1 00:00:02,627 --> 00:00:04,795 This wasn't part of our agreement. 2 00:00:04,963 --> 00:00:09,466 You failed in your last mission. The Klingon Empire is intact. 3 00:00:09,634 --> 00:00:12,219 You knew there would be consequences. 4 00:00:12,429 --> 00:00:15,139 Please, I won't disappoint you again. 5 00:00:15,306 --> 00:00:20,060 We'll restore it if you succeed in your next mission. 6 00:00:20,270 --> 00:00:22,730 But you're disabling me. 7 00:00:22,897 --> 00:00:26,108 You won't need enhanced vision where you're going. 8 00:00:26,276 --> 00:00:29,361 Proceed with the extraction. 9 00:02:13,925 --> 00:02:15,759 Hold the door. 10 00:02:16,761 --> 00:02:19,138 Hey, where were you last night? 11 00:02:19,305 --> 00:02:21,223 I decided to turn in early. 12 00:02:21,391 --> 00:02:22,891 Well, you didn't miss much. 13 00:02:23,059 --> 00:02:26,228 - What'd they show? - Night of the Killer Androids. 14 00:02:26,437 --> 00:02:27,479 That bad? 15 00:02:27,647 --> 00:02:29,815 We've got 50,000 movies in the database. 16 00:02:29,983 --> 00:02:32,484 There must be something worth watching. 17 00:02:32,652 --> 00:02:34,361 You could always read a book. 18 00:02:37,407 --> 00:02:40,117 - Lieutenant. - Ensigns. 19 00:02:40,618 --> 00:02:42,327 Enjoy the show last night? 21 00:02:47,292 --> 00:02:50,627 Those were two hours of my life I'd rather have back. 22 00:02:55,842 --> 00:02:57,593 Good morning, sir. 23 00:02:58,344 --> 00:03:00,304 Morning, Daniels. 24 00:03:00,889 --> 00:03:04,141 - I thought this was Taylor's shift. - I switched with him, if that's all right. 25 00:03:04,309 --> 00:03:05,350 No problem. 26 00:03:05,518 --> 00:03:08,395 Sir, I noticed we changed course. May I ask why? 27 00:03:08,563 --> 00:03:11,064 There's a stellar nursery not far from here. 28 00:03:11,232 --> 00:03:14,026 We detected several ships inside. 29 00:03:14,194 --> 00:03:16,153 We thought we might go say hello. 30 00:03:16,487 --> 00:03:20,032 - Very good, sir. More orange juice? - No, thanks, I'm fine. 31 00:03:32,837 --> 00:03:34,129 What have you got? 32 00:03:34,297 --> 00:03:36,798 We've found one of the ships, sir. 33 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:38,884 Put it up. 34 00:03:41,971 --> 00:03:44,306 It appears to be a transport vessel. 35 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:46,975 Hail them. 36 00:03:48,311 --> 00:03:49,519 They're responding. 37 00:03:50,939 --> 00:03:52,022 Can I help you? 38 00:03:52,523 --> 00:03:56,693 My name is Archer. I'm captain of the starship Enterprise. 39 00:03:56,861 --> 00:03:59,154 We're from Earth. 40 00:03:59,322 --> 00:04:01,240 We thought we'd introduce ourselves. 41 00:04:01,407 --> 00:04:02,908 Pleased to meet you. What do you want? 42 00:04:05,536 --> 00:04:07,204 Nothing. 43 00:04:07,538 --> 00:04:09,331 We're new to this region 44 00:04:09,499 --> 00:04:12,584 and we're eager to make contact with other species. 45 00:04:12,752 --> 00:04:13,919 So... 46 00:04:14,379 --> 00:04:17,172 If you don't mind my asking... 47 00:04:17,882 --> 00:04:19,508 ...what brings you here? 48 00:04:19,968 --> 00:04:21,843 A job. 49 00:04:22,011 --> 00:04:25,430 I'm escorting a group of spiritually minded men 50 00:04:25,598 --> 00:04:28,517 on a pilgrimage to the Great Plume of Agosoria. 51 00:04:28,726 --> 00:04:30,018 The what? 52 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:34,731 Every 11 years, one of the protostars gives out a neutron blast. 53 00:04:34,899 --> 00:04:39,820 These gentlemen believe it's a sacred event. 54 00:04:40,113 --> 00:04:42,281 If you ask me, it's just another ball of hydrogen. 55 00:04:42,824 --> 00:04:45,575 When is this Great Plume due to erupt? 56 00:04:46,202 --> 00:04:47,661 Tomorrow. 57 00:04:48,204 --> 00:04:51,540 - Mind if we join you? - It's your time to waste. 58 00:04:53,334 --> 00:04:57,671 I'd like to extend an invitation to you and your passengers 59 00:04:57,839 --> 00:05:01,383 - to visit Enterprise. - I'll ask them if they're interested. 60 00:05:01,551 --> 00:05:03,302 I prefer to stay with my ship. 61 00:05:04,262 --> 00:05:05,846 Understood. 62 00:05:06,014 --> 00:05:10,475 - Mr? - Fraddock. Captain Fraddock. 63 00:05:15,273 --> 00:05:17,858 Looks like we could be having guests. 64 00:05:19,444 --> 00:05:22,487 Tell chef to prepare... 65 00:05:22,655 --> 00:05:24,239 ...something. 66 00:05:32,874 --> 00:05:34,875 Seal's good. 67 00:05:38,629 --> 00:05:39,963 Welcome aboard. 68 00:05:40,631 --> 00:05:41,965 Captain Jonathan Archer. 69 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:49,056 It's customary on Earth to greet someone with a handshake. 70 00:05:50,516 --> 00:05:52,392 I'm Prah Mantoos. 71 00:05:52,560 --> 00:05:55,479 May Agosoria embrace you into his cycle of renewal. 72 00:05:56,481 --> 00:05:57,564 Thanks. 73 00:05:58,274 --> 00:06:00,108 These are my fellow celebrants. 74 00:06:00,276 --> 00:06:05,781 We've traveled many light years from different worlds to watch this event. 75 00:06:05,948 --> 00:06:07,866 I'm Commander Tucker, chief engineer, 76 00:06:08,034 --> 00:06:11,828 and this is our science officer, Sub-commander T'Pol. 77 00:06:13,247 --> 00:06:15,665 For you, captain. 78 00:06:15,833 --> 00:06:17,626 It's beautiful. 79 00:06:17,794 --> 00:06:21,213 - What exactly is it? - A clock. 80 00:06:21,547 --> 00:06:24,633 It charts time from the beginning of the universe. 81 00:06:25,343 --> 00:06:26,927 Voo-Sinteel. 82 00:06:27,095 --> 00:06:31,098 It's a spirit traditionally consumed as the Plume reaches its full brilliance. 83 00:06:31,307 --> 00:06:33,350 You'll find it enhances the experience. 84 00:06:34,227 --> 00:06:35,852 I'm sure it does. 85 00:06:36,687 --> 00:06:38,563 You're very generous. 86 00:06:38,731 --> 00:06:41,525 I'm afraid the only thing we have to offer you is our hospitality. 87 00:06:41,859 --> 00:06:44,569 That will be more than enough. 88 00:06:44,779 --> 00:06:46,947 Our chef has prepared a meal in your honor. 89 00:06:47,907 --> 00:06:50,784 Normally, we fast during the Time of Agosoria. 90 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:55,831 But in this case, I suppose we can break with tradition. 91 00:06:56,249 --> 00:06:57,958 Please. 92 00:07:09,262 --> 00:07:11,972 4 months, 3 weeks, and? 93 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:13,432 6 days. 94 00:07:13,599 --> 00:07:16,393 You've traveled a great distance in a short period of time. 95 00:07:16,561 --> 00:07:19,396 Warp 5 will get you where you're going pretty fast. 96 00:07:19,564 --> 00:07:21,773 We've seen a lot since we left Earth, 97 00:07:21,983 --> 00:07:26,862 but I have to say that this place is definitely one of the highlights. 98 00:07:27,029 --> 00:07:29,865 I'm pleased you appreciate its beauty, captain. 99 00:07:30,032 --> 00:07:33,535 To us, it's more than just a simple stellar nursery. 100 00:07:33,703 --> 00:07:38,373 According to our sacred texts, this is where the universe began. 101 00:07:38,541 --> 00:07:42,127 - And the Great Plume of Aga...? - Agosoria. 102 00:07:42,295 --> 00:07:44,129 Agosoria. How does that fit in? 103 00:07:44,338 --> 00:07:47,132 It represents the continuing cycle of creation. 104 00:07:47,341 --> 00:07:49,926 It's not unlike the Hindu faith, commander. 105 00:07:50,094 --> 00:07:54,139 They also believe the universe goes through repeated cycles of rebirth. 106 00:07:54,307 --> 00:07:57,267 I didn't realize you were familiar with Earth religions, doctor. 107 00:07:57,435 --> 00:07:58,477 Oh, yes. 108 00:07:58,686 --> 00:08:01,521 In fact, while I was there, I made a point to study a number of them. 109 00:08:01,689 --> 00:08:03,356 I spent 2 weeks at a Tibetan monastery, 110 00:08:03,524 --> 00:08:06,943 where I learned to sing chords with the high lamas. 111 00:08:07,111 --> 00:08:10,197 I attended Mass at Saint Peter's Square. 112 00:08:10,364 --> 00:08:14,576 I was even allowed to observe the Tal-Shanar at the Vulcan consulate. 113 00:08:14,785 --> 00:08:17,454 I understand Vulcans are a deeply spiritual people. 114 00:08:17,663 --> 00:08:21,374 Our beliefs are based on logic and the pursuit of clarity. 115 00:08:22,293 --> 00:08:24,336 Do you follow a particular faith, captain? 116 00:08:25,421 --> 00:08:28,882 I guess you could say I try to keep an open mind. 117 00:08:29,050 --> 00:08:32,677 Many who see the Great Plume are often inspired by it. 118 00:08:32,845 --> 00:08:35,597 Perhaps you will be too. 119 00:08:39,644 --> 00:08:43,313 - Did you get to meet them? - Two, briefly. 120 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:46,983 - What were they like? - Oh, quiet. 121 00:08:47,151 --> 00:08:49,069 They're taking a tour of the ship. 122 00:08:49,237 --> 00:08:51,238 Looks like the captain's going all out. 123 00:08:51,447 --> 00:08:53,490 I hope he's not planning to show them the armory. 124 00:08:53,658 --> 00:08:54,783 Don't worry. 125 00:08:54,992 --> 00:08:58,787 They didn't look like the types who'd go around stealing military secrets. 126 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:01,748 Still, we're not familiar with these species. 127 00:09:01,916 --> 00:09:03,792 Tactical systems should be off-limits. 129 00:09:06,295 --> 00:09:08,255 Starboard targeting sensor's out again. 130 00:09:08,422 --> 00:09:11,216 - Should I call Engineering? - No, I'll take care of it. 131 00:09:11,759 --> 00:09:14,010 It'll only take a moment. 132 00:09:15,471 --> 00:09:17,681 You have the bridge, ensign. 133 00:09:25,398 --> 00:09:26,940 Aren't you gonna take the chair? 134 00:09:27,817 --> 00:09:29,568 What? 135 00:09:30,236 --> 00:09:32,529 You're in command. 137 00:09:36,951 --> 00:09:38,535 I'm fine right here. 138 00:09:39,161 --> 00:09:41,329 Haven't you ever wondered what it's like? 139 00:09:41,789 --> 00:09:43,623 I can wait till I'm promoted. 140 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:45,750 Okay. 141 00:09:58,556 --> 00:09:59,639 Nice fit. 142 00:10:00,016 --> 00:10:03,685 Bridge looks a lot different from here. 143 00:10:08,274 --> 00:10:10,358 Think anyone would mind if I fired a torpedo? 145 00:10:17,742 --> 00:10:19,743 Permission to take my station. 146 00:10:20,369 --> 00:10:22,871 Sorry, sir. 147 00:10:30,546 --> 00:10:33,882 The gravimetric field displacement manifold, 148 00:10:34,050 --> 00:10:37,010 commonly known as the warp reactor. 149 00:10:37,178 --> 00:10:39,888 Just think of it as a great big engine 150 00:10:40,056 --> 00:10:43,475 but instead of using electricity or chemical fuel, 151 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:46,686 it runs on antimatter. 152 00:10:48,105 --> 00:10:50,065 See this swirling light? 153 00:10:50,232 --> 00:10:55,528 When matter and antimatter collide, it creates a whole lot of energy. 154 00:10:55,738 --> 00:10:58,990 And we channel that energy through those conduits over there, 155 00:10:59,158 --> 00:11:01,451 they lead to the 2 large glowing cylinders 156 00:11:01,619 --> 00:11:03,578 you may have seen on the outside of the ship. 157 00:11:03,788 --> 00:11:05,413 - The nacelles. - That's right. 158 00:11:05,581 --> 00:11:09,250 Which contain warp coils that create the subspace displacement field. 159 00:11:10,920 --> 00:11:14,923 I see you already know a thing or two about starship engines. 160 00:11:15,132 --> 00:11:16,716 I'm a warp field theorist. 162 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:23,932 Well, I guess that covers the basics. 163 00:11:24,100 --> 00:11:25,475 Any questions? 164 00:11:25,643 --> 00:11:29,229 How do you regulate positron flow in your dilithium matrix? 165 00:11:29,939 --> 00:11:30,980 Good one. 166 00:11:31,607 --> 00:11:34,776 I'll bring up the schematic of the reactor assembly, 167 00:11:34,944 --> 00:11:37,362 and you can see for yourself. 168 00:11:37,780 --> 00:11:40,740 If you'll just come with me. 169 00:11:42,410 --> 00:11:44,369 We use a series of magnetic constrictors 170 00:11:44,578 --> 00:11:46,579 to align the positron stream. 171 00:11:46,747 --> 00:11:51,334 If any stray particles escape, backups automatically kick in. 172 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:53,628 During one of our training tests, 173 00:11:53,796 --> 00:11:56,589 we momentarily lost the primaries and the backups. 174 00:11:56,757 --> 00:12:00,301 About a billion positrons cut through the plating on three decks. 175 00:12:00,469 --> 00:12:03,012 Nearly caused a hull breach. 176 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:06,391 We spent a month redesigning the system. 177 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:09,686 It hasn't given us a single problem since. 178 00:12:17,695 --> 00:12:20,530 We're being hailed by Captain Fraddock. 179 00:12:21,532 --> 00:12:23,616 He's probably calling about the weather. 180 00:12:23,784 --> 00:12:25,535 On screen. 181 00:12:25,703 --> 00:12:28,997 You might want to focus your sensors on that plasma lightning up ahead. 182 00:12:29,540 --> 00:12:30,999 We're aware of it. 183 00:12:31,167 --> 00:12:34,169 - You ever been in a plasma storm? - Twice. 184 00:12:34,336 --> 00:12:36,588 Then you know it can get a little bumpy. 185 00:12:36,756 --> 00:12:38,465 I suggest we try and go around it. 186 00:12:38,674 --> 00:12:40,008 Agreed. 187 00:12:40,176 --> 00:12:43,011 - Ensign. - I'm already on it. 188 00:12:46,223 --> 00:12:52,228 There's your heart, lungs, liver, another heart. Every organ. 189 00:12:52,396 --> 00:12:57,484 This imaging device also allows us to examine your genetic structure. 190 00:12:58,194 --> 00:13:00,195 You'll be happy to know you're in perfect health. 191 00:13:00,362 --> 00:13:02,530 Who would like to go next? 192 00:13:04,074 --> 00:13:05,992 Excuse me. 193 00:13:08,746 --> 00:13:11,247 Archer to the bridge. Report. 194 00:13:11,791 --> 00:13:14,542 We're circumnavigating a plasma storm, captain. 195 00:13:14,752 --> 00:13:16,795 It's just turbulence from the outer edge. 196 00:13:16,962 --> 00:13:18,379 They're very common in this region. 197 00:13:18,547 --> 00:13:21,257 I'm sure there's nothing to worry about. 198 00:13:26,555 --> 00:13:28,848 That one hit our port bow. 199 00:13:29,225 --> 00:13:31,893 Power's down on C Deck, subsection four. 200 00:13:32,728 --> 00:13:34,437 - No other damage. - Ensign? 201 00:13:34,605 --> 00:13:38,650 The storm's moving in our direction. I'm having trouble getting around it. 202 00:13:39,109 --> 00:13:41,236 What about the transport ship? 203 00:13:41,654 --> 00:13:43,863 He's far enough ahead. 204 00:13:44,031 --> 00:13:46,282 He made it past. 205 00:13:47,368 --> 00:13:50,245 We've got a power surge in the impulse relays. 206 00:13:50,412 --> 00:13:52,789 Here's a good example of how we can reroute the energy flow 207 00:13:52,957 --> 00:13:54,749 to protect our critical systems. 208 00:13:56,293 --> 00:14:00,129 I'm afraid we have to cut the tour a little short. I'll be on the bridge. 209 00:14:20,067 --> 00:14:23,278 - Report. - We're losing main power. 210 00:14:23,487 --> 00:14:25,280 Trip, what's happening? 211 00:14:25,990 --> 00:14:27,740 That last bolt struck the warp manifold. 212 00:14:28,367 --> 00:14:30,076 We've got an antimatter cascade, sir. 213 00:14:30,286 --> 00:14:32,620 If it reaches the warp reactor, we're gonna... 214 00:14:45,843 --> 00:14:49,512 I think we're all right, captain. The cascade stopped in its tracks. 215 00:14:51,265 --> 00:14:52,599 Good work, Trip. 216 00:14:54,101 --> 00:14:56,311 It wasn't me, sir. 217 00:15:03,193 --> 00:15:04,861 Sorry about the bad weather. 218 00:15:05,029 --> 00:15:10,033 We're used to it. I'm just grateful there was no serious damage. 219 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:14,287 If any of your group would like to watch the Great Plume from our mess hall, 220 00:15:14,455 --> 00:15:16,706 they're welcome to come back tomorrow. 221 00:15:16,874 --> 00:15:18,333 I'll let them know. 222 00:15:18,500 --> 00:15:20,710 - Have a great time, doctor. - I plan to, captain. 223 00:15:20,878 --> 00:15:23,296 Thank you for letting me spend the night with these people. 224 00:15:23,464 --> 00:15:26,966 - I'll expect a full report in the morning. - Aye, captain. 225 00:15:27,301 --> 00:15:29,594 Hope to see you tomorrow. 226 00:15:31,680 --> 00:15:34,807 - Tucker to Captain Archer. - Go ahead, Trip. 227 00:15:34,975 --> 00:15:37,518 Can you come down to Engineering for a minute? 228 00:15:37,686 --> 00:15:39,520 On my way. 229 00:15:42,983 --> 00:15:44,984 What is it, Trip? 230 00:15:46,320 --> 00:15:48,154 Take a look at this. 231 00:15:48,447 --> 00:15:50,031 What? 232 00:15:51,700 --> 00:15:54,953 Right up there. 233 00:15:55,412 --> 00:15:58,748 - See that conduit? - Yeah. 234 00:15:58,916 --> 00:16:00,750 It's an antimatter junction. 235 00:16:00,918 --> 00:16:03,670 It stopped the cascade from reaching the warp reactor. 236 00:16:05,005 --> 00:16:06,255 What are you getting at? 237 00:16:06,799 --> 00:16:08,424 Somebody got in here and disconnected it 238 00:16:08,592 --> 00:16:10,218 from the primary antimatter feed. 239 00:16:10,386 --> 00:16:14,681 If they hadn't, that cascade would have continued right into the reactor core, 240 00:16:14,848 --> 00:16:19,102 and this ship would have gone up just like the Great Plume of Agosoria. 241 00:16:22,982 --> 00:16:25,775 - One of your staff? - I already asked. 242 00:16:25,943 --> 00:16:28,611 Nobody seems to know anything about it. 243 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:31,447 Sounds to me like you've got a hero 244 00:16:31,615 --> 00:16:34,075 who's a little reluctant about taking credit. 245 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:36,160 Talk to them again. 246 00:16:36,328 --> 00:16:38,413 Whoever did this deserves a commendation. 247 00:16:38,580 --> 00:16:41,165 I'm telling you, sir, I don't think it was one of my people. 248 00:16:41,375 --> 00:16:43,001 They would have said something. 249 00:16:45,212 --> 00:16:46,462 I spoke with every one of them. 250 00:16:46,630 --> 00:16:49,090 - How about the warp theorist? - Him too. 251 00:16:49,258 --> 00:16:51,801 None of them went anywhere near that conduit. 252 00:16:52,928 --> 00:16:57,849 If I told you I did it, would there be some kind of reward? 253 00:16:59,977 --> 00:17:01,310 Thank you, captain. 254 00:17:02,187 --> 00:17:04,856 Well, maybe it was the cycle of renewal. 255 00:17:06,233 --> 00:17:09,444 If anyone comes forward, you'll let me know? 256 00:17:09,653 --> 00:17:12,113 Oh, you'll be the first. 257 00:17:22,291 --> 00:17:25,168 Sir, I need to speak with you. 258 00:17:25,335 --> 00:17:28,212 Why don't you talk to one of my bridge officers. I'm a little busy now. 259 00:17:28,380 --> 00:17:30,548 - It's important. - I'm sorry, I've got my hands full. 260 00:17:30,716 --> 00:17:32,633 It's about the Suliban. 261 00:17:32,968 --> 00:17:34,302 What about them? 262 00:17:34,470 --> 00:17:36,763 I believe that one of the pilgrims who came aboard today 263 00:17:36,930 --> 00:17:38,389 is a Suliban soldier. 264 00:17:39,266 --> 00:17:40,850 His name is Silik. 265 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:44,062 He's the man you fought with on the Helix. 266 00:17:46,565 --> 00:17:49,609 How the hell do you know what I did on the Helix? 267 00:17:51,278 --> 00:17:54,447 It might be best if we discuss this in private. 268 00:17:55,157 --> 00:17:57,658 - My ready room. - Better if we went to my quarters. 269 00:17:57,826 --> 00:17:58,910 What? 270 00:17:59,119 --> 00:18:01,245 You'll understand when we get there, sir. 271 00:18:09,922 --> 00:18:13,883 Oh, please, have a seat. I'm sorry about the mess. 272 00:18:14,051 --> 00:18:18,721 Sometimes I think my bunkmate majored in chaos theory. 273 00:18:20,432 --> 00:18:22,100 What is that? 274 00:18:22,976 --> 00:18:24,852 That doesn't look like Starfleet issue. 275 00:18:25,020 --> 00:18:27,021 That's because I'm not in Starfleet. 276 00:18:27,189 --> 00:18:30,525 Not that I wouldn't be honored to be one, especially after spending time... 277 00:18:30,692 --> 00:18:32,443 Who are you? 278 00:18:32,986 --> 00:18:34,695 How do you know what happened on the Helix? 279 00:18:34,863 --> 00:18:36,739 Did Silik tell you who he was working for? 280 00:18:36,907 --> 00:18:39,200 I'm the one asking questions, crewman. 281 00:18:40,536 --> 00:18:43,121 Did he mention the Temporal Cold War? 282 00:18:45,415 --> 00:18:46,791 What do you know about that? 283 00:18:47,668 --> 00:18:49,836 A great deal more than you do, sir. 284 00:18:51,672 --> 00:18:55,591 If you're not a member of Starfleet, then who are you? 285 00:18:56,718 --> 00:18:59,303 I work for a different kind of organization. 286 00:18:59,471 --> 00:19:03,182 We make sure that people like Silik don't interfere with historical events. 287 00:19:04,017 --> 00:19:05,977 I've never heard of a group like that. 288 00:19:06,478 --> 00:19:08,354 That's because it doesn't exist yet. 289 00:19:11,900 --> 00:19:16,946 So you're telling me you're some kind of a time traveler? 290 00:19:17,447 --> 00:19:19,198 That's one way of putting it. 291 00:19:20,367 --> 00:19:22,493 Maybe this will help clear things up. 292 00:19:25,789 --> 00:19:28,374 This is how we keep an eye on what's going on. 293 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:31,377 You might call it a temporal observatory. 294 00:19:34,131 --> 00:19:37,300 I know this must seem a little overwhelming. 295 00:19:37,467 --> 00:19:42,805 Overwhelming doesn't quite cover it. 296 00:19:42,973 --> 00:19:46,017 I come from right about... Right about here. 297 00:19:46,185 --> 00:19:49,145 Approximately 900 years from now. 298 00:19:50,522 --> 00:19:52,523 Are you human? 299 00:19:53,025 --> 00:19:54,984 More or less. 300 00:19:58,405 --> 00:20:00,531 And the people giving Silik orders? 301 00:20:00,741 --> 00:20:05,286 They are from an earlier century. From about here. 302 00:20:05,871 --> 00:20:08,456 They can't manifest themselves physically in the past. 303 00:20:08,624 --> 00:20:12,835 They can only partially materialize to deliver information. 304 00:20:13,003 --> 00:20:14,503 But not you. 305 00:20:14,713 --> 00:20:17,548 In the years that followed, we eventually perfected the process. 306 00:20:18,508 --> 00:20:19,842 Sounds dangerous. 307 00:20:20,052 --> 00:20:21,552 When time travel was first developed, 308 00:20:21,720 --> 00:20:24,305 it wasn't long before people realized that laws had to be made. 309 00:20:24,473 --> 00:20:26,224 All the species who had the technology 310 00:20:26,391 --> 00:20:28,684 agreed it would only be used for research. 311 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:31,312 But it wasn't. 312 00:20:31,480 --> 00:20:34,106 That's what the Temporal Cold War is all about. 313 00:20:35,901 --> 00:20:37,652 Look at this. 314 00:20:38,237 --> 00:20:41,822 This is a group of anthropologists from 2769 315 00:20:41,990 --> 00:20:45,326 observing the construction of the Great Pyramid at Giza. 316 00:20:45,494 --> 00:20:47,620 They're doing it using the proper procedures 317 00:20:47,788 --> 00:20:50,122 set forth in the Temporal Accord. 318 00:20:50,290 --> 00:20:53,668 But there are factions that ignore those procedures. 319 00:20:54,044 --> 00:20:56,671 Why are you telling me all this? 320 00:21:01,885 --> 00:21:05,513 Silik is the one who prevented the reactor breach. 321 00:21:08,058 --> 00:21:12,395 Are you implying Silik was sent here to save my ship? 322 00:21:13,355 --> 00:21:16,107 And if he hadn't, we would have been destroyed today? 323 00:21:16,275 --> 00:21:18,317 I am not implying anything. 324 00:21:18,485 --> 00:21:20,736 All I'm saying is that I was assigned here 325 00:21:20,904 --> 00:21:23,114 to capture Silik when he came aboard. 326 00:21:23,282 --> 00:21:28,077 He is a threat, and I need you to help me capture him. 327 00:21:28,912 --> 00:21:35,126 You're from 900 years in the future, and you need my help? 328 00:21:35,627 --> 00:21:37,545 The Suliban have been given genetic enhancements 329 00:21:37,713 --> 00:21:39,297 that allow them to evade most sensors. 330 00:21:39,506 --> 00:21:43,551 - They're nearly impossible to detect. - I've noticed. 331 00:21:44,136 --> 00:21:46,554 I have special equipment that can help track Silik, 332 00:21:46,722 --> 00:21:48,055 but it'll be far more effective 333 00:21:48,223 --> 00:21:51,309 if I can tie it into your internal sensor grid. 334 00:21:51,476 --> 00:21:55,813 I'll need access to Main Engineering and your command codes. 335 00:21:56,023 --> 00:21:57,773 But we have reason to believe 336 00:21:57,941 --> 00:22:00,985 that the 22nd century is a front in this cold war. 337 00:22:01,153 --> 00:22:05,031 What happens here could affect millennia to come. 338 00:22:05,198 --> 00:22:08,159 It's imperative that we find out who Silik is working for, 339 00:22:08,327 --> 00:22:09,869 and what they're trying to do. 340 00:22:13,206 --> 00:22:16,125 If I decide to help you... 341 00:22:16,710 --> 00:22:18,878 ...I can't do it alone. 342 00:22:19,296 --> 00:22:21,422 I need to inform some of my crew. 343 00:22:21,965 --> 00:22:23,758 The fewer the better. 344 00:22:29,473 --> 00:22:35,353 You're asking me to capture someone who just saved my ship. 345 00:22:36,938 --> 00:22:38,731 Why should I trust you? 346 00:22:39,399 --> 00:22:42,318 You like your scrambled eggs soft. 347 00:22:42,486 --> 00:22:45,446 Have I ever brought them to you any other way? 348 00:22:49,409 --> 00:22:50,993 You sure you don't want a glass? 349 00:22:51,161 --> 00:22:52,745 I'm sure. 350 00:22:53,789 --> 00:22:55,331 The Vulcan Science Directorate 351 00:22:55,499 --> 00:22:59,418 has studied the question of time travel in great detail. 352 00:22:59,586 --> 00:23:04,215 They found no evidence that it exists, or that it can exist. 353 00:23:04,383 --> 00:23:07,426 The Suliban woman I spoke with, Sarin, 354 00:23:07,761 --> 00:23:10,554 she also used the phrase "Temporal Cold War." 355 00:23:10,722 --> 00:23:12,765 - That's what Daniels called it? - The same words. 356 00:23:12,974 --> 00:23:14,517 That proves nothing. 357 00:23:16,061 --> 00:23:18,938 What about the Suliban's genetic engineering? 358 00:23:19,106 --> 00:23:21,732 Phlox says it's far beyond their abilities. 359 00:23:21,942 --> 00:23:25,736 That doesn't mean that it was given to them by visitors from the future. 360 00:23:25,904 --> 00:23:28,989 Until Daniels can offer you concrete proof, 361 00:23:29,157 --> 00:23:31,951 I'd remain extremely skeptical. 362 00:23:32,160 --> 00:23:34,995 I'm telling you, he pushed a button on this device 363 00:23:35,163 --> 00:23:37,081 and the whole room changed. 364 00:23:37,249 --> 00:23:39,583 On the Xyrillian ship, I was in a holographic chamber 365 00:23:39,751 --> 00:23:42,795 where I could have sworn I was in a boat at sea. 366 00:23:42,963 --> 00:23:47,925 If what Daniels says is true, then Silik saved Enterprise. 367 00:23:48,093 --> 00:23:50,803 Maybe we shouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. 368 00:23:50,971 --> 00:23:53,305 If there's a possibility this cold war exists, 369 00:23:53,515 --> 00:23:55,516 we can't ignore Daniels' request. 370 00:23:56,560 --> 00:23:58,936 Bridge to Captain Archer. 371 00:24:00,730 --> 00:24:03,816 - Yes, Hoshi. - We're approaching the protostar, sir, 372 00:24:04,025 --> 00:24:06,485 and the transport ship is requesting permission to dock. 373 00:24:06,653 --> 00:24:08,821 Some passengers would like to take you up on your offer 374 00:24:08,989 --> 00:24:11,198 and observe it from the mess hall. 375 00:24:12,576 --> 00:24:15,995 Initiate docking procedures. I'll be right there. 376 00:24:17,747 --> 00:24:19,123 One of them might be Silik. 377 00:24:19,916 --> 00:24:22,960 We don't have time to debate this any longer. 378 00:24:23,128 --> 00:24:25,296 I want you to help Daniels. 379 00:24:37,476 --> 00:24:40,769 I always knew we'd be meeting people from other planets, 380 00:24:40,937 --> 00:24:42,646 but other centuries? 381 00:24:45,775 --> 00:24:47,902 You're not buying any of this, are you? 382 00:24:48,069 --> 00:24:50,613 If Daniels could travel through time, 383 00:24:50,780 --> 00:24:52,907 why not simply go back one more day into the past, 384 00:24:53,116 --> 00:24:55,826 and prevent Silik from boarding this ship in the first place? 385 00:24:55,994 --> 00:24:57,870 Maybe that's plan B. 386 00:24:58,371 --> 00:25:00,706 Or maybe he's really not from the future. 387 00:25:01,291 --> 00:25:03,876 Then why make up such a crazy story? 388 00:25:04,044 --> 00:25:07,046 He could be trying to conceal his true intentions. 389 00:25:07,547 --> 00:25:10,049 I thought you scientists were supposed to keep an open mind. 390 00:25:10,634 --> 00:25:13,344 There's a difference between keeping an open mind 391 00:25:13,512 --> 00:25:16,555 and believing something because you want it to be true. 392 00:25:19,351 --> 00:25:21,519 What the hell is that supposed to mean? 395 00:25:33,907 --> 00:25:37,326 Captain, that is a traditional greeting on the morning of Agosoria. 396 00:25:37,494 --> 00:25:40,037 It means, "May the Plume light your way." 397 00:25:40,205 --> 00:25:42,748 - I take it you enjoyed your visit. - Oh, it was mesmerizing. 398 00:25:42,916 --> 00:25:46,335 4 hours of ritual prayer, followed by the Kaana-sah, 399 00:25:46,503 --> 00:25:50,464 a series of exercises designed to purify the body. 400 00:25:50,632 --> 00:25:53,676 I think I strained a leg muscle, but it was well worth it. 401 00:25:53,843 --> 00:25:56,428 - How many decided to join us? - Eleven, I believe. 402 00:25:56,596 --> 00:25:59,348 The others wanted to observe the star from their ship. 403 00:25:59,516 --> 00:26:02,434 So that leaves six on the transport? 404 00:26:02,602 --> 00:26:05,896 I didn't take a head count, but that sounds about right. 405 00:26:06,982 --> 00:26:09,608 Did any of them seem out of place? 406 00:26:09,776 --> 00:26:11,277 How do you mean? 407 00:26:11,444 --> 00:26:13,028 Did they all take part in the rituals? 408 00:26:13,196 --> 00:26:15,864 As far as I could tell, but our eyes were closed most of the time. 409 00:26:16,032 --> 00:26:18,576 Is there something wrong, captain? 410 00:26:20,870 --> 00:26:24,123 No, just curious. 411 00:26:30,672 --> 00:26:33,591 You seem a little preoccupied. 412 00:26:34,884 --> 00:26:36,802 It's been a long night. 413 00:26:37,345 --> 00:26:41,056 Glad you had a good time. Enjoy the view. 414 00:26:41,224 --> 00:26:43,058 I will. 415 00:26:45,520 --> 00:26:46,937 My equipment draws a lot of power. 416 00:26:47,105 --> 00:26:50,232 I'll need another 20 megawatts routed to your sensor grid. 417 00:26:50,442 --> 00:26:53,694 - Commander? TRIP: The grid can handle it. 418 00:26:54,154 --> 00:26:57,239 So I take it your brother isn't really an orbital engineer at Jupiter Station. 419 00:26:57,407 --> 00:26:59,116 Actually, I don't have a brother. 420 00:26:59,284 --> 00:27:03,120 - And you didn't grow up in Illinois? - I'm from a place called Illinois, sir. 421 00:27:03,288 --> 00:27:05,122 Just not the one you're familiar with. 422 00:27:05,290 --> 00:27:07,833 It's good to know Earth will be around in 900 years. 423 00:27:08,001 --> 00:27:10,502 That depends on how you define Earth. 424 00:27:11,254 --> 00:27:13,922 - Beg your pardon? - You might want to initialize the grid. 425 00:27:14,090 --> 00:27:17,092 I'm ready to download the biometric parameters. 426 00:27:17,260 --> 00:27:19,178 Right. 427 00:27:23,016 --> 00:27:24,224 What's this? 428 00:27:24,726 --> 00:27:27,186 It's very delicate. Please don't... 429 00:27:28,188 --> 00:27:30,022 Please don't touch it. 430 00:27:32,692 --> 00:27:35,694 You know, we've got a little pool going in Engineering 431 00:27:35,862 --> 00:27:39,448 where we try to guess how far the ship will travel each day. 432 00:27:39,616 --> 00:27:43,327 I don't suppose you could give me a tip on tomorrow's distance. 433 00:27:43,495 --> 00:27:46,538 I'm afraid we don't monitor events quite that closely. 434 00:27:46,706 --> 00:27:48,624 One of the power relays is off-line. 435 00:27:48,792 --> 00:27:51,043 Must have been damaged during the plasma storm. 436 00:27:51,252 --> 00:27:55,130 J-37. It's about 3 meters behind that bulkhead. 437 00:27:55,298 --> 00:27:57,299 I'll take care of it. 438 00:28:01,471 --> 00:28:03,597 J-37? 439 00:28:17,320 --> 00:28:18,696 Try it now. 440 00:28:30,125 --> 00:28:33,961 I know, I know, your breakfast is two hours late. 441 00:28:35,171 --> 00:28:37,339 Don't give me that look. 442 00:28:37,924 --> 00:28:41,301 If it's any consolation, I missed my breakfast too. 443 00:28:44,305 --> 00:28:46,724 What's the problem? 444 00:28:47,350 --> 00:28:49,768 You're not getting any cheese. 446 00:29:03,825 --> 00:29:07,745 If you're thinking of calling for help, I'd advise against it. 447 00:29:10,331 --> 00:29:13,000 I'm not the one you should be worried about, Jon. 448 00:29:14,586 --> 00:29:16,295 What are you doing here? 449 00:29:16,504 --> 00:29:20,382 I thought you might want to thank me. I saved your life. 450 00:29:20,925 --> 00:29:23,594 The least you could do is return the favor. 451 00:29:24,095 --> 00:29:28,432 There's someone here trying to find me. I need to know who it is. 452 00:29:29,142 --> 00:29:31,101 I don't know what you're talking about. 453 00:29:32,979 --> 00:29:35,647 I detected tachyon radiation. 454 00:29:35,815 --> 00:29:39,318 You don't have anything that emits tachyons. 455 00:29:39,486 --> 00:29:41,737 Who's looking for me? 456 00:29:42,572 --> 00:29:43,906 I don't know. 457 00:29:45,575 --> 00:29:48,202 Did they tell you that ridiculous story 458 00:29:48,369 --> 00:29:51,413 about their noble efforts to protect history? 459 00:29:51,581 --> 00:29:53,999 The great Temporal Accord? 460 00:29:54,167 --> 00:29:58,629 They're lying to you, Jon. None of it is true. 461 00:29:58,797 --> 00:30:03,133 Whoever contacted you is working for another faction. 462 00:30:03,301 --> 00:30:07,012 They didn't come here to protect history, they came to alter it. 463 00:30:07,472 --> 00:30:10,849 Who do you think was responsible for the antimatter cascade 464 00:30:11,059 --> 00:30:12,976 that nearly destroyed your ship? 465 00:30:13,144 --> 00:30:14,728 It was them. 466 00:30:14,896 --> 00:30:17,064 I was sent to prevent it. 467 00:30:17,649 --> 00:30:20,484 And why would you wanna do that? 468 00:30:20,985 --> 00:30:23,362 The first time we met, you tried to kill me. 469 00:30:23,571 --> 00:30:27,157 I saved your ship because I was instructed to. 470 00:30:27,325 --> 00:30:31,662 By whom? What does Enterprise have to do with your Temporal War? 471 00:30:32,831 --> 00:30:38,043 I'm not privy to that kind of information, but I can tell you this: 472 00:30:38,211 --> 00:30:42,256 Whoever's looking for me is a danger to your crew. 473 00:30:42,423 --> 00:30:45,592 If you want to continue on your mission... 474 00:30:46,219 --> 00:30:47,928 ...you'll help me find them. 475 00:30:49,347 --> 00:30:51,431 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 476 00:31:00,608 --> 00:31:01,984 Archer here. 477 00:31:02,151 --> 00:31:04,987 We've finished the modifications. 478 00:31:06,239 --> 00:31:07,948 Thanks. 479 00:31:08,116 --> 00:31:13,078 - I'll be there in a few minutes. - Mr. Daniels is eager to get started. 480 00:31:14,581 --> 00:31:16,331 He'll have to wait a few minutes. 481 00:31:16,499 --> 00:31:18,750 Archer out. 482 00:31:20,712 --> 00:31:23,130 You've been very helpful, Jon. 484 00:31:43,151 --> 00:31:45,110 It's beginning. 485 00:31:45,278 --> 00:31:47,321 How long before we see the Plume? 486 00:31:47,488 --> 00:31:51,909 Well, that's hard to predict. Every cycle is unique. 487 00:31:53,453 --> 00:31:57,539 Would you care to recite the Invocation of Renewal with us? 488 00:31:58,583 --> 00:32:00,584 I'd be honored. 492 00:32:31,783 --> 00:32:34,493 - Does this mean it's working? - It's working. 493 00:32:36,162 --> 00:32:38,372 - What is it? - Suliban bio-signs. 494 00:32:38,539 --> 00:32:42,167 He's somewhere on this deck. I can't isolate him, but he's close. 495 00:32:42,335 --> 00:32:45,420 Call Lieutenant Reed. Tell him to seal off C Deck. 496 00:32:46,381 --> 00:32:48,966 It wouldn't hurt if he could get down here with a security team. 497 00:32:50,468 --> 00:32:51,760 What's that? 498 00:32:55,348 --> 00:32:57,349 - You two should go. - We're not leaving. 499 00:32:57,517 --> 00:32:58,600 Go. 500 00:32:58,810 --> 00:33:00,394 Bring help. Go. 501 00:33:00,561 --> 00:33:03,730 Evacuate Engineering! Everybody out! 502 00:33:08,653 --> 00:33:10,696 Did they tell you that the 22nd century 503 00:33:10,863 --> 00:33:13,240 was going to be your final resting place? 504 00:33:25,169 --> 00:33:27,170 Still skeptical? 505 00:33:28,673 --> 00:33:30,882 Tucker to Captain Archer. 506 00:33:31,217 --> 00:33:33,135 Captain, are you there? 507 00:33:34,721 --> 00:33:36,179 He's in his quarters. 508 00:33:36,347 --> 00:33:38,598 - Tucker to Dr. Phlox. - Yes, commander. 509 00:33:38,766 --> 00:33:40,767 Meet us in the captain's quarters, on the double. 510 00:33:40,935 --> 00:33:42,894 On my way. 511 00:33:59,120 --> 00:34:00,495 Ugh. 512 00:34:00,663 --> 00:34:02,372 Easy, captain. 513 00:34:02,540 --> 00:34:04,916 Aside from a nasty headache, you're going to be fine. 514 00:34:05,084 --> 00:34:07,210 You were stunned by a particle weapon. 515 00:34:07,378 --> 00:34:08,879 It was Silik. 516 00:34:09,047 --> 00:34:12,924 I guess he decided not to try and kill me this time. 517 00:34:13,092 --> 00:34:16,261 He wasn't quite as generous when it came to Daniels. 518 00:34:16,429 --> 00:34:17,512 He's dead, sir. 519 00:34:20,767 --> 00:34:25,103 - Have our guests left yet? - No, the Plume is just beginning. 520 00:34:32,195 --> 00:34:34,362 Enterprise to Captain Fraddock. 521 00:34:34,530 --> 00:34:36,239 Fraddock. 522 00:34:36,783 --> 00:34:39,117 I'm looking for one of your passengers. 523 00:34:39,285 --> 00:34:42,579 Have any of the ones who were here returned in the last hour or so? 524 00:34:42,747 --> 00:34:45,165 - None. - You're sure? 525 00:34:45,333 --> 00:34:48,919 The hatch has been sealed the entire time. 526 00:34:49,212 --> 00:34:52,631 Thanks. Archer out. 527 00:34:53,633 --> 00:34:56,218 - Mr. Reed. - Yes, sir? 528 00:34:56,385 --> 00:34:58,553 We've got a Suliban loose on the ship. 529 00:34:58,763 --> 00:35:01,890 I want you to lock down every outer door and exit hatch. 530 00:35:02,058 --> 00:35:04,059 Post security teams on all decks. 531 00:35:04,227 --> 00:35:06,144 Understood. 532 00:35:09,524 --> 00:35:11,858 Do you think you can find him using Daniels' sensors? 533 00:35:12,026 --> 00:35:14,027 I can sure as hell try. 534 00:35:14,195 --> 00:35:16,947 - Get to Engineering. - Yes, sir. 535 00:35:17,406 --> 00:35:18,824 T'Pol. 536 00:35:18,991 --> 00:35:20,909 Thanks, doc. 537 00:35:34,215 --> 00:35:35,799 Captain? 538 00:35:35,967 --> 00:35:37,425 It's gone. 539 00:35:37,760 --> 00:35:40,095 - He took it. - Took what? 540 00:35:40,304 --> 00:35:41,471 The device I told you about. 541 00:35:41,639 --> 00:35:44,057 The one Daniels used to show me all those things. 542 00:35:44,642 --> 00:35:46,560 That kind of information could give an advantage 543 00:35:46,727 --> 00:35:49,020 to whomever Silik's working for. 544 00:35:49,230 --> 00:35:51,481 Bridge to Captain Archer. 545 00:35:51,691 --> 00:35:52,941 Go ahead. 546 00:35:53,151 --> 00:35:55,986 Someone just used our com system to transmit a message. 547 00:35:56,195 --> 00:35:59,698 - What kind of message? - It's encrypted, sir. 548 00:36:14,297 --> 00:36:15,714 Anything? 549 00:36:15,923 --> 00:36:19,426 I'm sorry, captain. I can't make heads or tails of most of this. 550 00:36:19,594 --> 00:36:23,889 These might represent Suliban bio-signs, but I wouldn't bet on it. 551 00:36:44,493 --> 00:36:47,204 B Deck. Service junction 59. 552 00:36:47,371 --> 00:36:50,165 Somebody's trying to bypass the lock-out codes for launch bay 2. 553 00:36:51,584 --> 00:36:53,460 Tell Malcolm to meet me with a security team. 554 00:36:53,628 --> 00:36:56,671 Captain, I've got something that might give you a leg up. 555 00:37:01,219 --> 00:37:02,928 It looks like he slipped through here. 556 00:37:03,095 --> 00:37:07,098 We could remove these conduits, but it'd take some time. 557 00:37:09,852 --> 00:37:11,603 Sir? 558 00:37:27,203 --> 00:37:28,912 Stay here. 559 00:37:45,888 --> 00:37:48,640 Very clever. Careful, Jon. 560 00:37:48,808 --> 00:37:51,977 It'd be a shame to trigger another antimatter cascade. 561 00:37:52,144 --> 00:37:54,854 There'd be nobody here to stop it. 562 00:37:55,022 --> 00:37:57,482 Put that device on the floor. 563 00:37:57,692 --> 00:38:00,777 It would be in your best interest to let me take it. 564 00:38:01,112 --> 00:38:03,655 You keep saying you're here to help us... 565 00:38:04,031 --> 00:38:07,617 ...but I can't stop wondering what kind of genetic enhancements you'll get 566 00:38:07,785 --> 00:38:10,745 for bringing back that little prize. 567 00:38:10,955 --> 00:38:14,666 Eyes in the back of your head? A pair of wings? 568 00:38:15,042 --> 00:38:17,210 That's a cynical attitude, Jon. 569 00:38:17,962 --> 00:38:21,256 I thought your species was more trusting. 574 00:38:58,627 --> 00:39:01,254 There's a vessel approaching no bigger than a shuttlepod. 575 00:39:03,090 --> 00:39:05,300 It's Suliban. 576 00:39:15,394 --> 00:39:17,562 I'm not gonna ask you again. 577 00:39:20,149 --> 00:39:21,649 Put it down. 578 00:39:24,362 --> 00:39:27,781 You're going to kill me, after I saved your life? 579 00:39:32,203 --> 00:39:35,747 You may have endangered your future, Jon. 582 00:41:06,005 --> 00:41:08,506 - Bridge to Captain Archer. - Yeah. 583 00:41:09,049 --> 00:41:11,843 A Suliban vessel just took something in and went to warp. 584 00:41:12,011 --> 00:41:13,511 Should we go after them? 585 00:41:13,971 --> 00:41:15,805 No. 586 00:41:17,433 --> 00:41:19,601 Let them go. 587 00:41:31,030 --> 00:41:33,781 Come in. 588 00:41:35,367 --> 00:41:39,829 The transport ship has left. We're ready to resume course. 589 00:41:41,373 --> 00:41:43,541 Have you learned how it works? 590 00:41:44,919 --> 00:41:46,878 Not a clue. 591 00:41:50,633 --> 00:41:54,219 Starfleet's in store for one hell of a report. 592 00:41:56,222 --> 00:41:58,765 I'm not quite sure where to begin. 593 00:41:58,933 --> 00:42:00,975 I'd be glad to help. 594 00:42:04,146 --> 00:42:06,105 First thing in the morning. 595 00:42:06,273 --> 00:42:09,192 I don't know about you... 596 00:42:09,652 --> 00:42:11,694 ...but I could use a good night's sleep. 597 00:42:11,862 --> 00:42:13,988 Agreed. 598 00:42:26,835 --> 00:42:30,296 Mr. Reed, assign new quarters to Daniels' roommate, 599 00:42:30,464 --> 00:42:33,299 and seal off cabin E-14. 600 00:42:33,509 --> 00:42:35,301 It's off-limits till further notice. 601 00:42:35,469 --> 00:42:37,428 Aye, sir. 602 00:42:38,889 --> 00:42:40,598 God knows what else is in there. 603 00:42:46,814 --> 00:42:48,439 Let's get back on the road, Travis.