1 00:00:11,302 --> 00:00:12,803 Echo Two is away, sir. 3 00:00:12,971 --> 00:00:14,972 A clean launch. 4 00:00:15,724 --> 00:00:18,308 It's made contact with Echo One. 5 00:00:18,476 --> 00:00:20,978 How long before we get subspace online? 6 00:00:21,146 --> 00:00:25,107 I'd like to send a few test transmissions to calibrate amplifiers. 7 00:00:25,275 --> 00:00:27,317 - An hour. - My guess is we have a lot of people 8 00:00:27,485 --> 00:00:30,070 onboard waiting to call home. 9 00:00:30,864 --> 00:00:33,240 A vessel is dropping out of warp, captain. 10 00:00:33,408 --> 00:00:35,325 20 kilometers dead ahead. 11 00:00:35,493 --> 00:00:37,411 Put it up. 12 00:00:43,418 --> 00:00:46,503 - Look familiar? - I don't recognize the configuration. 13 00:00:48,256 --> 00:00:50,090 Good. Hail them. 15 00:00:52,135 --> 00:00:56,221 This is the starship Enterprise. What can we do for you? 16 00:01:02,020 --> 00:01:03,812 My name is Jonathan Archer. 17 00:01:03,980 --> 00:01:07,524 We're on a mission of exploration from the planet Earth. 18 00:01:11,780 --> 00:01:14,364 - Hoshi? - The channel's open, sir. 20 00:01:17,702 --> 00:01:19,328 Do you need assistance? 21 00:01:25,668 --> 00:01:29,338 If you don't wanna talk, that's fine, 22 00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:32,049 but you dropped in on us. 23 00:01:38,431 --> 00:01:41,350 Was it something I said? 24 00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:45,270 Did you get anything on sensors? 25 00:01:46,231 --> 00:01:48,023 No. 26 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:50,359 No what? 27 00:01:50,568 --> 00:01:52,611 No bio-signs. 28 00:01:52,779 --> 00:01:55,781 No propulsion or weapon signatures. 29 00:01:55,990 --> 00:01:57,908 No readings at all. 30 00:03:31,211 --> 00:03:33,545 Are there any inhabited systems nearby? 31 00:03:33,713 --> 00:03:35,547 None. 32 00:03:35,715 --> 00:03:38,550 Why fly right up to us just to give us the silent treatment? 33 00:03:38,718 --> 00:03:41,595 Maybe they got our signal, but it didn't make any sense to them. 34 00:03:41,763 --> 00:03:43,805 Our translator is far from perfect. 35 00:03:43,973 --> 00:03:45,474 I wouldn't take offense. 36 00:03:45,683 --> 00:03:49,353 Not every species has motives that can be understood in human terms. 37 00:03:49,979 --> 00:03:53,148 Maybe they checked us out and decided we weren't very interesting. 38 00:03:53,316 --> 00:03:55,317 Us? Not interesting? 39 00:03:57,612 --> 00:04:00,572 Let's calibrate the subspace amplifier. 40 00:04:00,740 --> 00:04:03,992 At least the people back home wanna talk to us. 42 00:04:05,370 --> 00:04:06,703 Sir. 43 00:04:07,163 --> 00:04:09,331 I tracked them down. 44 00:04:10,458 --> 00:04:12,501 - It took me all week. - Where are they? 45 00:04:12,669 --> 00:04:15,504 Kota Baharu. It's in Malaysia. 46 00:04:15,672 --> 00:04:19,383 - What time is it there? - A little after 9 at night. 47 00:04:19,550 --> 00:04:21,593 That shouldn't be too late. 48 00:04:21,886 --> 00:04:25,097 Let's break in that new amplifier. I'll be in my Ready Room. 49 00:04:28,017 --> 00:04:30,227 - Is he all right? - He's fine. 50 00:04:30,395 --> 00:04:34,815 - Is he in some kind of trouble? - No, sir. Malcolm's doing a great job. 51 00:04:34,983 --> 00:04:37,401 I'm sure you know it's his birthday in a couple of days. 52 00:04:37,610 --> 00:04:40,904 Yes. Yes, it is. September 2nd. 53 00:04:41,072 --> 00:04:44,658 We haven't seen our son on his birthday in quite a few years. 54 00:04:44,826 --> 00:04:48,537 He called from San Francisco to let us know he'd been assigned to Enterprise, 55 00:04:48,705 --> 00:04:52,374 but we haven't heard from him since. 56 00:04:52,667 --> 00:04:55,377 What are Malcolm's duties on your ship, captain? 57 00:04:56,421 --> 00:04:57,921 He's my armory officer. 58 00:04:58,131 --> 00:04:59,506 Well... 59 00:04:59,674 --> 00:05:02,217 His grandfather would be pleased. 60 00:05:02,385 --> 00:05:05,762 He was an ordinance officer himself in the Royal Navy. 61 00:05:05,972 --> 00:05:07,389 It must be in Malcolm's blood. 62 00:05:07,598 --> 00:05:10,183 The Reeds have been navy men for generations. 63 00:05:10,351 --> 00:05:13,854 Until Malcolm decided to join Starfleet. 64 00:05:14,022 --> 00:05:16,189 I suppose the ocean wasn't big enough for him. 65 00:05:17,567 --> 00:05:21,028 He's a long way from home in any case, Mr. Reed. 66 00:05:21,195 --> 00:05:24,948 I'd like to do something for his birthday, make him a special dinner. 67 00:05:25,116 --> 00:05:27,451 I was hoping you could tell me what he likes to eat. 68 00:05:28,286 --> 00:05:32,956 Captain, Malcolm's never been comfortable making requests. 69 00:05:33,916 --> 00:05:35,334 I'm not sure I understand. 70 00:05:35,626 --> 00:05:38,128 He always ate whatever was put in front of him. 71 00:05:38,921 --> 00:05:41,631 Are you saying he doesn't have a favorite food? 72 00:05:42,175 --> 00:05:44,760 Not that he's ever told me. 73 00:05:47,138 --> 00:05:48,889 Well... 74 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:51,266 ...if you happen to think of anything, 75 00:05:51,434 --> 00:05:53,685 you can always contact me through Starfleet. 76 00:05:54,437 --> 00:05:55,979 Give Malcolm our best. 77 00:05:56,731 --> 00:06:00,525 - I will. - Safe journey, captain. 78 00:06:19,879 --> 00:06:22,422 - How'd it go? - Could have gone better. 79 00:06:22,590 --> 00:06:25,634 Apparently, he hasn't called home since we left Earth. 80 00:06:25,843 --> 00:06:27,636 I want you to find out what he likes to eat. 81 00:06:28,471 --> 00:06:30,472 - Me, sir? - But don't let Malcolm know. 82 00:06:30,640 --> 00:06:32,808 Maybe this is more in chef's area. 83 00:06:33,017 --> 00:06:35,769 We're talking about a delicate assignment, Hoshi. 84 00:06:35,937 --> 00:06:37,145 It needs your finesse. 85 00:06:37,355 --> 00:06:41,483 Sir, I'm running a diagnostic on our subspace-transceiver array. 86 00:06:41,692 --> 00:06:45,320 Get some help if you need it, but make this a top priority. 87 00:06:46,030 --> 00:06:47,948 That's an order. 88 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:49,908 Yes, sir. 89 00:06:57,041 --> 00:06:59,376 - Where were you at dinner? - I ate in my quarters. 90 00:06:59,544 --> 00:07:01,211 Now that we've got the amplifier working, 91 00:07:01,379 --> 00:07:03,171 I wanted to answer a few letters. 92 00:07:03,339 --> 00:07:06,007 You missed T'Pol's latest bout with chopsticks. 93 00:07:06,175 --> 00:07:07,592 Damn. Dinner and a show. 95 00:07:10,763 --> 00:07:12,973 I thought you were gonna upgrade this. 96 00:07:13,182 --> 00:07:15,016 That is the upgrade. 97 00:07:16,185 --> 00:07:18,603 Well, if you want, I can change the color. 98 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:26,820 - What's the word from home? - Oh, the usual. Engineering updates. 99 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:29,906 Oh, and Duvall got promoted. 100 00:07:30,074 --> 00:07:33,285 - They're giving him the Shenandoah. - Duvall got his own command? 101 00:07:34,912 --> 00:07:36,997 Thank God we're a hundred light years away. 103 00:07:39,542 --> 00:07:41,626 And I got a letter from Natalie. 104 00:07:43,504 --> 00:07:46,715 - The Natalie, from Pensacola? - Yep. 105 00:07:46,883 --> 00:07:49,551 Natalie from Pensacola. 106 00:07:50,219 --> 00:07:53,513 Looks like we've got a charge imbalance in this manifold. 107 00:07:53,681 --> 00:07:55,265 I'll get right on it. 108 00:07:59,270 --> 00:08:01,062 Trip? 109 00:08:02,064 --> 00:08:05,567 You know, they say long-distance relationships never work. 110 00:08:06,611 --> 00:08:10,071 Well, this is about as long distance as you can get. 111 00:08:11,407 --> 00:08:13,116 Are you okay? 112 00:08:13,784 --> 00:08:15,911 Oh, yeah. I just... 113 00:08:16,787 --> 00:08:19,623 I just wish I'd have had the chance to say goodbye face-to-face. 114 00:08:30,051 --> 00:08:32,385 Let me ask you something. 115 00:08:32,553 --> 00:08:34,387 Do you spend much time with Malcolm? 116 00:08:34,555 --> 00:08:36,723 I was in the armory yesterday for a few hours, 117 00:08:36,891 --> 00:08:38,391 swapping out some power relays. 118 00:08:38,559 --> 00:08:42,604 - You talk about anything interesting? - Power relays. 119 00:08:43,272 --> 00:08:45,899 - I talked to his parents this morning. - Really? 120 00:08:46,067 --> 00:08:47,567 Yeah. 121 00:08:48,110 --> 00:08:49,361 Sit. 122 00:08:51,739 --> 00:08:53,615 If I asked your parents what you liked to eat, 123 00:08:53,783 --> 00:08:55,951 - would they be able to tell me? - Are you kidding? 124 00:08:56,452 --> 00:08:58,912 My mom would give you her recipe for pan-fried catfish, 125 00:08:59,080 --> 00:09:02,791 and wouldn't let you go till you promised not to screw it up. 126 00:09:02,959 --> 00:09:06,795 Malcolm's parents didn't know what his favorite food was. 127 00:09:06,963 --> 00:09:09,673 They didn't even know he was an armory officer. 128 00:09:09,840 --> 00:09:11,216 That's strange. 129 00:09:11,384 --> 00:09:13,260 It made me think. 130 00:09:13,427 --> 00:09:16,263 We don't know that much about Malcolm, do we? 133 00:09:19,100 --> 00:09:20,976 Bridge to the captain. 134 00:09:21,143 --> 00:09:24,479 - Go ahead. - The alien vessel has returned. 135 00:09:34,198 --> 00:09:36,950 Guess we weren't so uninteresting after all. 136 00:09:37,118 --> 00:09:39,953 They dropped out of warp 500 kilometers dead ahead. 137 00:09:40,121 --> 00:09:43,498 I had to reverse engines to keep from banging into them. 138 00:09:43,666 --> 00:09:45,542 Let's try this again. 140 00:09:48,004 --> 00:09:50,046 Welcome back. 141 00:09:53,926 --> 00:09:57,304 I was hoping we'd have an opportunity to meet again. 142 00:09:57,471 --> 00:09:59,347 The primary mission of my ship 143 00:09:59,515 --> 00:10:03,685 is to make peaceful contact with other species. 144 00:10:06,522 --> 00:10:11,776 If there's anything we can do to assure you of our intentions... 145 00:10:20,453 --> 00:10:22,245 Well... 146 00:10:22,913 --> 00:10:25,165 It's been nice talking to you. 147 00:10:25,333 --> 00:10:27,584 Let's do this again sometime. 148 00:10:27,793 --> 00:10:30,253 - I'm picking up something. - Can you translate it? 149 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:32,505 I don't think it's a language. 152 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:39,262 We're being scanned. 153 00:10:46,312 --> 00:10:48,188 Hull plating. 154 00:10:48,481 --> 00:10:50,482 It's off-line! 156 00:10:53,277 --> 00:10:54,944 Hard about. 157 00:10:55,112 --> 00:10:56,905 They've gone to warp, sir. 158 00:11:02,286 --> 00:11:04,454 Everybody okay? 159 00:11:04,622 --> 00:11:07,290 Damage reports are coming in, sir. 160 00:11:07,458 --> 00:11:11,002 - No one's been hurt. - What the hell was that about? 161 00:11:11,170 --> 00:11:13,630 Captain, when they fired their weapon, 162 00:11:13,798 --> 00:11:16,091 they dropped their shielding for about 2 seconds. 163 00:11:16,258 --> 00:11:19,135 - I was able to take some scans. - What did you get? 164 00:11:19,345 --> 00:11:22,389 Bio-signs. At least 15, maybe more. 165 00:11:22,598 --> 00:11:25,475 Their DNA doesn't match anything in our database. 166 00:11:25,643 --> 00:11:27,143 It's a good thing they're gone. 167 00:11:27,353 --> 00:11:31,231 I doubt very much our torpedoes could've penetrated their shielding. 168 00:11:32,024 --> 00:11:34,401 Stay on long-range scanners. 169 00:11:34,568 --> 00:11:37,612 If they come anywhere near us, I wanna know. 170 00:11:37,780 --> 00:11:39,614 T'Pol. 171 00:11:47,248 --> 00:11:51,209 That support frame's bent. We'll need to reinforce it. 173 00:11:56,882 --> 00:11:59,926 - How bad is it? - If that shot was a half meter higher, 174 00:12:00,094 --> 00:12:02,345 - we'd be looking at stars. - Hold it a minute! 175 00:12:02,513 --> 00:12:05,890 There were 13 people working in this section, captain, including yours truly. 176 00:12:07,309 --> 00:12:10,019 If that bulkhead had blown... 178 00:12:12,440 --> 00:12:14,482 Did your people run into as many hostile aliens 179 00:12:14,650 --> 00:12:17,569 when they first went into deep space? 180 00:12:18,529 --> 00:12:21,531 - It was a different time. - How so? 181 00:12:21,699 --> 00:12:24,451 There were fewer warp-capable species. 182 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:26,411 This ship just isn't equipped to handle 183 00:12:26,579 --> 00:12:29,330 some of the threats we're coming up against. 184 00:12:29,498 --> 00:12:32,834 - It's time we do something about that. - What are you suggesting? 185 00:12:33,002 --> 00:12:35,545 Enterprise was fitted with phase-cannon ports. 186 00:12:35,713 --> 00:12:37,922 Since we left space dock a few weeks ahead of schedule, 187 00:12:38,090 --> 00:12:40,592 the cannons were never installed. 188 00:12:43,053 --> 00:12:45,722 I think it's time they were. 189 00:12:46,056 --> 00:12:48,057 We should head back to Earth. 190 00:12:48,267 --> 00:12:51,019 - Just give us two weeks, captain. - I know we can do it. 191 00:12:51,187 --> 00:12:53,188 Most of the stuff we need is already on the ship. 192 00:12:53,355 --> 00:12:57,233 The armory team at Jupiter Station is trained for this kind of work. 193 00:12:57,401 --> 00:12:59,402 If we're gonna do this, let's do it right. 194 00:12:59,570 --> 00:13:01,321 My engineers are just as good as they are. 195 00:13:01,489 --> 00:13:03,114 I know that, Trip. 196 00:13:03,282 --> 00:13:06,826 But we have other systems that could use overhauls. 197 00:13:08,788 --> 00:13:10,538 Look at the bright side. 198 00:13:10,706 --> 00:13:13,458 You'll get a chance to say goodbye to Natalie. 199 00:13:14,376 --> 00:13:15,877 Sir, 200 00:13:16,045 --> 00:13:18,546 with your permission, we could at least begin the work, 201 00:13:18,756 --> 00:13:20,590 get a few things started for Jupiter Station. 202 00:13:20,758 --> 00:13:23,301 It'll cut down the time we'll have to spend in space dock. 203 00:13:25,095 --> 00:13:26,971 Do what you can. 204 00:13:28,891 --> 00:13:31,726 - Archer to Mayweather. - Go ahead, captain. 205 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:36,356 We're heading home. 206 00:13:58,462 --> 00:14:00,547 This, ladies and gentlemen, 207 00:14:00,714 --> 00:14:03,675 is a phase-modulated energy weapon. 208 00:14:03,843 --> 00:14:08,888 It's rated for a maximum power output of 500 gigajoules. 209 00:14:09,056 --> 00:14:11,599 Enterprise was designed to carry three of them. 210 00:14:11,767 --> 00:14:13,184 We have one, 211 00:14:13,352 --> 00:14:15,603 and it's only a prototype. 212 00:14:15,771 --> 00:14:19,858 Our job is to get it up and running and build two more from scratch. 213 00:14:20,025 --> 00:14:23,069 The captain's taking us back because he thinks this work ought to be done 214 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:24,904 by the boys in space dock. 215 00:14:25,072 --> 00:14:27,824 Far be it from me to question the captain's judgment, 216 00:14:27,992 --> 00:14:30,785 but Commander Tucker and I believe we can do this ourselves. 217 00:14:30,953 --> 00:14:32,620 That means double shifts. 218 00:14:32,788 --> 00:14:35,373 By the time we reach Jupiter Station, 219 00:14:35,541 --> 00:14:37,542 I don't want their engineers to have a thing to do 220 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:39,335 but give us a wash and a wax. 222 00:14:40,713 --> 00:14:43,506 - Any questions? - Are we expecting another attack, sir? 223 00:14:45,009 --> 00:14:46,217 We all signed up for this trip 224 00:14:46,385 --> 00:14:49,762 because we wanted to do something no one had ever done before, 225 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:54,350 not because we thought it'd be easy or safe. 226 00:14:54,518 --> 00:14:57,478 But we're not here to take foolish risks. 227 00:14:57,646 --> 00:14:59,898 The captain and the rest of the crew are depending on us 228 00:15:00,065 --> 00:15:01,941 to keep Enterprise ready for anything. 229 00:15:02,109 --> 00:15:05,194 And once we get these phase-cannons online, 230 00:15:05,362 --> 00:15:08,990 we'll have a lot more firepower to do just that. 231 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:11,993 So, what are you standing around for? 232 00:15:16,123 --> 00:15:18,750 He once told me that he loved to eat octopus, 233 00:15:18,918 --> 00:15:22,712 especially the little suction cups, but I think he was pulling my leg. 234 00:15:23,172 --> 00:15:26,758 You can never tell whether my brother's joking or not. 235 00:15:27,426 --> 00:15:28,593 Can I talk to him? 236 00:15:28,802 --> 00:15:31,804 We really would like to keep this a surprise. 237 00:15:32,014 --> 00:15:33,848 Oh, right, the dinner. 238 00:15:34,016 --> 00:15:37,977 I remember one time, this was at least ten years ago, 239 00:15:38,145 --> 00:15:40,063 he went for a whole week without eating. 240 00:15:40,272 --> 00:15:41,773 - Really? - Got by on nothing 241 00:15:41,941 --> 00:15:43,691 but water and a little apple juice. 242 00:15:43,901 --> 00:15:47,445 - Why? - Some sort of survival training. 243 00:15:47,655 --> 00:15:49,155 Or was it a contest? 244 00:15:49,365 --> 00:15:52,867 When he started eating again, do you remember the first thing he wanted? 245 00:15:53,035 --> 00:15:55,453 He was so weak, he could barely get out of bed. 246 00:15:55,621 --> 00:15:58,206 For two days, all he had was protein concentrate. 247 00:15:58,374 --> 00:16:01,501 When you two were growing up, he never said: 248 00:16:01,669 --> 00:16:04,253 "Hey, let's go out for pizza," 249 00:16:04,421 --> 00:16:07,090 or "Boy, I'd love some Indian food." 250 00:16:07,508 --> 00:16:09,425 Not that I remember. 251 00:16:09,593 --> 00:16:12,804 Malcolm isn't the easiest person to get to know. 252 00:16:13,222 --> 00:16:15,640 I'm figuring that out. 253 00:16:16,850 --> 00:16:18,226 When we trained in San Francisco, 254 00:16:18,394 --> 00:16:21,521 there was a little restaurant on the Embarcadero he liked to go to. 255 00:16:21,689 --> 00:16:24,732 They had a specialty, some kind of fish, I think. 256 00:16:24,942 --> 00:16:26,651 What kind? 257 00:16:27,611 --> 00:16:30,863 - Halibut? Swordfish? - No. 258 00:16:31,532 --> 00:16:33,700 Mahi-mahi? Scallops? 259 00:16:33,909 --> 00:16:36,786 - I had sea bass. - Great. 260 00:16:36,996 --> 00:16:39,497 - And Malcolm? - I don't remember. 261 00:16:39,707 --> 00:16:41,791 Try, please. 262 00:16:42,960 --> 00:16:44,043 Maureen. 263 00:16:45,004 --> 00:16:47,964 - Is that a fish? - No, she was the waitress. 265 00:16:49,717 --> 00:16:53,011 That's why Malcolm wanted to go there. He had a thing for her. 266 00:16:53,178 --> 00:16:55,763 - I think he hates fish. - Thanks. 267 00:17:02,604 --> 00:17:05,189 So how's your secret mission coming? 268 00:17:05,899 --> 00:17:08,985 I've talked to his sister, his best friend, 269 00:17:09,153 --> 00:17:11,529 his Uncle Archie, his two spinster aunts. 270 00:17:11,697 --> 00:17:13,990 The most anyone seems to know about his eating habits 271 00:17:14,158 --> 00:17:16,034 is that he occasionally eats. 273 00:17:17,411 --> 00:17:18,745 Ensign. 274 00:17:19,246 --> 00:17:21,372 If you want to know something about Mr. Reed, 275 00:17:21,540 --> 00:17:24,000 perhaps you should ask him. 276 00:17:38,182 --> 00:17:40,308 Anyone sitting here? 277 00:17:40,476 --> 00:17:42,852 Uh, no. Please. 279 00:17:44,855 --> 00:17:47,899 This is the first chance I've had to eat all day. 280 00:17:48,067 --> 00:17:50,443 Oh, tell me about it. 281 00:17:50,611 --> 00:17:53,738 I haven't set foot outside the armory since 0700. 282 00:17:54,573 --> 00:17:57,033 How's your ravioli? 283 00:17:57,576 --> 00:18:00,286 Eh, it's fine. 284 00:18:00,496 --> 00:18:03,498 Nothing like a nice plate of pasta. 286 00:18:12,132 --> 00:18:15,718 You know, I used to love to cook, but I never get a chance to anymore. 287 00:18:15,886 --> 00:18:18,721 And the way the chef protects the galley... 288 00:18:20,808 --> 00:18:22,266 One of these nights, 289 00:18:22,434 --> 00:18:25,311 I should fix something myself. 291 00:18:28,440 --> 00:18:31,943 - I'm sorry. - You'd love my enchiladas. 292 00:18:32,111 --> 00:18:33,444 Enchiladas? 293 00:18:34,363 --> 00:18:36,823 Well, if you don't like them, I can fix something else. 294 00:18:39,952 --> 00:18:41,536 What's your favorite food? 296 00:18:44,873 --> 00:18:46,791 Uh, I appreciate the offer, 297 00:18:46,959 --> 00:18:48,751 but it really isn't necessary. 298 00:18:50,838 --> 00:18:55,967 Aren't you a little tired of having to eat whatever chef happens to serve? 299 00:18:56,135 --> 00:18:58,970 - No, he's a fine cook. - Don't get me wrong. 300 00:18:59,179 --> 00:19:00,471 He's terrific. 301 00:19:00,639 --> 00:19:03,558 It's just that dinner in the mess hall 302 00:19:03,725 --> 00:19:07,603 can lack a certain personal touch. I've got a hot plate in my quarters. 303 00:19:12,609 --> 00:19:15,862 That's very flattering... 304 00:19:17,030 --> 00:19:19,448 ...and I'm just not sure it would be appropriate. 305 00:19:20,242 --> 00:19:21,409 What do you mean? 306 00:19:22,077 --> 00:19:23,369 Well... 307 00:19:23,537 --> 00:19:25,746 ...we work together... 308 00:19:26,290 --> 00:19:29,417 ...and it just might be a little awkward... 309 00:19:30,294 --> 00:19:31,627 ...serving on the same ship. 310 00:19:31,795 --> 00:19:33,838 What does that have to do with...? 313 00:19:38,218 --> 00:19:40,928 No, I didn't... I didn't mean 314 00:19:41,096 --> 00:19:45,141 to imply anything other than just making dinner, lieutenant. 315 00:19:45,309 --> 00:19:48,102 - Well, then, it's my mistake then... - No, it's my fault. 316 00:19:48,270 --> 00:19:50,229 I shouldn't have... 317 00:19:51,064 --> 00:19:53,232 - Yeah, I'll just... - No, please, finish your dinner. 318 00:19:53,400 --> 00:19:55,526 No, no, no, you've got a lot of work to do. 319 00:19:55,694 --> 00:19:57,403 So... 320 00:20:12,878 --> 00:20:15,838 Captain, I'm detecting a ship dead astern. 321 00:20:16,006 --> 00:20:20,551 - 8.000 meters. - Let me guess. Our shadow? 322 00:20:20,719 --> 00:20:22,929 Closing to 7.000. 323 00:20:24,306 --> 00:20:26,557 6.000. 324 00:20:26,975 --> 00:20:28,392 Polarize the hull plating. 326 00:20:39,238 --> 00:20:41,155 Reed to bridge. 327 00:20:41,323 --> 00:20:43,449 Armory, report. 328 00:20:43,617 --> 00:20:45,910 Get to your stations. Move. 329 00:20:50,874 --> 00:20:52,500 Warp drive is off-line. 330 00:20:54,544 --> 00:20:56,712 Main power is down. 331 00:21:09,977 --> 00:21:11,936 Torpedoes. 332 00:21:15,107 --> 00:21:16,357 Tactical systems are down. 333 00:21:16,566 --> 00:21:21,153 Why don't you save time, and tell me what isn't down? 334 00:21:21,363 --> 00:21:23,531 The outer doors in Launch Bay 2 are opening. 335 00:21:23,740 --> 00:21:25,574 - Seal them. - I can't. 338 00:22:48,241 --> 00:22:49,784 Get away from those men! 339 00:23:12,599 --> 00:23:14,225 Go. 340 00:23:14,893 --> 00:23:17,144 - Archer to Sickbay. - Phlox here, captain. 341 00:23:17,312 --> 00:23:20,356 Report to E Deck, Section 7. This is an emergency. 342 00:23:20,524 --> 00:23:22,108 On my way. 343 00:23:24,778 --> 00:23:27,238 - Security to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 344 00:23:27,406 --> 00:23:31,283 The aliens are gone, sir. They've launched their shuttle. 345 00:23:45,465 --> 00:23:46,632 Bridge, report! 346 00:23:46,800 --> 00:23:48,634 The alien vessel has gone to warp. 347 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:53,848 But that last shot damaged our port nacelle. We're venting drive plasma. 348 00:24:03,817 --> 00:24:05,609 Doctor? 349 00:24:06,611 --> 00:24:07,778 I've stabilized them, 350 00:24:07,946 --> 00:24:11,615 but they were subjected to some rather invasive scans. 351 00:24:14,411 --> 00:24:15,703 Will they be all right? 352 00:24:15,871 --> 00:24:18,164 There could be some residual neurological damage. 353 00:24:18,331 --> 00:24:19,665 I'm doing everything I can. 354 00:24:20,584 --> 00:24:22,460 Have you ever heard of anything like this? 355 00:24:22,627 --> 00:24:24,253 No. 356 00:24:24,421 --> 00:24:27,548 Are there any Vulcan records of a species that uses similar tactics? 357 00:24:27,716 --> 00:24:30,426 And I don't care how classified they might be. 358 00:24:30,635 --> 00:24:32,678 None that I know of, captain. 359 00:24:36,475 --> 00:24:37,516 Find out what you can. 361 00:24:38,894 --> 00:24:40,186 Tucker to Archer. 362 00:24:42,147 --> 00:24:44,106 - Go ahead. - We've got the plasma leak 363 00:24:44,274 --> 00:24:46,734 under control, but our port nacelle took a lot of damage. 364 00:24:46,902 --> 00:24:50,529 - How long before we can go to warp? - A couple of days. 365 00:24:51,364 --> 00:24:54,283 - What about impulse power? - Well, that's the good news. 366 00:24:54,493 --> 00:24:56,660 It should be back online in a few minutes. 367 00:24:56,870 --> 00:24:59,246 I'll take all the good news I can get. 368 00:24:59,414 --> 00:25:01,665 Keep me posted, doctor. 369 00:25:05,170 --> 00:25:08,589 There are no Vulcan ships within scanning range. 370 00:25:09,341 --> 00:25:11,926 Sir, we could try to contact the Vulcan High Command. 371 00:25:12,552 --> 00:25:14,762 They're only two days away at warp 6. 372 00:25:14,930 --> 00:25:16,805 I'm sure they'd give us a hand. 373 00:25:16,973 --> 00:25:18,891 I'm sure they would. 374 00:25:37,577 --> 00:25:39,620 I can't raise Vulcan. 375 00:25:39,788 --> 00:25:42,706 It's funny. I ran a diagnostic after the attack. 376 00:25:42,916 --> 00:25:45,000 But now Echo 2 won't respond. 377 00:25:45,210 --> 00:25:48,170 - That's because it isn't there. - What? 378 00:25:48,380 --> 00:25:52,550 Nothing but debris at the coordinates where we deployed the amplifier. 379 00:25:52,717 --> 00:25:54,051 What about Echo 1? 380 00:25:55,845 --> 00:25:57,346 Destroyed as well. 381 00:26:05,855 --> 00:26:08,315 The stabilizer on cannon port 2 checks out okay, sir. 382 00:26:08,483 --> 00:26:10,734 - Port 2 or port 1? - Port 1, sir. Sorry. 383 00:26:10,902 --> 00:26:12,820 Get it right. 384 00:26:12,988 --> 00:26:14,697 - Start on those beam emitters. - Yes, sir. 385 00:26:14,864 --> 00:26:16,907 Targeting scanners will be online in an hour. 386 00:26:17,075 --> 00:26:21,036 We should be aligning them by now, not installing them. 387 00:26:30,797 --> 00:26:32,548 You were a little hard on Eddie. 388 00:26:32,716 --> 00:26:35,050 Everyone's busting their tails to get this job done. 390 00:26:36,428 --> 00:26:38,679 - You okay? - Yeah. 391 00:26:39,139 --> 00:26:40,389 I'm fine. 392 00:26:40,557 --> 00:26:44,226 - I told them to depolarize these relays. - What were you trying to do? 393 00:26:44,394 --> 00:26:46,729 - Bypass the EPS grid. - Why? 394 00:26:46,896 --> 00:26:49,815 We could draw power for the cannons directly from the impulse engines. 395 00:26:49,983 --> 00:26:52,192 Are you trying to make this blow up in your face? 396 00:26:52,360 --> 00:26:54,361 The relays were rated to handle that much power. 397 00:26:54,529 --> 00:26:56,947 - What if there's a surge? - I've thought of that. 398 00:26:57,115 --> 00:27:00,409 These inverters were designed to cut in at the first sign of an overload. 399 00:27:00,577 --> 00:27:01,869 We gotta do this by the book, 400 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:05,539 or we'll end up blowing a bigger hole in ourselves than the bad guys. 401 00:27:05,707 --> 00:27:10,586 I've run a dozen simulations. It's an acceptable risk. 402 00:27:11,254 --> 00:27:13,922 When it comes to modifying ship's systems, 403 00:27:14,090 --> 00:27:18,427 why don't you let the chief engineer decide what's an acceptable risk. 404 00:27:18,595 --> 00:27:20,429 Sir... 405 00:27:21,056 --> 00:27:23,223 ...if we do this by the book, 406 00:27:23,391 --> 00:27:26,226 those aliens are likely to be back before we're done. 407 00:27:26,394 --> 00:27:28,854 I wanna get this job done as quickly as you do, lieutenant, 408 00:27:29,022 --> 00:27:33,984 but not if it means taking shortcuts that could get our people killed. 409 00:27:35,862 --> 00:27:37,821 Yes, sir. 410 00:27:55,882 --> 00:27:56,965 Don't you ever rest? 411 00:27:57,133 --> 00:28:00,094 You know, I can't sleep without the warp engines online. 412 00:28:00,261 --> 00:28:03,472 If I don't feel those vibrations, something just doesn't seem right. 413 00:28:03,682 --> 00:28:06,433 Well, I hope you get them fixed soon, because you look like hell. 414 00:28:06,976 --> 00:28:10,104 Well, with all due respect, captain, you shouldn't be talking. 415 00:28:11,648 --> 00:28:12,856 How's it coming? 416 00:28:13,024 --> 00:28:16,652 It'll be online by the end of the day tomorrow, guaranteed. 417 00:28:19,030 --> 00:28:21,240 Could you check the dilithium alignment for me? 418 00:28:21,408 --> 00:28:23,117 Sure. 419 00:28:29,833 --> 00:28:31,792 .06 microns. 420 00:28:34,003 --> 00:28:36,880 At least we'll be flying home under our own power. 421 00:28:38,216 --> 00:28:40,509 Let me know if it drops below .03. 422 00:28:43,012 --> 00:28:47,891 I tried to get a message to the Vulcan High Command, but it didn't go through. 423 00:28:48,059 --> 00:28:51,645 If it had, we'd be expecting a Surak-class ship tomorrow, 424 00:28:51,813 --> 00:28:54,440 oh-so-politely offering to help us. 425 00:28:54,649 --> 00:28:56,442 Well, the Vulcans would've loved that. 426 00:28:56,609 --> 00:28:59,987 Towing the pride of Starfleet back to base. 427 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:04,324 Maybe we should thank our visitors for blowing up the subspace amplifiers. 429 00:29:08,663 --> 00:29:10,205 It's holding at .05. 430 00:29:10,749 --> 00:29:12,666 Keep an eye on it. 431 00:29:14,294 --> 00:29:16,920 You looking forward to seeing Earth? 432 00:29:18,131 --> 00:29:19,339 Sure. 433 00:29:19,507 --> 00:29:22,509 I just didn't think I'd be seeing it so soon. 434 00:29:23,219 --> 00:29:24,887 This time, 435 00:29:25,054 --> 00:29:27,473 we won't be leaving before we're ready. 436 00:29:28,892 --> 00:29:30,976 Are your ears a little pointier than usual? 437 00:29:31,728 --> 00:29:33,479 I... 438 00:29:35,106 --> 00:29:37,357 I never said we didn't belong out here. 439 00:29:37,567 --> 00:29:40,194 I just wish we'd have... 440 00:29:40,361 --> 00:29:43,155 ...launched with all our systems online, 441 00:29:43,323 --> 00:29:45,115 especially weapons. 442 00:29:45,325 --> 00:29:47,493 If we hadn't launched when we did, 443 00:29:47,660 --> 00:29:50,621 they'd have sent Klaang back to Kronos in a box. 444 00:29:50,955 --> 00:29:53,999 I keep reminding myself of that. 445 00:29:54,167 --> 00:29:59,171 But I rushed us out of space dock because I had something to prove. 446 00:29:59,339 --> 00:30:01,757 And I risked the lives... 447 00:30:02,675 --> 00:30:05,761 ...of 81 humans, a Vulcan and a Denobulan to do it. 448 00:30:05,970 --> 00:30:07,471 Don't forget Porthos. 450 00:30:09,224 --> 00:30:11,141 Thanks. 451 00:30:11,643 --> 00:30:13,852 In the old days, astronauts rode rockets 452 00:30:14,020 --> 00:30:17,064 with millions of liters of hydrogen burning under their seats. 453 00:30:17,232 --> 00:30:18,774 You think they said: 454 00:30:18,942 --> 00:30:23,195 "Gee, I'd love to go to the moon today, but it seems a little risky"? 455 00:30:24,155 --> 00:30:26,114 I think if you asked anyone onboard 456 00:30:26,324 --> 00:30:28,784 whether they thought this mission was worth the risk, 457 00:30:28,952 --> 00:30:32,037 you'd get the same answer from every one of them. 458 00:30:38,586 --> 00:30:40,712 Let me know when we're ready to go to warp. 459 00:30:41,881 --> 00:30:43,674 Aye, sir. 460 00:30:52,976 --> 00:30:55,519 Have you still got those guns hooked up to the impulse engines? 461 00:30:55,687 --> 00:30:58,897 - I'm just disconnecting them now. - Hang on a minute. 462 00:31:01,109 --> 00:31:03,068 You're sure this will work? 463 00:31:03,236 --> 00:31:05,821 Yes, commander, I am. 464 00:31:06,239 --> 00:31:08,907 Then based on the recommendation of the armory officer, 465 00:31:09,075 --> 00:31:11,869 the chief engineer finds the level of risk acceptable. 466 00:31:14,163 --> 00:31:18,709 In that case, if the chief engineer wouldn't mind getting his hands dirty, 467 00:31:18,877 --> 00:31:20,419 I could use some help. 468 00:31:24,465 --> 00:31:28,010 Captain's starlog, September 1st, 2151. 469 00:31:28,177 --> 00:31:31,305 It's been two days now with no sign of the alien vessel. 470 00:31:31,514 --> 00:31:34,016 My crew has managed to do in 48 hours 471 00:31:34,183 --> 00:31:38,228 what would've taken the armory team at Jupiter Station at least a week. 472 00:31:38,396 --> 00:31:41,440 To say that I am proud of them would be an understatement. 473 00:31:42,150 --> 00:31:44,693 We're preparing our first test. 474 00:31:44,861 --> 00:31:47,070 Everybody has their fingers crossed, 475 00:31:47,238 --> 00:31:49,698 including me. 476 00:31:52,035 --> 00:31:54,870 - Sure there's nothing down there? - Yes, captain. 477 00:31:55,038 --> 00:31:57,080 Not even a microbe? I don't wanna blow up something 478 00:31:57,248 --> 00:32:00,417 that could evolve into a sentient species in a couple of billion years. 479 00:32:00,585 --> 00:32:02,878 There's nothing there. 480 00:32:03,671 --> 00:32:06,506 Archer to Lieutenant Reed. Have you got a lock? 481 00:32:06,674 --> 00:32:09,718 - Yes, captain. - Let's start small. 482 00:32:09,886 --> 00:32:12,554 Shave a couple of meters off the top of that peak. 483 00:32:13,514 --> 00:32:16,099 Acquiring the target. 484 00:32:16,768 --> 00:32:19,770 Full power to the primary coils. 485 00:32:26,611 --> 00:32:29,237 Phase-cannons 1 and 2, standing by. 486 00:32:30,406 --> 00:32:32,574 Mr. Reed, 487 00:32:32,742 --> 00:32:34,868 the honor is all yours. 488 00:32:49,050 --> 00:32:50,801 I just asked for a little off the top. 489 00:32:51,427 --> 00:32:54,680 - Check the cannons. Be careful there. - Yes, sir. 490 00:32:55,306 --> 00:32:57,891 The blast yield was ten times what we expected. 491 00:32:58,059 --> 00:32:59,226 What happened? 492 00:32:59,394 --> 00:33:02,479 Something overloaded the phase modulators. 493 00:33:02,689 --> 00:33:05,232 The plasma recoil blew out relays across decks C and D. 494 00:33:05,441 --> 00:33:08,235 I'm getting an anomalous reading from Launch Bay 2. 495 00:33:08,778 --> 00:33:11,446 Trip, T'Pol. 497 00:33:34,804 --> 00:33:37,055 There. What's that? 498 00:33:39,517 --> 00:33:41,476 You think that's what's causing the power surge? 499 00:33:41,644 --> 00:33:43,437 It's very likely. 500 00:33:43,730 --> 00:33:46,815 It's putting out a tremendous amount of energy. 501 00:33:46,983 --> 00:33:49,359 Over 600 megajoules. 502 00:33:50,111 --> 00:33:52,362 They're toying with us. 503 00:33:52,655 --> 00:33:55,866 They want us to know they can destroy us whenever they want, 504 00:33:56,034 --> 00:33:57,743 even with our own weapons. 505 00:33:57,910 --> 00:33:59,619 Whatever it is, 506 00:33:59,787 --> 00:34:02,622 it's tapped into most of our systems, including internal sensors, 507 00:34:02,832 --> 00:34:05,333 and communications on every deck. 508 00:34:11,466 --> 00:34:14,926 Activate visual sensor J-15. 509 00:34:15,928 --> 00:34:21,850 I assume you planted that because you wanted to learn more about us. 510 00:34:23,102 --> 00:34:26,021 I'll be happy to give you a quick lesson. 511 00:34:26,397 --> 00:34:28,815 We're not here to make enemies. 512 00:34:28,983 --> 00:34:31,109 But just because we're not looking for a fight 513 00:34:31,277 --> 00:34:34,446 doesn't mean we'll run away from one. 514 00:34:34,614 --> 00:34:37,532 You may think you've left us defenseless, 515 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:40,368 but let me tell you something about humans. 516 00:34:40,536 --> 00:34:42,871 We don't give up easily. 517 00:34:43,539 --> 00:34:46,458 We'll protect Enterprise... 518 00:34:49,670 --> 00:34:51,880 ... any way we can. 519 00:34:59,347 --> 00:35:01,098 Doctor? 520 00:35:01,682 --> 00:35:04,142 I'll be with you in a moment, ensign. 521 00:35:04,811 --> 00:35:07,521 I see you released your patients. 522 00:35:07,688 --> 00:35:10,982 They're going to be fine. I sent them back to their quarters to rest. 523 00:35:11,150 --> 00:35:12,317 That's good to hear. 524 00:35:14,987 --> 00:35:16,363 What can I do for you? 525 00:35:18,116 --> 00:35:20,534 You spend a lot of time in the mess hall. 526 00:35:20,701 --> 00:35:22,911 Have you ever had a meal with Lieutenant Reed? 527 00:35:23,079 --> 00:35:24,454 Many times. 528 00:35:24,622 --> 00:35:27,541 Any idea what his favorite food might be? 529 00:35:28,126 --> 00:35:31,920 Ah, the birthday dinner. Hmm? 530 00:35:32,088 --> 00:35:34,131 Uh, well, the man loves a good breakfast. 531 00:35:34,340 --> 00:35:37,300 - Like what? - Eggs. I've seen him eat a lot of eggs. 532 00:35:37,468 --> 00:35:41,513 - How does he like them? - Oh, scrambled, poached, over easy. 533 00:35:41,722 --> 00:35:45,058 Maybe chef could make him a big omelet. 534 00:35:45,268 --> 00:35:47,644 Oh, and he enjoys pancakes, on occasion. 535 00:35:47,812 --> 00:35:50,397 He has the odd habit of spreading peanut butter on them. 536 00:35:50,565 --> 00:35:53,942 Sausage, another favorite too. Bacon too, come to think of it. 537 00:35:54,110 --> 00:35:57,237 Is there any one food in particular? 538 00:35:58,364 --> 00:36:00,866 Not that I recall. 539 00:36:04,328 --> 00:36:07,956 Breaking a Vulcan encryption code would be easier than this. 540 00:36:08,124 --> 00:36:10,917 If anything comes to mind, I'll let you know. 541 00:36:11,085 --> 00:36:13,587 I don't suppose scanning his taste buds would help. 542 00:36:14,088 --> 00:36:17,132 Medically speaking, there's no accounting for taste. 543 00:36:18,092 --> 00:36:20,260 Thanks anyway. 544 00:36:21,721 --> 00:36:24,222 - Bromelain. - Sorry? 545 00:36:24,432 --> 00:36:25,640 I think I can help you, ensign. 547 00:36:27,226 --> 00:36:31,813 But it would mean going into Mr. Reed's medical records. 548 00:36:31,981 --> 00:36:33,607 That information is confidential. 549 00:36:33,774 --> 00:36:37,027 I'm under direct orders from the captain. 550 00:36:37,904 --> 00:36:40,780 Couldn't you make an exception? 551 00:36:41,699 --> 00:36:45,535 Under the circumstances, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. 553 00:36:48,623 --> 00:36:51,666 I've made it a point to study each crewman's medical history, 554 00:36:51,834 --> 00:36:54,377 and I remember noticing that Lieutenant Reed suffers 555 00:36:54,545 --> 00:36:56,087 from a number of allergies. 556 00:36:56,255 --> 00:37:01,176 Let's see, dust mites, oak pollen, tropical grasses. Ah. 557 00:37:01,344 --> 00:37:03,011 Oh, here it is. 558 00:37:03,179 --> 00:37:07,891 He's averse to various plant enzymes, including bromelain. 559 00:37:08,100 --> 00:37:10,477 What does all this have to do with what he likes to eat? 560 00:37:10,686 --> 00:37:13,355 Over the last several years, he's been taking regular injections, 561 00:37:13,522 --> 00:37:15,732 so that his body can tolerate bromelain. 562 00:37:16,359 --> 00:37:18,902 - A plant enzyme. - Yes. 563 00:37:19,070 --> 00:37:23,323 - Found in? - Among other things, pineapple. 564 00:37:23,491 --> 00:37:25,367 Pineapple. 565 00:37:25,534 --> 00:37:27,327 This doesn't mean it's his favorite food. 566 00:37:27,536 --> 00:37:30,038 It's close enough. Thank you, doctor. 567 00:37:39,298 --> 00:37:41,091 - It's them. - Where are they? 568 00:37:41,259 --> 00:37:44,719 Closing from astern, 20,000 meters. 569 00:37:44,887 --> 00:37:48,181 - 15. - Should I try evasive maneuvers? 570 00:37:48,391 --> 00:37:52,102 No. Come about, and hold our position. 572 00:37:53,521 --> 00:37:55,563 Bridge to the armory. Guess who's back. 573 00:37:55,773 --> 00:37:56,898 We see them. 574 00:37:57,066 --> 00:37:59,359 Both forward cannons are charged and ready. 575 00:37:59,527 --> 00:38:02,362 - Get a lock and stand by. - They've stopped. 576 00:38:02,571 --> 00:38:05,198 - 11.000. - We're being hailed. 577 00:38:05,908 --> 00:38:07,784 Put it through. 578 00:38:08,995 --> 00:38:11,246 - Defenseless. Prepare to surrender your vessel. 579 00:38:11,414 --> 00:38:13,123 You are defenseless. 580 00:38:13,332 --> 00:38:15,041 - Prepare to surrender. - Shut it off. 581 00:38:15,251 --> 00:38:16,668 You are defenseless... 582 00:38:17,628 --> 00:38:21,047 10.000 meters, 9. 583 00:38:21,257 --> 00:38:23,383 Mr. Reed... 584 00:38:23,551 --> 00:38:25,176 ...both cannons. Fire. 585 00:38:34,353 --> 00:38:38,273 I'm reading a fluctuation in their shielding, but it's marginal. 586 00:38:38,482 --> 00:38:41,568 - 5.000 meters. - Is that the best we can do? 587 00:38:41,777 --> 00:38:43,862 Even if these had been installed at Jupiter Station, 588 00:38:44,030 --> 00:38:46,239 they wouldn't be any more effective than they are now. 589 00:38:46,407 --> 00:38:49,492 What about yesterday? You blew up something the size of Mt McKinley. 590 00:38:49,660 --> 00:38:51,953 Yes, sir, but that was due to an overload. 591 00:38:54,248 --> 00:38:55,790 Can you overload them again? 592 00:38:56,000 --> 00:38:58,251 Sir, after the damage from the first time, 593 00:38:58,419 --> 00:39:00,920 the plasma recoil would probably knock out two decks. 594 00:39:01,130 --> 00:39:02,756 Can you overload them again? 595 00:39:03,257 --> 00:39:04,507 I believe so. 596 00:39:04,717 --> 00:39:07,218 I'd rather knock out two decks than surrender this ship. 597 00:39:07,428 --> 00:39:09,220 - But, sir... - Hold on a minute. 598 00:39:09,430 --> 00:39:11,556 - There's a way to handle the recoil. - How? 599 00:39:11,724 --> 00:39:13,725 All that excess energy's gotta go somewhere. 600 00:39:13,934 --> 00:39:16,186 - Why not put it to use? - 3.000 meters. 601 00:39:16,354 --> 00:39:18,730 If we repolarize the gravity plating to absorb the recoil, 602 00:39:18,898 --> 00:39:20,982 we can shunt the energy to structural integrity. 603 00:39:21,150 --> 00:39:23,401 - Sounds good to me. - The grav-plating wasn't designed 604 00:39:23,569 --> 00:39:25,111 to withstand that much force. 605 00:39:25,279 --> 00:39:27,489 We all understand the risks. Get started. 606 00:39:27,656 --> 00:39:29,491 Aye, sir. 607 00:39:35,331 --> 00:39:36,581 1.000 meters. 608 00:39:36,749 --> 00:39:37,832 Malcolm. 609 00:39:38,918 --> 00:39:40,835 Stand by. 610 00:39:42,088 --> 00:39:43,588 Trip. 611 00:39:45,549 --> 00:39:48,510 - We're ready, sir. - Then fire. 612 00:40:00,731 --> 00:40:03,608 - Their shields are failing. - Torpedoes. 613 00:40:34,348 --> 00:40:36,224 Bridge to the armory. 614 00:40:36,392 --> 00:40:37,892 Everything okay down there? 615 00:40:38,060 --> 00:40:39,978 We blew out the plasma relays on B Deck, 616 00:40:40,146 --> 00:40:43,481 but it's nothing we can't take care of. What about our friends? 617 00:40:43,649 --> 00:40:47,569 I have a feeling their repairs are gonna be a little more extensive. 618 00:40:48,237 --> 00:40:50,697 - How'd the cannons hold up? - Fairly well. 619 00:40:50,906 --> 00:40:52,824 I'll have them back online within the hour. 620 00:40:53,033 --> 00:40:55,743 The aft cannons should be working by the end of day tomorrow. 621 00:40:55,953 --> 00:40:57,704 Good work. 622 00:41:00,166 --> 00:41:01,958 Well... 623 00:41:04,044 --> 00:41:08,882 I see no reason for us to go back to Jupiter Station now. 624 00:41:09,717 --> 00:41:11,259 Do you? 625 00:41:11,427 --> 00:41:13,261 No. 626 00:41:13,429 --> 00:41:16,014 At least there's one good thing about coming back this far. 627 00:41:16,182 --> 00:41:18,391 We can drop another subspace amplifier. 628 00:41:20,060 --> 00:41:21,686 Get on it. 629 00:41:30,029 --> 00:41:32,071 Travis... 630 00:41:33,532 --> 00:41:35,825 ...resume our previous course. 631 00:41:35,993 --> 00:41:38,244 Gladly, sir. 632 00:41:44,752 --> 00:41:46,503 To our mysterious friends. 633 00:41:46,670 --> 00:41:48,713 I wish I could've seen the looks on their faces. 634 00:41:48,881 --> 00:41:50,715 Hear, hear. 635 00:41:53,636 --> 00:41:55,512 Don't get too used to drinking on duty. 636 00:41:57,640 --> 00:42:00,767 But you did your jobs pretty damn well yesterday. 637 00:42:01,227 --> 00:42:03,561 I'd say that deserves a little celebration. 638 00:42:03,979 --> 00:42:05,563 Cheers. 639 00:42:09,151 --> 00:42:10,693 If you really wanna thank us, 640 00:42:10,861 --> 00:42:12,445 how about letting us sleep in tomorrow? 641 00:42:14,823 --> 00:42:16,991 Permission granted. 642 00:42:17,701 --> 00:42:21,329 - Hoshi, what can we do for you? - Sorry to interrupt, captain. 643 00:42:21,497 --> 00:42:23,957 I have that component that you asked for. 644 00:42:24,166 --> 00:42:26,709 Great. Put it down right here. 645 00:42:29,380 --> 00:42:32,298 As long as we've got you here, Malcolm... 646 00:42:35,219 --> 00:42:36,427 ...happy birthday. 647 00:42:36,595 --> 00:42:38,263 You shouldn't have gone to any trouble. 648 00:42:38,430 --> 00:42:41,432 Oh, no trouble at all. 649 00:42:43,435 --> 00:42:46,938 Mr. Reed, the honor is yours. 650 00:43:02,079 --> 00:43:03,329 Pineapple. 651 00:43:03,539 --> 00:43:05,331 That's my favor... 652 00:43:06,709 --> 00:43:08,835 How on earth did you know? 653 00:43:11,005 --> 00:43:12,797 We have our sources.