1 00:00:07,424 --> 00:00:10,342 - Say when. - When. 2 00:00:11,052 --> 00:00:13,470 I didn't know you drank wine. 3 00:00:13,680 --> 00:00:17,266 Under the circumstances, I'll allow myself a small indulgence. 4 00:00:17,475 --> 00:00:19,435 Uh, make mine a large indulgence. 5 00:00:21,896 --> 00:00:24,148 To our science officer. 6 00:00:24,357 --> 00:00:30,320 It's been one year to the day since you officially joined our crew. 7 00:00:30,530 --> 00:00:32,698 Here's to many more. 8 00:00:33,158 --> 00:00:34,241 I appreciate the sentiment, 9 00:00:34,409 --> 00:00:36,618 but I'm simply carrying out my assignment. 10 00:00:36,828 --> 00:00:40,164 That's no small accomplishment, considering the previous record 11 00:00:40,331 --> 00:00:43,709 for a Vulcan serving on a human ship was two weeks. 12 00:00:43,918 --> 00:00:45,210 Ten days. 13 00:00:47,464 --> 00:00:50,132 I've been filling out your annual crew evaluation. 14 00:00:50,341 --> 00:00:52,843 - Just a formality. - I understand. 15 00:00:53,053 --> 00:00:56,096 The High Command has requested my evaluation of you. 16 00:00:58,266 --> 00:00:59,683 Just a formality. 17 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:03,687 There's something in your record I've been meaning to ask you about. 18 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:07,566 While you were stationed in Sausalito, you took a five-day leave. 19 00:01:07,776 --> 00:01:09,151 Yes. 20 00:01:09,360 --> 00:01:12,863 You went to an old mining town in Pennsylvania, Carbon Creek. 21 00:01:14,032 --> 00:01:16,867 Seems like an odd place to take a vacation. 22 00:01:17,077 --> 00:01:19,161 Vulcans don't take vacations. 23 00:01:19,954 --> 00:01:23,957 Then if I may ask, why'd you go there? 24 00:01:24,542 --> 00:01:27,252 Is this part of my evaluation? 25 00:01:28,421 --> 00:01:30,297 Just curious. 26 00:01:30,507 --> 00:01:32,132 It was a personal matter. 27 00:01:34,302 --> 00:01:37,638 You had a personal matter in Carbon Creek, Pennsylvania? 28 00:01:37,847 --> 00:01:40,808 Trip, if she doesn't wanna tell us... 29 00:01:41,017 --> 00:01:43,977 Seems a little unfair. We tell her plenty of stories. 30 00:01:44,145 --> 00:01:47,606 - You'd like me to tell you a story? - If it's a good one. 31 00:01:50,819 --> 00:01:53,153 I went to Carbon Creek because I wanted to visit the site 32 00:01:53,321 --> 00:01:56,573 of First Contact between humans and Vulcans. 33 00:01:58,076 --> 00:02:00,536 Then you were about 3,000 kilometers off. 34 00:02:00,703 --> 00:02:03,914 - That took place in Montana. - Actually, it didn't. 35 00:02:04,707 --> 00:02:05,749 Every school kid knows 36 00:02:05,917 --> 00:02:07,334 that Zephram Cochrane met the Vulcans 37 00:02:07,502 --> 00:02:10,963 in Bozeman, Montana on April 5th, 2063. 38 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:13,632 I've been there. There's a statue. 39 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,885 In fact, the Vulcans visited Earth long before then. 40 00:02:17,053 --> 00:02:19,221 My second fore-mother was one of them. 41 00:02:19,973 --> 00:02:21,014 Your who? 42 00:02:22,851 --> 00:02:24,935 My mother's mother's mother. 43 00:02:30,525 --> 00:02:32,985 Would you like to hear the story? 44 00:04:16,881 --> 00:04:19,216 I can't compensate. 45 00:04:19,425 --> 00:04:22,052 The re-fusion pressure is still dropping. 46 00:04:22,262 --> 00:04:24,846 If our orbit decays any further, we'll be detected. 47 00:04:26,724 --> 00:04:28,809 They'd gone to Earth to investigate the launch 48 00:04:28,977 --> 00:04:32,187 of its first artificial satellite called Sputnik. 49 00:04:32,397 --> 00:04:35,732 During their third week of gathering information about humanity, 50 00:04:35,942 --> 00:04:38,443 their impulse manifold began to malfunction. 51 00:04:38,653 --> 00:04:42,197 They had no choice but to attempt an emergency landing. 52 00:04:42,407 --> 00:04:44,324 Try to find an isolated area. 53 00:04:45,618 --> 00:04:48,662 Send a distress call to the High Command. 54 00:04:55,920 --> 00:04:58,839 - One hundred kilometers. - Deploy the stabilizers. 55 00:05:00,466 --> 00:05:02,259 Our landing vector is too steep. 56 00:05:44,260 --> 00:05:47,387 - Are you hurt? - I don't think so. 57 00:05:48,431 --> 00:05:50,223 Captain? 58 00:05:56,939 --> 00:05:59,149 What are your orders? 59 00:06:01,694 --> 00:06:04,696 Why did the Vulcans keep this a secret? 60 00:06:04,906 --> 00:06:06,656 The incident is well-documented 61 00:06:06,866 --> 00:06:09,159 at the Science Directorate and the Space Council. 62 00:06:09,369 --> 00:06:11,328 - On Vulcan? - Of course. 63 00:06:12,914 --> 00:06:14,539 Hang on. 64 00:06:14,874 --> 00:06:17,459 T'Mir was your great grandmother? 65 00:06:18,878 --> 00:06:20,629 I'd be the last person to question your math, 66 00:06:20,797 --> 00:06:23,757 but aren't you missing a few generations? 67 00:06:23,966 --> 00:06:25,884 Sputnik was 200 years ago. 68 00:06:26,094 --> 00:06:28,136 Don't forget how long Vulcans live. 69 00:06:28,763 --> 00:06:30,430 Right. 70 00:06:31,391 --> 00:06:32,641 Just how old are you? 71 00:06:35,812 --> 00:06:36,978 It's gotta be in her record. 72 00:06:38,606 --> 00:06:41,525 Trip, that's classified information. 73 00:06:43,277 --> 00:06:44,778 Please, 74 00:06:45,571 --> 00:06:47,114 go on. 75 00:06:50,576 --> 00:06:53,495 Their subspace transceiver was damaged in the crash. 76 00:06:53,704 --> 00:06:55,247 They had no way of knowing 77 00:06:55,456 --> 00:06:57,958 if their distress signal had even been transmitted. 78 00:06:58,167 --> 00:07:01,795 They'd used up their emergency rations within a week. 79 00:07:02,004 --> 00:07:07,426 After five days without food, their situation was growing desperate. 80 00:07:20,690 --> 00:07:22,858 Two life forms. 81 00:07:39,834 --> 00:07:41,668 Fascinating. 82 00:07:44,505 --> 00:07:48,508 One of those creatures could sustain us for some time. 83 00:07:48,968 --> 00:07:52,220 Are you suggesting we eat it? 84 00:07:52,763 --> 00:07:55,807 It's logical to take extreme measures to survive. 85 00:07:56,017 --> 00:08:00,687 - Even resorting to savagery? - That may not be necessary. 86 00:08:00,897 --> 00:08:05,775 Our scans showed a settlement approximately six kilometers away. 87 00:08:06,277 --> 00:08:09,070 If we're exposed, we could contaminate their culture. 88 00:08:09,238 --> 00:08:12,449 And when they find our bodies after we starve, 89 00:08:12,658 --> 00:08:14,743 will that contaminate their culture? 90 00:08:14,952 --> 00:08:18,205 Better to leave them with a mystery than with three living aliens. 91 00:08:18,414 --> 00:08:20,707 We should at least investigate the possibilities. 92 00:08:21,667 --> 00:08:23,168 It's too dangerous. 93 00:08:23,794 --> 00:08:25,545 I'm willing to take the risk. 94 00:08:27,423 --> 00:08:29,257 Mestral. 95 00:08:30,676 --> 00:08:32,511 Remain here. 96 00:08:52,114 --> 00:08:55,492 How do you suggest we proceed? 97 00:08:56,494 --> 00:08:59,162 We'll need to disguise ourselves. 98 00:09:05,336 --> 00:09:08,338 We're here to find food. Nothing else. 99 00:09:08,548 --> 00:09:12,592 We'll keep contact with the humans to an absolute minimum. 100 00:09:13,386 --> 00:09:16,221 If we must interact with them, 101 00:09:17,265 --> 00:09:19,266 I will speak. 102 00:09:21,644 --> 00:09:23,144 What is it? 103 00:09:24,397 --> 00:09:28,567 I believe you have that garment on backwards. 104 00:09:52,633 --> 00:09:54,342 Prisoners? 105 00:09:54,802 --> 00:09:59,014 They don't appear to be restrained. More likely laborers. 106 00:09:59,682 --> 00:10:01,016 It's hard to believe these people 107 00:10:01,183 --> 00:10:04,603 were capable of launching an artificial satellite. 108 00:10:06,564 --> 00:10:09,232 And here is the pitch. 109 00:10:09,442 --> 00:10:11,526 Dixon hits a scorcher down the right field line! 110 00:10:11,736 --> 00:10:13,945 The first baseman makes a stab at it, but no! 111 00:10:14,113 --> 00:10:17,741 Ellis is charging hard from right field. He scoops it up and fires. 112 00:10:17,908 --> 00:10:20,994 It's gonna be close. There's a collision at the plate, 113 00:10:21,203 --> 00:10:24,414 but Wilcox hangs onto the ball and Thompson is out! 114 00:10:25,791 --> 00:10:28,543 Oh, my, what a play. 115 00:10:29,962 --> 00:10:31,796 Some type of combat, no doubt. 116 00:10:32,006 --> 00:10:34,674 I believe it may be an entertainment. 117 00:10:51,192 --> 00:10:54,819 - A communal gathering place. - Do they have food? 118 00:10:56,864 --> 00:10:58,865 It appears so. 119 00:11:02,244 --> 00:11:05,789 - Remember. - I won't speak. 120 00:11:43,869 --> 00:11:45,870 - Another? - No, I'll settle up. 121 00:11:46,038 --> 00:11:48,665 - All right. - I'm next. 122 00:11:51,585 --> 00:11:53,420 - Currency. - Yes. 123 00:11:53,629 --> 00:11:55,255 The paper appears to have value. 124 00:11:57,591 --> 00:11:58,633 Thanks, Billy. 125 00:12:00,511 --> 00:12:02,429 What can I get you? 126 00:12:04,140 --> 00:12:06,975 Do you have anything that doesn't require currency? 127 00:12:07,184 --> 00:12:09,102 You mean free? 128 00:12:14,650 --> 00:12:16,776 What brings you to Carbon Creek? 129 00:12:18,863 --> 00:12:22,323 We had an accident with our vehicle outside your town. 130 00:12:22,533 --> 00:12:25,243 - Are you okay? - We're fine. 131 00:12:26,328 --> 00:12:27,620 You folks married? 132 00:12:28,122 --> 00:12:29,289 No. 133 00:12:29,457 --> 00:12:33,334 We're business associates. 134 00:12:33,544 --> 00:12:36,755 There's a gas station up the road. I'd be happy to give you a lift. 135 00:12:37,798 --> 00:12:41,426 - No, thank you. - Suit yourself. 136 00:12:44,054 --> 00:12:47,098 Anybody up for a game? Quarter a ball? 137 00:12:47,308 --> 00:12:50,852 - I'll play. - You better ask your mother, Jackie. 138 00:12:55,107 --> 00:12:56,858 Come on, Mom, we could use the money. 139 00:12:57,067 --> 00:12:58,818 Go on upstairs and do your homework. 140 00:12:59,028 --> 00:13:01,362 I'll bring you up some dinner. 141 00:13:06,535 --> 00:13:08,536 I'm up for a game. 142 00:13:09,538 --> 00:13:11,664 What are you doing? I told you not to speak to anyone. 143 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:12,957 I can defeat him. 144 00:13:13,167 --> 00:13:16,836 - You don't even know the rules. - It's simple. 145 00:13:21,592 --> 00:13:25,720 - I thought you didn't have any money. - He doesn't. 146 00:13:27,306 --> 00:13:30,767 Well, sorry, pal, there's nothing in it for me. 147 00:13:31,769 --> 00:13:34,062 It's time for us to go. 148 00:13:34,814 --> 00:13:37,816 Wait a minute. We might be able to work something out. 149 00:13:38,025 --> 00:13:40,026 If you win, I'll pay up. 150 00:13:40,194 --> 00:13:44,948 If I win, your business associate has a drink with me. 151 00:13:45,157 --> 00:13:48,701 - We accept your terms. - We do not. 152 00:13:51,038 --> 00:13:53,623 The game is based on simple geometry. 153 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:56,167 - It wouldn't challenge a Vulcan child. - No. 154 00:13:56,377 --> 00:13:58,378 - We need their currency. - What if you lose? 155 00:13:58,546 --> 00:14:03,341 I'll have to socialize with him. 156 00:14:08,764 --> 00:14:11,182 Would you rather die of starvation? 157 00:14:16,897 --> 00:14:18,606 Tough break. 158 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:20,752 The number eight ball 159 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:23,504 in that pocket. 160 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:41,397 Cryogenics. 161 00:15:42,232 --> 00:15:45,443 Do you suppose they've experimented with protein replicators? 162 00:15:45,653 --> 00:15:47,445 Why didn't you ask the merchant? 163 00:15:47,655 --> 00:15:51,532 You seemed willing to engage everyone else in conversation. 164 00:15:54,578 --> 00:15:56,913 I think that wine's gone to your head. 165 00:15:57,122 --> 00:15:58,498 What are you implying? 166 00:16:00,501 --> 00:16:04,671 Two Vulcans stroll into a bar, hustle a few games of pool, 167 00:16:04,880 --> 00:16:07,715 and walk out with an armload of TV dinners. 168 00:16:07,925 --> 00:16:10,885 Sounds like an old episode of the Twilight Zone. Heh. 169 00:16:11,428 --> 00:16:13,221 If you're not interested in hearing the rest... 170 00:16:13,389 --> 00:16:16,849 Hold on, hold on. Heh. We didn't say we weren't interested. 171 00:16:27,152 --> 00:16:29,779 They realized they couldn't rely on gambling, 172 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:32,156 so they took whatever employment they could find 173 00:16:32,324 --> 00:16:35,785 while they waited for a rescue vessel to arrive. 174 00:16:54,555 --> 00:16:57,181 But as the weeks passed, it seemed less likely 175 00:16:57,349 --> 00:16:59,976 that their distress call had been received. 176 00:17:00,185 --> 00:17:05,189 And it became more difficult for them to avoid the humans. 177 00:17:05,774 --> 00:17:09,110 The test of a nuclear device is designed for tactical use 178 00:17:09,319 --> 00:17:10,570 in place of artillery. 179 00:17:10,738 --> 00:17:13,865 Zero hour was just after five... 180 00:17:14,074 --> 00:17:17,076 Nothing like an atomic test to make your day. 181 00:17:17,286 --> 00:17:18,661 Doesn't it concern you? 182 00:17:18,871 --> 00:17:21,748 The bomb? It scares the hell out of me. 183 00:17:23,125 --> 00:17:26,377 I'd hate to see humanity destroy itself. 184 00:17:26,587 --> 00:17:28,838 That makes two of us. 185 00:17:29,715 --> 00:17:32,216 - Want to shoot some eight-ball? - Jack. 186 00:17:32,426 --> 00:17:34,761 I've got a geometry mid-term next week. It's good practice. 187 00:17:34,970 --> 00:17:38,347 Nice try, but there's better ways to prepare for a math test. 188 00:17:38,557 --> 00:17:41,976 - Are you interested in mathematics? - It's what I want to study at college. 189 00:17:43,771 --> 00:17:46,439 Mechanical engineering. If I get to go. 190 00:17:46,648 --> 00:17:48,357 You will. 191 00:17:48,525 --> 00:17:51,069 - He got a scholarship. - Only a partial one. 192 00:17:51,278 --> 00:17:54,572 It's still a scholarship, and you worked hard for it. 193 00:17:54,782 --> 00:17:57,116 Everybody's been pitching in to help pay for his expenses. 194 00:17:57,284 --> 00:17:58,618 Books, room and board. 195 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:01,913 You can shoot one rack, and that's it. 196 00:18:02,122 --> 00:18:03,581 Your break. 197 00:18:30,442 --> 00:18:35,238 This is the third time this week I've had to fix Mrs. Garrett's sink. 198 00:18:35,781 --> 00:18:37,657 Perhaps she enjoys your company. 199 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:42,328 It might be tolerable if her son didn't insist on calling me "Moe." 200 00:18:43,163 --> 00:18:44,413 Why does he do that? 201 00:18:45,290 --> 00:18:48,668 There is a comic actor known as a stooge with that name. 202 00:18:48,877 --> 00:18:51,546 The boy believes we have similar hair. 203 00:18:51,755 --> 00:18:53,840 There is a resemblance. 204 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:56,717 This is intolerable. 205 00:18:56,927 --> 00:18:59,137 I'm a warp field engineer. 206 00:18:59,346 --> 00:19:02,765 Then perhaps you can help me construct a subspace transceiver. 207 00:19:02,975 --> 00:19:04,934 I told you, it's impossible. 208 00:19:08,313 --> 00:19:10,314 If we remain here, we'll die. 209 00:19:10,524 --> 00:19:13,484 This world's on the brink of self-annihilation. 210 00:19:13,694 --> 00:19:15,486 I don't believe that. 211 00:19:17,197 --> 00:19:21,409 Because your fascination with this species is blinding you. 212 00:19:21,618 --> 00:19:25,454 You sit for hours each day in front of this idiotic device. 213 00:19:25,664 --> 00:19:28,040 I'm doing research. 214 00:19:28,667 --> 00:19:32,003 Perhaps if you spent more time observing human behavior, 215 00:19:32,212 --> 00:19:34,589 you might not have such a pessimistic view of them. 216 00:19:34,798 --> 00:19:37,800 Open your eyes. They revel in violence. 217 00:19:38,010 --> 00:19:39,719 They devote what little technology they have 218 00:19:39,887 --> 00:19:41,846 to devising ways of killing each other. 219 00:19:42,431 --> 00:19:45,183 So did we centuries ago. 220 00:19:45,893 --> 00:19:48,311 They just haven't realized their potential yet. 221 00:19:48,520 --> 00:19:49,937 What potential? 222 00:19:51,899 --> 00:19:55,860 They have great empathy and compassion. 223 00:19:56,069 --> 00:19:58,362 Look how we've been made to feel welcome. 224 00:20:04,286 --> 00:20:07,371 Only because they believe we're human. 225 00:20:08,457 --> 00:20:11,167 If they discover the truth, 226 00:20:11,376 --> 00:20:13,711 do you think they'd be so compassionate? 227 00:20:19,843 --> 00:20:21,052 Where are you going? 228 00:20:22,304 --> 00:20:23,638 To the ship. 229 00:20:24,973 --> 00:20:28,684 - Why? - This antenna is inadequate. 230 00:20:28,894 --> 00:20:32,146 I believe I can use a waveform discriminator to enhance it. 231 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:35,942 It'll be safer to go after dark. You can't risk being followed. 232 00:20:36,151 --> 00:20:37,735 I need to go now. 233 00:20:38,528 --> 00:20:41,280 I Love Lucy is on tonight. 234 00:21:06,265 --> 00:21:09,350 Hi. You're right on time. 235 00:21:42,759 --> 00:21:45,094 It was different than seeing it on television. 236 00:21:45,304 --> 00:21:48,681 More invigorating. 237 00:21:48,890 --> 00:21:51,559 Well, there's another game next week if you'd like to go. 238 00:21:51,768 --> 00:21:54,478 Or we could do something else. Uh, take in a movie? 239 00:21:54,688 --> 00:21:56,480 That would be enjoyable. 240 00:21:58,108 --> 00:22:01,485 - Can I ask you a question? - Yes. 241 00:22:02,195 --> 00:22:03,779 What are you hiding under that cap? 242 00:22:04,573 --> 00:22:07,950 A pointed head? You're not from Mars, are you? 243 00:22:08,910 --> 00:22:12,747 Oh, I didn't mean to make fun of you. 244 00:22:12,956 --> 00:22:15,124 I'm not offended. 245 00:22:15,667 --> 00:22:19,253 - May I ask you a question? - Please. 246 00:22:19,921 --> 00:22:22,381 What happened to your mate? 247 00:22:22,591 --> 00:22:24,759 - You mean my husband? - Yes. 248 00:22:24,968 --> 00:22:27,428 He left a long time ago. 249 00:22:28,055 --> 00:22:30,181 Jack used to get letters from him every now and then. 250 00:22:30,349 --> 00:22:34,018 The last we heard, he moved to Phoenix. 251 00:22:35,520 --> 00:22:37,355 I was hoping he would help with Jack's college, 252 00:22:37,522 --> 00:22:39,023 but I guess we're on our own. 253 00:22:39,733 --> 00:22:42,902 I can understand why he wouldn't want to have anything to do with me but... 254 00:22:46,740 --> 00:22:50,743 I'm sorry. I'm usually better at keeping a lid on my emotions. 255 00:22:50,911 --> 00:22:52,661 It's not always easy. 256 00:22:53,580 --> 00:22:54,622 I know. 257 00:22:59,920 --> 00:23:01,879 Well, um... 258 00:23:02,923 --> 00:23:05,466 I'm due back at the Pine Tree. 259 00:23:06,885 --> 00:23:08,177 Will I see you later? 260 00:23:26,154 --> 00:23:27,363 Oh, I... 261 00:23:27,531 --> 00:23:29,323 I didn't mean to. I thought... 262 00:23:29,533 --> 00:23:30,950 - Oh, God. - Please. 263 00:23:31,159 --> 00:23:35,913 I was simply surprised. It was very pleasant. 264 00:23:36,123 --> 00:23:37,623 Pleasant? 265 00:23:37,833 --> 00:23:39,417 Wasn't that an appropriate response? 266 00:23:40,127 --> 00:23:42,128 Well, it's been a while since I kissed a man, 267 00:23:42,295 --> 00:23:45,673 but still, I was hoping it'd be a little bit more than "pleasant." 268 00:23:47,551 --> 00:23:48,968 I did say "very pleasant." 269 00:23:55,434 --> 00:23:56,559 We've got company. 270 00:24:02,607 --> 00:24:05,484 I should go. 271 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:11,866 Thank you again. 272 00:24:26,047 --> 00:24:28,632 Waveform discriminator? 273 00:24:28,842 --> 00:24:32,136 I went to a baseball game in Doylestown. 274 00:24:33,221 --> 00:24:36,265 - More research? - Maggie invited me. 275 00:24:36,433 --> 00:24:40,102 - I didn't think it would be a problem. - Then why did you lie about it? 276 00:24:40,312 --> 00:24:43,105 Because I knew you wouldn't understand. 277 00:24:44,649 --> 00:24:48,319 You were engaging in intimate activity. 278 00:24:50,614 --> 00:24:52,865 I didn't initiate it. 279 00:24:54,868 --> 00:24:57,161 You're to have no further contact with that woman. 280 00:24:59,956 --> 00:25:03,584 - You can't make that decision. - I'm still in command. 281 00:25:03,793 --> 00:25:05,920 Command of what? 282 00:25:06,129 --> 00:25:08,464 Our mission is over. 283 00:25:08,673 --> 00:25:12,760 It's time to accept the fact that we may never leave this world. 284 00:25:50,340 --> 00:25:54,385 I was just gonna play some pool. I didn't mean to bother you. Um... 285 00:25:54,761 --> 00:25:55,803 What are you doing? 286 00:25:57,180 --> 00:25:59,056 I was about to meditate. 287 00:25:59,266 --> 00:26:01,141 Really? 288 00:26:01,601 --> 00:26:05,688 Are you just trying to clear your mind or reach a higher spiritual plane? 289 00:26:08,024 --> 00:26:09,858 I spend a lot of time at the library. Heh. 290 00:26:10,443 --> 00:26:14,363 - Studying meditation techniques? - Oh, different things. 291 00:26:14,573 --> 00:26:16,782 Mostly about places I'd like to visit. 292 00:26:16,992 --> 00:26:19,952 Uh, like Tibet. The Buddhist monks there meditate every day. 293 00:26:20,579 --> 00:26:23,956 And in India, they've got these mystics called fakirs. 294 00:26:24,165 --> 00:26:26,208 Supposedly, they can almost stop their hearts, 295 00:26:26,376 --> 00:26:27,835 just by using willpower. 296 00:26:28,044 --> 00:26:31,797 You'd be surprised what a disciplined mind can accomplish. 297 00:26:33,133 --> 00:26:35,342 What else do you study at this library? 298 00:26:35,552 --> 00:26:38,512 Astronomy, um, literature, 299 00:26:38,722 --> 00:26:42,099 sometimes I'll just pick a book off the shelf and start reading. 300 00:26:42,851 --> 00:26:44,727 What about you? What do you like to read? 301 00:26:45,604 --> 00:26:48,147 I have an interest in astronomy as well. 302 00:26:48,356 --> 00:26:50,065 Oh, really? 303 00:26:50,275 --> 00:26:54,153 Did you know that, uh, minutes after dusk, when the sun is just right, 304 00:26:54,321 --> 00:26:57,823 you can see Sputnik with the naked eye. 305 00:26:58,283 --> 00:27:01,452 - Maybe tomorrow I could show you. - I've seen it already. 306 00:27:04,873 --> 00:27:07,666 It's amazing, don't you think? 307 00:27:09,336 --> 00:27:12,087 Well, I'll let you get back to your meditating. 308 00:27:12,672 --> 00:27:15,549 - It was nice talking to you. - And you. 309 00:27:30,398 --> 00:27:32,399 - Mestral! - Hello. 310 00:27:32,609 --> 00:27:35,277 Hey, I got tickets to the ball game this weekend. 311 00:27:35,445 --> 00:27:36,820 It's a double-header. 312 00:27:37,030 --> 00:27:40,074 Tim's going, Gavin, Jack, Maggie. 313 00:27:41,076 --> 00:27:44,286 - I'm afraid I can't. - What's wrong with you lately? 314 00:27:44,496 --> 00:27:46,580 Maggie says you haven't even... 315 00:27:47,666 --> 00:27:49,625 - Are you all right, Billy? - Yeah. 316 00:28:05,392 --> 00:28:06,892 Why do you need us here? 317 00:28:07,102 --> 00:28:09,436 I'm looking for a particle weapon, the armory case. 318 00:28:09,604 --> 00:28:10,896 - Help me find it. - Why? 319 00:28:11,064 --> 00:28:13,607 There's been an accident in the mine. 320 00:28:13,817 --> 00:28:15,609 At least 20 men are trapped. 321 00:28:15,819 --> 00:28:18,404 It could take the humans days to free them. 322 00:28:18,613 --> 00:28:21,490 - We can't interfere. - They'll die. 323 00:28:28,206 --> 00:28:32,251 You'd let them suffocate even if we could prevent it. 324 00:28:32,460 --> 00:28:36,380 - What if they see the weapon? - We'll be certain they don't. 325 00:28:36,589 --> 00:28:42,469 At best, these humans only live to be 60 or 70. 326 00:28:42,637 --> 00:28:46,390 Is it worth the risk just to extend their lives a few more years? 327 00:28:46,599 --> 00:28:49,059 We can't contaminate their culture. 328 00:28:49,269 --> 00:28:52,855 This has nothing to do with contamination. 329 00:28:54,399 --> 00:28:56,650 It has to do with compassion. 330 00:28:56,860 --> 00:28:58,736 Compassion 331 00:29:00,280 --> 00:29:01,447 is an emotion. 332 00:29:01,656 --> 00:29:05,576 They're my friends and I'm going to help them. 333 00:29:05,785 --> 00:29:08,287 Don't try to stop me. 334 00:29:56,294 --> 00:29:58,837 - Yes. - Proceed 22 meters, 335 00:29:59,047 --> 00:30:01,882 - then turn right at the junction. - Understood. 336 00:30:04,177 --> 00:30:06,678 In eight meters, you'll find a narrow opening 337 00:30:06,846 --> 00:30:10,265 near the ground that leads to an abandoned shaft. 338 00:30:47,178 --> 00:30:50,848 There's a stratum of quartz on the wall opposite the opening. 339 00:30:51,057 --> 00:30:52,182 I see it. 340 00:30:52,392 --> 00:30:55,602 Set your dispersal radius to seven degrees. 341 00:31:02,902 --> 00:31:04,236 Two more meters. 342 00:31:21,754 --> 00:31:24,840 - How far? - Approximately 30 meters. 343 00:31:31,389 --> 00:31:34,474 Here. Over here. 344 00:31:46,070 --> 00:31:48,155 After rescuing the 12 miners, 345 00:31:48,364 --> 00:31:50,657 Mestral became something of a hero that day. 346 00:31:50,867 --> 00:31:53,035 Didn't people wonder how he got them out? 347 00:31:53,244 --> 00:31:54,703 I'm sure they did. 348 00:31:54,913 --> 00:31:57,623 But no one ever discovered the truth. 349 00:31:58,499 --> 00:31:59,958 Three months passed, 350 00:32:00,126 --> 00:32:02,377 and just as they had resigned themselves to the fact that, 351 00:32:02,545 --> 00:32:05,756 in all likelihood, they would never leave Earth. 352 00:32:19,103 --> 00:32:20,312 T'Mir. 353 00:32:20,521 --> 00:32:23,523 This is Captain Tellus of the Vulcan survey vessel D'Vahl. 354 00:32:23,733 --> 00:32:26,485 I'm responding to your distress signal. 355 00:32:27,570 --> 00:32:29,655 We thought it wasn't transmitted. 356 00:32:29,864 --> 00:32:32,491 Your signal was received by a Tellarite freighter. 357 00:32:32,700 --> 00:32:35,786 It took them some time to forward it to the High Command. 358 00:32:35,995 --> 00:32:38,038 We're approaching the system now. 359 00:32:38,247 --> 00:32:40,040 Meet us at the crash site in three days. 360 00:32:40,249 --> 00:32:41,708 Understood. 361 00:33:01,062 --> 00:33:02,938 I hear you're leaving. 362 00:33:04,190 --> 00:33:05,899 That's correct. 363 00:33:07,819 --> 00:33:09,486 Where to? 364 00:33:10,363 --> 00:33:11,405 Home. 365 00:33:13,157 --> 00:33:14,574 Up north. 366 00:33:18,496 --> 00:33:20,580 I'm gonna miss you. 367 00:33:21,374 --> 00:33:24,001 You're about the most interesting people I've met in this town. 368 00:33:24,210 --> 00:33:27,546 I'm sure you'll meet a lot of interesting people at college. 369 00:33:29,757 --> 00:33:30,799 I'm not going. 370 00:33:32,343 --> 00:33:34,594 What? Why not? 371 00:33:34,804 --> 00:33:36,555 Couldn't come up with the rest of the money. 372 00:33:36,723 --> 00:33:39,683 The deadline for the tuition's Friday, so... 373 00:33:40,435 --> 00:33:44,312 - What will you do? - Keep saving, I guess. 374 00:33:44,939 --> 00:33:45,981 Find a job. 375 00:33:46,190 --> 00:33:48,650 Mom doesn't want me anywhere near the mine, 376 00:33:48,860 --> 00:33:51,028 but that's where the work is around here. 377 00:33:51,237 --> 00:33:53,572 Can you try again next year? For the scholarship? 378 00:33:53,781 --> 00:33:56,241 I'll re-apply, but there's no guarantee. 379 00:33:57,493 --> 00:33:59,786 I'm sure they will offer it to you again. 380 00:34:01,873 --> 00:34:04,166 And if not, there's always the library. 381 00:34:04,333 --> 00:34:06,543 Still a lot of books I haven't read. 382 00:34:08,337 --> 00:34:10,213 Good luck up north. 383 00:34:10,882 --> 00:34:14,217 Carbon Creek's not exactly a vacation spot 384 00:34:14,385 --> 00:34:17,220 but I hope you'll come visit us. 385 00:34:17,388 --> 00:34:18,930 Perhaps. 386 00:34:29,776 --> 00:34:32,235 He took those college boards. 387 00:34:32,445 --> 00:34:36,782 Got the highest score of anybody in the county. 388 00:34:36,991 --> 00:34:38,992 It's not fair. 389 00:35:52,483 --> 00:35:58,113 So you're the lady with the invention that's going to change the world. 390 00:36:39,030 --> 00:36:40,780 Morning. 391 00:36:47,205 --> 00:36:53,293 Jack! 392 00:37:00,218 --> 00:37:02,260 Didn't you terminate your employment? 393 00:37:02,470 --> 00:37:03,887 Yes. 394 00:37:04,639 --> 00:37:07,349 But I promised Mrs. Garrett I'd repair this suction device. 395 00:37:08,100 --> 00:37:10,101 It's unfortunate that you'll be leaving these people 396 00:37:10,269 --> 00:37:13,688 without experiencing one thing they have to offer. 397 00:37:13,856 --> 00:37:17,859 Such as alcohol? Frozen fish sticks? 398 00:37:18,069 --> 00:37:20,820 The constant threat of nuclear annihilation? 399 00:37:21,030 --> 00:37:23,031 There is much more to them. 400 00:37:23,199 --> 00:37:25,158 You just refuse to see it. 401 00:37:25,368 --> 00:37:26,868 I've seen enough. 402 00:37:27,620 --> 00:37:29,246 I haven't. 403 00:37:29,455 --> 00:37:30,956 I plan to stay here. 404 00:37:32,959 --> 00:37:34,751 If this your attempt at humor... 405 00:37:34,961 --> 00:37:36,002 They're on the verge 406 00:37:36,170 --> 00:37:39,798 of countless social and technological advancements. 407 00:37:40,299 --> 00:37:43,510 I have the unique opportunity to study an emerging species. 408 00:37:43,719 --> 00:37:47,931 That's what you've done, much closer than we anticipated. 409 00:37:48,266 --> 00:37:51,518 Your duty is to return to Vulcan and report your findings. 410 00:37:51,727 --> 00:37:54,187 There's still more to learn about these people. 411 00:37:54,397 --> 00:37:56,439 All of them or just one? 412 00:37:58,067 --> 00:38:00,860 This has nothing to do with Maggie. 413 00:38:01,070 --> 00:38:04,572 She has helped me appreciate their culture, 414 00:38:04,782 --> 00:38:07,158 but I don't intend to remain in Carbon Creek. 415 00:38:07,368 --> 00:38:10,870 - Where would you go? - To one of their larger cities at first. 416 00:38:11,080 --> 00:38:13,415 After that, I'm not certain. 417 00:38:14,917 --> 00:38:17,002 There's so much to see. 418 00:38:17,211 --> 00:38:19,921 The High Command will never allow it. 419 00:38:21,007 --> 00:38:23,466 Tell him it's not possible. 420 00:38:25,761 --> 00:38:27,345 T'Mir? 421 00:38:29,265 --> 00:38:32,767 Perhaps, I can arrange for you to be on the next survey ship. 422 00:38:32,977 --> 00:38:34,769 In another 20 years, 423 00:38:34,979 --> 00:38:38,732 running more statistical scans from high orbit? 424 00:38:40,026 --> 00:38:42,068 That's not enough. 425 00:39:02,173 --> 00:39:05,216 - Where is your captain? - He was killed in the crash. 426 00:39:05,426 --> 00:39:07,552 There were four Vulcans aboard your vessel. 427 00:39:07,762 --> 00:39:11,973 Mestral died in the crash as well. We cremated their remains. 428 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:47,133 Do you realize you've just rewritten our history books? 429 00:39:47,343 --> 00:39:50,512 - A footnote, at best. - Footnote? 430 00:39:50,679 --> 00:39:53,681 Uh, this is like finding out Neil Armstrong wasn't the first man 431 00:39:53,849 --> 00:39:55,225 to walk on the moon. 432 00:39:55,434 --> 00:39:56,601 Perhaps he wasn't. 433 00:39:56,977 --> 00:39:58,686 Oh. 434 00:39:59,188 --> 00:40:03,108 How long did this Mestral stay on Earth? 435 00:40:03,317 --> 00:40:05,693 The rest of his life, presumably. 436 00:40:05,903 --> 00:40:09,447 And that would be what, another 100, 150 years? 437 00:40:09,657 --> 00:40:11,199 Possibly longer. 438 00:40:12,660 --> 00:40:15,495 An alien is left on Earth in the 1950s. 439 00:40:15,704 --> 00:40:19,040 Lives through, what, 30 presidents, travels the world, 440 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:21,251 and no one notices him? 441 00:40:21,460 --> 00:40:23,461 And what happened when he finally kicked the bucket? 442 00:40:23,671 --> 00:40:27,048 Did the undertaker just shrug and ignore his ears? 443 00:40:28,008 --> 00:40:30,135 You asked me to tell you a story. 444 00:40:30,302 --> 00:40:33,471 Heh. It was a good one. 445 00:40:33,806 --> 00:40:35,640 But did it really happen? 446 00:40:35,850 --> 00:40:40,186 As I said, you asked me to tell you a story. 447 00:40:43,441 --> 00:40:45,316 Damn, captain. 448 00:40:45,526 --> 00:40:47,110 She put one over on us. 449 00:40:47,319 --> 00:40:49,362 You did go to Carbon Creek. 450 00:40:49,572 --> 00:40:51,781 If you check my record, you'll note 451 00:40:51,991 --> 00:40:56,327 that I also visited Yellowstone Park and the Carlsbad Caverns. 452 00:40:56,537 --> 00:40:59,706 I'm a scientist. That includes geology. 453 00:41:03,002 --> 00:41:04,043 Thank you for the meal. 454 00:41:04,336 --> 00:41:06,129 Ahem, my pleasure. 455 00:41:06,338 --> 00:41:09,841 You've certainly kept us entertained. Heh. 456 00:41:11,177 --> 00:41:13,052 Good night.