1 00:00:07,424 --> 00:00:09,133 I thought Cajun food was hot. 2 00:00:15,390 --> 00:00:20,728 D'Marr, what did you call that spice? 3 00:00:20,937 --> 00:00:22,021 Hajjlaran. 4 00:00:22,188 --> 00:00:25,024 The warlords on Preenos use it to test their courage. 5 00:00:26,943 --> 00:00:28,694 You're sure you won't have some? 6 00:00:28,903 --> 00:00:30,863 My courage doesn't need testing. 7 00:00:31,072 --> 00:00:32,823 I have other items to trade. 8 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:37,995 I can get you some Triaxian silk for, say, 9 00:00:38,163 --> 00:00:40,372 another protein resequencer? 10 00:00:40,582 --> 00:00:43,083 I bet you'd look good in Triaxian silk. 11 00:00:43,293 --> 00:00:46,336 What we really need are engineering supplies. 12 00:00:46,504 --> 00:00:49,715 - Raw duratanium, dilithium ore. - I'm sorry. 13 00:00:49,924 --> 00:00:53,552 I prefer to deal in more exotic goods. 14 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:57,639 But about 2 days from here, there's a small system. 15 00:00:57,807 --> 00:00:59,767 You might find what you're looking for there. 16 00:00:59,976 --> 00:01:01,769 We haven't detected any inhabited planets 17 00:01:01,936 --> 00:01:03,479 on long-range scans. 18 00:01:03,688 --> 00:01:06,398 It's not inhabited. Not exactly. 19 00:01:07,484 --> 00:01:08,525 What do you mean? 20 00:01:10,779 --> 00:01:12,905 This is excellent. What is it, again? 21 00:01:13,615 --> 00:01:15,074 Coffee. 22 00:01:15,241 --> 00:01:20,079 I can have my chef wrap up a few kilograms for you, 23 00:01:20,246 --> 00:01:24,333 if you wouldn't mind telling us where we can find those supplies. 24 00:01:25,126 --> 00:01:29,004 Captain, please. This isn't a matter of negotiation. 25 00:01:29,172 --> 00:01:30,839 I'm thinking of your safety. 26 00:01:35,470 --> 00:01:36,637 10 kilos? 27 00:01:37,097 --> 00:01:39,306 It's pure luck that I even found it. 28 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:41,558 - Found what? - A ship. 29 00:01:41,726 --> 00:01:44,269 Crashed on one of the inner planets. 30 00:01:44,437 --> 00:01:45,771 There were no life-signs aboard, 31 00:01:45,939 --> 00:01:50,275 so I landed to claim my rights of salvage. 32 00:01:50,485 --> 00:01:51,735 What did you find? 33 00:01:51,903 --> 00:01:54,696 A transport vessel, largely intact. 34 00:01:54,906 --> 00:01:57,533 I could have stripped it bare and made a fortune. 35 00:01:57,742 --> 00:01:58,909 Why didn't you? 36 00:01:59,702 --> 00:02:02,830 The crew objected. 37 00:02:03,665 --> 00:02:06,333 You said there weren't any life-signs aboard. 38 00:02:06,543 --> 00:02:08,043 There weren't. 39 00:02:08,211 --> 00:02:11,421 There wasn't anything alive. 40 00:02:12,966 --> 00:02:14,925 What are you saying, the ship was haunted? 41 00:03:51,105 --> 00:03:52,773 The atmosphere is thin, but breathable. 42 00:03:52,941 --> 00:03:56,401 - Any bio-signs? - As the trader said, none. 43 00:03:56,736 --> 00:03:58,237 I've located the ship, sir. 44 00:03:59,739 --> 00:04:00,864 Let's see it. 45 00:04:03,576 --> 00:04:05,244 No power signatures. 46 00:04:05,453 --> 00:04:07,162 It appears to be deserted. 47 00:04:07,372 --> 00:04:09,665 But are your sensors calibrated for ghosts? 48 00:04:10,917 --> 00:04:12,626 So far, D'Marr's batting 1.000. 49 00:04:12,794 --> 00:04:16,755 I'm reading duratanium, beryllium and dilithium. 50 00:04:16,965 --> 00:04:18,382 I wonder what caused the crash. 51 00:04:18,591 --> 00:04:20,634 There's no way to tell without a closer look. 52 00:04:20,843 --> 00:04:22,302 Let's get down there. 53 00:04:22,512 --> 00:04:23,845 Are we sure that's a good idea? 54 00:04:24,847 --> 00:04:26,723 You're not afraid it's really haunted, are you? 55 00:04:27,517 --> 00:04:30,018 We don't know what happened to the crew. 56 00:04:30,186 --> 00:04:32,771 That ship could be a tomb. 57 00:04:32,939 --> 00:04:36,108 You really think we should be picking through it for spare parts, sir? 58 00:04:36,317 --> 00:04:39,319 D'Marr didn't say anything about bodies. 59 00:04:39,654 --> 00:04:42,531 Captain, we've taken more damage out here than we ever expected to. 60 00:04:42,699 --> 00:04:45,826 There's enough duratanium down there to patch a lot of hull fractures. 61 00:04:48,705 --> 00:04:50,497 Let's pay her a visit. 62 00:04:50,665 --> 00:04:53,500 If we feel the spirits don't want us there, we'll leave. 63 00:04:53,835 --> 00:04:55,836 - Malcolm, you have the bridge. - Aye, sir. 64 00:04:56,004 --> 00:04:58,880 Travis, you're driving. 65 00:05:23,656 --> 00:05:25,240 T'Pol? 66 00:05:25,450 --> 00:05:27,117 Nothing. 67 00:05:27,785 --> 00:05:31,788 According to D'Marr, Engineering should be that way. 68 00:05:31,998 --> 00:05:33,373 You and T'Pol check it out. 69 00:05:33,541 --> 00:05:36,626 Com us if you find anything we can use. 70 00:05:37,086 --> 00:05:41,840 Or if you see any signs of the crew. 71 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:43,258 Aye, captain. 72 00:05:54,103 --> 00:05:56,313 Everything okay, Travis? 73 00:05:56,731 --> 00:05:59,733 Yes, sir. I was just wondering. 74 00:05:59,901 --> 00:06:02,194 If that trader left in such a hurry, 75 00:06:02,362 --> 00:06:04,738 why did he bother to close the hatch behind him? 77 00:06:38,689 --> 00:06:41,775 - What is it? - I heard something. 78 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:45,779 Rats, maybe? 79 00:06:49,951 --> 00:06:51,535 No. 80 00:06:52,286 --> 00:06:54,955 Then you probably imagined it. 81 00:06:56,874 --> 00:06:59,126 Vulcans don't imagine things. 82 00:06:59,293 --> 00:07:01,420 It's nothing to be ashamed of. 83 00:07:01,587 --> 00:07:03,547 A spooky ship, missing crew, 84 00:07:03,714 --> 00:07:06,174 things going bump in the night. 85 00:07:06,342 --> 00:07:08,802 It would give anybody the creeps. 86 00:07:12,807 --> 00:07:14,641 "The creeps"? 87 00:07:14,809 --> 00:07:17,978 Yeah, willies. Heebie-jeebies. 88 00:07:18,688 --> 00:07:20,981 Don't you get frightened every once in a while? 89 00:07:21,357 --> 00:07:22,691 No. 90 00:07:22,859 --> 00:07:25,444 - Not by anything? - No. 91 00:07:26,654 --> 00:07:28,280 Too bad. 92 00:07:28,448 --> 00:07:30,824 Nothing like a good scare. 93 00:07:35,872 --> 00:07:38,832 What do you think that trader really saw down here, sir? 94 00:07:39,000 --> 00:07:40,500 I don't know. 95 00:07:40,668 --> 00:07:44,754 Maybe someone else wanted to salvage this wreck 96 00:07:44,922 --> 00:07:48,091 - and they were trying to scare him off. - That makes sense, 97 00:07:48,259 --> 00:07:52,387 except scavengers would have stripped this ship to the keel. 98 00:07:52,597 --> 00:07:56,183 This isn't turning into one of your famous ghost stories, is it? 99 00:07:56,350 --> 00:07:59,019 Would make a good one, sir. 100 00:08:01,772 --> 00:08:05,775 What do you think? Computer terminal? 101 00:08:10,448 --> 00:08:13,450 Yes, sir. There's no power, 102 00:08:13,618 --> 00:08:15,785 but the data modules look intact. 103 00:08:15,953 --> 00:08:17,537 Let's get them back to the ship. 104 00:08:17,705 --> 00:08:20,290 See if we can find out what happened here. 105 00:08:20,500 --> 00:08:22,751 It's dilithium, all right. 108 00:08:27,215 --> 00:08:30,008 - Something wrong? - No. 109 00:08:30,176 --> 00:08:32,719 The crystals are in perfect shape. 110 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:36,306 It wouldn't be that hard to get this ship flying again. 111 00:08:38,976 --> 00:08:42,103 - What is it? - There's someone here. 112 00:08:43,314 --> 00:08:45,190 You said there weren't any bio-signs. 113 00:08:45,733 --> 00:08:47,067 There aren't. 114 00:08:47,235 --> 00:08:49,945 If you're trying to scare me, I appreciate the effort, but... 116 00:08:54,867 --> 00:08:57,202 - Tucker to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 117 00:08:57,370 --> 00:08:58,662 We're not alone down here. 118 00:08:58,829 --> 00:09:00,664 We're on our way. 119 00:09:18,975 --> 00:09:21,560 There's a space behind this bulkhead. 120 00:09:56,637 --> 00:09:58,972 Why didn't any of this show up on sensors? 121 00:09:59,140 --> 00:10:02,726 There appears to be a dampening field in this section of the ship. 122 00:10:02,893 --> 00:10:04,978 What's generating it? 123 00:10:06,355 --> 00:10:09,608 I'm reading a power source, but I can't pinpoint its location. 124 00:10:09,775 --> 00:10:12,152 Then let's do some pinpointing. 125 00:10:21,120 --> 00:10:22,871 Hi. 126 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:28,460 Sorry. It's okay. 127 00:10:28,919 --> 00:10:30,503 I'm not gonna hurt you. 128 00:10:31,756 --> 00:10:33,214 Hey! T'Pol! 129 00:10:57,740 --> 00:11:01,493 We were on our way back from our colony on Kotara Barath. 130 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:03,953 We came under attack as we passed this system. 131 00:11:04,163 --> 00:11:06,373 - Who attacked you? - They didn't introduce themselves, 132 00:11:06,540 --> 00:11:08,833 - they just opened fire. - We're a supply ship. 133 00:11:09,001 --> 00:11:12,712 We don't carry large weapons. We tried to defend ourselves. 134 00:11:12,922 --> 00:11:16,758 The captain was able to make a crash landing. It's a miracle we all survived. 135 00:11:16,967 --> 00:11:18,468 Didn't you send out a distress call? 136 00:11:18,678 --> 00:11:20,720 It would have let the raiders know where we were. 137 00:11:21,138 --> 00:11:23,515 So you set up this dampening field to hide? 138 00:11:23,683 --> 00:11:27,060 We were afraid they'd come down and finish what they started. 139 00:11:27,478 --> 00:11:28,978 How long have you been here? 140 00:11:29,188 --> 00:11:31,481 - Nearly 3 years. - 3 years? 141 00:11:32,024 --> 00:11:34,693 You've made quite a home for yourselves here. 142 00:11:34,860 --> 00:11:38,071 - We didn't have much choice. - Well, you do now. 143 00:11:38,239 --> 00:11:41,825 Our ship is big enough for all of you. We can take you home. 144 00:11:42,576 --> 00:11:47,080 You're very generous, captain, but our world is over a year away. 145 00:11:47,289 --> 00:11:49,124 Well, we can't just leave you here. 146 00:11:49,333 --> 00:11:52,669 As you say, we've made a home for ourselves. 147 00:11:56,882 --> 00:12:00,135 - What about their engines? - Their dilithium matrix is stable. 148 00:12:00,302 --> 00:12:03,012 They've got plenty of antimatter reserves. 149 00:12:03,264 --> 00:12:05,140 I think we can get this ship flying. 150 00:12:05,349 --> 00:12:08,643 We've tried, believe me. 151 00:12:10,438 --> 00:12:13,648 We have resources you may not have. 152 00:12:14,650 --> 00:12:16,025 It's worth a shot. 153 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:19,112 Thank you, captain. 155 00:12:58,235 --> 00:13:02,113 You startled me. That's twice in one day. 156 00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:06,576 You ever say anything? 157 00:13:07,787 --> 00:13:10,830 Unless you're unable to say anything, 158 00:13:11,165 --> 00:13:13,958 in which case I apologize. 160 00:13:33,646 --> 00:13:35,480 Don't touch that. 161 00:13:36,607 --> 00:13:40,109 The power's been routed to our living area through that relay. 162 00:13:40,319 --> 00:13:42,237 It's very dangerous. 163 00:13:42,404 --> 00:13:45,365 I'm glad you finally decided to speak up. 164 00:13:45,783 --> 00:13:49,118 - Thanks. - You're welcome. 165 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:51,996 You... 166 00:13:53,374 --> 00:13:56,042 ...know a lot about your ship's systems? 167 00:13:56,544 --> 00:13:58,837 My father's the engineer. 168 00:13:59,004 --> 00:14:01,381 He taught me how things work. 169 00:14:02,299 --> 00:14:04,592 Well, stick around, then. 170 00:14:05,594 --> 00:14:09,055 You can warn me about whatever else I need to keep my hands off of. 171 00:14:09,223 --> 00:14:12,308 He's busy. Don't bother him, Liana. 172 00:14:14,770 --> 00:14:17,897 It's okay. I could use the company. 173 00:14:18,065 --> 00:14:20,733 My daughter has other responsibilities. 174 00:14:38,043 --> 00:14:40,169 These relays are cross-circuited. 175 00:14:40,337 --> 00:14:43,131 Liana and her father rerouted power where they needed it. 176 00:14:43,299 --> 00:14:48,136 See here? They shunted helm control to airponics. 177 00:14:48,304 --> 00:14:49,971 Efficient. 178 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:52,098 But I'll need to reconnect the bridge systems. 179 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:54,934 - I'll ask Liana to give you a hand. - That's not necessary. 180 00:14:55,102 --> 00:14:57,520 - It'll go faster. - I can take care of it. 181 00:14:57,688 --> 00:14:59,814 She knows the ship's systems inside and out. 182 00:14:59,982 --> 00:15:03,026 She kept me from getting fried on a live plasma feed. 183 00:15:03,986 --> 00:15:06,029 Perhaps she can help you, then. 184 00:15:06,238 --> 00:15:08,197 What's that supposed to mean? 185 00:15:08,407 --> 00:15:09,991 By the way you keep talking about her, 186 00:15:10,159 --> 00:15:13,411 you obviously appreciate her technical expertise. 187 00:15:13,621 --> 00:15:14,871 She's very competent. 188 00:15:15,456 --> 00:15:18,166 So was the female engineer on the Xyrillian ship. 189 00:15:18,375 --> 00:15:20,627 You're never gonna let that go, are you? 190 00:15:20,794 --> 00:15:24,505 I'm simply noting that the last time you found someone this competent, 191 00:15:24,673 --> 00:15:26,507 you wound up carrying her child. 192 00:15:28,636 --> 00:15:30,845 Am I interrupting? 193 00:15:31,430 --> 00:15:32,513 Not at all. 194 00:15:32,932 --> 00:15:34,724 Commander Tucker and I were just discussing 195 00:15:34,892 --> 00:15:38,102 his previous repair experience. 196 00:15:39,104 --> 00:15:40,980 I thought you might like something to eat. 197 00:15:41,190 --> 00:15:42,815 No thank you. 198 00:15:43,943 --> 00:15:46,110 I'm going to remove those power shunts on the bridge. 199 00:15:56,789 --> 00:15:58,498 Are you hungry? 200 00:15:58,666 --> 00:16:00,416 Thanks. 202 00:16:13,555 --> 00:16:15,139 It's delicious. What is it? 203 00:16:15,307 --> 00:16:18,893 It's called lorella. We grow it in the airponics bay. 204 00:16:19,061 --> 00:16:20,478 Nothing will take root outside. 205 00:16:20,688 --> 00:16:22,605 I'm not surprised. 206 00:16:22,773 --> 00:16:25,608 It's amazing you were able to survive out here. 207 00:16:33,867 --> 00:16:36,369 Why do I feel like it's feeding time at the zoo? 208 00:16:37,454 --> 00:16:39,080 Well, I didn't mean to be rude. 209 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:40,873 Please. 210 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:43,292 I wish more women would pay that much attention to me. 211 00:16:44,253 --> 00:16:45,712 Do you know a lot of women? 212 00:16:47,256 --> 00:16:48,798 Well... 213 00:16:48,966 --> 00:16:51,009 ...nearly a third of the crew is female. 214 00:16:51,927 --> 00:16:55,638 What about on? What did you call your planet? 215 00:16:56,056 --> 00:16:57,682 Earth. 216 00:16:57,850 --> 00:17:00,643 I've got lady friends back there, 217 00:17:00,811 --> 00:17:03,062 but nobody special, if that's what you mean. 218 00:17:03,230 --> 00:17:04,939 Not anymore. 219 00:17:06,191 --> 00:17:09,736 What about your world? Kantare? 220 00:17:10,487 --> 00:17:11,863 What about it? 221 00:17:12,656 --> 00:17:14,282 As soon as we get your engines fixed, 222 00:17:14,450 --> 00:17:16,909 you'll be going back, seeing your friends. 223 00:17:17,077 --> 00:17:19,370 I bet you're looking forward to that. 224 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:23,916 Commander? 225 00:17:24,877 --> 00:17:28,880 - I hear you've been making progress. - We're getting there. 226 00:17:31,967 --> 00:17:35,136 There is something else you might be able to help us with. 227 00:17:44,396 --> 00:17:45,813 Your computer core? 228 00:17:45,981 --> 00:17:48,316 It controls all the ship's vital functions. 229 00:17:48,484 --> 00:17:50,318 Environmental systems, 230 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:52,361 main power. 231 00:17:52,654 --> 00:17:54,238 You might say it keeps us alive. 232 00:17:56,158 --> 00:17:57,325 These are optronic relays. 233 00:17:57,493 --> 00:17:59,410 Yes, and the system's beginning to degrade. 234 00:17:59,578 --> 00:18:00,828 It could fail at any time. 235 00:18:00,996 --> 00:18:03,790 I've worked on something like this. 236 00:18:05,084 --> 00:18:06,667 On a Xyrillian ship. 237 00:18:06,877 --> 00:18:09,504 - Then you can fix it? - I can try. 238 00:18:09,671 --> 00:18:13,007 I'll need some diagnostic gear from Enterprise. 239 00:18:14,885 --> 00:18:17,220 Why don't you come along. 240 00:18:18,305 --> 00:18:19,722 I could buy you lunch. 241 00:18:20,682 --> 00:18:23,142 Thank you, commander, but we still have a lot to do here. 242 00:18:23,352 --> 00:18:24,977 You've been marooned for 3 years. 243 00:18:25,145 --> 00:18:27,480 A change of scenery for an hour or two couldn't hurt. 244 00:18:27,898 --> 00:18:29,690 Another time. 245 00:18:30,484 --> 00:18:31,609 Okay. 246 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:35,071 I'll be back before you know it. 247 00:18:39,451 --> 00:18:42,537 - Why can't I go? - You know why. 248 00:18:42,704 --> 00:18:46,165 What's wrong with seeing their ship, meeting some of their crew? 249 00:18:46,375 --> 00:18:48,960 I think you've met enough of their crew already. 250 00:18:49,378 --> 00:18:52,588 These are good people. They wanna help us. 251 00:18:54,049 --> 00:18:55,842 I promise not to say anything. 252 00:18:58,971 --> 00:19:02,807 Here. This is where they say their engines were hit. 253 00:19:02,975 --> 00:19:04,642 There's a lot of damage. 254 00:19:04,810 --> 00:19:06,769 Impact damage, sir. 255 00:19:06,937 --> 00:19:09,605 No scorch marks, no melting. 256 00:19:09,773 --> 00:19:12,859 No indications of any weapons fire. 257 00:19:14,361 --> 00:19:16,070 Maybe they were hit by some kind of weapon 258 00:19:16,238 --> 00:19:18,114 we're not familiar with. 259 00:19:18,282 --> 00:19:20,658 It's possible. 260 00:19:20,826 --> 00:19:23,035 They also say they haven't sent out a distress call 261 00:19:23,203 --> 00:19:25,496 because it would give away their position. 262 00:19:25,664 --> 00:19:27,707 You're not buying that either. 263 00:19:27,875 --> 00:19:30,251 They crashed three years ago, sir. 264 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:32,962 Whoever attacked them has to be gone by now. 265 00:19:33,422 --> 00:19:35,631 Why are they still hiding? 266 00:19:37,509 --> 00:19:39,760 Just because they're a little skittish 267 00:19:39,928 --> 00:19:41,762 doesn't mean they're up to something. 268 00:19:41,930 --> 00:19:44,932 - There's also their airponics bay. - What about it? 269 00:19:45,100 --> 00:19:47,894 It's not big enough to feed all the people on that ship, sir. 270 00:19:48,061 --> 00:19:49,145 Not by a long shot. 271 00:19:49,313 --> 00:19:51,397 How are they surviving down there? 272 00:19:51,607 --> 00:19:53,316 Doesn't make any sense. 273 00:19:53,525 --> 00:19:55,359 Do we still have their data module? 274 00:19:55,527 --> 00:19:57,361 It's in Shuttlepod One. 275 00:19:57,738 --> 00:19:59,488 Have Hoshi download it. 276 00:19:59,656 --> 00:20:01,240 Let me know as soon as she has anything. 277 00:20:01,408 --> 00:20:03,367 Aye, sir. 278 00:20:08,999 --> 00:20:10,791 How many people are on Enterprise? 279 00:20:11,001 --> 00:20:12,919 - 83. - All humans? 280 00:20:13,086 --> 00:20:15,755 Mostly. You met T'Pol. She's Vulcan. 281 00:20:15,923 --> 00:20:18,549 And Dr Phlox is from a planet called Denobula. 282 00:20:18,717 --> 00:20:20,426 - Can I meet him? - Are you kidding? 283 00:20:20,594 --> 00:20:23,304 I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't introduce you. 284 00:20:23,472 --> 00:20:26,182 And there's Porthos, Captain Archer's dog. 285 00:20:26,350 --> 00:20:27,892 Dog? 286 00:20:28,477 --> 00:20:30,853 I guess you don't have a word for that. 287 00:20:31,021 --> 00:20:35,483 He's a mammal, four legs, big ears. Kind of cute. 288 00:20:35,651 --> 00:20:39,237 - What does he do? - Not much. He's the captain's pet. 289 00:20:39,404 --> 00:20:41,405 Of course. His pet. 290 00:20:41,573 --> 00:20:44,992 I've never seen a dog before. Can we see it? 291 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:47,036 I hope you'll have some time left for me. 292 00:20:47,204 --> 00:20:50,831 I don't know, it sounds like I'm going to be very busy. 293 00:20:51,124 --> 00:20:54,835 - So tell me about Kantare. - It's boring. 294 00:20:55,045 --> 00:20:56,879 I wanna hear about the places you've been. 295 00:20:57,047 --> 00:20:58,547 Our mission's just getting started. 296 00:20:58,715 --> 00:21:01,926 - We haven't been to many planets yet. - Where are you going next? 297 00:21:02,261 --> 00:21:05,596 No idea. That's the fun part. 298 00:21:06,139 --> 00:21:08,808 Which planet was your favorite? 299 00:21:08,976 --> 00:21:11,602 If I had to choose right now... 300 00:21:12,062 --> 00:21:13,104 ...I'd say this one. 302 00:21:14,481 --> 00:21:16,440 Archer to Commander Tucker. 303 00:21:17,484 --> 00:21:20,069 - Go ahead. - Could you come to my Ready Room? 304 00:21:20,237 --> 00:21:24,365 On my way. Billy, could you continue this lady's tour? 305 00:21:24,574 --> 00:21:28,411 I still owe you lunch. I'll meet you in the mess hall. 306 00:21:33,583 --> 00:21:36,544 I hear you've been spending a lot of time with Liana. 307 00:21:37,796 --> 00:21:39,547 Did T'Pol say something? 308 00:21:39,715 --> 00:21:43,467 Sir, I swear I've been nothing but a perfect gentleman. 309 00:21:43,635 --> 00:21:45,303 I'm sure you have, Trip. 310 00:21:45,512 --> 00:21:48,806 This doesn't have anything to do with that. 312 00:21:51,226 --> 00:21:52,601 We were wondering if you'd noticed 313 00:21:52,769 --> 00:21:56,439 any strange behavior from her or any of the others. 314 00:21:57,274 --> 00:22:00,109 Strange behavior? What's going on? 315 00:22:01,528 --> 00:22:04,655 Hoshi translated the data module we found on their ship. 316 00:22:04,823 --> 00:22:07,992 We were able to reconstruct what happened right before they crashed. 317 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:09,744 They already told us what happened. 318 00:22:10,495 --> 00:22:12,621 According to this, 319 00:22:12,914 --> 00:22:14,999 they weren't attacked. 320 00:22:15,167 --> 00:22:17,501 There was an accident on board. 321 00:22:18,045 --> 00:22:21,380 - What kind of an accident? - There are some gaps in the data, 322 00:22:21,548 --> 00:22:24,800 but it looks like some kind of catastrophic malfunction. 323 00:22:24,968 --> 00:22:28,012 There was a massive depressurization and the ship went down. 324 00:22:28,680 --> 00:22:31,891 Maybe that data module was damaged during the crash. 325 00:22:32,684 --> 00:22:34,685 It's not just the data module. 326 00:22:36,146 --> 00:22:37,688 When their story didn't check out, 327 00:22:37,856 --> 00:22:40,858 the captain asked me to run some detailed scans of the ship. 328 00:22:41,026 --> 00:22:44,278 According to the oxidation rate in the hull plating... 329 00:22:45,072 --> 00:22:48,574 ...that ship's been sitting down there a lot longer than three years. 330 00:22:49,117 --> 00:22:52,286 It went down nearly 22 years ago, Trip. 331 00:22:53,538 --> 00:22:55,831 That doesn't make any sense. 332 00:22:55,999 --> 00:22:58,334 Check the scans yourself. 333 00:23:00,504 --> 00:23:03,089 Why wouldn't Liana have told me? 334 00:23:03,256 --> 00:23:04,799 The data also shows that they launched 335 00:23:04,966 --> 00:23:08,469 a number of escape pods just before the crash. 336 00:23:08,678 --> 00:23:10,012 Malcolm found one. 337 00:23:10,639 --> 00:23:12,306 It was still in orbit. 338 00:23:13,183 --> 00:23:15,184 We're bringing it on board. 339 00:23:18,021 --> 00:23:21,107 This is obviously someone's final resting place. 340 00:23:21,274 --> 00:23:23,692 What do you expect to accomplish by opening it? 341 00:23:23,860 --> 00:23:25,986 I'm not quite sure. 342 00:23:42,546 --> 00:23:46,006 I don't believe you'll be needing my services. 343 00:23:47,467 --> 00:23:49,009 It's Shilat, captain. 344 00:23:49,928 --> 00:23:52,680 I saw him on their ship an hour ago. 345 00:23:53,014 --> 00:23:54,974 Alive. 346 00:24:42,314 --> 00:24:45,691 - Vanilla, huh? - There are different kinds? 347 00:24:45,901 --> 00:24:47,943 Oh, hundreds. 348 00:24:48,111 --> 00:24:49,528 I like Rocky Road. 349 00:24:50,071 --> 00:24:52,656 That sounds terrible. Why do they call it that? 350 00:24:53,783 --> 00:24:55,659 I never really thought about it. 351 00:24:55,827 --> 00:24:59,413 I guess because it's got nuts in it. It's also got marshmallows, 352 00:24:59,581 --> 00:25:02,041 but I don't think that's got anything to do with the name. 353 00:25:02,209 --> 00:25:03,459 Marshmallows? 354 00:25:03,668 --> 00:25:05,377 They're little... 355 00:25:06,004 --> 00:25:09,048 Well, they're made of sugar, mostly... 356 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:13,010 You know, I'm not sure what they are. 357 00:25:13,178 --> 00:25:16,388 Anyway, did you enjoy the tour? 358 00:25:16,598 --> 00:25:19,475 Very much. I think Sickbay was my favorite. 359 00:25:19,643 --> 00:25:22,645 Dr Phlox let me feed his bat. 360 00:25:23,104 --> 00:25:25,272 He also asked me to lunch. 361 00:25:25,482 --> 00:25:27,566 Had I known you were gonna be gone so long... 362 00:25:27,776 --> 00:25:29,735 I'm sorry. 363 00:25:31,071 --> 00:25:33,072 Something important came up. 364 00:25:34,157 --> 00:25:35,282 What's wrong? 365 00:25:35,992 --> 00:25:39,411 Liana, how long have you been on this planet? 366 00:25:40,872 --> 00:25:42,540 Captain Kuulan told you. 367 00:25:42,749 --> 00:25:46,085 - I want you to tell me. - Why? 368 00:25:46,294 --> 00:25:50,047 Because our scans show your ship crashed 22 years ago. 369 00:25:50,549 --> 00:25:53,509 - Well, your scans must be wrong. - That's what I told Captain Archer. 370 00:25:53,677 --> 00:25:57,263 I said there wasn't any reason for you to lie to us. 371 00:25:58,056 --> 00:25:59,348 Is there? 372 00:26:06,940 --> 00:26:08,899 We found one of your escape pods. 373 00:26:10,610 --> 00:26:12,278 - I think I should go now. - Liana, 374 00:26:12,445 --> 00:26:14,113 - Take me back. - There was a body in it. 375 00:26:14,281 --> 00:26:16,240 Been dead for a long time. 376 00:26:16,408 --> 00:26:18,409 It was Shilat. 377 00:26:19,119 --> 00:26:21,078 - Can you explain that to me? - I can't. 378 00:26:21,246 --> 00:26:24,623 - Tell me what's going on. - I'm sorry, but I can't. 379 00:26:24,791 --> 00:26:27,418 Please, take me home. 380 00:27:07,208 --> 00:27:08,876 Do you need some help? 381 00:27:09,044 --> 00:27:10,419 Not at all. 382 00:27:10,587 --> 00:27:13,047 I thought you were repairing the optronic relays. 383 00:27:13,798 --> 00:27:15,633 I've done as much as I can do for now. 384 00:27:15,800 --> 00:27:19,094 I need to return to Enterprise to analyze the data. 385 00:27:19,262 --> 00:27:20,679 If you'll excuse me. 386 00:27:24,267 --> 00:27:25,643 Do you need some help? 387 00:27:26,186 --> 00:27:28,187 I need to contact my ship. 388 00:27:28,730 --> 00:27:30,147 Because of what you found. 389 00:27:30,857 --> 00:27:32,358 I don't understand. 390 00:27:33,276 --> 00:27:35,444 You were looking where you shouldn't have. 391 00:27:53,254 --> 00:27:57,341 - Find T'Pol. I'll talk to the captain. - It's better if we stay together, sir. 392 00:27:57,509 --> 00:28:00,010 You don't have to do this. You're not in any danger here. 393 00:28:00,303 --> 00:28:03,305 That would be easier to believe if you weren't hiding things from us. 394 00:28:03,848 --> 00:28:05,933 Can't you just fix our systems and go? 395 00:28:06,101 --> 00:28:08,268 Is that what you really want? 396 00:28:08,436 --> 00:28:12,022 How old were you when your ship crashed? Five, 6? 397 00:28:12,190 --> 00:28:14,650 Do you even remember what your home looks like? 398 00:28:14,818 --> 00:28:16,402 This is my home. 399 00:28:17,320 --> 00:28:18,654 Liana. 400 00:28:19,906 --> 00:28:22,533 I didn't tell them anything. 401 00:28:22,909 --> 00:28:24,326 No, she didn't. 402 00:28:24,869 --> 00:28:28,330 But if you want any more help from us, we're gonna need some answers. 403 00:28:28,540 --> 00:28:30,124 We don't owe you answers. 404 00:28:31,126 --> 00:28:32,376 Take their weapons. 405 00:28:36,506 --> 00:28:39,883 Please, just let them leave. That's what you wanted in the first place. 406 00:28:40,093 --> 00:28:42,511 When the repairs are completed. 407 00:28:46,808 --> 00:28:49,143 Make him stop. He'll listen to you. 408 00:28:51,646 --> 00:28:53,439 Go back to your ship. 409 00:28:53,857 --> 00:28:55,482 Not without my officers. 410 00:28:55,692 --> 00:28:57,735 This isn't a negotiation. 411 00:29:08,496 --> 00:29:10,164 Liana. 412 00:29:19,132 --> 00:29:20,507 Get to work. 413 00:29:21,718 --> 00:29:24,011 - Where's T'Pol? - Don't worry about her. 414 00:29:24,179 --> 00:29:26,597 - I'm gonna need her help. - You can do it on your own. 415 00:29:27,056 --> 00:29:29,141 I'm not doing a thing until I see her. 416 00:29:29,350 --> 00:29:32,686 Do as I say or you'll never see her. 417 00:29:33,188 --> 00:29:35,397 What's so important about this thing? 418 00:29:35,565 --> 00:29:37,524 You'd really kill us to keep it running? 419 00:29:38,109 --> 00:29:40,027 You wouldn't understand. 420 00:29:40,195 --> 00:29:41,987 I don't care what your big secret is. 421 00:29:42,155 --> 00:29:44,948 It doesn't matter if you've been here three years or 30. 422 00:29:45,116 --> 00:29:47,576 But you gotta think about Liana. 423 00:29:48,119 --> 00:29:50,746 We can help you take her home. 424 00:29:51,289 --> 00:29:53,248 Just fix those relays. 425 00:29:53,458 --> 00:29:56,794 You got a lot to learn about making friends. 426 00:29:58,922 --> 00:30:02,299 I've made all the friends I need. 427 00:30:06,930 --> 00:30:09,264 I'm sick of hearing that he's doing this for me. 428 00:30:09,432 --> 00:30:10,974 I don't believe it anymore. 429 00:30:11,142 --> 00:30:13,310 I wouldn't be alive if it wasn't for your father. 430 00:30:13,478 --> 00:30:16,647 - He should have told them the truth. - You know he can't do that. 431 00:30:16,815 --> 00:30:19,399 He can do whatever he wants. He's not like you. 432 00:30:20,944 --> 00:30:22,778 You shouldn't have gone to their ship. 433 00:30:23,404 --> 00:30:24,822 You think this is my fault? 434 00:30:24,989 --> 00:30:27,157 I saw the way you looked at their engineer. 435 00:30:27,367 --> 00:30:29,201 Are you sure you didn't say anything? 436 00:30:29,410 --> 00:30:31,578 No, I didn't. 437 00:30:32,121 --> 00:30:35,958 They'll be gone soon, and everything will be fine again. 438 00:30:43,925 --> 00:30:47,052 We'll set the shuttle down in the foothills, south of their ship. 439 00:30:47,220 --> 00:30:49,096 Won't they pick us up on sensors? 440 00:30:49,264 --> 00:30:51,640 Their dampening field should leave them as blind as we are. 441 00:30:51,808 --> 00:30:54,643 Unfortunately, that rules out using the transporter as well. 442 00:30:54,853 --> 00:30:56,770 We'll go in through their escape-pod ports. 443 00:30:56,938 --> 00:30:59,439 That should put us near Engineering and their computer room. 444 00:30:59,649 --> 00:31:03,527 And with a bit of luck, near T'Pol and Commander Tucker. 445 00:31:07,198 --> 00:31:09,575 That's a pretty neat trick. 446 00:31:10,201 --> 00:31:13,579 Here you are, watching me with a gun in your hand, 447 00:31:13,746 --> 00:31:17,791 while at the same time your corpse is up on Enterprise. 448 00:31:18,418 --> 00:31:20,961 What do you do for an encore? 449 00:31:24,841 --> 00:31:26,300 Would you wait outside. 450 00:31:26,926 --> 00:31:28,552 I'm not supposed to leave him. 451 00:31:28,761 --> 00:31:30,220 It's all right. 452 00:31:42,692 --> 00:31:44,985 They do what I ask them to. 453 00:31:45,403 --> 00:31:47,654 Then why don't you ask them to let me go. 454 00:31:47,822 --> 00:31:49,740 I wish I could. 455 00:31:50,950 --> 00:31:54,453 Maybe you can tell me how I'm being guarded by a dead man. 456 00:31:56,414 --> 00:32:00,709 Do you think it's possible to tell a lie so many times 457 00:32:00,877 --> 00:32:04,212 that you begin to believe it's the truth? 458 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:08,383 You can. 459 00:32:09,802 --> 00:32:13,430 I never really understood that until you came. 460 00:32:15,975 --> 00:32:19,061 Remember when you said you thought we were ghosts? 461 00:32:22,523 --> 00:32:25,817 In a way, you were right. 462 00:32:30,698 --> 00:32:33,492 Work your way down the port side. 463 00:32:33,660 --> 00:32:35,827 Com us if you find T'Pol. 464 00:32:35,995 --> 00:32:39,081 - And be careful. - Aye, sir. 466 00:33:17,954 --> 00:33:20,831 That's why your father needs to keep this running. 467 00:33:21,499 --> 00:33:23,208 Yes. 468 00:33:25,044 --> 00:33:26,503 You can stop this. 469 00:33:38,474 --> 00:33:39,766 - You all right? - Yeah. 470 00:33:39,934 --> 00:33:42,352 - Where did he come from? - Good question. 471 00:33:47,608 --> 00:33:49,818 You have to get them off the ship. 472 00:34:00,955 --> 00:34:02,164 Liana, please. 473 00:34:02,623 --> 00:34:05,375 If you don't, my friends could die. 474 00:34:05,793 --> 00:34:06,960 Please. 475 00:35:10,233 --> 00:35:12,359 What happened to your crew? 476 00:35:12,527 --> 00:35:15,320 They're gone, captain. Isn't it obvious? 477 00:35:15,571 --> 00:35:16,988 Your real crew. 478 00:35:18,825 --> 00:35:21,326 They didn't seem real to you? 479 00:35:21,661 --> 00:35:23,662 I created them. 480 00:35:23,830 --> 00:35:25,122 Wasn't easy. 481 00:35:25,540 --> 00:35:27,374 Took time. 482 00:35:27,875 --> 00:35:29,835 You could touch them. 483 00:35:30,128 --> 00:35:32,087 They could make you laugh. 484 00:35:32,255 --> 00:35:33,630 Surprise you. 485 00:35:34,048 --> 00:35:35,298 They were holograms. 486 00:35:37,093 --> 00:35:41,805 They were our friends, our family, for over 20 years. 487 00:35:41,973 --> 00:35:45,934 They're the only people I've ever known, besides my father. 488 00:35:46,102 --> 00:35:47,310 Until you came. 489 00:35:48,479 --> 00:35:50,147 But the ones you based them on, 490 00:35:50,356 --> 00:35:53,441 the crew of this ship, where are they? 491 00:35:54,277 --> 00:35:57,154 I buried them out in the hills. 492 00:35:57,321 --> 00:36:00,615 The ones I could find after the crash. 493 00:36:01,492 --> 00:36:04,494 - I killed them, so I buried them. - That isn't true. 494 00:36:04,662 --> 00:36:07,789 You don't remember. You were a child. 495 00:36:09,709 --> 00:36:13,170 We were on our way home, just like Kuulan told you. 496 00:36:13,337 --> 00:36:15,463 But we weren't attacked. 497 00:36:15,631 --> 00:36:19,426 There was an ion storm. It overloaded our plasma conduits. 498 00:36:19,594 --> 00:36:24,723 I was the chief engineer. It was my responsibility to start repairs. 499 00:36:24,891 --> 00:36:28,268 But it was worse than I thought. 500 00:36:28,436 --> 00:36:32,147 Leaking plasma burned through the hull. 501 00:36:32,315 --> 00:36:33,982 We were losing atmosphere, 502 00:36:34,150 --> 00:36:37,611 so Captain Kuulan set a course for this planet. 503 00:36:37,778 --> 00:36:41,072 Sounds like you did everything you could to save the ship. 504 00:36:41,782 --> 00:36:45,243 They're all dead. Apparently I didn't do enough. 505 00:36:46,537 --> 00:36:48,705 - They died because of me. - No. 506 00:36:49,457 --> 00:36:51,750 It was my decision. 507 00:36:52,752 --> 00:36:55,295 She was in our quarters, on the lowest deck. 508 00:36:55,463 --> 00:36:58,924 I knew she'd never survive a crash landing down there. 509 00:36:59,091 --> 00:37:00,342 So I went to get her. 510 00:37:01,928 --> 00:37:04,095 Any father would have done the same thing. 511 00:37:04,305 --> 00:37:07,140 I left my station. 512 00:37:07,308 --> 00:37:10,894 The plasma leak grew, there was an explosion. 513 00:37:11,062 --> 00:37:15,440 Half the crew died instantly, including my wife. 514 00:37:16,859 --> 00:37:21,029 A few made it to the escape pods, but... 515 00:37:23,616 --> 00:37:29,955 I can't imagine what making that decision must have been like. 516 00:37:31,082 --> 00:37:32,999 But it was a long time ago. 517 00:37:33,209 --> 00:37:36,086 You need to consider your daughter now. 518 00:37:36,796 --> 00:37:39,256 Why do you think I did this? 519 00:37:39,423 --> 00:37:42,717 To retreat into some fantasy, pretend it never happened? 520 00:37:42,885 --> 00:37:46,429 For 2 years, I tried to repair our ship. 521 00:37:46,597 --> 00:37:50,809 And I watched my daughter grow up alone. 522 00:37:51,978 --> 00:37:54,562 So I decided to bring them back. 523 00:37:54,730 --> 00:38:00,485 Her mother first, then Captain Kuulan and the others. 524 00:38:00,653 --> 00:38:05,240 I did everything I could to make it like it was, for her. 525 00:38:05,449 --> 00:38:06,825 She deserves more. 526 00:38:09,078 --> 00:38:11,579 I've given her everything she needs. 527 00:38:11,789 --> 00:38:14,040 - And when you're gone? - Trip, please. 528 00:38:14,208 --> 00:38:16,501 Are you gonna let her bury you out in the hills? 529 00:38:17,420 --> 00:38:21,715 Then live the rest of her life with these people you created? 530 00:38:22,258 --> 00:38:24,592 What if the relays burn out again? 531 00:38:24,760 --> 00:38:26,219 Then she'll really be alone. 532 00:38:26,429 --> 00:38:28,930 She's my daughter. It's not your concern. 533 00:38:30,933 --> 00:38:33,101 What if she gets hurt? 534 00:38:33,853 --> 00:38:35,603 What do you do then? 535 00:38:35,771 --> 00:38:39,065 Program a holographic doctor? 536 00:38:39,275 --> 00:38:41,276 We've survived here successfully. 537 00:38:41,819 --> 00:38:43,903 Maybe you have. 538 00:38:44,447 --> 00:38:46,364 Ask Liana how she feels. 539 00:38:46,574 --> 00:38:49,659 Ask her if just surviving is enough. 540 00:38:56,125 --> 00:38:58,001 You all right? 541 00:39:01,380 --> 00:39:03,381 We'll finish working on your holographic systems, 542 00:39:03,549 --> 00:39:05,633 if that's what you want. 543 00:39:06,510 --> 00:39:09,387 But you should be sure that's all the help you need from us. 544 00:39:09,555 --> 00:39:13,058 It may be a long time before anyone comes by here again. 546 00:39:22,318 --> 00:39:23,360 Come in. 547 00:39:32,745 --> 00:39:34,621 Welcome aboard. 548 00:39:34,789 --> 00:39:36,706 Thank you, captain. 549 00:39:40,127 --> 00:39:42,962 You have a beautiful ship. 550 00:39:43,172 --> 00:39:45,382 Thanks. We're pretty proud of her. 551 00:39:49,345 --> 00:39:52,555 - May I sit? - Of course. 552 00:39:59,605 --> 00:40:02,440 I haven't been in space for a long time. 553 00:40:02,608 --> 00:40:04,901 It feels strange. 554 00:40:05,069 --> 00:40:06,736 Good... 555 00:40:07,113 --> 00:40:08,905 ...just a bit strange. 556 00:40:10,324 --> 00:40:12,283 Can I get you something? 557 00:40:12,451 --> 00:40:14,327 - Some tea? - I'm fine. 558 00:40:17,498 --> 00:40:19,457 No, I'm not. 559 00:40:21,419 --> 00:40:24,963 Your engineer is a very plain-spoken man. 560 00:40:26,298 --> 00:40:29,134 That's one way of putting it. 561 00:40:34,223 --> 00:40:38,518 I've never kept secrets from my daughter. 562 00:40:38,686 --> 00:40:44,774 She knows there's more to see beyond our little oasis. 563 00:40:44,942 --> 00:40:48,778 But she's never talked about leaving. 564 00:40:49,655 --> 00:40:51,573 Not once. 565 00:40:51,740 --> 00:40:56,411 Now your engineer thinks we should just pack up and go. 566 00:40:59,165 --> 00:41:01,875 22 years, captain. 567 00:41:02,585 --> 00:41:04,878 I've lived here for 22 years. 568 00:41:05,045 --> 00:41:11,009 That ship down there may seem like nothing more than spare parts to you, 569 00:41:11,218 --> 00:41:15,472 but to me, it's home. 570 00:41:15,639 --> 00:41:17,765 I don't want to leave. 571 00:41:17,933 --> 00:41:20,643 I'm happy here. 572 00:41:23,022 --> 00:41:24,772 Comfortable. 573 00:41:27,818 --> 00:41:32,155 But Mr Tucker wants me to believe that I'm being selfish. 574 00:41:32,323 --> 00:41:35,033 He says now that I have the opportunity to leave, I should, 575 00:41:35,201 --> 00:41:38,119 that Liana deserves more. 576 00:41:42,291 --> 00:41:46,961 Maybe it's time I stopped being so afraid of change. 577 00:41:50,299 --> 00:41:52,759 Will you help me take my daughter home? 578 00:41:54,178 --> 00:41:57,013 We'll stay as long as it takes to get your ship flying. 579 00:41:57,598 --> 00:42:01,267 Thank you, captain, but all we need are these components. 580 00:42:02,102 --> 00:42:04,354 I've got my own crew to do the work. 581 00:42:04,522 --> 00:42:07,440 Some of them are pretty fair engineers. 582 00:42:07,650 --> 00:42:09,484 I saw to that. 583 00:42:22,831 --> 00:42:24,791 - How's it going? - Good. 584 00:42:24,959 --> 00:42:27,293 We're about to start realigning the antimatter injectors. 585 00:42:27,795 --> 00:42:29,420 That was fast. 586 00:42:30,506 --> 00:42:33,591 - What's that? - It's a protein resequencer. 587 00:42:33,759 --> 00:42:36,678 I figured you must be tired of eating the same food all the time. 588 00:42:37,137 --> 00:42:41,015 I programmed it for making ice cream. 589 00:42:41,475 --> 00:42:46,145 Only 5 flavors, but they're good ones. 590 00:42:46,313 --> 00:42:47,814 Rocky Road? 591 00:42:47,982 --> 00:42:51,484 You didn't think I'd send you off without Rocky Road? 592 00:42:51,902 --> 00:42:53,653 Thank you. 593 00:42:55,489 --> 00:42:59,033 Are you sure you don't want us to stay for a while? Lend a hand? 594 00:42:59,410 --> 00:43:01,286 You've got a lot more places to go. 595 00:43:01,954 --> 00:43:03,663 So do you. 596 00:43:17,303 --> 00:43:19,512 Maybe I'll see you out there. 597 00:43:20,681 --> 00:43:22,265 I'd like that.