1 00:00:11,469 --> 00:00:14,054 ARCHER: Bio-signs? - None that I can detect. 2 00:00:14,264 --> 00:00:17,433 But its hull seems to be scattering our sensors. 3 00:00:17,851 --> 00:00:19,393 Any idea what happened? 4 00:00:19,602 --> 00:00:21,895 I'm not reading any weapon signatures. 5 00:00:22,105 --> 00:00:24,565 Possibly some sort of accident. 6 00:00:30,071 --> 00:00:32,364 ARCHER: Bring it into Launch Bay 2. 7 00:00:47,547 --> 00:00:49,548 There's no windows. 8 00:00:50,717 --> 00:00:55,512 I'm not sure whether this end's the bow or the stern. 9 00:00:57,766 --> 00:00:59,308 [DEVICE BEEPS] 10 00:00:59,476 --> 00:01:01,185 T'POL: Captain. 11 00:01:03,146 --> 00:01:05,147 This might be a hatch. 12 00:01:05,356 --> 00:01:08,150 If it is, it's been fused shut. 13 00:01:08,485 --> 00:01:10,569 With your permission, sir? 14 00:01:39,933 --> 00:01:41,350 [BEEPS] 15 00:01:53,154 --> 00:01:55,155 [COUGHING] 16 00:01:57,325 --> 00:01:59,326 [BEEPS] 17 00:02:35,905 --> 00:02:37,906 [DEVICE BEEPS] 18 00:02:38,867 --> 00:02:39,992 He's human. 19 00:04:15,713 --> 00:04:17,005 PHLOX: This was a human male. 20 00:04:17,715 --> 00:04:21,551 A microcellular scan should tell us his age at the time of death. 21 00:04:21,761 --> 00:04:24,388 Apparently, you're not the first humans out this far. 22 00:04:24,597 --> 00:04:26,640 Whoever this is, he's rewritten our history books. 23 00:04:28,101 --> 00:04:29,142 Can you get a DNA sample? 24 00:04:29,352 --> 00:04:30,644 The tissue damage is extensive, 25 00:04:30,853 --> 00:04:33,772 but I should be able to isolate a few fragments. 26 00:04:34,190 --> 00:04:36,191 If he's a member of Starfleet, his genetic profile 27 00:04:36,401 --> 00:04:38,819 is probably in our database. 28 00:04:39,028 --> 00:04:40,487 Run a comparison as soon as you can. 29 00:04:40,697 --> 00:04:42,489 Absolutely. 30 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:48,036 There aren't any ships or inhabited systems for several light years. 31 00:04:53,126 --> 00:04:54,960 ARCHER: I wonder 32 00:04:56,170 --> 00:04:58,672 if this could be Zefram Cochrane. 33 00:04:59,173 --> 00:05:01,925 They say he was piloting a one-man vessel when he disappeared. 34 00:05:02,302 --> 00:05:04,845 How could he have traveled this far? 35 00:05:05,555 --> 00:05:08,223 There were a lot of rumors after he was lost. 36 00:05:08,433 --> 00:05:12,394 One of them said he was testing some kind of experimental warp ship. 37 00:05:13,896 --> 00:05:16,106 Any markings on the hull or control panels? 38 00:05:16,316 --> 00:05:18,400 We haven't found any. 39 00:05:18,901 --> 00:05:22,404 The hull seems to absorb EM radiation. 40 00:05:22,613 --> 00:05:24,865 Without all this damage, 41 00:05:25,074 --> 00:05:27,534 it never would've shown up on our sensors. 42 00:05:27,744 --> 00:05:30,162 Some kind of stealth ship. 43 00:05:30,955 --> 00:05:33,332 So, what do you think, Travis? 44 00:05:33,541 --> 00:05:36,335 Could this pilot have been a cargo hauler? 45 00:05:36,836 --> 00:05:40,255 We're more than 30 light years from the nearest trade route. 46 00:05:40,465 --> 00:05:42,466 I don't see how he could have made it out this far. 47 00:05:42,675 --> 00:05:44,176 Maybe he got a ride from someone. 48 00:05:46,095 --> 00:05:49,264 That's got to be a world record for hitchhiking. 49 00:05:50,391 --> 00:05:53,226 I still can't find any plasma exhaust ports. 50 00:05:53,436 --> 00:05:55,896 Not even a thruster quad. 51 00:05:56,105 --> 00:05:59,775 There's nothing here that looks like a power source. 52 00:06:02,070 --> 00:06:04,404 How did this make it into deep space without an engine? 53 00:06:04,864 --> 00:06:07,074 REED: Could be an escape pod. 54 00:06:08,659 --> 00:06:11,578 Even an escape pod would need some kind of propulsion system. 55 00:06:14,499 --> 00:06:16,375 Any new mission you haven't told us about? 56 00:06:16,584 --> 00:06:18,043 FORREST [ON SCREEN]: I wish there was. 57 00:06:18,211 --> 00:06:21,296 It's possible the ship you found was launched from Vega Colony, 58 00:06:21,506 --> 00:06:24,925 but they're a long way behind you now. 59 00:06:26,219 --> 00:06:28,387 The Earth Cargo Authority may have more information. 60 00:06:29,263 --> 00:06:32,682 Phlox has sent a request to Dr. Cochrane's family. 61 00:06:32,892 --> 00:06:35,268 They're transmitting his genetic profile. 62 00:06:35,728 --> 00:06:38,063 A hundred light years from Earth, 63 00:06:38,272 --> 00:06:41,983 you might have solved the greatest missing-person case of the century. 64 00:06:42,819 --> 00:06:44,861 If we haven't, 65 00:06:45,446 --> 00:06:48,198 we've discovered an even bigger mystery. 66 00:06:54,247 --> 00:06:56,248 [BOTH GRUNTING] 67 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:01,795 Commander. 68 00:07:06,217 --> 00:07:09,052 Registers as some kind of bio-matter. 69 00:07:09,887 --> 00:07:11,263 Organic circuitry? 70 00:07:11,889 --> 00:07:14,099 Maybe we should get Phlox to come down and take a look. 71 00:07:14,308 --> 00:07:15,600 Not a bad idea. 72 00:07:30,074 --> 00:07:31,116 What's this? 73 00:07:52,472 --> 00:07:54,723 - Malcolm? - I see it. 74 00:07:54,932 --> 00:07:57,309 TRIP: Good. Means I'm not hallucinating. 75 00:07:58,227 --> 00:08:00,979 How could a ship be bigger on the inside than the outside? 76 00:08:03,065 --> 00:08:04,274 Could be a hologram. 77 00:08:07,695 --> 00:08:09,863 Hand me that hyperspanner. 78 00:08:19,123 --> 00:08:20,665 [SPANNER CLANKS] 79 00:08:26,005 --> 00:08:27,506 You're not going down there? 80 00:08:28,216 --> 00:08:29,841 Gotta get my spanner back. 81 00:08:30,051 --> 00:08:32,135 We should call the Bridge first. Let them know... 82 00:08:32,345 --> 00:08:34,262 Say again, Malcolm? 83 00:09:07,713 --> 00:09:11,925 This gives space exploration a whole new meaning. 84 00:09:12,134 --> 00:09:15,554 I've read a few papers on spatial geometry. 85 00:09:15,930 --> 00:09:18,598 But I never heard a theory that would explain this. 86 00:09:20,393 --> 00:09:22,269 The captain will never believe us. 87 00:09:22,478 --> 00:09:25,021 He's gonna have to see this for himself. 88 00:09:25,606 --> 00:09:27,399 What do you think? 89 00:09:28,067 --> 00:09:30,110 A warp reactor? 90 00:09:30,444 --> 00:09:32,529 You're the engineer. 91 00:09:34,448 --> 00:09:36,491 Looks like a breach, 92 00:09:36,993 --> 00:09:38,326 overload of some kind. 93 00:09:38,494 --> 00:09:39,536 [BEEPING] 94 00:09:39,704 --> 00:09:42,163 I'm picking up an energy signature. 95 00:09:44,250 --> 00:09:46,042 It's very faint. 96 00:09:46,252 --> 00:09:47,794 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 97 00:09:47,962 --> 00:09:50,839 Sir, a vessel's dropped out of warp. 98 00:09:51,048 --> 00:09:52,924 They're on an intercept course. 99 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:55,093 It's Suliban. 100 00:09:57,513 --> 00:09:59,139 Let's see it. 101 00:10:02,727 --> 00:10:04,936 Minimal weapons. I don't believe it's a combat ship. 102 00:10:05,104 --> 00:10:06,187 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 103 00:10:06,564 --> 00:10:07,856 We're being hailed. 104 00:10:12,862 --> 00:10:15,405 You have something that belongs to us. 105 00:10:16,741 --> 00:10:18,867 I don't believe I've had the pleasure... 106 00:10:19,076 --> 00:10:21,953 We have a salvage claim on the vessel in your launch bay. 107 00:10:22,163 --> 00:10:24,581 One of our cell ships discovered it three days ago. 108 00:10:24,790 --> 00:10:26,333 We were sent to retrieve it. 109 00:10:26,542 --> 00:10:28,710 That ship's an Earth vessel. 110 00:10:28,919 --> 00:10:30,211 The pilot's human. 111 00:10:30,421 --> 00:10:32,088 I'm not interested in the corpse. 112 00:10:32,465 --> 00:10:35,258 Decompress your launch bay and release the vessel. 113 00:10:40,640 --> 00:10:42,515 I'm curious... 114 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:46,353 What's your interest in that ship? 115 00:10:46,687 --> 00:10:47,937 There's not much left. 116 00:10:48,439 --> 00:10:50,857 The vessel. Now. 117 00:10:51,442 --> 00:10:52,901 They're charging weapons. 118 00:10:53,903 --> 00:10:56,529 ARCHER: You might wanna contact your superiors, 119 00:10:56,739 --> 00:11:00,033 ask for a man named Silik. 120 00:11:00,576 --> 00:11:03,536 He'll tell you I don't respond well to threats. 121 00:11:03,746 --> 00:11:05,747 [BOTH GRUNTING] 122 00:11:23,140 --> 00:11:25,141 This could be a release pin. 123 00:11:35,277 --> 00:11:36,444 Let's get it to Engineering. 124 00:11:45,413 --> 00:11:46,871 Forward plating is holding. 125 00:11:47,081 --> 00:11:49,165 Bring us about, Travis. 126 00:11:49,375 --> 00:11:51,418 Power the phase cannons. 127 00:11:51,627 --> 00:11:53,920 See what you can do about their weapons. 128 00:11:59,552 --> 00:12:00,844 Tucker to the Bridge. 129 00:12:04,890 --> 00:12:06,516 The com's down. 130 00:12:06,726 --> 00:12:07,851 [GRUNTS] 131 00:12:21,031 --> 00:12:22,407 Commander. 132 00:12:34,628 --> 00:12:35,670 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 133 00:12:35,838 --> 00:12:37,297 Someone's trying to open Launch Bay 2. 134 00:12:37,465 --> 00:12:39,132 Lock them out. 135 00:12:40,009 --> 00:12:41,676 I can't. 136 00:12:42,136 --> 00:12:43,970 Archer to Trip. 137 00:12:46,766 --> 00:12:49,976 Send a security team down there. Return fire. 138 00:12:57,777 --> 00:12:59,444 Their weapons have been disabled. 139 00:12:59,653 --> 00:13:00,904 Target their engines, 140 00:13:01,113 --> 00:13:03,072 - and bring the grappler online. - Sir? 141 00:13:03,282 --> 00:13:06,576 They wanted that ship pretty badly. I'd like to know why. 142 00:13:07,703 --> 00:13:09,537 They're moving off. 143 00:13:11,081 --> 00:13:12,290 Stay with them. 144 00:13:35,064 --> 00:13:36,981 I've lost them, sir. 145 00:13:44,824 --> 00:13:46,908 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 146 00:13:47,117 --> 00:13:49,577 We've contacted the Vulcan ship Tal'Kir. 147 00:13:49,787 --> 00:13:51,412 They've agreed to meet us in three days 148 00:13:51,622 --> 00:13:53,248 to take the craft back to Earth. 149 00:13:53,457 --> 00:13:55,875 Hopefully, we won't have another visit from the Suliban 150 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:58,795 before we reach the rendezvous point. 151 00:13:59,505 --> 00:14:01,130 It was heavily shielded. 152 00:14:01,340 --> 00:14:03,633 Whatever this thing is, it must be pretty important. 153 00:14:03,843 --> 00:14:05,260 ARCHER: What's your guess? 154 00:14:05,469 --> 00:14:07,011 Might be the black box. 155 00:14:07,221 --> 00:14:10,348 It could tell us what happened, maybe even who built the vessel. 156 00:14:10,516 --> 00:14:12,267 TRIP: That's assuming we can get it working. 157 00:14:12,476 --> 00:14:15,645 It seems to use the same organic circuitry as the rest of the ship. 158 00:14:15,855 --> 00:14:17,605 I gotta take you down into that chamber. 159 00:14:17,815 --> 00:14:20,608 - You're not gonna believe your eyes. - Bigger on the inside? 160 00:14:21,235 --> 00:14:23,611 PHLOX [OVER COM]: Sickbay to Captain Archer. 161 00:14:23,821 --> 00:14:24,863 Archer. 162 00:14:25,030 --> 00:14:27,240 PHLOX: I need to see you immediately. 163 00:14:31,954 --> 00:14:34,956 I managed to find only a few undamaged cells. 164 00:14:35,165 --> 00:14:38,668 But they were enough to complete a genetic analysis. 165 00:14:41,171 --> 00:14:42,964 ARCHER: Any match in the Starfleet database? 166 00:14:43,173 --> 00:14:44,299 No. 167 00:14:44,508 --> 00:14:48,136 But I did discover that our guest is no ordinary human. 168 00:14:48,429 --> 00:14:52,640 I found an unusual deviation in this nucleotide sequence. 169 00:14:52,808 --> 00:14:55,143 At first, I thought I was looking at some kind of mutation. 170 00:14:55,603 --> 00:14:58,354 But there was something familiar about the chromosome structure. 171 00:14:58,564 --> 00:15:02,317 So I widened my search to include the interspecies database. 172 00:15:02,526 --> 00:15:06,821 This nucleotide sequence is Vulcan. 173 00:15:11,911 --> 00:15:14,287 How did a human end up with Vulcan DNA? 174 00:15:14,872 --> 00:15:17,957 The likeliest explanation is that he had at least one Vulcan ancestor, 175 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:20,335 further back than a great-grandparent. 176 00:15:20,544 --> 00:15:21,920 That's not possible. 177 00:15:22,129 --> 00:15:23,796 We haven't known the Vulcans long enough. 178 00:15:24,006 --> 00:15:27,926 I also found genetic material belonging to several other species. 179 00:15:29,053 --> 00:15:30,637 This sequence is Terrellian. 180 00:15:30,846 --> 00:15:33,932 There's another I can't identify. 181 00:15:37,770 --> 00:15:40,939 I believe this individual is the result of several generations 182 00:15:41,148 --> 00:15:43,775 of interspecies breeding. 183 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:47,654 Thank you, doctor. 184 00:15:48,238 --> 00:15:49,614 T'Pol. 185 00:15:52,159 --> 00:15:53,910 A database from the future? 186 00:15:54,119 --> 00:15:58,289 Our time-traveling friend Daniels left it in his quarters. 187 00:16:05,631 --> 00:16:08,466 I'm not certain Daniels would approve of this. 188 00:16:08,676 --> 00:16:10,885 We'll keep it to ourselves. 189 00:16:28,570 --> 00:16:30,238 A Vulcan cruiser. 190 00:16:30,447 --> 00:16:33,366 I don't recognize the configuration. 191 00:16:33,617 --> 00:16:36,244 That's because it hasn't been built yet. 192 00:16:41,458 --> 00:16:45,670 Few Vulcans have ever chosen to mate with another species. 193 00:16:46,088 --> 00:16:47,922 Worried about contaminating your genome 194 00:16:48,132 --> 00:16:49,549 with a little human DNA? 195 00:16:49,925 --> 00:16:54,178 There are significant biological differences between the species. 196 00:16:54,388 --> 00:16:56,180 It's unlikely we could reproduce. 197 00:16:58,892 --> 00:16:59,934 Humans and Vulcans. 198 00:17:06,942 --> 00:17:08,651 That could be it. 199 00:17:09,278 --> 00:17:12,071 The dorsal section is the wrong shape. 200 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:20,246 If a human and a Vulcan did have a child, 201 00:17:20,456 --> 00:17:23,124 I wonder if he'd have pointed ears. 202 00:17:26,128 --> 00:17:27,336 There. 203 00:17:27,546 --> 00:17:29,297 I think that's it. 204 00:17:35,262 --> 00:17:37,138 Look at the commission date. 205 00:17:37,347 --> 00:17:40,016 That's almost 900 years from now. 206 00:17:42,936 --> 00:17:45,772 Daniels talked about historians from the future, 207 00:17:45,981 --> 00:17:47,815 people who traveled back to study the past. 208 00:17:48,025 --> 00:17:50,359 That could be what this pilot was doing. 209 00:17:51,070 --> 00:17:53,946 This says it's powered by a temporal displacement drive. 210 00:17:54,656 --> 00:17:57,492 If the Suliban get their hands on this, 211 00:17:58,452 --> 00:18:00,328 they'll take it apart, 212 00:18:01,038 --> 00:18:03,539 maybe learn how the engine works. 213 00:18:04,583 --> 00:18:07,251 That could change the course of the Temporal Cold War. 214 00:18:07,461 --> 00:18:10,505 Assuming the vessel is from the future, 215 00:18:10,798 --> 00:18:13,132 why haven't they retrieved it? 216 00:18:15,719 --> 00:18:17,136 [COM BEEPS] 217 00:18:18,180 --> 00:18:19,222 Archer. 218 00:18:19,431 --> 00:18:21,641 MAYWEATHER [OVER COM]: Another alien vessel's approaching 219 00:18:21,809 --> 00:18:22,850 at high warp. 220 00:18:23,018 --> 00:18:24,102 Suliban? 221 00:18:24,269 --> 00:18:26,938 MAYWEATHER: No, sir. We can't identify them. 222 00:18:39,243 --> 00:18:42,203 Twenty thousand kilometers and closing. 223 00:18:43,997 --> 00:18:45,540 T'Pol? 224 00:18:45,749 --> 00:18:47,250 The vessel's Tholian. 225 00:18:47,459 --> 00:18:48,793 They're extremely xenophobic. 226 00:18:49,002 --> 00:18:51,295 The High Command's had limited contact with them. 227 00:18:51,505 --> 00:18:54,340 Captain, it's unusual for Tholians to travel this far from their system. 228 00:18:54,508 --> 00:18:55,550 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 229 00:18:55,717 --> 00:18:57,969 I'm getting unusual thermal readings. 230 00:18:58,178 --> 00:19:02,557 It's awfully warm inside that ship, more than 200 degrees. 231 00:19:02,766 --> 00:19:04,725 They're believed to be a nonhumanoid species. 232 00:19:07,396 --> 00:19:09,230 Open a channel. 233 00:19:10,983 --> 00:19:12,817 This is Captain Archer of the starship... 234 00:19:12,985 --> 00:19:15,111 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN SCREECHY ALIEN LANGUAGE OVER COM] 235 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:16,654 THOLIAN [OVER COM]: Jonathan Archer, 236 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:19,031 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 237 00:19:19,199 --> 00:19:20,950 Please establish communication. 238 00:19:21,785 --> 00:19:23,870 Is there something we can do for you? 239 00:19:24,037 --> 00:19:25,872 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 240 00:19:26,039 --> 00:19:29,625 THOLIAN: We were sent to retrieve the vessel. 241 00:19:31,295 --> 00:19:33,296 I'd like to know how you heard about that ship. 242 00:19:33,463 --> 00:19:34,839 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 243 00:19:35,007 --> 00:19:37,967 THOLIAN: It is dangerous to you. 244 00:19:38,177 --> 00:19:40,511 Temporal radiation. 245 00:19:42,764 --> 00:19:44,849 Thanks for the warning. 246 00:19:45,517 --> 00:19:46,642 But we can't give it to you. 247 00:19:46,810 --> 00:19:48,269 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 248 00:19:49,771 --> 00:19:51,939 They've locked on to us with a tractor beam. 249 00:19:52,149 --> 00:19:53,983 We're losing speed. 250 00:19:54,193 --> 00:19:56,986 Hull plating. Arm the aft torpedoes. 251 00:19:57,196 --> 00:19:59,530 That beam's interfering with our targeting scanners. 252 00:20:01,158 --> 00:20:02,992 Release us. 253 00:20:03,410 --> 00:20:06,454 Or I'll destroy the ship in our launch bay. 254 00:20:14,046 --> 00:20:15,922 Do you hear me? 255 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:24,055 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 256 00:20:25,557 --> 00:20:26,766 What did he say? 257 00:20:26,975 --> 00:20:28,643 I don't know. 258 00:20:28,936 --> 00:20:30,853 But I don't think he was paying you a compliment. 259 00:20:34,316 --> 00:20:35,691 [SIGHS] 260 00:20:37,194 --> 00:20:39,820 I wonder if there's anyone else 261 00:20:40,030 --> 00:20:42,990 who thinks they have a claim on that ship. 262 00:20:57,130 --> 00:20:58,673 May I join you? 263 00:20:58,882 --> 00:21:00,424 Please. 264 00:21:02,177 --> 00:21:05,388 I found another nucleotide sequence in the pilot's genome. 265 00:21:05,597 --> 00:21:07,682 It appears to be Rigelian. Ha, ha. 266 00:21:07,891 --> 00:21:10,393 That corpse is full of surprises. 267 00:21:12,396 --> 00:21:14,313 Mm, mm. 268 00:21:15,315 --> 00:21:18,192 I didn't realize how late it was until my stomach reminded me 269 00:21:18,402 --> 00:21:20,611 it was time to eat, ha, ha. 270 00:21:21,780 --> 00:21:24,657 Ah, you seem to be engrossed in your work, as well. 271 00:21:25,617 --> 00:21:28,244 The captain asked me to perform a metallurgical analysis 272 00:21:28,453 --> 00:21:29,620 of the vessel's hull. 273 00:21:29,830 --> 00:21:30,997 Anything noteworthy? 274 00:21:31,206 --> 00:21:33,541 I've discovered several unusual alloys. 275 00:21:33,750 --> 00:21:36,502 One of them is in a semifluidic state. 276 00:21:37,504 --> 00:21:40,089 Hmm. More mysteries. 277 00:21:40,299 --> 00:21:41,340 To say the least. 278 00:21:41,550 --> 00:21:43,634 [CHUCKLES] 279 00:21:43,802 --> 00:21:46,345 I understand Captain Archer believes 280 00:21:46,555 --> 00:21:48,973 that the vessel traveled here from the future. 281 00:21:49,599 --> 00:21:50,850 That's his theory. 282 00:21:51,059 --> 00:21:53,060 Genetic anomalies, unexplainable alloys. 283 00:21:53,270 --> 00:21:54,687 The evidence seems to be mounting. 284 00:21:55,439 --> 00:21:56,689 Perhaps. 285 00:21:56,898 --> 00:22:00,651 Ah. The Vulcan Science Directorate. 286 00:22:00,902 --> 00:22:05,114 They've always been rather reluctant to embrace unorthodox ideas. 287 00:22:05,324 --> 00:22:06,615 After they review our findings, 288 00:22:06,825 --> 00:22:10,870 I have a feeling they might reconsider their opinion of time travel. 289 00:22:11,413 --> 00:22:12,621 It's not an opinion. 290 00:22:12,831 --> 00:22:14,165 It's simple logic. 291 00:22:14,374 --> 00:22:16,500 There was a time when Denobulans believed 292 00:22:16,710 --> 00:22:19,962 they were the only intelligent species in the galaxy. Hmm. 293 00:22:20,172 --> 00:22:24,884 Needless to say, it was quite a surprise when the B'Saari made first contact. 294 00:22:25,093 --> 00:22:26,552 Many refused to accept the truth, 295 00:22:26,762 --> 00:22:30,139 even with the evidence standing right in front of them. 296 00:22:30,349 --> 00:22:31,807 It took some time and it wasn't easy, 297 00:22:32,017 --> 00:22:37,313 but eventually, we were forced to reevaluate our beliefs. 298 00:22:39,024 --> 00:22:42,068 Are you saying you believe time travel is possible? 299 00:22:42,611 --> 00:22:45,112 Surprises, sub-commander. 300 00:22:45,322 --> 00:22:47,907 I believe in embracing surprises. 301 00:22:48,909 --> 00:22:50,951 I prefer to embrace logic. 302 00:22:54,456 --> 00:22:56,415 If you'll excuse me, doctor. 303 00:22:56,625 --> 00:22:58,250 Good night. 304 00:23:06,093 --> 00:23:09,387 TRIP: All right, let's start reinitializing the power grid. 305 00:23:09,596 --> 00:23:12,348 REED: Assuming that is the power grid. 306 00:23:13,600 --> 00:23:16,143 It boggles the mind if you think about it. 307 00:23:16,353 --> 00:23:17,978 What does? 308 00:23:18,188 --> 00:23:21,982 That ship could be from the 31 st century. 309 00:23:22,192 --> 00:23:25,236 When I was young, I always wanted to build a time machine, 310 00:23:25,445 --> 00:23:26,904 see the future. 311 00:23:27,114 --> 00:23:29,365 You're the kind of person who jumps to the end of the book 312 00:23:29,574 --> 00:23:31,033 before you read it. 313 00:23:31,201 --> 00:23:33,327 Don't tell me you've never wondered what it'd be like, 314 00:23:33,537 --> 00:23:35,704 how our mission will turn out. 315 00:23:35,914 --> 00:23:38,791 Well, wondering about the future and knowing it are two different things. 316 00:23:39,251 --> 00:23:40,292 REED: If Daniels came here 317 00:23:40,460 --> 00:23:43,462 and offered you a chance to go to the 31 st century, 318 00:23:44,214 --> 00:23:45,339 you wouldn't take it? 319 00:23:48,802 --> 00:23:50,719 Some things are better left a mystery. 320 00:23:51,054 --> 00:23:52,972 And you call yourself an explorer. 321 00:23:53,598 --> 00:23:56,600 Where is the fun in exploring if you know how it all turns out? 322 00:23:57,436 --> 00:23:59,770 Hand me that micro-caliper. 323 00:24:07,821 --> 00:24:10,739 Suppose you could look into some future book, 324 00:24:10,949 --> 00:24:13,784 find out the name of the woman you're gonna marry. 325 00:24:14,035 --> 00:24:16,954 - Would you wanna know it? - Absolutely. 326 00:24:17,164 --> 00:24:20,583 Think of all the awkward first dates I could avoid. 327 00:24:20,792 --> 00:24:24,295 Fine. So one day you meet Jane Doe. 328 00:24:24,504 --> 00:24:27,256 You go out a few times, then you pop the question. 329 00:24:27,466 --> 00:24:30,342 She says, "I do," and the two of you live happily ever after. 330 00:24:30,552 --> 00:24:31,594 Sounds perfect. 331 00:24:31,803 --> 00:24:34,847 Now, did you marry her for love 332 00:24:35,056 --> 00:24:37,057 or because some book told you to? 333 00:24:37,809 --> 00:24:41,061 If we're "happily ever after," what difference does it make? 334 00:24:46,818 --> 00:24:49,278 TRIP: Well, we've got power. 335 00:24:50,197 --> 00:24:53,449 Now we've gotta figure out how to tap into these organic circuits. 336 00:24:53,658 --> 00:24:55,659 They're similar to the ones in the cockpit. 337 00:24:55,869 --> 00:24:58,454 Hmm. We might be able to salvage some of them, 338 00:24:59,539 --> 00:25:01,665 build an interface. 339 00:25:05,337 --> 00:25:09,173 Now, if I had a chance to see the past, I'd jump at it. 340 00:25:09,382 --> 00:25:11,258 I always wanted to meet a stegosaurus. 341 00:25:11,468 --> 00:25:13,511 He'd probably make a quick meal of you. 342 00:25:13,720 --> 00:25:17,014 The stegosaurus was an herbivore. 343 00:25:17,974 --> 00:25:21,101 If I could travel back in time, I know exactly what year I'd pick: 344 00:25:21,311 --> 00:25:23,062 1588. 345 00:25:23,271 --> 00:25:25,105 What happened in 1588? 346 00:25:25,315 --> 00:25:27,441 England defeated the Spanish Armada. 347 00:25:27,651 --> 00:25:31,237 TRIP: I'm sure someone named Reed had a lot to do with that. 348 00:25:32,405 --> 00:25:36,200 If I had a chance to see the past, I'd jump at it. 349 00:25:36,409 --> 00:25:38,118 I always wanted to meet a stegosaurus. 350 00:25:38,328 --> 00:25:40,329 He'd probably make a quick meal of you. 351 00:25:40,539 --> 00:25:44,208 The stegosaurus was an herbivore. 352 00:25:45,168 --> 00:25:47,586 It seems like we were just in here. 353 00:25:49,464 --> 00:25:52,633 If I could travel back, I know exactly what year I'd pick. 354 00:25:52,842 --> 00:25:54,969 - Fifteen eighty-eight? - Fifteen eighty-eight. 355 00:25:56,263 --> 00:25:57,805 How did I know you were gonna say that? 356 00:25:59,849 --> 00:26:01,642 I think we're spending too much time together. 357 00:26:01,810 --> 00:26:03,310 [TRIP CHUCKLES] 358 00:26:04,104 --> 00:26:08,399 Now, if I had a chance to see the past, I'd jump at it. 359 00:26:08,608 --> 00:26:10,943 "I always wanted to meet a stegosaurus." 360 00:26:13,363 --> 00:26:16,115 "He'd probably make a quick meal of you." 361 00:26:17,242 --> 00:26:19,785 "The stegosaurus was a herbivore." 362 00:26:27,711 --> 00:26:30,296 TRIP: It was the weirdest thing. When we were next to the ship, 363 00:26:30,505 --> 00:26:33,674 it felt like we were having the same conversation over and over again. 364 00:26:33,842 --> 00:26:37,595 Hmm. I can't find anything wrong with either of you. 365 00:26:37,804 --> 00:26:40,014 We didn't imagine what happened. 366 00:26:40,223 --> 00:26:45,561 Captain, the craft is emitting some type of high-energy particles. 367 00:26:49,733 --> 00:26:53,569 This may be the temporal radiation the Tholians warned us about. 368 00:26:53,778 --> 00:26:55,904 We spent a fair amount of time around that ship. 369 00:26:56,114 --> 00:26:57,906 The particle density's quite low. 370 00:26:58,116 --> 00:27:00,075 It's unlikely to have any lasting effects. 371 00:27:00,285 --> 00:27:01,785 How do you explain what happened? 372 00:27:02,287 --> 00:27:05,372 The radiation could have affected your perception of time. 373 00:27:05,582 --> 00:27:10,252 Or maybe they really were reliving the same moment. 374 00:27:11,338 --> 00:27:14,506 Seal off Launch Bay 2, and evacuate the surrounding sections. 375 00:27:14,716 --> 00:27:16,842 I don't wanna take any chances. 376 00:27:17,802 --> 00:27:19,470 How are you coming with the black box? 377 00:27:19,679 --> 00:27:23,015 The power's online, but we still can't access the data. 378 00:27:23,266 --> 00:27:26,352 Let me know as soon as you find anything. Dismissed. 379 00:27:27,646 --> 00:27:29,730 Can I speak with you? 380 00:27:36,446 --> 00:27:39,114 The radiation could spread to other sections, 381 00:27:39,324 --> 00:27:41,617 affect more systems. 382 00:27:42,160 --> 00:27:44,036 We'll keep an eye on it. 383 00:27:44,704 --> 00:27:46,830 The Vulcans are only a few hours away. 384 00:27:47,040 --> 00:27:49,333 I'm not certain we'll survive that long. 385 00:27:49,542 --> 00:27:52,044 We've attracted the attention of two hostile species. 386 00:27:52,253 --> 00:27:55,547 It's logical to assume they're searching for us. 387 00:27:55,840 --> 00:27:58,759 I'm pretty sure we can steer clear of them. 388 00:28:00,178 --> 00:28:02,304 Perhaps you should destroy the vessel. 389 00:28:03,473 --> 00:28:05,557 I'm not gonna do that. 390 00:28:05,892 --> 00:28:09,770 I'm tired of these factions interfering with our century. 391 00:28:10,063 --> 00:28:12,272 It's time we took a more active interest in this war, 392 00:28:12,482 --> 00:28:14,108 gathered some intelligence ourselves. 393 00:28:14,317 --> 00:28:19,405 Assuming, for the moment, the Temporal Cold War exists, 394 00:28:19,781 --> 00:28:21,615 I believe we shouldn't get involved. 395 00:28:21,825 --> 00:28:25,077 Like it or not, we've been involved since we left space dock. 396 00:28:29,457 --> 00:28:31,291 Daniels hinted 397 00:28:31,501 --> 00:28:34,545 that there were other factions in this conflict. 398 00:28:34,921 --> 00:28:37,715 Maybe the Tholians are working for one of them. 399 00:28:37,924 --> 00:28:41,927 Your curiosity is placing Enterprise in unnecessary danger. 400 00:28:42,137 --> 00:28:44,430 This is the first chance we've had to get some answers. 401 00:28:44,639 --> 00:28:46,557 I'm not gonna pass it up. 402 00:28:46,891 --> 00:28:49,435 The Vulcans can get that ship back to Earth in a few weeks. 403 00:28:49,644 --> 00:28:51,520 - Starfleet will take it from there. - Captain... 404 00:28:51,730 --> 00:28:53,272 I told you. 405 00:28:55,859 --> 00:28:57,943 I've made my decision. 406 00:29:06,536 --> 00:29:09,121 If the Suliban return, they may be cloaked. 407 00:29:09,330 --> 00:29:11,832 I recommend we go to tactical alert? 408 00:29:28,016 --> 00:29:30,225 - What do you have? - It's what we don't have. 409 00:29:30,435 --> 00:29:31,727 This isn't a black box. 410 00:29:31,936 --> 00:29:34,646 Thought it was a data-storage matrix. After we got the power running, 411 00:29:34,856 --> 00:29:37,316 it started generating a subspace signature. 412 00:29:37,525 --> 00:29:41,528 I think it's a micro-transmitter, some kind of emergency beacon. 413 00:29:41,738 --> 00:29:43,405 T'POL [OVER COM]: Bridge to Captain Archer. 414 00:29:43,573 --> 00:29:46,241 Several Suliban vessels are approaching. 415 00:29:46,451 --> 00:29:49,119 ARCHER: On my way. T'POL: Acknowledged. 416 00:30:06,054 --> 00:30:09,723 The ships will be within weapons range in 20 seconds. 417 00:30:10,767 --> 00:30:12,810 Go to maximum warp. 418 00:30:15,104 --> 00:30:17,356 They're matching our speed. 419 00:30:18,399 --> 00:30:21,777 - How long to the rendezvous point? - Less than three minutes. 420 00:30:21,986 --> 00:30:23,654 Contact the Tal'Kir. 421 00:30:23,863 --> 00:30:25,823 Let them know we're bringing company. 422 00:30:26,032 --> 00:30:27,074 No response. 423 00:30:27,242 --> 00:30:28,283 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 424 00:30:28,451 --> 00:30:30,661 We're being hailed, by the Suliban. 425 00:30:34,415 --> 00:30:35,791 I see you've brought some friends. 426 00:30:36,000 --> 00:30:38,794 Drop out of warp and prepare to be boarded. 427 00:30:39,003 --> 00:30:42,548 Or what? You're not gonna risk any more damage to that ship. 428 00:30:42,757 --> 00:30:43,966 They're charging weapons. 429 00:30:44,175 --> 00:30:46,718 Take a look at your long-range sensors. 430 00:30:46,970 --> 00:30:51,014 There's a Vulcan combat cruiser a few million kilometers from here. 431 00:30:51,224 --> 00:30:54,309 Unless you want to upset them, I suggest you turn around. 432 00:30:54,519 --> 00:30:58,814 The Vulcans won't risk their ship for an Earth vessel. 433 00:31:02,068 --> 00:31:04,903 Aft cannon. Return fire. 434 00:31:15,206 --> 00:31:16,582 We're losing ventral plating. 435 00:31:16,791 --> 00:31:20,335 - The Vulcans? - Six hundred thousand kilometers. 436 00:31:22,046 --> 00:31:23,839 Direct hit to the launch bay doors. 437 00:31:24,048 --> 00:31:25,757 They're trying to blast them open. 438 00:31:25,967 --> 00:31:27,885 Hold your course and speed. 439 00:31:33,933 --> 00:31:35,392 Two hundred thousand kilometers. 440 00:31:35,602 --> 00:31:37,269 Take us out of warp. 441 00:31:53,912 --> 00:31:56,914 - Bio-signs? - The crew's alive. 442 00:31:57,123 --> 00:31:58,707 The vessel is disabled. 443 00:31:58,917 --> 00:32:00,626 Their com system's down. 444 00:32:01,794 --> 00:32:02,961 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 445 00:32:03,129 --> 00:32:04,755 MAYWEATHER: Captain. 446 00:32:22,315 --> 00:32:23,941 Take us back to warp. 447 00:32:34,118 --> 00:32:35,494 Engines are down. 448 00:32:35,995 --> 00:32:37,913 ARCHER: Weapons? - They're off-line too. 449 00:32:38,122 --> 00:32:39,539 The hull plating is depolarizing. 450 00:32:41,000 --> 00:32:42,709 The cell ships have dropped out of warp. 451 00:32:54,347 --> 00:32:56,390 I never thought I'd be glad to see the Suliban. 452 00:32:59,060 --> 00:33:01,645 Trip, we could use warp engines right about now. 453 00:33:01,854 --> 00:33:04,815 The antimatter injectors are fused. I'll need a few hours to replace them. 454 00:33:05,024 --> 00:33:06,441 ARCHER [OVER COM]: How about weapons? 455 00:33:06,609 --> 00:33:08,610 Every power relay on the ship's been scrambled. 456 00:33:08,820 --> 00:33:11,655 ARCHER: Then forget everything else. Get that beacon working. 457 00:33:11,864 --> 00:33:13,490 - Sir? - Whoever built that ship 458 00:33:13,700 --> 00:33:14,825 might be able to send help. 459 00:33:15,410 --> 00:33:17,077 Aye, captain. 460 00:33:18,204 --> 00:33:22,290 Even if you're correct, it's unlikely help will arrive in time. 461 00:33:24,877 --> 00:33:27,713 ARCHER: How long would it take to remove one of the torpedo warheads, 462 00:33:27,922 --> 00:33:29,006 arm it manually? 463 00:33:29,215 --> 00:33:32,050 Four minutes, less if I had some help. 464 00:33:32,260 --> 00:33:35,053 I recommend moving the warhead as little as possible once we remove it. 465 00:33:35,263 --> 00:33:37,055 ARCHER: We'll bring the torpedo to launch bay. 466 00:33:37,223 --> 00:33:39,599 Work on it there. You have the Bridge. 467 00:33:51,154 --> 00:33:52,696 I'm gonna hold you to that four minutes. 468 00:33:52,905 --> 00:33:56,700 - It was only an estimate, sir. - They don't make this easy, do they? 469 00:33:57,618 --> 00:33:58,994 I'm going to release the couplings. 470 00:33:59,203 --> 00:34:00,996 You'll need to disconnect the power conduits. 471 00:34:01,205 --> 00:34:02,581 The blue and red ones first. 472 00:34:02,790 --> 00:34:07,377 Turn the release counterclockwise until you feel it detach. 473 00:34:14,385 --> 00:34:16,094 - Commander? - I need that power module. 474 00:34:16,304 --> 00:34:17,596 CREWMAN: Yes, sir. 475 00:34:27,065 --> 00:34:30,108 All right, hand me a micro-caliper. 476 00:34:37,325 --> 00:34:38,742 Bridge to Captain Archer. 477 00:34:41,370 --> 00:34:42,496 Go ahead. 478 00:34:42,663 --> 00:34:45,415 T'POL [OVER COM]: The Suliban have lost more than half of their ships. 479 00:34:45,625 --> 00:34:47,000 You don't have much time. 480 00:34:47,210 --> 00:34:49,294 We're working as fast as we can. Stand by. 481 00:34:49,504 --> 00:34:52,756 Sir, if you'll hold it by the locking brace... 482 00:35:01,349 --> 00:35:02,891 I'm gonna hold you to that four minutes. 483 00:35:03,101 --> 00:35:05,519 It was only an estimate, sir. 484 00:35:06,020 --> 00:35:07,646 It's happening again. 485 00:35:08,356 --> 00:35:09,981 We've had this conversation before. 486 00:35:10,900 --> 00:35:12,484 You're right. 487 00:35:13,820 --> 00:35:16,613 - How far did we get last time? - I'm not certain. 488 00:35:17,824 --> 00:35:19,825 I think we may have removed the warhead. 489 00:35:21,244 --> 00:35:23,620 If time's not repeating outside the launch bay, 490 00:35:23,830 --> 00:35:25,205 the Tholians could be close. 491 00:35:25,414 --> 00:35:28,750 We'd better hurry. The red and blue conduits, right? 492 00:35:32,255 --> 00:35:33,296 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 493 00:35:33,464 --> 00:35:34,756 The cell ships. 494 00:35:35,091 --> 00:35:36,299 They've been destroyed. 495 00:35:36,509 --> 00:35:38,093 How many? 496 00:35:40,138 --> 00:35:41,221 All of them. 497 00:35:43,224 --> 00:35:45,142 The Tholians are on an intercept course. 498 00:35:45,309 --> 00:35:46,351 [COMPUTER BEEPS] 499 00:35:46,519 --> 00:35:47,561 They're hailing us. 500 00:35:49,188 --> 00:35:51,189 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 501 00:35:51,858 --> 00:35:54,526 THOLIAN [OVER COM]: Give us the vessel. 502 00:35:55,695 --> 00:35:59,239 We're prepared to surrender it to you. 503 00:36:00,074 --> 00:36:02,993 But our launch bay doors took heavy damage. 504 00:36:03,202 --> 00:36:05,078 We're going to need more time. 505 00:36:05,288 --> 00:36:08,081 I have a repair team working on it, but they estimate it will take... 506 00:36:08,249 --> 00:36:10,250 [THOLIAN SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 507 00:36:13,045 --> 00:36:16,173 Two of their ships are approaching the saucer section. 508 00:36:16,382 --> 00:36:19,342 Eighty meters, forty... 509 00:36:19,510 --> 00:36:21,303 They've locked on to both docking ports. 510 00:36:21,512 --> 00:36:24,681 Seal the hatches and send security teams. 511 00:36:27,727 --> 00:36:29,019 Get to the control room. 512 00:36:29,228 --> 00:36:31,813 - I'll take it from here. - Aye, captain. 513 00:36:36,110 --> 00:36:37,527 I'm gonna you to that four minutes. 514 00:36:37,737 --> 00:36:39,821 It was only an estimate, sir. 515 00:36:41,407 --> 00:36:43,241 How many times do you think we've done this? 516 00:36:43,576 --> 00:36:45,827 At least twice, maybe more. 517 00:36:46,037 --> 00:36:48,205 Let's hope we've got it down by now. 518 00:37:04,847 --> 00:37:06,181 They're cutting through the doors. 519 00:37:12,396 --> 00:37:14,147 Control room. 520 00:37:30,915 --> 00:37:32,916 [BEEPING] 521 00:37:42,009 --> 00:37:44,094 Let's get those doors open. 522 00:37:52,603 --> 00:37:54,437 - Now. - I'd recommend putting more distance 523 00:37:54,647 --> 00:37:56,481 - between us and that ship... - Now. 524 00:38:03,281 --> 00:38:04,614 T'Pol to Captain Archer. 525 00:38:04,949 --> 00:38:07,325 They've neutralized the warhead. 526 00:38:09,745 --> 00:38:11,496 On our way. 527 00:38:39,066 --> 00:38:42,319 Sir, it's gone. 528 00:38:43,612 --> 00:38:44,821 Gone? 529 00:38:45,031 --> 00:38:48,491 It dematerialized, and it's not aboard the Tholian ships. 530 00:38:48,701 --> 00:38:49,784 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 531 00:38:49,952 --> 00:38:51,244 They're disengaging. 532 00:39:01,839 --> 00:39:04,716 - Why didn't they fire on us? - Good question. 533 00:39:05,051 --> 00:39:06,926 They may have only wanted the vessel. 534 00:39:13,351 --> 00:39:15,101 The Vulcans? 535 00:39:15,644 --> 00:39:17,812 Their warp drive is damaged. 536 00:39:18,022 --> 00:39:19,522 But life support is stable. 537 00:39:20,274 --> 00:39:21,733 Let's see if we can give them a hand. 538 00:39:23,694 --> 00:39:25,487 Prep a shuttlepod. 539 00:39:25,863 --> 00:39:27,572 Have Doctor Phlox meet us in Launch Bay 1. 540 00:39:27,782 --> 00:39:29,240 HOSHI: Aye, sir. 541 00:39:41,504 --> 00:39:43,380 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 542 00:39:43,589 --> 00:39:46,716 A Vulcan transport is en route to tow the Tal'Kir. 543 00:39:46,926 --> 00:39:49,052 Fortunately, there were no casualties. 544 00:39:49,261 --> 00:39:50,929 Our long-range scanners show no sign 545 00:39:51,138 --> 00:39:53,807 of Tholians or Suliban in our vicinity. 546 00:39:54,141 --> 00:39:56,393 I wish we'd had more time to explore that ship. 547 00:39:56,602 --> 00:39:59,062 Who knows how many other rooms were down there? 548 00:39:59,271 --> 00:40:01,106 Looks like they sent the whole kit and caboodle 549 00:40:01,315 --> 00:40:02,524 back to the 31 st century. 550 00:40:02,733 --> 00:40:04,943 There's no evidence to support that. 551 00:40:05,945 --> 00:40:08,738 Well, there's no evidence to contradict it, either. 552 00:40:08,948 --> 00:40:11,157 What I don't understand is 553 00:40:11,367 --> 00:40:14,077 how quickly everything disappeared. 554 00:40:14,286 --> 00:40:16,579 That beacon was online for less than a minute. 555 00:40:16,789 --> 00:40:19,249 You're forgetting that time is irrelevant to these people. 556 00:40:21,293 --> 00:40:22,627 Irrelevant? 557 00:40:23,671 --> 00:40:26,798 If that vessel was from the future, 558 00:40:27,758 --> 00:40:32,387 whoever sent it had plenty of time to locate the signal 559 00:40:32,596 --> 00:40:36,516 and then travel back to any point in time to retrieve it. 560 00:40:36,725 --> 00:40:38,143 Hmm. 561 00:40:39,186 --> 00:40:42,730 Well, unfortunately, time isn't irrelevant in my engine room. 562 00:40:42,940 --> 00:40:45,692 - Hmm. - I've got repairs to finish. 563 00:40:46,110 --> 00:40:47,277 - See you later. ARCHER: Mm-hm. 564 00:40:47,445 --> 00:40:48,736 Sub-commander. 565 00:40:50,531 --> 00:40:53,575 [DOOR OPENS THEN CLOSES] 566 00:40:58,080 --> 00:41:00,039 I'm going to contact the High Command, 567 00:41:00,249 --> 00:41:02,959 apologize for all the trouble we caused them. 568 00:41:03,294 --> 00:41:06,212 As the captain of the Tal'Kir pointed out, 569 00:41:06,422 --> 00:41:08,089 a ship can be replaced. 570 00:41:08,299 --> 00:41:14,220 I also need to thank them for helping us out. 571 00:41:14,680 --> 00:41:16,973 I'm sure the gesture would be appreciated. 572 00:41:25,774 --> 00:41:30,778 The High Command has asked me to prepare a report on this incident, 573 00:41:30,988 --> 00:41:32,363 with your permission. 574 00:41:33,699 --> 00:41:35,492 By all means. 575 00:41:36,785 --> 00:41:38,620 I wonder 576 00:41:38,829 --> 00:41:42,916 if they'll believe that humans and Vulcans will be 577 00:41:44,627 --> 00:41:46,794 swapping chromosomes one day. 578 00:41:47,630 --> 00:42:53,403 They're more likely to believe in time travel.