1 00:00:02,377 --> 00:00:03,419 Excuse me? 3 00:00:03,586 --> 00:00:06,296 - I asked if you've... - We heard you. 4 00:00:07,549 --> 00:00:13,345 What makes you think we're suffering from a lack of sexual activity? 5 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:17,433 Starfleet forbids officers from fraternizing with subordinates. 6 00:00:17,600 --> 00:00:19,727 Unless you've been violating regulations... 7 00:00:19,894 --> 00:00:23,689 Those regulations don't apply to you. Have... 8 00:00:24,357 --> 00:00:27,359 ...you been suffering? 9 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:30,404 On Vulcan, we mate only once every 7 years. 10 00:00:30,989 --> 00:00:32,614 That's a hell of a dry spell. 11 00:00:33,783 --> 00:00:37,494 Why are you suddenly so curious about this? 12 00:00:37,704 --> 00:00:41,290 It's my understanding that your mating ritual is effective in easing tension. 13 00:00:42,917 --> 00:00:44,710 That hasn't always been my experience. 14 00:00:45,628 --> 00:00:49,757 And you think that we need our tensions eased? 15 00:00:49,966 --> 00:00:51,884 Efficiency's down three percent. 16 00:00:52,093 --> 00:00:53,385 Mm-hm. 17 00:00:54,471 --> 00:00:58,515 We've all gone about 10 months without a break. 18 00:00:58,683 --> 00:01:02,478 I think it's normal for people to get a little sloppy. 19 00:01:03,229 --> 00:01:06,231 Perhaps it's time the crew takes shore leave. 20 00:01:06,441 --> 00:01:07,900 Well, I like the sound of that. 21 00:01:08,068 --> 00:01:10,736 I took the liberty of locating a suitable planet 22 00:01:10,945 --> 00:01:15,449 approximately nine days from our present location. It's called Risa. 23 00:01:15,658 --> 00:01:17,201 What's your idea of suitable? 24 00:01:17,410 --> 00:01:21,413 It's tropical, with an abundance of pristine beaches. 25 00:01:21,581 --> 00:01:23,916 You'll find more information in the Vulcan database. 26 00:01:26,586 --> 00:01:30,047 - Is it populated? - Yes, 27 00:01:30,256 --> 00:01:34,635 by a humanoid culture receptive to easing tension. 28 00:03:14,319 --> 00:03:16,737 If you're wearing that to impress the women on Risa, 29 00:03:16,946 --> 00:03:18,906 you may as well stay onboard. 30 00:03:19,073 --> 00:03:20,324 Rule number one: 31 00:03:20,491 --> 00:03:22,659 You've gotta be seen to get noticed. 32 00:03:22,827 --> 00:03:25,537 And I plan on getting noticed. 33 00:03:25,997 --> 00:03:27,706 Don't say she didn't warn you. 34 00:03:28,124 --> 00:03:32,211 - Figure out your itinerary yet? - I think I'm gonna pass. 35 00:03:32,378 --> 00:03:35,255 Captain, you need this as much as I do. 36 00:03:35,423 --> 00:03:37,549 Nobody needs this as much as you do. 38 00:03:39,302 --> 00:03:41,970 The ship will be nice and quiet. I've got some astrometric surveys 39 00:03:42,138 --> 00:03:43,931 that have been piling up. 40 00:03:44,098 --> 00:03:45,766 It'll be a good chance to get work done. 41 00:03:46,100 --> 00:03:50,187 We're going to a planet with over 200 registered Nuvian masseuses, 42 00:03:50,355 --> 00:03:53,065 and you're gonna sit in your cabin with a bunch of star charts? 43 00:03:53,274 --> 00:03:55,192 Mr. Tucker has a point. 44 00:03:56,861 --> 00:03:58,946 You think I need a massage? 45 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:03,283 The safety of this ship depends on its captain being at his most efficient. 46 00:04:07,705 --> 00:04:12,334 I suppose I could read those surveys on a nice beach. 48 00:04:13,711 --> 00:04:16,004 Incoming transmission from Starfleet Command. 49 00:04:17,465 --> 00:04:19,549 Transfer it to my Ready Room. 50 00:04:21,219 --> 00:04:22,594 Her name's V'Lar. 51 00:04:22,762 --> 00:04:25,931 She's the Vulcan ambassador to a planet called Mazar. 52 00:04:26,140 --> 00:04:29,268 If you don't mind my asking, admiral, why is this our problem? 53 00:04:29,477 --> 00:04:32,479 Apparently, it's imperative that she be taken off that planet 54 00:04:32,647 --> 00:04:34,606 as soon as possible. 55 00:04:34,857 --> 00:04:37,901 The nearest Vulcan ship is at least a week away. 56 00:04:38,528 --> 00:04:41,780 Do they expect us to take her all the way back to Vulcan? 57 00:04:42,657 --> 00:04:46,702 You'll rendezvous with the Vulcan ship Sh'Raan in three days. 58 00:04:46,911 --> 00:04:48,745 They'll take her the rest of the way. 59 00:04:49,122 --> 00:04:50,914 Any idea what the emergency is? 60 00:04:51,916 --> 00:04:54,751 Well, this may come as a shock to you, Jon, 61 00:04:54,919 --> 00:04:56,628 but the Vulcans aren't talking. 62 00:04:57,171 --> 00:04:58,922 Imagine that. 63 00:05:08,975 --> 00:05:10,892 Thank you for volunteering your quarters. 64 00:05:11,060 --> 00:05:14,271 I'm happy to do it. I'm looking forward to meeting her. 65 00:05:14,439 --> 00:05:16,565 I imagine she'll spend most of the journey alone, 66 00:05:16,733 --> 00:05:20,152 engaged in meditation. But if it seems appropriate, 67 00:05:20,320 --> 00:05:22,946 - I'll ask if she'll meet with you. - Thanks. 68 00:05:23,114 --> 00:05:28,368 - If there's anything else I can do... - If you wouldn't mind taking that. 69 00:05:29,620 --> 00:05:33,999 Ambassador V'Lar is accustomed to a Spartan environment. 70 00:05:45,845 --> 00:05:48,638 Hoshi, thanks for giving up your cabin. 71 00:05:48,806 --> 00:05:51,016 I just hope it's Spartan enough, sir. 72 00:05:56,189 --> 00:05:58,315 - Everything set? - I believe so. 73 00:05:58,483 --> 00:06:02,486 I've prepared this to familiarize the crew with the necessary protocols. 74 00:06:02,653 --> 00:06:06,281 We should assign a steward to attend to her needs. 75 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:10,744 "Don't address the ambassador unless spoken to first. 76 00:06:11,579 --> 00:06:13,955 Don't offer to shake hands. 77 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:16,458 Refrain from laughing in her presence." 78 00:06:16,626 --> 00:06:19,086 Those guidelines are largely precautionary. 79 00:06:19,295 --> 00:06:22,798 I doubt the crew will have much opportunity to interact with her. 80 00:06:23,299 --> 00:06:25,717 You seem to be pulling out all the stops. 81 00:06:25,885 --> 00:06:28,845 I'm simply following the protocols used in dealing with an ambassador 82 00:06:29,013 --> 00:06:30,639 of V'Lar's distinction. 83 00:06:31,724 --> 00:06:34,434 Well, she'll be here soon enough. 84 00:06:34,602 --> 00:06:38,146 - Let me know if you need any help. - Thank you, captain. 85 00:06:51,077 --> 00:06:52,119 Entering orbit, sir. 87 00:06:53,496 --> 00:06:54,913 We're being hailed. 88 00:06:55,081 --> 00:06:57,165 It's the Mazarite High Council. 89 00:06:58,126 --> 00:07:00,293 Someone's in a hurry. 90 00:07:02,046 --> 00:07:04,923 - Captain Archer? - I'm Jonathan Archer. 91 00:07:05,091 --> 00:07:07,300 Are you prepared to receive Ambassador V'Lar? 92 00:07:07,802 --> 00:07:10,178 That's why we're here. 93 00:07:10,638 --> 00:07:13,098 If you'll transmit your landing coordinates to us, 94 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:15,767 we'll send down a shuttlepod. 95 00:07:15,935 --> 00:07:17,936 I'm looking forward to the visit. 96 00:07:18,146 --> 00:07:19,980 I regret there won't be time for that. 97 00:07:20,148 --> 00:07:22,607 The ambassador is already on her way to your ship. 98 00:07:23,067 --> 00:07:24,734 A small craft's approaching, sir. 99 00:07:25,361 --> 00:07:29,322 I assume the Vulcans have informed you of the urgency of this matter. 100 00:07:29,490 --> 00:07:31,867 They said it was important that we pick up the ambassador 101 00:07:32,034 --> 00:07:33,910 as quickly as possible. 102 00:07:34,078 --> 00:07:35,620 They didn't say why. 103 00:07:36,706 --> 00:07:42,669 V'Lar has been expelled for abuse of her position and criminal misconduct. 104 00:07:48,092 --> 00:07:51,553 - Captain Archer? - Ambassador. 105 00:07:51,721 --> 00:07:55,474 On behalf of my crew, I'd like to welcome you aboard Enterprise. 106 00:07:55,641 --> 00:07:57,434 Thank you. 107 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:06,276 May I take that? 108 00:08:06,444 --> 00:08:09,196 That's very thoughtful, captain. 109 00:08:09,363 --> 00:08:11,656 This is Commander Charles Tucker, my chief engineer. 110 00:08:11,824 --> 00:08:15,869 - Pleased to meet you. - The pleasure is mine, commander. 111 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:18,872 And this is my science officer, Sub-commander T'Pol. 113 00:08:24,003 --> 00:08:29,007 But please, I've been anticipating the opportunity to practice my English. 114 00:08:32,386 --> 00:08:35,388 I hope you like your quarters, ambassador. 115 00:08:35,556 --> 00:08:39,017 T'Pol tried very hard to anticipate your needs. 116 00:08:39,644 --> 00:08:41,937 Fortunately, my needs are few, captain. 117 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:47,275 I am curious, though, who previously occupied the cabin? 118 00:08:49,153 --> 00:08:50,862 The odor. 119 00:08:51,030 --> 00:08:53,823 The human scent is difficult to mask. 120 00:08:53,991 --> 00:08:56,535 Actually, I was hoping to meet the crew member, 121 00:08:56,744 --> 00:09:00,914 in order to thank her for allowing me to disrupt her routine. 122 00:09:01,082 --> 00:09:04,793 I prefer not to inconvenience anyone if possible. 123 00:09:04,961 --> 00:09:08,964 That philosophy has served me well in the diplomatic service. 124 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:12,717 T'Pol tells me you negotiated the first territorial accords 125 00:09:12,885 --> 00:09:15,220 between Vulcan and Andoria. 126 00:09:15,429 --> 00:09:21,977 The Andorians required a somewhat firmer hand at the negotiating table. 127 00:09:22,144 --> 00:09:25,105 But I was younger then. 128 00:09:25,273 --> 00:09:28,400 That was before we even made contact with Earth. 129 00:09:28,609 --> 00:09:32,237 That was over 90 years ago. How long have you been a diplomat? 130 00:09:34,031 --> 00:09:35,740 Commander Tucker, 131 00:09:35,908 --> 00:09:37,617 I understood that on your world, 132 00:09:37,785 --> 00:09:41,371 it is considered bad manners to ask a lady her age. 133 00:09:41,539 --> 00:09:43,790 Well, I wasn't, um... 134 00:09:43,958 --> 00:09:47,002 I didn't mean to imply that you were... 135 00:09:47,169 --> 00:09:49,337 Forgive me, commander. 136 00:09:49,505 --> 00:09:51,506 My attempt at humor. 138 00:09:54,302 --> 00:09:57,804 Suffice it to say that with T'Pol and myself here, 139 00:09:57,972 --> 00:10:03,393 you're almost certainly dining with the two oldest people on this ship. 140 00:10:08,316 --> 00:10:09,733 I hope, ambassador, 141 00:10:09,900 --> 00:10:13,486 that you regard the charges against you with less levity. 142 00:10:14,280 --> 00:10:15,989 Of course I do. 143 00:10:16,198 --> 00:10:19,075 How do you intend to defend yourself? 144 00:10:19,535 --> 00:10:21,036 There is no defense. 145 00:10:23,372 --> 00:10:25,165 Are you saying you're guilty? 146 00:10:25,374 --> 00:10:29,127 - T'Pol. - It's all right, captain. 147 00:10:30,129 --> 00:10:34,507 A person in my position carries the trust of all Vulcans. 148 00:10:34,925 --> 00:10:39,763 The fact that the Mazarites believe that trust has been compromised 149 00:10:39,930 --> 00:10:43,224 justifies T'Pol's concern. 151 00:10:50,232 --> 00:10:52,442 I'm afraid my age is betraying me, captain. 152 00:10:52,610 --> 00:10:55,278 Would you mind if I retired? 153 00:10:55,821 --> 00:10:57,572 Of course not. 154 00:11:09,418 --> 00:11:11,586 I've never been to Earth, 155 00:11:11,754 --> 00:11:17,467 but I find the humans I have encountered quite unpredictable. 156 00:11:17,635 --> 00:11:21,262 I'd be interested in hearing about your experiences there. 157 00:11:21,430 --> 00:11:23,348 Another time, perhaps. 158 00:11:23,516 --> 00:11:25,725 I understand. 159 00:11:25,893 --> 00:11:29,479 This is your cabin. I'll say good night. 160 00:11:29,647 --> 00:11:31,564 T'Pol. 161 00:11:36,112 --> 00:11:37,946 I sense your anger. 162 00:11:38,781 --> 00:11:41,157 You presume that my time with humans has left me 163 00:11:41,325 --> 00:11:43,368 susceptible to their emotions. 164 00:11:43,577 --> 00:11:46,579 They're our emotions as well. 165 00:11:46,747 --> 00:11:48,790 We simply hide them better. 166 00:11:49,583 --> 00:11:52,919 If you're sensing anything from me, it isn't anger. 167 00:11:58,718 --> 00:12:00,593 No. 168 00:12:03,222 --> 00:12:05,265 Disappointment. 169 00:12:06,517 --> 00:12:08,935 Good night, ambassador. 170 00:12:16,152 --> 00:12:18,945 - T'Pol. - Captain. 171 00:12:19,113 --> 00:12:21,781 Is there a problem I should be aware of? 172 00:12:21,949 --> 00:12:24,284 I assume you're talking about Ambassador V'Lar. 173 00:12:24,452 --> 00:12:26,786 You were a bit abrupt with her. 174 00:12:27,371 --> 00:12:30,749 If you believe I was rude, I'll convey my apologies. 175 00:12:31,292 --> 00:12:35,628 I don't pretend to understand Vulcans. I never have. 176 00:12:35,796 --> 00:12:37,964 But I wouldn't be a very good captain if I didn't know 177 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:40,842 when something was bothering my science officer. 178 00:12:41,677 --> 00:12:45,138 It's uncommon for a Vulcan to commit a crime. 179 00:12:45,306 --> 00:12:47,849 Uncommon, but not unheard-of. 180 00:12:48,017 --> 00:12:52,771 Unheard-of for a person in Ambassador V'Lar's position. 181 00:12:54,023 --> 00:12:56,399 We don't know what she's done. 182 00:12:56,984 --> 00:12:58,818 It doesn't matter. 183 00:12:59,445 --> 00:13:03,907 If she were innocent, she would've insisted on staying to defend herself. 184 00:13:04,074 --> 00:13:06,701 You seem to know a lot about her. 185 00:13:11,999 --> 00:13:16,669 I've met the ambassador before, though she clearly doesn't recall. 186 00:13:16,837 --> 00:13:20,924 It was many years ago on Vulcan, during my early schooling. 187 00:13:21,091 --> 00:13:23,635 She had just negotiated the Treaty of Ka'Tann, 188 00:13:23,803 --> 00:13:26,429 and I traveled a great distance to see her. 189 00:13:26,639 --> 00:13:28,014 Was it worth the trip? 190 00:13:28,390 --> 00:13:32,936 The ambassador inspired me to choose a direction in my own life, 191 00:13:33,103 --> 00:13:36,898 a path that led me to the Science Council, and eventually here. 192 00:13:40,611 --> 00:13:43,154 I've had a few heroes in my life. 193 00:13:44,156 --> 00:13:46,991 It's never easy when one of them lets you down. 194 00:13:47,910 --> 00:13:50,119 Vulcans don't have heroes. 195 00:13:50,621 --> 00:13:53,873 No, I'm sure they don't. 197 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:58,586 Captain, can you come to the bridge? 198 00:14:01,173 --> 00:14:03,174 On my way. 199 00:14:07,429 --> 00:14:09,264 An unidentified vessel, sir. 200 00:14:09,431 --> 00:14:11,599 55.000 kilometers and closing. 202 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:17,188 - They're hailing us. - Let's find out who they are. 203 00:14:19,275 --> 00:14:22,068 - What can we do for you? - My apologies, captain. 204 00:14:22,236 --> 00:14:26,030 There's been a change of plans regarding Ambassador V'Lar. 205 00:14:26,198 --> 00:14:28,366 We weren't told. 206 00:14:28,576 --> 00:14:31,744 We've been having some problems with our long-range communications. 207 00:14:32,162 --> 00:14:33,621 What's the change of plans? 208 00:14:33,789 --> 00:14:37,959 The magistrate feels that we let the ambassador go too quickly. 209 00:14:38,127 --> 00:14:40,044 She's needed for additional questioning. 210 00:14:42,172 --> 00:14:44,591 We don't wanna cause you any more inconvenience. 211 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:47,510 If you'll drop out of warp, we can dock with you 212 00:14:47,678 --> 00:14:49,679 and take the ambassador aboard our ship. 213 00:14:49,889 --> 00:14:54,726 Your magistrate seemed in a big hurry to get rid of her. 214 00:14:54,894 --> 00:14:56,352 Now he wants her back? 216 00:14:57,771 --> 00:14:59,480 I'm just a transport captain. 217 00:14:59,648 --> 00:15:03,651 I never try to make sense of what government bureaucrats are thinking. 218 00:15:03,819 --> 00:15:05,945 I'll have to contact my superiors. 219 00:15:06,655 --> 00:15:07,989 There's really no need. 220 00:15:08,699 --> 00:15:10,867 I'm just a starship captain. 221 00:15:11,076 --> 00:15:14,537 You don't think they'd trust me to make these kinds of decisions on my own. 222 00:15:16,916 --> 00:15:20,335 We'll wait for you to confirm whatever you have to. 223 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:23,796 Get me Starfleet Command. 225 00:15:26,300 --> 00:15:27,967 I can't get through. 226 00:15:28,177 --> 00:15:30,887 That ship's jamming all our com frequencies. 227 00:15:31,055 --> 00:15:33,306 "Just a transport captain." 228 00:15:33,515 --> 00:15:36,309 - They're charging weapons. - Polarize the hull plating. 230 00:15:47,821 --> 00:15:50,073 What the hell is he doing? Hail him! 231 00:15:50,282 --> 00:15:51,866 He's not answering. 232 00:15:53,661 --> 00:15:57,997 - Port hull plating's off-line. - They're closing fast. 233 00:15:58,999 --> 00:16:01,209 Aft torpedoes. Return fire. 234 00:16:05,214 --> 00:16:08,007 No effect. They're using some kind of energy shielding. 236 00:16:09,969 --> 00:16:14,681 Direct hit to Engineering, subsection 12. We've taken damage. 237 00:16:17,434 --> 00:16:19,519 Would the phase cannons be more effective? 238 00:16:19,687 --> 00:16:21,646 Undoubtedly. But we can't fire them at warp. 239 00:16:21,814 --> 00:16:24,732 - What do you mean? - Particle discharge, sir. 240 00:16:24,900 --> 00:16:28,069 It would destabilize our warp field and most likely blow out both nacelles. 241 00:16:28,278 --> 00:16:29,946 I've been working on the problem, but... 243 00:16:32,741 --> 00:16:34,534 Drop to impulse. 244 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:37,120 Deploy the aft cannon. 245 00:16:43,002 --> 00:16:45,461 - I've got a lock. - Fire. 246 00:16:50,676 --> 00:16:52,051 Their shields are failing. 247 00:16:52,261 --> 00:16:54,178 See what you can do about their engines. 249 00:16:57,766 --> 00:16:59,267 They're dead in the water, sir. 251 00:17:01,770 --> 00:17:03,021 Not dead enough. 252 00:17:03,313 --> 00:17:05,606 - Resume course. Warp 4. - Aye, sir. 253 00:17:07,526 --> 00:17:09,777 Any idea what that was all about? 254 00:17:12,197 --> 00:17:14,157 Well, I think we know someone who might. 255 00:17:18,162 --> 00:17:20,705 We were asked to pick you up and deliver you to a Vulcan ship. 256 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:23,958 No one said anything about getting shot at. 257 00:17:25,002 --> 00:17:26,669 You have no idea who they were? 258 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:30,048 Obviously they weren't sent by the council on Mazar. 259 00:17:30,257 --> 00:17:32,341 Then who sent them? 260 00:17:34,011 --> 00:17:36,387 I have no answers for you. 261 00:17:41,268 --> 00:17:46,022 Ambassador, we're here at the request of the Vulcan High Command. 262 00:17:46,190 --> 00:17:49,817 It would be illogical for you to withhold information from us. 263 00:17:49,985 --> 00:17:54,155 There are diplomatic matters at stake here which do not concern you. 264 00:17:54,490 --> 00:17:58,701 To tell you any more would only put your ship and your crew at greater risk. 265 00:17:58,911 --> 00:18:00,620 How much greater could it get? 266 00:18:00,788 --> 00:18:03,498 A few more volleys from that ship would've ruptured our hull. 267 00:18:05,334 --> 00:18:07,460 I'm sorry, captain. 268 00:18:07,669 --> 00:18:09,420 So am I. 269 00:18:12,758 --> 00:18:15,009 You're leaving me no choice, ambassador. 270 00:18:15,552 --> 00:18:17,970 - Archer to Mayweather. - Go ahead. 271 00:18:18,138 --> 00:18:21,849 Change of plans, Travis. Lay in a course back to Mazar. 272 00:18:22,059 --> 00:18:23,684 Sir? 273 00:18:23,894 --> 00:18:26,729 - You heard me. - Aye, sir. 274 00:18:27,648 --> 00:18:31,025 You're under strict orders to transport me to the Sh'Raan. 275 00:18:31,568 --> 00:18:33,486 It's more than two days to the rendezvous point, 276 00:18:33,654 --> 00:18:36,280 and there could be other hostile ships tracking us. 277 00:18:36,448 --> 00:18:41,661 Unless you can convince me why it's worth risking all our lives... 278 00:18:59,847 --> 00:19:02,140 The Vulcans are raising holy hell about this, Jon. 279 00:19:02,349 --> 00:19:04,767 You can always order me to take her to the rendezvous point. 280 00:19:04,935 --> 00:19:08,229 You're out there, I'm not. It's your call. 281 00:19:08,605 --> 00:19:10,940 I just want you to know there'll be repercussions. 282 00:19:11,150 --> 00:19:13,442 They certainly considered the repercussions. 283 00:19:13,610 --> 00:19:15,027 They knew someone was after her. 284 00:19:15,195 --> 00:19:17,738 Why risk one of your own ships when you can risk one of ours? 285 00:19:17,906 --> 00:19:19,949 - Jon. - They're doing it to us again, admiral. 286 00:19:20,159 --> 00:19:22,910 - Keeping us in the dark. - Have you talked to the ambassador? 288 00:19:24,329 --> 00:19:27,999 - I've tried. - Maybe she brought this on herself. 289 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:31,169 You did say that she admitted the charges against her were true. 290 00:19:31,378 --> 00:19:34,255 I don't even know what the charges against her are. 291 00:19:34,464 --> 00:19:37,216 Well, I'll talk to Soval, 292 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:39,260 see what I can find out. 293 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:43,556 - You really enjoy this, don't you? - Replacing power couplings? Hardly. 294 00:19:43,724 --> 00:19:45,933 No. I mean, having people shoot at us. 295 00:19:46,101 --> 00:19:49,020 If you must know, I much prefer the shooting back part. 296 00:19:49,188 --> 00:19:51,606 I thought this mission was about peaceful exploration. 297 00:19:51,773 --> 00:19:53,774 I need something to do on this ship, commander. 298 00:19:53,942 --> 00:19:57,653 Fair enough. I'm just hoping we don't keep you quite so busy. 299 00:19:57,821 --> 00:20:01,949 I read those Nuvian masseuses have 12 fingers... 300 00:20:02,784 --> 00:20:04,660 ...on each hand. 301 00:20:04,828 --> 00:20:07,747 Then I'd say Starfleet needs to make its presence known on Risa. 304 00:20:19,801 --> 00:20:23,471 - I hope I'm not interrupting. - Not at all. 305 00:20:23,639 --> 00:20:25,348 We were just talking about my quarters. 306 00:20:25,849 --> 00:20:29,018 I was wondering why they were so sparsely decorated. 307 00:20:30,103 --> 00:20:32,438 If you need anything, it can be brought to you. 308 00:20:32,648 --> 00:20:34,857 Oh, I don't want to be waited on. 309 00:20:35,025 --> 00:20:37,860 And since I doubt I'll be traveling to Earth any time soon, 310 00:20:38,028 --> 00:20:41,197 I decided to spend a little time with my hosts. 311 00:20:41,365 --> 00:20:43,199 Thank you for the use of your quarters. 312 00:20:43,367 --> 00:20:45,368 You'll have them back soon enough. 314 00:20:47,537 --> 00:20:49,413 Sub-commander. 315 00:20:51,708 --> 00:20:53,376 Have you tried iced tea? 316 00:20:53,961 --> 00:20:55,419 I don't care for it. 317 00:20:55,629 --> 00:20:59,548 Captain Archer certainly does. It's flavored with passion fruit, 318 00:20:59,716 --> 00:21:02,426 an appropriate ingredient for him, don't you think? 319 00:21:03,220 --> 00:21:05,846 It was the captain that I wanted to speak to you about. 320 00:21:06,306 --> 00:21:08,683 He's a most intriguing man. 321 00:21:08,892 --> 00:21:10,893 He deserves to be told the truth. 322 00:21:14,189 --> 00:21:16,148 Will you join me? 323 00:21:16,984 --> 00:21:18,442 Please. 324 00:21:18,610 --> 00:21:23,197 We'll be back at Mazar in a few hours. I'd prefer not to waste that time alone. 325 00:21:26,243 --> 00:21:28,661 This must be awkward for you, 326 00:21:28,870 --> 00:21:30,830 having a foot in two worlds, 327 00:21:30,998 --> 00:21:33,582 loyal to your captain, yet still a Vulcan. 328 00:21:34,293 --> 00:21:36,377 You can make things easier for him. 329 00:21:36,962 --> 00:21:39,630 The High Command has requested his assistance. 330 00:21:39,840 --> 00:21:42,174 It doesn't seem unreasonable to ask why. 331 00:21:43,510 --> 00:21:46,470 You believe Captain Archer can be trusted? 332 00:21:46,680 --> 00:21:47,805 Yes. 333 00:21:48,849 --> 00:21:50,891 Even though he clearly doesn't trust us? 334 00:21:51,393 --> 00:21:53,811 He's resentful. 335 00:21:54,354 --> 00:21:55,563 Why? 336 00:21:55,939 --> 00:22:00,109 He believes we held back their development of warp technology. 337 00:22:01,403 --> 00:22:05,031 We've kept many things from them, all for good reason. 338 00:22:05,240 --> 00:22:09,535 But situations like this only reinforce their resentment. 339 00:22:10,162 --> 00:22:13,998 If we expect to continue our relations with humanity, 340 00:22:14,166 --> 00:22:16,042 we have to earn their trust. 341 00:22:16,668 --> 00:22:20,296 I would not have succeeded at my career for 94 years 342 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:22,506 without earning people's trust. 343 00:22:22,883 --> 00:22:24,800 I meant no insult. 344 00:22:25,927 --> 00:22:27,720 Of course not. 345 00:22:27,888 --> 00:22:30,431 You were simply speaking your mind, 346 00:22:31,224 --> 00:22:33,100 as you always have. 347 00:22:34,227 --> 00:22:37,021 It was at Vulcana Regar, wasn't it? 348 00:22:37,189 --> 00:22:39,190 During the second Ka'Tann conference, 349 00:22:39,358 --> 00:22:41,817 you approached me during a recess. 350 00:22:43,278 --> 00:22:47,323 - You remember. - You were not easy to forget. 351 00:22:47,491 --> 00:22:50,034 Your questions about my negotiating tactics 352 00:22:50,202 --> 00:22:53,204 were quite presumptuous coming from one so young. 353 00:22:53,413 --> 00:22:56,707 I apologize if I acted inappropriately. 354 00:22:56,917 --> 00:22:58,751 Not at all. 355 00:22:59,086 --> 00:23:05,383 In fact, your bluntness made me reconsider some of my positions. 356 00:23:06,676 --> 00:23:09,095 Much as it has now. 357 00:23:11,848 --> 00:23:13,474 T'Pol, 358 00:23:13,642 --> 00:23:15,434 I have something to tell you. 360 00:23:22,484 --> 00:23:23,901 Come in. 361 00:23:27,739 --> 00:23:29,782 Something wrong? 362 00:23:31,952 --> 00:23:35,746 I took the liberty of speaking with Ambassador V'Lar. 363 00:23:36,498 --> 00:23:38,124 Go on. 364 00:23:39,376 --> 00:23:41,168 Any luck? 365 00:23:42,087 --> 00:23:45,631 The ambassador and I spent the last two hours talking. 366 00:23:46,049 --> 00:23:50,344 She's even more remarkable than her reputation suggests. 367 00:23:51,555 --> 00:23:53,639 I don't doubt that, 368 00:23:54,266 --> 00:23:58,018 - but it doesn't affect my decision. - I believe it should. 369 00:23:58,353 --> 00:24:01,105 She's not guilty of the crime she's been accused of. 370 00:24:02,774 --> 00:24:04,066 She told you that? 371 00:24:04,234 --> 00:24:06,819 The charges were fabricated to get her off Mazar 372 00:24:06,987 --> 00:24:09,071 and divert attention from her actual mission. 373 00:24:09,239 --> 00:24:12,283 - Which is? - She can't reveal that. 375 00:24:13,702 --> 00:24:17,580 But she's convinced me that it's critical we help her accomplish it. 376 00:24:19,666 --> 00:24:22,042 I'm sorry, T'Pol, 377 00:24:22,210 --> 00:24:25,171 but I'm gonna need more than that. 378 00:24:26,173 --> 00:24:30,217 She also told me that if we return her to Mazar, 379 00:24:30,385 --> 00:24:31,719 she'll be killed. 380 00:24:34,055 --> 00:24:36,724 - By who? - She wouldn't tell me. 381 00:24:36,933 --> 00:24:38,559 - But you believed her? - Yes. 382 00:24:38,727 --> 00:24:40,060 Why? 383 00:24:41,855 --> 00:24:46,525 I can't accept that she'd sacrifice a lifetime of accomplishments 384 00:24:46,693 --> 00:24:49,487 with an act of criminal misconduct. 385 00:24:50,113 --> 00:24:53,532 - It happens all the time. - Not to her. 386 00:24:53,742 --> 00:24:55,868 We must take her to the Sh'Raan. 387 00:24:57,204 --> 00:25:01,332 You're asking me to put the lives of everyone onboard in jeopardy 388 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:05,503 based on your talking to this woman for a couple of hours. 389 00:25:13,470 --> 00:25:14,762 Captain... 390 00:25:17,307 --> 00:25:22,102 ...since I've served aboard Enterprise, I've never asked you for anything. 391 00:25:23,522 --> 00:25:25,606 I'm asking for this now: 392 00:25:25,774 --> 00:25:28,859 Don't return the ambassador to Mazar. 393 00:25:30,195 --> 00:25:31,820 Please. 394 00:25:40,372 --> 00:25:42,164 Thank you. 395 00:26:05,605 --> 00:26:08,816 Our Mazarite friends, sir. And they've brought company. 396 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:10,484 Why didn't we see them coming? 397 00:26:10,652 --> 00:26:13,612 Our aft sensors are still out of alignment. 398 00:26:13,989 --> 00:26:15,489 They're targeting our engines. 399 00:26:15,699 --> 00:26:17,866 We could drop to impulse, use the phase cannons. 400 00:26:18,034 --> 00:26:20,369 And go three against one? 401 00:26:21,454 --> 00:26:23,372 You're familiar with the Mazarites. 402 00:26:23,540 --> 00:26:25,708 - What's their top speed? - Comparable to Starfleet. 403 00:26:25,875 --> 00:26:29,169 I don't believe they've exceeded warp 5. 404 00:26:29,337 --> 00:26:31,380 Then let's give them a run for their money. 405 00:26:31,548 --> 00:26:36,552 - Travis, increase speed to warp 4.8. - Aye, sir. 406 00:26:40,765 --> 00:26:43,434 Warp 4.8. 407 00:26:43,643 --> 00:26:47,730 They're matching our speed and accelerating. Warp 4.9. 408 00:26:47,939 --> 00:26:51,984 They're closing to 20,000 kilometers. 15. 409 00:26:54,070 --> 00:26:55,821 Travis? 410 00:26:55,989 --> 00:26:58,449 Warp 4.9. 412 00:27:06,833 --> 00:27:09,043 They're holding at 4.9, sir. 413 00:27:09,252 --> 00:27:11,462 How far to the rendezvous point? 414 00:27:11,630 --> 00:27:14,173 At this speed, a little over two hours. 415 00:27:14,341 --> 00:27:17,426 But I don't think we can hold it that long. 416 00:27:18,345 --> 00:27:20,346 Can we get a message through to the Vulcans? 417 00:27:20,513 --> 00:27:23,474 - The Mazarites are still jamming us. - Keep trying. 418 00:27:25,352 --> 00:27:28,270 That Vulcan ship better not be late. 419 00:27:29,022 --> 00:27:30,564 Captain? 420 00:27:31,816 --> 00:27:33,192 What's our situation? 421 00:27:37,155 --> 00:27:39,823 We're being chased by three Mazarite ships. 422 00:27:40,950 --> 00:27:44,411 Will we reach the Sh'Raan before they can do any more damage? 423 00:27:47,999 --> 00:27:49,833 I'm not sure. 424 00:27:55,507 --> 00:27:58,342 In that case, I need to speak with you. 425 00:28:06,059 --> 00:28:09,353 I have to consider the possibility that this mission will fail. 426 00:28:09,562 --> 00:28:12,648 You still haven't told me what this mission is. 427 00:28:12,857 --> 00:28:16,068 I've been under orders to tell you only what you need to know. 428 00:28:16,277 --> 00:28:19,238 But that wasn't the only reason I kept things from you. 429 00:28:20,407 --> 00:28:21,824 I didn't trust you. 430 00:28:23,326 --> 00:28:27,955 As your Mr. Tucker pointed out, I have been around a long time. 431 00:28:28,123 --> 00:28:32,126 I remember when news of your people first reached Vulcan. 432 00:28:32,293 --> 00:28:35,796 I was fascinated by humanity, 433 00:28:35,964 --> 00:28:37,464 but worried as well. 434 00:28:38,258 --> 00:28:39,508 You hadn't even met us. 435 00:28:39,676 --> 00:28:42,886 You had just emerged from a global war. 436 00:28:43,054 --> 00:28:45,180 The idea that you deemed yourselves 437 00:28:45,348 --> 00:28:48,976 ready to join the interstellar community seemed... 438 00:28:49,144 --> 00:28:50,436 ...premature. 439 00:28:51,020 --> 00:28:55,232 And a century of good behavior hasn't changed your mind? 440 00:29:05,368 --> 00:29:07,828 The Mazarites pursuing us are criminals. 441 00:29:08,872 --> 00:29:10,789 They are membersof an organization 442 00:29:10,957 --> 00:29:13,208 that's infiltrated all levels of government, 443 00:29:13,418 --> 00:29:16,295 making themselves wealthy and powerful, 444 00:29:16,463 --> 00:29:20,549 at the expense of many innocent victims. 445 00:29:22,177 --> 00:29:28,474 Their methods include eliminating anyone who stands in their way. 446 00:29:28,975 --> 00:29:30,559 And that would include you? 447 00:29:32,020 --> 00:29:36,732 Many Mazarites want their government purged of this corruption. 448 00:29:36,900 --> 00:29:41,320 They asked the Vulcan consulate to help them expose these criminals. 449 00:29:41,529 --> 00:29:44,239 And that job fell to you? 450 00:29:44,741 --> 00:29:48,243 I have been gathering evidence against them. 451 00:29:48,411 --> 00:29:51,163 In 3 months, I will be called to testify. 452 00:29:51,873 --> 00:29:56,043 It was decided that, until then, I would be safer on Vulcan. 453 00:29:56,211 --> 00:29:57,961 Why couldn't you tell us? 454 00:29:58,630 --> 00:30:02,090 The investigation was considered too sensitive. 455 00:30:02,300 --> 00:30:05,177 And the story of you being recalled in disgrace... 456 00:30:05,345 --> 00:30:10,891 It was hoped that if my reputation were sullied, 457 00:30:11,059 --> 00:30:13,352 they would not consider me a credible witness, 458 00:30:13,561 --> 00:30:16,230 and they might not come after me. 459 00:30:16,397 --> 00:30:18,357 Obviously, it didn't work. 460 00:30:19,400 --> 00:30:21,735 The corruption ran deeper than I thought. 461 00:30:24,656 --> 00:30:26,448 I appreciate... 462 00:30:27,700 --> 00:30:29,535 ...you telling me the truth. 463 00:30:31,371 --> 00:30:35,958 I can no longer put you and your crew in danger, captain. 464 00:30:36,125 --> 00:30:38,001 Please drop out of warp. 465 00:30:39,462 --> 00:30:42,756 I plan to surrender myself to them. 466 00:30:46,553 --> 00:30:48,971 It hasn't gotten to that yet. 467 00:30:53,226 --> 00:30:56,395 It's the most logical course of action. 468 00:30:58,064 --> 00:31:00,732 If you've learned anything about humans, you'd know... 469 00:31:01,734 --> 00:31:05,696 ...we don't always take the most logical course of action. 471 00:31:07,073 --> 00:31:09,741 Captain, report to the bridge. 472 00:31:12,996 --> 00:31:14,997 - They're hailing us. - What's our status? 473 00:31:15,164 --> 00:31:18,166 Holding at warp 4.9, but Commander Tucker doesn't believe 474 00:31:18,334 --> 00:31:21,503 we can sustain it for more than another ten minutes. 475 00:31:21,671 --> 00:31:23,505 I don't believe they can either, sir. 476 00:31:23,715 --> 00:31:27,676 They're releasing drive plasma to keep their warp coils from overloading. 477 00:31:28,094 --> 00:31:29,845 Open a channel. 478 00:31:30,889 --> 00:31:33,557 Captain. Ambassador. 479 00:31:34,726 --> 00:31:37,686 - What do you want? - Just giving you a friendly warning. 480 00:31:37,854 --> 00:31:40,439 Are you aware that your engines are overheating? 481 00:31:40,815 --> 00:31:42,232 So are yours. 482 00:31:43,776 --> 00:31:46,069 We have no quarrel with you. 483 00:31:46,237 --> 00:31:48,113 Give us the Vulcan and you'll be free to go. 484 00:31:49,365 --> 00:31:51,617 I have a better idea. 485 00:31:52,410 --> 00:31:55,037 Why don't you slow down before your engines explode. 486 00:31:58,207 --> 00:32:01,919 Why would you risk the lives of your crew for this criminal? 487 00:32:02,378 --> 00:32:06,298 I've been ordered to deliver her safely to the Vulcans. 488 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:09,092 And that's exactly what I plan to do. 489 00:32:14,015 --> 00:32:15,849 They're increasing speed. 490 00:32:16,017 --> 00:32:17,809 Warp 4.95. 491 00:32:18,019 --> 00:32:19,728 They're re-entering weapons range, sir. 492 00:32:22,440 --> 00:32:23,690 Archer to Engineering. 493 00:32:23,900 --> 00:32:26,193 Please tell me you're ready to slow down. 494 00:32:26,361 --> 00:32:28,654 Sorry, Trip, but we need a little more speed. 495 00:32:28,821 --> 00:32:30,614 I don't know how much more I can give you. 496 00:32:31,032 --> 00:32:34,368 - It's called a Warp 5 engine. - On paper. 497 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:38,538 We don't have any choice, Trip. 498 00:32:40,166 --> 00:32:41,375 Aye, sir. 499 00:32:43,586 --> 00:32:45,295 Ambassador. 500 00:32:54,514 --> 00:32:56,264 Warp 5. 501 00:33:00,103 --> 00:33:01,895 4.93. 502 00:33:04,190 --> 00:33:05,983 4.95. 504 00:33:11,239 --> 00:33:13,240 Don't take your eyes off that antimatter stream. 505 00:33:13,408 --> 00:33:14,992 Yes, sir. 506 00:33:24,168 --> 00:33:25,919 4.97. 507 00:33:28,256 --> 00:33:30,424 They're matching our speed. 508 00:33:34,178 --> 00:33:36,096 4.99. 509 00:33:38,516 --> 00:33:40,892 Warp 5. 511 00:33:51,446 --> 00:33:52,988 They're still gaining on us. 512 00:34:04,375 --> 00:34:06,793 How far to the Vulcan ship? 513 00:34:06,961 --> 00:34:10,255 Their jamming signal is disrupting our sensors as well. 514 00:34:10,423 --> 00:34:13,800 Then use their last known position and do the math. 515 00:34:14,385 --> 00:34:16,261 Take a guess. 516 00:34:17,513 --> 00:34:19,765 If we could maintain our present speed, 517 00:34:19,932 --> 00:34:21,933 approximately 53 minutes. 518 00:34:22,101 --> 00:34:25,312 The Mazarites will be in firing range long before then. 519 00:34:26,272 --> 00:34:29,524 What if we could get a message through? 520 00:34:29,692 --> 00:34:32,027 Tell them to get here as fast as they can. 521 00:34:32,195 --> 00:34:34,654 The Sh'Raan is capable of warp 7. 522 00:34:34,822 --> 00:34:37,866 If we could maintain warp 5, 523 00:34:38,034 --> 00:34:40,160 we'd reach them in 12 minutes. 524 00:34:40,745 --> 00:34:42,204 Hoshi. 525 00:34:42,371 --> 00:34:44,706 Any way you can get a message through the interference? 526 00:34:44,874 --> 00:34:46,875 I don't see how, sir. 527 00:34:47,960 --> 00:34:50,462 There's a diplomatic frequency we sometimes use. 528 00:34:50,630 --> 00:34:54,841 It's in a lower subspace band. I doubt the Mazarites are aware of it. 529 00:34:55,009 --> 00:34:58,553 It's been a few years since I did this. 530 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:01,765 If we do get a message through to the Vulcans, 531 00:35:01,933 --> 00:35:04,601 we don't want the Mazarites to see them coming. 532 00:35:04,769 --> 00:35:07,062 We could try deflecting their jamming signal, sir. 533 00:35:07,230 --> 00:35:09,981 Use it to blind their sensors as well. 534 00:35:10,149 --> 00:35:11,900 - See what you can do. - Aye, sir. 536 00:35:14,654 --> 00:35:16,530 Hoshi? 537 00:35:16,697 --> 00:35:20,659 We may have gotten a message through to them, sir, but I'm not sure. 538 00:35:20,827 --> 00:35:23,203 Wouldn't they respond? 541 00:35:31,379 --> 00:35:32,629 Tucker to the Bridge! 542 00:35:33,005 --> 00:35:35,173 - Go ahead. - The port injectors just blew! 543 00:35:35,383 --> 00:35:38,760 - We've gotta slow down, captain! - I got it! I got it! 544 00:35:39,720 --> 00:35:42,347 - Hoshi? - The com just went down, sir. 545 00:35:42,557 --> 00:35:44,266 They're right on top of us. 546 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:47,352 - How long? - 8 minutes. 547 00:35:55,570 --> 00:35:57,529 That's a direct hit to our starboard nacelle. 548 00:35:57,697 --> 00:35:59,906 We're dropping to impulse. 550 00:36:10,209 --> 00:36:11,960 They're hailing us. 551 00:36:15,631 --> 00:36:17,257 How long now? 552 00:36:17,842 --> 00:36:19,968 If they received our message, 553 00:36:20,136 --> 00:36:22,596 - another 10 minutes. - I thought it was down to eight. 554 00:36:22,763 --> 00:36:24,890 That was before we dropped out of warp. 555 00:36:25,057 --> 00:36:27,267 We can't hold off their ships for that long. 556 00:36:28,603 --> 00:36:31,438 You've done your best, captain, and I thank you for it. 557 00:36:32,231 --> 00:36:35,817 But it's time for me to turn myself over to them. 558 00:36:36,402 --> 00:36:39,029 We just need to buy 10 more minutes. 559 00:36:39,197 --> 00:36:41,907 - Captain... - I want you to go to Sickbay. 560 00:36:43,117 --> 00:36:45,535 - Sickbay? - I'll explain later. 561 00:36:45,703 --> 00:36:50,332 If there was ever a time to start trusting us, this would be it. 562 00:37:03,679 --> 00:37:04,930 Put him through. 563 00:37:06,098 --> 00:37:07,599 Give us the Vulcan. 564 00:37:07,767 --> 00:37:12,437 You know, I honestly didn't think you'd be able to catch us. 565 00:37:13,189 --> 00:37:15,315 Just out of curiosity, 566 00:37:15,483 --> 00:37:17,025 how fast do your ships go? 567 00:37:17,235 --> 00:37:20,654 Put her on a shuttle and bring her to our lead vessel. 568 00:37:21,322 --> 00:37:22,656 That could be a problem. 569 00:37:22,990 --> 00:37:25,116 Our shuttlebay was damaged, thanks to you. 570 00:37:25,284 --> 00:37:28,286 I doubt we could launch a shuttlepod until it's repaired. 571 00:37:28,454 --> 00:37:29,996 What? 572 00:37:31,249 --> 00:37:34,167 What would you have topped out at? Warp 5.5? 573 00:37:34,585 --> 00:37:37,629 Warp 6? I can't imagine you could do much more than that. 574 00:37:37,797 --> 00:37:40,006 Your engines were starting to run pretty hot. 575 00:37:40,216 --> 00:37:41,383 Prepare to be boarded. 576 00:37:42,802 --> 00:37:45,095 Malcolm, I'm counting on you. 577 00:37:46,639 --> 00:37:48,265 T'Pol. 578 00:38:00,278 --> 00:38:01,736 Okay. 579 00:38:05,783 --> 00:38:07,575 Where is she? 580 00:38:08,035 --> 00:38:11,413 Your last attack blew out systems across half the ship. 581 00:38:11,580 --> 00:38:15,625 Power's down in Engineering, a plasma conduit exploded on E Deck. 582 00:38:15,793 --> 00:38:19,546 I didn't ask for a damage report. Where is she? 583 00:38:19,714 --> 00:38:21,631 I was getting to that. 584 00:38:21,799 --> 00:38:24,426 Her quarters are on E Deck. 585 00:38:24,593 --> 00:38:28,179 She was no more than ten meters away when the conduit blew. 586 00:38:28,347 --> 00:38:30,181 Her injuries are extensive. 587 00:38:30,349 --> 00:38:34,102 Plasma burns, neurological trauma. 588 00:38:35,688 --> 00:38:37,439 I wanna see her. 589 00:38:42,611 --> 00:38:44,821 This is Dr. Phlox. 590 00:38:46,198 --> 00:38:50,201 - The Vulcan? - Undergoing dermal regeneration. 591 00:38:51,579 --> 00:38:53,163 Open it. 592 00:38:53,748 --> 00:38:55,206 I will not. 593 00:38:55,833 --> 00:38:58,543 I don't know what business you have, but when she was brought in, 594 00:38:58,711 --> 00:38:59,878 she became my patient. 595 00:39:00,046 --> 00:39:02,839 If I remove her from the imaging chamber prematurely, she'll die. 596 00:39:09,013 --> 00:39:10,430 Open it. 598 00:39:14,435 --> 00:39:15,477 Yes? 599 00:39:15,644 --> 00:39:17,812 Our sensors just went down, captain. 600 00:39:17,980 --> 00:39:19,939 - What's causing it? - Enterprise is redirecting 601 00:39:20,149 --> 00:39:21,566 our jamming signal. 602 00:39:29,658 --> 00:39:31,618 No! 604 00:40:02,942 --> 00:40:04,609 Report! 605 00:40:05,694 --> 00:40:08,238 Answer me! What's going on? 606 00:40:08,823 --> 00:40:10,949 I imagine they have their hands full right now. 608 00:40:15,204 --> 00:40:17,705 I believe that's the Sh'Raan. 609 00:40:18,457 --> 00:40:21,167 She's a Vulcan combat cruiser. One of their most powerful, 610 00:40:21,377 --> 00:40:22,627 if I'm not mistaken. 612 00:40:24,171 --> 00:40:25,672 Sir, the captain of the Sh'Raan 613 00:40:25,840 --> 00:40:27,215 wants to speak to you. 614 00:40:33,347 --> 00:40:35,014 Put it up. 615 00:40:35,891 --> 00:40:39,561 Captain Archer, are you in any danger? 616 00:40:41,939 --> 00:40:43,273 You could say that. 617 00:40:43,441 --> 00:40:46,192 Tell the Mazarites to turn their weapons over immediately, 618 00:40:46,360 --> 00:40:49,571 or we'll destroy their ships. 619 00:40:59,039 --> 00:41:01,583 We'll be standing by, captain. 620 00:41:01,750 --> 00:41:03,376 Thank you. 621 00:41:06,714 --> 00:41:09,007 We did what we came to do. 622 00:41:09,258 --> 00:41:11,217 That's all that matters. 623 00:41:14,013 --> 00:41:16,806 I am sorry to disappoint you. 624 00:41:20,394 --> 00:41:25,231 I look forward to adding this incident to my testimony at your trial. 625 00:41:43,501 --> 00:41:47,962 Captain's starlog, February 9th, 2152. 626 00:41:48,130 --> 00:41:51,508 The Vulcans have allowed the Mazarites to leave. 627 00:41:51,675 --> 00:41:55,136 Ambassador V'Lar says there's a good reason for doing so, 628 00:41:55,304 --> 00:41:58,723 though she's certainly not sharing it with me. 630 00:42:05,481 --> 00:42:09,651 Someday I'd like to walk into a room without it seeming like a state visit. 631 00:42:09,818 --> 00:42:11,194 Occupational hazard? 632 00:42:13,280 --> 00:42:15,573 I'll be along in a moment. 633 00:42:17,868 --> 00:42:19,244 Thank you, captain. 634 00:42:20,246 --> 00:42:23,331 I'm sorry for the trouble I've caused you and your crew. 635 00:42:23,999 --> 00:42:25,667 We're glad we could help. 636 00:42:28,420 --> 00:42:31,714 I sense a great bond between you, 637 00:42:31,882 --> 00:42:35,635 a bond of trust and respect. 638 00:42:35,803 --> 00:42:37,720 But also... 639 00:42:38,389 --> 00:42:40,848 ...a bond of friendship. 640 00:42:42,810 --> 00:42:47,480 I think it bodes well for the future relations of our two peoples. 641 00:42:53,946 --> 00:42:55,238 Goodbye, ambassador. 642 00:43:02,454 --> 00:43:05,582 Live long... and prosper.