1 00:00:32,615 --> 00:00:34,450 ARCHER [OVER COM]: Archer to Commander Tucker. 2 00:00:34,617 --> 00:00:35,659 Go ahead. 3 00:00:35,869 --> 00:00:39,079 I know you're off-duty but we've got visitors. 4 00:00:39,289 --> 00:00:40,539 I can see that. 5 00:00:40,749 --> 00:00:44,084 - Are you up for a little repair work? - Sir? 6 00:00:44,294 --> 00:00:48,005 - Meet me at Docking Port 2. - On my way. 7 00:02:23,601 --> 00:02:24,935 Anything serious? 8 00:02:25,103 --> 00:02:28,522 They said they were having trouble with one of their life-support systems. 9 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:30,858 - Who's they? - Retellian cargo pilots. 10 00:02:35,113 --> 00:02:37,072 The seal is secure. 11 00:02:41,911 --> 00:02:43,453 Welcome aboard. 12 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:48,292 Gracious of you to help us, captain. 13 00:02:48,501 --> 00:02:50,294 We were beginning to think our distress call 14 00:02:50,461 --> 00:02:52,462 would never be answered. 15 00:02:52,672 --> 00:02:56,341 This is Sub-commander T'Pol and my chief engineer, Commander Tucker. 16 00:02:56,551 --> 00:02:57,926 Our salvation. 17 00:02:58,136 --> 00:03:00,846 The captain said something about life support. 18 00:03:01,055 --> 00:03:04,641 We were hired to return a young woman to her home world. 19 00:03:04,851 --> 00:03:08,353 A few days ago, her stasis pod began to malfunction. 20 00:03:08,771 --> 00:03:11,106 Stasis? Is she injured? 21 00:03:11,274 --> 00:03:14,026 No, no. She's a passenger. 22 00:03:14,235 --> 00:03:17,529 But our ship is designed to haul cargo, not people, 23 00:03:17,739 --> 00:03:20,073 and it's a very long journey. 24 00:03:20,283 --> 00:03:23,994 Putting her in suspended animation was our only choice. 25 00:03:24,204 --> 00:03:26,121 We have another five months ahead of us. 26 00:03:26,289 --> 00:03:29,291 If she wakes up, there won't be enough food, air to breathe. 27 00:03:29,500 --> 00:03:32,961 If we're forced to abort the mission, we won't get paid. 28 00:03:33,504 --> 00:03:35,756 Commander Tucker is resourceful. 29 00:03:35,965 --> 00:03:38,884 I'm sure he'll be able to assist you. 30 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:42,638 - Mind if I have a look? - Please. 31 00:03:47,977 --> 00:03:49,853 You've been very accommodating. 32 00:03:50,063 --> 00:03:53,607 If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to make another request. 33 00:03:53,816 --> 00:03:57,486 It's been a long time since we've enjoyed the luxury 34 00:03:58,112 --> 00:03:59,529 of a bath. 35 00:04:00,907 --> 00:04:02,491 I understand. 36 00:04:02,700 --> 00:04:04,952 T'Pol will show you to guest quarters. 37 00:04:05,161 --> 00:04:07,496 When you're done, I'll have my chef prepare you a meal. 38 00:04:23,721 --> 00:04:26,598 This regulates power flow to the bio-pod. 39 00:04:28,351 --> 00:04:30,018 Looks very creative. 40 00:04:30,228 --> 00:04:33,230 These relays are from an old Ardanan shuttle. 41 00:04:33,439 --> 00:04:36,358 They weren't designed to carry this much current. 42 00:04:36,567 --> 00:04:39,945 I've got some EPS conduits that might do the trick. 43 00:04:48,496 --> 00:04:51,206 This would be a lot easier if I could read your language. 44 00:04:51,416 --> 00:04:53,667 If you don't mind, like to ask our communications officer 45 00:04:53,835 --> 00:04:55,168 to give me a hand. 46 00:04:55,378 --> 00:04:57,212 By all means. 47 00:05:08,933 --> 00:05:10,475 Is there a problem? 48 00:05:12,437 --> 00:05:13,854 No. 49 00:05:14,230 --> 00:05:16,273 No, no problem. 50 00:05:16,482 --> 00:05:18,942 I'm gonna need some tools from Enterprise. 51 00:05:19,152 --> 00:05:23,613 With a little luck, Sleeping Beauty here will never know there was a problem. 52 00:05:32,665 --> 00:05:33,957 [DOOR BEEPS] 53 00:05:34,167 --> 00:05:35,667 Come in. 54 00:05:39,839 --> 00:05:42,341 I hope I didn't deplete your water supply. 55 00:05:42,550 --> 00:05:45,635 I'm sure we'll manage. Please. 56 00:05:48,556 --> 00:05:51,933 T'Pol tells me your vessel can't do much better than warp 2. 57 00:05:52,143 --> 00:05:54,061 Warp 2.2. 58 00:05:55,396 --> 00:05:57,773 I've been making some calculations. 59 00:05:57,982 --> 00:05:59,441 If I'm not mistaken, 60 00:05:59,609 --> 00:06:04,613 at warp 4.5, Enterprise can have you at your destination in less than four days. 61 00:06:04,822 --> 00:06:06,156 That's a generous offer. 62 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:09,284 But I have already inconvenienced you far too much. 63 00:06:09,494 --> 00:06:13,372 It's no inconvenience. We're out here to meet new people. 64 00:06:13,581 --> 00:06:17,417 You're heading toward an inhabited world we've never seen. 65 00:06:17,627 --> 00:06:20,420 First contacts tend to go more smoothly 66 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:22,756 when a familiar face is making the introductions. 67 00:06:23,341 --> 00:06:25,634 I'm sure you'll do fine on your own. 68 00:06:26,761 --> 00:06:28,929 You could dock in our launch bay. 69 00:06:29,138 --> 00:06:32,015 You wouldn't have to worry about that stasis pod. 70 00:06:32,225 --> 00:06:34,768 We have plenty of room for you and your passenger. 71 00:06:34,977 --> 00:06:37,270 It's not that simple, captain. 72 00:06:37,480 --> 00:06:40,315 This has all been carefully prearranged. 73 00:06:40,525 --> 00:06:43,026 Her family's not expecting her for another five months. 74 00:06:43,486 --> 00:06:46,446 They're not even on her home world at the moment. 75 00:06:46,656 --> 00:06:48,824 But I will accept your offer of a meal, 76 00:06:50,243 --> 00:06:51,785 if it's not too late. 77 00:07:08,094 --> 00:07:09,845 Commander? 78 00:07:16,811 --> 00:07:18,353 Hello? 79 00:07:18,563 --> 00:07:20,647 Is that the translation? 80 00:07:20,857 --> 00:07:22,732 Give or take an adverb. 81 00:07:22,942 --> 00:07:24,484 Thanks. 82 00:07:24,694 --> 00:07:27,070 At least you don't have to work alone. 83 00:07:28,156 --> 00:07:30,157 Hell of a way to travel, isn't it? 84 00:07:30,366 --> 00:07:31,741 Who is she? Any idea? 85 00:07:31,909 --> 00:07:34,286 I asked Plinn but he doesn't seem to know too much about her. 86 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:37,414 Said something about studying medicine in a research colony. 87 00:07:37,582 --> 00:07:39,791 - A doctor? - I suppose so. 88 00:07:40,501 --> 00:07:44,212 She must have a real passion for it if she's willing to go through all this. 89 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:47,924 Shame we'll never get to meet her. 90 00:07:48,134 --> 00:07:50,969 It's not polite to stare, commander. 91 00:07:52,388 --> 00:07:53,555 What's that supposed to mean? 92 00:07:53,764 --> 00:07:56,099 Let me know if you have any problems with that translation. 93 00:07:56,267 --> 00:07:57,642 [TRIP STAMMERS] 94 00:07:57,810 --> 00:07:59,769 I wasn't staring. 95 00:08:04,275 --> 00:08:05,775 [THUD NEARBY] 96 00:08:06,110 --> 00:08:07,694 Hoshi? 97 00:08:07,862 --> 00:08:09,446 [THUDDING] 98 00:08:12,074 --> 00:08:14,117 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 99 00:08:14,577 --> 00:08:15,619 Are you all right? 100 00:08:19,749 --> 00:08:20,916 [DEVICE BEEPING] 101 00:08:21,125 --> 00:08:23,418 - Problem? - The stasis pod. 102 00:08:23,628 --> 00:08:25,837 - What about it? - It's malfunctioning. 103 00:08:26,047 --> 00:08:28,423 If you'll excuse me, captain. 104 00:08:28,633 --> 00:08:31,510 - I'll show you to the docking port. - I know the way. 105 00:08:37,308 --> 00:08:39,142 - What are you doing? - Help me open this thing. 106 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:42,812 - We can't bring her out of stasis. - She's suffocating. 107 00:08:43,022 --> 00:08:45,607 The release is jammed. Don't bother. 108 00:08:47,193 --> 00:08:48,735 [SHOUTING] 109 00:08:48,945 --> 00:08:52,364 I'm sorry about this. The O2 recycler went off-line. 110 00:08:52,865 --> 00:08:54,157 You're gonna be all right. 111 00:08:54,325 --> 00:08:55,825 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 112 00:08:57,578 --> 00:08:58,995 [COM BEEPS] 113 00:09:00,957 --> 00:09:02,999 - Yes? GOFF: There's a minor problem. 114 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:06,002 - I'm going to need your assistance. - What kind of problem? 115 00:09:06,170 --> 00:09:08,964 GOFF: The malfunction is more complicated than I expected. 116 00:09:09,173 --> 00:09:11,424 I'll be there in a moment. 117 00:09:11,884 --> 00:09:14,678 - I don't mean to be rude. ARCHER: Not at all. 118 00:09:21,477 --> 00:09:23,603 Archer to Commander Tucker. 119 00:09:25,231 --> 00:09:27,274 Trip, can you hear me? 120 00:09:33,239 --> 00:09:34,948 Archer to Lieutenant Reed. 121 00:09:37,827 --> 00:09:39,244 - Mr. Plinn? - That's right. 122 00:09:39,453 --> 00:09:42,205 Lieutenant Reed. The captain asked me to escort you back to your ship. 123 00:09:42,415 --> 00:09:45,792 - That won't be necessary. - I'm afraid I'm under orders. 124 00:09:46,002 --> 00:09:49,588 - Have I done something wrong? - It's just a precaution. 125 00:09:50,047 --> 00:09:53,883 I never realized leaving the captain's table would cause so much concern. 126 00:10:25,833 --> 00:10:29,419 - He's trying to break loose. - Secure the docking clamps. 127 00:10:45,811 --> 00:10:48,897 - Report. - He hasn't gotten far at warp 2, sir. 128 00:10:49,106 --> 00:10:50,732 Hail him. 129 00:10:51,108 --> 00:10:52,817 No response. 130 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:58,073 Phase cannons. Target his engines. 131 00:11:00,117 --> 00:11:03,828 Direct hit to the port nacelle. He's dropping out of warp. 132 00:11:10,044 --> 00:11:11,753 Bring us into grappling range. 133 00:11:11,921 --> 00:11:13,755 Hail him again. 134 00:11:15,383 --> 00:11:17,092 Captain. 135 00:11:21,889 --> 00:11:23,181 T'Pol? 136 00:11:23,391 --> 00:11:26,393 Dilithium hydroxyls, ionized pyrosulfates. 137 00:11:26,602 --> 00:11:28,561 He's moving off. 138 00:11:29,480 --> 00:11:30,939 Stay with him. 139 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:40,323 I thought you took out one of his nacelles. 140 00:11:40,533 --> 00:11:42,784 - So did I. - Our warp drive won't engage. 141 00:11:42,993 --> 00:11:45,787 That cloud he released, it got into the plasma vents. 142 00:11:45,996 --> 00:11:47,706 They'll have to be purged. 143 00:11:47,915 --> 00:11:50,291 He's moving out of sensor range. 144 00:11:52,002 --> 00:11:53,628 I've lost him. 145 00:12:02,263 --> 00:12:03,638 [GRUNTS] 146 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:05,640 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 147 00:12:06,183 --> 00:12:07,767 What the hell did you do that for? 148 00:12:07,935 --> 00:12:09,269 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 149 00:12:09,437 --> 00:12:13,857 Hold on. Hold on. I'm not working with them. 150 00:12:14,024 --> 00:12:15,692 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 151 00:12:17,611 --> 00:12:19,612 Calm down. I'm not gonna hurt you. 152 00:12:19,822 --> 00:12:24,617 I'm from a starship called Enterprise. 153 00:12:24,785 --> 00:12:26,661 Enterprise. 154 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:32,500 Now put that thing down and I'll untie you. 155 00:12:32,710 --> 00:12:35,837 Your hands. I'll free your hands. 156 00:12:37,381 --> 00:12:38,923 Let me help you. 157 00:12:39,091 --> 00:12:40,800 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 158 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:47,015 What the hell's going on? 159 00:12:47,224 --> 00:12:48,433 Is it repaired? 160 00:12:48,642 --> 00:12:50,852 - What? - The stasis pod. 161 00:12:51,061 --> 00:12:52,395 Where's Captain Archer? 162 00:12:52,605 --> 00:12:55,356 Your ship is a long way from here. 163 00:12:55,524 --> 00:12:57,484 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 164 00:12:58,152 --> 00:13:00,904 Repair the pod so we can put her back in stasis. 165 00:13:01,572 --> 00:13:03,490 It's gonna take a few hours. 166 00:13:03,699 --> 00:13:05,867 Work quickly. 167 00:13:18,506 --> 00:13:20,215 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 168 00:13:20,966 --> 00:13:23,468 Uh... You're welcome? 169 00:13:24,595 --> 00:13:25,804 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 170 00:13:27,556 --> 00:13:30,391 Have you seen a little device? 171 00:13:30,601 --> 00:13:33,603 It's about this big, has a keypad on it. 172 00:13:33,771 --> 00:13:37,982 Um, it's my universal translator. 173 00:13:38,692 --> 00:13:41,236 It'll help us understand each other. 174 00:13:45,407 --> 00:13:46,991 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 175 00:13:47,159 --> 00:13:48,785 That's it. 176 00:13:49,662 --> 00:13:51,913 It's just so we can talk. 177 00:14:00,548 --> 00:14:04,759 I need you to say something. You gotta keep talking. 178 00:14:04,927 --> 00:14:06,427 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 179 00:14:10,432 --> 00:14:11,850 A little more. 180 00:14:12,017 --> 00:14:13,810 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 181 00:14:19,733 --> 00:14:21,317 Can you understand me? 182 00:14:21,527 --> 00:14:23,027 [SPEAKING IN KRIOSIAN] 183 00:14:23,195 --> 00:14:25,738 - Where's Hoshi when you need her? - Who is Hoshi? 184 00:14:26,240 --> 00:14:27,907 That's better. 185 00:14:28,659 --> 00:14:31,578 Would you mind telling me what's going on here? 186 00:14:31,787 --> 00:14:34,789 How long have I been in stasis? 187 00:14:34,999 --> 00:14:37,083 Well, you'd have to ask them. 188 00:14:38,043 --> 00:14:40,420 Commander Tucker to Enterprise. 189 00:14:41,338 --> 00:14:43,590 Enterprise, do you hear me? 190 00:14:43,799 --> 00:14:48,094 - You are an officer? - Chief engineer. 191 00:14:49,847 --> 00:14:52,056 Feels like we've gone to warp. 192 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:55,894 Explain yourself. What do you know about my abductors? 193 00:14:56,103 --> 00:14:58,104 We thought they were cargo pilots. 194 00:14:58,314 --> 00:15:00,565 They claimed you were their passenger. 195 00:15:00,774 --> 00:15:02,358 I am their prisoner. 196 00:15:02,568 --> 00:15:04,527 I was returning from a diplomatic mission 197 00:15:04,695 --> 00:15:09,282 when they attacked my transport, murdered my guards. 198 00:15:10,826 --> 00:15:14,787 - You don't know who I am, do you? - Should I? 199 00:15:14,997 --> 00:15:17,874 My family is known on hundreds of worlds. 200 00:15:19,293 --> 00:15:22,837 Well, I'm afraid Earth isn't one of them. 201 00:15:23,047 --> 00:15:24,714 So I take it you're not a doctor. 202 00:15:24,924 --> 00:15:29,427 I am first monarch of the sovereign dynasty of Krios Prime. 203 00:15:30,012 --> 00:15:31,346 Oh. 204 00:15:32,306 --> 00:15:34,432 Charles Tucker III. 205 00:15:34,808 --> 00:15:36,517 Pleased to meet you. 206 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:39,479 - So what do these guys want? - Ransom. 207 00:15:39,688 --> 00:15:43,024 No doubt they'll demand a high price for my safe return. 208 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:45,443 Listen, my captain will be looking for me. 209 00:15:45,653 --> 00:15:48,947 All we have to do is get off this ship and let them know where we are. 210 00:15:49,156 --> 00:15:51,407 And how do you propose we do that? 211 00:15:51,617 --> 00:15:54,661 I saw a shuttlebay earlier. There were a couple of escape pods. 212 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:58,122 - You're not going anywhere. - I beg your pardon? 213 00:15:58,332 --> 00:16:01,584 We'll remain here until they contact the Sovereign Guard. 214 00:16:01,752 --> 00:16:04,754 Once the ransom has been paid, we'll be released. 215 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:08,091 Well, if it's all the same to you, I'd rather take my chances in space. 216 00:16:08,258 --> 00:16:11,552 It's too dangerous. If you leave, it would provoke them. 217 00:16:12,346 --> 00:16:16,307 If I remember right, this access tube leads to a junction near the shuttlebay. 218 00:16:16,517 --> 00:16:18,476 You are not to leave this chamber. 219 00:16:19,186 --> 00:16:23,147 With all due respect, I'm not one of your subjects. 220 00:16:32,032 --> 00:16:34,117 He's your partner. 221 00:16:34,618 --> 00:16:37,161 You must have some idea where he's going. 222 00:16:37,371 --> 00:16:40,039 Obviously, I'm his victim as well. 223 00:16:40,249 --> 00:16:42,208 Why else would he leave me here? 224 00:16:42,418 --> 00:16:44,502 Where were you taking your passenger? 225 00:16:45,462 --> 00:16:46,671 Goff had the coordinates. 226 00:16:47,214 --> 00:16:49,465 You don't even know what system you were heading for? 227 00:16:49,675 --> 00:16:53,720 It wasn't my responsibility. He was piloting the ship, not me. 228 00:16:53,929 --> 00:16:56,347 I spent most of my time looking after the cargo. 229 00:16:56,557 --> 00:17:02,478 Believe me, captain, I'm as eager to find my partner as you are. 230 00:17:06,525 --> 00:17:08,526 If that's true, 231 00:17:09,278 --> 00:17:12,071 then we could work together to track him down. 232 00:17:13,032 --> 00:17:14,657 I don't see how. 233 00:17:15,200 --> 00:17:17,160 We've got pretty good long-range sensors 234 00:17:17,369 --> 00:17:20,705 but your ship could be anywhere within a half dozen light years. 235 00:17:20,914 --> 00:17:23,875 It'd be a lot easier if we knew your warp frequency. 236 00:17:24,710 --> 00:17:27,420 Well, I'm afraid I can't help you with that. 237 00:17:27,629 --> 00:17:29,964 I know very little about warp engines. 238 00:17:31,425 --> 00:17:34,427 Take him back to Docking Port 2. 239 00:17:35,345 --> 00:17:38,222 Put him in the airlock and post a security detail. 240 00:17:38,432 --> 00:17:41,809 - I'm telling you the truth. - We'll keep the outer hatch unlocked. 241 00:17:42,019 --> 00:17:45,104 If you decide to leave, you know the way out. 242 00:17:51,570 --> 00:17:55,990 Could you hand me that circuit probe? The one with the green handle. 243 00:18:01,789 --> 00:18:03,581 You must be one hell of a diplomat. 244 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:06,751 Is your entire species so ill-mannered? 245 00:18:06,960 --> 00:18:09,712 No. Just me. 246 00:18:09,922 --> 00:18:11,756 You know, if you were thinking rationally, 247 00:18:11,924 --> 00:18:14,008 you'd be repairing that stasis pod. 248 00:18:14,218 --> 00:18:16,469 He did threaten to kill you. 249 00:18:16,678 --> 00:18:18,971 That's precisely why I'm getting out of here. 250 00:18:19,181 --> 00:18:23,059 I really doubt they're gonna keep me around once I've fixed their problem. 251 00:18:24,645 --> 00:18:26,354 You know, I realize someone in your position 252 00:18:26,522 --> 00:18:29,023 isn't used to taking advice from a guy like me, 253 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:31,192 but I strongly suggest you come along. 254 00:18:31,401 --> 00:18:34,612 He'd never harm me. I'm too valuable to them. 255 00:18:34,822 --> 00:18:37,573 I've been involved in a few hostage situations. 256 00:18:37,783 --> 00:18:39,742 They rarely turn out the way you expect. 257 00:18:42,246 --> 00:18:44,038 You're correct, Mr. Tucker. 258 00:18:44,248 --> 00:18:47,542 I don't take advice from people like you. 259 00:18:50,796 --> 00:18:54,757 You know, that stasis pod won't fix itself. 260 00:18:57,302 --> 00:18:59,303 Chances are you're gonna spend the next five months 261 00:18:59,471 --> 00:19:01,264 tied up in this grimy, little cargo hold. 262 00:19:01,473 --> 00:19:03,599 Not exactly my idea of a royal voyage. 263 00:19:03,809 --> 00:19:05,893 I'll be fine. 264 00:19:06,103 --> 00:19:07,603 When I get back to Enterprise, 265 00:19:07,813 --> 00:19:11,774 I'll make sure we get a message to your home world, Prios? 266 00:19:11,942 --> 00:19:15,945 - Krios Prime. - Take care. 267 00:19:17,447 --> 00:19:18,823 Once you've launched an escape pod, 268 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:21,450 what makes you think they won't destroy it? 269 00:19:21,660 --> 00:19:23,578 I'm gonna re-route their internal sensors. 270 00:19:23,787 --> 00:19:27,874 I'll be a million kilometers away before they know I'm gone. 271 00:19:28,083 --> 00:19:30,042 I'm much better company. 272 00:19:32,296 --> 00:19:36,048 - How much further? - Just a few more meters. 273 00:19:36,258 --> 00:19:38,134 Are you sure this is the right direction? 274 00:19:38,343 --> 00:19:40,720 Keep your voice down. 275 00:19:40,929 --> 00:19:43,639 What am I supposed to call you, anyway? 276 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:45,725 First monarch? 277 00:19:47,269 --> 00:19:50,479 - Your Highness? - Kaitaama. 278 00:19:51,523 --> 00:19:54,817 - What is that, some kind of title? - It's my name. 279 00:19:58,071 --> 00:19:59,280 What are you doing? 280 00:20:00,157 --> 00:20:02,867 These lead to internal sensors. 281 00:20:04,119 --> 00:20:05,578 [TRIP GRUNTING] 282 00:20:15,047 --> 00:20:16,255 We don't have all day. 283 00:20:31,563 --> 00:20:34,523 This is meant for one person. 284 00:20:34,733 --> 00:20:36,734 We'll have to make do. 285 00:20:37,194 --> 00:20:39,403 Unless you know how to fly one of these things. 286 00:21:26,493 --> 00:21:27,952 [RUMBLING] 287 00:21:30,789 --> 00:21:32,248 What was that? 288 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:34,792 We're crossing the subspace threshold. 289 00:21:38,297 --> 00:21:40,840 Huh. That wasn't so bad. 290 00:21:42,301 --> 00:21:44,468 KAITAAMA: What do you propose we do next? 291 00:21:44,678 --> 00:21:47,680 To be honest, I hadn't really thought about it. 292 00:21:47,889 --> 00:21:49,932 I assumed you had a plan. 293 00:21:50,142 --> 00:21:52,393 I was only joking. 294 00:21:52,936 --> 00:21:54,603 They do have humor where you come from? 295 00:21:54,771 --> 00:21:57,064 Among the commoners. 296 00:21:57,941 --> 00:21:59,108 Only joking. 297 00:21:59,776 --> 00:22:01,402 Mm. 298 00:22:01,611 --> 00:22:04,363 It's only a matter of time before they realize we're gone. 299 00:22:04,573 --> 00:22:06,907 No doubt they'll come about and look for us. 300 00:22:07,117 --> 00:22:09,327 - We need a place to hide. - Where? 301 00:22:11,371 --> 00:22:13,581 TRIP: If I'm translating this right, 302 00:22:13,790 --> 00:22:16,292 there's a system about 90 million kilometers from here. 303 00:22:16,501 --> 00:22:19,045 We should be able to reach it in a day or so. 304 00:22:19,254 --> 00:22:21,881 What makes you think any of those planets are habitable? 305 00:22:22,090 --> 00:22:24,508 Only one way to find out. 306 00:22:25,302 --> 00:22:27,470 Permission to set a course, Your Sovereignty? 307 00:22:28,930 --> 00:22:30,806 Proceed. 308 00:22:47,532 --> 00:22:49,909 This would be a whole lot easier if you'd stop moving around. 309 00:22:50,118 --> 00:22:53,412 - You're touching me. - I'm afraid I don't have much choice. 310 00:22:53,622 --> 00:22:56,415 It's inappropriate to touch the first monarch. 311 00:22:56,625 --> 00:22:58,834 You're welcome to step outside until I'm done. 312 00:23:01,046 --> 00:23:02,088 Excuse me. 313 00:23:02,881 --> 00:23:05,674 Here we go. Landing thrusters. 314 00:23:07,344 --> 00:23:08,552 No, wait, they're stabilizers. 315 00:23:08,762 --> 00:23:11,138 You have no idea how to control this vehicle. 316 00:23:11,348 --> 00:23:13,015 I'm working on it. 317 00:23:13,225 --> 00:23:15,267 Even if we do find a breathable atmosphere 318 00:23:15,435 --> 00:23:17,728 and you manage to land without killing us, 319 00:23:17,938 --> 00:23:20,648 what will we do about food, water? 320 00:23:20,857 --> 00:23:22,775 There could be hostile life forms on the surface. 321 00:23:22,984 --> 00:23:24,610 How will we protect ourselves? 322 00:23:24,820 --> 00:23:28,280 Look, I've got less than 24 hours to figure out how to scan a star system 323 00:23:28,448 --> 00:23:31,283 and program a descent sequence in a language I don't understand, 324 00:23:31,493 --> 00:23:34,412 and I'm not gonna get it done with you interrupting me every five seconds. 325 00:23:34,621 --> 00:23:38,249 So I'd appreciate it if you'd keep quiet until I'm finished. 326 00:23:39,793 --> 00:23:41,794 Now lift your butt. 327 00:23:42,003 --> 00:23:44,755 - My what? - Your behind, your rear end. 328 00:23:44,965 --> 00:23:46,424 I haven't checked that panel yet. 329 00:23:51,346 --> 00:23:52,638 KAITAAMA: Quickly. 330 00:23:53,723 --> 00:23:56,225 You know, you were a lot more pleasant in stasis. 331 00:23:59,104 --> 00:24:00,312 [GRUNTS] 332 00:24:01,815 --> 00:24:03,566 I think I found the landing thrusters. 333 00:24:08,572 --> 00:24:12,950 I understand how difficult this must be for someone of your upbringing 334 00:24:13,160 --> 00:24:15,202 but we could be stuck out here for a while. 335 00:24:15,412 --> 00:24:17,746 We should find a way to get along. 336 00:24:18,915 --> 00:24:19,999 [GRUNTS] 337 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,126 I'm willing to give it a try if you are. 338 00:24:23,253 --> 00:24:24,295 My hand. 339 00:24:25,464 --> 00:24:27,131 You're sitting on my hand. 340 00:24:31,553 --> 00:24:33,554 I'll try. 341 00:24:50,030 --> 00:24:54,158 The prisoner, sir, as ordered. 342 00:25:00,332 --> 00:25:01,582 Thank you. 343 00:25:01,791 --> 00:25:04,251 REED: Will there be anything else, captain? 344 00:25:04,461 --> 00:25:07,463 Not right now, lieutenant. Dismissed. 345 00:25:12,427 --> 00:25:13,469 Have a seat. 346 00:25:15,889 --> 00:25:17,348 Why have I been brought here? 347 00:25:18,642 --> 00:25:19,975 Sit down. 348 00:25:24,022 --> 00:25:26,941 I already told you everything I know. 349 00:25:27,150 --> 00:25:29,318 We're not here to talk about your partner. 350 00:25:29,528 --> 00:25:30,945 We're here to talk about you. 351 00:25:32,197 --> 00:25:33,322 What about me? 352 00:25:34,157 --> 00:25:38,035 You're facing some very serious charges, Mr. Plinn. 353 00:25:38,245 --> 00:25:39,787 Where we come from, 354 00:25:39,955 --> 00:25:42,331 criminals are held accountable for their actions. 355 00:25:42,541 --> 00:25:45,459 If they're found guilty, they're punished. 356 00:25:46,795 --> 00:25:50,089 This is where your tribunal is going to take place. 357 00:25:50,298 --> 00:25:54,134 Tribunal? I am not subject to your laws. 358 00:25:54,344 --> 00:25:55,886 That's not for me to decide. 359 00:26:01,601 --> 00:26:05,896 Starfleet asked the Vulcan High Command 360 00:26:06,106 --> 00:26:09,441 to assign a judicial administrator to Enterprise, 361 00:26:09,651 --> 00:26:11,735 someone who wouldn't be swayed by human emotion, 362 00:26:11,945 --> 00:26:14,488 someone objective, logical. 363 00:26:14,698 --> 00:26:16,448 From what I understand, Sub-commander T'Pol 364 00:26:16,616 --> 00:26:18,742 has already reviewed the evidence. 365 00:26:18,952 --> 00:26:24,623 This tribunal is nothing more than a formality. 366 00:26:25,375 --> 00:26:29,253 I thought you should be prepared. 367 00:26:30,547 --> 00:26:33,507 Her punishments can be 368 00:26:34,301 --> 00:26:35,342 severe. 369 00:26:36,303 --> 00:26:37,511 How severe? 370 00:26:38,305 --> 00:26:42,266 If you're late for your shift, you might receive a beating. 371 00:26:42,809 --> 00:26:45,728 But for more grievous offenses, 372 00:26:45,937 --> 00:26:50,524 dereliction of duty, conduct unbecoming an officer... 373 00:26:51,401 --> 00:26:52,901 [SIGHS] 374 00:26:53,445 --> 00:26:57,990 We started out with 83 crewmen onboard. 375 00:27:00,493 --> 00:27:02,202 We're down to 76. 376 00:27:02,412 --> 00:27:04,788 But I haven't done anything wrong. 377 00:27:04,998 --> 00:27:08,125 Accessory to kidnapping, resisting arrest, 378 00:27:08,335 --> 00:27:13,005 obstruction of an investigation, causing damage to a Starfleet vessel. 379 00:27:13,214 --> 00:27:14,923 What damage? 380 00:27:15,133 --> 00:27:17,718 When your partner fled, he released a cloud of dilithium hydroxyls 381 00:27:17,886 --> 00:27:20,429 - that clogged our plasma vents. - I had nothing to do with that. 382 00:27:20,597 --> 00:27:24,391 As I said, I'm not the one you have to convince. 383 00:27:24,559 --> 00:27:25,851 [DOOR BEEPS] 384 00:27:32,609 --> 00:27:34,318 Sub-commander. 385 00:27:35,612 --> 00:27:38,322 Has the accused been informed of the charges? 386 00:27:38,531 --> 00:27:39,698 Yes, ma'am. 387 00:27:44,037 --> 00:27:45,829 How much do you weigh? 388 00:27:46,039 --> 00:27:47,456 What? 389 00:27:49,167 --> 00:27:50,459 Your weight. 390 00:27:51,002 --> 00:27:53,045 72 kilograms. 391 00:27:55,131 --> 00:27:57,883 - Height? - 1.8 meters. 392 00:27:58,093 --> 00:28:00,260 Why are you asking these questions? 393 00:28:00,470 --> 00:28:04,056 Does your culture observe any postmortem rituals? 394 00:28:04,265 --> 00:28:06,350 This is not fair. 395 00:28:06,559 --> 00:28:08,894 I demand to speak with someone from my government. 396 00:28:10,355 --> 00:28:12,231 He's got a point. 397 00:28:12,440 --> 00:28:15,275 We've never tried an alien before. 398 00:28:15,485 --> 00:28:18,070 Maybe we should contact the High Command. 399 00:28:19,030 --> 00:28:21,532 They've granted me complete autonomy in these matters. 400 00:28:21,741 --> 00:28:25,369 If I had to consult my superiors every time I made a ruling, 401 00:28:25,870 --> 00:28:27,746 it would defeat my purpose here. 402 00:28:28,790 --> 00:28:30,666 We'll convene at 1800 hours. 403 00:28:30,834 --> 00:28:32,626 As you wish. 404 00:28:38,550 --> 00:28:40,592 You can't allow this. 405 00:28:40,802 --> 00:28:43,721 - There's nothing I can do. - But you're the captain. 406 00:28:44,264 --> 00:28:45,764 [SIGHS] 407 00:28:47,934 --> 00:28:51,186 She owes me a few favors. 408 00:28:52,731 --> 00:28:55,524 I can't promise anything 409 00:28:57,026 --> 00:28:58,944 but I'd be willing to ask for leniency. 410 00:29:00,488 --> 00:29:03,824 Of course, I'd want something in return. 411 00:29:04,576 --> 00:29:08,662 We still haven't found a way to locate your vessel. 412 00:29:10,540 --> 00:29:13,834 If you could remember that warp frequency? 413 00:29:24,971 --> 00:29:28,474 Are there any provisions? I'm hungry. 414 00:29:28,683 --> 00:29:31,143 You might check that storage compartment above your head. 415 00:29:31,352 --> 00:29:33,061 You do it. 416 00:29:33,354 --> 00:29:35,022 I'm busy. 417 00:29:40,820 --> 00:29:43,822 If you find any water up there, I could use some. 418 00:29:46,284 --> 00:29:47,409 Thanks. 419 00:29:55,752 --> 00:29:57,461 Allow me. 420 00:30:01,841 --> 00:30:04,218 I'm not contagious. 421 00:30:11,559 --> 00:30:13,852 Is it edible? 422 00:30:18,066 --> 00:30:21,193 Well, depends how hungry you are. 423 00:30:26,241 --> 00:30:28,283 It reminds me of my first car. 424 00:30:28,827 --> 00:30:30,369 Car? 425 00:30:31,079 --> 00:30:32,955 A four-wheeled vehicle. 426 00:30:33,665 --> 00:30:35,874 It wasn't much bigger than this. 427 00:30:37,252 --> 00:30:40,712 All we're missing is the ocean breeze coming off the gulf. 428 00:30:41,256 --> 00:30:45,676 I used to drive out to a place called Chatkin Point, 429 00:30:45,885 --> 00:30:48,303 park along the shoreline, 430 00:30:49,681 --> 00:30:52,099 and stare at the moon with my girlfriend. 431 00:30:54,435 --> 00:30:58,230 Don't worry. I won't make a pass at you. 432 00:30:58,439 --> 00:31:01,066 The Sovereign Guard would cut off one of your hands. 433 00:31:02,110 --> 00:31:04,236 You must be a fun date. 434 00:31:05,238 --> 00:31:08,407 The first monarch doesn't socialize with the opposite sex. 435 00:31:09,909 --> 00:31:11,535 You've never been on a date? 436 00:31:13,329 --> 00:31:17,583 Four years ago, before I was selected to ascend first monarch, 437 00:31:17,792 --> 00:31:22,004 I was courted by young men from many noble families. 438 00:31:23,214 --> 00:31:28,135 Now I spend my personal time in the company of my father's advisors. 439 00:31:29,596 --> 00:31:31,638 Sounds kind of lonely. 440 00:31:33,391 --> 00:31:35,392 You haven't finished your work. 441 00:31:51,618 --> 00:31:53,118 KAITAAMA: It's all water. 442 00:31:53,286 --> 00:31:55,120 There's a chain of islands near the equator. 443 00:31:55,330 --> 00:31:57,497 Will we be able to breathe? 444 00:31:57,707 --> 00:31:59,583 Oxygen, nitrogen, a trace of methane. 445 00:32:00,585 --> 00:32:04,129 - Nothing we can't handle. - Do you detect any life forms? 446 00:32:04,339 --> 00:32:06,673 If I could figure out how to use the bio-sensors. 447 00:32:06,883 --> 00:32:09,468 Are you certain we have the correct planet? 448 00:32:09,636 --> 00:32:12,304 It's the only one with an atmosphere. 449 00:32:14,515 --> 00:32:16,350 You may begin our descent. 450 00:32:16,976 --> 00:32:19,478 Well, let's hope I get this right. 451 00:32:27,862 --> 00:32:28,904 [RUMBLING] 452 00:32:29,072 --> 00:32:31,406 We're entering the thermosphere. 453 00:32:32,408 --> 00:32:34,660 - The port stabilizer's down. - Can you repair it? 454 00:32:34,869 --> 00:32:38,497 No. But the starboard one should keep us on course. 455 00:32:45,129 --> 00:32:48,215 - Mr. Tucker. - So far, so good. 456 00:32:49,175 --> 00:32:50,550 Eight thousand meters. 457 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:51,969 I think they're meters. 458 00:32:52,136 --> 00:32:54,012 Seven thousand. 459 00:32:55,640 --> 00:32:58,266 I'm pretty sure the braking thrusters are firing. 460 00:32:58,476 --> 00:33:00,018 Five thousand meters. 461 00:33:00,228 --> 00:33:02,688 You might wanna grab hold of something. 462 00:33:09,696 --> 00:33:11,738 Two thousand meters. 463 00:33:12,573 --> 00:33:13,615 One thousand. 464 00:33:16,536 --> 00:33:17,661 Hold on. 465 00:33:17,829 --> 00:33:19,496 [GRUNTING] 466 00:33:20,957 --> 00:33:22,165 You all right? 467 00:33:22,375 --> 00:33:24,710 - What is that? - Damned if I know. 468 00:34:00,872 --> 00:34:02,748 This heat is unbearable. 469 00:34:02,957 --> 00:34:06,376 It's nothing compared to a summer in the Everglades. 470 00:34:07,003 --> 00:34:09,629 At least there aren't any mosquitoes. 471 00:34:10,715 --> 00:34:11,965 Whoa. 472 00:34:12,383 --> 00:34:15,302 - Where are we going? - Over there. 473 00:34:15,511 --> 00:34:17,804 Looks like a good place to set up camp. 474 00:34:18,014 --> 00:34:20,682 Your vessel will never find us here. 475 00:34:20,892 --> 00:34:23,602 TRIP: Don't underestimate Captain Archer. 476 00:34:36,783 --> 00:34:38,241 You're bleeding. 477 00:34:38,743 --> 00:34:41,286 - It's just a scratch. - Remove your uniform. 478 00:34:41,496 --> 00:34:42,913 I'll take care of it later. 479 00:34:43,539 --> 00:34:46,208 We have no idea what microbes live in this environment. 480 00:34:46,417 --> 00:34:49,002 - It could become infected. - I said later. 481 00:34:49,212 --> 00:34:52,005 You're my only hope of surviving here, Mr. Tucker. 482 00:34:52,215 --> 00:34:54,549 I don't intend to let you die. 483 00:34:54,717 --> 00:34:56,259 [SIGHS] 484 00:35:25,623 --> 00:35:27,249 This one. 485 00:35:33,881 --> 00:35:36,508 - Aah! - Hold still. 486 00:35:37,301 --> 00:35:39,845 The provisions won't last for more than a day. 487 00:35:41,389 --> 00:35:43,890 Sounds like there's plenty of wildlife. 488 00:35:44,100 --> 00:35:46,768 I grew up in a place kind of like this. 489 00:35:46,978 --> 00:35:49,104 I don't think we're gonna starve. 490 00:35:49,981 --> 00:35:53,608 And I can use a thruster or something from the pod to start a fire, 491 00:35:53,818 --> 00:35:55,735 boil some water. 492 00:35:59,323 --> 00:36:00,365 Thanks. 493 00:36:01,159 --> 00:36:02,617 You're welcome. 494 00:36:16,090 --> 00:36:20,177 - That's the best you could do? - There's very little dry wood. 495 00:36:20,553 --> 00:36:21,595 Keep looking. 496 00:36:26,601 --> 00:36:29,853 - What are you waiting for? - I'm not your servant. 497 00:36:30,062 --> 00:36:33,023 You are the one who was raised in a primitive environment. 498 00:36:33,232 --> 00:36:35,317 You find the wood. 499 00:36:35,860 --> 00:36:37,319 What's that supposed to mean? 500 00:36:37,528 --> 00:36:39,946 You're obviously better suited to physical labor. 501 00:36:40,156 --> 00:36:42,657 In case you haven't noticed, we're not in a palace. 502 00:36:42,867 --> 00:36:45,869 You said it yourself. You won't survive without my help, 503 00:36:46,078 --> 00:36:47,871 so it seems to me that I'm the one in charge. 504 00:36:48,039 --> 00:36:50,290 The king of the swamp. Now get your ass out there 505 00:36:50,458 --> 00:36:52,417 and don't come back without an armful of dry wood. 506 00:36:52,585 --> 00:36:55,503 I should have you imprisoned for speaking to me that way. 507 00:36:55,713 --> 00:36:59,049 You should give me a medal. You'd be dead if it weren't for me. 508 00:36:59,258 --> 00:37:01,426 I'm beginning to think that would be preferable. 509 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:04,054 I doubt the commoners back home would complain. 510 00:37:04,222 --> 00:37:05,722 [BOTH GRUNTING] 511 00:37:10,102 --> 00:37:11,603 How dare you? 512 00:37:11,812 --> 00:37:13,730 You're the one who took a swing at me. 513 00:37:13,940 --> 00:37:15,607 You insulted the first monarch. 514 00:37:15,816 --> 00:37:19,152 I'm just a petty commoner, remember? Raised on a primitive... 515 00:37:50,476 --> 00:37:52,811 [DEVICE BEEPING] 516 00:38:20,589 --> 00:38:22,841 - What's wrong? - A homing beacon. 517 00:38:23,050 --> 00:38:26,094 Unless I'm way off, someone just locked on to it. 518 00:38:26,304 --> 00:38:29,723 - Your vessel? - No way to tell. 519 00:39:17,104 --> 00:39:18,521 [BOTH GRUNTING AND SHOUTING] 520 00:39:26,280 --> 00:39:27,530 [LAUGHING] 521 00:39:27,698 --> 00:39:28,823 [SHOUTS] 522 00:39:36,290 --> 00:39:37,957 [SHOUTING] 523 00:39:41,462 --> 00:39:42,879 [SHOUTS] 524 00:39:50,679 --> 00:39:52,055 Leave him. 525 00:39:59,814 --> 00:40:01,231 [GROANS] 526 00:40:08,572 --> 00:40:10,698 Let's find his weapon. 527 00:40:15,830 --> 00:40:18,289 There's someone else here. 528 00:40:36,725 --> 00:40:38,726 ARCHER: Trip? 529 00:40:42,106 --> 00:40:43,648 This a bad time? 530 00:40:50,823 --> 00:40:54,868 Captain's starlog, September 12th, 2152. 531 00:40:55,077 --> 00:40:57,829 We've rendezvoused with a Krios battle cruiser, 532 00:40:58,038 --> 00:41:00,957 which has taken the kidnappers into custody. 533 00:41:01,500 --> 00:41:03,334 So when do you ascend? 534 00:41:03,544 --> 00:41:06,421 Two hundred and 46 days. 535 00:41:07,006 --> 00:41:09,841 It's a longshot but maybe Enterprise will get the chance 536 00:41:10,009 --> 00:41:12,760 to visit Krios Prime before then. 537 00:41:12,970 --> 00:41:15,013 Of course, from what you've told me, 538 00:41:15,222 --> 00:41:17,265 I doubt your family would let me see you. 539 00:41:17,475 --> 00:41:19,434 I doubt they would. 540 00:41:19,643 --> 00:41:22,228 But once I've been made first monarch, 541 00:41:22,438 --> 00:41:26,524 I'll have the authority to change the rules. 542 00:41:27,526 --> 00:41:29,694 What kind of changes? 543 00:41:29,904 --> 00:41:31,863 Come visit me. 544 00:41:32,615 --> 00:41:34,949 Perhaps you'll find out. 545 00:41:39,371 --> 00:41:40,705 [DOOR OPENS] 546 00:41:47,546 --> 00:42:54,237 [DOOR CLOSES]