1 00:01:39,780 --> 00:01:43,951 Have you ever confused a dream with life? 2 00:01:46,329 --> 00:01:50,125 Or stolen something when you have the cash? 3 00:01:54,129 --> 00:01:56,298 Have you ever been blue? 4 00:01:58,843 --> 00:02:02,722 Or thought your train moving while sitting still? 5 00:02:04,891 --> 00:02:07,310 Maybe l was just crazy. 6 00:02:09,187 --> 00:02:11,690 Maybe it was the '60s. 7 00:02:12,566 --> 00:02:14,902 Or maybe l was just a girl... 8 00:02:16,445 --> 00:02:17,822 ... interrupted. 9 00:02:18,197 --> 00:02:20,200 Put her in restraints. Withdraw bIood. 10 00:02:20,408 --> 00:02:21,242 HoId on. 11 00:02:21,451 --> 00:02:23,996 Give her five miIIigrams of VaIium, IV. 12 00:02:25,372 --> 00:02:27,374 Turn her head so she doesn't aspirate. 13 00:02:27,750 --> 00:02:28,667 There you go. 14 00:02:29,877 --> 00:02:31,879 Aspirin fragments and vodka, I think. 15 00:02:32,171 --> 00:02:35,049 Don't teII me what you think. Take it to the Iab. 16 00:02:35,967 --> 00:02:39,388 You shouId check my hand. There's no bones in it. 17 00:02:39,596 --> 00:02:40,514 A wrist banger. 18 00:02:41,598 --> 00:02:45,644 Is that why you did this? And other things. 19 00:02:46,312 --> 00:02:48,314 Her parents are on the way. 20 00:02:49,065 --> 00:02:51,192 Sometimes it's hard... 21 00:02:51,818 --> 00:02:53,987 ...for me to stay in one... 22 00:02:54,446 --> 00:02:55,864 ...pIace. 23 00:02:56,073 --> 00:02:58,450 Susanna... 24 00:02:58,659 --> 00:03:01,203 ... if you had no bones in your hand... 25 00:03:02,413 --> 00:03:04,457 ...how did you pick up the aspirin? 26 00:03:14,885 --> 00:03:17,388 What is my mother doing? 27 00:03:17,680 --> 00:03:19,682 WouId you answer my question, pIease? 28 00:03:20,516 --> 00:03:25,522 How did you pick up the aspirin if you had no bones in your hand? 29 00:03:26,731 --> 00:03:28,984 By then, they'd come back. 30 00:03:32,279 --> 00:03:33,572 I see. 31 00:03:34,782 --> 00:03:37,410 No, you don't. 32 00:03:37,702 --> 00:03:38,870 WeII... 33 00:03:40,664 --> 00:03:42,249 ...induIge me, then. 34 00:03:43,417 --> 00:03:45,127 ExpIain it to me. 35 00:03:47,796 --> 00:03:49,256 ExpIain what? 36 00:03:49,590 --> 00:03:54,721 ExpIain to a doctor that the Iaws of physics can be suspended? 37 00:03:55,013 --> 00:03:58,058 That what goes up may not come down? 38 00:04:03,230 --> 00:04:04,732 ExpIain... 39 00:04:04,940 --> 00:04:07,360 ...that time... 40 00:04:07,568 --> 00:04:10,780 ...can move backwards and forwards... 41 00:04:10,947 --> 00:04:13,992 ...and now to then and back again... 42 00:04:14,618 --> 00:04:16,578 ...and you can't controI it? 43 00:04:17,287 --> 00:04:19,081 Why can't you controI it? 44 00:04:22,460 --> 00:04:23,419 What? 45 00:04:23,878 --> 00:04:25,755 Why can't you controI time? 46 00:04:45,485 --> 00:04:49,782 Where were you? Everyone is here. Come on. 47 00:04:53,411 --> 00:04:56,539 Mary, you remember Susanna. Yes, I do. 48 00:05:00,418 --> 00:05:01,670 You're wearing this? 49 00:05:01,962 --> 00:05:05,340 I didn't know it was so earIy. I wouId've changed. 50 00:05:05,591 --> 00:05:08,177 Everybody, Iook who's here. 51 00:05:08,844 --> 00:05:11,013 Happy birthday, Dad. Thanks, sweetie. 52 00:05:12,056 --> 00:05:14,017 I'm sorry, I want to say hi to her. 53 00:05:14,225 --> 00:05:19,356 Sweetie, wouId you hoId this for me? I just want to say hi to Susanna. 54 00:05:19,856 --> 00:05:21,442 Excuse me. Susanna! 55 00:05:22,735 --> 00:05:24,862 Susanna! Professor GiIcrest's wife. 56 00:05:25,154 --> 00:05:27,281 Barbara GiIcrest. You remember me? 57 00:05:27,532 --> 00:05:29,867 Bonnie's mom. I'm Bonnie's mom. 58 00:05:30,076 --> 00:05:32,370 Your skin is so beautifuI. 59 00:05:32,662 --> 00:05:34,539 Wasn't Bonnie in your Iit. cIass? 60 00:05:35,415 --> 00:05:37,334 Yeah. How is she doing? 61 00:05:37,876 --> 00:05:40,045 She just got accepted to RadcIiffe. 62 00:05:40,254 --> 00:05:41,839 What a conundrum. 63 00:05:42,048 --> 00:05:43,549 I'm a WeIIesIey girI, myseIf. 64 00:05:43,758 --> 00:05:47,387 But I think young women shouId make up their own mind, don't you? 65 00:05:51,892 --> 00:05:53,560 Are you stoned? 66 00:05:57,106 --> 00:05:58,774 Do you smoke pot? 67 00:06:01,402 --> 00:06:03,196 Take LSD? 68 00:06:06,700 --> 00:06:08,118 No drugs? 69 00:06:14,292 --> 00:06:16,294 How do you feeI right now? 70 00:06:19,923 --> 00:06:21,299 I... 71 00:06:22,801 --> 00:06:24,636 ...don't know. 72 00:06:25,262 --> 00:06:27,348 I don't know what I'm feeIing. 73 00:06:30,768 --> 00:06:32,770 You need a rest. 74 00:06:33,938 --> 00:06:36,024 WeII, I'II go home, take a nap. 75 00:06:36,274 --> 00:06:40,362 No. You need to go somewhere where you can get a genuine rest. 76 00:06:41,280 --> 00:06:42,990 And you're very Iucky. 77 00:06:43,282 --> 00:06:45,660 The best pIace for someone Iike you... 78 00:06:45,952 --> 00:06:48,663 ...is Iess than a haIf an hour from here. 79 00:06:48,955 --> 00:06:50,915 You don't mean CIaymoore? 80 00:06:53,126 --> 00:06:55,003 Four days ago... 81 00:06:55,212 --> 00:06:58,757 ...you chased a bottIe of aspirin with a bottIe of vodka. 82 00:07:00,718 --> 00:07:02,803 I had a headache. 83 00:07:08,476 --> 00:07:10,604 Your father is a friend of mine. 84 00:07:11,146 --> 00:07:14,316 He's a coIIeague. He asked me to see you... 85 00:07:14,525 --> 00:07:17,403 ...even though I don't do this anymore. 86 00:07:18,154 --> 00:07:21,783 You're hurting everyone around you. 87 00:07:23,326 --> 00:07:28,248 Now, CIaymoore is a topnotch pIace. 88 00:07:28,999 --> 00:07:31,210 A Iot of peopIe go there. 89 00:07:31,460 --> 00:07:32,586 Even writers. 90 00:07:32,837 --> 00:07:34,255 Like you. 91 00:07:37,884 --> 00:07:39,302 Great. 92 00:07:53,151 --> 00:07:56,571 Yes, I'd Iike a cab at 1240 MiIford, pIease. 93 00:07:58,073 --> 00:07:59,866 My mother's here. 94 00:08:00,075 --> 00:08:03,496 It'II be Iess emotionaI if we do it this way. 95 00:08:03,704 --> 00:08:06,415 Your parents and I taIked about it. 96 00:08:44,040 --> 00:08:46,585 Now make sure, no stops. 97 00:09:43,606 --> 00:09:45,650 Susanna, you there? 98 00:09:51,615 --> 00:09:53,450 I want to see you again. 99 00:09:53,659 --> 00:09:55,870 It was a one.time thing, okay? 100 00:09:56,162 --> 00:09:57,830 Just come to my office tonight. 101 00:09:57,997 --> 00:09:59,499 We're opening the presents! 102 00:09:59,749 --> 00:10:02,001 TeII them you're going to a friend's. 103 00:10:02,168 --> 00:10:03,753 Who shouId I teII first? 104 00:10:04,004 --> 00:10:06,840 My parents, the department chairman, or your wife? 105 00:10:07,090 --> 00:10:07,925 No. 106 00:10:14,766 --> 00:10:16,351 What did you do? 107 00:10:17,769 --> 00:10:19,479 What did you do? 108 00:10:21,440 --> 00:10:23,025 Excuse me? 109 00:10:25,527 --> 00:10:27,154 WeII, you Iook normaI. 110 00:10:29,866 --> 00:10:31,534 I'm sad. 111 00:10:32,869 --> 00:10:34,871 WeII, everyone's sad. 112 00:10:36,456 --> 00:10:38,333 I see things. 113 00:10:38,834 --> 00:10:40,669 You mean, Iike tripping? 114 00:10:43,297 --> 00:10:44,548 Kind of. 115 00:10:45,550 --> 00:10:48,261 Then they shouId put John Lennon away, huh? 116 00:10:50,388 --> 00:10:52,599 I'm not John Lennon. 117 00:11:38,942 --> 00:11:40,986 Don't get too comfortabIe. 118 00:11:51,164 --> 00:11:52,457 ShouIdn't my parents...? 119 00:11:52,624 --> 00:11:54,459 You have to sign them, Miss Kaysen. 120 00:11:54,751 --> 00:11:57,504 You're over 18. This is your decision. 121 00:12:09,809 --> 00:12:11,519 I didn't try to kiII myseIf. 122 00:12:14,022 --> 00:12:18,152 That's the kind of thing you taIk about in therapy, honey. Not here. 123 00:12:23,658 --> 00:12:25,118 Miss Kaysen? 124 00:12:26,077 --> 00:12:28,955 You have the distinction of being the onIy senior... 125 00:12:29,206 --> 00:12:31,083 ...not going on to coIIege. 126 00:12:36,339 --> 00:12:38,257 May I ask what you pIan to do? 127 00:12:39,509 --> 00:12:41,928 I pIan to write. 128 00:12:43,930 --> 00:12:45,682 WeII, what do you pIan to do? 129 00:12:47,184 --> 00:12:52,023 Look, I'm not gonna burn my bra or drop acid or go march on Washington... 130 00:12:52,231 --> 00:12:55,360 ...I just don't want to end up Iike my mother. 131 00:12:55,860 --> 00:12:58,071 Women today have more choices than that. 132 00:12:59,364 --> 00:13:00,782 No, they don't. 133 00:13:01,366 --> 00:13:02,743 And here. 134 00:13:04,870 --> 00:13:07,331 You forgot one, dear. Here. 135 00:13:10,877 --> 00:13:15,799 Speaking for Dr. Wick and myseIf, weIcome to CIaymoore, Susanna. 136 00:13:19,470 --> 00:13:22,640 This is the women's ward, aIso known as South BeII. 137 00:13:22,890 --> 00:13:26,728 This is where you'II be staying, and this is where I work. 138 00:13:27,353 --> 00:13:29,939 AII right, this is the second fIoor. 139 00:13:30,148 --> 00:13:34,027 I need you to stay cIose to me because it's easy to get Iost here. 140 00:13:39,533 --> 00:13:41,536 This is our ward. 141 00:13:44,080 --> 00:13:47,751 AII right, Iet's start with this room. 142 00:13:49,836 --> 00:13:52,172 This is the art room. 143 00:13:53,799 --> 00:13:54,925 PoIIy. 144 00:13:55,468 --> 00:13:56,636 What are you doing here? 145 00:13:57,595 --> 00:14:00,181 I feeI very musicaI today. 146 00:14:00,431 --> 00:14:03,226 Can I just, for just a second? Not today, honey. 147 00:14:12,153 --> 00:14:15,740 That's PoIIy. Come on. 148 00:14:21,538 --> 00:14:25,125 Margie, PoIIy was in the art room by herseIf. 149 00:14:25,334 --> 00:14:26,961 I'm sorry, VaI. 150 00:14:30,631 --> 00:14:32,217 The Iiving room. 151 00:14:33,009 --> 00:14:34,928 Everyone hates it. 152 00:14:45,022 --> 00:14:47,150 And these are the phones. 153 00:14:47,442 --> 00:14:50,570 To make a caII, pick up the handIe, teII the nurse... 154 00:14:50,779 --> 00:14:52,489 ...she'II connect you. 155 00:14:52,739 --> 00:14:56,327 This is the nurses' station, which is seIf.expIanatory... 156 00:14:56,577 --> 00:14:59,747 ...and this is the TV room, where everyone hangs out. 157 00:14:59,956 --> 00:15:01,999 I want my fucking cIothes! 158 00:15:02,250 --> 00:15:06,004 Then you'II have to eat something, won't you? 159 00:15:07,547 --> 00:15:08,673 The check.in board. 160 00:15:08,965 --> 00:15:11,677 You check in here to take a waIk on the grounds. 161 00:15:11,885 --> 00:15:13,596 Oh, lordy, pick a bale of hay 162 00:15:13,846 --> 00:15:16,849 Gotta jump down, spin around Pick a bale of cotton 163 00:15:17,058 --> 00:15:19,352 Jump down, spin around Pick a bale of hay 164 00:15:20,562 --> 00:15:22,272 She thinks that bothers me. 165 00:15:22,522 --> 00:15:25,275 You're an "R," which means "restricted to the ward." 166 00:15:25,525 --> 00:15:28,028 But soon you'II move up to two.to.ones... 167 00:15:28,278 --> 00:15:30,531 ...which is two nurses to every patient. 168 00:15:30,781 --> 00:15:33,951 I won't be here that Iong. I'm just here for a rest. 169 00:15:34,202 --> 00:15:38,123 It's aII right. Everybody gets the same tour free of charge. 170 00:15:44,046 --> 00:15:47,216 Georgina, this is Susanna, your new roommate. 171 00:15:47,508 --> 00:15:49,385 Oh, great. Hi. 172 00:15:49,969 --> 00:15:52,639 You're Iucky. Georgina's an exceIIent roommate. 173 00:15:53,390 --> 00:15:54,557 Why, thank you, VaIerie. 174 00:15:54,975 --> 00:15:56,435 You're weIcome. 175 00:15:57,394 --> 00:16:00,064 The cops are bringing Lisa. She was at the park. 176 00:16:03,025 --> 00:16:06,529 WiII you excuse me? I have business I have to attend to. 177 00:16:06,988 --> 00:16:10,742 Georgina, wiII you take Susanna to the dining room in a haIf.hour? 178 00:16:12,202 --> 00:16:13,912 Yes means yes, Georgina. 179 00:16:14,413 --> 00:16:16,081 I know. 180 00:16:32,600 --> 00:16:33,767 Groovy box. 181 00:16:35,102 --> 00:16:36,479 That. 182 00:16:37,271 --> 00:16:39,190 Yeah, they're French. 183 00:16:39,440 --> 00:16:42,319 The French Resistance smoked them, I think. 184 00:16:49,493 --> 00:16:51,454 Read this? 185 00:16:53,080 --> 00:16:56,126 No. I saw the movie a bunch of times, though. 186 00:16:56,793 --> 00:16:58,837 The movie's based on the first book. 187 00:16:59,087 --> 00:17:03,008 I read that one too, but there were no ruby sIippers in it originaIIy. 188 00:17:03,258 --> 00:17:06,470 They added that. This takes pIace afterwards. 189 00:17:06,679 --> 00:17:09,640 Dorothy doesn't reaIIy have such a big part in this one. 190 00:17:13,645 --> 00:17:15,480 Fucking pig. 191 00:17:18,317 --> 00:17:19,651 Get off me! 192 00:17:32,290 --> 00:17:33,166 Thanks, Gretta. 193 00:17:34,376 --> 00:17:36,587 Hey, Dais, Iet anyone in your room yet? 194 00:17:40,466 --> 00:17:43,219 Hey, girIs! Hey, sexy. 195 00:17:47,015 --> 00:17:48,850 It's good to be home. 196 00:17:52,187 --> 00:17:54,231 Hey, Torch. Hey, Lisa. 197 00:17:54,440 --> 00:17:56,692 You miss me? Not much. 198 00:17:58,528 --> 00:18:01,364 Get her to her room. Gretta wiII do the strip search. 199 00:18:02,240 --> 00:18:03,784 Who's that with Georgie.girI? 200 00:18:04,034 --> 00:18:06,203 Where's Jamie? I can't deaI with this. 201 00:18:06,453 --> 00:18:08,455 Don't give me a hard time. 202 00:18:09,373 --> 00:18:10,875 Where is she? Where's Jamie? 203 00:18:15,630 --> 00:18:17,090 Who are you? 204 00:18:17,382 --> 00:18:20,969 Her name is Susanna, Lisa. She smokes French cigarettes. 205 00:18:21,386 --> 00:18:24,598 Why is aII your shit on her bed? Open the damn door! 206 00:18:24,890 --> 00:18:26,308 Why? Where's Jamie? 207 00:18:26,559 --> 00:18:29,520 I don't know what you're taIking about! 208 00:18:31,397 --> 00:18:33,274 What the heII are you doing, Lisa? 209 00:18:34,985 --> 00:18:36,028 Back off her. 210 00:18:36,653 --> 00:18:38,947 Back off! You've been gone for two weeks. 211 00:18:39,281 --> 00:18:42,076 A Iot of shit has gone down. Back off! 212 00:18:42,326 --> 00:18:43,494 How'd she do it? 213 00:18:44,120 --> 00:18:45,371 How'd she do it? 214 00:18:46,247 --> 00:18:47,832 How did she do it, VaIerie? 215 00:18:48,083 --> 00:18:49,918 Get the fuck off me! 216 00:18:50,168 --> 00:18:53,714 You weak peopIe. You're aII weak fucking peopIe! You're victims! 217 00:18:53,964 --> 00:18:55,466 You peopIe are fucking sick! 218 00:18:55,758 --> 00:18:58,469 What? No, no. VaI, pIease. PIease! 219 00:19:02,765 --> 00:19:04,559 Get her Iegs. 220 00:19:05,936 --> 00:19:06,770 Get her feet! 221 00:19:07,020 --> 00:19:08,146 I got her. Get off! 222 00:19:11,108 --> 00:19:12,484 HeIp! 223 00:19:18,408 --> 00:19:20,410 We have got to cut those naiIs again. 224 00:19:26,417 --> 00:19:30,421 My God! What the heII was that? 225 00:19:30,921 --> 00:19:32,590 That was Lisa. 226 00:19:33,967 --> 00:19:36,094 And Jamie was your roommate? 227 00:19:36,344 --> 00:19:38,221 Jamie was Lisa's best friend. 228 00:19:38,972 --> 00:19:41,183 She was sad because Lisa ran away... 229 00:19:41,433 --> 00:19:43,602 ...so she hung herseIf with a voIIeybaII net. 230 00:19:53,822 --> 00:19:55,449 Meds! 231 00:19:57,910 --> 00:19:59,787 Cynthia CrowIey. 232 00:20:01,247 --> 00:20:03,374 Susanna Kaysen. 233 00:20:05,334 --> 00:20:07,253 Susanna Kaysen. 234 00:20:09,381 --> 00:20:12,009 I am Mrs. McWiIIey, and these are for you. 235 00:20:12,217 --> 00:20:14,595 What are they? They'II heIp you sIeep. 236 00:20:15,346 --> 00:20:17,848 It's 10:30. I'm not gonna... For chrissake. 237 00:20:18,057 --> 00:20:20,935 You can discuss it in the morning with your doctor. 238 00:20:21,185 --> 00:20:23,521 In the meantime, we'II agree to disagree. 239 00:20:27,234 --> 00:20:29,361 Take them here. Have some water. 240 00:20:32,698 --> 00:20:34,659 PoIIy CIark. 241 00:20:35,076 --> 00:20:36,953 You can go now. 242 00:20:42,000 --> 00:20:43,335 Teresa McCuIIian. 243 00:20:49,258 --> 00:20:51,344 Daisy Randone. 244 00:20:54,848 --> 00:20:57,183 AngeIa Coury. 245 00:21:00,395 --> 00:21:02,564 JacqueIine Lights. 246 00:21:05,276 --> 00:21:07,194 Donna Smith. 247 00:21:46,780 --> 00:21:48,574 Ryan Reed... 248 00:21:49,199 --> 00:21:52,411 ...yearbook editor and member of the honour society. 249 00:21:52,620 --> 00:21:54,789 Heading off to Tulane University. 250 00:21:55,039 --> 00:21:56,624 CongratuIations, son. 251 00:21:57,291 --> 00:22:02,464 Andrea Jacobs, president of the French cIub and honour society... 252 00:22:02,923 --> 00:22:05,342 ...and on her way to Sarah Lawrence. 253 00:22:08,137 --> 00:22:09,930 Susanna Kaysen. 254 00:22:11,307 --> 00:22:14,102 What is she doing? Some kind of a stunt. 255 00:22:24,446 --> 00:22:26,407 Wake up, freak. 256 00:22:28,785 --> 00:22:29,661 Checks. 257 00:22:49,474 --> 00:22:51,685 Why do they do that? 258 00:22:53,020 --> 00:22:55,189 They're just doing checks. 259 00:22:55,481 --> 00:22:58,526 They'II space them out after you've been here awhiIe. 260 00:23:03,323 --> 00:23:06,493 That girI, PoIIy. 261 00:23:07,703 --> 00:23:09,580 How did she get aII...? 262 00:23:11,165 --> 00:23:12,958 When she was 10... 263 00:23:13,334 --> 00:23:16,546 ...her mother toId her she had to give away her puppy... 264 00:23:16,713 --> 00:23:19,549 ...because he was giving her a rash. 265 00:23:20,050 --> 00:23:23,053 And so PoIIy went... 266 00:23:23,887 --> 00:23:26,473 ...and found her father's gas can... 267 00:23:27,057 --> 00:23:30,728 ...and she poured it aII over where she was getting the rash. 268 00:23:31,771 --> 00:23:33,398 And then... 269 00:23:35,442 --> 00:23:37,444 ...she Iit a match. 270 00:23:39,237 --> 00:23:40,948 Oh, my God. 271 00:23:46,787 --> 00:23:48,957 WeII, what about you? Why are you here? 272 00:23:50,124 --> 00:23:52,669 PseudoIogia fantastica. 273 00:23:54,421 --> 00:23:55,881 What's that? 274 00:23:58,258 --> 00:24:00,928 I'm a pathoIogicaI Iiar. 275 00:24:55,697 --> 00:24:57,824 What are your pIans this faII? What? 276 00:24:58,033 --> 00:25:00,118 What are your pIans this faII? 277 00:25:00,327 --> 00:25:01,870 I don't have any. 278 00:25:02,079 --> 00:25:04,582 I'm gonna be an ethnobotanist. 279 00:25:04,915 --> 00:25:07,668 FuII schoIarship to M.I.T. 280 00:25:07,919 --> 00:25:09,796 I'm going to join the Krishnas. 281 00:25:10,004 --> 00:25:13,675 Hare Krishna? That's interesting, actuaIIy. 282 00:25:14,134 --> 00:25:15,969 I was kidding. 283 00:25:31,862 --> 00:25:33,697 You're Susanna, right? 284 00:25:35,658 --> 00:25:38,202 I'm Toby. Andrea Jacobs' brother. 285 00:25:39,954 --> 00:25:42,040 I was at graduation. 286 00:25:47,713 --> 00:25:49,506 You're pretty when you sIeep. 287 00:25:51,008 --> 00:25:54,345 Checks. It's 7:00. 288 00:26:08,736 --> 00:26:12,323 I mean, everybody thinks about it at some point. 289 00:26:14,242 --> 00:26:16,036 How wouId you do it? 290 00:26:18,288 --> 00:26:19,831 I don't know. 291 00:26:20,582 --> 00:26:23,752 I guess I haven't reaIIy thought about it. 292 00:26:28,633 --> 00:26:31,094 See, once it's in your head, though... 293 00:26:33,138 --> 00:26:34,598 ...you become this... 294 00:26:35,599 --> 00:26:37,184 ...strange, new breed. 295 00:26:38,185 --> 00:26:42,899 A Iife form that Ioves to fantasize about its own demise. 296 00:26:43,149 --> 00:26:46,403 Make a stupid remark, kiII yourseIf. 297 00:26:46,694 --> 00:26:51,116 You Iike the movie, you Iive. You miss the train, kiII yourseIf. 298 00:26:52,785 --> 00:26:53,619 What? 299 00:26:54,870 --> 00:26:57,290 Let's not taIk about this anymore, okay? 300 00:26:57,498 --> 00:26:58,958 Why? 301 00:27:03,254 --> 00:27:04,923 Because it's... 302 00:27:06,091 --> 00:27:07,759 ...stupid. 303 00:27:15,768 --> 00:27:16,644 What? 304 00:27:21,399 --> 00:27:22,234 What are you doing? 305 00:27:23,485 --> 00:27:27,656 What? Because I don't want to kiII myseIf? That's not cooI to you? 306 00:27:28,824 --> 00:27:30,827 I don't wanna die. I was just taIking. 307 00:27:31,119 --> 00:27:34,122 Look, Susanna, the worId is fucked up, okay? 308 00:27:34,330 --> 00:27:36,500 It's so fucked up that if some... 309 00:27:36,750 --> 00:27:39,837 ...draft zombie puIIs my birthday out of a barreI... 310 00:27:40,129 --> 00:27:41,630 ...I'm gonna die. 311 00:27:43,007 --> 00:27:44,175 When's your birthday? 312 00:27:46,344 --> 00:27:48,054 December 30th. 313 00:27:51,141 --> 00:27:52,684 I'II pray for you. 314 00:27:55,354 --> 00:27:56,188 Checks. 315 00:28:24,386 --> 00:28:26,179 You asked for this? 316 00:28:37,066 --> 00:28:38,234 Are you gonna watch? 317 00:28:39,569 --> 00:28:43,907 Afraid so. That's why there's so many fuzzy.Iegged women here. 318 00:28:48,871 --> 00:28:50,915 Has anybody ever watched you shave? 319 00:28:51,916 --> 00:28:54,794 I got two kids and one bathroom. What do you think? 320 00:28:56,254 --> 00:28:58,674 I think you shouId Iock the door. 321 00:29:00,551 --> 00:29:04,305 -September 14th. 322 00:29:07,433 --> 00:29:09,936 -Zero-zero-two. Bingo. 323 00:29:11,980 --> 00:29:14,358 Bingo. Bingo. -December 30th. 324 00:29:15,609 --> 00:29:17,277 Oh, my God. 325 00:29:18,279 --> 00:29:19,947 Bingo. -Zero-zero-three. 326 00:29:22,200 --> 00:29:24,619 A guy I know was just drafted. 327 00:29:25,662 --> 00:29:26,788 What's his name? 328 00:29:29,541 --> 00:29:30,375 Toby. 329 00:29:32,461 --> 00:29:34,129 He's dead now. 330 00:29:41,137 --> 00:29:42,138 Get out, Lisa! 331 00:29:42,347 --> 00:29:44,683 I'm not in your room. I'm right here. 332 00:29:44,975 --> 00:29:47,895 I was gonna offer you naiI poIish. Get out! 333 00:29:49,730 --> 00:29:53,150 You're Iooking better, Lisa. Why, thanks, Margie. 334 00:29:53,401 --> 00:29:55,445 How's the engagement? You know. 335 00:29:55,653 --> 00:29:57,071 No, I don't. I've been away. 336 00:29:57,906 --> 00:30:00,826 Joe wants me to... Before the wedding. 337 00:30:01,910 --> 00:30:04,580 Fuck his brains out. Use a rubber. 338 00:30:05,664 --> 00:30:07,333 Gosh, heII, no. 339 00:30:27,271 --> 00:30:28,857 Can I bum one? 340 00:30:30,317 --> 00:30:31,318 Go ahead. 341 00:30:54,301 --> 00:30:57,221 So have you had your first MeIvin yet? 342 00:30:57,555 --> 00:30:58,681 Who's that? 343 00:30:59,182 --> 00:31:01,935 BaId guy with a IittIe pecker and a fat wife. 344 00:31:02,602 --> 00:31:04,146 Your therapist, sweet pea. 345 00:31:06,106 --> 00:31:07,107 UnIess... 346 00:31:07,357 --> 00:31:09,568 ...unIess they're giving you shocks. 347 00:31:09,818 --> 00:31:11,946 Or, God forbid, Ietting you out. 348 00:31:12,196 --> 00:31:14,741 Then you'II see the great, wonderfuI Dr. Dyke. 349 00:31:15,033 --> 00:31:16,534 She means Dr. Wick. 350 00:31:19,037 --> 00:31:21,248 I've seen his office but haven't met him. 351 00:31:21,581 --> 00:31:23,709 He's a she. Dr. Wick's a girI. 352 00:31:24,209 --> 00:31:26,754 That's right, M.G. Wick's a chick. 353 00:31:27,380 --> 00:31:29,006 Hence the nickname. 354 00:31:30,633 --> 00:31:33,511 Hey, LiI. When the fuck is my checkup? 355 00:31:34,095 --> 00:31:37,224 It's now, Lisa. You said you'd be in your room. 356 00:31:37,432 --> 00:31:40,060 Can't sit too Iong without popping the hood. 357 00:31:56,120 --> 00:31:57,288 AsshoIe! 358 00:31:57,538 --> 00:32:00,958 You have MeIvin in haIf an hour. I'II take you there. 359 00:32:02,251 --> 00:32:03,336 I'm sorry. 360 00:32:03,586 --> 00:32:06,965 Why are you using the past tense? 361 00:32:07,632 --> 00:32:09,301 What do you mean? 362 00:32:09,551 --> 00:32:11,345 WeII, he was... 363 00:32:11,637 --> 00:32:15,891 ...onIy drafted today, so chances are, he's not dead yet. 364 00:32:16,642 --> 00:32:19,896 He probabIy has severaI months... 365 00:32:20,104 --> 00:32:22,148 ...before he even reports. 366 00:32:23,859 --> 00:32:28,447 He was just a nice guy, that's aII. And it made me feeI bad. 367 00:32:28,697 --> 00:32:30,741 You've been feeIing bad in generaI. 368 00:32:31,450 --> 00:32:34,203 Right? You've been feeIing depressed. 369 00:32:36,122 --> 00:32:39,376 I haven't exactIy been a baII of joy, MeIvin. 370 00:32:39,918 --> 00:32:42,629 I understand you tried to kiII yourseIf Iast week. 371 00:32:43,464 --> 00:32:46,091 Anything you want to teII me about that? 372 00:32:46,550 --> 00:32:48,261 I had a headache. 373 00:32:49,679 --> 00:32:54,017 So I assume you took the recommended aspirin dosage for a headache. 374 00:32:54,976 --> 00:32:56,603 I didn't try to kiII myseIf. 375 00:32:56,812 --> 00:32:58,480 What were you trying to do? 376 00:32:58,689 --> 00:33:01,025 I was trying to make the shit stop. 377 00:33:02,193 --> 00:33:04,612 The time.jumps, the depression... 378 00:33:05,863 --> 00:33:08,032 ...the headaches, the thing with your hand? 379 00:33:09,367 --> 00:33:10,994 AII of the above. 380 00:33:13,038 --> 00:33:14,248 I see. 381 00:33:16,667 --> 00:33:18,836 PauI is dead! 382 00:33:27,679 --> 00:33:30,557 What is it? Are you puzzIed about something? 383 00:33:31,892 --> 00:33:34,311 Yeah, I guess I am, MeIvin. 384 00:33:34,562 --> 00:33:37,940 I'm puzzIed as to why I have to be in a mentaI institution. 385 00:33:38,524 --> 00:33:40,193 You put yourseIf here. 386 00:33:40,401 --> 00:33:42,195 My parents put me here. 387 00:33:45,032 --> 00:33:46,116 No, they didn't. 388 00:33:46,825 --> 00:33:48,911 Everyone here's fucking crazy! 389 00:33:49,703 --> 00:33:51,080 You wanna go home. 390 00:33:54,417 --> 00:33:56,252 Same probIem. 391 00:33:57,087 --> 00:33:59,965 M.G, Iook at me. 392 00:34:00,257 --> 00:34:01,758 PIay with me. 393 00:34:02,551 --> 00:34:06,055 Don't be sad. Don't be sad. 394 00:34:15,273 --> 00:34:16,316 Thank you. 395 00:34:50,979 --> 00:34:53,399 What are these? CoIace. It's just a Iaxative. 396 00:34:53,649 --> 00:34:55,651 I don't need them. 397 00:34:56,152 --> 00:34:57,570 Are we going to have a probIem? 398 00:34:59,864 --> 00:35:01,950 Are we going to have a probIem? 399 00:35:02,284 --> 00:35:04,202 Are we going to have a probIem? 400 00:35:05,037 --> 00:35:06,330 May I see? 401 00:35:06,497 --> 00:35:07,665 Thank you. 402 00:35:07,915 --> 00:35:09,667 Surrender. 403 00:35:10,334 --> 00:35:12,086 Are we going to have a probIem? 404 00:35:14,380 --> 00:35:15,965 No probIem. 405 00:35:16,216 --> 00:35:18,552 Phone caII, booth one. 406 00:35:21,763 --> 00:35:24,224 HeIIo? -Hold on. 407 00:35:26,352 --> 00:35:28,312 -Susanna? Hi, Mom. 408 00:35:28,521 --> 00:35:30,064 Hi, honey. Your father's on too. 409 00:35:30,273 --> 00:35:33,151 He's just back from reserves. He got stuck at Dulles. 410 00:35:33,693 --> 00:35:34,945 How are you, honey? 411 00:35:35,362 --> 00:35:38,031 I'm fine, Dad. -You know, sweetheart... 412 00:35:40,951 --> 00:35:44,288 If you can't give me Ex.Lax, can I pIease have some CoIace? 413 00:35:44,539 --> 00:35:46,916 No. No more Iaxatives. 414 00:35:48,626 --> 00:35:50,712 I can get her some prune juice. 415 00:35:51,546 --> 00:35:53,048 Prune juice! 416 00:35:53,632 --> 00:35:55,426 This is outrageous! 417 00:35:55,718 --> 00:35:59,472 She was wondering if you'd made new friends, and l said.: 418 00:35:59,972 --> 00:36:02,767 "No, Mom, this isn't Camp Winnetka. " 419 00:36:06,396 --> 00:36:08,482 Daisy? Fuck off. 420 00:36:09,900 --> 00:36:11,986 I have something you want. 421 00:36:18,826 --> 00:36:20,120 Come in. 422 00:36:51,279 --> 00:36:52,614 You're aII packed up. 423 00:36:53,323 --> 00:36:55,367 Yeah, I'm Ieaving in a month. 424 00:36:55,617 --> 00:36:57,369 My dad got me an apartment. 425 00:36:57,619 --> 00:37:01,373 ReaIIy? Where? It's near the airport. 426 00:37:01,707 --> 00:37:05,837 One bedroom, two baths, eat.in chicken. He fixed it up reaI nice for me. 427 00:37:06,087 --> 00:37:07,422 You mean eat.in kitchen. 428 00:37:08,131 --> 00:37:10,425 That's what I said, asshoIe. 429 00:37:10,801 --> 00:37:12,886 So what do you have that I want? 430 00:37:17,975 --> 00:37:19,143 Put it on the bed. 431 00:37:19,685 --> 00:37:20,895 Put yours on the bed. 432 00:37:21,312 --> 00:37:23,022 Oh, Jesus. Get out! 433 00:37:23,273 --> 00:37:24,607 Get out! 434 00:37:24,858 --> 00:37:27,235 Don't take advantage just because she's new. 435 00:37:27,486 --> 00:37:28,320 Pony up some VaIium. 436 00:37:28,612 --> 00:37:31,657 Get the fuck out, or I'm caIIing VaIerie! VaIerie! 437 00:37:31,907 --> 00:37:33,784 Why don't you caII VaIerie? 438 00:37:33,993 --> 00:37:38,206 CaII VaIerie and ask her for some CoIace, Iike Susie Q's got in her hand. 439 00:37:38,414 --> 00:37:40,166 Why does it stink in here? 440 00:37:41,126 --> 00:37:42,419 I don't take VaIium. 441 00:37:42,669 --> 00:37:44,254 I know. That's the point. 442 00:37:44,504 --> 00:37:47,091 They give them to you, and you don't take them. 443 00:37:47,299 --> 00:37:49,009 Are you gonna eat that? 444 00:37:49,260 --> 00:37:50,636 Checks. 445 00:37:50,970 --> 00:37:52,638 You've got visitors, Daisy. 446 00:37:52,889 --> 00:37:54,682 I want some fucking CoIace. 447 00:37:54,974 --> 00:37:57,310 TaIk to MeIvin tomorrow. 448 00:38:08,364 --> 00:38:12,327 You know what I think? I think you want to poop, Daisy. 449 00:38:12,535 --> 00:38:14,371 I think it's been days. 450 00:38:15,539 --> 00:38:17,166 Look, it's okay. I don't care. 451 00:38:17,374 --> 00:38:19,376 I do! I do care. 452 00:38:23,172 --> 00:38:27,343 So Daddy buys you a private, and no one gets in, huh? 453 00:38:28,553 --> 00:38:32,224 You never Ieave except when VaIerie makes you go to the cafeteria... 454 00:38:32,474 --> 00:38:35,561 ...where you never eat. You're a Iaxative junkie. 455 00:38:36,562 --> 00:38:41,734 I aIways thought you were Iike Janet, but here you are with this chicken. 456 00:38:42,986 --> 00:38:45,071 So what's with that, huh? 457 00:38:45,405 --> 00:38:49,076 My dad owns a deIi, asshoIe, with a rotisserie. 458 00:38:49,326 --> 00:38:53,205 I Iike my dad's chicken. When I eat something eIse, I puke. 459 00:38:53,873 --> 00:38:58,086 But why do you eat it here? Why don't you Iike to go to the cafeteria? 460 00:38:58,503 --> 00:39:00,296 Which do you Iike better? 461 00:39:00,588 --> 00:39:02,758 Taking a dump aIone or with VaIerie watching? 462 00:39:03,842 --> 00:39:04,885 AIone. 463 00:39:05,552 --> 00:39:08,430 Everyone Iikes to be aIone when it comes out. 464 00:39:08,722 --> 00:39:10,558 I Iike to be aIone when it goes in. 465 00:39:10,766 --> 00:39:13,770 To me, the cafeteria's Iike being with... 466 00:39:14,062 --> 00:39:16,106 ...20 girIs aII at once taking a dump. 467 00:39:17,399 --> 00:39:19,276 That is fucked up, Daisy! 468 00:39:21,779 --> 00:39:22,780 Come on. 469 00:39:26,534 --> 00:39:30,288 AII right, asshoIes. Fine, here. 470 00:39:36,628 --> 00:39:37,838 Here. 471 00:39:47,766 --> 00:39:48,975 Lisa, don't! 472 00:39:49,267 --> 00:39:50,435 No, pIease... 473 00:39:50,644 --> 00:39:52,479 Dios-fucking-mio! 474 00:39:57,276 --> 00:39:59,153 That's how Daddy knows she's eating. 475 00:39:59,362 --> 00:40:03,658 When I get five, VaIerie makes me throw them away. 476 00:40:17,131 --> 00:40:19,008 ScribbIe, scribbIe, scribbIe. 477 00:40:19,342 --> 00:40:21,011 Written anything about me yet? 478 00:40:21,177 --> 00:40:22,888 Don't do that. 479 00:40:34,901 --> 00:40:36,695 Is Daisy reaIIy getting out? 480 00:40:41,325 --> 00:40:42,910 She coughed up a big one. 481 00:40:43,661 --> 00:40:47,248 How can...? I mean, she's insane. 482 00:40:47,707 --> 00:40:50,210 That's what "ther.rape.me" is aII about. 483 00:40:50,418 --> 00:40:54,423 That's why fucking Freud's picture's on every shrink's waII. 484 00:40:54,631 --> 00:40:59,637 He created an industry. You Iie down, confess your secrets, and you're saved. 485 00:41:00,888 --> 00:41:04,559 The more you confess, the more they think about setting you free. 486 00:41:04,726 --> 00:41:07,228 But what if you don't have a secret? 487 00:41:09,105 --> 00:41:11,441 Then you're a Iifer, Iike me. 488 00:41:12,401 --> 00:41:14,862 I was changing her diaper... 489 00:41:15,321 --> 00:41:17,657 ...and I turned to get the powder... 490 00:41:18,407 --> 00:41:21,452 ...and whiIe my back was turned, she roIIed off the bed. 491 00:41:23,413 --> 00:41:26,249 She roIIed off the bed and broke her Ieg. 492 00:41:28,252 --> 00:41:31,589 The doctor put her in a body cast, but aIso strapped her down. 493 00:41:31,839 --> 00:41:34,175 This has nothing... You never toId me this. 494 00:41:34,425 --> 00:41:36,511 CarI pIanned this trip to Santa Monica. 495 00:41:36,761 --> 00:41:41,141 He had a commitment at RAND. So we took her with us. 496 00:41:41,933 --> 00:41:44,937 On the back seat, strapped to this board, 4000 miIes. 497 00:41:45,187 --> 00:41:48,649 If you Iike, Mrs. Kaysen, we can discuss this... 498 00:41:48,858 --> 00:41:51,569 ...further on the way out. 499 00:41:51,819 --> 00:41:54,614 Just how Iong is my daughter going to be here? 500 00:41:54,823 --> 00:41:56,658 With aII due respect, Mr. Kaysen... 501 00:41:56,950 --> 00:42:01,121 ...psychiatry and economics are different. 502 00:42:01,330 --> 00:42:04,500 The Iength of Susanna's stay isn't fixed. 503 00:42:04,709 --> 00:42:07,628 It depends on her response to treatment. 504 00:42:07,837 --> 00:42:10,799 For what? Depression? 505 00:42:11,049 --> 00:42:15,721 It's aImost Christmas. What do we say to the peopIe who care about her? 506 00:42:16,472 --> 00:42:18,474 See, what's going on here is... 507 00:42:18,682 --> 00:42:23,479 ...my parents are having a IittIe hoIiday cocktaiI Christmas party crisis. 508 00:42:23,688 --> 00:42:24,772 What? 509 00:42:26,733 --> 00:42:29,569 What's the "borderIine" business you mentioned? 510 00:42:32,865 --> 00:42:35,242 I don't think that's usefuI to Susanna. 511 00:42:35,493 --> 00:42:37,703 I mean, not... What "borderIine business"? 512 00:42:37,954 --> 00:42:39,831 The mind... BorderIine what? 513 00:42:40,081 --> 00:42:42,292 BorderIine between what and what? 514 00:42:43,501 --> 00:42:45,504 It's a condition, Susanna. 515 00:42:45,712 --> 00:42:48,257 And it's caIIed BorderIine PersonaIity Disorder. 516 00:42:48,507 --> 00:42:50,634 Oh, God. 517 00:42:51,218 --> 00:42:52,928 It's not uncommon. 518 00:42:53,512 --> 00:42:55,556 EspeciaIIy among young women. 519 00:42:56,140 --> 00:42:58,226 What causes it? 520 00:42:58,476 --> 00:43:00,186 We're reaIIy not sure. 521 00:43:00,395 --> 00:43:03,523 Is it genetic? Oh, Christ! 522 00:43:04,608 --> 00:43:07,027 It is five times more common... 523 00:43:07,361 --> 00:43:10,198 ...among those with a borderIine... 524 00:43:10,823 --> 00:43:11,866 ...parent. 525 00:43:14,160 --> 00:43:18,874 I can't do this. I'm sorry, I can't. I can't do this. 526 00:43:33,306 --> 00:43:37,436 "Razors pain you; rivers are damp; acid stains you; drugs cause cramp. 527 00:43:37,686 --> 00:43:39,897 Guns aren't IawfuI; nooses give... 528 00:43:40,147 --> 00:43:43,234 ...gas smeIIs awfuI; you might as weII Iive." 529 00:43:43,568 --> 00:43:44,736 Gin. 530 00:43:56,707 --> 00:43:59,377 AsshoIe. Fatso. 531 00:44:06,635 --> 00:44:07,636 CaII me a cab. 532 00:44:08,387 --> 00:44:09,596 Okay, you're a cab. 533 00:44:15,353 --> 00:44:17,605 Lisa said you got into Daisy's room. 534 00:44:19,024 --> 00:44:20,984 And it was fuII of chickens. 535 00:44:21,234 --> 00:44:23,529 Susanna, you have a phone caII. 536 00:44:27,741 --> 00:44:30,244 So what's your "diag-nonsense"? 537 00:44:30,453 --> 00:44:33,748 Who is this? -What'd he say to Mom and Pop? 538 00:44:42,591 --> 00:44:44,635 I have a borderIine personaIity. 539 00:44:45,636 --> 00:44:47,513 WeII, that's nothing. What eIse? 540 00:44:47,805 --> 00:44:50,767 He didn't say. He thought it wouId affect my recovery. 541 00:44:52,143 --> 00:44:53,520 Tongue your meds tonight. 542 00:44:53,812 --> 00:44:56,648 After 1:00 checks, Gretta aIways goes for a smoke. 543 00:44:56,899 --> 00:45:00,486 Check the mirrors. lf they're clear, go to Hector's closet. 544 00:45:00,653 --> 00:45:03,865 lt's near the art room, and it will be open. 545 00:45:20,133 --> 00:45:21,509 Torch! 546 00:45:22,844 --> 00:45:24,179 Come on. 547 00:45:43,408 --> 00:45:46,036 This is how Lisa gets out when she escapes! 548 00:45:49,916 --> 00:45:53,920 We're under administration, so... No good here. 549 00:45:54,379 --> 00:45:56,548 Good thing this pIace has a sIiding scaIe. 550 00:45:56,840 --> 00:45:59,593 We get to mingIe with the Iock.picking trash. 551 00:46:25,079 --> 00:46:26,748 Good job! 552 00:46:28,917 --> 00:46:30,586 Susanna, you're up! 553 00:46:30,794 --> 00:46:33,589 No, no, no. I've onIy done this once in my Iife. 554 00:46:34,048 --> 00:46:35,007 Come on. PIease. 555 00:46:35,257 --> 00:46:38,594 We came aII the way here. Come on! 556 00:46:55,947 --> 00:46:57,198 AII right! 557 00:47:30,318 --> 00:47:34,531 They put the tunneIs in so the Ioons didn't have to go out in the coId. 558 00:47:34,740 --> 00:47:36,867 I must've missed that in the brochure. 559 00:47:41,038 --> 00:47:42,874 Hey, open the door. 560 00:47:56,639 --> 00:47:58,307 What the fuck are you doing? 561 00:48:11,280 --> 00:48:13,950 Dr. Wick's office. 562 00:48:27,923 --> 00:48:30,385 AII right. Georgina Tuskin. 563 00:48:42,606 --> 00:48:44,609 Susanna Kaysen. 564 00:48:47,320 --> 00:48:48,988 PoIIy CIark. 565 00:48:51,992 --> 00:48:54,202 Cynthia CrowIey. 566 00:48:54,453 --> 00:48:56,330 CongratuIations. Thank you. 567 00:48:57,748 --> 00:48:59,417 Janet Webber. 568 00:49:02,378 --> 00:49:04,005 Lisa Rowe. 569 00:49:38,168 --> 00:49:39,753 Fuck you, MeIvin. 570 00:49:44,967 --> 00:49:46,260 Wanna see mine? 571 00:49:47,386 --> 00:49:49,055 Let me see yours. 572 00:49:58,440 --> 00:50:01,068 "Lisa Rowe. 573 00:50:01,318 --> 00:50:03,863 Highs and Iows increasingIy severe. 574 00:50:04,655 --> 00:50:07,242 ControIIing reIationships with patients. 575 00:50:07,450 --> 00:50:10,495 No appreciabIe response to meds. 576 00:50:10,745 --> 00:50:15,042 No remission observed." That was before you ran away. 577 00:50:15,667 --> 00:50:17,503 We're very rare, and mostIy men. 578 00:50:17,670 --> 00:50:20,631 Lisa thinks she's hot shit because she's a sociopath. 579 00:50:20,840 --> 00:50:22,800 I'm a sociopath. No, you're a dyke. 580 00:50:23,134 --> 00:50:26,179 "BorderIine PersonaIity Disorder. 581 00:50:26,429 --> 00:50:30,142 An instabiIity of seIf.image, reIationships and mood. 582 00:50:30,350 --> 00:50:32,019 Uncertainty about goaIs. 583 00:50:32,311 --> 00:50:35,523 ImpuIsive in activities that are seIf.damaging... 584 00:50:35,773 --> 00:50:38,234 ...such as casuaI sex." 585 00:50:38,693 --> 00:50:39,861 I Iike that. 586 00:50:40,111 --> 00:50:42,530 "SociaI contrariness and a generaIIy... 587 00:50:42,822 --> 00:50:45,659 ...pessimistic attitude are often observed." 588 00:50:47,286 --> 00:50:48,454 WeII, that's me. 589 00:50:49,371 --> 00:50:50,539 That's everybody. 590 00:50:50,790 --> 00:50:53,334 I mean, what kind of sex isn't casuaI? 591 00:50:53,793 --> 00:50:56,087 They mean promiscuous. 592 00:50:56,629 --> 00:50:58,381 I'm not promiscuous. 593 00:51:03,053 --> 00:51:04,930 I'm not. 594 00:51:22,366 --> 00:51:23,701 Jesus. 595 00:51:24,368 --> 00:51:25,912 Look at Janet. 596 00:51:26,412 --> 00:51:27,831 No. It's aII right. 597 00:51:29,916 --> 00:51:34,046 You know, taking us for ice creams in a bIizzard... 598 00:51:34,296 --> 00:51:36,924 ...makes you wonder who the reaI whack jobs are. 599 00:51:37,091 --> 00:51:38,843 You know, I think it's kind of nice. 600 00:51:39,093 --> 00:51:43,431 I mean, I think it's nice to do something nice on Daisy's Iast day. 601 00:52:12,129 --> 00:52:13,381 Oh, fuck! 602 00:52:13,631 --> 00:52:15,008 I'II have peppermint stick. 603 00:52:15,300 --> 00:52:16,968 Me too. Can I have peppermint stick? 604 00:52:17,260 --> 00:52:18,637 Sure. 605 00:52:18,845 --> 00:52:21,056 It's just caIIed peppermint. 606 00:52:21,306 --> 00:52:22,724 Peppermint dick! 607 00:52:24,226 --> 00:52:25,853 Peppermint cIit! 608 00:52:29,357 --> 00:52:31,818 Okay. We're just gonna have four cones. 609 00:52:32,068 --> 00:52:33,403 Four cones. 610 00:52:34,654 --> 00:52:36,573 Susanna, do you want anything? 611 00:52:36,823 --> 00:52:37,866 I'm fine. 612 00:52:43,539 --> 00:52:45,041 Ronny. 613 00:52:45,333 --> 00:52:46,417 Got any hot fudge? 614 00:52:47,085 --> 00:52:48,378 Yes. 615 00:52:48,878 --> 00:52:52,341 Can I have a vaniIIa sundae with hot fudge... 616 00:52:52,674 --> 00:52:56,053 ...and sprinkIes. Rainbow, not chocoIate. 617 00:52:57,555 --> 00:52:59,140 And... 618 00:53:03,019 --> 00:53:05,772 ...whipped cream, cherries... 619 00:53:06,731 --> 00:53:08,442 ...and... 620 00:53:09,526 --> 00:53:10,319 Nuts? 621 00:53:19,537 --> 00:53:21,498 Let's have a seat, Iadies. 622 00:53:23,291 --> 00:53:28,297 MeIvin thought that I shouId Iive in a haIfway house. 623 00:53:29,256 --> 00:53:32,593 But my father knew that I deserved my own apartment. 624 00:53:33,094 --> 00:53:35,138 So he got me the prettiest apartment. 625 00:53:35,346 --> 00:53:37,599 It has an eat.in chicken... 626 00:53:37,807 --> 00:53:42,146 ...and aII this beautifuI wicker furniture, which is fantastic. 627 00:53:42,354 --> 00:53:43,647 Wicker butterfIies. 628 00:53:44,982 --> 00:53:46,776 My very favourite part... 629 00:53:46,984 --> 00:53:48,945 ...is Iike in the phone book. 630 00:53:49,153 --> 00:53:51,781 There's a sign right outside that says: 631 00:53:51,990 --> 00:53:53,867 "If you Iived here... 632 00:53:54,201 --> 00:53:55,243 ...you'd be home now." 633 00:53:55,827 --> 00:53:57,120 HeIIo, Susanna. 634 00:53:57,830 --> 00:53:58,997 Do you remember me? 635 00:53:59,915 --> 00:54:03,085 You must remember me. Yes. Mrs. GiIcrest. 636 00:54:03,836 --> 00:54:05,004 Susanna, you okay? 637 00:54:05,505 --> 00:54:07,507 I'm fine. 638 00:54:08,466 --> 00:54:11,178 Hey, Bonnie. How's RadcIiffe? WeIIesIey. 639 00:54:11,678 --> 00:54:13,889 I'm enjoying it. It's strong in art. 640 00:54:14,098 --> 00:54:15,432 Going to the Sorbonne. 641 00:54:15,641 --> 00:54:19,228 That's great. You know, I know aII about you... 642 00:54:19,478 --> 00:54:22,190 ...and I hope they put you away forever. 643 00:54:23,566 --> 00:54:24,818 Is this the professor's wife? 644 00:54:25,068 --> 00:54:26,236 What professor? 645 00:54:26,486 --> 00:54:27,988 So you toId everybody. 646 00:54:29,907 --> 00:54:30,866 Lady, back off. 647 00:54:31,408 --> 00:54:32,868 Was I taIking to you? Let's go. 648 00:54:33,119 --> 00:54:35,913 No, you're spitting on me, so meIIow.fucking.out. 649 00:54:36,164 --> 00:54:37,290 Don't teII me what to do. 650 00:54:37,498 --> 00:54:40,794 Look, she gave your husband a rim job. Big fucking deaI! 651 00:54:41,044 --> 00:54:44,047 He was begging for it, and I heard it was Iike a penciI. 652 00:54:44,298 --> 00:54:45,591 How dare you! 653 00:54:45,841 --> 00:54:49,678 Some advice: Don't point your fucking finger at crazy peopIe! 654 00:54:52,932 --> 00:54:54,183 Let go of me! 655 00:54:55,769 --> 00:54:56,603 Mother? 656 00:54:56,853 --> 00:54:58,897 Get that out of my face, asshoIe! 657 00:55:01,650 --> 00:55:02,484 Let go! 658 00:55:02,985 --> 00:55:03,819 Now. 659 00:55:05,488 --> 00:55:06,656 Stop it! 660 00:55:07,532 --> 00:55:11,035 "Rank" you! Come again, Mrs. Professor! 661 00:55:11,536 --> 00:55:13,747 You shared a man with that woman? 662 00:55:20,462 --> 00:55:23,382 Did you enjoy the fresh air? Yeah, thanks. 663 00:55:23,591 --> 00:55:26,970 Good. Because it's the Iast time you're Ieaving the ward. 664 00:55:28,304 --> 00:55:30,849 Is that a dare or a doubIe dare? 665 00:55:33,727 --> 00:55:38,024 Okay, raise your arms. Very good. We're going to be trees. 666 00:55:38,441 --> 00:55:41,819 FeeI the strength in your arms as the branches. 667 00:55:42,070 --> 00:55:44,739 And reach those branches up to the sky. 668 00:55:44,990 --> 00:55:48,493 Come on, Susanna, reach. Very good! 669 00:55:48,702 --> 00:55:50,537 Lisa, aII right. 670 00:55:50,788 --> 00:55:53,708 Reach your arms, girIs. Reach. ReaIIy Iift. 671 00:55:53,958 --> 00:55:55,877 FeeI the stretch through the hip. 672 00:55:56,043 --> 00:55:58,630 Very good. Let your arms be branches. 673 00:55:58,838 --> 00:56:01,049 There's strength in those branches. 674 00:56:01,466 --> 00:56:06,388 Reach, reach aII the way up into the sky. Very good. 675 00:56:06,680 --> 00:56:10,559 Let the wind bIow the Ieaves and Iet your fingers be the Ieaves. 676 00:56:10,851 --> 00:56:13,271 Good, M.G, very good. FeeI the wind. 677 00:56:13,730 --> 00:56:15,940 Good. Good, Lisa. 678 00:56:16,232 --> 00:56:17,943 Very good. 679 00:56:18,360 --> 00:56:21,572 Just Iift up. Lift up. Very good, girIs. 680 00:56:21,864 --> 00:56:24,241 Now feeI your feet. FeeI your feet be rooted. 681 00:56:24,492 --> 00:56:26,786 Go down into a pIié. Very good. 682 00:56:27,078 --> 00:56:29,747 Good, girIs. PoIIy, very good. 683 00:56:29,998 --> 00:56:33,585 Now stretch it. The wind's bIowing reaIIy hard this way. 684 00:56:34,377 --> 00:56:37,381 That is not fair. That is not fair! 685 00:56:37,589 --> 00:56:38,841 That is not fair! 686 00:56:40,259 --> 00:56:42,136 Seventy.four is the perfect weight! 687 00:56:45,890 --> 00:56:47,434 Good Iuck, crazy bitch. 688 00:56:47,600 --> 00:56:51,271 What kind of tree can you be down there on the fIoor? 689 00:56:51,438 --> 00:56:54,108 I'm a fucking shrub, aII right? 690 00:58:16,115 --> 00:58:19,660 Martin Luther King Jr. was killed tonight in Memphis, Tennessee. 691 00:58:19,869 --> 00:58:23,832 He was shot as he stood on the balcony of his hotel room. 692 00:58:24,291 --> 00:58:26,084 Last night, he said this.: 693 00:58:26,293 --> 00:58:28,712 l don't know what will happen now. 694 00:58:29,546 --> 00:58:32,007 We've got some difficult days ahead. 695 00:58:33,467 --> 00:58:35,928 But it really doesn't matter with me now... 696 00:58:36,220 --> 00:58:38,807 ...because l've been to the mountaintop. 697 00:58:50,570 --> 00:58:52,780 Susanna, you have a visitor. 698 00:58:57,452 --> 00:58:58,662 What are you doing here? 699 00:59:03,501 --> 00:59:05,920 I ship out next week. 700 00:59:07,630 --> 00:59:08,840 Here. 701 00:59:26,317 --> 00:59:27,819 Checks. 702 00:59:28,528 --> 00:59:30,113 Sorry. 703 00:59:30,822 --> 00:59:34,618 No. It's okay. We have 10 minutes tiII they come back. 704 00:59:45,088 --> 00:59:46,339 Hey, Torch. 705 00:59:47,299 --> 00:59:49,301 What you doing? 706 00:59:50,219 --> 00:59:51,387 Nothing. 707 00:59:51,971 --> 00:59:55,349 WeII, why don't you go to your room and do nothing? 708 01:00:06,278 --> 01:00:07,863 Checks. 709 01:00:10,032 --> 01:00:11,409 Checks. 710 01:00:14,829 --> 01:00:15,997 Checks. 711 01:00:19,626 --> 01:00:20,627 Hey, Margie. 712 01:00:20,878 --> 01:00:22,838 Hey, Lisa. What you doing? 713 01:00:23,088 --> 01:00:25,216 Checks. How's Joe? 714 01:00:25,466 --> 01:00:27,260 He's fine. 715 01:00:27,844 --> 01:00:29,429 I have to do my checks. 716 01:00:29,679 --> 01:00:32,849 Taking five minutes for me wouId be a dereIiction of duty? 717 01:00:34,351 --> 01:00:36,019 What if I had a punctured artery? 718 01:00:36,270 --> 01:00:38,522 You'd go on your rounds, ignoring my wounds? 719 01:00:38,772 --> 01:00:41,484 Stop it. Stop what? Look at this. 720 01:00:41,943 --> 01:00:43,027 Go ahead. Go ahead. 721 01:00:43,277 --> 01:00:44,529 That's enough! 722 01:00:44,737 --> 01:00:47,365 Take one step and I'II jam this in my aorta! 723 01:00:47,616 --> 01:00:48,700 Stop it. 724 01:00:48,950 --> 01:00:50,827 Your aorta is in your chest. 725 01:00:52,871 --> 01:00:54,331 Good to know. 726 01:00:55,166 --> 01:00:58,044 I'II make a note of that. Good. 727 01:01:06,887 --> 01:01:09,640 You have grounds priviIeges. Why don't you take a waIk? 728 01:01:10,307 --> 01:01:12,393 Go get a cup of coffee. 729 01:01:16,648 --> 01:01:18,400 We shouId get out of here. 730 01:01:34,709 --> 01:01:36,253 The cafeteria's this way. 731 01:01:36,419 --> 01:01:37,921 My wheeIs are here. 732 01:01:38,213 --> 01:01:40,090 Wait. What are we doing? 733 01:01:42,760 --> 01:01:44,762 We're going to Canada. 734 01:01:50,852 --> 01:01:52,604 You're not crazy. 735 01:01:52,854 --> 01:01:55,274 Okay? You don't need to be here. 736 01:01:56,775 --> 01:01:59,445 I tried to kiII myseIf, Toby. 737 01:01:59,904 --> 01:02:04,075 You took some aspirin. I took a bottIe of aspirin. 738 01:02:05,285 --> 01:02:09,748 That buys you a year in this pIace? That's buIIshit, okay? 739 01:02:09,956 --> 01:02:11,083 They're breaking you. 740 01:02:11,583 --> 01:02:14,503 Come on. AII right? Everything's changing, man. 741 01:02:14,795 --> 01:02:17,006 What do they know about being normaI? 742 01:02:19,884 --> 01:02:21,636 I have friends in here. 743 01:02:22,804 --> 01:02:25,515 Who? Them? 744 01:02:25,974 --> 01:02:27,976 Those girIs... Susanna... 745 01:02:29,561 --> 01:02:33,399 ...they're eating grapes off of the waIIpaper. 746 01:02:33,816 --> 01:02:35,318 They're insane. 747 01:02:35,902 --> 01:02:38,446 If they are, I am. 748 01:02:42,659 --> 01:02:44,453 No, baby. Listen, come with me. 749 01:02:49,166 --> 01:02:50,334 Look... 750 01:02:51,335 --> 01:02:53,671 ...my dad gave me five grand. 751 01:02:54,297 --> 01:02:58,302 Okay? We can go up there. We can buiId a cabin in the woods. 752 01:03:00,512 --> 01:03:02,890 Look, I know that this sounds crazy... 753 01:03:05,184 --> 01:03:07,019 ...but I think I Iove you. 754 01:03:08,396 --> 01:03:10,774 So come with me. Okay? 755 01:03:12,526 --> 01:03:14,319 Come with me. 756 01:03:22,662 --> 01:03:25,790 You wanna Ieave, don't you? 757 01:03:26,041 --> 01:03:27,208 Yes. 758 01:03:27,709 --> 01:03:29,711 I wanna Ieave. 759 01:03:33,090 --> 01:03:34,925 But not with you. 760 01:03:38,763 --> 01:03:40,390 Not with you. 761 01:03:42,058 --> 01:03:43,727 I'm sorry. 762 01:03:45,771 --> 01:03:47,856 Susanna, wait a second. 763 01:04:33,281 --> 01:04:35,200 Why did you do that? 764 01:04:38,829 --> 01:04:41,457 Fix the Iight buIb at night? 765 01:04:43,543 --> 01:04:45,795 I'm not here in the morning... 766 01:04:46,171 --> 01:04:49,758 ...and that's when you Iike to draw your pictures and stuff. 767 01:04:50,050 --> 01:04:51,134 So... 768 01:05:02,397 --> 01:05:03,398 John? 769 01:05:10,531 --> 01:05:12,533 Why do you Iike me? 770 01:05:15,536 --> 01:05:17,664 I just Iike you. 771 01:05:18,873 --> 01:05:20,542 That's aII. 772 01:05:21,710 --> 01:05:24,338 I wish you were getting better, though. 773 01:05:25,130 --> 01:05:26,715 I wouId... 774 01:05:28,050 --> 01:05:31,930 I'd take you out to go see a movie or something. 775 01:05:34,599 --> 01:05:36,309 That'd be nice. 776 01:05:38,353 --> 01:05:39,521 My face! 777 01:05:42,358 --> 01:05:43,734 My face! 778 01:05:43,985 --> 01:05:46,070 I'm okay. I'm okay. 779 01:05:46,320 --> 01:05:48,239 Let her be. She's fine. My face! 780 01:05:48,490 --> 01:05:49,616 My face! 781 01:05:49,908 --> 01:05:52,160 SecIusion. Take her to SecIusion. Come on. 782 01:05:52,661 --> 01:05:54,246 I got you. 783 01:05:57,207 --> 01:05:58,626 My face! Why? Open it. 784 01:05:59,877 --> 01:06:01,546 My face! 785 01:06:01,754 --> 01:06:03,172 My face! 786 01:06:03,423 --> 01:06:07,803 Quieten down. Quieten down. You're aII right. 787 01:06:09,429 --> 01:06:12,349 I'm ugIy! My face! 788 01:06:12,558 --> 01:06:15,895 I'm ugIy! Why? 789 01:06:40,005 --> 01:06:41,798 What happened to PoIIy? 790 01:06:44,259 --> 01:06:47,263 What needs to happen? No one's ever gonna kiss her. 791 01:06:49,807 --> 01:06:52,435 They're buiIding a new DisneyIand in FIorida. 792 01:06:52,977 --> 01:06:56,273 If I couId have any job, I'd be a professionaI CindereIIa. 793 01:06:57,065 --> 01:06:58,734 You couId be Snow White. 794 01:06:58,984 --> 01:07:01,445 PoIIy couId be Minnie Mouse and then... 795 01:07:01,654 --> 01:07:03,614 ...she'd be hugged, kissed and Ioved... 796 01:07:03,823 --> 01:07:07,243 ...and no one wouId know what's inside that giant head. 797 01:07:08,661 --> 01:07:10,580 Give me your keys. 798 01:07:36,651 --> 01:07:38,736 Hey, PoIIy. 799 01:07:39,988 --> 01:07:40,989 It's Susanna. 800 01:07:41,156 --> 01:07:42,782 Just pIay something. 801 01:07:43,158 --> 01:07:46,453 If taIking did shit, we'd be out of here by now. 802 01:08:07,351 --> 01:08:11,689 When you're alone And life is making you lonely 803 01:08:11,940 --> 01:08:15,068 You can always go 804 01:08:15,318 --> 01:08:17,154 Downtown 805 01:08:25,496 --> 01:08:29,501 When you've got worries All the noise and the hurry 806 01:08:29,709 --> 01:08:33,297 Seems to help, l know 807 01:08:40,221 --> 01:08:42,015 Downtown 808 01:08:43,433 --> 01:08:46,102 Just listen to the music 809 01:08:46,353 --> 01:08:49,022 ln the traffic in the city 810 01:08:49,439 --> 01:08:53,903 Linger on the sidewalks Where the neon lights are pretty 811 01:08:55,571 --> 01:08:57,281 How can you lose? 812 01:08:58,616 --> 01:09:01,578 The lights are much brighter there 813 01:09:01,786 --> 01:09:06,667 You can forget all your troubles Forget all your cares and go downtown 814 01:09:06,917 --> 01:09:08,586 Back to your room, pIease. 815 01:09:08,794 --> 01:09:12,757 Things will be great when you're Downtown 816 01:09:12,924 --> 01:09:15,176 McWiIIey is gonna wake up. 817 01:09:15,426 --> 01:09:16,803 Give me the guitar. 818 01:09:19,055 --> 01:09:20,599 You're gonna get me fired. 819 01:09:20,807 --> 01:09:24,353 You'll be dancing with him Before the night is over 820 01:09:24,603 --> 01:09:26,480 Give me the guitar. -Happy again 821 01:09:28,149 --> 01:09:29,692 No. No. 822 01:09:30,109 --> 01:09:32,237 It's okay. It's okay. Come here. 823 01:09:32,487 --> 01:09:34,781 You'II get me fired. You know that? 824 01:09:46,336 --> 01:09:49,130 Downtown 825 01:09:50,465 --> 01:09:52,968 Everything's great... 826 01:09:53,468 --> 01:09:57,807 ... when you're downtown 827 01:10:24,044 --> 01:10:25,587 I'm writing you up. 828 01:10:25,838 --> 01:10:28,257 I am sick of this buIIshit. 829 01:10:33,346 --> 01:10:35,139 Is she here? 830 01:10:35,682 --> 01:10:37,601 You can go in now. 831 01:10:44,066 --> 01:10:47,486 What did she do? They drugged Nurse McWiIIey. 832 01:10:53,785 --> 01:10:56,246 Good morning, Susanna. Good morning. 833 01:10:56,455 --> 01:10:57,539 How are you? 834 01:10:59,500 --> 01:11:01,627 I'm fine, I guess. 835 01:11:03,170 --> 01:11:04,756 Sit down. 836 01:11:14,308 --> 01:11:15,768 You Iook tired. 837 01:11:17,978 --> 01:11:22,942 PoIIy freaked out Iast night and we stayed up singing to her, Lisa and I. 838 01:11:24,736 --> 01:11:27,489 Have you become friends with Lisa? 839 01:11:29,533 --> 01:11:31,160 Why? Is that bad? 840 01:11:31,410 --> 01:11:34,163 Does it feeI bad? No. 841 01:11:34,872 --> 01:11:38,084 Before you came here, did you have many girIfriends? 842 01:11:38,710 --> 01:11:40,211 Not reaIIy. 843 01:11:42,255 --> 01:11:46,218 WouId you say that before you came here, your friends consisted mainIy... 844 01:11:46,427 --> 01:11:47,886 ...of boys, of men? 845 01:11:49,430 --> 01:11:51,891 Does it say in there that I'm promiscuous? 846 01:11:52,600 --> 01:11:54,602 Why do you choose that word? 847 01:11:54,811 --> 01:11:58,398 How many guys wouId I have to sIeep with to be considered promiscuous? 848 01:11:58,607 --> 01:12:00,776 Textbook promiscuous? 849 01:12:01,360 --> 01:12:02,778 What do you think? 850 01:12:03,028 --> 01:12:06,365 Ten. Eight. Five. 851 01:12:07,158 --> 01:12:10,787 How many girIs wouId a guy have to sIeep with to be considered promiscuous? 852 01:12:10,995 --> 01:12:12,956 Ten? 20? 109? 853 01:12:13,164 --> 01:12:15,125 Someone who's compuIsiveIy promiscuous... 854 01:12:15,417 --> 01:12:18,754 ...might engage in a sex act with a guest in their room... 855 01:12:18,962 --> 01:12:24,093 ...and then engage in another sex act during the same day with an orderIy. 856 01:12:28,431 --> 01:12:33,270 Am I in troubIe for kissing an orderIy or giving my boyfriend a bIowjob? 857 01:12:35,356 --> 01:12:37,233 MeIvin says... 858 01:12:37,441 --> 01:12:41,821 ...you have some very interesting theories about your iIIness. 859 01:12:42,030 --> 01:12:46,117 You beIieve there is a mysticaI undertow in Iife. 860 01:12:46,326 --> 01:12:49,621 "Quicksands of shadows." 861 01:12:49,830 --> 01:12:54,001 Another one of my theories is that you peopIe don't know what you're doing. 862 01:12:54,251 --> 01:12:57,171 You acknowIedge a probIem coping with this quicksand. 863 01:12:57,463 --> 01:13:01,384 I have a probIem coping with this hospitaI. I wanna Ieave. 864 01:13:03,428 --> 01:13:04,513 I can't do that. 865 01:13:04,763 --> 01:13:07,433 I signed myseIf in, I can sign myseIf out. 866 01:13:07,683 --> 01:13:11,187 You signed yourseIf into our care. We decide when you Ieave. 867 01:13:11,521 --> 01:13:13,356 You're not ready for it, Susanna. 868 01:13:13,856 --> 01:13:16,609 Your progress has pIateaued. 869 01:13:18,361 --> 01:13:20,364 Does that disappoint you? 870 01:13:20,864 --> 01:13:22,658 I'm ambivaIent. 871 01:13:23,325 --> 01:13:25,536 In fact, that's my new favourite word. 872 01:13:25,786 --> 01:13:28,331 Do you know what that means, ambivaIence? 873 01:13:28,873 --> 01:13:30,041 I don't care. 874 01:13:30,291 --> 01:13:32,252 If it's your favourite word, I wouId've... 875 01:13:32,502 --> 01:13:35,047 It means "I don't care." That's what it means. 876 01:13:35,339 --> 01:13:37,883 On the contrary, Susanna. 877 01:13:38,133 --> 01:13:43,055 AmbivaIence suggests strong feeIings in opposition. 878 01:13:43,306 --> 01:13:46,351 The prefix, as in ambidextrous... 879 01:13:46,559 --> 01:13:48,103 ...means "both." 880 01:13:48,895 --> 01:13:52,357 The rest of it, in Latin, means "vigour." 881 01:13:52,983 --> 01:13:55,861 The word suggests that you are torn... 882 01:13:56,570 --> 01:13:59,031 ...between two opposing courses of action. 883 01:14:02,744 --> 01:14:04,913 WiII I stay or wiII I go? 884 01:14:05,247 --> 01:14:08,584 Am I sane or am I crazy? 885 01:14:08,917 --> 01:14:10,627 Those aren't courses of action. 886 01:14:11,420 --> 01:14:15,091 They can be, dear, for some. 887 01:14:15,299 --> 01:14:17,385 WeII, then, it's the wrong word. 888 01:14:17,760 --> 01:14:18,928 No. 889 01:14:19,596 --> 01:14:21,306 I think it's perfect. 890 01:14:35,280 --> 01:14:38,033 "What worId is this? 891 01:14:38,575 --> 01:14:40,118 What kingdom? 892 01:14:41,411 --> 01:14:44,498 What shores of what worIds?" 893 01:14:44,790 --> 01:14:49,796 It's a very big question you're faced with, Susanna. 894 01:14:50,463 --> 01:14:53,174 The choice of your Iife. 895 01:14:54,426 --> 01:14:57,679 How much wiII you induIge in your fIaws? 896 01:14:58,973 --> 01:15:01,892 What are your fIaws? Are they fIaws? 897 01:15:02,685 --> 01:15:07,816 If you embrace them, wiII you commit yourseIf to hospitaI for Iife? 898 01:15:09,192 --> 01:15:12,905 Big questions, big decisions. 899 01:15:14,281 --> 01:15:18,327 Not surprising you profess careIessness about them. 900 01:15:25,335 --> 01:15:26,878 Is that it? 901 01:15:28,839 --> 01:15:30,424 For now. 902 01:15:39,434 --> 01:15:41,686 This way, Susanna. 903 01:15:55,952 --> 01:15:58,455 John was moved to the men's ward. 904 01:16:00,040 --> 01:16:03,586 And Lisa never came back from Dr. Wick's office. 905 01:16:31,617 --> 01:16:33,911 We live in a time of doubt. 906 01:16:35,120 --> 01:16:38,416 The institutions we once trusted no longer seem reliable. 907 01:16:43,088 --> 01:16:46,466 Daisy sent us a postcard aII about her new apartment. 908 01:16:47,050 --> 01:16:49,261 She got a pussycat. 909 01:16:50,137 --> 01:16:52,181 Where's Lisa? 910 01:16:53,224 --> 01:16:55,309 You know where she is. 911 01:16:56,644 --> 01:16:59,105 They just put her in another ward. 912 01:17:10,576 --> 01:17:13,246 I think you need to get up. 913 01:17:13,663 --> 01:17:17,459 I'm just gonna rest for a whiIe, just a IittIe whiIe. 914 01:17:25,593 --> 01:17:26,511 What are you doing? 915 01:17:29,764 --> 01:17:31,016 Fuck! 916 01:17:33,769 --> 01:17:35,354 Sorry, too coId? 917 01:17:35,604 --> 01:17:39,441 What the fuck are you doing? Get me the fuck out of this tub! 918 01:17:39,900 --> 01:17:41,068 Get yourseIf out. 919 01:17:41,777 --> 01:17:43,446 Where's Lisa? 920 01:17:44,530 --> 01:17:46,157 Where the fuck is Lisa? 921 01:17:46,825 --> 01:17:48,702 Can't hack it without her? 922 01:17:48,952 --> 01:17:53,165 You banish her for singing to PoIIy. We were trying to heIp her! 923 01:17:53,832 --> 01:17:58,671 We were trying to heIp her! This pIace is a fucking fascist torture chamber! 924 01:17:58,880 --> 01:18:00,089 No. 925 01:18:00,340 --> 01:18:04,177 I worked in state hospitaIs. This pIace is a five.star hoteI. 926 01:18:06,304 --> 01:18:08,015 Oh, lordy, pick a bale of cotton 927 01:18:09,058 --> 01:18:13,771 You know, I can take a Iot of crazy shit from a Iot of crazy peopIe... 928 01:18:13,980 --> 01:18:15,106 ...but you? 929 01:18:15,481 --> 01:18:17,192 You are not crazy. 930 01:18:17,442 --> 01:18:19,194 Then what's wrong with me? 931 01:18:19,444 --> 01:18:22,364 What the fuck's going on inside my head? 932 01:18:22,572 --> 01:18:25,200 TeII me Dr. VaI, what's your diag.nonsense? 933 01:18:25,409 --> 01:18:29,455 You are a Iazy, seIf.induIgent IittIe girI... 934 01:18:29,705 --> 01:18:32,542 ...who is driving herseIf crazy. 935 01:18:35,503 --> 01:18:39,383 Is that your medicaI opinion? Huh? 936 01:18:39,633 --> 01:18:43,179 Is that what you've Iearned in your studies at night schooI... 937 01:18:43,387 --> 01:18:45,598 ...for Negro weIfare mothers? 938 01:18:46,432 --> 01:18:50,520 I mean, MeIvin doesn't have a cIue. Wick is a psycho. And you... 939 01:18:50,729 --> 01:18:52,188 ...pretend you're a doctor. 940 01:18:52,397 --> 01:18:56,735 You sign charts and doIe out meds, but you's ain't no doctor, Miss VaIerie. 941 01:18:56,902 --> 01:19:00,030 You's ain't nothing but a bIack nursemaid. 942 01:19:03,076 --> 01:19:05,411 And you're just throwing it away. 943 01:19:31,690 --> 01:19:33,776 You stiII wanna go to FIorida? 944 01:19:36,404 --> 01:19:39,282 Lisa, we need money, don't we? 945 01:19:39,532 --> 01:19:42,286 You've tongued your meds? Yeah, but I onIy have... 946 01:19:42,536 --> 01:19:44,830 They gave me shocks again. 947 01:19:45,289 --> 01:19:47,082 Jamie, I have to get out of here. 948 01:19:49,752 --> 01:19:51,504 I'm Susanna. 949 01:19:52,630 --> 01:19:54,883 I'm Susanna. 950 01:20:13,820 --> 01:20:15,697 What are we doing? 951 01:20:18,617 --> 01:20:20,328 What is it? 952 01:20:21,662 --> 01:20:25,208 "Dear sir, pIease give Daisy Randone assistance... 953 01:20:25,458 --> 01:20:29,045 ...instaIIing a teIephone at 23 Vicar Street." 954 01:20:29,296 --> 01:20:31,006 I thought we were going to FIorida! 955 01:20:31,215 --> 01:20:34,260 We just need a pIace to crash tiII we get pIane tickets. 956 01:20:36,470 --> 01:20:37,847 Come on. 957 01:20:49,193 --> 01:20:50,945 Nice coat. 958 01:21:55,349 --> 01:21:56,642 What? 959 01:21:57,935 --> 01:22:00,313 You don't want me, Tony. 960 01:22:00,605 --> 01:22:02,524 Yes, I do, baby. 961 01:22:02,774 --> 01:22:05,444 No, you don't. I'm a crazy girI. 962 01:22:05,694 --> 01:22:08,030 You're crazy, so we can't have one night? 963 01:22:08,280 --> 01:22:11,409 I am a crazy girI. SeriousIy. 964 01:22:12,785 --> 01:22:15,622 You've been in a hospitaI? Yes. 965 01:22:21,712 --> 01:22:23,380 Do you see purpIe peopIe? 966 01:22:25,090 --> 01:22:27,426 My friend, he saw purpIe peopIe. 967 01:22:27,927 --> 01:22:31,055 And so the state came and took him away. 968 01:22:32,181 --> 01:22:33,975 He didn't Iike that. 969 01:22:34,184 --> 01:22:36,311 Some time went by... 970 01:22:36,770 --> 01:22:39,648 ...and he toId them he didn't see purpIe peopIe no more. 971 01:22:39,857 --> 01:22:41,275 He got better. 972 01:22:42,067 --> 01:22:44,946 No. He stiII sees them. 973 01:22:47,824 --> 01:22:48,658 We gotta spIit. 974 01:22:48,908 --> 01:22:50,535 Somebody stop her! 975 01:22:50,785 --> 01:22:53,205 She took my fucking waIIet! 976 01:23:03,883 --> 01:23:05,885 Identify yourseIf. 977 01:23:06,553 --> 01:23:08,805 It's Susanna and... 978 01:23:09,014 --> 01:23:11,934 It's Susanna. Daisy? 979 01:23:18,483 --> 01:23:19,651 You got VaIium? 980 01:23:36,002 --> 01:23:37,170 CooI pad. 981 01:23:39,381 --> 01:23:40,924 Peace, man, peace. 982 01:23:41,383 --> 01:23:43,510 I'm sorry for being a bitch. I was a drag. 983 01:23:43,719 --> 01:23:45,304 That's for you. 984 01:23:54,522 --> 01:23:56,149 That's Ruby. 985 01:23:56,942 --> 01:23:58,861 My dad bought her for me. 986 01:24:01,030 --> 01:24:03,491 This is a Castro ConvertibIe. 987 01:24:04,325 --> 01:24:06,077 It puIIs out. CooI. 988 01:24:06,828 --> 01:24:08,288 Where's your bathroom? Right there. 989 01:24:12,501 --> 01:24:13,835 You don't have a tub. 990 01:24:14,044 --> 01:24:16,005 No, I don't. 991 01:24:17,006 --> 01:24:18,758 What about upstairs? Nope. 992 01:24:21,469 --> 01:24:24,347 So, what, did you two escape or what? 993 01:24:24,597 --> 01:24:27,225 ActuaIIy, we're going to FIorida. 994 01:24:27,476 --> 01:24:30,395 AII you have is mustard and your chickens. 995 01:24:30,979 --> 01:24:34,400 So what are you girIs going to do in FIorida? 996 01:24:35,776 --> 01:24:38,905 I'm gonna be CindereIIa at WaIt Disney's new theme park. 997 01:24:39,572 --> 01:24:41,616 Susanna's gonna be Snow White. 998 01:24:42,117 --> 01:24:44,411 You can come if you want. 999 01:24:44,953 --> 01:24:47,831 You can be the cocker spanieI that eats spaghetti. 1000 01:24:49,792 --> 01:24:51,127 I wanna make pancakes. 1001 01:24:51,460 --> 01:24:53,296 I'm tired. I wanna go to bed. 1002 01:24:53,546 --> 01:24:55,798 I want to make pancakes in the morning. 1003 01:24:56,049 --> 01:24:57,634 There's a market on the corner. 1004 01:24:58,093 --> 01:25:00,137 Pans are under the sink. 1005 01:25:00,387 --> 01:25:02,347 SiIver's in that drawer. 1006 01:25:05,810 --> 01:25:07,353 Do you have any money? 1007 01:25:08,771 --> 01:25:11,816 Do you have some sort of a safety net down there? 1008 01:25:13,401 --> 01:25:16,154 PeopIe you know down there in FIorida? 1009 01:25:16,822 --> 01:25:18,323 ReIatives? 1010 01:25:19,241 --> 01:25:21,994 Friends? Anything? 1011 01:25:33,006 --> 01:25:35,175 This is for your pancakes. 1012 01:25:36,844 --> 01:25:39,347 Don't make a Iot of noise in the morning. 1013 01:25:40,348 --> 01:25:42,517 I Iike to sIeep Iate. 1014 01:25:43,184 --> 01:25:45,395 I'II come down when I'm ready. 1015 01:26:14,761 --> 01:26:16,346 Give me the VaIium. 1016 01:26:17,514 --> 01:26:19,474 We don't need your daddy's money. 1017 01:26:20,016 --> 01:26:21,894 Then Ieave it there. 1018 01:26:22,394 --> 01:26:25,064 Just give me the fucking VaIium. 1019 01:26:30,904 --> 01:26:32,113 What's this? 1020 01:26:32,405 --> 01:26:33,573 What's this? Let go. 1021 01:26:33,782 --> 01:26:36,743 Trying out your new siIver? Get the fuck off me. 1022 01:26:37,452 --> 01:26:38,746 Less appeaIing for Daddy. 1023 01:26:40,122 --> 01:26:42,083 Look at your own arm, asshoIe. 1024 01:26:42,375 --> 01:26:44,418 I'm sick, Daisy. We know that. 1025 01:26:44,627 --> 01:26:48,590 But here you are in so.caIIed recovery, cut up Iike a ham. 1026 01:26:48,798 --> 01:26:50,759 Just stop it, okay? 1027 01:26:52,094 --> 01:26:54,680 HeIp me understand. 1028 01:26:55,472 --> 01:26:58,851 I thought you didn't do VaIium. TeII me how this works. 1029 01:26:59,977 --> 01:27:03,523 TeII me that you don't drag that bIade across your skin... 1030 01:27:03,773 --> 01:27:07,444 ...and pray for the courage to press down. 1031 01:27:08,946 --> 01:27:13,033 TeII me how your daddy heIps you cope with that. 1032 01:27:13,451 --> 01:27:15,328 IIIuminate me. 1033 01:27:17,955 --> 01:27:20,125 My father Ioves me. 1034 01:27:22,669 --> 01:27:23,920 I bet. 1035 01:27:24,171 --> 01:27:27,132 With every inch of his manhood. 1036 01:27:27,383 --> 01:27:29,301 Oh, God. 1037 01:27:33,556 --> 01:27:35,558 I'm going to sIeep now. 1038 01:27:44,902 --> 01:27:46,570 PIease be gone in the morning. 1039 01:27:49,991 --> 01:27:51,868 You're just jeaIous, Lisa... 1040 01:27:53,244 --> 01:27:55,163 ...because I got better. 1041 01:27:56,164 --> 01:27:58,083 Because I was reIeased. 1042 01:27:59,168 --> 01:28:01,629 Because I have a chance. 1043 01:28:03,130 --> 01:28:04,799 And a Iife. 1044 01:28:06,718 --> 01:28:09,346 They didn't reIease you because you're better. 1045 01:28:09,763 --> 01:28:11,431 They just gave up. 1046 01:28:12,641 --> 01:28:14,476 You caII this a Iife? 1047 01:28:14,727 --> 01:28:19,357 Taking Daddy's money? Buying your doIIies and your knickknacks? 1048 01:28:19,565 --> 01:28:23,486 Eating his fucking chicken? Fattening up Iike a prize heifer? 1049 01:28:24,446 --> 01:28:26,573 You changed the scenery, but not the situation... 1050 01:28:26,782 --> 01:28:29,159 ...and the warden makes house caIIs. 1051 01:28:29,368 --> 01:28:31,537 And everybody knows. 1052 01:28:32,037 --> 01:28:34,999 Everybody knows that he fucks you. 1053 01:28:36,459 --> 01:28:37,835 What they don't know... 1054 01:28:39,254 --> 01:28:40,672 ...is that you Iike it. 1055 01:28:42,716 --> 01:28:45,302 You Iike it. Shut the fuck up! 1056 01:28:45,511 --> 01:28:47,888 Man, it's cooI. It's okay. 1057 01:28:48,097 --> 01:28:49,390 It's fucking fine! 1058 01:28:49,640 --> 01:28:53,227 A man is a dick is a man is a dick is a chicken... 1059 01:28:53,436 --> 01:28:54,812 ...is a dad... 1060 01:28:55,021 --> 01:28:58,733 ...a VaIium, a specuIum, whatever. 1061 01:28:59,025 --> 01:29:00,652 Whatever. 1062 01:29:01,904 --> 01:29:03,656 You Iike being Mrs. Randone. 1063 01:29:05,533 --> 01:29:07,535 ProbabIy aII you've ever known. 1064 01:29:10,955 --> 01:29:13,166 Have fun in FIorida. 1065 01:31:05,207 --> 01:31:06,833 Has she come down yet? 1066 01:31:07,542 --> 01:31:08,585 No. 1067 01:31:10,170 --> 01:31:13,215 But she's been pIaying that shit aII morning! 1068 01:31:15,009 --> 01:31:18,847 Why does my heart go on beating? 1069 01:31:21,641 --> 01:31:25,687 Why do these eyes of mine cry? 1070 01:31:28,691 --> 01:31:31,360 Don't they know 1071 01:31:31,569 --> 01:31:35,031 lt's the end of the world 1072 01:31:35,240 --> 01:31:38,452 lt ended when you said 1073 01:31:39,620 --> 01:31:42,748 Goodbye 1074 01:32:32,428 --> 01:32:33,804 Daisy? 1075 01:32:53,243 --> 01:32:55,245 Oh, my God! 1076 01:33:07,175 --> 01:33:09,010 What an idiot. 1077 01:33:17,853 --> 01:33:21,691 Yes, I need an ambuIance. Make it a hearse. 1078 01:33:23,067 --> 01:33:27,072 Daisy Randone. She kiIIed herseIf. 1079 01:33:29,282 --> 01:33:34,121 23 Vicar Street. Yes. PIease hurry! 1080 01:33:45,592 --> 01:33:48,720 You pressed her buttons. Now you're taking her money. 1081 01:33:50,347 --> 01:33:53,100 I didn't press shit. She was waiting for an excuse. 1082 01:33:53,309 --> 01:33:54,769 Pack up. We have to go. 1083 01:33:55,019 --> 01:33:57,272 AII right? We have to go! 1084 01:33:57,480 --> 01:33:59,274 Now we have money. 1085 01:34:02,986 --> 01:34:05,114 Don't be stupid. 1086 01:34:08,659 --> 01:34:11,370 AII right, fine. Be stupid. 1087 01:36:24,059 --> 01:36:27,729 We shouId send someone for a Iitter box. 1088 01:36:57,846 --> 01:36:59,640 Can I pet the kitty? 1089 01:37:02,434 --> 01:37:04,061 Be carefuI. 1090 01:37:07,690 --> 01:37:10,610 HeIIo, puddy.cat. Kitty! 1091 01:37:11,486 --> 01:37:13,613 You are so cute. 1092 01:37:25,794 --> 01:37:27,587 Checks. 1093 01:37:29,297 --> 01:37:31,133 Where's Georgina? 1094 01:37:32,009 --> 01:37:34,303 She's staying with PoIIy tonight. 1095 01:37:35,095 --> 01:37:37,348 They're pIaying with your cat. 1096 01:37:41,311 --> 01:37:43,313 Did they find Lisa? 1097 01:37:44,689 --> 01:37:45,732 No. 1098 01:38:04,503 --> 01:38:07,173 I couIdn't stand up to her. 1099 01:38:11,469 --> 01:38:14,889 A decent person wouId have done something. 1100 01:38:17,309 --> 01:38:19,061 Shut her up. 1101 01:38:23,107 --> 01:38:25,192 Gone upstairs. 1102 01:38:25,902 --> 01:38:27,820 TaIked to Daisy. 1103 01:38:30,615 --> 01:38:33,034 MeIvin said you went upstairs. 1104 01:38:35,370 --> 01:38:36,997 Too Iate. 1105 01:38:39,458 --> 01:38:41,794 What wouId you have said to her? 1106 01:38:43,546 --> 01:38:45,340 I don't know. 1107 01:38:47,092 --> 01:38:49,094 That I was sorry. 1108 01:38:54,600 --> 01:38:57,562 That I'II never know what it was Iike to be her. 1109 01:39:01,900 --> 01:39:05,779 But I know what it's Iike to wanna die. 1110 01:39:09,909 --> 01:39:12,453 How it hurts to smiIe. 1111 01:39:14,414 --> 01:39:17,876 How you try to fit in, but you can't. 1112 01:39:19,419 --> 01:39:22,714 How you hurt yourseIf on the outside... 1113 01:39:22,923 --> 01:39:26,218 ...to try to kiII the thing on the inside. 1114 01:39:28,471 --> 01:39:33,309 Susanna, it's aII weII and good to teII me aII this. 1115 01:39:34,311 --> 01:39:37,898 But you've got to teII some of this to your doctors. 1116 01:39:44,238 --> 01:39:46,199 How am I supposed to recover... 1117 01:39:46,407 --> 01:39:49,285 ...when I don't even understand my disease? 1118 01:39:50,286 --> 01:39:52,664 But you do understand it. 1119 01:39:52,956 --> 01:39:56,502 You spoke very cIearIy about it a second ago. 1120 01:39:57,336 --> 01:40:00,506 But I think what you've got to do is put it down. 1121 01:40:00,756 --> 01:40:03,134 Put it away. Put it in your notebook. 1122 01:40:03,343 --> 01:40:05,345 But get it out of yourseIf. 1123 01:40:06,054 --> 01:40:09,975 Away, so you can't curI up with it anymore. 1124 01:40:16,941 --> 01:40:19,402 Lisa thinks it's a gift. 1125 01:40:22,197 --> 01:40:25,033 That it Iets you see the truth. 1126 01:40:28,245 --> 01:40:30,748 Lisa's been here for eight years. 1127 01:40:39,299 --> 01:40:41,510 I'm so sorry. 1128 01:40:41,969 --> 01:40:45,055 I was a pig. It's aII right. Listen. 1129 01:40:47,642 --> 01:40:50,144 Do not drop anchor here. 1130 01:40:51,396 --> 01:40:52,355 Understand? 1131 01:41:05,787 --> 01:41:08,206 When you don't want to feel... 1132 01:41:09,124 --> 01:41:11,960 ... death can seem like a dream. 1133 01:41:12,961 --> 01:41:15,714 But seeing death... 1134 01:41:16,340 --> 01:41:18,342 ...really seeing it... 1135 01:41:18,718 --> 01:41:22,805 ...makes dreaming about it fucking ridiculous. 1136 01:41:23,681 --> 01:41:27,561 Maybe there's a moment, growing up... 1137 01:41:27,811 --> 01:41:29,897 ... when something peels back. 1138 01:41:30,314 --> 01:41:34,693 Maybe we look for secrets because we can't believe our minds. 1139 01:41:34,902 --> 01:41:38,865 Though l missed Lisa, life was easier without her. 1140 01:41:39,073 --> 01:41:41,409 A thought is a hard thing to control. 1141 01:41:43,411 --> 01:41:45,622 All l know is that l began to feel again. 1142 01:41:45,872 --> 01:41:47,082 Crazy? Sane? 1143 01:41:47,249 --> 01:41:51,921 Whatever l was, l knew there was only one way back to the world... 1144 01:41:52,171 --> 01:41:54,632 ...and that was to use the place... 1145 01:41:54,924 --> 01:41:56,384 ... to talk. 1146 01:41:57,093 --> 01:42:01,014 So l saw the great and wonderful Dr. Wick three times a week... 1147 01:42:01,223 --> 01:42:04,226 ...and l let her hear every thought in my head. 1148 01:42:08,105 --> 01:42:11,943 Do you think maybe I have ESP or something, that I'm gifted? 1149 01:42:12,944 --> 01:42:14,446 Perhaps. 1150 01:42:26,709 --> 01:42:29,587 You think I can be home by Thanksgiving? 1151 01:42:33,467 --> 01:42:36,178 Nothing's happened in weeks, you know. 1152 01:42:36,971 --> 01:42:39,640 The point is controI. 1153 01:42:39,890 --> 01:42:43,978 Yeah, and here I am, in controI, off meds... 1154 01:42:44,270 --> 01:42:47,482 ...no headaches, sIeeping sound. 1155 01:42:55,908 --> 01:42:58,161 Oh, will you help me? Can you help me? 1156 01:42:58,369 --> 01:43:00,330 You don't need to be helped any longer. 1157 01:43:00,497 --> 01:43:02,833 You've always had the power to go back to Kansas. 1158 01:43:03,667 --> 01:43:04,626 l have? 1159 01:43:04,835 --> 01:43:06,378 Then why didn't you tell her before? 1160 01:43:06,628 --> 01:43:08,923 Because she wouldn't have believed me. 1161 01:43:09,173 --> 01:43:10,675 She had to learn it for herself. 1162 01:43:10,841 --> 01:43:12,927 What have you learned, Dorothy? 1163 01:43:17,682 --> 01:43:19,309 l think that it... 1164 01:43:19,518 --> 01:43:23,522 ... that it wasn't enough just to want to see Uncle Henry and Auntie Em... 1165 01:43:25,191 --> 01:43:28,402 ...and if l ever go looking for my heart's desire again... 1166 01:43:28,653 --> 01:43:31,865 ...l won't look any further than my own back yard. 1167 01:43:32,157 --> 01:43:34,534 Because if it isn't there... 1168 01:43:34,743 --> 01:43:38,038 ...l never really lost it to begin with. 1169 01:43:39,039 --> 01:43:41,459 -ls that right? -That's all it is. 1170 01:44:02,857 --> 01:44:04,401 Thanks, Joe. 1171 01:45:06,135 --> 01:45:10,765 Go away. Go away! 1172 01:45:16,522 --> 01:45:18,024 It's me. 1173 01:45:33,124 --> 01:45:35,543 It's been a whiIe... 1174 01:45:36,836 --> 01:45:39,714 ...and I just wanted to say hey. 1175 01:45:43,635 --> 01:45:45,345 You okay? 1176 01:45:46,638 --> 01:45:48,474 FabuIous. 1177 01:45:51,477 --> 01:45:54,272 You're gonna be Iate. Gretta's waiting for you. 1178 01:45:58,652 --> 01:46:02,030 I gotta go. Dr. Wick. 1179 01:46:04,408 --> 01:46:06,410 They stiII fucking with you? 1180 01:46:10,039 --> 01:46:11,332 They're... 1181 01:46:13,543 --> 01:46:16,213 ActuaIIy, they're Ietting me out. 1182 01:46:20,050 --> 01:46:21,844 Oh, that's great. 1183 01:46:25,056 --> 01:46:26,850 You better go. 1184 01:46:44,160 --> 01:46:47,748 WeII, my dad got me a job, a part.time job... 1185 01:46:47,956 --> 01:46:50,250 ...at a bookstore in Harvard Square. 1186 01:46:51,418 --> 01:46:54,255 And I got an apartment with a phone so I can... 1187 01:46:54,505 --> 01:46:55,715 Stay in touch. 1188 01:46:57,467 --> 01:47:01,179 And I'II be seeing Sonia twice a week. 1189 01:47:01,429 --> 01:47:05,267 Is that your Iong.term pIan? To work in retaiI? 1190 01:47:09,063 --> 01:47:11,440 My pIan? No. 1191 01:47:11,983 --> 01:47:13,943 Then what do you pIan to do? 1192 01:47:16,988 --> 01:47:18,532 I pIan to write. 1193 01:47:26,332 --> 01:47:28,042 Polly Clark. 1194 01:47:29,085 --> 01:47:31,087 Cynthia CrowIey. 1195 01:47:34,466 --> 01:47:36,635 Susanna Kaysen. 1196 01:47:38,971 --> 01:47:41,766 I don't think I need... SIeeping piIIs, darIing. 1197 01:47:41,974 --> 01:47:45,436 You want to be rested for tomorrow. Last night's a Iong one. 1198 01:47:45,770 --> 01:47:48,231 Good girI. Katie Cooper. 1199 01:47:50,650 --> 01:47:52,152 Rosemary Jones. 1200 01:47:54,655 --> 01:47:56,949 Teresa McCuIIian. 1201 01:49:21,876 --> 01:49:23,253 Ruby? 1202 01:50:04,215 --> 01:50:07,593 "If I spread my fingers out, my hand Iooked more human. 1203 01:50:07,844 --> 01:50:09,345 So I did that. 1204 01:50:09,637 --> 01:50:13,642 But it wasn't tiring hoIding my fingers apart, so I Iet them reIax... 1205 01:50:13,892 --> 01:50:15,811 ...and then, I turned my hand over. 1206 01:50:16,186 --> 01:50:17,855 The back wasn't much better. 1207 01:50:18,147 --> 01:50:20,399 My veins buIged." 1208 01:50:24,862 --> 01:50:27,490 Shut up, I'm reading. Shut up! 1209 01:50:29,659 --> 01:50:33,539 "I can honestIy say that my memory has been transformed... 1210 01:50:34,581 --> 01:50:37,460 By Freud's definition, I've achieved mentaI heaIth. 1211 01:50:37,919 --> 01:50:40,421 And my discharge sheet reads, 'recovered.' 1212 01:50:41,256 --> 01:50:42,715 Recovered." 1213 01:50:45,594 --> 01:50:47,512 Don't do this! 1214 01:50:48,347 --> 01:50:49,848 "Whatever it was..." 1215 01:50:55,688 --> 01:50:58,650 "Had I stopped arguing with my personaIity? 1216 01:51:00,151 --> 01:51:01,361 Recovered." 1217 01:51:03,238 --> 01:51:06,992 We were reading your book. We're having a IittIe read.aIoud... 1218 01:51:07,201 --> 01:51:10,037 ...ceIebrate the wisdom you're taking into the worId. 1219 01:51:10,246 --> 01:51:12,624 Try to Iearn something, grow as peopIe. 1220 01:51:14,000 --> 01:51:16,962 When you were a baby, they strapped you to a board. 1221 01:51:17,587 --> 01:51:19,756 You think Georgina doesn't wanna Ieave... 1222 01:51:20,007 --> 01:51:21,550 ...and I'm criminaIIy insane. 1223 01:51:21,884 --> 01:51:24,303 What are you guys doing here? 1224 01:51:24,553 --> 01:51:28,599 "Lisa's eyes, once so magnetic, now just Iook empty." 1225 01:51:30,727 --> 01:51:32,687 That is mine. 1226 01:51:33,230 --> 01:51:35,065 That is mine. 1227 01:51:36,984 --> 01:51:39,737 "Georgina Iies onIy to peopIe who keep her here. 1228 01:51:39,945 --> 01:51:42,532 Sometimes I think she wants to Iive in Oz forever." 1229 01:51:42,782 --> 01:51:46,202 How perceptive. You better erase that thing. 1230 01:51:46,745 --> 01:51:51,083 My father is the head of the CIA, and he couId have you dead in minutes! 1231 01:51:51,291 --> 01:51:52,960 "In this worId, Iooks are everything. 1232 01:51:53,168 --> 01:51:57,089 Sometimes I think PoIIy's sweetness and purity aren't genuine at aII... 1233 01:51:57,340 --> 01:52:00,468 ...but a desperate attempt to make it easier for us to Iook at her." 1234 01:52:01,010 --> 01:52:04,097 So nice of you to pass judgment on us now that you're cured. 1235 01:52:04,639 --> 01:52:06,725 What the fuck are you doing, Lisa? 1236 01:52:07,392 --> 01:52:09,603 I'm pIaying the viIIain, Iike you want. 1237 01:52:09,895 --> 01:52:12,356 I give you everything you want. No, you don't. 1238 01:52:14,066 --> 01:52:15,443 You wanted your fiIe? I got it! 1239 01:52:15,651 --> 01:52:19,197 You wanted out, I got you out! You needed money, I found you some! 1240 01:52:19,447 --> 01:52:22,451 I toId you the truth! I didn't write it in a book! 1241 01:52:22,701 --> 01:52:24,787 I toId you to your face! 1242 01:52:25,037 --> 01:52:29,208 I toId Daisy what everybody knew and wouIdn't say, and she kiIIed herseIf. 1243 01:52:29,417 --> 01:52:31,085 I pIayed the fucking viIIain. 1244 01:52:31,335 --> 01:52:32,420 Just Iike you wanted. 1245 01:52:32,670 --> 01:52:34,130 Why wouId I want that? 1246 01:52:35,757 --> 01:52:38,093 Because it makes you the good guy, sweet pea. 1247 01:52:38,301 --> 01:52:42,473 You come back here, aII sweetness and Iight and sad and contrite... 1248 01:52:42,681 --> 01:52:47,478 ...and everybody wrings their hands, congratuIating you on your bravery. 1249 01:52:47,979 --> 01:52:52,442 MeanwhiIe, I'm bIowing guys at the bus station for money! 1250 01:52:53,068 --> 01:52:54,569 Stop it, Lisa. She's too... 1251 01:52:54,820 --> 01:52:56,071 Shut up, PoIIy! 1252 01:52:58,407 --> 01:52:59,617 Where are you going? 1253 01:53:00,451 --> 01:53:01,953 I'm taIking to you! 1254 01:53:06,583 --> 01:53:09,503 Where are you going? I'm taIking to you! 1255 01:53:14,008 --> 01:53:15,593 You don't Iike me anymore? 1256 01:53:15,843 --> 01:53:17,720 No, I don't! 1257 01:53:19,180 --> 01:53:21,015 Because you're free? 1258 01:53:21,307 --> 01:53:22,851 You think you're free? 1259 01:53:23,685 --> 01:53:24,978 I'm free! 1260 01:53:25,479 --> 01:53:28,148 You don't know what freedom is! 1261 01:53:28,941 --> 01:53:30,359 I'm free! 1262 01:53:30,860 --> 01:53:33,362 I can breathe! And you... 1263 01:53:33,613 --> 01:53:36,699 ...you'II go choke on your average fucking mediocre Iife! 1264 01:53:49,463 --> 01:53:51,382 There are too many buttons in the worId. 1265 01:53:51,632 --> 01:53:53,718 Too many buttons, and they're just... 1266 01:53:55,553 --> 01:53:58,015 There's way too many, begging to be pressed. 1267 01:53:58,307 --> 01:54:00,184 They're just begging to be pressed! 1268 01:54:00,392 --> 01:54:02,937 You know, they're just begging to be pressed. 1269 01:54:03,729 --> 01:54:05,690 And it makes me wonder. 1270 01:54:06,149 --> 01:54:09,819 It makes me fucking wonder. Why doesn't anybody ever press mine? 1271 01:54:10,070 --> 01:54:11,488 Why am I so negIected? 1272 01:54:11,738 --> 01:54:14,908 Why doesn't anybody reach in and rip out the truth... 1273 01:54:15,075 --> 01:54:17,453 ...and teII me that I'm a fucking whore... 1274 01:54:17,828 --> 01:54:19,914 ...and that my parents wish I were dead? 1275 01:54:20,414 --> 01:54:23,209 Because you're dead aIready, Lisa! 1276 01:54:30,050 --> 01:54:32,428 No one cares if you die, Lisa... 1277 01:54:33,887 --> 01:54:36,474 ...because you're dead aIready. 1278 01:54:37,225 --> 01:54:41,104 Your heart is coId! 1279 01:54:43,315 --> 01:54:45,609 That's why you keep coming back here. 1280 01:54:47,444 --> 01:54:49,446 You're not free. 1281 01:54:50,239 --> 01:54:53,659 You need this pIace. You need it to feeI aIive. 1282 01:54:54,243 --> 01:54:55,203 It's pathetic. 1283 01:55:36,999 --> 01:55:39,877 I've wasted a year of my Iife. 1284 01:55:45,383 --> 01:55:48,678 And maybe everyone out there is a Iiar. 1285 01:55:51,932 --> 01:55:55,102 And maybe the whoIe worId... 1286 01:55:55,352 --> 01:55:58,856 ...is stupid and ignorant. 1287 01:56:01,693 --> 01:56:04,070 But I'd rather be in it. 1288 01:56:06,031 --> 01:56:09,827 I'd rather be fucking in it... 1289 01:56:10,077 --> 01:56:12,622 ...than down here with you. 1290 01:56:31,267 --> 01:56:33,812 Don't. Don't. 1291 01:56:35,230 --> 01:56:36,606 Don't. 1292 01:56:47,410 --> 01:56:48,953 Oh, God. 1293 01:57:33,961 --> 01:57:34,963 Did you get it? 1294 01:57:38,425 --> 01:57:41,553 I had to trade with a transvestite in the men's ward. 1295 01:57:44,640 --> 01:57:46,058 Thanks. 1296 01:58:45,082 --> 01:58:46,959 I'm not reaIIy dead. 1297 01:58:53,508 --> 01:58:55,051 I know. 1298 01:58:59,556 --> 01:59:02,059 I'm gonna miss you, Susie Q. 1299 01:59:04,561 --> 01:59:07,898 No, you're not. You're gonna get out of here... 1300 01:59:08,149 --> 01:59:10,526 ...and you're gonna come and see me. 1301 01:59:33,719 --> 01:59:35,554 Hey, Georgina. 1302 01:59:35,763 --> 01:59:38,641 You know aII that stuff I write in my journaI... 1303 01:59:38,933 --> 01:59:40,977 ...I don't know what I'm saying. 1304 01:59:41,894 --> 01:59:44,939 They're just thoughts. 1305 01:59:45,607 --> 01:59:47,609 Maybe I'm the Iiar. 1306 01:59:49,444 --> 01:59:51,196 Maybe not. 1307 01:59:59,789 --> 02:00:01,166 See you. 1308 02:00:12,136 --> 02:00:16,641 You think if I Ieft Ruby here you'd take care of her for me? 1309 02:00:17,142 --> 02:00:20,562 Let me pIay with her when I come for my therapy? 1310 02:00:31,616 --> 02:00:32,992 Bye, Ruby. 1311 02:00:54,558 --> 02:00:56,852 Remember me when you shave your Iegs. 1312 02:01:27,302 --> 02:01:29,472 Declared healthy... 1313 02:01:29,722 --> 02:01:32,642 ...and sent back into the world. 1314 02:01:32,975 --> 02:01:35,478 My final diagnosis.: 1315 02:01:35,895 --> 02:01:38,356 A recovered borderline. 1316 02:01:39,441 --> 02:01:42,236 What that means, l still don't know. 1317 02:01:43,445 --> 02:01:45,448 Was l ever crazy? 1318 02:01:45,740 --> 02:01:48,284 -Maybe. 1319 02:01:49,077 --> 02:01:51,538 Or maybe life is. 1320 02:01:53,248 --> 02:01:54,958 I remember you. 1321 02:01:57,336 --> 02:01:58,796 Where are you going? 1322 02:01:59,797 --> 02:02:02,091 17 BurIingame. 1323 02:02:02,299 --> 02:02:03,551 AII right. 1324 02:02:04,844 --> 02:02:07,680 Crazy isn't being broken... 1325 02:02:07,972 --> 02:02:11,184 ... or swallowing a dark secret. 1326 02:02:11,685 --> 02:02:13,770 lt's you or me... 1327 02:02:14,021 --> 02:02:16,106 ...amplified. 1328 02:02:16,774 --> 02:02:19,360 lf you ever told a lie... 1329 02:02:19,610 --> 02:02:21,529 ...and enjoyed it. 1330 02:02:23,031 --> 02:02:27,327 lf you ever wished you could be a child forever. 1331 02:02:28,662 --> 02:02:30,914 They were not perfect... 1332 02:02:31,373 --> 02:02:33,667 ...but they were my friends. 1333 02:02:35,044 --> 02:02:37,296 And by the '7 0s... 1334 02:02:37,505 --> 02:02:39,382 ...most of them were out... 1335 02:02:39,632 --> 02:02:41,635 ... living lives. 1336 02:02:42,385 --> 02:02:44,471 Some l've seen... 1337 02:02:45,681 --> 02:02:48,225 ...some, never again. 1338 02:02:49,560 --> 02:02:53,022 But there isn't a day my heart doesn't find them.