1 00:00:29,446 --> 00:00:30,507 Narrator: Once upon a time, 2 00:00:30,531 --> 00:00:32,317 in the little village of putting-on-the-ritz, 3 00:00:32,407 --> 00:00:33,943 there lived a wolf named phox. 4 00:00:34,034 --> 00:00:38,243 That's phox with a p-h. P-h-o-x, phox. My card. 5 00:00:38,330 --> 00:00:40,433 Narrator: There was no one so clever at driving a bargain. 6 00:00:40,457 --> 00:00:43,119 Now, this horse is exactly what you need, grandpa. 7 00:00:43,210 --> 00:00:44,395 It's got a three-speed bridle, 8 00:00:44,419 --> 00:00:46,250 matching horseshoes, wide side walls... 9 00:00:46,338 --> 00:00:48,624 It's a steal at 40 bazoozas. 10 00:00:48,799 --> 00:00:50,380 Can I look at its teeth? 11 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:51,798 Teeth? Teeth? 12 00:00:51,885 --> 00:00:54,922 Are you buying a horse or a beauty queen? Come on, now. 13 00:00:55,222 --> 00:00:58,134 Well, all right. Here's your money. 14 00:00:59,351 --> 00:01:01,262 And here's your horse. 15 00:01:01,603 --> 00:01:03,343 Well, come on, horsey. 16 00:01:04,856 --> 00:01:07,689 Hey, I wanted a live horse! 17 00:01:07,943 --> 00:01:10,525 It was alive, but I didn't say when. 18 00:01:10,696 --> 00:01:12,436 Narrator: Nobody liked the phox with a p-h, 19 00:01:12,531 --> 00:01:14,251 but nobody could ever get the better of him. 20 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:17,858 One day, the sly phox was tripping through the woods. 21 00:01:19,162 --> 00:01:20,823 Oh, Hardy-har-har. 22 00:01:20,914 --> 00:01:24,077 When he chanced upon a mysterious box sitting in an open glade. 23 00:01:24,167 --> 00:01:26,453 On its top was written this strange legend. 24 00:01:26,545 --> 00:01:28,661 Phox: "To take my treasure, you may try, 25 00:01:28,755 --> 00:01:31,212 "but he who opens me shall diel" 26 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:34,087 a treasure chest! Ooh, gadzooks, I'm in luck! 27 00:01:34,177 --> 00:01:36,293 Ooh, but whoever opens it shall die, 28 00:01:36,388 --> 00:01:39,095 ergo, I gotta get some dummy to open it for me. 29 00:01:39,182 --> 00:01:40,922 But who would be that much of a nitwit? 30 00:01:41,018 --> 00:01:42,053 Owl 31 00:01:44,646 --> 00:01:45,726 owl 32 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:51,312 narrator: Desmond dullwit wasn't exactly the village idiot. 33 00:01:52,321 --> 00:01:53,731 But I came in second! 34 00:01:53,822 --> 00:01:56,655 Desmond, old buddy. Ow! 35 00:01:56,742 --> 00:01:59,233 I need somebody to open a box for me. 36 00:01:59,328 --> 00:02:02,866 No, you don't. Whoever opens that box is gonna die. 37 00:02:02,956 --> 00:02:03,956 How'd you know that? 38 00:02:04,041 --> 00:02:06,874 Oh, I was like, listening to the first part of the story, you know? 39 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:09,497 Oh. So, I ain't gonna open it. 40 00:02:09,588 --> 00:02:11,294 But you must, Desmond. 41 00:02:11,381 --> 00:02:13,337 That box holds a beautiful Princess 42 00:02:13,425 --> 00:02:16,883 who was put under a spell by a wicked witch, remember? 43 00:02:18,388 --> 00:02:19,388 Well, listen. 44 00:02:19,473 --> 00:02:21,492 Narrator: Little did Desmond know that the wily phox 45 00:02:21,516 --> 00:02:23,097 was an accomplished ventriloquist. 46 00:02:23,185 --> 00:02:25,801 Help! Help me, Desmond! 47 00:02:27,272 --> 00:02:29,103 There is somebody in there. 48 00:02:29,191 --> 00:02:31,352 Hey, how does she know my name? 49 00:02:31,443 --> 00:02:34,685 Why, she's been secretly in love with you for years. 50 00:02:34,780 --> 00:02:36,441 Oh, joybells! 51 00:02:36,531 --> 00:02:39,694 Hang on, honey! Lover pumpkin is here! 52 00:02:41,703 --> 00:02:44,615 Sainted aunt Hannah! Oh! Look at that! 53 00:02:46,083 --> 00:02:49,416 Gold. Jewelry. Queen Victoria's spittoon. 54 00:02:49,503 --> 00:02:51,710 I'm rich, rich! 55 00:02:52,464 --> 00:02:54,375 I don't see no Princess, Mr. Phox. 56 00:02:54,466 --> 00:02:56,582 Of course not, you stupid lox. 57 00:02:56,677 --> 00:02:57,962 It was a joke. Get it? 58 00:02:58,053 --> 00:02:59,668 Huh? 59 00:03:00,430 --> 00:03:01,430 Gee. 60 00:03:01,807 --> 00:03:04,264 You go get yourself a big croker sack, 61 00:03:04,351 --> 00:03:05,966 and we'll divide all the treasure. 62 00:03:06,061 --> 00:03:09,269 Half and half. Even-Steven. 80-20. 63 00:03:09,356 --> 00:03:12,848 Yeah, all right, but I'd rather have a Princess. 64 00:03:12,943 --> 00:03:14,212 Narrator: No sooner had Desmond gone, 65 00:03:14,236 --> 00:03:16,352 the wily phox pulled out a croker sack of his own 66 00:03:16,446 --> 00:03:18,402 and began filling it with the priceless treasure. 67 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:19,570 Meanwhile, 68 00:03:19,658 --> 00:03:22,946 Desmond wandered through the lavender Glen looking for a croker sack. 69 00:03:23,036 --> 00:03:25,448 There he chanced upon a beautiful milk maid. 70 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:26,870 Owl 71 00:03:26,957 --> 00:03:28,697 hi there, missy. 72 00:03:28,792 --> 00:03:31,579 You wouldn't happen to have an old croker sack on you, would you? 73 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:33,501 Why, I'm wearing one. 74 00:03:33,588 --> 00:03:36,330 Yeah, I just need it to put my priceless treasure into. 75 00:03:36,425 --> 00:03:37,665 Priceless treasure? 76 00:03:38,427 --> 00:03:40,383 Just a minute, honey. 77 00:03:41,513 --> 00:03:43,174 Here you are. 78 00:03:43,557 --> 00:03:44,763 Ooh, thanks a bunch. 79 00:03:45,976 --> 00:03:48,092 Wait for me, lover pumpkin! 80 00:03:48,729 --> 00:03:50,415 Narrator: The smarmy phox had filled his sack 81 00:03:50,439 --> 00:03:53,055 when he noticed one small coin left in the chest. 82 00:03:53,150 --> 00:03:54,981 An Indian head penny! 83 00:03:55,068 --> 00:03:57,650 Narrator: Of course, the greedy phox had to have it. 84 00:03:57,738 --> 00:04:00,445 Are you kidding? They bring three bazoozas on the open market. 85 00:04:00,532 --> 00:04:02,864 Narrator: But in reaching for that last penny, 86 00:04:02,951 --> 00:04:04,566 phox over-balanced, and... 87 00:04:05,746 --> 00:04:07,737 Here I am, Mr. phox. 88 00:04:08,498 --> 00:04:11,114 Ooh, lookie, he must have left my share for me. 89 00:04:11,209 --> 00:04:12,494 But where did he go? 90 00:04:12,586 --> 00:04:14,827 I'm in the box. Let me out! 91 00:04:15,297 --> 00:04:16,707 Sure you are. 92 00:04:16,798 --> 00:04:19,505 What a kidder. 93 00:04:19,593 --> 00:04:21,754 Get me out of here! 94 00:04:21,845 --> 00:04:24,712 Well, thanks for divvying it up with me, Mr. phox, 95 00:04:24,806 --> 00:04:26,137 wherever you are. 96 00:04:26,224 --> 00:04:27,702 Narrator: And the stupid lox ambled off, 97 00:04:27,726 --> 00:04:29,512 followed by the beautiful milk maid. 98 00:04:29,603 --> 00:04:31,343 Hold up, sugar puss! 99 00:04:32,147 --> 00:04:35,605 Years later, whenever anyone would ask about the phox with the p-h, 100 00:04:35,692 --> 00:04:37,398 the answer was always the same. 101 00:04:37,861 --> 00:04:38,976 Who cares? 102 00:04:39,070 --> 00:04:40,560 As for Desmond dullwit, 103 00:04:40,655 --> 00:04:45,399 he and his beautiful wife lived happily to a ripe old age. 104 00:04:46,203 --> 00:04:47,534 Wait a minute. 105 00:04:47,704 --> 00:04:50,491 The legend said that whoever opened the box would die. 106 00:04:50,582 --> 00:04:53,415 Yep, but they didn't say when. 107 00:06:03,196 --> 00:06:04,857 Narrator: Once upon a time in Canada, 108 00:06:04,948 --> 00:06:08,361 there unfolded a tale of heroes and villains. 109 00:06:08,451 --> 00:06:13,366 And it all began with two boys, a girl and a horse. 110 00:06:14,541 --> 00:06:15,997 Young Nell: I don't know, Dudley. 111 00:06:16,084 --> 00:06:19,417 Choosing what you want to be when you grow up is a very serious matter. 112 00:06:19,671 --> 00:06:22,037 It's not a question of what I want, Nell. 113 00:06:22,132 --> 00:06:25,841 It's my destiny to become a royal Canadian mountie. 114 00:06:26,219 --> 00:06:28,301 I think I'm going to have to get out there 115 00:06:28,388 --> 00:06:30,424 and see the world before I choose. 116 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:32,756 What a bunch of wimps. 117 00:06:32,851 --> 00:06:34,807 Why? What are you going to be, snidely? 118 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:38,516 Me? Isn't it obvious? I'm going to be the bad guy. 119 00:06:38,607 --> 00:06:39,722 Why? 120 00:06:39,816 --> 00:06:41,397 'Cause the bad guy has all the fun. 121 00:06:41,484 --> 00:06:44,897 And if you're the bad guy you get to do stuff like this. 122 00:06:45,238 --> 00:06:46,774 Young Nell: Snidely! 123 00:06:47,073 --> 00:06:48,233 And this! 124 00:06:55,707 --> 00:06:57,743 So long, mountie-boy! 125 00:06:58,001 --> 00:06:59,662 I can ride better than that! 126 00:07:00,503 --> 00:07:02,494 I can do this better, too. 127 00:07:03,298 --> 00:07:04,708 Why, Dudley! 128 00:07:05,008 --> 00:07:06,498 Come on, Nell. 129 00:07:09,304 --> 00:07:10,531 Narrator: Though young Nell's heart 130 00:07:10,555 --> 00:07:13,171 was torn between Dudley and snidely, 131 00:07:13,266 --> 00:07:16,008 her two very best friends in the world, 132 00:07:16,102 --> 00:07:19,014 Dudley's mind was filled with nothing but visions 133 00:07:19,105 --> 00:07:21,596 of growing up to be a mountie. 134 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:26,106 Of course, this surely wouldn't hurt in his quest for the young Nell. 135 00:07:26,196 --> 00:07:29,484 For a mountie is always brave, 136 00:07:29,574 --> 00:07:31,815 and strong and cool. 137 00:07:38,166 --> 00:07:40,498 Let's try that again, shall we? 138 00:07:40,585 --> 00:07:45,329 A mountie is always brave and strong, and... 139 00:08:44,774 --> 00:08:46,105 Narrator: It was 20 years later, 140 00:08:46,192 --> 00:08:48,524 and Dudley do-right had fulfilled his destiny. 141 00:08:48,611 --> 00:08:51,444 He had grown up to be a royal Canadian mountie. 142 00:08:51,531 --> 00:08:54,819 And his faithful horse, horse, who had grown up as well, 143 00:08:54,909 --> 00:08:58,026 was the best-trained horse this side of Ottawa. 144 00:08:58,288 --> 00:08:59,619 Fetch! 145 00:09:05,086 --> 00:09:07,293 Narrator: Okay, so he wasn't that well-trained. 146 00:09:08,089 --> 00:09:10,796 Still, Dudley was a member in good standing 147 00:09:10,884 --> 00:09:13,045 of the royal Canadian mounted police. 148 00:09:13,136 --> 00:09:14,842 He had his own grown-up fort, 149 00:09:14,929 --> 00:09:16,965 he had his own grown-up office. 150 00:09:17,057 --> 00:09:19,719 He had, indeed, grown up to be brave 151 00:09:19,809 --> 00:09:21,925 and strong and cool. 152 00:09:33,907 --> 00:09:37,024 Narrator: Now, Dudley's lifelong rival, snidely k. Whiplash, 153 00:09:37,118 --> 00:09:39,154 had fulfilled his destiny as well. 154 00:09:39,245 --> 00:09:40,951 He had become the bad guy, 155 00:09:41,039 --> 00:09:43,405 and he had brought a bunch of his bad guy friends with him. 156 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:46,915 Can I help you? 157 00:09:47,378 --> 00:09:49,118 Could you wait till everyone's in, please? 158 00:09:52,634 --> 00:09:53,714 What's the meaning of this? 159 00:09:53,802 --> 00:09:55,087 This is a holdup. 160 00:09:55,178 --> 00:09:57,920 Now, give us all your gold and all your money, or we'll shoot you. 161 00:09:58,014 --> 00:09:59,470 All of you? All of us! 162 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:02,640 No, wait. Kevin, go and get the money. 163 00:10:02,727 --> 00:10:04,308 Yes, sir. Don't forget the gold. 164 00:10:04,521 --> 00:10:06,011 And don't forget the gold. 165 00:10:06,773 --> 00:10:08,533 It's been a pleasure doing business with you. 166 00:10:09,275 --> 00:10:11,857 We got the money and the gold! 167 00:10:15,031 --> 00:10:16,567 Let's go, boys! 168 00:10:16,699 --> 00:10:18,219 Narrator: Snidely knew the call would go out 169 00:10:18,243 --> 00:10:19,858 to Canada's number one mountie. 170 00:10:19,953 --> 00:10:22,945 Too bad he was tied up with official mountie business. 171 00:10:23,039 --> 00:10:24,039 No, no, no. 172 00:10:24,124 --> 00:10:26,115 The anchovies go on the half with the pepperoni, 173 00:10:26,209 --> 00:10:29,667 and then it's one-quarter garlic and one-quarter olives. 174 00:10:30,672 --> 00:10:34,381 Good! Twenty minutes? That's it. 175 00:10:35,093 --> 00:10:36,924 Thanks, mom. I love you, too. 176 00:10:38,972 --> 00:10:40,337 Narrator: Here we go. 177 00:10:42,225 --> 00:10:45,388 Meanwhile, back at snidely's not-so-secret hideout... 178 00:10:45,645 --> 00:10:47,636 Here's the money, but where's the gold? 179 00:10:47,730 --> 00:10:48,810 Whiplash took it. 180 00:10:48,898 --> 00:10:49,978 Where is whiplash? 181 00:10:50,066 --> 00:10:51,602 He's gotta be here somewhere. 182 00:10:55,780 --> 00:10:57,441 He took off with all the gold. 183 00:10:57,532 --> 00:11:01,150 All we have is this measly $26,000. 184 00:11:01,244 --> 00:11:03,030 We gotta find whip. He's tricked us. 185 00:11:03,121 --> 00:11:05,328 And when we do, we're gonna kill him. 186 00:11:05,415 --> 00:11:08,031 Really slowly. 187 00:11:08,418 --> 00:11:09,578 Yeah, but where is he, huh? 188 00:11:09,669 --> 00:11:10,749 That's a good question. 189 00:11:10,837 --> 00:11:12,327 I heard he was in the Sudan. 190 00:11:12,422 --> 00:11:13,422 Where's that? 191 00:11:13,506 --> 00:11:14,916 In Africa, stupid. 192 00:11:15,008 --> 00:11:16,873 He's supposed to be at the Hilton hotel. 193 00:11:17,260 --> 00:11:18,500 The Hilton, eh? 194 00:11:18,595 --> 00:11:19,595 Mmm. 195 00:11:19,679 --> 00:11:21,419 Come on, boys! Let's go get him! 196 00:11:23,224 --> 00:11:24,839 Was that it was snidely himself 197 00:11:24,934 --> 00:11:27,676 who was sending them to the far reaches of the world. 198 00:11:27,770 --> 00:11:31,058 Yes, he really was a very bad guy. 199 00:11:32,025 --> 00:11:36,018 It's all so easy. 200 00:11:37,614 --> 00:11:39,354 All you have to do 201 00:11:39,449 --> 00:11:42,156 1s find 999 202 00:11:42,243 --> 00:11:45,360 of the stupidest criminals in north America 203 00:11:45,455 --> 00:11:48,788 and everything just falls into place. 204 00:11:52,337 --> 00:11:54,703 There's only one man who can stop me now. 205 00:11:54,797 --> 00:11:57,038 Narrator: And that one man could only be 206 00:11:57,133 --> 00:12:00,375 Dudley do-right of the royal Canadian mounted police. 207 00:12:08,394 --> 00:12:11,227 Meanwhile, at an abandoned gold mine, 208 00:12:11,314 --> 00:12:14,021 a sinister figure lurks. 209 00:12:14,108 --> 00:12:16,440 I love to lurk. It's so me. 210 00:12:19,989 --> 00:12:22,947 Everyone knew there wasn't any gold left in the old mine. 211 00:12:23,034 --> 00:12:26,151 But it was part of snidely's evil plan to put some there. 212 00:12:41,177 --> 00:12:43,168 The old mine shaft just caved in. 213 00:12:43,263 --> 00:12:45,174 I warned those kids. 214 00:12:45,265 --> 00:12:47,756 Come on, time to go to the dark and scary part of the forest. 215 00:12:47,850 --> 00:12:49,590 Horse! 216 00:12:51,312 --> 00:12:53,473 Fine. I'll take the vehicle. 217 00:13:02,865 --> 00:13:05,072 All right, you kids. Come on out of there. 218 00:13:08,246 --> 00:13:10,578 I'm hardly a kid! 219 00:13:10,665 --> 00:13:11,905 Snidely? 220 00:13:12,709 --> 00:13:15,075 Snidely whiplash. 221 00:13:15,169 --> 00:13:17,251 Dudley. Dudley do-right! 222 00:13:17,338 --> 00:13:18,373 All right. 223 00:13:18,464 --> 00:13:20,921 Queensberry rules. Let's go. Put 'em up. 224 00:13:21,009 --> 00:13:22,965 Ready when you are, d.D. 225 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:24,418 Why do you have a shotgun? 226 00:13:24,679 --> 00:13:26,135 I was hunting. Mmm-hmm. 227 00:13:26,389 --> 00:13:28,129 In an abandoned gold mine? 228 00:13:28,725 --> 00:13:31,341 Yes. I was hunting for vampires. 229 00:13:31,436 --> 00:13:32,516 Vampires? 230 00:13:32,603 --> 00:13:34,389 Afraid so. Vampires. 231 00:13:34,480 --> 00:13:36,186 Believe me, do-right, they exist. 232 00:13:36,274 --> 00:13:37,354 I don't believe you. 233 00:13:37,442 --> 00:13:38,773 Hold this. 234 00:13:40,028 --> 00:13:43,816 Examine, if you will, this shell from a shotgun. 235 00:13:43,906 --> 00:13:48,320 You'll notice, it's not shot, but gold instead. 236 00:13:49,620 --> 00:13:50,735 It's well-known, 237 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:53,742 to kill a vampire, you must drive a stake through its heart, 238 00:13:53,833 --> 00:13:55,994 or shoot it with a golden bullet. 239 00:13:56,085 --> 00:13:57,085 On. 240 00:13:57,587 --> 00:14:00,624 So, then there really are vampires around here? 241 00:14:00,715 --> 00:14:03,957 Sadly, behind every tree, practically. 242 00:14:06,304 --> 00:14:07,384 What was that? 243 00:14:07,472 --> 00:14:09,133 I shudder to speculate. 244 00:14:09,223 --> 00:14:10,303 I have to go. 245 00:14:10,391 --> 00:14:11,756 I thought you might. 246 00:14:12,268 --> 00:14:13,474 So long. 247 00:14:13,895 --> 00:14:14,930 Ciao. 248 00:14:15,021 --> 00:14:16,181 Narrator: And so it went. 249 00:14:16,272 --> 00:14:19,685 While the evil whiplash was out hunting vampires, 250 00:14:19,776 --> 00:14:21,186 our hero was at home, 251 00:14:21,277 --> 00:14:24,019 hiding behind a cardboard mountie cutout. 252 00:14:24,113 --> 00:14:26,479 After all, even to a real mountie, 253 00:14:26,574 --> 00:14:28,860 vampires can seem awfully scary. 254 00:14:35,333 --> 00:14:37,119 Vampires, indeed. 255 00:14:38,044 --> 00:14:39,964 Another week, and I'll have those idiots thinking 256 00:14:40,004 --> 00:14:42,165 there's gold in them there hills. 257 00:14:46,427 --> 00:14:48,964 In the daylight hours, snidely was hard at work 258 00:14:49,055 --> 00:14:52,923 arranging a meeting between a really big train and the local bank president. 259 00:14:54,227 --> 00:14:57,685 Is that a choo-choo train I hear coming our way? 260 00:14:58,106 --> 00:15:00,597 I can't do this to our customers. 261 00:15:02,068 --> 00:15:03,399 You'll own everything! 262 00:15:04,987 --> 00:15:07,103 All right, all right. I'll sign. 263 00:15:07,198 --> 00:15:08,859 All the bank's mortgages are yours. 264 00:15:08,950 --> 00:15:10,565 And a teller to be named later. 265 00:15:14,414 --> 00:15:15,529 Right! 266 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:19,115 Pay up the mortgage now, or this quaint little fixer-upper is mine. 267 00:15:19,419 --> 00:15:20,579 You're not our banker. 268 00:15:20,878 --> 00:15:22,539 Oh, I am now. 269 00:15:23,131 --> 00:15:24,746 Read it and weep. 270 00:15:25,716 --> 00:15:27,456 How can you do this to us? 271 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:30,418 How can I do this to you? Madam, I was born to do it. 272 00:15:30,513 --> 00:15:31,753 It's in my genes. 273 00:15:31,848 --> 00:15:34,055 Now get out, and take your munchkins with you. 274 00:15:35,184 --> 00:15:37,516 That's right. Chop-chop. Single file. 275 00:15:37,603 --> 00:15:40,310 And wipe that smile off your face. And no talking. 276 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:42,521 Narrator: With his ill-gotten gains, 277 00:15:42,608 --> 00:15:46,100 snidely whiplash was taking over all of semi-happy valley, 278 00:15:46,195 --> 00:15:48,436 and that included the local motel, 279 00:15:48,531 --> 00:15:50,112 the slaw-dogs stand, 280 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:51,690 the funeral home, 281 00:15:52,368 --> 00:15:54,154 the very town itself. 282 00:15:54,245 --> 00:15:56,987 Naturally, local residents became a mite concerned. 283 00:16:04,338 --> 00:16:06,829 What's going on out here? What's wrong? 284 00:16:06,924 --> 00:16:09,040 We've all just lost our homes and businesses. 285 00:16:09,135 --> 00:16:10,215 All: Yeah! 286 00:16:12,054 --> 00:16:13,885 Well, that's a relief. 287 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:15,179 All: Huh? Itis? 288 00:16:15,516 --> 00:16:18,223 Yes. I thought that this was about the vampires. 289 00:16:18,311 --> 00:16:21,769 No! This is about that bloodsucker, snidely whiplash! 290 00:16:21,856 --> 00:16:24,563 He's taken everything. Our homes, our businesses, our farms! 291 00:16:24,650 --> 00:16:26,641 All: Yeah! What do you mean, "vampires"? 292 00:16:26,944 --> 00:16:28,184 You mean, you don't know? 293 00:16:28,279 --> 00:16:29,279 All: No. 294 00:16:30,239 --> 00:16:31,300 The woods are filled with them. 295 00:16:31,324 --> 00:16:32,564 All: What? 296 00:16:34,827 --> 00:16:36,533 Man: Run for your lives! 297 00:16:37,079 --> 00:16:40,822 Narrator: Our hero, Dudley do-right, had never felt so alone. 298 00:16:40,917 --> 00:16:42,782 Whiplash city was a ghost town. 299 00:16:42,877 --> 00:16:45,869 His long lost Nell had been gone for years. 300 00:16:45,963 --> 00:16:48,500 Now, it was just him and horse. 301 00:16:48,591 --> 00:16:50,377 It's just you and me, horse. 302 00:16:51,761 --> 00:16:55,253 If I know anything, horse, these two things are true. 303 00:16:56,140 --> 00:17:00,383 Nell will never come back, and you will never leave me. 304 00:17:24,377 --> 00:17:25,537 Horse? 305 00:17:30,758 --> 00:17:31,918 Horse! 306 00:17:34,971 --> 00:17:38,884 Horse! Where are you going? There's vampires out there! 307 00:17:49,777 --> 00:17:51,017 Who goes there? 308 00:17:51,112 --> 00:17:52,147 What? 309 00:17:54,448 --> 00:17:55,688 Don't "what" me. 310 00:17:55,783 --> 00:17:57,068 Don't "what" me. 311 00:17:57,535 --> 00:17:59,275 I know you're a vampire. 312 00:17:59,870 --> 00:18:02,737 I'm gonna warn ya. I've got garlic in here. 313 00:18:02,832 --> 00:18:05,995 It's me, Dudley. It's Nell fenwick. 314 00:18:07,545 --> 00:18:09,536 Don't try and confuse me. I know you're a vampire. 315 00:18:09,630 --> 00:18:11,984 And I can prove it, too, 'cause only a vampire wouldn't know the answer 316 00:18:12,008 --> 00:18:14,670 to this simple, Canadian question. 317 00:18:15,678 --> 00:18:17,134 What is Wayne gretzky's middle name? 318 00:18:18,514 --> 00:18:19,629 Well, I don't know, Dudley. 319 00:18:20,850 --> 00:18:21,930 Well, do you? 320 00:18:23,352 --> 00:18:25,468 No. No, I don't. 321 00:18:25,730 --> 00:18:27,220 Oh, my god! 322 00:18:28,566 --> 00:18:30,147 I am a vampire! 323 00:18:30,568 --> 00:18:32,684 You're not a vampire, Dudley. 324 00:18:33,446 --> 00:18:34,811 Is something burning? 325 00:18:34,905 --> 00:18:36,717 Oh, yeah, right. Like you think I'm stupid enough 326 00:18:36,741 --> 00:18:38,823 to fall for that old trick. 327 00:18:50,129 --> 00:18:52,399 Narrator: It was at that precise moment when Nell remembered 328 00:18:52,423 --> 00:18:54,709 that famous old mountie movie song. 329 00:18:54,800 --> 00:18:57,337 When I'm calling you 330 00:19:00,848 --> 00:19:03,510 Nell! It really is you! 331 00:19:03,601 --> 00:19:08,391 Will you answer, too? 332 00:19:08,773 --> 00:19:14,188 That means I offer my love to you 333 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:18,938 if you refuse me 334 00:19:19,033 --> 00:19:22,025 both: What shall I do? 335 00:19:23,788 --> 00:19:27,781 When I'm calling you 336 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:31,875 won't you come in, Nell? 337 00:19:31,962 --> 00:19:32,997 Sure. 338 00:19:35,049 --> 00:19:36,380 So, Nell, 339 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:39,132 what have you been doing all these years? 340 00:19:39,220 --> 00:19:41,962 Well, I went out and saw the world, just like I planned. 341 00:19:42,056 --> 00:19:44,763 Uh-huh. I got my master's in philosophy from Yale. 342 00:19:44,850 --> 00:19:47,262 A ph.D. In international diplomacy from Harvard. 343 00:19:47,353 --> 00:19:49,844 Oh, and then I served as U.S. ambassador to Guam. 344 00:19:51,440 --> 00:19:52,475 And? 345 00:19:53,859 --> 00:19:57,272 And, now I've come home 346 00:19:57,363 --> 00:20:00,070 to get the one thing a good education can't buy. 347 00:20:00,157 --> 00:20:02,302 Oh, I got you. You want one of those fuzzy plaid blankets 348 00:20:02,326 --> 00:20:03,926 that they sell down at the mountie store? 349 00:20:04,078 --> 00:20:05,238 No, Dudley. 350 00:20:05,329 --> 00:20:06,489 Beach house with a hot tub? 351 00:20:06,580 --> 00:20:07,990 No, I just... 352 00:20:08,082 --> 00:20:09,492 Let's not play games, Nell. 353 00:20:10,042 --> 00:20:12,283 I haven't had the chance to say these words before... 354 00:20:14,422 --> 00:20:15,662 Oh, Dudley! 355 00:20:25,182 --> 00:20:26,342 Nell... 356 00:20:29,979 --> 00:20:31,139 Oh, Dudley! 357 00:20:32,565 --> 00:20:33,565 Dudley! 358 00:20:34,400 --> 00:20:37,642 When I'm calling you 359 00:20:38,070 --> 00:20:39,560 enough with the song. 360 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:41,065 Got it. 361 00:20:45,453 --> 00:20:46,738 I'm sorry. Where was I? 362 00:20:47,455 --> 00:20:49,036 Maybe we should just go out. 363 00:20:49,123 --> 00:20:51,705 I hear they're having an authentic corn festival dance 364 00:20:51,792 --> 00:20:54,374 at the reservation, with fireworks and everything. 365 00:20:54,462 --> 00:20:55,542 Or picture this, 366 00:20:55,629 --> 00:20:57,790 a quiet evening in front of the fire avec moi, 367 00:20:57,882 --> 00:21:00,123 toasting marshmallows, drinking ovaltine. 368 00:21:00,217 --> 00:21:02,879 Oh. Now I remember what I was going to say. 369 00:21:02,970 --> 00:21:05,336 Nell fenwick, I... 370 00:21:09,685 --> 00:21:10,685 Huh? 371 00:21:18,110 --> 00:21:22,524 Nell, I love youl! 372 00:21:23,115 --> 00:21:24,634 Narrator: Though she had traveled far and wide, 373 00:21:24,658 --> 00:21:26,740 never before had Nell heard a confession of love 374 00:21:26,827 --> 00:21:28,192 from a moose. 375 00:21:28,954 --> 00:21:30,660 Let's just go to the corn festival. 376 00:21:31,540 --> 00:21:32,871 Okey-dokey. 377 00:21:33,584 --> 00:21:36,542 I'll get around to fixing the floorboards next Tuesday. 378 00:21:39,423 --> 00:21:41,334 I hope it's not hunting season. 379 00:21:46,806 --> 00:21:47,806 Owl 380 00:21:47,890 --> 00:21:49,801 a little help here for a moose? 381 00:21:50,351 --> 00:21:52,433 Please? Thank you. 382 00:22:07,535 --> 00:22:09,821 After finding the nearest moose head removal service, 383 00:22:09,912 --> 00:22:12,699 Dudley and Nell made their way to the corn festival. 384 00:22:12,790 --> 00:22:15,202 Dudley, this is totally authentic! 385 00:22:15,501 --> 00:22:18,538 This is Canada, Nell. Things are real up here. 386 00:22:20,631 --> 00:22:22,622 Oh. Say, there's the chief! 387 00:22:23,592 --> 00:22:24,752 Chief! 388 00:22:25,678 --> 00:22:26,678 Oh, chief! 389 00:22:26,971 --> 00:22:28,211 Narrator: Yes, it was the chief 390 00:22:28,264 --> 00:22:30,630 of that rarely studied tribe of south Brooklyn Indians 391 00:22:30,724 --> 00:22:32,635 known as the canarsie kumquats. 392 00:22:32,726 --> 00:22:35,138 Or just the kumquats, for short. 393 00:22:35,229 --> 00:22:38,141 Dudley! Long time no see. 394 00:22:38,232 --> 00:22:39,893 You remember Nell. 395 00:22:40,693 --> 00:22:44,231 Nell fenwick! You look terrific. How's it goin'? 396 00:22:44,488 --> 00:22:45,898 Me do well. 397 00:22:46,282 --> 00:22:47,488 Good for you, sugar. 398 00:22:47,575 --> 00:22:49,190 Well, come on. Let's go see the show! 399 00:23:23,277 --> 00:23:26,360 This riverdance stuff is really hot lately. 400 00:23:47,301 --> 00:23:48,632 Dudley? Hmm? 401 00:23:48,719 --> 00:23:50,801 You remember standing room only, don't you? 402 00:23:51,180 --> 00:23:53,842 Oh, of course I do. How are you, standing room only? 403 00:23:53,933 --> 00:23:55,423 Great. Look, could we talk? 404 00:23:55,976 --> 00:23:56,976 Certainly. 405 00:24:16,789 --> 00:24:17,824 How! 406 00:24:19,124 --> 00:24:21,456 Bravo! Oh, bravo! 407 00:24:22,836 --> 00:24:25,748 Okay, look. A snitch I ain't, all right? 408 00:24:25,839 --> 00:24:28,777 But for the last week or so I've been seeing this guy out in the woods at night 409 00:24:28,801 --> 00:24:32,259 with this kind of Abe Lincoln hat on and this opera coat, 410 00:24:32,346 --> 00:24:34,507 goin' around shooting rocks and streams, 411 00:24:34,598 --> 00:24:36,088 crap like that, with a shotgun. 412 00:24:37,685 --> 00:24:38,765 Yes? Go on. 413 00:24:38,852 --> 00:24:40,212 What, you don't think that's weird? 414 00:24:40,396 --> 00:24:42,978 No, no. It's snidely whiplash. 415 00:24:43,065 --> 00:24:45,681 He thinks he's hunting vampires with gold bullets, 416 00:24:45,776 --> 00:24:47,482 which scares the heck out of me. 417 00:24:47,820 --> 00:24:49,356 Vampires or gold bullets? 418 00:24:49,780 --> 00:24:50,780 Vampires. 419 00:24:50,864 --> 00:24:53,551 I'll tell you what, chief. I think you're straight out of your frickin' mind. 420 00:24:53,575 --> 00:24:54,690 Me or him? 421 00:24:55,536 --> 00:24:56,901 Me. Me, me. 422 00:24:59,081 --> 00:25:01,743 Yeah. That's a fine way to talk to your chief. 423 00:25:02,376 --> 00:25:05,209 Well, if you'll excuse me, this particular mountie has a date. 424 00:25:09,008 --> 00:25:10,008 Wow. 425 00:25:15,681 --> 00:25:18,798 Oh, Dudley, I wish we could have stayed for the fireworks. 426 00:25:19,101 --> 00:25:22,138 The fireworks are even more beautiful from this vantage point. 427 00:25:22,896 --> 00:25:24,136 Yes. 428 00:25:24,231 --> 00:25:26,438 When I'm calling you 429 00:25:26,525 --> 00:25:28,641 Dudley? Not now, okay? 430 00:25:28,736 --> 00:25:29,736 Yes, Nell. 431 00:25:29,820 --> 00:25:30,820 Let's just row. 432 00:25:30,904 --> 00:25:31,939 Of course, Nell. 433 00:25:36,368 --> 00:25:38,233 Narrator: Meanwhile, that very same night, 434 00:25:38,328 --> 00:25:42,571 the poorest man in semi-happy valley was about to strike it rich. 435 00:25:42,666 --> 00:25:46,124 Hello! Enjoying your evening thus far? 436 00:25:46,670 --> 00:25:49,377 Thought I'd just drop in. Found some gold, have we? 437 00:25:50,674 --> 00:25:54,007 No, no. There's no gold anywhere around here. 438 00:25:54,094 --> 00:25:57,336 Oh, but there is, lots of it, all over the place. 439 00:25:57,431 --> 00:26:00,673 And you, you horrid example of a human being 440 00:26:00,768 --> 00:26:02,759 have made the initial discovery. 441 00:26:02,853 --> 00:26:06,516 You're famous. You will be on network television. 442 00:26:06,940 --> 00:26:09,477 Network television? No way! 443 00:26:10,569 --> 00:26:12,605 Now, stand up, hold the pan out and smile. 444 00:26:13,155 --> 00:26:15,020 Can I borrow your comb? 445 00:26:15,115 --> 00:26:16,480 Shut up and grin. 446 00:26:25,375 --> 00:26:28,037 Welcome. Welcome to our show. Have a seat. Hi. How are you? 447 00:26:28,712 --> 00:26:32,204 They're calling this the biggest gold strike in history. 448 00:26:32,299 --> 00:26:34,540 Certainly it's the biggest gold find of the century. 449 00:26:34,843 --> 00:26:36,237 And the man who made it all possible 450 00:26:36,261 --> 00:26:38,172 is here for an exclusive interview today. 451 00:26:38,263 --> 00:26:40,675 Mr. Kim j. Darling. Welcome, Kim! 452 00:26:43,310 --> 00:26:44,470 What's happening, Regis? 453 00:26:44,561 --> 00:26:46,201 I'll tell you what's happening, my friend. 454 00:26:46,271 --> 00:26:47,351 You're what's happening. 455 00:26:47,439 --> 00:26:48,849 Headlines all over the world. 456 00:26:48,941 --> 00:26:52,149 How's it feel to have made the biggest gold find in a century? 457 00:26:52,236 --> 00:26:54,648 Oh, I feel light-headed, kathie Lee. 458 00:26:54,738 --> 00:26:57,525 Well, your story certainly has taken the whole world by storm. 459 00:26:57,616 --> 00:27:00,483 But, reg, the sad part is, at least for Kim, 460 00:27:00,577 --> 00:27:04,536 is that he found all this gold on land he doesn't own. 461 00:27:04,623 --> 00:27:05,703 Audience: Aw. 462 00:27:05,791 --> 00:27:07,782 I did? But the owner is staking no claim. 463 00:27:07,876 --> 00:27:10,242 He says whoever finds the gold gets to keep it. 464 00:27:10,337 --> 00:27:13,579 And that's why the big gold rush is on for northern Canada. 465 00:27:16,093 --> 00:27:18,129 Stay tuned. Bette midler is next. 466 00:27:19,304 --> 00:27:20,794 No! Yeah! 467 00:27:23,433 --> 00:27:25,890 Meanwhile, on the U.S.-Canadian border, 468 00:27:25,978 --> 00:27:27,934 all is tranquil as usual. 469 00:27:28,021 --> 00:27:29,341 You want some of me? 470 00:27:32,818 --> 00:27:36,777 You want some of Dwayne cuffman? Huh? 471 00:27:37,281 --> 00:27:39,146 Come on, you son of a... 472 00:27:39,241 --> 00:27:40,697 Ooh! Ah! 473 00:27:56,341 --> 00:27:58,627 Passports! Hey, stop! 474 00:28:02,848 --> 00:28:06,011 Trouble along the Canadian-U.S. border continues to mount. 475 00:28:06,226 --> 00:28:08,592 They seem to be yuppie wetbacks, mostly. 476 00:28:08,687 --> 00:28:10,723 But a lot of them are dentists. 477 00:28:10,814 --> 00:28:12,375 And this just in. Scientists discover that 478 00:28:12,399 --> 00:28:14,560 Canadian bacon is actually ordinary ham. 479 00:28:16,069 --> 00:28:19,857 What could be better than a plan working exactly as you planned it? 480 00:28:20,490 --> 00:28:22,981 Nothing! That's what's better. 481 00:28:24,786 --> 00:28:25,786 Drop it, whiplash! 482 00:28:26,413 --> 00:28:27,949 It's about time you showed up. 483 00:28:28,290 --> 00:28:30,827 About time? We're here to kill you. 484 00:28:31,335 --> 00:28:33,417 That won't be necessary. 485 00:28:33,503 --> 00:28:35,334 Gentlemen, forgive my manners. 486 00:28:35,422 --> 00:28:37,333 Please, take a seat. 487 00:28:41,803 --> 00:28:43,543 You weren't in the Sudan. 488 00:28:43,639 --> 00:28:46,597 You don't say. Where are all the other men? 489 00:28:46,850 --> 00:28:48,932 Where are they? They're all over the place. 490 00:28:49,061 --> 00:28:52,519 Heathrow, the Rome airport, Mozambique. 491 00:28:53,482 --> 00:28:55,438 We all ran out of money. 492 00:28:55,776 --> 00:28:59,109 This could be the right-sized group I've been looking for. 493 00:28:59,404 --> 00:29:01,324 What are you talking about? We're gonna kill you! 494 00:29:01,365 --> 00:29:04,277 You're not going to kill me. You're going to work for me. 495 00:29:04,368 --> 00:29:05,574 What? Snidely: Yeah. 496 00:29:06,245 --> 00:29:09,112 I need you boys to help me run the town. 497 00:29:09,498 --> 00:29:14,367 Everyone's gone, including the man who ran the slaw-dogs stand. 498 00:29:14,461 --> 00:29:15,917 Therefore, boys, 499 00:29:17,172 --> 00:29:19,959 I'm gonna need your help to run whiplash city. 500 00:29:20,050 --> 00:29:22,666 Lefty, didn't you once attend school? 501 00:29:23,053 --> 00:29:24,793 Well, I... yeah. 502 00:29:24,888 --> 00:29:28,051 Good! Well, now, you're the new superintendent for schools. 503 00:29:28,934 --> 00:29:32,301 Thanks, whip. This is a dream come true for me. 504 00:29:32,396 --> 00:29:34,637 Homer, didn't you once work at McDonald's? 505 00:29:35,107 --> 00:29:37,723 Well, yeah, whip, but I'm your number two guy. 506 00:29:37,818 --> 00:29:39,274 I'm part of the brain trust. 507 00:29:39,611 --> 00:29:40,976 Absolutely! 508 00:29:41,571 --> 00:29:45,029 Now you can manage the snidely whiplash slaw-dogs stand. 509 00:29:45,492 --> 00:29:48,199 Oh, man. I'm gettin' screwed. 510 00:29:48,829 --> 00:29:50,740 And we're going to need doctors. 511 00:29:52,207 --> 00:29:53,601 Which one of you is dumb enough to think 512 00:29:53,625 --> 00:29:55,331 you can perform brain surgery? 513 00:29:59,256 --> 00:30:01,747 Congratulations. You're the town's new brain surgeon. 514 00:30:02,926 --> 00:30:04,006 Yes! 515 00:30:04,094 --> 00:30:05,584 Yes, indeed. 516 00:30:05,679 --> 00:30:08,671 Well, it's pretty obvious we're going to need a really good psychiatrist! 517 00:30:08,765 --> 00:30:10,096 All: Me! Pick me! 518 00:30:13,895 --> 00:30:16,557 Honey? Look, honey! 519 00:30:16,648 --> 00:30:19,936 Narrator: Goodbye, Las Vegas. Hello, whiplash city. 520 00:30:20,027 --> 00:30:22,297 A place for parents to pan for gold, and bond with their children. 521 00:30:22,321 --> 00:30:23,840 Get a picture! A picture. I don't wanna. 522 00:30:23,864 --> 00:30:25,604 Carly, get a picture! 523 00:30:25,699 --> 00:30:29,191 And a place to prove that white men can dance. 524 00:30:32,831 --> 00:30:37,621 California, Georgia, Puerto Rico. 525 00:30:37,711 --> 00:30:39,326 But where are the Canadians? 526 00:30:39,421 --> 00:30:42,788 Canadians like to think things over before they do something. 527 00:30:42,883 --> 00:30:44,043 Americans just jump. 528 00:30:44,134 --> 00:30:45,670 And thank goodness they do. 529 00:30:45,761 --> 00:30:47,968 Did you like the way I pronounced Puerto Rico? 530 00:30:48,055 --> 00:30:49,295 Yeah. 531 00:30:49,389 --> 00:30:50,720 I speak a little Spanish. 532 00:30:51,224 --> 00:30:53,089 You're the complete package, whip. 533 00:30:53,477 --> 00:30:56,685 Narrator: Yes, snidely had taken over Dudley do-right's town. 534 00:30:56,772 --> 00:30:57,887 But little did he know 535 00:30:57,981 --> 00:31:00,688 that Dudley was hard at work devising a plan to... 536 00:31:01,902 --> 00:31:03,858 That Dudley was hard at work... 537 00:31:03,945 --> 00:31:07,733 Okay, I'm lying. He was fast asleep, dreaming about horse. 538 00:31:17,250 --> 00:31:18,490 Horse! 539 00:31:19,002 --> 00:31:21,209 Horsel horse! 540 00:31:40,816 --> 00:31:43,273 Horse, it's so good to see you again. 541 00:31:43,360 --> 00:31:44,975 Nell's here, and you're here. 542 00:31:45,070 --> 00:31:47,857 And if only I knew what that snidely whiplash was up to. 543 00:31:49,616 --> 00:31:50,927 You mean, there never were any vampires? 544 00:31:50,951 --> 00:31:54,944 Wake up, will ya? No! What else? That dirty rat! 545 00:31:57,499 --> 00:31:58,499 Whoa! 546 00:32:00,168 --> 00:32:02,830 Hey, yo, whipster! We're makin' a fortune! 547 00:32:02,921 --> 00:32:05,458 Come on. Sol see. So I see. 548 00:32:05,841 --> 00:32:09,425 It's the same with the gift shop and the gas station. 549 00:32:09,511 --> 00:32:11,797 And the funeral home should be showing a profit 550 00:32:11,888 --> 00:32:13,674 if I've got anything to do with it. Huh? 551 00:32:15,142 --> 00:32:16,142 Mr. whip? Hmm? 552 00:32:16,226 --> 00:32:18,217 I was thinking, with us gettin' rich and all, 553 00:32:18,311 --> 00:32:21,678 that maybe we should start playin' golf? 554 00:32:23,733 --> 00:32:26,270 My word. You're a genius. 555 00:32:30,615 --> 00:32:36,201 Narrator: The par 72 golf course was soon snidely's pride and joy. 556 00:32:36,705 --> 00:32:41,165 And thanks to the complimentary golf balls he gave to all his guests, 557 00:32:41,251 --> 00:32:43,242 he never lost a game. 558 00:32:44,880 --> 00:32:45,960 Ever. 559 00:32:46,298 --> 00:32:47,663 Bad luck! 560 00:32:47,757 --> 00:32:49,247 You must have looked up. 561 00:33:00,061 --> 00:33:02,177 Dudley: Stop right there, whiplash! 562 00:33:02,397 --> 00:33:04,729 Do-right, you made me hit the windmill! 563 00:33:04,816 --> 00:33:06,681 No one talks when I shoot! 564 00:33:06,776 --> 00:33:08,357 You're the man, whip! 565 00:33:08,445 --> 00:33:12,484 There's something going on in semi-happy valley that I don't approve of. 566 00:33:12,574 --> 00:33:15,691 It's called whiplash city now, mountie-boy. 567 00:33:16,244 --> 00:33:17,244 Ooh. 568 00:33:17,496 --> 00:33:18,576 You remember Nell fenwick. 569 00:33:18,663 --> 00:33:19,743 Nell! 570 00:33:19,831 --> 00:33:22,618 Narrator: Remember her? He'd been in love with her since he was six. 571 00:33:22,751 --> 00:33:24,412 Hello, snidely. 572 00:33:24,503 --> 00:33:26,915 We've known each other too long to be that formal. 573 00:33:29,090 --> 00:33:30,876 Nell, will you stop that! 574 00:33:31,760 --> 00:33:32,795 Zowiel 575 00:33:32,886 --> 00:33:33,886 cool hat. 576 00:33:33,970 --> 00:33:34,970 We try. 577 00:33:35,222 --> 00:33:37,634 So, what do you want, totem breath? 578 00:33:37,724 --> 00:33:38,724 "Totem breath"? 579 00:33:38,808 --> 00:33:40,203 Well, it's the best I could come up with. 580 00:33:40,227 --> 00:33:43,094 It's hard to kiss and think at the same time. 581 00:33:43,438 --> 00:33:45,719 Neither of which activity you've had much experience with. 582 00:33:50,737 --> 00:33:52,773 What I want, is for you to know 583 00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:54,695 that I don't know for sure what you're up to, 584 00:33:54,783 --> 00:33:56,489 but you're for sure up to something. 585 00:33:56,576 --> 00:33:57,656 Well put. 586 00:33:57,869 --> 00:34:00,281 And I sure intend to find out what that something is. 587 00:34:00,372 --> 00:34:03,489 Do-right, you'd need a psychic to find out what I'm up to. 588 00:34:03,833 --> 00:34:04,948 I don't think so. 589 00:34:08,296 --> 00:34:10,412 Well, I think that's a gimme, eh, boys? 590 00:34:10,507 --> 00:34:11,713 Oh, yeah. Yeah. 591 00:34:11,800 --> 00:34:13,791 Let's play the next hole. Come join us, Nell. 592 00:34:14,970 --> 00:34:16,005 Nell? 593 00:34:16,096 --> 00:34:17,711 Oh, it's just snidely, for Pete's sake. 594 00:34:17,973 --> 00:34:19,534 Narrator: Though snidely was the bad guy, 595 00:34:19,558 --> 00:34:21,674 he did have a certain something. 596 00:34:21,768 --> 00:34:23,724 First you ran everyone out of town. Uh-huh. 597 00:34:23,812 --> 00:34:26,554 Then you took over the town, and then... Yes, what else? 598 00:34:26,648 --> 00:34:28,058 Oh, gosh. I knew it this morning. 599 00:34:28,149 --> 00:34:29,935 Oh, come on, Einstein. You can do it. 600 00:34:30,026 --> 00:34:33,769 Then you salted the streams and mines with gold 601 00:34:33,863 --> 00:34:36,070 in order to create a false gold rush. 602 00:34:36,157 --> 00:34:38,694 And because you own the town and everything in it, 603 00:34:38,785 --> 00:34:40,741 you stand to make a great fortune! 604 00:34:40,829 --> 00:34:43,445 Hop up, sweetcakes. Carry on, boys. 605 00:34:43,540 --> 00:34:44,684 Dudley, keep your voice down. 606 00:34:44,708 --> 00:34:45,868 This is an exclusive club. 607 00:34:45,959 --> 00:34:47,719 I don't care. Would you like to play with us? 608 00:34:47,752 --> 00:34:48,952 I'll give you a stroke a hole. 609 00:34:49,004 --> 00:34:50,210 Not a chance! Oh, come on. 610 00:34:50,297 --> 00:34:51,958 Hello. 611 00:34:52,048 --> 00:34:53,288 Yes, carry on. Carry on. 612 00:34:53,383 --> 00:34:55,169 Very good there. Lovely to see you. 613 00:34:56,177 --> 00:34:57,792 Yes, lovely ball. Thank you very much. 614 00:34:59,097 --> 00:35:01,679 Well, my dear friend and worthy foe, 615 00:35:01,766 --> 00:35:04,633 once again I've foolishly underestimated you. 616 00:35:04,728 --> 00:35:06,639 That's right! Then I'm right? 617 00:35:06,730 --> 00:35:10,643 No, you're way off! But what if a rumor like that spread around? 618 00:35:10,734 --> 00:35:13,146 It could destroy a community like semi-happy valley, 619 00:35:13,236 --> 00:35:14,521 or whatever you want to call it. 620 00:35:14,613 --> 00:35:16,069 You wouldn't want that, would you? 621 00:35:19,117 --> 00:35:20,527 We have to tell the truth, snidely. 622 00:35:20,619 --> 00:35:21,825 Yes, of course. 623 00:35:21,911 --> 00:35:23,196 But before we do anything rash, 624 00:35:23,288 --> 00:35:25,950 let's sit down and discuss it like adults. 625 00:35:26,041 --> 00:35:27,041 When? 626 00:35:27,125 --> 00:35:28,865 Tonight, 9:00 P.M. sharp? 627 00:35:28,960 --> 00:35:30,166 Where? Your place. 628 00:35:30,670 --> 00:35:31,750 What's the dress? 629 00:35:31,838 --> 00:35:32,953 Casual. 630 00:35:34,132 --> 00:35:35,610 That really doesn't leave me much time to get ready. 631 00:35:35,634 --> 00:35:38,000 You could microwave some of those little hot dog thingies. 632 00:35:38,094 --> 00:35:39,300 All right. 633 00:35:40,930 --> 00:35:43,797 Narrator: Snidely didn't keep his date with Dudley. 634 00:35:43,892 --> 00:35:45,348 But homer did, 635 00:35:45,435 --> 00:35:48,973 and he was thoughtful enough to bring along a six-pack 636 00:35:49,064 --> 00:35:50,554 of dynamite. 637 00:36:22,430 --> 00:36:24,671 Homer! Hmm... 638 00:36:24,766 --> 00:36:27,929 You look somehow, I don't know, younger. 639 00:36:28,061 --> 00:36:29,141 How did it go? 640 00:36:29,229 --> 00:36:30,844 Everything's taken care of. 641 00:36:31,439 --> 00:36:33,475 Your boy is in do-gooder heaven. 642 00:36:33,566 --> 00:36:35,522 I couldn't even find his body. 643 00:36:35,610 --> 00:36:37,601 Excellent! 644 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:39,311 Well, get out of that garish outfit 645 00:36:39,406 --> 00:36:41,021 and find yourself a black suit. 646 00:36:41,116 --> 00:36:43,732 You are our new funeral home director. 647 00:36:43,868 --> 00:36:44,948 Shane! 648 00:36:45,036 --> 00:36:46,036 Yes, Mr. whiplash? 649 00:36:46,162 --> 00:36:47,652 Drinks on the house. Yes, sir. 650 00:36:47,747 --> 00:36:48,782 No, wait a second. 651 00:36:48,873 --> 00:36:49,988 Drinks are 50% off. Right. 652 00:36:50,083 --> 00:36:52,199 No, wait a second. Double the price of everything! 653 00:36:52,293 --> 00:36:53,373 Yes, sir. 654 00:36:54,295 --> 00:36:56,832 Narrator: While snidely celebrated Dudley's demise, 655 00:36:56,923 --> 00:36:58,629 Dudley was actually in Ottawa, 656 00:36:58,717 --> 00:37:02,005 telling the authorities about snidely's evil scheme. 657 00:37:02,095 --> 00:37:05,587 What Dudley didn't know was that snidely had friends in high places... 658 00:37:05,682 --> 00:37:07,673 What're you lookin' at? As well as low. 659 00:37:08,059 --> 00:37:11,472 Well, that is an amazing story you tell, officer do-right. 660 00:37:11,688 --> 00:37:14,054 Thank you. I also know a story about a hermit who kept... 661 00:37:14,149 --> 00:37:15,730 But let's say you're wrong. Hmm? 662 00:37:15,817 --> 00:37:17,682 I mean, wouldn't a rumor like that 663 00:37:17,777 --> 00:37:21,611 destroy the suddenly burgeoning economy of your little town? 664 00:37:21,698 --> 00:37:24,593 That's what snidely whiplash said, but he didn't use the word "burgeoning." 665 00:37:24,617 --> 00:37:26,699 Well, this Mr. whiplash sounds like a very 666 00:37:26,786 --> 00:37:28,697 community-minded fellow to me. 667 00:37:28,788 --> 00:37:31,325 Oh, come on, wake up. He's the bad guy. 668 00:37:31,416 --> 00:37:33,372 Just look at the way he dresses! Duh. 669 00:37:33,877 --> 00:37:35,333 Ah, but is he really? 670 00:37:35,879 --> 00:37:38,712 I mean, here we have millions of American dollars 671 00:37:38,798 --> 00:37:42,256 pouring into an otherwise impoverished section of Canada. 672 00:37:42,343 --> 00:37:44,629 I mean, strike me several times with a blunt instrument, 673 00:37:44,721 --> 00:37:46,382 but, that's not good? 674 00:37:46,473 --> 00:37:49,010 But it's wrong! And as you can tell from my name... 675 00:37:49,100 --> 00:37:51,216 But isn't it sometimes difficult 676 00:37:51,311 --> 00:37:53,677 to discern the line between right and wrong? Hmm? 677 00:37:53,772 --> 00:37:55,182 Uh... 678 00:37:55,273 --> 00:37:56,638 Not for him. He's a mountie. 679 00:37:56,983 --> 00:37:59,349 For these guys, things are either right or they are wrong. 680 00:37:59,444 --> 00:38:00,775 Boom, boom, cut and dried. 681 00:38:00,862 --> 00:38:02,318 Discern that, why don't you? 682 00:38:02,655 --> 00:38:03,655 Hmm. 683 00:38:05,533 --> 00:38:07,319 Gold! I found gold! 684 00:38:07,410 --> 00:38:08,741 Man: He found gold! 685 00:38:11,414 --> 00:38:12,654 Right! 686 00:38:12,749 --> 00:38:14,660 We'll build the hotel on this side, 687 00:38:14,751 --> 00:38:16,958 and we'll put the condominiums on that side 688 00:38:17,045 --> 00:38:18,660 so people can walk right up to the river. 689 00:38:18,755 --> 00:38:19,870 I love it, whip. 690 00:38:19,964 --> 00:38:20,964 Yes, I thought you might. 691 00:38:21,049 --> 00:38:22,084 I bet everyone loves it. 692 00:38:24,177 --> 00:38:25,337 Yeah, well, I don't. 693 00:38:25,428 --> 00:38:26,634 It does have some problems. 694 00:38:26,721 --> 00:38:27,721 It's not perfect. 695 00:38:27,806 --> 00:38:28,841 Oh, but it is perfect. 696 00:38:30,767 --> 00:38:33,634 You know, boys, you're the best gang I've ever had. 697 00:38:33,728 --> 00:38:35,264 Thanks, whip. 698 00:38:35,772 --> 00:38:37,308 Particularly you, uh... 699 00:38:37,398 --> 00:38:38,513 Homer. Homer. 700 00:38:38,608 --> 00:38:40,098 Oh, gosh, I... 701 00:38:41,945 --> 00:38:43,276 Dudley: Morning, boys! 702 00:38:46,783 --> 00:38:48,648 "Do-gooder heaven," eh? 703 00:38:48,910 --> 00:38:50,866 Back to the slaw-dogs stand with you! 704 00:38:50,954 --> 00:38:52,694 I know. I know. 705 00:38:59,462 --> 00:39:00,622 Hello? 706 00:39:00,713 --> 00:39:01,713 Nell? 707 00:39:01,798 --> 00:39:02,878 Dudley? 708 00:39:02,966 --> 00:39:04,502 Nell, have you seen my office lately? 709 00:39:04,592 --> 00:39:05,798 Well, not lately, Dudley. 710 00:39:05,885 --> 00:39:07,466 Why? Have you done something with it? 711 00:39:07,554 --> 00:39:10,216 Well, no, but someone has. 712 00:39:10,682 --> 00:39:12,513 Dudley, father's come back. 713 00:39:12,809 --> 00:39:14,595 I'm afraid he's got some bad news. 714 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:15,846 Where are you? 715 00:39:15,937 --> 00:39:18,724 Oh, Dudley, you know how bad I am with directions. 716 00:39:18,815 --> 00:39:20,680 Are you in a car? 717 00:39:20,775 --> 00:39:22,982 Yes, but it stopped. 718 00:39:23,403 --> 00:39:25,439 Nell? Uh, Nell? 719 00:39:26,698 --> 00:39:29,656 Nell, I think I'm gonna have to call you back, Nell. 720 00:39:29,742 --> 00:39:31,278 We've got a bad connection. 721 00:39:34,581 --> 00:39:35,661 Inspector! 722 00:39:36,666 --> 00:39:38,031 At ease, do-right. 723 00:39:39,085 --> 00:39:42,577 Why, it does this old heart of mine good to see you again, sir. 724 00:39:42,797 --> 00:39:45,459 You're my hero, sir. You're my role model! 725 00:39:45,550 --> 00:39:48,007 Dudley, you're finished as a mountie. 726 00:39:48,094 --> 00:39:50,710 Get your horse and clear out of here. 727 00:39:50,972 --> 00:39:52,132 Horse ran away. 728 00:39:52,390 --> 00:39:56,599 Oh, dear. Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that. Nell? 729 00:39:56,686 --> 00:39:58,597 Oh, I can't watch. I just can't watch. 730 00:39:58,688 --> 00:40:01,475 Uh, your father's joshing me about being drummed out of the service. 731 00:40:01,566 --> 00:40:02,806 It's... it's very funny. 732 00:40:02,901 --> 00:40:05,643 I'm not joshing you even the tiniest bit. 733 00:40:05,737 --> 00:40:07,978 The highest level of the Canadian government 734 00:40:08,072 --> 00:40:10,905 has called me out of retirement to replace you here. 735 00:40:11,326 --> 00:40:13,738 Oh, I know what this is about. 736 00:40:13,953 --> 00:40:15,973 I was supposed to have a meeting with snidely whiplash, 737 00:40:15,997 --> 00:40:17,737 but I completely forgot about it. 738 00:40:17,832 --> 00:40:19,163 And then I went to Ottawa instead. 739 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:20,911 And then Ottawa called on me. 740 00:40:21,002 --> 00:40:24,540 Now, give me your uniform and your sidearm, and leave. 741 00:40:24,964 --> 00:40:26,170 My uniform, sir? 742 00:40:26,257 --> 00:40:28,088 Oh, I'm sorry, Dudley. 743 00:40:28,176 --> 00:40:31,134 This is a very sad moment. 744 00:40:31,220 --> 00:40:33,552 Uh, yes, inspector, it certainly is. 745 00:41:15,473 --> 00:41:17,304 Narrator: He had lost his uniform. 746 00:41:17,392 --> 00:41:19,132 He had lost his horse. 747 00:41:19,978 --> 00:41:22,310 Dudley's dreams were shattered. 748 00:41:22,689 --> 00:41:24,395 Hello. Remember me? 749 00:41:24,482 --> 00:41:26,564 I was on Regis and kathie Lee. 750 00:41:26,651 --> 00:41:29,358 Yeah, I was, honestly. Last week. Only last week. 751 00:41:29,445 --> 00:41:32,653 It was very good. I was on Regis and kathie Lee. 752 00:41:33,032 --> 00:41:35,819 Hello. I know Bette midler personally. 753 00:41:36,577 --> 00:41:40,320 Hi! It's me! I was on Regis and kathie Lee last week. 754 00:41:40,415 --> 00:41:41,415 Hey! 755 00:41:41,833 --> 00:41:43,039 I know you. 756 00:41:43,209 --> 00:41:46,747 You're Dudley do-right of the royal Canadian mounted police. 757 00:41:46,838 --> 00:41:51,047 I never forget a face, although a name sometimes escapes me. 758 00:41:51,801 --> 00:41:56,386 Sir, I lost my job today, my horse ran away... 759 00:41:56,848 --> 00:42:00,432 And I'd really like to be alone right now, if you don't mind. 760 00:42:00,518 --> 00:42:03,931 No chance, pal. I am your new best friend. 761 00:42:04,022 --> 00:42:05,353 I don't have any friends. 762 00:42:05,440 --> 00:42:06,725 Hey, you got me, pal. 763 00:42:06,816 --> 00:42:08,272 I don't even have a home. 764 00:42:08,359 --> 00:42:09,565 Ohl 765 00:42:10,528 --> 00:42:12,860 wait till you see my place! 766 00:42:13,781 --> 00:42:16,989 Narrator: Meanwhile, whiplash had begun his evil campaign 767 00:42:17,076 --> 00:42:21,410 to win the affections of the fair Nell fenwick and to impress her father. 768 00:42:21,497 --> 00:42:25,035 Let us hope they can see right through this scheming cad! 769 00:42:25,126 --> 00:42:26,126 Sorry. 770 00:42:26,210 --> 00:42:28,496 May I recommend the salt COD bouillabaisse, 771 00:42:28,588 --> 00:42:32,126 followed by the buckwheat crepes with tangerine reduction. 772 00:42:32,925 --> 00:42:34,711 Um, okay. Father? 773 00:42:34,802 --> 00:42:39,045 Sounds delectable. But for me, hold the fennel seed. 774 00:42:39,390 --> 00:42:41,255 Very wise choice, inspector. Very wise. 775 00:42:41,350 --> 00:42:42,385 Oh, thank you. 776 00:42:53,029 --> 00:42:54,690 You drank too much last night. 777 00:42:54,781 --> 00:42:58,194 Did 1? I feel pretty good. Yeah. 778 00:42:58,701 --> 00:42:59,861 You know, 779 00:42:59,952 --> 00:43:01,408 the line between right and wrong 780 00:43:01,496 --> 00:43:04,158 is oftentimes difficult to discern. 781 00:43:04,248 --> 00:43:06,785 Yeah. I was just thinking that myself. 782 00:43:06,876 --> 00:43:09,913 Snidely whiplash has brought prosperity to semi-happy valley. 783 00:43:10,338 --> 00:43:12,329 He's turned this nowhere town around. 784 00:43:12,423 --> 00:43:14,209 Of course, he ran off all the old residents. 785 00:43:14,300 --> 00:43:16,256 Yeah, well, it's all about greed. 786 00:43:16,928 --> 00:43:18,543 You're right! That's it! 787 00:43:18,638 --> 00:43:21,801 It is greed! That's all it is. It's just greed! 788 00:43:21,891 --> 00:43:23,051 Dudley... -. 789 00:43:23,142 --> 00:43:25,929 Please don't make any sudden moves around me this morning, all right? 790 00:43:26,020 --> 00:43:27,260 Here's what I don't understand. 791 00:43:27,730 --> 00:43:29,290 What happens when all the gold runs out? 792 00:43:29,524 --> 00:43:31,765 Uh, why, it's never gonna run out. 793 00:43:31,859 --> 00:43:32,859 It's not? 794 00:43:32,944 --> 00:43:35,026 No, no, no. Whiplash is too smart. 795 00:43:35,780 --> 00:43:38,943 Narrator: Snidely was smart enough to keep the gold coming in, 796 00:43:39,033 --> 00:43:41,024 so the profits would keep coming in. 797 00:43:41,119 --> 00:43:43,610 Smart enough to own his own helicopter, 798 00:43:43,704 --> 00:43:45,160 smart enough to have won over 799 00:43:45,248 --> 00:43:48,456 every government authority within 2,000 miles. 800 00:43:48,543 --> 00:43:51,785 But was he smart enough to outwit a pathetic bum 801 00:43:51,879 --> 00:43:55,121 and the only man to be thrown out of the mounties in 100 years? 802 00:43:55,967 --> 00:43:57,832 We'll have to see about that. 803 00:43:57,927 --> 00:43:59,212 Dudley: I don't see anything. 804 00:44:00,763 --> 00:44:01,763 A-ha! 805 00:44:03,224 --> 00:44:06,091 See? That's where they melt down the gold, 806 00:44:06,185 --> 00:44:07,516 so they can salt it at night. 807 00:44:13,901 --> 00:44:15,141 Dudley: Whiplash. 808 00:44:19,448 --> 00:44:22,565 Would you look how popular snidely is? That's not right. 809 00:44:22,660 --> 00:44:24,700 Kim: Oh, people always suck up to the guy in charge. 810 00:44:24,787 --> 00:44:26,027 You know that. It's like life. 811 00:44:26,664 --> 00:44:28,905 I say we go down there and arrest them all. 812 00:44:29,000 --> 00:44:30,536 Oh, I don't think so. Why not? 813 00:44:30,626 --> 00:44:32,036 I'll give you three good reasons. 814 00:44:32,128 --> 00:44:34,314 I'd like to start with the second one first, if that's okay with you. 815 00:44:34,338 --> 00:44:35,794 Mmm-hmm. Okay. 816 00:44:35,882 --> 00:44:39,466 Two, we go down there, they'll kill us. 817 00:44:39,927 --> 00:44:42,088 One, you're not a mountie anymore. 818 00:44:42,180 --> 00:44:45,092 And three, they're not doing anything illegal. 819 00:44:45,183 --> 00:44:46,326 But we've gotta do something! 820 00:44:46,350 --> 00:44:47,465 No! 821 00:44:47,560 --> 00:44:49,221 You gotta do something. 822 00:44:49,312 --> 00:44:51,519 I just wanted to show you what was going on. 823 00:44:54,567 --> 00:44:55,727 What's my next move? 824 00:44:56,402 --> 00:44:59,735 Well, you could, uh, steal the gold, 825 00:44:59,822 --> 00:45:02,313 before they can salt it, and that way, end of gold rush. 826 00:45:02,408 --> 00:45:05,445 What? Me, steal? Me, break the law? 827 00:45:05,536 --> 00:45:06,616 Sadly, yeah. 828 00:45:06,704 --> 00:45:08,114 But then I'd be Dudley do-wrong. 829 00:45:08,206 --> 00:45:09,366 Do-wrong's nice. I like that. 830 00:45:09,415 --> 00:45:11,656 It's kind of, uh... it's kind of French, you know? 831 00:45:11,751 --> 00:45:13,287 Dudley do-wrong. 832 00:45:14,503 --> 00:45:15,834 I'm so confused. 833 00:45:16,297 --> 00:45:18,583 It's not that complicated, Dudley. 834 00:45:18,674 --> 00:45:20,790 The bad guy, snidely whiplash, 835 00:45:20,885 --> 00:45:22,716 is apparently doing good. 836 00:45:22,803 --> 00:45:24,794 Ergo, putting you, the good guy, 837 00:45:24,889 --> 00:45:26,845 in the position of having to be the bad guy. 838 00:45:26,933 --> 00:45:28,133 Well, not exactly the bad guy. 839 00:45:28,184 --> 00:45:30,015 Let's say the badder guy. 840 00:45:30,102 --> 00:45:32,889 But let me remind you, that just as a bad guy doing good 841 00:45:32,980 --> 00:45:35,062 does not necessarily make him the good guy, 842 00:45:35,149 --> 00:45:40,018 so a good guy doing bad does not, ipso facto, make him a bad guy. 843 00:45:41,030 --> 00:45:43,567 This can't be happening. He can't be the good guy. 844 00:45:43,658 --> 00:45:44,864 But he is. 845 00:45:44,951 --> 00:45:46,316 The good citizens of whiplash city 846 00:45:46,410 --> 00:45:48,776 are throwing a gala ball in his honor tonight. 847 00:45:49,664 --> 00:45:50,824 For snidely? 848 00:45:50,915 --> 00:45:53,782 Band: He likes bread and butter 849 00:45:53,876 --> 00:45:55,832 he likes toast and jam 850 00:45:56,796 --> 00:45:58,536 that's what his baby feeds him 851 00:46:00,007 --> 00:46:01,838 he's her lovin' man 852 00:46:07,265 --> 00:46:10,052 I don't believe it. They love him! 853 00:46:10,142 --> 00:46:11,552 You better believe it. 854 00:46:11,644 --> 00:46:13,134 He is the good guy! 855 00:46:13,604 --> 00:46:15,765 Yeah, not to mention the fact that he's got Nell. 856 00:46:15,856 --> 00:46:18,893 No. Maybe it's just someone who looks like her. 857 00:46:23,072 --> 00:46:24,608 Nah, that's Nell. 858 00:46:29,745 --> 00:46:31,235 It is Nell! 859 00:46:32,456 --> 00:46:36,495 I can't believe that this is happening to me! 860 00:46:37,128 --> 00:46:39,710 Sorry. It's okay. 861 00:46:39,797 --> 00:46:41,708 I better go do something about this. 862 00:46:41,799 --> 00:46:45,291 No, wait! You're not ready. You're not trained. 863 00:46:45,386 --> 00:46:48,970 Sometimes it's one with big blue eyes cute as a bunny 864 00:46:49,056 --> 00:46:50,592 with hair down to here 865 00:46:50,683 --> 00:46:52,139 and plenty of money 866 00:46:52,226 --> 00:46:55,309 and just when you think she's that one in the world 867 00:46:55,396 --> 00:46:58,888 your heart gets stolen by some mousy little girl 868 00:47:01,902 --> 00:47:05,645 then you know you better make up your mind 869 00:47:05,740 --> 00:47:08,823 and pick up on one ahd leave the other behind 870 00:47:08,909 --> 00:47:11,821 it's not often easy and not often kind 871 00:47:11,912 --> 00:47:14,369 did you ever have to make up your mind? 872 00:47:59,377 --> 00:48:02,915 Sometimes you really dig a girl the moment you kiss her 873 00:48:03,005 --> 00:48:06,042 then you get distracted by her older sister 874 00:48:06,133 --> 00:48:09,000 when in walks her father and takes you in line 875 00:48:09,095 --> 00:48:11,757 you better go home, son and make up your mind 876 00:48:11,847 --> 00:48:14,589 then you bet you better finally decide 877 00:48:15,559 --> 00:48:18,676 to say yes to one and let the other one ride 878 00:48:18,771 --> 00:48:21,513 there's so many changes and tears you must hide 879 00:48:21,607 --> 00:48:24,189 did you ever have to finally decide? 880 00:48:33,953 --> 00:48:36,285 Well done! 881 00:48:39,917 --> 00:48:42,329 Oh, this is gonna take a lot of work. 882 00:48:42,628 --> 00:48:45,228 Narrator: And who better fo do that work than Kim darling himself? 883 00:48:45,297 --> 00:48:48,164 A grown man with an extensive pokémon collection. 884 00:48:48,259 --> 00:48:49,669 My son, 885 00:48:49,969 --> 00:48:55,180 the hero defeats danger, because he is dangerous himself. 886 00:48:55,599 --> 00:48:58,261 You are dangerous. 887 00:48:58,352 --> 00:49:00,263 Know it. Say it. 888 00:49:00,563 --> 00:49:02,849 You are dangerous. 889 00:49:05,067 --> 00:49:08,355 No. Say, "I am dangerous." 890 00:49:08,446 --> 00:49:09,526 I did. 891 00:49:09,613 --> 00:49:12,070 No, say, "I am dangerous." 892 00:49:12,158 --> 00:49:13,238 You are dangerous. 893 00:49:13,325 --> 00:49:16,362 No, no, no. You say, "I am dangerous." 894 00:49:16,454 --> 00:49:18,490 But you said... oh, never mind. 895 00:49:19,248 --> 00:49:22,240 The hero must face three trials. 896 00:49:22,585 --> 00:49:25,292 Trust, daring, instinct. 897 00:49:25,671 --> 00:49:28,504 For the sake of consistency, we'll start with number two. 898 00:49:29,383 --> 00:49:30,668 Daring! 899 00:49:33,846 --> 00:49:36,508 Okay, now. I am your adversary. 900 00:49:36,724 --> 00:49:38,430 I am evil. 901 00:49:38,517 --> 00:49:41,680 Evil! Evil! 902 00:49:42,480 --> 00:49:43,515 You're evil. 903 00:49:43,606 --> 00:49:47,519 Yes. And now I'm going to draw this line in the sand. 904 00:49:48,944 --> 00:49:51,981 Now, do not dare cross that line, 905 00:49:52,072 --> 00:49:55,280 otherwise, evil will rain down upon you. 906 00:49:55,367 --> 00:49:56,652 Evil! 907 00:49:59,205 --> 00:50:00,615 No, now, look, Dudley, you... 908 00:50:00,706 --> 00:50:02,537 You're supposed to take me up on my challenge 909 00:50:02,625 --> 00:50:04,331 by showing me how daring you are. 910 00:50:04,418 --> 00:50:06,249 Let's try it once again, shall we? 911 00:50:06,337 --> 00:50:11,172 I am evil! Now, do not dare cross that line! 912 00:50:11,467 --> 00:50:15,506 I am evil! Evil! 913 00:50:17,223 --> 00:50:19,464 Well, what? You said I'm not supposed to cross the line! 914 00:50:19,558 --> 00:50:21,640 But you're supposed to cross the line! 915 00:50:21,727 --> 00:50:22,807 Now, let's try it again. 916 00:50:23,270 --> 00:50:27,183 Okay, now. Do not dare cross the line of death. 917 00:50:28,317 --> 00:50:32,026 I am evil! I am evil! 918 00:50:33,447 --> 00:50:36,029 What'd you do that for? 919 00:50:36,450 --> 00:50:39,942 'Cause I'm evil. I can't help it. Sorry. 920 00:50:40,829 --> 00:50:43,070 Eight, nine, ten. 921 00:50:43,582 --> 00:50:44,582 Trust. 922 00:50:45,000 --> 00:50:46,581 The hero trusts. 923 00:50:46,919 --> 00:50:49,160 Now, I will throw some stones at you, 924 00:50:49,255 --> 00:50:50,665 missing intentionally, of course, 925 00:50:50,756 --> 00:50:54,340 and you will not flinch as they whiz past your head, 926 00:50:54,426 --> 00:50:55,791 because you trust me. 927 00:50:56,262 --> 00:50:57,923 I trust you, master. Good! 928 00:51:01,100 --> 00:51:04,342 Sorry, but that was very good. You trusted me, okay? 929 00:51:08,107 --> 00:51:09,938 Perfect! You didn't flinch at all. 930 00:51:11,193 --> 00:51:12,603 Just one more, okay? 931 00:51:18,617 --> 00:51:21,984 Excellent! Absolutely! Trust is your middle name. 932 00:51:25,291 --> 00:51:27,407 A little less moaning would be good. 933 00:51:27,501 --> 00:51:29,913 The final test. Instinct. 934 00:51:30,296 --> 00:51:33,003 You will fight me without benefit of eyesight. 935 00:51:33,716 --> 00:51:35,877 You will block my every blow, 936 00:51:35,968 --> 00:51:38,710 because you can see without your eyes, 937 00:51:38,804 --> 00:51:40,715 you can hear without your ears, 938 00:51:40,806 --> 00:51:42,387 you can speak without your tongue. 939 00:51:42,474 --> 00:51:43,474 Yes, master. 940 00:51:43,559 --> 00:51:44,719 I said without your tongue. 941 00:51:45,978 --> 00:51:48,720 Now, your sword is your stick. 942 00:51:48,814 --> 00:51:50,975 The stick is your defense. 943 00:51:51,066 --> 00:51:54,479 Prepare to defeat me. Are you ready? 944 00:51:57,156 --> 00:51:59,272 Very good, indeed, the hopping foot defense. 945 00:52:00,868 --> 00:52:02,824 Very good! The other foot hopping defense. 946 00:52:02,911 --> 00:52:05,618 Wonderful! You're at one with the universe. 947 00:52:05,706 --> 00:52:08,197 And now, concentrate. 948 00:52:08,292 --> 00:52:10,829 Prepare to receive my final assault. 949 00:52:13,797 --> 00:52:16,254 Wonderful. The playing-dead defense. 950 00:52:16,342 --> 00:52:18,583 Master... good choice under the circumstances. 951 00:52:18,677 --> 00:52:20,588 You'll be all right, my son, 952 00:52:20,679 --> 00:52:22,795 providing they don't attack you with sticks. 953 00:52:27,811 --> 00:52:30,268 Narrator: With his master's lesson ringing in his ears, 954 00:52:30,356 --> 00:52:32,472 Dudley set off in search of justice... 955 00:52:32,566 --> 00:52:33,566 You are ready, my son. 956 00:52:33,651 --> 00:52:34,794 And extra-strength Tylenol. 957 00:52:34,818 --> 00:52:37,088 You're ready because you've taken everything I can throw at you 958 00:52:37,112 --> 00:52:39,148 and still you stand tall and true. 959 00:52:39,907 --> 00:52:41,647 You are ready to face danger, 960 00:52:41,742 --> 00:52:43,607 because you are danger. 961 00:52:43,994 --> 00:52:47,282 Now, get out there and do something dangerous. 962 00:52:52,920 --> 00:52:55,286 No! Please don't! 963 00:52:55,381 --> 00:52:58,999 Dudley: Then tell me when the next gold delivery arrives. 964 00:52:59,343 --> 00:53:00,549 I don't know. 965 00:53:00,636 --> 00:53:04,254 Well, then I'm afraid we're gonna find out which is your better side. 966 00:53:04,348 --> 00:53:05,884 You're a mountie. 967 00:53:05,974 --> 00:53:07,805 Not anymore. 968 00:53:07,893 --> 00:53:10,225 The gold's coming... the gold's coming at noon on Thursday. 969 00:53:10,312 --> 00:53:11,768 Noon Thursday. Thank you. 970 00:53:12,147 --> 00:53:14,684 Now, if I can just figure out how to stop this thing. 971 00:53:14,775 --> 00:53:15,810 What? 972 00:53:15,901 --> 00:53:17,482 Whoa! That's not it. 973 00:53:17,569 --> 00:53:18,604 Ooh! Ouch! 974 00:53:28,872 --> 00:53:32,410 Just papier-mache. Completely recyclable material. 975 00:53:32,835 --> 00:53:35,872 What kind of man are you anyway, do-right? 976 00:53:36,422 --> 00:53:38,458 A dangerous one. 977 00:54:07,494 --> 00:54:08,950 Man: He's got the gold! 978 00:54:09,037 --> 00:54:10,322 After him, boys! 979 00:54:25,804 --> 00:54:27,669 Narrator: He may have been outnumbered, 980 00:54:27,765 --> 00:54:31,132 but Dudley knew these woods like the back of his horse. 981 00:55:46,885 --> 00:55:48,216 Whoo-hoo! 982 00:56:00,440 --> 00:56:03,102 Do you have any idea what this could possibly mean? 983 00:56:04,069 --> 00:56:05,559 Doris day. 984 00:56:08,115 --> 00:56:09,275 Just a guess. 985 00:56:09,366 --> 00:56:10,526 Dom delluise. 986 00:56:10,617 --> 00:56:11,617 Homer: Daniel day-Lewis. 987 00:56:11,702 --> 00:56:12,702 Snoop doggy dogg. 988 00:56:12,786 --> 00:56:13,786 Man: Daphne du maurier. 989 00:56:13,871 --> 00:56:14,871 Oh, shut up. 990 00:56:14,955 --> 00:56:15,955 Doc duvalier. 991 00:56:16,039 --> 00:56:17,870 Lefty: David duchovny? Man: Delores del rio. 992 00:56:17,958 --> 00:56:19,243 Shut up, you idiots! 993 00:56:19,334 --> 00:56:20,665 Dan rather. 994 00:56:25,507 --> 00:56:27,088 Dudley do-right. 995 00:56:27,175 --> 00:56:29,791 You think do-right has got the guts for something like this? 996 00:56:29,887 --> 00:56:31,423 Of course I do. 997 00:56:31,680 --> 00:56:32,840 Wow! 998 00:56:32,931 --> 00:56:35,047 You realize what this means, don't you? 999 00:56:35,142 --> 00:56:36,928 He's becoming the bad guy. 1000 00:56:37,603 --> 00:56:38,968 Where does that leave me? 1001 00:56:39,062 --> 00:56:41,178 I used to be the bad guy. 1002 00:56:41,690 --> 00:56:43,271 If he's capable of doing this, 1003 00:56:43,358 --> 00:56:47,351 who knows what other really fun, bad-guy stuff he's been doing. 1004 00:56:49,156 --> 00:56:50,566 Narrator: What other stuff, indeed? 1005 00:56:50,657 --> 00:56:51,942 "David duchovny." 1006 00:56:52,284 --> 00:56:56,072 For snidely was about to discover a crime so low, so hideous, 1007 00:56:56,163 --> 00:56:58,495 it had to involve toilet paper. 1008 00:57:03,045 --> 00:57:04,501 Oh, man. 1009 00:57:06,131 --> 00:57:10,124 What a bleak and rimy day. 1010 00:57:10,469 --> 00:57:13,586 Something like this just makes you sick to your stomach. 1011 00:57:13,680 --> 00:57:15,636 Snidely: Don't touch me! 1012 00:57:20,395 --> 00:57:21,885 Where are you going? 1013 00:57:21,980 --> 00:57:25,063 Oh, well, my work is done here now, Dudley. 1014 00:57:25,150 --> 00:57:27,983 So it's time for me to rejoin my family. 1015 00:57:28,654 --> 00:57:30,269 You have a family? 1016 00:57:30,364 --> 00:57:32,901 Yeah, well, it's a long story, but... 1017 00:57:33,325 --> 00:57:35,782 Basically, I was... I was lost like you. 1018 00:57:36,495 --> 00:57:38,406 I wasn't a hero to anyone, not even myself. 1019 00:57:39,623 --> 00:57:41,659 No one ever really believed in me... 1020 00:57:41,750 --> 00:57:44,241 But I feel you're my friend now, and that you believe in me. 1021 00:57:45,337 --> 00:57:48,079 And that gives me the strength to rejoin my loved ones. 1022 00:57:48,840 --> 00:57:50,205 If I can find them. 1023 00:57:51,051 --> 00:57:53,918 I'm a new man, Dudley, thanks to you. 1024 00:57:54,721 --> 00:57:56,052 What about the chain saw? 1025 00:57:56,139 --> 00:57:58,926 Oh! Uh... parting gift. 1026 00:57:59,017 --> 00:58:00,757 Family tradition. Don't ask. 1027 00:58:00,852 --> 00:58:02,388 Aw. Thank you. 1028 00:58:02,980 --> 00:58:04,971 Use it in peace, not war. 1029 00:58:05,524 --> 00:58:06,934 You can count on me. 1030 00:58:10,195 --> 00:58:11,435 My son. 1031 00:58:17,160 --> 00:58:18,491 My master. 1032 00:58:27,129 --> 00:58:28,209 Ah! 1033 00:58:29,673 --> 00:58:31,459 Oh, that's lovely, whip. 1034 00:58:31,800 --> 00:58:34,667 The play of light, the chiaroscuro shading... 1035 00:58:34,761 --> 00:58:36,126 Shut up, homer. 1036 00:58:36,430 --> 00:58:37,636 You got it, whip. 1037 00:58:41,226 --> 00:58:42,466 What was that? 1038 00:59:01,788 --> 00:59:02,903 Do-right! 1039 00:59:08,837 --> 00:59:10,168 Well, snidely. 1040 00:59:10,255 --> 00:59:13,292 Posing as an artist to gain young Nell's favor, eh? 1041 00:59:13,383 --> 00:59:14,793 Stop the music! 1042 00:59:16,344 --> 00:59:18,175 He's quite talented, Dudley. 1043 00:59:19,056 --> 00:59:20,796 It's paint-by-numbers. 1044 00:59:21,558 --> 00:59:24,675 I can't tell you how hard it is to keep the paint inside those teeny lines. 1045 00:59:24,770 --> 00:59:28,354 Wait a minute. You're wearing black. That's my color. 1046 00:59:28,440 --> 00:59:29,850 I'm the bad guy. 1047 00:59:29,941 --> 00:59:31,932 But you're not wearing black, snidely. 1048 00:59:32,027 --> 00:59:34,313 That's dark blue. It is not. 1049 00:59:34,404 --> 00:59:37,191 It is so. It's Navy. See for yourself. 1050 00:59:38,366 --> 00:59:40,277 Homer! 1051 00:59:40,577 --> 00:59:41,577 Yes, whip? 1052 00:59:41,661 --> 00:59:43,197 What am I doing wearing blue? 1053 00:59:43,288 --> 00:59:45,825 Well, whip, the black one's at the cleaners 1054 00:59:45,916 --> 00:59:49,329 and I just wanna say you look good in blue, you really do. 1055 00:59:49,419 --> 00:59:52,411 "I just want to say, I just want to say." 1056 00:59:52,881 --> 00:59:57,796 Nell, you'll always think of me as wearing black, won't you? 1057 01:00:01,640 --> 01:00:03,505 Oh, I don't know, snidely. 1058 01:00:04,226 --> 01:00:07,889 You know, I don't think this portrait truly captures Nell's preternatural beauty. 1059 01:00:07,979 --> 01:00:11,221 Oh, yes. Like you could do better, mountie-boy? 1060 01:00:16,488 --> 01:00:18,024 Is that a challenge? 1061 01:00:18,198 --> 01:00:19,938 Absolutely. 1062 01:01:01,992 --> 01:01:03,027 Ohl 1063 01:01:13,837 --> 01:01:17,125 Oh, Dudley. It's lovely. 1064 01:01:21,344 --> 01:01:22,675 Shall we, Nell? 1065 01:01:23,847 --> 01:01:24,882 Ohl 1066 01:01:42,115 --> 01:01:44,527 You look really good in green, whip. 1067 01:01:52,751 --> 01:01:54,867 He's a cunning adversary, homer, 1068 01:01:54,961 --> 01:01:58,499 but not cunning enough to outwit snidely k. Whiplash. 1069 01:02:00,258 --> 01:02:02,374 You are my role model, whip. 1070 01:02:03,261 --> 01:02:06,219 So, Dudley wants to be the bad guy. 1071 01:02:06,723 --> 01:02:08,679 We'll see if the shoe fits. 1072 01:02:10,477 --> 01:02:12,092 What shoe, whip? 1073 01:02:12,187 --> 01:02:13,552 Oh, for Pete's sake. 1074 01:02:18,610 --> 01:02:21,647 We've all done our best to make whiplash city 1075 01:02:21,738 --> 01:02:23,899 a place of peace and prosperity. 1076 01:02:23,990 --> 01:02:25,025 Man: Yes! 1077 01:02:25,116 --> 01:02:27,277 A place where we could all make lots and lots of money, 1078 01:02:27,369 --> 01:02:28,779 without doing anything at all. 1079 01:02:28,870 --> 01:02:30,451 That's how life should be. 1080 01:02:30,872 --> 01:02:34,785 But there's a man trying to ruin all that. 1081 01:02:34,876 --> 01:02:35,911 This is the man. 1082 01:02:37,128 --> 01:02:38,606 Man: Hey, that's Dudley! Woman: He's the good guy! 1083 01:02:38,630 --> 01:02:40,541 This man is dangerous and evil. 1084 01:02:40,632 --> 01:02:42,232 Man 1: He's not evil! 1085 01:02:42,300 --> 01:02:44,040 Man 2: You're wrong, whiplash! 1086 01:02:44,135 --> 01:02:46,717 We must find him at once. 1087 01:02:47,347 --> 01:02:50,339 Gold miners of whiplash city unite. 1088 01:02:50,433 --> 01:02:54,176 Dudley do-right must be found and done away with. 1089 01:02:54,271 --> 01:02:55,271 All: Nol 1090 01:02:55,355 --> 01:02:56,811 he must be killed, you hear me? 1091 01:02:56,898 --> 01:02:58,388 All: No! No! No! 1092 01:03:03,947 --> 01:03:06,609 Narrator: Yes, the tide had turned against snidely. 1093 01:03:06,700 --> 01:03:09,487 The townspeople had grown tired of whiplash city. 1094 01:03:09,577 --> 01:03:12,660 They wanted their town back just the way it used to be. 1095 01:03:12,747 --> 01:03:15,534 So while snidely was growing weaker by the minute, 1096 01:03:15,625 --> 01:03:17,832 Dudley was growing stronger. 1097 01:03:21,131 --> 01:03:23,372 Yo, Mr. do-right. Five minutes. 1098 01:03:24,759 --> 01:03:25,919 Thank you. 1099 01:04:50,136 --> 01:04:51,216 Bravo! 1100 01:04:51,304 --> 01:04:54,387 Narrator: Though Nell had witnessed many examples of our hero's daring-do, 1101 01:04:54,474 --> 01:04:57,466 it took a dance number to convince her that Dudley... 1102 01:04:57,560 --> 01:04:59,676 Nell: Dudley? ...Was studly. 1103 01:05:00,063 --> 01:05:01,178 Dudley? 1104 01:05:04,776 --> 01:05:08,189 When I'm calling you 1105 01:05:09,322 --> 01:05:13,156 Dudley: When I'm calling you 1106 01:05:13,243 --> 01:05:14,528 Dudley? 1107 01:05:14,619 --> 01:05:17,986 Will you answer too? 1108 01:05:22,252 --> 01:05:23,332 Dudley. 1109 01:05:23,420 --> 01:05:24,455 Nell. 1110 01:05:24,546 --> 01:05:26,502 I love you now, and I always have. 1111 01:05:26,589 --> 01:05:27,920 You really do, Nell? 1112 01:05:31,886 --> 01:05:33,046 All: Aw! 1113 01:05:33,430 --> 01:05:37,514 Narrator: Meanwhile, back at snidely's secret hideout and day spa... 1114 01:05:38,351 --> 01:05:41,809 We have to find out where that sniveling do-right is hiding. 1115 01:05:42,147 --> 01:05:45,059 I've got the men out combing the countryside, whip. 1116 01:05:45,150 --> 01:05:46,230 Do you? 1117 01:05:49,988 --> 01:05:51,148 I'll get it. 1118 01:05:53,158 --> 01:05:54,318 Here. 1119 01:05:54,909 --> 01:05:56,319 Yeah, give it to me. 1120 01:05:56,411 --> 01:05:57,555 Hello. 1121 01:05:57,579 --> 01:05:58,694 What? 1122 01:05:59,330 --> 01:06:00,445 We found him. 1123 01:06:03,751 --> 01:06:05,616 This calls for a celebration. Waiter! 1124 01:06:07,630 --> 01:06:09,086 Two mudslingers, please. 1125 01:06:13,011 --> 01:06:16,299 Narrator: Snidely and his henchmen immediately launched an all-out assault 1126 01:06:16,389 --> 01:06:17,925 on the kumquat nation. 1127 01:06:25,565 --> 01:06:26,645 It's whiplash. 1128 01:06:27,901 --> 01:06:29,311 They just want me, chief. 1129 01:06:29,402 --> 01:06:31,438 I'll go quietly. This isn't your fight. 1130 01:06:31,529 --> 01:06:36,694 I'm backing you 110%, and I mean that. So far. 1131 01:06:38,912 --> 01:06:39,947 You got weapons? 1132 01:06:40,038 --> 01:06:41,448 Weapons? Come on. 1133 01:06:41,539 --> 01:06:43,659 This is basically a dinner theater we're runnin' here. 1134 01:06:45,460 --> 01:06:46,700 You got fireworks? 1135 01:06:46,794 --> 01:06:47,794 That we got. 1136 01:06:55,053 --> 01:06:56,088 Firel 1137 01:07:04,103 --> 01:07:06,685 They're just fireworks, you sissies! 1138 01:07:07,649 --> 01:07:08,764 Be men! 1139 01:07:30,838 --> 01:07:32,954 That's the last of the fireworks. Now what? 1140 01:07:33,049 --> 01:07:35,756 We'll take to the forest and throw rocks at them. 1141 01:07:35,843 --> 01:07:36,843 Dudley: Rocks? 1142 01:07:36,928 --> 01:07:38,088 What else can we do? 1143 01:08:03,788 --> 01:08:04,948 The press here? 1144 01:08:05,039 --> 01:08:07,030 Yes, sir. They're up there on the perimeter, sir. 1145 01:08:07,709 --> 01:08:08,824 Let's do it. 1146 01:08:24,976 --> 01:08:27,137 General whiplash, the village is ours. 1147 01:08:27,228 --> 01:08:28,593 Torch it, Shane. Burn everything. 1148 01:08:28,688 --> 01:08:29,688 Yes, sir. 1149 01:08:29,772 --> 01:08:30,852 No, wait a minute. 1150 01:08:31,649 --> 01:08:33,059 That's bad publicity. 1151 01:08:33,860 --> 01:08:37,352 Have the photographers take pictures of the boys straightening up the place. 1152 01:08:37,447 --> 01:08:38,653 You got it. 1153 01:08:39,240 --> 01:08:40,980 Learn from history or repeat it. 1154 01:08:42,410 --> 01:08:43,616 Come on, chief. 1155 01:08:44,329 --> 01:08:45,444 I gotta stop. 1156 01:08:46,372 --> 01:08:48,283 You can make it. You're a young man. 1157 01:08:48,374 --> 01:08:51,286 Don't let this face-lift fool you. I'm 62. 1158 01:08:53,212 --> 01:08:54,372 On second thought. 1159 01:09:01,179 --> 01:09:03,636 Ouch! Okay, hold it. Hold it right there. 1160 01:09:03,723 --> 01:09:06,260 Hold your fire. Hold your fire. Hold your fire! 1161 01:09:08,227 --> 01:09:10,138 Somebody hit me with a rock. 1162 01:09:10,229 --> 01:09:11,549 It was one of them Indian dancers. 1163 01:09:12,649 --> 01:09:15,516 Right. That's it. Now I'm heated. 1164 01:09:16,736 --> 01:09:19,022 Narrator: Not since their all-male revival of little women 1165 01:09:19,113 --> 01:09:21,695 had the kumquats faced such a hostile reception. 1166 01:09:21,783 --> 01:09:24,069 But the kumquats never walked away from a fight. 1167 01:09:24,160 --> 01:09:25,525 They preferred to run. 1168 01:09:29,165 --> 01:09:30,701 Know what we need, chief? 1169 01:09:30,792 --> 01:09:32,248 Two weeks in Maui. 1170 01:09:32,335 --> 01:09:34,417 No. Bigger rocks. 1171 01:10:07,120 --> 01:10:10,328 That's not fair! They've got rocks! 1172 01:10:10,415 --> 01:10:12,497 All we've got are these machine guns. 1173 01:10:12,583 --> 01:10:14,574 Mother of Pearl, here comes another one. 1174 01:10:16,254 --> 01:10:17,369 Let 'em have another one. 1175 01:10:17,463 --> 01:10:20,296 The next size down is this one. We're out of the big stuff. 1176 01:10:20,383 --> 01:10:21,589 We're screwed. 1177 01:10:21,676 --> 01:10:23,086 No, we're not. Look! 1178 01:10:23,177 --> 01:10:24,758 It's my horse, horse. 1179 01:10:25,096 --> 01:10:26,836 Just like in my dream. 1180 01:10:27,098 --> 01:10:28,304 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 1181 01:10:28,391 --> 01:10:31,349 We're saved because that flea-bitten nag showed up? 1182 01:10:31,436 --> 01:10:33,051 He's trying to tell us to follow him. 1183 01:10:34,522 --> 01:10:36,803 You know, Dudley, I think he's just got a fly up his nose. 1184 01:10:40,361 --> 01:10:41,726 Come on, everybody! 1185 01:10:46,909 --> 01:10:49,946 We've got them on the run now. 1186 01:10:50,705 --> 01:10:52,821 They'll never make it across the valley floor. 1187 01:10:52,915 --> 01:10:54,030 Homer! Yes, sir! 1188 01:10:54,125 --> 01:10:55,581 Time to bring up the heavy equipment. 1189 01:10:55,668 --> 01:10:56,783 Yes, sir. 1190 01:11:02,049 --> 01:11:03,129 Move out! 1191 01:11:03,217 --> 01:11:05,173 Move, move, move, move! 1192 01:11:05,261 --> 01:11:07,217 Chief: I'm sorry. I gotta stop. 1193 01:11:07,305 --> 01:11:08,385 Come on, chief. 1194 01:11:08,473 --> 01:11:10,464 No. That's it. I'm finished. 1195 01:11:10,808 --> 01:11:13,015 I thought native north Americans could run all day. 1196 01:11:13,102 --> 01:11:14,808 Oh, yeah, like we're really Indians. 1197 01:11:14,896 --> 01:11:16,081 We're not leaving without you. 1198 01:11:16,105 --> 01:11:17,891 No, you guys go without me. Go! 1199 01:11:17,982 --> 01:11:20,473 You stood by me. I'm gonna stand by you. 1200 01:11:20,568 --> 01:11:24,607 Oh, Dudley, I'm making you an honorary kumquat. 1201 01:11:24,697 --> 01:11:26,153 That means a great deal to me, chief. 1202 01:11:26,240 --> 01:11:27,400 Forget about it. 1203 01:11:30,787 --> 01:11:32,573 He's a dead honorary kumquat. 1204 01:11:34,165 --> 01:11:35,371 Snidely: Roger. 1205 01:11:36,250 --> 01:11:38,332 Tango, delta, foxtrot. 1206 01:11:41,672 --> 01:11:43,003 Shall we dance? 1207 01:11:44,884 --> 01:11:47,216 You gotta admit. He comes prepared. 1208 01:11:55,561 --> 01:11:56,801 I think it's time to surrender. 1209 01:11:56,854 --> 01:11:57,969 Yeah, it looks like it. 1210 01:11:59,524 --> 01:12:01,810 Horse: Tanks. 1211 01:12:01,901 --> 01:12:03,812 He's got another bug up his nose. 1212 01:12:03,903 --> 01:12:04,983 No. 1213 01:12:05,071 --> 01:12:07,312 He's telling me he wants me to attack the tanks. 1214 01:12:07,406 --> 01:12:10,364 Is that good, taking advice from a horse? 1215 01:12:10,451 --> 01:12:11,657 Yes, it is. 1216 01:12:11,744 --> 01:12:14,076 You know they got a brain about the size of a pea. 1217 01:12:14,163 --> 01:12:16,575 That's nuts. Not to mention stupid. 1218 01:12:16,666 --> 01:12:18,122 I think it's wonderful. 1219 01:12:18,209 --> 01:12:19,574 Don't worry. I'll save you, Nell. 1220 01:12:22,213 --> 01:12:23,544 Dudley. 1221 01:12:24,841 --> 01:12:27,082 Homer, let him have it. 1222 01:12:44,360 --> 01:12:46,442 Come to daddy. 1223 01:12:53,035 --> 01:12:54,991 That's it. End of game. 1224 01:13:22,398 --> 01:13:24,309 Curses! Where did they come from? 1225 01:13:26,611 --> 01:13:28,522 Come back here, you cowards! 1226 01:13:30,156 --> 01:13:31,191 General! 1227 01:14:05,316 --> 01:14:06,316 Ohl 1228 01:14:11,697 --> 01:14:13,312 Good horse, horse. 1229 01:14:20,247 --> 01:14:21,737 Snidely: You know, homer, 1230 01:14:22,500 --> 01:14:25,492 this is the part of the job I hate the most, the ending. 1231 01:14:26,128 --> 01:14:29,291 Up until then, being the bad guy is the best job in the world. 1232 01:14:31,550 --> 01:14:33,882 Ah. Hello, Dudley. 1233 01:14:34,387 --> 01:14:35,467 Hello, whip. 1234 01:14:36,514 --> 01:14:37,970 I've lost everything. 1235 01:14:38,307 --> 01:14:40,047 Even the announcer's gone. 1236 01:14:40,142 --> 01:14:41,882 Narrator: No, I'm still here. 1237 01:14:41,978 --> 01:14:44,685 Someone's got to explain where the cavalry came from. 1238 01:14:44,772 --> 01:14:46,012 Yes. 1239 01:14:46,691 --> 01:14:49,228 I was a mite curious about that myself. 1240 01:14:52,530 --> 01:14:53,770 Dudley! 1241 01:14:55,533 --> 01:14:56,648 Kim! 1242 01:14:57,034 --> 01:14:59,776 Narrator: Yes, the prospector had found his long lost family. 1243 01:14:59,870 --> 01:15:01,485 The search was greatly simplified 1244 01:15:01,580 --> 01:15:03,195 when Kim spotted his wife on television, 1245 01:15:03,290 --> 01:15:06,282 as she was being sworn in as prime minister of Canada. 1246 01:15:06,377 --> 01:15:08,663 It was she who called out the cavalry. 1247 01:15:09,171 --> 01:15:10,286 That was lucky, wasn't it? 1248 01:15:10,381 --> 01:15:11,461 Boy, I'll say. 1249 01:15:11,549 --> 01:15:14,712 Narrator: And that's because good things happen to good people 1250 01:15:14,802 --> 01:15:17,509 and bad things happen to bad people. 1251 01:15:18,431 --> 01:15:19,491 What's the problem, officer? 1252 01:15:19,515 --> 01:15:21,426 I was only going 25 miles an hour. 1253 01:15:21,684 --> 01:15:26,394 Well, that's the last we'll see of them for a long, long time. 1254 01:15:26,772 --> 01:15:28,979 Don't count on it, bugle boy. 1255 01:15:29,066 --> 01:15:31,808 No jail can hold snidely k. Whiplash. 1256 01:15:31,902 --> 01:15:33,483 Oh, shut up, homer. 1257 01:15:33,779 --> 01:15:35,064 Sure thing, whip. 1258 01:15:37,575 --> 01:15:40,658 Do-right, would you allow me the honor 1259 01:15:40,745 --> 01:15:44,658 of presenting you with your old uniform 1260 01:15:44,749 --> 01:15:47,411 and the thanks of a grateful nation? 1261 01:15:48,377 --> 01:15:49,708 Thank you, inspector. 1262 01:15:50,504 --> 01:15:53,587 All: Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! 1263 01:15:53,674 --> 01:15:56,131 Hip, hip, hooray! Hip, hip, hooray! 1264 01:15:57,261 --> 01:16:00,924 Narrator: Yes, Dudley now has everything a mountie could ever want. 1265 01:16:01,015 --> 01:16:05,384 His fort, his girl and a swell collection of foofy pillows. 1266 01:16:07,521 --> 01:16:08,601 Nell. 1267 01:16:11,108 --> 01:16:12,108 Ohl 1268 01:16:12,735 --> 01:16:13,815 Dudley! 1269 01:16:20,034 --> 01:16:21,365 Whoo! Ooh! 1270 01:16:22,244 --> 01:16:23,984 Nell! Dudley! 1271 01:16:27,249 --> 01:16:28,249 On.