1 00:00:01,835 --> 00:00:03,836 This was their first view of it. 2 00:00:04,004 --> 00:00:06,505 If you don't look too close, you'd think it was Earth. 3 00:00:06,840 --> 00:00:09,758 Breaking ground on the town hall. 4 00:00:09,926 --> 00:00:12,094 Is that Captain Mitchell? 5 00:00:12,512 --> 00:00:15,514 No, I think that's Mitchell. 6 00:00:16,057 --> 00:00:17,599 Are we there yet? 7 00:00:18,518 --> 00:00:20,728 3 hours, 17 minutes to go, sir. 8 00:00:20,895 --> 00:00:23,230 Travis has been digging through the archives. 9 00:00:23,398 --> 00:00:25,065 There's tons of data here: 10 00:00:25,442 --> 00:00:27,401 Crew manifests, 11 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:29,737 survey photos, 12 00:00:29,904 --> 00:00:31,488 weekly status reports. 13 00:00:31,656 --> 00:00:33,907 I was hoping to find something, 14 00:00:34,117 --> 00:00:35,659 a clue to what happened. 15 00:00:35,910 --> 00:00:37,369 You'd be the first. 16 00:00:37,704 --> 00:00:40,289 I've been fascinated by Terra Nova since I was a kid, sir. 17 00:00:40,498 --> 00:00:44,168 I always thought lost colonies affected boomers more than anyone else. 18 00:00:44,419 --> 00:00:47,171 Something about people who choose to live off-world. 19 00:00:48,798 --> 00:00:52,718 Captain, do you think anyone's still there? 21 00:00:53,553 --> 00:00:55,054 I'll let you know 22 00:00:55,221 --> 00:00:57,556 in about 3 hours and 17 minutes. 23 00:02:28,106 --> 00:02:30,607 - Terra Nova? - I'm surprised you've never heard of it. 24 00:02:30,775 --> 00:02:32,276 I'm not familiar with the early years 25 00:02:33,653 --> 00:02:35,863 - of human space exploration. - Really? 26 00:02:36,030 --> 00:02:39,616 Every school kid on Earth had to learn about the famous Vulcan expeditions. 27 00:02:40,034 --> 00:02:41,285 Name one. 28 00:02:47,375 --> 00:02:49,501 History was never my best subject. 29 00:02:50,170 --> 00:02:52,045 It was called the Great Experiment. 30 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:54,590 Could humans colonize deep space? 31 00:02:54,757 --> 00:02:56,717 They'd already built New Berlin on the Moon, 32 00:02:56,885 --> 00:02:59,094 Utopia Planetia on Mars, 33 00:02:59,262 --> 00:03:01,013 even a few asteroid colonies, 34 00:03:01,181 --> 00:03:03,223 but all within our solar system. 35 00:03:03,474 --> 00:03:06,852 When they found an Earth-like planet less than 20 light years away, 36 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:08,228 it was hard to resist. 37 00:03:08,396 --> 00:03:10,147 It took them, what, nine years to get there? 38 00:03:10,315 --> 00:03:13,150 Nine years there, nine years back, but they made it. 39 00:03:13,318 --> 00:03:15,652 My grandfather remembered seeing their first transmissions 40 00:03:15,820 --> 00:03:18,822 - when he was a kid. - What happened to them? 41 00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:23,702 People have been trying to answer that question for a long time. 42 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:27,456 No one's heard from Terra Nova in over 70 years. 43 00:03:27,916 --> 00:03:31,710 After the colony was built, relations with Earth became strained. 44 00:03:31,920 --> 00:03:34,296 The Space Agency figured nothing succeeds like success, 45 00:03:34,464 --> 00:03:36,006 so they decided to send another vessel. 46 00:03:36,257 --> 00:03:37,424 The colonists protested. 47 00:03:37,592 --> 00:03:39,593 They'd been there 5 years. This was their home. 48 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:41,637 They didn't want another 200 people arriving. 49 00:03:41,804 --> 00:03:44,306 The folks back on Earth argued that there weren't any other 50 00:03:44,474 --> 00:03:46,767 habitable planets within reach. 51 00:03:47,018 --> 00:03:49,394 But the colonists dug their heels in. 52 00:03:49,562 --> 00:03:54,566 There were a few angry messages sent back and forth, then one day 53 00:03:55,944 --> 00:03:57,486 nobody heard from them again. 54 00:03:57,862 --> 00:04:00,239 Why didn't you send a vessel to find out what happened? 55 00:04:00,573 --> 00:04:02,366 9 years there, 9 years back. 56 00:04:02,533 --> 00:04:04,534 It would have been a pretty long trip. 57 00:04:04,702 --> 00:04:07,621 A Vulcan ship could have made the journey in far less time. 58 00:04:07,789 --> 00:04:09,206 Why didn't you ask them? 59 00:04:10,333 --> 00:04:14,461 Asking favors of the Vulcans usually ends up carrying too high a price. 60 00:04:15,088 --> 00:04:17,464 My experience with humans is limited, 61 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:20,884 but I've come to learn that they're quite resourceful. 62 00:04:21,511 --> 00:04:24,012 Terra Nova may still be there, captain. 63 00:04:37,193 --> 00:04:39,319 200.000 kilometers. 64 00:04:39,487 --> 00:04:41,113 Let's see it. 65 00:04:46,369 --> 00:04:49,621 I promised my dad I'd see this place someday. 66 00:04:50,039 --> 00:04:52,541 Put us in orbit over the colony. 67 00:04:58,548 --> 00:05:01,049 Terra Nova Colony, 68 00:05:01,217 --> 00:05:04,553 this is Captain Jonathan Archer of the starship Enterprise. 69 00:05:04,721 --> 00:05:07,973 We've come from Earth. Please respond. 70 00:05:11,519 --> 00:05:12,811 No answer, sir. 71 00:05:12,979 --> 00:05:15,022 Any bio-signs? 72 00:05:18,568 --> 00:05:21,903 No. But the colony appears to be intact. 73 00:05:22,071 --> 00:05:24,614 I'm also detecting low levels of surface radiation. 74 00:05:24,782 --> 00:05:26,366 From what? 75 00:05:26,534 --> 00:05:28,118 I can't tell. 76 00:05:31,831 --> 00:05:33,498 Let's take a look. 77 00:05:38,087 --> 00:05:39,546 Closer. 78 00:05:41,966 --> 00:05:43,800 Looks like a ghost town. 79 00:05:44,552 --> 00:05:47,304 Let's hope the ghosts can give us some answers. 80 00:05:47,597 --> 00:05:50,265 - How bad is the radiation? - Less than 800 millirads. 81 00:05:50,433 --> 00:05:53,727 A few hours of exposure shouldn't pose a risk. 82 00:05:54,645 --> 00:05:56,605 Trip, take the bridge. 83 00:05:56,773 --> 00:05:58,273 Travis. 84 00:06:35,812 --> 00:06:37,729 A housing unit. 85 00:06:38,314 --> 00:06:40,524 No sign of weapons fire. 86 00:06:41,192 --> 00:06:42,776 Only rust. 87 00:06:43,236 --> 00:06:46,405 Whatever happened, I've gotta believe they tried to let Earth know about it. 88 00:06:46,572 --> 00:06:48,907 We've got the schematics for the communications tower. 89 00:06:49,075 --> 00:06:51,827 Good. See if the data buffer's intact. 90 00:06:51,994 --> 00:06:54,371 We might be able to access their last transmission logs. 91 00:06:54,539 --> 00:06:55,997 Aye, sir. 92 00:06:56,207 --> 00:06:58,917 Walk the perimeter. See what else you can find. 93 00:06:59,460 --> 00:07:00,919 Judging by the isotope decay, 94 00:07:01,087 --> 00:07:04,631 the radiation levels 70 years ago would have been lethal. 95 00:07:04,799 --> 00:07:06,591 If that killed them, where are the bodies? 96 00:07:06,926 --> 00:07:09,136 Maybe they left the planet before it could affect them. 97 00:07:09,303 --> 00:07:11,805 That would have been difficult. 98 00:07:12,473 --> 00:07:14,349 That's a bulkhead. 99 00:07:14,725 --> 00:07:17,060 They designed their ship to be disassembled. 100 00:07:17,228 --> 00:07:19,312 That's how they built the colony. 101 00:07:21,274 --> 00:07:23,358 It was a one-way trip. 103 00:07:35,830 --> 00:07:37,372 Hello? 104 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:42,502 We're not alone, sir. There's someone in the forest. 105 00:07:42,670 --> 00:07:43,962 We're on our way. 106 00:08:20,124 --> 00:08:22,459 - I believe he went in there. - You get a look at him? 107 00:08:22,627 --> 00:08:27,380 Yeah, he appeared to be a couple of meters tall, biped, odd-looking scales. 108 00:08:27,548 --> 00:08:28,924 This leads to a network of caverns 109 00:08:29,091 --> 00:08:31,843 that extend for several hundred meters. 110 00:08:32,011 --> 00:08:33,762 - Archer to Mayweather. - Go ahead. 111 00:08:33,930 --> 00:08:36,473 Get back to the shuttle, and grab a pair of flashlights. 112 00:08:36,641 --> 00:08:39,017 - Make it quick. - Yes, sir. 113 00:09:09,674 --> 00:09:12,342 It'd be best if I went first, sir. 115 00:09:47,587 --> 00:09:49,296 After you. 116 00:10:54,070 --> 00:10:55,570 Captain. 117 00:11:00,076 --> 00:11:02,118 My name is Archer. 118 00:11:03,496 --> 00:11:04,954 We're looking for some people. 119 00:11:06,791 --> 00:11:09,626 I was hoping you could help us. 120 00:11:12,046 --> 00:11:14,506 We're not going to hurt you. 121 00:11:17,051 --> 00:11:20,178 We're just trying to find out what happened to them. 123 00:11:35,403 --> 00:11:36,945 Which way? 124 00:11:40,616 --> 00:11:42,117 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 125 00:11:43,077 --> 00:11:44,994 Captain? 126 00:11:45,162 --> 00:11:46,621 We're under attack. 127 00:11:46,789 --> 00:11:49,249 And I think we just took a wrong turn. 128 00:11:50,793 --> 00:11:53,044 We could use a little help navigating down here. 129 00:11:53,212 --> 00:11:54,629 Just a moment. 130 00:11:56,590 --> 00:12:01,302 In approximately three meters, a tunnel will branch off to your left. Take it. 131 00:12:02,054 --> 00:12:03,263 I don't see a tunnel. 132 00:12:03,889 --> 00:12:05,432 Correction. 10 meters. 135 00:12:20,364 --> 00:12:22,031 I'm all right, sir. 137 00:12:29,039 --> 00:12:37,130 Malcolm? 138 00:12:52,146 --> 00:12:53,772 Where's Malcolm? 139 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:55,690 Go. 140 00:13:01,238 --> 00:13:02,989 Take us up. 141 00:13:04,617 --> 00:13:06,868 If those aliens killed the colonists, they could kill Malcolm too. 142 00:13:07,036 --> 00:13:08,328 Those weren't aliens. 143 00:13:08,496 --> 00:13:10,163 They're human. 144 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:24,511 I don't get it. If they're human, why were they shooting at us? 145 00:13:28,432 --> 00:13:30,433 Archer to the bridge. What have you found? 146 00:13:30,601 --> 00:13:32,685 We've got a pretty good picture of those caverns. 147 00:13:32,853 --> 00:13:34,979 And we've picked up 52 bio-signs so far. 148 00:13:35,147 --> 00:13:36,981 - All human. - The only one I'm interested in 149 00:13:37,149 --> 00:13:39,526 right now is Lt. Reed. We've got to get him out of there. 150 00:13:39,693 --> 00:13:41,110 - Have you found him? - Yes, sir. 151 00:13:41,278 --> 00:13:44,239 He's about 90 meters below the surface. 152 00:13:44,406 --> 00:13:46,825 He's not responding to hails, captain, but he's alive. 153 00:13:49,620 --> 00:13:51,704 Have Dr. Phlox join us in the Situation Room. 154 00:13:51,872 --> 00:13:52,914 Aye, sir. 155 00:13:53,624 --> 00:13:56,835 If these are the descendants of the original colonists, 156 00:13:57,002 --> 00:13:59,587 they've never seen other humans before. 157 00:13:59,922 --> 00:14:03,466 Maybe we looked as strange to them as they did to us. 158 00:14:04,844 --> 00:14:07,387 12.6 kilometers worth of tunnels. 159 00:14:07,555 --> 00:14:09,639 Looks like they even dug a few wells. 160 00:14:09,807 --> 00:14:11,933 The geology's a little shaky. 161 00:14:12,101 --> 00:14:14,811 Some of these passageways have collapsed. 162 00:14:14,979 --> 00:14:17,897 They may have been driven underground by the radiation. 163 00:14:18,065 --> 00:14:20,692 - Have you figured out what caused it? - Not yet. 164 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:22,861 - What do they do for food? - Many species feed 165 00:14:23,028 --> 00:14:26,072 on underground fauna and flora. Tubers, fungi, insects. 166 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:29,200 They also hunt some kind of burrowing animal. 167 00:14:29,368 --> 00:14:30,410 Where's Malcolm? 168 00:14:30,828 --> 00:14:32,871 Right here, sir. There are two people with him. 169 00:14:33,038 --> 00:14:35,665 - Can we use the transporter? - He's too deep. 170 00:14:37,459 --> 00:14:39,627 A section of this tunnel is collapsed. 171 00:14:39,795 --> 00:14:42,672 It's empty. If we could get into it, we could clear the obstruction 172 00:14:42,840 --> 00:14:46,134 with phase pistols. We'd be less than 20 meters from Lieutenant Reed. 173 00:14:46,385 --> 00:14:48,970 What about these two? We have to assume they're armed. 174 00:14:49,138 --> 00:14:50,513 A stun grenade would solve that. 175 00:14:50,681 --> 00:14:53,266 I don't want to risk any more casualties. 176 00:14:53,434 --> 00:14:55,226 Despite how they look, they're still human. 177 00:14:55,394 --> 00:14:57,562 We've got to find some way to talk to them. 178 00:14:57,730 --> 00:14:59,022 They didn't seem eager to talk. 179 00:14:59,189 --> 00:15:02,358 If I can't make first contact with other hu... 180 00:15:04,528 --> 00:15:06,821 I don't have any business being out here. 181 00:15:09,408 --> 00:15:10,450 Malcolm was shot. 182 00:15:10,784 --> 00:15:12,994 Grab your medical kit and meet me at the Launch Bay. 183 00:15:13,162 --> 00:15:14,829 - Right away, sir. - Captain. 184 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:17,206 Try to find out what irradiated the surface. 185 00:15:17,374 --> 00:15:20,001 You and Hoshi get to work on that data buffer. 186 00:15:20,169 --> 00:15:23,671 I want to know if they tried to send any messages to Earth. 187 00:15:26,383 --> 00:15:28,509 Do you think they know we've returned? 188 00:15:28,677 --> 00:15:32,055 Hard not to hear a shuttlepod landing on your roof. 189 00:15:37,353 --> 00:15:39,145 I'm unarmed. 190 00:15:40,522 --> 00:15:42,565 I just want to talk. 191 00:15:46,278 --> 00:15:49,030 I'm concerned about my officer. 192 00:15:50,199 --> 00:15:52,408 I'd like to see him. 193 00:16:18,018 --> 00:16:20,687 - Fancy meeting you here. - How's the leg? 194 00:16:20,854 --> 00:16:23,898 I've lost a bit of blood, sir, but I don't think it's too serious. 195 00:16:24,066 --> 00:16:26,651 May I have my medical supplies, please? 196 00:16:34,284 --> 00:16:36,536 - Human? - That's right. 197 00:16:37,121 --> 00:16:39,872 - What's that? - My name is Phlox. 198 00:16:40,040 --> 00:16:43,167 I am a Denobulan. I'm Captain Archer's physician. 199 00:16:44,211 --> 00:16:45,837 You tracked from Earth 200 00:16:46,005 --> 00:16:47,255 on a sky ship. 201 00:16:47,715 --> 00:16:49,674 It's called Enterprise. 202 00:16:49,842 --> 00:16:53,094 To what? Gut the rest of us? 203 00:16:53,512 --> 00:16:54,971 No. 204 00:16:55,139 --> 00:16:58,057 We're here to find out what happened to the colony. 205 00:16:58,350 --> 00:16:59,600 We came to help you. 206 00:16:59,768 --> 00:17:01,936 Novans have had enough help from you. 207 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:04,605 We're not so easy to hunt as diggers. 208 00:17:04,773 --> 00:17:08,443 Go back to the overside or we'll seal your passage. 209 00:17:08,610 --> 00:17:10,611 I told you, we're not here to hurt anybody. 210 00:17:10,779 --> 00:17:12,780 Take that one, and don't track back. 211 00:17:13,532 --> 00:17:15,033 All right. 212 00:17:16,368 --> 00:17:19,495 But he won't be able to get through these tunnels on one leg. 213 00:17:19,663 --> 00:17:22,832 My doctor needs to treat him. 214 00:17:42,352 --> 00:17:44,604 What makes you think we're here to hurt you? 215 00:17:44,855 --> 00:17:46,898 Humans hurt Novans. 216 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:49,442 Why do you think that? 217 00:17:49,610 --> 00:17:51,110 They gutted us. 218 00:17:51,695 --> 00:17:55,031 Our families. Our before-families. 219 00:17:56,784 --> 00:17:58,201 I don't understand. 220 00:17:58,535 --> 00:18:00,620 Poison rain. 221 00:18:01,038 --> 00:18:05,583 I was no taller than a digger, but I can still see back. 222 00:18:05,751 --> 00:18:09,087 We lived on the overside, then the humans dropped the poison, 223 00:18:09,254 --> 00:18:11,839 burned our skin, gutted the grown ones. 224 00:18:12,007 --> 00:18:13,841 There was no place to go but here... 226 00:18:19,598 --> 00:18:22,809 To the underside. 227 00:18:27,981 --> 00:18:31,025 I think I know what you're talking about. 228 00:18:31,193 --> 00:18:35,154 The poison rain. It was some kind of radiation. 229 00:18:35,322 --> 00:18:38,241 I don't know what caused it, but I'm sure it wasn't humans. 230 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:43,496 He can walk, more or less. 231 00:18:43,664 --> 00:18:47,208 But I'll need to get him back to Sickbay to remove the projectile. 232 00:18:49,670 --> 00:18:52,755 I know this'll be hard for you to accept, 233 00:18:53,757 --> 00:18:56,134 but you're the descendants of human beings. 234 00:18:56,677 --> 00:19:00,555 Your ancestors colonized this planet over 70 years ago. 235 00:19:00,722 --> 00:19:02,431 They came from Earth, just like I did. 236 00:19:02,975 --> 00:19:06,435 I don't know what happened, but maybe 237 00:19:06,603 --> 00:19:08,813 we could work together and find out. 238 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:10,773 He speaks in shale. 239 00:19:10,941 --> 00:19:13,526 If that's your way of calling me a liar, 240 00:19:13,861 --> 00:19:16,362 give me a chance to prove what I'm saying. 241 00:19:17,322 --> 00:19:20,741 My sky ship 243 00:19:20,909 --> 00:19:23,870 has tools that can help us find out what happened here. 244 00:19:24,121 --> 00:19:28,583 - No. - Are you aware that your mother 245 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:30,751 is sick? 246 00:19:31,712 --> 00:19:34,922 This is one of the tools the captain spoke of. 247 00:19:35,090 --> 00:19:37,925 It can tell me all kinds of things about the inside of your body. 248 00:19:38,093 --> 00:19:41,721 She has an illness that we call lung cancer, 249 00:19:41,889 --> 00:19:44,724 but it's easily cured. 250 00:19:46,143 --> 00:19:48,227 Dr. Phlox can make her well. 251 00:19:48,395 --> 00:19:50,438 But she'd have to come back to our ship. 252 00:19:50,606 --> 00:19:51,856 This is shale. 253 00:19:52,024 --> 00:19:54,817 They want to trap us on the overside to gut us. 254 00:19:55,736 --> 00:19:57,236 How long of a day would it take? 255 00:19:57,738 --> 00:20:00,907 - Not long. A few hours at the most. - Hours? 256 00:20:01,700 --> 00:20:05,244 She'd be back before the sun rises on the overside. 257 00:20:09,833 --> 00:20:11,292 Let us help you. 258 00:20:14,379 --> 00:20:16,339 We track together. 259 00:20:18,050 --> 00:20:20,426 - This one stays. - He needs to be treated as well. 260 00:20:20,594 --> 00:20:23,471 He'll be fine for a few hours. 261 00:20:24,056 --> 00:20:25,848 Don't worry about me, sir. 262 00:20:26,016 --> 00:20:28,476 I was just getting used to the place. 263 00:20:33,315 --> 00:20:37,485 Probably best if you lead the way. 264 00:20:59,508 --> 00:21:00,841 That's Enterprise. 265 00:21:01,301 --> 00:21:04,595 It's a lot like the ship that brought the colonists to this planet. 266 00:21:04,763 --> 00:21:06,931 It was called the Conestoga. 267 00:21:10,352 --> 00:21:12,228 Maybe you were born on board. 268 00:21:12,646 --> 00:21:15,940 Or were you born after your parents got here? 269 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,109 My parents were Novans. 270 00:21:18,277 --> 00:21:20,695 They came from the overside. 271 00:21:27,160 --> 00:21:29,161 - No more. Let me out. - Open the passage. 272 00:21:29,329 --> 00:21:30,830 Just a few more seconds. 273 00:21:30,998 --> 00:21:33,791 - Open it. - It's all right. 275 00:21:41,967 --> 00:21:43,926 My apologies for any discomfort. 276 00:21:44,094 --> 00:21:45,303 Is she healed? 277 00:21:45,470 --> 00:21:49,932 Not quite. First we have to determine how far her sickness has spread. 278 00:21:51,601 --> 00:21:56,188 That is you. The inside of you, anyway. 279 00:21:57,899 --> 00:22:01,027 This picture will tell me what kind of treatment she'll require. 280 00:22:02,112 --> 00:22:04,447 Interstitial tumors. 281 00:22:06,783 --> 00:22:08,784 The malignancy has spread to her lymphatic system. 282 00:22:08,952 --> 00:22:11,912 She'll need a series of cytolytic injections. 283 00:22:12,080 --> 00:22:13,956 - Injections? - Medicine. 284 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:16,667 He's just going to give her some medicine. 285 00:22:17,461 --> 00:22:19,503 I'll need a few minutes to synthesize it. 286 00:22:21,965 --> 00:22:25,217 I've got some other pictures you might like to see. 287 00:22:25,635 --> 00:22:29,013 One of my crewmen found these in our database. 288 00:22:29,765 --> 00:22:33,601 They might help you remember what it was like living on the overside 289 00:22:33,769 --> 00:22:35,478 before the poison rain. 290 00:22:35,645 --> 00:22:37,104 It's human shale. 291 00:22:37,272 --> 00:22:40,649 They're confusing our path. You'll lose your tracks in this. 292 00:22:41,818 --> 00:22:44,320 I'm just trying to help you see how you got here. 293 00:22:44,613 --> 00:22:46,655 All I see is digger filth. 294 00:22:46,823 --> 00:22:48,449 Well, look again. 295 00:22:48,909 --> 00:22:52,536 Because whether you want to believe it or not, we're both human. 296 00:22:54,331 --> 00:22:57,500 Bury your drawings. 297 00:23:04,007 --> 00:23:05,508 Doctor, 298 00:23:06,760 --> 00:23:08,594 keep me posted. 299 00:23:13,642 --> 00:23:15,559 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 300 00:23:15,727 --> 00:23:17,728 Sub-commander T'Pol has discovered the remnants 301 00:23:17,896 --> 00:23:21,107 of an impact crater that could explain the radiation. 302 00:23:21,942 --> 00:23:23,317 How far away is it? 303 00:23:23,485 --> 00:23:25,277 About 500 kilometers north. 304 00:23:25,445 --> 00:23:28,239 - How deep? - It's been partially filled in by erosion 305 00:23:28,407 --> 00:23:30,366 over the years, but I'm reading impact fractures 306 00:23:30,534 --> 00:23:32,410 down to nearly 2,000 meters. 307 00:23:32,577 --> 00:23:34,578 - Comet or an asteroid? - An asteroid. 308 00:23:34,746 --> 00:23:36,080 A large one. 309 00:23:36,248 --> 00:23:40,418 The tectonic analysis puts the impact at approximately 70 years ago. 310 00:23:41,420 --> 00:23:42,711 The poison rain. 311 00:23:42,879 --> 00:23:46,132 The geology was comprised primarily of beresium ore. 312 00:23:46,299 --> 00:23:48,634 The thermo-shock would have created a radioactive cloud 313 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:51,846 that probably covered the northern hemisphere for more than a year. 314 00:23:52,389 --> 00:23:54,723 They spent all those years getting here 315 00:23:57,269 --> 00:23:59,228 and for what? 316 00:24:09,406 --> 00:24:11,657 That's an old MK-33, isn't it? 317 00:24:12,284 --> 00:24:14,034 Or is it a 34? 318 00:24:17,122 --> 00:24:19,123 Impressive body armor you're wearing. 319 00:24:19,291 --> 00:24:21,041 Did you make it yourself? 320 00:24:22,961 --> 00:24:24,545 Right. 321 00:24:27,007 --> 00:24:30,009 I don't suppose there's a lavatory on the premises, is there? 322 00:24:30,177 --> 00:24:32,386 I wouldn't mind freshening up a little. 323 00:24:34,222 --> 00:24:35,806 No. 324 00:24:35,974 --> 00:24:37,433 Didn't think so. 326 00:24:56,203 --> 00:24:58,329 Is your belly hollow? 327 00:24:58,622 --> 00:25:00,164 That all depends. 328 00:25:00,499 --> 00:25:01,707 What's for dinner? 329 00:25:13,220 --> 00:25:15,429 Digger meat. 330 00:25:16,556 --> 00:25:21,143 Looks a little undercooked. 332 00:25:21,353 --> 00:25:23,854 Humans are like damp moss. 333 00:25:24,022 --> 00:25:26,232 They rot on the underside. 334 00:25:37,786 --> 00:25:39,495 Not bad. 336 00:26:26,585 --> 00:26:29,003 Come in. 337 00:26:29,838 --> 00:26:31,672 It's a transmission, sir. 338 00:26:32,674 --> 00:26:35,634 It's the last one anyone made, as far as we can tell. 339 00:26:35,802 --> 00:26:37,219 It was still in the buffer. 340 00:26:37,387 --> 00:26:39,054 It's Captain Mitchell. 341 00:26:40,473 --> 00:26:43,225 No matter how angry Logan's threats may have seemed, 342 00:26:43,393 --> 00:26:45,394 there had to have been a way of dealing with this 343 00:26:45,562 --> 00:26:47,354 other than attacking us. 344 00:26:47,731 --> 00:26:51,150 Nearly half the adults are dead, including Dr. Tracey, 345 00:26:51,318 --> 00:26:54,778 and everyone else is getting sick, except for the younger children. 346 00:26:55,238 --> 00:26:57,156 If they have any chance of surviving, 347 00:26:57,324 --> 00:27:00,576 the least you could do is have the Vulcans send a ship for them. 348 00:27:00,994 --> 00:27:03,871 But for all I know, they were the ones you talked into attacking us. 349 00:27:04,039 --> 00:27:06,415 You wanted Terra Nova enough to do this? 350 00:27:06,583 --> 00:27:09,460 Well, it's yours now, but I doubt you'll be very pleased 351 00:27:09,628 --> 00:27:12,004 with what you find when you get here. 352 00:27:13,256 --> 00:27:15,424 Mark Logan was the head of the opposition, 353 00:27:15,592 --> 00:27:18,052 the ones who were against a second wave of settlers. 354 00:27:18,219 --> 00:27:21,764 Supposedly, he threatened to fire at any ship that came into orbit. 355 00:27:22,265 --> 00:27:25,309 The irony is that Captain Mitchell's message never reached Earth. 356 00:27:25,477 --> 00:27:27,853 The debris in the atmosphere was too dense. 357 00:27:28,355 --> 00:27:32,816 So for some reason, the young kids survive 358 00:27:33,318 --> 00:27:35,819 and begin living underground. 359 00:27:37,238 --> 00:27:40,157 Their last memories of their parents are hearing them blame humans 360 00:27:40,325 --> 00:27:42,326 for destroying the colony. 361 00:27:43,703 --> 00:27:47,414 The idea that humans are the enemy has been embedded in them 362 00:27:47,582 --> 00:27:49,708 for more than two generations. 363 00:27:51,961 --> 00:27:53,337 This isn't gonna be easy. 364 00:27:53,505 --> 00:27:55,547 Sickbay to Archer. 365 00:27:57,342 --> 00:28:00,260 - Go ahead. - Could you come see me, please? 366 00:28:12,190 --> 00:28:13,607 Is everything all right? 367 00:28:13,775 --> 00:28:16,568 Nadet's cancer has been eliminated. 368 00:28:16,736 --> 00:28:21,281 - Nice work. - But I found something quite troubling. 369 00:28:21,449 --> 00:28:24,535 Both she and her son are showing signs of microcellular decay 370 00:28:24,703 --> 00:28:26,120 in their endocrine systems. 371 00:28:26,287 --> 00:28:29,665 Their underground water supply has probably become contaminated. 372 00:28:29,833 --> 00:28:32,334 I don't have any medication to treat this, 373 00:28:32,502 --> 00:28:34,670 and it's only going to get worse. 374 00:28:37,507 --> 00:28:39,258 Would bringing them to the surface help? 375 00:28:39,426 --> 00:28:42,094 T'Pol says the soil and foliage will remain irradiated 376 00:28:42,262 --> 00:28:44,304 for at least another decade. 377 00:28:47,892 --> 00:28:51,061 - How's she doing? - She's as disagreeable as she was 378 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:53,272 before I treated her. 379 00:28:53,606 --> 00:28:55,566 Bring them to the Situation Room. 380 00:28:56,067 --> 00:28:58,444 We are not leaving. 381 00:28:58,611 --> 00:29:00,654 It's not safe for you anymore. 382 00:29:02,282 --> 00:29:07,786 When the asteroid hit, the fallout contained certain poisons. 383 00:29:08,329 --> 00:29:13,417 Humans under the age of 4 or 5 can usually build an immunity to them. 384 00:29:13,585 --> 00:29:14,793 That's why they survived. 385 00:29:14,961 --> 00:29:18,714 For the last two or three generations, that immunity kept you all alive. 386 00:29:18,882 --> 00:29:21,300 But now the poisons have gotten into your water supply. 387 00:29:21,468 --> 00:29:24,178 As Captain Archer says, it is no longer safe. 388 00:29:24,345 --> 00:29:26,263 You humans tried to gut our go-befores 389 00:29:26,431 --> 00:29:28,515 when they lived on the overside. 390 00:29:28,933 --> 00:29:30,851 Now you're trying to gut us. 391 00:29:31,019 --> 00:29:33,061 Dr. Phlox just saved your life. 392 00:29:33,229 --> 00:29:35,939 Perhaps you should give him the benefit of the doubt. 393 00:29:36,107 --> 00:29:38,275 After all, he's not human. 394 00:29:38,443 --> 00:29:39,735 Neither am I. 395 00:29:40,111 --> 00:29:44,114 Giant rocks falling from the sky... Shale, it's all shale! 396 00:29:44,282 --> 00:29:45,866 Take us back. 397 00:29:47,786 --> 00:29:52,956 I went through about two to 300 photographs before I found this. 398 00:29:55,502 --> 00:29:57,461 Look familiar, Nadet? 399 00:29:57,962 --> 00:30:01,715 It's the overside. Before the poison rain. 400 00:30:01,966 --> 00:30:03,592 And what about the people? 401 00:30:06,054 --> 00:30:07,429 Humans. 402 00:30:08,264 --> 00:30:10,557 What were humans doing in your colony 403 00:30:10,725 --> 00:30:12,476 before it was destroyed? 404 00:30:15,897 --> 00:30:18,315 I think I can help answer that. 405 00:30:23,905 --> 00:30:27,074 You're sure none of these people look familiar? 406 00:30:27,784 --> 00:30:31,036 From the data we retrieved on this photograph, 407 00:30:31,204 --> 00:30:36,166 we're pretty sure this woman's name was Vera Fuller. 408 00:30:37,627 --> 00:30:38,961 Ring a bell? 409 00:30:39,504 --> 00:30:41,547 It's the medicine they put in you. 410 00:30:41,714 --> 00:30:43,590 They're confusing your path. 411 00:30:43,758 --> 00:30:45,634 We need to leave. 412 00:30:46,177 --> 00:30:48,011 Look closely. 413 00:30:51,724 --> 00:30:53,433 Vera Fuller. 414 00:30:55,603 --> 00:30:57,855 - What do you remember? - Shale! 415 00:30:58,523 --> 00:30:59,815 They're trying to trap you. 416 00:30:59,983 --> 00:31:03,527 Vera had a daughter named Bernadette. 417 00:31:03,695 --> 00:31:07,030 She'd be about 75 now in Earth years. 418 00:31:08,032 --> 00:31:09,741 Nadet? 419 00:31:11,119 --> 00:31:12,953 Bernadette? 420 00:31:14,914 --> 00:31:16,665 You say this is me? 421 00:31:16,833 --> 00:31:19,585 They're trying to make us leave the underside. 422 00:31:20,253 --> 00:31:23,797 If we're not back before day, your crewman will be gutted. 423 00:31:23,965 --> 00:31:25,632 Take us back. 424 00:31:33,808 --> 00:31:35,934 Is her treatment finished? 425 00:31:36,102 --> 00:31:38,687 - I should take one more thoracic scan. - Fine. 426 00:31:38,855 --> 00:31:41,023 As soon as you're done, bring them to the Launch Bay. 427 00:31:41,190 --> 00:31:42,816 Sub-commander. 428 00:31:49,490 --> 00:31:51,533 There are 58 human beings in those tunnels. 429 00:31:51,701 --> 00:31:54,244 They'll all die if we don't get them out. What do they think? 430 00:31:54,412 --> 00:31:59,249 They think we're a bunch of hostile aliens trying to take their colony over. 431 00:31:59,792 --> 00:32:02,044 - Stun grenades. - What? 432 00:32:02,587 --> 00:32:05,297 Commander Tucker's continued to enhance the sensor resolution 433 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:06,798 of their tunnels. 434 00:32:06,966 --> 00:32:10,761 We could transport stun grenades to specific locations, detonate them, 435 00:32:10,929 --> 00:32:13,263 and use both shuttlepods to bring them back to the ship. 436 00:32:13,431 --> 00:32:15,599 And then what? Put them in chains? 437 00:32:16,017 --> 00:32:18,477 I'm sure Mr. Reed could devise appropriate restraints. 438 00:32:18,645 --> 00:32:21,021 What the hell do you think this is, a slave ship? 439 00:32:21,773 --> 00:32:24,483 We can't relocate them by force. 440 00:32:24,651 --> 00:32:27,402 The alternative was made quite clear by Dr. Phlox. 441 00:32:27,612 --> 00:32:31,740 We have to convince them that returning to Earth is the right thing. 442 00:32:31,908 --> 00:32:34,284 We can't take them by force. 443 00:32:34,452 --> 00:32:38,497 - Are you certain it is the right thing? - What are you talking about? 444 00:32:38,706 --> 00:32:41,041 When you get them back to Earth, what will you do? 445 00:32:41,209 --> 00:32:43,752 Send them to school? Teach them to read and write? 446 00:32:44,003 --> 00:32:46,672 Wear human clothing? Eat human food? 447 00:32:46,839 --> 00:32:50,467 Teach them to live on the surface, enjoy the sunshine? 448 00:32:50,677 --> 00:32:53,595 You're damn straight. They're human beings. 449 00:32:53,763 --> 00:32:55,597 It's their birthright. 450 00:32:57,892 --> 00:33:00,352 It might take a little while, but they'll adapt. 451 00:33:01,270 --> 00:33:03,772 It's a hell of a lot better than dying down in those tunnels. 452 00:33:03,940 --> 00:33:07,275 They've lived in those tunnels for three generations. 453 00:33:07,819 --> 00:33:10,612 You can't just pluck them up and bring them to a strange world 454 00:33:10,780 --> 00:33:12,906 and hope they'll learn to conform. 455 00:33:13,950 --> 00:33:18,412 You'd be destroying their identity, destroying the Novan culture. 456 00:33:23,668 --> 00:33:26,003 - Archer to Tucker. - Captain. 457 00:33:26,170 --> 00:33:29,548 Get up here on the double, and bring your maps with you. 458 00:33:30,591 --> 00:33:32,175 The debris cloud reached to about here, 459 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:34,970 10 or 12 degrees north of the equator. 460 00:33:35,138 --> 00:33:37,556 - Southern hemisphere? - Unaffected by the asteroid. 461 00:33:37,724 --> 00:33:39,516 Captain Archer. 462 00:33:40,935 --> 00:33:42,352 - Go ahead, doc. - The two Novans 463 00:33:42,520 --> 00:33:43,603 are in Shuttlepod 1. 464 00:33:43,771 --> 00:33:45,731 Will you be escorting them back to the surface? 465 00:33:45,898 --> 00:33:47,899 I'll be there in a couple of minutes. 466 00:33:48,651 --> 00:33:50,736 There's gotta be similar underground topography 467 00:33:50,903 --> 00:33:53,113 on one of these southern continents. 468 00:33:53,281 --> 00:33:57,117 Caves, caverns... Find them. 469 00:33:57,702 --> 00:33:59,494 Put that on a PADD for me. 470 00:34:00,204 --> 00:34:02,414 It wouldn't hurt if they were crawling with those... 471 00:34:02,582 --> 00:34:04,583 What do they call them? Diggers. 472 00:34:14,552 --> 00:34:17,763 Your planet has three large islands to the south. 473 00:34:17,930 --> 00:34:20,098 We call them continents. 474 00:34:20,266 --> 00:34:24,186 The climate is nearly identical to your overside. 475 00:34:24,353 --> 00:34:26,271 We don't know how similar the underside is, 476 00:34:26,439 --> 00:34:29,441 but my people are working on that now. 477 00:34:29,609 --> 00:34:33,695 The important thing is the poison rain never fell there. 478 00:34:34,697 --> 00:34:36,239 You'd be safe. 479 00:34:36,491 --> 00:34:38,116 Your children would be safe. 480 00:34:38,284 --> 00:34:42,496 You could even spend time on the overside if you wanted to. 481 00:34:42,997 --> 00:34:45,457 If our tunnels are infected, 482 00:34:45,625 --> 00:34:47,334 you wouldn't want them so badly. 483 00:34:47,710 --> 00:34:51,546 We don't. We only want to help you. Make you healthy. 484 00:34:54,509 --> 00:34:58,678 Was that photograph of Vera Fuller and her daughter shale? 485 00:35:00,098 --> 00:35:03,141 Do you really believe that we created it to trick you? 486 00:35:04,519 --> 00:35:06,186 You're human. 487 00:35:06,646 --> 00:35:08,105 So am I. 488 00:35:08,564 --> 00:35:10,357 Humans help each other. 489 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:13,401 When we track back to the underside, 490 00:35:13,569 --> 00:35:16,029 we'll return your crewman 491 00:35:16,197 --> 00:35:18,949 only if you promise to leave. 492 00:35:19,117 --> 00:35:21,535 I've got the landing site locked in, captain. 493 00:35:22,954 --> 00:35:24,579 Would you at least 494 00:35:24,747 --> 00:35:27,707 talk to your people, tell them what I proposed? 496 00:35:47,603 --> 00:35:48,895 Our thrusters are down. 497 00:35:50,398 --> 00:35:51,815 Fire them up again. 498 00:35:55,528 --> 00:35:58,321 Pod 1 to Enterprise. We've got an emergency. 499 00:36:09,167 --> 00:36:10,417 Is anyone hurt? 500 00:36:12,920 --> 00:36:16,631 We're okay, but getting out of here is gonna be tricky. 501 00:36:16,883 --> 00:36:18,550 Can you give us the coordinates...? 503 00:36:22,972 --> 00:36:24,556 Captain? 504 00:36:26,309 --> 00:36:28,476 I think we're done dropping. 505 00:36:31,355 --> 00:36:32,606 How far have we gone? 506 00:36:33,191 --> 00:36:34,357 You're down about 8 meters. 507 00:36:34,525 --> 00:36:36,735 Looks like a couple of the abandoned tunnels gave way. 508 00:36:37,612 --> 00:36:39,070 Open it. 509 00:36:40,448 --> 00:36:42,365 - Open it. - Hold on. 510 00:36:42,533 --> 00:36:45,368 Trip, if I open the port hatch, what am I gonna find? 511 00:36:45,620 --> 00:36:47,078 Open it. 512 00:36:47,246 --> 00:36:49,915 You're on the floor of a stable tunnel. You should be okay. 513 00:36:50,541 --> 00:36:53,460 You're gonna have to build a rig to get this pod back on the surface. 514 00:36:53,628 --> 00:36:55,253 Aye, sir. 516 00:37:11,229 --> 00:37:13,521 We're in the downslope passage. 517 00:37:13,689 --> 00:37:16,733 We need to pass the cut-through to get to your crewman. 518 00:37:16,901 --> 00:37:18,735 Give me your pistol. 519 00:37:19,070 --> 00:37:20,153 What are you talking about? 520 00:37:20,321 --> 00:37:23,698 If you want to see your human alive, you'll give me your pistol. 521 00:37:34,752 --> 00:37:36,962 Stay here with the shuttle. Keep your com open. 522 00:37:46,097 --> 00:37:47,389 Help! 523 00:37:47,556 --> 00:37:49,516 Hold on a second. 524 00:37:51,143 --> 00:37:52,352 Do you hear that? 525 00:37:52,520 --> 00:37:55,188 Help! Help me! 526 00:37:55,940 --> 00:37:57,899 It's Akary. 527 00:38:03,531 --> 00:38:12,163 Help! 528 00:38:13,582 --> 00:38:16,334 He must have fallen when your sky ship quaked the tunnels. 529 00:38:16,502 --> 00:38:19,170 - Are you hurt? - I'm leg-broke. 530 00:38:19,338 --> 00:38:22,132 The wood has me sealed down. 531 00:38:24,093 --> 00:38:26,344 Would you risk your bones to save a Novan? 532 00:38:26,971 --> 00:38:31,182 I'll do what I can, but I doubt I can make it down there. 533 00:38:37,189 --> 00:38:39,107 We'll track together 534 00:38:39,525 --> 00:38:41,484 but you'll need to trust me. 537 00:39:53,057 --> 00:39:55,767 The water's rising. We have to hurry. 539 00:40:21,293 --> 00:40:23,461 I need you to give me my phase pistol. 540 00:40:23,629 --> 00:40:25,547 - My gun. - Why? 541 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:28,842 - So you can go free your hostage? - So I can free this man. 542 00:40:31,429 --> 00:40:33,346 It's your turn to trust me. 543 00:40:54,952 --> 00:40:56,661 Give me a hand. 544 00:40:58,622 --> 00:40:59,956 Ready. 546 00:41:33,824 --> 00:41:35,742 - Captain. - How are you holding up? 547 00:41:35,910 --> 00:41:37,744 Not badly, all things considered. 548 00:41:37,912 --> 00:41:40,663 But I really wouldn't mind getting this bullet out of my leg. 549 00:41:40,831 --> 00:41:42,457 Tell them. 550 00:41:43,667 --> 00:41:47,253 Tell them what Archer said about the islands to the south. 551 00:41:51,217 --> 00:41:54,594 They promised to leave. Let them go. We'll be fine here. 552 00:41:54,762 --> 00:41:58,348 We're not fine. None of us is fine. 553 00:41:58,516 --> 00:42:01,142 We're rotting, all of us. 554 00:42:01,393 --> 00:42:03,436 They've promised to leave. 555 00:42:03,604 --> 00:42:05,355 I've seen back. 556 00:42:05,523 --> 00:42:07,565 Vera Fuller was my mother. 557 00:42:07,983 --> 00:42:10,068 That girl in the picture was me. 558 00:42:10,236 --> 00:42:11,903 A human girl. 559 00:42:12,071 --> 00:42:14,739 Our go-befores shared the same path. 560 00:42:14,907 --> 00:42:16,699 We should listen. 561 00:42:24,375 --> 00:42:27,126 - Ever heard of Judge Crater? - Crater? 562 00:42:27,294 --> 00:42:29,921 Disappeared in the early 20th century. 563 00:42:30,089 --> 00:42:32,882 - How about Amelia Earhart? - No. 564 00:42:33,634 --> 00:42:37,804 1937. Never found a trace of her. 565 00:42:38,305 --> 00:42:40,348 A lot of people spent years, decades, 566 00:42:40,516 --> 00:42:43,142 trying to figure out what happened to them. 567 00:42:43,602 --> 00:42:47,480 But neither of those mysteries holds a candle to Terra Nova. 568 00:42:47,982 --> 00:42:50,567 - And we solved it. - Did more than that. 569 00:42:50,734 --> 00:42:52,902 Those people were a year or two away from extinction. 570 00:42:53,070 --> 00:42:56,239 We didn't just find them. We saved their lives. 571 00:42:56,907 --> 00:43:00,910 All these years wondering about that colony. 572 00:43:01,870 --> 00:43:04,998 I never thought I'd become a part of their history. 573 00:43:06,292 --> 00:43:08,167 Tell you what, Travis. 574 00:43:08,335 --> 00:43:11,212 Why don't you put together the report for Starfleet. 575 00:43:11,380 --> 00:43:14,382 If I'm not mistaken, it'll be headline news back home. 576 00:43:14,717 --> 00:43:17,510 "The Terra Nova Puzzle, Solved at Last," 577 00:43:17,678 --> 00:43:20,597 as told by Ensign Travis Mayweather. 578 00:43:21,348 --> 00:43:22,557 Thank you, sir.