1 00:00:04,212 --> 00:00:06,380 Sensors can't identify its hull composition. 2 00:00:06,589 --> 00:00:08,424 There doesn't even seem to be a warp signature. 3 00:00:08,633 --> 00:00:10,843 It's approaching at warp 6. 4 00:00:11,052 --> 00:00:13,345 - How big is it? - It's big. 5 00:00:13,555 --> 00:00:14,680 More than 500 meters across. 6 00:00:16,141 --> 00:00:17,725 We're in visual range. 7 00:00:18,018 --> 00:00:19,518 Put it up. 8 00:00:24,816 --> 00:00:26,525 Look familiar? 9 00:00:26,735 --> 00:00:29,361 It's not in the Vulcan database. 10 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:33,532 Try hailing them. 11 00:00:36,286 --> 00:00:38,203 No response, sir. 12 00:00:38,413 --> 00:00:41,457 I'm not even detecting a transceiver on board. 13 00:00:42,125 --> 00:00:44,251 They're gaining on us, sir. 14 00:00:53,178 --> 00:00:55,262 What the hell is that? 15 00:02:28,523 --> 00:02:29,690 Tactical alert. 16 00:02:29,899 --> 00:02:31,692 Weapons aren't charging, sir. 17 00:02:31,901 --> 00:02:33,318 They're off-line. 18 00:02:33,528 --> 00:02:35,988 Phase cannons, torpedoes. 19 00:02:36,197 --> 00:02:38,198 - Tucker to the Bridge. - Go ahead. 20 00:02:38,366 --> 00:02:40,492 What's going on, captain? The engines just went down. 21 00:02:40,702 --> 00:02:42,744 - Warp or impulse? - Both. 22 00:02:42,954 --> 00:02:44,663 Hold on, Trip. 23 00:02:45,206 --> 00:02:46,623 Have they dropped out of warp? 24 00:02:46,791 --> 00:02:49,501 No way to tell. Sensors can't penetrate. 25 00:02:49,711 --> 00:02:52,796 - What about our life support? - Fully operational. 26 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:55,215 That's one piece of good news. 27 00:02:55,425 --> 00:02:57,342 Any bio-signs out there? 28 00:02:57,552 --> 00:02:59,219 None that I can detect. 29 00:03:02,932 --> 00:03:05,309 Rotate the dorsal camera. 30 00:03:10,023 --> 00:03:11,440 Hold it there. 31 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:14,067 Tilt up about 30 degrees. 32 00:03:15,862 --> 00:03:17,654 Get closer. 33 00:03:19,616 --> 00:03:24,244 The vapor doesn't contain any elements our sensors can identify. 34 00:03:25,830 --> 00:03:27,122 Any atmosphere? 35 00:03:27,332 --> 00:03:30,125 Mostly helium. Trace amounts of xenon. 36 00:03:30,919 --> 00:03:32,961 Prep a shuttlepod. 37 00:03:34,005 --> 00:03:35,714 Trip, meet me and Malcolm in Launch Bay 1. 38 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:37,049 Aye, sir. 39 00:03:37,258 --> 00:03:40,135 You're in charge. Keep a channel open. 40 00:04:04,994 --> 00:04:06,245 Captain. 41 00:04:06,454 --> 00:04:07,663 Look at this. 42 00:04:07,872 --> 00:04:09,581 The atmosphere is changing. 43 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:12,876 Seventy-six percent nitrogen, 21 percent oxygen. 44 00:04:13,086 --> 00:04:16,088 Somebody seems to know what we like to breathe. 45 00:04:16,297 --> 00:04:17,506 What's the temperature? 46 00:04:17,715 --> 00:04:19,800 Eighteen degrees. 47 00:04:20,009 --> 00:04:22,177 Florida in November. 48 00:04:25,056 --> 00:04:27,266 Let's see what we can find. 49 00:04:40,989 --> 00:04:42,322 Look at that. 50 00:04:45,576 --> 00:04:47,035 I'm not reading anything. 51 00:04:47,245 --> 00:04:49,121 It's like they're not there. 52 00:04:49,330 --> 00:04:51,581 They sure look there to me. 53 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:56,628 If there aren't any life-forms here, then who modified the atmosphere? 54 00:04:57,880 --> 00:04:59,589 I doubt it's a coincidence. 55 00:04:59,757 --> 00:05:01,383 Captain. 56 00:05:03,511 --> 00:05:05,721 We may not be detecting any bio-signs, 57 00:05:05,930 --> 00:05:08,724 but those things sure look alive to me. 58 00:05:24,115 --> 00:05:25,574 Are you okay? 59 00:05:29,871 --> 00:05:31,330 Trip. 60 00:05:42,342 --> 00:05:43,800 Whoa. 61 00:05:44,844 --> 00:05:46,636 What the hell happened? 62 00:05:46,846 --> 00:05:49,222 That's what I was about to ask you. 63 00:05:51,809 --> 00:05:54,770 I think I was up on the ceiling with those things. 64 00:05:55,104 --> 00:06:00,025 I was looking down at the three of us, but not with my eyes. 65 00:06:02,236 --> 00:06:04,363 I can't explain it. 66 00:06:05,865 --> 00:06:07,949 We should get him back to the ship. 67 00:06:08,451 --> 00:06:10,911 I was in Tarpon Springs too. 68 00:06:11,120 --> 00:06:12,204 Swimming with Lisa. 69 00:06:12,413 --> 00:06:14,331 She was afraid it was getting too dark. 70 00:06:14,540 --> 00:06:16,249 It sounds like you were dreaming, commander. 71 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:18,877 I know the difference between a dream and something happening. 72 00:06:19,087 --> 00:06:20,629 We're 150 light years from Earth, Trip. 73 00:06:20,838 --> 00:06:23,131 I'm telling you, I was there. 74 00:06:25,510 --> 00:06:30,180 I'm not detecting any parasites or life-forms or wisps of smoke. 75 00:06:30,390 --> 00:06:32,891 He seems in perfect working order. 76 00:06:33,518 --> 00:06:35,977 He said he had some kind of out-of-body experience. 77 00:06:36,187 --> 00:06:37,729 Don't forget Florida, captain. 78 00:06:37,939 --> 00:06:40,107 I don't care how far away it is. 79 00:06:40,316 --> 00:06:41,900 I was there. 80 00:06:42,235 --> 00:06:45,570 It's a very common hallucination, returning to a familiar place. 81 00:06:48,449 --> 00:06:49,825 What happened to the com? 82 00:06:50,201 --> 00:06:52,077 You three talking about me? 83 00:06:54,205 --> 00:06:56,331 You're clear, commander. Free to go. 84 00:06:57,083 --> 00:06:58,625 Thanks, doc. 85 00:07:03,131 --> 00:07:04,423 You sure you're all right? 86 00:07:04,632 --> 00:07:06,341 I'm fine. 87 00:07:06,926 --> 00:07:09,594 I can't believe how amazing it was. 88 00:07:10,555 --> 00:07:14,182 I'd prefer to keep you in Sickbay for a few days, but I can't afford to. 89 00:07:14,392 --> 00:07:16,226 I need you to get those engines back online. 90 00:07:16,436 --> 00:07:17,644 I'll see what I can do. 91 00:07:17,854 --> 00:07:22,149 Let me know if you take another trip to Tarpon Beach. 92 00:07:22,358 --> 00:07:24,484 Tarpon Springs. 93 00:07:24,694 --> 00:07:26,611 I'll keep you posted. 94 00:07:29,907 --> 00:07:32,367 I want those weapons back online too. 95 00:07:32,577 --> 00:07:34,536 I'll see what I can do. 96 00:07:40,293 --> 00:07:41,585 Come in. 97 00:07:46,132 --> 00:07:48,717 It's like we're in the belly of the beast. 98 00:07:49,135 --> 00:07:52,387 We have no reason to believe their motives are hostile. 99 00:07:52,597 --> 00:07:54,848 - They're holding my ship hostage. - We don't know that. 100 00:07:55,057 --> 00:07:57,184 We don't? Look out there. 101 00:07:57,393 --> 00:07:58,727 You see any stars? 102 00:07:58,936 --> 00:08:01,188 Our engines are off-line, our weapons. 103 00:08:01,397 --> 00:08:03,356 Seems kind of hostile to me. 104 00:08:03,566 --> 00:08:06,443 I suppose it depends on how you look at it. 105 00:08:08,279 --> 00:08:10,655 Is there something you wanted to see me about? 106 00:08:10,865 --> 00:08:13,992 Ensign Sato is trying to communicate with the life-forms. 107 00:08:14,202 --> 00:08:15,452 And? 108 00:08:16,329 --> 00:08:18,163 Nothing yet. 109 00:08:22,001 --> 00:08:23,585 I've spoken to a number of officers. 110 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:29,508 They say the crew is concerned but remaining calm. 111 00:08:31,802 --> 00:08:33,970 I've gotta get them out of here. 112 00:09:06,337 --> 00:09:11,591 I tried reinitializing the plasma flow, but the power grid isn't charging. 113 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:13,552 Commander? 114 00:09:16,097 --> 00:09:17,389 Are you all right, sir? 115 00:09:18,349 --> 00:09:20,392 Can I get you something? 116 00:09:21,769 --> 00:09:23,353 I'm fine. 117 00:09:30,861 --> 00:09:32,571 Goodbye, sir. 118 00:09:39,579 --> 00:09:41,746 - Rostov to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 119 00:09:41,914 --> 00:09:43,081 I'm sorry to bother you, sir, 120 00:09:43,249 --> 00:09:45,500 but there might be something wrong with Commander Tucker. 121 00:09:47,670 --> 00:09:48,962 What do you mean, "wrong"? 122 00:09:49,171 --> 00:09:53,258 He was confused and seemed to think I was his superior officer. 123 00:09:53,718 --> 00:09:55,885 - I'll be right down. - He's not here. 124 00:09:56,053 --> 00:09:57,679 He left Engineering. 125 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:02,100 - Did he say where he was going? - No, sir. 126 00:10:02,310 --> 00:10:04,311 I'm afraid not, captain. 127 00:10:07,356 --> 00:10:09,733 Archer to Commander Tucker. 128 00:10:15,323 --> 00:10:16,823 Find him. 129 00:10:36,802 --> 00:10:38,386 Commander. 130 00:10:39,847 --> 00:10:41,598 Commander Charles Tucker III. 131 00:10:51,442 --> 00:10:53,109 Hungry? 132 00:10:53,819 --> 00:10:56,529 Yes, it's all very good. 133 00:11:02,244 --> 00:11:03,828 Have you ever tried this? 134 00:11:04,747 --> 00:11:06,581 It's called bread. 135 00:11:06,791 --> 00:11:08,083 You've never eaten it before? 136 00:11:08,834 --> 00:11:10,710 I've never eaten anything before. 137 00:11:11,837 --> 00:11:13,129 Where's Commander Tucker? 138 00:11:14,965 --> 00:11:17,592 I'm here. Charles Tucker Ill. 139 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:22,472 Where's the man who used to be Charles Tucker? 140 00:11:25,351 --> 00:11:27,769 He's exploring another realm. 141 00:11:27,978 --> 00:11:29,020 My realm. 142 00:11:31,774 --> 00:11:32,857 But he'll be back. 143 00:11:37,488 --> 00:11:39,114 I want him back now. 144 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:42,534 Please trust me. 145 00:11:42,827 --> 00:11:45,245 He's experiencing things he never thought he could. 146 00:11:45,830 --> 00:11:47,497 Where is he? 147 00:11:48,082 --> 00:11:49,624 It's not a question of where. 148 00:11:50,793 --> 00:11:52,752 He's no longer corporeal. 149 00:11:53,212 --> 00:11:56,089 But he will be again, I assure you. 150 00:11:56,298 --> 00:12:00,218 When we were outside, we saw a wisp of vapor penetrate him. 151 00:12:00,428 --> 00:12:02,011 Did you have anything to do with that? 152 00:12:02,805 --> 00:12:04,472 Wisp? 153 00:12:04,890 --> 00:12:06,015 Interesting word. 154 00:12:06,642 --> 00:12:10,645 Wisp. 155 00:12:12,231 --> 00:12:15,483 Yes, I suppose you could call us that. Wisp. 156 00:12:17,862 --> 00:12:19,154 Where do you come from? 157 00:12:20,906 --> 00:12:22,282 We live in subspace. 158 00:12:22,491 --> 00:12:24,659 We travel through it. 159 00:12:24,869 --> 00:12:26,786 We're explorers, like you. 160 00:12:29,749 --> 00:12:32,542 Why did you take Commander Tucker? 161 00:12:33,377 --> 00:12:37,422 It's been a long time since we've encountered corporeal beings. 162 00:12:38,299 --> 00:12:41,342 After we performed the first crossing with your commander, 163 00:12:41,552 --> 00:12:43,178 we realized we were compatible. 164 00:12:44,221 --> 00:12:46,139 You're very interesting. 165 00:12:46,348 --> 00:12:49,142 Trapped in bodies that need maintenance. 166 00:12:49,935 --> 00:12:51,895 You have gender. 167 00:12:52,438 --> 00:12:55,565 You require mates to reproduce. 168 00:12:57,359 --> 00:13:00,361 You eat food. 169 00:13:01,989 --> 00:13:05,992 We were like you once, but we evolved. 170 00:13:06,827 --> 00:13:09,120 Now we can learn how our ancestors lived. 171 00:13:12,500 --> 00:13:14,584 I want my crewman. 172 00:13:14,794 --> 00:13:16,920 And I want my ship released. 173 00:13:19,924 --> 00:13:21,466 Captain. 174 00:13:24,720 --> 00:13:26,805 Your crewman will be returned. 175 00:13:27,765 --> 00:13:30,850 You claim to be an explorer, captain. 176 00:13:31,852 --> 00:13:34,979 Open your mind to new possibilities. 177 00:13:45,950 --> 00:13:46,991 What about Tucker? 178 00:13:47,535 --> 00:13:49,536 - I've enjoyed my time with you. - Sir. 179 00:14:13,102 --> 00:14:14,894 Wow. 180 00:14:21,026 --> 00:14:22,694 Wow what? 181 00:14:23,612 --> 00:14:25,780 I was riding right alongside Hopalong Cassidy, 182 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:27,949 chasing some bad guys. 183 00:14:28,284 --> 00:14:29,909 Then I was with Lisa again, 184 00:14:30,119 --> 00:14:32,245 except this time, we were snow sailing in New Zealand. 185 00:14:32,997 --> 00:14:35,373 Then I was 8 years old, maybe 9, 186 00:14:36,625 --> 00:14:38,877 picking up leaves with my dad. 187 00:14:40,129 --> 00:14:41,921 But it wasn't a dream, captain. 188 00:14:42,131 --> 00:14:44,465 It was as real as I'm sitting here. 189 00:14:45,676 --> 00:14:47,010 They told me you can try it. 190 00:14:47,845 --> 00:14:49,345 Anyone on the crew. 191 00:14:49,555 --> 00:14:51,306 Who told you? 192 00:14:52,558 --> 00:14:54,893 They did, the ones I was with. 193 00:14:55,102 --> 00:14:57,729 I thought you were with Hopalong Cassidy 194 00:14:57,938 --> 00:14:59,022 and your girlfriend. 195 00:15:00,482 --> 00:15:03,151 Well, I was, but... 196 00:15:03,444 --> 00:15:06,613 Oh, it's hard to explain. 197 00:15:07,281 --> 00:15:08,573 You should try it. 198 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:11,284 You'll understand what I'm talking about. 199 00:15:11,493 --> 00:15:13,453 You all should try it. 200 00:15:14,163 --> 00:15:17,457 - Take him to Sickbay. - Captain, I'm fine. 201 00:15:17,666 --> 00:15:20,335 We'll let the doctor decide how fine you are. 202 00:15:20,544 --> 00:15:22,253 Commander. 203 00:15:32,514 --> 00:15:34,682 Something smells funny. 204 00:15:37,436 --> 00:15:40,480 They released the ship and Commander Tucker. 205 00:15:40,689 --> 00:15:42,982 They've done everything you've asked. 206 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:46,194 Have you considered they may have been telling the truth 207 00:15:46,403 --> 00:15:49,614 when they said they were just curious about us? 208 00:15:51,158 --> 00:15:53,159 Captain's starlog, supplemental. 209 00:15:53,369 --> 00:15:56,079 Now that the doctor has given Trip a clean bill of health, 210 00:15:56,288 --> 00:15:59,749 my primary concern is getting Enterprise out of here. 211 00:15:59,959 --> 00:16:04,420 But Trip tells me it will be a while before he can get the engines online. 212 00:16:05,756 --> 00:16:09,926 From what we can tell, these life-forms have no mass. 213 00:16:10,552 --> 00:16:13,096 Noncorporeal beings. 214 00:16:13,305 --> 00:16:15,932 That's gotta be a first for Starfleet. 215 00:16:17,101 --> 00:16:20,186 T'Pol thinks they just wanna get to know us. 216 00:16:20,396 --> 00:16:22,438 Maybe she's right. 217 00:16:22,648 --> 00:16:25,358 Maybe I don't trust them because they're so different. 218 00:16:25,567 --> 00:16:26,985 I'd hate to think that was the case. 219 00:16:28,404 --> 00:16:30,571 Computer, pause. Come in. 220 00:16:32,366 --> 00:16:35,410 - I hope I'm not disturbing you. - Everything all right? 221 00:16:36,078 --> 00:16:37,662 I'm not certain. 222 00:16:37,871 --> 00:16:40,790 One of those beings appeared in Sickbay a few minutes ago. 223 00:16:41,000 --> 00:16:43,418 It entered me right here. 224 00:16:43,627 --> 00:16:46,921 But my physiology must not have been compatible. It left almost immediately. 225 00:16:47,506 --> 00:16:49,966 - Are you sure you're all right? - I'm fine. 226 00:16:50,467 --> 00:16:52,093 But it was disturbing. 227 00:16:52,302 --> 00:16:55,930 The life-form was trying very hard to reach me. 228 00:17:55,699 --> 00:17:57,825 I'm going to B Deck. 229 00:17:58,786 --> 00:18:00,912 B Deck is fine. 230 00:18:02,581 --> 00:18:03,706 Are you a female? 231 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:07,043 - Sir? - Your gender. 232 00:18:07,252 --> 00:18:10,296 You are a female, correct? 233 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:12,965 Last time I checked. 234 00:18:13,175 --> 00:18:14,383 I'm a male. 235 00:18:17,221 --> 00:18:18,971 I'm aware of that, lieutenant. 236 00:18:20,224 --> 00:18:25,061 There seem to be a number of anatomical differences. 237 00:18:26,605 --> 00:18:27,855 Sir. 238 00:18:40,911 --> 00:18:42,495 Come in. 239 00:18:47,000 --> 00:18:48,918 Sub-commander. 240 00:18:49,878 --> 00:18:51,754 Is there something I can do for you? 241 00:18:52,464 --> 00:18:54,257 You are very beautiful. 242 00:18:55,467 --> 00:18:59,053 Are you aware that you are the most attractive woman on board this ship? 243 00:19:00,681 --> 00:19:03,683 Do you think it's appropriate for you to be here at this hour? 244 00:19:04,184 --> 00:19:05,977 Would you mind taking off your clothing? 245 00:19:07,146 --> 00:19:10,314 I'd like to learn more about your anatomy. 246 00:19:12,734 --> 00:19:13,985 Have you been drinking? 247 00:19:14,194 --> 00:19:19,282 If we are to engage in mating, it would be easier if you disrobed. 248 00:19:30,961 --> 00:19:33,296 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 249 00:19:33,630 --> 00:19:35,214 Go ahead. 250 00:19:35,591 --> 00:19:38,634 Would you please come to my quarters with a security team? 251 00:19:38,969 --> 00:19:41,721 - We're on our way. - Are you afraid of me? 252 00:19:42,055 --> 00:19:43,139 You shouldn't be. 253 00:19:43,348 --> 00:19:45,808 I'm capable of defending myself. 254 00:19:46,560 --> 00:19:49,228 What is it like being a female? 255 00:19:51,481 --> 00:19:53,774 Is it much different? 256 00:19:55,319 --> 00:19:56,611 I wouldn't know. 257 00:19:56,820 --> 00:19:58,863 If you'd allow the crossing, you'd find out. 258 00:20:02,409 --> 00:20:04,160 I don't understand. 259 00:20:04,369 --> 00:20:09,248 If you came to us, you could experience what it's like to be male. 260 00:20:09,458 --> 00:20:11,209 Wouldn't that be helpful to you? 261 00:20:11,418 --> 00:20:13,127 I've never thought about it. 262 00:20:13,337 --> 00:20:14,462 You should. 263 00:20:14,671 --> 00:20:19,425 We're capable of letting you experience anything you wish for. 264 00:20:20,844 --> 00:20:26,307 It would be a shame not to take advantage of that. 265 00:20:27,351 --> 00:20:29,644 This isn't Lieutenant Reed. 266 00:20:29,895 --> 00:20:31,646 Enough! 267 00:20:33,565 --> 00:20:36,525 Humans don't like doing things without their consent. 268 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:40,988 When are you planning to return Malcolm Reed? 269 00:20:41,907 --> 00:20:44,867 - That depends. - Oh, does it? 270 00:20:46,912 --> 00:20:49,330 Let's see how much you enjoy experiencing the human condition 271 00:20:49,539 --> 00:20:50,915 locked in Reed's quarters. 272 00:20:58,215 --> 00:20:59,257 Tucker. 273 00:20:59,466 --> 00:21:01,717 They've got Malcolm. I need the ship 274 00:21:01,927 --> 00:21:03,219 ready to go on my command. 275 00:21:03,428 --> 00:21:05,680 They're gonna give him back, aren't they? 276 00:21:05,847 --> 00:21:08,808 - We'll see. - What did you do with the, uh? 277 00:21:09,142 --> 00:21:12,103 A security detail locked him in Malcolm's quarters. 278 00:21:12,312 --> 00:21:13,729 Get it done, Trip. 279 00:21:13,939 --> 00:21:15,690 Right away, sir. You heard him. 280 00:21:15,899 --> 00:21:18,734 Let's try to prime the deuterium pumps and fire up the injectors. 281 00:21:18,902 --> 00:21:20,903 - Tucker to Ensign Cook. - Yes, sir. 282 00:21:21,071 --> 00:21:23,239 I need you and two other engineers down here right away. 283 00:21:23,407 --> 00:21:24,573 I'll see who I can find. 284 00:21:24,783 --> 00:21:28,160 - Commander! - Quickly, please. Tucker out. 285 00:21:28,370 --> 00:21:30,079 Something wrong? 286 00:21:38,088 --> 00:21:40,089 Run into a problem? 287 00:21:41,091 --> 00:21:45,219 Problem? No. Everything's fine. 288 00:21:46,305 --> 00:21:48,472 Did you have any luck priming the pumps? 289 00:21:50,434 --> 00:21:52,226 I have no idea how to do that. 290 00:21:52,436 --> 00:21:54,312 This engine is very complex. 291 00:21:57,149 --> 00:21:59,191 Stay here. I'll be right back. 292 00:22:01,903 --> 00:22:05,031 - Tucker to the captain. - Go ahead, Trip. 293 00:22:05,240 --> 00:22:07,950 It's Rostov, sir. I think you need to get Malcolm... 294 00:22:08,160 --> 00:22:10,745 I mean, whoever is running security down here right away. 295 00:22:14,666 --> 00:22:17,585 Hoshi, get a security team to Engineering. 296 00:22:17,794 --> 00:22:19,628 Have them put Crewman Rostov in his quarters. 297 00:22:19,838 --> 00:22:21,213 Aye, sir. 298 00:22:21,423 --> 00:22:23,799 Captain, we've been getting reports from all over the ship. 299 00:22:24,009 --> 00:22:26,927 Some of the crew are acting very strange. 300 00:22:27,929 --> 00:22:30,765 Then we're going to need more than one security team. 301 00:22:30,974 --> 00:22:32,183 Find out who's acting strange 302 00:22:32,392 --> 00:22:34,060 and have them confined to their quarters. 303 00:22:34,269 --> 00:22:37,396 How do we know the security officers are okay? 304 00:22:37,773 --> 00:22:40,816 For the moment, we're going to have to hope they are. 305 00:22:41,735 --> 00:22:46,364 Start working on a way to figure out who's themselves and who's not. 306 00:22:46,948 --> 00:22:49,116 Maybe Phlox can help you. 307 00:22:55,791 --> 00:22:57,208 Commander. 308 00:23:01,755 --> 00:23:04,131 - Run into a problem? - No, sir. 309 00:23:04,341 --> 00:23:06,258 Just ready to calibrate the dilithium matrix. 310 00:23:07,511 --> 00:23:09,428 Great. Wait till I give you the signal. 311 00:23:14,601 --> 00:23:18,229 We polarized the hull plating as soon as we detected that ship. 312 00:23:18,438 --> 00:23:21,023 Obviously, it didn't do any good. 313 00:23:21,441 --> 00:23:23,442 What's keeping them from taking all of us? 314 00:23:25,612 --> 00:23:28,197 - Archer. - Got impulse engines back, captain. 315 00:23:28,407 --> 00:23:29,573 Thanks, Trip. 316 00:23:29,783 --> 00:23:30,991 Hold our position. 317 00:23:31,201 --> 00:23:33,202 I thought you said we needed to get out of here. 318 00:23:33,412 --> 00:23:34,745 They've got Malcolm, 319 00:23:34,955 --> 00:23:36,956 and God knows how many others. 320 00:23:37,165 --> 00:23:40,584 Until we find a way to get them back, we're not going anywhere. 321 00:23:47,926 --> 00:23:49,260 What's the big secret? 322 00:23:49,469 --> 00:23:51,929 We thought it best not to discuss this over the com. 323 00:23:52,139 --> 00:23:53,681 We don't know who's been taken. 324 00:23:53,890 --> 00:23:56,183 - What have you got? - It was simpler than I thought. 325 00:23:56,393 --> 00:23:58,894 Elevated acetylcholine levels in the autonomic nervous... 326 00:23:59,104 --> 00:24:02,648 Doctor, whatever you've got, we need to put it to work. 327 00:24:02,858 --> 00:24:04,692 Sub-commander programmed the medical computer. 328 00:24:04,901 --> 00:24:07,736 It's modifying this hand scanner as we speak. 329 00:24:07,946 --> 00:24:10,281 Get to work as soon as you're ready. 330 00:24:14,661 --> 00:24:16,996 - Tucker to Ensign Mayweather. - Go ahead, sir. 331 00:24:17,205 --> 00:24:18,998 I'm a little shorthanded, Travis. 332 00:24:19,207 --> 00:24:22,334 Can I get you to go to the starboard nacelle and repolarize the warp coils? 333 00:24:22,544 --> 00:24:23,627 No problem, sir. 334 00:24:23,837 --> 00:24:25,463 Call me when you get to the catwalk. 335 00:24:25,630 --> 00:24:27,214 I'm on my way. 336 00:24:35,599 --> 00:24:37,600 There are two here. 337 00:24:41,104 --> 00:24:44,690 Ensign Cole and Crewman Rossi. 338 00:25:22,437 --> 00:25:24,688 - Mayweather to the Bridge. - Go ahead. 339 00:25:24,898 --> 00:25:27,316 One of those things just followed me up the starboard strut. 340 00:25:27,526 --> 00:25:30,027 But when I got into the catwalk, it didn't come through. 341 00:25:30,237 --> 00:25:32,530 There must be something keeping it from getting in here. 342 00:25:32,739 --> 00:25:35,616 - Then you better stay where you are. - Aye, sir. 343 00:25:35,867 --> 00:25:37,243 Archer to Commander Tucker. 344 00:25:38,870 --> 00:25:41,038 - Yes, captain. - Is there some shielding 345 00:25:41,248 --> 00:25:44,208 in the nacelles that might keep these aliens from getting in? 346 00:25:44,417 --> 00:25:46,502 The catwalk is reinforced with osmium alloy, 347 00:25:46,711 --> 00:25:48,629 but it's hard to say if that would do it. 348 00:25:48,838 --> 00:25:50,047 Travis thinks it will. 349 00:25:50,257 --> 00:25:51,882 I need you to stop whatever you're doing 350 00:25:52,092 --> 00:25:55,010 and transfer all command functions to the starboard catwalk. 351 00:25:55,220 --> 00:25:57,096 We're going to have to get everybody in there. 352 00:25:57,305 --> 00:25:58,681 I'm on it. 353 00:25:59,307 --> 00:26:02,851 I want you and T'Pol to get the crew up there as quickly as you can. 354 00:26:04,020 --> 00:26:05,646 Hoshi. 355 00:26:06,982 --> 00:26:09,149 It would be best if they stayed where they were. 356 00:26:10,610 --> 00:26:11,777 What? 357 00:26:11,987 --> 00:26:14,196 We're offering them a great opportunity. 358 00:26:14,406 --> 00:26:17,908 They may never get another chance to experience existence as we do. 359 00:26:19,619 --> 00:26:22,121 Security to the Bridge. 360 00:26:24,291 --> 00:26:27,459 You're taking over my crew. Why? 361 00:26:27,669 --> 00:26:30,838 I understand how you may be frightened by all this. 362 00:26:31,047 --> 00:26:35,259 Losing your substance, existing as perceptive energy. 363 00:26:36,219 --> 00:26:39,388 But you'll be grateful once you've made the crossing, I promise you. 364 00:26:39,723 --> 00:26:42,725 We're kind of fond of our substance. 365 00:26:43,143 --> 00:26:45,561 We're not very anxious to give it up. 366 00:26:45,770 --> 00:26:49,231 Those who've preceded you are safe and happy. 367 00:26:49,649 --> 00:26:50,733 You'll understand. 368 00:26:50,942 --> 00:26:53,319 Are you doing this for our benefit or for yours? 369 00:26:59,326 --> 00:27:02,578 Escort Ensign Sato to her quarters. 370 00:27:04,956 --> 00:27:06,665 You'll understand. 371 00:27:13,423 --> 00:27:16,175 - How many? Fifty-eight. Including us. 372 00:27:16,384 --> 00:27:17,426 And outside? 373 00:27:17,594 --> 00:27:19,303 Twenty-four locked in their quarters. 374 00:27:19,471 --> 00:27:21,138 And Dr. Phlox. 375 00:27:21,348 --> 00:27:24,058 - Are you okay, Travis? - I'm fine, sir. Thank you. 376 00:27:24,267 --> 00:27:25,726 - Trip? - I saw him down 377 00:27:25,935 --> 00:27:27,645 near the command compartment. 378 00:27:27,854 --> 00:27:29,355 Thanks. 379 00:27:30,440 --> 00:27:32,358 We need to learn more about these life-forms. 380 00:27:32,567 --> 00:27:34,568 What we need is to get our people back. 381 00:27:34,778 --> 00:27:36,737 It's illogical to believe we can do that 382 00:27:36,946 --> 00:27:40,074 without learning more about the aliens' intentions. 383 00:27:40,283 --> 00:27:41,909 Do you have something in mind? 384 00:27:42,118 --> 00:27:44,495 I'd like your permission to leave the catwalk. 385 00:27:44,704 --> 00:27:46,288 You wouldn't have a chance. 386 00:27:46,498 --> 00:27:49,249 One of those would take you before you got back to the saucer section. 387 00:27:49,417 --> 00:27:50,876 Not necessarily. 388 00:27:51,086 --> 00:27:53,837 If a life-form attempts to exchange its consciousness with mine, 389 00:27:54,047 --> 00:27:55,172 I believe I can prevent it. 390 00:27:55,382 --> 00:27:56,590 What makes you think that? 391 00:27:56,966 --> 00:27:58,050 No offense, captain, 392 00:27:58,259 --> 00:28:00,761 but the Vulcan mind is far more disciplined than yours. 393 00:28:01,888 --> 00:28:04,640 It can resist temptations, emotions 394 00:28:04,849 --> 00:28:07,226 and, I believe, invasions by these life-forms. 395 00:28:10,605 --> 00:28:13,482 Even if you're right, what would you accomplish? 396 00:28:13,692 --> 00:28:15,734 If an alien attempts this transfer, 397 00:28:15,944 --> 00:28:19,279 there may be a brief period when our minds are conjoined. 398 00:28:19,489 --> 00:28:21,782 It's possible I could ascertain their motives. 399 00:28:21,991 --> 00:28:23,617 It's too dangerous. I won't let you do it. 400 00:28:23,827 --> 00:28:25,160 There's no other choice. 401 00:28:25,370 --> 00:28:26,495 And if you're wrong? 402 00:28:26,705 --> 00:28:28,122 It's a risk I'm willing to take. 403 00:28:28,331 --> 00:28:29,790 Well, I'm not. 404 00:28:29,999 --> 00:28:31,542 They've already taken 24 people. 405 00:28:31,751 --> 00:28:34,211 I'm not gonna give them another one. 406 00:28:35,255 --> 00:28:37,715 You've told me you trust my judgment. 407 00:28:37,924 --> 00:28:40,509 Trust it now unless you have another suggestion. 408 00:28:47,559 --> 00:28:48,600 Sickbay. 409 00:28:48,768 --> 00:28:50,436 There's been an accident. 410 00:28:50,645 --> 00:28:53,147 - Hoshi? - Hoshi Sato's been injured. 411 00:28:53,356 --> 00:28:56,066 I don't know how to repair the damage to her body. 412 00:28:56,276 --> 00:28:57,317 What happened? 413 00:28:57,527 --> 00:28:58,610 Her leg is fractured. 414 00:28:58,820 --> 00:28:59,862 She's in considerable pain. 415 00:29:00,071 --> 00:29:02,197 She needs assistance. 416 00:29:14,502 --> 00:29:15,544 I'm armed. 417 00:29:15,712 --> 00:29:17,963 If you're near the door, step away. 418 00:29:18,173 --> 00:29:19,631 She's on the floor. 419 00:29:19,799 --> 00:29:21,592 She can't move. 420 00:29:52,457 --> 00:29:54,082 There's nothing the matter with you. 421 00:30:06,346 --> 00:30:07,930 I need to find the rest of your crew. 422 00:30:08,139 --> 00:30:09,890 Where are they? 423 00:30:16,898 --> 00:30:19,900 Oh, I'm glad I brought you along. 424 00:30:24,155 --> 00:30:25,239 Dr. Phlox. 425 00:30:25,448 --> 00:30:27,574 Is everything going all right, doc? 426 00:30:27,742 --> 00:30:28,826 More or less. 427 00:30:28,993 --> 00:30:32,621 Good. T'Pol and I are going to need your help. 428 00:31:15,290 --> 00:31:17,207 Sub-commander. 429 00:31:19,502 --> 00:31:21,336 T'Pol. 430 00:31:22,964 --> 00:31:25,173 Have you succeeded? 431 00:31:28,303 --> 00:31:29,344 Phlox to Captain Archer. 432 00:31:30,305 --> 00:31:32,306 - Did you find her? - I'm with her. 433 00:31:32,473 --> 00:31:35,642 She's not acting like the others, but she's certainly not herself. 434 00:31:36,060 --> 00:31:38,228 It doesn't sound like that's the outcome she expected. 435 00:31:38,438 --> 00:31:40,355 Her neural pathways are hyperstimulated. 436 00:31:40,565 --> 00:31:42,232 Damn it. 437 00:31:42,817 --> 00:31:45,152 - You better take her to her quarters. - Yes, captain. 438 00:31:48,114 --> 00:31:49,156 Come with me. 439 00:31:49,365 --> 00:31:51,450 Everything will be all right. 440 00:31:53,328 --> 00:31:55,370 I'm afraid I have to insist. 441 00:31:55,580 --> 00:31:57,164 I promise you. 442 00:32:03,212 --> 00:32:04,922 T'Pol. 443 00:32:05,715 --> 00:32:07,341 What is my name? 444 00:32:07,550 --> 00:32:09,593 Sub-commander. 445 00:32:10,094 --> 00:32:11,845 - They're lying to us. - My name. 446 00:32:12,055 --> 00:32:14,222 We don't have time for this, Phlox. 447 00:32:14,432 --> 00:32:16,558 I have to get to the captain. 448 00:32:18,394 --> 00:32:22,064 Their ship is deteriorating, and they have no way to repair it. 449 00:32:22,273 --> 00:32:24,107 They can't survive in space. 450 00:32:24,317 --> 00:32:26,151 So they are doing this to save themselves. 451 00:32:26,361 --> 00:32:30,030 Eighty-two of them are. One for every crewman on Enterprise. 452 00:32:30,448 --> 00:32:32,324 - How many of them are there? - Hundreds. 453 00:32:32,492 --> 00:32:35,369 The rest will try to find another vessel of corporeal beings. 454 00:32:36,955 --> 00:32:38,997 - Where's Commander Tucker? - I'm not sure. 455 00:32:39,207 --> 00:32:40,624 Please find him. 456 00:32:43,544 --> 00:32:45,796 If the commander can find a way to shield Enterprise, 457 00:32:46,005 --> 00:32:48,507 we can leave the catwalk and go to warp. 458 00:32:48,716 --> 00:32:50,217 And lose a third of the crew. 459 00:32:50,593 --> 00:32:52,094 Two-thirds will survive. 460 00:32:52,303 --> 00:32:55,931 Unacceptable. We're going to find a way to get them back. 461 00:32:56,349 --> 00:32:58,600 That may be difficult. 462 00:33:01,229 --> 00:33:06,608 Can they survive in a host that's dead? 463 00:33:07,944 --> 00:33:10,654 It would be no different than being exposed to space. 464 00:33:10,863 --> 00:33:11,989 They'd die. 465 00:33:15,284 --> 00:33:17,494 - Archer to Phlox. - Yes, captain? 466 00:33:28,006 --> 00:33:30,632 - You doing all right? - We're okay. 467 00:33:30,842 --> 00:33:33,135 How long do you think we'll be in here, ensign? 468 00:33:33,344 --> 00:33:36,555 I'm sure the captain will get us out as soon as he can. 469 00:33:36,764 --> 00:33:38,348 Has anyone seen Commander Tucker? 470 00:33:38,558 --> 00:33:40,267 - No, sir. - Not for a while. 471 00:33:40,476 --> 00:33:42,436 I think he was down there. 472 00:33:42,645 --> 00:33:43,937 Thanks. 473 00:33:44,397 --> 00:33:46,148 We'll have to purge the carbon dioxide 474 00:33:46,315 --> 00:33:48,358 within 20 seconds of respiratory failure. 475 00:33:48,568 --> 00:33:50,610 That will give you enough time to resuscitate them? 476 00:33:50,820 --> 00:33:52,362 Oh, yes. It's enough time. 477 00:33:52,572 --> 00:33:55,282 Don't forget to close off the ventilation to the starboard nacelle. 478 00:33:55,491 --> 00:33:58,035 We wouldn't want the gas to affect you and the others. 479 00:33:58,202 --> 00:33:59,286 Understood. 480 00:33:59,495 --> 00:34:02,956 Sorry, captain, I can't find Commander Tucker. 481 00:34:04,042 --> 00:34:07,419 Has anyone opened either of the ventral hatches? 482 00:34:08,504 --> 00:34:10,797 Not since we sealed them. 483 00:34:11,924 --> 00:34:13,383 You must have missed him. 484 00:34:13,593 --> 00:34:15,385 I'll look again. 485 00:34:16,804 --> 00:34:18,722 Four, 486 00:34:19,265 --> 00:34:21,183 five, 487 00:34:22,435 --> 00:34:25,812 six, 488 00:34:26,522 --> 00:34:27,564 - seven. 489 00:34:27,732 --> 00:34:29,775 All right. Does it have an ID tag? 490 00:34:29,984 --> 00:34:34,780 "Junction Four-One-Alpha. Atmospheric Recycling Manifold." 491 00:34:34,989 --> 00:34:36,364 Good. 492 00:34:36,574 --> 00:34:39,242 Do you see the releases on either side? 493 00:34:39,452 --> 00:34:41,870 Yes. There are four of them. 494 00:34:42,080 --> 00:34:45,415 Two blue, two silver. 495 00:34:45,625 --> 00:34:48,043 Open them. The silver ones first. 496 00:34:52,799 --> 00:34:55,801 - Done. - Now pull the panel off. 497 00:34:56,928 --> 00:34:58,178 What should I do with it? 498 00:34:58,513 --> 00:34:59,638 Whatever you want. 499 00:34:59,847 --> 00:35:01,264 Lay it down on the floor. 500 00:35:01,474 --> 00:35:03,225 Very well. 501 00:35:05,311 --> 00:35:08,355 Ah, right where you said it was, captain. Ah. 502 00:35:09,732 --> 00:35:10,941 Find the control panel. 503 00:35:12,318 --> 00:35:13,735 It's right here. 504 00:35:13,945 --> 00:35:16,238 It has six green lights. 505 00:35:16,447 --> 00:35:19,950 Each of them should have a switch next to it. 506 00:35:20,159 --> 00:35:22,160 About 5 centimeters to the left. 507 00:35:22,745 --> 00:35:26,748 Now, before we can release the gas into central ventilation, 508 00:35:26,958 --> 00:35:29,084 you're going to have to reroute the transfer lines 509 00:35:29,293 --> 00:35:30,836 to the carbon dioxide tanks. 510 00:35:31,212 --> 00:35:33,004 And how do I go about doing that? 511 00:35:33,214 --> 00:35:35,340 Those six switches control the feed. 512 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:38,885 You're going to have to recalibrate them in sequence for CO2. 513 00:35:39,262 --> 00:35:41,429 I'll guide you through it. 514 00:35:44,267 --> 00:35:46,059 Are you all right? 515 00:35:47,353 --> 00:35:48,895 Commander. 516 00:35:49,105 --> 00:35:51,481 I've been looking all over for you. 517 00:35:52,358 --> 00:35:54,317 Are you all right, sir? 518 00:35:58,406 --> 00:35:59,573 I'm fine. 519 00:35:59,782 --> 00:36:01,116 The captain asked me to find you. 520 00:36:01,325 --> 00:36:03,952 He needs you in the command compartment. 521 00:36:04,162 --> 00:36:05,912 Commander? 522 00:36:13,588 --> 00:36:15,839 You can't go out there, sir. It's not safe. Unh. 523 00:36:16,048 --> 00:36:17,549 What are you doing? 524 00:36:34,150 --> 00:36:35,901 I've reached the access tube, captain. 525 00:36:36,068 --> 00:36:38,403 Good. Now pull off the panel. 526 00:36:42,825 --> 00:36:43,950 It's not coming off. 527 00:36:44,660 --> 00:36:45,952 It will come off. 528 00:36:46,162 --> 00:36:47,913 You just need to use a little muscle. 529 00:36:54,545 --> 00:36:56,838 I've used every muscle I've got. It won't budge. 530 00:36:57,924 --> 00:37:01,009 Try using your foot for leverage. 531 00:37:10,478 --> 00:37:12,812 - Good suggestion. - Okay. 532 00:37:13,022 --> 00:37:14,481 Now, the next part's a piece of cake. 533 00:37:14,690 --> 00:37:16,775 We've got a problem, captain. 534 00:37:16,984 --> 00:37:18,526 Stand by, doc. What happened? 535 00:37:18,736 --> 00:37:19,986 Commander Tucker. 536 00:37:20,196 --> 00:37:21,696 He just went out the forward hatch. 537 00:37:21,906 --> 00:37:24,282 - What? - I tried to stop him. 538 00:37:24,492 --> 00:37:26,117 He didn't look like himself. 539 00:37:26,327 --> 00:37:28,286 I think one of those things got inside him. 540 00:37:28,496 --> 00:37:30,830 If he knows what we're doing... 541 00:37:31,916 --> 00:37:34,292 We're gonna have to speed things up, doc. 542 00:37:34,502 --> 00:37:36,336 Trip's been taken. 543 00:37:36,545 --> 00:37:38,505 He left the catwalk a few minutes ago. 544 00:37:38,714 --> 00:37:40,799 If he tries to let his buddies out of their quarters, 545 00:37:41,008 --> 00:37:42,842 we don't have any guards down there to stop him. 546 00:37:43,052 --> 00:37:44,427 Tell me what to do. 547 00:37:44,637 --> 00:37:46,763 You'll have to purge the osmotic filters. 548 00:37:46,973 --> 00:37:49,599 The valves are right behind the control circuit. 549 00:37:49,809 --> 00:37:52,894 You're going to have to get two fingers through the upper holes 550 00:37:53,104 --> 00:37:54,187 in the support plate. 551 00:37:54,397 --> 00:37:57,274 Normally, that wouldn't be a problem, but wearing those gloves 552 00:37:57,483 --> 00:37:58,525 could make it difficult. 553 00:37:58,734 --> 00:38:00,735 Back home, I'm known for my fine motor skills. 554 00:38:00,945 --> 00:38:03,613 I doubt a pair of EV gloves will deter me. 555 00:38:03,823 --> 00:38:06,032 There are two solenoids behind the openings. 556 00:38:06,242 --> 00:38:10,578 When you tap them simultaneously, the plate should retract. 557 00:38:12,999 --> 00:38:14,124 Did you say there were two? 558 00:38:15,501 --> 00:38:17,252 About 3 centimeters apart. 559 00:38:20,089 --> 00:38:21,715 Got it. 560 00:38:24,635 --> 00:38:28,138 You should be looking at two rotary valves and a lever. 561 00:38:28,472 --> 00:38:29,514 I see them. 562 00:38:29,724 --> 00:38:31,474 Open both valves all the way, 563 00:38:31,684 --> 00:38:33,768 then turn the lever to the 3 o'clock position. 564 00:38:34,520 --> 00:38:35,937 That should do it. 565 00:38:36,147 --> 00:38:40,400 The 9 o'clock position will vent the gas when we're finished. 566 00:39:50,346 --> 00:39:52,514 - Phlox to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 567 00:39:52,723 --> 00:39:53,765 Mission accomplished. 568 00:39:53,974 --> 00:39:56,309 - I'm monitoring Commander Tucker. - Good job. 569 00:40:19,333 --> 00:40:22,127 - It's left Commander Tucker. - Vent the gas. 570 00:40:22,795 --> 00:40:24,045 In a moment, captain. 571 00:40:24,255 --> 00:40:27,632 I need to be certain the CO2 level is consistent throughout the ship, 572 00:40:27,842 --> 00:40:29,592 that all the life-forms are gone. 573 00:40:30,344 --> 00:40:32,470 - Ready, Travis? - Yes, sir. 574 00:40:42,398 --> 00:40:43,523 It's done. 575 00:40:43,732 --> 00:40:44,774 Full impulse. 576 00:40:52,992 --> 00:40:54,117 They're in pursuit. 577 00:41:01,709 --> 00:41:02,792 Stand by. 578 00:41:06,505 --> 00:41:07,839 Now. 579 00:41:24,356 --> 00:41:25,565 What's going on, doc? 580 00:41:25,774 --> 00:41:27,567 Just breathe deeply. 581 00:41:27,776 --> 00:41:29,068 You'll be fine. 582 00:41:30,488 --> 00:41:32,113 I was just at a barbecue. 583 00:41:32,490 --> 00:41:35,492 In through the nose, out through the mouth. 584 00:41:37,036 --> 00:41:39,829 I've never seen so many ribs. 585 00:41:40,956 --> 00:41:42,790 Follow me, commander. 586 00:41:43,000 --> 00:42:53,611 We have a lot of doors to unlock.