1 00:00:04,240 --> 00:00:06,720 Fez, guess what I just got... 2 00:00:07,280 --> 00:00:09,240 The new Village People album! 3 00:00:09,840 --> 00:00:13,440 How many songs can they write about where men go to massage each other?! 4 00:00:15,200 --> 00:00:16,840 The navy... 5 00:00:17,480 --> 00:00:19,320 These boys never let me down. 6 00:00:20,960 --> 00:00:23,480 Disco sucks, man. It's painful to listen to. 7 00:00:23,960 --> 00:00:25,560 It makes me wanna shoot myself. 8 00:00:26,480 --> 00:00:28,240 It's the musical equivalent of Jackie. 9 00:00:30,400 --> 00:00:31,800 Wow. Look at these guys, 10 00:00:32,120 --> 00:00:36,320 their music is so bad they need to wear disguises just so people don't beat the crap out of them. 11 00:00:37,720 --> 00:00:39,040 Oh I heard how in Chicago... 12 00:00:39,400 --> 00:00:41,600 ...they made a huge bonfire of disco records. 13 00:00:42,560 --> 00:00:44,640 Also they cover their hotdogs in pastrami. 14 00:00:45,880 --> 00:00:47,400 It's freakin' awesome. 15 00:00:48,320 --> 00:00:50,000 Man, we should have our own bonfire. 16 00:00:50,520 --> 00:00:52,640 I'm sick of corporations selling crap to kids... 17 00:00:52,880 --> 00:00:55,200 ...that dumbs them down and makes them act stupid. 18 00:00:55,640 --> 00:00:57,840 Hey, I can sell beer at the bonfire! 19 00:00:58,680 --> 00:01:00,800 I have tons of old disco records we can burn. 20 00:01:03,640 --> 00:01:04,600 What?! 21 00:01:04,920 --> 00:01:06,400 I was young and what did you expect? 22 00:01:06,680 --> 00:01:07,680 See the hair? 23 00:01:09,000 --> 00:01:11,160 You guys are aweful. Disco has been great to me. 24 00:01:11,680 --> 00:01:14,080 Without disco, if I rub my crotch on a girl it's illegal. 25 00:01:16,120 --> 00:01:18,120 With disco, it's a bar mitsva! 26 00:01:19,400 --> 00:01:22,360 See, disco has given Fez and I some of our best times together. 27 00:01:22,760 --> 00:01:25,280 Oh, like remember the night when we beat Johnny and Melina at that dance-off? 28 00:01:25,560 --> 00:01:27,720 Ah, we kicked their gold-lamé asses! 29 00:01:28,040 --> 00:01:30,520 Oh you know what, I heard that Johnny is working at a carwash. 30 00:01:30,760 --> 00:01:33,400 Yeah, uhuh, we did that to him! 31 00:01:34,320 --> 00:01:35,560 Jackie be nice... 32 00:01:36,440 --> 00:01:38,400 Car wash... he's poor! 33 00:01:40,560 --> 00:01:42,000 You see that, see, 34 00:01:42,240 --> 00:01:46,040 we got a trophy and and the satisfaction of learning that we ruined two peoples lives. 35 00:01:46,560 --> 00:01:49,000 So you can have your little bonfire, but we're not going. 36 00:01:49,440 --> 00:01:50,120 Yeah... 37 00:01:50,720 --> 00:01:52,920 I'm going to Weight Watchers to pick up women. 38 00:01:54,640 --> 00:01:57,000 The thin ones are great but they have low self-esteem. 39 00:01:57,720 --> 00:02:00,400 That way, you get a hot chick for fat girls prices! 40 00:02:01,760 --> 00:02:03,640 Wait, wait, Fez. Hey, maybe we should go. 41 00:02:03,640 --> 00:02:05,520 You know, and defend the music that we love. 42 00:02:05,760 --> 00:02:06,560 As a team. 43 00:02:07,360 --> 00:02:08,520 Sure, what the hell. 44 00:02:09,120 --> 00:02:10,680 Weight Watcher meetings will always be there. 45 00:02:11,480 --> 00:02:12,880 God bless the dairy state. 46 00:02:14,400 --> 00:02:16,000 We never run out of fat girls. 47 00:02:20,160 --> 00:02:21,360 Pretty clever there, Jackie. 48 00:02:21,720 --> 00:02:25,120 Using a disco bonfire as a way to cozy up next to the guy you secretly love. 49 00:02:25,800 --> 00:02:27,640 You know it kinda reminds me of a song... 50 00:02:28,600 --> 00:02:31,480 Jackie loves the foreign boy, ola, taco! 51 00:02:32,800 --> 00:02:36,200 Look, I am not gonna sit back and let Fez try to pick up other women. 52 00:02:36,560 --> 00:02:37,960 Much less fat chicks. 53 00:02:39,000 --> 00:02:40,480 Yeah, I mean maybe if we go together, 54 00:02:40,880 --> 00:02:42,400 he'll see that we're perfect for each other. 55 00:02:43,000 --> 00:02:44,160 So, I'm coming. 56 00:02:44,400 --> 00:02:47,000 Fine. But if you get in the way of me setting things on fire, 57 00:02:47,840 --> 00:02:49,080 you're getting set on fire. 58 00:03:32,520 --> 00:03:36,120 Red, I invited the new neighbours over for coffee and cookies. 59 00:03:36,320 --> 00:03:39,680 That way I can bad-mouth the rest of the block before they do it to me. 60 00:03:41,160 --> 00:03:42,800 Kitty, I don't wanna meet new neighbours. 61 00:03:43,160 --> 00:03:45,920 I had to wait twelve years for the old ones to croak. 62 00:03:48,680 --> 00:03:52,120 Always wanted to talk and say "Helloooo". 63 00:03:53,720 --> 00:03:54,880 Dumbasses. 64 00:03:57,040 --> 00:03:59,120 Oh, okay they're here. Now, be nice. 65 00:03:59,560 --> 00:04:03,000 I haven't met the wife yet, but the husband Josh was very sweet. 66 00:04:03,240 --> 00:04:05,215 He's a car salesman and he told me 67 00:04:05,415 --> 00:04:07,092 he could give me a great deal on a Lebaron 68 00:04:07,292 --> 00:04:08,868 Just because he likes me. 69 00:04:11,000 --> 00:04:13,880 Although he has to go and ask his supervisor first. 70 00:04:20,720 --> 00:04:22,680 Hello Josh! 71 00:04:23,200 --> 00:04:25,080 Hi Kitty. Good to see you again! 72 00:04:25,840 --> 00:04:27,000 This is Jeff. 73 00:04:29,840 --> 00:04:33,520 - Hi Jeff! Where's your wife? - You're looking at her! 74 00:04:34,960 --> 00:04:38,240 The only lady in my life is my little palmorini, Tina Louise. 75 00:04:38,560 --> 00:04:42,600 Who is going to the pound if she doesn't stop humping my cowboy boots. 76 00:04:44,040 --> 00:04:46,120 We are not having this conversation here... 77 00:04:47,320 --> 00:04:48,800 Okay, well I'm confused. 78 00:04:52,640 --> 00:04:57,920 So, you two live together but I only saw the movers bringing in one bed. 79 00:05:02,400 --> 00:05:04,200 Ohhhh... 80 00:05:06,880 --> 00:05:07,920 Well... 81 00:05:09,600 --> 00:05:11,840 Congratulations! 82 00:05:14,480 --> 00:05:15,320 Look Red, 83 00:05:15,880 --> 00:05:17,440 the new neighbours are here and... 84 00:05:17,800 --> 00:05:19,520 ...they're a couple of fellas... 85 00:05:22,240 --> 00:05:23,120 Wait a second. 86 00:05:23,440 --> 00:05:25,320 - You guys live together? - Yep. 87 00:05:25,760 --> 00:05:28,120 - Without any wives of girlfriends? - Yep. 88 00:05:28,680 --> 00:05:30,960 - You know what I call guys like you?! - Oh dear... 89 00:05:31,520 --> 00:05:33,240 Lucky bastards! 90 00:05:42,040 --> 00:05:43,880 Well, the bonfire looks pretty sturdy. 91 00:05:44,280 --> 00:05:46,480 But remember, when the flames get too high, 92 00:05:46,840 --> 00:05:48,920 you saw the foreign kid play with the matches. 93 00:05:51,400 --> 00:05:54,200 Hey. Who was that girl you were talking to? 94 00:05:54,520 --> 00:05:55,680 Oh, Lisa Conner. 95 00:05:55,960 --> 00:05:58,120 A girl I dated a couple of years ago when I was a camp counselor. 96 00:05:58,440 --> 00:06:00,240 Oh. I never knew you were a camp counselor. 97 00:06:00,440 --> 00:06:01,480 It didn't last too long. 98 00:06:01,480 --> 00:06:03,520 Apparently, going out on a canoe trip with six kids... 99 00:06:03,520 --> 00:06:06,560 ...and coming back with five is a big no-no. 100 00:06:08,240 --> 00:06:09,720 Hey man. How much for a beer? 101 00:06:10,120 --> 00:06:11,160 One dollar. 102 00:06:11,160 --> 00:06:12,160 Awesome. 103 00:06:12,880 --> 00:06:13,880 There you go. 104 00:06:13,880 --> 00:06:17,160 Now, if you want it in a cup, that's an extra three bucks. 105 00:06:18,040 --> 00:06:20,600 Oh, and there's a two dollar pouring charge. 106 00:06:21,320 --> 00:06:22,680 You want six bucks for a beer?! 107 00:06:23,520 --> 00:06:24,800 You can always go to the other place. 108 00:06:25,640 --> 00:06:26,640 There is no other place. 109 00:06:27,680 --> 00:06:28,760 Whadayaknow... 110 00:06:30,720 --> 00:06:33,160 Looks like I got what you call a monopoly. 111 00:06:34,760 --> 00:06:35,800 You have change for a ten? 112 00:06:36,520 --> 00:06:37,400 Nope. 113 00:06:39,800 --> 00:06:41,280 There he is officer! 114 00:06:41,720 --> 00:06:45,920 Here's the guy who is responsible for this illegal gathering of dirty and ugly people. 115 00:06:47,760 --> 00:06:49,960 These two tell me you organised an illegal bonfire? 116 00:06:51,800 --> 00:06:53,200 You two narked on me? 117 00:06:53,200 --> 00:06:54,960 What? 118 00:06:57,960 --> 00:07:00,560 You stand there and accuse me of narking?! 119 00:07:01,640 --> 00:07:03,880 No sir, no, I did not nark. 120 00:07:06,280 --> 00:07:07,360 What's nark? 121 00:07:08,920 --> 00:07:10,040 Calling the cops. 122 00:07:10,520 --> 00:07:11,880 Oh yes we narked. 123 00:07:13,080 --> 00:07:14,080 That's right Steven. 124 00:07:14,320 --> 00:07:16,840 Because Fez and I both feel that burning disco records is wrong. 125 00:07:17,320 --> 00:07:20,440 Just like burning books but worse, because disco tells a story. 126 00:07:23,360 --> 00:07:25,200 This is a disco burning bonfire? 127 00:07:26,240 --> 00:07:28,480 That's fantastic! Disco sucks! 128 00:07:31,640 --> 00:07:33,160 Ah. What do you know... 129 00:07:33,840 --> 00:07:35,840 Degenerate, cop, having a beer together. 130 00:07:36,680 --> 00:07:38,560 It's a disco-sucking miracle. 131 00:07:44,640 --> 00:07:46,640 You know I'm taking an astronomy class in college right now. 132 00:07:47,400 --> 00:07:49,640 You see those three stars in a row right there? 133 00:07:50,080 --> 00:07:50,480 Uhuh. 134 00:07:50,720 --> 00:07:51,640 That's Virgo. 135 00:07:54,040 --> 00:07:55,440 That's an airplane. 136 00:07:57,040 --> 00:07:58,720 I do not go to a good school. 137 00:08:00,160 --> 00:08:02,520 - Oh my God, Randy?! - Linda? 138 00:08:02,840 --> 00:08:05,840 - Oh my god! Missy is here too! - Is she? 139 00:08:06,080 --> 00:08:08,240 Oh my god! I'll go get her! 140 00:08:10,520 --> 00:08:11,320 Who was that? 141 00:08:11,720 --> 00:08:13,880 Uh Linda. I dated her. 142 00:08:15,000 --> 00:08:16,040 And her sister, Missy. 143 00:08:17,600 --> 00:08:19,840 Not together, there was a summer in between them. 144 00:08:21,040 --> 00:08:22,280 Summer was their cousin... 145 00:08:25,760 --> 00:08:28,840 Wow. I'm dating a man-slut. 146 00:08:30,400 --> 00:08:32,440 Look, I'm sure you dated a lot of people too. 147 00:08:32,680 --> 00:08:34,880 I mean, if we took all the people I've dated and all the people you've dated... 148 00:08:35,200 --> 00:08:38,280 - ...and put them in a room together... - We'd have a room full of girls, and Eric! 149 00:08:41,720 --> 00:08:43,280 What do you guys have against disco?! 150 00:08:43,600 --> 00:08:45,600 It's the only thing white people can dance to! 151 00:08:48,360 --> 00:08:50,640 Hey uh, Jackie. 152 00:08:52,080 --> 00:08:55,720 I was thinking of a way to get back at you, calling the cops and all that. 153 00:08:56,000 --> 00:08:57,760 And then it hit me. You're only here to get with Fez. 154 00:08:57,960 --> 00:09:02,280 So I figured, why not find the skankiest, sluttiest, drunkest chick here... 155 00:09:03,040 --> 00:09:05,280 ...give her three more beers and then introduce her to Fez. 156 00:09:06,800 --> 00:09:08,800 - Oh you wouldn't! - Oh I already did. 157 00:09:09,000 --> 00:09:10,600 - You didn't! - I just said I did. 158 00:09:10,840 --> 00:09:13,360 - You wouldn't dare! - I did! Turn around and look! 159 00:09:15,000 --> 00:09:16,000 Enjoy your evening... 160 00:09:17,600 --> 00:09:21,080 Fez! Uh, what are you doing? 161 00:09:22,080 --> 00:09:23,320 It's fantastic! 162 00:09:25,920 --> 00:09:29,600 Every time I say disco sucks, Kelly sticks her tongue down my throat! 163 00:09:31,360 --> 00:09:32,840 Watch: disco sucks! 164 00:09:36,240 --> 00:09:37,840 It's like a magic trick! 165 00:09:39,720 --> 00:09:41,920 But uhm Fez, you're supposed to be here with me! 166 00:09:43,080 --> 00:09:45,480 Beside, don't you know about rocker chicks? 167 00:09:46,320 --> 00:09:47,880 They all have syfilis. 168 00:09:50,200 --> 00:09:53,240 - Do you have syfilis? - Uhm, I don't think so. 169 00:09:53,680 --> 00:09:55,320 That's good enough for me baby! 170 00:10:01,680 --> 00:10:03,240 What a game! 171 00:10:03,840 --> 00:10:06,520 That quarterback's eleven for twelve with no interception. 172 00:10:07,200 --> 00:10:09,960 - He is hot! - Ridiculously hot... 173 00:10:12,200 --> 00:10:14,200 Oh, another cookie? 174 00:10:15,080 --> 00:10:16,800 - What? - Nothing. 175 00:10:17,080 --> 00:10:19,160 I just thought we were trying to slim down for the Bahamas. 176 00:10:19,960 --> 00:10:22,520 Well excuse me Mr. Two-Scoopes-Of-Sugar... 177 00:10:24,480 --> 00:10:28,040 You guys don't need wives, you bicker like an old married couple! 178 00:10:29,960 --> 00:10:31,760 Red, I need to talk to you in the kitchen. 179 00:10:32,000 --> 00:10:32,840 Kitty, I'm watching the game... 180 00:10:32,840 --> 00:10:34,880 Ohh fine. 181 00:10:35,280 --> 00:10:38,920 You know I wish there was a bar we could go to where there'd be no women, just guys. 182 00:10:40,680 --> 00:10:41,600 I know a few... 183 00:10:45,080 --> 00:10:46,600 I am having it! 184 00:10:48,760 --> 00:10:50,000 Okay Kitty, what is it? 185 00:10:50,720 --> 00:10:53,400 It's about the neighbours, there is something you should know. 186 00:10:53,840 --> 00:10:54,840 TOUCHDOWN! 187 00:10:55,200 --> 00:10:58,080 Dammit see what you made me miss?! 188 00:11:12,440 --> 00:11:14,880 Kitty, I think those guys are gay! 189 00:11:25,360 --> 00:11:27,840 Red, you can't hide from Jeff and Josh all night! 190 00:11:28,400 --> 00:11:29,200 Not all night. 191 00:11:29,440 --> 00:11:31,600 Just till they eat all the cookies and decide to skip home. 192 00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:36,840 Red Forman! Our neighbours are gay, so what? 193 00:11:37,440 --> 00:11:40,080 At least they'll keep the place nice and our property values will go up. 194 00:11:42,280 --> 00:11:43,960 What am I supposed to say to them now?! 195 00:11:44,920 --> 00:11:47,280 You've been talking to them the whole game, you knew what to say then. 196 00:11:47,880 --> 00:11:50,320 Well that was before I saw them kissing in my living room! 197 00:11:51,600 --> 00:11:54,320 Didn't bother you last night, when you saw Abbott kiss Costello. 198 00:11:54,880 --> 00:11:57,920 Well that was different. They had to do that to fool the landlord. 199 00:12:00,240 --> 00:12:02,320 - Hey Red, can I borrow some socks? - No. 200 00:12:04,640 --> 00:12:05,920 Bob, we're having a crisis here. 201 00:12:07,160 --> 00:12:08,880 Our new neighbours are gay! 202 00:12:10,400 --> 00:12:11,640 They're gay? 203 00:12:12,920 --> 00:12:14,960 Aw great, now they're gonna be all over me. 204 00:12:18,160 --> 00:12:19,280 What the hell are you talking about? 205 00:12:20,080 --> 00:12:22,880 I can’t explain it. Men find me attractive. 206 00:12:25,560 --> 00:12:28,560 Yeah…everybody wants a piece of the Pinci. 207 00:12:30,760 --> 00:12:33,040 Well Red, you can’t let them sit in there all night! 208 00:12:33,600 --> 00:12:35,200 What if they rearrange my furniture?! 209 00:12:37,160 --> 00:12:39,560 Fine! I’ll…I’ll …talk to them. 210 00:12:40,120 --> 00:12:41,640 Okay, but handle it gracefully! 211 00:12:42,320 --> 00:12:44,800 Well of course I will! Give me a little credit. 212 00:12:46,760 --> 00:12:48,200 Good night guys! 213 00:13:05,000 --> 00:13:06,840 I have to go throw up again! 214 00:13:10,640 --> 00:13:12,000 Okay... Hurry back... 215 00:13:27,680 --> 00:13:28,560 Hey Fez! 216 00:13:34,040 --> 00:13:35,680 Village People, what are you doing here? 217 00:13:36,960 --> 00:13:39,640 We came to put a stop to your disco-bonfire. 218 00:13:41,480 --> 00:13:43,240 Plus my Mom was in Kenosha, so you know… 219 00:13:43,640 --> 00:13:44,720 ...two birds with one stone. 220 00:13:47,000 --> 00:13:48,000 Can you keep a secret? 221 00:13:48,680 --> 00:13:49,840 I love disco. 222 00:13:50,520 --> 00:13:52,520 Yeah, I’m just pretending to hate it so I can get with girls. 223 00:13:53,360 --> 00:13:55,040 You guys know how that is, right guys? 224 00:13:58,440 --> 00:14:00,320 So, let’s talk about Jackie. 225 00:14:01,400 --> 00:14:03,360 You two came here together to defend disco... 226 00:14:03,560 --> 00:14:06,560 ...and you abandoned her to make out with some skank you’re never gonna see again. 227 00:14:07,720 --> 00:14:10,480 - Aaaand…? - And? 228 00:14:10,800 --> 00:14:13,400 It’s wrong. What do we have to do, spell it out for you? 229 00:14:13,760 --> 00:14:16,600 Because we can, with carefully choreographed arm movements… 230 00:14:18,760 --> 00:14:19,800 You’re right. 231 00:14:20,400 --> 00:14:22,000 I totally let Jackie down. 232 00:14:23,600 --> 00:14:25,680 You are one wise Indian. 233 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:29,080 Actually I’m Puertorican. This is just a gig. 234 00:14:38,840 --> 00:14:41,160 Okay, I’m done vomiting. 235 00:14:43,080 --> 00:14:44,600 Wanna finish making out? 236 00:14:45,480 --> 00:14:48,480 I would love to. But I can’t for two reasons. 237 00:14:48,960 --> 00:14:51,640 One: I have somewhere to be. 238 00:14:52,560 --> 00:14:56,800 And two: you have some spagetthi right here… 239 00:15:02,960 --> 00:15:06,280 So it turns out, Randy had dated every girl here. 240 00:15:07,120 --> 00:15:10,240 I can literally throw a rock and hit a girl he’s dated. 241 00:15:11,120 --> 00:15:12,400 In fact, earlier I did. 242 00:15:12,880 --> 00:15:14,000 She’s gonna need stitches. 243 00:15:14,920 --> 00:15:17,840 Oh, I remember that girl. I sold her a bandaid for 8 bucks. 244 00:15:18,840 --> 00:15:19,720 Where did you find a bandaid? 245 00:15:20,160 --> 00:15:21,880 I pulled it off some guy who’s passed out. 246 00:15:23,160 --> 00:15:25,560 Donna! Donna look what I found. This is Sarah. 247 00:15:25,760 --> 00:15:29,160 A girl I’ve never dated, who I don’t wanna date and who doesn’t want to date me. 248 00:15:29,440 --> 00:15:30,760 - Right Sarah? - That’s right. 249 00:15:31,600 --> 00:15:33,200 Although you are kinda cute. 250 00:15:34,240 --> 00:15:35,200 Goodbye Sarah. 251 00:15:35,440 --> 00:15:36,560 Would you like to go out sometime? 252 00:15:36,800 --> 00:15:38,880 - Go away Sarah. - Call me! 253 00:15:40,960 --> 00:15:42,120 Man, the keg’s tapped. 254 00:15:43,080 --> 00:15:44,720 Looks like everyone took a turn. 255 00:15:44,720 --> 00:15:46,240 Just like with Randy. 256 00:15:47,440 --> 00:15:49,360 Alright. It’s time to light this bonfire... 257 00:15:52,200 --> 00:15:57,440 Rockers of Point Place! It is time... for fire! 258 00:15:58,880 --> 00:16:01,200 No, Steven no, you can’t burn these records! 259 00:16:01,720 --> 00:16:03,040 You’re right Jackie, I can’t. 260 00:16:03,600 --> 00:16:04,840 Because I’m too drunk. 261 00:16:05,600 --> 00:16:07,320 Randy! Come burn these records! 262 00:16:07,560 --> 00:16:10,240 - Stop! - Fez? You came back! 263 00:16:10,800 --> 00:16:13,360 Jackie, I need to tell you something, something about you and me. 264 00:16:13,840 --> 00:16:14,840 Really? 265 00:16:15,160 --> 00:16:18,920 Yes, this whole time I was off making out with that girl and all of a sudden it felt wrong. 266 00:16:19,680 --> 00:16:21,440 - It did? - Yes. 267 00:16:21,960 --> 00:16:23,920 I shouldn’t have been with her. I should have been with you. 268 00:16:24,960 --> 00:16:28,920 Oh my God. Fez, I wanted to hear that for so long. 269 00:16:29,920 --> 00:16:31,240 Loo- I feel the same way. 270 00:16:31,840 --> 00:16:34,640 I realised something and I want everyone to know it! 271 00:16:35,680 --> 00:16:37,920 Jackie Burkhart and I are in love! 272 00:16:38,600 --> 00:16:40,080 With disco! 273 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:42,920 Wait.. what? 274 00:16:43,480 --> 00:16:45,360 Yeah, and I will not stand by and let you... 275 00:16:45,800 --> 00:16:50,400 ...set fire to this muscial, booty-shakin’ masterpieces! 276 00:16:56,280 --> 00:16:57,880 That’s unfortunate… 277 00:17:06,520 --> 00:17:07,880 So you did pretty well tonight. 278 00:17:08,360 --> 00:17:11,960 Yup. And I learned a valuable lesson about art versus commerce. 279 00:17:12,920 --> 00:17:14,800 The lesson is: I’m rich. 280 00:17:16,240 --> 00:17:17,200 Good for you man. 281 00:17:17,600 --> 00:17:21,240 But I’m gonna have to write you a little ticket for disturbing the peace and that’s gonna cost you about… 282 00:17:22,080 --> 00:17:23,160 How much you got there? 283 00:17:24,360 --> 00:17:27,160 - 208 bucks. - 208 bucks! 284 00:17:29,240 --> 00:17:30,040 Fine. 285 00:17:31,480 --> 00:17:32,720 Uhh, officer Ron? 286 00:17:33,960 --> 00:17:35,960 You don’t wanna buy your badge back? 287 00:17:43,520 --> 00:17:45,680 Oh, uh, and your car? 288 00:17:49,120 --> 00:17:51,400 Oh, this whole night has been a nightmare. 289 00:17:51,840 --> 00:17:53,480 You know I thought Fez was gonna tell me he loved me, 290 00:17:53,480 --> 00:17:55,440 but no, he was just trying to be a good friend. 291 00:17:56,120 --> 00:17:57,280 Ugh, what a jerk. 292 00:17:58,720 --> 00:18:00,480 Jackie, everybody could use another friend. 293 00:18:01,440 --> 00:18:03,040 Well except Randy. 294 00:18:05,160 --> 00:18:06,840 What are you looking at bitch?! 295 00:18:18,640 --> 00:18:20,240 Avon calling! 296 00:18:23,720 --> 00:18:26,280 Josh! Jeff! You’re back! 297 00:18:27,760 --> 00:18:29,880 Look Red, Josh and Jeff are back! 298 00:18:30,960 --> 00:18:32,440 Heyyy… men... 299 00:18:35,320 --> 00:18:37,640 Red, we just wanted to come by and thank you. 300 00:18:38,360 --> 00:18:39,720 - Thank me? - Yeah. 301 00:18:40,160 --> 00:18:44,280 It’s not that easy for two guys like us to just move in to a new neighbourhood and make friends. 302 00:18:44,800 --> 00:18:47,120 But you welcomed us into your home with open arms. 303 00:18:49,240 --> 00:18:51,000 Well… sure… You’re a couple of... 304 00:18:51,440 --> 00:18:52,600 ...decent guys. 305 00:18:53,800 --> 00:18:55,040 Not before he had his coffee… 306 00:18:57,240 --> 00:18:58,600 Like you’re a ray of sunshine! 307 00:18:59,840 --> 00:19:01,560 Anyway, you’ve been great. 308 00:19:02,040 --> 00:19:04,240 The last place we lived, we had to tell people we were brothers. 309 00:19:05,560 --> 00:19:08,000 Who would ever believe that the two of us could be brothers?! 310 00:19:09,840 --> 00:19:13,800 Anyway, we wanted to give you this, you know, to say thanks. 311 00:19:14,920 --> 00:19:15,840 What is it? 312 00:19:17,320 --> 00:19:18,360 Fruit-cake. 313 00:19:23,880 --> 00:19:25,440 Well, that’s clever! 314 00:19:26,040 --> 00:19:28,440 It’s a dessert and an ice-breaker! 315 00:19:29,720 --> 00:19:34,480 Well, what do you say we all sit down and watch the Packers kick the crap out of the Vikings, huh? 316 00:19:35,240 --> 00:19:36,640 Well, we like the Vikings… 317 00:19:41,160 --> 00:19:42,480 What did you say…? 318 00:19:44,320 --> 00:19:46,480 You’re Viking-fans?! 319 00:19:47,720 --> 00:19:49,920 What the hell is wrong with you?! 320 00:19:50,760 --> 00:19:52,240 Get out of my house! 321 00:19:52,480 --> 00:19:55,360 Red come on, it’s not our fault. We’re from Minnesota. 322 00:19:55,960 --> 00:19:57,520 We were born this way! 323 00:19:58,640 --> 00:20:01,280 Out! Out! Sicko's! 324 00:20:09,520 --> 00:20:10,640 Well thanks a lot Red. 325 00:20:11,320 --> 00:20:14,600 Now I’ll never know what rug ties this room together. 326 00:20:24,040 --> 00:20:25,960 Thank you. Next please. 327 00:20:27,680 --> 00:20:29,040 Pokpokpok, hi guys! 328 00:20:29,960 --> 00:20:32,000 I love it, that’s exactly what we need! 329 00:20:32,360 --> 00:20:34,200 Leather guy, you’re out, Chicken you’re in. 330 00:20:34,400 --> 00:20:36,000 Hallelujah! 331 00:20:36,200 --> 00:20:37,714 (The Village People's "Y.M.C.A." playing) 332 00:20:37,886 --> 00:20:40,480 It's fun to stay at the the Y.M.C.A. 333 00:20:41,001 --> 00:20:44,521 It's fun to stay at the the Y.M.C.A. 334 00:20:46,733 --> 00:20:49,675 The have everything for young men to enjoy...