1 00:00:15,181 --> 00:00:16,682 Come in. 2 00:00:24,649 --> 00:00:26,275 Good morning. 3 00:00:26,735 --> 00:00:27,776 Captain. 4 00:00:27,986 --> 00:00:30,946 - Sleep well? - Ah. Well enough. 5 00:00:31,156 --> 00:00:32,865 I wasn't sure what you wanted for breakfast, 6 00:00:33,074 --> 00:00:36,910 so I took the liberty of having chef prepare his famous eggs Benedict. 7 00:00:37,078 --> 00:00:40,330 - Oh. That'll be fine, sir. - Ah. 8 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:43,709 You plan to eat standing up? 9 00:00:53,762 --> 00:00:56,221 This isn't a visit to the principal's office, Malcolm. 10 00:00:56,431 --> 00:00:58,140 At ease. 11 00:00:58,892 --> 00:01:00,476 Thank you, sir. 12 00:01:01,478 --> 00:01:05,355 I just wasn't sure whether you called me here to discuss something. 13 00:01:05,565 --> 00:01:07,691 No. No business. 14 00:01:07,901 --> 00:01:11,278 I just wanted to have a long-overdue meal with my armory officer. 15 00:01:13,198 --> 00:01:14,698 Ah. 16 00:01:17,077 --> 00:01:20,621 I heard that England made it to the finals in the World Cup. 17 00:01:21,706 --> 00:01:22,748 I beg your pardon. 18 00:01:24,042 --> 00:01:26,877 The World Cup. Soccer. 19 00:01:27,629 --> 00:01:29,088 Oh. 20 00:01:29,297 --> 00:01:31,298 I'm afraid I don't much follow football, sir. 21 00:01:32,759 --> 00:01:35,427 Any sports you do follow? 22 00:01:36,471 --> 00:01:38,555 No. Not particularly. 23 00:01:42,602 --> 00:01:45,187 - Thanks. - You're welcome, sir. 24 00:01:49,025 --> 00:01:51,652 I've been working on the duty roster, sir. 25 00:01:51,861 --> 00:01:54,363 We only have two crewmen assigned to the armory full-time. 26 00:01:54,572 --> 00:01:56,573 If we added a third, 27 00:01:56,783 --> 00:01:58,951 Ensign Tanner would be free to begin 28 00:01:59,160 --> 00:02:00,994 those upgrades to those torpedo launchers 29 00:02:01,204 --> 00:02:02,830 I told you about. 30 00:02:03,039 --> 00:02:06,583 Didn't your mother ever tell you not to bring your homework to the table? 31 00:02:07,544 --> 00:02:08,710 Sir? 32 00:02:14,050 --> 00:02:15,801 This looks fine. 33 00:02:21,891 --> 00:02:23,183 Archer. 34 00:02:23,393 --> 00:02:24,810 I'm sorry to interrupt, captain, 35 00:02:25,019 --> 00:02:27,980 but we've detected an uncharted system along our present course. 36 00:02:28,189 --> 00:02:30,274 One of the planets is Minshara-class. 37 00:02:30,733 --> 00:02:33,569 Take us out of warp. I'm on my way. 38 00:02:38,616 --> 00:02:40,617 Looks like we'll have to reschedule. 39 00:02:40,827 --> 00:02:42,327 Whenever it's convenient. 40 00:02:47,375 --> 00:02:48,417 After you, sir. 41 00:03:01,556 --> 00:03:04,433 - Anybody home? - It's uninhabited. 42 00:03:04,642 --> 00:03:07,644 What about geographical features? Anything interesting? 43 00:03:07,854 --> 00:03:10,647 There's a chain of volcanoes that spans an entire hemisphere. 44 00:03:10,815 --> 00:03:13,734 Well, I don't know about anyone else, but, uh, I could use some fresh air. 45 00:03:14,402 --> 00:03:17,446 - Put us in a standard orbit. - Aye, sir. 46 00:03:17,655 --> 00:03:19,948 Find a volcano with a gentle slope. 47 00:03:20,158 --> 00:03:23,035 Preferably one that's not erupting. 48 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,621 Prep a shuttlepod, Travis. 49 00:03:25,997 --> 00:03:28,040 We'll take shifts down to the... 50 00:05:06,389 --> 00:05:07,431 Report. 51 00:05:07,598 --> 00:05:11,768 It was a thermo kinetic explosion on the outer hull, port forward quarter. 52 00:05:11,978 --> 00:05:15,147 Breaches on C Deck, D Deck. 53 00:05:16,107 --> 00:05:17,149 Bridge to Sickbay. 54 00:05:17,358 --> 00:05:19,318 - We need medical assistance. - Acknowledged. 55 00:05:19,485 --> 00:05:20,569 Emergency bulkheads? 56 00:05:20,778 --> 00:05:23,238 They're in place but eight subsections have decompressed. 57 00:05:23,448 --> 00:05:26,867 - Was anybody in them? - I can't tell, sir. Not yet. 58 00:05:27,076 --> 00:05:29,119 Find out what happened. 59 00:05:34,000 --> 00:05:37,210 - Malcolm. - I'd give you an answer if I could, sir. 60 00:05:37,420 --> 00:05:39,254 The sensor logs aren't showing anything. 61 00:05:39,464 --> 00:05:42,257 - All systems were functioning normally. - Archer to Engineering. 62 00:05:43,634 --> 00:05:45,886 - Captain, what's going on? - You tell me. 63 00:05:46,095 --> 00:05:48,805 We've got plasma fires, an overload in the EPS grid, 64 00:05:49,015 --> 00:05:51,183 but whatever caused that explosion, I don't have a clue. 65 00:05:51,392 --> 00:05:54,436 - Weapons fire, an asteroid? - Nothing on our sensors. 66 00:05:54,645 --> 00:05:56,188 How are your people? 67 00:05:56,397 --> 00:05:58,190 A few bumps and bruises, but we're all right. 68 00:05:58,399 --> 00:06:00,067 Keep me posted. Archer out. 69 00:06:00,276 --> 00:06:03,403 - Any casualty reports? - Figures are coming in, sir. 70 00:06:03,613 --> 00:06:07,407 Seventeen so far including Hoshi. No fatalities. 71 00:06:16,334 --> 00:06:18,919 Get this man into the imaging chamber. 72 00:06:22,840 --> 00:06:25,342 What's happening? Are we under attack? 73 00:06:25,551 --> 00:06:27,761 - I don't know. - Doctor. 74 00:06:37,522 --> 00:06:40,482 Captain, something just struck the ship. 75 00:06:40,691 --> 00:06:43,777 Starboard side, upper aft quadrant. 76 00:06:43,986 --> 00:06:46,029 Can you get a visual? 77 00:06:53,579 --> 00:06:54,746 There. 78 00:06:54,956 --> 00:06:58,333 Just behind the secondary plasma vent. You see it? 79 00:07:00,461 --> 00:07:02,421 Some kind of cloaked ship? 80 00:07:02,964 --> 00:07:05,257 It's too small. 81 00:07:05,466 --> 00:07:08,135 I'm not reading any bio signs. 82 00:07:11,806 --> 00:07:15,684 It's armed with tri-cobalt explosives. I think it's a mine. 83 00:07:16,269 --> 00:07:20,021 And judging by the firepower, something similar damaged our ship. 84 00:07:20,731 --> 00:07:21,982 Can you tell if it's active? 85 00:07:22,692 --> 00:07:24,359 No reason to believe it's not. 86 00:07:24,569 --> 00:07:27,946 Captain, it's lodged near Impulse Reactor 2. 87 00:07:28,156 --> 00:07:31,324 An explosion anywhere near there could disable Enterprise. 88 00:07:31,909 --> 00:07:34,327 What if we polarized the adjacent hull plating? 89 00:07:34,537 --> 00:07:36,329 We don't know how it's triggered. 90 00:07:36,539 --> 00:07:38,540 Somebody has to go out there and defuse it. 91 00:07:38,749 --> 00:07:40,208 And it should be me. 92 00:07:40,418 --> 00:07:41,710 I have the ordnance training. 93 00:07:57,435 --> 00:08:00,312 I've never heard of a minefield with just two mines. 94 00:08:01,314 --> 00:08:04,608 Are the quantum beacons still mounted on the grappler arm? 95 00:08:04,817 --> 00:08:06,526 I believe so. 96 00:08:06,736 --> 00:08:08,487 Lower them into position. 97 00:08:08,696 --> 00:08:10,947 Then modify the view screen. 98 00:08:20,666 --> 00:08:22,334 Activate the beacon. 99 00:08:25,713 --> 00:08:29,299 They were designed to penetrate Suliban cloaking devices. 100 00:08:29,842 --> 00:08:32,552 I'll try shifting the phase variance. 101 00:09:09,882 --> 00:09:12,050 Lieutenant Reed to the Bridge. 102 00:09:12,260 --> 00:09:14,553 I've opened the outer hatch. 103 00:09:15,346 --> 00:09:16,930 Wish me luck. 104 00:09:28,651 --> 00:09:31,319 I'm detecting something in the gamma spectrum, 105 00:09:31,529 --> 00:09:34,864 phase variant 0.0075 106 00:10:03,561 --> 00:10:06,271 Its surface is pock-marked. 107 00:10:07,523 --> 00:10:10,317 Probably micrometeorite impacts. 108 00:10:10,735 --> 00:10:13,653 It seems to have been in orbit for some time. 109 00:10:14,780 --> 00:10:17,407 The spikes are magnetic. 110 00:10:18,409 --> 00:10:20,368 Two of them have locked onto the hull. 111 00:10:21,245 --> 00:10:23,872 Stand by. I'm gonna run an internal scan. 112 00:10:30,588 --> 00:10:33,256 There are proximity sensors 113 00:10:34,717 --> 00:10:36,384 but they appear to be offline. 114 00:10:37,136 --> 00:10:40,555 It looks like the mine doesn't think it's hit anything. 115 00:10:41,265 --> 00:10:43,141 I believe I've found an access panel. 116 00:10:44,435 --> 00:10:48,146 I'm gonna try and remove it and get a look inside. 117 00:10:50,066 --> 00:10:51,524 How bad is it? 118 00:10:51,734 --> 00:10:55,403 I can't really tell until we can get into the decompressed sections, 119 00:10:55,613 --> 00:10:56,988 but I imagine it's pretty ugly. 120 00:10:58,366 --> 00:11:01,034 I've got one piece of good news. 121 00:11:01,243 --> 00:11:03,119 I did a head count, we didn't lose anyone. 122 00:11:06,916 --> 00:11:10,794 Trip, I'm not sure Malcolm's gonna be able to defuse this thing. 123 00:11:11,003 --> 00:11:15,674 Couldn't we just detach that section of hull plating, let it drift away? 124 00:11:16,425 --> 00:11:19,010 We'd have to re-route some EPS conduits. 125 00:11:19,220 --> 00:11:22,222 There's about 300 bolt couplings. 126 00:11:22,640 --> 00:11:24,766 - It could be done. - How long? 127 00:11:25,351 --> 00:11:26,393 Three or four hours. 128 00:11:27,520 --> 00:11:28,895 But I wouldn't recommend it, sir. 129 00:11:29,105 --> 00:11:31,690 We'd be exposing a good piece of the impulse manifold. 130 00:11:32,358 --> 00:11:34,150 Get a team started. 131 00:11:34,360 --> 00:11:36,820 I'll consider it a last resort. 132 00:11:40,658 --> 00:11:42,409 I'm removing the panel. 133 00:11:44,995 --> 00:11:47,330 The arming mechanism's extending. 134 00:11:53,337 --> 00:11:55,004 Captain. 135 00:11:55,214 --> 00:11:57,298 We see it, Malcolm. 136 00:12:05,725 --> 00:12:08,977 - Ever see a ship like that? - No. 137 00:12:09,186 --> 00:12:10,687 It's deflecting our scans. 138 00:12:10,896 --> 00:12:13,398 Why didn't the beacons let us see through its cloak? 139 00:12:13,607 --> 00:12:15,859 Perhaps the mine's using a more primitive cloaking system. 140 00:12:17,319 --> 00:12:20,155 Sir, they're hailing us. 141 00:12:36,338 --> 00:12:37,756 The translator's not locking on. 142 00:12:43,262 --> 00:12:44,345 Archer to Sickbay. 143 00:12:46,640 --> 00:12:47,682 Yes, captain. 144 00:12:47,892 --> 00:12:50,810 Is Hoshi in any shape to return to the Bridge? It's urgent. 145 00:12:51,020 --> 00:12:52,103 I'm afraid not. 146 00:12:52,313 --> 00:12:54,314 She suffered a rather severe concussion. 147 00:12:54,523 --> 00:12:55,774 Understood. 148 00:12:55,983 --> 00:12:58,276 Tell them I'm on my way. 149 00:12:58,486 --> 00:13:00,737 You'd be of little help in your present condition, ensign. 150 00:13:07,703 --> 00:13:09,537 - Any luck? - Not yet. 151 00:13:11,707 --> 00:13:12,749 They're charging weapons. 152 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:20,256 They missed our starboard nacelle by less than 20 meters. 153 00:13:20,466 --> 00:13:22,175 Not a very subtle warning shot. 154 00:13:30,017 --> 00:13:31,559 Can you get us out of here? 155 00:13:31,769 --> 00:13:33,728 The orbits of those mines are pretty erratic, sir. 156 00:13:33,938 --> 00:13:37,106 - It's going to be tricky. - We'll give you whatever help we can. 157 00:13:38,234 --> 00:13:40,652 - Bridge to Lieutenant Reed. - Go ahead. 158 00:13:40,861 --> 00:13:44,072 Our friends seem to be anxious for us to leave. 159 00:13:44,281 --> 00:13:46,241 We're going to break orbit, nice and slowly. 160 00:13:46,450 --> 00:13:48,284 Understood. 161 00:13:48,494 --> 00:13:52,080 If you plan to go to warp, sir, you'll let me know? 162 00:13:52,289 --> 00:13:53,748 I'll try to remember. 163 00:13:53,958 --> 00:13:56,251 - Maneuvering thrusters only. - Aye, sir. 164 00:14:00,714 --> 00:14:02,715 Activate the beacon. 165 00:14:20,860 --> 00:14:22,861 Our friends just vanished. 166 00:14:23,070 --> 00:14:25,405 That doesn't mean they're not still close. 167 00:14:39,837 --> 00:14:43,423 - Lieutenant Reed to Bridge. - Go ahead. 168 00:14:43,632 --> 00:14:47,969 I've identified four separate denotation circuits. 169 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:52,223 If I can isolate them in the proper sequence, 170 00:14:52,433 --> 00:14:55,476 I should be able to deactivate the mine. 171 00:14:55,978 --> 00:14:57,645 It'll take some doing, 172 00:14:57,855 --> 00:15:01,649 but to be honest, captain, it's only a theory. 173 00:15:02,192 --> 00:15:04,152 How good a theory? 174 00:15:04,361 --> 00:15:05,945 The closest thing I'm familiar with 175 00:15:06,155 --> 00:15:07,196 that this device resembles 176 00:15:07,406 --> 00:15:09,866 is a Triton-class spatial torpedo. 177 00:15:10,075 --> 00:15:12,994 I've disarmed at least half a dozen of those. 178 00:15:13,787 --> 00:15:15,204 I believe I can do it, sir. 179 00:15:15,414 --> 00:15:18,750 I've got Trip working on a backup plan 180 00:15:19,335 --> 00:15:21,628 but I'd prefer not to use it. 181 00:15:22,379 --> 00:15:24,923 Right now, you're our best bet. 182 00:15:26,550 --> 00:15:28,593 Be careful, Malcolm. 183 00:15:33,098 --> 00:15:34,599 I see it. 184 00:15:49,490 --> 00:15:50,573 Bridge. 185 00:15:51,283 --> 00:15:52,367 Go ahead. 186 00:15:52,534 --> 00:15:54,535 Another one of those spikes I told you about. 187 00:15:54,745 --> 00:15:55,787 What about it? 188 00:15:56,246 --> 00:15:59,248 It just magnetized itself to the hull. 189 00:15:59,458 --> 00:16:00,833 Is there a problem? 190 00:16:01,043 --> 00:16:02,794 On its way, 191 00:16:03,796 --> 00:16:05,588 it went through my leg, sir. 192 00:16:05,798 --> 00:16:08,633 I'm on my way, lieutenant. The Bridge is yours. 193 00:16:08,842 --> 00:16:10,927 Captain, I should be the one to go out there. 194 00:16:11,136 --> 00:16:14,514 - I'm the engineer. - That's why I need you here, Trip. 195 00:16:15,933 --> 00:16:19,185 You'll have to wait in line for my osmotic eel to cauterize your wound. 196 00:16:19,395 --> 00:16:21,813 - He's getting quite a workout today. - Doctor. 197 00:16:22,022 --> 00:16:24,273 - Ensign. - They need a translator. 198 00:16:24,483 --> 00:16:26,859 - I should be at my post. - I realize you're anxious to help, 199 00:16:27,069 --> 00:16:29,362 but you wouldn't make it to the turbo lift. 200 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:32,865 If you'd like, I could have them bring the com-logs here. 201 00:16:33,075 --> 00:16:34,701 Thank you, doctor. 202 00:16:38,539 --> 00:16:40,999 Thought you might need a hand. 203 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:45,128 Actually, I'd prefer a leg. 204 00:16:47,673 --> 00:16:49,674 Let's see what we can do with the one you've got. 205 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:01,728 Could have been worse. It missed the bone. 206 00:17:02,354 --> 00:17:04,105 And it looks like the pressure from the spike 207 00:17:04,314 --> 00:17:06,357 is keeping the wound from bleeding too much. 208 00:17:06,567 --> 00:17:08,818 You'll be in Sickbay in no time. 209 00:17:09,028 --> 00:17:11,487 These should cut right through it. 210 00:17:11,697 --> 00:17:14,198 Actually, sir, I wouldn't do that. 211 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:18,703 My scans showed detonation circuits inside the spikes. 212 00:17:19,747 --> 00:17:23,124 I would consider letting you amputate, 213 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:25,126 but if chef got hold of it, 214 00:17:25,335 --> 00:17:27,587 he'd be serving roast Reed for Sunday dinner. 215 00:17:29,506 --> 00:17:31,340 Just give me something for the pain 216 00:17:31,550 --> 00:17:33,760 and I'll do my best to reach the access panel. 217 00:17:34,386 --> 00:17:36,596 Not without doing more damage to that leg. 218 00:17:37,181 --> 00:17:42,143 What's more important, my leg or your ship? 219 00:17:43,020 --> 00:17:46,981 - I intend to save both. - I don't see how. 220 00:17:47,191 --> 00:17:50,193 That backup plan I was telling you about? 221 00:17:50,402 --> 00:17:54,781 I asked Trip to prepare to detach this section of hull plating. 222 00:17:55,282 --> 00:17:59,285 - Seemed like a good idea at the time. - It's still a good idea. 223 00:17:59,995 --> 00:18:02,663 Not with you attached to it. 224 00:18:02,873 --> 00:18:04,624 I hope that's an anesthetic. 225 00:18:05,250 --> 00:18:06,667 Phlox's own recipe. 226 00:18:14,134 --> 00:18:17,804 Please, sir, may I have some more? 227 00:18:18,013 --> 00:18:20,807 I don't want you too sedated. 228 00:18:21,016 --> 00:18:22,308 I'm gonna need your help. 229 00:18:24,228 --> 00:18:26,979 Someone's gotta defuse this thing. 230 00:18:27,439 --> 00:18:30,191 You're gonna talk me through it. 231 00:18:30,400 --> 00:18:32,110 With all due respect, captain, 232 00:18:32,319 --> 00:18:36,364 disarming mines is extremely delicate business. 233 00:18:36,573 --> 00:18:38,908 I'm trained for it. 234 00:18:39,368 --> 00:18:40,493 You're not. 235 00:18:42,246 --> 00:18:44,413 I'm a quick study. 236 00:18:45,082 --> 00:18:47,542 It's too dangerous. 237 00:18:49,336 --> 00:18:51,170 In case you haven't noticed, lieutenant, 238 00:18:51,672 --> 00:18:55,633 we're sitting about five meters from an impulse reactor. 239 00:18:57,302 --> 00:18:59,971 I'm not leaving till we take this weapon off-line. 240 00:19:00,180 --> 00:19:01,597 Sir. 241 00:19:01,807 --> 00:19:05,476 The way I see it, you don't have much choice. 242 00:19:05,686 --> 00:19:07,019 You're sort of stuck here. 243 00:19:08,188 --> 00:19:10,648 So would you let me get started? 244 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:17,613 I hope you've got a steady hand. 245 00:19:33,839 --> 00:19:36,257 They're ordering us to leave their system immediately 246 00:19:36,466 --> 00:19:39,635 - or they'll destroy us. - Charming. 247 00:19:39,845 --> 00:19:42,930 Could you figure out a way to compose a message back explaining 248 00:19:43,140 --> 00:19:46,475 - we're going as fast as we can? - I can try. 249 00:19:48,228 --> 00:19:50,271 And their next message? 250 00:19:50,480 --> 00:19:54,358 They say they've annexed this planet in the name of something called 251 00:19:54,568 --> 00:19:56,152 The Romulan Star Empire. 252 00:19:57,529 --> 00:19:58,863 Romulan. 253 00:19:59,781 --> 00:20:02,533 It's pronounced Romulan. 254 00:20:10,042 --> 00:20:11,751 Romulans? 255 00:20:11,960 --> 00:20:13,961 I read about them when I was with Daniels. 256 00:20:14,171 --> 00:20:16,881 - What'd you find out? - Not much. Just the name. 257 00:20:17,090 --> 00:20:19,800 He wouldn't let me see anything else. T'Pol? 258 00:20:20,010 --> 00:20:23,054 They're rumored to be an aggressive, territorial species, 259 00:20:23,263 --> 00:20:27,266 but the Vulcan High Command has never made direct contact with them. 260 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:30,144 Ensign Sato's translation says that they're demanding 261 00:20:30,354 --> 00:20:32,688 that we withdraw from the system immediately. 262 00:20:32,898 --> 00:20:35,524 That's going to be a little tough to do at the moment. 263 00:20:35,734 --> 00:20:37,944 Is there any way you can explain our situation? 264 00:20:38,445 --> 00:20:42,365 She believes she'll have a reply prepared within the hour. 265 00:20:43,242 --> 00:20:45,117 How's it going out there, captain? 266 00:20:45,327 --> 00:20:47,745 We've taken two of the detonation circuits off-line. 267 00:20:47,955 --> 00:20:51,415 Three more to go. Keep me posted. 268 00:20:53,794 --> 00:20:55,503 The next one's going to be tricky. 269 00:20:55,712 --> 00:21:00,007 Do you see the Y-shaped components surrounding the circuit? 270 00:21:04,012 --> 00:21:05,638 - There are six of them. - Right. 271 00:21:06,098 --> 00:21:08,724 Those are timing relays. 272 00:21:09,226 --> 00:21:14,605 You'll have to rotate each one counterclockwise 70 degrees. 273 00:21:14,815 --> 00:21:17,733 But it has to be done in the proper order. 274 00:21:17,943 --> 00:21:19,485 I'll guide you through it. 275 00:21:20,195 --> 00:21:23,614 Start with the relay to your upper right. 276 00:21:23,824 --> 00:21:31,414 One centimeter and then turn it 70 degrees counterclockwise. 277 00:21:35,419 --> 00:21:37,169 Good. 278 00:21:37,713 --> 00:21:40,464 Now, pull it out slowly. 279 00:21:41,258 --> 00:21:43,718 Be careful not to touch the housing. 280 00:21:53,186 --> 00:21:54,353 Well done. 281 00:21:54,563 --> 00:21:57,732 Now, complete that set on the diagonal. 282 00:22:01,111 --> 00:22:04,030 - So where were we? - Sir? 283 00:22:04,239 --> 00:22:07,992 This morning, at breakfast, before we were interrupted. 284 00:22:08,368 --> 00:22:09,952 You said 285 00:22:10,579 --> 00:22:12,747 you didn't follow any particular sport. 286 00:22:14,207 --> 00:22:17,251 Well, I'm afraid I haven't started following one since breakfast, sir. 287 00:22:20,630 --> 00:22:24,216 Now, go to the relay top center. 288 00:22:25,177 --> 00:22:28,804 Watch that one. I believe it may be damaged. 289 00:22:29,264 --> 00:22:32,558 It'll need some extra torque to deactivate it. 290 00:22:34,936 --> 00:22:35,978 How about hobbies? 291 00:22:37,022 --> 00:22:40,775 - Any hobbies? - No. Not really, sir. 292 00:22:40,984 --> 00:22:43,694 I could have sworn I've seen you reading a book in the mess hall. 293 00:22:43,904 --> 00:22:45,446 Sir, 294 00:22:45,655 --> 00:22:48,783 do you really think that this is the appropriate time for a chat? 295 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:52,536 It helps me focus. Calms my nerves. 296 00:22:52,996 --> 00:22:55,956 - Well, it isn't calming mine. - Sorry. 297 00:22:56,666 --> 00:23:00,002 It made you a little nervous this morning too, didn't it? 298 00:23:00,212 --> 00:23:02,171 Why is that? 299 00:23:02,381 --> 00:23:04,298 If you must know, 300 00:23:04,841 --> 00:23:08,135 I was honored to be asked to sit at your table. 301 00:23:08,345 --> 00:23:14,058 I just wasn't entirely comfortable having a casual meal with my captain. 302 00:23:14,267 --> 00:23:17,228 I was trained not to fraternize with superior officers. 303 00:23:18,897 --> 00:23:20,189 Never too late to learn. 304 00:23:21,316 --> 00:23:23,234 Frankly, sir, from my point of view, 305 00:23:23,443 --> 00:23:26,987 that kind of socializing has no place on a starship. 306 00:23:27,197 --> 00:23:31,033 I had a CO once felt the same way. 307 00:23:31,368 --> 00:23:34,245 "They're your crew not your friends." 308 00:23:35,580 --> 00:23:40,084 I thought about that a lot when I took this command. 309 00:23:41,253 --> 00:23:43,462 But then I realized this is not your typical mission. 310 00:23:44,506 --> 00:23:46,674 We could be out here for years. 311 00:23:47,384 --> 00:23:51,262 All we have to depend on is each other. 312 00:23:57,394 --> 00:23:58,686 There are two left. 313 00:23:59,187 --> 00:24:00,604 Top left first. 314 00:24:02,315 --> 00:24:06,402 I appreciate your suggestions, Malcolm. 315 00:24:06,862 --> 00:24:08,028 Anything else? 316 00:24:08,905 --> 00:24:10,406 Well, 317 00:24:10,782 --> 00:24:15,661 since you asked, Bridge protocols have become somewhat lax. 318 00:24:15,871 --> 00:24:18,372 Too many people offering opinions. 319 00:24:18,832 --> 00:24:22,710 We're here to carry out your orders, sir. You're the captain. 320 00:24:23,378 --> 00:24:24,962 What's the point of having a senior staff 321 00:24:25,172 --> 00:24:28,215 if they just sit around with their mouths shut? 322 00:24:28,425 --> 00:24:30,593 I'm glad they have opinions. 323 00:24:30,802 --> 00:24:32,928 I rely on them. 324 00:24:37,601 --> 00:24:38,642 Keep going. 325 00:24:40,479 --> 00:24:43,022 And in the area of security, 326 00:24:43,231 --> 00:24:47,067 I sometimes think you could show a little more caution, sir. 327 00:24:47,277 --> 00:24:50,237 I'm aware of your concerns in that area. 328 00:24:51,072 --> 00:24:53,866 Not to say that it hasn't been a privilege to have served with you. 329 00:24:54,075 --> 00:24:55,701 Ah-ah. 330 00:24:56,411 --> 00:24:57,661 Sir? 331 00:24:57,871 --> 00:24:59,872 You're talking in the past tense, lieutenant. 332 00:25:07,797 --> 00:25:12,301 Now re-insert all six relays 333 00:25:12,511 --> 00:25:14,011 but in the reverse order. 334 00:25:23,563 --> 00:25:25,147 You're doing fine, sir. 335 00:25:26,191 --> 00:25:27,358 Thanks. 336 00:25:41,206 --> 00:25:43,332 You've earned yourself a break, Travis. 337 00:25:43,542 --> 00:25:46,252 Ensign Hutchison can cover the helm for a while. 338 00:25:46,461 --> 00:25:49,338 Thank you, sir, but I'd prefer to stay at my post. 339 00:25:50,715 --> 00:25:53,759 - Bridge to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 340 00:25:53,969 --> 00:25:56,220 We're clear of the minefield. 341 00:25:56,805 --> 00:26:00,474 - Maintain course and speed. - Understood. 342 00:26:03,228 --> 00:26:08,482 This last detonation circuit has an added attraction. 343 00:26:09,317 --> 00:26:13,696 I'm seeing something that looks like a back-up arming mechanism. 344 00:26:14,906 --> 00:26:19,034 We'll have to fool the circuit into thinking it's still online. 345 00:26:19,244 --> 00:26:20,828 How do we do that? 346 00:26:21,037 --> 00:26:23,914 There's a hyperspanner in the equipment case. 347 00:26:24,708 --> 00:26:29,003 Take out its power cell and strip off the casing. 348 00:26:29,754 --> 00:26:35,009 You must have realized this wasn't going to be your typical armory posting, 349 00:26:35,218 --> 00:26:41,307 that my command style lacked a certain spit and polish. 350 00:26:42,267 --> 00:26:45,269 It was obvious, if you don't mind me saying so. 351 00:26:47,814 --> 00:26:51,483 - Strange. - What's strange, sir? 352 00:26:51,693 --> 00:26:54,862 I understand you came from a long line of Royal Navy men. 353 00:26:55,822 --> 00:26:58,365 Your father, your grandfather. 354 00:26:58,575 --> 00:27:00,618 Why pick Starfleet? 355 00:27:00,827 --> 00:27:02,911 Why not continue the family tradition? 356 00:27:03,830 --> 00:27:06,999 - God knows I tried. - What happened? 357 00:27:08,251 --> 00:27:09,793 I'll need a circuit probe. 358 00:27:31,399 --> 00:27:32,816 So, what happened? 359 00:27:33,693 --> 00:27:36,695 I was raised on the water. 360 00:27:37,238 --> 00:27:41,533 I knew how to handle a boat before I could ride a bicycle. 361 00:27:42,744 --> 00:27:45,537 Studied all the great naval battles. 362 00:27:46,665 --> 00:27:48,248 I don't know, 363 00:27:48,458 --> 00:27:50,918 I suppose I thought I'd just grow out of it. 364 00:27:51,670 --> 00:27:52,920 Grow out of what? 365 00:27:55,173 --> 00:27:56,924 Aquaphobia. 366 00:27:58,718 --> 00:27:59,885 You're afraid of the water? 367 00:28:00,804 --> 00:28:04,306 More precisely, afraid of drowning. 368 00:28:05,809 --> 00:28:09,895 So instead of a life on the sea 369 00:28:10,105 --> 00:28:13,399 you chose a life in the vacuum of space? 370 00:28:25,954 --> 00:28:29,748 I had a great-uncle who suffered from the same problem. 371 00:28:31,960 --> 00:28:34,294 But he faced his fears. 372 00:28:34,838 --> 00:28:38,924 Joined the navy, had a distinguished career. 373 00:28:39,676 --> 00:28:41,927 All you have to do 374 00:28:42,721 --> 00:28:47,641 is attach it to the cylinder on your upper right. 375 00:28:52,689 --> 00:28:53,772 It's working. 376 00:28:54,441 --> 00:28:56,275 Start with the top most component. 377 00:28:56,985 --> 00:28:59,653 Use the caliper to lift it a few millimeters 378 00:29:00,363 --> 00:29:04,283 and then turn it clockwise 360 degrees 379 00:29:04,492 --> 00:29:07,453 and then gently re-insert it. 380 00:29:09,622 --> 00:29:12,040 He was something of a hero to me. 381 00:29:12,250 --> 00:29:13,709 My great-uncle. 382 00:29:14,878 --> 00:29:17,463 - The one with aquaphobia? - Indeed. 383 00:29:18,047 --> 00:29:21,216 He signed up with the submarine service. 384 00:29:21,426 --> 00:29:23,802 Talk about facing your deepest fears. 385 00:29:24,929 --> 00:29:27,014 He was a brave man. 386 00:29:28,600 --> 00:29:31,727 Wasn't long before he'd worked his way up through the ranks. 387 00:29:32,270 --> 00:29:35,355 Made chief engineer on the HMS Clement. 388 00:29:36,816 --> 00:29:38,484 Do you know the story of the Clement, sir? 389 00:29:39,068 --> 00:29:41,570 I don't think I do. 390 00:29:43,823 --> 00:29:49,411 Good. Now, the other five components. 391 00:29:50,205 --> 00:29:55,709 Repeat the same process on each one. Counterclockwise. 392 00:29:57,462 --> 00:29:59,129 You were telling me about the Clement. 393 00:30:00,965 --> 00:30:03,675 They were on a routine patrol 394 00:30:03,885 --> 00:30:06,011 when they had an accident. 395 00:30:08,306 --> 00:30:11,099 Now, there's a beautiful irony for you. 396 00:30:11,601 --> 00:30:15,813 They hit a mine left over from some World War. 397 00:30:17,857 --> 00:30:22,194 There they were trapped underneath an ice shelf, 398 00:30:23,029 --> 00:30:27,616 several compartments flooding including Engineering. 399 00:30:28,868 --> 00:30:30,869 Can you imagine? 400 00:30:31,329 --> 00:30:33,413 My great-uncle, 401 00:30:33,957 --> 00:30:35,541 the man afraid of drowning. 402 00:30:37,085 --> 00:30:41,171 The ship was sinking, losing power. 403 00:30:42,131 --> 00:30:44,341 According to his lieutenant, 404 00:30:45,051 --> 00:30:48,637 my great-uncle sealed himself in the engine room 405 00:30:49,097 --> 00:30:52,015 and kept the reactor online long enough 406 00:30:52,684 --> 00:30:55,644 for his crew to make it to the escape pods. 407 00:30:58,523 --> 00:31:00,732 He went down with the ship. 408 00:31:02,026 --> 00:31:06,071 He did what he had to do to save his crewmates. 409 00:31:06,281 --> 00:31:09,783 I appreciate what you're trying to tell me, Malcolm, 410 00:31:10,702 --> 00:31:12,911 but I was hoping 411 00:31:14,831 --> 00:31:17,708 you'd be able to save your heroics for another time. 412 00:31:18,793 --> 00:31:22,629 I just want you to know, sir, that I am prepared. 413 00:31:23,298 --> 00:31:24,506 Gotcha. 414 00:31:25,174 --> 00:31:27,509 If we're not able to defuse this mine, 415 00:31:27,719 --> 00:31:31,513 - the safety of the crew... - I said, I heard you, lieutenant. 416 00:31:40,565 --> 00:31:42,691 I'm afraid we have another problem, sir. 417 00:31:43,192 --> 00:31:45,485 What? What is it? 418 00:31:47,488 --> 00:31:49,740 I need to use the bathroom. 419 00:31:52,452 --> 00:31:53,493 I won't tell a soul. 420 00:31:55,330 --> 00:31:56,997 In my EV suit, sir? 421 00:32:10,261 --> 00:32:11,303 Sir. 422 00:32:18,603 --> 00:32:19,728 We're being hailed. 423 00:32:22,523 --> 00:32:25,400 You've ignored our warnings. 424 00:32:25,610 --> 00:32:29,071 We were unable to translate your language until a short time ago. 425 00:32:29,280 --> 00:32:31,865 We're trying to defuse a weapon lodged on our hull. 426 00:32:32,075 --> 00:32:34,117 I'm well aware of your situation. 427 00:32:34,327 --> 00:32:37,537 Our scans show you're prepared to detach the hull segment 428 00:32:37,747 --> 00:32:38,872 surrounding the mine. 429 00:32:39,082 --> 00:32:43,335 Complete the procedure and leave this system immediately. 430 00:32:44,212 --> 00:32:46,713 We've got a man trapped out there. 431 00:32:46,923 --> 00:32:49,758 - Don't your scans show you that? - One crewman. 432 00:32:49,968 --> 00:32:52,844 You have 82 others safely aboard. 433 00:32:53,054 --> 00:32:55,514 Jettison the hull segment and leave. 434 00:32:55,723 --> 00:32:59,184 We will not tolerate espionage. 435 00:33:00,853 --> 00:33:02,646 T'Pol, report. 436 00:33:05,858 --> 00:33:09,861 They're demanding that we jettison the section of hull plating and leave. 437 00:33:10,071 --> 00:33:14,116 They scanned us, captain. They know we're ready to detach it. 438 00:33:14,325 --> 00:33:17,119 I'm defusing the last detonation circuit. 439 00:33:18,371 --> 00:33:20,372 Stand by. 440 00:33:43,855 --> 00:33:48,316 It's rearming. Reset that last component. Quickly. 441 00:34:04,375 --> 00:34:05,917 Lieutenant? 442 00:34:06,127 --> 00:34:09,046 When you deactivated that final circuit, 443 00:34:09,756 --> 00:34:11,339 it triggered a sub-detonator. 444 00:34:12,467 --> 00:34:16,219 - How can we get to it? - We can't. 445 00:34:16,429 --> 00:34:18,764 It's too deep inside. 446 00:34:18,973 --> 00:34:21,349 We'd have to dismantle the entire mine. 447 00:34:23,478 --> 00:34:24,811 Captain. 448 00:34:26,105 --> 00:34:27,939 Those heroics we spoke about... 449 00:34:31,069 --> 00:34:33,278 I think it may be time. 450 00:34:42,580 --> 00:34:45,415 You've done all you can, sir. 451 00:34:46,084 --> 00:34:47,834 For what it's worth, 452 00:34:48,044 --> 00:34:51,379 - you'd make a fine armory officer. - Show me that sub-detonator. 453 00:34:51,589 --> 00:34:53,298 I'd prefer a burial at sea 454 00:34:53,925 --> 00:34:55,383 if I'm not completely vaporized. 455 00:34:55,593 --> 00:34:57,427 I thought you were afraid of the water. 456 00:34:57,637 --> 00:35:01,640 - Your scanner, lieutenant. - I told you, sir. 457 00:35:01,849 --> 00:35:04,226 There's nothing we can do. 458 00:35:04,435 --> 00:35:06,895 We'll dismantle this thing piece by piece if we have to. 459 00:35:07,688 --> 00:35:10,440 - That'll take days. - My schedule's open. 460 00:35:10,650 --> 00:35:12,400 And these Romulans? 461 00:35:12,610 --> 00:35:15,237 They don't seem like the patient types. 462 00:35:15,446 --> 00:35:19,491 The longer we stay in this system, the more likely they're going to attack. 463 00:35:19,700 --> 00:35:22,452 As much as I appreciate all your efforts, 464 00:35:22,662 --> 00:35:25,372 you have to detach the hull plating. 465 00:35:25,581 --> 00:35:26,706 It's the only option. 466 00:35:26,916 --> 00:35:29,126 I'm not about to leave one of my crew behind. 467 00:35:29,335 --> 00:35:34,005 - You're putting Enterprise at risk. - We're wasting time. 468 00:35:34,215 --> 00:35:36,842 Help me figure out a way to get you off of here. That's an order. 469 00:35:45,852 --> 00:35:48,228 What the hell are you doing? 470 00:36:08,916 --> 00:36:09,958 Great. 471 00:36:24,223 --> 00:36:26,308 If I were the kind of captain you think I should be, 472 00:36:26,517 --> 00:36:28,310 I'd bust your ass back to crewman. 473 00:36:28,519 --> 00:36:30,770 Begging your pardon, sir, 474 00:36:30,980 --> 00:36:32,731 but if you were that kind of captain, 475 00:36:32,940 --> 00:36:35,358 we wouldn't be having this conversation. 476 00:36:35,568 --> 00:36:37,360 You'd have cut me loose by now. 477 00:36:37,904 --> 00:36:40,113 I'm not gonna do that, Malcolm. 478 00:36:44,702 --> 00:36:46,119 When we triggered that sub-detonator 479 00:36:46,329 --> 00:36:48,496 why didn't the mine explode right away? 480 00:36:49,707 --> 00:36:51,917 How many seconds went by before I rearmed it? 481 00:36:52,126 --> 00:36:54,252 - Sir? - How many seconds? 482 00:36:54,962 --> 00:36:57,172 I don't remember. 483 00:36:57,381 --> 00:37:00,383 - Ten, maybe 12. - It felt more like 20. 484 00:37:01,093 --> 00:37:03,637 Ten, 20, what's the difference? 485 00:37:03,846 --> 00:37:06,139 If it had exploded, 486 00:37:07,350 --> 00:37:10,060 how big would the yield have been? 487 00:37:11,229 --> 00:37:14,105 Judging by the damage the first mine caused, 488 00:37:14,315 --> 00:37:16,233 I'd guess about a quarter of a kiloton. 489 00:37:17,109 --> 00:37:18,443 What are you getting at, sir? 490 00:37:24,825 --> 00:37:26,243 How close is your team to finishing? 491 00:37:26,452 --> 00:37:28,245 They're down to the last few couplings. 492 00:37:28,454 --> 00:37:32,040 - What's going on out there? - We're gonna detach the plating. 493 00:37:34,210 --> 00:37:36,044 I'm sure you did everything you could, captain. 494 00:37:36,254 --> 00:37:37,879 I'm going with him. 495 00:37:38,089 --> 00:37:40,799 Could a shuttlepod hatch withstand a quarter kiloton blast? 496 00:37:41,008 --> 00:37:44,844 - Depends how close it was. - Twenty meters, maybe 25. 497 00:37:45,054 --> 00:37:48,223 They're reinforced with duratanium alloy. They can take a beating. 498 00:37:48,432 --> 00:37:50,141 What have you got in mind? 499 00:37:50,351 --> 00:37:52,310 I need two shuttlepod hatches. 500 00:37:52,520 --> 00:37:54,062 Have them brought up here on the double. 501 00:37:54,272 --> 00:37:56,481 - Sir? - On the double. 502 00:38:00,194 --> 00:38:05,115 Captain, I assume there's no point in my questioning your plan. 503 00:38:21,674 --> 00:38:24,467 - Bridge to Captain Archer. - Go ahead. 504 00:38:24,677 --> 00:38:26,511 We're ready. 505 00:38:26,971 --> 00:38:28,513 See you soon. 506 00:38:29,598 --> 00:38:31,224 Hang on, fellas. 507 00:39:09,764 --> 00:39:11,514 Six hundred meters. 508 00:39:11,724 --> 00:39:14,142 Another hundred ought to do it. 509 00:39:15,144 --> 00:39:17,437 Sub-commander. 510 00:39:18,773 --> 00:39:19,856 Hail them. 511 00:39:22,401 --> 00:39:24,361 No response. 512 00:39:26,655 --> 00:39:29,491 - They're charging weapons. - Polarize the hull plating. 513 00:39:29,700 --> 00:39:32,619 I'll do what I can, but keep in mind, we're missing some of it. 514 00:39:37,041 --> 00:39:38,124 It's rearming. 515 00:39:43,589 --> 00:39:45,006 That's it. Let's go. 516 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:05,151 Now, Malcolm! 517 00:40:15,621 --> 00:40:17,997 Enterprise to Captain Archer. 518 00:40:22,253 --> 00:40:24,462 Captain, respond. 519 00:40:27,425 --> 00:40:30,510 Maybe their transmitters were knocked out in the blast. 520 00:40:30,719 --> 00:40:32,429 Travis? 521 00:40:33,389 --> 00:40:37,142 I see them. Bearing two, one, three, mark four. 522 00:40:37,351 --> 00:40:38,768 Closing in. 523 00:40:38,978 --> 00:40:40,395 Open the doors to Launch Bay 2. 524 00:40:41,772 --> 00:40:43,398 The Romulans are locking weapons. 525 00:40:43,607 --> 00:40:45,859 - Bridge to Dr. Phlox. - Go ahead. 526 00:40:46,068 --> 00:40:49,696 - Meet us outside Launch Bay 2. - They're targeting our engines. 527 00:40:49,905 --> 00:40:52,031 A hundred meters more. 528 00:40:53,033 --> 00:40:54,617 Fifty. 529 00:40:55,286 --> 00:40:57,328 I've got them. Sealing launch bay doors. 530 00:40:57,538 --> 00:40:59,497 Go to warp, ensign. 531 00:41:17,933 --> 00:41:19,767 You all right? 532 00:41:19,977 --> 00:41:22,270 All things considered. 533 00:41:22,980 --> 00:41:28,151 If I may say so, sir, your style of command does have its advantages. 534 00:41:30,154 --> 00:41:32,947 So how long was it? 535 00:41:34,950 --> 00:41:36,534 I counted ten seconds. 536 00:41:36,744 --> 00:41:39,537 Ten? It was more like 20. 537 00:41:40,498 --> 00:41:44,209 Respectfully, sir, it was ten. 538 00:41:44,418 --> 00:41:46,127 I'm not gonna argue with you, Malcolm. 539 00:41:47,588 --> 00:42:53,820 It was 20. That's an order.