1 00:00:00,528 --> 00:00:04,066 {\an7}♪ 2 00:00:05,396 --> 00:00:08,263 {\an7}\h-You're watching an extended episode 3 00:00:08,264 --> 00:00:09,999 {\an7}of "The Challenge." 4 00:00:10,000 --> 00:00:11,131 {\an7}\h\h\h\hStay tuned after the episode 5 00:00:11,132 --> 00:00:15,198 {\an7}\h\h\h\hfor some final words from our terminated agents. 6 00:00:17,021 --> 00:00:18,416 {\an7}- ♪ MTV ♪ 7 00:00:18,417 --> 00:00:22,218 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-Previously on "The Challenge"... 8 00:00:22,219 --> 00:00:22,955 {\an7}[dramatic music] 9 00:00:22,956 --> 00:00:26,987 {\an7}- Amanda, are you going to stay \h\h\h\h\h\h\hon the Ruby cell? 10 00:00:26,988 --> 00:00:28,888 {\an7}- I'm gonna take Tori's spot \h\h\h\h\h\hon Emerald cell. 11 00:00:28,889 --> 00:00:31,449 {\an7}\h-Amanda has chosen to infiltrate Emerald. 12 00:00:31,450 --> 00:00:34,954 {\an7}It's only a matter of time \h\huntil this comes back 13 00:00:34,955 --> 00:00:36,317 {\an7}to hurt one of us. 14 00:00:36,318 --> 00:00:38,756 {\an7}Let the implosion begin. 15 00:00:38,757 --> 00:00:44,724 {\an7}\h\h-What if Ruby pulled off the miracle and won a daily? 16 00:00:45,120 --> 00:00:47,020 {\an7}- It's definitely gonna take \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\htwo cells 17 00:00:47,021 --> 00:00:47,922 {\an7}to take down Emerald. 18 00:00:47,923 --> 00:00:49,954 {\an7}So I'm gonna give Ruby \h\heverything I have. 19 00:00:49,955 --> 00:00:51,789 {\an7}Let's go [bleep] \hkick ass today. 20 00:00:51,790 --> 00:00:54,053 {\an7}- Today's this mission is called Boom Raiders. 21 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:56,350 {\an7}- Let's go. \h-Go. Go. 22 00:00:56,351 --> 00:00:58,284 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-Give it to me. CT. - Kyle, why did you do that? 23 00:00:58,285 --> 00:01:00,119 {\an7}- I probably made \h\hthe wrong move 24 00:01:00,120 --> 00:01:01,120 {\an7}in grabbing their dynamite. 25 00:01:01,121 --> 00:01:04,482 {\an7}\h\h\hBut, CT, I trust him as far as I can throw him. 26 00:01:04,483 --> 00:01:06,789 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hAnd guess what. I can't even lift him up. 27 00:01:06,790 --> 00:01:09,119 {\an7}\h\h-Put it in. Put it in. Put it in. Hit it. Hit it. 28 00:01:09,120 --> 00:01:10,317 {\an7}- Whoo! 29 00:01:10,318 --> 00:01:14,888 {\an7}\h-You decided to play for the other two teams on a guys' day. 30 00:01:14,889 --> 00:01:15,889 {\an7}- The point is to save my guys. 31 00:01:15,890 --> 00:01:18,789 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-All the people that I needed to count on 32 00:01:18,790 --> 00:01:19,648 {\an7}are slowly proving to me 33 00:01:19,649 --> 00:01:21,350 {\an7}why I shouldn't have trusted \h\hthem from the beginning. 34 00:01:21,351 --> 00:01:24,822 {\an7}- So you're saying either pick \hme or pick the entire house. 35 00:01:24,823 --> 00:01:26,350 {\an7}\h\h\h\hSay a name. - Throw Emanuel in. 36 00:01:26,351 --> 00:01:27,548 {\an7}- So that's your only option. 37 00:01:27,549 --> 00:01:29,251 {\an7}- Well, actually, I might pick Josh, I'm not sure. 38 00:01:29,252 --> 00:01:30,416 {\an7}- You're gonna pick Josh, \h\h\h\h\h\hbut now too? 39 00:01:30,417 --> 00:01:32,218 {\an7}- I'm 70% Emanuel, 30% Josh, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[indistinct]. 40 00:01:32,219 --> 00:01:33,515 {\an7}- Okay, this sounds \hlike--all right. 41 00:01:33,516 --> 00:01:35,218 {\an7}I tried to [bleep] \h\hhelp you today, 42 00:01:35,219 --> 00:01:36,219 {\an7}and you threw me under the bus. 43 00:01:36,220 --> 00:01:40,119 {\an7}Just like you've done everybody \helse you've ever worked with. 44 00:01:40,120 --> 00:01:43,888 {\an7}\h-All right. Let's find out who the compromised agent is. 45 00:01:43,889 --> 00:01:46,383 {\an7}♪ ♪ 46 00:01:46,384 --> 00:01:48,350 {\an7}- All right, Kyle, who's it gonna be? 47 00:01:48,351 --> 00:01:51,185 {\an7}\h\h-Sorry, Josh. It's you, brother. 48 00:01:51,186 --> 00:01:53,855 {\an7}- All right, agents, you ready? \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hGo. 49 00:01:53,856 --> 00:01:56,284 {\an7}- Go, go, go. - Go, go, go. 50 00:01:56,285 --> 00:01:58,383 {\an7}- Let's go, Josh. 51 00:01:58,384 --> 00:02:00,020 {\an7}- Faster, come on. Let's go. 52 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:02,284 {\an7}- He's getting tired. Go. 53 00:02:02,285 --> 00:02:04,251 {\an7}\h-Go. - Ohh. 54 00:02:04,252 --> 00:02:06,086 {\an7}[air horn blares] 55 00:02:06,087 --> 00:02:08,284 {\an7}- Do you want to infiltrate \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hand steal 56 00:02:08,285 --> 00:02:10,383 {\an7}any other agent's spot \h\h\h\h\h\h\hup there? 57 00:02:10,384 --> 00:02:12,284 {\an7}\h\h-There was something my grandfather said to me 58 00:02:12,285 --> 00:02:14,119 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hon his deathbed. If you ever get the chance 59 00:02:14,120 --> 00:02:18,251 {\an7}to leave Ruby and follow CT \hover to Sapphire, do it. 60 00:02:18,252 --> 00:02:19,219 {\an7}Logan, get off my team now. 61 00:02:19,220 --> 00:02:23,053 {\an7}\h-Kyle has stole my place, but it's not gonna be nice. 62 00:02:23,054 --> 00:02:25,954 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hYou are now in the cave of the wolf 63 00:02:25,955 --> 00:02:28,318 {\an7}and I'm gonna come back. 64 00:02:29,615 --> 00:02:32,855 {\an7}[dramatic music] 65 00:02:32,856 --> 00:02:38,921 {\an7}♪ ♪ 66 00:02:38,922 --> 00:02:41,987 {\an7}[tense music] 67 00:02:41,988 --> 00:02:47,954 {\an7}♪ ♪ 68 00:02:47,955 --> 00:02:50,954 {\an7}\h\h\h-Sapphire. - Back in action. 69 00:02:50,955 --> 00:02:55,119 {\an7}- Hey, Kyle, why did you not call me out? 70 00:02:55,120 --> 00:02:57,119 {\an7}Are you a chicken? 71 00:02:57,120 --> 00:02:58,855 {\an7}[imitates chicken clucking] 72 00:02:58,856 --> 00:03:00,614 {\an7}Why? Are you waiting \h\hfor a hall brawl 73 00:03:00,615 --> 00:03:01,318 {\an7}to call me in? 74 00:03:01,319 --> 00:03:05,317 {\an7}\h\hl'm gonna kick your ass in a hall brawl too, so... 75 00:03:05,318 --> 00:03:08,053 {\an7}[imitates chicken clucking] 76 00:03:08,054 --> 00:03:12,921 {\an7}- [laughs] 77 00:03:12,922 --> 00:03:14,317 {\an7}- Well done, Kyle. 78 00:03:14,318 --> 00:03:18,020 {\an7}Against all odds, he does it again. 79 00:03:18,021 --> 00:03:20,482 {\an7}\h\h\hl am--honestly, I'm sad Josh is gone. 80 00:03:20,483 --> 00:03:21,252 {\an7}- I am as well. 81 00:03:21,253 --> 00:03:23,020 {\an7}\h-Like he was--he was really good friend to me this season, 82 00:03:23,021 --> 00:03:27,515 {\an7}\h\hand he played this game straight up, and, you know, 83 00:03:27,516 --> 00:03:28,987 {\an7}as far as I know, never told a lie. 84 00:03:28,988 --> 00:03:32,416 {\an7}So it's hard to see somebody \h\h\h\h\h\hthat did that go. 85 00:03:32,417 --> 00:03:35,680 {\an7}But I know these ladies don't want to hear it, 86 00:03:35,681 --> 00:03:39,987 {\an7}\h\h\hbut Amanda, Tori, this one's on you too. 87 00:03:39,988 --> 00:03:45,954 {\an7}\h\h\hAmanda switches teams; Tori teams up with Sapphire. 88 00:03:45,955 --> 00:03:47,053 {\an7}He ends up down there. 89 00:03:47,054 --> 00:03:51,185 {\an7}\h\h\h\hMy cell has now taken its first hit of the season. 90 00:03:51,186 --> 00:03:53,119 {\an7}Still a very strong cell. 91 00:03:53,120 --> 00:03:55,449 {\an7}But this last mission \h\hwas an indicator 92 00:03:55,450 --> 00:03:58,614 {\an7}that Ruby and Sapphire \h\hhave the potential 93 00:03:58,615 --> 00:03:59,615 {\an7}to team up against us. 94 00:03:59,616 --> 00:04:02,086 {\an7}As we get down to \h\hthe end here, 95 00:04:02,087 --> 00:04:03,987 {\an7}numbers in these missions matter. 96 00:04:03,988 --> 00:04:08,185 {\an7}So keeping the Emerald cell \hintact is very important. 97 00:04:08,186 --> 00:04:11,119 {\an7}- Look at my Sapphire body. 98 00:04:11,120 --> 00:04:12,021 {\an7}[laughs] 99 00:04:12,022 --> 00:04:15,482 {\an7}- You can't--you can't--you \h\h\h\h\h\hcan't write it. 100 00:04:15,483 --> 00:04:18,614 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hSapph-yle. - [laughs] Sapph-yle. 101 00:04:18,615 --> 00:04:26,252 {\an7}♪ ♪ 102 00:04:27,186 --> 00:04:29,317 {\an7}- Psst. 103 00:04:29,318 --> 00:04:32,053 {\an7}- Huh? 104 00:04:32,054 --> 00:04:34,053 {\an7}- Team meeting. \h\h\h\h-Okay. 105 00:04:34,054 --> 00:04:35,756 {\an7}- Anything happen last night? \h\h\h\hOr did you find out, 106 00:04:35,757 --> 00:04:37,449 {\an7}is he gonna try to sabotage \h\h\hthe next girls' day? 107 00:04:37,450 --> 00:04:39,449 {\an7}Is that what they're gonna do? He's going a pull a "Titanic," 108 00:04:39,450 --> 00:04:43,450 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hgonna take a page out of Amanda's book, huh? 109 00:04:46,582 --> 00:04:47,450 {\an7}It's either two things. 110 00:04:47,451 --> 00:04:48,723 {\an7}He thinks he's coming in \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor safety 111 00:04:48,724 --> 00:04:51,185 {\an7}or he's coming in to sabotage. 112 00:04:51,186 --> 00:04:53,317 {\an7}Either way, I don't like it; \h\h\h\h\h\h\hit smells bad. 113 00:04:53,318 --> 00:04:54,285 {\an7}Kyle's back on Sapphire. 114 00:04:54,286 --> 00:04:56,482 {\an7}\h\h\h\hl don't know how I feel about it. 115 00:04:56,483 --> 00:04:59,119 {\an7}Me and Kyle, we have issues \h\h\h\h\hto say the least, 116 00:04:59,120 --> 00:05:04,086 {\an7}trust issues more specifically, so it's gonna be tough for us. 117 00:05:04,087 --> 00:05:06,680 {\an7}- We have to accept him. 118 00:05:06,681 --> 00:05:09,614 {\an7}- No. I don't want to. 119 00:05:09,615 --> 00:05:12,383 {\an7}- Let's try. Let's try. 120 00:05:12,384 --> 00:05:13,723 {\an7}- No. [bleep]. 121 00:05:13,724 --> 00:05:14,318 {\an7}- No. 122 00:05:14,319 --> 00:05:17,614 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hWith Kyle, it's a love-hate relationship. 123 00:05:17,615 --> 00:05:20,449 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-So I gotta hate. That's why I'm holding strong. 124 00:05:20,450 --> 00:05:24,416 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hHe does this. He does--he does sneaky stuff. 125 00:05:24,417 --> 00:05:25,219 {\an7}- All the time. 126 00:05:25,220 --> 00:05:26,383 {\an7}- And then he just \h\hlaughs it off. 127 00:05:26,384 --> 00:05:28,789 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h"No, big deal. Oh, you can't hate me forever." 128 00:05:28,790 --> 00:05:31,251 {\an7}- Yeah, but this is how he was created. 129 00:05:31,252 --> 00:05:34,218 {\an7}\h\h\h\hlf CT and Kyle keep arguing, Sapphire, 130 00:05:34,219 --> 00:05:37,548 {\an7}our team is gonna go to hell. \h\h\h\h\hWe don't want this. 131 00:05:37,549 --> 00:05:41,581 {\an7}\hWe want Sapphire team to win and have immunity and be safe. 132 00:05:41,582 --> 00:05:44,185 {\an7}It's gonna be probably a girls' elimination. 133 00:05:44,186 --> 00:05:47,119 {\an7}And I'm the only female agent \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hin my cell. 134 00:05:47,120 --> 00:05:50,317 {\an7}\h\h\hOh, I don't want to go on another elimination, dude. 135 00:05:50,318 --> 00:05:51,789 {\an7}But we have to trust him, \hbecause he is now--he's 136 00:05:51,790 --> 00:05:56,724 {\an7}\h\hright now on our team; we cannot change anything. 137 00:05:58,120 --> 00:06:00,756 {\an7}[upbeat music] 138 00:06:00,757 --> 00:06:03,822 {\an7}- Whoo! [indistinct]. 139 00:06:03,823 --> 00:06:05,185 {\an7}Whoo! 140 00:06:05,186 --> 00:06:07,416 {\an7}♪ I've been accused, I've been accused ♪ 141 00:06:07,417 --> 00:06:11,614 {\an7}- All aboard the 1:30 \hto Nantucket, baby. 142 00:06:11,615 --> 00:06:13,152 {\an7}We're coming in hot. 143 00:06:13,153 --> 00:06:14,647 {\an7}- Whoo! \h-Oh! 144 00:06:14,648 --> 00:06:15,549 {\an7}- Here we are, bitches. 145 00:06:15,550 --> 00:06:18,317 {\an7}- TJ surprises us \hwith a boat day. 146 00:06:18,318 --> 00:06:19,449 {\an7}Man, we really need this day, 147 00:06:19,450 --> 00:06:22,581 {\an7}\h\h\hbecause this has been one hell of a season, man. 148 00:06:22,582 --> 00:06:27,515 {\an7}But we're excited to let loose \hand honestly enjoy ourselves. 149 00:06:27,516 --> 00:06:29,515 {\an7}- Whoo! 150 00:06:29,516 --> 00:06:32,680 {\an7}\h-We are getting closer and closer and closer to a final. 151 00:06:32,681 --> 00:06:35,416 {\an7}\hl feel pretty good about my current position in the game. 152 00:06:35,417 --> 00:06:38,515 {\an7}\h\h\hl could potentially be running a final with Kaycee, 153 00:06:38,516 --> 00:06:39,384 {\an7}and that is amazing. 154 00:06:39,385 --> 00:06:42,317 {\an7}As long as we continue \hto crush challenges, 155 00:06:42,318 --> 00:06:43,855 {\an7}I should be in good shape. 156 00:06:43,856 --> 00:06:47,317 {\an7}- Whoo! 157 00:06:47,318 --> 00:06:48,021 {\an7}♪ ♪ 158 00:06:48,022 --> 00:06:50,614 {\an7}- ♪ I've been afraid to drive at night ♪ 159 00:06:50,615 --> 00:06:52,350 {\an7}♪ I've been a sinner ♪ 160 00:06:52,351 --> 00:06:55,218 {\an7}- Tori has been and continues \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto be my number 161 00:06:55,219 --> 00:06:56,581 {\an7}one female agent in this game. 162 00:06:56,582 --> 00:06:59,251 {\an7}We have a newly budding \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfriendship 163 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:00,153 {\an7}outside of the game, 164 00:07:00,154 --> 00:07:02,581 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbut what she did in the last mission upset me. 165 00:07:02,582 --> 00:07:04,647 {\an7}Everything that she did \h\hin the last mission 166 00:07:04,648 --> 00:07:06,723 {\an7}\h\hwas all for naught, and Josh got some help. 167 00:07:06,724 --> 00:07:10,614 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hl want to trust her, but I can't get a read on her. 168 00:07:10,615 --> 00:07:14,449 {\an7}- ♪ Just cannot fake it ♪ 169 00:07:14,450 --> 00:07:15,647 {\an7}♪ Ohh ♪ 170 00:07:15,648 --> 00:07:17,350 {\an7}- I need to just release \h\h\h\h\h\hsome stress. 171 00:07:17,351 --> 00:07:19,185 {\an7}Devin's still upset \h\h\hwith the fact 172 00:07:19,186 --> 00:07:20,647 {\an7}that I'm going hard \hfor another team. 173 00:07:20,648 --> 00:07:22,822 {\an7}We are really good friends \h\h\houtside of this game, 174 00:07:22,823 --> 00:07:24,515 {\an7}but I don't think that \h\h\hhe's recognizing 175 00:07:24,516 --> 00:07:25,680 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hthat we're not on the same team anymore 176 00:07:25,681 --> 00:07:29,647 {\an7}\hand it's unfortunate, but I came here to play for me. 177 00:07:29,648 --> 00:07:35,416 {\an7}- ♪ I ain't tripping \h\h\h\hon a thing ♪ 178 00:07:35,417 --> 00:07:37,789 {\an7}- Whoo! - Whoo! 179 00:07:37,790 --> 00:07:40,416 {\an7}- Let's go! - Let's go! 180 00:07:40,417 --> 00:07:43,251 {\an7}- ♪ Under the gun \hunder the gun ♪ 181 00:07:43,252 --> 00:07:46,284 {\an7}\h\h♪ I'm swimming through the sun ♪ 182 00:07:46,285 --> 00:07:51,756 {\an7}♪ I ain't tripping \h\h\hon a thing ♪ 183 00:07:51,757 --> 00:07:54,723 {\an7}- We are still not \h\hokay as a team, 184 00:07:54,724 --> 00:07:55,724 {\an7}like, you and Uncle CT. 185 00:07:55,725 --> 00:07:59,284 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-No. - And we are on the same team. 186 00:07:59,285 --> 00:08:00,021 {\an7}- Yeah, I know. 187 00:08:00,022 --> 00:08:03,855 {\an7}Well, I want peace between you, \h\h\h\hbut it's not happening. 188 00:08:03,856 --> 00:08:08,921 {\an7}\h\h-Emy, I am not going to apologize to Uncle CT. 189 00:08:08,922 --> 00:08:12,789 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hHe threw me in. Why would I apologize to him? 190 00:08:12,790 --> 00:08:14,921 {\an7}No, I'm not gonna ignore \h\h\heverything he said 191 00:08:14,922 --> 00:08:17,416 {\an7}just because I forced myself \h\h\h\h\h\h\honto your team. 192 00:08:17,417 --> 00:08:19,987 {\an7}I said we were friends. I said, \h"CT, me and you are friends." 193 00:08:19,988 --> 00:08:21,614 {\an7}\hl went, "If you've got to put me in, put me in, 194 00:08:21,615 --> 00:08:24,723 {\an7}but don't try to drag our relationship down 195 00:08:24,724 --> 00:08:26,822 {\an7}\h\h\hand say that we aren't friends." 196 00:08:26,823 --> 00:08:29,822 {\an7}At this point, I'd rather \h\hjust compete with him 197 00:08:29,823 --> 00:08:31,449 {\an7}and then go our separate ways. 198 00:08:31,450 --> 00:08:33,855 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNot, like, because I'll end up hurt again 199 00:08:33,856 --> 00:08:35,789 {\an7}if I build a friendship \h\h\hwith him again... 200 00:08:35,790 --> 00:08:36,724 {\an7}- Yeah, but you cannot-- 201 00:08:36,725 --> 00:08:37,987 {\an7}- And then he'll just \h\h\h\hdrag me down. 202 00:08:37,988 --> 00:08:40,581 {\an7}- Emy really wants Kyle and CT \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hto make peace. 203 00:08:40,582 --> 00:08:41,549 {\an7}It sounds so good. 204 00:08:41,550 --> 00:08:43,987 {\an7}\h\h\hBut at this point, these guys have history, 205 00:08:43,988 --> 00:08:46,723 {\an7}and CT has betrayed Kyle \h\h\h\h\hso many times. 206 00:08:46,724 --> 00:08:49,449 {\an7}I love that Emy's trying, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbut, Emy, 207 00:08:49,450 --> 00:08:51,855 {\an7}it's not worth it, girl, \h\h\hbecause these boys 208 00:08:51,856 --> 00:08:53,614 {\an7}are always gonna be fighting. 209 00:08:53,615 --> 00:08:56,383 {\an7}- We cannot name ourself \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\ha team, 210 00:08:56,384 --> 00:08:57,318 {\an7}because I know on "Survivor" 211 00:08:57,319 --> 00:09:00,416 {\an7}when two people were mad \h\h\h\h\hat each other, 212 00:09:00,417 --> 00:09:01,614 {\an7}nobody worked, dude. 213 00:09:01,615 --> 00:09:03,921 {\an7}Like, we were [bleep] up. 214 00:09:03,922 --> 00:09:06,449 {\an7}\hWe lost the connection. You know what I'm saying? 215 00:09:06,450 --> 00:09:09,548 {\an7}♪ ♪ 216 00:09:09,549 --> 00:09:11,822 {\an7}The peace has to be made. 217 00:09:11,823 --> 00:09:15,416 {\an7}- We'll see. 218 00:09:15,417 --> 00:09:16,921 {\an7}That's it. 219 00:09:16,922 --> 00:09:24,647 {\an7}♪ ♪ 220 00:09:24,648 --> 00:09:25,855 {\an7}- Let's have a talk. 221 00:09:25,856 --> 00:09:27,383 {\an7}- Dude, you don't need \h\h\hto say anything. 222 00:09:27,384 --> 00:09:28,921 {\an7}- I know that we haven't been \h\htalking this entire day, 223 00:09:28,922 --> 00:09:31,647 {\an7}and I've really had some time to think about how you feel. 224 00:09:31,648 --> 00:09:35,680 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hMy thing is simple. If you could just understand 225 00:09:35,681 --> 00:09:38,383 {\an7}and apologize at all-- 226 00:09:38,384 --> 00:09:39,054 {\an7}- For what? 227 00:09:39,055 --> 00:09:43,988 {\an7}- For making me feel, like, bad \habout how I played last game. 228 00:09:45,549 --> 00:09:48,789 {\an7}\h-I don't really respect somebody that blindly plays 229 00:09:48,790 --> 00:09:53,020 {\an7}\h\h\hthe game really hard with no thought behind it. 230 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:56,317 {\an7}I'm not gonna respect the fact 231 00:09:56,318 --> 00:10:00,548 {\an7}that you just went real hard \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor no reason. 232 00:10:00,549 --> 00:10:02,350 {\an7}- I'm on a sinking ship. So-- 233 00:10:02,351 --> 00:10:03,383 {\an7}- You can keep saying that. 234 00:10:03,384 --> 00:10:04,680 {\an7}- That's the truth, though. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Oh, my God. 235 00:10:04,681 --> 00:10:06,020 {\an7}\h\h\h-Until you see that and acknowledge 236 00:10:06,021 --> 00:10:07,548 {\an7}my position in the game, \h\hthen you're just not 237 00:10:07,549 --> 00:10:09,020 {\an7}respecting and understanding \h\h\h\h\hwhere I came from. 238 00:10:09,021 --> 00:10:10,987 {\an7}\h\h-No, you made a selfish-ass move. 239 00:10:10,988 --> 00:10:11,955 {\an7}That's what happened. 240 00:10:11,956 --> 00:10:15,723 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hl love Tori, but I'm not the type of friend 241 00:10:15,724 --> 00:10:17,680 {\an7}that is just gonna tell you \h\hwhat you want to hear. 242 00:10:17,681 --> 00:10:20,350 {\an7}I'm gonna be realistic \h\h\habout situations. 243 00:10:20,351 --> 00:10:21,921 {\an7}I need assurance from Tori 244 00:10:21,922 --> 00:10:23,789 {\an7}\hthat this is never gonna happen again. 245 00:10:23,790 --> 00:10:27,581 {\an7}I don't know how I'm gonna \hget it, but fool me once, 246 00:10:27,582 --> 00:10:31,053 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hshame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. 247 00:10:31,054 --> 00:10:32,888 {\an7}The shame will not be on me. 248 00:10:32,889 --> 00:10:36,482 {\an7}- I didn't choose \hto be on Ruby. 249 00:10:36,483 --> 00:10:37,153 {\an7}I'm gonna fight. 250 00:10:37,154 --> 00:10:39,416 {\an7}When you lose me as a partner, \h\h\h\h\hyou lose my strategy. 251 00:10:39,417 --> 00:10:41,317 {\an7}\hYou lose my game. You lose my heart. 252 00:10:41,318 --> 00:10:44,888 {\an7}\h\h\hYou lose it. You're so prideful. 253 00:10:44,889 --> 00:10:46,954 {\an7}\h\h\hYou can't apologize to your friend right now. 254 00:10:46,955 --> 00:10:48,053 {\an7}- No, I don't apologize for... 255 00:10:48,054 --> 00:10:49,416 {\an7}- You can't apologize \h\h\h\hto a friend. 256 00:10:49,417 --> 00:10:50,614 {\an7}- Things that I didn't \h\h\h\h\h\h\hdo wrong, 257 00:10:50,615 --> 00:10:53,614 {\an7}because then my apologies \h\hbecome watered down. 258 00:10:53,615 --> 00:10:55,680 {\an7}- So you're about to lose a friend, a real friend. 259 00:10:55,681 --> 00:10:57,855 {\an7}If you don't apologize, you're about to lose-- 260 00:10:57,856 --> 00:10:58,582 {\an7}- For what? 261 00:10:58,583 --> 00:10:59,888 {\an7}- Because you just can't accept \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthe fact 262 00:10:59,889 --> 00:11:01,053 {\an7}that you hurt my feelings. 263 00:11:01,054 --> 00:11:03,449 {\an7}Just say sorry; that's it. \h\hThat's all I'm asking. 264 00:11:03,450 --> 00:11:05,855 {\an7}Say, "Tori, I'm sorry." 265 00:11:05,856 --> 00:11:07,789 {\an7}\hBalancing friendships is incredibly difficult, 266 00:11:07,790 --> 00:11:09,548 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hbut this game is a hard game to play. 267 00:11:09,549 --> 00:11:13,515 {\an7}\h\hAnd listen, I had such an attachment to that team 268 00:11:13,516 --> 00:11:14,384 {\an7}that my heart is broken 269 00:11:14,385 --> 00:11:17,086 {\an7}\h\hand I'm just doing what I'm doing out of emotion... 270 00:11:17,087 --> 00:11:18,515 {\an7}- One, two, three. \h\h\hall: Emerald. 271 00:11:18,516 --> 00:11:20,855 {\an7}- Protecting my team, because \h\h\h\hthat's all I can do. 272 00:11:20,856 --> 00:11:23,954 {\an7}So it hurts that Devin \hand I are fighting, 273 00:11:23,955 --> 00:11:24,922 {\an7}because he's my real friend, 274 00:11:24,923 --> 00:11:27,020 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbut I just wish he would see it from my side. 275 00:11:27,021 --> 00:11:28,581 {\an7}You hurt my feelings. 276 00:11:28,582 --> 00:11:32,152 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-But I can't just blindly walk around apologizing 277 00:11:32,153 --> 00:11:34,789 {\an7}for people's feelings \h\h\h\hthat I hurt. 278 00:11:34,790 --> 00:11:35,450 {\an7}- Okay. 279 00:11:35,451 --> 00:11:38,053 {\an7}- A lot of people's feelings \hl hurt, and a lot of times 280 00:11:38,054 --> 00:11:41,053 {\an7}\h\h\hit's irrational, and this is irrational. 281 00:11:41,054 --> 00:11:48,681 {\an7}♪ ♪ 282 00:11:53,021 --> 00:11:55,647 {\an7}- I hate losing links. 283 00:11:55,648 --> 00:11:56,351 {\an7}I don't know. 284 00:11:56,352 --> 00:11:57,548 {\an7}\h\h\h\hl just, like, I've got a lot to do, 285 00:11:57,549 --> 00:12:00,119 {\an7}because I feel like the--like, the final is coming and, like, 286 00:12:00,120 --> 00:12:03,548 {\an7}I've been given, like, a gift in a way to be able to stay. 287 00:12:03,549 --> 00:12:07,921 {\an7}- If you hate losing, prepare \h\hyourself for not losing. 288 00:12:07,922 --> 00:12:08,648 {\an7}♪ ♪ 289 00:12:08,649 --> 00:12:12,053 {\an7}And you're not doing that, so you can't complain now. 290 00:12:12,054 --> 00:12:12,922 {\an7}- Yeah. 291 00:12:12,923 --> 00:12:13,987 {\an7}I thought I was going home, 292 00:12:13,988 --> 00:12:16,416 {\an7}\hand I've been given a second opportunity, 293 00:12:16,417 --> 00:12:18,723 {\an7}and I'm just so grateful \h\h\h\h\h\hto be here. 294 00:12:18,724 --> 00:12:21,954 {\an7}\h\h-You know what, Big T? Tonight's your lucky night. 295 00:12:21,955 --> 00:12:23,185 {\an7}You're back on the Ruby cell. 296 00:12:23,186 --> 00:12:26,515 {\an7}\h\h\h-You're back! [cheers and applause] 297 00:12:26,516 --> 00:12:27,219 {\an7}- Good job, T. 298 00:12:27,219 --> 00:12:28,120 {\an7}- I know a lot of people 299 00:12:28,121 --> 00:12:29,647 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hdon't think I deserve to be here. 300 00:12:29,648 --> 00:12:32,647 {\an7}And I know that people don't want to ride a final with me, 301 00:12:32,648 --> 00:12:37,581 {\an7}but, like, I want to fight, \hwin, and prove to myself 302 00:12:37,582 --> 00:12:39,822 {\an7}and to others that \h\hyou know what? 303 00:12:39,823 --> 00:12:41,680 {\an7}I am somebody who should, 304 00:12:41,681 --> 00:12:44,482 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hyou know, be recognized in this game. 305 00:12:44,483 --> 00:12:47,955 {\an7}- Tomorrow I'm gonna see you, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hlike... 306 00:12:50,120 --> 00:12:51,921 {\an7}chocolate with a paper. 307 00:12:51,922 --> 00:12:53,921 {\an7}\h\h\hl mean, "Big T, what are you doing?" 308 00:12:53,922 --> 00:12:55,548 {\an7}"Nothing." - [laughs] 309 00:12:55,549 --> 00:12:56,087 {\an7}And run. 310 00:12:56,088 --> 00:12:57,152 {\an7}\h-I'm not gonna do that anymore. 311 00:12:57,153 --> 00:12:59,614 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hBecause, like, I have to get super serious. 312 00:12:59,615 --> 00:13:00,647 {\an7}- I'm gonna be watching you. 313 00:13:00,648 --> 00:13:03,822 {\an7}- Yeah, do. You have to stay \h\h\h\h\hon top of my games. 314 00:13:03,823 --> 00:13:09,723 {\an7}♪ ♪ 315 00:13:09,724 --> 00:13:13,680 {\an7}- How many more challenges \h\h\h\hdo we really have? 316 00:13:13,681 --> 00:13:15,185 {\an7}[alarm blaring] 317 00:13:15,186 --> 00:13:18,921 {\an7}- Uh-oh. 318 00:13:18,922 --> 00:13:22,647 {\an7}Ahh. 319 00:13:22,648 --> 00:13:24,284 {\an7}- Oh, my God. 320 00:13:24,285 --> 00:13:25,581 {\an7}[dramatic music] 321 00:13:25,582 --> 00:13:28,251 {\an7}- I don't know how me and Kyle \h\h\hare gonna work together, 322 00:13:28,252 --> 00:13:30,053 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hbut I try 100% every mission. 323 00:13:30,054 --> 00:13:37,681 {\an7}♪ ♪ 324 00:13:43,252 --> 00:13:46,954 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-All right, agents. Welcome to your next mission. 325 00:13:46,955 --> 00:13:48,723 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 326 00:13:48,724 --> 00:13:49,954 {\an7}- Yeah. 327 00:13:49,955 --> 00:13:51,119 {\an7}- [indistinct]. 328 00:13:51,120 --> 00:13:53,185 {\an7}- Now, we all know the winners \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hof this season 329 00:13:53,186 --> 00:13:58,053 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwill walk away with their share of $1 million. 330 00:13:58,054 --> 00:13:59,614 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 331 00:13:59,615 --> 00:14:01,888 {\an7}- That's a lot of money. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Whoo! 332 00:14:01,889 --> 00:14:03,888 {\an7}- Oh, my God. 333 00:14:03,889 --> 00:14:07,152 {\an7}- For this next mission, I want you to really know 334 00:14:07,153 --> 00:14:13,789 {\an7}what $1 million looks like \h\h\h\h\h\hand feels like. 335 00:14:13,790 --> 00:14:15,614 {\an7}♪ ♪ 336 00:14:15,615 --> 00:14:16,789 {\an7}\h-Okay. - [bleep] 337 00:14:16,790 --> 00:14:18,185 {\an7}- Yeah, give us the money. 338 00:14:18,186 --> 00:14:20,789 {\an7}- Show us the money, Teej. 339 00:14:20,790 --> 00:14:28,219 {\an7}♪ ♪ 340 00:14:29,252 --> 00:14:32,317 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 341 00:14:32,318 --> 00:14:37,855 {\an7}- I didn't even think that you can print so much money, damn. 342 00:14:37,856 --> 00:14:40,614 {\an7}- Show me the money, \h\hwhat, what, what. 343 00:14:40,615 --> 00:14:44,614 {\an7}\h\h\h-It's so different when you actually see it 344 00:14:44,615 --> 00:14:45,549 {\an7}right in front of your face. 345 00:14:45,550 --> 00:14:47,020 {\an7}I'm looking at this stack \h\h\h\hof money thinking 346 00:14:47,021 --> 00:14:50,317 {\an7}\h\hof all the things that I can do with it 347 00:14:50,318 --> 00:14:54,647 {\an7}and God do I want it so bad. 348 00:14:54,648 --> 00:14:57,987 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Wow. - So that is $1 million. 349 00:14:57,988 --> 00:15:03,251 {\an7}Did you know that $1 million \h\hweighs over 2,000 pounds? 350 00:15:03,252 --> 00:15:04,317 {\an7}- Wow. Didn't know that. 351 00:15:04,318 --> 00:15:07,921 {\an7}\h-Well, today you're gonna feel the weight of that cash 352 00:15:07,922 --> 00:15:11,987 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\has today's mission is called Million Dollar Heist. 353 00:15:11,988 --> 00:15:13,317 {\an7}- Whoo! 354 00:15:13,318 --> 00:15:15,987 {\an7}[dramatic music] 355 00:15:15,988 --> 00:15:19,119 {\an7}- Each cell has $1 million \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hof cold, 356 00:15:19,120 --> 00:15:20,921 {\an7}hard cash locked in a vault. 357 00:15:20,922 --> 00:15:25,251 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hWhen I say go, using two duffel bags per cell, 358 00:15:25,252 --> 00:15:29,185 {\an7}\h\hyou are gonna transfer that money from your vault 359 00:15:29,186 --> 00:15:31,251 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hall the way to one of those badass 360 00:15:31,252 --> 00:15:32,756 {\an7}SUVs across the way. 361 00:15:32,757 --> 00:15:34,822 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hThe first cell to successfully transfer 362 00:15:34,823 --> 00:15:37,921 {\an7}$1 million from their vault \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto their SUV 363 00:15:37,922 --> 00:15:41,152 {\an7}will win today's mission \h\hand become our Agency 364 00:15:41,153 --> 00:15:44,383 {\an7}and will be the only cell \h\hsafe from elimination 365 00:15:44,384 --> 00:15:46,987 {\an7}while everyone else is on the chopping block. 366 00:15:46,988 --> 00:15:48,822 {\an7}All right, good luck, agents. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hLet's go. 367 00:15:48,823 --> 00:15:52,053 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Whoo! - Show me the money. 368 00:15:52,054 --> 00:15:55,020 {\an7}- Emerald City dreams \h\hback at it again. 369 00:15:55,021 --> 00:15:56,383 {\an7}- I think that we're just gonna \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hmake sure 370 00:15:56,384 --> 00:15:58,756 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hthat we're gonna pack these duffle bags efficiently. 371 00:15:58,757 --> 00:15:59,987 {\an7}So we have to take less trips. 372 00:15:59,988 --> 00:16:04,756 {\an7}- Secure the bags. \h\h\h\h-Yes, sir. 373 00:16:04,757 --> 00:16:06,954 {\an7}- We had a rocky road when 100% \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hof the team 374 00:16:06,955 --> 00:16:10,317 {\an7}that isn't me tried to rope \hme in, but I'm back now. 375 00:16:10,318 --> 00:16:12,284 {\an7}- Yeah, Sapphire's had some \h\h\h\h\h\h\htrust issues, 376 00:16:12,285 --> 00:16:13,317 {\an7}and now we're working on them, 377 00:16:13,318 --> 00:16:15,756 {\an7}But I think one thing we all \h\h\h\h\hhave in common is, 378 00:16:15,757 --> 00:16:16,483 {\an7}we want to win. 379 00:16:16,484 --> 00:16:18,756 {\an7}\h\h\hAnd I think we have a good chance of it too. 380 00:16:18,757 --> 00:16:21,723 {\an7}\h\h\h-Seeing that $1 million, and God. 381 00:16:21,724 --> 00:16:22,855 {\an7}I mean, we haven't \hwon anything yet, 382 00:16:22,856 --> 00:16:25,053 {\an7}but I honestly feel like seeing \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthat $1 million 383 00:16:25,054 --> 00:16:26,987 {\an7}it makes us all want it \h\h\h\hthat much more. 384 00:16:26,988 --> 00:16:29,218 {\an7}- The final is right \haround the corner. 385 00:16:29,219 --> 00:16:30,120 {\an7}We can all smell it. 386 00:16:30,121 --> 00:16:32,987 {\an7}\h\hSo this is a time to put up or shut up. 387 00:16:32,988 --> 00:16:34,449 {\an7}♪ ♪ 388 00:16:34,450 --> 00:16:38,317 {\an7}- All right, agents, \h\h\h\h\hyou ready? 389 00:16:38,318 --> 00:16:40,119 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hGo. [air horn blares] 390 00:16:40,120 --> 00:16:44,153 {\an7}- - Let's get the cash! \h\h\h\h\h\h-Let's go! 391 00:16:46,479 --> 00:16:47,513 - All right, agents. 392 00:16:47,580 --> 00:16:50,850 [dramatic music] 393 00:16:50,916 --> 00:16:52,118 Go. [air horn blares] 394 00:16:52,184 --> 00:16:53,886 - Let's get the cash! - Go. 395 00:16:53,953 --> 00:16:55,921 - Today's mission is Million Dollar Heist. 396 00:16:55,988 --> 00:16:58,791 Each team has to unload their safe 397 00:16:58,858 --> 00:17:02,094 to fill up a car with all the money. 398 00:17:02,161 --> 00:17:04,296 Trick is, you can only use two bags at a time. 399 00:17:04,363 --> 00:17:05,598 - Hold it open. 400 00:17:05,664 --> 00:17:07,166 - We have a simple system. 401 00:17:07,233 --> 00:17:10,002 We want to make sure our bags are as full as possible. 402 00:17:10,069 --> 00:17:12,838 You know, we're only three people; 403 00:17:12,905 --> 00:17:13,839 it's gonna be a lot of work. 404 00:17:13,906 --> 00:17:16,409 - All right, next. 405 00:17:16,475 --> 00:17:18,944 Load up that one, Emy. 406 00:17:19,011 --> 00:17:22,915 - [indistinct]. 407 00:17:22,982 --> 00:17:24,784 - Second bag. 408 00:17:24,850 --> 00:17:27,586 - Out. 409 00:17:27,653 --> 00:17:30,523 ♪ ♪ 410 00:17:30,589 --> 00:17:32,058 - [indistinct]. 411 00:17:32,124 --> 00:17:34,693 - Load it up. - [indistinct]. 412 00:17:34,760 --> 00:17:37,930 - Let's go. 413 00:17:37,997 --> 00:17:40,166 - [indistinct]. - Let's go. [indistinct]. 414 00:17:40,232 --> 00:17:41,467 - Let's go. - Let's go. 415 00:17:41,534 --> 00:17:42,802 - Grab a handle, Kayce, grab a handle. 416 00:17:42,868 --> 00:17:44,970 - Here, I got it. 417 00:17:45,037 --> 00:17:46,338 - Okay. Let's go. 418 00:17:46,405 --> 00:17:52,011 ♪ ♪ 419 00:17:52,078 --> 00:17:53,979 - Quick guys; they're catching up. 420 00:17:54,046 --> 00:17:55,214 - It's okay. - Relax. 421 00:17:55,281 --> 00:17:56,749 - Good job, you guys, keep it moving. 422 00:17:56,816 --> 00:17:58,484 - We're here. Dump. 423 00:17:58,551 --> 00:18:04,457 ♪ ♪ 424 00:18:04,523 --> 00:18:05,758 - Go. 425 00:18:05,825 --> 00:18:09,361 ♪ ♪ 426 00:18:09,428 --> 00:18:10,796 - Go, Big T. 427 00:18:10,863 --> 00:18:13,199 - Today's so important for me personally, because 428 00:18:13,265 --> 00:18:15,468 it's going to be a girls' elimination. 429 00:18:15,534 --> 00:18:18,270 I want to show my team that I'm not gonna stop. 430 00:18:18,337 --> 00:18:20,439 I'm gonna do exactly what they ask of me. 431 00:18:20,506 --> 00:18:23,609 I want to let them know that you can ride a final with me. 432 00:18:23,676 --> 00:18:26,078 I'm not a quitter. 433 00:18:26,145 --> 00:18:27,513 - [indistinct]. Let's go. 434 00:18:27,580 --> 00:18:30,750 - Come on, Big T. 435 00:18:30,816 --> 00:18:33,853 - Wait, wait, wait, ready? - Yeah. 436 00:18:33,986 --> 00:18:36,455 - Take a breath. 437 00:18:36,522 --> 00:18:38,124 - Start filling that one. - Shove it in the corner. 438 00:18:38,190 --> 00:18:39,792 You see how there's so much room down here? 439 00:18:39,859 --> 00:18:41,293 - Yeah. - Let's go. You got this. 440 00:18:41,360 --> 00:18:42,561 Here we go. 441 00:18:42,628 --> 00:18:44,397 - Every single agent on the Emerald cell 442 00:18:44,463 --> 00:18:45,831 is doing their part. 443 00:18:45,931 --> 00:18:47,633 I am so proud of Amanda too. 444 00:18:47,700 --> 00:18:51,103 She's putting in the work, and she's being very positive. 445 00:18:51,170 --> 00:18:54,273 I know, weird, Amanda being positive. 446 00:18:54,340 --> 00:18:55,574 - Nice and slow. 447 00:18:55,641 --> 00:18:57,942 - Here we go in the corner. - Coming down. 448 00:18:57,943 --> 00:18:59,445 - Couple of handfuls here. - There we go. 449 00:18:59,512 --> 00:19:00,946 - Coming at you. 450 00:19:00,980 --> 00:19:03,682 - It's so important that the Emerald cell believes in me 451 00:19:03,749 --> 00:19:05,184 and that I can prove to them 452 00:19:05,251 --> 00:19:06,752 that I'm here to fight, and I'm here to win. 453 00:19:06,819 --> 00:19:08,320 And I need to make sure I'm safe, 454 00:19:08,387 --> 00:19:10,056 because there's not a lot of girls left, 455 00:19:10,122 --> 00:19:12,958 and I cannot go down into the elimination floor again. 456 00:19:12,992 --> 00:19:16,128 Because every time you go down there, you risk going home. 457 00:19:16,195 --> 00:19:17,430 - Hold it open. Hold it open. 458 00:19:17,496 --> 00:19:20,399 - The other side. The other side, Big T. 459 00:19:24,470 --> 00:19:25,538 Ohh. 460 00:19:25,604 --> 00:19:28,274 All right. All right. All right. 461 00:19:28,340 --> 00:19:31,544 - Kyle, CT, stubborn. 462 00:19:31,610 --> 00:19:34,380 Two big, strong stones. 463 00:19:34,447 --> 00:19:37,616 I think that we cannot get to the same page, 464 00:19:37,683 --> 00:19:40,152 but I will try my best. 465 00:19:40,219 --> 00:19:42,054 - Move. - Less trips is better. 466 00:19:42,121 --> 00:19:44,457 - Help, help. Help me. - Less trips is better. 467 00:19:44,523 --> 00:19:46,559 ♪ ♪ 468 00:19:46,625 --> 00:19:48,060 - [grunts] 469 00:19:48,127 --> 00:19:49,562 - How do you feel? 470 00:19:49,628 --> 00:19:50,696 - Good. - Good? 471 00:19:50,763 --> 00:19:51,931 - How you feeling, Nelson? 472 00:19:51,997 --> 00:19:54,066 - Good. - Ruby's not doing too bad. 473 00:19:54,133 --> 00:19:56,102 - I quickly realized that it's Ruby 474 00:19:56,168 --> 00:19:57,503 that we need to worry about. 475 00:19:57,570 --> 00:19:59,772 It doesn't seem like Big T is stopping. 476 00:19:59,839 --> 00:20:02,341 Tori, Logan, and Nelson, 477 00:20:02,408 --> 00:20:05,010 they are just completely dominating this challenge. 478 00:20:05,077 --> 00:20:08,214 So this is Emerald's time to pick up the pace 479 00:20:08,280 --> 00:20:09,615 and get the job done. 480 00:20:09,682 --> 00:20:13,185 Because if not, Ruby's gonna take this one. 481 00:20:13,252 --> 00:20:14,520 - We've got to maximize these trips. 482 00:20:14,587 --> 00:20:17,456 - Yes, definitely. - They're going light. 483 00:20:17,523 --> 00:20:19,425 Guys, this is a marathon, not a sprint. 484 00:20:19,492 --> 00:20:22,661 - Yeah. - We have to use strategy. 485 00:20:22,728 --> 00:20:25,998 These other cells are gonna make as many trips as they can. 486 00:20:26,065 --> 00:20:28,401 We're gonna take as few trips as possible. 487 00:20:28,467 --> 00:20:31,036 Fill these bags, make them as heavy as possible. 488 00:20:31,103 --> 00:20:33,539 Make every single trip count. 489 00:20:33,606 --> 00:20:35,207 'Cause we're not gonna win a sprint, 490 00:20:35,274 --> 00:20:37,176 but we got a shot in a marathon. 491 00:20:37,243 --> 00:20:38,744 Can we get more in that one? - No. 492 00:20:38,811 --> 00:20:40,312 - No. - No? 493 00:20:40,379 --> 00:20:43,215 Here. Let's take doubles here. 494 00:20:43,282 --> 00:20:45,151 - [groans] - Breathe, breathe. 495 00:20:45,217 --> 00:20:47,586 - It's not easy to steal $1 million. 496 00:20:47,653 --> 00:20:51,924 Don't give me $1 million; just make me a transfer. 497 00:20:51,991 --> 00:20:56,829 My bank account is S76 [bleep]. 498 00:20:56,929 --> 00:21:00,699 - ♪ The best things in life are free ♪ 499 00:21:00,766 --> 00:21:03,602 ♪ But you can give them to the birds and bees ♪ 500 00:21:03,669 --> 00:21:04,970 ♪ I want money ♪ 501 00:21:05,037 --> 00:21:06,038 - Yeah, push it all back, CT. 502 00:21:06,105 --> 00:21:07,073 - [bleep] brutal. 503 00:21:07,139 --> 00:21:08,641 [indistinct]. 504 00:21:08,707 --> 00:21:10,976 - Whew. 505 00:21:11,043 --> 00:21:12,178 - [indistinct] in the back. 506 00:21:12,244 --> 00:21:15,314 - Gotta work for our money. 507 00:21:15,381 --> 00:21:19,318 - ♪ Your love gives me such a thrill ♪ 508 00:21:19,385 --> 00:21:21,587 ♪ But your love won't pay my bills ♪ 509 00:21:21,654 --> 00:21:23,089 ♪ I want money ♪ 510 00:21:23,155 --> 00:21:25,957 - Ready bag two? 511 00:21:25,958 --> 00:21:26,959 - ♪ That's what I want ♪ 512 00:21:27,026 --> 00:21:30,329 - Ready? Here we go. Open. 513 00:21:30,396 --> 00:21:35,468 - Hey, it's a lot of money, right? Take it easy. 514 00:21:35,534 --> 00:21:37,369 - We're doing really good. Like, Ruby is, like, 515 00:21:37,436 --> 00:21:38,971 neck-and-neck with us basically. 516 00:21:39,004 --> 00:21:40,072 - So we need to pick it up. - So we need to like, really-- 517 00:21:40,139 --> 00:21:42,208 - This is our time now. - Yeah. 518 00:21:42,274 --> 00:21:43,542 - Let's go, you guys. Come on. 519 00:21:43,609 --> 00:21:44,777 We can do it. 520 00:21:44,910 --> 00:21:51,751 ♪ ♪ 521 00:21:54,553 --> 00:21:56,122 - I need one minute, and then I'll pack. 522 00:21:56,188 --> 00:21:59,225 [tense music] 523 00:21:59,291 --> 00:22:03,095 - Devin's endurance is where he lacks. 524 00:22:03,162 --> 00:22:04,663 He'd rather pick up a beer 525 00:22:04,730 --> 00:22:09,168 and shoot pool all day than jump on a treadmill. 526 00:22:09,235 --> 00:22:11,470 - All right. - Switch with it? 527 00:22:11,537 --> 00:22:13,072 - Yeah. - I got big ones coming. 528 00:22:13,139 --> 00:22:14,573 - All right. We need to get some of this off the ground. 529 00:22:14,640 --> 00:22:16,275 - Guys, don't just stand around; let's go. 530 00:22:16,342 --> 00:22:18,944 - [bleep]. Yeah. Let's go. 531 00:22:18,978 --> 00:22:20,312 - It's light. This one's light. 532 00:22:20,379 --> 00:22:21,714 - I'm disappointed in this one. 533 00:22:21,781 --> 00:22:27,219 ♪ ♪ 534 00:22:27,286 --> 00:22:28,953 - Watch the wind doesn't blow it out. 535 00:22:28,954 --> 00:22:32,691 - Yeah, I know! - Let's go. 536 00:22:32,758 --> 00:22:33,959 - Let's go! 537 00:22:34,026 --> 00:22:35,828 Shut the door. 538 00:22:35,961 --> 00:22:38,230 ♪ ♪ 539 00:22:38,297 --> 00:22:40,533 - Kyle is kind of like a broken mirror. 540 00:22:40,599 --> 00:22:42,968 He's just bad luck; wherever he goes, 541 00:22:43,002 --> 00:22:44,904 something bad happens. 542 00:22:44,937 --> 00:22:46,272 He never seems to win. 543 00:22:46,338 --> 00:22:48,307 Something always wrong. 544 00:22:48,374 --> 00:22:51,610 There's drama and distractions. 545 00:22:51,677 --> 00:22:54,747 - You can do it. There's a long way to go. 546 00:22:54,814 --> 00:22:55,915 I'm so proud of you guys. 547 00:22:55,981 --> 00:22:57,817 It's only a 30-second run. 548 00:22:57,917 --> 00:23:00,919 Count to 30 in your head when it hurts. We can do this. 549 00:23:00,920 --> 00:23:02,488 Everyone's afraid of Ruby right now, because they know 550 00:23:02,555 --> 00:23:04,323 if we win we're gonna do some [bleep]. 551 00:23:04,390 --> 00:23:05,925 - Oh, my God. 552 00:23:05,958 --> 00:23:07,727 We're killing it right now. 553 00:23:07,793 --> 00:23:10,429 There's no way we should lose this mission. 554 00:23:10,496 --> 00:23:14,934 We have a big lead on Emerald cell and Sapphire cell. 555 00:23:14,967 --> 00:23:17,069 This is our mission to win. 556 00:23:17,136 --> 00:23:18,370 - Yeah. Ruby's right on our asses 557 00:23:18,437 --> 00:23:20,473 but, like, you guys are killing it. 558 00:23:20,539 --> 00:23:23,776 - This is a lot of [bleep] money. 559 00:23:23,843 --> 00:23:28,547 - Ruby team, they are moving, but we have got to move faster, 560 00:23:28,614 --> 00:23:30,082 because we cannot let them win. 561 00:23:30,149 --> 00:23:33,219 It's crucial, crucial, crucial that we win this, 562 00:23:33,285 --> 00:23:36,155 because if we can win today's mission, 563 00:23:36,222 --> 00:23:38,290 then us ladies, me, 564 00:23:38,357 --> 00:23:41,093 Nany, and Amanda can be safe from elimination. 565 00:23:41,160 --> 00:23:42,361 - Okay, okay, okay. - Got it. 566 00:23:42,428 --> 00:23:43,963 - Yeah, don't do that in the end. 567 00:23:44,029 --> 00:23:45,331 When you see it being full, that's what happens. 568 00:23:45,398 --> 00:23:47,199 Get it loose, loose. - That's what I'm doing. 569 00:23:47,266 --> 00:23:48,200 - No you. I know. - Open. 570 00:23:48,267 --> 00:23:49,635 - Be careful with the toss; 571 00:23:49,702 --> 00:23:52,438 make sure it's all inside before you let it go. 572 00:23:52,505 --> 00:23:54,974 - You guys okay? - Yeah, I'm okay. I'm okay. 573 00:23:55,040 --> 00:23:57,143 - Come on. 574 00:23:59,045 --> 00:24:01,447 Big T, you can't stop. 575 00:24:01,514 --> 00:24:03,315 It's just a couple miles. 576 00:24:03,382 --> 00:24:04,750 It's not too much. 577 00:24:04,817 --> 00:24:08,087 So no, you're not gonna stop, Big T. 578 00:24:08,154 --> 00:24:09,188 Big T. 579 00:24:09,255 --> 00:24:13,826 - Yeah. 580 00:24:13,926 --> 00:24:15,261 - Okay. 581 00:24:15,327 --> 00:24:19,999 ♪ ♪ 582 00:24:20,066 --> 00:24:22,201 - [grunting] 583 00:24:22,268 --> 00:24:25,704 ♪ ♪ 584 00:24:25,771 --> 00:24:27,440 - Big T, that's the wrong car. - Big T, it's the wrong car. 585 00:24:27,506 --> 00:24:28,507 - Big T. 586 00:24:28,574 --> 00:24:29,809 - What are you [bleep] doing? 587 00:24:29,942 --> 00:24:32,011 - Get the [bleep] out. It's the wrong car. 588 00:24:32,078 --> 00:24:34,246 Get the [bleep] out. 589 00:24:34,313 --> 00:24:35,781 - [bleep]. 590 00:24:37,182 --> 00:24:42,254 - [grunting] 591 00:24:42,321 --> 00:24:44,523 - Big T, that's the wrong car. - Big T, it's the wrong car. 592 00:24:44,590 --> 00:24:45,657 - Big T. 593 00:24:45,724 --> 00:24:46,959 - What the [bleep] are you doing? 594 00:24:47,025 --> 00:24:48,627 - Get the [bleep] out. It's the wrong car. 595 00:24:48,694 --> 00:24:50,696 - Sorry. - Big T, we need you 596 00:24:50,762 --> 00:24:52,130 in the game now. Okay, buddy? 597 00:24:52,197 --> 00:24:53,131 - Sorry. - It's all right. 598 00:24:53,198 --> 00:24:54,800 You got a--head in the game. 599 00:24:54,867 --> 00:24:57,402 - Big T needs to get her head out of her ass right now. 600 00:24:57,469 --> 00:24:59,438 I am about to explode. 601 00:24:59,504 --> 00:25:02,875 If we can't complete this mission, Big T, 602 00:25:02,941 --> 00:25:05,077 what do you expect us to do in the final? 603 00:25:05,143 --> 00:25:07,746 - You're doing great. - I feel embarrassed. 604 00:25:07,813 --> 00:25:10,582 I feel as if I'm the weakest female agent. 605 00:25:10,649 --> 00:25:12,918 Anyway, that doesn't matter. 606 00:25:12,985 --> 00:25:15,721 I need to focus on what I need to do now. 607 00:25:15,787 --> 00:25:22,694 ♪ ♪ 608 00:25:24,096 --> 00:25:27,432 - Keep going. - There you go; there you go. 609 00:25:27,499 --> 00:25:28,500 That's good. - Good? 610 00:25:28,567 --> 00:25:30,702 - That's real good. 611 00:25:30,769 --> 00:25:33,505 - Emy, switch. - Okay. 612 00:25:33,572 --> 00:25:36,542 - Walk back one here; walk back to the car. 613 00:25:36,608 --> 00:25:37,910 Now we're conserving. 614 00:25:37,976 --> 00:25:39,244 - This time I'm gonna carry it on my back, 615 00:25:39,311 --> 00:25:40,312 'cause I think it's easier. 616 00:25:40,412 --> 00:25:41,480 - Okay. 617 00:25:41,547 --> 00:25:42,781 Let's go. Break's over. 618 00:25:42,848 --> 00:25:48,053 ♪ ♪ 619 00:25:48,120 --> 00:25:51,323 - Guys, we're so close. So we gotta go. Go. 620 00:25:51,423 --> 00:25:55,961 ♪ ♪ 621 00:25:56,028 --> 00:25:58,429 Guys, it's three more trips and we're done. 622 00:25:58,430 --> 00:25:59,998 We're almost there. 623 00:26:00,065 --> 00:26:01,300 If Ruby keeps up this pace, 624 00:26:01,433 --> 00:26:02,634 there's a good chance that we could win today. 625 00:26:02,701 --> 00:26:04,903 And that is gonna flip the house upside down. 626 00:26:04,970 --> 00:26:11,977 ♪ ♪ 627 00:26:12,044 --> 00:26:15,147 - [indistinct]. 628 00:26:15,214 --> 00:26:16,648 - [panting] 629 00:26:16,715 --> 00:26:20,052 Nelson, head up and breathe. 630 00:26:20,118 --> 00:26:21,453 Big T, help him. 631 00:26:21,486 --> 00:26:23,288 I just did something; you got to do something. 632 00:26:23,355 --> 00:26:24,990 We have two more trips left. 633 00:26:25,057 --> 00:26:30,229 ♪ ♪ 634 00:26:30,295 --> 00:26:31,463 - Good job, Dev. 635 00:26:31,530 --> 00:26:32,698 - Oh, [bleep]. 636 00:26:32,764 --> 00:26:33,899 - Big T, come on, get away from us. 637 00:26:33,966 --> 00:26:35,701 - Big T. - You're pushing on the floor. 638 00:26:35,767 --> 00:26:37,703 - Sorry. - This is the last one. 639 00:26:37,769 --> 00:26:39,538 Okay. We're gonna fit it. Fit it, fit it. 640 00:26:39,605 --> 00:26:41,440 - No, no, we have to run; it's better to run. 641 00:26:41,506 --> 00:26:42,474 - No. - All right, well, run now. 642 00:26:42,541 --> 00:26:43,508 Run now. - It's not better to run. 643 00:26:43,575 --> 00:26:45,043 It's better to [bleep] fit. 644 00:26:45,110 --> 00:26:46,778 - It's not possible; we're losing time now. 645 00:26:46,845 --> 00:26:48,780 - We gotta put in all this. - It's not possible. 646 00:26:48,847 --> 00:26:51,083 This is full, this is full, it's not closing. 647 00:26:51,149 --> 00:26:52,284 We have to go. 648 00:26:52,417 --> 00:26:59,491 ♪ ♪ 649 00:27:04,596 --> 00:27:05,831 - Yeah, guys, they're on their last trip. 650 00:27:05,898 --> 00:27:07,666 If Ruby comes back we're [bleep]. 651 00:27:07,733 --> 00:27:09,434 - Wait, yeah. - What? 652 00:27:09,468 --> 00:27:10,502 - They're on--we have one more bag; that's it. 653 00:27:10,569 --> 00:27:11,970 - We have to do it now. - Hurry. 654 00:27:12,037 --> 00:27:15,507 - Ruby cell is right behind us. Nelson is a beast. 655 00:27:15,574 --> 00:27:16,675 He's probably one of the strongest guys 656 00:27:16,742 --> 00:27:18,442 I have ever met in my life. 657 00:27:18,443 --> 00:27:21,213 If we don't hurry up, Ruby's gonna show up to their vault, 658 00:27:21,280 --> 00:27:22,548 and they're gonna sprint and beat us. 659 00:27:22,614 --> 00:27:23,849 - Big T, what the [bleep]? 660 00:27:23,916 --> 00:27:25,517 - I'm holding the money in. - No, you're not. 661 00:27:25,584 --> 00:27:27,186 I love you, but that's not helping. 662 00:27:27,252 --> 00:27:29,087 - This is it, guys; this is it. 663 00:27:29,154 --> 00:27:31,657 - Emanuel, Nany, and Kaycee, you're taking 'em. 664 00:27:31,723 --> 00:27:34,459 I'm going to the car and pushing everything back. 665 00:27:34,526 --> 00:27:35,827 - Pack everything. 666 00:27:35,894 --> 00:27:37,696 - I am pretty impressed with Amanda today. 667 00:27:37,763 --> 00:27:42,000 I've never seen her so passionate about her team. 668 00:27:42,067 --> 00:27:46,238 We're working so hard. I love it. I love to see it. 669 00:27:46,305 --> 00:27:48,407 - Let's go! 670 00:27:48,473 --> 00:27:51,810 - Get it. 671 00:27:51,877 --> 00:27:54,780 - They're on their last one. They're on their last one. 672 00:27:54,846 --> 00:27:56,582 - You gotta give me all you got right now. 673 00:27:56,648 --> 00:27:58,851 Keep jogging. - Let's go, bitches. 674 00:27:58,917 --> 00:28:00,485 - Guys, they're on their way back. 675 00:28:00,552 --> 00:28:07,693 ♪ ♪ 676 00:28:11,930 --> 00:28:13,165 - There's no time to waste. 677 00:28:13,232 --> 00:28:15,467 This is about, you know, footrace, people. 678 00:28:15,534 --> 00:28:19,438 ♪ ♪ 679 00:28:19,471 --> 00:28:22,674 - [bleep]. - Let's go! 680 00:28:22,741 --> 00:28:24,009 - They still have to fit it. 681 00:28:24,076 --> 00:28:25,711 We just can't stop. Of course, 682 00:28:25,777 --> 00:28:27,946 they have us beat right now, but they still have 683 00:28:28,013 --> 00:28:30,182 to fit all of that money in their car. 684 00:28:30,249 --> 00:28:33,218 We can't give up; we have to keep going. 685 00:28:33,285 --> 00:28:34,452 - Make sure there's nothing. 686 00:28:34,453 --> 00:28:38,657 ♪ ♪ 687 00:28:38,724 --> 00:28:40,692 There's got to be nothing. 688 00:28:40,759 --> 00:28:42,694 - Ready for a sprint? - Yeah. 689 00:28:42,761 --> 00:28:45,097 - Okay, next bag. - Check that bag. 690 00:28:45,163 --> 00:28:46,632 - Run. 691 00:28:46,698 --> 00:28:48,133 - They still have to fit it. - Nany. 692 00:28:48,200 --> 00:28:50,869 - They still have to fit it. They still have to fit it. 693 00:28:50,936 --> 00:28:54,405 ♪ ♪ 694 00:28:54,406 --> 00:28:55,574 - Come on, Nany. 695 00:28:55,641 --> 00:28:58,043 - Big T, you'll have to sprint. 696 00:28:58,110 --> 00:29:02,114 - Let's not [bleep] up. We're not done; let's go. 697 00:29:02,180 --> 00:29:03,414 - Done. - Shut it, shut it, shut it. 698 00:29:03,415 --> 00:29:06,318 - Close it, close it. 699 00:29:06,418 --> 00:29:08,020 - Shut it. 700 00:29:08,086 --> 00:29:09,321 ♪ ♪ 701 00:29:09,421 --> 00:29:11,156 Oh, come on. Can this thing go any slower? 702 00:29:11,223 --> 00:29:13,458 [air horn blares] - All right, Emerald wins. 703 00:29:13,525 --> 00:29:15,894 [cheers and applause] - Let's go! 704 00:29:15,961 --> 00:29:19,865 ♪ ♪ 705 00:29:19,932 --> 00:29:21,133 - Let's get in here. - [bleep] yeah. 706 00:29:21,200 --> 00:29:23,969 - Oh, my God. - Good [bleep] job. 707 00:29:24,036 --> 00:29:27,005 - Whoo! - Good [bleep] job. 708 00:29:27,072 --> 00:29:30,576 Good [bleep]. [indistinct]. 709 00:29:30,642 --> 00:29:33,845 - Three. One, two, three... all: Emerald! 710 00:29:33,912 --> 00:29:36,281 Whoo! 711 00:29:36,381 --> 00:29:40,385 ♪ ♪ 712 00:29:40,452 --> 00:29:43,655 - Great mission today, agents; you all crushed it. 713 00:29:43,722 --> 00:29:45,190 - Good job, guys. - Whoo! 714 00:29:45,257 --> 00:29:46,959 - Good work. 715 00:29:47,025 --> 00:29:51,930 - This is just a little taste of what's to come in my final. 716 00:29:51,997 --> 00:29:54,700 Emerald cell absolutely killing it. 717 00:29:54,766 --> 00:29:56,602 Once again, congratulations. 718 00:29:56,668 --> 00:29:58,036 [applause] 719 00:29:58,103 --> 00:29:59,404 - Hell, yeah, baby. 720 00:29:59,471 --> 00:30:02,407 - For the fifth time, well done. 721 00:30:02,441 --> 00:30:04,610 You are now the Agency. 722 00:30:04,676 --> 00:30:07,813 I need you to compromise one female agent 723 00:30:07,880 --> 00:30:09,281 to send them to The Lair 724 00:30:09,414 --> 00:30:11,950 while everyone else is on the chopping block. 725 00:30:12,017 --> 00:30:14,920 It's getting tight and getting down to the end. 726 00:30:14,987 --> 00:30:16,088 Good luck. 727 00:30:16,154 --> 00:30:17,956 [applause] 728 00:30:18,023 --> 00:30:20,926 - There are only three possible options 729 00:30:20,993 --> 00:30:22,694 for girls in this elimination. 730 00:30:22,761 --> 00:30:25,430 It's me, Big T, and Emy. And two of us are going in. 731 00:30:25,464 --> 00:30:26,431 I'm not happy about it. 732 00:30:26,432 --> 00:30:29,034 ♪ ♪ 733 00:30:31,327 --> 00:30:33,996 [Dropkick Murphys' "The Warrior's Code] 734 00:30:34,063 --> 00:30:40,436 ♪ ♪ 735 00:30:40,502 --> 00:30:44,139 [cheers and applause] 736 00:30:44,206 --> 00:30:47,843 ♪ ♪ 737 00:30:47,910 --> 00:30:51,046 - Welcome to my party. 738 00:30:51,113 --> 00:30:52,247 Let's go, baby. 739 00:30:52,314 --> 00:30:56,051 The big two nine, my guy, half of Dyle. 740 00:30:56,118 --> 00:30:57,886 It is incredibly important for me 741 00:30:57,953 --> 00:31:00,356 to throw him a very special party. 742 00:31:00,422 --> 00:31:02,858 - ♪ You're the fighter ♪ 743 00:31:02,925 --> 00:31:04,526 ♪ You've got the fire ♪ 744 00:31:04,593 --> 00:31:10,432 ♪ The spirit of a warrior, the champion's heart ♪ 745 00:31:10,499 --> 00:31:12,101 ♪ You fight for your life ♪ 746 00:31:12,167 --> 00:31:13,335 ♪ Because the fighter never quits ♪ 747 00:31:13,402 --> 00:31:16,538 - Let's [bleep] get it! 748 00:31:16,605 --> 00:31:20,209 Whoo! 749 00:31:20,275 --> 00:31:23,245 - We are going to party Scottish-style. 750 00:31:23,312 --> 00:31:25,881 [indistinct]. 751 00:31:25,948 --> 00:31:27,750 That was such a bad accent. 752 00:31:27,816 --> 00:31:29,351 Where's the haggis? 753 00:31:29,418 --> 00:31:36,558 ♪ ♪ 754 00:31:40,529 --> 00:31:42,464 - ♪ Micky ♪ 755 00:31:42,531 --> 00:31:44,066 - ♪ It's a warrior's code ♪ 756 00:31:44,133 --> 00:31:46,101 - It's cool that we can all separate the game 757 00:31:46,168 --> 00:31:49,138 and people actually care about my birthday. 758 00:31:49,204 --> 00:31:52,808 I've dedicated all of my life to "The Challenge," 759 00:31:52,908 --> 00:31:55,044 and it's nice to feel loved. 760 00:31:55,110 --> 00:31:58,347 - Whoo! 761 00:31:58,414 --> 00:32:01,383 ♪ ♪ 762 00:32:01,450 --> 00:32:03,185 [indistinct chatter] 763 00:32:03,252 --> 00:32:07,923 - So, Tori, obviously it's girls' elimination. 764 00:32:07,990 --> 00:32:10,959 - Yeah. - I'm gonna throw myself in, 765 00:32:11,026 --> 00:32:13,228 because I'm so sick of being, 766 00:32:13,295 --> 00:32:16,298 like, the weakest link in our team. 767 00:32:16,365 --> 00:32:17,933 We didn't win because of me, like, you know. 768 00:32:18,000 --> 00:32:19,201 - No, it's not just because of you. 769 00:32:19,268 --> 00:32:20,636 - No, but, like, I could've helped out. 770 00:32:20,703 --> 00:32:22,438 You know? If I go to the final, 771 00:32:22,504 --> 00:32:24,940 I want to feel as if I've had my peace there. 772 00:32:24,973 --> 00:32:27,142 I just want to go in there; I want to fight. 773 00:32:27,209 --> 00:32:28,577 And if I do win, 774 00:32:28,644 --> 00:32:30,346 that would make me feel like-- 775 00:32:30,412 --> 00:32:31,613 Have some faith in myself. - That you deserve to be here. 776 00:32:31,680 --> 00:32:33,248 - That you deserve to be here. 777 00:32:33,315 --> 00:32:36,685 And the only way to fix that is to go to elimination and win. 778 00:32:36,752 --> 00:32:38,721 I don't have an easy decision to make 779 00:32:38,787 --> 00:32:41,090 If I am to go down into The Lair. 780 00:32:41,156 --> 00:32:46,894 I have Tori, and I have Emy, and they are both beasts. 781 00:32:46,895 --> 00:32:48,430 When you go down into The Lair, 782 00:32:48,497 --> 00:32:51,166 you have to be able to perform while under pressure. 783 00:32:51,233 --> 00:32:55,070 And I feel as if Emy is more likely to panic under pressure 784 00:32:55,137 --> 00:32:59,508 than Tori is purely because of experience. 785 00:32:59,575 --> 00:33:01,176 - If you win, would you switch? 786 00:33:01,243 --> 00:33:02,344 - Yeah. - Where would you go? 787 00:33:02,411 --> 00:33:05,347 - Emerald. 788 00:33:05,414 --> 00:33:08,150 - Yeah, I'm curious what they're talking about. 789 00:33:08,217 --> 00:33:09,318 We can see... 790 00:33:16,925 --> 00:33:18,827 You know that, right? - If Big T wins, yes. 791 00:33:18,927 --> 00:33:21,330 - Yes, she's gonna infiltrate. 792 00:33:21,397 --> 00:33:23,499 What Emerald is trying to avoid right now 793 00:33:23,565 --> 00:33:25,668 is to be infiltrated any more. 794 00:33:25,734 --> 00:33:28,070 We want to keep our team dynamic, 795 00:33:28,137 --> 00:33:29,471 work on that team dynamic. 796 00:33:29,538 --> 00:33:32,041 And when you keep switching people in and out, 797 00:33:32,107 --> 00:33:33,876 it just throws everything off. 798 00:33:35,310 --> 00:33:36,311 - Yeah, yeah. 799 00:33:36,378 --> 00:33:43,152 ♪ ♪ 800 00:33:49,558 --> 00:33:51,460 - Emerald, Emerald. 801 00:33:51,527 --> 00:33:56,799 - So here's what I'm thinking. 802 00:33:56,899 --> 00:34:01,370 Up until now, every time that Emerald has won, 803 00:34:01,437 --> 00:34:05,941 we have put everybody else before ourselves. 804 00:34:06,008 --> 00:34:08,577 And no offense, Amanda, but we've seen this once 805 00:34:08,644 --> 00:34:13,048 where someone wants to go in, we let them go in, 806 00:34:13,115 --> 00:34:17,319 they infiltrate our team and make us weaker. 807 00:34:17,386 --> 00:34:22,057 Something tells me that that's Big T's exact plan. 808 00:34:22,124 --> 00:34:25,828 I understand that Big T wants to infiltrate Emerald. 809 00:34:25,928 --> 00:34:27,963 I get that that works for her, 810 00:34:28,030 --> 00:34:30,065 but it doesn't really work for me. 811 00:34:30,132 --> 00:34:32,601 There's likely another male elimination. 812 00:34:32,668 --> 00:34:34,970 And I cannot have you on my team 813 00:34:35,037 --> 00:34:37,106 jeopardizing my position in this game. 814 00:34:37,172 --> 00:34:39,874 So I'm gonna do everything in my power 815 00:34:39,875 --> 00:34:43,112 to leverage our position as Agency. 816 00:34:43,178 --> 00:34:47,016 - I say we don't vote Big T in. She's going in 100%. 817 00:34:47,082 --> 00:34:49,918 Whoever goes down is gonna call out Big T. 818 00:34:49,985 --> 00:34:52,021 - But then let's make sure she loses. 819 00:34:52,087 --> 00:34:53,522 - We should vote in Tori. 820 00:34:53,589 --> 00:34:55,457 ♪ ♪ 821 00:34:55,524 --> 00:34:56,792 - If it were up to me, 822 00:34:56,892 --> 00:34:59,428 I feel like maybe Tori would be our best bet. 823 00:34:59,495 --> 00:35:03,098 To make a team weak, you need to take out a strong player. 824 00:35:03,165 --> 00:35:06,669 Hello? Does anyone get this concept? 825 00:35:06,735 --> 00:35:08,971 No. Okay, cool. Put in Big T. 826 00:35:09,038 --> 00:35:12,508 - If Tori wins and she comes over, we get stronger. 827 00:35:12,574 --> 00:35:15,477 I don't want to do this, because she's my friend, 828 00:35:15,544 --> 00:35:18,981 but I can't have Big T coming over here. 829 00:35:19,048 --> 00:35:26,188 ♪ ♪ 830 00:35:29,158 --> 00:35:32,328 So the master plan is for Big T 831 00:35:32,394 --> 00:35:34,663 to go in there and then infiltrate Emerald. 832 00:35:34,730 --> 00:35:37,866 I just want to feel you out here, because it seems like-- 833 00:35:37,900 --> 00:35:39,335 And this is what I've said to Emerald-- 834 00:35:39,401 --> 00:35:42,938 We do her that favor by letting her pick her opponent. 835 00:35:43,005 --> 00:35:44,740 And then she infiltrates and make us weaker. 836 00:35:44,873 --> 00:35:46,408 And then we lose on guys' day. 837 00:35:46,475 --> 00:35:47,943 And then someone from our team goes home. 838 00:35:48,010 --> 00:35:49,511 - Are you asking to vote me in? 839 00:35:49,578 --> 00:35:50,878 ♪ ♪ 840 00:35:50,879 --> 00:35:52,881 - There's only three agents left. 841 00:35:52,948 --> 00:35:56,051 I have to think about throwing Tori in. 842 00:35:56,118 --> 00:35:57,953 Do I want to do it? No. 843 00:35:58,020 --> 00:35:59,655 But everybody else in this game 844 00:35:59,722 --> 00:36:00,923 is playing a selfish game. 845 00:36:00,989 --> 00:36:02,524 So I need to at least explore 846 00:36:02,591 --> 00:36:06,195 the option of putting Tori down as Headquarters' vote. 847 00:36:06,261 --> 00:36:08,564 - I'm trying to avoid elimination, 848 00:36:08,630 --> 00:36:11,033 because I think anything could happen in this game. 849 00:36:11,100 --> 00:36:12,534 - I agree. - So I don't want to go in. 850 00:36:12,601 --> 00:36:13,969 - And I don't want to see you there. 851 00:36:14,036 --> 00:36:16,038 - Okay. And if I go in, and I come back, 852 00:36:16,105 --> 00:36:18,273 it's not--I'm not threatening anybody, 853 00:36:18,340 --> 00:36:20,075 but you're gonna have broken somebody 854 00:36:20,142 --> 00:36:23,145 who would have looked out for everybody on your cell. 855 00:36:23,212 --> 00:36:24,913 You're my friend, I don't want to do that. 856 00:36:24,947 --> 00:36:26,482 - And that's what I'm saying. 857 00:36:26,548 --> 00:36:28,484 And that's what I'm trying to convince my cell of. 858 00:36:28,550 --> 00:36:31,620 But it is now you have to see it from their eyes where 859 00:36:31,687 --> 00:36:35,024 if--with the potential for Big T to come to Emerald 860 00:36:35,090 --> 00:36:36,625 and weaken us and to potentially have to run 861 00:36:36,692 --> 00:36:39,428 a final with her on our cell, that significantly-- 862 00:36:39,495 --> 00:36:41,730 - What if she beats me? - Her beating you 863 00:36:41,864 --> 00:36:43,632 and coming to Emerald is my worst-case scenario. 864 00:36:43,699 --> 00:36:47,369 And I want to avoid that as much as I can avoid that. 865 00:36:47,436 --> 00:36:48,937 ♪ ♪ 866 00:36:49,004 --> 00:36:50,539 - Devin is, like, my friend, but, like, right now, 867 00:36:50,606 --> 00:36:53,375 he's, like, not my friend. But I promise you 868 00:36:53,442 --> 00:36:55,310 if Devin throws me into this elimination 869 00:36:55,377 --> 00:36:58,080 this friendship is really over. 870 00:37:02,083 --> 00:37:04,952 [dramatic music] 871 00:37:05,019 --> 00:37:12,159 ♪ ♪ 872 00:37:19,734 --> 00:37:23,170 - Agency, you have 20 minutes to gather intel. 873 00:37:23,237 --> 00:37:25,973 Then you must compromise one agent. 874 00:37:26,040 --> 00:37:29,610 Use this time wisely. 875 00:37:29,677 --> 00:37:32,480 - Well, hi. 876 00:37:32,546 --> 00:37:35,316 It can be my fourth elimination tonight. 877 00:37:35,383 --> 00:37:39,487 I will [bleep] crack bones, smash heads. 878 00:37:39,553 --> 00:37:42,323 'Cause I really want to go to the [bleep] final. 879 00:37:42,390 --> 00:37:44,525 But I don't really want to be the Headquarters' vote, 880 00:37:44,592 --> 00:37:46,093 but I respect you all. You know I [bleep] 881 00:37:46,160 --> 00:37:50,231 love you all. And it's all right. Yeah. 882 00:37:50,297 --> 00:37:54,769 - So I really want to go down and fight tonight. 883 00:37:54,835 --> 00:37:58,439 Most likely I would want to infiltrate Emerald cell 884 00:37:58,506 --> 00:38:02,276 infiltrating Amanda's position. 885 00:38:02,309 --> 00:38:05,479 - Big T, you know I love you so, so much, 886 00:38:05,546 --> 00:38:07,281 but I would be livid 887 00:38:07,348 --> 00:38:09,517 if you came to infiltrate Emerald cell, 888 00:38:09,583 --> 00:38:12,286 because it is too close to the end for us 889 00:38:12,319 --> 00:38:14,121 to keep moving pieces around, 890 00:38:14,188 --> 00:38:15,956 because chemistry is everything. 891 00:38:16,023 --> 00:38:18,392 - Is there a reason why you don't want to stay at Ruby? 892 00:38:18,459 --> 00:38:21,162 - It just makes more sense to me, like, strategically 893 00:38:21,295 --> 00:38:22,563 to go with the team 894 00:38:22,630 --> 00:38:25,032 that is the strongest thus far in the game. 895 00:38:25,099 --> 00:38:29,703 - Coming on Emerald doesn't give you the W. 896 00:38:29,770 --> 00:38:33,140 I mean, that's what she did, and we didn't win with her. 897 00:38:33,207 --> 00:38:34,875 - It's not just because I feel as if you can win. 898 00:38:34,942 --> 00:38:37,545 Just strategically you guys do have more numbers, 899 00:38:37,611 --> 00:38:40,815 which is, you know, it is an advantage. 900 00:38:40,881 --> 00:38:42,149 No matter which perspective, 901 00:38:42,216 --> 00:38:45,319 that you take it's an advantage. 902 00:38:45,352 --> 00:38:48,321 Why won't you put me in as Headquarters' vote? 903 00:38:48,322 --> 00:38:50,157 There are three girls here; 904 00:38:50,224 --> 00:38:52,193 one of them wants to go down to The Lair, 905 00:38:52,326 --> 00:38:55,529 and you're not gonna give her that chance? 906 00:38:55,596 --> 00:38:57,665 I don't get it. 907 00:38:57,732 --> 00:39:00,534 - Whoever we vote for, just know it's strictly game, 908 00:39:00,601 --> 00:39:02,503 and, Big T, I don't want you to ever sit here 909 00:39:02,570 --> 00:39:04,071 and feel like any move we're making 910 00:39:04,138 --> 00:39:06,006 is to intentionally hurt you, 911 00:39:06,073 --> 00:39:07,374 because that's not the case at all. 912 00:39:07,441 --> 00:39:09,009 - Thank you. - So just know that. 913 00:39:09,076 --> 00:39:10,578 - Yeah, it's no more personal. 914 00:39:10,644 --> 00:39:13,581 Whatever decision we make is no more personal than it was 915 00:39:13,647 --> 00:39:17,284 for two cells to obviously team up on one 916 00:39:17,351 --> 00:39:18,919 when we're all sitting over here. 917 00:39:18,986 --> 00:39:22,690 So it's, like, was that personal or was that game? 918 00:39:22,757 --> 00:39:24,992 - Yeah, but you can't keep using that, like-- 919 00:39:25,059 --> 00:39:26,494 - And the truth. 920 00:39:26,560 --> 00:39:28,294 - Like you're expecting us to feel guilty about it. 921 00:39:28,295 --> 00:39:30,965 - No, I'm not expecting--I'm not expecting 922 00:39:31,031 --> 00:39:32,433 anyone to feel guilty. 923 00:39:32,500 --> 00:39:34,635 I'm just saying it's not a personal attack. 924 00:39:34,702 --> 00:39:37,071 And the decision that we're gonna make is gonna be 925 00:39:37,138 --> 00:39:39,707 what's best for ourselves and our cell. 926 00:39:39,774 --> 00:39:42,343 - He's gonna do what he needs to do to protect his team. 927 00:39:42,410 --> 00:39:45,813 You know? And he's gonna use his words as a weapon. 928 00:39:45,880 --> 00:39:48,382 And that's what he's good at. 929 00:39:48,449 --> 00:39:49,750 But he still loves you regardless. 930 00:39:49,817 --> 00:39:51,218 - Yeah, of course. I mean, not to do-- 931 00:39:51,318 --> 00:39:52,219 - Nice little--nice little insult 932 00:39:52,319 --> 00:39:53,754 sandwiched there, Nelson. 933 00:39:53,821 --> 00:39:55,823 - A little backhand-- - Yeah. Yeah, instant classic. 934 00:39:55,890 --> 00:39:57,324 - It's the truth. I mean, I could have dirtied it up. 935 00:39:57,358 --> 00:39:59,226 I could've made it worse-- 936 00:39:59,326 --> 00:40:00,895 - It seems like--it seems like you want to. 937 00:40:00,961 --> 00:40:04,732 - Oh, I'm holding my tongue 'cause you're my-- 938 00:40:04,799 --> 00:40:06,033 - Maybe you should. 939 00:40:06,100 --> 00:40:07,635 - I'm holding my tongue, because you're my friend. 940 00:40:07,701 --> 00:40:09,403 - No, you should say how you feel. 941 00:40:09,470 --> 00:40:11,138 - I said it. I just cleaned it up for you. 942 00:40:11,272 --> 00:40:13,174 - Right. Yes. So you think all I can do 943 00:40:13,274 --> 00:40:15,376 is manipulate in this game. 944 00:40:15,443 --> 00:40:17,111 That's what you said in front of everybody. 945 00:40:17,178 --> 00:40:18,279 That's what you're saying. - Right. 946 00:40:18,345 --> 00:40:19,580 - So why am I sitting here five times, 947 00:40:19,647 --> 00:40:20,981 and you haven't been here once? 948 00:40:21,048 --> 00:40:23,484 - Oh, maybe because you laid the odds against us. 949 00:40:23,551 --> 00:40:24,719 Devin, you had the numbers, brother. 950 00:40:24,785 --> 00:40:26,287 - No, I didn't. - You had the numbers; 951 00:40:26,320 --> 00:40:27,555 let's be real. 952 00:40:27,621 --> 00:40:29,957 And everybody knows it in here. - What? 953 00:40:30,024 --> 00:40:31,692 - You almost died the last mission. 954 00:40:31,759 --> 00:40:33,194 - What's the fact? - Your own teammates don't even 955 00:40:33,294 --> 00:40:35,629 want you on your team, 'cause they saw you almost die. 956 00:40:35,696 --> 00:40:36,997 That's facts. 957 00:40:37,064 --> 00:40:39,934 - Nelson's been keeping some things to himself 958 00:40:40,000 --> 00:40:42,803 that he really feels about me. 959 00:40:42,870 --> 00:40:44,371 All I can do is manipulate. 960 00:40:44,438 --> 00:40:45,940 Nobody wants to be on their team. 961 00:40:46,006 --> 00:40:47,808 Okay. Nelson, tell me more. 962 00:40:47,875 --> 00:40:50,444 You're showing me where I really stand with you. 963 00:40:50,511 --> 00:40:52,213 - That's not true, Nelson. 964 00:40:52,313 --> 00:40:53,814 - Okay. Okay. - That's not true. 965 00:40:53,881 --> 00:40:55,116 And I'm pretty sure there's not one person 966 00:40:55,182 --> 00:40:56,316 sitting here that said that. 967 00:40:56,317 --> 00:40:57,885 - Okay. - He's not gonna push me 968 00:40:57,952 --> 00:41:01,422 into a corner with his words. I see right through that. 969 00:41:01,489 --> 00:41:04,859 The writing's on a wall, buddy. We know you're scared. 970 00:41:04,925 --> 00:41:07,260 - Well, also, it's true. 971 00:41:07,261 --> 00:41:11,132 I'm not known for stamina, but did I stop? 972 00:41:11,265 --> 00:41:13,467 No. Did we win? Yes. 973 00:41:13,534 --> 00:41:16,904 - I honestly feel like the game has got the best of Devin. 974 00:41:16,971 --> 00:41:19,573 He's gone power mad with all of his wins, 975 00:41:19,640 --> 00:41:22,275 and he's taking it out on his closest friends. 976 00:41:22,276 --> 00:41:23,878 - You guys, I love you so much, 977 00:41:23,944 --> 00:41:25,413 but this is a girls' elimination, like, come on. 978 00:41:25,479 --> 00:41:27,181 - Yeah, this is ridiculous. 979 00:41:27,281 --> 00:41:28,582 - I mean, I guess I should speak, 980 00:41:28,649 --> 00:41:30,017 because I think that the only alternative here 981 00:41:30,084 --> 00:41:33,387 or the plan is that you guys would throw me in, 982 00:41:33,454 --> 00:41:36,057 because if I go down, I'm probably gonna pick Big T. 983 00:41:36,123 --> 00:41:41,495 ♪ ♪ 984 00:41:41,562 --> 00:41:44,165 Ultimately, I understand where you guys are coming from 985 00:41:44,298 --> 00:41:45,733 if you want to weaponize me. 986 00:41:45,800 --> 00:41:47,802 I just--it's not gonna sit well with me, 987 00:41:47,868 --> 00:41:50,171 and I'm not gonna come to Emerald. 988 00:41:50,304 --> 00:41:51,338 Do you want to take that shot at me 989 00:41:51,405 --> 00:41:54,341 and then lose all respect from me? 990 00:41:54,408 --> 00:41:55,976 Like, if you decide to weaponize me 991 00:41:56,043 --> 00:41:58,079 and it doesn't work, it's not gonna be pretty. 992 00:41:58,145 --> 00:42:00,881 So if you guys don't put me in, you're just gonna keep an ally, 993 00:42:00,948 --> 00:42:03,250 and I promise you next time, if we were to win, 994 00:42:03,284 --> 00:42:05,019 she's going down probably anyway. 995 00:42:05,086 --> 00:42:06,554 So why would you want to create 996 00:42:06,620 --> 00:42:11,759 an enemy in the mix of all of that for no reason? 997 00:42:11,826 --> 00:42:14,361 - As the Agency, our hands are kind of tied here. 998 00:42:14,428 --> 00:42:17,798 We can upset Tori by making her the Headquarters' vote, 999 00:42:17,865 --> 00:42:20,601 or we can give Big T what she wants 1000 00:42:20,668 --> 00:42:22,169 making her the Headquarters' vote 1001 00:42:22,269 --> 00:42:26,474 but risking an infiltration and our cell becoming weaker. 1002 00:42:26,540 --> 00:42:27,875 None of these are good options. 1003 00:42:27,942 --> 00:42:33,414 ♪ ♪ 1004 00:42:33,481 --> 00:42:35,616 - Agency, your time is up. 1005 00:42:35,683 --> 00:42:38,853 You must now select one player to compromise. 1006 00:42:38,919 --> 00:42:45,826 ♪ ♪ 1007 00:43:01,742 --> 00:43:04,445 - All right. Let's see who the compromised agent is. 1008 00:43:04,512 --> 00:43:11,652 ♪ ♪ 1009 00:43:16,586 --> 00:43:19,618 {\an7}[tense music] 1010 00:43:19,619 --> 00:43:20,651 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1011 00:43:20,652 --> 00:43:23,849 {\an7}\h\h\h-All right, let's see who the compromised agent is. 1012 00:43:23,850 --> 00:43:31,487 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1013 00:43:32,454 --> 00:43:35,453 {\an7}- Good luck tonight, Big T. \h\h\h\h\h\h-Good luck, T. 1014 00:43:35,454 --> 00:43:37,387 {\an7}[applause] 1015 00:43:37,388 --> 00:43:39,684 {\an7}- I'm gonna fight. \h\hl'm gonna show 1016 00:43:39,685 --> 00:43:40,487 {\an7}that I'm a warrior. 1017 00:43:40,488 --> 00:43:42,354 {\an7}I'm gonna show you that I'm not weak. 1018 00:43:42,355 --> 00:43:43,783 {\an7}And I'm gonna show you \h\h\h\h\hthat I'm not 1019 00:43:43,784 --> 00:43:45,486 {\an7}afraid of going to a final. 1020 00:43:45,487 --> 00:43:48,387 {\an7}- [scoffs] \hPussies. 1021 00:43:48,388 --> 00:43:50,585 {\an7}[laughter] 1022 00:43:50,586 --> 00:43:53,420 {\an7}- I have a lot of love \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor Tori. 1023 00:43:53,421 --> 00:43:54,552 {\an7}She's a really good person. 1024 00:43:54,553 --> 00:43:57,651 {\an7}And this allows us to kind of \h\h\h\h\hhit the reset button 1025 00:43:57,652 --> 00:44:01,288 {\an7}and for her to look at me \h\hnot only as a friend 1026 00:44:01,289 --> 00:44:03,849 {\an7}but also as a valuable asset \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hin this game. 1027 00:44:03,850 --> 00:44:04,685 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1028 00:44:04,686 --> 00:44:07,486 {\an7}- Devin, you made the right choice. 1029 00:44:07,487 --> 00:44:08,981 {\an7}You don't want to ever lose \h\h\h\h\ha real friendship 1030 00:44:08,982 --> 00:44:11,519 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hbecause of things that happened in the game. 1031 00:44:11,520 --> 00:44:12,585 {\an7}Yes, I'm still really hurt, 1032 00:44:12,586 --> 00:44:15,783 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbut I do love him and care about him as a friend. 1033 00:44:15,784 --> 00:44:22,684 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1034 00:44:22,685 --> 00:44:24,321 {\an7}- You wanted Tori safe, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hnot me. 1035 00:44:24,322 --> 00:44:26,047 {\an7}All of you are using me \h\h\h\h\has a weapon. 1036 00:44:26,048 --> 00:44:28,420 {\an7}Who is the weapon, actually? \h\h\h\h\h\hl am the weapon, 1037 00:44:28,421 --> 00:44:29,684 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbecause I don't [bleep] play games. 1038 00:44:29,685 --> 00:44:33,080 {\an7}\h\h\hl'm the weapon; nobody wants me safe. 1039 00:44:33,081 --> 00:44:35,354 {\an7}I've always been used \h\h\has the weapon. 1040 00:44:35,355 --> 00:44:36,915 {\an7}- You're getting angry \h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor what? 1041 00:44:36,916 --> 00:44:39,981 {\an7}\h\h\h-'Cause I will be called down there. 1042 00:44:39,982 --> 00:44:41,519 {\an7}You all know if you're voting \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor Big T, 1043 00:44:41,520 --> 00:44:43,585 {\an7}Big T will call me down there. \h\hlf you had voted for Tori, 1044 00:44:43,586 --> 00:44:45,651 {\an7}Tori would call Big T, \h\hand I will be safe. 1045 00:44:45,652 --> 00:44:47,014 {\an7}Nobody cared about me \h\h\h\h\hbeing safe. 1046 00:44:47,015 --> 00:44:49,519 {\an7}- Nobody wants to vote--nobody \h\h\hwanted to vote for Tori. 1047 00:44:49,520 --> 00:44:52,882 {\an7}\h\h\h-Yeah, because nobody cares about me. It's simple. 1048 00:44:52,883 --> 00:44:55,948 {\an7}- Emy, you are my number one, \h\h\h\h\h\hand you know it, 1049 00:44:55,949 --> 00:44:56,916 {\an7}but don't make me choose. 1050 00:44:56,917 --> 00:44:58,816 {\an7}You know I have a relationship \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwith Tori. 1051 00:44:58,817 --> 00:45:01,354 {\an7}I feel like sometimes she doesn't understand 1052 00:45:01,355 --> 00:45:04,420 {\an7}\h\h\h\hand she just let her emotions run. 1053 00:45:04,421 --> 00:45:06,080 {\an7}And I don't like this. 1054 00:45:06,081 --> 00:45:11,014 {\an7}I'm your brother, Emy. Don't be upset with me. 1055 00:45:11,015 --> 00:45:11,949 {\an7}- I am used as a weapon, 1056 00:45:11,950 --> 00:45:14,618 {\an7}and you all know that I'm going \h\h\hto go down there tonight. 1057 00:45:14,619 --> 00:45:16,717 {\an7}- You're not used as a weapon. \h\h\h\h\h\hl voted for Big T. 1058 00:45:16,718 --> 00:45:19,651 {\an7}\hBecause in my eyes Big T doesn't deserve to be here. 1059 00:45:19,652 --> 00:45:20,882 {\an7}\h\hSo do you think I voted for Big T-- 1060 00:45:20,883 --> 00:45:22,387 {\an7}\h\h\h-We are really similar competitors. 1061 00:45:22,388 --> 00:45:23,849 {\an7}- Do you think I voted \h\h\hfor Big T because 1062 00:45:23,850 --> 00:45:25,585 {\an7}she wasn't gonna pick Tori \hand she was gonna be you? 1063 00:45:25,586 --> 00:45:26,651 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yep. - That's why you think 1064 00:45:26,652 --> 00:45:28,113 {\an7}I voted for Big T? \h\h\h\h\h\h-Yep. 1065 00:45:28,114 --> 00:45:32,113 {\an7}My Romanian friend is letting me down 1066 00:45:32,114 --> 00:45:34,014 {\an7}for this girl, Tori. 1067 00:45:34,015 --> 00:45:36,552 {\an7}If Emanuel tried to put in Tori 1068 00:45:36,553 --> 00:45:38,981 {\an7}and to convince other people \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto put Tori in, 1069 00:45:38,982 --> 00:45:43,387 {\an7}\h\hhe would have succeed, but he didn't even try it. 1070 00:45:43,388 --> 00:45:44,816 {\an7}- The way you see it \h\h\h\his that way; 1071 00:45:44,817 --> 00:45:48,981 {\an7}the way we see it is different. 1072 00:45:48,982 --> 00:45:49,916 {\an7}- [sighs] 1073 00:45:49,917 --> 00:45:53,453 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1074 00:45:53,454 --> 00:45:54,750 {\an7}- I feel good about it. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Cool. 1075 00:45:54,751 --> 00:45:57,387 {\an7}- Yeah. It doesn't mean \hthat I'm not nervous. 1076 00:45:57,388 --> 00:46:00,387 {\an7}\h\h\h-Whatever you do I'm 100% supportive of 1077 00:46:00,388 --> 00:46:01,420 {\an7}- Thank you. \h\h\h-Yeah. 1078 00:46:01,421 --> 00:46:05,849 {\an7}- And if--if I don't come back, \h\h\h\h\hl'm rooting for you. 1079 00:46:05,850 --> 00:46:08,816 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hSmash the final; you worked so hard at this. 1080 00:46:08,817 --> 00:46:09,817 {\an7}- Thank you. Thanks. 1081 00:46:09,818 --> 00:46:11,981 {\an7}- I didn't know who I'm gonna \h\h\h\h\hpick when I go down 1082 00:46:11,982 --> 00:46:12,916 {\an7}to The Lair tonight. 1083 00:46:12,917 --> 00:46:17,783 {\an7}\hl'm gonna have a look and see who I think I can win against. 1084 00:46:17,784 --> 00:46:21,519 {\an7}Last season I was eliminated \h\h\hjust before the final. 1085 00:46:21,520 --> 00:46:24,651 {\an7}I can't have that happen again. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hl can't. 1086 00:46:24,652 --> 00:46:27,816 {\an7}This friendship has definitely \h\h\h\h\htaken me by surprise. 1087 00:46:27,817 --> 00:46:29,849 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Me too. - At least I always knew 1088 00:46:29,850 --> 00:46:31,585 {\an7}it would too. - Thank you. 1089 00:46:31,586 --> 00:46:32,783 {\an7}- Yeah, all right, well, \h\h\h\h\h\h\hgood luck. 1090 00:46:32,784 --> 00:46:34,047 {\an7}I'm gonna let you get ready. 1091 00:46:34,048 --> 00:46:37,783 {\an7}- Thanks, hun. 1092 00:46:37,784 --> 00:46:40,783 {\an7}[dramatic music] 1093 00:46:40,784 --> 00:46:48,213 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1094 00:47:02,619 --> 00:47:03,783 {\an7}- What? 1095 00:47:03,784 --> 00:47:06,849 {\an7}\h\h\h\hThank God this is not my elimination. 1096 00:47:06,850 --> 00:47:14,487 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1097 00:47:21,784 --> 00:47:25,146 {\an7}\h\h-All right, agents. Welcome back to The Lair. 1098 00:47:25,147 --> 00:47:26,717 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 1099 00:47:26,718 --> 00:47:32,585 {\an7}\h\h\h\hEmerald cell once again killing it at the last mission. 1100 00:47:32,586 --> 00:47:37,113 {\an7}As the Agency, you were tasked \hwith compromising one agent, 1101 00:47:37,114 --> 00:47:39,651 {\an7}and you chose Big T. 1102 00:47:39,652 --> 00:47:41,146 {\an7}So, Big T, come on down. 1103 00:47:41,147 --> 00:47:45,981 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 1104 00:47:45,982 --> 00:47:47,288 {\an7}All right, Big T. 1105 00:47:47,289 --> 00:47:50,255 {\an7}\h\h\hTime has come. The choice is yours. 1106 00:47:50,256 --> 00:47:53,981 {\an7}You can either choose \h\h\h\hTori or Emy. 1107 00:47:53,982 --> 00:47:55,750 {\an7}Who's it gonna be? 1108 00:47:55,751 --> 00:47:57,849 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1109 00:47:57,850 --> 00:47:58,882 {\an7}- Looking at this elimination, 1110 00:47:58,883 --> 00:48:02,519 {\an7}\h\hthis is the last thing that I want to be called down into. 1111 00:48:02,520 --> 00:48:03,651 {\an7}Big T is a fish. 1112 00:48:03,652 --> 00:48:05,014 {\an7}She likes to do puzzles. 1113 00:48:05,015 --> 00:48:08,981 {\an7}So I'm just praying to God \h\h\hshe doesn't call me. 1114 00:48:08,982 --> 00:48:14,850 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1115 00:48:18,246 --> 00:48:21,014 {\an7}- Big T the choice is yours. 1116 00:48:21,015 --> 00:48:26,080 {\an7}Who's it gonna be, \h\h\hTori or Emy? 1117 00:48:26,081 --> 00:48:27,849 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1118 00:48:27,850 --> 00:48:30,146 {\an7}- I think both of these women \h\h\hare great competitors. 1119 00:48:30,147 --> 00:48:32,717 {\an7}It's gonna be an honor to go up \h\h\h\hagainst either of them. 1120 00:48:32,718 --> 00:48:36,179 {\an7}\h\h\h\hBut tonight, TJ, I'm going up against Emy. 1121 00:48:36,180 --> 00:48:37,015 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1122 00:48:37,016 --> 00:48:39,080 {\an7}- All right. Come on down, Emy. 1123 00:48:39,081 --> 00:48:41,113 {\an7}- I'm very confident \h\h\hwith puzzles, 1124 00:48:41,114 --> 00:48:42,552 {\an7}and I love being in water. 1125 00:48:42,553 --> 00:48:46,882 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hl know that Emy isn't as strong of a swimmer as Tori. 1126 00:48:46,883 --> 00:48:49,915 {\an7}So I think tonight the best opponent 1127 00:48:49,916 --> 00:48:52,014 {\an7}to go up against is Emy. 1128 00:48:52,015 --> 00:48:54,014 {\an7}[applause] 1129 00:48:54,015 --> 00:48:55,783 {\an7}- Big T is calling my name \h\h\h\h\hbecause she knows 1130 00:48:55,784 --> 00:48:56,784 {\an7}that I'm not good at puzzles. 1131 00:48:56,785 --> 00:48:59,552 {\an7}\h\h\h\hYou cannot get away from what you're afraid of. 1132 00:48:59,553 --> 00:49:04,585 {\an7}Also, I'm really hurt, because my friends could have saved me. 1133 00:49:04,586 --> 00:49:07,981 {\an7}\h-All right, agents. Now, every badass agent 1134 00:49:07,982 --> 00:49:10,585 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hknows that you have to stay cool under pressure. 1135 00:49:10,586 --> 00:49:14,915 {\an7}And tonight you'll be doing \h\h\hjust that as you play 1136 00:49:14,916 --> 00:49:16,344 {\an7}License to Chill. 1137 00:49:16,345 --> 00:49:18,882 {\an7}[dramatic music] 1138 00:49:18,883 --> 00:49:21,212 {\an7}\h\h\h\hAs you can see, we have two giant pools 1139 00:49:21,213 --> 00:49:22,213 {\an7}right here in The Lair. 1140 00:49:22,214 --> 00:49:26,278 {\an7}These pools just happen \hto be freezing cold. 1141 00:49:26,279 --> 00:49:28,816 {\an7}\h\h\hln front of you, there are puzzle pieces 1142 00:49:28,817 --> 00:49:31,344 {\an7}\hthat when combined will become a square. 1143 00:49:31,345 --> 00:49:35,344 {\an7}And when I say go, you'll race \hinto that pool, swim across, 1144 00:49:35,345 --> 00:49:39,618 {\an7}\h\h\hring the bell, come back, and start solving your puzzle. 1145 00:49:39,619 --> 00:49:42,651 {\an7}\h\h\h\hNow, every so often, I'm gonna sound the air horn, 1146 00:49:42,652 --> 00:49:45,948 {\an7}\h\h\hwhich is cue for you to run back into your pool, 1147 00:49:45,949 --> 00:49:47,311 {\an7}ring the bell, come back. 1148 00:49:47,312 --> 00:49:49,047 {\an7}The first agent to get \h\h\h\hthe puzzle done 1149 00:49:49,048 --> 00:49:52,080 {\an7}will win tonight's elimination \h\hround and stay in the game. 1150 00:49:52,081 --> 00:49:57,816 {\an7}\hLoser goes home empty-handed and is deactivated immediately. 1151 00:49:57,817 --> 00:49:58,685 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1152 00:49:58,686 --> 00:50:00,387 {\an7}Good luck, agents. \h\h\h-Thank you. 1153 00:50:00,388 --> 00:50:03,279 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-Let's go. - Let's go. Come on. 1154 00:50:06,388 --> 00:50:11,245 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Yay. I've avoided elimination. Yay. 1155 00:50:11,246 --> 00:50:13,212 {\an7}\h\hGood luck, girls. Go kill it out there. 1156 00:50:13,213 --> 00:50:14,948 {\an7}But I'm happy it's not me. 1157 00:50:14,949 --> 00:50:17,420 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1158 00:50:17,421 --> 00:50:18,421 {\an7}This means everything to me, 1159 00:50:18,422 --> 00:50:21,278 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbecause I've started doubting myself. 1160 00:50:21,279 --> 00:50:22,750 {\an7}If I have a place \hin TJ's final, 1161 00:50:22,751 --> 00:50:25,816 {\an7}I want to know that I deserve it; I've worked hard for it. 1162 00:50:25,817 --> 00:50:27,882 {\an7}\h\h\hlt feels gutting going into the chamber 1163 00:50:27,883 --> 00:50:29,179 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hknowing that everybody's fighting, 1164 00:50:29,180 --> 00:50:31,113 {\an7}because they don't want you \h\h\h\h\h\hin their team. 1165 00:50:31,114 --> 00:50:35,311 {\an7}So tonight I want to prove \hwhy I deserve to be here. 1166 00:50:35,312 --> 00:50:36,915 {\an7}I feel really confident \h\h\h\h\h\hin puzzles. 1167 00:50:36,916 --> 00:50:39,014 {\an7}So I'm much like yay, \hbut you never know. 1168 00:50:39,015 --> 00:50:43,750 {\an7}I don't want to celebrate too \hearly, so fingers crossed. 1169 00:50:43,751 --> 00:50:45,146 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1170 00:50:45,147 --> 00:50:47,245 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-I'm feeling extremely nervous, 'cause my biggest fear 1171 00:50:47,246 --> 00:50:49,014 {\an7}on "The Challenge" is puzzles. 1172 00:50:49,015 --> 00:50:50,420 {\an7}I will give my all. 1173 00:50:50,421 --> 00:50:53,014 {\an7}If I have to die in here \h\hl will die in here. 1174 00:50:53,015 --> 00:50:54,453 {\an7}I'm so close to the final, 1175 00:50:54,454 --> 00:50:56,014 {\an7}and I just don't want to go \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hhome. 1176 00:50:56,015 --> 00:50:58,311 {\an7}And I just want to make \h\hmy grandmother proud 1177 00:50:58,312 --> 00:50:59,279 {\an7}and my mom proud. 1178 00:50:59,280 --> 00:51:03,387 {\an7}\h\h\h\hMy grandmother motivates me the most. 1179 00:51:03,388 --> 00:51:06,882 {\an7}She's up there in the sky, \h\hand I really miss her, 1180 00:51:06,883 --> 00:51:08,344 {\an7}and I really want to \h\h\hmake her proud. 1181 00:51:08,345 --> 00:51:10,816 {\an7}And that's all I want to do. 1182 00:51:10,817 --> 00:51:13,080 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1183 00:51:13,081 --> 00:51:16,311 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h-Let's go, ladies. Let's go, Em. Let's go, Big T. 1184 00:51:16,312 --> 00:51:17,783 {\an7}[tense music] 1185 00:51:17,784 --> 00:51:19,783 {\an7}- Big T, you're a smart woman, 1186 00:51:19,784 --> 00:51:24,387 {\an7}\hbut you have the dropped the ball on each mission. 1187 00:51:24,388 --> 00:51:26,344 {\an7}It's your time to go. 1188 00:51:26,345 --> 00:51:28,014 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1189 00:51:28,015 --> 00:51:30,080 {\an7}- All right, Emy, ready? 1190 00:51:30,081 --> 00:51:31,212 {\an7}Big T, ready? 1191 00:51:31,213 --> 00:51:32,816 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hGo. [air horn blares] 1192 00:51:32,817 --> 00:51:34,080 {\an7}[all shouting] 1193 00:51:34,081 --> 00:51:36,453 {\an7}- Go, go, go. - Go, go, go. 1194 00:51:36,454 --> 00:51:38,948 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-We are like polar bears tonight. 1195 00:51:38,949 --> 00:51:42,179 {\an7}Do you know how cold \h\h\his that water? 1196 00:51:42,180 --> 00:51:46,750 {\an7}It's just ice. No. 1197 00:51:46,751 --> 00:51:49,278 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1198 00:51:49,279 --> 00:51:51,420 {\an7}- Good job, T. Good job, Emy. 1199 00:51:51,421 --> 00:51:55,278 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1200 00:51:55,279 --> 00:51:56,750 {\an7}- Go, go, go. 1201 00:51:56,751 --> 00:52:00,519 {\an7}Tonight I'm rooting for Big T. 1202 00:52:00,520 --> 00:52:04,816 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hOf course not. I'm rooting for my friend, Emy. 1203 00:52:04,817 --> 00:52:08,113 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hl am confident that Emy is going to win. 1204 00:52:08,114 --> 00:52:08,949 {\an7}- Emy. 1205 00:52:08,950 --> 00:52:12,948 {\an7}Emy, take the pieces down; \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hlet me see. 1206 00:52:12,949 --> 00:52:13,883 {\an7}If you want my help, 1207 00:52:13,884 --> 00:52:18,278 {\an7}\h\h\hl'll build it for you down here. 1208 00:52:18,279 --> 00:52:20,981 {\an7}\h\h-I'm very confident when it comes to puzzles. 1209 00:52:20,982 --> 00:52:24,047 {\an7}\h\hl don't want to say the word "puzzle queen," 1210 00:52:24,048 --> 00:52:26,486 {\an7}but I just might. 1211 00:52:26,487 --> 00:52:29,420 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hl feel as if I'm coming back tonight. 1212 00:52:29,421 --> 00:52:34,047 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h-Go, go, go. - Hurry up. Hurry up. Hurry up. 1213 00:52:34,048 --> 00:52:35,453 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hPuzzles are definitely equalizers 1214 00:52:35,454 --> 00:52:38,146 {\an7}\hbecause you know what? Anybody can lift weights. 1215 00:52:38,147 --> 00:52:39,882 {\an7}Anybody can run back and forth. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hBut guess what. 1216 00:52:39,883 --> 00:52:43,420 {\an7}When it comes to a puzzle, let's see how your mind is. 1217 00:52:43,421 --> 00:52:45,146 {\an7}Hurry. 1218 00:52:45,147 --> 00:52:46,387 {\an7}[air horn blares] 1219 00:52:46,388 --> 00:52:48,047 {\an7}- All right, get in the water. 1220 00:52:48,048 --> 00:52:51,311 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1221 00:52:51,312 --> 00:52:54,552 {\an7}\h\h\h-Yes! - Whoo-whoo! 1222 00:52:54,553 --> 00:52:56,585 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1223 00:52:56,586 --> 00:52:57,345 {\an7}- It's so cold. 1224 00:52:57,346 --> 00:53:00,882 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hl can't explain in words just how bad it is. 1225 00:53:00,883 --> 00:53:02,344 {\an7}I'm feeling like I'm dying. 1226 00:53:02,345 --> 00:53:04,245 {\an7}Even though, I won't stop. 1227 00:53:04,246 --> 00:53:09,420 {\an7}Never. If I'm gonna go 20 times in that pool, I'm gonna do it. 1228 00:53:09,421 --> 00:53:12,948 {\an7}\h\hl've never been by myself in an elimination with puzzle, 1229 00:53:12,949 --> 00:53:14,047 {\an7}so I don't know how good I am. 1230 00:53:14,048 --> 00:53:15,552 {\an7}\h\h\hl don't know if I'm better than Big T. 1231 00:53:15,553 --> 00:53:17,948 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNow we are gonna figure it out. 1232 00:53:17,949 --> 00:53:21,212 {\an7}- Good job, ladies, keep it up, ladies. 1233 00:53:21,213 --> 00:53:23,212 {\an7}Good job. [indistinct]. 1234 00:53:23,213 --> 00:53:24,245 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1235 00:53:24,246 --> 00:53:25,552 {\an7}- Let's do it. Let's go. 1236 00:53:25,553 --> 00:53:28,113 {\an7}- This [bleep] looks hard. \h\h\h\hKeep it up, ladies. 1237 00:53:28,114 --> 00:53:32,014 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hKeep it up. This is [bleep] tough. 1238 00:53:32,015 --> 00:53:35,453 {\an7}- Good job, T. Good job. 1239 00:53:35,454 --> 00:53:38,080 {\an7}- Emy, start with that one. 1240 00:53:38,081 --> 00:53:40,212 {\an7}\h\h\h\hUse that one as the starter point. 1241 00:53:40,213 --> 00:53:42,278 {\an7}Use that one as your first one. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h[air horn blares] 1242 00:53:42,279 --> 00:53:44,948 {\an7}\h-All right, agents, get back in the water. 1243 00:53:44,949 --> 00:53:47,080 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1244 00:53:47,081 --> 00:53:48,882 {\an7}- Good job, T. Good job, Emy. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hGood job. 1245 00:53:48,883 --> 00:53:51,618 {\an7}- Let's go, let's go, let's go. 1246 00:53:51,619 --> 00:53:54,311 {\an7}- Big T has a good strategy. She's just submerging herself 1247 00:53:54,312 --> 00:53:56,486 {\an7}as soon as she jumps in. So she's kind of getting 1248 00:53:56,487 --> 00:53:58,585 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\ha little bit more of a head start than Emy. 1249 00:53:58,586 --> 00:54:03,519 {\an7}\h\hJust get it in, out, and over with. 1250 00:54:03,520 --> 00:54:04,487 {\an7}- Whoo! \h-Go. 1251 00:54:04,488 --> 00:54:08,420 {\an7}- Good job, ladies. Good job. 1252 00:54:08,421 --> 00:54:10,486 {\an7}Good job, ladies. 1253 00:54:10,487 --> 00:54:15,047 {\an7}- Emy, Emy, use that piece \h\h\has your first piece. 1254 00:54:15,048 --> 00:54:16,453 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-What? - Use that piece 1255 00:54:16,454 --> 00:54:18,080 {\an7}as your first piece. 1256 00:54:18,081 --> 00:54:19,420 {\an7}- The first one? \h\h\h\h\h-Yeah. 1257 00:54:19,421 --> 00:54:22,651 {\an7}It's okay to take pieces \h\hoff, but leave that. 1258 00:54:22,652 --> 00:54:27,245 {\an7}Focus. So take that off and use \h\h\hthat as your first piece. 1259 00:54:27,246 --> 00:54:28,981 {\an7}- CT's making it abundantly \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hclear 1260 00:54:28,982 --> 00:54:31,519 {\an7}\h\hthat he's definitely cheering on Emy tonight. 1261 00:54:31,520 --> 00:54:35,113 {\an7}Kind of sucks, because CT took me under his wing last season. 1262 00:54:35,114 --> 00:54:38,047 {\an7}And now he's just disregarding that. 1263 00:54:38,048 --> 00:54:39,245 {\an7}I get if you want Emy to win, 1264 00:54:39,246 --> 00:54:42,651 {\an7}but at least cheer me \hon a little bit too. 1265 00:54:42,652 --> 00:54:46,344 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hlt's not nice to feel as if nobody's supporting you. 1266 00:54:46,345 --> 00:54:47,486 {\an7}- Like this? 1267 00:54:47,487 --> 00:54:49,453 {\an7}- Whatever. Make that one \h\h\h\hyour first piece 1268 00:54:49,454 --> 00:54:53,014 {\an7}and make--and work around that. 1269 00:54:53,015 --> 00:54:54,618 {\an7}- Nobody's trying to help \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hBig T, 1270 00:54:54,619 --> 00:54:56,552 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h'cause nobody wants her on their team. 1271 00:54:56,553 --> 00:54:58,420 {\an7}After this last mission, \h\h\hit's pretty clear 1272 00:54:58,421 --> 00:55:00,387 {\an7}that there's only one player \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hon our cell 1273 00:55:00,388 --> 00:55:02,684 {\an7}that isn't necessarily ready \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hfor a final. 1274 00:55:02,685 --> 00:55:07,212 {\an7}Let's say Big T goes home, \hthen I'm on a good team. 1275 00:55:07,213 --> 00:55:08,048 {\an7}We're strong. 1276 00:55:08,049 --> 00:55:10,014 {\an7}There's not really \ha weak link here. 1277 00:55:10,015 --> 00:55:13,014 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1278 00:55:13,015 --> 00:55:15,519 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[air horn blares] - All right. Get in the water. 1279 00:55:15,520 --> 00:55:18,585 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-Hurry up. - Jump, jump, jump. 1280 00:55:18,586 --> 00:55:20,311 {\an7}- Jump in, Emy. \h-All right. 1281 00:55:20,312 --> 00:55:22,014 {\an7}An ice bath good for the \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hmuscles, 1282 00:55:22,015 --> 00:55:25,113 {\an7}especially after yesterday. 1283 00:55:25,114 --> 00:55:28,420 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1284 00:55:28,421 --> 00:55:30,212 {\an7}- Good job, guys, let's go. 1285 00:55:30,213 --> 00:55:31,750 {\an7}- Keep it up. Good work. 1286 00:55:31,751 --> 00:55:35,750 {\an7}- Stay focused. Stay focused. 1287 00:55:35,751 --> 00:55:39,014 {\an7}- Take the other ones off. \h\h\h\hLeave that one on. 1288 00:55:39,015 --> 00:55:42,652 {\an7}Start over and start taking \hpieces off and reshuffle. 1289 00:55:46,312 --> 00:55:47,420 {\an7}- Emy, she looks lost. 1290 00:55:47,421 --> 00:55:51,519 {\an7}Big T, she's focused. She's zoned in, wow. 1291 00:55:51,520 --> 00:55:56,486 {\an7}Surprisingly, I kind of got \h\h\h\hmy money on Big T. 1292 00:55:56,487 --> 00:55:57,345 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1293 00:55:57,346 --> 00:55:59,750 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-Go. - Go, go, go. 1294 00:55:59,751 --> 00:56:01,751 {\an7}- Hurry. 1295 00:56:03,145 --> 00:56:05,012 {\an7}- I don't [bleep] know. 1296 00:56:05,013 --> 00:56:07,045 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-Good job; way to stay calm, T. 1297 00:56:07,046 --> 00:56:10,144 {\an7}- This elimination is called \h\h\h\h\hLicense to Chill. 1298 00:56:10,145 --> 00:56:13,682 {\an7}\h\h\h\hTheir objective is figure out a puzzle. 1299 00:56:13,683 --> 00:56:15,616 {\an7}And when TJ blows a horn.. 1300 00:56:15,617 --> 00:56:16,310 {\an7}[air horn blares] 1301 00:56:16,311 --> 00:56:20,210 {\an7}\hThey gotta get in this ice-cold freezing water, 1302 00:56:20,211 --> 00:56:23,144 {\an7}swim all the way to the bell. 1303 00:56:23,145 --> 00:56:24,748 {\an7}Somebody catching hypothermia, 1304 00:56:24,749 --> 00:56:27,715 {\an7}or somebody is turning \h\h\hinto A Nel-sicle. 1305 00:56:27,716 --> 00:56:30,715 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-Emy, Emy, start with this one. 1306 00:56:30,716 --> 00:56:33,177 {\an7}\h\hYeah, you're gonna have to take them off. 1307 00:56:33,178 --> 00:56:35,309 {\an7}They're not fitting. 1308 00:56:35,310 --> 00:56:38,210 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hLeave that one. Don't [bleep] the same one. 1309 00:56:38,211 --> 00:56:41,012 {\an7}- CT, shut up. If anything \h\hyou're distracting her. 1310 00:56:41,013 --> 00:56:43,748 {\an7}\h\h\hYou're not helping her. Emy is doing fine down there. 1311 00:56:43,749 --> 00:56:47,748 {\an7}\h\h\hl'm just hoping Emy can block out CT's loud-ass voice 1312 00:56:47,749 --> 00:56:49,748 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hand she can focus on what's in front of her. 1313 00:56:49,749 --> 00:56:53,616 {\an7}- Tying taking other ones off. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hTake 'em off. 1314 00:56:53,617 --> 00:56:55,550 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1315 00:56:55,551 --> 00:56:58,045 {\an7}- Good job, ladies. 1316 00:56:58,046 --> 00:57:02,418 {\an7}- Oh, my God, I was so close. \h\h\hThere's this one piece, 1317 00:57:02,419 --> 00:57:05,847 {\an7}\hthis L-shaped piece, and it's not fitting. 1318 00:57:05,848 --> 00:57:07,550 {\an7}I have to start again. 1319 00:57:07,551 --> 00:57:11,484 {\an7}- Great work, ladies, \h\h\h\h\hgreat work. 1320 00:57:11,485 --> 00:57:12,814 {\an7}\h\h\h-Ohh. - Go, go, go. 1321 00:57:12,815 --> 00:57:18,144 {\an7}- Go, go, go, go. 1322 00:57:18,145 --> 00:57:20,781 {\an7}\h\h\h[air horn blares] - All right. Emy wins. 1323 00:57:20,782 --> 00:57:21,551 {\an7}Good job. 1324 00:57:21,552 --> 00:57:25,243 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 1325 00:57:25,244 --> 00:57:29,144 {\an7}\h\h-Give it up for her. Look, four eliminations. 1326 00:57:29,145 --> 00:57:29,815 {\an7}4 and 0. 1327 00:57:29,815 --> 00:57:30,749 {\an7}Let's go. 1328 00:57:30,750 --> 00:57:31,814 {\an7}She's coming back to Sapphire, 1329 00:57:31,815 --> 00:57:35,418 {\an7}'cause she is fixated \h\h\h\h\hon Uncle C. 1330 00:57:35,419 --> 00:57:37,814 {\an7}Like the werewolves \h\hfrom "Twilight" 1331 00:57:37,815 --> 00:57:40,144 {\an7}[wolves howling] 1332 00:57:40,145 --> 00:57:41,682 {\an7}- Whoo! 1333 00:57:41,683 --> 00:57:43,243 {\an7}Thank you, God! 1334 00:57:43,244 --> 00:57:46,144 {\an7}That's for my grandmother! 1335 00:57:46,145 --> 00:57:47,517 {\an7}What just happened? 1336 00:57:47,518 --> 00:57:49,616 {\an7}I won the fourth elimination 1337 00:57:49,617 --> 00:57:53,144 {\an7}\hwith a puzzle, and I feel like a polar bear honestly, 1338 00:57:53,145 --> 00:57:55,550 {\an7}\h\h\hbecause there was a lot of ice in there. 1339 00:57:55,551 --> 00:57:56,452 {\an7}The challenge was no joke. 1340 00:57:56,453 --> 00:57:58,418 {\an7}\hMy grandmother's for sure really, really proud of me. 1341 00:57:58,419 --> 00:58:01,451 {\an7}And that's all that matters \h\h\h\h\hfor me right now. 1342 00:58:01,452 --> 00:58:04,550 {\an7}\h\h\h\hl'm so excited I'm winning, and I won. 1343 00:58:04,551 --> 00:58:05,715 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hAnd I love the "The Challenge" so much. 1344 00:58:05,716 --> 00:58:08,880 {\an7}You are my bestie, "Challenge," \h\h\h\hmy best friend forever. 1345 00:58:08,881 --> 00:58:10,309 {\an7}I love you all. I love you all. 1346 00:58:10,310 --> 00:58:12,276 {\an7}\hThank you so much for having me here. 1347 00:58:12,277 --> 00:58:13,715 {\an7}Wah! 1348 00:58:13,716 --> 00:58:16,243 {\an7}- Whoo! 1349 00:58:16,244 --> 00:58:19,616 {\an7}- Well done, Emy. Well done, Big T. 1350 00:58:19,617 --> 00:58:21,309 {\an7}- I'm so, so gutted. 1351 00:58:21,310 --> 00:58:24,144 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hl felt like this was my elimination to win. 1352 00:58:24,145 --> 00:58:25,814 {\an7}My "Challenge" dreams are over, 1353 00:58:25,815 --> 00:58:27,616 {\an7}and I got given a second \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hchance, 1354 00:58:27,617 --> 00:58:30,243 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hand unfortunately I didn't make the most of it, 1355 00:58:30,244 --> 00:58:33,210 {\an7}but I'm gonna go back home \h\h\h\h\h\hwork on myself, 1356 00:58:33,211 --> 00:58:39,352 {\an7}improve myself, and hopefully come back and be a champion. 1357 00:58:39,353 --> 00:58:41,144 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1358 00:58:41,145 --> 00:58:43,309 {\an7}- Well, Big T, you tried. 1359 00:58:43,310 --> 00:58:45,847 {\an7}\h\h\hUnfortunately, you lost tonight's elimination round. 1360 00:58:45,848 --> 00:58:49,847 {\an7}You went against a beast, \h\han elimination beast. 1361 00:58:49,848 --> 00:58:52,781 {\an7}This ends your time here; you have been deactivated 1362 00:58:52,782 --> 00:58:55,814 {\an7}\h\h\has of right now. Take care of yourself. 1363 00:58:55,815 --> 00:58:58,276 {\an7}- Thank you, TJ. 1364 00:58:58,277 --> 00:58:59,847 {\an7}- We love you, T. \h\h-Good luck. 1365 00:58:59,848 --> 00:59:02,583 {\an7}- Big T, keep your head up, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hqueen. 1366 00:59:02,584 --> 00:59:05,243 {\an7}Go home, work on what you wanted to work on, 1367 00:59:05,244 --> 00:59:07,243 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hcome back, and prove to everybody 1368 00:59:07,244 --> 00:59:08,451 {\an7}why you deserve to be here. 1369 00:59:08,452 --> 00:59:09,814 {\an7}\h\h\h\h-I love you guys. - Keep your head up, Big T. 1370 00:59:09,815 --> 00:59:12,979 {\an7}- Good luck with the finals, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hguys, bye. 1371 00:59:12,980 --> 00:59:14,748 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hOh, God. I'm gonna get emotional. 1372 00:59:14,749 --> 00:59:16,781 {\an7}I come from a small vintage \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hin Malawi. 1373 00:59:16,782 --> 00:59:21,517 {\an7}To be in this environment where I have to push myself mentally, 1374 00:59:21,518 --> 00:59:23,682 {\an7}use my brain, physically \h\h\h\his such a dream, 1375 00:59:23,683 --> 00:59:26,781 {\an7}because I got to have \h\h\ha direct impact 1376 00:59:26,782 --> 00:59:28,946 {\an7}\h\h\h\hon the people who I want to inspire. 1377 00:59:28,947 --> 00:59:32,946 {\an7}\hl'm coming back a champion. There's no question about it. 1378 00:59:32,947 --> 00:59:36,418 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1379 00:59:36,419 --> 00:59:39,781 {\an7}- Well, Miss Emy, congratulations. 1380 00:59:39,782 --> 00:59:43,715 {\an7}Once again, four times you've been down here. 1381 00:59:43,716 --> 00:59:46,847 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hSo four times you've been victorious. 1382 00:59:46,848 --> 00:59:49,946 {\an7}Just absolutely killing \h\h\hthe competition, 1383 00:59:49,947 --> 00:59:51,682 {\an7}sending everyone home. 1384 00:59:51,683 --> 00:59:54,946 {\an7}- Congratulations, 4 and 0. 1385 00:59:54,947 --> 01:00:00,276 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hNow, can we say Emy is not rookie of the year? 1386 01:00:00,277 --> 01:00:03,418 {\an7}\hShe's definitely rookie of the year. 1387 01:00:03,419 --> 01:00:05,276 {\an7}- So now it's decision time. 1388 01:00:05,277 --> 01:00:09,583 {\an7}Do you want to rejoin \h\hthe Sapphire cell 1389 01:00:09,584 --> 01:00:14,715 {\an7}or you want to infiltrate and steal any other cell up there 1390 01:00:14,716 --> 01:00:19,583 {\an7}either of the Ruby cell \hor the Emerald cell? 1391 01:00:19,584 --> 01:00:20,880 {\an7}What's it gonna be? 1392 01:00:20,881 --> 01:00:22,276 {\an7}\h\h-First of all, thank you so much, 1393 01:00:22,277 --> 01:00:26,484 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMr. TJ, for the beautiful words as always. 1394 01:00:26,485 --> 01:00:28,781 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1395 01:00:28,782 --> 01:00:34,847 {\an7}Well, safe is so boring for me, \h\h\h\hlike, going to Emerald, 1396 01:00:34,848 --> 01:00:36,309 {\an7}being safe, is like, eh. 1397 01:00:36,310 --> 01:00:42,979 {\an7}\h\h\hl want to follow my uncle always, always, always, always. 1398 01:00:42,980 --> 01:00:45,781 {\an7}But yeah, I'm going to rejoin Sapphire. 1399 01:00:45,782 --> 01:00:47,012 {\an7}- I thought you would say that. 1400 01:00:47,013 --> 01:00:51,616 {\an7}Go ahead and rejoin Sapphire \h\h\hcell, congratulations. 1401 01:00:51,617 --> 01:00:58,012 {\an7}[cheers and applause] 1402 01:00:58,013 --> 01:00:58,881 {\an7}- Ohh, you're freezing. 1403 01:00:58,882 --> 01:01:02,012 {\an7}\h\h-I'm hoping that this is the last female elimination. 1404 01:01:02,013 --> 01:01:04,946 {\an7}And if that's the case, \h\h\hthen Kaycee and I 1405 01:01:04,947 --> 01:01:06,979 {\an7}\h\hcould be running this final together. 1406 01:01:06,980 --> 01:01:09,616 {\an7}\h\hAnd that was the goal from the very beginning. 1407 01:01:09,617 --> 01:01:10,551 {\an7}- All right, everyone. 1408 01:01:10,552 --> 01:01:14,946 {\an7}\h\h\h\hl just want to say, don't get too comfortable. 1409 01:01:14,947 --> 01:01:17,616 {\an7}I'll see you soon. 1410 01:01:17,617 --> 01:01:20,078 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1411 01:01:20,079 --> 01:01:21,946 {\an7}- The girls are dwindling \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hdown. 1412 01:01:21,947 --> 01:01:24,385 {\an7}I guarantee a guy's \hgoing home soon. 1413 01:01:24,386 --> 01:01:26,946 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hAnd after that, is it gonna be the final? 1414 01:01:26,947 --> 01:01:29,550 {\an7}Like, are we right around the corner? 1415 01:01:29,551 --> 01:01:30,485 {\an7}I can taste that final. 1416 01:01:30,486 --> 01:01:31,946 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hl can taste the million dollars. 1417 01:01:31,947 --> 01:01:33,748 {\an7}\h\h\hl've already felt the money in my hands. 1418 01:01:33,749 --> 01:01:36,616 {\an7}All of our teams are pretty \h\h\h\heven at this point. 1419 01:01:36,617 --> 01:01:39,418 {\an7}So let's go. 1420 01:01:39,419 --> 01:01:46,079 {\an7}♪ ♪ 1421 01:01:47,623 --> 01:01:49,625 [electronic rock music] 1422 01:01:49,691 --> 01:01:53,595 ♪ ♪ 1423 01:01:53,662 --> 01:01:55,330 - Wow. I'm really proud of Emy. 1424 01:01:55,397 --> 01:01:56,532 She's a beast. 1425 01:01:56,598 --> 01:01:57,733 She's a massive contender, 1426 01:01:57,799 --> 01:01:59,201 a rookie of the year for sure, 1427 01:01:59,268 --> 01:02:00,736 and she really deserves this win. 1428 01:02:00,802 --> 01:02:04,006 I am gonna miss being in the house so much. 1429 01:02:04,072 --> 01:02:05,908 This has been such an incredible journey. 1430 01:02:05,974 --> 01:02:07,843 Every time I have this experience, 1431 01:02:07,910 --> 01:02:09,711 I stay longer than I thought. 1432 01:02:09,778 --> 01:02:12,714 I have a feeling that this is the last girls' elimination 1433 01:02:12,781 --> 01:02:14,816 before the final, and last year, 1434 01:02:14,883 --> 01:02:16,652 I left just before the finals, 1435 01:02:16,718 --> 01:02:18,187 so it's gutting to be 1436 01:02:18,253 --> 01:02:20,155 potentially in that same position again, 1437 01:02:20,222 --> 01:02:23,091 but I have absolutely no regrets 1438 01:02:23,158 --> 01:02:24,226 throughout my season, 1439 01:02:24,293 --> 01:02:25,761 apart from not winning 1440 01:02:25,828 --> 01:02:27,162 either one of my eliminations. 1441 01:02:27,229 --> 01:02:30,132 But, you know, $1,000,000 is a lot of money, 1442 01:02:30,199 --> 01:02:31,867 no matter how much it's split, 1443 01:02:31,934 --> 01:02:34,703 and all I want is for somebody good to win, 1444 01:02:34,770 --> 01:02:37,239 and I feel as if, you know, the people standing up 1445 01:02:37,306 --> 01:02:39,007 on those stairs are good people, 1446 01:02:39,074 --> 01:02:41,143 and each and every one deserves it. 1447 01:02:44,570 --> 01:02:46,238 - Today's mission is called Dead Drop. 1448 01:02:46,305 --> 01:02:49,375 [all shouting] 1449 01:02:49,441 --> 01:02:51,377 - A win right now is so important. 1450 01:02:51,443 --> 01:02:53,045 - Ahh! 1451 01:02:53,112 --> 01:02:54,880 - I don't wanna! - Ahh! 1452 01:02:54,947 --> 01:02:56,415 - [laughs] 1453 01:02:56,482 --> 01:02:58,450 - Have you heard of anyone wanting to volunteer to go in? 1454 01:02:58,517 --> 01:03:00,653 - It could be the last exclamation.