1 00:00:05,380 --> 00:00:07,339 NARRATOR: Last time on Enterprise: 2 00:00:07,549 --> 00:00:09,049 HOSHI: There's nothing left. 3 00:00:09,259 --> 00:00:12,678 - No buildings, no trees, no people. - That's impossible. 4 00:00:12,887 --> 00:00:14,805 There were 3,600 colonists. 5 00:00:15,015 --> 00:00:16,849 The mission's been canceled. 6 00:00:17,058 --> 00:00:18,767 I can't believe you're letting them do this. 7 00:00:18,935 --> 00:00:21,562 You've waited all your life to command this ship. 8 00:00:21,771 --> 00:00:24,815 DANIELS: History never recorded the disaster. 9 00:00:25,025 --> 00:00:26,817 Someone violated the Temporal Accord. 10 00:00:27,027 --> 00:00:29,278 Someone who doesn't want your mission to succeed. 11 00:00:29,487 --> 00:00:32,322 Are you telling me that Enterprise didn't cause that explosion? 12 00:00:32,532 --> 00:00:34,825 He brought me back 10 months. 13 00:00:35,035 --> 00:00:37,578 But I knew everything I know now. How is that possible? 14 00:00:37,787 --> 00:00:39,580 The Suliban destroyed that colony. 15 00:00:39,789 --> 00:00:41,290 We're going back to get proof. 16 00:00:50,675 --> 00:00:52,885 MAN: Have your ships bring me Archer. 17 00:00:55,597 --> 00:00:58,390 Captain Archer is no longer aboard Enterprise. 18 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:01,018 I thought he was smarter than this. 19 00:01:01,227 --> 00:01:02,978 He could have saved all your lives. 20 00:01:03,188 --> 00:01:05,105 He's targeting our warp core. 21 00:01:05,315 --> 00:01:08,067 DANIELS: You're in the 31 st century, captain. 22 00:01:08,276 --> 00:01:11,695 If bringing me here caused this, then send me back. 23 00:01:11,905 --> 00:01:15,157 I'll take my chances with Silik. 24 00:01:15,325 --> 00:01:16,950 You don't understand. 25 00:01:17,160 --> 00:01:19,620 The time portals 26 00:01:19,788 --> 00:01:21,789 have been destroyed. 27 00:01:21,998 --> 00:01:23,957 Everything's been destroyed. 28 00:01:24,125 --> 00:01:26,126 There's no way to send you back. 29 00:01:27,796 --> 00:01:30,589 NARRATOR: And now, the conclusion. 30 00:01:38,098 --> 00:01:39,890 He's not onboard. 31 00:01:40,975 --> 00:01:43,602 You must have sensors that can confirm that. 32 00:01:43,812 --> 00:01:45,270 You've lied to me before. 33 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:48,190 If you don't tell me where he is, I'll have no alternative but to... 34 00:01:48,399 --> 00:01:51,360 Come see for yourself. Or send your soldiers. 35 00:01:51,569 --> 00:01:53,695 You'll realize I'm telling the truth. 36 00:01:55,073 --> 00:01:57,533 Drop out of warp and prepare to be boarded. 37 00:01:57,700 --> 00:01:58,742 [MACHINE BEEPS] 38 00:01:58,910 --> 00:02:01,829 Security teams to docking ports 1, 2 and 3. 39 00:02:02,038 --> 00:02:03,372 This is Sub-commander T'Pol. 40 00:02:03,540 --> 00:02:05,082 All security teams remain where you are. 41 00:02:05,250 --> 00:02:06,291 [MACHINE BEEPS] 42 00:02:06,459 --> 00:02:07,709 Are you crazy? 43 00:02:07,919 --> 00:02:09,962 How do we know how many Suliban are coming aboard? 44 00:02:10,130 --> 00:02:11,588 They could try to take over the ship. 45 00:02:11,756 --> 00:02:14,258 There are 30 armed vessels surrounding us. 46 00:02:14,467 --> 00:02:18,011 Unless I'm mistaken, their weapons are still targeting our warp core. 47 00:02:18,221 --> 00:02:19,346 Mr. Reed. 48 00:02:25,353 --> 00:02:28,188 So unless you have a better suggestion... 49 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:11,124 If this place was destroyed as long ago as it seems to have been, 50 00:04:11,334 --> 00:04:13,085 then what are you doing here? 51 00:04:13,294 --> 00:04:17,214 You and your watchdog buddies don't exactly fit in with all this. 52 00:04:17,382 --> 00:04:20,175 You're thinking of time travel like we're in some H.G. Wells novel. 53 00:04:20,385 --> 00:04:22,886 We're not. It's far more complicated. 54 00:04:23,096 --> 00:04:24,554 There's no way for you to understand. 55 00:04:24,722 --> 00:04:26,390 Try me. 56 00:04:27,725 --> 00:04:30,394 Listen, I realize your little utopia is gone, 57 00:04:30,561 --> 00:04:32,688 and I sympathize. 58 00:04:32,897 --> 00:04:34,940 But if you're telling me the truth, 59 00:04:35,149 --> 00:04:37,359 if you've brought me 800 years into the future, 60 00:04:37,568 --> 00:04:40,696 into this future, I think I deserve some answers. 61 00:04:40,905 --> 00:04:43,323 I don't have any answers. 62 00:04:43,533 --> 00:04:45,826 And you're right, I shouldn't be here. 63 00:04:46,035 --> 00:04:49,413 Which means you shouldn't be here either. But you are. 64 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:51,164 We are. 65 00:04:51,332 --> 00:04:52,708 [CHUCKLES] 66 00:04:52,875 --> 00:04:56,086 We brought you here to protect the timeline. 67 00:04:56,254 --> 00:04:57,504 [CHUCKLES] 68 00:04:57,672 --> 00:04:59,840 We did quite a job. 69 00:05:04,137 --> 00:05:05,595 What's wrong? 70 00:05:05,763 --> 00:05:07,514 It's gone. 71 00:05:09,475 --> 00:05:11,727 - What's gone? - The monument. 72 00:05:11,936 --> 00:05:17,107 It was right here on the same street as the library. 73 00:05:17,900 --> 00:05:19,693 It was obviously never built. 74 00:05:19,902 --> 00:05:21,945 Why is that a problem? 75 00:05:27,452 --> 00:05:29,578 - Who did it commemorate? - Not who. 76 00:05:29,787 --> 00:05:34,333 - Then what? - An organization. A federation. 77 00:05:34,542 --> 00:05:37,127 It doesn't exist for you. Not yet. 78 00:05:37,337 --> 00:05:39,212 But it will? 79 00:05:43,593 --> 00:05:44,718 Fine. 80 00:05:44,927 --> 00:05:48,096 Keep your missing monument to yourself. 81 00:05:48,306 --> 00:05:50,766 Where's this library you're talking about? 82 00:05:50,975 --> 00:05:54,603 It should be right down there if it was ever built. 83 00:05:54,812 --> 00:05:58,648 And even if it was, it'll be of no help. All the data's stored electronically. 84 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:20,253 DANIELS: Books made with paper. 85 00:06:20,630 --> 00:06:23,256 There aren't supposed to be books here. 86 00:06:24,300 --> 00:06:25,425 Well, there are. 87 00:06:25,635 --> 00:06:27,761 So I suggest we use some of them to figure out 88 00:06:27,970 --> 00:06:29,679 what you did to the last thousand years 89 00:06:29,889 --> 00:06:32,516 when you brought me here this morning. 90 00:07:10,388 --> 00:07:12,180 They haven't been duplicated. 91 00:07:12,390 --> 00:07:13,765 Is he correct? 92 00:07:13,975 --> 00:07:15,559 Don't you believe your scanners? 93 00:07:15,768 --> 00:07:17,269 Is he correct? 94 00:07:17,478 --> 00:07:19,438 We didn't have time to make a copy. 95 00:07:19,605 --> 00:07:21,731 Leave her alone. 96 00:07:23,985 --> 00:07:25,902 Lower your weapon. 97 00:07:26,821 --> 00:07:30,449 If we find Captain Archer aboard this vessel, 98 00:07:30,658 --> 00:07:35,328 you'll all be punished for lying to me. 99 00:07:36,122 --> 00:07:39,958 He's not here. Unless he's dead. But we did find this. 100 00:07:44,046 --> 00:07:45,297 - Where? - In that lift. 101 00:07:45,506 --> 00:07:47,299 It's an hour old, maybe two. 102 00:07:50,178 --> 00:07:56,224 When I saw him last, your captain spoke of a Temporal Cold War. 103 00:07:56,434 --> 00:07:58,518 What was he talking about? 104 00:07:58,728 --> 00:08:01,271 Captain Archer believed Crewman Daniels was from the future, 105 00:08:01,481 --> 00:08:04,399 but if I recall, you killed him. 106 00:08:04,609 --> 00:08:08,111 - What else? - Nothing else. 107 00:08:09,322 --> 00:08:12,240 There's a temporal signature in your Turbolift. 108 00:08:12,450 --> 00:08:13,909 What do you know of that? 109 00:08:14,118 --> 00:08:18,371 The last time we saw Captain Archer he was entering that Turbolift. 110 00:08:19,874 --> 00:08:22,167 Perhaps you haven't been lying to me. 111 00:08:23,628 --> 00:08:26,421 You, shut down all com systems and computer terminals 112 00:08:26,631 --> 00:08:29,466 with the exception of Engineering and the Bridge. 113 00:08:29,675 --> 00:08:32,802 Confine all of them to their quarters. If anyone resists... 114 00:08:33,012 --> 00:08:34,179 Understood. 115 00:08:37,308 --> 00:08:38,725 Hey! 116 00:08:39,727 --> 00:08:41,311 Under the circumstances, 117 00:08:41,479 --> 00:08:44,731 it would be best to do what he says, commander. 118 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:04,251 They're three days overdue. 119 00:09:04,460 --> 00:09:05,835 I told you, ambassador, 120 00:09:06,003 --> 00:09:07,671 Archer said he was returning with proof 121 00:09:07,838 --> 00:09:10,465 that they weren't responsible for the tragedy on Paraagan II. 122 00:09:10,675 --> 00:09:12,926 You also told me Starfleet had ordered him 123 00:09:13,135 --> 00:09:16,346 to deliver Sub-commander T'Pol and his medical officer 124 00:09:16,556 --> 00:09:18,181 to the Vulcan ship D'kyr 125 00:09:18,391 --> 00:09:20,642 They're three days overdue. 126 00:09:20,851 --> 00:09:23,144 The D'kyr has long-range sensors. 127 00:09:23,354 --> 00:09:25,272 Have they detected Enterprise? 128 00:09:25,481 --> 00:09:31,069 Captain Archer's negligence caused the death of 3,000 colonists. 129 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:34,573 Your superiors instructed them to return to Earth. 130 00:09:34,782 --> 00:09:35,824 Their mission is over. 131 00:09:35,992 --> 00:09:37,576 They haven't followed those instructions. 132 00:09:37,743 --> 00:09:40,537 You didn't answer the commander's question. 133 00:09:41,664 --> 00:09:44,499 Has your ship detected Enterprise? 134 00:09:45,501 --> 00:09:48,878 The D'kyr said they were joined by a number of other vessels. 135 00:09:49,088 --> 00:09:50,547 They're no longer within sensor range. 136 00:09:50,756 --> 00:09:51,798 What kind of vessels? 137 00:09:51,966 --> 00:09:54,676 They were at too great a distance to identify. 138 00:09:55,886 --> 00:09:59,347 Enterprise has ignored our hails and defied Starfleet's orders. 139 00:09:59,557 --> 00:10:03,143 I have no choice but to send the D'kyr in pursuit. 140 00:10:03,352 --> 00:10:05,353 Jonathan Archer doesn't report to you. 141 00:10:05,521 --> 00:10:06,938 No, he doesn't. 142 00:10:07,148 --> 00:10:08,982 But Sub-commander T'Pol does, 143 00:10:09,191 --> 00:10:11,443 and since she would never comply with his present actions, 144 00:10:11,652 --> 00:10:14,404 I have to conclude that she's being held against her will. 145 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:17,449 I know you don't think much of Archer, ambassador, 146 00:10:17,658 --> 00:10:20,118 but he is not in the habit of kidnapping Vulcans. 147 00:10:20,328 --> 00:10:22,037 FORREST: Fine. 148 00:10:22,872 --> 00:10:24,164 You send your ship. 149 00:10:24,373 --> 00:10:27,584 Whatever Archer's up to, I'm sure he's got a good reason. 150 00:10:27,793 --> 00:10:30,086 He knows what he's doing. 151 00:10:30,671 --> 00:10:32,547 Does he really? 152 00:10:43,643 --> 00:10:46,311 Have you cycled through the sub-temporal harmonics? 153 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:48,813 He's never failed to respond before. 154 00:10:49,023 --> 00:10:51,316 Perhaps he's angry that we didn't return with Archer. 155 00:10:51,525 --> 00:10:53,443 Archer wasn't on Enterprise. 156 00:10:53,653 --> 00:10:56,905 Why isn't he responding? I need instructions. 157 00:10:57,114 --> 00:11:01,368 He said to destroy Enterprise if we couldn't bring him Archer. 158 00:11:01,577 --> 00:11:04,204 We should tow them out of the nebula and do it now. 159 00:11:04,413 --> 00:11:06,539 The temporal signature, it changes everything. 160 00:11:06,749 --> 00:11:09,876 If Archer was pulled through time, we need new instructions. 161 00:11:10,086 --> 00:11:11,836 Where is he? 162 00:11:12,046 --> 00:11:15,757 If he's angry with you, you'll be punished again. 163 00:11:16,217 --> 00:11:19,219 We should destroy Enterprise. 164 00:11:21,514 --> 00:11:25,975 Have the surgeons prepare. Then bring me the Vulcan. 165 00:11:35,653 --> 00:11:39,614 I haven't found a single reference to this Federation you talked about. 166 00:11:39,824 --> 00:11:41,241 I doubt you will. 167 00:11:41,450 --> 00:11:43,785 Because that monument wasn't there? 168 00:11:43,994 --> 00:11:46,079 Because you weren't there. 169 00:11:46,288 --> 00:11:49,541 So I disappear one day and all history changes? 170 00:11:49,750 --> 00:11:53,002 I've looked through the 21 st and 22nd centuries. 171 00:11:53,212 --> 00:11:57,090 Everything looks right up until the warp 5 program. 172 00:11:57,299 --> 00:11:59,718 After that, nothing looks right. 173 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:02,971 There were a lot of people involved in the warp 5 program. 174 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:05,348 We didn't bring a lot of people here this morning. 175 00:12:05,558 --> 00:12:07,517 We just brought you. 176 00:12:14,483 --> 00:12:17,152 "The Romulan Star Empire." 177 00:12:17,361 --> 00:12:20,697 - What's that? - Maybe you shouldn't be reading that. 178 00:12:23,159 --> 00:12:24,200 I don't get it. 179 00:12:24,702 --> 00:12:27,704 What could I have done that could have been so important? 180 00:12:27,913 --> 00:12:29,456 It wasn't just you. 181 00:12:29,665 --> 00:12:32,625 It was events you helped set in motion. 182 00:12:33,627 --> 00:12:37,922 This timeline, the one you say no longer exists. 183 00:12:38,132 --> 00:12:42,343 What can you tell me about it? If my mission had continued? 184 00:12:43,804 --> 00:12:46,306 It would have led to others. 185 00:12:47,183 --> 00:12:48,850 And? 186 00:12:52,229 --> 00:12:54,105 Okay. 187 00:12:54,523 --> 00:12:55,732 What about this Federation? 188 00:12:55,941 --> 00:12:58,568 Was Earth part of it? Was I part of it? 189 00:12:59,320 --> 00:13:02,864 Silik wanted you, not the data disks. 190 00:13:03,073 --> 00:13:05,074 The people he answered to were more interested 191 00:13:05,284 --> 00:13:08,495 in capturing Jonathan Archer than in blaming Enterprise 192 00:13:08,704 --> 00:13:10,830 for the destruction of the colony. 193 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:13,750 They obviously knew what role you were going to play 194 00:13:13,959 --> 00:13:16,419 in the months or years to come. 195 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:19,631 By taking you away from the 22nd century, 196 00:13:19,840 --> 00:13:22,884 they caused exactly what I was trying to prevent. 197 00:13:23,344 --> 00:13:24,969 You've lost me. 198 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:28,598 The only chance I have of restoring my century 199 00:13:28,766 --> 00:13:31,351 is by getting you back to yours. 200 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:36,481 Sounds like you've got a "chicken or the egg" problem. 201 00:13:38,150 --> 00:13:41,110 You said your time portals are gone, 202 00:13:41,278 --> 00:13:42,320 all your technology. 203 00:13:42,530 --> 00:13:45,031 There isn't even electricity here. 204 00:13:45,616 --> 00:13:48,952 You going to find a bicycle, turn it into a time machine? 205 00:13:49,578 --> 00:13:52,038 Maybe we don't need a time machine. 206 00:13:52,248 --> 00:13:54,374 Do you have your communicator? 207 00:13:58,254 --> 00:14:01,130 - And my scanner. - May I? 208 00:14:01,590 --> 00:14:03,341 The people the Suliban were working for 209 00:14:03,551 --> 00:14:05,051 came from about 300 years ago. 210 00:14:05,261 --> 00:14:07,720 They couldn't travel through time, but they did develop a way 211 00:14:07,930 --> 00:14:12,684 to send back images of themselves to communicate through time. 212 00:14:12,893 --> 00:14:14,894 - You can't do that with those. - No. 213 00:14:15,104 --> 00:14:18,064 It's a little bit more complicated, but not much. 214 00:14:18,274 --> 00:14:20,400 We learned how to do it in high school. 215 00:14:20,609 --> 00:14:24,153 But we're going to need a few things that might not be too easy to find. 216 00:14:29,368 --> 00:14:30,660 What are we waiting for? 217 00:14:39,587 --> 00:14:42,672 Where is Archer? 218 00:14:42,882 --> 00:14:44,674 I don't know. 219 00:14:45,551 --> 00:14:49,053 Who are you working with from the future? 220 00:14:49,722 --> 00:14:52,181 The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined 221 00:14:52,391 --> 00:14:55,685 that time travel is impossible. 222 00:14:56,270 --> 00:15:00,398 Does Captain Archer agree with that opinion? 223 00:15:00,983 --> 00:15:02,650 It's not an opinion. 224 00:15:02,860 --> 00:15:08,281 Does Archer agree with that determination? 225 00:15:08,866 --> 00:15:12,243 Captain Archer believes Crewman Daniels 226 00:15:12,411 --> 00:15:14,329 comes from the future. 227 00:15:14,538 --> 00:15:17,206 But Daniels is dead. 228 00:15:21,211 --> 00:15:25,131 Captain Archer claims he saw Daniels two days ago. 229 00:15:26,967 --> 00:15:28,801 Your captain is gone. 230 00:15:29,011 --> 00:15:33,932 Did Daniels take him into the past or the future? 231 00:15:35,476 --> 00:15:37,518 The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined 232 00:15:37,728 --> 00:15:42,190 that time travel is impossible. 233 00:16:03,337 --> 00:16:07,674 I can't be sure, but I think that's copper. 234 00:16:09,218 --> 00:16:10,343 Well done. 235 00:16:10,552 --> 00:16:12,887 I need you to unwrap it and pound it into small strips 236 00:16:13,097 --> 00:16:15,974 no more than a millimeter thick. 237 00:16:33,409 --> 00:16:37,245 [MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER SCANNER] 238 00:16:38,247 --> 00:16:39,288 Hello? 239 00:16:39,456 --> 00:16:42,000 [MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER SCANNER] 240 00:16:42,167 --> 00:16:45,253 Please repeat. I can't understand. 241 00:16:45,421 --> 00:16:47,714 [MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER SCANNER] 242 00:16:47,881 --> 00:16:49,966 I still can't understand you. 243 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:53,344 Try modulating the sub-carrier wave. 244 00:16:53,554 --> 00:16:57,140 TRIP: Mal, can you hear me? 245 00:16:57,349 --> 00:16:58,474 Barely. 246 00:16:58,684 --> 00:17:01,269 You're going to need to boost the signal. 247 00:17:03,022 --> 00:17:05,023 TRIP: Any better? - Yeah. 248 00:17:05,232 --> 00:17:08,276 REED: I thought the com was off-line. - It is. 249 00:17:08,485 --> 00:17:10,486 I'm routing the signal through the EPS grid. 250 00:17:10,696 --> 00:17:12,613 I can talk to any doorbell on B-Deck. 251 00:17:13,198 --> 00:17:14,323 Are you all right? 252 00:17:14,491 --> 00:17:16,784 Same as you, I guess. 253 00:17:17,453 --> 00:17:18,745 Locked in tight. 254 00:17:18,954 --> 00:17:20,121 And the others? 255 00:17:20,330 --> 00:17:22,832 TRIP: I can't get in contact with T'Pol for some reason. 256 00:17:23,042 --> 00:17:24,709 And Hoshi and Travis are on C-Deck. 257 00:17:24,918 --> 00:17:27,545 REED: Any thoughts about how we're gonna get rid of these Suliban? 258 00:17:27,755 --> 00:17:29,547 One step at a time. 259 00:17:29,757 --> 00:17:31,716 The first thing I need to do is figure out 260 00:17:31,925 --> 00:17:34,177 how to tap into the door coms on C-Deck. 261 00:17:34,386 --> 00:17:37,138 I'll get back to you. Sit tight. 262 00:17:37,347 --> 00:17:40,016 I wasn't planning on going anywhere. 263 00:17:46,565 --> 00:17:47,690 Any luck? 264 00:17:47,900 --> 00:17:50,318 I still have the spatial coordinates of Enterprise, 265 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:53,905 but without a quantum discriminator it's going to be very tricky 266 00:17:54,114 --> 00:17:56,616 to contact the ship on the same day you left. 267 00:17:56,825 --> 00:17:58,659 I thought you built these things in high school. 268 00:17:58,869 --> 00:18:02,538 Yeah, where quantum discriminators were on every desk. 269 00:18:03,749 --> 00:18:06,125 Why is the same day so important? 270 00:18:06,335 --> 00:18:09,545 What would be wrong with making contact a week before I left 271 00:18:09,755 --> 00:18:10,880 or even a month before? 272 00:18:11,048 --> 00:18:12,090 I made the biggest mistake 273 00:18:12,257 --> 00:18:14,509 in the history of time travel this morning. 274 00:18:14,718 --> 00:18:16,969 I don't intend to make it any worse. 275 00:18:23,560 --> 00:18:25,269 [GROANS] 276 00:18:29,233 --> 00:18:31,234 [CHATTERING] 277 00:19:01,265 --> 00:19:04,267 [ARCHER SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY OVER MACHINE] 278 00:19:05,519 --> 00:19:08,229 ARCHER: T'Pol, this is Captain Archer. 279 00:19:08,397 --> 00:19:10,481 Can you hear me? 280 00:19:14,444 --> 00:19:16,028 I don't think it's working. 281 00:19:16,738 --> 00:19:18,531 I don't know where he is. 282 00:19:18,740 --> 00:19:21,075 You don't know where who is? 283 00:19:22,286 --> 00:19:24,787 Sub-commander, this is Captain Archer. 284 00:19:24,955 --> 00:19:27,540 I'm having trouble understanding you. 285 00:19:27,749 --> 00:19:30,084 Captain Archer's gone. 286 00:19:31,461 --> 00:19:35,214 Temporal reading in the Turbolift. I don't know where he is. 287 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:38,634 Daniels brought me to the future. 288 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:42,221 That's what the temporal reading was all about. 289 00:19:44,933 --> 00:19:46,475 Are you all right? 290 00:19:50,564 --> 00:19:52,106 Science Vulcan Directorate 291 00:19:52,274 --> 00:19:55,318 has determined that time travel 292 00:19:57,321 --> 00:19:58,696 is not fair. 293 00:19:59,573 --> 00:20:02,450 Whatever you say. Just tell me, are you all right? 294 00:20:03,660 --> 00:20:05,953 We're all confined to our quarters. 295 00:20:06,163 --> 00:20:07,997 Where are you? 296 00:20:08,165 --> 00:20:09,790 I told you. In my quarters. 297 00:20:10,000 --> 00:20:14,295 No. I mean Enterprise. Where's Enterprise? 298 00:20:20,219 --> 00:20:22,303 There's a Helix out my window. 299 00:20:23,513 --> 00:20:26,224 T'Pol, listen to me. 300 00:20:26,391 --> 00:20:27,683 I need your help. 301 00:20:27,893 --> 00:20:32,063 You're going to have to find a way to get to Daniels' quarters. 302 00:20:32,272 --> 00:20:34,357 Do you understand me? 303 00:20:34,566 --> 00:20:37,235 You're on the ceiling. Why aren't you on a monitor? 304 00:20:37,444 --> 00:20:39,862 There's no technology where I am. 305 00:20:40,489 --> 00:20:42,114 I thought you said you were in the future. 306 00:20:42,324 --> 00:20:44,408 T'Pol, do you remember when I asked you 307 00:20:44,576 --> 00:20:45,785 to keep an open mind? 308 00:20:46,954 --> 00:20:48,037 Yes. 309 00:20:48,205 --> 00:20:53,417 There's a lot more at stake here than bringing me back or the mission. 310 00:20:53,627 --> 00:20:57,088 I need you to listen to me very carefully. 311 00:20:58,048 --> 00:21:00,466 I need you to trust me. 312 00:21:08,058 --> 00:21:09,350 It won't work. 313 00:21:09,559 --> 00:21:11,060 We can only access the de-coupling pins 314 00:21:11,228 --> 00:21:12,645 from outside our quarters. 315 00:21:12,854 --> 00:21:15,606 So if we can't pick the locks, 316 00:21:15,816 --> 00:21:18,401 what about the shafts that house the EPS conduits? 317 00:21:18,610 --> 00:21:20,361 They're adjacent to the air ducts. 318 00:21:20,570 --> 00:21:23,239 They were pretty much blocked off when the ship was completed. 319 00:21:23,448 --> 00:21:25,199 They'd be too tight a squeeze. 320 00:21:25,409 --> 00:21:27,285 What's your definition of too tight? 321 00:21:27,494 --> 00:21:29,704 You or I couldn't get through them. Maybe a child or... 322 00:21:29,871 --> 00:21:31,080 Or Hoshi? 323 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:34,667 REED: It's possible. But it would be difficult. 324 00:21:35,168 --> 00:21:38,921 What do you say, Hoshi? You want to give it a try? 325 00:21:39,631 --> 00:21:41,757 Isn't there some other way that I can help out? 326 00:21:41,967 --> 00:21:44,093 Something that needs translating? 327 00:21:44,303 --> 00:21:46,095 You know how claustrophobic I am. 328 00:21:46,305 --> 00:21:49,181 There's no one else that can get through those crawl spaces. 329 00:21:49,391 --> 00:21:51,058 Unless we could reach Crewman Naiman. 330 00:21:51,268 --> 00:21:53,311 - She's pretty small. - There's no time. 331 00:21:53,520 --> 00:21:55,396 If this is going to work, we need to begin now. 332 00:21:55,605 --> 00:21:56,856 Ensign Sato? 333 00:21:57,065 --> 00:21:59,650 HOSHI: How far would I have to go to get to the doctor's quarters? 334 00:21:59,818 --> 00:22:01,652 Forty meters, maybe 45. 335 00:22:02,195 --> 00:22:05,489 - Then how far to Lieutenant Reed's? TRIP: It's not that far, Hoshi. 336 00:22:05,699 --> 00:22:07,950 You can do it. We need you to do it. 337 00:22:57,000 --> 00:22:58,334 [KNOCKING ON DOOR] 338 00:23:13,517 --> 00:23:15,476 - Hoshi? - Good guess. 339 00:23:15,685 --> 00:23:17,812 - How are you holding up? - Great. 340 00:23:18,021 --> 00:23:21,107 If you don't mind, I'd just like to get this over with. 341 00:23:23,693 --> 00:23:24,735 Good luck. 342 00:23:27,072 --> 00:23:30,074 [GRUNTING] 343 00:24:18,123 --> 00:24:19,623 [SHOUTS] 344 00:24:23,628 --> 00:24:25,754 Whatever you're about to say, I don't want to hear it. 345 00:24:25,964 --> 00:24:28,048 Just get me a shirt. 346 00:24:36,308 --> 00:24:39,310 [MUMBLING] 347 00:24:43,023 --> 00:24:44,148 What are you doing? 348 00:24:46,568 --> 00:24:48,694 Stand up, Vulcan. Up! 349 00:24:48,862 --> 00:24:49,904 [GROANS] 350 00:24:50,071 --> 00:24:51,864 T'POL: No. 351 00:24:53,200 --> 00:24:55,910 No! No! 352 00:24:56,620 --> 00:24:57,661 No! 353 00:24:59,122 --> 00:25:02,291 No! Stop! 354 00:25:08,965 --> 00:25:10,966 [GRUNTS] 355 00:25:13,887 --> 00:25:15,346 You certainly took your time. 356 00:25:15,555 --> 00:25:17,723 He had this pressed against my head. 357 00:25:17,933 --> 00:25:20,726 Had to be sure they were preoccupied. 358 00:25:24,940 --> 00:25:27,942 You positive you're willing to do this? It could get pretty ugly. 359 00:25:28,151 --> 00:25:31,695 - I'm positive. - You've got 30 minutes. 360 00:25:31,905 --> 00:25:33,614 Good luck. 361 00:25:34,282 --> 00:25:36,951 If they regain consciousness, don't hesitate to use these. 362 00:25:37,160 --> 00:25:38,661 Don't worry. 363 00:25:39,120 --> 00:25:40,829 TRIP: Let's go. 364 00:27:07,667 --> 00:27:09,084 [GROANING] 365 00:27:09,252 --> 00:27:13,797 SILIK: Did you think we wouldn't be watching Daniels' quarters? 366 00:27:15,008 --> 00:27:17,509 I guess I wasn't thinking. 367 00:27:19,346 --> 00:27:20,804 I guess you weren't. 368 00:27:21,014 --> 00:27:22,890 But you should be thinking now. 369 00:27:23,099 --> 00:27:27,519 Thinking about what will happen to you if you don't answer my questions. 370 00:27:27,729 --> 00:27:31,732 Are you thinking about that, Lieutenant Reed? 371 00:27:32,108 --> 00:27:35,986 Good. Now tell me what this is. What does it do? 372 00:27:36,655 --> 00:27:38,572 I don't know. 373 00:27:38,740 --> 00:27:40,282 [GROANING] 374 00:27:42,661 --> 00:27:44,828 SILIK: What does it do? 375 00:27:45,038 --> 00:27:47,331 I don't know. 376 00:27:47,540 --> 00:27:50,084 - Please! - Yes? 377 00:27:50,919 --> 00:27:52,795 I was told to destroy it. 378 00:27:53,004 --> 00:27:54,672 I don't know what it does. 379 00:27:54,881 --> 00:27:57,424 Who told you to destroy it? 380 00:27:57,592 --> 00:27:59,510 [GROANING] 381 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:03,847 Captain Archer before he left. 382 00:28:04,057 --> 00:28:05,683 He didn't want you to find it. 383 00:28:06,393 --> 00:28:08,977 And why would that be? 384 00:28:09,187 --> 00:28:12,272 He thought you would use it to contact someone. 385 00:28:12,482 --> 00:28:15,734 I don't know who. I swear it! 386 00:28:19,197 --> 00:28:21,657 Have the lieutenant returned to his quarters. 387 00:28:21,825 --> 00:28:23,158 [GRUNTS] 388 00:28:40,593 --> 00:28:42,177 Ready. 389 00:29:11,082 --> 00:29:12,875 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 390 00:29:19,132 --> 00:29:21,341 Engineering, how did this happen? 391 00:29:21,551 --> 00:29:22,760 Engineering! 392 00:29:30,685 --> 00:29:31,852 What is it? 393 00:29:32,061 --> 00:29:33,103 RAAN: The antimatter stream 394 00:29:33,271 --> 00:29:35,481 - has been compromised. - Shut down the warp reactor. 395 00:29:35,690 --> 00:29:39,109 Our engineers aren't responding. I've sent soldiers. 396 00:29:39,319 --> 00:29:41,278 Keep me informed. 397 00:29:53,041 --> 00:29:54,166 [SHOUTS] 398 00:30:05,512 --> 00:30:07,137 [COMPUTER BEEPING] 399 00:30:10,099 --> 00:30:11,141 Yes? 400 00:30:11,351 --> 00:30:13,602 RAAN: These humans are greater fools than I thought. 401 00:30:13,812 --> 00:30:16,396 They'd rather commit mass suicide than submit to us. 402 00:30:16,606 --> 00:30:19,107 SILIK: Did you correct the problem? - It's too late. 403 00:30:19,317 --> 00:30:20,901 The reactor's going to breach. 404 00:30:21,820 --> 00:30:23,695 We can't endanger the Helix. 405 00:30:23,905 --> 00:30:24,988 Evacuate your soldiers 406 00:30:25,156 --> 00:30:27,157 and have Enterprise towed out of the nebula. 407 00:30:27,367 --> 00:30:30,160 There's very little time. Will you alert the tractor-teams? 408 00:30:30,370 --> 00:30:31,995 You do it. I'm busy. 409 00:31:11,953 --> 00:31:15,122 Is that you? Can you hear me? 410 00:31:42,275 --> 00:31:43,525 T'POL: Report, ensign. 411 00:31:43,735 --> 00:31:46,528 The antimatter stream's back to normal. 412 00:31:47,280 --> 00:31:49,323 You may have overdone your pyrotechnic display. 413 00:31:49,532 --> 00:31:52,659 The scorching on the starboard nacelle is extensive. 414 00:31:52,869 --> 00:31:55,871 Well, I'll try to remember that next time we have to fake a reactor breach. 415 00:31:56,039 --> 00:31:57,164 [MACHINE BEEPS] 416 00:31:57,332 --> 00:32:00,751 Cell ships. Thirty of them. Thirty-five approaching at high warp. 417 00:32:00,960 --> 00:32:03,795 Maintain your course and speed, ensign. 418 00:32:06,591 --> 00:32:09,927 I've tried to reach you. I've tried for two days. 419 00:32:10,136 --> 00:32:13,639 I did what you told me, but Archer wasn't on Enterprise. 420 00:32:13,848 --> 00:32:16,433 There was some kind of temporal signature. 421 00:32:16,643 --> 00:32:19,186 I need instructions. 422 00:32:19,395 --> 00:32:21,521 I don't know how to operate this device. 423 00:32:21,731 --> 00:32:23,398 I need your help. 424 00:32:23,566 --> 00:32:25,400 [MAN SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY] 425 00:32:25,568 --> 00:32:27,611 I hear you, but I don't understand. 426 00:32:27,820 --> 00:32:32,157 Repeat what you said. Please. Repeat what you said. 427 00:32:32,325 --> 00:32:34,952 [GRUNTING AND GROANING] 428 00:32:40,249 --> 00:32:43,335 I said you're an ugly bastard. 429 00:32:45,088 --> 00:32:47,339 [ARCHER GRUNTING] 430 00:32:49,884 --> 00:32:51,009 You try shape-shifting on me 431 00:32:51,219 --> 00:32:53,136 or pulling one of your chameleon routines 432 00:32:53,304 --> 00:32:56,556 and I promise you, Silik, I'll blow your head off. 433 00:33:02,146 --> 00:33:04,648 - Has Enterprise left the nebula? - Can you see? 434 00:33:04,857 --> 00:33:07,234 I've brought you Archer. He's here. Archer's here. 435 00:33:07,443 --> 00:33:08,652 There's no need to punish me. 436 00:33:08,861 --> 00:33:11,321 - Where's my ship, Silik? - They've left. They're gone. 437 00:33:11,531 --> 00:33:14,116 How many cell ships did you send after them? 438 00:33:14,325 --> 00:33:15,575 Silik! 439 00:33:15,743 --> 00:33:18,078 I don't know. Twenty, 30. 440 00:33:18,287 --> 00:33:19,871 Well, you're gonna call them off 441 00:33:20,081 --> 00:33:22,666 and then you're gonna give me those data disks back. 442 00:33:22,875 --> 00:33:24,751 Now get up. 443 00:33:26,254 --> 00:33:29,673 - My soldiers won't let you leave. - Shut up. 444 00:33:32,468 --> 00:33:34,177 Get going. 445 00:33:38,975 --> 00:33:43,770 - Hoshi? Any sign of the Vulcan ship? - Not yet. 446 00:33:48,234 --> 00:33:51,153 Hull plating on the port-aft quarter's down. 447 00:33:53,781 --> 00:33:56,074 Alter course, 10 degrees starboard. 448 00:34:02,040 --> 00:34:03,373 [MACHINES BEEPING] 449 00:34:03,541 --> 00:34:05,125 They're closing. 450 00:34:14,343 --> 00:34:16,887 The lead ships are overtaking us. 451 00:34:32,987 --> 00:34:36,698 Port hull plating's down! Ventral plating as well. 452 00:34:49,253 --> 00:34:50,295 Why'd they stop firing? 453 00:34:51,464 --> 00:34:53,548 Why waste ammunition? 454 00:34:53,716 --> 00:34:55,884 They have us surrounded. 455 00:35:02,391 --> 00:35:04,768 Are long-range sensors still operational? 456 00:35:08,314 --> 00:35:09,481 No Vulcan ship. 457 00:35:19,951 --> 00:35:22,869 - Sub-commander? - I see them. 458 00:35:24,747 --> 00:35:28,083 Son of a bitch. He did it. 459 00:35:35,967 --> 00:35:39,427 One cell ship, approaching aft. 460 00:35:41,681 --> 00:35:43,807 Stand down weapons. 461 00:35:45,226 --> 00:35:46,268 Open a channel. 462 00:35:49,438 --> 00:35:51,690 Enterprise to Suliban vessel. 463 00:35:53,109 --> 00:35:55,277 ARCHER [OVER RADIO]: Go ahead, Enterprise. 464 00:35:55,486 --> 00:35:59,781 - Good to hear your voice, captain. - Good to hear yours too. 465 00:35:59,991 --> 00:36:03,076 I feel like I've been away for a thousand years. 466 00:36:03,786 --> 00:36:05,203 Is everyone all right? 467 00:36:05,413 --> 00:36:07,539 Lieutenant Reed suffered some minor injuries, 468 00:36:07,707 --> 00:36:10,292 but he's recovering in Sickbay. 469 00:36:10,501 --> 00:36:12,419 Captain, I'm curious. 470 00:36:12,628 --> 00:36:15,505 Why didn't the other cell ships try to stop you? 471 00:36:15,715 --> 00:36:21,261 I know it's not standard Starfleet procedure, but I took a hostage. 472 00:36:21,470 --> 00:36:24,514 By the time he wakes up, we'll be long gone. 473 00:36:24,724 --> 00:36:27,350 Request permission to dock. 474 00:36:28,936 --> 00:36:30,979 Permission granted. 475 00:36:32,773 --> 00:36:34,900 ARCHER [VOICE OVER]: Captain's star log, supplemental. 476 00:36:35,109 --> 00:36:37,485 We've joined the Vulcan ship, D'kyr. 477 00:36:37,695 --> 00:36:39,487 It seems that Starfleet and the High Command 478 00:36:39,697 --> 00:36:43,241 are eager to discuss the future of our mission. 479 00:36:43,451 --> 00:36:45,035 SOVAL [ON SCREEN]: While your explanation 480 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:48,288 of how you obtained these disks is somewhat implausible, 481 00:36:48,456 --> 00:36:51,291 it's obvious that Enterprise was not responsible 482 00:36:51,500 --> 00:36:54,044 for the destruction of the colony. 483 00:36:54,253 --> 00:36:57,589 It may seem somewhat implausible to you, but... 484 00:36:57,798 --> 00:37:00,550 Please allow me to finish, captain. 485 00:37:00,760 --> 00:37:04,679 In less than a single Earth year, you've engaged in armed conflicts 486 00:37:04,889 --> 00:37:07,474 with over a dozen species. 487 00:37:07,683 --> 00:37:11,144 You've escalated the conflict between my people and the Andorians, 488 00:37:11,312 --> 00:37:13,188 which included the destruction 489 00:37:13,356 --> 00:37:16,191 of one of our most sacred monasteries. 490 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:20,362 You helped 89 Suliban escape from detention. 491 00:37:20,571 --> 00:37:23,281 You may claim to be on a mission of exploration. 492 00:37:23,449 --> 00:37:27,077 I however, consider you reckless and irresponsible. 493 00:37:27,286 --> 00:37:29,746 A danger to the Quadrant. 494 00:37:29,956 --> 00:37:32,207 Regardless of the evidence presented here, 495 00:37:32,416 --> 00:37:34,292 I plan to advise the Vulcan High Command 496 00:37:34,502 --> 00:37:38,004 not to change its recommendation to Starfleet. 497 00:37:38,506 --> 00:37:41,841 Enterprise should be recalled. 498 00:37:42,051 --> 00:37:45,553 You guys have wanted to scrub this mission from day one. 499 00:37:45,763 --> 00:37:48,723 We proved to you that we didn't kill those 3,600 people 500 00:37:48,933 --> 00:37:50,642 but you don't want to hear it! 501 00:37:50,851 --> 00:37:52,018 - You're pathetic! 502 00:37:52,186 --> 00:37:53,478 That's enough, commander. 503 00:37:56,565 --> 00:37:57,816 No one's more pleased than I am 504 00:37:58,025 --> 00:38:01,027 that Enterprise wasn't responsible for the tragedy. 505 00:38:01,237 --> 00:38:04,781 But Ambassador Soval's argument may be valid. 506 00:38:06,200 --> 00:38:09,202 Starfleet Command has a difficult decision to make here. 507 00:38:12,331 --> 00:38:15,542 When I was in my early 20s on a trip to East Africa, 508 00:38:15,751 --> 00:38:17,961 I saw a gazelle giving birth. 509 00:38:18,170 --> 00:38:20,171 It was truly amazing. 510 00:38:20,381 --> 00:38:22,132 Within minutes, the baby was standing up, 511 00:38:22,300 --> 00:38:24,259 standing up on its own. 512 00:38:24,468 --> 00:38:26,553 A few more minutes and it was walking, 513 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:27,929 and before I knew it, 514 00:38:28,139 --> 00:38:32,642 it was running alongside its mother, moving away with the herd. 515 00:38:33,394 --> 00:38:35,895 Humans aren't like that, ambassador. 516 00:38:36,105 --> 00:38:39,024 We may come from the same planet as those gazelles, 517 00:38:39,233 --> 00:38:42,277 but we're pretty much helpless when we're born. 518 00:38:42,486 --> 00:38:46,031 It takes us months before we're able to crawl, 519 00:38:46,240 --> 00:38:48,950 almost a full year before we can walk. 520 00:38:49,160 --> 00:38:52,412 Our deep space mission isn't much different. 521 00:38:52,621 --> 00:38:54,789 We're going to stumble, make mistakes, 522 00:38:54,999 --> 00:38:59,210 I'm sure more than a few before we find our footing. 523 00:38:59,420 --> 00:39:03,214 But we're going to learn from those mistakes. 524 00:39:04,008 --> 00:39:06,926 That's what being human is all about. 525 00:39:08,095 --> 00:39:10,347 I'm sorry you can't see that. 526 00:39:10,931 --> 00:39:12,974 Your analogy is very colorful, captain, 527 00:39:13,184 --> 00:39:18,146 but I question whether it addresses the consequences of your actions. 528 00:39:18,356 --> 00:39:20,815 T'POL: The concept of learning from one's mistakes 529 00:39:21,025 --> 00:39:22,984 shouldn't be difficult for a Vulcan of your wisdom 530 00:39:23,152 --> 00:39:25,403 to understand, ambassador. 531 00:39:25,613 --> 00:39:29,407 Our ancestors discovered how to suppress their volatile emotions 532 00:39:29,617 --> 00:39:32,369 only after centuries of savage conflict. 533 00:39:34,997 --> 00:39:37,749 You spoke of the destruction of the monastery. 534 00:39:37,958 --> 00:39:42,128 What about the Vulcan listening post that Captain Archer found there? 535 00:39:42,338 --> 00:39:45,924 I would hope that our people have learned from those events, 536 00:39:46,133 --> 00:39:49,469 that using a sacred sanctuary to spy on others 537 00:39:49,678 --> 00:39:52,847 was a dishonorable practice, to say the least. 538 00:39:53,057 --> 00:39:55,975 I don't wish to contradict Captain Archer, 539 00:39:56,185 --> 00:40:00,480 but learning from one's mistakes is hardly exclusive to humans. 540 00:40:00,689 --> 00:40:03,566 Their mission should be allowed to continue. 541 00:40:16,664 --> 00:40:18,873 The Command Council will review the evidence 542 00:40:19,083 --> 00:40:21,167 and listen to what's been said here today. 543 00:40:21,377 --> 00:40:23,920 I'm sure they'll hear from the Vulcans as well. 544 00:40:24,130 --> 00:40:27,215 I'll let you know as soon as there's a decision. 545 00:40:27,425 --> 00:40:29,342 Good luck, Jonathan. 546 00:40:30,594 --> 00:40:31,636 All of you. 547 00:40:46,026 --> 00:40:48,027 [DOOR BEEPS] 548 00:40:48,654 --> 00:40:50,488 Come in. 549 00:40:55,327 --> 00:40:58,872 I can't be certain, but Crewman Fuller might have seen me coming in here. 550 00:40:59,874 --> 00:41:01,624 She tends to be discreet. 551 00:41:04,044 --> 00:41:05,545 What can I do for you? 552 00:41:09,216 --> 00:41:11,217 I think you put it over the top. 553 00:41:12,970 --> 00:41:15,972 Forrest said none of the others could believe it when you went to bat for us, 554 00:41:16,140 --> 00:41:19,517 not to mention that little listening-post lecture you gave to Soval. 555 00:41:19,727 --> 00:41:20,810 You spoke to the admiral? 556 00:41:20,978 --> 00:41:22,562 He woke me up in the middle of the night. 557 00:41:22,730 --> 00:41:23,771 Can you believe that? 558 00:41:24,773 --> 00:41:26,399 I assume with good news. 559 00:41:29,153 --> 00:41:31,654 I think you put it over the top. 560 00:41:39,205 --> 00:42:53,611 - I still don't believe in time travel. - The hell you don't.