1 00:00:02,502 --> 00:00:04,503 [GUNFIRE] 2 00:00:11,052 --> 00:00:13,053 [DOOR OPENS] 3 00:00:15,598 --> 00:00:17,599 [SIGHING] 4 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:20,310 Report. 5 00:00:20,520 --> 00:00:22,312 The Imperial Guard will die at their posts... 6 00:00:22,522 --> 00:00:23,856 I know my men are willing to die. 7 00:00:24,065 --> 00:00:25,607 I wanna hear their chances of surviving. 8 00:00:25,817 --> 00:00:27,359 We're holding our positions... For now. 9 00:00:27,569 --> 00:00:30,904 But the enemy's deployed new units here and here. 10 00:00:31,114 --> 00:00:32,781 They're looking for a weakness. 11 00:00:32,991 --> 00:00:36,618 They may have found it. We've taken more casualties. 12 00:00:37,078 --> 00:00:40,247 I've received a communiqué. 13 00:00:40,457 --> 00:00:43,959 The Vulcans want to discuss terms for a cease-fire. 14 00:00:44,169 --> 00:00:46,962 Have you ever known a Vulcan who wouldn't lie to get what he wanted? 15 00:00:47,172 --> 00:00:50,007 There is another option. 16 00:00:50,383 --> 00:00:52,259 Someone I've dealt with. 17 00:00:52,469 --> 00:00:54,261 A pink skin. 18 00:00:54,471 --> 00:01:00,100 He's proven to be quite even-handed in dealing with Vulcans. 19 00:01:00,393 --> 00:01:03,270 His name is Archer. 20 00:02:37,699 --> 00:02:39,366 You're sure he wants me? 21 00:02:39,576 --> 00:02:42,119 Ambassador Soval said your presence is crucial 22 00:02:42,328 --> 00:02:44,872 to resolving the crisis. 23 00:02:45,623 --> 00:02:46,999 What's this planet called again? 24 00:02:47,208 --> 00:02:52,754 The Vulcan name is Paan Mokar. Andorians call it Weytahn. 25 00:02:52,964 --> 00:02:55,424 It's on the frontier between their systems. 26 00:02:55,633 --> 00:02:57,843 Both sides claim it belongs to them. 27 00:02:58,511 --> 00:03:02,097 They've nearly gone to war over it twice in the past century. 28 00:03:02,307 --> 00:03:04,516 How do they expect me to help 29 00:03:04,726 --> 00:03:08,812 settle a conflict they haven't been able to resolve in a hundred years? 30 00:03:09,022 --> 00:03:12,566 Soval says you'll be fully briefed when you arrive. 31 00:03:12,775 --> 00:03:16,987 Jonathan, this is the first time the Vulcans have asked for our help. 32 00:03:17,197 --> 00:03:20,616 You're the closest thing we have to an ambassador out there. 33 00:03:20,825 --> 00:03:22,326 You know how important this could be. 34 00:03:24,662 --> 00:03:26,246 We'll get there as fast as we can. 35 00:03:38,384 --> 00:03:40,385 I don't like pushing the engines this hard. 36 00:03:40,595 --> 00:03:42,888 The injectors are running at 110 percent. 37 00:03:43,097 --> 00:03:45,807 They're rated for 120. 38 00:03:46,267 --> 00:03:47,893 Yeah, and my underwear's flame retardant. 39 00:03:48,102 --> 00:03:50,479 That doesn't mean I'm gonna light myself on fire to prove it. 40 00:03:53,107 --> 00:03:54,816 I think we'll make it in one piece, Trip. 41 00:03:56,069 --> 00:03:58,612 I've been reading about Paan Mokar in the Vulcan database. 42 00:03:59,280 --> 00:04:00,614 It doesn't say a lot. 43 00:04:00,823 --> 00:04:04,284 Class-D, not much bigger than Earth's moon. 44 00:04:04,494 --> 00:04:06,370 Claimed by the Vulcans in 2097. 45 00:04:07,330 --> 00:04:08,497 Class-D? 46 00:04:08,706 --> 00:04:10,749 That's uninhabitable. 47 00:04:11,125 --> 00:04:12,334 Why are you fighting over it? 48 00:04:12,543 --> 00:04:15,170 When the Andorians first arrived a century ago, 49 00:04:15,380 --> 00:04:17,422 they began to terraform the planet. 50 00:04:17,632 --> 00:04:21,134 Once an atmosphere was developed, they established a settlement. 51 00:04:21,844 --> 00:04:26,181 If it was unclaimed at the time, why would there be a problem? 52 00:04:26,391 --> 00:04:29,726 Its sole value is its strategic location near Vulcan space. 53 00:04:31,646 --> 00:04:33,105 They were setting up a military base? 54 00:04:33,606 --> 00:04:35,732 It was the only logical conclusion. 55 00:04:35,942 --> 00:04:37,526 Was there any evidence? 56 00:04:38,611 --> 00:04:39,861 How much evidence would you need 57 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:43,115 if the Klingons decided to set up a colony on Pluto? 58 00:04:43,908 --> 00:04:45,325 That's not the same thing. 59 00:04:46,119 --> 00:04:49,162 The Andorians refused to let the High Command inspect the colony. 60 00:04:49,372 --> 00:04:53,458 So they annexed Paan Mokar to protect their territory. 61 00:04:54,669 --> 00:04:56,837 What happened to the Andorian colonists? 62 00:04:59,007 --> 00:05:00,674 They were removed. 63 00:05:02,427 --> 00:05:03,593 By force? 64 00:05:05,722 --> 00:05:07,848 They left the High Command little choice. 65 00:05:09,017 --> 00:05:12,394 A surveillance satellite was put into orbit to monitor the agreement. 66 00:05:12,603 --> 00:05:14,980 The planet's been deserted for nearly a century. 67 00:05:16,107 --> 00:05:17,774 Until now. 68 00:05:21,487 --> 00:05:23,322 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 69 00:05:23,531 --> 00:05:26,033 In the three days it's taken us to reach Paan Mokar, 70 00:05:26,242 --> 00:05:29,578 the situation has grown considerably more tense. 71 00:05:29,787 --> 00:05:31,204 Unbelievable. 72 00:05:31,414 --> 00:05:33,832 I damn near burn up the warp reactor getting here, 73 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:36,001 and they make us wait. 74 00:05:41,215 --> 00:05:43,091 Welcome aboard, ambassador. 75 00:05:43,593 --> 00:05:45,218 Thank you, captain. 76 00:05:45,428 --> 00:05:47,929 This is Sub-commander Muroc. 77 00:05:48,639 --> 00:05:50,557 T'Pol's been filling me in on the situation here, 78 00:05:50,767 --> 00:05:53,185 but I still have a lot of questions. 79 00:05:53,394 --> 00:05:56,855 SOVAL: If you don't mind, captain, I have a question of my own. 80 00:05:57,273 --> 00:05:59,691 Why would an officer of the Andorian Imperial Guard 81 00:05:59,901 --> 00:06:01,610 personally request your involvement? 82 00:06:04,572 --> 00:06:06,239 I don't understand. 83 00:06:06,449 --> 00:06:08,116 I was told you asked for me. 84 00:06:08,785 --> 00:06:12,788 I'm involved in extremely difficult and dangerous negotiations. 85 00:06:12,997 --> 00:06:15,415 I don't consider your presence here an asset. 86 00:06:17,835 --> 00:06:20,128 If that's how you feel, 87 00:06:21,339 --> 00:06:24,466 we'll gladly continue with our mission. 88 00:06:26,636 --> 00:06:27,969 Six days ago, 89 00:06:28,179 --> 00:06:31,223 an Andorian regimental commander named Shran 90 00:06:31,432 --> 00:06:35,977 landed a force on Paan Mokar and occupied the settlement. 91 00:06:36,938 --> 00:06:38,063 Shran? 92 00:06:38,272 --> 00:06:41,733 Naturally, we attempted to enforce the Treaty of 2097. 93 00:06:42,527 --> 00:06:43,568 Naturally. 94 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:46,071 We've regained control of half the colony, 95 00:06:46,280 --> 00:06:48,198 but two dozen Vulcans have been wounded, 96 00:06:48,408 --> 00:06:50,033 and three have been taken hostage. 97 00:06:50,243 --> 00:06:52,994 Shran has agreed to discuss terms for their safe return, 98 00:06:53,204 --> 00:06:56,581 but only if you act as mediator. 99 00:06:57,834 --> 00:07:01,545 For some reason, he finds you trustworthy. 100 00:07:12,306 --> 00:07:14,266 You're asking for my help? 101 00:07:15,476 --> 00:07:18,019 Yes, captain, I'm asking for your help. 102 00:07:25,069 --> 00:07:26,820 I'll see what I can do. 103 00:07:27,321 --> 00:07:30,532 Forgive my candor, but that's hardly reassuring. 104 00:07:30,741 --> 00:07:32,576 The last time you dealt with the Andorians, 105 00:07:32,785 --> 00:07:35,537 a Vulcan intelligence site was compromised 106 00:07:35,746 --> 00:07:38,123 and a priceless monastery destroyed. 107 00:07:38,332 --> 00:07:40,584 Sub-commander Muroc will accompany you 108 00:07:40,793 --> 00:07:43,420 to represent our interests. 109 00:07:44,130 --> 00:07:47,924 Obviously, I'm here at the request of the Andorians. 110 00:07:48,384 --> 00:07:50,427 Shran believes he can trust me. 111 00:07:50,636 --> 00:07:52,929 I don't intend to prove him wrong by going down there 112 00:07:53,139 --> 00:07:54,806 with a Vulcan officer in tow. 113 00:07:55,516 --> 00:07:58,435 If you insist I bring a Vulcan along, 114 00:07:58,644 --> 00:08:01,104 I'll take the one I know I can trust. 115 00:08:07,278 --> 00:08:09,321 You wanted to see me, doc? 116 00:08:09,530 --> 00:08:10,655 Yes. 117 00:08:10,865 --> 00:08:14,910 This planet is home to a rather pernicious mutagenic pathogen. 118 00:08:15,119 --> 00:08:16,870 I'll need to bombard your immune system 119 00:08:17,079 --> 00:08:20,248 with analeptic radiation to protect you while you're on the surface. 120 00:08:20,458 --> 00:08:23,752 - Bombard? - It's quite painless, I assure you. 121 00:08:24,754 --> 00:08:25,795 What about T'Pol? 122 00:08:26,005 --> 00:08:29,257 Vulcan physiology isn't affected by the pathogen. 123 00:08:29,467 --> 00:08:31,051 Shall we? 124 00:08:36,682 --> 00:08:38,183 This should only take a moment. 125 00:08:38,351 --> 00:08:40,227 [POWERING UP] 126 00:08:40,394 --> 00:08:44,523 If I may ask, how did your first meeting with the Vulcans go? 127 00:08:45,191 --> 00:08:46,733 Warm and friendly as ever. 128 00:08:47,068 --> 00:08:48,109 Ironic. 129 00:08:48,319 --> 00:08:49,694 They weren't overly enthusiastic 130 00:08:49,904 --> 00:08:52,155 about you taking command of Enterprise in the first place, 131 00:08:52,365 --> 00:08:56,117 and now your presence is crucial to their interests. 132 00:08:56,327 --> 00:08:57,786 It's crucial to ours too. 133 00:08:58,955 --> 00:09:02,791 Maybe we're not out here to just scan comets 134 00:09:03,000 --> 00:09:04,918 and meet new species. 135 00:09:05,878 --> 00:09:08,547 Maybe we're out here to prove 136 00:09:08,756 --> 00:09:15,637 that humanity's ready to join a much larger community. 137 00:09:17,682 --> 00:09:18,765 I intend to do that 138 00:09:20,226 --> 00:09:22,394 whether the Vulcans like it or not. 139 00:09:22,562 --> 00:09:23,728 [BEEPS] 140 00:09:23,896 --> 00:09:25,397 All finished. 141 00:09:27,567 --> 00:09:29,192 Captain, 142 00:09:29,819 --> 00:09:33,905 I served as a medic in the Denobulan infantry. 143 00:09:34,115 --> 00:09:36,575 If I learned anything from that experience, 144 00:09:36,784 --> 00:09:40,287 it's that battlefields are unpredictable places 145 00:09:40,496 --> 00:09:43,331 even under a flag of truce. 146 00:09:43,541 --> 00:09:44,833 Be careful. 147 00:09:56,262 --> 00:09:58,054 [POD BEEPS] 148 00:09:58,472 --> 00:10:00,849 We've lost the navigational sensors. 149 00:10:01,017 --> 00:10:02,058 [BEEPS] 150 00:10:02,226 --> 00:10:03,935 And the com. 151 00:10:04,645 --> 00:10:06,021 It's the Andorian jamming signal. 152 00:10:06,230 --> 00:10:08,231 I'm entering the landing coordinates they gave us. 153 00:10:08,441 --> 00:10:10,400 Let's hope they're accurate. 154 00:10:13,571 --> 00:10:15,780 Did you have a chance to read the Territorial Compromise? 155 00:10:16,449 --> 00:10:18,241 I glanced at it. 156 00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:20,827 The compromise is at the heart of this dispute. 157 00:10:21,037 --> 00:10:22,078 It's worth your attention. 158 00:10:22,288 --> 00:10:24,497 It's 1,200 pages long. 159 00:10:27,251 --> 00:10:30,795 Did you glance at any of the other materials I sent to your quarters? 160 00:10:31,005 --> 00:10:33,340 V'Lar's treatise on negotiating tactics 161 00:10:33,549 --> 00:10:35,800 is the definitive text on the subject. 162 00:10:36,010 --> 00:10:39,888 I got all of it. V'Lar's treatise, the Revised Intersystem Agreement, 163 00:10:40,097 --> 00:10:43,767 the High Command briefing on the border incursions of 2112. 164 00:10:43,976 --> 00:10:45,185 I was up till 2 a.m. 165 00:10:45,394 --> 00:10:46,853 Glancing? 166 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:48,647 [SIGHS] 167 00:10:48,814 --> 00:10:50,482 Are you trying to tell me something? 168 00:10:50,941 --> 00:10:52,984 That maybe I'm not prepared for this? 169 00:10:53,194 --> 00:10:55,737 Ambassador Soval clearly believes you'll fail. 170 00:10:58,157 --> 00:10:59,991 I was hoping some advance preparation 171 00:11:00,201 --> 00:11:02,535 would help you prove him wrong. 172 00:11:03,537 --> 00:11:05,205 Thanks. 173 00:11:05,665 --> 00:11:09,209 But I doubt I'm going to impress Shran by quoting Vulcan treaties. 174 00:11:09,377 --> 00:11:11,336 I assume you have a strategy. 175 00:11:12,171 --> 00:11:14,756 The first thing is to convince Shran that he can trust me. 176 00:11:14,965 --> 00:11:16,549 And then? 177 00:11:17,843 --> 00:11:20,178 We're just gonna have to play it by ear. 178 00:11:29,730 --> 00:11:31,731 [EXPLOSIONS AND GUNFIRE IN DISTANCE] 179 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:40,281 Are you sure these are the coordinates? 180 00:11:40,491 --> 00:11:42,033 Yes. 181 00:12:04,348 --> 00:12:07,726 FEMALE VOICE: Don't move, Vulcan. - Captain. 182 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:14,816 We're not armed. 183 00:12:22,074 --> 00:12:24,409 I'm Captain Jonathan Archer. 184 00:12:25,077 --> 00:12:26,745 I'm here to see Commander Shran. 185 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:28,747 He's expecting you. 186 00:12:28,956 --> 00:12:31,499 Without a Vulcan escort. 187 00:12:32,376 --> 00:12:34,502 I wasn't told to come alone. 188 00:12:34,712 --> 00:12:37,005 This is my science officer. 189 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:41,509 She helped expose the Vulcan listening post at P'Jem. 190 00:12:42,011 --> 00:12:44,846 I thought Shran might enjoy seeing her again. 191 00:13:17,087 --> 00:13:22,425 I imagined my first diplomatic mission would involve sitting around a big table, 192 00:13:22,635 --> 00:13:27,847 toasting with champagne, signing things with lots of pens. 193 00:13:29,391 --> 00:13:32,519 The pink skin sense of humor. 194 00:13:38,526 --> 00:13:41,361 My apologies for the security precautions. 195 00:13:41,570 --> 00:13:45,406 We can never be too vigilant when it comes to Vulcans. 196 00:13:45,616 --> 00:13:49,035 - They say the same thing about you. - I'm sure they do. 197 00:13:50,329 --> 00:13:54,874 We're aggressive, illogical. 198 00:13:55,793 --> 00:13:57,043 Prove them wrong. 199 00:13:59,129 --> 00:14:00,713 That's why you're here, captain, 200 00:14:00,923 --> 00:14:02,632 to help us do just that. 201 00:14:03,050 --> 00:14:05,802 I've dealt with the Vulcans twice before where you were involved. 202 00:14:06,011 --> 00:14:07,470 Both times, 203 00:14:07,680 --> 00:14:09,806 you handled the situation without prejudice. 204 00:14:10,683 --> 00:14:13,017 I hope I can help again. 205 00:14:13,477 --> 00:14:15,979 But the first thing I need is to see the hostages. 206 00:14:16,188 --> 00:14:17,939 TARAH: Hostages? 207 00:14:18,148 --> 00:14:19,732 Criminals take hostages. 208 00:14:19,942 --> 00:14:22,569 Kidnappers looking for ransom take hostages. 209 00:14:22,778 --> 00:14:26,155 I assume you're referring to the enemy soldiers we captured. 210 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:28,074 The Vulcans wanna know they're all right. 211 00:14:28,742 --> 00:14:31,160 They haven't been harmed. 212 00:14:45,134 --> 00:14:46,217 Are you all right? 213 00:14:46,427 --> 00:14:49,304 When they attacked us, two of my men were badly wounded. 214 00:14:49,889 --> 00:14:52,223 They're lucky we didn't kill them. 215 00:14:55,269 --> 00:14:56,686 You provoked this situation 216 00:14:56,896 --> 00:14:59,731 when you violated the Territorial Compromise. 217 00:14:59,940 --> 00:15:03,568 Only a Vulcan could call a hundred years of oppression 218 00:15:03,777 --> 00:15:04,944 a compromise. 219 00:15:05,404 --> 00:15:08,531 You annexed a planet that belongs to us, 220 00:15:08,741 --> 00:15:11,367 herded our people into refugee camps. 221 00:15:11,577 --> 00:15:14,996 After you set up a military outpost here. 222 00:15:15,581 --> 00:15:17,957 As you can see, captain, even after a hundred years, 223 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:23,379 this situation still evokes anger on both sides. 224 00:15:25,382 --> 00:15:30,219 We will release our prisoners on the following conditions: 225 00:15:30,429 --> 00:15:33,681 Immediate withdrawal of all Vulcan military forces, 226 00:15:33,891 --> 00:15:37,018 the so-called compromise is to be rescinded, 227 00:15:37,227 --> 00:15:40,021 and the Vulcans must concede irrevocable sovereignty 228 00:15:40,230 --> 00:15:42,815 of Weytahn to Andoria. 229 00:15:45,069 --> 00:15:48,404 You don't expect them to agree to all that. 230 00:15:48,614 --> 00:15:51,199 I told you. He's a puppet of the Vulcans. 231 00:15:51,408 --> 00:15:52,492 For the record, 232 00:15:52,701 --> 00:15:55,286 the Vulcan High Command doesn't like me very much. 233 00:15:55,496 --> 00:15:57,246 And frankly, the feeling is mutual. 234 00:15:59,625 --> 00:16:02,877 If all you need is someone to deliver your list of demands, 235 00:16:03,087 --> 00:16:04,545 find somebody else. 236 00:16:04,755 --> 00:16:06,464 I've got other things to do. 237 00:16:07,299 --> 00:16:11,678 The Vulcans always say they're ready to talk, 238 00:16:11,887 --> 00:16:13,262 but it amounts to nothing. 239 00:16:13,889 --> 00:16:16,140 Treaty negotiations that drag on for years. 240 00:16:16,350 --> 00:16:18,726 I wanna speak to Soval. 241 00:16:18,936 --> 00:16:20,478 Somebody who can deal with the situation 242 00:16:20,688 --> 00:16:22,522 without having to check with his superiors. 243 00:16:24,400 --> 00:16:26,150 - I'll see what I can do. - Here. 244 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:29,070 On my terms. 245 00:16:29,530 --> 00:16:31,072 That might be a little difficult. 246 00:16:31,281 --> 00:16:32,699 This is pointless. 247 00:16:32,908 --> 00:16:33,950 But not impossible. 248 00:16:35,703 --> 00:16:37,328 The thing is, 249 00:16:37,621 --> 00:16:39,956 he's going to want something in return. 250 00:16:40,165 --> 00:16:42,667 Haven't they already taken enough? 251 00:16:42,876 --> 00:16:44,836 I'm talking about a gesture. 252 00:16:45,045 --> 00:16:46,838 Something to show you're serious. 253 00:16:50,592 --> 00:16:53,845 I came down here to see about the hostages. 254 00:16:56,390 --> 00:16:57,682 Why don't you let them go? 255 00:16:57,891 --> 00:17:00,435 And give away our only advantage? 256 00:17:02,062 --> 00:17:04,939 - No. - Release two of them then. 257 00:17:05,149 --> 00:17:07,859 Keep the other one until after you've met with Soval. 258 00:17:09,111 --> 00:17:10,486 One. 259 00:17:10,696 --> 00:17:13,614 As a show of our good faith. 260 00:17:20,456 --> 00:17:21,706 Unacceptable. 261 00:17:21,915 --> 00:17:23,541 You got one of your men back. 262 00:17:23,751 --> 00:17:26,461 And in exchange, you'll deliver me into their hands? 263 00:17:26,670 --> 00:17:28,546 I'm sure the Andorians were impressed 264 00:17:28,756 --> 00:17:30,089 with your negotiating skills. 265 00:17:30,299 --> 00:17:32,383 They wanna talk to you, not kidnap you. 266 00:17:32,593 --> 00:17:36,095 If I agree to a meeting, it simply legitimizes their position. 267 00:17:36,305 --> 00:17:38,848 And if you don't, these negotiations end before they begin. 268 00:17:39,058 --> 00:17:41,476 That may happen sooner than you realize. 269 00:17:41,685 --> 00:17:42,935 While you were on the surface, 270 00:17:43,145 --> 00:17:45,271 we detected three Andorian vessels approaching. 271 00:17:45,647 --> 00:17:47,398 They'll be here in less than five hours. 272 00:17:47,608 --> 00:17:51,778 They probably intend to resupply their troops on the surface. 273 00:17:51,987 --> 00:17:53,446 We won't allow that. 274 00:17:53,655 --> 00:17:57,200 Engaging an Andorian vessel could be construed as an act of war. 275 00:17:57,409 --> 00:17:58,868 That will be their decision. 276 00:17:59,078 --> 00:18:01,704 Both sides are responsible for what happens here. 277 00:18:02,372 --> 00:18:05,083 You don't understand the complexities of the situation. 278 00:18:05,292 --> 00:18:07,668 With all due respect, ambassador, 279 00:18:07,878 --> 00:18:09,504 why did you agree to let me go down there 280 00:18:09,713 --> 00:18:11,255 if you won't listen to my advice? 281 00:18:11,465 --> 00:18:13,800 I didn't request your help, captain. 282 00:18:14,009 --> 00:18:16,385 And I don't feel obliged to accept it. 283 00:18:16,845 --> 00:18:19,263 You claim the Andorians are inflexible. 284 00:18:19,473 --> 00:18:21,516 At least they're willing to sit down and talk. 285 00:18:24,353 --> 00:18:26,187 The ball's in your court now. 286 00:18:28,524 --> 00:18:29,732 It's a human expression. 287 00:18:29,942 --> 00:18:32,151 It means the next move is yours. 288 00:18:42,162 --> 00:18:44,747 This isn't wise. The colony hasn't been secured. 289 00:18:44,957 --> 00:18:46,207 Didn't you hear the captain? 290 00:18:46,416 --> 00:18:49,043 The ball is in our court. 291 00:18:56,135 --> 00:18:57,552 I don't like this. 292 00:18:57,761 --> 00:18:59,720 With the interference, you won't be able to contact the ship 293 00:18:59,930 --> 00:19:02,473 - if something goes wrong. - They're expecting us. We'll be fine. 294 00:19:02,683 --> 00:19:04,517 Those Andorian ships will be here in four hours. 295 00:19:04,726 --> 00:19:07,061 I plan on being back long before then. 296 00:19:07,271 --> 00:19:10,022 T'Pol said that Territorial Compromise they were talking about 297 00:19:10,232 --> 00:19:11,774 took eight years to work out. 298 00:19:13,277 --> 00:19:14,819 I'll try to speed things up this time. 299 00:19:20,117 --> 00:19:22,034 Bring them here as soon as they land 300 00:19:22,244 --> 00:19:24,120 and treat the Vulcan with respect. 301 00:19:24,329 --> 00:19:25,705 SOLDIER: Yes, sir. 302 00:19:28,333 --> 00:19:29,542 If I may speak. 303 00:19:29,751 --> 00:19:31,711 You don't have to. I know what you're going to say. 304 00:19:32,337 --> 00:19:34,714 We discovered this planet. We made it livable. 305 00:19:34,923 --> 00:19:36,340 It belongs to us. 306 00:19:36,550 --> 00:19:38,843 Don't worry. It'll be ours again. 307 00:19:39,178 --> 00:19:40,678 How? By talking? 308 00:19:40,888 --> 00:19:42,597 We've been trying that for a hundred years 309 00:19:42,806 --> 00:19:43,973 and it's gotten us nowhere. 310 00:19:44,433 --> 00:19:45,808 They stall and lie, 311 00:19:46,018 --> 00:19:47,852 and make promises they never intend to keep. 312 00:19:48,061 --> 00:19:49,145 We came here to fight. 313 00:19:49,354 --> 00:19:51,355 Why back down now? 314 00:19:52,232 --> 00:19:54,650 I'm willing to give Archer another chance. 315 00:19:54,860 --> 00:19:56,485 You put too much faith in pink skins. 316 00:19:56,695 --> 00:19:59,488 We don't know anything about them except that they're friends 317 00:19:59,698 --> 00:20:02,033 - of the Vulcans. - Not always. 318 00:20:02,868 --> 00:20:04,368 I've seen that for myself. 319 00:20:04,578 --> 00:20:07,163 If we attack now, we can have the Vulcans on the defensive 320 00:20:07,372 --> 00:20:09,957 before our ships arrive. 321 00:20:10,292 --> 00:20:11,667 Your recommendation is noted. 322 00:20:11,877 --> 00:20:13,127 Our troops are ready. 323 00:20:13,337 --> 00:20:15,296 - There's no reason to wait. - Enough. 324 00:20:16,006 --> 00:20:17,465 I value your opinion, Tarah, 325 00:20:17,674 --> 00:20:21,677 but that does not allow you to question my commands. 326 00:20:23,180 --> 00:20:24,847 Dismissed. 327 00:20:30,270 --> 00:20:32,271 [BEEPING] 328 00:20:33,232 --> 00:20:35,775 They'll send some soldiers to meet us. 329 00:20:35,984 --> 00:20:38,611 I'm afraid they'll wanna blindfold you. 330 00:20:38,820 --> 00:20:41,030 It's just a security precaution. 331 00:20:41,240 --> 00:20:43,616 Thank you for the reassurance. Now, if you don't mind, 332 00:20:43,825 --> 00:20:47,787 I'll need a few moments of silence to prepare myself. 333 00:20:48,205 --> 00:20:49,622 Of course. 334 00:20:50,457 --> 00:20:52,208 [GUNFIRE] 335 00:20:52,376 --> 00:20:54,627 - T'Pol? - Weapons fire. 336 00:20:54,836 --> 00:20:57,088 I can't pinpoint the source. 337 00:21:04,721 --> 00:21:07,390 - Archer to Enterprise. - We're still within their jamming range. 338 00:21:07,599 --> 00:21:10,017 I suggest we cancel the negotiations and return to your ship. 339 00:21:10,227 --> 00:21:12,395 For once, we're in full agreement. 340 00:21:14,106 --> 00:21:15,773 Direct hit to our starboard engine. 341 00:21:15,983 --> 00:21:17,108 Main power is off-line. 342 00:21:17,317 --> 00:21:19,068 Now you see who you're dealing with, captain? 343 00:21:19,278 --> 00:21:20,653 If you don't mind, ambassador... 344 00:21:20,862 --> 00:21:22,571 We're losing altitude. Two hundred meters. 345 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:25,324 I'm gonna bring us in on thrusters. 346 00:21:27,494 --> 00:21:28,995 One hundred meters. 347 00:21:30,455 --> 00:21:32,581 Fifty. We need to reduce our speed. 348 00:21:32,791 --> 00:21:34,542 The ground is gonna do that for us. 349 00:21:34,751 --> 00:21:35,835 Brace yourselves. 350 00:22:09,828 --> 00:22:11,912 ARCHER: Any idea where we are? 351 00:22:12,831 --> 00:22:16,751 The southeast quadrant, near the old spaceport. 352 00:22:17,169 --> 00:22:19,128 I told you, I negotiated the last accord. 353 00:22:19,338 --> 00:22:21,589 I also served here. 354 00:22:22,341 --> 00:22:24,300 You were with the occupation force? 355 00:22:24,509 --> 00:22:28,054 As an intelligence officer, a long time ago. 356 00:22:28,263 --> 00:22:31,015 Our current deployment has a base of operations that way, 357 00:22:31,224 --> 00:22:33,309 about two and a half kilometers. 358 00:22:33,518 --> 00:22:37,396 I appreciate your help, ambassador, but we're looking for the Andorians. 359 00:22:38,190 --> 00:22:41,150 Circumstances have altered our plans. 360 00:22:41,360 --> 00:22:42,485 I gave my word to Shran. 361 00:22:42,694 --> 00:22:43,736 I intend to keep it. 362 00:22:43,904 --> 00:22:45,488 [GUNFIRE IN DISTANCE] 363 00:22:45,655 --> 00:22:48,449 Shran just tried to kill us. 364 00:22:48,658 --> 00:22:50,409 We don't know that. 365 00:22:50,619 --> 00:22:52,912 I suppose you think our troops are responsible for this. 366 00:22:53,121 --> 00:22:55,456 Sensors and communications are off-line. 367 00:22:55,665 --> 00:22:57,375 There's weapons fire all over the place. 368 00:22:57,584 --> 00:22:58,918 We don't know what happened. 369 00:22:59,378 --> 00:23:01,003 Are you that naive? 370 00:23:01,213 --> 00:23:02,922 Shran is using you. 371 00:23:03,131 --> 00:23:04,715 This is a man who couldn't sleep 372 00:23:04,925 --> 00:23:07,134 because he thought he owed me something. 373 00:23:07,344 --> 00:23:08,386 I don't believe he asked me 374 00:23:08,595 --> 00:23:11,472 to come a dozen light years just so I could lead you into a trap. 375 00:23:11,681 --> 00:23:13,682 [GUNFIRE AND EXPLOSIONS] 376 00:23:14,935 --> 00:23:16,894 And right now, it seems like the best thing to do 377 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:19,146 is to get a cease-fire in place. 378 00:23:19,356 --> 00:23:22,900 The Andorians won't agree to that until they talk to you in person. 379 00:23:23,360 --> 00:23:26,320 I managed to keep us on course most of the way in. 380 00:23:26,530 --> 00:23:30,324 We can't be more than a kilometer from Shran's landing coordinates. 381 00:23:42,379 --> 00:23:43,421 How would you know? 382 00:23:43,630 --> 00:23:45,548 We can't pick up anything through the interference. 383 00:23:45,757 --> 00:23:48,050 Our scanners are more sophisticated than yours. 384 00:23:48,260 --> 00:23:51,095 We detected weapons fire coming from the surface, 385 00:23:51,304 --> 00:23:53,389 then your shuttle appeared to make an emergency landing 386 00:23:53,598 --> 00:23:56,308 - somewhere in the colony. - Where? 387 00:23:56,518 --> 00:23:58,644 We haven't been able to pinpoint their landing site, 388 00:23:58,854 --> 00:24:01,063 but our units on the ground are already searching. 389 00:24:01,273 --> 00:24:03,190 The High Command instructed me to take steps 390 00:24:03,400 --> 00:24:05,151 to recover Ambassador Soval. 391 00:24:05,360 --> 00:24:07,403 - And our officers? - Of course. 392 00:24:07,612 --> 00:24:10,030 We wanna be involved in any rescue operation. 393 00:24:10,699 --> 00:24:13,284 We have more experience in these matters. 394 00:24:13,493 --> 00:24:14,702 I know. 395 00:24:14,911 --> 00:24:16,579 I once saw one of your commando units 396 00:24:16,788 --> 00:24:19,498 blast the hell out of a rebel compound during a rescue mission. 397 00:24:19,916 --> 00:24:23,002 We won't allow this provocation to continue. 398 00:24:23,211 --> 00:24:24,670 You don't even know where they are. 399 00:24:24,880 --> 00:24:27,089 Do you think it's a good idea to go there, guns blazing? 400 00:24:27,507 --> 00:24:29,341 Our response will be appropriate. 401 00:24:30,677 --> 00:24:32,678 I'll keep you informed, commander. 402 00:24:36,183 --> 00:24:37,933 - Any luck? - I'm trying, sir. 403 00:24:38,143 --> 00:24:40,019 But if the Vulcans can't find them... 404 00:24:40,645 --> 00:24:43,147 - See what you can do. - Yes, sir. 405 00:24:44,107 --> 00:24:46,901 How far away are those Andorian ships? 406 00:24:47,110 --> 00:24:49,612 Three hours at their present speed. 407 00:24:54,242 --> 00:24:57,286 That shuttle was to be left alone. I gave specific orders. 408 00:24:57,496 --> 00:24:58,746 And they were followed. 409 00:24:58,955 --> 00:24:59,997 Then who fired those shots? 410 00:25:00,207 --> 00:25:02,833 The Vulcans, I suppose, trying to kill their own ambassador. 411 00:25:03,043 --> 00:25:04,126 Is that so unlikely? 412 00:25:04,336 --> 00:25:06,670 Some of my men saw weapons fire coming from their positions. 413 00:25:07,547 --> 00:25:09,798 It's Vulcan subterfuge, I'm sure of it. 414 00:25:10,008 --> 00:25:12,009 What better way for them to justify an invasion 415 00:25:12,219 --> 00:25:14,303 than to blame us for killing their envoy? 416 00:25:14,513 --> 00:25:17,848 They are devious, but I doubt even they would go that far. 417 00:25:18,058 --> 00:25:19,767 You act as if they have some moral code. 418 00:25:19,976 --> 00:25:22,853 They have no conscience, only their precious logic. 419 00:25:23,063 --> 00:25:25,397 They'll do anything to drive us off this planet. 420 00:25:25,607 --> 00:25:28,234 We should never have agreed to negotiate. 421 00:25:28,443 --> 00:25:32,154 You're not happy with the way I've handled this situation? 422 00:25:32,822 --> 00:25:36,200 - Of course I am, sir. SOLDIER: The Sector Two report, sir. 423 00:25:37,244 --> 00:25:38,494 Put our positions on alert. 424 00:25:38,703 --> 00:25:41,997 I want Soval and the pink skin brought to me... Alive. 425 00:25:42,207 --> 00:25:45,084 If they're looking for an excuse to attack, we won't give it to them. 426 00:25:45,293 --> 00:25:47,586 I'll see to it myself. 427 00:26:03,144 --> 00:26:05,563 Perhaps you were farther off course than you thought. 428 00:26:05,772 --> 00:26:08,107 You've been here before. I don't suppose you'd care to help. 429 00:26:08,650 --> 00:26:10,109 It's been almost a hundred years. 430 00:26:10,318 --> 00:26:13,028 I thought Vulcans had exceptional memories. 431 00:26:14,239 --> 00:26:16,657 This is the old residential quarter. 432 00:26:16,866 --> 00:26:18,576 According to our latest intelligence, 433 00:26:18,785 --> 00:26:22,204 the Andorians control the settlement west of here. 434 00:26:23,123 --> 00:26:26,584 If we keep moving this way, we should be... Down. 435 00:26:26,751 --> 00:26:28,752 [GUNFIRE] 436 00:26:33,592 --> 00:26:37,052 Not quite the warm welcome you expected, captain? 437 00:26:46,313 --> 00:26:47,354 They're not shooting at us. 438 00:26:47,897 --> 00:26:50,190 The Vulcan units must be advancing their positions. 439 00:26:50,400 --> 00:26:52,234 We should try to make contact with them. 440 00:26:52,444 --> 00:26:54,236 I don't recommend sticking your neck out. 441 00:26:54,446 --> 00:26:55,571 What do you recommend? 442 00:26:55,947 --> 00:26:58,574 Wandering through these ruins until we find an Andorian soldier, 443 00:26:58,783 --> 00:27:01,243 and trust he's been informed not to shoot us on sight? 444 00:27:07,167 --> 00:27:09,001 I'll take a look. 445 00:27:09,419 --> 00:27:11,462 - Stay here. - Captain. 446 00:27:11,671 --> 00:27:13,213 That's an order. 447 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:17,301 No offense, but my ears are less likely to draw fire than yours. 448 00:27:17,927 --> 00:27:20,346 What is their fixation with our ears? 449 00:27:20,555 --> 00:27:22,222 I believe they're envious. 450 00:27:23,391 --> 00:27:26,060 Do you realize you've picked up a slight human accent? 451 00:27:26,978 --> 00:27:30,648 You were one of the most promising members of my staff, T'Pol. 452 00:27:30,857 --> 00:27:32,191 If you'd stayed in San Francisco, 453 00:27:32,400 --> 00:27:34,276 you'd be the assistant counsel by now. 454 00:27:34,486 --> 00:27:36,528 You might even have a diplomatic posting of your own. 455 00:27:36,738 --> 00:27:37,780 I'm aware of that. 456 00:27:38,907 --> 00:27:41,617 Then why have you remained on Enterprise? 457 00:27:41,826 --> 00:27:44,078 They needed our help when they first developed warp drive. 458 00:27:44,287 --> 00:27:45,871 That hasn't changed. 459 00:27:46,081 --> 00:27:48,248 Captain Archer's record is evidence of that. 460 00:27:48,458 --> 00:27:51,168 But there are others who can assist them. 461 00:27:52,045 --> 00:27:54,505 I find the work gratifying. 462 00:27:56,508 --> 00:27:59,510 Gratification is an emotional indulgence. 463 00:28:00,345 --> 00:28:01,887 You disagreed with our recommendation 464 00:28:02,097 --> 00:28:03,722 that Archer's mission be canceled 465 00:28:03,932 --> 00:28:06,684 after the tragedy at Paraaga II. Why? 466 00:28:07,352 --> 00:28:09,687 I was onboard Enterprise at the time. 467 00:28:09,896 --> 00:28:11,855 I felt my opinion would be welcomed. 468 00:28:12,065 --> 00:28:14,024 You believed you knew better than High Command? 469 00:28:14,401 --> 00:28:16,860 That sounds a great deal like another emotion, 470 00:28:17,070 --> 00:28:18,779 arrogance. 471 00:28:19,072 --> 00:28:21,740 Perhaps it's time for you to consider another assignment. 472 00:28:24,953 --> 00:28:27,287 Just because Captain Archer has earned my respect 473 00:28:27,497 --> 00:28:31,125 doesn't mean I've been contaminated by his emotions. 474 00:28:34,087 --> 00:28:35,462 Did you make contact? 475 00:28:35,672 --> 00:28:37,715 No, they're pulling back. 476 00:28:37,924 --> 00:28:39,633 Let's keep moving. 477 00:28:45,807 --> 00:28:46,932 Empty. 478 00:28:47,142 --> 00:28:49,560 They're probably trying to reach the Vulcans. 479 00:28:49,769 --> 00:28:53,772 No. The pink skin will want to keep his part of the bargain. 480 00:28:53,982 --> 00:28:56,567 They'll be looking for Shran. 481 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:01,905 [BEEPS] 482 00:29:02,073 --> 00:29:04,825 - Commander. TRIP: You have something? 483 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,912 I can't be sure. You see this EM differential here? 484 00:29:09,122 --> 00:29:11,790 - That's the captain? - It's definitely a bio-sign. 485 00:29:12,000 --> 00:29:13,542 I'm 90 percent sure it's human. 486 00:29:13,752 --> 00:29:16,044 At least we know he's alive. Where is he? 487 00:29:16,254 --> 00:29:18,380 I need another hour. 488 00:29:19,215 --> 00:29:21,341 What's the status on those Andorian ships? 489 00:29:21,551 --> 00:29:23,427 They just dropped out of warp. 490 00:29:23,636 --> 00:29:25,679 They'll be here in 13 minutes. 491 00:29:25,889 --> 00:29:27,431 I think the Vulcans see them too. 492 00:29:27,640 --> 00:29:28,724 They're breaking orbit. 493 00:29:28,933 --> 00:29:31,101 Probably giving themselves room to maneuver. 494 00:29:31,311 --> 00:29:33,687 Put the ship on Tactical Alert. 495 00:29:34,606 --> 00:29:35,939 [BEEPS] 496 00:29:47,076 --> 00:29:48,702 ARCHER: Get down. 497 00:29:49,913 --> 00:29:51,330 Go. 498 00:29:51,956 --> 00:29:53,957 [GRUNTS THEN GROANING] 499 00:30:00,548 --> 00:30:02,090 Over there. 500 00:30:15,688 --> 00:30:17,231 Those are Andorian weapons. 501 00:30:18,691 --> 00:30:20,526 Hold your fire! 502 00:30:23,279 --> 00:30:24,905 How is he? 503 00:30:25,573 --> 00:30:28,742 It isn't life-threatening, but he needs medical attention. 504 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:35,457 We've brought the Vulcan ambassador to meet with Commander Shran! 505 00:30:37,669 --> 00:30:39,461 It looks like two of them. 506 00:30:40,004 --> 00:30:41,797 One on top of that structure, 507 00:30:43,550 --> 00:30:45,425 the other on the ground. 508 00:30:49,556 --> 00:30:51,807 If I can work my way around, 509 00:30:52,642 --> 00:30:55,060 I might be able to come up from behind them. 510 00:30:56,437 --> 00:30:57,855 What do you expect me to do with this? 511 00:30:58,064 --> 00:30:59,231 Make sure they don't see me. 512 00:30:59,774 --> 00:31:02,776 - I haven't fired a weapon in 50 years. - You don't have to hit anything, 513 00:31:02,986 --> 00:31:05,153 just keep them occupied. 514 00:31:06,739 --> 00:31:08,282 Really occupied. 515 00:31:08,491 --> 00:31:10,826 Or I'm not gonna get very far. 516 00:31:54,329 --> 00:31:55,746 ARCHER: Hey. 517 00:32:13,306 --> 00:32:14,348 Range? 518 00:32:14,557 --> 00:32:16,141 Fifty thousand kilometers. 519 00:32:16,351 --> 00:32:18,727 They're still heading right for the Vulcan ships. 520 00:32:18,937 --> 00:32:21,688 The Vulcans are charging weapons, the Andorians as well. 521 00:32:21,898 --> 00:32:24,316 Travis, lay in a new course. 522 00:32:24,692 --> 00:32:26,318 I want you to put us right between them. 523 00:32:26,527 --> 00:32:27,945 MAYWEATHER: Aye, sir. 524 00:32:28,529 --> 00:32:32,616 If you don't mind me asking, what do you have in mind? 525 00:32:37,413 --> 00:32:39,414 [GUNFIRE] 526 00:33:14,742 --> 00:33:16,410 ARCHER: Drop your weapon. 527 00:33:19,455 --> 00:33:22,165 I've never fired one of these before. 528 00:33:22,458 --> 00:33:25,085 I'm not sure if it's set on stun. 529 00:33:26,754 --> 00:33:29,131 T'Pol, cease fire! 530 00:33:29,757 --> 00:33:33,176 It doesn't have a stun setting. 531 00:33:38,182 --> 00:33:39,683 You fired on my shuttle. 532 00:33:40,184 --> 00:33:41,977 You're trying to kill Soval. 533 00:33:42,353 --> 00:33:45,397 Undermine everything that Shran is trying to do here. Why? 534 00:33:46,816 --> 00:33:48,984 Do you want a war with the Vulcans? 535 00:33:49,193 --> 00:33:52,988 All we want is a chance to fight for what's ours 536 00:33:53,197 --> 00:33:56,908 before cowards like Shran negotiate it away. 537 00:33:57,118 --> 00:34:01,246 You can take that up with him. Let's go. 538 00:34:10,798 --> 00:34:11,798 [GRUNTS] 539 00:34:12,675 --> 00:34:14,676 [BOTH GRUNTING] 540 00:35:00,681 --> 00:35:01,765 [BEEPING] 541 00:35:02,266 --> 00:35:03,975 We're being hailed by the Vulcans. 542 00:35:04,143 --> 00:35:05,644 [BEEPING] 543 00:35:05,812 --> 00:35:07,104 And the Andorians. 544 00:35:07,522 --> 00:35:08,855 Put them both on. 545 00:35:10,316 --> 00:35:12,109 This is Commander Tucker. 546 00:35:12,485 --> 00:35:14,236 Captain Telev of the Imperial Guard. 547 00:35:14,445 --> 00:35:17,781 Commander, I strongly recommend you withdraw to a safe distance. 548 00:35:17,990 --> 00:35:19,032 I agree. 549 00:35:19,242 --> 00:35:20,992 We wouldn't want your vessel to be damaged 550 00:35:21,202 --> 00:35:22,619 by debris from the Vulcan ships. 551 00:35:22,829 --> 00:35:24,162 We will not allow the Andorians 552 00:35:24,372 --> 00:35:26,498 to land additional troops on Paan Mokar. 553 00:35:26,707 --> 00:35:27,916 It's called Weytahn. 554 00:35:28,292 --> 00:35:30,252 And our personnel there have been attacked. 555 00:35:30,461 --> 00:35:32,462 We'll provide whatever support they need. 556 00:35:32,672 --> 00:35:35,757 MUROC: Any vessel attempting to enter orbit will be fired upon. 557 00:35:35,967 --> 00:35:37,801 That includes yours, sub-commander. 558 00:35:38,219 --> 00:35:40,554 We appreciate your support, Commander Tucker. 559 00:35:40,763 --> 00:35:42,097 Don't. 560 00:35:42,306 --> 00:35:46,601 I'll open fire on any ship that makes an aggressive move. Phase cannons? 561 00:35:46,811 --> 00:35:47,811 [BEEPS] 562 00:35:47,979 --> 00:35:48,979 Locked and ready. 563 00:35:49,147 --> 00:35:51,231 This is not a Starfleet matter. 564 00:35:51,649 --> 00:35:55,944 As long as my captain is stuck in the middle of your war zone, it is. 565 00:35:56,154 --> 00:35:58,196 The Andorians have made it impossible for us 566 00:35:58,406 --> 00:35:59,531 to recover Captain Archer. 567 00:35:59,740 --> 00:36:01,491 By now, he's most likely a casualty. 568 00:36:02,201 --> 00:36:04,286 Don't count him out so fast. 569 00:36:04,495 --> 00:36:08,248 We've managed to isolate his bio-signature. 570 00:36:09,083 --> 00:36:10,709 Now, 571 00:36:12,920 --> 00:36:16,214 why don't you both give him and Ambassador Soval 572 00:36:16,424 --> 00:36:21,011 a chance to do their jobs before we start a war up here? 573 00:36:21,220 --> 00:36:22,512 TARAH: He was ready to kill me. 574 00:36:22,722 --> 00:36:24,472 You saw for yourself. 575 00:36:24,682 --> 00:36:28,643 Apparently, these pink skins aren't as honorable as you thought. 576 00:36:32,023 --> 00:36:33,064 Are you all right? 577 00:36:37,904 --> 00:36:42,282 I suppose I shot the ambassador to make my story more convincing. 578 00:36:42,783 --> 00:36:46,286 Why would my lieutenant, a loyal member of the Imperial Guard, 579 00:36:46,495 --> 00:36:47,787 lie to me? 580 00:36:47,997 --> 00:36:51,625 Commander, it seems you're willing to resolve this situation 581 00:36:51,834 --> 00:36:53,335 through peaceful means. 582 00:36:53,544 --> 00:36:55,795 Do all your officers feel the same? 583 00:36:57,506 --> 00:36:59,841 Have you considered there might be Andorians 584 00:37:00,051 --> 00:37:03,303 who would want a war with Vulcan? 585 00:37:06,682 --> 00:37:09,517 How long have I served with you? 586 00:37:09,727 --> 00:37:13,480 Followed your orders when it could have meant my life? 587 00:37:13,814 --> 00:37:16,650 She's not the only one who risked their life. 588 00:37:17,985 --> 00:37:19,444 I said I'd bring Soval to meet you, 589 00:37:19,654 --> 00:37:22,489 and we damn near got killed getting him here. 590 00:37:23,366 --> 00:37:25,533 I came because you asked me. 591 00:37:25,743 --> 00:37:28,286 Because you thought I could be trusted. 592 00:37:28,496 --> 00:37:29,829 Check Soval's wound. 593 00:37:30,623 --> 00:37:31,998 Check our shuttle. 594 00:37:32,208 --> 00:37:35,293 You'll find Andorian weapon signatures. 595 00:37:44,136 --> 00:37:46,137 Is this true? 596 00:37:48,182 --> 00:37:49,599 Answer me. 597 00:37:50,476 --> 00:37:52,269 What did you expect me to do? 598 00:37:52,478 --> 00:37:54,980 Follow my orders. 599 00:37:55,189 --> 00:37:58,692 Orders to do nothing while you betray us? 600 00:37:59,402 --> 00:38:01,903 It's not too late to redeem yourself. 601 00:38:02,113 --> 00:38:03,947 To make a stand. 602 00:38:04,532 --> 00:38:06,157 I intend to. 603 00:38:09,412 --> 00:38:11,037 Take her. 604 00:38:12,415 --> 00:38:15,417 There are others who feel this way. 605 00:38:15,751 --> 00:38:17,460 You'll see. 606 00:38:25,011 --> 00:38:27,053 See to the ambassador's wounds. 607 00:38:28,973 --> 00:38:31,433 We have a lot to discuss. 608 00:38:36,981 --> 00:38:38,690 The Vulcan ships are breaking formation. 609 00:38:38,899 --> 00:38:40,400 They're heading for the planet. 610 00:38:40,609 --> 00:38:42,152 The Andorians are following, sir. 611 00:38:42,361 --> 00:38:45,071 Arm the forward phase cannons. See if you can target their weapons. 612 00:38:45,781 --> 00:38:47,240 We're being hailed from the surface. 613 00:38:47,450 --> 00:38:48,491 It's the captain. 614 00:38:48,826 --> 00:38:51,494 Hold off, Malcolm. Put him through. 615 00:38:52,997 --> 00:38:55,915 - Captain. ARCHER: Nice to hear your voice, Trip. 616 00:38:56,125 --> 00:38:58,793 What's going on down there? Are you okay? 617 00:38:59,003 --> 00:39:00,211 T'Pol and I are fine. 618 00:39:00,421 --> 00:39:02,130 We're at the Andorian command post. 619 00:39:02,340 --> 00:39:06,092 Ambassador Soval's been injured, but Shran's medics are treating him. 620 00:39:06,302 --> 00:39:07,719 Did you say Shran's medics? 621 00:39:07,928 --> 00:39:09,721 He's just being a good host. 622 00:39:09,930 --> 00:39:11,973 The Andorians are allowing the Vulcan ships 623 00:39:12,183 --> 00:39:13,850 to move in and pick up their people. 624 00:39:14,060 --> 00:39:15,602 Glad you let us know. 625 00:39:15,811 --> 00:39:18,730 Did you run into any problems up there? 626 00:39:19,690 --> 00:39:21,232 Nothing we couldn't handle. 627 00:39:21,442 --> 00:39:22,567 I'll fill you in later. 628 00:39:22,777 --> 00:39:24,194 We had a pretty rough landing. 629 00:39:24,403 --> 00:39:25,820 We'll need a ride back to the ship. 630 00:39:26,030 --> 00:39:27,906 I'll send Travis down in Shuttlepod Two. 631 00:39:28,115 --> 00:39:30,825 Acknowledged. Archer out. 632 00:39:31,660 --> 00:39:33,912 Put us back in orbit, Travis, 633 00:39:34,121 --> 00:39:36,664 and cancel the Tactical Alert. 634 00:39:38,417 --> 00:39:40,543 ARCHER: Captain's starlog, supplemental. 635 00:39:40,753 --> 00:39:43,922 Ambassador Soval has begun talks with the Andorians. 636 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:47,342 They've been difficult, but productive. 637 00:39:47,718 --> 00:39:50,720 The Imperial Council will not be satisfied 638 00:39:50,930 --> 00:39:54,724 until Vulcan recognizes our claim to Weytahn. 639 00:39:55,935 --> 00:39:58,144 I believe someone once defined a compromise 640 00:39:58,354 --> 00:40:01,815 as a solution that neither side is happy with. 641 00:40:02,608 --> 00:40:05,985 In that case, these talks have been extremely successful. 642 00:40:06,195 --> 00:40:09,823 I consider any negotiation that averts war to be a success. 643 00:40:16,080 --> 00:40:19,082 Join me in a drink 644 00:40:19,542 --> 00:40:21,209 to celebrate 645 00:40:21,669 --> 00:40:24,587 our mutual dissatisfaction. 646 00:40:25,005 --> 00:40:26,589 Vulcans don't drink. 647 00:40:31,178 --> 00:40:34,431 But this occasion merits an exception. 648 00:40:43,482 --> 00:40:45,066 To the cease-fire. 649 00:40:45,276 --> 00:40:48,486 It wouldn't have been possible without the help of our human friends. 650 00:40:49,113 --> 00:40:53,324 And to the successful continuation of these talks on Andoria. 651 00:40:54,243 --> 00:40:57,871 I trust there'll be more accomplished than just talk. 652 00:41:12,470 --> 00:41:15,847 With your permission, I'll escort Ambassador Soval to the airlock. 653 00:41:16,390 --> 00:41:17,932 Of course. 654 00:41:24,190 --> 00:41:25,440 Captain, 655 00:41:26,317 --> 00:41:32,071 your presence here has not been overly meddlesome. 656 00:41:46,504 --> 00:41:49,547 I think he likes you, pink skin. 657 00:41:51,091 --> 00:42:53,987 I wouldn't go that far.