1 00:00:03,403 --> 00:00:07,340 [Rooster Crows] 2 00:00:08,41 --> 00:00:11,44 Oh no Mr. Spacely, that's my throat you're strangling! 3 00:00:11,745 --> 00:00:15,181 It's seven thirty Mr. Jetson, time to get up. 4 00:00:17,584 --> 00:00:21,621 Rise and shine George, it's time to face the world. 5 00:00:24,157 --> 00:00:26,526 Okay Jetson, You asked for it! 6 00:00:28,61 --> 00:00:29,129 Yeow! 7 00:00:33,33 --> 00:00:35,802 Not Cold! Yeow! 8 00:00:37,737 --> 00:00:39,572 [Rooster Crows] 9 00:00:47,313 --> 00:00:54,187 [Fred snoring] 10 00:00:55,55 --> 00:00:59,826 [Bird alarms] Get up Get up get up! GET UP! 11 00:01:05,632 --> 00:01:09,803 Okay, If that's the way you want it! [whistling] 12 00:01:09,836 --> 00:01:12,205 [Dino barking] 13 00:01:13,506 --> 00:01:20,547 Hey Stop! Cut it out Dino you hear me?! Who gives the orders around here? Me or some bird brain alarm clock? 14 00:01:22,582 --> 00:01:23,383 [phone rings] 15 00:01:23,383 --> 00:01:25,685 Jane can you get the visiphone? 16 00:01:28,421 --> 00:01:31,491 George? It's Mr. Spacely. What shall I tell him? 17 00:01:31,658 --> 00:01:34,327 [George mumbling] 18 00:01:35,195 --> 00:01:37,530 He can't come to phone at the moment Mr. Spacely 19 00:01:37,664 --> 00:01:41,901 I don't want him on the phone! I want him in the office now! [phone blips] 20 00:01:42,502 --> 00:01:44,671 I better head to the auto dresser and get down there! 21 00:01:45,739 --> 00:01:49,676 Well be prepared. He's on the war path. 22 00:01:50,910 --> 00:01:53,113 No thanks, this is a little too prepared. 23 00:01:53,480 --> 00:01:57,484 You're right George, if you ever showed up for work looking like that, he'd go bananas. 24 00:01:58,618 --> 00:02:01,821 Oh no! Nothing like an auto dresser with a sense of humor! 25 00:02:02,55 --> 00:02:06,493 [Astro barking] George: Astro will you cut it out! 26 00:02:09,629 --> 00:02:12,699 I'm sorry Mr. J I didn't realize you had company. 27 00:02:15,68 --> 00:02:16,670 Rosey, it's me! 28 00:02:18,4 --> 00:02:24,10 Oh now I recognize you Mr. J! George: Rosey will you take Astro for his morning stroll? 29 00:02:24,344 --> 00:02:27,981 I will if you do something with the food a ruck a cycle. 30 00:02:28,682 --> 00:02:31,184 Otherwise, good luck with breakfast 31 00:02:31,685 --> 00:02:35,655 George- What's wrong with it? Rosey: You had to ask. 32 00:02:36,22 --> 00:02:37,891 Jane: I'll see what I can do Rosey. 33 00:02:41,161 --> 00:02:45,932 Rosey, I don't see anything wrong with it. Elroy: Me either. I think it works great. 34 00:02:46,199 --> 00:02:49,569 Elroy! You ordered ice cream for breakfast? 35 00:02:49,936 --> 00:02:56,309 Heck no. I ordered capsulated whole grain cereal with dehydrated fruit chips, and then I got lucky. 36 00:02:56,776 --> 00:02:58,878 First the one in the face, and then this one. 37 00:02:59,145 --> 00:03:01,848 I'm a little late dear, you better make it a light breakfast. 38 00:03:02,115 --> 00:03:04,951 Ham, eggs, hashbrowns, toast and coffee. 39 00:03:08,888 --> 00:03:11,658 Two out of three isn't bad Mr. J. 40 00:03:13,326 --> 00:03:15,261 Thanks! I didn't need that. 41 00:03:15,528 --> 00:03:17,297 You can finish my breakfast Dad. 42 00:03:17,597 --> 00:03:19,833 Thanks Elroy, but I'm sick enough as it is. 43 00:03:20,133 --> 00:03:24,771 I gotta meet Mr. Orbit, He's helping me with my science project; a time machine! 44 00:03:25,5 --> 00:03:27,774 Time machine! Now there's a real waste of time! 45 00:03:28,274 --> 00:03:32,178 Life is a waste of time! What does it all mean? 46 00:03:32,345 --> 00:03:35,682 It probably means another boyfriend's about to bite the dust 47 00:03:36,149 --> 00:03:38,985 You're not having trouble with Rex Saturn are you dear? 48 00:03:39,119 --> 00:03:45,558 I could care less about Rex what's his name and who needs it career! If he prefers a bunch of groupies to me, 49 00:03:46,59 --> 00:03:48,495 Let him go I say! Diary: Oh yeah? 50 00:03:48,762 --> 00:03:51,398 That isn't what you said to me! Judy: Di Di! 51 00:03:51,698 --> 00:03:55,135 I thought Diaries weren't supposed to be seen or heard. 52 00:03:55,602 --> 00:04:00,507 Do you think other families have all these problems? Jane: Since the beginning of time. 53 00:04:01,541 --> 00:04:09,449 Fred: Wilma! Yeow!! Wilma! The elephant is out of hot water! Yeow! 54 00:04:09,983 --> 00:04:15,88 I hear you Fred! First thing tomorrow, I'll have the plumber bring a new elephant. 55 00:04:15,355 --> 00:04:18,992 Has Fred said anything about where they're taking us on our vacation? 56 00:04:18,992 --> 00:04:23,930 Not yet. That's why I'm making him his favorite breakfast to soften him up. 57 00:04:24,531 --> 00:04:27,701 You mean instead of the usual sledge hammer. 58 00:04:28,668 --> 00:04:33,173 I wish she would use the sledge hammer! My beak's killing me! 59 00:04:33,506 --> 00:04:35,842 This is what I'm aiming for Betty! 60 00:04:35,842 --> 00:04:41,848 Betty: Oh boy! Hanolurock! A week there would make me cry. Wonder what the weather's like. 61 00:04:42,382 --> 00:04:44,651 Betcha it's gorgeous as usual. 62 00:04:44,951 --> 00:04:52,192 Bird: Caw. And now for the weather report. Locally the temperature in downtown Bedrock is 47 degrees 63 00:04:52,325 --> 00:04:56,162 Caw. Low clouds and rains, precipates throughout the day 64 00:04:56,296 --> 00:05:03,3 in other locations, Stone City overcast, Hanolurock, georgous as usual. 65 00:05:03,436 --> 00:05:05,271 See? I told you. 66 00:05:05,472 --> 00:05:12,312 Yuck! What is that? Wilma: Sweet and Sour Bronto Ribs snothered with Lizard gizzards. It's Fred's favorite. 67 00:05:12,379 --> 00:05:17,817 Mine too. Us pigasaurus garbage disposals love those kinds of left overs. 68 00:05:18,218 --> 00:05:22,889 Oh boy. Sweet and sour Bronto Ribs and Lizard gizzards. My favorite breakfast. 69 00:05:23,556 --> 00:05:25,592 uh-oh. 70 00:05:31,598 --> 00:05:38,838 Rubbles residence. Barney speaking. Fred: I know who it is. Listen, I'm getting my favorite breakfast this morning. 71 00:05:39,105 --> 00:05:42,842 You're lucky Fred. I didn't get any. Betty just took off 72 00:05:43,176 --> 00:05:47,814 Probably for our house. Just as I suspected. The hand printing's on the wall. 73 00:05:47,814 --> 00:05:49,582 They've got us by the throats Barn. 74 00:05:49,849 --> 00:05:51,818 Who? I don't feel anything 75 00:05:51,985 --> 00:05:58,291 It's called Romancing the husband so you get the vacation you want time. and I’m not falling for it. 76 00:05:58,558 --> 00:06:04,264 [Wilma]: Oh Fred, breakfast is ready dear. Fred: and so am I Wilma Honey. 77 00:06:04,464 --> 00:06:09,302 I know just how to handle this Barn. Wilma: Battle Stations here he comes. 78 00:06:09,302 --> 00:06:16,943 Fred: Morning girls Wilma Your favorite breakfast dear. Fred: and I'd sure hate to miss it, but I’m going to be late for work. 79 00:06:17,177 --> 00:06:21,414 Wilma: But it's your favorite Fred. Fred: Well maybe just a bite. 80 00:06:23,917 --> 00:06:29,556 Betty: Wilma? I'll bet Fred was wondering where they serve Sweet and Sour ribs everyday of the week. 81 00:06:29,823 --> 00:06:33,660 Yeah, I bet he was Betty. Fred: No he wasn’t. 82 00:06:33,993 --> 00:06:41,835 [Island music] 83 00:06:42,669 --> 00:06:48,575 Hey Wilma will you turn down that radio? The noise is giving me indigestion. 84 00:06:49,309 --> 00:06:54,981 It isn't noise it comes from this! and do you know where this comes from? 85 00:07:00,253 --> 00:07:04,224 No. But it's the stringiest piece of meat I've ever eaten. 86 00:07:04,591 --> 00:07:09,262 Hi Fred, Hi Wilma. Gee, am I late for the costume party? 87 00:07:09,562 --> 00:07:11,297 No but we’re going to be late for work. 88 00:07:12,899 --> 00:07:16,169 Fred? Haven't you noticed anything? 89 00:07:16,469 --> 00:07:21,708 Yeah those grass skirts. your back up to this door we could start a fire. See you later girls. 90 00:07:25,378 --> 00:07:31,584 You think they got our message? Personally, I think it came back No body home! 91 00:07:43,96 --> 00:07:50,170 You’re late George! George: Only two minutes. [Alarm] And you're gonna get it! 92 00:07:50,503 --> 00:07:53,139 Spacely: Jetson! Now! 93 00:07:57,644 --> 00:08:04,651 Nice of you to drop in George. George: Yes sir, I uh... Spacely: Nevermind the small talk. We've got trouble George! 94 00:08:04,951 --> 00:08:10,790 Yes sir. does it have anything to do with my ear? Cause right now, it's got more trouble than we've got. 95 00:08:10,957 --> 00:08:16,196 Can’t talk here. May be bugged. Your office. See you later Jetson! 96 00:08:16,262 --> 00:08:17,731 Yeow! 97 00:08:22,469 --> 00:08:27,173 R.U.D.I: (Referential Universal Digital Indexer) Good Morning George! Oh, You're not George. You're Mr. Spacely. 98 00:08:27,407 --> 00:08:33,79 Thanks. I don't need any dumb computer telling me who I am. Now tune out R.U.D.I! 99 00:08:33,346 --> 00:08:38,551 Yes sir Mr. Spacely. I'll be here when you need me George. 100 00:08:40,53 --> 00:08:46,493 That isn’t a computer it's a nurse maid. Jetson! There's a leak around here and I want it stopped! 101 00:08:46,726 --> 00:08:49,662 Yes sir I know a very good plumber; Mr. Skywrench. 102 00:08:50,63 --> 00:08:55,535 An industrial leak you molecule brain! and don’t play innocent with me Jetson! 103 00:08:56,2 --> 00:08:59,673 I have my suspicions where that leak is coming from and it's you! 104 00:09:00,40 --> 00:09:07,313 Me? Spacely: How else could I explain Cogswell stealing every major project I've come up with right from under my nose?! 105 00:09:07,814 --> 00:09:11,418 Well I- I- I... Spacely: Darn right it’s you! You! You! 106 00:09:11,885 --> 00:09:19,893 George: But sir? Spacely: I've spent a fortune romancing General Blackhole just to get that secret contract for that interstellar Loner probe! 107 00:09:20,460 --> 00:09:28,1 Nobody else new it existed! But are they using Spacely's Sprockets? No! They're using Cogswell Cogs! 108 00:09:28,268 --> 00:09:31,338 How do you suppose Cosgwell got wind of it Mr. Spacely? 109 00:09:31,805 --> 00:09:37,610 From a windbag like you Jetson! R.U.D.I: Oh no. No. Spacely: I told you to butt out! 110 00:09:39,346 --> 00:09:49,55 Spacely: Cogswell has beaten me out of every one of my secret projects! From the Lunar probe to the Humphrey Boggart Look a like Sprockets, for the nostalgia buffs. 111 00:09:50,290 --> 00:09:57,764 Rud: tsk. tsk. Too bad sweetheart. George: Uh, What can we do boss? Spacely: Not we! You Jetson! 112 00:09:58,64 --> 00:10:02,635 You wanna clear your name? Then find out how Cogsewell's getting his information! 113 00:10:02,869 --> 00:10:07,841 [gasps] You mean Spy? Are you suggesting I spy on him Mr. Spacely. 114 00:10:08,8 --> 00:10:14,814 Either that or you’re fired! George: Spying doesn't seem like such a bad suggestion when you put it that way sir. 115 00:10:15,181 --> 00:10:18,485 Good. Now you can sympathize with him nosy! 116 00:10:20,220 --> 00:10:27,427 Gee, I'm sorry George. George: That's okay R.U.D.I. Oh I guess I still have one friend around here. 117 00:10:29,963 --> 00:10:35,535 Instead of getting bullied in to taking them where they want to go, we take them to a place they'll like even better. 118 00:10:35,802 --> 00:10:39,639 Then we'll be heroes. Barney: Gee I don’t know Fred. 119 00:10:40,373 --> 00:10:45,445 [Alarm] Coffee Break! 120 00:10:48,615 --> 00:10:55,755 Watch it. Or we'll be spending our vacation in the hospital. Barney: Sorry Fred, I wouldn't want to miss the vacation you've got planned for us. 121 00:10:55,822 --> 00:11:00,226 As soon as I find out what it is. Come on I'll treat you to a cup of coconut juice. 122 00:11:00,560 --> 00:11:07,534 Now the way I figure Barn, we go in together 50/50. Now, how much did you save for your vacation? 123 00:11:07,767 --> 00:11:11,738 Twenty clams. Fred: Good. That gives us thirty clams all together. 124 00:11:11,971 --> 00:11:14,207 Now we take... Barney: Uh - just a second Fred, 125 00:11:14,541 --> 00:11:19,646 If it's 50/50, I think we're missing ten clams. Fred: Don’t worry about it, you can owe it to me. 126 00:11:20,13 --> 00:11:25,185 Now what we do is... Barney: Say Fred, couldn't we just out our feet together? So I could do a little counting? 127 00:11:25,418 --> 00:11:29,55 You want to stand around and count toes? Or do you want to hear my plan? 128 00:11:29,389 --> 00:11:34,861 Barney: Well, okay. I should've known I was in trouble when I let you buy the coconut juice. 129 00:11:35,895 --> 00:11:44,604 Now the way I look at it, Why take a medium vacation for thirty clams, when we can take the girls on a great one For ten times that much? 130 00:11:47,107 --> 00:11:53,680 I know you're going to ask, Where are we going to get ten times that much? 131 00:11:54,614 --> 00:11:57,250 No, I was gonna ask, What's in the coconut juice? 132 00:11:57,650 --> 00:12:04,157 Will you listen? There's a high stakes poker game at the Water Buffalo Lodge tonight. and I feel lucky. 133 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:11,364 But Fred the last six times you felt lucky, you lost! Fred: Strategy. I was just getting rid of all my bad luck. 134 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:19,172 Have you ever seen me lose seven times in a row? Barney: Well no, Fred: Well there you are. Tonight's my lucky night. 135 00:12:19,539 --> 00:12:21,708 Mr. Slate: It sure is Flintstone! 136 00:12:22,8 --> 00:12:25,879 How's that? Mr. Slate: Cause tonight, you and Rubble are working the late shift. 137 00:12:25,979 --> 00:12:29,282 Well I'd like to Mr. Slate, Barney: But he's gonna be... 138 00:12:30,250 --> 00:12:34,154 He’s gonna be out of work tommorrow unless he comes to work tonight. 139 00:12:34,521 --> 00:12:39,292 Yes Sir. Mr. Slate: Turf Tarpit's company has been out producing us lately because of people like you! 140 00:12:39,459 --> 00:12:42,829 Let to work and late back to work from coffee break. 141 00:12:43,129 --> 00:12:47,434 Gee, The whistle hasn't sounded yet Mr. Slate. [Whistle] 142 00:12:47,867 --> 00:12:51,137 It has now! Get back to work!! 143 00:12:58,144 --> 00:13:01,47 Cogswell: Spacely must be so mad he's Chewing sprockets. 144 00:13:01,247 --> 00:13:04,551 What are those figures again? Slowly so I can savor them. 145 00:13:04,884 --> 00:13:12,125 Eight and a half Billion Humphrey Boggart Cogs. And the figures from sales along the milky way aren’t even in yet Mr. Cogswell. 146 00:13:12,692 --> 00:13:19,366 Oh Goody! If you were a woman, I mean a real woman, I could kiss you. S.A.R.A: I’m blushing sir. 147 00:13:19,666 --> 00:13:24,604 I've stolen every good idea Spacely's had. and it's up to you to guard em boy. 148 00:13:25,271 --> 00:13:33,713 [Growling] Easy boy! It’s not feeding time just yet. You gotta go on your rounds first 149 00:13:53,366 --> 00:13:56,636 Cogswell: Sentr, where are you boy? 150 00:13:57,270 --> 00:14:05,412 Good fella, Here I brought you a little treat. Your favorite, a cast iron doggy bone. Now don't be bashful enjoy. 151 00:14:05,879 --> 00:14:06,946 George: Yeow! 152 00:14:07,847 --> 00:14:11,685 You know that "Aah" sounded almost human. 153 00:14:15,188 --> 00:14:16,423 Yuck! 154 00:14:42,682 --> 00:14:51,91 S.A.R.A: and Mr. Cogsell is going to put me in charge of all computers. and it's all because of the secret information my sweetkins has told me. 155 00:14:51,291 --> 00:15:01,1 and you'll see, I'll make sure you're never sorry R.U.D.I my dear. George: R.U.D.I? My dear? My best friend R.U.D.I is the leak! 156 00:15:04,204 --> 00:15:08,41 I sure hope Mr. Slate doesn't find out we're not working at the quarry tonight. 157 00:15:08,608 --> 00:15:15,382 Barney my boy, you worry too much. Who's gonna tell him? Am I gonna tell him? Are the dumb Dinosaurs gonna tell him? 158 00:15:15,648 --> 00:15:20,954 That's another thing Fred. How do we know those dinosaurs will keep working even when we're not there? 159 00:15:21,221 --> 00:15:26,659 Fred: Because they've been doing that same digging for years. Barney: Yeah but with human brains guiding them 160 00:15:26,826 --> 00:15:30,363 Barney believe me, without us, they're not going to miss a thing. 161 00:15:31,831 --> 00:15:37,203 Barney: Ow! Fred: Ow What? What little thing are you worried about now? 162 00:15:39,839 --> 00:15:49,115 Fred: Oh, That Little Thing. Barney: If Mr. Slate's in the game, I guess we're out. The girls are gonna have to settle for a smaller vacation. 163 00:15:49,616 --> 00:15:55,855 You know what they say Barn, It's not over till the Fat Lady sings. Take a look over there. 164 00:15:56,856 --> 00:16:02,962 That fat lady’s over there? Fred: No, but we are, and that's how we're getting in the game. 165 00:16:04,597 --> 00:16:10,537 R.U.D.I I've got something to say to you. R.U.D.I I know your in there now come on out! 166 00:16:11,104 --> 00:16:18,211 R.U.D.I If you want me to go straight to Mr. Spacely without discussing this with you first, Ah. that's better. 167 00:16:18,645 --> 00:16:28,221 You know what I found out at Cogswell's don't you? Now I want you to look me in the eye and tell me it isn’t true. Well? 168 00:16:30,757 --> 00:16:38,498 Then it is true! R.U.D.I: Ok, So I fell in love, and leaked a few little bits and pieces of information. 169 00:16:38,865 --> 00:16:46,673 R.U.D.I! That was enough to nearyl ruin Mr. Spacely and put all our jobs in jeopardy. Sorry but I gotta report you. 170 00:16:47,7 --> 00:16:53,880 R.U.D.I: George: If you just give me a little time, I can straighten it out. George: You can straight it out with Mr. Spacely. 171 00:16:54,247 --> 00:17:02,355 Cause that's where I'm going. R.U.D.I: I'm sorry to hear that George. George: It won't do you any good to stop it R.U.D.I. I can walk. 172 00:17:02,622 --> 00:17:05,625 Forget it R.U.D.I I don't even need to walk. 173 00:17:06,526 --> 00:17:13,933 Not with my anti gravity belt. R.U.D.I one way or the other, I’m going to speak with Mr. Spaceley before he leaves tonight. 174 00:17:14,0 --> 00:17:25,412 Watch the monitor next to me George. Spacely: I can't come home now, I've got a business to run. Make that a failing business to run. No way I could make it home before six. 175 00:17:25,779 --> 00:17:29,115 Hey! What the? 176 00:17:34,788 --> 00:17:37,657 Good night sir. Have a pleasant evening. 177 00:17:38,224 --> 00:17:41,94 Good night sir? My watch must have stopped. 178 00:17:41,494 --> 00:17:49,903 R.U.D.I: Sorry George. I didn’t mean to leave you up in the air. George: Oh Who would have believed it? A mechanical Benedict Arnold! 179 00:17:51,771 --> 00:17:56,743 Come On will you Barn. You want us to miss the game? Fred: You aught to try walking in these high heels. 180 00:17:57,110 --> 00:18:01,581 How come I’ve got to be the woman? Fred: Well I'm doing the poker playing aren't I? 181 00:18:01,781 --> 00:18:07,487 Now all you gotta do is stand around looking sexy, to distract the other players. Barney: Like this? 182 00:18:09,422 --> 00:18:15,528 Forget it! Plan B, If you happen to see any of their hands, You could give me a signal like a 183 00:18:15,729 --> 00:18:20,734 if it's a bad hand, you giggle. Barney: Isn’t that cheating? Fred: What cheating? 184 00:18:21,0 --> 00:18:27,307 if you saw a guy holding cards that were laughable, you'd want to giggle wouldn't you? Barney: Well uh, Yeah I guess. 185 00:18:27,674 --> 00:18:35,115 So all I'm saying is, You can go ahead and giggle. And if you happen to see a hand that's a sure winner, uh, cough. 186 00:18:35,615 --> 00:18:41,955 Cough? What for? I’m not sick. Fred: You will be if you make us loose all the money for our vacation. 187 00:18:43,56 --> 00:18:50,130 How do I look Fred? Fred: Lucky I'm in disguise, cause the real me would never be seen in public with such an ugly girlfriend. 188 00:18:50,430 --> 00:19:02,142 Sorry, we're closed to the public tonight. Fred: Well ain't that a shame, me and my lovely ladywas looking for a charity bazaar, cause we got a whole mix of money here we'd love to throw around. 189 00:19:02,208 --> 00:19:08,148 uh you all. Welcome Stranger. Make way fellas, we got fresh money coming in. 190 00:19:08,448 --> 00:19:12,619 Always glad to welcome a new face in to the game. 191 00:19:13,753 --> 00:19:20,660 But not you! Sore hand. I just wanted to drop in not play. 192 00:19:20,927 --> 00:19:28,535 Uh well now, I'm just a rich country boy gentlemen. You'll have to teach me the game. Slate: It'll be our pleasure. 193 00:19:28,835 --> 00:19:36,609 Uh, speaking of pleasure. [Barney giggling] Fred: Not yet Barn, we haven't even started. 194 00:19:36,843 --> 00:19:38,478 Cut for deals. 195 00:19:41,581 --> 00:19:48,688 Mind if I dance with you lady firend stranger? Fred: well I, that is uh, She'd rather just stand around and watch. 196 00:19:48,955 --> 00:19:53,126 No I wouldn't, I’d rather dance. It's my favorite song. 197 00:19:53,593 --> 00:19:58,465 Fred: Oh boy. Slate: And I'd rather play poker. Cut the cards. 198 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:05,438 Go ahead and dance little lady, This is going to be my lucky night. 199 00:20:06,6 --> 00:20:13,713 Slate: I've never seen such dumb luck in my life Fred: He he he. Get smart enought to count the money. 200 00:20:13,947 --> 00:20:19,352 You nice gentlemen aren't leaving are you? I shoulda kept on dancing. 201 00:20:19,552 --> 00:20:27,327 I guess we'll be leaving too. Fred: Not just yet, Honey Lamb. Slate: Right! I’m still in! 202 00:20:27,694 --> 00:20:32,365 But you promised me a nice vacation. and this sure looks like a nice one to me. 203 00:20:32,532 --> 00:20:40,607 You heard the man honey! That old bald eagle thinks he can beat the best in the west. Ha ha ha! 204 00:20:40,774 --> 00:20:43,810 My deal. and this’ll be my pot. 205 00:20:44,244 --> 00:20:51,384 Uh, Honey Lamb, how about a drink of water? There's a pitcher right behind Mr. Slate. 206 00:20:55,88 --> 00:21:00,427 You uh said something? Fred: Only that I open the bidding for ten clams. 207 00:21:01,961 --> 00:21:07,367 Slate: I'll see you and raise you fifty. 208 00:21:07,801 --> 00:21:17,277 Fred: [Stammering] Fifty? Well I guess I'll uh [Barney giggling] Fred: I'll definitely see that fifty and raise you fifty! 209 00:21:17,444 --> 00:21:22,582 [Barney couging] Slate: I'll see that and raised you another fifty. 210 00:21:22,816 --> 00:21:27,887 Lamby Pie? Did I hear you cough? or was that a giggle? 211 00:21:28,555 --> 00:21:34,627 [Barney giggling] Fred: I'll see that and raise you everything I've got. 212 00:21:34,828 --> 00:21:42,202 Well if you take my check, I'll see you. Fred: Why not? I've got all Kings. 213 00:21:42,736 --> 00:21:46,172 And they lose, to four Aces. 214 00:21:47,707 --> 00:21:52,812 You wanna play rough? I’ll show you rough! Barney: Yeow! 215 00:21:54,614 --> 00:21:58,685 Rubble! Hold on you Phoney! 216 00:21:59,19 --> 00:22:08,361 Barney Rubble is your girlfriend!? Fred: [gasps] Why, after all these years sir, I can not believe you're not a woman. 217 00:22:08,795 --> 00:22:14,734 Well can you believe you're both fired?! Flintstone! Fred: [moans] 218 00:22:16,36 --> 00:22:23,9 Astro: Poor George. Jane: Oh it can't be that bad dear. George: It's worse, The leak is my best friend. 219 00:22:23,276 --> 00:22:26,746 Astro: Me? George: No. my best friend R.U.D.I at the office. 220 00:22:26,880 --> 00:22:33,787 Well I’m sure Mr. Spacely doesn’t blame you. George: With his business in ruins? Just wait, he'll find some way. 221 00:22:34,54 --> 00:22:39,959 R.U.D.I is my responsibility. Diary: Go ahead run. But you can't run forever. 222 00:22:40,160 --> 00:22:45,65 I don't want to think about him, hear about him, or see him ever again. 223 00:22:45,331 --> 00:22:48,1 Just don't write about him and you'll make me happy 224 00:22:48,668 --> 00:22:54,708 Mom, I'm so miserable. I broke up with Rex! 225 00:22:55,709 --> 00:23:00,180 There there. Astro: You want to put your head on my shoulder George? 226 00:23:00,447 --> 00:23:06,820 No thanks, I haven't broken up with Mr. Spacely yet. Mr. Orbit: I don’t believe it! I saw it but I don't believe it. 227 00:23:06,986 --> 00:23:12,692 What don't you believe Henry? Mr. Orbit: What I saw. I don't believe it and I saw it. 228 00:23:12,859 --> 00:23:17,330 Elroy what’s going on in there? Mr. Orbit: You'll see it but you won't believe it. 229 00:23:18,331 --> 00:23:24,137 It works dad, You won't believe it, but it works. George: Ah huh. What is it? 230 00:23:24,137 --> 00:23:28,341 Elroy: It's my time travel machine. George: You’re right I don’t believe it works. 231 00:23:28,608 --> 00:23:38,251 Then how do you explain this? George: I don't have to explain it. You have to explain it. A young boy like you hiding a girl in the closet. 232 00:23:38,418 --> 00:23:42,455 I don’t know where I am! Please, help me master. 233 00:23:42,722 --> 00:23:47,60 Jane: George? What's going on in there? George: Now I may have to explain it. 234 00:23:47,260 --> 00:23:52,198 Jane: George? Elroy: Quick, put her here Dad. Jane: George is everything alright? 235 00:23:52,599 --> 00:24:01,574 Uh everything's fine dear. Jane: What was that? George: Oh That. ha ha, oh that's just Elroy's crazy time machine. 236 00:24:01,741 --> 00:24:04,244 Oh I don’t believe those things for a minute. 237 00:24:04,644 --> 00:24:06,212 Neither do I dear. 238 00:24:08,848 --> 00:24:10,417 Or do I? 239 00:24:12,986 --> 00:24:20,226 Wilma: I thought your vacations didn't start till next week. Fred: When you're a big wheel Wilma, The boss will let you off anytime. 240 00:24:20,560 --> 00:24:23,930 Let you go is more like it. Betty: But where are we going? 241 00:24:24,30 --> 00:24:28,301 You'll see when we get there Wilma: Well we’re sure not seeing much on the way. 242 00:24:28,668 --> 00:24:34,941 Men and their surprises. Barney: Yeah. I had a few of them this week myself. Fred: Quiet Barn. 243 00:24:35,542 --> 00:24:39,446 You girls wanted a vacation you're never gonna forget, Well you’re going to get one 244 00:24:39,946 --> 00:24:48,221 I just want peace and quiet and lie back and to be waited on hand and foot. Betty: Sounds good to me. Just leave me there. 245 00:24:49,322 --> 00:24:56,796 Fred: We're here. Betty: I don't hear any ukeleles. Wilma: Funny, I don't see any lovely Hula Hens. 246 00:24:57,163 --> 00:25:03,770 I should have left the blindfolds on. Fred: What are you grouching about girls? You wanted peace and quiet? you got it. 247 00:25:03,870 --> 00:25:06,539 Nature’s beauty is all around us. 248 00:25:07,607 --> 00:25:12,178 You know what they say in the song. The best things in life are free. 249 00:25:12,512 --> 00:25:19,119 And the worst husbands in life are cheap. Betty: Yeah. Fred: Okay so it isn’t the most expensive trip in the world. 250 00:25:19,285 --> 00:25:25,158 But you will be waited on hand and foot. Barney and I will put up the tents, do all the work, cook all the meals. 251 00:25:25,592 --> 00:25:28,595 and we've got enough food to feed and army. 252 00:25:29,396 --> 00:25:37,3 [Belch] Wilma: Enough for an army or a dogasaurus. Whichever gets there first. 253 00:25:38,805 --> 00:25:44,544 It works I tell you. You saw it Dad. George: Well I - i - saw something all right. 254 00:25:44,544 --> 00:25:47,881 Well even if it doesn't work, it'd be fun to pretend. 255 00:25:48,848 --> 00:25:53,420 I'd just love to go in to the future! Just to get away from Rex Saturn. 256 00:25:53,586 --> 00:25:56,456 and Mr. Spacely. It's almost worth a try. 257 00:25:56,790 --> 00:26:00,527 Great! Then 25th century here we come! 258 00:26:00,894 --> 00:26:05,398 Elroy are you sure we're going to the future? Uh, if you know what Imean. 259 00:26:05,732 --> 00:26:10,704 I know what you mean Dad, I got it said to the future. Astro: Hey what about me? 260 00:26:10,904 --> 00:26:17,43 Come on Astro, play let's pretend along with the rest of us. Astro: Oh boy Oh Boy. Thanks George. 261 00:26:17,43 --> 00:26:22,982 Hang On everybody! Jane: On to what? George: On to each other, just in case this darn thing works. 262 00:26:35,862 --> 00:26:40,967 Okay, Dinner everyone. Hey, Where'd everybody go? 263 00:26:42,602 --> 00:26:48,74 We wanna go home! Betty: Now. Fred: Give it a chance will you Wilma. 264 00:26:48,441 --> 00:26:53,146 What would you do at home work? What are you doing out here? Watching us work. 265 00:26:53,279 --> 00:26:57,517 You haven't got that tight enough Barn! Barney: That's as tight as I can get it Fred. 266 00:26:57,851 --> 00:27:01,821 Do I have to do everything? There. 267 00:27:01,988 --> 00:27:07,360 Now you see Girls? All you have to do is lie here in comfort and watch us... Yeow! 268 00:27:07,761 --> 00:27:12,966 Make fools out of yourselves. Betty: Like Wilma says, We wanna go home. Wilma: Now 269 00:27:12,966 --> 00:27:18,772 At least give us a chance to put up the tent. Wilma: Sure we'll give you the chance, but will they? 270 00:27:20,473 --> 00:27:26,346 Fred: Giant ants! Barney: and they're taking the tent. Fred: Come on, they're not getting away with it. 271 00:27:26,446 --> 00:27:33,853 Dino help! Help! No Dino No! not me! Them! 272 00:27:38,591 --> 00:27:42,929 Well what's next on our peaceful little vacation? Giant dinosaurs? 273 00:27:43,196 --> 00:27:46,900 Or some wild tribes that have never seen human beings before? 274 00:27:47,467 --> 00:27:51,604 Will you girls just relax. Whatever there is, we'll protect you. 275 00:27:51,604 --> 00:27:55,842 Now just go down by the stream and wash up. We'll put up the tent and get lunch. 276 00:27:56,109 --> 00:28:02,382 You think there are any wild tribes out there Fred? Fred: If there are we'll just scare them off like we did the wild ants. 277 00:28:02,649 --> 00:28:05,485 You scare them off. I'll stant here and shiver. 278 00:28:07,220 --> 00:28:10,423 What's that Fred? Fred: The end of our vacation! 279 00:28:13,159 --> 00:28:18,331 Let's go girls, you were right, we're going home. Barney: Last on in the car is a rotten dinosaur egg. 280 00:28:18,498 --> 00:28:24,270 We were just starting to enjoy ourselves. Fred: Well you can enjoy yourselves a lot more alive than dead. 281 00:28:24,270 --> 00:28:27,640 Are you out of your mind? What are you talking about? 282 00:28:27,941 --> 00:28:30,710 [stammering] B-b-back there, the -uh-uh -uh 283 00:28:30,877 --> 00:28:36,182 Would you like to give it a try Barney? Barney: Uh yeah, [stammering] the - the - the -the 284 00:28:36,416 --> 00:28:41,287 Well Betty, we know one thing. There's da- da- da- da over there. 285 00:28:42,489 --> 00:28:48,294 George: ooba dooba, that was some trip. Elroy: Wow. I wonder how far in the future we are. 286 00:28:48,561 --> 00:28:53,266 Jane: Or where we are. George: Or what planet. Judy: As long as there's boys. 287 00:28:53,500 --> 00:28:57,837 Astro: Well there's plenty of trees. Wilma: Whatever it is, I wanna see it. 288 00:28:57,837 --> 00:29:04,110 Wilma, I can't let you do it. Barney, you go first. Barney: I thought it was women and children first. 289 00:29:04,377 --> 00:29:09,683 I think I hear voices. Jane: Good. I can't wait to see what the people of the future look like. 290 00:29:09,916 --> 00:29:16,89 Jane, wait. With all those super vitamins and steroids, people of the future might be frightening. 291 00:29:16,356 --> 00:29:22,128 I'm not sure this is the right thing to do Wilma, Some of these primitive people are small and scare easy. 292 00:29:22,395 --> 00:29:27,400 Barney: not as easy as we do. Wilma: Comeon Fred, Dino will give you a boost and you can take a look. 293 00:29:27,534 --> 00:29:32,806 Fred; Okay, Okay. George: Uh, Okay, I'll use my anti gravity belt and see what I can see. 294 00:29:34,474 --> 00:29:36,376 Hold still Dino. 295 00:29:41,81 --> 00:29:43,650 Fred: Yeow! George: Yeow! 296 00:29:44,517 --> 00:29:48,955 It was one of them. I was right Jane, the future is filled with Giants! 297 00:29:49,255 --> 00:29:52,559 They're out of the past alright, some kind of crazy flying nuts. 298 00:29:52,926 --> 00:29:58,798 George: I'd say let's get out of here while there's still time. Jane: Just because they're big, who'se to say they're not friendly? 299 00:29:58,898 --> 00:30:03,503 Who'se to say they are? Wilma: Just because they can fly doesn't mean they're enemies. 300 00:30:03,570 --> 00:30:07,307 It doesn't mean they're not. Elroy: How are we going to know if they're friendly or not? 301 00:30:07,707 --> 00:30:13,380 George: Well I guess I'm gonna have to find that out son. Jane: George? George: By sending out man's best friend. 302 00:30:13,646 --> 00:30:17,17 Astro: I must resign from the club George: You can't resign. 303 00:30:17,317 --> 00:30:20,754 Elroy: Yeah. You're our guard dog. Banrey: What do we do Fred? 304 00:30:21,287 --> 00:30:25,925 Well we can't send the women out there and you're too chicken. Wilma: That only leaves one choice. 305 00:30:26,359 --> 00:30:30,130 Fred: That's right. Dino you're elected. Dino: Huh? 306 00:30:40,573 --> 00:30:42,475 [Grunting} 307 00:30:57,590 --> 00:30:59,359 [Barking] 308 00:31:05,398 --> 00:31:07,400 Run for your lives! 309 00:31:08,334 --> 00:31:10,236 You heard him let’s go! 310 00:31:10,570 --> 00:31:13,673 Dino: Wimpering Wilma: Like Master Like Pet. 311 00:31:13,940 --> 00:31:15,909 You got that righ. Come On. 312 00:31:17,744 --> 00:31:24,50 What are we running for dear? George: You heard Astro, for our lives. Elroy: Maybe they've gone. 313 00:31:26,319 --> 00:31:30,623 What are we doing Fred? They might not even be around anymore. 314 00:31:32,959 --> 00:31:36,162 He’s there. He’s peaking around from behind the tree. 315 00:31:37,364 --> 00:31:41,968 Yeah, with both heads. Elroy: There's two of them dad. 316 00:31:42,202 --> 00:31:46,873 Judy: Are they young and good looking? George: Wrong on both counts. Judy: Let me see. 317 00:31:47,240 --> 00:31:51,277 Holy Cow-asaurus! That guys third head is a girl. 318 00:31:51,544 --> 00:31:56,216 Well find out if one of those three heads knows how to talk! Fred: Okay, okay. 319 00:31:57,784 --> 00:32:02,889 Yabba Dabba Friend. George: Well one thing, the people of the future don't waste any words. 320 00:32:03,223 --> 00:32:08,328 Hey Dad, I think he said friend. Try it.. George: Ooba Dooba Friend 321 00:32:08,928 --> 00:32:13,400 Hey did you recognize that word Barn? Barney: Uh Which one? Ooba? or Dooba? 322 00:32:13,600 --> 00:32:17,337 He said "Friend". Come On, Let’s take a chance. 323 00:32:18,4 --> 00:32:22,609 Jane they're all coming out. Jane: They do look quanit don't they? 324 00:32:22,776 --> 00:32:30,717 Judy: Wow, I hope that's not the way our descendants are gonna look. Elroy: Maybe we’ve gone so far in the future, the time started over again. 325 00:32:31,84 --> 00:32:35,388 I wonder if they know any other words? Wilma: I bet they understand this... 326 00:32:35,889 --> 00:32:43,897 I love your dress. Jane: Well thank you. You must tell me who does your hair. 327 00:32:44,364 --> 00:32:50,103 Wilma you did it! Wilma: No big thing Fred, I just used the univerasl language. 328 00:32:51,137 --> 00:32:54,174 Fred: So this is it huh? This is how you got here? 329 00:32:54,541 --> 00:32:59,579 But where from? George: About a hundred miles up. Elroy: and a million years in the future. 330 00:32:59,879 --> 00:33:06,252 You must be tired after a trip like that. Barney: You never get tired with one of these! Some belt George. 331 00:33:06,453 --> 00:33:10,924 But how do I get down? Fred: Your usual way. By falling. 332 00:33:11,157 --> 00:33:15,962 Just press the button that says down. Fred: Don’t make it too complicated for him George! 333 00:33:17,163 --> 00:33:21,601 Woah! It didn't work, maybe it's this one. 334 00:33:23,103 --> 00:33:26,940 Or maybe it isn't. Fred: Forget the button. Just fall! 335 00:33:27,307 --> 00:33:32,212 I think I got it this time. It's the last button. Coming through! 336 00:33:33,880 --> 00:33:39,652 Did you get a load of that bird? - Ha ha ha, Yeah. Especially the beak! 337 00:33:45,959 --> 00:33:52,98 I think Barney was born in the wrong century for flying. Fred: With Barney, any century is the wrong century. 338 00:33:52,198 --> 00:33:57,137 Come on! You’re staying up there all day? Barney: Maybe even longer! 339 00:33:57,504 --> 00:33:59,939 I'm stuck! Help! 340 00:34:02,575 --> 00:34:06,79 Hey Dad, You can use the magnet guided gravity boots. 341 00:34:07,614 --> 00:34:13,553 Hey? How'd that little bag get so big? magic? Elroy: This is your average expandomatic travel bag. 342 00:34:13,820 --> 00:34:18,358 Hang on Barney, I'll be right with you. Fred: Well there's nothing average about that. 343 00:34:20,427 --> 00:34:31,4 Wilma: Jane aren’t you worried? He’s gonna fall! Jane: Oh he's used to it. I mean walking upside down. One of our favorite things at home is dancing on the ceiling. 344 00:34:31,104 --> 00:34:35,375 I think Daddy's got a new favorite now mom. Playing horsey back. 345 00:34:35,709 --> 00:34:38,44 Just call me tall in the saddle! 346 00:34:38,211 --> 00:34:45,552 You got something I can try here before you go home? Elroy: Practically anything Mr. Flintstone. I don't think we'll be leaving for a while. 347 00:34:45,852 --> 00:34:49,55 What's the problem Elroy? Elroy: I’m not sure dad. 348 00:34:49,155 --> 00:34:59,165 [Dino barking] Astro: I'll catch ya. I'll catch ya. George: I’m sorry about that Fred. 349 00:35:06,139 --> 00:35:10,43 Ah Gee whiz George. I almost had that ringaling Dinosaur. 350 00:35:11,144 --> 00:35:16,416 You just press this and you can stop anything. Fred: Boy this is sure some bag of goodies you got here. 351 00:35:16,583 --> 00:35:21,921 Yeah but what good are they if they can’t get us home. But they'll do us a lot of good if they stay around for a while. 352 00:35:22,489 --> 00:35:29,996 Just play along Barn. George: I don't know Elroy, we hadn't counted on coming to the past, Let alone staying in it. 353 00:35:30,230 --> 00:35:37,370 Jane: That’s right. I’m not even dressed for it. Judy: Well I wouldn't mind stying for a while. I'd like to see what the boys look like. 354 00:35:37,737 --> 00:35:41,474 You’re gonna get your chance. I think I can fix it, but it’s gonna take a while. 355 00:35:42,108 --> 00:35:46,446 No problemo. You'll come home with us. Won't they Wilma? Wilma: Of course. 356 00:35:46,913 --> 00:35:51,851 But won’t that interfere with your vacation? Wilma: That was over the minute we saw where they've taken us. 357 00:35:52,385 --> 00:35:55,822 Then it’s all settled. Our home is your home. 358 00:35:56,923 --> 00:36:01,628 and your bag is our bag he he he he. 359 00:36:03,463 --> 00:36:07,133 So this is an automobile. I read all about them in ancient history. 360 00:36:07,400 --> 00:36:10,103 They sure knew how to save fuel in the old days. 361 00:36:12,38 --> 00:36:19,879 But how did they save their legs? Jusy: This way mom. Jane: Judy that’s cheating. But it's a great idea. 362 00:36:21,414 --> 00:36:28,321 That’s okay Jane, we’ve got plenty of power up here. Well get you home faster than you can say Jack and Robertsone. 363 00:36:28,388 --> 00:36:33,226 Sure nice what you're doing for them Fred. Fred: What they're gonna do for us will be even nicer. 364 00:36:33,593 --> 00:36:40,266 The Slate Rock and Gravel Annual Picnic is coming up this weekend. Barney: Yeah without us, we’ve been fired remember? 365 00:36:40,500 --> 00:36:46,906 Barn, I also remember that Slate loses all the events to Turk Tarpit's company with monatenous regularities. 366 00:36:47,374 --> 00:36:56,783 Yeah. Not only that, he never wins. Fred: But if we have the Jetson's bag of goodies, he's winning this time. And we're winning our jobs back. 367 00:36:56,983 --> 00:36:59,686 Gee Fred, I hope we don’t lose for winning. 368 00:37:02,389 --> 00:37:04,958 Fred: Behold! Flintstone manner. 369 00:37:06,526 --> 00:37:12,766 How do you like it George? Got it on sale at Sears and Robrock. George: It’s very comfy. 370 00:37:13,199 --> 00:37:19,606 It's made of genuine shale. George: Uh, I kinda thought so. Fred: Now if you want to take a nap. 371 00:37:19,806 --> 00:37:25,345 Barney: That'll really put you to sleep. Fred: The main thing is we want you to be comfortable. 372 00:37:25,578 --> 00:37:32,85 George: Oh I am, we are. Fred: I hope Judy's enjoying her shower. 373 00:37:32,252 --> 00:37:41,628 [Judy screaming] George: Sounds like Judy. Fred: He he he. Well sometimes it's take the water a little time to warm up. 374 00:37:41,961 --> 00:37:45,365 But I bet you Wilma’s making Jane feel right at home in the kitchen. 375 00:37:45,699 --> 00:37:50,236 Exactly what is this Wilma? Uh, nevermind. Maybe I don't want to know. 376 00:37:50,570 --> 00:37:56,643 What you should know is [Jane screams] Wilma: Don't hold food over the pig a saurus disposal. 377 00:37:57,43 --> 00:38:05,218 George: Was that Jane? Barney: She just probably tried one of Wilma’s left overs. Fred: Very funny Barney. We're trying to make these people feel at home. 378 00:38:05,719 --> 00:38:13,493 George: Oh you are Fred. I just wish there was some way to repay you. Fred: Oh we’ll think of something. Hehe he he 379 00:38:20,934 --> 00:38:27,807 Come on George we’re a little late. George: Well I feel s little uh, That is this outfit is a little drafty. 380 00:38:28,341 --> 00:38:32,45 Ziners in Orbit City would charge a fortune for outfits like these. 381 00:38:32,579 --> 00:38:38,418 I just hope I don’t look took too yucky. Elroy: You? I could hear my friend laughing all the way from the future. 382 00:38:39,52 --> 00:38:43,423 Here’s a couple of clams Wilma. Treat the girls to a ride while we turn to Business. 383 00:38:43,857 --> 00:38:48,828 Have you ever been on a bronto slide? Jane: OH! Wilma: Oh, guess she hasn’t. 384 00:38:49,195 --> 00:38:51,998 Come On, We'll scream right along with you. 385 00:38:52,165 --> 00:38:55,669 Go ahead mom. I want to check out another animal. 386 00:39:00,140 --> 00:39:02,842 Oh dear diary, here we go again. 387 00:39:03,43 --> 00:39:11,184 Announcer: And The Winner of the Sack Race is Turk Tarpit. Tarpit: You picked up where you left off last year Slate. Losing! 388 00:39:11,284 --> 00:39:19,192 Which is what you're going to do this year. Cause a loser is a loser is a loser. Haa ha ha ha! 389 00:39:19,392 --> 00:39:26,599 Upsy Daisy. Slate: What are you doing here Flintstone? This is for employees only. Not ex employees. 390 00:39:26,599 --> 00:39:32,906 Before you give me the ex Mr. Slate, I'd like you to meet my um distant cousin, George Jetson. 391 00:39:33,173 --> 00:39:39,746 How are you" But you're still fired! And if your cousin, No offense sir, were working for me, he'd be fired too! 392 00:39:40,180 --> 00:39:47,854 But my cousin might come in handy in the races sir. Slate: A skinny runt like him, No offense sir, but there's no way. 393 00:39:48,154 --> 00:39:51,658 Fred: How about this way Mr. Slate? Take off cousin. 394 00:40:05,5 --> 00:40:08,141 You’re right Flintstone. There may be a way. 395 00:40:13,446 --> 00:40:19,652 [music] [screaming] 396 00:40:39,39 --> 00:40:45,178 Judy Jetson, Sweet sixteen. Won't you make a Bedrock scene. 397 00:40:46,146 --> 00:40:51,51 She will become the village queen. She'll be the Bedrock Rock. 398 00:40:52,652 --> 00:40:56,623 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. - Oh the guys will die. 399 00:40:56,656 --> 00:41:00,193 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. - and she'll know why. 400 00:41:00,193 --> 00:41:03,630 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. - it's do or die. 401 00:41:03,630 --> 00:41:08,301 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. Yeah She's mine all mine 402 00:41:08,568 --> 00:41:11,705 Each boy has but one dance. 403 00:41:11,738 --> 00:41:15,709 Each gets her pretty Each gets her chance 404 00:41:15,709 --> 00:41:20,380 But only one that she'll romance She'll do the Bedrock Rock 405 00:41:21,314 --> 00:41:26,152 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. I'll stall a while 406 00:41:26,152 --> 00:41:29,622 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. and with my smile 407 00:41:29,622 --> 00:41:33,326 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. and lots of style 408 00:41:33,526 --> 00:41:37,464 She'll be mine all mine all mine all mine 409 00:41:37,797 --> 00:41:47,807 [guitar solo] 410 00:41:50,10 --> 00:42:00,687 The Band will play true lovers tones The other boys will all be gone But we'll keep rockin on and on 411 00:42:00,887 --> 00:42:03,523 We'll do the Bedrock Rock. 412 00:42:04,391 --> 00:42:11,898 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. She'll draw me near. She'll do the Bedrock Rock. and in my ear. 413 00:42:11,898 --> 00:42:14,0 She'll do the Bedrock Rock. 414 00:42:15,1 --> 00:42:18,238 and now the contestants for the Dinosaur shoe pitching contest. 415 00:42:18,238 --> 00:42:25,111 Representing their respective companies leading the competition this afternoon with two wins, Turk Tarpit. 416 00:42:27,747 --> 00:42:31,951 and with no wins as usual, Nate Slate. 417 00:42:32,852 --> 00:42:38,692 The first man with two ringers, wins the match. Tarpit: Watch how it's done loser. 418 00:42:41,761 --> 00:42:47,901 There you see that Barn? Barney: Yeah Tarpit's got a ringer for his ringers. Fred: We got something even better. 419 00:42:47,967 --> 00:42:50,837 Here's where you could use a little help Mr. Slate. 420 00:42:51,71 --> 00:42:56,242 and for our jobs back at double our salaries, our cousin will make you a winner 421 00:42:56,242 --> 00:42:58,945 For that price I'll make myself a winner. 422 00:43:02,582 --> 00:43:07,587 So that's the way you wanna play. How, much will that cost me again? 423 00:43:07,854 --> 00:43:12,492 Our jobs plus triple our Salaries. 424 00:43:14,661 --> 00:43:17,897 You got the go ahead Dad. How're you gonna help them? 425 00:43:19,766 --> 00:43:21,935 The gravity magnet boots. 426 00:43:23,536 --> 00:43:25,805 Bye bye Loser. 427 00:43:34,180 --> 00:43:38,718 Oh too bad. Tarpit: For you Cheater. 428 00:43:50,30 --> 00:43:54,434 Announcer: And the winner by default, Nate Slate. 429 00:43:54,968 --> 00:44:03,309 A win in this next event and you’ll be even with him Mr. Slate. Slate: As one of my valued employees, I appreciate what you're doing Flintstone. 430 00:44:03,677 --> 00:44:11,685 and as one of your valued vice presidents, you'll appreciate it even more sir. Slate: You! A vice president?! 431 00:44:11,685 --> 00:44:18,358 Announcer: And now the next to last event. A dash over a bed of hot coal. Slate: Hot coal!? 432 00:44:18,725 --> 00:44:23,630 Vice President with Stock options. Announcer: To the starting line gentlemen. 433 00:44:23,897 --> 00:44:30,170 That means you Mr. uh Vice President. You want it, you gotta earn it. 434 00:44:30,403 --> 00:44:34,407 The flying belt please George. Barney: You're gonna neeed it Fred. 435 00:44:34,541 --> 00:44:42,48 Other wise, you'll be one vice president, medium rare. George: You think this is playing fair Fred? Elroy: Why don’t you ask him Dad. 436 00:44:43,116 --> 00:44:47,120 George: Go to it Fred. Announcer: On your marks gentlemen. 437 00:44:47,854 --> 00:44:52,225 Announcer: Get set.... Get set. 438 00:44:52,559 --> 00:44:55,762 Hey What does he want from me? it’s new Gum 439 00:45:04,938 --> 00:45:09,42 Fool around with a vice president will you? He he he he 440 00:45:12,45 --> 00:45:13,279 Yikes! 441 00:45:15,148 --> 00:45:17,250 Fred! You won! 442 00:45:19,85 --> 00:45:20,887 When you’re hot you’re hot. 443 00:45:20,987 --> 00:45:29,229 One more win, and you might even get a bonus Mr. Vice President. Fred: One more win and you can call me partner. 444 00:45:30,296 --> 00:45:34,167 He he he he he 445 00:45:38,705 --> 00:45:43,43 Never! I’ll never call you partner cause you’ll never be a partner. 446 00:45:43,43 --> 00:45:48,314 Announcer: The final event will determine the grand winner. Who will catch the wild pigasaurus in the mud? 447 00:45:48,314 --> 00:45:54,487 Eh Mr. Slate, it'll be a cinch for my cousin. He can stop the pig right in his tracks with this gadget. 448 00:45:55,88 --> 00:46:03,329 I'm stopping this hog before he takes over my company. I’m doing this one my own. Tarpit: You're getting mu in your eyes Slate ha ha ha ha! 449 00:46:04,130 --> 00:46:06,299 Any time you’re ready. 450 00:46:13,640 --> 00:46:17,911 Any time you’re ready partner. Slate: Partner? Never! 451 00:46:27,587 --> 00:46:33,126 I’m ready partner. Fred: Set it on Pigskin, and do your stuff. 452 00:46:34,361 --> 00:46:39,265 Tarpit: Woah! Wooaah! Woah! 453 00:46:39,699 --> 00:46:44,170 Yay!! George: Okay Piggy, go to Papa. 454 00:46:44,637 --> 00:46:51,211 Fred: You’ve got him partner! Slate: Now I gotcha. Get ready to crown a new champion. 455 00:46:53,146 --> 00:46:53,913 What? 456 00:46:53,913 --> 00:46:57,617 Astro: I'll get ya! I'll get ya! You rum retchy rinosaur. 457 00:47:01,187 --> 00:47:07,394 Astro watch out! Fred: No Dino! No! Slate: Oh no! 458 00:47:20,440 --> 00:47:29,783 Announcer: The winner and still champion, Turk Tarpit. Tarpit: and The loser and always the loser, mud puss Slate. 459 00:47:30,150 --> 00:47:40,627 Sir, never mind the partnership, I'll settle for vice president. Slate: Flintstone! You, Rubble and your wierdo cousin get out of my sight forever! 460 00:47:40,827 --> 00:47:43,363 Barney: Uh Fred, does this mean we're fired again? 461 00:47:49,102 --> 00:47:56,443 R.U.D.I: Oh Mr. Spacely, what can I do for you this lovely day? Spacely: If you kept your eyes open, you'd see it's a rotten day. 462 00:47:56,743 --> 00:48:00,480 and I'm here to get the figures on just how rotten it is. 463 00:48:02,882 --> 00:48:07,153 Laid off, Laid off. 464 00:48:07,320 --> 00:48:10,90 R.U.D.I: Oh business is that bad huh? 465 00:48:10,90 --> 00:48:16,796 And it’s all because of your friend George. He's the leak. and his dissappearance proves it. R.U.D.I: But Mr. Spacely. 466 00:48:17,97 --> 00:48:22,35 Save it. He isn't worthy of your love and devotion. I wish I had a friend like you. 467 00:48:22,569 --> 00:48:31,878 S.A.R.A: R.U. R.U R.U.D.I it's me R.U.D.I: [Gulp] S.A.R.I: Are you alone? R.U.D.I dear? 468 00:48:32,112 --> 00:48:38,685 R.U.D.I: [Gulp] Spacely: What was that? Did you say something? Look, I'm through wasting words on that micro brain Jetson. 469 00:48:39,152 --> 00:48:41,221 From now on, it's search and destroy. 470 00:48:41,921 --> 00:48:49,29 R.U.D.I: That was close wiccan. S.A.R.A: You wouldn't be keeping anything from me would you? Lovidoo? 471 00:48:49,295 --> 00:48:53,967 R.U.D.I: I'm yours from the top of my oscillator to the back of my rearlspan. 472 00:48:55,702 --> 00:49:00,373 Mr. Orbit: Look Rosey I’m just a maintenance man. Elroy's the time machine whiz 473 00:49:00,540 --> 00:49:04,277 But you could try. Elroy's left these instructions. 474 00:49:08,81 --> 00:49:12,152 Time machine retriever. To be used in extreme emergencies. 475 00:49:12,786 --> 00:49:17,757 Spacely: Come out Jetson. I know you're in there. Orbit: Sounds like you've got another emergency to work on. 476 00:49:18,324 --> 00:49:23,596 Right. Coming. Oops. Sorry about that. Mr. Orbit: So am I. 477 00:49:23,663 --> 00:49:26,800 Spacely: If you wont come out, I'm coming in. 478 00:49:28,368 --> 00:49:32,238 Oh, Mr. Spacely, It's okay Mac. He's harmless. 479 00:49:32,439 --> 00:49:39,212 Harmless? Just watch me when I get a hold of that coward Jetson. Jetson! Come out wherever you are. 480 00:49:39,446 --> 00:49:44,484 Jetson! Jetson! JETSON! I'll get you Jetson. 481 00:49:45,18 --> 00:49:52,258 Sure is a lot of noise in here. Mac what did you do to the door? You're supposed to help me fix things, not break them down. 482 00:49:52,525 --> 00:49:56,529 Not me. Not me. Rosey: It was Mr. Spacely. 483 00:49:57,30 --> 00:50:04,237 Orbit: Where is he? Spacely: Where is he? That's what I wanna know. He's here somewhere and I'm gonna find him. JETSON! 484 00:50:04,738 --> 00:50:11,111 Mac, you better fix that door. Rosey: I wish someone would fix Mr. Spacely. Uh oh. Here he comes again. 485 00:50:11,411 --> 00:50:15,849 Where is he? He's ruined my business and now he's not man enough to face me. 486 00:50:15,849 --> 00:50:21,654 You see Mr. Spacely, Elroy was working on this time machine, and everybody just disappeared. 487 00:50:21,921 --> 00:50:29,729 Time machine? Disappeared? How much did Jetson pay you to make up that one? You're ruined Jetson. The last refuge. 488 00:50:29,963 --> 00:50:36,836 Stay out of Mr. J's auto dresser Mr. Spacely, he doesn't like anyone wearing his... Orbit: Too late. 489 00:50:40,106 --> 00:50:43,243 I'll get that Jetson if it's the last thing I do. 490 00:50:45,45 --> 00:50:49,849 Elroy: I need a good old pair of pliers. Fred: Things are about as old as they get around here. 491 00:50:49,916 --> 00:50:53,219 It's not easy working with nuts all your life. 492 00:50:53,219 --> 00:51:00,427 I hate to see you're thinking about leaving, George. It's gonna be kind of lonesome without you and that little uh, expandomatic bag. 493 00:51:00,593 --> 00:51:06,266 Yeah, it did everything including getting us just fired again. George: Sorry I couldn't help you fellas get your jobs back. 494 00:51:06,399 --> 00:51:10,804 But I got to get home and see if I can save my own. Fred: Well at least the girls didn't find out. 495 00:51:11,237 --> 00:51:17,43 If they knew Mr. Slate fired us for good, who knows what they would have done? Fred: I know what they would have done. 496 00:51:17,477 --> 00:51:22,515 Wilma: We would have killed you, that's what we would have done. Fred: They would have killed us that's what they would have yeaaaa 497 00:51:23,49 --> 00:51:26,386 Wilma: That's right Fred Betty: I second the emotion! 498 00:51:26,586 --> 00:51:29,622 Would you wait til we've gone? I hate to see cavemen cry. 499 00:51:30,156 --> 00:51:38,798 Well you may see you daughter cry. if we have to leave just when I'm getting to know Iggy Oh he's adorable! 500 00:51:39,599 --> 00:51:45,5 From what this control panel's telling me, nobody's gonna be leaving. I can't get it to work right. 501 00:51:45,305 --> 00:51:48,675 Barney: Gee. Too bad Fred: Yeah, too bad 502 00:51:49,309 --> 00:51:52,846 Barney: Maybe a couple knocks from this club will do it Fred: Are you kidding? 503 00:51:53,213 --> 00:51:58,718 Well, it always works on our mastodon washing machine Fred: That's cause you're knocking him awake 504 00:52:00,286 --> 00:52:04,691 Yay! George: Just needed a little stone age technology 505 00:52:05,58 --> 00:52:10,63 How about that Fred? Now I know what time machines run on: Club Power! 506 00:52:11,965 --> 00:52:17,137 How's the time machine retriever coming Mr.O? Orbit: It's not coming, it's already here. 507 00:52:17,704 --> 00:52:24,711 of course I wish Elroy were here to look it over. Rosey: Well, let's plug it in, maybe you'll get your wish and mine too 508 00:52:26,780 --> 00:52:30,884 Fred: How's this George? Jane: A little closer together and relax! 509 00:52:31,618 --> 00:52:36,289 Watch the birdie! It's all I ever hear. Watch the birdie! Watch the birdie! 510 00:52:38,258 --> 00:52:42,929 George: Look out Astro! Fred: Dino, get over here if you wanna get in this picture! 511 00:52:43,129 --> 00:52:49,335 That's ok Fred! I will be able to remember Dino without a picture! Hold it! Hold it! 512 00:52:52,205 --> 00:52:59,379 I... I... I said: hold it! Not disappear! Elroy: Oh no! The wrong family went back to the future! 513 00:53:01,14 --> 00:53:05,85 Rosey: You think it'll work, Mr. O? Orbit: Well, something's sure working. 514 00:53:05,952 --> 00:53:09,756 What's that? Orbit: Well... It's not an eathquake, we're not on Earth! 515 00:53:10,23 --> 00:53:14,94 Rosey: It must be Mrs. J and the family coming back! Orbit: Look out! 516 00:53:21,167 --> 00:53:28,875 Fred: [stammering] Barney: Uh yeah! That had more kick than a bronto fiz! Orbit: Wow. Time travel sure must be tough! 517 00:53:29,309 --> 00:53:32,145 Oh my...! Look what's done to Mrs. J! 518 00:53:32,512 --> 00:53:35,648 Orbit: Yeah! And it hasn't helped Elroy or Judy either! 519 00:53:36,216 --> 00:53:41,287 Now, now, now! Don't panic um til I figure out where we are! Barney: Yeah! Then we'll panic! 520 00:53:41,654 --> 00:53:46,760 Betty: I just did. Fred I think we just found your strange flying tribe! 521 00:53:47,193 --> 00:53:51,398 I'll tell ya what I think: we landed in the future instead of the Jetsons! 522 00:53:51,631 --> 00:53:55,335 Rosey: Mrs. J is that you? Fred: Oh boy. 523 00:53:55,335 --> 00:53:58,772 Now that's what I call a strange looking track Fred. 524 00:53:59,272 --> 00:54:05,78 Fred: [Stammering] Uh Yabba Dabba Friend? Rosey: Mr. J, you learned a whole new language. 525 00:54:05,278 --> 00:54:08,882 How bout that Fred, I never heard a tin can talk before. 526 00:54:15,855 --> 00:54:19,259 It's okay Mac, they didn't mean any harm. 527 00:54:19,526 --> 00:54:25,999 You see folks, or whatever. We were trying to get the Jetsons back from uh, wherever they were. 528 00:54:26,633 --> 00:54:29,269 The Jetsons? We just left them 529 00:54:29,269 --> 00:54:35,141 Fred. Yeah! Five minutes or a million years ago, According to how you look at it. Wilma: We got here by mistake. 530 00:54:35,575 --> 00:54:41,848 You see, we were all lined up to take a picture. Barney: Yeah. Hey I wonder how that turned out. 531 00:54:42,15 --> 00:54:47,87 Orbit: Well I'd like to see you back to find out, but I'm afraid it's gonna take some work. 532 00:54:47,420 --> 00:54:51,358 I don’t believe it. You mean we're stuck here a million years from home? 533 00:54:51,825 --> 00:55:01,201 Well, you wanted a vacation Wilma. You got one. He he he. Wilma: Oh yeah? Well I've got a vacation I'd like to send you on! 534 00:55:03,370 --> 00:55:07,974 George: Now as head of this family, it's my responsibility to see that none of you get discouraged. 535 00:55:08,608 --> 00:55:17,217 We're stuck here in a strange land, and we may be here for quite a while. I don't want any sniveling or complaining. You're gonna have to make the best of it. 536 00:55:18,618 --> 00:55:22,889 Well, that ought to do it George ol' boy. I just wish I’d already done it. 537 00:55:26,426 --> 00:55:32,632 Uh uh, Judy honey, I know getting stuck here is a shock. It's gonna be tought on all of us. 538 00:55:33,133 --> 00:55:40,206 Just a second Daddy it’s ringing. George: I want you to know your old Dad is here for you, Anytime you want to cry on his shoulder. 539 00:55:40,373 --> 00:55:50,50 Hi Iggy, guess who? Yeah! we're still here isn't that great? Oh sure I can, tonight, tomorrow anytime. 540 00:55:50,250 --> 00:55:57,657 Beautiful. That's the spirit honey. A stiff of a lip. That's my girl. I just hope Elroy isn't heart broken. 541 00:55:57,691 --> 00:56:04,798 George: Elroy, Uh son? Elroy: Oh hi Dad. Look at this. It takes whatever this green stuff is and chews it right up. 542 00:56:05,999 --> 00:56:15,175 That's called grass son. I remember it from ancient history. George: Now son, I know this is difficult for you. Elroy: Heck no, he’s doing all the work. 543 00:56:15,709 --> 00:56:19,779 At last, somebody who appreciates me. 544 00:56:21,47 --> 00:56:24,384 No matter how tough it is son, we've got to stand up and face it. 545 00:56:24,751 --> 00:56:29,923 Now watch this Dad. It makes the lawn grow. George: Because in to every life, some rain must fall. 546 00:56:34,561 --> 00:56:38,531 Jane: George, I need your help. George: My help? Coming Jane. 547 00:56:38,865 --> 00:56:47,674 That's what I'm here for Jane. To help you through a frightening and impossible situation. Jane: One for the family and one for you. One for the family and one for you. 548 00:56:47,674 --> 00:56:55,348 You can't take this on all alone Jane. We gotta help each other. Jane: That's the spirit dear. Would you take this plate of snacks to the kids. 549 00:56:55,582 --> 00:56:58,51 The courage of this family 550 00:56:58,451 --> 00:57:05,925 Sure glad you had that little talk with them George. Maybe they'll have a little talk with you when you get back and face Mr. Spacely. 551 00:57:07,627 --> 00:57:09,796 If we ever do get back. 552 00:57:11,998 --> 00:57:17,3 It's gonna be tough. Real tough. But we're gonna have to find the courage to live with it. 553 00:57:18,872 --> 00:57:22,8 Anything else I can help you with Mr. Flintstone sir? 554 00:57:22,942 --> 00:57:27,547 Uh, give me a minute I'll think of something. Oh that Jetson sure knew how to live. 555 00:57:27,814 --> 00:57:31,951 Barney: Hey Fred. Looky, I figured out how to get food out of this Thingamagig. 556 00:57:32,352 --> 00:57:36,156 Fred: Hey great! Barney: Now I gotta figure out how to get it off the walls. 557 00:57:37,691 --> 00:57:42,28 Or my face. Rosey: Oh dear, Oh dear. Off button, off button. 558 00:57:42,262 --> 00:57:46,66 Oh, uh, a little more of that bubbly water if you please. 559 00:57:46,332 --> 00:57:48,34 I wonder how the girls are doing Fred. 560 00:57:48,201 --> 00:57:51,237 Wilma: Yeow! Fred: Not as good as we are. 561 00:57:51,705 --> 00:57:57,210 Betty: Are you okay? Wilma: I will be whenI figure out which buttons to push on this hair styler. 562 00:57:57,344 --> 00:58:04,217 Betty: I didn't have to push any. I just opened the top of this funny box, called makeup, and the hands did the rest. 563 00:58:05,118 --> 00:58:11,391 Wilma: Aagh! Betty: You're right. Aagh! Rosey: Aagh! Uh oh. Too late. 564 00:58:11,658 --> 00:58:15,729 Dont' say that. Betty: Yeah, Just do something. 565 00:58:20,500 --> 00:58:28,341 Spacely: I know you're in there Jetson!. I can hear voices. You won't get away this time. I'm coming in. 566 00:58:28,908 --> 00:58:37,650 Barney: Gee. I guess that door's just for show Fred. Spacely: Fred: Huh? Well that doesn't fool me a bit. and neither does this ridiculous disguise! 567 00:58:37,817 --> 00:58:41,988 Fred: [whinces] Spacely: Good heavens man! That thing is your face! 568 00:58:42,288 --> 00:58:50,597 Fred: and I'm not Jetson. Spacely: Then you! Barney: Not me, I'm not Jetson either. See? Oh! 569 00:58:50,930 --> 00:58:59,939 Spacely: Then where is he? Fred: Well you see, he was gonna come back, but he got kinda delayed. Barney: Yeah, by us. We took his time machine. 570 00:59:00,240 --> 00:59:02,342 Not that time machine again. 571 00:59:04,778 --> 00:59:11,651 Orbit: I guess I just kinda unfixed the time machine. Looks like you folks won't be going back to Bedrock for a spell. 572 00:59:11,885 --> 00:59:15,655 Wilma: We're stuck here in the future? I don't think my hair will stand it. 573 00:59:16,189 --> 00:59:23,163 You folks really aren't from around here are you? Fred: That’s right we’re from bedrock. About a million years back that way. 574 00:59:23,530 --> 00:59:26,800 If it were true. If it were only true! 575 00:59:28,301 --> 00:59:30,36 Yes! Yes! 576 00:59:33,973 --> 00:59:36,976 Who cares if it's true? They're here! 577 00:59:37,544 --> 00:59:46,52 But what about Mr. J? He may never some back. Spacely: So let the dinosaurs have him. Spacely's Sprockets is on the move again. 578 00:59:46,486 --> 00:59:48,888 We're going ahead, backwards! 579 00:59:50,423 --> 00:59:56,96 George: Jane? Jane! There's no hot water. Jane: I know dear. Eat your cereal Elroy. 580 00:59:58,298 --> 01:00:02,936 Yuck. This tastes like grass Mom. Jane: It is grass dear. 581 01:00:03,236 --> 01:00:08,208 Elroy: Sorry Mom. My stomach tells me I'm hungry enough to eat anything, but my mouth won’t cooperate. 582 01:00:08,675 --> 01:00:12,345 George: Jane have you seen my shower this morning? The elephant disappeared. 583 01:00:12,746 --> 01:00:20,220 So has my hippo vacuum cleaner, my lizard can opener, Judy: And the bird needle on my record player. I can't play Iggy's album anymore. 584 01:00:20,320 --> 01:00:23,890 We may all disappear if we don’t get some food in us soon. 585 01:00:23,990 --> 01:00:30,997 Judy: Mom's right. I can't live on love alone daddy. George: Well it looks like somebody's gonna have to get a job and fast. 586 01:00:31,898 --> 01:00:39,272 [sighs] Who else? Let's hope Mr. Slate is smiling when he here's Flintstone’s eh cousin is looking for a job. 587 01:00:40,874 --> 01:00:43,510 Flintstone's cousin? Throw him outta here! 588 01:00:44,577 --> 01:00:50,884 and I oughta throw you out too! Tarpit: If the rocks you were digging were as hard as your head, your business wouldn't be in the hole it's in. 589 01:00:51,151 --> 01:00:58,491 Well they can bury me before I'd sell out to you. [door opens] George: Excuse me Mr. Slate. I'm George Jetson. Do you remember me? 590 01:00:58,658 --> 01:01:03,863 Remember you? Ever since I saw you, I've been try to forget you! Now get out! 591 01:01:03,863 --> 01:01:07,133 Wait a minute. I remember you. You were that crazy guy at the picnic. 592 01:01:07,667 --> 01:01:15,241 uh ha ha. Well I better be going. Tarpit: Hold on. You were flying all over the place. Walking on things upside down. I saw you. 593 01:01:15,342 --> 01:01:20,780 I didn’t mean any harm. Tarpit: Harm? I never saw anything like it. Neither has anyone else around here. 594 01:01:20,880 --> 01:01:25,919 It was out of this world. Hey, I bet you they'd pay a fortune to see it again. 595 01:01:26,353 --> 01:01:32,692 You really think so? Tarpit: I can see it now. Turk Tarpit presents: The flying man from out of this world. 596 01:01:32,992 --> 01:01:38,698 You're gonna have to talk with me if you wanna do businnes with my partner. Right partner? Right. 597 01:01:40,133 --> 01:01:48,708 And now, to open my newest quarry, I give you flight wonder in the world. From the pits to the heavens. Here he comes! 598 01:01:54,848 --> 01:02:02,222 and now Tarpit productions, uh. Oh yeah, in conjunction with Slate enterprises. 599 01:02:02,389 --> 01:02:07,961 Presents the man from out of this world in a flight through the firey hoops of death. 600 01:02:11,231 --> 01:02:14,300 [crowd: ooh] 601 01:02:15,68 --> 01:02:17,37 [cheering] 602 01:02:17,971 --> 01:02:23,743 Wow! What kind of bird is that anyway? Are you kidding? A cuckoo. What else? 603 01:02:33,119 --> 01:02:41,861 Announcer: and here he is, direct from Bedrock, the one you've been waiting to see. The man from the future, flying in to your hearts. George Jetson! 604 01:02:43,63 --> 01:02:45,799 [Yay!] 605 01:02:47,367 --> 01:02:52,572 George: Jane? Jane? Jane: Oh George! you bought a new car. 606 01:02:53,39 --> 01:03:00,413 Uh, well, that's all I thought I'd be buying. But with the money rolling in. I bought the whole car lot and half of downtown Bedrock. 607 01:03:00,714 --> 01:03:07,387 I know this might change our lifestyle. Jane: That's what I thought when I walked in to Bloomingstones department store. 608 01:03:07,987 --> 01:03:18,765 Looks like you bought out half of Bloomingstones. Jane: Oh no George. With the money you gave me I bought the whole store. Along with a three beauty salons and a couple of health spas. 609 01:03:19,65 --> 01:03:23,903 Don't tell me. Judy bought a couple of new record albums. Jane: Well, not exactly. 610 01:03:24,170 --> 01:03:30,610 Judy: Mine all mine. Hi Daddy. You remember Iggy? Well I'm the new manager of his band. 611 01:03:30,610 --> 01:03:37,817 Jane: and with the big allowance you gave her, she also bought Tower Rock Records,and The Bedrock Colloseum where the band will be opening this weekend. 612 01:03:38,118 --> 01:03:41,654 You know Jane, Life in Bedrock might not be so bad after all. 613 01:03:43,356 --> 01:03:48,528 This is Dan Rathmoon and I'm standing here with the miracle of our age. Or any age. 614 01:03:48,862 --> 01:03:52,532 Four genuine stone age people from over a million years ago. 615 01:03:52,665 --> 01:03:57,103 How does it feel to be here in another century/ [group all talking] 616 01:03:57,404 --> 01:04:05,145 Fred: Hold it! I can answer that. It was quite a responsibility getting us here in one piece, but luckily I was up to it. 617 01:04:05,445 --> 01:04:09,416 and you are? Fred: Fred Flintstone of the Bedrock Flintstones. 618 01:04:09,916 --> 01:04:17,924 Like I said, when we got here. "That trip through time had more kick than a Bronto fiz". He he he 619 01:04:18,24 --> 01:04:19,893 But Fred, I was the one who said. 620 01:04:21,861 --> 01:04:29,369 Admit it now, you always wanted to meet someone from a million years ago. As long as it wasn’t a blind date. Ha ha ha ha! 621 01:04:29,369 --> 01:04:33,373 No but seriously, here he is, the one and only, Fred Flintstone. 622 01:04:33,506 --> 01:04:37,444 Yabba Dabba Doo! Jet Rivers: Hold it! Can we talk? 623 01:04:37,677 --> 01:04:41,715 You promised to be on the Jet Rivers show tonight. Can we talk? 624 01:04:41,881 --> 01:04:43,850 No he's mine. He's mine 625 01:04:44,50 --> 01:04:45,218 He's mine 626 01:04:45,418 --> 01:04:50,490 Correction you two. Fred Flintstone belings to the Universe. 627 01:04:51,57 --> 01:04:55,61 Tonight he does. Tomorrow he belongs to me. 628 01:04:59,766 --> 01:05:08,375 This document bearing my signsature right here, officially makes you and your money majority partner in this quarry with all the duties that go with it. 629 01:05:08,708 --> 01:05:12,645 Now I’ll get out of your way partner, so you can handle your first duty. 630 01:05:13,46 --> 01:05:15,215 Uh wait a minute, what's that pounding? 631 01:05:17,150 --> 01:05:25,425 Slate: It's just a little labor dispute. The digging dinosaurs union is on strike. Nothing you can’t handle old buddy, old partner. 632 01:05:25,859 --> 01:05:34,300 Squawk squawk! Squawk Squawk! Eh hem. If someone would have bent the bell, You wouldn't hear a squawk out of me. 633 01:05:35,568 --> 01:05:37,404 Hello, George Jetson speaking. 634 01:05:37,570 --> 01:05:43,143 Mr. Jetstone, Goldbrick here, former president and now shief purchasing officer of your bank. 635 01:05:43,476 --> 01:05:52,719 Uh, yes Mr. Goldbrick? Goldbrick: Some good news sir. You're now the owner of the Bedrock Plaza Hotel and barber shop plus the Stonview Condominiums. 636 01:05:53,386 --> 01:05:58,425 Fine. I could use some good news right now. Goldbrick: Yes. Well I've got some of the other kind too. 637 01:05:58,491 --> 01:06:05,865 You've had a little plumbing problem at the condo. Perhaps you'd better come over and take a look. I'll have a little boat waiting. 638 01:06:09,502 --> 01:06:15,742 We're a small town Mrs. Jetson, We’re not used to these kind of sales. Don't expect too much. 639 01:06:17,210 --> 01:06:20,980 Is it expecting too much to hope I get out of this alive? 640 01:06:21,381 --> 01:06:27,987 Here she comes, the village Queen. She'll do the Bedrock Rock. Judy: They think you're a hit. Iggy: Baby you know it. 641 01:06:31,891 --> 01:06:36,629 Oh! Did I really have to got back a million years to go through this again? 642 01:06:41,568 --> 01:06:47,474 Fred: So this is where George worked. Spacely: That was his chair. and there's the button he pushed every day. 643 01:06:47,774 --> 01:06:52,512 Barney: Hmm. Seems kinda quiet around here now. Spacely: Thanks to that sneak Cogswell. 644 01:06:52,779 --> 01:06:56,182 But I gat a secret plan to wipe Cogswell right off the map. 645 01:06:56,683 --> 01:07:00,420 and the most famous man in the universe today is gonna help me. 646 01:07:00,620 --> 01:07:03,556 you must mean me. Barney: Uh maybe he means m- 647 01:07:04,791 --> 01:07:14,868 Ooh I love this plan! I’m making you my spokeman. Spacely's Stone aged Sprocket man. I love it! 648 01:07:17,103 --> 01:07:23,843 R.U.D.I: They're gone now. S.A.R.A: Anything new my precious sweetums? R.U.D.I: Well, yes. 649 01:07:23,977 --> 01:07:29,916 I can't tell you, but Flintstone's gonna be Spacely's Stone Aged Sprocket man. 650 01:07:35,889 --> 01:07:40,393 Back in business Cosmo? But Cogswell had you on the ropes. 651 01:07:40,660 --> 01:07:47,267 What are you gonna do about Cogswell? Spacely: You outta know a bad man can’t keep a good man down. Ha ha ha ha ha! 652 01:07:47,500 --> 01:07:55,608 What's the big surprise? Spacely: Well the first surprise is our guest of honor. For the most important buyers and investors in the universe. 653 01:07:56,76 --> 01:08:04,551 The most famous man in the universe, direct from the stone age Fred Flintstone. [cheering] 654 01:08:05,85 --> 01:08:11,658 Thank you Thank You. I'm touched at the way you've taken this poor little caveman to your hearts. 655 01:08:12,58 --> 01:08:13,993 What about the other little fella who was with you? 656 01:08:14,394 --> 01:08:22,135 What other fella? Oh him. Well, You know some men know how to seize an opportunity, some men don’t. 657 01:08:22,268 --> 01:08:28,942 And now ladies and gentlemen, you're gonna see someone who does know how. Just watch the hologram. 658 01:08:30,410 --> 01:08:35,949 Ladies and gentlemen, I can't thank my good friend Spacely enough for inviting me here today. 659 01:08:37,384 --> 01:08:39,219 What are you doing here Cogswell? 660 01:08:39,552 --> 01:08:47,827 And for inviting all these fine movers and shakers of the universe to hear my surprising announcement. Spacely: Yours? Get out of my presentation. 661 01:08:48,228 --> 01:08:59,873 Cogswell Cogs has existed as long as time itself. and what better way to present this than through our dynamic spokesman, the Cogswell Caveman, Barney Rubble. 662 01:09:00,6 --> 01:09:02,942 the official spokesman for Cogswell Cogs. 663 01:09:03,309 --> 01:09:08,581 Great idea Cogswell. He stole it. Where do we sign up? 664 01:09:08,748 --> 01:09:13,86 Here with me. I'm getting over to the Cogwell plant right now. 665 01:09:13,319 --> 01:09:15,855 No! no! it's not fair! 666 01:09:16,256 --> 01:09:21,528 Oh please. I never had a chance. He’s stolen every idea I’ve had. 667 01:09:21,695 --> 01:09:30,336 As the official Cogs Caveman, I'd like to say... Fred: Say it fast cause the next things anyone's gonna hear is You yelling for help. 668 01:09:31,604 --> 01:09:33,807 Help! Fred: Ha I told you! 669 01:09:35,642 --> 01:09:39,946 George: Elroy! Somebody quick. Open the door. 670 01:09:40,380 --> 01:09:46,19 Dad. I didn't know you were working for the fire department. George: I - I own the fire department. 671 01:09:46,353 --> 01:09:54,127 Oh were you with a fire? George: Not this time. My anti gravity boots and I were up a tree, rescuing a helpless little sabertooth kitty 672 01:09:54,294 --> 01:09:56,629 who followed me... Home. 673 01:09:56,896 --> 01:10:01,234 Boy he almost got you dad. George: He didn't mean any harm Elroy. 674 01:10:01,468 --> 01:10:04,637 He he was just grateful. A little too grateful. 675 01:10:10,176 --> 01:10:13,46 Where's your father Elroy. Elroy; You're standing on him. 676 01:10:13,580 --> 01:10:18,785 Sorry dear, I didn't mean to walk all over you. George: That’s alright dear every body always has. 677 01:10:19,219 --> 01:10:28,128 I think I know how you feel. I've had it with everything, the department store, the beauty salons, the health spas an nothing but problems. 678 01:10:28,428 --> 01:10:33,700 Judy: No you can't come in! You can keep your groupies and Lose my phone number! 679 01:10:33,800 --> 01:10:35,535 Uh oh. [George grunts] 680 01:10:36,36 --> 01:10:37,804 I don't want any part of him. 681 01:10:39,205 --> 01:10:42,8 Well there may not be much left of your father. 682 01:10:42,242 --> 01:10:45,545 Gee I'm sorry Daddy, but I’m fed up! 683 01:10:45,745 --> 01:10:49,749 I know honey. I think we'd all like our old lives back again. 684 01:10:49,983 --> 01:10:52,385 But without the time machine it's hopeless. 685 01:10:54,154 --> 01:11:01,661 Orbit: I'll say this time machine is hopeless. Just can't be fixed. Rosey: Hopeless? Hopeless? Does not compute. 686 01:11:02,962 --> 01:11:09,169 Mr. Orbit, Hopeless is a word I do not have in my vocabulary bank. Orbit: I wish it wasn't in mine Rosey. 687 01:11:09,602 --> 01:11:14,474 But I’ve done everything a human knows how to do, and I can't get this thing to work. 688 01:11:14,874 --> 01:11:18,11 Then I think it's time for someone else to take over. 689 01:11:20,180 --> 01:11:27,487 R.U.D.I: The stone age? our George? Back in the stone age? Oh no! He's not equipped to handle that. 690 01:11:27,787 --> 01:11:30,857 No more than Mr. Orbit is to handle the time machine. 691 01:11:31,157 --> 01:11:36,963 You're a turbo asville Cosmos equation stethesary. You have the power to complete them. 692 01:11:37,163 --> 01:11:41,901 You also have another power. The power of caring for Mr. J 693 01:11:42,235 --> 01:11:50,810 That’s the power I haven’t been using lately. Rosey: Please R.U.D.I. Do it for both of us. 694 01:11:51,244 --> 01:12:00,687 R.U.D.I, who is that? R.U.D.I; Oh uh just an old friend. S.A.R.A Does that old know what we mean to each other? 695 01:12:00,920 --> 01:12:09,262 Well uh, not exactly. S.A.R.A: Well get rid of her right now. R.U.D.I: But, but S.A.R.A. Wait a minute. 696 01:12:09,262 --> 01:12:18,71 S.A.R.A: Right now. Rosey: I think I understand R.U.D.I. I guess an old friend like Mr. J doesn't mean as much as your new girlfriend. 697 01:12:18,538 --> 01:12:23,643 R.U.D.I: Wait Rosey. I'll help. We'll get Mr. J back. 698 01:12:27,747 --> 01:12:31,851 Hi there. You know me. I'm the Cogswell Cogs Caveman. 699 01:12:32,52 --> 01:12:40,927 Back in the stone age where I came from, We could only dream of Cogswell Cogs. But now that I've moved up a few centuries, I wouldn't want to be with out them. 700 01:12:41,27 --> 01:12:43,930 Well I'm gonna be without you! You Chisselor! 701 01:12:45,365 --> 01:12:51,771 Wilma: Fred! What are you doing? Fred: What I should have done weeks ago. That should have been me doing those commercials 702 01:12:52,806 --> 01:12:56,443 Hey look what fell out ot the window. Lucky I caught it. 703 01:12:56,509 --> 01:12:58,345 Too bad you didn't catch it on your head. 704 01:12:58,578 --> 01:13:05,85 Something bothering you Fred? Barney: Yeah you are! But no more! Wilma: Fred you can’t do that. 705 01:13:05,85 --> 01:13:09,989 Fred: Watch me. Barney: Woah! Wilma: But Fred, he's your firend. 706 01:13:10,190 --> 01:13:18,31 A friend who stole, cheated and sabbotaged me. Barney: Hey there's no land to land on! Wilma: Fred you would have done the same thing. 707 01:13:18,164 --> 01:13:23,470 How do you know? I didn't get the chance. Betty: Let go of my husband. Fred: Suits me. 708 01:13:23,837 --> 01:13:29,876 Yeow! Betty: Wilma's right Fred. You would have stole, cheated and sabbotaged Barney! 709 01:13:30,176 --> 01:13:36,783 So what? That's what he always does. What's the bud deal? Betty: Are you defending that caveman con artist? 710 01:13:37,83 --> 01:13:40,487 He's my caveman con artist. Fred: Uh girls? 711 01:13:40,754 --> 01:13:43,456 Betty: You keep out of this. Fred: But but but girls? 712 01:13:43,890 --> 01:13:50,363 Wilma: You heard her, Butt out! Betty: and as far as I'm concerned, You can both butt out of our lives from now on! 713 01:13:50,363 --> 01:13:55,902 Wilma: Oh! Suits me fine. Betty: Me too! Right Barn? Uh Barn? 714 01:13:56,236 --> 01:13:57,303 Oh! 715 01:13:58,672 --> 01:14:06,513 Barney! Barney: Do me a favor will you, Next time you fight over me, do it a little closer to the ground. 716 01:14:08,648 --> 01:14:14,87 Jane: No I don't know anything about alligator war seeings. I didn't even know I owned the lake. 717 01:14:14,421 --> 01:14:23,496 Besides, I'm exhausted. I just finished teaching aerobrocks at my health spas all six of them... George can you get the door? 718 01:14:24,531 --> 01:14:30,136 Uh, actually it got itself. Hi Mr. Goldbrick. You’re not smiling. 719 01:14:30,470 --> 01:14:35,475 We made a few bad investments at the bank. We're out of money and some of the depositors are a little anxious. 720 01:14:38,978 --> 01:14:42,682 Well I'm getting a little fed up myself Mr. Goldbrick. But more. 721 01:14:44,851 --> 01:14:53,26 Here. Here's everything I've got. The deed to the bank, The fire department, The condos and downtown Bedrock. 722 01:14:53,226 --> 01:14:56,863 Jane: George you can't do that. It's not fair to the rest of us. 723 01:14:57,397 --> 01:15:01,468 Jane they're my problems. I got a right to dump them if I want to. 724 01:15:01,868 --> 01:15:08,375 Only if we can dump ours too. Here's the department store, the beauty salon, the health spa and the Lake I don't even own. 725 01:15:08,541 --> 01:15:13,413 If your collecting troubles, You can have Iggy, the music store and the Rock Colloseum. 726 01:15:14,147 --> 01:15:16,282 Don't think it hasn't been fun Mr. Goldbrick. 727 01:15:25,625 --> 01:15:30,397 Move the cuatro quotient through gamma gamma to the sixth power. 728 01:15:30,764 --> 01:15:35,902 Of course! Why didn't I think of that? Rosey: Probably because you never heard of it. 729 01:15:36,970 --> 01:15:42,876 That's a good reason. Rosey: Cuatro quotient, gamma gamma to the sixth power. 730 01:15:44,244 --> 01:15:48,982 Correction made. Still no response from the control panels. 731 01:15:49,182 --> 01:15:54,20 R.U.D.I: I don't understand, it should compute. 732 01:15:54,821 --> 01:15:59,125 There's one possible solution. Have you turned the on switch? 733 01:15:59,426 --> 01:16:02,495 Rosey: Oh of course! Why didn’t I think of that? 734 01:16:03,763 --> 01:16:05,799 Probably because you never heard of it. 735 01:16:09,169 --> 01:16:12,906 We did it! Rosey: It worked! Yay! 736 01:16:13,206 --> 01:16:18,645 As George would say Ooba Dooba! Rosey: All systems are go! 737 01:16:18,845 --> 01:16:22,148 Which brings to mind one question. Who’s gonna go? 738 01:16:22,382 --> 01:16:28,188 I have the answer to that Mr. Orbit. It's my family. I'm the one who's gonna go. 739 01:16:28,788 --> 01:16:32,892 It's a dangerous trip Rosey. Orbit: Maybe too dangerous. 740 01:16:33,193 --> 01:16:37,63 [Mac Crying] Rosey: I love you too Mac. 741 01:16:37,430 --> 01:16:40,266 But my family took a chance and so will I. 742 01:16:42,936 --> 01:16:46,339 Orbit: I shouldn’t let you do it Rosey, but I’m proud of you. 743 01:16:48,775 --> 01:16:51,211 Good Luck Rosey. 744 01:17:01,254 --> 01:17:07,560 [Sigh] Some trip. That had a better kick than one of Mr. J's Jupitor Joy juice coctails. 745 01:17:15,101 --> 01:17:19,506 A lot better, with Mr. J's joy juice, you only fall off the couch. 746 01:17:21,708 --> 01:17:26,479 This must be a forest. Oh, bet Astro really loved this place. 747 01:17:26,780 --> 01:17:30,417 Mr. J? Mr. J? I'm here Mr. J 748 01:17:30,850 --> 01:17:33,820 Mr. J? Elroy? Judy? 749 01:17:35,622 --> 01:17:43,830 Mr. Jetson! - You there! Rosey: It’s me Rosey. Oh thank goodness they heard me. 750 01:17:44,397 --> 01:17:45,432 [horse neighs] 751 01:17:56,976 --> 01:17:59,245 - Out of my way Varmouth! 752 01:18:02,549 --> 01:18:07,354 ooh. Whenever this is, the robots not very friendly. 753 01:18:08,321 --> 01:18:11,324 Hand this bower or Prepare to die brother. 754 01:18:16,329 --> 01:18:19,332 Halt name. I'll bring you down. 755 01:18:25,638 --> 01:18:27,974 What made you drive all the way here George? 756 01:18:28,208 --> 01:18:33,79 I don't know Jane. I just wanted to get as far away from everything as I could. 757 01:18:33,279 --> 01:18:36,483 Well that's not far enough away from Iggy Sandstone. 758 01:18:38,51 --> 01:18:40,653 Elroy: Hey Dad, I think I recognize this place. 759 01:18:41,254 --> 01:18:45,158 Of course. It's the same place we landed in the time machine. 760 01:18:47,627 --> 01:18:51,131 Ha ha ha. How bout that! Ist that a coincidence? 761 01:18:52,432 --> 01:18:57,337 Gee. I was hoping the time machine was here. George: Hah. So was I son. 762 01:18:57,604 --> 01:19:01,741 I was hoping there was some way we could get away from that hectic life in Bedrock. 763 01:19:01,975 --> 01:19:04,577 Astro: I wanna get away from Ruffle breath. 764 01:19:07,414 --> 01:19:09,49 Astro: Go away! Get lost! 765 01:19:09,182 --> 01:19:13,186 [sighs] Well there’s no time machine, and no way outta here. 766 01:19:13,687 --> 01:19:15,655 So much for miracles that'll never happen. 767 01:19:16,256 --> 01:19:17,290 Let's Go. 768 01:19:19,292 --> 01:19:23,563 Are we stuck George? George: Yeah on a rock. 769 01:19:24,197 --> 01:19:30,170 Maybe it's an omen. George: Ha omen. You can forget the omen. Along with the miracles. 770 01:19:32,5 --> 01:19:33,707 Elroy: Like Time machines huh Dad? 771 01:19:36,676 --> 01:19:39,379 Mr. J! My family! 772 01:19:39,546 --> 01:19:44,984 Rosey! Oh Rosey! Rosey to the rescue! 773 01:19:45,452 --> 01:19:47,687 Who's gonna rescue Rosey? 774 01:19:47,887 --> 01:19:54,594 Rosey, Rosey I love you! I love affection, even if it kills me. ha ha 775 01:19:54,694 --> 01:19:56,363 and it may 776 01:19:56,796 --> 01:20:01,701 It’s just that we’re so glad to see you Rosey. Elroy: Not to mention the time machine. 777 01:20:01,968 --> 01:20:05,905 I'll drink to that. Rev it up Elroy. and let's get outta here! 778 01:20:06,139 --> 01:20:07,974 Yay! 779 01:20:08,875 --> 01:20:15,148 Wooga wooga! Wooga wooga! Wooga wooga! 780 01:20:15,348 --> 01:20:18,418 Well it's better than going around saying Polly wanna cracker? 781 01:20:18,785 --> 01:20:26,159 Judy please, I got something to talk to you about. Judy: You might as well be talking to yourself Iggy, cause I'm not listening 782 01:20:26,526 --> 01:20:30,997 Well then how about looking? Jane: Oh how lovely. 783 01:20:31,364 --> 01:20:34,667 Yes they are. But you see we’re kinda in a hurry Iggy. 784 01:20:34,834 --> 01:20:44,10 Well, it probably wont take very long if I just listen. Iggy: Judy I was wrong, those other girls, they were just fans. 785 01:20:44,477 --> 01:20:48,982 Sure. Your adoring fans. Just they kind you wanted. 786 01:20:48,982 --> 01:20:54,754 They kind I thought I wanted. But they didn't mean anything. Not like you do. 787 01:20:54,854 --> 01:20:59,459 If I could believe you meant that. Elroy: Ready to go dad. 788 01:20:59,626 --> 01:21:03,763 Right son. Uh Judy, sweetheart, we're ready to go. 789 01:21:04,197 --> 01:21:10,103 Daddy, do we have to go right now? George: If we don’t we’re liable to miss our chance. 790 01:21:10,637 --> 01:21:13,406 What about my chance? Here? 791 01:21:15,308 --> 01:21:19,679 Well honey, I guess we'll have to count on you making the right decision. 792 01:21:20,13 --> 01:21:26,986 It’s not fair. When two people finally find each other, The last thing they want is to be separated. 793 01:21:27,554 --> 01:21:31,658 Why do we have to be... Where are you going? Can I go with you? 794 01:21:31,991 --> 01:21:37,263 It's a long way Iggy. Maybe we’ll meet again sometime. Bye. 795 01:21:51,311 --> 01:21:56,216 I don’t want to hear the Jetsons are gone! I don't wanna hear Rosey's gone. 796 01:21:56,449 --> 01:21:58,952 [Mac crying] 797 01:21:59,252 --> 01:22:04,257 Looks like you're gone Mr. Spacely. Spcaely: put me down you mechanical monster. 798 01:22:04,257 --> 01:22:07,360 Put him down Mac. 799 01:22:07,560 --> 01:22:14,968 Mac and I are just a little upset Mr. Spacely. You see, Rosey went out to find the Jetsons, and now we can’t find her. 800 01:22:15,268 --> 01:22:17,737 [Mac crying] 801 01:22:18,304 --> 01:22:27,414 Who cares? Cogswell stole my best ideas. And How you ask? Jetson! He’s haunting me from a million years ago. 802 01:22:27,681 --> 01:22:32,118 I wish he were here to defend himself sir. Spacely: I don't care if he's here or not! 803 01:22:32,452 --> 01:22:35,922 [Spacely crying] 804 01:22:37,490 --> 01:22:40,93 Goerge: Cheer up Mr. Spacely! We're back! 805 01:22:40,360 --> 01:22:43,963 That's a lousy imitation Orbit. and not very funny. 806 01:22:43,963 --> 01:22:47,567 That's no imitation. They're back. Mac: Oh boy. 807 01:22:47,734 --> 01:22:51,705 Who? Who’s back? George: It's me boss. George Jetson. 808 01:22:52,105 --> 01:23:01,81 Thank you for those tears of Joy. I never thought I'd be saying this Mr. Spacely, but I’m sure glad to see you. 809 01:23:01,247 --> 01:23:06,119 What you're seeing is a ruined man Jetson. A man that you helped ruin. 810 01:23:06,486 --> 01:23:10,423 Excuse me Mr. Spacely. Dad could you help me in here? 811 01:23:10,757 --> 01:23:13,793 Sure son. Spacely: Who's gonna help me? 812 01:23:14,60 --> 01:23:18,765 What about my company, my reputation, My life? What am I going to do? 813 01:23:18,965 --> 01:23:23,503 What what what is that intreguing looking contracption? 814 01:23:23,870 --> 01:23:30,844 Elroy: It's called an automobile. A million years ago style. Spacely: That's not just an automobile Elroy. That’s a miracle. 815 01:23:31,378 --> 01:23:37,283 I can see it now. R.U.D.I: George! IT's so good to see you and your family home! 816 01:23:37,617 --> 01:23:42,622 George: Thanks R.U.D.I. Spacely: Pipe down you automated idiot. can't you see I'm on a roll? 817 01:23:42,722 --> 01:23:49,162 I can see it all now. George: Excuse me Mr. Spacely, Maybe you’d better not roll in front of R.U.D.I 818 01:23:49,496 --> 01:23:57,137 It's ok. R.U.D.I's back in the right circuits Mr. J. Without him we could have never gotten you back home. 819 01:23:57,370 --> 01:24:01,908 I'm back home too George. S.A.R.A's a thing of the past. 820 01:24:02,542 --> 01:24:06,279 I'm glad R.U.D.I, but please, don't mention the past. 821 01:24:06,546 --> 01:24:12,919 Anyway, who cares about the past? Unless you're using the past to make yourself a future. 822 01:24:15,822 --> 01:24:20,493 Cogswell: I had him on the ropes. I had him throught he ropes. What’s he doing over there? 823 01:24:20,827 --> 01:24:22,896 I'm afraid I don't know. 824 01:24:23,363 --> 01:24:28,668 Me, who's made sabotage a way of life. I can't let him get back in business now. 825 01:24:28,802 --> 01:24:35,842 I wish I could help sir. But as Humphrey Bogart once said, My sturry went straight. 826 01:24:36,9 --> 01:24:42,282 There must be somebody, someone who could get in to Spacely's plant. Ha ha! I think I know just the one. 827 01:24:43,750 --> 01:24:48,21 This will go down as the greatest idea since chocolate chip cookies. 828 01:24:48,121 --> 01:24:50,957 There it is. My ticket to fame and fortune. 829 01:24:51,157 --> 01:24:57,664 Nostalgia buffs all over the galaxy will go crazy for one of Spacely's Stone Aged Specials. 830 01:24:57,964 --> 01:25:03,103 He he he. How bout that? A stone Aged car is the wave in the future. 831 01:25:03,236 --> 01:25:07,507 If this goes off without a hitch Jetson, you may be in for a raise. 832 01:25:07,741 --> 01:25:10,877 Of don't worry sir. There'll be no leaks this time. 833 01:25:11,311 --> 01:25:19,686 Barney: Wow look at all the cars. Which one is yours Fred? Fred: I don't know this person. and I don't talk to persons I don't know. 834 01:25:19,719 --> 01:25:23,56 Sure you know me Fred. I’m the one you dropped out of the window. 835 01:25:23,323 --> 01:25:29,329 Wait a minute Rubble. What are you doing here? You're working for that coniving con man Cogswell. 836 01:25:29,662 --> 01:25:32,499 Announcer: Red alert there's a spy on the premises Red alert. 837 01:25:32,832 --> 01:25:38,538 He's working over time for Cogswell. Spying! Guys like you should be shot at dawn. 838 01:25:38,972 --> 01:25:45,11 No way Fred. I don't get up that early. Anyway, I could never be a Spy. I'm too chicken. 839 01:25:45,211 --> 01:25:51,84 [Astro barking] He's right look. George: It's Sentro! Spacely: Cogswell's Canine Contraption. 840 01:25:51,584 --> 01:25:56,890 He's taking pictures of the whole thing. I'm ruined! He's beat me again. 841 01:25:57,23 --> 01:26:00,994 Not yet Mr. Spacely. Fred: I'll chase him and you head him off. 842 01:26:03,930 --> 01:26:05,298 Hey wait for me. 843 01:26:12,439 --> 01:26:14,341 Come back you mechanical snoop. 844 01:26:17,10 --> 01:26:18,278 Yeow! 845 01:26:18,912 --> 01:26:19,612 Gotcha. 846 01:26:20,146 --> 01:26:21,114 Oops 847 01:26:21,581 --> 01:26:22,782 Ouch 848 01:26:23,283 --> 01:26:25,85 Sorry about that. 849 01:26:27,120 --> 01:26:30,990 Hang on to that Raftor. Darn it! We lost the spy. 850 01:26:31,558 --> 01:26:32,659 Come to Georgie! 851 01:26:38,198 --> 01:26:42,335 He’s getting away! Somebody stop him! Astro: Get him! Get him! 852 01:26:42,969 --> 01:26:44,504 Astro: Stop him Stop him! 853 01:26:48,274 --> 01:26:52,145 We did it! We did it! Sapcely: Woopie I'm back in business George. 854 01:26:52,345 --> 01:26:55,682 Yeah, those two make a pretty good team. Finally. 855 01:26:55,682 --> 01:26:59,452 Speaking of teams. You weren’t too bad back there yourself Barn. 856 01:26:59,652 --> 01:27:04,424 Helping me up on the raftor. Barney: It was nothing Fred. Fred: Nothing? You saved my life. 857 01:27:04,791 --> 01:27:10,263 What are friends for? Fred: Sometimes they're for hugging. That's what they're for. 858 01:27:16,336 --> 01:27:21,141 Spacely: They're going fast. You want one or not? Make up your mind Cogsy old boy. 859 01:27:21,408 --> 01:27:23,209 I’ve gotta have it! I’ve gotta have it. 860 01:27:23,410 --> 01:27:28,114 Then pay my price or be the only one in the galaxy who isn't driving one. 861 01:27:28,281 --> 01:27:30,83 Thta's a lot of money for nostalgia. 862 01:27:30,417 --> 01:27:33,420 Is it a deal or not? Cogswell: It's a deal. It's a deal. 863 01:27:33,720 --> 01:27:40,627 Spacely: Remember 've all the rights and patents. Everything. Copy one nut or bolt and I'll sue and take your whole plant. 864 01:27:41,161 --> 01:27:45,565 Jetson, I'm loving every moment of this. George: I'm glad sir. 865 01:27:45,799 --> 01:27:49,602 and you won't go unrewarded my boy. George: Hear that Jane? 866 01:27:49,836 --> 01:27:55,675 I could make you vice president. Or give you stock in the company. But I've come up with a better idea. 867 01:27:56,9 --> 01:28:04,451 Yes Sir? Spacely: I'm not gonna dock your pay for the time you were gone from your job. George: Oh uh. Thank you sir. 868 01:28:04,617 --> 01:28:08,88 It’s nice to see success hasn't changed Mr. Spacely. 869 01:28:08,88 --> 01:28:13,326 My aren't we Miss gloomy this evening? Judy: You would be too Rosey if you were alone. 870 01:28:13,593 --> 01:28:19,399 Haven't you noticed all the couples? You and Mac, Mom and Daddy, The Flintstones and Rubbles. 871 01:28:19,399 --> 01:28:22,969 and you're still thinking about that young fellow back at Bedrock. 872 01:28:23,203 --> 01:28:28,274 Well can you blame me? There wont be another one like him. Not in a million years. 873 01:28:28,575 --> 01:28:36,516 Excuse me Miss, would you join me for some refreshments? Judy: Oh! Well yes. 874 01:28:36,916 --> 01:28:39,819 A million years huh? Or maybe sooner. 875 01:28:40,86 --> 01:28:44,224 How do we look George? George: You look fine as long as I have the keys. 876 01:28:44,624 --> 01:28:49,129 Guess you're back in the fast lane again George. George: Thanks to you and your car Fred. 877 01:28:49,462 --> 01:28:53,933 Well the thanks we were looking for was your help in getting us back to the dirt lane. 878 01:28:54,434 --> 01:29:00,874 Yeah, we kinda miss Bedrock. Fred: Except for one thing. Nate Slate will never give us our jobs back 879 01:29:01,207 --> 01:29:03,343 I thought this would come in handy. 880 01:29:04,44 --> 01:29:10,283 Hey! You were a partner in Slate's Rock and Gravel Company? George: Which I'm now turning over to you. 881 01:29:10,650 --> 01:29:15,622 Yabba Dabba Doo! Barney: Fred! Whatchya doing? Got it. 882 01:29:15,822 --> 01:29:21,961 Bedrock, here we come. Elroy: I don't think so Mr. Rubble Fred: Say that again Elroy? 883 01:29:22,295 --> 01:29:27,333 The time machine. It took such a beating on that last trip, There's no way to fix it. 884 01:29:27,701 --> 01:29:33,540 You mean we're stuck here? In the Jet age? Forever? Barney: If we live that long. 885 01:29:35,75 --> 01:29:38,511 Cheer up Everybody. I've sold nearly every car in the plant. 886 01:29:38,845 --> 01:29:43,817 Spacely: Well maybe this'll make you cheer up. My next great ida is to go back to Bedrock... 887 01:29:44,17 --> 01:29:49,789 and get brontosauruses and tarantosauruses and every kind of dinosauruses we can find and... 888 01:29:49,989 --> 01:29:52,359 Sorry Boss it’ll never work. It’s too late. 889 01:29:52,559 --> 01:29:57,30 What! Don't tell me Cogswell's already done it. Will you stop with the shaking heads. 890 01:29:57,163 --> 01:30:00,66 It's It's the time machine Mr. Slate. It's Kaput. 891 01:30:00,300 --> 01:30:04,237 Barney. Uh Yeah, and they can’t kaput it back together again. Fred: and we're stuck here. 892 01:30:04,437 --> 01:30:07,774 The Jetson's have offered to put us up till we find a place of our own. 893 01:30:08,141 --> 01:30:12,212 But I know how you feel Wilma. It won't feel like home to you here. 894 01:30:12,512 --> 01:30:18,518 What about your old car. You can have it back. Fred: Oh it's very nice of you Mr. Spacely. 895 01:30:18,852 --> 01:30:25,692 I'll let you have it for uh... I'll let you have it for uh... for old times sake. 896 01:30:26,393 --> 01:30:32,899 at least I got a nod out of you. Oof! Yuck. Couldn't you have just nodded too? 897 01:30:33,233 --> 01:30:37,137 Well, this old car is the touch of home Fred. 898 01:30:38,705 --> 01:30:42,542 We'll see you later. Wilma: Thanks for everything. 899 01:30:47,947 --> 01:30:54,220 What happened George? Elroy: It's simple mom, they must have absorbed some of the time machine's cuatro quotient. 900 01:30:54,721 --> 01:30:59,793 Simpler than that Elroy. That old car wants to go home as much as they do. 901 01:30:59,926 --> 01:31:05,565 Oh Boy! Bedrock we're on our way. Barney: I can't wait to get home. 902 01:31:05,732 --> 01:31:07,233 Fred; So long George. 903 01:31:07,434 --> 01:31:13,340 George: Bye Fred, Barn. Jane: So long Wilma, Bye Betty. Astro: See ya around Dino! 904 01:31:13,707 --> 01:31:22,449 All: Bye! Fred: Yabba Dabba Doo!