1 00:00:04,504 --> 00:00:05,963 Bring in the prisoner. 2 00:00:22,897 --> 00:00:27,401 You stand accused of conspiring against The Klingon Empire. 3 00:00:27,610 --> 00:00:29,653 How do you respond? 4 00:00:29,863 --> 00:00:31,071 I'm not guilty. 5 00:00:33,074 --> 00:00:34,825 When this tribunal convenes tomorrow, 6 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:37,828 you will be given a chance to prove your innocence. 7 00:00:38,038 --> 00:00:43,042 If you cannot, there is only one punishment. 8 00:02:42,412 --> 00:02:44,872 You have five minutes. 9 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:49,001 - Glad you could drop by. - How are you? 10 00:02:50,336 --> 00:02:52,087 I've been better. 11 00:02:52,297 --> 00:02:53,964 I wasn't sure if I'd find you alive. 12 00:02:54,174 --> 00:02:56,967 They promised me a trial before the execution. 13 00:02:59,095 --> 00:03:00,137 Something wrong? 14 00:03:00,346 --> 00:03:02,556 Xenopolycythemia can be highly contagious. 15 00:03:03,099 --> 00:03:06,226 I'm surprised they haven't put you in isolation. 16 00:03:06,436 --> 00:03:09,813 Any residual symptoms? Fever, dizziness? 17 00:03:10,023 --> 00:03:11,648 Just a scratchy throat. 18 00:03:13,568 --> 00:03:15,235 Let's have a look. 19 00:03:18,448 --> 00:03:19,990 - When did you get here? - Two days ago. 20 00:03:20,200 --> 00:03:22,284 But they refused to let us see you. 21 00:03:22,493 --> 00:03:24,620 Enemies of the state aren't allowed visitors. 22 00:03:24,787 --> 00:03:27,164 Mm. T'Pol was finally able to convince them 23 00:03:27,373 --> 00:03:30,584 that your condition necessitated a visit from your doctor. 24 00:03:30,793 --> 00:03:31,835 Very thoughtful of her. 25 00:03:32,045 --> 00:03:34,171 She sends her regards, and she wanted me to assure you 26 00:03:34,380 --> 00:03:36,006 that Starfleet and the Vulcan High Command 27 00:03:36,216 --> 00:03:38,050 are doing everything to get you released. 28 00:03:38,259 --> 00:03:40,928 - Are they having any luck? - Not yet. 29 00:03:41,137 --> 00:03:43,513 But she and Commander Tucker have begun exploring 30 00:03:43,723 --> 00:03:46,934 other options for regaining your freedom. 31 00:03:49,771 --> 00:03:51,688 When this is over, 32 00:03:52,315 --> 00:03:54,733 whatever the outcome, 33 00:03:54,943 --> 00:03:58,237 I'm counting on them to get Enterprise safely out of Klingon territory. 34 00:03:59,739 --> 00:04:01,365 I'll let them know. 35 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:05,202 How are your accommodations? 36 00:04:07,622 --> 00:04:09,581 Not so bad. 37 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:12,417 Can't say I'm a big fan of Klingon cuisine. 38 00:04:12,627 --> 00:04:13,794 It may not appear appetizing, 39 00:04:14,003 --> 00:04:18,131 but it seems like a good source of protein. I suggest you eat it. 40 00:04:20,969 --> 00:04:23,929 - Is he infectious? - I don't believe so. 41 00:04:24,138 --> 00:04:25,305 Then return to your ship. 42 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:29,059 - I'd like to run some more tests. - You're not here to treat him. 43 00:04:34,357 --> 00:04:35,816 Thanks for the house call, doc. 44 00:04:36,025 --> 00:04:38,402 I'm sure I'll see you soon. 45 00:04:40,780 --> 00:04:43,490 I'm Kolos, your advocate. 46 00:04:44,158 --> 00:04:45,367 Jonathan Archer. 47 00:04:47,078 --> 00:04:48,662 The tribunal's about to begin. 48 00:04:49,372 --> 00:04:50,914 We haven't even discussed what happened. 49 00:04:51,124 --> 00:04:52,708 I'm familiar with the charges. 50 00:04:52,917 --> 00:04:55,877 Well, I'm not familiar with your justice system. 51 00:04:56,087 --> 00:04:57,671 What can I expect out there? 52 00:04:58,798 --> 00:04:59,965 Now that you've been charged, 53 00:05:00,174 --> 00:05:02,384 the evidence against you will be presented. 54 00:05:02,593 --> 00:05:05,178 When do I get a chance to testify? 55 00:05:05,638 --> 00:05:07,889 I will conduct your defense. 56 00:05:09,017 --> 00:05:11,518 How can you do that when you haven't heard what really happened? 57 00:05:11,728 --> 00:05:14,521 I know what happened. 58 00:05:14,731 --> 00:05:18,942 You must not speak during the tribunal. I'll speak for you. 59 00:05:41,257 --> 00:05:43,342 What are they saying? 60 00:05:43,551 --> 00:05:45,469 "Enemy." 61 00:05:46,220 --> 00:05:51,099 - I hope they're not the jury. - There is no jury. 62 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:04,654 - Who's that? - Prosecutor Orak. 63 00:06:04,864 --> 00:06:06,573 His success is well known. 64 00:06:07,408 --> 00:06:11,078 What about you? What's your success rate? 65 00:06:13,164 --> 00:06:15,499 I've performed my duty. 66 00:06:25,259 --> 00:06:27,761 This tribunal is convened. 67 00:06:27,970 --> 00:06:30,222 Strength to the Empire. 68 00:06:30,431 --> 00:06:33,308 Prosecutor Orak, you may proceed. 69 00:06:33,518 --> 00:06:36,770 I call Duras, son of Toral. 70 00:06:42,151 --> 00:06:46,196 Captain Duras, tell the tribunal about your encounter with the accused. 71 00:06:46,406 --> 00:06:48,532 I am no longer a captain. 72 00:06:49,033 --> 00:06:52,744 - Explain. - I am a second-weapons officer, 73 00:06:52,954 --> 00:06:56,248 serving on the Ty'Gokor defense perimeter. 74 00:06:56,457 --> 00:06:57,999 The Duras I called to testify 75 00:06:58,209 --> 00:07:00,710 is commander of the battle cruiser Bortas. 76 00:07:01,879 --> 00:07:04,840 I was recently reduced in rank. 77 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:10,804 A distinguished Klingon warrior, stripped of his command. 78 00:07:11,013 --> 00:07:14,391 Did the accused have anything to do with your disgrace? 79 00:07:14,600 --> 00:07:15,851 Yes. 80 00:07:16,352 --> 00:07:20,605 Go on, Weapons Officer Duras. 81 00:07:21,441 --> 00:07:25,402 A group of rebels had fled the Klingon protectorate at Raatooras. 82 00:07:25,611 --> 00:07:28,488 I was commanded to bring these traitors to justice. 83 00:07:28,698 --> 00:07:33,910 We'd followed their warp trail to a system just outside Klingon territory. 84 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:37,247 They're near the fifth planet. Another vessel has docked with them. 85 00:07:37,457 --> 00:07:39,416 Show me. 86 00:07:40,793 --> 00:07:42,752 What kind of ship is that? 87 00:07:42,962 --> 00:07:45,672 Unknown, but they've taken the rebels aboard. 88 00:07:45,882 --> 00:07:49,384 - Armaments. - Torpedo launchers fore and aft. 89 00:07:49,594 --> 00:07:52,929 Low-yield particle cannons. We can defeat them easily. 90 00:07:53,139 --> 00:07:54,181 Intercept. 91 00:07:55,725 --> 00:07:57,767 - They're signaling us. - Viewer. 92 00:07:58,895 --> 00:08:00,979 Identify yourself. 93 00:08:01,189 --> 00:08:04,024 Captain Archer of the battle cruiser Enterprise. 94 00:08:04,233 --> 00:08:06,276 The people aboard your ship are wanted for treason. 95 00:08:06,486 --> 00:08:08,570 Surrender them immediately. 96 00:08:08,779 --> 00:08:09,905 By whose authority? 97 00:08:10,114 --> 00:08:12,324 The chancellor of the Klingon high council. 98 00:08:12,533 --> 00:08:13,742 I don't know your chancellor, 99 00:08:13,951 --> 00:08:15,452 and I don't give a damn what he wants. 100 00:08:15,661 --> 00:08:17,370 I've formed an alliance with these people, 101 00:08:17,580 --> 00:08:19,039 and I'm going to support their revolt. 102 00:08:19,248 --> 00:08:22,667 Give them to me now, or I'll destroy your vessel. 103 00:08:23,169 --> 00:08:27,339 Fire one shot, and you'll be joining your ancestors in the afterlife. 104 00:08:27,548 --> 00:08:32,260 - He refused to surrender the rebels? - Yes. 105 00:08:32,720 --> 00:08:36,264 I didn't say any of those things. Can't you object? 106 00:08:36,474 --> 00:08:38,391 It's not important. 107 00:08:38,601 --> 00:08:42,145 And how did you respond to Archer's defiance? 108 00:08:42,688 --> 00:08:44,064 I pitied him. 109 00:08:44,273 --> 00:08:47,776 He was about to die in defense of these wretched traitors. 110 00:08:47,985 --> 00:08:49,152 They weren't traitors. 111 00:08:50,571 --> 00:08:54,741 Advocate. Haven't you informed the prisoner of the rules of this tribunal? 112 00:08:54,951 --> 00:08:56,952 My apologies, magistrate. 113 00:08:57,161 --> 00:09:00,163 Be silent, or you will be removed. 114 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:02,249 Continue. 115 00:09:02,458 --> 00:09:05,252 I showed him more patience than he deserved. 116 00:09:05,461 --> 00:09:09,214 But obviously, he wanted blood to be spilled. 117 00:09:09,423 --> 00:09:12,092 Don't be a fool. Your ship is inferior. 118 00:09:12,301 --> 00:09:14,511 You won't survive a battle with us. 119 00:09:14,720 --> 00:09:16,638 Death to the Empire. 120 00:09:19,725 --> 00:09:21,059 Return fire! 121 00:09:29,277 --> 00:09:30,694 They're heading for the ring system. 122 00:09:30,903 --> 00:09:34,030 The coward thinks he can hide. Pursue them! 123 00:09:47,128 --> 00:09:50,297 Where are they? Answer me! 124 00:09:50,506 --> 00:09:52,799 Debris is interfering with sensors. 125 00:09:56,262 --> 00:10:00,056 There! Target their engines. All weapons! 126 00:10:19,869 --> 00:10:21,286 Ahh! 127 00:10:23,414 --> 00:10:25,415 We've lost sensors. Shields are down. 128 00:10:25,625 --> 00:10:27,667 Manual targeting! Fire! 129 00:10:35,926 --> 00:10:38,803 - They're leaving orbit. - Follow them! 130 00:10:39,013 --> 00:10:41,598 - Our engines are down. - Ragh! 131 00:10:43,100 --> 00:10:46,645 It took us three hours to repair our warp drive. 132 00:10:46,854 --> 00:10:50,065 But, of course, by that time, they were gone. 133 00:10:50,274 --> 00:10:53,485 You're fortunate your first officer didn't kill you for such a failure. 134 00:10:53,694 --> 00:10:55,737 You're dismissed. 135 00:11:01,702 --> 00:11:05,747 - You're not going to question him? - He'd say nothing that would help you. 136 00:11:05,956 --> 00:11:08,583 Do you have any further evidence to present? 137 00:11:08,793 --> 00:11:11,294 No, magistrate. 138 00:11:11,504 --> 00:11:13,630 Duras' testimony is clear. 139 00:11:13,839 --> 00:11:17,008 He was attempting to carry out his mission 140 00:11:17,218 --> 00:11:21,012 to bring enemies of the Empire to justice. 141 00:11:21,222 --> 00:11:23,348 But this aggressor, 142 00:11:23,557 --> 00:11:28,353 this human conspired with them to disgrace a proud warrior 143 00:11:28,562 --> 00:11:30,355 and foment rebellion. 144 00:11:30,564 --> 00:11:34,943 There can be no doubt that he is our enemy as well. 145 00:11:37,154 --> 00:11:40,532 Captain Archer claims to be innocent. 146 00:11:40,741 --> 00:11:42,951 Innocent of what? 147 00:11:45,705 --> 00:11:49,582 This tribunal has already been far too lenient. 148 00:11:49,792 --> 00:11:53,128 We haven't accused his crew, or his government. 149 00:11:53,337 --> 00:11:57,590 He's fortunate we haven't dispatched a fleet of warships to his home world. 150 00:11:57,800 --> 00:11:58,842 But we do demand 151 00:11:59,051 --> 00:12:01,928 that he be held responsible for the crimes he has committed. 152 00:12:02,138 --> 00:12:03,513 We demand that he receive 153 00:12:03,723 --> 00:12:07,976 the most severe punishment our laws decree! 154 00:12:25,953 --> 00:12:27,454 Do you have a response? 155 00:12:28,372 --> 00:12:30,415 No, magistrate. 156 00:12:30,624 --> 00:12:33,793 Then I will consider the evidence and deliver my verdict. 157 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:35,795 I'd like a chance to defend myself. 158 00:12:36,005 --> 00:12:38,590 - You have been warned. - He's distorting the truth. 159 00:12:38,799 --> 00:12:39,924 Be silent! 160 00:12:40,134 --> 00:12:41,342 Those people weren't rebels. 161 00:12:41,552 --> 00:12:43,511 And I wasn't trying to start a rebellion. 162 00:12:43,721 --> 00:12:45,180 I am not your enemy. 163 00:12:50,561 --> 00:12:53,605 This tribunal is in recess. 164 00:13:31,227 --> 00:13:34,312 - What is this? - Targ. 165 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:37,023 It's a little underdone. 166 00:13:37,691 --> 00:13:40,819 I told you to remain silent. You should have listened to me. 167 00:13:41,028 --> 00:13:43,404 Sorry, if I interfered with your legal strategy. 168 00:13:44,240 --> 00:13:48,368 My strategy may yet spare your life. I've spoken with the magistrate. 169 00:13:48,577 --> 00:13:50,995 He's willing to show you mercy if you cooperate. 170 00:13:51,205 --> 00:13:53,790 - How? - Tell him where to find the rebels. 171 00:13:55,251 --> 00:13:57,460 I told you, they're not rebels. 172 00:13:57,670 --> 00:13:59,212 It doesn't matter what you believe. 173 00:13:59,421 --> 00:14:01,047 They're subject to the laws of the Empire. 174 00:14:01,257 --> 00:14:02,715 Nothing you can say that'll change that. 175 00:14:02,925 --> 00:14:05,134 I haven't been able to say anything. 176 00:14:07,179 --> 00:14:09,138 Where did you take them? 177 00:14:09,348 --> 00:14:12,892 Another ship? A planet? 178 00:14:13,769 --> 00:14:17,355 Do you understand what will happen if you don't tell them? 179 00:14:17,565 --> 00:14:19,399 I have a pretty good idea. 180 00:14:19,608 --> 00:14:22,569 I'm offering you a way to save your life. 181 00:14:25,239 --> 00:14:27,866 Let's say I did cooperate. 182 00:14:28,409 --> 00:14:30,201 What would happen to these people? 183 00:14:30,411 --> 00:14:33,246 They would be charged with treason. 184 00:14:33,789 --> 00:14:35,748 And end up in a court like this one? 185 00:14:39,253 --> 00:14:42,589 Tell the magistrate I'm going to pass on his offer. 186 00:14:44,717 --> 00:14:48,177 Only a fool would sacrifice himself for people he barely knows. 187 00:14:48,387 --> 00:14:51,514 I know them well enough. They're good people, 188 00:14:51,724 --> 00:14:53,224 and I won't turn them over. 189 00:14:53,434 --> 00:14:56,686 If you'd let me testify, tell my side of the story, 190 00:14:56,896 --> 00:14:58,938 it might become clear why I helped them. 191 00:14:59,148 --> 00:15:00,857 But from what I've seen, you're all happy 192 00:15:01,066 --> 00:15:03,067 to ignore what you don't wanna hear. 193 00:15:03,277 --> 00:15:04,819 Don't be so quick to accuse me 194 00:15:05,029 --> 00:15:07,655 of sharing their interpretation of the law. 195 00:15:07,865 --> 00:15:09,407 No? 196 00:15:10,200 --> 00:15:11,784 What's your interpretation? 197 00:15:11,994 --> 00:15:15,955 I became an advocate many years ago. 198 00:15:17,041 --> 00:15:18,625 They were different times. 199 00:15:19,919 --> 00:15:21,169 Better or worse? 200 00:15:21,378 --> 00:15:23,546 The courts were more willing to listen. 201 00:15:25,549 --> 00:15:30,428 Then maybe you should remind them of those different times. 202 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:33,556 Nothing like a good history lesson. 203 00:15:38,020 --> 00:15:42,398 I'm an old man. Too old to challenge the rules. 204 00:15:42,608 --> 00:15:45,443 Even if your client's life depends on it? 205 00:15:46,612 --> 00:15:49,822 I get the feeling you're as frustrated as I am 206 00:15:50,032 --> 00:15:52,867 and you want to stand up to them. 207 00:15:53,077 --> 00:15:56,329 But you've given up. 208 00:15:56,538 --> 00:15:59,207 - You're afraid of them. - I'm not afraid. 209 00:15:59,416 --> 00:16:02,377 Then prove it. Challenge them. 210 00:16:02,586 --> 00:16:04,671 Show them what a real trial is like. 211 00:16:30,322 --> 00:16:31,739 Strength to the Empire. 212 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:35,868 Have you informed the accused 213 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,996 - of our offer? - I have. 214 00:16:38,205 --> 00:16:40,456 And does he wish to address this tribunal? 215 00:16:40,666 --> 00:16:44,460 He does. He wishes to testify in his own defense. 216 00:16:44,670 --> 00:16:47,630 I object. The time for testimony is over. 217 00:16:47,840 --> 00:16:50,633 With respect, magistrate, no verdict has been reached. 218 00:16:50,843 --> 00:16:53,302 Irrelevant! I urge you to end these proceedings. 219 00:16:53,512 --> 00:16:56,472 I'm within my rights to present further testimony. 220 00:16:56,682 --> 00:16:58,891 You're speaking of archaic rights. 221 00:16:59,101 --> 00:17:01,602 Surely, I don't need to remind the magistrate 222 00:17:01,812 --> 00:17:04,105 the judicial charter of Koloth states 223 00:17:04,314 --> 00:17:06,441 an advocate is entitled to challenge 224 00:17:06,650 --> 00:17:09,068 the charges at any point during the tribunal. 225 00:17:09,278 --> 00:17:13,448 To my knowledge, that charter has not been cast aside. 226 00:17:13,657 --> 00:17:15,616 From the time of Kahless, 227 00:17:15,826 --> 00:17:19,120 our courts have stood as a forum 228 00:17:19,329 --> 00:17:22,123 where justice is dispensed with honor! 229 00:17:24,001 --> 00:17:28,337 Now, will my case be heard, or will it not? 230 00:17:29,882 --> 00:17:31,257 Call your witness. 231 00:17:42,186 --> 00:17:43,895 Identify yourself. 232 00:17:44,104 --> 00:17:47,732 I'm Captain Jonathan Archer of the Earth starship Enterprise. 233 00:17:47,941 --> 00:17:49,984 Do you admit, Captain Archer, 234 00:17:50,194 --> 00:17:53,780 that you gave aid and comfort to a vessel fleeing the Empire? 235 00:17:53,989 --> 00:17:56,574 We answered a distress call. 236 00:17:56,784 --> 00:17:59,368 They were starving. Their life support was failing. 237 00:17:59,578 --> 00:18:03,247 Their health isn't at issue here. You helped them to escape! 238 00:18:03,457 --> 00:18:06,793 Will my client be allowed to testify or not? 239 00:18:07,002 --> 00:18:12,340 Prosecutor, you will show the advocate the same respect he has shown you. 240 00:18:12,925 --> 00:18:14,008 Continue. 241 00:18:15,844 --> 00:18:19,388 Recount for this tribunal your recollection of the events. 242 00:18:19,598 --> 00:18:23,351 As I said, we had received a distress call. 243 00:18:23,852 --> 00:18:25,603 Magnify. 244 00:18:26,563 --> 00:18:30,358 - Bio-signs? - Twenty-seven. 245 00:18:32,027 --> 00:18:36,447 - Any response? - No, sir. 246 00:18:39,827 --> 00:18:42,995 - Malcolm? - Main propulsion's off-line, 247 00:18:43,205 --> 00:18:45,289 life support is failing. 248 00:18:45,499 --> 00:18:47,708 They're in a bad way, sir. 249 00:18:50,170 --> 00:18:51,754 Can you dock with them? 250 00:18:51,964 --> 00:18:55,049 Their port engine is venting reactor coolant. 251 00:18:55,259 --> 00:18:59,428 I can try to come in on the starboard side, but it'll be tricky. 252 00:19:00,389 --> 00:19:02,223 Do your best. 253 00:19:05,561 --> 00:19:08,604 Our warp drive failed three weeks after we left. 254 00:19:08,814 --> 00:19:11,190 We tried to set a course for the nearest system at impulse, 255 00:19:11,400 --> 00:19:13,776 but main power went down. 256 00:19:13,986 --> 00:19:16,904 - How long ago was that? - I don't know. 257 00:19:17,114 --> 00:19:20,533 Six weeks, maybe more. 258 00:19:20,742 --> 00:19:22,743 We diverted auxiliary power to life support, 259 00:19:22,953 --> 00:19:24,620 but it wasn't enough. 260 00:19:24,830 --> 00:19:28,332 Food processors failed, water recyclers. 261 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:30,418 I've put them all on protein supplements, 262 00:19:30,627 --> 00:19:33,171 but two of them are in serious condition. 263 00:19:33,380 --> 00:19:36,966 When we left, there were 54 aboard. 264 00:19:37,176 --> 00:19:39,468 What brought you out here? 265 00:19:40,345 --> 00:19:42,346 Several years ago, 266 00:19:42,556 --> 00:19:47,476 our colony was annexed by a species we had never seen before. 267 00:19:47,686 --> 00:19:50,771 They said they'd provide for us in exchange for our allegiance 268 00:19:50,981 --> 00:19:53,274 that we'd become a part of their Empire. 269 00:19:53,483 --> 00:19:57,111 But they stripped us of our resources, left us with nothing. 270 00:19:57,321 --> 00:20:02,408 We waited for them to return. They said they'd bring food, fuel. 271 00:20:04,161 --> 00:20:06,454 They never came back. 272 00:20:06,663 --> 00:20:09,373 You knew they were fleeing the Empire. 273 00:20:09,583 --> 00:20:12,126 We knew that their colony had been abandoned. 274 00:20:12,336 --> 00:20:15,213 And you chose to show them compassion? 275 00:20:15,422 --> 00:20:18,549 They were starving. They wouldn't have lasted another week. 276 00:20:18,759 --> 00:20:22,720 They were subjects of the Empire. Their welfare was not your concern. 277 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:25,097 Apparently it wasn't yours either. 278 00:20:26,433 --> 00:20:29,227 You see the contempt these humans have for us? 279 00:20:29,436 --> 00:20:31,729 He still believes he did nothing wrong! 280 00:20:31,939 --> 00:20:35,691 And Prosecutor Orak has yet to prove that he has. 281 00:20:35,901 --> 00:20:37,235 He aided these rebels, 282 00:20:37,444 --> 00:20:40,905 and now he refuses to help us bring them to justice. 283 00:20:50,499 --> 00:20:54,335 I will hear what the accused has to say. 284 00:20:55,170 --> 00:20:56,212 Continue. 285 00:20:57,047 --> 00:21:00,967 My chief engineer had determined that their vessel was beyond repair. 286 00:21:01,176 --> 00:21:02,718 Some of the crew will have to double up, 287 00:21:02,928 --> 00:21:05,012 but I think we can accommodate all of them. 288 00:21:05,222 --> 00:21:07,473 I've already given the order. 289 00:21:08,976 --> 00:21:11,644 Considering the alternative was to set the ship adrift, 290 00:21:11,853 --> 00:21:13,646 I anticipated your decision. 291 00:21:15,774 --> 00:21:17,233 Where do you plan to take them? 292 00:21:17,442 --> 00:21:19,694 They were headed for a system a few light years from here. 293 00:21:19,903 --> 00:21:21,654 That should keep them safe from the Klingons. 294 00:21:21,863 --> 00:21:23,781 Empires tend to expand. 295 00:21:23,991 --> 00:21:27,201 They may eventually discover they haven't traveled far enough. 296 00:21:27,411 --> 00:21:30,413 Captain, please report to the Bridge. 297 00:21:39,089 --> 00:21:41,674 Looks like they didn't abandon the colonists after all. 298 00:21:41,883 --> 00:21:43,509 Perhaps they're bringing the supplies they promised. 299 00:21:43,719 --> 00:21:47,096 It's a D-Five battle cruiser. I doubt it's bringing supplies. 300 00:21:48,598 --> 00:21:52,810 - How long before they get here? - Seventeen minutes. 301 00:21:53,020 --> 00:21:56,314 - Are all the refugees aboard? - Yes, sir. 302 00:21:56,857 --> 00:22:00,484 Cut their ship loose, and go to Tactical Alert. 303 00:22:01,945 --> 00:22:05,364 So you were preparing for battle. 304 00:22:05,574 --> 00:22:07,241 I was preparing to defend my ship. 305 00:22:07,451 --> 00:22:10,202 As any good Klingon commander would be. 306 00:22:10,412 --> 00:22:11,662 The accused has already admitted 307 00:22:11,872 --> 00:22:14,623 that he knew the rebels were subjects of the Empire. 308 00:22:14,833 --> 00:22:16,459 They may have been subjects of the Empire, 309 00:22:16,668 --> 00:22:18,377 but it looked like you had abandoned them. 310 00:22:18,587 --> 00:22:21,547 And he knew the Bortas was coming to retrieve them. 311 00:22:21,757 --> 00:22:25,384 Yet he launched a deliberate attack against an imperial vessel. 312 00:22:25,594 --> 00:22:29,638 This human is guilty of more than inciting rebellion. 313 00:22:29,848 --> 00:22:32,099 He has committed an act of war! 314 00:22:46,031 --> 00:22:48,199 I don't suppose there's any chance of outrunning them. 315 00:22:48,408 --> 00:22:50,242 Their maximum speed is warp 6. 316 00:22:50,452 --> 00:22:52,453 If we could disable their engines... 317 00:22:52,662 --> 00:22:54,663 Sustained fire from our phase-cannons should be able 318 00:22:54,873 --> 00:22:56,207 to penetrate their armor, 319 00:22:56,416 --> 00:22:59,377 but I doubt they'd sit still long enough to give us the chance. 320 00:22:59,586 --> 00:23:02,213 What's the composition of those rings? 321 00:23:06,468 --> 00:23:09,804 Nothing unusual. Methane ice, isolytic plasma, 322 00:23:10,013 --> 00:23:11,389 diamagnetic dust. 323 00:23:11,598 --> 00:23:14,016 When we pulled that Klingon ship out of the gas giant, 324 00:23:14,226 --> 00:23:15,810 did you get a look at their sensor array? 325 00:23:16,353 --> 00:23:18,437 Pretty standard multi-spectral sensors, 326 00:23:18,647 --> 00:23:19,897 not too different from ours. 327 00:23:21,775 --> 00:23:23,818 If we could ignite the plasma in those rings, 328 00:23:24,361 --> 00:23:27,488 - would it disrupt their sensors? - For a few seconds. 329 00:23:27,697 --> 00:23:29,782 A few seconds will have to do. 330 00:23:29,991 --> 00:23:32,284 - Can you modify a torpedo? - I believe so. 331 00:23:32,494 --> 00:23:34,370 - How long? - How long do I have? 332 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:36,914 The Klingon ship will be here in less than 11 minutes. 333 00:23:37,124 --> 00:23:38,958 Get moving. 334 00:23:39,167 --> 00:23:42,711 So you laid a trap for the Bortas? 335 00:23:42,921 --> 00:23:44,547 We had no intention of firing first. 336 00:23:44,756 --> 00:23:47,091 Oh, such a noble human. 337 00:23:47,300 --> 00:23:51,554 I was assured the accused would be allowed to speak without interruption. 338 00:23:51,763 --> 00:23:57,643 By all means, I find his version of events extremely entertaining. 339 00:24:02,315 --> 00:24:06,777 The Bortas had dropped out of warp with their weapons charged. 340 00:24:07,404 --> 00:24:08,904 They're on an intercept course. 341 00:24:09,114 --> 00:24:11,240 Two hundred thousand kilometers and closing. 342 00:24:15,287 --> 00:24:16,871 Hail them. 343 00:24:18,206 --> 00:24:19,957 Identify yourself. 344 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:23,210 I'm Jonathan Archer, captain of the starship Enterprise. 345 00:24:23,420 --> 00:24:26,547 You're harboring fugitives. Surrender them! 346 00:24:26,756 --> 00:24:28,757 I wasn't aware they'd committed any crime. 347 00:24:28,967 --> 00:24:31,093 They're wanted for inciting rebellion. 348 00:24:32,095 --> 00:24:36,557 From what I can tell, they are in no condition to incite anything. 349 00:24:36,766 --> 00:24:38,684 Apparently, their colony was abandoned by the... 350 00:24:38,894 --> 00:24:41,520 Turn over the rebels, now! 351 00:24:43,231 --> 00:24:45,024 What do you intend to do with them? 352 00:24:45,233 --> 00:24:46,525 That's none of your concern. 353 00:24:47,486 --> 00:24:48,527 I'm sorry, 354 00:24:48,737 --> 00:24:52,323 but I'm not prepared to hand them over without a little more information. 355 00:24:52,532 --> 00:24:54,325 If I could speak to someone in your government... 356 00:24:54,534 --> 00:24:56,827 I speak for the Empire! 357 00:24:58,288 --> 00:25:01,165 Fair enough. Let's sit down and try to... 358 00:25:09,966 --> 00:25:11,759 Hull plating is at 80 percent. 359 00:25:11,968 --> 00:25:14,553 - No damage to the Klingon ship. - Head into the rings. 360 00:25:14,763 --> 00:25:17,723 They're pursuing. Ten thousand meters. 361 00:25:23,063 --> 00:25:25,689 We're approaching a large fragment, 600 meters in diameter, 362 00:25:25,899 --> 00:25:28,108 bearing 2-2-7, mark four. 363 00:25:30,070 --> 00:25:31,237 Put us behind it. 364 00:25:35,450 --> 00:25:36,867 They're closing, sir. 365 00:25:37,077 --> 00:25:40,037 - Four thousand meters. - Stand by. 366 00:25:40,247 --> 00:25:41,330 Three thousand meters. 367 00:25:42,832 --> 00:25:44,124 Two thousand. 368 00:25:46,253 --> 00:25:48,170 - Eight hundred meters. - Fire! 369 00:25:59,391 --> 00:26:02,393 - Our sensors are down. - Let's hope theirs are too. 370 00:26:02,602 --> 00:26:04,562 Get us out of here. 371 00:26:05,105 --> 00:26:08,399 - You say the Bortas fired first? - Yes. 372 00:26:08,608 --> 00:26:11,110 And you tried to reach an accommodation 373 00:26:11,319 --> 00:26:13,862 - with Captain Duras? - He refused. 374 00:26:14,072 --> 00:26:17,992 Duras was under no obligation to accommodate this human. 375 00:26:18,201 --> 00:26:20,911 So you were simply defending your ship when you attacked the Bortas? 376 00:26:21,121 --> 00:26:23,080 - Yes. - And then what happened? 377 00:26:23,748 --> 00:26:26,083 We left the system and took the refugees with us. 378 00:26:26,960 --> 00:26:30,212 You could have destroyed the Bortas. 379 00:26:30,422 --> 00:26:31,547 Why didn't you? 380 00:26:31,756 --> 00:26:35,092 Because Captain Duras is not my enemy. 381 00:26:35,302 --> 00:26:39,054 Not your enemy. 382 00:26:41,891 --> 00:26:47,605 I submit to this tribunal that Captain Archer is guilty. 383 00:26:53,778 --> 00:26:57,364 Guilty of meddling in Klingon affairs on more than one occasion. 384 00:26:57,574 --> 00:27:01,410 In fact, I've discovered his name is well known to the high council. 385 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:04,872 The accused once stood before the chancellor himself, 386 00:27:05,081 --> 00:27:06,373 and exposed a Suliban plot 387 00:27:06,583 --> 00:27:09,376 that would have thrown the Empire into civil war. 388 00:27:09,586 --> 00:27:11,170 That is absurd. 389 00:27:11,379 --> 00:27:13,922 The facts are on record. 390 00:27:14,841 --> 00:27:18,677 Perhaps the prosecutor has grown complacent with his research. 391 00:27:20,680 --> 00:27:24,350 The records of the imperial fleet also mention this man. 392 00:27:24,559 --> 00:27:26,352 His ship was instrumental 393 00:27:26,561 --> 00:27:29,146 in the rescue of the Klingon Raptor, the Somraw 394 00:27:29,356 --> 00:27:31,940 from the dense atmosphere of a gas giant. 395 00:27:32,150 --> 00:27:35,235 Even if this is true, it has nothing to do with this case! 396 00:27:35,445 --> 00:27:38,405 It has everything to do with this case. 397 00:27:38,615 --> 00:27:41,325 It shows a pattern in Archer's behavior 398 00:27:41,534 --> 00:27:44,203 that was repeated in his encounter with Captain Duras. 399 00:27:44,412 --> 00:27:48,582 Yes, he may be self-righteous, 400 00:27:48,792 --> 00:27:51,460 but his meddling has saved a Klingon ship, 401 00:27:51,670 --> 00:27:54,380 and perhaps the fate of the Empire itself. 402 00:27:55,048 --> 00:27:57,424 If Captain Archer is guilty, 403 00:27:57,634 --> 00:28:00,344 he is guilty of nothing more than being a nuisance. 404 00:28:01,179 --> 00:28:04,682 And hardly worth the attention of this tribunal. 405 00:28:04,891 --> 00:28:10,396 And if he must be punished, let the punishment fit that crime. 406 00:28:14,651 --> 00:28:17,277 How long should it take for a verdict? 407 00:28:18,071 --> 00:28:20,864 Usually it doesn't take long at all. 408 00:28:21,074 --> 00:28:24,326 I must have been more persuasive than I thought. Heh, heh. 409 00:28:27,414 --> 00:28:31,625 Thanks for what you've done for me. 410 00:28:31,835 --> 00:28:32,960 Don't thank me yet. 411 00:28:33,169 --> 00:28:37,047 The odds are still very much against us. 412 00:28:41,261 --> 00:28:44,179 - What is it? - Blood-wine. 413 00:28:44,389 --> 00:28:47,474 It should help make the wait more pleasant. 414 00:28:55,275 --> 00:28:56,567 What's it the blood of? 415 00:28:57,986 --> 00:29:01,113 Don't feel badly if you can't stomach it. 416 00:29:02,824 --> 00:29:04,867 I didn't say that. 417 00:29:15,628 --> 00:29:18,505 How many cases have you won? 418 00:29:18,715 --> 00:29:23,594 Oh, I'm not sure. Over 200. 419 00:29:23,803 --> 00:29:26,096 But that was a long time ago 420 00:29:26,306 --> 00:29:28,265 when the tribunal was a forum for the truth, 421 00:29:28,475 --> 00:29:31,560 and not a tool for the warrior class. 422 00:29:34,939 --> 00:29:37,733 There are other classes? 423 00:29:38,276 --> 00:29:41,236 You didn't believe all Klingons were soldiers? 424 00:29:43,531 --> 00:29:44,698 I guess I did. 425 00:29:44,866 --> 00:29:46,074 Ehh. 426 00:29:46,868 --> 00:29:51,038 My father was a teacher. 427 00:29:51,247 --> 00:29:54,833 My mother, a biologist at the university. 428 00:29:55,043 --> 00:29:58,879 They encouraged me to take up the law. 429 00:29:59,839 --> 00:30:05,385 Now all young people want to do is take up weapons 430 00:30:05,595 --> 00:30:07,679 as soon as they can hold them. 431 00:30:07,889 --> 00:30:11,141 They're told there's honor in victory. 432 00:30:11,351 --> 00:30:13,644 Any victory. 433 00:30:13,853 --> 00:30:18,023 What honor is there in a victory over a weaker opponent? 434 00:30:18,233 --> 00:30:20,734 Had Duras destroyed that ship, 435 00:30:20,944 --> 00:30:23,821 he would have been lauded as a hero of the Empire 436 00:30:24,030 --> 00:30:27,032 for murdering helpless refugees. 437 00:30:29,828 --> 00:30:34,748 We were a great society not so long ago. 438 00:30:35,458 --> 00:30:40,003 When honor was earned through integrity 439 00:30:40,213 --> 00:30:45,467 and acts of true courage, not senseless bloodshed. 440 00:30:46,594 --> 00:30:50,722 For thousands of years, my people had similar problems. 441 00:30:50,932 --> 00:30:54,184 We fought three world wars that almost destroyed us. 442 00:30:54,394 --> 00:30:56,687 Whole generations were nearly wiped out. 443 00:30:57,647 --> 00:30:58,856 What changed? 444 00:31:01,276 --> 00:31:06,029 A few courageous people began to realize 445 00:31:06,739 --> 00:31:08,073 they could make a difference. 446 00:31:26,175 --> 00:31:28,760 I have weighed the evidence carefully. 447 00:31:28,970 --> 00:31:32,139 Advocate Kolos has made an impressive case, 448 00:31:32,348 --> 00:31:35,767 much to the surprise of this tribunal. 449 00:31:35,977 --> 00:31:39,479 Based upon his arguments, I am inclined to believe 450 00:31:39,689 --> 00:31:43,150 that the accused was a victim of his own foolishness. 451 00:31:43,693 --> 00:31:46,570 He was not fomenting rebellion. 452 00:31:47,780 --> 00:31:51,950 But as Prosecutor Orak has made clear, 453 00:31:52,160 --> 00:31:54,870 the laws of the Empire have been violated, 454 00:31:55,079 --> 00:31:59,082 and Captain Archer must be held accountable for his actions, 455 00:31:59,292 --> 00:32:02,544 regardless of his intent. 456 00:32:02,754 --> 00:32:07,966 I therefore find the accused guilty as charged. 457 00:32:11,471 --> 00:32:12,596 However. 458 00:32:15,099 --> 00:32:17,267 However, 459 00:32:17,477 --> 00:32:23,607 this tribunal cannot ignore his actions assisting the Klingon people. 460 00:32:23,816 --> 00:32:28,236 Therefore the sentence of death is commuted. 461 00:32:33,952 --> 00:32:36,078 Silence! 462 00:32:39,082 --> 00:32:43,585 Jonathan Archer, you are condemned to the dilithium mines 463 00:32:43,795 --> 00:32:50,050 of the penal colony of Rura Penthe for the remainder of your life. 464 00:33:04,816 --> 00:33:07,359 - Remove the prisoner. - I protest! 465 00:33:07,568 --> 00:33:10,404 I wouldn't protest too loudly, prosecutor. 466 00:33:10,613 --> 00:33:12,280 You've won your case. 467 00:33:12,490 --> 00:33:15,826 And I compliment the magistrate on his just ruling. 468 00:33:16,035 --> 00:33:18,954 But the sentence for these crimes must be death! 469 00:33:19,163 --> 00:33:21,123 The sentence is death. 470 00:33:21,332 --> 00:33:24,626 You condemned this man to Rura Penthe. 471 00:33:24,836 --> 00:33:27,421 What is the life expectancy of a prisoner there? 472 00:33:27,630 --> 00:33:30,215 Six months, a year at the most? 473 00:33:30,425 --> 00:33:34,011 And you expect us to believe that this is an act of mercy. 474 00:33:34,220 --> 00:33:38,098 This court has shown you a great deal of patience, advocate. 475 00:33:38,307 --> 00:33:40,559 Don't test my limits any further. 476 00:33:40,768 --> 00:33:43,478 I ask for no special treatment 477 00:33:43,688 --> 00:33:46,314 only that my client be judged fairly, 478 00:33:46,524 --> 00:33:48,275 as any Klingon would be judged. 479 00:33:48,484 --> 00:33:50,777 But it has been many years 480 00:33:50,987 --> 00:33:54,865 since anyone stood in this chamber and received justice. 481 00:33:55,074 --> 00:34:00,245 Watch your words. You insult the honor of this tribunal. 482 00:34:00,455 --> 00:34:02,122 Honor? 483 00:34:03,583 --> 00:34:08,503 You acknowledged that Captain Archer acted with conviction and integrity 484 00:34:08,713 --> 00:34:10,213 and how do you reward him? 485 00:34:10,423 --> 00:34:15,135 With this grand public display of compassion 486 00:34:15,344 --> 00:34:19,473 before sending him to his death in a frozen cave! 487 00:34:19,682 --> 00:34:20,766 Enough! 488 00:34:20,975 --> 00:34:25,312 Forgive me if I fail to see the honor in that. 489 00:34:25,521 --> 00:34:28,148 You are in contempt of this tribunal. 490 00:34:28,357 --> 00:34:32,152 Since you have such admiration for the prisoner, 491 00:34:32,361 --> 00:34:35,781 you will join him on Rura Penthe 492 00:34:35,990 --> 00:34:38,658 for a period of one year! 493 00:34:40,328 --> 00:34:41,912 Remove them both. 494 00:34:54,801 --> 00:34:56,218 The Vulcan High Command will continue 495 00:34:56,427 --> 00:34:58,095 to lobby for the captain's release. 496 00:34:59,013 --> 00:35:00,388 So, what do we do? 497 00:35:00,598 --> 00:35:04,518 Klingons have only allowed us to remain here during the trial. 498 00:35:04,727 --> 00:35:06,603 We're to leave immediately. 499 00:35:06,813 --> 00:35:10,065 - And abandon the captain? - We don't have a choice. 500 00:35:10,566 --> 00:35:13,193 What's this Rura Penthe like? 501 00:35:13,986 --> 00:35:15,654 It's quite inhospitable. 502 00:35:16,989 --> 00:35:18,615 They're gonna have to get there. 503 00:35:18,825 --> 00:35:21,743 We're deep inside Klingon territory. 504 00:35:21,953 --> 00:35:23,620 A rescue attempt is out of the question. 505 00:35:25,123 --> 00:35:26,331 I'm willing to risk it. 506 00:35:26,541 --> 00:35:28,250 The captain isn't. 507 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:33,255 He made it clear he didn't want us to endanger the crew on his behalf. 508 00:35:33,881 --> 00:35:35,632 So you're saying we just forget about him? 509 00:35:35,842 --> 00:35:39,886 I'm saying a rescue isn't an option, but there are diplomatic channels. 510 00:35:40,096 --> 00:35:43,557 - We tried diplomatic channels. - Not all of them. 511 00:35:43,766 --> 00:35:46,601 I've dealt with several Klingon bureaucrats in the past. 512 00:35:46,811 --> 00:35:50,188 Some of them can be persuaded. 513 00:35:52,275 --> 00:35:54,401 Mr. Mayweather, 514 00:35:58,614 --> 00:36:00,699 take us out of orbit. 515 00:36:18,301 --> 00:36:20,886 You. Get back to work. 516 00:36:35,943 --> 00:36:37,569 You all right? 517 00:36:39,155 --> 00:36:43,408 Perhaps I spent too much time in the law library 518 00:36:43,618 --> 00:36:45,452 not enough in the battlefield. 519 00:36:45,661 --> 00:36:49,039 Not all Klingons are warriors. Remember? 520 00:36:51,125 --> 00:36:55,712 - Our ships run on dilithium, not talk. - Ugh! 521 00:36:56,047 --> 00:36:58,340 - Leave him alone. - Get back to work. 522 00:37:15,024 --> 00:37:16,733 Any more trouble from you, 523 00:37:16,943 --> 00:37:20,028 and you'll spend the night on the surface. 524 00:37:28,287 --> 00:37:29,537 You're a fool. 525 00:37:31,791 --> 00:37:34,542 - You're welcome. - Haven't you learned your lesson. 526 00:37:34,752 --> 00:37:37,003 This is why you were sent here in the first place 527 00:37:37,213 --> 00:37:40,590 for interfering in affairs that have nothing to do with you. 528 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:43,343 We have a saying on Earth. 529 00:37:43,552 --> 00:37:46,179 "You don't kick a man when he's down." 530 00:37:47,515 --> 00:37:51,017 So are all humans like this? 531 00:37:51,227 --> 00:37:55,647 - Like what? Fair? - Stupid. 532 00:38:06,284 --> 00:38:07,409 It's in our nature. 533 00:38:09,287 --> 00:38:10,954 Stand up. 534 00:38:11,622 --> 00:38:13,915 We have work to do 535 00:38:16,377 --> 00:38:19,129 unless you want to sleep on the surface. 536 00:38:45,781 --> 00:38:48,241 Follow me. This way. 537 00:38:48,451 --> 00:38:50,660 New arrivals. 538 00:38:54,915 --> 00:38:58,084 Prosecutor Orak has been busy. 539 00:39:30,993 --> 00:39:32,077 Stay away from us. 540 00:39:32,286 --> 00:39:34,412 - We have nothing you want. - Captain. 541 00:39:36,082 --> 00:39:37,957 It's all right. 542 00:39:38,793 --> 00:39:40,794 He's from my ship. 543 00:39:41,670 --> 00:39:44,422 - It's good to see you, sir. - You too. 544 00:39:44,632 --> 00:39:48,843 Lieutenant Reed, this is Kolos, my advocate. 545 00:39:49,428 --> 00:39:51,554 - Pleasure. - How'd you get here? 546 00:39:51,764 --> 00:39:53,306 T'Pol knows a few Klingon officials 547 00:39:53,516 --> 00:39:55,225 from her days in the Ministry of Security. 548 00:39:55,434 --> 00:39:57,852 One of them put us in touch with a corrections officer who was 549 00:39:58,062 --> 00:40:00,772 willing to look the other way for the right price. 550 00:40:00,981 --> 00:40:02,857 I came on one of the dilithium barges. 551 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:05,819 We bribed the captain to bring us here and take us back to Enterprise. 552 00:40:06,028 --> 00:40:08,071 Is there room for one more? 553 00:40:08,280 --> 00:40:11,491 I imagine so, but we have to hurry. 554 00:40:11,700 --> 00:40:14,661 - Come on. - I can't go with you. 555 00:40:16,122 --> 00:40:17,914 Why not? 556 00:40:18,124 --> 00:40:21,000 I've been an advocate for 50 years. 557 00:40:21,210 --> 00:40:25,130 And I've spent the last 20 of them standing in that tribunal 558 00:40:25,339 --> 00:40:28,967 playing my part, holding my tongue, 559 00:40:29,176 --> 00:40:32,637 and all the while honorable men were being sent to places like this 560 00:40:32,847 --> 00:40:35,515 without the benefit of a defense. 561 00:40:35,724 --> 00:40:38,184 And then I was assigned to your case. 562 00:40:38,394 --> 00:40:39,644 You told me 563 00:40:39,854 --> 00:40:42,856 that on your world, a few courageous people made a difference. 564 00:40:45,067 --> 00:40:47,777 I'm not sure I have the courage, 565 00:40:47,987 --> 00:40:52,365 but I know I'll never be able to restore honor to my people 566 00:40:52,575 --> 00:40:54,409 living as a fugitive. 567 00:40:56,203 --> 00:40:57,787 You realize what that means? 568 00:40:58,622 --> 00:41:00,039 You said most prisoners here 569 00:41:01,834 --> 00:41:03,334 don't survive a year. 570 00:41:04,295 --> 00:41:08,798 Most prisoners here have very little to live for. 571 00:41:09,008 --> 00:41:10,592 Captain. 572 00:41:11,927 --> 00:41:16,723 Go. 573 00:41:18,893 --> 00:42:54,028 Thank you.