,682 It's the most sophisticated example 285 00:21:07,849 --> 00:21:09,558 of biomechanical engineering I've ever seen. 286 00:21:09,768 --> 00:21:12,144 - You said you had good news, doc. - Ah, yes. 287 00:21:12,729 --> 00:21:15,314 I've been attempting to break down this creature's immune system. 288 00:21:16,817 --> 00:21:17,984 You're trying to make it sick? 289 00:21:18,193 --> 00:21:20,569 Mm. However, it's proving to be quite resilient. 290 00:21:20,779 --> 00:21:23,239 I've tried an array of viruses and pathogens, 291 00:21:23,407 --> 00:21:24,740 but it's immune to all of them. 292 00:21:24,950 --> 00:21:28,744 Then I began exposing it to various radioactive spectra. 293 00:21:30,455 --> 00:21:33,124 A sustained burst of delta radiation. 294 00:21:37,170 --> 00:21:41,465 If we rig up portable EM emitters, we could knock out Reptilian weapons 295 00:21:41,675 --> 00:21:43,718 before any of them get a chance to pull the trigger. 296 00:21:44,344 --> 00:21:47,305 In theory. Unfortunately, the amount of radiation required 297 00:21:47,514 --> 00:21:50,391 would be extremely hazardous to any humans in the area. 298 00:21:50,600 --> 00:21:52,393 It's still a place to start. 299 00:21:52,602 --> 00:21:54,228 Great work, doc. Keep at it. 300 00:21:54,771 --> 00:21:56,772 Oh, and, uh, commander, 301 00:21:56,982 --> 00:22:00,359 I'd avoid exposing any of the Xindi technology 302 00:22:00,527 --> 00:22:02,945 to omicron radiation. 303 00:22:03,155 --> 00:22:06,782 It seems to thrive on it, as you can see. 304 00:22:06,992 --> 00:22:08,909 I'll keep that in mind. 305 00:22:10,287 --> 00:22:11,829 They're ahead of schedule. 306 00:22:11,997 --> 00:22:14,498 We weren't expecting them for another three days. 307 00:22:14,708 --> 00:22:17,752 You might not have much time left to accomplish your mission. 308 00:22:17,961 --> 00:22:19,503 What makes you say that? 309 00:22:19,713 --> 00:22:23,466 We've been processing kemocite for them for nearly six months. 310 00:22:23,675 --> 00:22:27,053 They're here for their final shipment. 311 00:22:27,262 --> 00:22:31,182 Captain, I'm the primary technician at this facility. 312 00:22:31,391 --> 00:22:34,101 They'll want to talk to me before accepting delivery, 313 00:22:34,311 --> 00:22:38,731 to confirm that all of their technical requirements have been met. 314 00:22:39,441 --> 00:22:44,236 I may be able to obtain some information for you 315 00:22:44,446 --> 00:22:46,906 about this weapon. 316 00:22:48,450 --> 00:22:50,534 That could be dangerous. 317 00:22:51,453 --> 00:22:53,287 I'm willing to take that risk. 318 00:22:58,293 --> 00:23:00,086 How do I know you won't expose us, 319 00:23:00,295 --> 00:23:01,504 tell them about Enterprise? 320 00:23:02,381 --> 00:23:06,008 I'm proud of my craft, captain. 321 00:23:06,218 --> 00:23:09,095 I've practiced it for many years. 322 00:23:09,304 --> 00:23:13,766 I won't let my work be corrupted in this way. 323 00:23:13,975 --> 00:23:18,312 Seven million people. 324 00:23:19,398 --> 00:23:22,942 If I'd chosen my clients more carefully, 325 00:23:23,151 --> 00:23:26,404 that tragedy might not have happened. 326 00:23:27,197 --> 00:23:31,200 I don't intend to let it happen again. 327 00:23:31,952 --> 00:23:33,369 [RADIO BEEPING] 328 00:23:36,498 --> 00:23:37,540 Archer. 329 00:23:37,749 --> 00:23:41,460 REED: Captain, there are two Xindi biosigns heading this way. 330 00:23:57,727 --> 00:24:00,104 Gralik, are you there? 331 00:24:02,482 --> 00:24:04,275 Gralik! 332 00:24:05,610 --> 00:24:07,027 [DOORBELL RINGS] 333 00:24:27,007 --> 00:24:29,008 Degra's probably wondering where I am. 334 00:24:29,217 --> 00:24:31,886 His companions don't like to be kept waiting. 335 00:24:32,053 --> 00:24:33,053 [KNOCKING ON DOOR] 336 00:24:35,348 --> 00:24:37,266 REED: Captain. 337 00:24:40,103 --> 00:24:41,979 - They've gone. - GRALIK: They'll return. 338 00:24:42,189 --> 00:24:44,398 Probably with armed Reptilians. 339 00:24:44,608 --> 00:24:46,233 Just because you didn't show up for work? 340 00:24:46,443 --> 00:24:49,069 There are fewer than a hundred people on this planet. 341 00:24:49,279 --> 00:24:52,948 It doesn't go unnoticed when one of them is missing. 342 00:24:53,158 --> 00:24:54,200 Degra won't leave 343 00:24:54,367 --> 00:24:58,412 until he sees the results of the final isotopic analysis. 344 00:24:58,622 --> 00:25:01,624 You should reconsider my offer. 345 00:25:04,586 --> 00:25:06,462 TRIP: That's good. Right there. 346 00:25:06,671 --> 00:25:08,047 T'POL: Are you sure this is wise? 347 00:25:08,256 --> 00:25:10,216 That's four inches of solid duranium. 348 00:25:10,383 --> 00:25:12,009 If this thing can blast a hole through it, 349 00:25:12,177 --> 00:25:13,886 then we're in worse trouble than we thought. 350 00:25:14,054 --> 00:25:15,095 Still, it might be prudent 351 00:25:15,263 --> 00:25:18,098 to find a more suitable environment to test it. 352 00:25:18,308 --> 00:25:21,185 We don't have time to go looking for some deserted asteroid. 353 00:25:21,353 --> 00:25:23,979 If I may, Commander Tucker and I have learned all we can 354 00:25:24,147 --> 00:25:25,856 from examining the workings of the device. 355 00:25:26,024 --> 00:25:29,235 A practical test is the next logical step. 356 00:25:29,444 --> 00:25:33,322 I've rigged up four of Malcolm's force field emitters. 357 00:25:34,824 --> 00:25:36,825 They'll contain any blast debris. 358 00:25:37,035 --> 00:25:39,828 What about radiation or particle disbursement? 359 00:25:40,038 --> 00:25:42,623 - You know nothing about this device. - That's the point. 360 00:25:42,832 --> 00:25:44,667 Those Xindi took out half of our security force 361 00:25:44,834 --> 00:25:45,918 when they came aboard. 362 00:25:46,127 --> 00:25:48,837 If we don't start making some progress understanding their weapons, 363 00:25:49,047 --> 00:25:53,050 we won't stand a chance in hell of beating them when the time comes. 364 00:25:57,514 --> 00:25:59,348 Let me know when you're ready. 365 00:25:59,558 --> 00:26:01,433 Give us an hour. 366 00:26:13,613 --> 00:26:15,155 More delays? 367 00:26:15,365 --> 00:26:17,533 We did surprise them by arriving early. 368 00:26:17,742 --> 00:26:19,285 That's no excuse. 369 00:26:19,494 --> 00:26:22,162 They should have been ready by now. 370 00:26:22,372 --> 00:26:25,249 Such lethargic creatures. 371 00:26:25,750 --> 00:26:27,835 You could learn something from them. 372 00:26:28,044 --> 00:26:29,795 Patience, for example. 373 00:26:29,963 --> 00:26:31,797 [HISSES] 374 00:26:32,299 --> 00:26:33,674 Where's Gralik? 375 00:26:33,883 --> 00:26:35,426 We can't find him. 376 00:26:35,635 --> 00:26:38,762 In a complex this size, how difficult could it be? 377 00:26:38,972 --> 00:26:41,181 We've searched everywhere. No one's seen him. 378 00:26:41,391 --> 00:26:43,642 He often takes walks outside the settlement. 379 00:26:43,852 --> 00:26:45,144 Walks? 380 00:26:45,353 --> 00:26:47,605 Without his analysis, I can't proceed. 381 00:26:47,814 --> 00:26:49,273 We've organized search teams. 382 00:26:49,482 --> 00:26:53,068 We don't have time for you to go foraging through the forest. 383 00:26:53,278 --> 00:26:55,904 We'll find him ourselves. 384 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:13,005 [DEVICE BEEPING] 385 00:27:13,381 --> 00:27:16,342 - What is it? - Someone's closing on our position. 386 00:27:16,551 --> 00:27:18,719 - Four hundred meters. - Reptilians? 387 00:27:18,928 --> 00:27:20,262 I'm not certain. 388 00:27:20,472 --> 00:27:22,681 - Three hundred and fifty meters. - Stay with him. 389 00:27:28,688 --> 00:27:30,898 Still closing, sir. 390 00:27:31,107 --> 00:27:33,651 Two hundred meters, 150. 391 00:27:33,860 --> 00:27:36,278 They're bloody fast, whoever they are. 392 00:27:40,533 --> 00:27:42,326 Take cover! 393 00:28:17,654 --> 00:28:19,071 [ELECTRICITY CRACKLING] 394 00:28:21,366 --> 00:28:22,950 It's a Seeker. 395 00:28:23,159 --> 00:28:25,202 The Reptilians built them for reconnaissance. 396 00:28:25,370 --> 00:28:27,162 They were used to great effect during the war. 397 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:32,418 It seems as though you may have been exposed after all. 398 00:28:34,671 --> 00:28:36,630 Let's hope they didn't get a very good look at us. 399 00:28:36,798 --> 00:28:38,882 There's some caves not far ahead. 400 00:28:39,092 --> 00:28:41,135 They should provide us with cover 401 00:28:41,302 --> 00:28:43,887 in case we encounter any more of those. 402 00:28:58,987 --> 00:29:01,989 - Ready, doc? - Ready. 403 00:29:05,785 --> 00:29:11,039 [WEAPON CLICKS] 404 00:29:12,083 --> 00:29:14,460 - What's wrong? - It won't fire. 405 00:29:14,669 --> 00:29:15,711 I don't understand. 406 00:29:15,920 --> 00:29:17,504 Perhaps it has a safety device. 407 00:29:17,672 --> 00:29:19,006 [WEAPON BEEPING] 408 00:29:19,174 --> 00:29:21,633 - What's that? - It's coming from the weapon. 409 00:29:23,970 --> 00:29:25,596 Looks like some kind of countdown. 410 00:29:27,640 --> 00:29:30,726 The energy levels are increasing. 411 00:29:30,935 --> 00:29:32,060 It's overloading. 412 00:29:32,937 --> 00:29:35,063 I can't shut it down. Damn thing's booby-trapped. 413 00:29:35,273 --> 00:29:37,816 - If you remove the power cell... - It'll just grow back. 414 00:29:48,912 --> 00:29:50,329 [GRUNTING] 415 00:30:06,387 --> 00:30:07,679 [SIGHS] 416 00:30:10,183 --> 00:30:12,059 Quick thinking, commander. 417 00:30:12,268 --> 00:30:13,560 TRIP: You were right. 418 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:17,981 We probably should have found a nice empty asteroid to test it on. 419 00:30:24,948 --> 00:30:26,406 The Xindi ship is still in orbit. 420 00:30:26,574 --> 00:30:28,325 We haven't detected any other vessels. 421 00:30:28,535 --> 00:30:29,660 Understood. 422 00:30:29,869 --> 00:30:32,955 T'POL: Captain, if the Xindi have detected your presence, 423 00:30:33,164 --> 00:30:35,415 I strongly urge you to return to the ship. 424 00:30:35,583 --> 00:30:36,917 ARCHER: I appreciate your concern. 425 00:30:37,085 --> 00:30:40,087 But we still have a few loose ends to tie up down here. 426 00:30:40,296 --> 00:30:42,130 Archer out. 427 00:30:43,758 --> 00:30:45,384 Anything? 428 00:30:45,593 --> 00:30:46,635 No, sir. 429 00:30:46,803 --> 00:30:48,512 We just might have stopped those bloodhounds 430 00:30:48,680 --> 00:30:51,223 before they transmitted our position. 431 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:54,351 Let's hope so. 432 00:30:59,065 --> 00:31:00,816 No sign of the Reptilians. 433 00:31:01,025 --> 00:31:03,402 I doubt they'll find us. 434 00:31:03,611 --> 00:31:06,071 That's topaline ore. 435 00:31:06,281 --> 00:31:08,615 It should disrupt their scanners. 436 00:31:08,825 --> 00:31:12,160 Even their Seekers won't locate us here. 437 00:31:16,249 --> 00:31:19,626 What do you intend to do now, captain? 438 00:31:20,336 --> 00:31:21,962 Destroy our facility? 439 00:31:22,881 --> 00:31:25,591 Do you plan to wait until I'm back inside, 440 00:31:25,800 --> 00:31:29,970 or will you simply dispose of me here in the forest? 441 00:31:31,848 --> 00:31:34,057 I've been considering another option. 442 00:31:35,059 --> 00:31:36,894 I'd certainly like to hear it. 443 00:31:38,980 --> 00:31:43,650 The people on this colony had nothing to do with the attack on my planet. 444 00:31:45,278 --> 00:31:47,362 I'll be damned if I'm gonna make them pay for it. 445 00:31:50,158 --> 00:31:52,242 You offered to help us. 446 00:31:52,452 --> 00:31:53,577 Are you still willing? 447 00:31:56,247 --> 00:31:58,457 If you're prepared to trust me. 448 00:32:04,047 --> 00:32:06,840 Then we'll give them their kemocite. 449 00:32:08,635 --> 00:32:11,470 But it won't be exactly what they ordered. 450 00:32:18,895 --> 00:32:21,521 - Make sure he gets home safely. - Yes, sir. 451 00:32:25,568 --> 00:32:28,070 It would be better if I went alone. 452 00:32:38,665 --> 00:32:40,374 Good luck. 453 00:32:42,919 --> 00:32:44,086 And you. 454 00:32:48,967 --> 00:32:50,759 REED: Permission to speak freely. 455 00:32:50,969 --> 00:32:52,678 Go ahead. 456 00:32:53,554 --> 00:32:56,515 I'm not sure it was wise to let him go. 457 00:32:56,724 --> 00:32:58,475 He could lead the Reptilians back here. 458 00:32:58,685 --> 00:33:00,519 Are you speaking freely as well, major? 459 00:33:00,728 --> 00:33:02,688 Just offering a tactical assessment, sir. 460 00:33:02,855 --> 00:33:04,439 Noted. 461 00:33:06,567 --> 00:33:07,734 He said he'd help us. 462 00:33:09,862 --> 00:33:11,822 I believe him. 463 00:33:11,990 --> 00:33:12,990 [RADIO BEEPING] 464 00:33:13,157 --> 00:33:14,700 It's the captain. 465 00:33:15,410 --> 00:33:16,576 Go ahead, sir. 466 00:33:16,786 --> 00:33:19,079 ARCHER: Tell the Armory to hold off on those spatial charges. 467 00:33:19,288 --> 00:33:20,664 There's been a change of plans. 468 00:33:20,873 --> 00:33:22,124 Is everything all right? 469 00:33:22,333 --> 00:33:24,876 I'll let you know in a couple of hours. 470 00:33:25,086 --> 00:33:27,546 Right now, I have an assignment for you and Hoshi. 471 00:33:41,686 --> 00:33:42,978 They're looking for you. 472 00:33:43,187 --> 00:33:45,230 Have you started loading the shipment? 473 00:33:45,440 --> 00:33:46,898 - Not yet. - Good. 474 00:33:47,108 --> 00:33:49,943 I want to run another refinement test. 475 00:33:50,153 --> 00:33:51,862 We've completed three already. 476 00:33:52,071 --> 00:33:54,156 The impurities were less than six parts per million. 477 00:33:54,365 --> 00:33:58,160 We have to be absolutely certain that we've met their specifications. 478 00:33:58,369 --> 00:34:01,538 You know how important this is to all of us. 479 00:34:01,748 --> 00:34:02,914 We should get started. 480 00:34:03,458 --> 00:34:05,292 You two perform the isotopic analysis. 481 00:34:05,501 --> 00:34:07,544 I'll run the submolecular scans. 482 00:34:20,767 --> 00:34:22,350 We've got it. 483 00:34:22,560 --> 00:34:24,561 We've modified the radiolytic signature. 484 00:34:24,771 --> 00:34:27,272 If you can get it on board their ship, I'll be able to track it. 485 00:34:27,482 --> 00:34:29,107 Understood. 486 00:34:45,583 --> 00:34:46,625 Where were you? 487 00:34:46,834 --> 00:34:49,377 My personal activities aren't your concern. 488 00:34:49,587 --> 00:34:53,381 And do your personal activities involve destroying one of our Seekers? 489 00:34:53,591 --> 00:34:57,719 I was hunting tree scarabs. Your drone was frightening them. 490 00:34:57,929 --> 00:34:59,387 Who was with you? 491 00:34:59,597 --> 00:35:02,057 I prefer to spend my time in the forest alone. 492 00:35:02,266 --> 00:35:05,310 Our scans detected other biosigns. 493 00:35:05,520 --> 00:35:06,603 I was alone. 494 00:35:06,813 --> 00:35:09,231 If you saw the drone, you knew we were here. 495 00:35:09,440 --> 00:35:10,941 Why didn't you return? 496 00:35:11,150 --> 00:35:12,859 You're two days early. 497 00:35:14,112 --> 00:35:16,530 - What are you doing? - Running some final tests. 498 00:35:16,739 --> 00:35:19,658 What kind of tests? We were told the shipment was ready. 499 00:35:21,536 --> 00:35:23,370 Forty-two years. 500 00:35:23,579 --> 00:35:25,497 That's how long I've been running this facility. 501 00:35:25,706 --> 00:35:28,500 And never once have I allowed a single gram of kemocite 502 00:35:28,709 --> 00:35:31,795 to leave the premises unless it was perfectly calibrated. 503 00:35:31,963 --> 00:35:33,130 I take pride in my work, 504 00:35:33,297 --> 00:35:34,798 but if you're so eager to get underway, 505 00:35:34,966 --> 00:35:37,300 then go ahead, take your shipment! 506 00:35:37,468 --> 00:35:39,052 But if it doesn't meet your requirements, 507 00:35:39,220 --> 00:35:42,139 don't expect me to produce another hundred kilograms overnight, 508 00:35:42,306 --> 00:35:45,475 because we do have other clients besides you. 509 00:35:48,396 --> 00:35:50,564 Finish quickly. 510 00:36:14,797 --> 00:36:17,382 There are two of them, loading containers. 511 00:36:17,592 --> 00:36:18,717 Stand by, captain. 512 00:36:18,926 --> 00:36:20,719 Acknowledged. 513 00:36:24,390 --> 00:36:26,850 - They're heading back. - You're clear, sir. 514 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:03,470 REED [OVER RADIO]: Reed to Enterprise. 515 00:37:03,638 --> 00:37:05,013 [RADIO BEEPS] 516 00:37:05,181 --> 00:37:06,223 Go ahead. 517 00:37:06,390 --> 00:37:09,017 The captain's inside the Xindi shuttle. 518 00:37:09,227 --> 00:37:10,518 Acknowledged. 519 00:37:45,096 --> 00:37:49,015 Captain. Three Xindi have just come out of the complex. 520 00:37:50,059 --> 00:37:51,935 Understood. 521 00:37:52,687 --> 00:37:54,187 Lieutenant Reed, report. 522 00:37:54,397 --> 00:37:57,691 REED: We've run into a small problem. Stand by. 523 00:38:04,282 --> 00:38:05,824 We appreciate your efforts. 524 00:38:06,033 --> 00:38:08,201 Perhaps you'll need our services in the future. 525 00:38:09,161 --> 00:38:10,203 Perhaps. 526 00:38:28,889 --> 00:38:31,433 I'll miss the pleasure of your company. 527 00:38:31,642 --> 00:38:33,268 REPTILIAN: We should go, Degra. 528 00:38:33,477 --> 00:38:35,270 We're behind schedule already. 529 00:38:36,147 --> 00:38:38,565 We've invested a great deal in this project. 530 00:38:38,774 --> 00:38:40,317 And you've been well paid for it. 531 00:38:40,526 --> 00:38:43,278 Yes, you've been more than generous, 532 00:38:43,487 --> 00:38:47,407 but I'd appreciate if you could tell me what this shipment is being used for. 533 00:38:55,041 --> 00:38:56,791 I don't think it's an unreasonable request. 534 00:38:57,001 --> 00:39:00,420 - It doesn't concern you. - It concerns all of us. 535 00:39:01,297 --> 00:39:03,923 We've learned there's a threat to our people. 536 00:39:04,925 --> 00:39:06,343 What kind of threat? 537 00:39:06,552 --> 00:39:09,137 A ruthless alien species. 538 00:39:09,347 --> 00:39:11,473 If we don't act, they'll destroy us. 539 00:39:22,234 --> 00:39:24,027 I'm glad we could contribute. 540 00:39:24,236 --> 00:39:26,279 Take pride in what you've done here. 541 00:39:40,252 --> 00:39:42,504 ARCHER [OVER RADIO]: Archer to Enterprise. 542 00:39:43,756 --> 00:39:44,798 Go ahead. 543 00:39:45,007 --> 00:39:46,800 What's the status of that Xindi ship? 544 00:39:47,009 --> 00:39:49,219 It broke orbit five minutes ago, captain. 545 00:39:49,428 --> 00:39:51,262 Are you picking up the tracking signal? 546 00:39:51,472 --> 00:39:52,555 Loud and clear. 547 00:39:52,765 --> 00:39:55,850 Keep an eye on it. We'll be back as soon as we can. 548 00:39:56,060 --> 00:39:57,769 Acknowledged. 549 00:40:06,570 --> 00:40:08,780 - Thank you. - Mm. 550 00:40:11,325 --> 00:40:13,368 Is something wrong? 551 00:40:18,457 --> 00:40:23,378 I may have just betrayed my people to a ruthless alien species. 552 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:28,633 I promise you, you haven't. 553 00:40:29,427 --> 00:40:31,052 Please trust me. 554 00:40:33,764 --> 00:40:34,848 To trust. 555 00:40:42,314 --> 00:40:43,857 Eventually, 556 00:40:44,066 --> 00:40:47,152 Degra's going to discover that you sabotaged his kemocite. 557 00:40:47,319 --> 00:40:50,447 Heh, heh. It should delay their progress considerably. 558 00:40:50,656 --> 00:40:52,198 - He'll come back here. - Don't worry. 559 00:40:52,366 --> 00:40:54,659 I can deal with Degra and his friends. 560 00:40:54,869 --> 00:40:57,537 You should just be concerned with finding this weapon. 561 00:41:00,624 --> 00:41:05,295 Their ship entered an energy portal after it left orbit. 562 00:41:05,504 --> 00:41:07,338 We've lost our tracking signal. 563 00:41:07,548 --> 00:41:09,883 The portal's range is only a few light-years. 564 00:41:10,092 --> 00:41:11,426 Keep searching. 565 00:41:17,349 --> 00:41:19,726 I better get back to Enterprise. 566 00:41:21,228 --> 00:41:24,981 If everything you've told me is true, 567 00:41:25,149 --> 00:41:26,858 about the attack on your world, 568 00:41:27,735 --> 00:41:32,197 I hope you remember that all Xindi are not your enemy. 569 00:41:33,491 --> 00:41:34,664 I will.