1 00:00:19,811 --> 00:00:20,853 [DEVICE BEEPS] 2 00:00:21,062 --> 00:00:22,896 HOSHI [OVER COM]: Bridge to Mayweather. 3 00:00:36,202 --> 00:00:37,244 Mayweather. 4 00:00:37,412 --> 00:00:39,371 HOSHI: The captain wants you to report to the Bridge. 5 00:00:39,581 --> 00:00:41,206 Admiral Forrest called a few minutes ago. 6 00:00:41,416 --> 00:00:43,042 We're reversing course. 7 00:00:43,251 --> 00:00:45,127 I'm on my way. 8 00:02:14,717 --> 00:02:18,303 T'POL: The planet's orbit has shifted, taking it between two gas giants. 9 00:02:18,513 --> 00:02:20,973 Their gravitational pull is causing its core to superheat. 10 00:02:21,182 --> 00:02:22,516 Starfleet thinks it'll be covered 11 00:02:22,725 --> 00:02:25,644 with erupting volcanoes by the end of the week. 12 00:02:25,937 --> 00:02:28,897 This system's almost 30 light years behind us. 13 00:02:29,107 --> 00:02:32,568 Admiral Forrest assures me it's only a temporary detour. 14 00:02:32,777 --> 00:02:36,071 Some geological fireworks. Could be fun. 15 00:02:37,031 --> 00:02:39,700 - Set a course. - Aye, sir. 16 00:02:55,466 --> 00:02:56,508 [BELL RINGS] 17 00:02:56,718 --> 00:02:57,759 Come in. 18 00:03:00,388 --> 00:03:03,891 - Do you have a minute, sir? - Several, actually. 19 00:03:04,100 --> 00:03:05,392 Please. 20 00:03:05,602 --> 00:03:07,394 What's on your mind? 21 00:03:07,604 --> 00:03:10,731 I was wondering if I could make a personal request. 22 00:03:10,940 --> 00:03:12,566 Of course. 23 00:03:12,775 --> 00:03:18,113 My family's ship, the Horizon, we're going to be passing close to it. 24 00:03:18,323 --> 00:03:20,240 I wouldn't mind going by for a visit. 25 00:03:20,450 --> 00:03:23,035 It's about 10 hours off our flight path. 26 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:26,121 Enterprise can still get to the planet with time to spare. 27 00:03:27,040 --> 00:03:28,957 You could pick me up on the way back. 28 00:03:29,626 --> 00:03:32,878 I think we can manage without you for a few days. 29 00:03:33,296 --> 00:03:34,630 Thank you, sir. 30 00:03:35,089 --> 00:03:37,674 Your folks will be surprised to see you. 31 00:03:38,009 --> 00:03:39,885 My father's been ill for a few months. 32 00:03:40,887 --> 00:03:42,304 Nothing serious, I hope. 33 00:03:42,513 --> 00:03:45,224 My mother said he'll be fine. She's the ship's medic. 34 00:03:46,809 --> 00:03:50,229 I thought you told me your mother was the chief engineer. 35 00:03:50,438 --> 00:03:52,189 She's both. 36 00:03:53,942 --> 00:03:57,569 I guess they have to wear a lot of hats to keep those old ships running. 37 00:03:57,779 --> 00:03:59,696 My grandfather held the record. 38 00:03:59,906 --> 00:04:03,116 Five jobs at one time, two of them on the Bridge. 39 00:04:03,785 --> 00:04:05,911 There was a time 40 00:04:06,120 --> 00:04:09,164 when I gave serious thought to serving on a cargo ship. 41 00:04:10,208 --> 00:04:11,875 You, sir? 42 00:04:12,377 --> 00:04:14,962 It was a few years before Starfleet was chartered. 43 00:04:15,463 --> 00:04:16,755 Why didn't you sign up? 44 00:04:19,008 --> 00:04:20,717 Long story. 45 00:04:21,052 --> 00:04:22,928 I'll tell you the next time we have breakfast. 46 00:04:24,514 --> 00:04:27,224 After we dock, I'll have Phlox go over with you, 47 00:04:27,433 --> 00:04:28,934 have him take a look at your father. 48 00:04:29,477 --> 00:04:31,353 I'd appreciate that, sir. 49 00:04:40,697 --> 00:04:43,156 You'll be glad to hear the thermal scanners are up and running. 50 00:04:43,366 --> 00:04:45,325 - And the imaging relays? - Yup. 51 00:04:45,535 --> 00:04:47,202 We'll drop six of them in high orbit. 52 00:04:47,412 --> 00:04:51,248 That should give us a bird's-eye view of every volcano on the planet. 53 00:04:52,250 --> 00:04:54,960 You know, there's not gonna be a lot to do once we get there. 54 00:04:55,169 --> 00:04:57,546 Sensors will record everything automatically. 55 00:04:57,755 --> 00:05:00,590 You should have plenty of time to practice your harmonica. 56 00:05:03,386 --> 00:05:06,596 I've talked Chef into doing something special. 57 00:05:06,806 --> 00:05:10,183 Starting Tuesday, it's gonna be movie night every night. 58 00:05:10,393 --> 00:05:13,478 Thought you might be interested, seeing how you enjoyed that Western. 59 00:05:13,688 --> 00:05:17,733 We're gonna be showing the three greatest horror movies ever made. 60 00:05:17,942 --> 00:05:22,738 Frankenstein, Bride of Frankenstein and Son of Frankenstein. 61 00:05:22,947 --> 00:05:26,408 We might even throw in Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein. 62 00:05:26,617 --> 00:05:29,578 I have no interest in horror movies. 63 00:05:30,288 --> 00:05:32,914 How do you know if you've never seen one? 64 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:37,502 You don't have to see all of them. Just come the first night. 65 00:05:38,296 --> 00:05:40,380 I promise you'll like it. 66 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:45,010 Reanimated life forms, science run amok. 67 00:05:45,219 --> 00:05:47,179 They're right up your alley. 68 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:52,809 Four years isn't so long. 69 00:05:53,019 --> 00:05:58,065 My last family reunion was almost a decade ago. 70 00:05:58,274 --> 00:06:01,985 Starfleet really ought to think about putting families on starships. 71 00:06:02,195 --> 00:06:03,528 You must be joking. 72 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:05,697 No one would ever get homesick. 73 00:06:06,115 --> 00:06:08,992 Yes. Well, they'd better post a psychologist onboard, 74 00:06:09,202 --> 00:06:12,996 because I'd need one if my parents were roaming the corridors. 75 00:06:13,206 --> 00:06:15,457 On a cargo ship, you can't walk 10 meters 76 00:06:15,666 --> 00:06:18,335 without running into your babysitter or a great-aunt. 77 00:06:18,544 --> 00:06:19,586 [COM BEEPS] 78 00:06:19,796 --> 00:06:21,713 HOSHI [OVER COM]: Bridge to Ensign Mayweather. 79 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:24,841 Go ahead. 80 00:06:25,009 --> 00:06:26,635 HOSHI: We've gotten a response from the Horizon. 81 00:06:26,844 --> 00:06:27,969 It's your mother. 82 00:06:28,179 --> 00:06:30,389 Thanks, Hoshi. Put it through to my quarters. 83 00:06:34,977 --> 00:06:38,647 ARCHER: Captain's personal log, January 10th, 2153. 84 00:06:38,856 --> 00:06:41,566 We're on course for our rendezvous with the Horizon. 85 00:06:41,776 --> 00:06:43,735 Unfortunately, I've just received word 86 00:06:43,945 --> 00:06:47,781 that Ensign Mayweather's family is facing an unexpected tragedy. 87 00:06:52,537 --> 00:06:53,662 Mind if I join you? 88 00:06:54,831 --> 00:06:56,039 Of course not. 89 00:07:01,212 --> 00:07:02,796 I haven't been up here since we launched. 90 00:07:15,977 --> 00:07:17,060 You come here a lot? 91 00:07:19,272 --> 00:07:21,273 Every now and then. 92 00:07:24,068 --> 00:07:26,069 Commander Tucker told me what happened. 93 00:07:28,030 --> 00:07:29,823 I'm sorry. 94 00:07:31,742 --> 00:07:36,246 My mother sent a message to Starfleet six weeks ago. 95 00:07:37,331 --> 00:07:39,416 But I never got it. 96 00:07:44,297 --> 00:07:47,340 The civilian channels can be 97 00:07:48,217 --> 00:07:49,468 pretty slow. 98 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:53,346 I should have called him. 99 00:07:54,223 --> 00:07:57,309 We were in com range a few months ago. 100 00:07:58,811 --> 00:08:02,856 I guess I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. 101 00:08:04,150 --> 00:08:08,195 He wasn't very happy with me when I joined Starfleet. 102 00:08:09,030 --> 00:08:12,032 He'd been grooming me for his job 103 00:08:12,909 --> 00:08:14,868 since I was a kid. 104 00:08:15,578 --> 00:08:17,621 I'm sure 105 00:08:19,165 --> 00:08:22,042 it wasn't easy for him when you left. 106 00:08:23,961 --> 00:08:26,338 But I know for a fact 107 00:08:27,381 --> 00:08:29,049 that he was proud of you. 108 00:08:33,971 --> 00:08:36,431 With all respect, sir, 109 00:08:38,851 --> 00:08:40,894 I'm not so sure he was. 110 00:08:43,898 --> 00:08:46,691 Did he ever tell you about the letter he sent me? 111 00:08:49,570 --> 00:08:52,989 It was almost two and a half years ago. 112 00:08:53,199 --> 00:08:57,202 There were a few candidates I was looking at for helm officer. 113 00:08:57,828 --> 00:09:01,206 I was having a little trouble deciding, 114 00:09:01,749 --> 00:09:06,336 so I contacted their former COs, hoping for a more personal evaluation. 115 00:09:07,838 --> 00:09:09,589 What did he say? 116 00:09:10,007 --> 00:09:12,801 He wrote the shortest recommendation. 117 00:09:13,010 --> 00:09:15,220 Just one sentence. 118 00:09:15,429 --> 00:09:16,471 [CHUCKLES] 119 00:09:16,681 --> 00:09:18,265 He said, 120 00:09:19,642 --> 00:09:24,396 he'd never met a more natural stick and rudder man in his life 121 00:09:25,022 --> 00:09:28,858 and I'd be a fool if I didn't choose you. 122 00:09:32,446 --> 00:09:36,449 When I saw how you handled yourself at the helm, 123 00:09:38,286 --> 00:09:40,495 I knew he was right. 124 00:09:41,122 --> 00:09:43,039 I wish 125 00:09:45,376 --> 00:09:48,587 he would have told me that. 126 00:09:54,176 --> 00:09:57,053 As I suspected, it's nothing more than a simple headache. 127 00:09:57,263 --> 00:09:59,139 I was hoping for something more serious. 128 00:09:59,348 --> 00:10:00,974 Oh? 129 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:03,602 I've been coerced into watching tonight's movie. 130 00:10:03,811 --> 00:10:07,272 Heh, if you're looking for a medical excuse, I'm afraid you're out of luck. 131 00:10:07,481 --> 00:10:09,316 If it's any consolation, I'll be there as well. 132 00:10:09,525 --> 00:10:11,526 I agree this form of entertainment is rather crude 133 00:10:11,736 --> 00:10:15,071 but it can often provide an enlightening glimpse into human behavior. 134 00:10:15,281 --> 00:10:19,367 Don't be surprised if you see me here again afterwards. 135 00:10:19,577 --> 00:10:22,203 I've little doubt my headache will return. 136 00:10:28,711 --> 00:10:31,087 Just a quick tour of the engine room. That's all I'm asking. 137 00:10:31,297 --> 00:10:33,381 The Horizon's 50 years old. 138 00:10:33,591 --> 00:10:36,384 I'm sure you've seen far more impressive warp reactors. 139 00:10:36,594 --> 00:10:39,429 Zefram Cochrane designed that engine himself. 140 00:10:39,639 --> 00:10:44,059 I've heard rumors he personally signed the inside of each reactor casing. 141 00:10:44,894 --> 00:10:48,021 Oh, uh, almost forgot. 142 00:10:48,606 --> 00:10:51,274 - What's this? - A few family photos. 143 00:10:51,484 --> 00:10:54,944 I downloaded every picture I've taken since we left space dock. 144 00:10:55,154 --> 00:10:58,198 Thought your mom might like to see what her boy's been up to. 145 00:10:58,407 --> 00:11:00,450 - Thank you, sir. - You bet. 146 00:11:24,517 --> 00:11:26,518 I wouldn't call it a dangerous mission. 147 00:11:26,727 --> 00:11:30,689 We've gotten into a few skirmishes, but nothing we couldn't handle. 148 00:11:30,898 --> 00:11:32,190 I got a letter from your sister. 149 00:11:32,400 --> 00:11:36,361 She said you mentioned a close call with some kind of storm. 150 00:11:36,570 --> 00:11:39,072 We ran into a small wave front a few months ago. 151 00:11:39,281 --> 00:11:42,617 The crew had to squeeze into one of the nacelles for a couple of days. 152 00:11:42,827 --> 00:11:45,870 She probably made it sound worse than it was. 153 00:11:46,080 --> 00:11:51,251 She also mentioned something about alien soldiers forcing their way aboard. 154 00:11:51,460 --> 00:11:53,503 It was really just a misunderstanding. 155 00:11:53,713 --> 00:11:55,880 They thought Enterprise had been abandoned. 156 00:11:56,090 --> 00:11:58,591 Captain Archer convinced them to leave. 157 00:12:00,219 --> 00:12:03,972 I guess there's no point in asking you about the Romulan minefield. 158 00:12:04,181 --> 00:12:05,890 How'd you know about that? 159 00:12:06,100 --> 00:12:08,935 I've been serving on cargo ships for a long time. 160 00:12:09,145 --> 00:12:11,062 I've made a few contacts here and there. 161 00:12:11,272 --> 00:12:12,313 [SIREN WAILING] 162 00:12:12,523 --> 00:12:14,441 MAN [OVER COM]: Stand by to go to warp. 163 00:12:15,317 --> 00:12:17,026 [RUMBLING] 164 00:12:23,159 --> 00:12:24,951 Charlie must be at the helm. 165 00:12:25,161 --> 00:12:26,619 What makes you say that? 166 00:12:27,538 --> 00:12:29,247 His warp jumps were always a little rough. 167 00:12:29,457 --> 00:12:31,291 [CHUCKLES] 168 00:12:31,500 --> 00:12:33,126 - Where are we headed? - Deneva Station. 169 00:12:33,335 --> 00:12:37,297 Just a quick run to pick up supplies. We'll have you back in plenty of time. 170 00:12:37,506 --> 00:12:39,382 Watch your step, ma'am. 171 00:12:39,592 --> 00:12:41,676 - Travis? - Hey. 172 00:12:41,886 --> 00:12:43,553 I haven't seen you for a while, heh. 173 00:12:43,763 --> 00:12:45,513 Did you lock yourself in a cargo container? 174 00:12:46,015 --> 00:12:49,184 - Do you always have to bring that up? - Heh. 175 00:12:50,394 --> 00:12:51,519 It's good to see you. 176 00:12:51,729 --> 00:12:53,855 Hey, if you're not busy tonight, stop by the Mess. 177 00:12:54,064 --> 00:12:55,398 I will. 178 00:13:00,821 --> 00:13:03,072 Did you forget your way? 179 00:13:03,282 --> 00:13:04,699 Guest quarters are over here. 180 00:13:04,909 --> 00:13:06,951 You're not assigned to guest quarters. 181 00:13:15,169 --> 00:13:16,836 I thought my room had been reassigned. 182 00:13:17,046 --> 00:13:20,215 It was, but they didn't mind giving it up for a few days. 183 00:13:20,424 --> 00:13:22,884 We don't get VIPs very often. 184 00:13:25,471 --> 00:13:29,349 I found some of your old things, thought you might feel more at home. 185 00:13:31,060 --> 00:13:33,770 I can't believe you kept this. 186 00:13:35,064 --> 00:13:39,567 You stayed up all night for a month, mapping every system 187 00:13:39,777 --> 00:13:42,362 you planned to visit when you grew up. 188 00:13:42,571 --> 00:13:45,657 I've still got a ways to go. 189 00:13:46,158 --> 00:13:47,325 Oh. 190 00:13:47,535 --> 00:13:50,537 I'm glad you're home. 191 00:13:51,705 --> 00:13:53,456 Me too. 192 00:13:56,460 --> 00:13:58,378 We're going to get through this, Mom. 193 00:14:05,594 --> 00:14:11,432 Ugh, those, uh, plasma injectors aren't going to align themselves. 194 00:14:11,851 --> 00:14:13,226 I should go. 195 00:14:13,435 --> 00:14:15,645 Oh, after you've settled in, uh, come by the engine room. 196 00:14:15,855 --> 00:14:18,231 Some people wanna say hello. 197 00:14:37,042 --> 00:14:39,878 Transfer these canisters over to Module 4. 198 00:14:40,087 --> 00:14:41,129 Mm-hm. 199 00:14:41,338 --> 00:14:44,173 Are you sure you're old enough to drive that thing? 200 00:14:46,468 --> 00:14:49,721 An ensign ought to salute before addressing a captain. 201 00:14:49,930 --> 00:14:52,849 Acting captain. Don't let it go to your head. 202 00:14:53,058 --> 00:14:54,392 [CHUCKLES] 203 00:14:54,602 --> 00:14:57,228 I'll catch up with you in a few minutes. 204 00:15:07,781 --> 00:15:09,407 Jacket looks good on you. 205 00:15:09,617 --> 00:15:11,492 Thanks. 206 00:15:12,703 --> 00:15:15,163 Didn't think I'd be wearing it this soon. 207 00:15:19,710 --> 00:15:21,628 Business must be good. 208 00:15:21,837 --> 00:15:24,714 I've never seen this module so full. 209 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:28,176 The biggest problem these days is keeping track of everything. 210 00:15:28,385 --> 00:15:31,262 Dad kept a lot of the inventory in his head. 211 00:15:31,472 --> 00:15:34,349 I'm trying to reconstruct the database. 212 00:15:34,934 --> 00:15:37,101 We still can't find a stromatopod larvae 213 00:15:37,311 --> 00:15:40,063 we're supposed to be delivering the Demerians. 214 00:15:40,272 --> 00:15:43,524 I only hope it didn't end up in cold storage, heh. 215 00:15:43,734 --> 00:15:45,360 If you need me to help out with anything... 216 00:15:45,569 --> 00:15:48,529 Thanks, but we can handle it. 217 00:15:49,990 --> 00:15:53,451 You're on leave. I'm not going to put you to work. 218 00:15:56,372 --> 00:15:57,413 See you at dinner? 219 00:16:02,252 --> 00:16:04,128 PAUL: Travis. 220 00:16:04,672 --> 00:16:07,966 You might wanna change into something a little less conspicuous. 221 00:16:29,822 --> 00:16:31,864 I've deployed the imaging relays. 222 00:16:32,074 --> 00:16:34,117 How long until the show begins? 223 00:16:34,326 --> 00:16:36,536 Approximately 30 hours. 224 00:16:36,745 --> 00:16:39,372 The holometric camera still needs to be calibrated. 225 00:16:39,581 --> 00:16:41,207 I can help with that. 226 00:16:41,417 --> 00:16:42,834 Get started. 227 00:16:43,043 --> 00:16:46,004 I'd like to share our pictures with Starfleet, 228 00:16:46,213 --> 00:16:48,798 give Admiral Forrest a front-row seat. 229 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:50,550 Echo 3's within range. 230 00:16:50,759 --> 00:16:53,386 It shouldn't be too hard to set up a downlink. 231 00:16:55,180 --> 00:16:57,306 So you coming tonight? 232 00:16:59,018 --> 00:17:01,144 If the sensors are calibrated by then. 233 00:17:01,353 --> 00:17:04,564 Well, you better make up your mind. Seats are gonna fill up fast. 234 00:17:06,984 --> 00:17:08,651 According to the database, 235 00:17:08,861 --> 00:17:11,237 Frankenstein is also a work of literature. 236 00:17:11,447 --> 00:17:14,824 Mary Shelley wrote it, the wife of a famous poet. 237 00:17:15,492 --> 00:17:19,287 Perhaps a dramatic reading would be more illuminating. 238 00:17:19,496 --> 00:17:21,539 You expect a Mess hall full of crewmen to sit still 239 00:17:21,749 --> 00:17:23,624 while someone reads to them? 240 00:17:23,834 --> 00:17:27,170 They'd be more likely to appreciate the author's true intent. 241 00:17:29,381 --> 00:17:32,842 You wanna start a book club, go right ahead. 242 00:17:33,927 --> 00:17:36,596 You're gonna be there tonight, aren't you, sir? 243 00:17:36,805 --> 00:17:38,806 Wouldn't miss it. 244 00:17:39,308 --> 00:17:41,893 Well, I'll save you some popcorn. 245 00:17:44,438 --> 00:17:47,190 [DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] 246 00:17:47,399 --> 00:17:49,734 Might be a good idea for you to go too. 247 00:17:49,943 --> 00:17:54,405 It might be fun, and a little fraternizing couldn't hurt. 248 00:17:56,325 --> 00:17:59,911 I don't understand how sitting silently in a darkened room 249 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:02,705 constitutes fraternizing. 250 00:18:03,248 --> 00:18:07,251 It's, uh, a communal experience. 251 00:18:09,713 --> 00:18:11,631 I'll tell you what. 252 00:18:11,840 --> 00:18:13,216 Let's make a night of it. 253 00:18:13,425 --> 00:18:16,761 Dinner in the Captain's Mess, 1800, movie at 1930. 254 00:18:16,970 --> 00:18:19,972 - You'll be my date. - I beg your pardon? 255 00:18:20,182 --> 00:18:21,474 I'll be a perfect gentleman. 256 00:18:21,892 --> 00:18:24,477 And if you don't like the movie, 257 00:18:24,686 --> 00:18:27,438 I'll never ask you to sit through another one. 258 00:18:40,410 --> 00:18:42,286 All right. 259 00:18:43,330 --> 00:18:45,081 Try it now. 260 00:18:46,750 --> 00:18:48,709 [COMPUTER BUZZES THEN BEEPS] 261 00:18:48,919 --> 00:18:49,961 Mm-hm. 262 00:18:50,170 --> 00:18:52,672 I've increased the range of the navigation sensors. 263 00:18:52,881 --> 00:18:56,050 The helm will make course corrections a lot quicker. 264 00:18:58,804 --> 00:19:00,096 What's wrong? 265 00:19:00,889 --> 00:19:03,015 I was just working on a few upgrades. 266 00:19:05,102 --> 00:19:07,645 I don't remember asking for any upgrades. 267 00:19:07,855 --> 00:19:10,690 You were busy. I didn't wanna bother you. 268 00:19:10,899 --> 00:19:12,024 You're gonna love this. 269 00:19:12,234 --> 00:19:15,278 You know those port stabilizers that were always acting up? 270 00:19:15,487 --> 00:19:17,655 Before I left, I spoke with Commander Tucker. 271 00:19:17,865 --> 00:19:21,576 - Commander Tucker? - Our chief engineer on Enterprise. 272 00:19:21,785 --> 00:19:24,871 He showed me how to reconfigure the spatial discriminators. 273 00:19:25,080 --> 00:19:27,623 Shouldn't give you any more trouble. 274 00:19:29,418 --> 00:19:33,379 What's going to happen if these improvements of yours go off-line? 275 00:19:34,256 --> 00:19:37,717 You'll be back on your Starfleet ship, out of com range. 276 00:19:37,926 --> 00:19:39,177 Who's going to fix it? 277 00:19:41,805 --> 00:19:43,806 I'd prefer it if you didn't modify any more systems 278 00:19:44,016 --> 00:19:46,726 without discussing it with me. 279 00:19:47,394 --> 00:19:49,812 Whatever you say, sir. 280 00:19:50,981 --> 00:19:54,150 Maybe you can stop by Engineering. 281 00:19:55,861 --> 00:19:58,237 Build us a warp 5 engine. 282 00:20:14,421 --> 00:20:15,463 [DOOR BELL RINGS] 283 00:20:15,672 --> 00:20:16,714 Come in. 284 00:20:18,467 --> 00:20:20,134 I heard we had a visitor. 285 00:20:21,595 --> 00:20:23,012 Word travels fast. 286 00:20:23,222 --> 00:20:25,681 [CHUCKLES] 287 00:20:28,185 --> 00:20:30,853 I still can't believe he's gone. 288 00:20:31,063 --> 00:20:32,897 I'm so sorry, Travis. 289 00:20:33,398 --> 00:20:34,941 Thanks. 290 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:39,779 Aren't you a little old for this? 291 00:20:39,988 --> 00:20:41,030 I don't know. 292 00:20:41,490 --> 00:20:44,075 I thought it might be fun to regress for a while. 293 00:20:44,534 --> 00:20:47,161 What do you say we turn off the grav plating and jump on the bed? 294 00:20:47,371 --> 00:20:48,955 And get grounded again? 295 00:20:49,164 --> 00:20:50,206 [BOTH CHUCKLE] 296 00:20:50,415 --> 00:20:53,125 That wouldn't look too good on your Starfleet record. 297 00:20:54,586 --> 00:20:55,836 How's Enterprise? 298 00:20:56,338 --> 00:20:57,755 Keeps us busy. 299 00:20:57,965 --> 00:21:00,341 We've gone 150 light years, 300 00:21:00,550 --> 00:21:02,969 seen 22 inhabited worlds. 301 00:21:03,178 --> 00:21:04,845 In 18 months? 302 00:21:05,055 --> 00:21:06,973 You can't believe what's out there. 303 00:21:07,683 --> 00:21:10,309 Columbus, Magellan, Travis Mayweather. 304 00:21:10,519 --> 00:21:11,560 [NORA CHUCKLES] 305 00:21:11,770 --> 00:21:15,356 - How long are you home for? - Just a few days. 306 00:21:15,565 --> 00:21:17,483 Any chance of getting an extended leave? 307 00:21:17,693 --> 00:21:19,443 I'm afraid not. 308 00:21:19,653 --> 00:21:21,904 I doubt Magellan got much time off, either. 309 00:21:22,114 --> 00:21:23,614 [CHUCKLES] 310 00:21:26,076 --> 00:21:27,118 What's wrong? 311 00:21:29,162 --> 00:21:32,456 I don't mean to spoil your visit 312 00:21:32,666 --> 00:21:36,669 but things haven't exactly been running like clockwork since your father died. 313 00:21:36,878 --> 00:21:38,212 Well, what do you mean? 314 00:21:38,422 --> 00:21:41,882 We missed a rendezvous with an Orion freighter two weeks ago. 315 00:21:42,092 --> 00:21:44,427 The cargo authority wasn't too pleased. 316 00:21:44,636 --> 00:21:46,262 We're also low on deuterium. 317 00:21:46,471 --> 00:21:49,765 We've had to dip into the reserves twice this month. 318 00:21:50,183 --> 00:21:52,643 Morale's been better, Travis. 319 00:21:52,853 --> 00:21:55,521 Horizon's lost its captain 320 00:21:55,731 --> 00:21:58,816 and some of the crew are starting to wonder 321 00:21:59,026 --> 00:22:01,110 if Paul's ready for the job. 322 00:22:02,487 --> 00:22:05,906 You might have noticed, he's been a little on edge. 323 00:22:06,116 --> 00:22:10,703 - He's always on edge. - More than usual. 324 00:22:11,538 --> 00:22:13,873 My mother hasn't mentioned any of this. 325 00:22:14,082 --> 00:22:15,916 I guess she didn't wanna worry you. 326 00:22:19,004 --> 00:22:21,172 He's only been in command a few weeks. 327 00:22:21,381 --> 00:22:24,342 Give him a chance. He'll grow into it. 328 00:22:24,551 --> 00:22:26,635 I hope you're right. 329 00:22:27,054 --> 00:22:29,055 This is the last thing you wanted to hear right now. 330 00:22:29,264 --> 00:22:31,474 - I thought you should know. - Thanks. 331 00:22:31,683 --> 00:22:33,392 [RUMBLING] 332 00:22:33,602 --> 00:22:34,894 Charlie at the helm? 333 00:22:35,395 --> 00:22:39,315 Just a little spatial turbulence. You've gotten spoiled on Enterprise. 334 00:22:39,524 --> 00:22:42,193 [EXPLOSION] 335 00:22:43,362 --> 00:22:45,321 That's no turbulence. 336 00:22:56,875 --> 00:22:59,335 Hull fracture in Module 3. We're venting atmosphere. 337 00:22:59,544 --> 00:23:02,463 Seal it off. Try hailing them again. 338 00:23:02,672 --> 00:23:04,924 They're still not responding. 339 00:23:05,550 --> 00:23:07,968 - What's going on? - We're under attack. 340 00:23:08,178 --> 00:23:09,637 - By who? - I don't know. 341 00:23:09,846 --> 00:23:11,889 NICHOLS: Should I arm the plasma turrets? 342 00:23:13,517 --> 00:23:17,353 No. Transfer reserve power to the hull plating. 343 00:23:17,562 --> 00:23:19,021 [EXPLOSION] 344 00:23:19,231 --> 00:23:22,108 We need to get out of their weapons range. Go to maximum warp. 345 00:23:22,317 --> 00:23:24,193 You're hauling 30,000 metric tons. 346 00:23:24,403 --> 00:23:26,112 You're not going to be able to outrun them. 347 00:23:26,321 --> 00:23:28,989 - You heard me. NICHOLS: Yes, sir. 348 00:23:31,284 --> 00:23:32,660 Warp 1.6. 349 00:23:33,954 --> 00:23:35,037 One point seven. 350 00:23:36,873 --> 00:23:39,208 Warp 1.8. 351 00:23:39,418 --> 00:23:40,459 They're still closing. 352 00:23:40,669 --> 00:23:43,712 - A little more. - One-point-eight-five. 353 00:23:51,555 --> 00:23:52,888 They're moving off. 354 00:23:53,098 --> 00:23:55,641 Reduce speed to 1.5. 355 00:23:59,813 --> 00:24:01,647 They attached something to the hull. 356 00:24:01,857 --> 00:24:03,732 Show me. 357 00:24:07,446 --> 00:24:09,864 It's emitting a subspace signal. 358 00:24:10,073 --> 00:24:12,283 Could be some kind of beacon. 359 00:24:12,492 --> 00:24:13,534 Call Engineering. 360 00:24:13,743 --> 00:24:15,911 Tell them to get someone out there to pry it off. 361 00:24:16,121 --> 00:24:17,246 I wouldn't recommend that. 362 00:24:20,292 --> 00:24:23,127 This is a di-cobalt signature. 363 00:24:23,336 --> 00:24:25,337 A high-yield explosive. 364 00:24:25,547 --> 00:24:29,008 If anyone gets too close, it might decide to go off. 365 00:24:33,513 --> 00:24:35,264 NICHOLS: The Constellation sent us this. 366 00:24:35,474 --> 00:24:37,057 This ship attacked them eight weeks ago 367 00:24:37,267 --> 00:24:39,101 and it planted a beacon on their hull. 368 00:24:39,311 --> 00:24:42,813 A day later, this cruiser showed up and demanded their cargo. 369 00:24:43,023 --> 00:24:44,690 The Constellation tried to drive them off, 370 00:24:44,900 --> 00:24:47,443 but the aliens got aboard and killed three of their crew. 371 00:24:47,652 --> 00:24:49,320 Then they took the entire shipment. 372 00:24:49,529 --> 00:24:51,780 What kind of weapons does the Constellation have? 373 00:24:51,990 --> 00:24:55,493 Two plasma turrets, same as us. 374 00:24:59,706 --> 00:25:02,917 There has to be a way to remove that beacon. 375 00:25:03,293 --> 00:25:05,419 I wouldn't risk it. 376 00:25:06,171 --> 00:25:09,340 If it detonates, you could lose the nacelle. 377 00:25:12,427 --> 00:25:16,347 If we jettison a few tons of that ore, can we increase to warp 2? 378 00:25:16,932 --> 00:25:18,182 I don't see why not. 379 00:25:18,725 --> 00:25:21,435 That should allow us to reach Deneva Station ahead of schedule. 380 00:25:21,645 --> 00:25:23,604 It's well-armed. We should be safe there. 381 00:25:24,648 --> 00:25:26,899 What happens if they come back before we arrive? 382 00:25:27,108 --> 00:25:30,528 There's no other choice. We can't shoot our way out of this. 383 00:25:34,366 --> 00:25:36,992 I've seen this kind of engine configuration before. 384 00:25:37,202 --> 00:25:39,453 It's not that different from a Mazarite ship. 385 00:25:39,663 --> 00:25:41,747 Mazarite? 386 00:25:42,332 --> 00:25:44,208 We had some trouble with them. 387 00:25:44,417 --> 00:25:46,627 We managed to knock out their engines with phase cannons. 388 00:25:46,836 --> 00:25:49,421 We don't have phase cannons. 389 00:25:50,757 --> 00:25:54,176 I can tie the plasma turrets directly into the impulse engines. 390 00:25:54,386 --> 00:25:55,636 Lieutenant Reed did that 391 00:25:55,845 --> 00:25:57,721 and it increased our yield by 80 percent. 392 00:25:57,931 --> 00:26:02,101 I'm not gonna risk all of our lives by getting into a fight we can't win. 393 00:26:04,437 --> 00:26:07,648 If they reach us before we make it to Deneva, 394 00:26:08,775 --> 00:26:10,693 we'll give them what they want. 395 00:26:10,902 --> 00:26:13,028 If there's one thing I've learned from Captain Archer, 396 00:26:13,238 --> 00:26:15,364 it's that you don't give in to people like this. 397 00:26:15,574 --> 00:26:17,575 You're only going to encourage more attacks, 398 00:26:17,784 --> 00:26:20,786 not just against you, but other cargo ships. 399 00:26:20,996 --> 00:26:24,373 I appreciate the advice, but this isn't your problem. 400 00:26:24,583 --> 00:26:26,125 You're not part of this crew anymore. 401 00:26:27,335 --> 00:26:30,170 Jettison that ore and increase our speed. 402 00:26:34,134 --> 00:26:37,303 Even your father had to make compromises. 403 00:26:37,512 --> 00:26:40,848 The safest thing to do is give them what they want. 404 00:26:42,434 --> 00:26:44,852 Cargo can be replaced. 405 00:26:54,404 --> 00:26:55,487 MAN [ON SCREEN]: Fool. 406 00:26:55,697 --> 00:26:57,531 If this storm develops as I hope, 407 00:26:57,741 --> 00:27:01,035 you will have plenty to be afraid of before the night's over. 408 00:27:01,244 --> 00:27:04,246 Go on, fix the electrodes. 409 00:27:04,664 --> 00:27:06,999 This storm will be magnificent. 410 00:27:07,208 --> 00:27:09,877 All the electrical secrets of heaven. 411 00:27:10,086 --> 00:27:13,005 This time we're ready, eh, Fritz? 412 00:27:13,214 --> 00:27:14,632 Ready. 413 00:27:15,717 --> 00:27:17,301 What are you doing? 414 00:27:17,510 --> 00:27:20,304 Reviewing this morning's sensor data. 415 00:27:21,056 --> 00:27:23,432 I thought you were gonna give this a chance. 416 00:27:23,642 --> 00:27:26,018 It's just a few stitches. 417 00:27:26,519 --> 00:27:30,189 Now look, here's the final touch. 418 00:27:30,398 --> 00:27:32,650 - The brain you stole, Fritz. - Yes. 419 00:27:32,859 --> 00:27:34,860 Think of it. The brain of a dead man... 420 00:27:35,070 --> 00:27:36,570 This Dr. Frankenstein, 421 00:27:36,780 --> 00:27:39,865 his technique is not dissimilar to a practice on B'Saari II. 422 00:27:40,659 --> 00:27:42,576 They successfully used an isolytic current 423 00:27:42,786 --> 00:27:44,703 to reanimate the bodies of the recently deceased. 424 00:27:45,538 --> 00:27:46,914 - Really? PHLOX: Yes. 425 00:27:47,123 --> 00:27:49,083 Of course, the revived individuals weren't capable 426 00:27:49,292 --> 00:27:51,502 of more than basic cellular metabolism. 427 00:27:51,711 --> 00:27:53,671 However, the B'Saari have developed a procedure 428 00:27:53,880 --> 00:27:56,382 that shows promise in repairing the synaptic... 429 00:27:56,591 --> 00:28:00,260 We can stop the film if it's disturbing your conversation. 430 00:28:03,264 --> 00:28:05,057 [CLEARS THROAT] 431 00:28:07,894 --> 00:28:10,729 MAN [ON SCREEN]: In 15 minutes, the storm should be at its height. 432 00:28:11,106 --> 00:28:13,148 Then we'll be ready. 433 00:28:14,818 --> 00:28:16,568 What's that noise? 434 00:28:22,534 --> 00:28:23,575 NICHOLS: Captain? 435 00:28:23,785 --> 00:28:24,827 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 436 00:28:25,036 --> 00:28:26,912 Looks like someone's rerouting the impulse relays. 437 00:28:27,455 --> 00:28:28,580 Where? 438 00:28:30,041 --> 00:28:33,043 - Module 5. - You have the Bridge. 439 00:28:43,054 --> 00:28:44,513 I thought I made myself clear. 440 00:28:46,182 --> 00:28:48,267 If those aliens come back, you'll thank me. 441 00:28:48,476 --> 00:28:51,186 I told you, I'm not going to take this ship into battle. 442 00:28:51,396 --> 00:28:52,438 You may not have a choice. 443 00:28:52,647 --> 00:28:56,191 I didn't ask for your opinion and I didn't approve your modifications. 444 00:28:56,401 --> 00:28:57,860 Stop what you're doing. 445 00:28:58,069 --> 00:28:59,945 - Paul... - You heard me. 446 00:29:01,865 --> 00:29:03,574 I didn't mean to undermine your authority. 447 00:29:03,950 --> 00:29:06,785 - Really? - But you're being unreasonable. 448 00:29:06,995 --> 00:29:08,787 I just want us to be prepared. 449 00:29:08,997 --> 00:29:12,332 Us? You keep talking as if you're a part of this crew. 450 00:29:12,542 --> 00:29:13,667 It's still my home. 451 00:29:13,877 --> 00:29:15,961 You turned your back on us a long time ago. 452 00:29:16,171 --> 00:29:20,215 Is that what this is about? Me leaving? 453 00:29:21,050 --> 00:29:23,218 If you want to be an effective captain, 454 00:29:23,428 --> 00:29:26,180 you've got to set your personal feelings aside, 455 00:29:26,389 --> 00:29:28,724 listen to what other people have to say. 456 00:29:29,684 --> 00:29:32,519 More words of wisdom from Starfleet? 457 00:29:32,729 --> 00:29:35,564 No, your father. 458 00:29:36,399 --> 00:29:38,734 He said that to me a long time ago. 459 00:29:38,943 --> 00:29:41,445 If he was here now, he'd tell you the same thing. 460 00:29:41,946 --> 00:29:44,573 You quoting Dad? 461 00:29:44,949 --> 00:29:46,408 You never listened to him. If you had, 462 00:29:46,618 --> 00:29:48,160 you wouldn't have abandoned your family. 463 00:29:48,620 --> 00:29:52,289 You barely spoke to him for the last four years. 464 00:29:53,124 --> 00:29:54,750 You weren't even here when he died. 465 00:29:57,962 --> 00:29:59,421 That isn't fair. 466 00:30:00,882 --> 00:30:03,133 You knew he was sick 467 00:30:04,469 --> 00:30:06,637 but you didn't really care. 468 00:30:07,639 --> 00:30:12,059 You only decided to stop by because it was convenient for you. 469 00:30:12,268 --> 00:30:16,688 Hostile aliens aren't our problem. It's Starfleet and people like you. 470 00:30:16,898 --> 00:30:20,651 Do you have any idea how hard it is to find new crewmen? 471 00:30:21,569 --> 00:30:24,488 No one wants to run freight anymore. 472 00:30:25,198 --> 00:30:27,074 They all wanna be explorers, 473 00:30:27,283 --> 00:30:29,618 cruising around on state-of-the-art ships, 474 00:30:29,828 --> 00:30:31,703 with their personal chefs. 475 00:30:32,872 --> 00:30:36,583 You wanna stand around feeling sorry for yourself, go ahead. 476 00:30:36,793 --> 00:30:39,294 I've got better things to do. 477 00:30:40,213 --> 00:30:44,007 Take those upgrades off-line. 478 00:30:45,093 --> 00:30:47,344 I'll confine you to quarters if I have to. 479 00:30:47,929 --> 00:30:49,930 I'm just trying to help you, Paul. 480 00:30:50,139 --> 00:30:53,267 In case you haven't noticed, you could use a little help right now. 481 00:30:53,476 --> 00:30:55,060 I don't want your help. 482 00:30:56,062 --> 00:30:59,314 You wanna take them off-line? Do it yourself. 483 00:31:05,697 --> 00:31:08,365 [DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] 484 00:31:21,170 --> 00:31:26,216 I understand you made a few modifications to the impulse relays. 485 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:29,845 Next time you might wanna check with me. 486 00:31:30,054 --> 00:31:32,264 I am the chief engineer. 487 00:31:32,473 --> 00:31:35,309 I knew how Paul would react and I didn't wanna drag you into it. 488 00:31:35,518 --> 00:31:36,727 [CHUCKLES] 489 00:31:36,936 --> 00:31:41,398 I have played referee between you and your brother for a long time. 490 00:31:42,317 --> 00:31:44,735 I never thought I'd actually miss these. 491 00:31:44,944 --> 00:31:45,986 Nutri-paks? 492 00:31:46,613 --> 00:31:51,241 Not just any nutri-pak, strawberry shortcake. 493 00:31:51,784 --> 00:31:56,163 The first time I tasted real shortcake was in San Francisco. 494 00:31:56,623 --> 00:31:58,081 It just wasn't the same. 495 00:31:58,291 --> 00:31:59,833 [CHUCKLES] 496 00:32:00,043 --> 00:32:02,628 I think they've ruined your taste buds. 497 00:32:03,838 --> 00:32:06,465 I wouldn't mind eating like this again. 498 00:32:08,718 --> 00:32:12,095 I'm thinking about asking for an extended leave. 499 00:32:12,305 --> 00:32:15,724 I'm sure Captain Archer would approve, considering. 500 00:32:16,935 --> 00:32:18,644 How long would you stay? 501 00:32:18,853 --> 00:32:22,814 - As long as I'm needed. - But you're needed on your ship. 502 00:32:23,024 --> 00:32:25,400 I'm not the only helm officer. 503 00:32:25,610 --> 00:32:27,986 Even if your captain agrees, it could be a long time 504 00:32:28,196 --> 00:32:29,821 before Enterprise is back this way again. 505 00:32:30,031 --> 00:32:31,823 There's a lot for me to do here. 506 00:32:32,033 --> 00:32:34,660 I can help upgrade the guidance and warp systems. 507 00:32:34,869 --> 00:32:39,081 With a little luck, we could make Horizon the fastest J-class in the fleet. 508 00:32:39,290 --> 00:32:41,750 You're gonna give up your career, move back home, 509 00:32:41,960 --> 00:32:43,585 and take orders from your brother? 510 00:32:43,795 --> 00:32:46,505 My career is the last thing on my mind right now. 511 00:32:46,714 --> 00:32:48,131 Oh, congratulations. 512 00:32:48,341 --> 00:32:50,342 Now you know what it's like to be a parent. 513 00:32:51,094 --> 00:32:52,177 [CHUCKLES] 514 00:32:52,387 --> 00:32:56,390 I could spend every waking minute worrying about you two 515 00:32:56,808 --> 00:32:59,226 but I'd never get any work done. 516 00:32:59,978 --> 00:33:02,604 He's not ready, Mom. 517 00:33:04,691 --> 00:33:07,526 You should have seen your father when he took over. 518 00:33:07,735 --> 00:33:11,029 He was a year younger than Paul is now. 519 00:33:11,239 --> 00:33:14,992 He was an engineer. He didn't know the first thing about running a Bridge. 520 00:33:15,201 --> 00:33:20,247 We fell so far behind schedule, he almost lost his ECA license. 521 00:33:20,456 --> 00:33:23,291 He wanted to quit. I wouldn't let him. 522 00:33:24,585 --> 00:33:27,337 Your brother just needs some time. 523 00:33:28,423 --> 00:33:30,340 You don't think I should stay? 524 00:33:31,467 --> 00:33:33,176 Didn't we have this conversation? 525 00:33:33,553 --> 00:33:36,179 It was right here in this room, four years ago, 526 00:33:36,389 --> 00:33:38,306 when you first thought about joining Starfleet. 527 00:33:38,516 --> 00:33:40,726 A lot has changed in four years, Mom. 528 00:33:40,935 --> 00:33:44,187 That's true. And a lot more is going to change. 529 00:33:44,397 --> 00:33:48,233 Will we be talking about this again in another four years? 530 00:33:49,736 --> 00:33:53,655 You're the helmsman of the first warp 5 starship. 531 00:33:54,574 --> 00:33:56,908 I'm proud of you. 532 00:33:57,285 --> 00:34:00,454 Everyone here is, even Paul. 533 00:34:00,663 --> 00:34:02,831 Though he won't admit it. 534 00:34:04,292 --> 00:34:06,710 If you'll indulge a little motherly advice. 535 00:34:07,170 --> 00:34:10,297 Don't let your guilt over leaving guide your decision. 536 00:34:11,924 --> 00:34:14,426 I'll try to keep that in mind. 537 00:34:17,055 --> 00:34:19,431 - Good night. - Night. 538 00:34:30,193 --> 00:34:32,027 I find it hard to believe that no one on Vulcan 539 00:34:32,236 --> 00:34:33,820 has ever heard of a horror movie. 540 00:34:34,030 --> 00:34:35,238 There is something similar. 541 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:38,658 A discipline known as tarul-etek. 542 00:34:38,868 --> 00:34:43,371 It uses disturbing imagery to provoke an emotional response. 543 00:34:43,581 --> 00:34:45,791 They try and scare you 544 00:34:46,000 --> 00:34:48,460 to see how well you suppress your emotions. 545 00:34:48,669 --> 00:34:53,507 I don't understand why humans would feel compelled to frighten themselves. 546 00:34:55,635 --> 00:34:57,594 Gets the heart pumping. 547 00:34:58,137 --> 00:35:00,555 Cardiovascular activity would be more efficient. 548 00:35:02,183 --> 00:35:04,810 You never did give us your opinion of the movie. 549 00:35:07,313 --> 00:35:09,564 There were many medical inaccuracies. 550 00:35:10,108 --> 00:35:13,235 What did you think of the story? 551 00:35:17,323 --> 00:35:19,407 I thought the protagonist was interesting. 552 00:35:19,617 --> 00:35:22,744 - Dr. Frankenstein? - No, his creation. 553 00:35:24,122 --> 00:35:27,082 From my perspective, this was the story of an individual 554 00:35:27,291 --> 00:35:30,252 persecuted by humans because he was different. 555 00:35:31,212 --> 00:35:32,879 That's one way of looking at it. 556 00:35:33,089 --> 00:35:35,882 In many ways, the film seemed quite prophetic. 557 00:35:37,635 --> 00:35:39,302 The reaction of the villagers, for example. 558 00:35:39,512 --> 00:35:43,515 It was similar to the reception Vulcans received after landing on Earth. 559 00:35:44,058 --> 00:35:45,308 [CHUCKLES] 560 00:35:45,518 --> 00:35:49,479 Ahem, I don't recall anyone greeting a Vulcan ambassador 561 00:35:49,689 --> 00:35:51,731 with torches and pitchforks. 562 00:35:51,941 --> 00:35:55,068 Nevertheless, many humans reacted with fear and anger. 563 00:35:55,653 --> 00:35:57,112 They didn't know what to expect. 564 00:35:59,448 --> 00:36:02,701 I'm going to recommend that Ambassador Soval watch the film. 565 00:36:02,910 --> 00:36:04,202 You're kidding. 566 00:36:04,620 --> 00:36:08,582 I believe it would help Vulcans who've recently arrived on Earth. 567 00:36:11,294 --> 00:36:15,297 Maybe inviting her to movie night wasn't such a great idea. 568 00:36:15,506 --> 00:36:18,675 On the contrary. I'm looking forward to Bride of Frankenstein. 569 00:36:20,636 --> 00:36:22,512 HOSHI [OVER COM]: Bridge to Captain Archer. 570 00:36:23,306 --> 00:36:24,514 Go ahead. 571 00:36:24,724 --> 00:36:27,392 HOSHI: You might wanna look out the window, sir. 572 00:36:39,947 --> 00:36:40,989 Thermal shear. 573 00:36:41,199 --> 00:36:43,450 Some of those eruptions are getting close to Enterprise. 574 00:36:43,659 --> 00:36:45,160 Take us up another 5,000 kilometers. 575 00:36:45,369 --> 00:36:47,495 HELMSMAN: Aye, sir. T'POL: Captain. 576 00:36:47,955 --> 00:36:49,831 I'm reading bio-signs on the planet. 577 00:36:50,041 --> 00:36:52,167 To quote Dr. Frankenstein, it's alive. 578 00:36:53,169 --> 00:36:54,336 I thought it was uninhabited. 579 00:36:54,545 --> 00:36:57,589 It appears that several microbial species which live underground 580 00:36:57,798 --> 00:37:00,175 are being unearthed by the volcanic activity. 581 00:37:00,384 --> 00:37:02,302 See what you can learn about them. 582 00:37:08,142 --> 00:37:10,352 Full power to the hull plating. 583 00:37:10,686 --> 00:37:12,270 We're being hailed. 584 00:37:14,523 --> 00:37:17,400 This is Captain Mayweather of the ECS Horizon. 585 00:37:17,610 --> 00:37:21,154 Prepare to surrender your vessel and evacuate the crew. 586 00:37:21,906 --> 00:37:24,407 I'll give you our cargo but not our ship. 587 00:37:24,617 --> 00:37:26,368 You won't be harmed if you cooperate. 588 00:37:26,577 --> 00:37:28,161 Drop out of warp. 589 00:37:28,371 --> 00:37:30,205 We're dozens of light years from our home world. 590 00:37:30,414 --> 00:37:32,290 There has to be some compromise we can... 591 00:37:32,500 --> 00:37:33,833 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 592 00:37:34,043 --> 00:37:36,127 They're charging weapons. 593 00:37:40,174 --> 00:37:41,716 Bring the weapons upgrades online. 594 00:37:41,926 --> 00:37:44,052 Still think you can disable their engines? 595 00:37:44,262 --> 00:37:45,595 If I can get a clear shot. 596 00:37:45,805 --> 00:37:47,847 But I can't do that as long as they're behind us. 597 00:37:48,057 --> 00:37:49,432 [RUMBLES THEN SIREN WAILING] 598 00:37:49,642 --> 00:37:50,684 They've hit Module 5. 599 00:37:51,269 --> 00:37:54,104 It's going to be tough to maneuver with 30 kilotons of cargo. 600 00:37:54,605 --> 00:37:55,772 We've got to cut it loose. 601 00:38:02,947 --> 00:38:06,324 Engineering, stand by to release the primary clamps. 602 00:38:06,534 --> 00:38:08,118 You do remember how to fly this ship? 603 00:38:09,996 --> 00:38:11,830 I'm sure it'll come back to me. 604 00:38:15,835 --> 00:38:18,086 Take us out of warp. 605 00:38:23,301 --> 00:38:25,302 Release the clamps. 606 00:38:26,137 --> 00:38:27,804 [METAL CLANGING] 607 00:38:28,014 --> 00:38:31,975 They're closing. Forty meters, 30. 608 00:38:32,184 --> 00:38:33,727 Just a few more clamps. 609 00:38:33,936 --> 00:38:35,729 Ten meters. 610 00:38:47,450 --> 00:38:48,950 [SIREN WAILING] 611 00:38:49,160 --> 00:38:51,494 - Starboard plating's down. - Travis. 612 00:39:04,508 --> 00:39:06,051 Hull plating's gone. 613 00:39:06,260 --> 00:39:08,094 I'm coming around again. 614 00:39:15,895 --> 00:39:17,187 Their weapons are going down. 615 00:39:17,813 --> 00:39:21,358 Keep our turrets locked on them. Open a channel. 616 00:39:21,817 --> 00:39:23,610 This is Captain Mayweather. 617 00:39:23,819 --> 00:39:26,905 I'd think twice before about attacking any of our ships again. 618 00:39:28,282 --> 00:39:32,243 Re-dock with the cargo section, then get us out of here. 619 00:39:32,870 --> 00:39:34,913 Aye, captain. 620 00:39:47,468 --> 00:39:48,551 [DOOR BELL BUZZES] 621 00:39:48,761 --> 00:39:50,345 Come in. 622 00:39:54,600 --> 00:39:56,518 All packed? 623 00:39:56,852 --> 00:39:59,187 Wouldn't wanna wear out my welcome. 624 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:03,066 I got a message from Enterprise. They're running ahead of schedule. 625 00:40:03,275 --> 00:40:06,152 We'll be docking in about 20 minutes. 626 00:40:06,946 --> 00:40:08,947 If you like, I'll speak with Lieutenant Reed. 627 00:40:09,156 --> 00:40:11,950 I'm sure he can help you remove that alien beacon. 628 00:40:12,576 --> 00:40:14,160 Thanks. 629 00:40:18,707 --> 00:40:21,835 So did you ever make it to Trelkis Ill? 630 00:40:22,044 --> 00:40:24,379 - What? - Trelkis Ill. 631 00:40:24,588 --> 00:40:27,465 The planet with the multicentric rings. 632 00:40:27,675 --> 00:40:30,343 You used to talk about it when we were growing up. 633 00:40:30,553 --> 00:40:32,971 We haven't traveled quite that far. 634 00:40:33,180 --> 00:40:35,098 Well, when you do, 635 00:40:35,307 --> 00:40:38,017 how about sending me a subspace postcard? 636 00:40:39,061 --> 00:40:40,770 You can count on it. 637 00:40:47,862 --> 00:40:51,781 Well, I'd better get back to the Bridge. 638 00:40:56,370 --> 00:40:58,079 See you in another four years? 639 00:40:59,457 --> 00:41:00,915 Maybe sooner. 640 00:41:02,418 --> 00:41:04,294 I'd like that. 641 00:41:19,852 --> 00:41:21,478 [KEYPAD BEEPING] 642 00:41:27,109 --> 00:41:29,402 - Welcome back. - Thank you, sir. 643 00:41:29,612 --> 00:41:32,739 - How's your family? - They're okay. 644 00:41:32,948 --> 00:41:37,660 We spotted some damage on their port cargo modules. 645 00:41:38,579 --> 00:41:42,081 Probably an old meteorite impact. 646 00:41:43,667 --> 00:41:45,960 You sure everything's all right? 647 00:41:48,547 --> 00:42:53,569 Never better, sir.