1 00:00:04,754 --> 00:00:07,172 TRIP: Chief engineer's log, supplemental. 2 00:00:07,382 --> 00:00:10,718 This turned out to be the perfect spot to test the autopilot upgrades. 3 00:00:13,763 --> 00:00:16,765 The gas giant has dozens of moons. 4 00:00:16,975 --> 00:00:21,562 It's like a gravitational jigsaw puzzle. 5 00:00:22,981 --> 00:00:24,898 Watch out, Travis. 6 00:00:25,066 --> 00:00:26,900 These modifications are working so well, 7 00:00:27,068 --> 00:00:30,029 pretty soon we won't need pilots anymore. 8 00:00:30,238 --> 00:00:32,448 ARCHER [OVER COMM]: Archer to Shuttlepod 1. 9 00:00:33,199 --> 00:00:34,366 Captain? 10 00:00:34,576 --> 00:00:36,994 ARCHER: It looks like you're about to have some company, Trip. 11 00:00:37,162 --> 00:00:38,787 Sensors are picking up a small vessel... 12 00:00:38,955 --> 00:00:39,955 [STATIC OVER COMM] 13 00:00:40,165 --> 00:00:43,459 Say again, captain. I'm picking up a lot of interference. 14 00:00:43,668 --> 00:00:46,462 ARCHER: There's a small vessel approaching your position... 15 00:00:46,629 --> 00:00:48,630 [BEEPING] 16 00:00:56,306 --> 00:00:57,806 This is Commander Charles Tucker. 17 00:01:11,529 --> 00:01:14,198 Tucker to Enterprise. Mayday. 18 00:01:14,407 --> 00:01:16,450 I'm losing power. Mayday. 19 00:01:17,035 --> 00:01:22,122 If you can hear me, I'm making an emergency landing, thrusters only. 20 00:01:22,332 --> 00:01:26,376 I take it back, Travis. I could use a flesh and blood pilot right about now. 21 00:03:04,017 --> 00:03:06,476 Enterprise to Shuttlepod 1. 22 00:03:06,978 --> 00:03:09,771 Commander Tucker, do you read me? 23 00:03:11,983 --> 00:03:13,025 Malcolm? 24 00:03:13,234 --> 00:03:17,446 I detected weapons fire and then both ships just disappeared. 25 00:03:17,989 --> 00:03:19,239 Last known position? 26 00:03:20,116 --> 00:03:24,369 Approximately 50,000 kilometers, bearing 003, 27 00:03:24,746 --> 00:03:26,705 mark 27, I think. 28 00:03:27,457 --> 00:03:29,958 I can't be more specific. It's the damned interference. 29 00:03:30,168 --> 00:03:32,127 Many of these moons have atmospheres 30 00:03:32,295 --> 00:03:34,087 that contain selenium isotopes. 31 00:03:34,255 --> 00:03:36,840 That's most likely what's affecting our sensors. 32 00:03:37,050 --> 00:03:39,426 Trip's a good pilot. If he was near one of those moons, 33 00:03:39,594 --> 00:03:43,555 he most likely set down on it. How many are there? 34 00:03:44,057 --> 00:03:45,974 Sixty-two. 35 00:03:46,434 --> 00:03:48,685 Then we'd better start looking. 36 00:03:49,854 --> 00:03:52,189 - Travis? - Aye, sir. 37 00:03:52,398 --> 00:03:55,817 We'll scan every moon, even if we have to do it with binoculars. 38 00:03:55,985 --> 00:03:57,736 Keep hailing him. 39 00:04:24,973 --> 00:04:26,390 [SIGHS] 40 00:04:30,019 --> 00:04:33,021 Chief engineer's log, supplemental. 41 00:04:33,189 --> 00:04:34,982 For the record, 42 00:04:35,650 --> 00:04:38,443 I was attacked by a small craft. 43 00:04:41,990 --> 00:04:44,574 I don't know what I did to provoke him. 44 00:04:44,784 --> 00:04:47,452 Something in this moon's atmosphere neutralized my engines. 45 00:04:47,662 --> 00:04:50,372 I was forced to make an emergency landing. 46 00:04:51,124 --> 00:04:52,541 [SIGHS] 47 00:04:53,084 --> 00:04:55,877 Looks like I took some damage on impact. 48 00:04:57,380 --> 00:04:59,840 Main power is still off-line. 49 00:05:01,968 --> 00:05:04,761 I don't think I'll be flying out of here. 50 00:05:06,931 --> 00:05:08,974 First things first. 51 00:05:09,309 --> 00:05:12,102 I'll try and get the transceiver working. 52 00:05:17,150 --> 00:05:19,609 Contact Enterprise. 53 00:05:29,704 --> 00:05:31,330 Damn it. 54 00:05:42,717 --> 00:05:52,476 [ROCKS TUMBLING NEARBY] 55 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:30,847 [YELLING IN ALIEN LANGAUGE] 56 00:06:34,936 --> 00:06:36,061 [GRUNTS] 57 00:06:40,775 --> 00:06:42,776 [PANTING] 58 00:06:53,871 --> 00:06:56,873 Son of a bitch stole my transceiver. 59 00:07:03,798 --> 00:07:06,925 - Who are they? - An Arkonian military vessel. 60 00:07:07,135 --> 00:07:10,554 - You've dealt with them? - No. But I'm aware of their reputation. 61 00:07:10,763 --> 00:07:14,349 If we're in their territory, we should proceed with extreme caution. 62 00:07:14,976 --> 00:07:16,017 They're hailing us. 63 00:07:21,899 --> 00:07:24,401 You're on an unauthorized course. 64 00:07:24,569 --> 00:07:27,612 - Leave immediately. - And you are? 65 00:07:27,822 --> 00:07:29,614 Captain Khata'n Zshaar. 66 00:07:29,824 --> 00:07:33,910 I have orders to destroy any vessel that violates our territory. 67 00:07:34,120 --> 00:07:37,956 I'm Captain Jonathan Archer of the starship Enterprise. 68 00:07:38,166 --> 00:07:40,959 We weren't aware that this system was claimed by anyone. 69 00:07:41,169 --> 00:07:43,795 Why is there a Vulcan on your Bridge? 70 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:49,384 Sub-commander T'Pol is my science officer. 71 00:07:50,928 --> 00:07:53,763 Turn your ship around. 72 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:57,767 A member of my crew is missing. 73 00:07:59,061 --> 00:08:03,231 We believe he exchanged weapons fire with a small vessel. 74 00:08:04,400 --> 00:08:06,318 Was it one of yours? 75 00:08:07,528 --> 00:08:11,698 We sent a patrol ship to intercept your shuttle. 76 00:08:12,158 --> 00:08:14,451 We have also lost contact. 77 00:08:14,952 --> 00:08:18,580 Then maybe we can look for them together. 78 00:08:19,624 --> 00:08:23,418 Once we've recovered our crewman, we'll be more than happy to leave. 79 00:08:24,086 --> 00:08:28,507 If your shuttle did encounter my patrol ship, 80 00:08:28,716 --> 00:08:30,675 your crewman is already dead. 81 00:08:33,054 --> 00:08:37,390 Either way, we're not going anywhere until we know what happened. 82 00:08:37,600 --> 00:08:41,645 Now it seems to me we have a similar problem. 83 00:08:41,854 --> 00:08:45,315 Two missing people and 62 moons. 84 00:08:45,525 --> 00:08:50,612 It'll go a lot faster if we use both our ships to coordinate the search. 85 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:57,118 The sooner we get started, the sooner we'll be out of your territory. 86 00:10:03,269 --> 00:10:04,769 It's him. 87 00:10:05,229 --> 00:10:07,397 I recognize his shuttlecraft. 88 00:10:07,565 --> 00:10:10,275 And he seems about as bad off as I am. 89 00:10:10,484 --> 00:10:13,945 Whatever knocked out my engines probably did the same to his. 90 00:10:14,447 --> 00:10:15,614 [SIGHS] 91 00:10:15,781 --> 00:10:18,992 If I'd brought a universal translator, I'd be able to explain to this guy 92 00:10:19,201 --> 00:10:22,203 that I'm just trying to get out of here like he is. 93 00:10:24,165 --> 00:10:26,416 One piece of good news. 94 00:10:26,792 --> 00:10:28,877 It's starting to warm up a little. 95 00:10:29,086 --> 00:10:31,087 Dawn is coming. 96 00:10:39,764 --> 00:10:42,140 [GRUNTS] 97 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:48,438 [SIGHS] 98 00:10:50,858 --> 00:10:52,859 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 99 00:10:55,863 --> 00:10:57,656 TRIP: I'm coming out now. 100 00:10:57,823 --> 00:11:01,034 I know you don't understand me. 101 00:11:01,243 --> 00:11:03,161 Please, don't fire. 102 00:11:03,579 --> 00:11:05,664 I want to talk. 103 00:11:06,332 --> 00:11:09,417 I'm not armed. I won't hurt you. 104 00:11:10,086 --> 00:11:14,339 We need to talk. You have something that belongs to me. 105 00:11:15,716 --> 00:11:17,258 I want it back. 106 00:11:18,302 --> 00:11:20,261 If you understand anything that I'm saying to you, 107 00:11:20,429 --> 00:11:24,182 I want you to listen very, very closely. 108 00:11:25,518 --> 00:11:27,977 Mary had a little lamb 109 00:11:28,479 --> 00:11:31,189 With fleece as white as snow 110 00:11:31,649 --> 00:11:36,403 And everywhere that Mary went The lamb was sure to go 111 00:11:37,571 --> 00:11:39,489 [TRIP ON RECORDING SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 112 00:11:44,578 --> 00:11:45,995 [TRIPWIRE BEEPING] 113 00:12:18,195 --> 00:12:20,947 [BOTH GRUNTING] 114 00:12:26,871 --> 00:12:29,873 Now, maybe we can introduce ourselves. 115 00:12:30,624 --> 00:12:32,625 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 116 00:12:34,545 --> 00:12:35,837 Nice to meet you too. 117 00:12:36,464 --> 00:12:38,673 I don't wanna hurt you. 118 00:12:38,883 --> 00:12:40,550 I just want my transceiver back. 119 00:12:41,927 --> 00:12:43,303 [GRUNTS] 120 00:12:57,985 --> 00:13:11,122 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 121 00:13:12,541 --> 00:13:15,043 I'm not good until I've had my coffee. 122 00:13:15,211 --> 00:13:16,628 [GRUNTS] 123 00:13:18,297 --> 00:13:19,839 [SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 124 00:13:22,927 --> 00:13:24,886 You wouldn't have a universal translator on you? 125 00:13:25,095 --> 00:13:26,971 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 126 00:13:27,181 --> 00:13:29,474 I don't understand a word you're saying! 127 00:13:31,519 --> 00:13:33,520 [SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 128 00:13:35,022 --> 00:13:38,817 I can't make it work. It's broken. 129 00:13:39,026 --> 00:13:41,528 You know, broken. 130 00:13:41,737 --> 00:13:44,239 I was trying to make repairs when you stole it. 131 00:13:44,448 --> 00:13:47,242 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] Kush'ka... 132 00:13:48,744 --> 00:13:50,245 What? 133 00:13:50,412 --> 00:13:52,413 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] Kush'ka... 134 00:13:56,585 --> 00:13:59,212 You want me to fix your transceiver? 135 00:14:01,048 --> 00:14:02,173 Is that a yes or a no? 136 00:14:02,383 --> 00:14:05,051 - Kush'ka. - Kush'ka to you too. 137 00:14:09,265 --> 00:14:11,182 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGAUGE] 138 00:14:12,685 --> 00:14:16,729 You kill me and I can't fix anything. 139 00:14:18,607 --> 00:14:21,192 You're gonna have to untie me. 140 00:14:21,777 --> 00:14:23,528 I need my hands. 141 00:14:24,071 --> 00:14:26,072 [SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 142 00:14:32,580 --> 00:14:35,665 I try anything, I'm a dead man. 143 00:14:36,584 --> 00:14:38,376 I get the message. 144 00:14:43,048 --> 00:14:45,049 [HOLSTERS WEAPON] 145 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:55,476 - Any progress? - We searched five of the moons. 146 00:14:56,478 --> 00:14:59,063 No sign of Commander Tucker or the Arkonian ship. 147 00:15:00,024 --> 00:15:01,149 And the Arkonians? 148 00:15:01,734 --> 00:15:03,860 It appears they've made no progress either. 149 00:15:04,069 --> 00:15:06,613 They're continuing to search the moons they agreed to. 150 00:15:06,822 --> 00:15:08,698 This is their territory. 151 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:10,992 They could have called for more ships to help search. 152 00:15:11,160 --> 00:15:13,828 I'm afraid they don't trust us. 153 00:15:14,038 --> 00:15:17,457 - Primarily because I'm a Vulcan. - What's the bad blood? 154 00:15:18,125 --> 00:15:20,793 We made first contact nearly a hundred years ago, 155 00:15:21,003 --> 00:15:23,421 not long after the Arkonians developed warp drive. 156 00:15:23,923 --> 00:15:26,382 But from the beginning, our relations were difficult. 157 00:15:26,592 --> 00:15:28,760 Your people accepted Vulcan guidance, 158 00:15:28,969 --> 00:15:31,846 opened diplomatic and cultural exchanges. 159 00:15:32,056 --> 00:15:34,682 The Arkonians were suspicious and deceitful. 160 00:15:34,892 --> 00:15:38,603 Eventually, the High Command withdrew its contingent. 161 00:15:38,812 --> 00:15:42,982 Well, maybe we'll have better luck with them. 162 00:15:43,192 --> 00:15:45,693 - It doesn't appear promising. - They agreed to work with us. 163 00:15:45,903 --> 00:15:47,362 For now. 164 00:15:47,905 --> 00:15:50,114 I'd advise you to remain cautious. 165 00:15:50,699 --> 00:15:54,786 Arkonians are unpredictable. They're prone to hostility. 166 00:15:55,245 --> 00:15:57,246 I'll keep that in mind. 167 00:15:57,748 --> 00:16:00,416 Let me know when we reach the next moon. 168 00:16:20,270 --> 00:16:25,858 Damn it. 169 00:16:30,072 --> 00:16:31,906 Well, looks like we've made some headway 170 00:16:32,074 --> 00:16:35,535 in our first contact between humans and, um, 171 00:16:37,246 --> 00:16:39,247 whatever you are. 172 00:16:39,581 --> 00:16:42,333 Unfortunately, your first word is something 173 00:16:42,501 --> 00:16:45,336 you wouldn't wanna use in polite company. 174 00:16:45,754 --> 00:16:47,755 [SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 175 00:16:50,092 --> 00:16:51,134 Damn it. 176 00:16:52,970 --> 00:16:54,345 No. 177 00:16:55,139 --> 00:16:56,764 I'm Trip. 178 00:16:58,684 --> 00:17:01,769 Trip. 179 00:17:04,023 --> 00:17:08,109 Zho'Kaan. 180 00:17:09,778 --> 00:17:15,283 Great. Now that we've been properly introduced, 181 00:17:16,702 --> 00:17:21,456 how about some water, Zho'Kaan? It's getting kind of hot. 182 00:17:22,708 --> 00:17:24,917 Thirsty, you know. 183 00:17:25,294 --> 00:17:27,628 Drink. Water. 184 00:17:32,009 --> 00:17:33,051 Trip. 185 00:17:37,264 --> 00:17:38,806 Thanks. 186 00:17:47,024 --> 00:17:48,066 What the hell is that? 187 00:17:48,275 --> 00:17:50,276 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 188 00:17:53,447 --> 00:17:55,448 [TRIP PANTING] 189 00:18:04,208 --> 00:18:05,666 Sorry. 190 00:18:13,258 --> 00:18:16,260 I have water in my shuttle. 191 00:18:18,263 --> 00:18:22,016 Water. Something I can drink. 192 00:18:24,978 --> 00:18:26,979 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 193 00:18:28,732 --> 00:18:30,233 Trip. 194 00:18:44,665 --> 00:18:46,666 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 195 00:18:54,842 --> 00:19:01,097 [GRUNTS] 196 00:19:07,729 --> 00:19:09,605 There's a medkit in my shuttlepod. 197 00:19:11,942 --> 00:19:14,235 What the hell are you doing? Are you crazy? 198 00:19:26,748 --> 00:19:28,499 That was quite a trick. 199 00:19:34,840 --> 00:19:36,841 [SPEAKING IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 200 00:19:41,430 --> 00:19:42,471 All right, all right. 201 00:19:47,352 --> 00:19:50,980 I can't fix this thing. It's a lost cause. 202 00:19:51,148 --> 00:19:54,567 Now, maybe if you vomit on it, it'll fix itself. 203 00:19:57,446 --> 00:20:00,990 Come over here, I want you to see this. 204 00:20:02,534 --> 00:20:04,160 Here. 205 00:20:06,079 --> 00:20:07,121 Come here. 206 00:20:10,959 --> 00:20:13,419 It's like talking to Porthos. 207 00:20:13,629 --> 00:20:14,712 See this? 208 00:20:15,297 --> 00:20:19,967 I tried bypassing the induction coil but it didn't work. 209 00:20:20,552 --> 00:20:22,136 See? 210 00:20:22,346 --> 00:20:24,055 In here. 211 00:20:30,520 --> 00:20:34,607 I can't fix this. I need to get back to my ship. 212 00:20:35,192 --> 00:20:37,109 My ship. 213 00:20:38,278 --> 00:20:39,904 Now pick them up. 214 00:20:41,198 --> 00:20:42,323 Pick them up. 215 00:20:48,413 --> 00:20:50,373 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 216 00:20:50,582 --> 00:20:52,333 Same to you. 217 00:20:52,542 --> 00:20:54,418 Now let's get going. 218 00:21:01,176 --> 00:21:04,470 - What have you got? - See for yourself. 219 00:21:07,557 --> 00:21:08,933 I'll need a little help here. 220 00:21:09,101 --> 00:21:11,352 It's a thermal-kinetic analysis of the moons. 221 00:21:11,561 --> 00:21:13,729 Each of them undergoes extreme temperature variations 222 00:21:13,897 --> 00:21:15,898 during their orbits. 223 00:21:16,525 --> 00:21:17,566 Go on. 224 00:21:17,776 --> 00:21:21,237 At night, it can drop to five or even ten degrees below zero. 225 00:21:21,405 --> 00:21:22,446 Doesn't sound so bad. 226 00:21:22,614 --> 00:21:27,994 During the day, the temperature can rise to as high as 170 degrees. 227 00:21:31,039 --> 00:21:32,832 We better hope Trip landed on the night side. 228 00:21:33,041 --> 00:21:35,876 And that we find him before the sun rises. 229 00:21:43,385 --> 00:21:47,138 Don't give me that look. You started this. 230 00:22:13,665 --> 00:22:15,458 You want some food? 231 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:26,719 Food. 232 00:22:35,645 --> 00:22:37,646 [GRUNTS] 233 00:22:38,273 --> 00:22:40,274 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] Nohkto. 234 00:22:42,027 --> 00:22:43,444 "Nohkto." 235 00:22:45,405 --> 00:22:47,656 I couldn't agree more. 236 00:22:47,866 --> 00:22:51,077 [IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] ...V'dhoze. 237 00:22:52,704 --> 00:22:54,121 V'dhoze. 238 00:22:58,001 --> 00:22:59,960 You want food 239 00:23:00,337 --> 00:23:01,670 from your ship? 240 00:23:03,632 --> 00:23:05,049 "V'dhoze." 241 00:23:05,884 --> 00:23:07,093 That means food? 242 00:23:08,053 --> 00:23:14,809 V'dhoze. 243 00:23:16,144 --> 00:23:19,897 Ship. 244 00:23:21,733 --> 00:23:23,150 Ah. 245 00:23:24,027 --> 00:23:25,361 Sorry. 246 00:23:25,946 --> 00:23:28,531 But breakfast is gonna have to wait. 247 00:23:30,700 --> 00:23:33,994 I've figured out a way to get us out of here. 248 00:23:36,957 --> 00:23:41,836 I got a pretty good look at your com configuration back there. 249 00:23:42,546 --> 00:23:49,385 I think I can cannibalize the power supply from your transceiver 250 00:23:50,846 --> 00:23:53,639 and use it to get mine working. 251 00:23:54,224 --> 00:23:56,434 Maybe get a message off. 252 00:24:06,027 --> 00:24:07,570 TRIP: Got it. 253 00:24:08,613 --> 00:24:10,239 Almost there. 254 00:24:14,369 --> 00:24:16,537 I think this is gonna work. 255 00:24:16,705 --> 00:24:18,664 Nohkto. 256 00:24:18,832 --> 00:24:23,711 No, not nohkto. Good. 257 00:24:23,920 --> 00:24:27,047 - Good. - That's right. 258 00:24:27,257 --> 00:24:29,300 We're getting out of here. 259 00:24:29,718 --> 00:24:33,387 Once we get back to Enterprise and we can finally understand each other, 260 00:24:33,597 --> 00:24:36,724 the first words out of your mouth better be "thank you." 261 00:24:38,977 --> 00:24:40,811 [HISSING] 262 00:24:41,021 --> 00:24:43,147 You think that's funny? 263 00:24:49,946 --> 00:24:51,530 Eh? 264 00:24:52,491 --> 00:24:54,575 You gonna laugh now? 265 00:24:55,577 --> 00:24:57,661 Tucker to Enterprise. 266 00:24:57,829 --> 00:24:58,954 [STATIC OVER COMM] 267 00:24:59,122 --> 00:25:01,373 Enterprise, do you read me? 268 00:25:02,250 --> 00:25:04,251 Come on, Hoshi. 269 00:25:05,712 --> 00:25:07,129 Tucker to Enterprise. 270 00:25:10,675 --> 00:25:13,344 This terrain, it's all volcanic. 271 00:25:14,095 --> 00:25:16,639 Igneous rock is heavy in diamagnetic minerals. 272 00:25:16,848 --> 00:25:19,391 It's interfering with the transmission. 273 00:25:19,559 --> 00:25:21,101 [SIGHS] 274 00:25:22,395 --> 00:25:23,896 I think I know what we need to do. 275 00:25:25,148 --> 00:25:27,608 The transceiver. Um... 276 00:25:27,776 --> 00:25:31,195 The tsunsana. 277 00:25:32,405 --> 00:25:34,657 It's bad down here. 278 00:25:34,824 --> 00:25:35,950 Nohkto. 279 00:25:36,618 --> 00:25:39,119 But if we take it to higher ground, 280 00:25:39,287 --> 00:25:42,039 we could avoid some of the interference. 281 00:25:45,502 --> 00:25:47,628 I'm gonna need help. 282 00:25:50,340 --> 00:25:54,093 You and me together. 283 00:26:04,062 --> 00:26:05,479 See? 284 00:26:12,404 --> 00:26:14,446 I'm not gonna hurt you. 285 00:26:15,991 --> 00:26:17,491 And you 286 00:26:18,785 --> 00:26:20,703 are not gonna hurt me. 287 00:26:23,999 --> 00:26:25,916 We'll work together. 288 00:26:30,005 --> 00:26:31,880 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 289 00:26:49,232 --> 00:26:50,274 Before we start, 290 00:26:52,485 --> 00:26:54,987 we'll get some food from your ship. 291 00:26:55,947 --> 00:26:57,615 Your v'dhoze. 292 00:27:01,578 --> 00:27:03,495 [ZHO'KAAN YELLING] 293 00:27:06,916 --> 00:27:08,751 [BOTH GRUNTING] 294 00:27:27,145 --> 00:27:28,646 Easy. 295 00:27:30,607 --> 00:27:31,857 [YELLS] 296 00:28:32,168 --> 00:28:34,169 [BOTH PANTING] 297 00:28:54,023 --> 00:28:55,232 Is that the best you can do? 298 00:28:56,443 --> 00:28:58,444 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 299 00:29:27,182 --> 00:29:29,725 We can fight some more if you want. 300 00:29:31,019 --> 00:29:33,937 Or we can try to get the hell out of here. 301 00:29:37,066 --> 00:29:39,026 What's it gonna be? 302 00:29:49,496 --> 00:29:51,038 Come on. 303 00:30:05,595 --> 00:30:06,637 [BEEPING] 304 00:30:06,805 --> 00:30:09,014 Captain, I'm picking up a transmission. 305 00:30:09,224 --> 00:30:10,808 - Trip? - I can't tell yet. 306 00:30:11,017 --> 00:30:13,060 I'm trying to get a lock. 307 00:30:20,193 --> 00:30:22,361 TRIP: Chief Engineer's log, supplemental. 308 00:30:22,570 --> 00:30:25,656 It's been two hours since we started signaling Enterprise. 309 00:30:25,865 --> 00:30:27,533 No response yet. 310 00:30:27,742 --> 00:30:32,454 The sun's not even up yet and it's already hotter than hell. 311 00:30:35,792 --> 00:30:38,794 My sparring partner doesn't look too good. 312 00:30:39,671 --> 00:30:41,839 I can't be sure, 313 00:30:42,257 --> 00:30:45,050 but I don't think his species can sweat. 314 00:30:46,886 --> 00:30:48,595 For the record, 315 00:30:49,264 --> 00:30:51,765 I have learned one thing about him. 316 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:54,643 His name is Zho'Kaan. 317 00:30:56,980 --> 00:30:59,857 Anything you wanna say to the folks back home? 318 00:31:01,234 --> 00:31:04,862 - Nohkto. - Ah. 319 00:31:05,363 --> 00:31:07,322 That means "bad." 320 00:31:09,325 --> 00:31:11,493 You'd be proud of me, Hoshi. 321 00:31:12,370 --> 00:31:16,832 I picked up about a dozen words in his language. 322 00:31:17,834 --> 00:31:21,378 A couple of them are real tongue-twisters. 323 00:31:39,188 --> 00:31:41,189 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 324 00:32:05,465 --> 00:32:06,882 Hey. 325 00:32:09,427 --> 00:32:10,552 Zho'Kaan? 326 00:32:10,720 --> 00:32:12,721 [SIGHS] 327 00:32:17,977 --> 00:32:19,394 Thought I lost you there. 328 00:32:19,938 --> 00:32:21,563 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 329 00:32:23,358 --> 00:32:26,318 Enterprise? 330 00:32:26,486 --> 00:32:27,569 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 331 00:32:29,072 --> 00:32:30,614 No. 332 00:32:31,366 --> 00:32:33,075 No Enterprise. 333 00:32:34,410 --> 00:32:35,827 [SIGHS] 334 00:32:36,746 --> 00:32:37,913 Damn it. 335 00:32:55,515 --> 00:32:57,140 Don't worry. 336 00:32:57,350 --> 00:33:01,061 I'll get Phlox to cook up a new batch for you once we're aboard Enterprise. 337 00:33:01,270 --> 00:33:02,813 He's great with that kind of thing. 338 00:33:08,486 --> 00:33:10,570 Stay with me, Zho'Kaan. 339 00:33:11,155 --> 00:33:12,239 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 340 00:33:12,740 --> 00:33:15,867 Don't die on me now. Understand? 341 00:33:21,666 --> 00:33:23,000 All right. 342 00:33:34,303 --> 00:33:35,512 [STATIC OVER COMM] 343 00:33:35,680 --> 00:33:37,347 HOSHI [OVER COMM]: Enterprise. 344 00:33:38,099 --> 00:33:40,809 See? I told you. 345 00:33:43,062 --> 00:33:45,397 Hoshi, is that you? 346 00:33:45,606 --> 00:33:47,566 - [OVER COMM] Do you read me? - We read you, Trip. 347 00:33:47,734 --> 00:33:48,942 TRIP: You're just in time. 348 00:33:49,110 --> 00:33:50,819 It's starting to get a little hot down here. 349 00:33:50,987 --> 00:33:52,738 We're getting a lock on your position now. 350 00:33:52,947 --> 00:33:54,406 TRIP: Don't send a shuttlepod. 351 00:33:55,283 --> 00:33:57,951 There's something in this atmosphere that'll affect the engines. 352 00:33:58,161 --> 00:34:00,454 ARCHER [OVER COMM]: It's selenium isotopes. 353 00:34:00,663 --> 00:34:03,165 But we don't think it will interfere with the transporter. 354 00:34:03,374 --> 00:34:05,834 - I'm not alone, captain. ARCHER: We know. 355 00:34:06,044 --> 00:34:07,878 The Arkonians helped us find you. 356 00:34:08,087 --> 00:34:10,213 How are you and their pilot getting along? 357 00:34:10,381 --> 00:34:11,590 Uh... 358 00:34:11,758 --> 00:34:14,009 Just like old friends. 359 00:34:14,343 --> 00:34:16,386 I'm a little worried though. 360 00:34:17,555 --> 00:34:19,347 He's gotten very dehydrated. 361 00:34:19,557 --> 00:34:20,557 Stand by, Trip. 362 00:34:20,725 --> 00:34:22,017 Prepare the transporter. 363 00:34:22,477 --> 00:34:24,311 I wouldn't do that, captain. 364 00:34:25,313 --> 00:34:26,354 What's the problem? 365 00:34:26,564 --> 00:34:29,066 I've been analyzing the Arkonian's physiology. 366 00:34:29,275 --> 00:34:33,070 Their endocrine system is extremely sensitive to temperature fluctuations. 367 00:34:33,279 --> 00:34:35,363 If that pilot is suffering from dehydration, 368 00:34:35,531 --> 00:34:38,283 it's no doubt causing an acute cellular breakdown. 369 00:34:38,493 --> 00:34:39,618 Meaning? 370 00:34:40,119 --> 00:34:43,121 Transporting him will most likely be fatal. 371 00:34:46,250 --> 00:34:48,460 ARCHER [OVER COMM]: Archer to Commander Tucker. 372 00:34:48,669 --> 00:34:50,128 I'm still here, captain. 373 00:34:50,338 --> 00:34:52,422 ARCHER [OVER COMM]: Trip, we can bring you aboard, 374 00:34:52,590 --> 00:34:54,716 but we can't transport the Arkonian. 375 00:34:54,926 --> 00:34:56,927 Dr. Phlox says it will kill him. 376 00:34:57,136 --> 00:34:59,262 We'll try to find a way to get him back to his ship. 377 00:34:59,472 --> 00:35:03,016 But in the meantime, I'm getting you out of there. 378 00:35:03,226 --> 00:35:05,727 TRIP [OVER COMM]: No, captain. I'm not leaving him here. 379 00:35:05,937 --> 00:35:08,438 The surface temperature is rising quickly, commander. 380 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:12,109 I estimate it will reach 130 degrees within the next hour. 381 00:35:12,318 --> 00:35:13,610 Let's get you home. 382 00:35:13,820 --> 00:35:15,695 [OVER COMM] Then we'll worry about your friend. 383 00:35:15,863 --> 00:35:17,572 I'm sorry, sir, but I can't do that. 384 00:35:18,407 --> 00:35:19,991 [OVER COMM] Maybe there's another way. 385 00:35:21,494 --> 00:35:24,204 We know our pods can't make it, 386 00:35:25,331 --> 00:35:29,543 but I got a good look at the circuitry inside the Arkonian shuttle. 387 00:35:30,503 --> 00:35:33,130 - One of theirs could be modified. - How? 388 00:35:33,297 --> 00:35:36,174 TRIP: If they take a look at their intake manifolds, 389 00:35:36,384 --> 00:35:41,012 I think they could realign them to filter out the isotopes. 390 00:35:41,222 --> 00:35:43,056 We'll talk to them, 391 00:35:43,891 --> 00:35:46,059 but I won't let you stay down there much longer. 392 00:35:48,062 --> 00:35:51,022 - Understood. ARCHER [OVER COMM]: Archer out. 393 00:36:02,118 --> 00:36:04,202 TRIP: Tucker to Enterprise. 394 00:36:06,998 --> 00:36:10,542 Enterprise, respond. 395 00:36:13,588 --> 00:36:16,173 Some of these relays are fused. 396 00:36:16,340 --> 00:36:17,757 [SIGHS] 397 00:36:19,510 --> 00:36:21,469 Must be the heat. 398 00:36:25,183 --> 00:36:26,683 Hey. 399 00:36:29,562 --> 00:36:30,979 [SPEAKS IN ALIEN LANGUAGE] 400 00:36:33,482 --> 00:36:35,483 [GROANS] 401 00:36:49,248 --> 00:36:54,586 I don't suppose the captain will trust me to go out on my own for a while. 402 00:36:56,047 --> 00:36:59,382 I wouldn't be surprised if he knocked me down to steward. 403 00:37:01,302 --> 00:37:03,720 Your orange juice, sir. 404 00:37:04,055 --> 00:37:06,681 Jam or marmalade, sir? 405 00:37:07,058 --> 00:37:11,853 But I tell you, I wouldn't trade my time on Enterprise. 406 00:37:13,105 --> 00:37:15,106 Not for anything. 407 00:37:17,610 --> 00:37:20,904 I've seen things I couldn't have imagined back home. 408 00:37:21,864 --> 00:37:25,867 I saw the Great Plume of Agosoria. 409 00:37:26,869 --> 00:37:31,998 And I saw the ringed moons on Matalas Prime. 410 00:37:42,510 --> 00:37:46,846 And I stood on an asteroid crater 411 00:37:48,182 --> 00:37:49,891 twice as high as Everest. 412 00:37:50,851 --> 00:37:53,770 Went diving in the ice caves of Etheenia, 413 00:37:54,230 --> 00:37:57,983 rode in a Suliban cell ship. 414 00:37:59,110 --> 00:38:00,944 Spent the night... 415 00:38:01,779 --> 00:38:04,364 I spent the night with a princess. 416 00:38:04,782 --> 00:38:06,199 [CHUCKLES] 417 00:38:06,742 --> 00:38:11,413 Oh, and I even got pregnant once. 418 00:38:12,957 --> 00:38:15,250 Now there's a story. 419 00:38:17,878 --> 00:38:19,838 I'm sure you have stories too. 420 00:38:20,464 --> 00:38:23,258 That's why we chose this life, right? 421 00:38:23,467 --> 00:38:25,885 See things we've never seen before. 422 00:38:27,805 --> 00:38:29,806 Hell of a ride though. 423 00:38:33,602 --> 00:38:35,729 Hell of a ride. 424 00:38:44,864 --> 00:38:46,573 Zho'Kaan. 425 00:38:46,741 --> 00:38:48,742 [COUGHING] 426 00:38:49,660 --> 00:38:51,077 V'dhoze. 427 00:39:09,472 --> 00:39:10,513 [DOOR CHIMES] 428 00:39:10,681 --> 00:39:11,806 Come in. 429 00:39:16,729 --> 00:39:18,897 I just got a report from my doctor. 430 00:39:19,106 --> 00:39:21,858 Your pilot's responding well. 431 00:39:22,068 --> 00:39:24,986 He'll be ready to go home in a few hours. 432 00:39:25,196 --> 00:39:26,529 And your crewman? 433 00:39:27,281 --> 00:39:31,910 He's tired and a bit sunburned, but he's doing fine. 434 00:39:32,828 --> 00:39:38,541 If I discover that my pilot fired on your shuttle without provocation, 435 00:39:38,751 --> 00:39:40,126 he'll be disciplined. 436 00:39:41,629 --> 00:39:43,880 It was a misunderstanding. 437 00:39:44,924 --> 00:39:48,009 I hope we can avoid them in the future. 438 00:39:48,594 --> 00:39:52,931 I expect you to leave this system immediately as agreed. 439 00:40:05,486 --> 00:40:08,613 I guess we won't be adding the Arkonians to our list of friends. 440 00:40:09,323 --> 00:40:12,117 The encounter was less volatile than I expected. 441 00:40:12,326 --> 00:40:13,743 [CHUCKLES] 442 00:40:15,162 --> 00:40:18,665 You managed to establish better relations in a single day 443 00:40:18,874 --> 00:40:21,334 than the Vulcans have in a century. 444 00:40:24,713 --> 00:40:26,965 Let's hope it stays that way. 445 00:40:32,638 --> 00:40:34,472 How's he doing? 446 00:40:35,391 --> 00:40:39,727 Why don't you ask him yourself? The universal translator is online. 447 00:40:43,399 --> 00:40:48,695 They, uh, told me another ten minutes of sunshine 448 00:40:49,155 --> 00:40:50,447 and we'd have been cooked. 449 00:40:50,990 --> 00:40:52,991 Tarratt-aash. 450 00:40:54,743 --> 00:40:56,369 I thought you said the UT was working. 451 00:40:57,371 --> 00:41:02,459 I believe you promised me some Tarratt-aash. 452 00:41:03,294 --> 00:41:05,128 You mean the brown stuff you were drinking. 453 00:41:06,714 --> 00:41:08,465 Won't take a minute. 454 00:41:09,091 --> 00:41:11,092 Anything else while I'm at it? 455 00:41:11,302 --> 00:41:15,472 Our chef is making something called chicken marsala tonight. 456 00:41:16,724 --> 00:41:20,185 - Tarratt... - Tarratt-aash. 457 00:41:21,395 --> 00:41:22,812 Got you. 458 00:41:23,856 --> 00:41:25,315 ZHO'KAAN: Trip. 459 00:41:26,650 --> 00:41:29,027 When I fired at your vessel, 460 00:41:33,616 --> 00:41:36,409 I'm grateful I didn't destroy it. 461 00:41:39,205 --> 00:42:52,777 That makes two of us.