1 00:00:34,973 --> 00:00:35,973 Hey, where's Cleveland? 2 00:00:35,974 --> 00:00:38,002 Doesn't he have a relative in town or something? 3 00:00:38,003 --> 00:00:40,499 I dunno, but I ordered him a beer and now it's just sittin' there 4 00:00:40,499 --> 00:00:43,163 lookin' lonlier than Alan Rickman's answering machine. 5 00:00:45,339 --> 00:00:48,553 Hello. You've reached Alan Rickman 6 00:00:48,583 --> 00:00:52,876 at 0-5-5-5-0-1-2-2. 7 00:00:53,172 --> 00:00:56,148 Please leave a message at the beep. 8 00:00:57,128 --> 00:01:01,127 Hello, Alan Rickman. It's Alan Rickman 9 00:01:01,570 --> 00:01:06,915 reminding you to move the pork chops from the freezer to the refigerator 10 00:01:06,952 --> 00:01:09,356 so they defrost properly. 11 00:01:09,506 --> 00:01:12,340 Do not disappoint me. 12 00:01:14,764 --> 00:01:17,968 Hello. You've reached Alan Rickman 13 00:01:18,003 --> 00:01:22,219 at 0-5-5-5-0-1-2-2. 14 00:01:22,387 --> 00:01:25,234 Please leave a message at the beep. 15 00:01:26,322 --> 00:01:28,878 Alan, it's me again. 16 00:01:29,137 --> 00:01:32,732 Remember that turtle joke for the party. 17 00:01:32,643 --> 00:01:34,314 Hah hah hah hah hah. 18 00:01:34,797 --> 00:01:38,015 Hey, y'all, I want you to meet my cousin from Jamaica, 19 00:01:38,016 --> 00:01:40,520 - Madam Claude. - Nice to meet you all. 20 00:01:40,521 --> 00:01:43,161 Eh heh, you sound like the crab from Little Mermaid. 21 00:01:43,162 --> 00:01:45,025 I had crabs once. It was awful. 22 00:01:45,026 --> 00:01:47,381 You gotta by that cream that comes with the little comb. 23 00:01:47,682 --> 00:01:51,307 - 'Course I can still use the comb. - Well, that's Quagmire. 24 00:01:51,308 --> 00:01:54,049 And you know what else? Madam Claude is psychic. 25 00:01:54,250 --> 00:01:56,753 She can tell you what you were in a past life. 26 00:01:56,754 --> 00:01:58,054 I already know what I was. 27 00:01:58,308 --> 00:01:59,575 A strawberry. 28 00:01:59,576 --> 00:02:03,739 Ah ... it's another pleasant day for me, Peter the Strawberry. 29 00:02:04,040 --> 00:02:06,639 Hey, Mr. Worm. I welcome you arrival 30 00:02:06,674 --> 00:02:08,571 'cos we're all part of the same garden. 31 00:02:09,418 --> 00:02:13,318 Wait ... whadda ya ... uh ... uh... hey .. hey ... hey, get outta here! 32 00:02:13,319 --> 00:02:17,838 Hey, hey! Aaah! Aaaaahhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaahhhh! Aaaaahhh! 33 00:02:18,039 --> 00:02:19,871 He was my neighbour, 34 00:02:20,072 --> 00:02:21,883 and he violated me. 35 00:02:22,737 --> 00:02:25,677 Now I'll never end up in a fancy pie. 36 00:02:26,174 --> 00:02:28,940 What d'you say, Joe? You want your past life read? 37 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:30,040 It'll be fun. 38 00:02:30,041 --> 00:02:31,250 Sure, why not? 39 00:02:32,502 --> 00:02:35,865 OK, dear. Close your eyes and clear your mind. 40 00:02:36,691 --> 00:02:38,680 OK. I'm seein' somethin'. 41 00:02:39,241 --> 00:02:41,944 Joe, you were an octopus. 42 00:02:41,945 --> 00:02:45,145 Yes! Yes, this is so awesome! 43 00:02:45,592 --> 00:02:46,754 Damn it!! 44 00:02:47,482 --> 00:02:50,188 Ah, that's so cool! That's so cool! Do me next! 45 00:02:50,748 --> 00:02:52,391 I'm gettin' somethin'. 46 00:02:52,392 --> 00:02:55,887 I see you in London. I think it's the 1800's. 47 00:02:56,489 --> 00:02:58,916 Oh, my! You were Jack the Ripper! 48 00:03:05,677 --> 00:03:06,492 Giggity! 49 00:03:07,259 --> 00:03:09,123 - What about Peter! - Yeah, Peter next. 50 00:03:09,124 --> 00:03:11,782 Oh, I don't think there's anything in that black bag for me. 51 00:03:11,983 --> 00:03:14,509 You're wrong, Peter. Let us begin. 52 00:03:15,381 --> 00:03:19,053 Oh, my! You were a very important man. 53 00:03:19,054 --> 00:03:23,326 You were Griffin Peterson, the founder of the city of Quahog. 54 00:03:23,427 --> 00:03:25,782 Now wait a second, Cool Runnings. We learned in school 55 00:03:25,817 --> 00:03:30,157 that Miles Chatterbox Musket founded Quahog, after he was saved by the magic clam. 56 00:03:30,158 --> 00:03:32,332 No, that is a myth. 57 00:03:32,333 --> 00:03:35,377 Peter, you were the founder of Quahog. 58 00:03:35,897 --> 00:03:40,074 I see ... I see England a long time ago. 59 00:03:48,675 --> 00:03:51,031 It is a crisp, clear Spring morning, 60 00:03:51,232 --> 00:03:54,923 and Griffin Peterson is ridin' to the home of his beloved. 61 00:04:00,995 --> 00:04:03,193 Peterson, what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be down at 62 00:04:03,274 --> 00:04:06,256 your job, making oblong bricks out of manure and straw? 63 00:04:06,257 --> 00:04:08,430 No, we're off. It's Martin Luther Day. 64 00:04:08,431 --> 00:04:11,087 - Ah hah! - Yes, that's a very smart joke. 65 00:04:11,088 --> 00:04:15,630 - Isn't that right, comedy professors? - Mmmmm. Oh, yeah. Well done. Indeed. 66 00:04:15,631 --> 00:04:18,315 - Now, what d'you want? - I wanna marry your daughter. 67 00:04:18,316 --> 00:04:20,071 and I'm here to ask for your blessing. 68 00:04:20,072 --> 00:04:22,566 What could you possibly have to offer my daughter? 69 00:04:22,567 --> 00:04:24,258 Well, I'm one of the few guys in this town 70 00:04:24,358 --> 00:04:27,156 who isn't dying a slow, painful diarrhoea death. 71 00:04:27,744 --> 00:04:28,878 Alright, come on in. 72 00:04:31,669 --> 00:04:37,075 - Knock, Knock. Lady Redbush? - Griffin! It's so good to see you. 73 00:04:37,076 --> 00:04:39,460 I'm so horny. Kiss my hand. 74 00:04:40,360 --> 00:04:41,556 What are you doin' here? 75 00:04:41,557 --> 00:04:44,542 I was just walkin' off the rotted goose anus I had for breakfast 76 00:04:44,543 --> 00:04:47,011 and I thought I'd come by and ask you a little question. 77 00:04:47,012 --> 00:04:49,644 - What's that? - Will you marry me? 78 00:04:49,645 --> 00:04:52,096 Ah! Oh, my God, yes!! 79 00:04:52,097 --> 00:04:55,758 Yes, I will, Griffin. Oh, I thought you'd never ask. 80 00:04:57,218 --> 00:04:58,683 - Did you do it? - I did it. 81 00:04:58,684 --> 00:05:00,889 Ooh yah yah yah oh boy yah yah yah yah ... 82 00:05:01,190 --> 00:05:04,432 But in another part of London there was a man 83 00:05:04,467 --> 00:05:06,532 who was not in such good spirits. 84 00:05:06,733 --> 00:05:09,813 The King of England. Stewart, the turd. 85 00:05:09,814 --> 00:05:13,172 Oh .... I'm so bored. I wish to be entertained. 86 00:05:13,173 --> 00:05:14,285 Where's my troop of actors? 87 00:05:16,614 --> 00:05:20,326 Presenting ... the cast of How I Met Your Mother. 88 00:05:21,205 --> 00:05:24,997 - You told her, I told you I kissed her? - Dude, you broke the bro' code. 89 00:05:24,998 --> 00:05:28,239 - That's not against the bro' code. - Yes it is. Article 15B. 90 00:05:28,240 --> 00:05:29,965 That's the heart of the bro' code, man. 91 00:05:29,969 --> 00:05:31,995 Well, you're right, I guess I did break the bro' code. 92 00:05:32,083 --> 00:05:34,694 Hey! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa ... whoa ... whoa! 93 00:05:34,729 --> 00:05:36,995 What is this? Are these jokes? 94 00:05:37,512 --> 00:05:40,003 Do people in other castles think this is funny? 95 00:05:40,004 --> 00:05:43,242 Well, yeah. We get a pretty sizeable chunk of Princes 18 to 34. 96 00:05:43,343 --> 00:05:45,622 I think I'd like to delete this from my TIVO. 97 00:05:46,023 --> 00:05:48,932 - Are you sure you want to delete this program? - Yes. 98 00:05:50,273 --> 00:05:52,569 Bring me my mid season replacement fool! 99 00:05:52,770 --> 00:05:55,040 - Hi there. - I want to hear some jokes, fool. 100 00:05:55,041 --> 00:05:57,145 Well, y'know, I don't really tell jokes. 101 00:05:57,194 --> 00:05:58,972 I .. I like to tell stories from my life 102 00:05:59,007 --> 00:06:02,040 and let the humour flow organically from everyday situations. 103 00:06:02,252 --> 00:06:03,076 A-hem. 104 00:06:03,077 --> 00:06:05,756 Yeah, my aunt Frieda was a real card 105 00:06:05,757 --> 00:06:07,532 She always had the most wonderful spirit, 106 00:06:07,567 --> 00:06:09,357 even when her mind started to go. 107 00:06:09,358 --> 00:06:11,888 I remember once, she wrote a letter to my uncle Tom 108 00:06:11,889 --> 00:06:14,055 from whom she'd been divorced for several years. 109 00:06:14,056 --> 00:06:17,250 And in the letter, she'd misspelled his name T-O-M-M. 110 00:06:17,251 --> 00:06:19,847 And I said, "Frieda, you've spelled Tom's name wrong." 111 00:06:19,848 --> 00:06:21,378 "You need to take out one of the M's." 112 00:06:21,379 --> 00:06:23,389 And she said, "Which one?" 113 00:06:23,890 --> 00:06:25,888 Y'know, you're gonna be #@%*!@$ dead in 5 seconds 114 00:06:25,923 --> 00:06:27,462 if aunt Frieda doesn't throw a pie at somebody! 115 00:06:27,663 --> 00:06:29,710 I mean, part of that is you sorta have to know my family ... 116 00:06:29,711 --> 00:06:30,543 Make me laugh!!! 117 00:06:30,744 --> 00:06:32,287 Hey, look .... keys! 118 00:06:32,288 --> 00:06:34,904 Ha ha ha ah ah. Oh, that's so satirical. 119 00:06:34,905 --> 00:06:36,759 Ah ha ha. What social commentary? 120 00:06:36,760 --> 00:06:39,539 Ah ha ha. Well, now I'm in a wonderful humour. 121 00:06:39,540 --> 00:06:41,711 I wish to go for a walk into town. 122 00:06:45,145 --> 00:06:47,617 Hey, coachman. Let's drive on the left side of the road 123 00:06:47,652 --> 00:06:48,959 and see if that catches on. 124 00:06:49,662 --> 00:06:52,592 Good Lord! Who is that? 125 00:06:56,002 --> 00:06:59,075 That's Lady Redbush, and her husband-to-be, Griffin Peterson. 126 00:06:59,076 --> 00:07:02,854 That piece of arse is marrying that tall glass of poop juice? 127 00:07:02,855 --> 00:07:04,994 Well, not if I have anything to say about it. 128 00:07:04,995 --> 00:07:07,683 A woman of that calibre should be married to a King. 129 00:07:07,684 --> 00:07:10,786 - Well, what are you gonna do about him? - I'm the King, jester. 130 00:07:10,787 --> 00:07:13,828 I'm going to have him exiled to the farthest corner of the world. 131 00:07:13,905 --> 00:07:15,918 And then she'll be all mine. 132 00:07:16,392 --> 00:07:18,246 Why is he such a jerk to everybody? 133 00:07:18,247 --> 00:07:21,200 Because he has a very, very small penis. 134 00:07:21,401 --> 00:07:22,810 I've seen it, actually, and .. and it's, 135 00:07:22,845 --> 00:07:24,628 like, you don't even want to make fun of it, 136 00:07:24,663 --> 00:07:28,398 - y'know ... it's just ... medically fascinating. - I kinda wanna see it. 137 00:07:28,433 --> 00:07:32,288 Yeah, it's like that one grape in the bunch that never got to be a grape. 138 00:07:37,880 --> 00:07:39,798 I wonder what's keepin' Griffin. 139 00:07:39,799 --> 00:07:41,829 Oh, I'm sure he'll be along, sweetie. 140 00:07:41,664 --> 00:07:44,237 Remember, he's tubby. It takes him a while to move around. 141 00:07:44,438 --> 00:07:47,072 I hope he didn't get diarrhoea and die. 142 00:07:47,073 --> 00:07:50,160 - Can I feel those boobs? - No! Daddy, what are you, sick? 143 00:07:50,161 --> 00:07:51,944 Hey, it's a different time! 144 00:07:52,729 --> 00:07:56,173 What a wonderfully exciting day. I'm young, I'm all dressed up, 145 00:07:56,208 --> 00:07:58,766 and I'm on my way to marry the woman I love. 146 00:07:58,767 --> 00:08:03,598 And there's 290 years separating me from the films of Kevin Smith. 147 00:08:03,699 --> 00:08:04,857 Hey, Peterson! 148 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:09,887 - Who are you? - I'm King Stewart. 149 00:08:09,888 --> 00:08:11,834 - Don't you recognise me from the coins? 150 00:08:11,869 --> 00:08:13,462 Oh, yeah. The one's with your profile. 151 00:08:13,463 --> 00:08:15,698 You know, you look really weird from the side. 152 00:08:15,699 --> 00:08:18,415 Well, that's something we didn't really think out too well 153 00:08:18,450 --> 00:08:20,123 when we started ... but never mind that!! 154 00:08:20,124 --> 00:08:22,022 You're going into exile, Peterson. 155 00:08:22,029 --> 00:08:24,729 I'm shipping you out on the first boat to the new world. 156 00:08:24,730 --> 00:08:26,509 But I'm supposed to get married today. 157 00:08:26,510 --> 00:08:28,296 Oh, yeah? Where you going for your honeymoon? 158 00:08:28,297 --> 00:08:31,287 - That medium sized hill. - Wrong. Seize him! 159 00:08:33,215 --> 00:08:36,708 And King Stewart's cruelty was only just beginning. 160 00:08:37,480 --> 00:08:40,413 Maybe he changed his mind. Maybe he's not comin'. 161 00:08:40,414 --> 00:08:44,604 Ohhhhh, come on now. There, feel better after I just said that? 162 00:08:44,605 --> 00:08:46,377 - Give me one little touch. - No! 163 00:08:46,378 --> 00:08:49,527 I hate this. I .. I .. I hate my life! 164 00:08:52,009 --> 00:08:54,044 - Oh ... the King! - The King is here. 165 00:08:54,245 --> 00:08:55,680 I didn't vote for him. 166 00:08:55,881 --> 00:08:58,587 Your Majesty, this is a real honour. Carter Redbush. 167 00:08:58,625 --> 00:08:59,724 Very glad to meet you. 168 00:08:59,725 --> 00:09:01,434 Hello. Harry McAfee. 169 00:09:01,469 --> 00:09:04,110 As a citizen, I'm proud to have you reign over me 170 00:09:04,145 --> 00:09:06,138 and the McAfee Fertilizer company. 171 00:09:07,378 --> 00:09:10,646 Lady Redbush, I wish I was here on a happier errand. 172 00:09:10,647 --> 00:09:14,549 But I'm afraid I must inform you that Griffin Peterson is dead. 173 00:09:14,949 --> 00:09:15,550 What?! 174 00:09:16,675 --> 00:09:18,759 Now that some time has passed, do you wanna go out? 175 00:09:22,260 --> 00:09:25,252 With Griffin Peterson exiled to the new world 176 00:09:25,253 --> 00:09:27,570 and Lady Redbush believing he was dead, 177 00:09:27,571 --> 00:09:30,356 King Stewart was now free to marry her. 178 00:09:30,357 --> 00:09:33,512 The bride and groom have written their own vows. 179 00:09:33,513 --> 00:09:37,601 Our love is like two figs hanging from a fig tree, 180 00:09:37,602 --> 00:09:39,908 cradled by Cupid's own hand. 181 00:09:39,909 --> 00:09:41,908 You and I are like t... 182 00:09:42,361 --> 00:09:43,761 Oh ...oh ... I'm sorry. 183 00:09:43,762 --> 00:09:46,962 Is my wedding interrupting your .. your promotion? 184 00:09:46,963 --> 00:09:49,076 We're right in the middle of our show. 185 00:09:49,077 --> 00:09:52,361 OK, right now. You have a time slot. Go there! 186 00:09:53,011 --> 00:09:56,137 Maybe finish this candy bar before you open another one. 187 00:09:56,951 --> 00:09:59,508 Well, at least it wasn't one of those promos where they've got the whole 188 00:09:59,509 --> 00:10:02,712 cast shoving each other playfully, like they're all good pals. 189 00:10:03,486 --> 00:10:07,641 Oh, oh, look! There we go! Oh, look at 'em jostling each other around. 190 00:10:07,642 --> 00:10:11,429 Oh, they give each other a hard time, but they're friends. 191 00:10:11,430 --> 00:10:12,635 Is that areal show? 192 00:10:12,636 --> 00:10:15,689 No, it's just ... no, it's .. somebody's makin' a joke. Forget it. 193 00:10:15,980 --> 00:10:20,072 Meanwhile, Griffin Peterson and the other exiles passed the time 194 00:10:20,168 --> 00:10:21,851 on the ship to the new world. 195 00:10:22,146 --> 00:10:24,321 Ah, crap! A splinter. 196 00:10:24,322 --> 00:10:27,389 - Well, it's been nice knowin' you guys. - So, what'd you do to get exiled? 197 00:10:27,390 --> 00:10:30,533 I got caught pleasuring myself to a painstakingly 198 00:10:30,534 --> 00:10:32,868 etched engraving of the wife of Bath. 199 00:10:33,069 --> 00:10:33,948 What you do? 200 00:10:33,949 --> 00:10:35,567 Ah, I slept with an underaged virgin 201 00:10:35,568 --> 00:10:36,994 to cure my puff penis. 202 00:10:36,995 --> 00:10:39,854 Hey, fellers. You wanna join me in a game of mumble peg? 203 00:10:39,855 --> 00:10:42,248 - Oh, no thanks. - Fine, I'll play by myself. 204 00:10:42,249 --> 00:10:45,972 .. mumble .. mumble .. mumble .. .. mumble .. mumble .. mumble .. 205 00:10:45,991 --> 00:10:47,053 One - nothing. 206 00:10:47,154 --> 00:10:50,505 Eventually, after many months at sea 207 00:10:50,506 --> 00:10:54,519 Griffen Peterson and his shipmates finally reached the new world. 208 00:10:55,364 --> 00:10:57,714 I declare this land .. Quahog. 209 00:10:57,915 --> 00:11:00,612 This place is nothin' but a wilderness. What're we gonna do? 210 00:11:00,713 --> 00:11:02,916 We're gonna build a new settlement. 211 00:11:02,917 --> 00:11:06,294 We'll have a happy new life, and we'll have equal rights for all. 212 00:11:06,395 --> 00:11:10,354 Except Blacks, Asians, Hispanics, Jews, Gays, Women, Muslims .. 213 00:11:10,655 --> 00:11:12,562 Um ... everybody who's not a white man. 214 00:11:12,763 --> 00:11:13,896 And I mean "white" white, 215 00:11:13,931 --> 00:11:17,932 so no Italians, no Polish. Just people from Ireland, England, and Scotland. 216 00:11:18,033 --> 00:11:20,182 But from only certain parts of Scotland and Ireland. 217 00:11:20,583 --> 00:11:22,218 Just full blooded whites. 218 00:11:22,219 --> 00:11:24,235 No, y'know what? Not even whites. 219 00:11:24,236 --> 00:11:25,463 Nobody gets any rights. 220 00:11:26,256 --> 00:11:27,905 Ahhhh ... America. 221 00:11:33,011 --> 00:11:35,680 How's your stewed fox-quail, my dear? 222 00:11:35,832 --> 00:11:39,048 Oh, it's quite good. I'm also enjoyin' the turtled hen. 223 00:11:39,049 --> 00:11:40,567 Isn't the turtled hen good? 224 00:11:41,143 --> 00:11:43,586 So, listen. You and I need to have a conversation 225 00:11:43,587 --> 00:11:45,624 about you not bearing me a son. 226 00:11:45,625 --> 00:11:47,240 Well, my Lord, we've discussed this. 227 00:11:47,241 --> 00:11:50,139 We have to have sex in order for me to bear you a son. 228 00:11:50,140 --> 00:11:53,533 Oh, I know. I've just been so tired, and I've had so much work, 229 00:11:53,534 --> 00:11:55,314 and I think .. I think I wanted to the other day 230 00:11:55,315 --> 00:11:59,805 but I couldn't find you. So, y'know, it's like both of us on our schedules, y'know? 231 00:11:59,806 --> 00:12:01,664 Well, why don't we do it tonight? 232 00:12:01,665 --> 00:12:04,291 Maybe. Tonight might work. Yea... 233 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:06,558 Oh, no! I got that thing in the morning. 234 00:12:06,559 --> 00:12:08,378 Oh .. how 'bout tomorrow at four? 235 00:12:08,379 --> 00:12:10,547 You know I'm with my mother tomorrow at four. 236 00:12:10,648 --> 00:12:13,924 Oh, darn it! I'm going to be so horny tomorrow at four. 237 00:12:14,025 --> 00:12:17,410 Y'know, I gotta say, I'm a little mad at you for not bein' more available. 238 00:12:17,482 --> 00:12:19,570 We can have sex right now on the table. 239 00:12:19,605 --> 00:12:21,633 Hey! hey, hey, hey ... hey. 240 00:12:21,872 --> 00:12:22,860 We eat here. 241 00:12:27,307 --> 00:12:31,028 Griffin Peterson and the other colonists worked day and night 242 00:12:31,029 --> 00:12:33,681 to build their new settlement, until finally, 243 00:12:33,682 --> 00:12:38,174 after much hard work, the colony of Quahog was complete. 244 00:12:46,987 --> 00:12:51,384 It didn't take long before Quahog was a thriving new world settlement, 245 00:12:51,385 --> 00:12:52,685 bustling with life. 246 00:12:53,691 --> 00:12:55,482 Boy, everything's shapin' up real nice. 247 00:12:55,483 --> 00:12:58,317 Yeah, and we finally finished the town Abortion Clinic. 248 00:13:03,792 --> 00:13:06,989 Time had helped Griffin forget Lady Redbush, 249 00:13:06,990 --> 00:13:09,792 and soon he found himself a hearty new wife. 250 00:13:09,893 --> 00:13:11,832 Boy, that was fantastic. 251 00:13:11,833 --> 00:13:13,461 You must have had a lot of practice. 252 00:13:13,462 --> 00:13:16,717 No, not really. I've been saving myself for marriage. 253 00:13:16,818 --> 00:13:19,910 Ahhhhhh ....... We should probably open up some windows. 254 00:13:23,659 --> 00:13:27,683 I don't know what to do, jester. I can't be married to the King anymore. 255 00:13:27,684 --> 00:13:30,320 My heart still belongs to Griffin Peterson, 256 00:13:30,321 --> 00:13:31,677 but he's dead. 257 00:13:31,678 --> 00:13:34,855 - Ahh. No. He's not. - What? 258 00:13:34,856 --> 00:13:38,336 I was ordered to keep silent by the King, under threat of execution 259 00:13:38,337 --> 00:13:40,432 but .. you're gonna see this anyway. 260 00:13:46,144 --> 00:13:50,966 Oh, my God! He's alive! Jester, I've got to get to him. 261 00:13:50,967 --> 00:13:53,071 I'll help you. But only if I can go with you. 262 00:13:53,072 --> 00:13:55,810 If I stay here, the King'll execute me for telling you all this. 263 00:13:55,811 --> 00:13:57,983 Well .. OK. But how are we gonna get there? 264 00:13:58,029 --> 00:14:00,580 We'll hitch a ride on one of the slave ships tomorrow night, 265 00:14:00,759 --> 00:14:02,620 after an all new Shovin' Buddies. 266 00:14:05,235 --> 00:14:08,752 Followed by an all new slowly rotating black man. 267 00:14:12,772 --> 00:14:16,245 And so Lady Redbush sailed off to the new world. 268 00:14:16,246 --> 00:14:17,838 to find her beloved. 269 00:14:17,839 --> 00:14:21,315 And the timin' was good, because his new wife was a pain in him arse. 270 00:14:21,316 --> 00:14:23,087 .. and then I finished scrubbing the kettle 271 00:14:23,088 --> 00:14:25,187 but .. then I saw that I'd missed a spot 272 00:14:25,188 --> 00:14:27,742 and, oh .. I was so worried that the whole thing wasn't clean enough 273 00:14:27,743 --> 00:14:30,804 so I went back and started washing it again, and sure enough ... 274 00:14:30,805 --> 00:14:33,382 .. I'd missed another spot, and there was a clump of cornmeal 275 00:14:33,417 --> 00:14:36,953 - under the rim from when I made breakfast. - Shut up, Meg! I prithee, shut up! 276 00:14:37,322 --> 00:14:37,973 Griffen! 277 00:14:38,497 --> 00:14:39,697 Lady Redbush. 278 00:14:42,993 --> 00:14:47,548 And so, Griffin Peterson and Lady Redbush were happily reunited. 279 00:14:47,549 --> 00:14:51,847 Of course, Griffin had to go through the complex, extensive divorce 280 00:14:51,848 --> 00:14:55,160 procedure required by 18th century society. 281 00:14:59,846 --> 00:15:02,046 Gone! What do you mean she's gone? 282 00:15:02,047 --> 00:15:05,283 Sire, Lady Redbush has been gone these 6 months. 283 00:15:05,284 --> 00:15:10,070 - 6 months? - Yes. Forgive me, Sire, but how could you not be aware of this? 284 00:15:10,071 --> 00:15:11,919 Don't you share a bed chamber with her? 285 00:15:11,920 --> 00:15:15,283 Well, I mean, sometimes we .. we.. we sleep .. we.. we go to different .. 286 00:15:15,318 --> 00:15:18,210 er, we go to bed at.. at different times. We've both been so busy ... 287 00:15:18,299 --> 00:15:21,747 it's been .. rediculous! I .. I thought she was takin' a class or something. 288 00:15:22,048 --> 00:15:24,931 Oh, man, that sucks! Because I'm so horny. 289 00:15:24,932 --> 00:15:28,237 Damn it! Oh, I wanted to do sex to her tonight. 290 00:15:28,238 --> 00:15:30,056 Well then, I guess we've gotta go get her. 291 00:15:30,357 --> 00:15:31,479 Yeah .. alright. 292 00:15:33,264 --> 00:15:37,668 Months rolled by, and Griffin and Lady Redbush continued to 293 00:15:37,669 --> 00:15:40,022 flourish happily in the colony of Quahog, 294 00:15:40,023 --> 00:15:44,466 completely unaware that King Stewart was on the march. 295 00:15:44,667 --> 00:15:48,349 There was a peaceful town called Quahog 296 00:15:49,452 --> 00:15:53,193 Where people lived in harmony 297 00:15:54,310 --> 00:15:58,447 They never had no kind of trouble 298 00:15:59,077 --> 00:16:03,387 There was no hint of misery. 299 00:16:07,752 --> 00:16:09,903 Then all at once the trouble started 300 00:16:10,580 --> 00:16:13,044 A pack of murderers and thieves 301 00:16:13,682 --> 00:16:15,822 Like swarms of locusts they descended 302 00:16:16,883 --> 00:16:19,773 Their aim to make the townfolk flee 303 00:16:22,158 --> 00:16:23,481 They've gotta be here somewhere. 304 00:16:23,582 --> 00:16:24,988 Where's my 1st lieutenant? 305 00:16:24,989 --> 00:16:28,757 Here I am, sir. Yessir, right indeed, here indeed, yes I am, sir. 306 00:16:28,758 --> 00:16:31,330 I want you to turn this settlement upside down until 307 00:16:31,331 --> 00:16:33,076 you find Lady Redbush and Griffin Peterson. 308 00:16:33,377 --> 00:16:36,488 That fat bastard thinks he can steal my bride and get away with it 309 00:16:36,489 --> 00:16:38,871 I wouldn't bet a corn farthing on him escaping. 310 00:16:38,872 --> 00:16:41,921 No, I wouldn't. Not a corn farthing would I bet. No sir. 311 00:16:42,122 --> 00:16:44,754 - What's wrong with you? - Little wrong in the head, I am, 312 00:16:44,755 --> 00:16:49,008 from eatin' some bad sausages. Yes, bad sausages that I eat, indeed, sir. 313 00:16:49,009 --> 00:16:51,519 Yes, I did some bad sausages ate I. 314 00:16:55,285 --> 00:16:59,008 Oh, Griffin, this time together has been the happiest of my life. 315 00:16:59,009 --> 00:17:00,472 Me too, Lady Redbush. 316 00:17:00,473 --> 00:17:03,313 All those months I was without you, I never stopped 317 00:17:03,344 --> 00:17:05,328 seein' your face in the back of my wife's head. 318 00:17:05,529 --> 00:17:08,296 And all those months I was sailin' for the new world 319 00:17:08,297 --> 00:17:11,228 I saw your face in every slave's stomach. 320 00:17:11,229 --> 00:17:12,980 Tell me we'll be together forever. 321 00:17:12,981 --> 00:17:13,977 We will. 322 00:17:15,502 --> 00:17:18,523 I found 'em, your Majesty. Indeed, yes I did found 'em, did I 323 00:17:18,524 --> 00:17:21,256 - did, yessir, I did. - Yeah. OK, OK ... whatever. 324 00:17:21,257 --> 00:17:23,647 Alright, Peterson. Two things are gonna happen here: 325 00:17:23,648 --> 00:17:26,119 I'm gonna take my wife back, and then I'm gonna kill you! 326 00:17:26,120 --> 00:17:28,276 Alright, alright, Mr. King, sir. You win. 327 00:17:28,783 --> 00:17:31,306 I'm sorry, Lady Redbush. But he is your husband. 328 00:17:31,507 --> 00:17:35,112 Let me just, uh, walk over here and get your things for you. 329 00:17:35,113 --> 00:17:36,550 Nyaah-ahhhhh! 330 00:17:36,551 --> 00:17:39,209 Alright, your Majesty. If you wanna leave with your pal in 331 00:17:39,210 --> 00:17:41,371 one piece, I suggest you throw down your weapons. 332 00:17:42,074 --> 00:17:44,544 Go ahead and kill him, Griffin. You kill him, and I'll kill her. 333 00:17:44,545 --> 00:17:46,204 Go ahead. You kill her, I'll kill him. 334 00:17:46,405 --> 00:17:47,746 Go ahead. You kill him, I'll kill her. 335 00:17:47,747 --> 00:17:49,402 Knock yourself out. You kill her, I'll kill him. 336 00:17:49,503 --> 00:17:51,831 Ha ha ha. This is me laughing. You kill him, I'll kill her. 337 00:17:51,932 --> 00:17:54,182 Ha ha ha. This is me before Ultra Slim-Fast. 338 00:17:54,183 --> 00:17:55,254 You kill her, I'll kill him. 339 00:17:55,360 --> 00:17:58,051 Wait! Wait! There's gotta be a better way to settle this. 340 00:17:59,236 --> 00:18:01,247 - Talent show? - Talent show! 341 00:18:05,322 --> 00:18:09,443 Hear ye! Hear ye! This talent competition will decide rightful possession of 342 00:18:09,444 --> 00:18:12,530 the good Lady Redbush and control of the colony of Quahog. 343 00:18:12,631 --> 00:18:16,782 We first present King Stewart of England with some observational humour. 344 00:18:16,983 --> 00:18:18,102 Hi, there, everybody. 345 00:18:18,103 --> 00:18:20,685 You know, my aunt Frieda was a real card. 346 00:18:20,686 --> 00:18:22,541 She always had the most wonderful spirit, 347 00:18:22,576 --> 00:18:24,462 even when her mind started to go. 348 00:18:24,463 --> 00:18:25,439 What the !*$#@? 349 00:18:25,640 --> 00:18:28,057 I remember once, she wrote a letter to my uncle Tom 350 00:18:28,058 --> 00:18:30,056 from whom she'd been divorced for several years. 351 00:18:30,075 --> 00:18:33,152 And in the letter, she'd misspelled his name T-O-M-M. 352 00:18:33,248 --> 00:18:35,493 This .. this is my bit. These .. these are all my bits. 353 00:18:35,494 --> 00:18:36,647 Ssshh. This is funny. 354 00:18:36,648 --> 00:18:37,607 Unbelievable. 355 00:18:37,608 --> 00:18:39,946 And I said, "Frieda, you've spelled Tom's name wrong." 356 00:18:39,981 --> 00:18:41,414 "You need to take out one of the M's." 357 00:18:41,449 --> 00:18:43,053 And she said, "Which one?" 358 00:19:24,187 --> 00:19:25,987 Clap your hands, everybody. 359 00:19:25,988 --> 00:19:27,897 And everybody clap your hands. 360 00:19:28,298 --> 00:19:31,205 We are the Quahog colonists 361 00:19:31,206 --> 00:19:33,113 - and Mort the Jew. - Hey there. 362 00:19:33,114 --> 00:19:35,223 We're out here on stage tonight 363 00:19:35,339 --> 00:19:37,020 to do a show for you 364 00:19:37,321 --> 00:19:39,856 We got Peterson on the violin 365 00:19:39,857 --> 00:19:42,004 and Quagmire and Joe will be joinin' in 366 00:19:42,005 --> 00:19:44,336 We got Stumpy Shamus on the lead guitar 367 00:19:44,337 --> 00:19:46,448 and he's gonna give you a great big ... 368 00:19:46,449 --> 00:19:50,106 Aaaaaaarrrrrrrrr! Break! 369 00:19:52,547 --> 00:19:55,348 Oh, God. They put so much work into theirs. 370 00:19:55,349 --> 00:19:57,454 I .. I didn't know we could rip off movies. 371 00:20:09,675 --> 00:20:13,429 And from then on, Lady Redbush and Griffin Peterson 372 00:20:13,430 --> 00:20:15,634 lived in peace and happiness. 373 00:20:17,330 --> 00:20:20,830 - Oh, Griffen, I love you. - And I, you. 374 00:20:20,831 --> 00:20:23,271 Let's grow old into our 30's together. 375 00:20:25,350 --> 00:20:27,475 I wanna have a baby with you. 376 00:20:27,476 --> 00:20:30,184 And I wanna be there there when you die, giving birth to it. 377 00:20:35,119 --> 00:20:40,014 And so ends the tale of Griffin Peterson and the founding of Quahog. 378 00:20:40,028 --> 00:20:42,708 Well, what a bunch of delightfully colorful characters. 379 00:20:42,997 --> 00:20:44,825 - So, was that it? - That's it. 380 00:20:44,826 --> 00:20:48,141 Now stay tuned for an all new Cross Armed Opposites. 381 00:20:48,570 --> 00:20:51,283 - This guy. - No. This guy. 382 00:20:51,284 --> 00:20:54,237 - No. This guy. - No. This guy. 383 00:20:54,238 --> 00:20:55,673 Both of us. 384 00:20:55,874 --> 00:21:05,495 Ah ha ha ha ha ha. Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha .... ahhhhhh. 385 00:21:05,896 --> 00:21:06,496 Subtitles by Keef 9999 00:00:0,500 --> 00:00:2,00 www.tvsubtitles.net