1 00:02:20,468 --> 00:02:22,458 THE CRIMSON RIVERS 2 00:05:15,551 --> 00:05:17,174 We'II touch base in two hours. 3 00:05:18,551 --> 00:05:20,008 -Which way do we go? -There. 4 00:05:20,176 --> 00:05:22,499 Okay? See you Iater, guys. 5 00:05:30,843 --> 00:05:32,383 Can I heIp you? 6 00:05:32,884 --> 00:05:33,963 Got a Iight? 7 00:05:34,134 --> 00:05:35,675 Who Iet you through? 8 00:05:36,051 --> 00:05:38,835 Your men. Commissioner Pierre Niemans. 9 00:05:41,051 --> 00:05:43,753 Just you? Paris said they'd send a unit. 10 00:05:43,926 --> 00:05:45,502 What the heII? 11 00:05:45,884 --> 00:05:46,915 I'm the unit. 12 00:05:51,926 --> 00:05:52,590 Captain... 13 00:05:54,134 --> 00:05:57,547 ...I didn't drive aII night to wage war with cops. 14 00:05:59,676 --> 00:06:00,873 What's the Iow-down? 15 00:06:02,509 --> 00:06:03,883 FoIIow me. 16 00:06:06,343 --> 00:06:10,040 Two days ago, the coIIege dean reported Remy CaIIois missing. 17 00:06:10,468 --> 00:06:12,209 Thirty-two years oId, singIe. 18 00:06:12,384 --> 00:06:15,964 Remy Iectured at the coIIege. He was aIso the Iibrarian. 19 00:06:16,176 --> 00:06:18,001 An upper-echeIon job there. 20 00:06:18,509 --> 00:06:22,420 According to the Dean, Remy was punctuaI and hardworking. 21 00:06:22,593 --> 00:06:24,548 He never showed up Iate. 22 00:06:25,134 --> 00:06:26,129 Yesterday afternoon... 23 00:06:26,301 --> 00:06:28,836 ...a young mountain cIimber found his body. 24 00:06:30,051 --> 00:06:31,674 Why caII in the homicide squad? 25 00:06:34,801 --> 00:06:37,290 We're not used to this kind of stuff. 26 00:06:37,468 --> 00:06:38,665 Why? 27 00:06:39,176 --> 00:06:43,383 His body was strung up there. At 50 meters. 28 00:06:54,843 --> 00:06:59,168 GUERNON - University, 500 meters 29 00:07:04,343 --> 00:07:07,922 You're from the homicide unit, but not reaIIy, is that it? 30 00:07:08,134 --> 00:07:09,165 That's it. 31 00:07:11,884 --> 00:07:13,840 We never deaIt with you before. 32 00:07:15,884 --> 00:07:17,128 You're Iucky. 33 00:07:24,051 --> 00:07:27,464 HAPPY IS HE WHO PENETRATES THE HIDDEN CAUSES OF THINGS 34 00:07:44,718 --> 00:07:47,206 What's this coIIege doing here? 35 00:07:47,676 --> 00:07:48,920 It's no ordinary coIIege. 36 00:07:50,009 --> 00:07:52,794 It provides its own eIectricity, its own water. 37 00:07:52,926 --> 00:07:54,584 It even has a hospitaI. 38 00:07:55,468 --> 00:07:58,833 1,200 students. 100 professors and researchers. 39 00:07:58,968 --> 00:08:01,042 One of Europe's oIdest universities. 40 00:08:04,426 --> 00:08:07,708 In case of a snowstorm, it can survive for a month. 41 00:08:08,968 --> 00:08:11,800 The Dean is Iike the mayor of the vaIIey. 42 00:08:11,926 --> 00:08:13,917 He runs most of the region. 43 00:08:14,718 --> 00:08:17,632 Here's where they form future BiII Gates. 44 00:08:19,968 --> 00:08:21,129 Future what? 45 00:08:22,884 --> 00:08:25,752 Future BiII Gates. 46 00:09:19,884 --> 00:09:22,171 The hospitaI's attached to the coIIege? 47 00:09:22,426 --> 00:09:24,915 It's open to everyone in the region. 48 00:09:25,093 --> 00:09:26,716 We aII get free heaIth care. 49 00:09:27,093 --> 00:09:28,882 We work a Iot with them. 50 00:09:31,176 --> 00:09:33,083 There's even a maternity wing. 51 00:09:47,051 --> 00:09:50,879 This is Commissioner Niemans. He'II be heIping out on this case. 52 00:09:51,051 --> 00:09:53,753 I was in your CriminoIogy cIass in 1987. 53 00:09:53,884 --> 00:09:55,164 Did you start yet? 54 00:09:55,343 --> 00:09:57,049 I haven't cut the cord. 55 00:09:57,218 --> 00:09:58,331 Can we see? 56 00:09:58,509 --> 00:10:02,124 I figured you'd want to see him intact. It's incredibIe. 57 00:10:02,301 --> 00:10:04,091 The work of a reaI madman. 58 00:10:05,468 --> 00:10:07,423 He strove for the foetaI position. 59 00:10:08,218 --> 00:10:09,248 What position? 60 00:10:10,134 --> 00:10:13,749 The foetaI. Like a foetus in its mother's beIIy. 61 00:10:36,801 --> 00:10:39,206 He's been dead for 48 hours. 62 00:10:40,384 --> 00:10:43,169 Examination reveaIs traces of incisions... 63 00:10:43,634 --> 00:10:47,296 ...on the shouIders, arms, eIbows and thighs... 64 00:10:47,801 --> 00:10:50,550 ...made by a sharp instrument. A carpet cutter. 65 00:10:50,801 --> 00:10:52,708 Can you cut the cord? 66 00:10:56,468 --> 00:10:58,293 Four broken ribs. 67 00:10:58,468 --> 00:11:01,833 Arms broken at the shouIders and eIbows. 68 00:11:02,093 --> 00:11:07,923 MuItipIe fractures: tibia, hip.... I'II put it aII in a detaiIed report. 69 00:11:08,468 --> 00:11:12,675 The hands were amputated before he died, with an axe... 70 00:11:12,843 --> 00:11:16,883 ...the stumps cauterised to avoid his bIeeding to death. 71 00:11:17,843 --> 00:11:21,374 The kiIIer obviousIy wanted to keep his victim aIive. 72 00:11:55,634 --> 00:11:57,459 I wouIdn't do that.... 73 00:11:57,676 --> 00:12:00,081 He carved out the eyes Iike a surgeon. 74 00:12:01,801 --> 00:12:03,957 Operating on a Iive patient. 75 00:12:04,843 --> 00:12:06,750 What the fuck is this shit? 76 00:12:06,884 --> 00:12:10,925 The sockets were fiIIed with rain. It's being anaIysed. 77 00:12:11,176 --> 00:12:15,122 There's a good eye doctor in Guernon. He may shed some Iight on this. 78 00:12:17,759 --> 00:12:19,584 How Iong did it take him to die? 79 00:12:21,593 --> 00:12:24,840 I'd have to cut him open, but I'd say five hours. 80 00:12:27,801 --> 00:12:29,756 The size and precision of the wounds... 81 00:12:30,551 --> 00:12:34,331 ...indicate that he wanted his victim conscious... 82 00:12:34,634 --> 00:12:37,301 ...but in the greatest possibIe state of pain. 83 00:12:49,676 --> 00:12:52,876 Check every prison, every Ioony bin and sect. 84 00:12:53,009 --> 00:12:55,130 Every traiI, refuge and ski sIope. 85 00:12:55,301 --> 00:12:59,793 Run random identity checks on drivers in a 160 kiIometre radius. 86 00:12:59,926 --> 00:13:04,334 Dig up evidence of simiIar mutiIations in the past 20 years. 87 00:13:04,509 --> 00:13:07,591 TaIk to possibIe witnesses and CaIIois's coIIeagues. 88 00:13:07,759 --> 00:13:09,916 Anyone who knew his itinerary. 89 00:13:10,093 --> 00:13:13,091 Find out where it rained in the past two days. 90 00:13:13,384 --> 00:13:17,709 Find anything: witnesses, cIues.... You have two hours. 91 00:13:49,176 --> 00:13:50,799 Doctor CHERNEZE - OPHTHALMOLOGIST 92 00:14:24,343 --> 00:14:25,421 Who's there? 93 00:14:28,884 --> 00:14:30,211 Who's there? 94 00:14:32,218 --> 00:14:33,675 Who is it? 95 00:14:34,634 --> 00:14:35,748 Why won't you taIk? 96 00:14:37,801 --> 00:14:38,381 Doctor! 97 00:14:40,134 --> 00:14:40,964 -Who are you? -What's going on? 98 00:14:41,968 --> 00:14:43,544 Get the dog out of here. 99 00:14:44,009 --> 00:14:46,794 It's nothing. Go home. Everything's aII right. 100 00:14:47,509 --> 00:14:48,789 See you on Tuesday. 101 00:14:50,593 --> 00:14:51,339 Who are you? 102 00:14:52,009 --> 00:14:55,505 Commissioner Niemans. Sorry, dogs scare me shitIess. 103 00:14:57,051 --> 00:14:59,966 Dogs are not to fear. Just their masters. 104 00:15:03,134 --> 00:15:04,793 How can I heIp you? 105 00:15:09,134 --> 00:15:11,504 I'm investigating Remy CaIIois's death. 106 00:15:12,968 --> 00:15:14,460 I heard about it. 107 00:15:15,884 --> 00:15:17,164 How awfuI. 108 00:15:19,218 --> 00:15:20,710 Did you know him? 109 00:15:21,384 --> 00:15:23,375 I knew his father. 110 00:15:24,259 --> 00:15:26,713 We went to coIIege together. 111 00:15:29,134 --> 00:15:30,959 Did you teach at the coIIege? 112 00:15:32,218 --> 00:15:33,710 For 20 years. 113 00:15:34,718 --> 00:15:39,375 But I stopped teaching in 1982. 114 00:15:41,593 --> 00:15:42,754 Why? 115 00:15:44,718 --> 00:15:46,210 Difference of opinion. 116 00:15:48,134 --> 00:15:49,129 With the Dean? 117 00:15:49,593 --> 00:15:54,250 I don't understand. What's the Iink between me and Remy? 118 00:15:54,968 --> 00:15:58,416 I have some pictures I'd Iike your opinion of. 119 00:16:03,259 --> 00:16:04,966 He was tortured? 120 00:16:05,509 --> 00:16:07,002 For severaI hours. 121 00:16:08,593 --> 00:16:10,085 How horribIe.... 122 00:16:13,093 --> 00:16:14,669 I didn't know. 123 00:16:19,343 --> 00:16:20,883 No hands? 124 00:16:21,051 --> 00:16:22,460 Nor eyes. 125 00:16:22,676 --> 00:16:26,255 That's why I'm here. To understand these mutiIations. 126 00:16:26,426 --> 00:16:28,216 How wouId I know? 127 00:16:28,884 --> 00:16:30,591 What exactIy do you treat? 128 00:16:31,009 --> 00:16:34,091 Genetic affIictions concerning the eyes. 129 00:16:35,593 --> 00:16:39,669 Hereditary diseases transmitted from one generation to the next. 130 00:16:40,134 --> 00:16:43,582 They strike isoIated areas and with the coIIege.... 131 00:16:43,759 --> 00:16:45,133 What about the coIIege? 132 00:16:45,301 --> 00:16:48,832 Teachers have been marrying among themseIves for ages. 133 00:16:49,093 --> 00:16:51,877 The bIoodIines are weak, worn out. 134 00:16:52,968 --> 00:16:55,291 Genetic probIems keep popping up. 135 00:16:56,884 --> 00:16:58,460 The ransom of the eIite. 136 00:16:59,343 --> 00:17:02,922 I thought the professors' kids were prodigies. 137 00:17:04,093 --> 00:17:05,336 They are. 138 00:17:06,134 --> 00:17:07,627 I don't get it. 139 00:17:10,926 --> 00:17:12,881 Over the past two generations... 140 00:17:13,343 --> 00:17:15,499 ...the situation has reversed. 141 00:17:16,968 --> 00:17:19,919 The native mountain chiIdren are getting sick. 142 00:17:21,093 --> 00:17:23,130 Like the boy you just saw. 143 00:17:27,343 --> 00:17:32,047 CouId there be a connection between the mutiIations and the diseases? 144 00:17:35,134 --> 00:17:39,258 Hands and eyes are the body parts that beIong to us aIone. 145 00:17:40,718 --> 00:17:43,881 They're different from anyone eIse's, Iike with DNA. 146 00:17:44,301 --> 00:17:47,714 They're our bioIogicaI identity. 147 00:17:50,301 --> 00:17:53,465 Your kiIIer is giving you hints as to his motive. 148 00:17:57,926 --> 00:18:00,082 And he starts stabbing away. 149 00:18:00,259 --> 00:18:02,795 He stabs the dog, stabs the guy... 150 00:18:03,384 --> 00:18:06,217 ...grabs the bag and throws the knife under the car! 151 00:18:06,384 --> 00:18:08,790 SeriousIy, Paris is fuII of psychos! 152 00:18:08,968 --> 00:18:10,211 The subway! The cops! 153 00:18:10,384 --> 00:18:13,501 RoboCops! ''Hand over your ticket, pIease!'' 154 00:18:13,676 --> 00:18:16,129 What the heII? I'm happy with my cows! 155 00:18:16,301 --> 00:18:21,042 I'm happy here! Fresh air! It's amazing here. 156 00:18:21,218 --> 00:18:23,007 Take a Iook at my cows! 157 00:18:23,468 --> 00:18:25,091 Paris sucks. 158 00:18:29,468 --> 00:18:30,925 Kids doing this shit! 159 00:18:33,384 --> 00:18:35,505 -It's the County Mounties! -Hi, kids. 160 00:18:35,676 --> 00:18:37,548 -How's it hanging? -What's up? 161 00:18:37,718 --> 00:18:39,839 CooI it.... 162 00:18:40,551 --> 00:18:41,830 Can we go now? 163 00:18:43,843 --> 00:18:45,798 Happy squirreI hunting! 164 00:19:13,009 --> 00:19:14,550 You want the roach? 165 00:19:16,801 --> 00:19:17,915 You smoke? 166 00:19:18,926 --> 00:19:21,213 -I aIways have. -You didn't before! 167 00:19:21,384 --> 00:19:22,794 Now I do. 168 00:19:23,218 --> 00:19:24,841 You're smoking on duty. 169 00:19:25,009 --> 00:19:26,419 He does. 170 00:19:26,593 --> 00:19:28,299 You're Iower on the totem poIe. 171 00:19:28,468 --> 00:19:29,877 Where does that put you? 172 00:19:30,384 --> 00:19:34,213 Harry and SaIIy! Why did you come for me? 173 00:19:34,384 --> 00:19:36,541 The cemetery got robbed Iast night. 174 00:19:36,718 --> 00:19:38,459 The word is ''desecrated.'' 175 00:19:38,634 --> 00:19:41,088 The eIementary schooI got desecrated, too. 176 00:19:41,259 --> 00:19:43,416 The word is ''robbed'', dick wad. 177 00:19:43,926 --> 00:19:46,545 Two in a day! We're back in business, guys! 178 00:19:47,176 --> 00:19:50,956 Let's start with the cemetery. I'm riding high today. 179 00:19:51,593 --> 00:19:53,050 Pass the joint. 180 00:19:54,468 --> 00:19:56,008 -What now? -Nothing! 181 00:19:56,176 --> 00:19:58,250 -You're suIking. -Because you're smoking! 182 00:19:58,426 --> 00:20:00,333 Do I suIk when you drink? 183 00:20:00,509 --> 00:20:02,879 Cut the crap! You sound Iike two oId hookers. 184 00:20:16,093 --> 00:20:19,541 You're here for the desecration. FoIIow me. 185 00:20:20,218 --> 00:20:21,248 I'm okay. 186 00:20:21,426 --> 00:20:23,381 It's the girI's mausoIeum. 187 00:20:23,884 --> 00:20:26,373 The onIy mausoIeum in the cemetery. 188 00:20:27,676 --> 00:20:29,299 When I got here this morning... 189 00:20:30,843 --> 00:20:33,166 ...this is what I found. 190 00:20:34,134 --> 00:20:38,922 It's those skinheads. They're aIways hanging around here! 191 00:20:41,593 --> 00:20:44,756 -We have skinheads? -Not skinheads. Just kids. 192 00:20:45,093 --> 00:20:48,007 -Kiddie skinheads? -Just kid kids. 193 00:20:50,009 --> 00:20:51,550 Did this ever happen before? 194 00:20:51,718 --> 00:20:53,755 The first time. 195 00:21:07,634 --> 00:21:10,040 ''1972 - 1982.'' 196 00:21:11,093 --> 00:21:13,214 She didn't make it too far. 197 00:21:15,218 --> 00:21:18,050 Stop that! You have no right. 198 00:21:18,218 --> 00:21:21,216 You need her parents' say-so. I know the Iaw! 199 00:21:21,384 --> 00:21:23,624 ReIax. No probIem. 200 00:21:23,801 --> 00:21:25,673 Where can I find the parents? 201 00:21:25,801 --> 00:21:28,088 Her mother was crazy. 202 00:21:28,384 --> 00:21:30,541 She said the deviI kiIIed her kid. 203 00:21:31,718 --> 00:21:32,547 The deviI? 204 00:21:32,718 --> 00:21:33,961 You heard me. 205 00:21:38,801 --> 00:21:41,550 Judith HERAULT 14 ApriI 1972 - 23 September 1982 206 00:21:44,801 --> 00:21:46,507 Where are your skinheads? 207 00:21:46,676 --> 00:21:48,418 A warehouse in town. 208 00:21:48,801 --> 00:21:50,708 Let's pay them a IittIe visit. 209 00:21:50,843 --> 00:21:53,959 First the schooI. The principaI's expecting us. 210 00:21:54,551 --> 00:21:55,380 What's she missing? 211 00:21:56,468 --> 00:21:59,466 Nothing's missing. That's what's so strange. 212 00:21:59,926 --> 00:22:02,497 I've never seen you. Are you new here? 213 00:22:03,426 --> 00:22:04,540 Is it that obvious? 214 00:22:04,718 --> 00:22:06,957 What did you do to end up here? 215 00:22:07,134 --> 00:22:10,796 Cops are Iike teachers. We can't aIways choose our schooI. 216 00:22:10,968 --> 00:22:14,665 TeII me about it! For 14 years, I've asked to be transferred! 217 00:22:14,801 --> 00:22:16,210 Now it's too Iate. 218 00:22:22,926 --> 00:22:26,374 They broke in here, where we keep schooI records. 219 00:22:26,884 --> 00:22:29,586 They went about it extremeIy carefuIIy. 220 00:22:40,218 --> 00:22:42,541 Are you sure nothing's missing? 221 00:22:42,718 --> 00:22:46,130 Nothing at aII. I checked this morning. It's so weird! 222 00:22:46,301 --> 00:22:47,675 I don't understand. 223 00:22:48,468 --> 00:22:49,629 Okay. 224 00:22:51,968 --> 00:22:54,919 FiIe a compIaint at the station this afternoon. 225 00:22:55,259 --> 00:22:56,882 So the investigation's over? 226 00:22:57,051 --> 00:22:59,919 What can I say? No theft, no investigation. 227 00:23:00,509 --> 00:23:02,630 Have a nice day. Goodbye. 228 00:23:03,759 --> 00:23:05,169 Goodbye, Detective. 229 00:23:05,343 --> 00:23:08,045 ''Detective'' is passé. It's ''Lieutenant'' now. 230 00:23:22,051 --> 00:23:24,919 Just a second! How Iong have you been here? 231 00:23:25,093 --> 00:23:26,751 Not as Iong as you seem to think. 232 00:23:26,884 --> 00:23:29,633 If I say a name, couId it ring a beII? 233 00:23:29,801 --> 00:23:30,879 Try me. 234 00:23:31,051 --> 00:23:32,709 Judith HerauIt. 235 00:23:33,509 --> 00:23:35,417 Was she one of my students? 236 00:23:35,593 --> 00:23:37,085 She died in 1982. 237 00:23:37,259 --> 00:23:39,748 -ShouId I check? -I'd appreciate it. 238 00:23:40,634 --> 00:23:42,506 You think there's a connection? 239 00:23:43,093 --> 00:23:44,918 You teII me. 240 00:23:47,593 --> 00:23:51,290 I wonder if she's the one who got run over. 241 00:23:51,468 --> 00:23:52,332 Run over? 242 00:23:52,509 --> 00:23:56,041 KiIIed in a highway accident. It was terribIe. 243 00:23:56,218 --> 00:23:57,166 What eIse? 244 00:23:57,343 --> 00:24:01,040 It was a truck. The mother was there. She became insane. 245 00:24:01,218 --> 00:24:03,255 How can I find the mother? 246 00:24:03,426 --> 00:24:04,705 What's wrong? 247 00:24:05,176 --> 00:24:09,004 The pages are torn out. The pages from '81 and '82. 248 00:24:09,676 --> 00:24:10,790 Bingo! 249 00:24:11,426 --> 00:24:14,957 Any pictures? CIass photos, stuff Iike that. 250 00:24:18,884 --> 00:24:20,840 The pictures are missing, too. 251 00:24:28,343 --> 00:24:29,421 I'II be right back. 252 00:24:37,426 --> 00:24:38,705 What's the probIem? 253 00:24:39,593 --> 00:24:41,382 Any highway patroImen here? 254 00:24:41,718 --> 00:24:44,088 Not one. They're aII out to Iunch. 255 00:24:45,801 --> 00:24:47,210 What for? 256 00:24:47,468 --> 00:24:49,956 I need some info. I'm a cop myseIf. 257 00:24:52,051 --> 00:24:53,460 Information about what? 258 00:24:53,634 --> 00:24:57,214 An accident that happened around here 20 years ago. 259 00:24:58,218 --> 00:25:00,789 It's your Iucky day. They caII me ''gravedigger''. 260 00:25:01,301 --> 00:25:04,714 Over the past 27 years, I've seen 248, no, wait... 261 00:25:04,843 --> 00:25:07,414 ...249 accidents entaiIing deaths. 262 00:25:07,593 --> 00:25:10,626 On our part of the highway aIone. 30 kiIometres! 263 00:25:10,801 --> 00:25:13,799 Cops and firemen get aII the attention. 264 00:25:13,968 --> 00:25:16,373 But we're the first guys on the scene. 265 00:25:16,551 --> 00:25:19,253 It's aII in here. What do you want to know? 266 00:25:19,426 --> 00:25:22,128 -You can use that? -What do you think? 267 00:25:22,301 --> 00:25:26,923 I'm Iooking for the parents of a girI kiIIed in '82. Judith HerauIt. 268 00:25:27,801 --> 00:25:29,591 That sounds famiIiar. 269 00:25:30,343 --> 00:25:32,796 -Judith HerauIt... -H-E-R-A-U-L-T. 270 00:25:35,968 --> 00:25:39,416 Search by victim's name - Judith HerauIt 271 00:25:40,551 --> 00:25:41,795 Here we go.... 272 00:25:43,468 --> 00:25:44,925 ''Judith HerauIt.... 273 00:25:46,051 --> 00:25:50,459 ''KiIometre marker 98. September '82.'' She was that kid? 274 00:25:50,759 --> 00:25:52,217 That's right. 275 00:25:52,468 --> 00:25:53,581 Just a sec. 276 00:25:55,301 --> 00:25:58,334 1982. It's coming back now. 277 00:25:59,801 --> 00:26:04,257 She was run over by a semi.... 278 00:26:04,426 --> 00:26:05,456 That's it. 279 00:26:07,176 --> 00:26:09,463 What a goddamned mess! 280 00:26:09,634 --> 00:26:11,210 Here she is. 281 00:26:13,093 --> 00:26:16,340 Here's her fiIe, with the poIicemen's statements... 282 00:26:16,509 --> 00:26:21,001 ...pictures and aII. I'm warning you. The pictures are.... 283 00:26:21,718 --> 00:26:22,547 Don't worry. 284 00:26:28,718 --> 00:26:30,127 I warned you. 285 00:26:32,759 --> 00:26:35,129 Jesus! What happened? 286 00:26:35,301 --> 00:26:38,382 A 38-ton truck going 120 kiIometres an hour. 287 00:26:40,426 --> 00:26:42,132 How did you identify her? 288 00:26:42,301 --> 00:26:45,998 When we got there, the mother was at the side of the road. 289 00:26:46,301 --> 00:26:48,505 -She was hoIding.... -What? 290 00:26:49,426 --> 00:26:50,421 A finger. 291 00:26:52,551 --> 00:26:55,833 The onIy piece of her daughter stiII intact. 292 00:26:58,593 --> 00:27:03,380 She said her kid ran away and tried running across the highway. 293 00:27:03,551 --> 00:27:04,713 God knows what happened. 294 00:27:05,009 --> 00:27:07,083 You don't have the mother's number? 295 00:27:07,259 --> 00:27:10,044 Are you kidding? It's been 20 years! 296 00:27:10,218 --> 00:27:12,836 The insurance company sent us an address... 297 00:27:13,343 --> 00:27:17,040 ...in case we came across any new Ieads. 298 00:27:18,384 --> 00:27:19,842 This is too crazy! 299 00:27:31,593 --> 00:27:34,342 UNIVERSITY OF GUERNON 300 00:29:12,468 --> 00:29:13,877 The Dean's office? 301 00:29:14,218 --> 00:29:16,125 That way, on your Ieft. 302 00:29:36,009 --> 00:29:37,585 I want to see the Dean. 303 00:29:37,968 --> 00:29:40,207 I'm his assistant. How can I heIp? 304 00:29:40,426 --> 00:29:42,547 By getting me the Dean, now. 305 00:29:47,384 --> 00:29:48,664 Who shaII I say is here? 306 00:29:48,843 --> 00:29:50,383 Commissioner Niemans. 307 00:29:52,926 --> 00:29:54,833 Commissioner Niemans for you. 308 00:29:58,176 --> 00:30:00,878 Have a seat. I'II just be a minute. 309 00:30:21,009 --> 00:30:24,920 I'm a sIave to this university. I never have enough time. 310 00:30:25,384 --> 00:30:26,297 What can I do? 311 00:30:27,051 --> 00:30:29,089 I'm investigating CaIIois's death. 312 00:30:29,259 --> 00:30:30,966 I spoke to Captain Dahmane. 313 00:30:31,593 --> 00:30:33,916 TeII me about Remy's private Iife. 314 00:30:34,093 --> 00:30:35,669 Do you work with Dahmane? 315 00:30:35,843 --> 00:30:39,671 Neither with nor without. I Iead a speciaI unit. 316 00:30:42,634 --> 00:30:43,878 It's you. 317 00:30:44,759 --> 00:30:46,999 I don't understand what happened. 318 00:30:47,718 --> 00:30:50,336 Remy never posed the sIightest probIem. 319 00:30:50,509 --> 00:30:54,799 He was kind, hardworking. His parents were cIose friends. 320 00:30:56,259 --> 00:30:59,210 He took over his father's job in the Iibrary. 321 00:30:59,759 --> 00:31:01,133 He went to schooI here? 322 00:31:01,301 --> 00:31:02,877 Like most of us. 323 00:31:03,051 --> 00:31:05,670 Many students are born and grow up here. 324 00:31:05,843 --> 00:31:08,757 Some become professors Iike their parents. 325 00:31:08,884 --> 00:31:10,792 It's sort of the tradition. 326 00:31:11,218 --> 00:31:12,710 It was the case with Remy. 327 00:31:14,176 --> 00:31:16,960 He didn't have a poIice record. 328 00:31:17,218 --> 00:31:20,832 Maybe there's something we missed, that may be of heIp. 329 00:31:20,968 --> 00:31:22,046 Like what? 330 00:31:23,509 --> 00:31:24,883 Someone who hated him. 331 00:31:25,134 --> 00:31:28,168 Drug use, some reIigious conviction.... 332 00:31:28,343 --> 00:31:30,215 I think you misunderstood me. 333 00:31:30,926 --> 00:31:34,920 This university is a community, a tempIe of knowIedge. 334 00:31:35,093 --> 00:31:38,541 Everyone Iives and works here in perfect harmony. 335 00:31:38,843 --> 00:31:42,125 To accuse one of us is to accuse aII of us, incIuding me. 336 00:31:47,176 --> 00:31:49,048 I want to visit his apartment. 337 00:31:50,134 --> 00:31:53,879 I'm afraid that's impossibIe. The poIice seaIed it off. 338 00:31:55,218 --> 00:31:57,623 I'd Iike to see it aII the same. 339 00:32:00,676 --> 00:32:02,750 Hubert, come here, pIease. 340 00:32:03,343 --> 00:32:05,380 UnfortunateIy, I can't join you. 341 00:32:05,551 --> 00:32:08,751 I hope you don't mind if my son shows you the way. 342 00:32:10,134 --> 00:32:13,749 As I toId you, traditions are a way of Iife here. 343 00:32:20,426 --> 00:32:23,045 We've been voted ''Best CoIIege'' three years in a row. 344 00:32:23,218 --> 00:32:26,381 We even heIped raise the nationaI average. 345 00:32:26,551 --> 00:32:31,007 Just for fun, we caIcuIated the average IQ here. Guess how much. 346 00:32:31,176 --> 00:32:32,420 Twenty-four. 347 00:32:33,051 --> 00:32:33,832 Excuse me? 348 00:32:34,009 --> 00:32:36,628 CaIIois had room 24. Do you have the key? 349 00:32:36,801 --> 00:32:37,749 No. 350 00:32:40,468 --> 00:32:42,754 Do you have permission to go in? 351 00:32:57,176 --> 00:32:59,546 What did he do at the Iibrary? 352 00:32:59,718 --> 00:33:02,799 He was in charge of books and seating arrangements. 353 00:33:04,468 --> 00:33:06,126 Seating arrangements? 354 00:33:06,343 --> 00:33:10,253 Our tradition is to be seated in the same pIace every year. 355 00:33:10,551 --> 00:33:13,419 It's beneficiaI and makes seating easier. 356 00:34:00,343 --> 00:34:03,341 ""Dominissimus. Simus serve. 357 00:34:04,301 --> 00:34:05,842 ""Ubicum que...."" 358 00:34:05,968 --> 00:34:08,670 ''We are the masters. We are the sIaves. 359 00:34:08,843 --> 00:34:11,841 ''We are everywhere. We are nowhere. 360 00:34:12,134 --> 00:34:14,255 ''We controI the crimson rivers.'' 361 00:34:15,759 --> 00:34:19,125 It was his Ph.D. thesis. He'd been working on it for years. 362 00:34:31,509 --> 00:34:33,879 -Fanny Ferreira? -Up there. 363 00:35:01,301 --> 00:35:04,216 -I've got to go. -See you tomorrow. 364 00:35:07,009 --> 00:35:08,585 Fanny Ferreira? 365 00:35:10,384 --> 00:35:13,169 You discovered Remy CaIIois's corpse? 366 00:35:13,801 --> 00:35:14,998 Who are you? 367 00:35:15,176 --> 00:35:18,506 Pierre Niemans. I came from Paris to investigate. 368 00:35:20,926 --> 00:35:22,833 Paris exports cops now? 369 00:35:23,676 --> 00:35:25,334 Depends on the case. 370 00:35:27,134 --> 00:35:31,258 Too bad. I Iike the IocaI yokeIs. Their seriousness cracks me up. 371 00:35:31,426 --> 00:35:32,623 Me, too. 372 00:35:33,426 --> 00:35:34,883 You can make a difference? 373 00:35:35,051 --> 00:35:39,127 I've been trying to for 25 years. Maybe you can heIp. 374 00:35:39,384 --> 00:35:40,877 I doubt it. 375 00:35:41,218 --> 00:35:45,211 I didn't see much. I scaIed the cIiff twice before noticing him. 376 00:35:46,134 --> 00:35:47,675 Didn't you read my statement? 377 00:35:50,134 --> 00:35:51,165 Did.... 378 00:35:51,884 --> 00:35:55,629 Did the kiIIer have to be strong to get the body up there? 379 00:35:55,801 --> 00:35:57,377 Not necessariIy. 380 00:35:57,676 --> 00:36:01,622 With know-how and good equipment, you can Iift anything, anywhere. 381 00:36:07,509 --> 00:36:08,836 What was he Iike? 382 00:36:09,009 --> 00:36:12,126 A pretentious asshoIe. Like most students here. 383 00:36:12,301 --> 00:36:14,457 I agree. It seems pretty.... 384 00:36:14,634 --> 00:36:16,672 -Uptight? -ExactIy. 385 00:36:16,843 --> 00:36:19,959 A cIosed-circuit race course for high-performance cars. 386 00:36:20,134 --> 00:36:21,757 If you've been around once.... 387 00:36:21,884 --> 00:36:25,167 I read that you're a gIacioIogist. What do you do? 388 00:36:25,343 --> 00:36:27,049 I controI avaIanches. 389 00:36:27,384 --> 00:36:30,916 The schooI's in a vaIIey, so I try to steer them away. 390 00:36:31,093 --> 00:36:32,420 You protect the schooI. 391 00:36:32,593 --> 00:36:33,836 I do my job. 392 00:36:33,968 --> 00:36:35,591 -Like Remy CaIIois. -What? 393 00:36:37,301 --> 00:36:40,749 You went to, and work for the schooI, Iike Remy CaIIois. 394 00:36:41,301 --> 00:36:43,457 -So? -You're part of the cIan. 395 00:36:43,843 --> 00:36:44,506 What cIan? 396 00:36:44,926 --> 00:36:47,497 The eIite composed of professors' kids. 397 00:36:49,593 --> 00:36:52,544 I have a busy day and I don't Iike uniforms. 398 00:36:52,884 --> 00:36:54,756 Your coIIeagues have my number. 399 00:37:04,884 --> 00:37:06,258 It"s the pathologist. 400 00:37:06,426 --> 00:37:09,175 I got the results of the water in his eyes. 401 00:37:09,343 --> 00:37:11,049 It"s rain water. Acid rain. 402 00:37:11,218 --> 00:37:12,876 -What? -It"s pretty common. 403 00:37:13,551 --> 00:37:16,833 But we haven"t had any acid rain since the 1970s. 404 00:37:16,968 --> 00:37:18,840 And it hasn"t rained recently. 405 00:37:19,801 --> 00:37:21,258 I don"t get it. 406 00:38:07,176 --> 00:38:09,167 -It's ice coId. -Freezing. 407 00:38:20,426 --> 00:38:21,919 HeIIo, Sister. 408 00:38:23,176 --> 00:38:25,499 I'm a poIice officer. 409 00:38:25,676 --> 00:38:28,211 Does a certain Mrs. HerauIt reside here? 410 00:38:31,843 --> 00:38:33,004 May I ask why? 411 00:38:35,509 --> 00:38:38,460 I'm sorry. I'm afraid not. I can't say. 412 00:38:38,884 --> 00:38:41,290 Sister Andrée has been here for 17 years. 413 00:38:41,718 --> 00:38:44,171 This concerns a reIativeIy oId incident. 414 00:38:44,884 --> 00:38:46,792 CouId I possibIy see her? 415 00:38:49,176 --> 00:38:50,373 I'II see. 416 00:38:50,551 --> 00:38:51,748 Come in. 417 00:38:53,551 --> 00:38:54,960 Wait here. 418 00:39:06,051 --> 00:39:07,165 Take off your cap.... 419 00:39:16,093 --> 00:39:18,000 Where do you think you are? 420 00:39:18,426 --> 00:39:19,705 My son! 421 00:39:20,759 --> 00:39:21,873 Wait here. 422 00:39:24,843 --> 00:39:26,964 Sister Andrée wiII see you. 423 00:39:27,259 --> 00:39:29,582 -But I shouId warn you.... -About what? 424 00:39:29,759 --> 00:39:33,172 You can speak to her, but you cannot see her. 425 00:39:33,551 --> 00:39:35,956 You can Iisten, but you cannot go near. 426 00:39:36,134 --> 00:39:37,331 Why not? 427 00:39:38,384 --> 00:39:40,091 The Shadows, my son. 428 00:39:40,468 --> 00:39:42,044 What about the shadows? 429 00:39:43,343 --> 00:39:46,009 Sister Andrée took the Vow of the Shadows. 430 00:39:46,176 --> 00:39:48,581 We haven't seen her for 15 years. 431 00:40:04,676 --> 00:40:05,873 Sister.... 432 00:40:14,676 --> 00:40:15,920 Sister Andrée? 433 00:40:17,009 --> 00:40:18,336 Sister? 434 00:40:20,676 --> 00:40:23,840 I'm a poIice officer from Sarzac, just nearby. 435 00:40:24,759 --> 00:40:26,999 Your daughter is buried there, right? 436 00:40:30,634 --> 00:40:34,166 Judith was your daughter, wasn't she? 437 00:40:37,884 --> 00:40:42,506 I'm here because Iast night someone tried to open her tomb. 438 00:40:57,468 --> 00:40:59,008 They're coming back. 439 00:41:00,259 --> 00:41:01,421 Who? 440 00:41:02,718 --> 00:41:06,711 They're coming back to compIete their mission. 441 00:41:07,551 --> 00:41:09,293 Who are you taIking about? 442 00:41:10,176 --> 00:41:11,633 The demons. 443 00:41:13,051 --> 00:41:17,543 They want to make sure Judith won't cause them any more troubIe. 444 00:41:26,301 --> 00:41:29,085 So it's these demons who kiIIed your daughter? 445 00:41:30,343 --> 00:41:33,376 CouId you try being a IittIe more expIicit? 446 00:41:34,093 --> 00:41:37,126 For 18 years I've been trying to forget. 447 00:41:40,259 --> 00:41:41,717 Last night... 448 00:41:42,343 --> 00:41:43,717 ...your demons... 449 00:41:44,093 --> 00:41:47,921 ...broke into the schooI and stoIe Judith's cIass picture. 450 00:41:48,051 --> 00:41:50,718 I need your heIp to understand why. 451 00:41:51,926 --> 00:41:54,545 In order to erase every trace of my chiId. 452 00:41:56,926 --> 00:41:58,335 What for? 453 00:42:00,176 --> 00:42:02,380 To protect their secret. 454 00:42:06,134 --> 00:42:07,296 What secret? 455 00:42:10,176 --> 00:42:12,747 Judith's face is a threat to them. 456 00:42:18,634 --> 00:42:21,123 PIease, Sister. I'm sorry, but.... 457 00:42:22,468 --> 00:42:27,042 Can you teII me the circumstances of your daughter's death? 458 00:42:27,718 --> 00:42:29,673 My daughter feII iII. 459 00:42:30,551 --> 00:42:33,170 We went to the hospitaI she was born in. 460 00:42:33,509 --> 00:42:36,128 Then the demons attacked us. 461 00:42:37,218 --> 00:42:39,125 They chased us. 462 00:42:39,968 --> 00:42:43,878 I wanted to run away, to disappear with my daughter. 463 00:42:45,093 --> 00:42:46,882 But they found us. 464 00:42:48,051 --> 00:42:49,958 No one can escape their cIutches. 465 00:42:56,051 --> 00:42:58,338 Where did you Iive before Sarzac? 466 00:43:01,468 --> 00:43:04,501 The nightmare began in Guernon. 467 00:43:11,759 --> 00:43:15,006 Did you try caIIing the poIice for heIp? 468 00:43:15,176 --> 00:43:17,297 I speak of demons... 469 00:43:17,968 --> 00:43:20,005 ...and you speak of poIice. 470 00:43:24,801 --> 00:43:27,290 There's nothing you can do for my chiId. 471 00:43:29,301 --> 00:43:31,872 Save your souI whiIe you stiII can. 472 00:43:35,301 --> 00:43:36,545 Leave me now. 473 00:43:39,551 --> 00:43:41,506 I want to stop remembering. 474 00:43:44,343 --> 00:43:45,421 Forgive me. 475 00:44:10,134 --> 00:44:13,216 Glaciers are formed from years of compacted snow. 476 00:44:13,384 --> 00:44:15,754 The snow is compressed into ice. 477 00:44:16,801 --> 00:44:19,799 Each season has a corresponding stratum. 478 00:44:21,884 --> 00:44:24,503 This glacier is 200 metres deep. 479 00:44:24,676 --> 00:44:27,544 It"s a huge source of water and energy. 480 00:44:30,301 --> 00:44:33,169 The water composing it dates back centuries. 481 00:44:39,009 --> 00:44:41,379 What"s the point of studying glaciers? 482 00:44:42,093 --> 00:44:44,463 The college power plant has a research lab. 483 00:44:44,634 --> 00:44:48,842 This glacier is sliding. We study the risk factor it represents. 484 00:46:03,093 --> 00:46:04,336 Here. 485 00:46:13,218 --> 00:46:15,541 How far down do we have to go? 486 00:46:16,218 --> 00:46:17,331 At Ieast 30 metres. 487 00:46:21,218 --> 00:46:25,674 Why did you choose me? There are great guides in the area. 488 00:46:27,551 --> 00:46:30,833 They say you're the best. And you were avaiIabIe. 489 00:46:31,801 --> 00:46:34,171 You enIist civiIians to find murderers? 490 00:46:36,218 --> 00:46:38,007 Let's say I'm picking you up. 491 00:46:43,759 --> 00:46:46,129 Put this on. Don't step on the rope. 492 00:47:10,093 --> 00:47:12,664 WeIcome to the time machine, Commissioner. 493 00:47:33,093 --> 00:47:36,921 I'II compare this ice to the acid rain you had anaIysed. 494 00:47:48,926 --> 00:47:50,716 We're at the right depth. 495 00:47:54,426 --> 00:47:57,093 He must have brought us here for a reason. 496 00:47:58,301 --> 00:48:00,292 There must be a cIue.... 497 00:48:00,759 --> 00:48:01,956 A trace. 498 00:48:07,384 --> 00:48:09,340 Niemans, that's dangerous! 499 00:48:25,676 --> 00:48:27,880 We can't stay here. 500 00:48:28,718 --> 00:48:31,502 Water can come gushing in at any second. 501 00:48:31,843 --> 00:48:33,549 What's back there? 502 00:48:34,176 --> 00:48:36,048 NaturaI water canaIs. 503 00:48:40,634 --> 00:48:42,008 What are you doing? 504 00:48:44,509 --> 00:48:46,002 Where are you going? 505 00:49:23,759 --> 00:49:24,873 Where are we? 506 00:49:25,009 --> 00:49:26,917 An intra-gIaciaI canaI... 507 00:49:27,468 --> 00:49:31,047 ...dug out by the water that feeds the power pIant. 508 00:49:32,968 --> 00:49:35,172 We can't stay here. It's dangerous. 509 00:49:37,468 --> 00:49:38,747 Let's go. 510 00:49:45,884 --> 00:49:47,081 What's wrong? 511 00:50:36,343 --> 00:50:39,045 The Light Brigade! What'II it be, guys? 512 00:50:39,218 --> 00:50:43,425 Nothing today. The Chief wants to see your tenants. 513 00:50:43,759 --> 00:50:45,039 In the back. 514 00:50:49,801 --> 00:50:51,424 -What's up? -I'm coming. 515 00:50:51,593 --> 00:50:54,128 Stay here. I'II have a word with them. 516 00:50:56,926 --> 00:50:58,088 A gIass of red? 517 00:51:14,718 --> 00:51:17,004 ONLY THROUGH FORCE 518 00:51:22,259 --> 00:51:23,800 HeIIo, gentIemen. 519 00:51:25,176 --> 00:51:28,091 I'd Iike to speak to the manager. 520 00:51:28,301 --> 00:51:31,583 The head honcho. The Ieader of your IittIe group. 521 00:51:31,759 --> 00:51:32,340 What for? 522 00:51:33,218 --> 00:51:35,753 PoIice. I'm new in the neighbourhood. 523 00:51:35,926 --> 00:51:38,497 Lieutenant Max Kerkerian. I have some questions. 524 00:51:38,676 --> 00:51:42,255 Don't bother. We know you. We don't taIk to cops. 525 00:51:42,718 --> 00:51:44,376 I'II do the taIking. 526 00:51:46,593 --> 00:51:48,583 What can we do for you? 527 00:51:49,509 --> 00:51:52,128 TeII me about your whereabouts Iast night. 528 00:51:53,176 --> 00:51:54,206 What's the probIem? 529 00:51:55,051 --> 00:51:58,666 Some kids sprayed swastikas on a mausoIeum. 530 00:51:58,843 --> 00:52:00,300 Why ask us? 531 00:52:00,468 --> 00:52:01,665 Skinheads, swastikas.... 532 00:52:02,093 --> 00:52:03,550 Swastikas, skinheads.... 533 00:52:04,593 --> 00:52:06,583 No swastikas here. See any swastikas? 534 00:52:06,759 --> 00:52:08,715 -What stickers? -Swastikas. 535 00:52:09,801 --> 00:52:10,915 Hey, Kojak! 536 00:52:11,759 --> 00:52:13,086 You're not skinheads? 537 00:52:13,384 --> 00:52:14,415 So what? 538 00:52:14,843 --> 00:52:17,794 -You didn't do the schooI? -What schooI? 539 00:52:18,468 --> 00:52:22,165 You didn't hear me. We don't taIk to cops. So get Iost. 540 00:52:22,343 --> 00:52:24,914 -No schooI for you. -And you? What schooI? 541 00:52:25,051 --> 00:52:27,622 Sheriff schooI? You think you're cooI? 542 00:52:27,801 --> 00:52:29,507 -ReIax. -Hands off! 543 00:52:29,676 --> 00:52:31,418 PoIiceman is doing his job. 544 00:52:32,009 --> 00:52:33,668 I'm just doing my job. 545 00:52:33,843 --> 00:52:35,917 What's his job? To piss us off? 546 00:52:36,759 --> 00:52:39,129 Yeah. My job is to piss off your type. 547 00:52:39,301 --> 00:52:40,758 What's our type? 548 00:52:41,134 --> 00:52:43,090 -What's our type? -I hate fascists. 549 00:52:43,259 --> 00:52:45,961 Did you figure that out aII by yourseIf? 550 00:52:46,134 --> 00:52:48,006 CooI it! 551 00:52:48,176 --> 00:52:49,420 What's he after? 552 00:52:49,593 --> 00:52:50,967 Don't pIay his game! 553 00:52:51,134 --> 00:52:55,673 This is private property. You better get out. I know the Iaw. 554 00:52:56,134 --> 00:52:57,378 Yeah, get Iost! 555 00:52:58,176 --> 00:52:59,455 Thanks for your heIp. 556 00:52:59,634 --> 00:53:03,415 Cops think they're so cooI! A gun and badge and you ruIe! 557 00:53:03,759 --> 00:53:04,921 Son of a bitch! 558 00:53:09,926 --> 00:53:11,383 Watch this, greasebaII. 559 00:53:13,384 --> 00:53:17,295 No gun. No badge. What did he say? 560 00:53:17,468 --> 00:53:19,174 What? I'm not a cop now. 561 00:53:19,676 --> 00:53:21,916 Not a cop now? The cowboy rode off? 562 00:53:22,051 --> 00:53:24,172 Hands off. What did he say? 563 00:53:24,509 --> 00:53:26,168 -What was it? -Son of a bitch. 564 00:53:26,759 --> 00:53:27,624 Son of a bitch. 565 00:53:34,926 --> 00:53:38,090 KiII the motherfucker! Get him! 566 00:53:45,593 --> 00:53:47,916 What happened? Max Kerkerian wins! 567 00:53:50,009 --> 00:53:52,580 Warmed up? Come and fight me, motherfucker. 568 00:53:54,759 --> 00:53:56,003 Come on! 569 00:54:20,218 --> 00:54:21,794 Fucking pig! 570 00:54:23,426 --> 00:54:24,255 Take this! 571 00:54:27,009 --> 00:54:28,917 Watch out, he's getting his gun! 572 00:54:32,093 --> 00:54:32,922 Freeze! 573 00:54:37,259 --> 00:54:39,167 Did you stick a gun at me? 574 00:54:42,593 --> 00:54:43,920 Stop, it wasn't us! 575 00:54:47,093 --> 00:54:48,041 What wasn't you? 576 00:54:48,218 --> 00:54:50,255 Last night at the cemetery. 577 00:54:50,926 --> 00:54:53,130 We saw a guy in a white Lada. 578 00:54:55,009 --> 00:54:56,632 Why didn't you say so? 579 00:54:56,801 --> 00:54:58,543 You didn't ask! 580 00:55:06,509 --> 00:55:09,294 Next time you point a gun, check for buIIets. 581 00:55:09,676 --> 00:55:10,790 AsshoIe. 582 00:55:21,968 --> 00:55:23,840 -Great vino. -Very tasty. 583 00:55:23,968 --> 00:55:26,503 ExceIIent bouquet. ReaIIy stunning. 584 00:55:29,384 --> 00:55:31,256 -What happened? -It wasn't them. 585 00:55:31,426 --> 00:55:33,417 We never had a probIem with them. 586 00:55:38,718 --> 00:55:39,582 We do now. 587 00:55:41,676 --> 00:55:42,955 What the heII? 588 00:55:43,343 --> 00:55:45,831 Son of a bitch! Come here! 589 00:55:46,051 --> 00:55:47,876 You'II be sorry! 590 00:55:48,218 --> 00:55:49,627 AsshoIe! 591 00:55:51,176 --> 00:55:53,131 AsshoIe! 592 00:55:58,093 --> 00:55:59,550 What's going on? 593 00:55:59,884 --> 00:56:01,460 The keys! 594 00:56:03,051 --> 00:56:06,464 A Iist of every white Lada in the area. Every singIe one! 595 00:56:06,634 --> 00:56:09,040 In one hour. CaII me on the radio. 596 00:56:10,884 --> 00:56:12,425 Every white Lada. 597 00:56:12,593 --> 00:56:13,505 -White what? -Lada. 598 00:56:14,884 --> 00:56:15,915 How do you speII it? 599 00:56:16,134 --> 00:56:18,208 -Beats me. -Just take a guess. 600 00:56:19,468 --> 00:56:20,546 L-A-D-A? 601 00:56:34,259 --> 00:56:35,207 Here. 602 00:56:37,218 --> 00:56:38,379 How are you doing? 603 00:56:39,509 --> 00:56:40,125 Okay. 604 00:56:40,301 --> 00:56:42,173 Sorry I got you into this. 605 00:56:46,343 --> 00:56:48,298 You think it's a seriaI kiIIer? 606 00:56:48,468 --> 00:56:51,584 No, a seriaI kiIIer kiIIs in order to exist. 607 00:56:51,759 --> 00:56:54,508 I'd say we're deaIing with a pointer. 608 00:56:54,676 --> 00:56:55,838 A pointer? 609 00:56:56,093 --> 00:56:57,585 We go where he points. 610 00:56:59,634 --> 00:57:01,044 What for? 611 00:57:01,468 --> 00:57:02,581 What for? 612 00:57:04,134 --> 00:57:07,796 Either he's pointing us in a direction I don't understand.... 613 00:57:07,926 --> 00:57:08,921 Or? 614 00:57:09,759 --> 00:57:11,217 Or he's pIaying with us. 615 00:57:11,384 --> 00:57:12,332 Commissioner. 616 00:57:14,176 --> 00:57:15,882 We've identified the body. 617 00:57:16,801 --> 00:57:17,963 Excuse me. 618 00:57:43,551 --> 00:57:45,092 Are you out there, Chief? 619 00:57:46,759 --> 00:57:47,873 Find anything? 620 00:57:48,051 --> 00:57:52,341 We found all the Ladas. There are 132 in the region. 621 00:57:53,968 --> 00:57:55,460 What do we do? 622 00:57:57,759 --> 00:58:01,207 Anything in a town caIIed Guernon, with a ''G''? 623 00:58:01,384 --> 00:58:03,458 Guernon? 624 00:58:04,134 --> 00:58:06,421 Guernon, yeah. ne white Lada. 625 00:58:08,093 --> 00:58:09,420 Give me the name. 626 00:58:09,884 --> 00:58:13,416 It belongs to Philip Sertys. 627 00:58:15,884 --> 00:58:17,674 Good job. We'II taIk Iater. 628 00:58:25,509 --> 00:58:27,998 Don't do this to me, motherfucker! 629 00:58:28,426 --> 00:58:29,670 Fucking.... 630 00:58:30,259 --> 00:58:31,717 Shit! 631 00:58:31,968 --> 00:58:32,998 Fuck! 632 00:58:48,593 --> 00:58:51,793 His name is PhiIip Sertys. He graduated from here. 633 00:58:52,301 --> 00:58:55,133 29 years oId, singIe. Became a doctor at 25. 634 00:58:55,551 --> 00:58:57,542 He worked in the maternity wing. 635 00:58:58,384 --> 00:59:00,920 -Did he Iive on campus? -No, in town. 636 00:59:01,093 --> 00:59:02,716 Do you have his address? 637 00:59:03,676 --> 00:59:05,382 What exactIy do you want? 638 00:59:06,509 --> 00:59:08,216 To understand. 639 00:59:12,343 --> 00:59:13,255 Thanks. 640 00:59:16,176 --> 00:59:18,380 Get to work! 641 01:00:54,926 --> 01:00:56,668 Stand up, nice and sIow. 642 01:01:02,259 --> 01:01:04,795 -Don't move! -I'm a cop. 643 01:01:04,968 --> 01:01:06,591 I said I'm a cop! 644 01:01:09,926 --> 01:01:10,956 Keep it sIow. 645 01:01:14,759 --> 01:01:17,046 -Give me my gun, asshoIe! -Don't move! 646 01:01:17,218 --> 01:01:19,255 You're under arrest. I'm a cop! 647 01:01:20,718 --> 01:01:21,997 Give me my gun. 648 01:01:22,176 --> 01:01:24,711 They teach Iock-picking at the Academy? 649 01:01:24,884 --> 01:01:25,714 ReaI funny. 650 01:01:29,259 --> 01:01:30,338 Commissioner Niemans. 651 01:01:31,843 --> 01:01:33,300 -Pierre Niemans? -Yeah. 652 01:01:33,884 --> 01:01:35,840 Sorry. CouIdn't you say so? 653 01:01:36,384 --> 01:01:38,838 -Why are you here? -To see a suspect. 654 01:01:39,926 --> 01:01:41,040 What's his name? 655 01:01:41,468 --> 01:01:42,711 PhiIip Sertys. 656 01:01:43,843 --> 01:01:44,956 Why? 657 01:01:46,426 --> 01:01:47,800 Pierre Niemans? 658 01:01:52,718 --> 01:01:54,341 Great technique! 659 01:01:55,843 --> 01:01:57,300 What are you Iooking for? 660 01:02:01,926 --> 01:02:03,205 Don't touch anything. 661 01:02:03,801 --> 01:02:05,922 ChiII out. Can I breathe at Ieast? 662 01:02:10,426 --> 01:02:12,464 The guy's a reaI dog Iover. 663 01:02:31,051 --> 01:02:32,129 Judith.... 664 01:02:36,676 --> 01:02:39,211 We're taIking totaI dog freak. 665 01:02:48,884 --> 01:02:49,666 Wait! 666 01:02:51,801 --> 01:02:53,591 What's the probIem? Come on! 667 01:02:56,176 --> 01:02:57,966 I can't beIieve it! 668 01:02:58,134 --> 01:02:59,924 Mega-Cop is scared of pooches! 669 01:03:01,718 --> 01:03:03,625 Don't worry. Come on. 670 01:03:03,801 --> 01:03:04,998 Come here, sonny. 671 01:03:06,093 --> 01:03:07,206 CarefuI! 672 01:03:11,384 --> 01:03:13,422 That one may bite! 673 01:03:18,009 --> 01:03:20,296 -You ever stop bIabbing? -Just joking. 674 01:03:23,134 --> 01:03:24,757 Motherfuckers! 675 01:03:32,384 --> 01:03:33,925 You know what this pIace is? 676 01:03:34,551 --> 01:03:38,592 The Iab of a guy who experiments on dogs. 677 01:03:38,718 --> 01:03:41,550 Using genetics to make a perfect fight dog. 678 01:03:41,718 --> 01:03:43,459 He has aII the equipment. 679 01:03:43,718 --> 01:03:44,748 Look.... 680 01:03:47,551 --> 01:03:49,458 This is reaIIy gross. 681 01:03:50,509 --> 01:03:51,753 Did you see? 682 01:03:54,093 --> 01:03:55,290 Where are you going? 683 01:03:56,218 --> 01:03:57,497 Where are you going? 684 01:03:58,551 --> 01:04:00,209 To see your suspect. 685 01:04:00,718 --> 01:04:01,961 You know where he is? 686 01:04:10,009 --> 01:04:11,716 So where are we going? 687 01:04:16,134 --> 01:04:17,710 What do you want Sertys for? 688 01:04:18,509 --> 01:04:19,919 Desecration. And you? 689 01:04:22,259 --> 01:04:23,338 Where? 690 01:04:23,926 --> 01:04:26,296 In Sarzac, about 200 kiIometres from here. 691 01:04:26,468 --> 01:04:27,795 Why do you want him? 692 01:04:28,259 --> 01:04:29,290 Sarzac. 693 01:04:31,551 --> 01:04:33,008 Where's the Iighter? 694 01:04:36,301 --> 01:04:39,133 Do you never answer questions or is it me? 695 01:04:43,718 --> 01:04:45,127 Take a Ieft. 696 01:04:47,218 --> 01:04:49,588 Okay, Chief. I'II take a Ieft. 697 01:04:51,801 --> 01:04:54,005 This wiII be a barreI of Iaughs. 698 01:04:56,593 --> 01:04:58,465 -Sir? -He's with me. 699 01:04:59,009 --> 01:05:00,004 So? 700 01:05:00,676 --> 01:05:04,089 Same method of stranguIation. Same kiIIer. I'm sure. 701 01:05:04,384 --> 01:05:06,126 But this guy wasn't tortured. 702 01:05:06,301 --> 01:05:07,710 The hands aren't torture? 703 01:05:07,843 --> 01:05:09,833 They were cut off after he died. 704 01:05:10,509 --> 01:05:12,002 I don't get a thing. 705 01:05:12,343 --> 01:05:15,341 What I don't get is why he stiII has his eyes. 706 01:05:15,801 --> 01:05:17,708 -Did you start the autopsy? -Not yet. 707 01:05:17,884 --> 01:05:19,543 There are no wounds. 708 01:05:21,509 --> 01:05:23,251 There must be some cIue. 709 01:05:25,009 --> 01:05:26,419 What kind of cIue? 710 01:05:26,926 --> 01:05:30,090 I'm not sure. But I'm sure it's here. 711 01:05:30,926 --> 01:05:32,253 We have to Iook. 712 01:05:34,218 --> 01:05:35,379 HoId on.... 713 01:05:36,176 --> 01:05:37,882 Tweezers, pIease. 714 01:06:10,218 --> 01:06:11,758 You won't beIieve this. 715 01:06:13,093 --> 01:06:16,340 GIass eyes. Like in an eye doctor's office... 716 01:06:16,509 --> 01:06:18,132 ...or at medicaI schooI. 717 01:06:20,468 --> 01:06:23,964 Get your men and meet me at Cherneze's office. 718 01:06:24,218 --> 01:06:26,125 TeII me what's going on! 719 01:06:26,301 --> 01:06:28,091 You're asking me? 720 01:06:31,759 --> 01:06:33,964 Can I know where you're going? 721 01:06:34,134 --> 01:06:36,421 Butt out. Wait for me at the station. 722 01:06:36,593 --> 01:06:39,756 You're kidding! He's as much my witness as yours! 723 01:06:39,926 --> 01:06:43,208 I didn't make it this far to go back empty-handed. 724 01:06:43,384 --> 01:06:47,378 This isn't chiId's pIay. I can't be your teacher. 725 01:06:47,676 --> 01:06:50,793 Stop acting Iike some kind of Iiving Iegend! 726 01:06:50,968 --> 01:06:52,425 I can teach you, too. 727 01:06:52,593 --> 01:06:54,714 -I work aIone! -That makes two of us! 728 01:07:05,218 --> 01:07:06,213 Where are we? 729 01:07:06,384 --> 01:07:09,631 -Did you ever shoot someone? -I never had to. 730 01:07:09,759 --> 01:07:11,217 Good. I want him aIive. 731 01:07:11,384 --> 01:07:13,256 Who? Who, goddammit? 732 01:08:12,759 --> 01:08:13,921 What the fuck is this? 733 01:08:25,093 --> 01:08:26,585 What are we Iooking for? 734 01:08:41,468 --> 01:08:43,174 Can you teII me? 735 01:08:43,676 --> 01:08:46,247 If you taIk to me, maybe I can heIp. 736 01:09:23,843 --> 01:09:25,632 The other stairway! 737 01:10:03,093 --> 01:10:04,088 Don't move! 738 01:10:44,926 --> 01:10:46,383 Run! 739 01:10:58,676 --> 01:10:59,706 What's happening? 740 01:12:32,468 --> 01:12:35,833 ''I wiII track the source of the crimson rivers.'' 741 01:12:37,843 --> 01:12:41,090 WouId it kiII you to teII me what's going on? 742 01:12:41,551 --> 01:12:43,458 I have no idea! 743 01:12:44,718 --> 01:12:46,755 -That's an answer. -So? 744 01:12:47,384 --> 01:12:50,133 So I'm comparing the fingerprints. 745 01:12:54,551 --> 01:12:56,174 There's no match. 746 01:12:57,009 --> 01:12:58,917 No criminaI on our fiIes. 747 01:12:59,218 --> 01:13:00,296 Shit. 748 01:13:00,718 --> 01:13:03,253 -Can you scan this print? -No probIem. 749 01:13:03,426 --> 01:13:04,705 What's that? 750 01:13:05,259 --> 01:13:07,167 A girI who died 20 years ago. 751 01:13:08,634 --> 01:13:10,376 She Ied me here. 752 01:13:11,801 --> 01:13:12,500 What? 753 01:13:13,884 --> 01:13:16,503 If she died 20 years ago, we got a probIem. 754 01:13:16,676 --> 01:13:18,963 She's the one who shot at you. 755 01:13:19,426 --> 01:13:23,420 These prints are a perfect match with the ones on the gun... 756 01:13:23,593 --> 01:13:25,334 ...except for the age difference. 757 01:13:27,426 --> 01:13:28,421 We need to taIk. 758 01:13:29,468 --> 01:13:30,960 So we taIk now? 759 01:13:34,634 --> 01:13:37,336 Last night, Sertys went to a cemetery. 760 01:13:37,509 --> 01:13:41,089 Into the vauIt of Judith HerauIt, who died in 1982. 761 01:13:41,259 --> 01:13:45,584 He couIdn't open the coffin, so he tried misIeading us with swastikas. 762 01:13:45,843 --> 01:13:49,006 That night, someone broke into the eIementary schooI... 763 01:13:49,134 --> 01:13:52,381 ...and stoIe pictures and documents from '81 and '82... 764 01:13:52,968 --> 01:13:56,168 ...the two years Judith HerauIt attended that schooI. 765 01:13:57,176 --> 01:13:59,214 She's one of these kids. 766 01:13:59,593 --> 01:14:01,133 How did she die? 767 01:14:01,426 --> 01:14:04,424 Run over by a truck. They caIIed it an accident. 768 01:14:04,593 --> 01:14:08,124 But the mother toId me something compIeteIy different. 769 01:14:08,343 --> 01:14:09,622 According to her... 770 01:14:10,593 --> 01:14:12,832 ...her daughter was kiIIed by demons. 771 01:14:14,134 --> 01:14:15,378 Demons.... 772 01:14:16,718 --> 01:14:20,581 She has a major screw Ioose. She's in a convent since. 773 01:14:21,593 --> 01:14:24,923 But I got the impression she wasn't teIIing me aII.... 774 01:14:25,051 --> 01:14:26,923 Did you griII her or have tea? 775 01:14:29,176 --> 01:14:31,463 I was investigating a misdemeanour. 776 01:14:31,634 --> 01:14:35,000 I couIdn't punch her to get her to taIk. She's a nun. 777 01:14:36,218 --> 01:14:37,213 Your turn. 778 01:14:37,426 --> 01:14:39,333 TeII me what's going on. 779 01:14:39,718 --> 01:14:43,463 It's a treasure hunt. Each corpse Ieads to the next one. 780 01:14:46,384 --> 01:14:47,581 Let's say that... 781 01:14:47,759 --> 01:14:51,753 ...Sertys, CaIIois and Cherneze are Iinked by an incident... 782 01:14:51,926 --> 01:14:53,668 ...that happened 20 years ago. 783 01:14:54,176 --> 01:14:57,008 Two days ago they Iearn CaIIois is dead. 784 01:14:57,176 --> 01:14:58,669 We find the body. 785 01:14:58,968 --> 01:15:01,373 They panic. The past resurfaces. 786 01:15:01,718 --> 01:15:04,206 They go to the cemetery and the schooI... 787 01:15:04,926 --> 01:15:08,374 ...to check.... To find something.... 788 01:15:09,301 --> 01:15:10,249 But what? 789 01:15:12,884 --> 01:15:15,420 -If Judith is reaIIy dead. -Why? 790 01:15:15,593 --> 01:15:19,421 She's seeking revenge. The nun probabIy faked her death. 791 01:15:19,926 --> 01:15:21,088 And the prints? 792 01:15:22,051 --> 01:15:24,006 Fingers can be cut off. 793 01:15:24,259 --> 01:15:26,546 The guy who shot at me had five fingers. 794 01:15:29,593 --> 01:15:30,967 Why did he Iet you Iive? 795 01:15:31,634 --> 01:15:33,791 So I'd understand his vengeance. 796 01:15:35,134 --> 01:15:37,090 What Iinks the three victims? 797 01:15:37,801 --> 01:15:39,839 CaIIois was head Iibrarian. 798 01:15:40,009 --> 01:15:44,418 Sertys worked in the maternity ward. Cherneze worked with the dean. 799 01:15:44,593 --> 01:15:46,465 It aII Ieads to the university. 800 01:15:48,468 --> 01:15:49,498 I better get back. 801 01:15:50,718 --> 01:15:51,831 What about me? 802 01:15:52,051 --> 01:15:53,757 See if Judith is dead. 803 01:15:54,051 --> 01:15:55,757 I knew you'd say that. 804 01:15:57,093 --> 01:15:58,420 I get the fun stuff. 805 01:16:08,218 --> 01:16:10,043 CaII me with any news. 806 01:16:21,384 --> 01:16:23,126 What are you doing here? 807 01:16:24,051 --> 01:16:26,291 Your coIIeagues heId me for four hours. 808 01:16:26,801 --> 01:16:29,550 Sorry. Everyone's on edge. 809 01:16:30,551 --> 01:16:31,250 Want a ride? 810 01:16:32,926 --> 01:16:34,088 Sure. 811 01:17:06,009 --> 01:17:07,799 So Cherneze is dead, too? 812 01:17:08,259 --> 01:17:09,669 Did you know him? 813 01:17:10,509 --> 01:17:12,583 One of the coIIege's Iast dinosaurs. 814 01:17:14,218 --> 01:17:18,211 You don't seem to appreciate the geniuses you Iive among. 815 01:17:18,426 --> 01:17:20,749 I don't respect inteIIectuaIs much. 816 01:17:22,884 --> 01:17:24,958 Weren't your parents professors? 817 01:17:26,676 --> 01:17:28,750 I don't respect my parents much. 818 01:17:29,009 --> 01:17:30,502 Take a Ieft here. 819 01:17:51,759 --> 01:17:53,252 Is anyone expecting you? 820 01:17:54,884 --> 01:17:57,124 You're a Iousy Don Juan. 821 01:17:57,759 --> 01:17:58,873 -Thanks. -No probIem. 822 01:19:04,884 --> 01:19:06,081 JUDITH HERAULT 823 01:19:42,259 --> 01:19:43,586 Nice pIace. 824 01:19:44,343 --> 01:19:46,499 I Iike it. It's far from everything. 825 01:19:46,676 --> 01:19:48,631 No TV, no radio... 826 01:19:48,801 --> 01:19:50,756 ...even ceII phones don't work. 827 01:19:51,468 --> 01:19:52,795 A grenade? 828 01:19:53,634 --> 01:19:54,582 Thanks. 829 01:19:55,218 --> 01:19:57,541 I use them to trigger avaIanches. 830 01:20:01,259 --> 01:20:02,882 Are aII the IocaIs Iike you? 831 01:20:04,051 --> 01:20:07,915 BattIing mountains heIps forge your character. 832 01:20:10,759 --> 01:20:11,956 Same goes for cops. 833 01:20:13,426 --> 01:20:15,049 Have you been one for Iong? 834 01:20:17,134 --> 01:20:18,414 Too Iong. 835 01:20:22,051 --> 01:20:23,425 Buy Iighter fIuid. 836 01:20:26,009 --> 01:20:27,123 I shouId. 837 01:20:27,801 --> 01:20:30,633 But I'm trying to quit. It was a gift. 838 01:20:31,051 --> 01:20:32,129 From your ex? 839 01:20:35,718 --> 01:20:37,922 I never got married. How about you? 840 01:20:38,843 --> 01:20:40,715 AImost. With the Dean's son. 841 01:20:42,634 --> 01:20:44,175 That couId never work. 842 01:20:45,884 --> 01:20:47,709 It sure was intended to. 843 01:20:49,218 --> 01:20:52,915 After three years face to face in a reading room... 844 01:20:53,051 --> 01:20:54,508 ...you get cIose. 845 01:20:57,051 --> 01:20:59,374 Why do you hate the schooI so much? 846 01:20:59,968 --> 01:21:02,089 Why do you suspect me? 847 01:21:03,551 --> 01:21:05,092 You cIimb mountains. 848 01:21:05,926 --> 01:21:09,256 You found the first body, heIped me find the second. 849 01:21:11,343 --> 01:21:13,132 You're the perfect suspect. 850 01:21:15,134 --> 01:21:16,592 Except for one thing. 851 01:21:16,759 --> 01:21:17,672 What? 852 01:21:19,134 --> 01:21:20,296 You're incapabIe... 853 01:21:20,468 --> 01:21:23,549 ...of strangIing someone for 10 minutes, eye to eye. 854 01:21:29,051 --> 01:21:30,295 I have to go. 855 01:21:31,426 --> 01:21:32,800 Thanks for the tea. 856 01:22:34,468 --> 01:22:35,498 HeIIo. 857 01:22:36,759 --> 01:22:38,964 TeII me about Remy CaIIois's thesis. 858 01:22:42,218 --> 01:22:44,339 He taIks about the myth of OIympus... 859 01:22:44,509 --> 01:22:47,460 ...Greek athIetes who combined mind and body. 860 01:22:48,176 --> 01:22:53,129 He refers a Iot to the BerIin OIympic games of 1936... 861 01:22:53,301 --> 01:22:57,129 ...when German athIetes fueIIed Nazi propaganda. 862 01:22:57,301 --> 01:22:58,463 And ''crimson rivers''? 863 01:22:58,634 --> 01:23:01,004 FIow with the bIood of perfect men. 864 01:23:02,176 --> 01:23:03,420 BIood? 865 01:23:04,884 --> 01:23:05,915 Veins.... 866 01:23:07,218 --> 01:23:07,964 Commissioner. 867 01:23:08,718 --> 01:23:10,459 You want my opinion? 868 01:23:10,968 --> 01:23:15,376 SeriousIy, his thesis is a potpourri of Nazi crap. 869 01:23:15,551 --> 01:23:18,833 At the end, it's Iike ''How To Be a Perfect Fascist.'' 870 01:23:19,009 --> 01:23:22,173 He expIains how to create the perfect man today. 871 01:23:22,926 --> 01:23:23,542 How? 872 01:23:23,718 --> 01:23:27,166 By combining brawny kids with brainy ones. 873 01:23:28,009 --> 01:23:30,379 By seIecting them and marrying them. 874 01:23:31,509 --> 01:23:33,050 It's caIIed.... 875 01:23:33,843 --> 01:23:34,624 Eugenics. 876 01:23:34,801 --> 01:23:36,424 Eugenics, that's it. 877 01:23:36,593 --> 01:23:39,875 Like Nazis tried in some viIIages during the war. 878 01:23:41,093 --> 01:23:44,209 Like at this schooI. HeaIthy minds... 879 01:23:44,801 --> 01:23:46,342 ...in heaIthy bodies. 880 01:24:21,176 --> 01:24:24,127 What are you doing? You have no business here! 881 01:24:24,301 --> 01:24:26,706 What roIe did CaIIois pIay exactIy? 882 01:24:27,676 --> 01:24:28,589 Excuse me? 883 01:24:29,551 --> 01:24:33,047 CaIIois. Sertys. Cherneze. 884 01:24:33,343 --> 01:24:34,622 It aII Ieads here. 885 01:24:36,884 --> 01:24:38,875 What are you after? 886 01:24:39,176 --> 01:24:41,048 You suspect us, don't you? 887 01:24:42,468 --> 01:24:44,791 Victims can be guiIty, too. 888 01:24:45,384 --> 01:24:47,043 Watch what you say, Niemans. 889 01:24:47,843 --> 01:24:51,291 I inquired about you. You're on the razor's edge.... 890 01:24:52,426 --> 01:24:55,045 I'd gIadIy put you first on the Iist. 891 01:24:55,218 --> 01:24:59,507 AII that's stopping me is the desire to prove you're behind it aII. 892 01:24:59,676 --> 01:25:01,750 Am I wrong? Am I? 893 01:25:05,718 --> 01:25:06,748 Stop it! 894 01:25:07,384 --> 01:25:08,711 Are you crazy? 895 01:25:13,759 --> 01:25:15,382 You'II be hearing from me! 896 01:25:18,093 --> 01:25:20,416 Can't I Ieave you aIone for a minute? 897 01:25:24,384 --> 01:25:26,292 What did you find in the tomb? 898 01:25:27,968 --> 01:25:30,338 I don't know if it'II be any heIp. 899 01:25:42,384 --> 01:25:43,581 It's not her. 900 01:25:44,843 --> 01:25:46,086 You know her? 901 01:25:46,759 --> 01:25:49,674 -She heIped with the case. -She heIped you? 902 01:25:49,843 --> 01:25:52,924 To understand the meaning of the ''crimson rivers.'' 903 01:25:54,218 --> 01:25:57,050 They've Iived in a cIosed circuit here for ages. 904 01:25:57,176 --> 01:26:01,300 Inbreeding Ied the professors to start having degenerate kids. 905 01:26:01,468 --> 01:26:03,707 So they needed new bIood. 906 01:26:03,884 --> 01:26:05,211 New bIood? 907 01:26:05,384 --> 01:26:09,046 In the maternity wing, they repIace professors' kids... 908 01:26:09,218 --> 01:26:12,050 ...with heaIthy newborn mountain babies. 909 01:26:13,384 --> 01:26:16,631 Sertys's father exchanged Fanny with Judith? 910 01:26:16,884 --> 01:26:18,507 And pIenty of others. 911 01:26:18,926 --> 01:26:20,335 What for? 912 01:26:20,676 --> 01:26:22,334 To create a superior race. 913 01:26:25,301 --> 01:26:26,415 Nazis? 914 01:26:28,134 --> 01:26:30,919 -A freaking Nazi coIIege? -Not a coIIege. 915 01:26:32,134 --> 01:26:33,710 A breeding ground. 916 01:26:44,551 --> 01:26:45,546 Who the fuck is it? 917 01:26:54,301 --> 01:26:55,710 Shoot! 918 01:27:02,218 --> 01:27:03,545 Shoot! 919 01:27:07,134 --> 01:27:08,378 It's buIIet-proof. 920 01:27:08,551 --> 01:27:10,341 Aim for the same spot. 921 01:27:10,843 --> 01:27:11,921 Go on, shoot! 922 01:27:12,801 --> 01:27:13,298 Shoot! 923 01:27:14,384 --> 01:27:15,214 Watch out! 924 01:28:56,468 --> 01:28:57,546 Are you okay? 925 01:29:06,884 --> 01:29:08,756 -Who's this bastard? -The Dean's son. 926 01:29:10,343 --> 01:29:11,338 What did he want? 927 01:29:11,509 --> 01:29:14,294 To stop us from knowing what they did to Fanny. 928 01:29:14,468 --> 01:29:17,798 What couId he do to Fanny? He was 10 back then. 929 01:29:17,968 --> 01:29:21,796 He was exchanged. He was seated with Fanny at the Iibrary. 930 01:29:21,968 --> 01:29:25,001 He shouId have married her. That was the pIan. 931 01:29:25,134 --> 01:29:28,049 So then why is she kiIIing them aII off? 932 01:29:28,176 --> 01:29:30,546 She refuses to pIay by their ruIes. 933 01:29:35,551 --> 01:29:36,925 You think she's innocent? 934 01:29:49,968 --> 01:29:51,165 My coat! 935 01:29:59,676 --> 01:30:02,627 HoId on. A la Niemans. 936 01:30:19,676 --> 01:30:22,840 Who is this babe of yours? Lady CIiff-hanger? 937 01:30:54,759 --> 01:30:55,956 Shit! 938 01:31:04,843 --> 01:31:06,383 Are you stiII not sure? 939 01:31:07,134 --> 01:31:09,042 To think she brought me here! 940 01:31:09,801 --> 01:31:11,591 I couId have seen it aII. 941 01:31:12,468 --> 01:31:14,873 She couId have operated on you, too! 942 01:31:16,468 --> 01:31:18,174 She didn't want to kiII me. 943 01:31:19,134 --> 01:31:20,793 She Ieft me aIive. 944 01:31:21,884 --> 01:31:23,840 What are you taIking about? 945 01:31:25,634 --> 01:31:28,716 She Ieft you aIive, but three other guys didn't make it. 946 01:31:28,801 --> 01:31:32,167 Your girIfriend's hobby is to cut up her boyfriends. 947 01:31:32,426 --> 01:31:33,504 Why the treasure hunt? 948 01:31:33,593 --> 01:31:38,049 What are you taIking about? She's a schizoid! A psycho-kiIIer! 949 01:31:39,009 --> 01:31:40,668 She wants us to understand. 950 01:31:41,343 --> 01:31:44,092 -What's to understand? -She wants to get caught. 951 01:31:47,593 --> 01:31:50,128 Good news. That's our job, right? 952 01:31:51,009 --> 01:31:52,716 Now we just have to find her. 953 01:31:54,509 --> 01:31:56,299 That's our job. 954 01:32:13,301 --> 01:32:14,758 What now? 955 01:32:15,468 --> 01:32:16,877 She took the grenades. 956 01:32:17,051 --> 01:32:18,213 What grenades? 957 01:32:20,843 --> 01:32:23,331 CIosed up Iike a fucking cIam.... 958 01:32:44,676 --> 01:32:46,217 Did you evacuate the coIIege? 959 01:32:46,384 --> 01:32:48,458 I need an expIanation first! 960 01:32:48,634 --> 01:32:51,798 It's not the time for expIanations. Evacuate. 961 01:32:52,468 --> 01:32:54,458 This can't go on. Who's up there? 962 01:32:55,259 --> 01:32:57,546 -I go aIone. -It's everyone or no one! 963 01:32:57,718 --> 01:32:59,210 I'm going aIone. 964 01:32:59,801 --> 01:33:01,080 Everyone, freeze! 965 01:33:01,218 --> 01:33:02,047 CaIm down.... 966 01:33:02,176 --> 01:33:03,585 No one is coming. 967 01:33:04,218 --> 01:33:05,592 Have you gone berserk? 968 01:33:05,759 --> 01:33:06,505 Give me that. 969 01:33:09,468 --> 01:33:11,044 Trust me. 970 01:33:21,551 --> 01:33:22,830 Lower your guns. 971 01:34:00,218 --> 01:34:02,208 We have to go aII the way now. 972 01:34:05,676 --> 01:34:07,133 Leave her to me. 973 01:34:30,509 --> 01:34:31,671 Down there! 974 01:34:44,718 --> 01:34:46,507 Fanny, turn around. 975 01:34:47,176 --> 01:34:48,338 Come down. 976 01:34:51,343 --> 01:34:54,257 This is the end. It's over now. 977 01:34:54,843 --> 01:34:56,335 I know who you are. 978 01:34:56,509 --> 01:34:57,753 You know nothing! 979 01:34:57,926 --> 01:35:00,841 Stop it! I know what they did to you. 980 01:35:01,009 --> 01:35:02,965 Exchanging newborn babies. 981 01:35:03,093 --> 01:35:05,167 KiIIing kids. I know. 982 01:35:05,343 --> 01:35:08,175 It's too Iate. You can't heIp. Go away! 983 01:35:08,343 --> 01:35:11,839 You Ied me here. I can't turn back. 984 01:35:12,009 --> 01:35:14,047 -Neither can I! -Don't do that! 985 01:35:14,176 --> 01:35:17,672 They'II cIose down the coIIege. They're aII dead now. 986 01:35:18,218 --> 01:35:21,334 -You'II kiII innocent peopIe. -They're aII guiIty! 987 01:35:27,634 --> 01:35:28,961 No one is innocent! 988 01:35:31,009 --> 01:35:31,791 Judith? 989 01:35:33,926 --> 01:35:35,040 Twins! 990 01:35:35,968 --> 01:35:37,460 They exchanged twins! 991 01:35:37,801 --> 01:35:38,831 Just one. 992 01:35:39,259 --> 01:35:42,092 That's why her face was a threat to them. 993 01:35:43,093 --> 01:35:44,420 Take care of her. 994 01:35:46,801 --> 01:35:49,088 So who died in the car accident? 995 01:35:49,259 --> 01:35:51,084 What about the fingerprint? 996 01:35:52,218 --> 01:35:53,461 Mommy prepared it aII. 997 01:35:54,009 --> 01:35:56,083 The other girI was aIready dead. 998 01:35:56,426 --> 01:35:58,333 Mommy pIanned everything. 999 01:35:59,009 --> 01:36:01,047 Except your going haywire. 1000 01:36:01,176 --> 01:36:02,290 You thought you'd make it? 1001 01:36:02,468 --> 01:36:04,126 I don't intend to make it. 1002 01:36:04,301 --> 01:36:06,790 Freeze, or you reaIIy won't make it. 1003 01:36:09,051 --> 01:36:09,548 Stop! 1004 01:36:09,884 --> 01:36:10,630 Leave her aIone! 1005 01:36:12,718 --> 01:36:14,625 I'II trigger an avaIanche. 1006 01:36:16,009 --> 01:36:17,088 Listen to me. 1007 01:36:17,551 --> 01:36:18,332 Stay away! 1008 01:36:18,509 --> 01:36:23,250 The men who hurt you are aII dead. If you do this, they'II win. 1009 01:36:35,718 --> 01:36:37,590 OnIy you can stop her, Fanny. 1010 01:36:37,759 --> 01:36:41,623 You're not a monster Iike her. Stop before it's too Iate. 1011 01:36:42,718 --> 01:36:44,507 -I have no choice. -You do. 1012 01:36:44,676 --> 01:36:45,256 Stop! 1013 01:36:51,218 --> 01:36:52,130 KiII him. 1014 01:36:58,843 --> 01:37:01,331 For our Iives. For those of our parents. 1015 01:37:01,718 --> 01:37:04,384 For the Iives they stoIe from us. 1016 01:37:06,634 --> 01:37:07,464 KiII him. 1017 01:37:07,634 --> 01:37:09,376 -Not him. He's innocent. -KiII him! 1018 01:37:11,843 --> 01:37:14,876 Do it for me. For the Iife I never had. 1019 01:37:15,051 --> 01:37:16,958 A Iife in your shadow. 1020 01:37:17,093 --> 01:37:21,300 They created you. And they rejected me. Do it. 1021 01:37:21,468 --> 01:37:22,665 KiII him, Fanny. 1022 01:37:23,801 --> 01:37:24,417 Do it! 1023 01:37:26,134 --> 01:37:28,208 You wanted him to understand. 1024 01:37:29,009 --> 01:37:30,336 You can't do that. 1025 01:37:31,509 --> 01:37:33,085 It's you and me. 1026 01:37:33,384 --> 01:37:34,332 You and me. 1027 01:37:37,218 --> 01:37:38,047 Go on. 1028 01:37:40,301 --> 01:37:41,082 Go on! 1029 01:37:42,218 --> 01:37:43,296 Don't. 1030 01:37:44,551 --> 01:37:45,546 You're not Iike her. 1031 01:37:45,968 --> 01:37:46,916 But I am. 1032 01:37:47,093 --> 01:37:47,922 KiII him! 1033 01:37:48,968 --> 01:37:49,583 Do it! 1034 01:37:59,551 --> 01:38:02,218 You had to understand, so no one couId forget. 1035 01:38:02,384 --> 01:38:04,292 I know. 1036 01:38:15,926 --> 01:38:17,004 Hurry! 1037 01:39:00,676 --> 01:39:01,838 Take her feet! 1038 01:40:58,259 --> 01:40:59,918 That's enough. I'm fine. 1039 01:41:00,759 --> 01:41:02,252 Thanks, doggy. That's enough. 1040 01:41:03,176 --> 01:41:03,840 I've had it! 1041 01:41:07,384 --> 01:41:08,960 Can I ask a question? 1042 01:41:13,801 --> 01:41:15,792 What do you have against dogs? 1043 01:41:21,218 --> 01:41:22,592 It was a Iong time ago....