1 00:00:11,886 --> 00:00:15,222 These are at least 300 years older than the ones in the last chamber. 2 00:00:15,432 --> 00:00:17,182 You sure you can't read any of this? 3 00:00:17,392 --> 00:00:20,185 Nope. How about you? 4 00:00:23,231 --> 00:00:26,734 Well, I think this says, "Tall guys are popular." 5 00:00:26,943 --> 00:00:29,528 - You're a budding linguist. - Heh, heh. 6 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:32,031 Let's get a shot of that one. 7 00:00:38,329 --> 00:00:41,457 - I wonder what happened to them. - It is kind of weird. 8 00:00:41,666 --> 00:00:43,959 Not a single bio-sign on the entire planet. 9 00:00:48,715 --> 00:00:49,715 Tucker. 10 00:00:49,924 --> 00:00:51,425 You about finished down there, Trip? 11 00:00:51,634 --> 00:00:53,427 You can't believe these ruins, sir. 12 00:00:53,636 --> 00:00:55,637 We've been through two dozen chambers. 13 00:00:55,847 --> 00:00:57,681 No telling how many more there are. 14 00:00:57,891 --> 00:01:00,225 I'm afraid you're not gonna find out today. 15 00:01:00,435 --> 00:01:02,978 That storm we told you about hasn't changed course. 16 00:01:03,563 --> 00:01:06,398 You and Hoshi are gonna need to get back to Enterprise. 17 00:01:06,608 --> 00:01:08,776 We'll just finish up with Mr. Tall-and-Popular. 18 00:01:08,985 --> 00:01:12,029 We should be back to the shuttlepod in five, six minutes. 19 00:01:12,614 --> 00:01:15,741 Don't take any longer than that. Archer out. 20 00:01:15,950 --> 00:01:19,286 Captain, we have another storm. 21 00:01:19,496 --> 00:01:21,205 Another one? 22 00:01:25,085 --> 00:01:27,336 The discharges are more intense. 23 00:01:27,545 --> 00:01:29,880 - It's a good deal bigger. - And stronger. 24 00:01:30,090 --> 00:01:32,091 It's pushing the first storm through these mountains 25 00:01:32,300 --> 00:01:34,343 at twice the speed it was moving a few minutes ago. 26 00:01:34,552 --> 00:01:39,515 They're diamagnetic storms, captain, saturated with polaric energy. 27 00:01:41,309 --> 00:01:42,351 This is the shuttle? 28 00:01:42,560 --> 00:01:45,270 Less than ten kilometers from the first storm. 29 00:01:49,818 --> 00:01:51,527 You may not be able to see it yet, 30 00:01:51,736 --> 00:01:54,071 but it'll be coming through the mountain pass to the north. 31 00:01:54,280 --> 00:01:56,907 We can see it just fine, captain. 32 00:01:57,117 --> 00:02:00,285 The storms are throwing up too much interference into the atmosphere. 33 00:02:00,495 --> 00:02:01,995 The shuttle's out of the question. 34 00:02:03,581 --> 00:02:06,375 Captain, these ruins have very thick walls. 35 00:02:06,584 --> 00:02:08,418 I'm sure we'll be safe inside. 36 00:02:08,628 --> 00:02:12,047 I'm afraid we're not talking about thunderclouds, Hoshi. 37 00:02:12,257 --> 00:02:16,051 A polaric burst that could short-circuit a shuttlepod 38 00:02:16,386 --> 00:02:18,512 could do a lot worse to your nervous system. 39 00:02:18,721 --> 00:02:21,640 But, sir, these buildings are over 4,000 years old. 40 00:02:21,850 --> 00:02:24,268 I'm sure they've survived hundreds of these storms. 41 00:02:24,477 --> 00:02:27,729 I've sent Malcolm down to the transporter. 42 00:02:27,939 --> 00:02:31,191 We're going to need to bring you up one at a time. 43 00:02:31,401 --> 00:02:33,360 Couldn't we wait it out inside the shuttle? 44 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:34,945 Polarize the hull plating. 45 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:39,032 That would most likely attract a polaric discharge. 46 00:02:39,325 --> 00:02:40,742 You have to do this, Hoshi. 47 00:02:40,952 --> 00:02:42,119 There's no choice. 48 00:02:42,328 --> 00:02:45,455 I'll need you clear of the structure, one at a time. 49 00:02:45,665 --> 00:02:47,875 Understood, captain. 50 00:02:55,049 --> 00:02:57,301 - Ladies first. - Have you ever done this? 51 00:02:57,510 --> 00:02:58,719 No, but the captain has. 52 00:02:58,928 --> 00:03:01,305 And Malcolm did it twice. They said there's nothing to it. 53 00:03:01,723 --> 00:03:03,974 Your molecules get pulled apart. 54 00:03:04,934 --> 00:03:06,727 Then they get put back together again. 55 00:03:06,936 --> 00:03:08,854 Do you know how many molecules you're made up of? 56 00:03:09,898 --> 00:03:11,690 - Lots. - All right, how many? 57 00:03:11,900 --> 00:03:12,941 A few trillion. 58 00:03:13,276 --> 00:03:14,985 That's a pretty big jigsaw puzzle. 59 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:17,404 What if some of the pieces get put in the wrong place? 60 00:03:17,614 --> 00:03:19,448 You know, I bet a lot of them look real similar. 61 00:03:19,657 --> 00:03:22,826 Starfleet said it's safe. That's good enough for me. 62 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,329 Okay, okay, but you go first, 63 00:03:25,538 --> 00:03:28,207 and if you get to Enterprise in one piece, I'll be right behind you. 64 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:29,917 Fair enough. 65 00:03:41,262 --> 00:03:44,431 - Tucker to Enterprise. - I read you, commander. 66 00:03:44,641 --> 00:03:46,516 Ready to go. 67 00:03:54,400 --> 00:03:57,236 - Commander? - Safe and sound. 68 00:03:57,445 --> 00:03:58,779 I'm on my way, sir. 69 00:04:09,457 --> 00:04:13,210 Ensign Sato ready for transport. 70 00:04:25,139 --> 00:04:26,598 Welcome to the club. 71 00:04:26,808 --> 00:04:28,058 How do those molecules feel? 72 00:04:28,393 --> 00:04:29,726 All in the right place? 73 00:04:29,936 --> 00:04:31,895 I'll let you know. 74 00:06:27,053 --> 00:06:28,678 Come in. 75 00:06:30,556 --> 00:06:32,140 No worse for the wear, ensign? 76 00:06:32,350 --> 00:06:33,975 I guess you could say that, sir. 77 00:06:34,185 --> 00:06:36,978 I'll be at my post in a few minutes. I just wanna clean up and change. 78 00:06:37,188 --> 00:06:39,564 I think you've had enough excitement for one afternoon. 79 00:06:39,774 --> 00:06:41,525 The morning will be fine. 80 00:06:41,734 --> 00:06:42,776 Thank you. 81 00:06:43,611 --> 00:06:46,947 I assume you and Trip will wanna finish your survey tomorrow, 82 00:06:47,156 --> 00:06:49,491 - weather permitting. - Sir? 83 00:06:49,700 --> 00:06:51,868 You left a shuttlepod down there, remember? 84 00:06:52,078 --> 00:06:53,578 Somebody's gotta go back and get it. 85 00:06:53,788 --> 00:06:55,705 I'm sure Commander Tucker can find someone else 86 00:06:55,915 --> 00:06:57,374 to hold the second flash unit. 87 00:06:58,042 --> 00:07:00,502 You wouldn't be using the transporter, Hoshi. 88 00:07:00,711 --> 00:07:02,337 You'd be taking the other pod. 89 00:07:03,464 --> 00:07:06,800 - I don't wanna get lost. - Lost? 90 00:07:11,597 --> 00:07:15,225 Too much excitement for one day. I could really use some rest, sir. 91 00:07:16,978 --> 00:07:18,728 See you in the morning. 92 00:07:25,945 --> 00:07:28,488 So he tells her it was merely a warp imbalance. 93 00:07:28,698 --> 00:07:30,907 That's a lie, Malcolm. 94 00:07:31,117 --> 00:07:33,452 We all heard it, commander. There's no use pretending. 95 00:07:33,661 --> 00:07:35,245 - Come on, Travis. - Anyone sitting here? 96 00:07:35,455 --> 00:07:36,705 A Vulcan would see through that one. 97 00:07:36,914 --> 00:07:37,914 That's what you said. 98 00:07:38,124 --> 00:07:40,834 No, no, no. 99 00:07:41,043 --> 00:07:44,671 - Is anyone sitting here? - No, please. 100 00:07:45,965 --> 00:07:47,382 So, what was it like? 101 00:07:47,592 --> 00:07:50,177 Travis, let her eat her supper. 102 00:07:50,386 --> 00:07:51,720 It was very unsettling. 103 00:07:52,513 --> 00:07:54,639 Didn't you find it unsettling? 104 00:07:54,849 --> 00:07:58,560 Oh, for a minute or two, but once I counted my fingers and toes... 105 00:07:59,061 --> 00:08:01,855 I don't know, I just don't feel right. 106 00:08:02,648 --> 00:08:04,608 Well, it's probably that storm. 107 00:08:04,817 --> 00:08:06,651 You don't forget things like that too quickly. 108 00:08:06,861 --> 00:08:10,030 It's not the storms. It's the transporter. 109 00:08:10,239 --> 00:08:13,325 I don't feel like myself since I went through it. 110 00:08:13,618 --> 00:08:16,077 I need to check the medical database and find out what happened 111 00:08:16,287 --> 00:08:18,538 to the people they used when they were testing that thing. 112 00:08:18,748 --> 00:08:20,874 You mean other than Cyrus Ramsey? 113 00:08:22,001 --> 00:08:23,335 Cyrus Ramsey? 114 00:08:24,086 --> 00:08:26,421 Don't tell me you don't know about poor Cyrus. 115 00:08:26,631 --> 00:08:27,964 Am I supposed to? 116 00:08:28,466 --> 00:08:30,884 You can't go on a survival overnight without hearing a story 117 00:08:31,093 --> 00:08:34,012 about someone seeing Ramsey's molecules re-materializing 118 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:35,263 on a foggy night. 119 00:08:37,016 --> 00:08:38,058 What happened to him? 120 00:08:38,643 --> 00:08:41,061 Next thing you'll tell us you never heard of the Easter bunny. 121 00:08:41,479 --> 00:08:42,771 What happened to him? 122 00:08:45,149 --> 00:08:50,529 Madison, Wisconsin. May, I think, 2146. 123 00:08:50,738 --> 00:08:54,115 He was a test subject for the first long-range transport, 124 00:08:54,325 --> 00:08:57,077 just 100 meters. 125 00:08:57,578 --> 00:09:01,039 Something went wrong with the pattern buffer. 126 00:09:01,249 --> 00:09:03,583 He never re-materialized. 127 00:09:04,835 --> 00:09:08,421 Come on, Hoshi, everybody's heard of Cyrus Ramsey. 128 00:09:08,631 --> 00:09:11,299 I must have fallen asleep before the ghost stories. 129 00:09:12,301 --> 00:09:14,177 Where did you do your survival training? 130 00:09:14,387 --> 00:09:16,763 Death Valley, California. 131 00:09:16,973 --> 00:09:21,226 Middle of July, naturally. You? 132 00:09:21,435 --> 00:09:25,605 Captain and I were in the same group. Alice Springs, Australia. 133 00:09:25,815 --> 00:09:27,774 Never saw so many flies in my life. 134 00:09:28,359 --> 00:09:30,235 The biting kind. 135 00:09:32,071 --> 00:09:33,071 Tucker. 136 00:09:33,281 --> 00:09:34,281 The storms are breaking up. 137 00:09:34,490 --> 00:09:37,075 I don't think we'll have any trouble getting you down in the morning. 138 00:09:37,285 --> 00:09:39,828 Travis was just telling me he'd like to see the ruins. 139 00:09:40,037 --> 00:09:42,163 Well, I don't think Hoshi will be joining you. 140 00:09:42,373 --> 00:09:44,207 I'll need a pilot to bring the other pod back. 141 00:09:44,417 --> 00:09:48,336 Travis, it is. I'll see you both in the morning. Archer out. 142 00:09:48,796 --> 00:09:50,380 Never say I don't take you anywhere. 143 00:09:50,590 --> 00:09:52,924 You don't take me anywhere. 144 00:09:55,803 --> 00:09:57,679 See you later. 145 00:10:02,184 --> 00:10:03,810 Doctor? 146 00:10:05,521 --> 00:10:07,522 Dr. Phlox? 147 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:19,242 - Hello? - Ensign. 148 00:10:20,453 --> 00:10:21,703 Something I can do for you? 149 00:10:22,330 --> 00:10:24,372 I just looked in there. Were you in there? 150 00:10:24,582 --> 00:10:25,624 Did you hear me come in? 151 00:10:25,833 --> 00:10:28,668 I was feeding my leeches. Are you all right? 152 00:10:29,879 --> 00:10:30,962 You didn't hear me. 153 00:10:31,631 --> 00:10:33,506 I'm right here, ensign. 154 00:10:33,716 --> 00:10:34,966 Are you not feeling well? 155 00:10:35,593 --> 00:10:38,136 No, I'm not feeling well. 156 00:10:38,971 --> 00:10:43,683 I de-materialized and then I re-materialized, 157 00:10:44,644 --> 00:10:46,686 and, no, I'm not feeling well. 158 00:10:46,896 --> 00:10:48,480 I heard about your ordeal on the surface. 159 00:10:48,689 --> 00:10:50,774 Those storms sounded terrifying. 160 00:10:51,525 --> 00:10:53,943 Doctor, I'm not talking about the storms. 161 00:10:54,153 --> 00:10:55,945 I'm talking about my molecules. 162 00:10:57,615 --> 00:11:00,742 Come sit down. Let's take a look. 163 00:11:11,045 --> 00:11:13,672 It would take me a while to account for every molecule, 164 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:15,507 but you appear to be in one piece. 165 00:11:16,258 --> 00:11:19,094 I don't think you're in danger of becoming the next Cyrus Ramsey. 166 00:11:19,845 --> 00:11:21,971 Don't tell me they talk about him on Denobula. 167 00:11:22,181 --> 00:11:24,724 Oh, I spent nearly nine months on Earth, remember? 168 00:11:25,685 --> 00:11:27,560 I just don't feel right. 169 00:11:27,770 --> 00:11:31,564 Ever since the transport, I've been shaky, not myself. 170 00:11:32,149 --> 00:11:34,401 Not a single bio-molecular anomaly. 171 00:11:34,610 --> 00:11:36,319 No? How about this? 172 00:11:38,030 --> 00:11:39,406 A subcutaneous pigmentation. 173 00:11:39,615 --> 00:11:42,575 It's not where it used to be. It was a good centimeter lower. 174 00:11:43,577 --> 00:11:45,495 Well, it looks lovely where it is now. 175 00:11:46,038 --> 00:11:47,622 It's not a joke, doctor. 176 00:11:48,499 --> 00:11:49,999 If that machine could move a birthmark, 177 00:11:50,209 --> 00:11:52,627 who knows what else it could do? 178 00:11:53,921 --> 00:11:55,630 I'm telling you, I don't feel right. 179 00:11:56,757 --> 00:12:00,009 I have a lot of animals to feed before bedtime. 180 00:12:00,219 --> 00:12:03,805 If I were you, I'd get a good night's sleep. Hmm? 181 00:12:16,902 --> 00:12:17,944 Hello? 182 00:12:18,154 --> 00:12:19,946 You're needed on the Bridge, ensign. 183 00:12:20,156 --> 00:12:22,490 - What time is it? - Eleven hundred hours. 184 00:12:22,700 --> 00:12:24,367 There's been an emergency. 185 00:12:24,577 --> 00:12:26,161 Eleven hundred hours? That's impossible. 186 00:12:26,370 --> 00:12:28,163 My shift starts at 0800. 187 00:12:28,372 --> 00:12:30,331 Now, ensign. 188 00:12:35,755 --> 00:12:37,630 I'm sorry, captain. I don't know what happened. 189 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:40,884 Tucker and Mayweather have been taken hostage. 190 00:12:41,135 --> 00:12:44,220 Trip got off a short message, but we haven't heard anything in the last hour. 191 00:12:44,430 --> 00:12:45,472 Taken hostage by who? 192 00:12:45,681 --> 00:12:48,391 The people down there didn't like you disturbing their ruins. 193 00:12:48,601 --> 00:12:51,227 People? There wasn't a bio-sign on the planet. 194 00:12:51,437 --> 00:12:55,273 The chambers you and Mr. Tucker photographed contained sacred relics. 195 00:12:55,483 --> 00:12:57,108 How could you possibly know that? 196 00:12:57,985 --> 00:12:59,235 Have you found their bio-signs? 197 00:12:59,445 --> 00:13:02,572 They're still in the complex. I'm trying to isolate the specific chamber. 198 00:13:03,991 --> 00:13:05,283 It's Mayweather's communicator. 199 00:13:09,038 --> 00:13:10,246 Go ahead, Travis. 200 00:13:15,961 --> 00:13:18,213 - Ensign? - I need more. 201 00:13:20,966 --> 00:13:24,219 This is Captain Archer of the starship Enterprise. 202 00:13:25,554 --> 00:13:28,723 We apologize if we've trespassed. 203 00:13:29,308 --> 00:13:31,684 My crewmen didn't mean any harm. 204 00:13:35,981 --> 00:13:38,316 I'm sorry, sir, it's not working. I'm gonna need more. 205 00:13:40,986 --> 00:13:42,946 Can I speak to one of my officers? 206 00:13:50,120 --> 00:13:52,038 It's not gonna get much better than that. 207 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:54,916 What's the problem? 208 00:13:57,127 --> 00:13:59,170 Maybe you should forget about the UT. 209 00:13:59,380 --> 00:14:00,839 Just try and talk to them. 210 00:14:18,274 --> 00:14:20,817 If I went back to the universal translator, maybe I could... 211 00:14:21,026 --> 00:14:24,070 You already tried that. Talk to them. 212 00:14:24,280 --> 00:14:26,406 - I can't. - Lives are at stake, ensign. 213 00:14:26,615 --> 00:14:29,617 I know. I don't understand what he's saying. 214 00:14:30,202 --> 00:14:32,745 I'm sorry. I'm sorry. 215 00:14:33,497 --> 00:14:35,707 No need to apologize. 216 00:14:35,916 --> 00:14:39,460 Why don't you go back to your quarters and get some rest? 217 00:14:39,670 --> 00:14:41,880 Captain, I realize I overslept. 218 00:14:42,089 --> 00:14:43,673 I don't know how it happened. 219 00:14:43,883 --> 00:14:46,926 But, please, I don't wanna go back to my quarters. 220 00:14:47,136 --> 00:14:49,137 - Take the com. - Aye, captain. 221 00:14:49,346 --> 00:14:50,930 Malcolm. 222 00:16:30,531 --> 00:16:32,490 Anyone sitting here? 223 00:16:35,244 --> 00:16:37,161 Sub-commander. 224 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:44,210 Ensign. Would you like to join me? 225 00:16:44,628 --> 00:16:46,337 Thank you. 226 00:16:50,759 --> 00:16:52,510 I would have thought you'd be on the Bridge. 227 00:16:52,970 --> 00:16:54,554 Why is that? 228 00:16:55,639 --> 00:16:57,765 Commander Tucker, Travis. 229 00:16:58,308 --> 00:17:01,477 The hostage situation was resolved. They're back on board. 230 00:17:02,396 --> 00:17:04,814 It's only been an hour since I left the Bridge. What happened? 231 00:17:05,024 --> 00:17:07,066 Crewman Baird deciphered their language. 232 00:17:07,276 --> 00:17:08,693 A simple bimodal syntax. 233 00:17:09,403 --> 00:17:10,945 I don't understand. How? 234 00:17:11,155 --> 00:17:12,947 With the universal translator. 235 00:17:13,157 --> 00:17:16,075 That's impossible. I ran every linguistic algorithm. 236 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:19,412 When the captain agreed to return the soil and rock samples, 237 00:17:19,621 --> 00:17:21,539 and destroy the photographs that were taken, 238 00:17:21,749 --> 00:17:23,291 the hostages were released. 239 00:17:25,461 --> 00:17:27,837 If we decrypted the language, I should get back to the Bridge. 240 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:29,839 The captain might want to speak with them again. 241 00:17:30,049 --> 00:17:31,049 Captain Archer has asked 242 00:17:31,258 --> 00:17:33,134 that you remain off duty for the time being. 243 00:17:33,594 --> 00:17:36,763 Crewman Baird has been placed in charge of communications. 244 00:17:45,272 --> 00:17:47,732 After lunch, you should take a look at the secondary couplings. 245 00:17:47,941 --> 00:17:49,484 - They need to be aligned. - Alison. 246 00:17:49,693 --> 00:17:51,319 Start on C-Deck, then work your way down. 247 00:17:51,528 --> 00:17:52,945 Yes, ma'am. 248 00:18:12,966 --> 00:18:14,383 The stream's too unstable. 249 00:18:14,593 --> 00:18:16,260 - Come on, Hoshi. - What? 250 00:18:16,470 --> 00:18:17,762 You can do it, ensign. 251 00:18:17,971 --> 00:18:19,931 It's as easy as one, two... 252 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:40,159 - Can you see me? - Ensign. 253 00:18:40,369 --> 00:18:42,411 Can you see me? 254 00:18:42,830 --> 00:18:45,873 Is there something in particular you'd like me to look at? 255 00:18:46,875 --> 00:18:50,878 Something's wrong, doctor. Something's very wrong. 256 00:18:51,088 --> 00:18:52,922 Ever since I used that transporter, 257 00:18:53,132 --> 00:18:55,925 nothing has been the way that it's supposed to be. 258 00:18:56,135 --> 00:19:00,596 I couldn't translate a simple bimodal syntax, but Crewman Baird could. 259 00:19:00,806 --> 00:19:03,850 Crewman Baird doesn't know the first thing about our linguistic database. 260 00:19:04,893 --> 00:19:08,563 And Captain Archer told me to stay in my quarters. 261 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:12,024 But my mirror doesn't want to give me a solid reflection, 262 00:19:12,234 --> 00:19:16,612 and my shower can't decide whether to bounce off me or go through me. 263 00:19:18,198 --> 00:19:20,616 And nobody wants to talk to me. 264 00:19:21,201 --> 00:19:24,162 Sometimes I think they don't even see that I'm there. 265 00:19:25,581 --> 00:19:28,332 The turbolift control won't even respond to me. 266 00:19:28,542 --> 00:19:30,459 Well, I see you, ensign. 267 00:19:30,669 --> 00:19:34,046 And the Sickbay doors responded when you came in. 268 00:19:36,216 --> 00:19:40,178 Transporter technology is very new. 269 00:19:40,429 --> 00:19:41,971 I'm sure humans were equally frightened 270 00:19:42,181 --> 00:19:45,766 when the automobile was introduced, or the airplane. 271 00:19:45,976 --> 00:19:48,895 New forms of transport take a while to get used to. 272 00:19:49,104 --> 00:19:50,813 I'm not at all surprised at your reaction. 273 00:19:51,023 --> 00:19:53,191 You wouldn't catch me using that apparatus. 274 00:19:54,276 --> 00:19:57,486 But I can promise you one thing. 275 00:19:57,696 --> 00:19:59,197 You're in perfect health. 276 00:19:59,406 --> 00:20:01,741 You're neither transparent nor porous. 277 00:20:02,826 --> 00:20:04,869 You won't put this in my medical record, will you? 278 00:20:05,078 --> 00:20:08,206 As far as I'm concerned, I didn't even see you come in here. 279 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:09,624 Not funny, doctor. 280 00:20:10,500 --> 00:20:12,585 I would like to give you a mild sedative. 281 00:20:12,794 --> 00:20:14,462 It'll help you get a good night's sleep. 282 00:20:14,671 --> 00:20:19,967 If it's all the same to you, the last thing I need right now is to be medicated. 283 00:20:20,177 --> 00:20:24,096 As you wish, but stop by in the morning, all right? 284 00:20:26,266 --> 00:20:29,101 First thing. Thank you, doctor. 285 00:20:42,950 --> 00:20:44,283 You're upside down, ensign. 286 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:48,996 I was taught never to contradict a superior officer. 287 00:20:49,206 --> 00:20:52,041 The captain told me what happened. Did they treat you all right? 288 00:20:52,251 --> 00:20:54,377 Didn't even tie us up. 289 00:20:54,586 --> 00:20:57,004 As soon as the captain promised to give them their stuff back, 290 00:20:57,214 --> 00:21:00,258 they walked us to the shuttlepods and away we went. 291 00:21:01,051 --> 00:21:04,345 I'm sorry I wasn't more helpful trying to translate. 292 00:21:04,554 --> 00:21:06,847 - I don't know what happened. - Well, we're safe and sound. 293 00:21:07,057 --> 00:21:09,141 That's all that matters. 294 00:21:09,893 --> 00:21:11,978 Have you tried this thing? 295 00:21:12,187 --> 00:21:14,438 I get motion sickness, remember? 296 00:21:17,818 --> 00:21:20,861 Have you felt okay since we were transported yesterday? 297 00:21:21,071 --> 00:21:23,572 Considering that I've been back down to the surface, 298 00:21:23,782 --> 00:21:25,950 kidnapped and released, 299 00:21:26,535 --> 00:21:29,078 I've probably had better days. 300 00:21:29,621 --> 00:21:31,330 Why, you not feeling well? 301 00:21:31,540 --> 00:21:33,708 I didn't think I was. 302 00:21:34,042 --> 00:21:37,962 But the doctor seems to feel my symptoms are psychological. 303 00:21:38,380 --> 00:21:39,880 What kind of symptoms? 304 00:21:40,465 --> 00:21:42,174 Just haven't been myself. 305 00:21:42,384 --> 00:21:44,719 Everything's a little off. 306 00:21:45,929 --> 00:21:47,596 Even the laws of physics. 307 00:21:47,806 --> 00:21:49,974 Well, in that case, you're right. 308 00:21:50,183 --> 00:21:51,642 You shouldn't get on this thing. 309 00:21:52,060 --> 00:21:54,979 The laws of physics don't apply in here, either. 310 00:21:58,442 --> 00:22:01,027 Sorry, just trying to cheer you up. 311 00:22:02,154 --> 00:22:03,821 It's okay. 312 00:22:04,031 --> 00:22:06,032 Phlox promises me I'll be fine. 313 00:22:06,241 --> 00:22:08,075 It's gonna be a while before any of us gets used 314 00:22:08,285 --> 00:22:12,330 to being taken apart and put back together again. 315 00:22:12,539 --> 00:22:16,042 Seems perfectly natural to be anxious about it. 316 00:22:16,251 --> 00:22:18,252 I hope it's just a question of being anxious. 317 00:22:19,629 --> 00:22:21,047 Well, what else could it be? 318 00:22:22,257 --> 00:22:24,884 I saw my reflection become transparent. 319 00:22:25,886 --> 00:22:28,804 I saw water pass right through my hand. 320 00:22:29,014 --> 00:22:32,975 I'm not convinced that the transporter put me back the way it's supposed to. 321 00:22:33,894 --> 00:22:36,937 All the king's horses and all the king's men. 322 00:22:37,147 --> 00:22:40,191 I can see why you might imagine the universe unraveling. 323 00:22:40,400 --> 00:22:42,902 If you're afraid you haven't been put back together right, 324 00:22:43,111 --> 00:22:45,404 why assume anything else makes sense? 325 00:22:46,406 --> 00:22:48,908 If I were you, I'd ask the doc for a sedative. 326 00:22:49,117 --> 00:22:51,994 Nothing like crawling into bed. 327 00:22:52,496 --> 00:22:55,081 - You men are all alike. - No, wait and see. 328 00:22:55,290 --> 00:22:58,084 A night's sleep will do you a world of good. 329 00:24:18,248 --> 00:24:19,665 Thank God you're here. 330 00:24:19,875 --> 00:24:21,208 I've been stuck in here for hours. 331 00:24:21,418 --> 00:24:23,752 - The door control isn't... - She was here last night. 332 00:24:23,962 --> 00:24:25,004 Right over there. 333 00:24:25,213 --> 00:24:26,297 Commander. 334 00:24:28,300 --> 00:24:31,218 - T'Pol to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 335 00:24:31,428 --> 00:24:33,596 Have the security details reported back? 336 00:24:33,805 --> 00:24:36,015 No sign of her yet. 337 00:24:37,642 --> 00:24:40,186 We've covered the forward section of C-Deck. 338 00:24:40,395 --> 00:24:41,729 She's not here. 339 00:24:41,938 --> 00:24:42,980 Yes, she is. 340 00:24:43,190 --> 00:24:45,357 Have you tried the bio-sensors again, captain? 341 00:24:45,567 --> 00:24:47,359 Still nothing. 342 00:24:47,569 --> 00:24:49,445 Well, I'll go take a look at them. 343 00:24:49,654 --> 00:24:51,489 I'm going to maintain our present orbit 344 00:24:51,698 --> 00:24:53,199 until Hoshi turns up. 345 00:24:53,408 --> 00:24:55,784 T'Pol, meet me in Sickbay right away. 346 00:24:55,994 --> 00:24:57,703 Yes, sir. 347 00:25:05,962 --> 00:25:08,589 She came to Sickbay after the incident with the storm, 348 00:25:08,798 --> 00:25:12,635 then a second time early last night. 349 00:25:12,844 --> 00:25:14,470 She wasn't feeling well? 350 00:25:14,679 --> 00:25:16,805 She said she felt shaky. 351 00:25:17,015 --> 00:25:19,350 You're aware that was the first time she'd ever transported. 352 00:25:19,559 --> 00:25:20,601 Quite aware. 353 00:25:20,810 --> 00:25:22,561 I believe that was the source of her anxiety. 354 00:25:22,771 --> 00:25:27,316 She was convinced her molecules hadn't been reassembled properly. 355 00:25:27,567 --> 00:25:29,735 I should have taken her more seriously. 356 00:25:29,945 --> 00:25:33,697 These are the bio-molecular scans I took during each of her two visits. 357 00:25:33,907 --> 00:25:36,992 They seemed perfectly normal at the time. 358 00:25:37,452 --> 00:25:38,702 When I heard she was missing, 359 00:25:38,912 --> 00:25:41,872 something made me take a closer look. 360 00:25:42,082 --> 00:25:45,042 You see these protein filaments? 361 00:25:45,794 --> 00:25:49,255 Now look at this. 362 00:25:54,553 --> 00:25:56,595 I'm gonna need some help here, Phlox. 363 00:25:56,805 --> 00:26:00,224 Look how much her subcellular membranes have degraded. 364 00:26:00,433 --> 00:26:02,434 These scans were taken less than 24 hours apart. 365 00:26:02,644 --> 00:26:05,062 It's virtually impossible. 366 00:26:05,480 --> 00:26:09,567 - What's impossible? - Ensign Sato wasn't imagining it. 367 00:26:09,818 --> 00:26:12,653 Her molecules are coming apart. 368 00:26:16,324 --> 00:26:18,826 It's the secondary phase coils. 369 00:26:19,035 --> 00:26:20,619 What about them? 370 00:26:20,829 --> 00:26:22,663 They're not aligning. 371 00:26:23,582 --> 00:26:26,166 They're not perfectly synchronized. 372 00:26:27,877 --> 00:26:30,296 Must have happened right after I came up from the surface. 373 00:26:30,505 --> 00:26:32,798 If they're not perfectly synchronized? 374 00:26:33,008 --> 00:26:35,426 The resequencing would start to dissipate. 375 00:26:35,635 --> 00:26:39,054 Within hours, she'll lose molecular cohesion. 376 00:26:39,347 --> 00:26:41,599 She didn't want to go first. 377 00:26:42,017 --> 00:26:44,602 I told her I wouldn't leave her alone with that storm coming, 378 00:26:44,811 --> 00:26:47,146 but she insisted on going second. 379 00:26:47,355 --> 00:26:51,150 She wanted to be sure it was working, that it was safe. 380 00:26:52,819 --> 00:26:54,987 I'm the one who should be missing. 381 00:26:55,196 --> 00:26:57,448 I told her to go first. 382 00:26:58,033 --> 00:26:59,533 She should have listened to me. 383 00:26:59,743 --> 00:27:01,410 It wasn't your fault. 384 00:27:01,620 --> 00:27:03,996 Take the transporter off-line 385 00:27:04,205 --> 00:27:06,790 and figure out what went wrong. 386 00:27:08,376 --> 00:27:11,170 Starfleet promised me this sort of thing wouldn't happen. 387 00:27:11,379 --> 00:27:12,546 Aye, sir. 388 00:27:12,756 --> 00:27:16,800 Captain, if there was a loss of molecular cohesion, 389 00:27:17,010 --> 00:27:21,722 I'm afraid we shouldn't be looking for Hoshi, per se. 390 00:27:22,057 --> 00:27:23,766 What should we be looking for? 391 00:27:23,975 --> 00:27:25,851 Subcellular residue. 392 00:27:26,227 --> 00:27:30,648 There wouldn't anything left by now except for subcellular residue. 393 00:27:30,857 --> 00:27:34,151 You're wrong, doctor. I'm still in one piece. 394 00:27:34,361 --> 00:27:36,445 You just can't see me. 395 00:27:44,079 --> 00:27:47,498 Have the doctor help you recalibrate the sensors. 396 00:27:49,668 --> 00:27:52,336 Then start scanning for this... 397 00:27:55,006 --> 00:27:56,632 ...residue. 398 00:28:01,554 --> 00:28:02,888 Archer to Mayweather. 399 00:28:03,098 --> 00:28:04,223 Go ahead, sir. 400 00:28:04,432 --> 00:28:08,102 Prepare to break orbit and resume previous course. 401 00:28:08,311 --> 00:28:10,104 Aye, captain. 402 00:28:13,900 --> 00:28:17,111 I'll be in my Ready Room. 403 00:28:25,203 --> 00:28:27,246 There's no way to be certain this is her. 404 00:28:27,455 --> 00:28:28,914 Is it Hoshi's DNA or isn't it? 405 00:28:29,124 --> 00:28:30,249 It's difficult to tell. 406 00:28:30,458 --> 00:28:33,043 The amino acids have broken down. 407 00:28:33,253 --> 00:28:35,796 Don't waste your time. It's not me. 408 00:28:36,005 --> 00:28:39,133 The internal scan said Access Shaft B-7. 409 00:28:39,342 --> 00:28:41,969 She's gotta be here somewhere. 410 00:28:44,264 --> 00:28:48,434 If you spent a little more time trying to figure out what happened... 411 00:28:57,068 --> 00:28:59,945 - What's the problem? - The stream's too unstable. 412 00:29:00,155 --> 00:29:01,321 Lieutenant? 413 00:29:01,531 --> 00:29:03,031 You can do it, ensign. 414 00:29:03,241 --> 00:29:04,950 It's as easy as one, two... 415 00:29:05,160 --> 00:29:08,287 Here, doc. Over here. 416 00:29:12,500 --> 00:29:14,168 What do you think? 417 00:29:15,044 --> 00:29:17,838 Try isolating the dipeptides. 418 00:29:18,923 --> 00:29:22,176 Now run a comparison with her genetic profile. 419 00:29:29,017 --> 00:29:31,727 Why would she have come down here? 420 00:29:31,978 --> 00:29:34,772 I doubt we'll ever know, commander. 421 00:29:35,815 --> 00:29:43,280 Well, Captain Archer will want Hoshi's parents to have this. 422 00:29:44,115 --> 00:29:46,575 They're both alive, aren't they? 423 00:29:47,202 --> 00:29:50,287 Yeah, both alive. 424 00:29:54,209 --> 00:29:56,168 You go ahead, doc. 425 00:29:56,377 --> 00:29:57,920 I'm gonna... 426 00:29:58,588 --> 00:30:00,923 I'm gonna stick around for a minute. 427 00:30:01,257 --> 00:30:03,342 I understand. 428 00:30:13,102 --> 00:30:14,478 Hoshi. 429 00:30:15,104 --> 00:30:16,730 You can see me? 430 00:30:16,940 --> 00:30:19,608 I should have made you go first. 431 00:30:22,320 --> 00:30:25,447 What could I have been thinking leaving you down there? 432 00:30:26,407 --> 00:30:29,243 I was the ranking officer. 433 00:30:30,036 --> 00:30:31,870 I had no business leaving a subordinate 434 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:34,039 in the path of those storms. 435 00:30:34,457 --> 00:30:36,458 Why didn't you listen to me? 436 00:30:36,668 --> 00:30:39,211 I told you we'd be safe. 437 00:30:43,424 --> 00:30:45,634 And now look what you've done. 438 00:31:46,654 --> 00:31:48,697 Captain, I need you to listen to me. 439 00:31:48,907 --> 00:31:51,033 There are aliens on board from the surface. 440 00:31:51,242 --> 00:31:53,785 They're planting bombs on D-Deck. 441 00:31:55,496 --> 00:31:58,665 You've got to hear me. The ship is in danger. 442 00:32:03,546 --> 00:32:06,465 - Go ahead. - We've located her father, sir. 443 00:32:06,674 --> 00:32:08,592 The mother isn't home. 444 00:32:12,889 --> 00:32:16,600 - What time is it there? - 0900. 445 00:32:19,687 --> 00:32:21,396 Put him through. 446 00:32:34,202 --> 00:32:35,535 Good morning, sir. 447 00:32:35,745 --> 00:32:37,537 Captain Archer. 448 00:32:38,247 --> 00:32:39,706 Is everything all right? 449 00:32:40,708 --> 00:32:45,379 No, sir. Everything is not all right. 450 00:32:47,048 --> 00:32:50,258 We've had an accident with our transporting device. 451 00:32:50,468 --> 00:32:53,762 Transporting device? What is that? 452 00:32:53,972 --> 00:32:57,432 - You don't have time for this. - A matter stream converter. 453 00:32:57,642 --> 00:33:00,560 It was approved for transporting bio-matter before we left Earth. 454 00:33:00,770 --> 00:33:02,396 Gotta find something to get your attention. 455 00:33:02,605 --> 00:33:05,232 - We've used it a number of times... Bio-matter? 456 00:33:05,441 --> 00:33:07,734 What are you referring to, produce or people? 457 00:33:07,944 --> 00:33:10,362 I'm just trying to explain to you 458 00:33:10,571 --> 00:33:13,657 that Starfleet told us it was safe. 459 00:33:13,866 --> 00:33:16,201 So, Hoshi's safe? 460 00:33:16,953 --> 00:33:20,038 No, sir. There was an accident. 461 00:33:20,498 --> 00:33:22,749 She began to... 462 00:33:26,212 --> 00:33:29,589 Her molecules began to destabilize. 463 00:33:29,799 --> 00:33:33,218 Her molecules? What are you talking about, captain? 464 00:33:33,428 --> 00:33:35,095 This isn't easy, sir. 465 00:33:35,304 --> 00:33:37,639 I fought to get Hoshi to come on this mission. 466 00:33:37,849 --> 00:33:40,767 I'm responsible for her being out here. 467 00:33:40,977 --> 00:33:44,855 She's become a member of our family. 468 00:33:45,064 --> 00:33:47,899 Family? We're her family, not you. 469 00:33:48,359 --> 00:33:49,568 Why are you calling me? 470 00:33:50,194 --> 00:33:52,195 To say that she has become a member of your family? 471 00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:55,991 I'm sorry, captain, you are not making any sense. 472 00:33:56,826 --> 00:34:01,079 We lost Hoshi today, Mr. Sato. 473 00:34:01,289 --> 00:34:03,457 I wish I didn't have to tell you that. 474 00:34:03,666 --> 00:34:06,626 You are saying Hoshi is dead? 475 00:34:06,836 --> 00:34:07,878 We're all gonna be dead 476 00:34:08,087 --> 00:34:10,297 - if I can't get him to notice this. - I'm sorry, sir. 477 00:34:10,757 --> 00:34:14,426 Maybe you could call us back later. 478 00:34:14,635 --> 00:34:15,761 This afternoon. 479 00:34:15,970 --> 00:34:18,138 How about Morse code? You know Morse code, don't you? 480 00:34:18,347 --> 00:34:21,058 - I must speak with Hoshi's mother. - Come on, listen. 481 00:34:21,267 --> 00:34:22,642 - This afternoon. - Can you hear it? 482 00:34:24,103 --> 00:34:25,937 I'm so sorry. 483 00:34:26,147 --> 00:34:28,231 So am I. 484 00:34:33,905 --> 00:34:35,363 Come on. 485 00:34:38,659 --> 00:34:40,243 That's right. 486 00:34:40,870 --> 00:34:43,789 It's not supposed to be making that noise, is it? 487 00:34:43,998 --> 00:34:46,583 Listen. You can hear it. 488 00:34:47,085 --> 00:34:50,545 S-O-S. S-O-S, it's a call for help. 489 00:34:50,755 --> 00:34:52,464 I need you to hear it. 490 00:34:58,763 --> 00:35:02,432 - Archer to T'Pol. - Yes, captain? 491 00:35:02,642 --> 00:35:03,975 Could you come in here for a minute? 492 00:35:04,185 --> 00:35:05,727 - Right away. - Right, show it to her. 493 00:35:05,937 --> 00:35:07,938 One of you will figure it out. 494 00:35:10,191 --> 00:35:11,900 Look at this. 495 00:35:14,153 --> 00:35:16,822 I've never heard it make that noise before. 496 00:35:18,241 --> 00:35:20,408 The plasma circuit's being interrupted. 497 00:35:20,618 --> 00:35:22,869 I'll ask Commander Tucker to take a look at it. 498 00:35:23,079 --> 00:35:25,288 Listen to the pattern. 499 00:35:25,581 --> 00:35:30,961 Three dots, three dashes, three dots. 500 00:35:31,546 --> 00:35:33,380 S-O-S. 501 00:35:34,924 --> 00:35:38,260 - Dots? - Dots and dashes. Morse code. 502 00:35:38,469 --> 00:35:41,471 It's been used on Earth for centuries. 503 00:35:42,098 --> 00:35:44,266 It's a distress call. 504 00:35:44,475 --> 00:35:47,060 Let's see how good your memory is. 505 00:35:47,353 --> 00:35:49,980 H, O. 506 00:35:50,189 --> 00:35:51,690 It's changed. 507 00:35:51,899 --> 00:35:55,944 S, H. 508 00:35:56,154 --> 00:35:57,571 It still sounds like Morse code. 509 00:35:57,780 --> 00:36:00,532 I. Come on. 510 00:36:00,741 --> 00:36:02,951 This plasma circuit is self-contained. 511 00:36:03,161 --> 00:36:06,163 No one outside of this room could be using it to send a message. 512 00:36:06,372 --> 00:36:08,915 I'm not outside this room. I'm right here. 513 00:36:10,585 --> 00:36:13,086 It's been a very difficult day. 514 00:36:13,296 --> 00:36:15,922 Perhaps you should try to get some rest. 515 00:36:18,217 --> 00:36:19,843 You're right. 516 00:36:22,430 --> 00:36:24,389 I'll have Trip look at it tomorrow. 517 00:36:24,599 --> 00:36:26,683 Tomorrow's too late. They're gonna blow up the ship! 518 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:28,518 Captain! 519 00:38:58,753 --> 00:39:00,545 No, wait. 520 00:39:10,890 --> 00:39:12,932 - What's the problem? - What? 521 00:39:13,142 --> 00:39:14,976 The stream's too unstable. 522 00:39:15,186 --> 00:39:17,937 Come on, Hoshi, come on. 523 00:39:18,147 --> 00:39:19,481 You can do it, ensign. 524 00:39:19,690 --> 00:39:21,608 It's as easy as one, two... 525 00:39:23,527 --> 00:39:25,153 Three. 526 00:39:25,821 --> 00:39:26,946 Nice work, Malcolm. 527 00:39:27,156 --> 00:39:29,532 See? I told you. Piece of cake. 528 00:39:29,742 --> 00:39:31,201 Where are they? We've gotta stop them. 529 00:39:31,410 --> 00:39:32,786 Who? 530 00:39:33,037 --> 00:39:34,788 You heard me? You can hear me. 531 00:39:34,997 --> 00:39:36,873 - Do you see me? - Everything's fine, Hoshi. 532 00:39:37,083 --> 00:39:39,084 It's not fine. They put a bomb on the warp reactor. 533 00:39:39,293 --> 00:39:41,211 - Who? - The aliens from the surface. 534 00:39:41,420 --> 00:39:43,838 There's no one on the surface. It's uninhabited. 535 00:39:44,048 --> 00:39:46,925 What are you talking about? They kidnapped you and Travis. 536 00:39:47,134 --> 00:39:48,176 We've gotta stop them. 537 00:39:48,386 --> 00:39:50,929 Hoshi, the transporter was affected by the storms. 538 00:39:51,138 --> 00:39:53,598 I had some trouble reintegrating your matter stream. 539 00:39:54,850 --> 00:39:55,975 Trouble? 540 00:39:56,185 --> 00:39:59,771 You were sort of trapped in the pattern buffer, 541 00:39:59,980 --> 00:40:01,689 but only for a few seconds. 542 00:40:01,899 --> 00:40:03,983 Eight-point-three seconds, to be precise. 543 00:40:05,111 --> 00:40:08,321 Are you saying that I was just on the surface? 544 00:40:08,864 --> 00:40:11,533 You insisted on going second. 545 00:40:15,246 --> 00:40:17,622 - Do you have a mirror? - What? 546 00:40:21,085 --> 00:40:22,710 Forget it. 547 00:40:23,796 --> 00:40:26,423 And I was sure I was gonna be the next Cyrus Ramsey. 548 00:40:27,633 --> 00:40:28,800 Cyrus who? 549 00:40:39,145 --> 00:40:42,439 So you're saying all of that happened in eight seconds? 550 00:40:42,648 --> 00:40:46,067 Actually, it probably happened in the last one or two seconds, 551 00:40:46,277 --> 00:40:48,820 as your matter stream was coalescing. 552 00:40:49,029 --> 00:40:51,072 She seems fine. 553 00:40:53,451 --> 00:40:57,787 Malcolm's recommending some new transport protocols to Starfleet. 554 00:40:58,789 --> 00:41:02,709 He's suggesting we start compressing the transport beam. 555 00:41:03,043 --> 00:41:08,173 Well, I hope you don't plan on beaming me anywhere for a long time. 556 00:41:08,382 --> 00:41:12,635 But you said you stepped onto the aliens' transporter by choice. 557 00:41:12,845 --> 00:41:15,430 I was trying to save Enterprise. 558 00:41:15,639 --> 00:41:17,599 Sounds like you overcame your fear. 559 00:41:17,808 --> 00:41:19,893 It's all in my head, remember? 560 00:41:20,102 --> 00:41:21,728 Does it matter? 561 00:41:21,937 --> 00:41:25,356 You were afraid of getting lost, afraid of disappearing, 562 00:41:25,566 --> 00:41:29,194 but you still climbed onto that platform, real or not. 563 00:41:29,945 --> 00:41:32,197 If it's all the same to you, sir, 564 00:41:32,406 --> 00:41:35,658 I'd like to stick to shuttlepods for the time being. 565 00:41:36,619 --> 00:41:38,077 Come on. 566 00:41:39,205 --> 00:41:40,580 Let's go to the Bridge. 567 00:41:40,789 --> 00:42:52,902 Captain, if you don't mind...