1 00:00:53,007 --> 00:00:55,017 [Carrie] Someone once said that when one door shuts 2 00:00:55,018 --> 00:00:56,998 a window opens. 3 00:00:57,005 --> 00:00:58,015 Big and I had shut our door, 4 00:00:59,001 --> 00:01:02,011 but our window was open and blowing a great breeze. 5 00:01:06,003 --> 00:01:08,013 [laughs] 6 00:01:08,016 --> 00:01:10,006 People don't dress up anymore. 7 00:01:10,007 --> 00:01:11,007 Like with waistcoats. 8 00:01:11,014 --> 00:01:14,014 And watch fobs. 9 00:01:14,011 --> 00:01:16,001 I'm gonna bring back the watch fob. 10 00:01:16,002 --> 00:01:18,002 A man with a plan. 11 00:01:18,005 --> 00:01:19,015 Smoke, please. 12 00:01:19,022 --> 00:01:22,002 [Carrie] Now that Big and I weren't playing the dating game, 13 00:01:22,004 --> 00:01:23,024 we were free to just play, 14 00:01:23,017 --> 00:01:25,017 and it had never been better. 15 00:01:29,017 --> 00:01:30,997 Oh! 16 00:01:31,002 --> 00:01:32,022 [laughs] Where is it? 17 00:01:37,007 --> 00:01:40,007 Wow, impressive. 18 00:01:40,007 --> 00:01:43,007 The ladies enjoy sleight of hand. 19 00:01:43,009 --> 00:01:44,999 And the watch fob. 20 00:01:49,013 --> 00:01:51,013 [Carrie] Meanwhile, 35 blocks north, 21 00:01:51,015 --> 00:01:54,005 at Dr. And Mrs. Young's cocktail party, 22 00:01:54,008 --> 00:01:56,008 another set of ex's were enjoying the view. 23 00:01:56,013 --> 00:01:58,013 [Charlotte] Look at all the shades of green in the hillside, 24 00:01:58,016 --> 00:02:00,006 it's so beautiful. 25 00:02:00,013 --> 00:02:02,023 What's beautiful is your ass in that skirt. 26 00:02:02,020 --> 00:02:04,020 -Trey. -Well, it is. 27 00:02:04,020 --> 00:02:08,010 [Carrie] Now that Trey and Charlotte had opened the door of communication, 28 00:02:08,007 --> 00:02:10,997 Trey wanted to get in... Everywhere. 29 00:02:11,002 --> 00:02:13,022 I'd like to do some very dirty things to you right now. 30 00:02:13,020 --> 00:02:15,020 We're at Winky and Bob's cocktail party, 31 00:02:16,000 --> 00:02:17,010 and I'm your estranged wife. 32 00:02:17,011 --> 00:02:20,021 Well, my estranged wife has a damn fine ass. 33 00:02:21,000 --> 00:02:24,020 I think it's really great how up for things you've been lately. 34 00:02:24,019 --> 00:02:26,019 -But we are in public. -Hm. 35 00:02:26,023 --> 00:02:28,023 So, why don't we get our coats, 36 00:02:28,017 --> 00:02:29,997 and go back to your place, 37 00:02:30,004 --> 00:02:33,014 because my ass will be damn fine there, too. 38 00:02:33,016 --> 00:02:34,996 Mmm... 39 00:02:37,002 --> 00:02:39,012 For a radiologist, he's awfully full of himself. 40 00:02:39,013 --> 00:02:40,023 His wife is even worse. 41 00:02:40,018 --> 00:02:42,998 They were passed over for three Park Avenue co-ops 42 00:02:43,006 --> 00:02:44,016 because of that yippie dog. 43 00:02:44,018 --> 00:02:46,998 That's what you get for overbreeding the Pekinese. 44 00:02:47,003 --> 00:02:50,023 [Carrie] Certain behavior will keep you from getting into a co-op. 45 00:02:51,000 --> 00:02:52,020 And certain behavior is almost assured 46 00:02:53,000 --> 00:02:54,020 to get you kicked out of one. 47 00:02:54,019 --> 00:02:57,009 [Charlotte] The entire surgical staff of Lenox Hill Hospital 48 00:02:57,015 --> 00:02:59,015 is in the next room. [laughs] 49 00:02:59,017 --> 00:03:01,007 They'll understand, this is an emergency. 50 00:03:01,008 --> 00:03:03,018 Well, at least close the door. 51 00:03:08,016 --> 00:03:10,016 [Carrie] While Charlotte walked through her door, 52 00:03:10,021 --> 00:03:14,011 I reached mine and kept it firmly closed. 53 00:03:14,008 --> 00:03:15,018 Okay then, Houdini. 54 00:03:17,015 --> 00:03:18,005 I'll walk you up. 55 00:03:18,014 --> 00:03:21,004 I think I got it from here. 56 00:03:21,003 --> 00:03:25,013 Then I'll watch from down here in case you trip. 57 00:03:25,012 --> 00:03:27,022 What's with the... 58 00:03:27,017 --> 00:03:29,007 There will be no... 59 00:03:30,007 --> 00:03:31,017 [laughs] 60 00:03:31,020 --> 00:03:33,010 Okay, you're the boss. 61 00:03:33,012 --> 00:03:36,022 But I'm always available for the... 62 00:03:37,001 --> 00:03:38,011 [giggles softly] 63 00:03:43,005 --> 00:03:51,005 Nighty night. 64 00:03:51,009 --> 00:03:53,999 Have you guys ever done it in a restaurant bathroom? 65 00:03:54,005 --> 00:03:55,005 -Lotus. -Sparks. 66 00:03:55,016 --> 00:03:56,016 Somewhere over Chicago. 67 00:03:57,000 --> 00:03:58,020 She said restaurant bathroom. 68 00:03:59,000 --> 00:04:00,010 There were warm nuts involved. 69 00:04:00,013 --> 00:04:02,023 -Classy. -How 'bout a coat room? 70 00:04:02,020 --> 00:04:05,010 -Lotus. -My last birthday party. 71 00:04:05,008 --> 00:04:07,008 I'm out. Syrup? 72 00:04:07,014 --> 00:04:08,024 Are these theoretical questions 73 00:04:09,000 --> 00:04:10,010 or are you getting busy, Missy? 74 00:04:10,013 --> 00:04:11,013 Trey and I, 75 00:04:11,014 --> 00:04:13,014 coat room, Friday, 76 00:04:13,010 --> 00:04:14,020 bistro bathroom last night. 77 00:04:14,023 --> 00:04:16,013 -But I thought he couldn't-- -Well, 78 00:04:16,009 --> 00:04:18,009 apparently he can, all over Manhattan. 79 00:04:18,007 --> 00:04:20,017 Well, this is a very happy development. 80 00:04:20,018 --> 00:04:23,008 No, no, it's not, we're not even together anymore. 81 00:04:23,015 --> 00:04:24,995 Doesn't sound that way to me. 82 00:04:25,006 --> 00:04:27,006 We're supposed to be getting to know each other again, not-- 83 00:04:27,016 --> 00:04:28,006 Not... 84 00:04:28,016 --> 00:04:30,006 Fucking against a hand dryer? 85 00:04:30,010 --> 00:04:31,010 [Miranda laughs] 86 00:04:31,008 --> 00:04:32,008 It's so confusing. 87 00:04:32,015 --> 00:04:34,995 Are we dating or are we back together? 88 00:04:35,005 --> 00:04:37,005 Is he my boyfriend or my lover? 89 00:04:37,007 --> 00:04:39,017 Or my ex-husband 90 00:04:39,021 --> 00:04:42,011 whom I have sex with occasionally in coat rooms? 91 00:04:42,014 --> 00:04:43,014 And bathrooms. 92 00:04:43,013 --> 00:04:44,023 I'm going with D: all of the above. 93 00:04:44,023 --> 00:04:47,023 Oh, who cares what you are, just enjoy it. 94 00:04:47,020 --> 00:04:49,020 No, I need to know where we're going. 95 00:04:49,017 --> 00:04:50,017 Yes. We'd like to know where you're going as well, 96 00:04:50,023 --> 00:04:52,023 since evidently, you'll be having sex there. 97 00:04:52,022 --> 00:04:54,002 Why do you have to define it? 98 00:04:54,006 --> 00:04:56,016 He's my husband, we were defined by law. 99 00:04:56,022 --> 00:04:59,002 Now it's all blurry, it's so hard. 100 00:04:59,002 --> 00:05:00,002 Thank your lucky stars. 101 00:05:00,006 --> 00:05:01,006 Oh, enough about me. 102 00:05:01,015 --> 00:05:02,995 What did you do this weekend? 103 00:05:03,004 --> 00:05:04,004 Monkey Bar. 104 00:05:04,005 --> 00:05:05,995 [gasping] Fun! 105 00:05:06,002 --> 00:05:07,012 With whom? 106 00:05:07,010 --> 00:05:08,020 Big. 107 00:05:11,009 --> 00:05:13,009 The bar, not the bathroom. 108 00:05:15,008 --> 00:05:16,008 So you and Big 109 00:05:16,011 --> 00:05:18,001 are really friends or something? 110 00:05:18,002 --> 00:05:19,022 -Yeah. -Friends... 111 00:05:19,021 --> 00:05:21,011 -Or something. -Easy, prosecutor. 112 00:05:21,015 --> 00:05:23,995 Well, don't you think you should define what you're doing with him? 113 00:05:24,003 --> 00:05:26,023 -Charlotte didn't have to. -Charlotte married the guy. 114 00:05:28,005 --> 00:05:28,995 We're undefinable. 115 00:05:29,005 --> 00:05:30,005 She's sleeping with him. 116 00:05:30,013 --> 00:05:32,013 I am not sleeping with him. 117 00:05:32,014 --> 00:05:34,024 We're just... 118 00:05:34,018 --> 00:05:36,018 hanging out. 119 00:05:36,019 --> 00:05:37,019 It's fun, in fact, you know, 120 00:05:38,000 --> 00:05:39,010 now that the pressure's off, 121 00:05:39,013 --> 00:05:41,013 we're finally just enjoying each other. 122 00:05:41,008 --> 00:05:43,008 -It's good. -It's a slippery slope, Carrie. 123 00:05:43,015 --> 00:05:45,015 Without boundaries, you never know what's gonna happen. 124 00:05:45,020 --> 00:05:47,010 Yeah, we might actually-- [gasping] 125 00:05:47,016 --> 00:05:48,016 Have fun. 126 00:05:48,018 --> 00:05:50,018 Have fun, just don't have amnesia. 127 00:05:50,023 --> 00:05:53,003 -Exactly. -Hey... 128 00:05:53,003 --> 00:05:56,013 Can we lighten up on the boundary talk? 129 00:05:56,015 --> 00:05:58,005 I'm fine. 130 00:05:58,023 --> 00:06:00,023 Jeez. 131 00:06:03,015 --> 00:06:05,015 Are you thinking about sleeping with him? 132 00:06:06,014 --> 00:06:07,014 No. 133 00:06:07,011 --> 00:06:09,011 You hesitated. 134 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:12,003 I was swallowing. 135 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:17,020 [Carrie] The Eskimo have hundreds of words for snow. 136 00:06:17,021 --> 00:06:20,001 And we've invented three times that many words 137 00:06:20,005 --> 00:06:21,005 for relationship. 138 00:06:21,014 --> 00:06:23,014 But the more words we invent, 139 00:06:23,007 --> 00:06:25,017 the harder it becomes to define things. 140 00:06:26,001 --> 00:06:28,011 In a world where you can date without sex, 141 00:06:28,015 --> 00:06:29,015 screw without dating, 142 00:06:30,001 --> 00:06:32,021 and in the end keep most of your sex partners as friends 143 00:06:32,019 --> 00:06:34,019 long after the screwing is over, 144 00:06:34,017 --> 00:06:37,007 what really defines a relationship? 145 00:06:37,013 --> 00:06:41,013 That night, Miranda let her boundaries down with Doug, 146 00:06:41,008 --> 00:06:42,998 a cartoonist for The New Yorker. 147 00:06:43,005 --> 00:06:45,015 They had been dating for about a month. 148 00:06:45,022 --> 00:06:47,022 Miranda didn't know what they were, 149 00:06:47,019 --> 00:06:49,009 but she knew it felt good. 150 00:06:51,008 --> 00:06:53,008 It was a morning of firsts. 151 00:06:53,011 --> 00:06:56,011 It was the first time Doug had spent the night... 152 00:06:58,013 --> 00:06:59,013 [urinating] 153 00:06:59,016 --> 00:07:03,006 And the first time a man had peed in front of her. 154 00:07:10,002 --> 00:07:12,012 That night, we went to Charlotte's gallery 155 00:07:12,009 --> 00:07:14,999 for the opening of an exhibit by Maria Diega Reyes, 156 00:07:15,002 --> 00:07:16,012 the Brazilian artist. 157 00:07:16,016 --> 00:07:18,006 He just whipped it out. 158 00:07:18,011 --> 00:07:21,011 I'm brushing, I look over, he's peeing. 159 00:07:21,011 --> 00:07:23,011 At least you can probably say he's your boyfriend, 160 00:07:23,013 --> 00:07:25,003 only a boyfriend would do that. 161 00:07:25,005 --> 00:07:26,015 I don't want a boyfriend who does that. 162 00:07:27,000 --> 00:07:28,020 It's never okay to do that. 163 00:07:29,001 --> 00:07:29,021 Wait your turn, 164 00:07:29,022 --> 00:07:32,012 shut the door, do your business. 165 00:07:32,013 --> 00:07:35,003 Oh, this is perfect. 166 00:07:35,003 --> 00:07:40,003 "Ms. Boundaries" has found "Mr. No Boundaries." 167 00:07:42,023 --> 00:07:44,003 Do you like it? 168 00:07:44,019 --> 00:07:45,999 -I do. -Hm. 169 00:07:46,003 --> 00:07:48,003 It's the artist's favorite. 170 00:07:48,004 --> 00:07:49,004 Do you know her? 171 00:07:49,005 --> 00:07:50,015 Ooh, I am her. 172 00:07:50,023 --> 00:07:53,003 Oh, I'm sorry, I should have-- 173 00:07:53,002 --> 00:07:54,002 Samantha. 174 00:07:54,004 --> 00:07:55,014 Maria. 175 00:07:55,007 --> 00:07:56,017 I have a bone to pick with you. 176 00:07:56,018 --> 00:07:58,008 I came ready to buy and look... 177 00:07:58,012 --> 00:08:00,022 All these red dots, there's nothing left. 178 00:08:01,000 --> 00:08:03,010 That's never bad news for the artist. 179 00:08:03,012 --> 00:08:05,022 But I have many more in my loft, 180 00:08:05,019 --> 00:08:08,009 if you ever want to come down, take a look. 181 00:08:08,014 --> 00:08:10,004 Yeah, I will and soon, 182 00:08:10,006 --> 00:08:12,006 before those get sold out from underneath me as well. 183 00:08:12,016 --> 00:08:13,996 -It's a deal. -[Samantha giggles] 184 00:08:14,002 --> 00:08:15,022 -[Maria giggles] -So, now a... 185 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:18,010 -non art-related question. -Oh. 186 00:08:18,014 --> 00:08:20,014 Where are all the hot guys? 187 00:08:21,006 --> 00:08:22,006 [woman] Maria. 188 00:08:22,015 --> 00:08:23,005 Oh. 189 00:08:23,016 --> 00:08:25,016 -Hi. -Hi. 190 00:08:25,019 --> 00:08:28,009 It is stunning, all of it. 191 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:29,018 I'm so proud of you, chica. 192 00:08:30,000 --> 00:08:32,010 [speaking Portuguese] 193 00:08:32,020 --> 00:08:34,010 Enjoy! 194 00:08:35,019 --> 00:08:37,009 -It's my ex. -Oh. 195 00:08:37,008 --> 00:08:41,008 Oh, and, about the hot guys... 196 00:08:41,016 --> 00:08:43,006 No hot guys. 197 00:08:43,008 --> 00:08:46,998 Well, that's good for you, but what's in it for me? 198 00:08:47,005 --> 00:08:51,005 [laughing] 199 00:08:51,012 --> 00:08:53,022 [Carrie] The next night, my ex introduced me 200 00:08:53,019 --> 00:08:56,019 to a tiny jazz club in the East Village. 201 00:08:56,022 --> 00:08:59,012 [jazz music] 202 00:09:05,004 --> 00:09:07,014 Aren't these cats amazing? 203 00:09:08,005 --> 00:09:09,015 Cats? 204 00:09:09,023 --> 00:09:12,013 Listen up, baby, we're below 14th Street. 205 00:09:12,013 --> 00:09:14,003 Okay, baby. 206 00:09:14,004 --> 00:09:18,004 [Carrie] There I was, inches away from my ex-boyfriend, 207 00:09:18,005 --> 00:09:19,995 friend, whatever, 208 00:09:20,005 --> 00:09:23,005 lusting after a bass player. 209 00:09:24,016 --> 00:09:26,016 You want another drink? 210 00:09:26,017 --> 00:09:28,007 Huh? 211 00:09:28,008 --> 00:09:31,008 -Do you want another drink? -Yeah, yeah. 212 00:09:33,006 --> 00:09:34,016 [crowd cheering] 213 00:09:34,018 --> 00:09:35,018 [man] Thank you very much. 214 00:09:35,022 --> 00:09:37,012 We're gonna take a short break, 215 00:09:37,007 --> 00:09:39,017 when we come back, if you're nice... 216 00:09:39,020 --> 00:09:41,020 we'll play another set or two. 217 00:09:53,002 --> 00:09:54,022 [Carrie] Apparently, everyone in the universe 218 00:09:54,019 --> 00:09:57,019 wanted me to define my relationship with Big. 219 00:10:00,016 --> 00:10:01,006 What do you think? 220 00:10:01,016 --> 00:10:03,016 I like it... baby. 221 00:10:04,014 --> 00:10:05,024 Didn't think I had that 222 00:10:05,018 --> 00:10:07,008 groovy jazz club in me, did you? 223 00:10:07,013 --> 00:10:09,013 [giggles] No. 224 00:10:09,011 --> 00:10:10,011 Hey. Hey man... 225 00:10:10,016 --> 00:10:12,006 -You were really great. -No, not great, 226 00:10:12,015 --> 00:10:13,015 I'm just trying to keep up. 227 00:10:13,020 --> 00:10:15,010 No, you were great. 228 00:10:15,011 --> 00:10:16,021 You know jazz? 229 00:10:16,021 --> 00:10:18,021 No. [giggles] 230 00:10:19,009 --> 00:10:20,009 Can I buy you a drink? 231 00:10:20,013 --> 00:10:21,023 No, I'm all set, I own the place. 232 00:10:22,000 --> 00:10:23,010 It's the only way they'll let me play. 233 00:10:23,007 --> 00:10:25,007 I can't keep a beat so at least I can drink for free. 234 00:10:25,013 --> 00:10:26,023 -[Carrie giggles] -Ray King. 235 00:10:26,019 --> 00:10:28,009 Hi, I'm Carrie. 236 00:10:28,011 --> 00:10:30,011 Um, Carrie Bradshaw. 237 00:10:30,015 --> 00:10:31,995 Jazz neophyte. 238 00:10:32,005 --> 00:10:33,005 [Carrie chuckles] 239 00:10:33,010 --> 00:10:34,020 Um, oh, sorry, this is-- 240 00:10:35,001 --> 00:10:36,011 You're running low. 241 00:10:36,015 --> 00:10:38,015 -Joey, Glenlivet. -[Joey] Coming right up! 242 00:10:39,023 --> 00:10:41,013 So, you own this place? 243 00:10:41,016 --> 00:10:42,006 I do. 244 00:10:42,015 --> 00:10:43,995 I own this, one uptown. 245 00:10:44,003 --> 00:10:46,013 Helluva lot of mortgages. 246 00:10:46,010 --> 00:10:49,010 [woman] ...Cuatro on ice, white wine... 247 00:10:50,017 --> 00:10:52,997 Well... 248 00:10:53,003 --> 00:10:54,023 Jeez, I gotta go. 249 00:10:54,018 --> 00:10:55,018 You heading uptown? 250 00:10:55,020 --> 00:10:57,010 Yes, yes, I am. 251 00:10:57,007 --> 00:10:58,007 Oh, do you need a ride? 252 00:10:58,012 --> 00:11:00,002 -That'd be great. -I'll call my car. 253 00:11:00,006 --> 00:11:02,006 This time of night? Cabs are lined up outside. 254 00:11:02,009 --> 00:11:03,999 So, then we'll take a cab. 255 00:11:04,005 --> 00:11:06,005 Okay, we'll take a cab. 256 00:11:09,007 --> 00:11:10,007 Okay. 257 00:11:14,001 --> 00:11:15,021 You sure your bass is gonna be okay? 258 00:11:15,017 --> 00:11:18,007 Oh yeah, sleeps at the club all the time. 259 00:11:18,008 --> 00:11:20,008 Sometimes it even hooks up with the snare drum. 260 00:11:20,016 --> 00:11:22,006 [laughs] 261 00:11:22,009 --> 00:11:24,009 Cabs are bullshit. 262 00:11:26,012 --> 00:11:28,012 Listen, can I get your number? 263 00:11:28,015 --> 00:11:30,015 Yeah, yeah. 264 00:11:31,020 --> 00:11:35,000 Uh, sure, let me just... 265 00:11:38,003 --> 00:11:40,013 I'm a writer with no pen. [giggles] 266 00:11:41,008 --> 00:11:42,018 Eek. 267 00:11:42,023 --> 00:11:44,023 -Thank you. -No problem. 268 00:11:50,011 --> 00:11:51,021 6-7-3-9. 269 00:11:52,011 --> 00:11:53,021 I know. 270 00:11:58,018 --> 00:12:01,008 [Carrie] This is-- Yeah, this is me. 271 00:12:01,008 --> 00:12:02,998 Thank you. 272 00:12:08,004 --> 00:12:10,014 -Nice to meet you. -[laughs] 273 00:12:10,010 --> 00:12:11,020 Nice to meet you. 274 00:12:13,020 --> 00:12:15,000 Bye. 275 00:12:17,019 --> 00:12:19,009 Hey. Hey. 276 00:12:20,007 --> 00:12:22,017 What are you doing? 277 00:12:22,020 --> 00:12:24,020 -What do you mean? -You know what I mean. 278 00:12:24,019 --> 00:12:26,019 Now he's gonna think we're together. 279 00:12:26,020 --> 00:12:28,010 What, you like the pork pie hat? 280 00:12:28,012 --> 00:12:29,012 That's not the point. 281 00:12:29,015 --> 00:12:31,005 Well, I'll tell ya, he had some breath on him. 282 00:12:31,008 --> 00:12:32,998 Oh, his breath was fine. 283 00:12:33,006 --> 00:12:34,016 Are you kidding? 284 00:12:34,018 --> 00:12:37,998 It was like he had a bad burger with BB King in '75. 285 00:12:38,006 --> 00:12:40,006 Alright. 286 00:12:40,011 --> 00:12:43,011 We gotta figure out what we're doing here. 287 00:12:43,016 --> 00:12:44,016 What are we doing? 288 00:12:44,018 --> 00:12:46,008 What are we? 289 00:12:46,009 --> 00:12:47,999 We're friends, how's that? 290 00:12:48,004 --> 00:12:49,024 What kind of friends? 291 00:12:49,022 --> 00:12:52,002 Oh. Friends who listen to jazz, 292 00:12:52,006 --> 00:12:53,016 friends who eat pizza. 293 00:12:53,021 --> 00:12:55,011 Friends who... 294 00:12:55,016 --> 00:12:57,996 Oh, no, there will be no... 295 00:12:58,005 --> 00:12:58,995 Oh. 296 00:12:59,005 --> 00:13:00,995 Carrie likes a jazz man. 297 00:13:01,005 --> 00:13:02,005 Jazz... 298 00:13:02,008 --> 00:13:04,018 All right, that's it, I'm going upstairs. 299 00:13:04,021 --> 00:13:06,021 -Suit yourself. -I have to go to sleep. 300 00:13:07,001 --> 00:13:08,021 Nighty night. 301 00:13:13,008 --> 00:13:16,008 [Big pretends to play trumpet] 302 00:13:16,015 --> 00:13:18,995 [Big laughs] 303 00:13:20,011 --> 00:13:21,021 [Carrie] But I couldn't sleep. 304 00:13:21,022 --> 00:13:25,012 My bizarre "ménage à taxi" was haunting me. 305 00:13:25,009 --> 00:13:26,019 [phone ringing] 306 00:13:31,019 --> 00:13:32,019 Hello? 307 00:13:33,000 --> 00:13:37,020 [jazz playing] 308 00:13:42,018 --> 00:13:45,018 You know, when I hear that song, I think of you. 309 00:13:45,017 --> 00:13:47,017 I don't even know you, how fucked up is that? 310 00:13:47,019 --> 00:13:49,019 Well, that's good. 311 00:13:50,022 --> 00:13:51,022 [phone beeping] 312 00:13:51,022 --> 00:13:54,012 Oh, can you hang on a second? 313 00:13:54,007 --> 00:13:55,017 Yeah. 314 00:13:55,022 --> 00:13:57,022 Okay. 315 00:13:57,022 --> 00:13:59,022 -Hello? -[Big] What are you doing? 316 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:01,010 I can't talk right now. 317 00:14:01,008 --> 00:14:02,018 What, you're on the other line? 318 00:14:02,020 --> 00:14:04,000 Yes, yes, I am. 319 00:14:04,006 --> 00:14:05,006 Pork pie? 320 00:14:05,015 --> 00:14:06,015 Look, I gotta go. 321 00:14:06,020 --> 00:14:07,020 Tell him he needs mints. 322 00:14:08,001 --> 00:14:08,021 I'm hanging up. 323 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:11,020 [jokingly] Carrie likes a jazz musician. 324 00:14:13,003 --> 00:14:14,013 [dial tone] 325 00:14:15,006 --> 00:14:16,006 Sorry. 326 00:14:17,007 --> 00:14:19,007 No problem. 327 00:14:19,008 --> 00:14:22,998 Listen, I'd like to take you out on Saturday night. 328 00:14:24,008 --> 00:14:26,018 I promise you won't have to listen to me play. 329 00:14:26,023 --> 00:14:29,003 Okay, I'd like that. 330 00:14:29,004 --> 00:14:30,024 Great. 331 00:14:30,021 --> 00:14:32,021 Oh, um... 332 00:14:32,023 --> 00:14:34,023 Don't bring the angry guy. 333 00:14:34,020 --> 00:14:35,020 [laughs] 334 00:14:36,000 --> 00:14:37,010 He's not so bad. 335 00:14:38,006 --> 00:14:39,006 See ya. 336 00:14:39,013 --> 00:14:40,023 Okay. 337 00:14:42,023 --> 00:14:44,013 [phone ringing] 338 00:14:44,013 --> 00:14:45,013 What do you want? 339 00:14:45,014 --> 00:14:46,024 What do you see in that guy? 340 00:14:46,021 --> 00:14:48,011 He knows when to say goodbye. 341 00:14:50,001 --> 00:14:51,021 [Carrie] The next morning, Miranda decided 342 00:14:51,021 --> 00:14:53,001 I might have been right. 343 00:14:53,006 --> 00:14:55,016 Maybe she was Ms. Boundaries. 344 00:14:55,023 --> 00:14:57,023 If she wanted a decent relationship, 345 00:14:57,023 --> 00:15:00,013 she couldn't throw the boy out with the toilet water. 346 00:15:00,010 --> 00:15:03,020 She would have to let down her boundaries. 347 00:15:03,019 --> 00:15:06,019 And there was no better time than the present. 348 00:15:14,004 --> 00:15:15,024 [urinating] 349 00:15:15,023 --> 00:15:19,013 -Hey. -Oh, hey, hi, you scared me. 350 00:15:22,008 --> 00:15:23,998 Hey. You got any bagels? 351 00:15:24,003 --> 00:15:25,013 Uh, top of the fridge. 352 00:15:25,008 --> 00:15:26,018 Oh. Cool. 353 00:15:26,018 --> 00:15:28,008 [blows nose loudly] 354 00:15:32,011 --> 00:15:35,011 [urinating] 355 00:15:35,015 --> 00:15:38,015 -[Doug] What about filters? -Above the coffee maker! 356 00:15:41,000 --> 00:15:44,000 [Carrie] While Miranda tried to do her business, 357 00:15:44,005 --> 00:15:45,995 Samantha helped Maria with hers. 358 00:15:46,005 --> 00:15:47,015 [Samantha] Am I doing this right? 359 00:15:47,018 --> 00:15:49,018 [Maria] Don't think, just do it. 360 00:15:49,017 --> 00:15:53,017 You know, painting is like eating, like sex. 361 00:15:53,019 --> 00:15:55,999 -I can do that. -[giggles] 362 00:15:56,003 --> 00:15:59,013 You know, I came to buy art, not make it. 363 00:15:59,008 --> 00:16:00,998 Oh, no, no, no, no, no. 364 00:16:01,005 --> 00:16:03,015 This is a Brazilian thing. 365 00:16:03,018 --> 00:16:06,998 Everyone that cross my door has to help. 366 00:16:07,003 --> 00:16:08,023 But you have a choice, really. 367 00:16:08,023 --> 00:16:10,013 You can make a painting 368 00:16:10,007 --> 00:16:12,007 or you can do my laundry. 369 00:16:12,015 --> 00:16:14,005 [laughs] 370 00:16:14,008 --> 00:16:15,008 Not gonna happen. 371 00:16:15,013 --> 00:16:17,023 [Samantha laughs] 372 00:16:17,021 --> 00:16:19,021 You're buying one of my paintings, right? 373 00:16:19,019 --> 00:16:22,009 Yeah. You're buying my next manicure. 374 00:16:22,011 --> 00:16:25,011 Oh, I'm sorry. 375 00:16:26,000 --> 00:16:27,000 Oh... 376 00:16:43,001 --> 00:16:44,011 Do we... 377 00:16:45,015 --> 00:16:47,015 Do we need to talk about this? 378 00:16:49,007 --> 00:16:50,007 Do we? 379 00:16:53,020 --> 00:16:57,010 I've done the girl thing, 380 00:16:57,012 --> 00:16:59,012 once, twice, 381 00:16:59,008 --> 00:17:02,018 usually involving a guy and a couple of quaaludes and... 382 00:17:02,019 --> 00:17:04,019 It was nice, really, and-- 383 00:17:04,018 --> 00:17:05,018 Really nice for the guy. 384 00:17:05,023 --> 00:17:07,023 -But-- -[laughs] 385 00:17:07,023 --> 00:17:10,023 I'm not a relationship person. 386 00:17:13,014 --> 00:17:15,024 And you're really something. 387 00:17:15,023 --> 00:17:18,013 Could we be friends? 388 00:17:18,013 --> 00:17:21,013 Well, it depends. [exhales] 389 00:17:21,012 --> 00:17:24,022 In my language, "friends" 390 00:17:25,000 --> 00:17:28,010 translates to a person with a warm heart... 391 00:17:29,006 --> 00:17:29,996 that... 392 00:17:30,005 --> 00:17:32,995 buys a lot of my art. 393 00:17:33,013 --> 00:17:35,013 Wow. 394 00:17:35,012 --> 00:17:38,002 What's Portuguese for "working it"? 395 00:17:38,016 --> 00:17:39,016 Working it. 396 00:17:40,000 --> 00:17:41,020 [laughs] 397 00:17:41,019 --> 00:17:43,009 Whoo! 398 00:17:44,022 --> 00:17:47,022 [Carrie] The next day, I found the perfect color on me. 399 00:17:47,019 --> 00:17:49,019 And something else on Charlotte. 400 00:17:49,021 --> 00:17:53,001 Uh, excuse me, but... 401 00:17:53,002 --> 00:17:55,022 is that a hickey? 402 00:17:55,021 --> 00:17:57,011 -Let me see. -[Miranda] Oh my God, I don't-- 403 00:17:57,016 --> 00:17:58,016 -[gasps] -[exclaims] 404 00:17:58,019 --> 00:18:00,009 Wow, that's so retro. 405 00:18:00,013 --> 00:18:02,013 Trey and I made out in the movies. [giggles] 406 00:18:02,011 --> 00:18:04,011 Now that is retro. 407 00:18:04,013 --> 00:18:06,023 That's not all we did. 408 00:18:06,020 --> 00:18:07,010 Really? 409 00:18:07,016 --> 00:18:08,016 Right in the middle of the movie, 410 00:18:09,001 --> 00:18:10,011 -I gave him a blow job. -Oh. 411 00:18:10,016 --> 00:18:11,016 -In the theater. -Yes. 412 00:18:12,001 --> 00:18:13,011 "Crouching Charlotte, Hidden Hummer." 413 00:18:13,012 --> 00:18:14,012 And, you know, you guys were right, 414 00:18:14,016 --> 00:18:16,006 once I stopped trying to define everything, 415 00:18:16,011 --> 00:18:18,001 I realized how great Trey and I have it. 416 00:18:18,006 --> 00:18:19,006 Congratulations, sweetie. 417 00:18:19,013 --> 00:18:22,013 It sounds like you got a nice, healthy relationship. 418 00:18:24,006 --> 00:18:25,006 [Carrie] Charlotte realized 419 00:18:25,010 --> 00:18:28,010 if Samantha defined her relationship as healthy, 420 00:18:28,013 --> 00:18:32,003 she had one sick relationship on her hands. 421 00:18:33,001 --> 00:18:34,021 [foreign language over radio] 422 00:18:35,001 --> 00:18:37,021 The next day, as Trey looked for action, 423 00:18:37,017 --> 00:18:39,017 Charlotte went looking for answers. 424 00:18:40,001 --> 00:18:42,011 Trey, please, not here. 425 00:18:42,007 --> 00:18:43,007 [moaning] 426 00:18:43,013 --> 00:18:45,013 -Should we go to a movie? -No! 427 00:18:45,011 --> 00:18:47,011 Look, we're five blocks from your place. 428 00:18:47,014 --> 00:18:49,024 We'll just wait and we'll get in our old bed 429 00:18:50,001 --> 00:18:52,001 and we'll really make love like man and wife. 430 00:18:52,002 --> 00:18:54,002 -Oh... I don't want to wait. -Ah... 431 00:18:54,003 --> 00:18:55,023 -[moaning] -Why? 432 00:18:55,023 --> 00:18:57,023 Why not? Why can't we wait? 433 00:18:57,023 --> 00:19:00,023 It's five stupid blocks, what is wrong with us, Trey? 434 00:19:00,018 --> 00:19:03,008 What, are you so scared that if we go back to our own bed, 435 00:19:03,009 --> 00:19:04,019 you'll have the same problems all over again? 436 00:19:05,001 --> 00:19:06,011 Charlotte, please, 437 00:19:06,007 --> 00:19:07,017 let's not don't discuss this in front of the driver. 438 00:19:08,000 --> 00:19:09,010 -[brake squeaks] -Oh... 439 00:19:09,009 --> 00:19:12,009 You just wanted to have sex in front of him. 440 00:19:13,008 --> 00:19:14,018 Char-- 441 00:19:14,022 --> 00:19:16,002 [Carrie] And just like that, 442 00:19:16,006 --> 00:19:19,006 Charlotte slammed the door on her and Trey. 443 00:19:20,018 --> 00:19:22,998 [phone ringing] 444 00:19:23,002 --> 00:19:25,012 -Hello. -[Trey] It's me. 445 00:19:25,009 --> 00:19:31,019 So, if we were to, say, make love in my bed, 446 00:19:31,022 --> 00:19:34,022 could we still do it in a taxi? 447 00:19:35,015 --> 00:19:36,015 We'll see. 448 00:19:36,019 --> 00:19:39,019 [Trey] Alrighty then, call you tomorrow. 449 00:19:39,017 --> 00:19:41,997 [Carrie] Evidently, when Charlotte closed the taxi door, 450 00:19:42,004 --> 00:19:45,024 she opened a whole new window. 451 00:19:45,021 --> 00:19:49,011 The next morning, Miranda got up early to pee in peace 452 00:19:49,008 --> 00:19:50,008 and make Doug coffee. 453 00:19:50,012 --> 00:19:52,002 [Doug] Hey, smells great. 454 00:19:52,006 --> 00:19:54,006 Yeah. It's the cinnamon I add to the-- 455 00:19:54,013 --> 00:19:56,023 [farting noises] 456 00:20:02,004 --> 00:20:03,024 Hi. [laughs] 457 00:20:03,019 --> 00:20:06,999 [Carrie] Apparently, when Miranda left the door open for peeing, 458 00:20:07,002 --> 00:20:09,012 she opened the door for everything else. 459 00:20:09,009 --> 00:20:11,999 [pooping sounds] 460 00:20:13,014 --> 00:20:16,004 -[cat meows] -[pooping sounds continue] 461 00:20:16,002 --> 00:20:19,012 Yeah, sometimes I like to add a pinch of nutmeg to my coffee, 462 00:20:19,009 --> 00:20:20,019 it takes a lot of the-- 463 00:20:21,000 --> 00:20:23,020 [Carrie] Maybe it was narrow-minded, but for Miranda, 464 00:20:23,021 --> 00:20:25,001 an open door dump 465 00:20:25,003 --> 00:20:28,003 was definitely worth dumping someone over. 466 00:20:30,022 --> 00:20:32,012 That's the thing about New York, 467 00:20:32,008 --> 00:20:34,008 everyone's always going. 468 00:20:34,008 --> 00:20:37,018 Tonight it was to the opening of Tao... 469 00:20:37,021 --> 00:20:39,021 Ray's and my first date. 470 00:20:42,012 --> 00:20:44,012 Everyone was there. 471 00:20:45,005 --> 00:20:46,015 Everyone. 472 00:20:50,020 --> 00:20:52,010 So, what, 473 00:20:52,007 --> 00:20:53,997 this is the only restaurant in New York 474 00:20:54,004 --> 00:20:55,014 opening tonight? 475 00:20:55,013 --> 00:20:58,023 Well, the Burger King on 9th Avenue had a line around the block. 476 00:20:59,000 --> 00:21:00,010 You, you remember-- 477 00:21:00,008 --> 00:21:01,998 Oh, yeah. Hey, man. Yeah. 478 00:21:02,002 --> 00:21:03,022 How are ya? 479 00:21:03,022 --> 00:21:05,022 Oh, this is Sha. 480 00:21:05,019 --> 00:21:07,009 Sha? 481 00:21:07,008 --> 00:21:09,018 The "y" is silent. 482 00:21:09,022 --> 00:21:10,022 Oh. 483 00:21:11,000 --> 00:21:13,010 Oh, thank God, you're finally here. 484 00:21:13,014 --> 00:21:15,014 I got the last table, let's go. 485 00:21:15,009 --> 00:21:16,009 Okay. 486 00:21:17,018 --> 00:21:18,018 [woman] Hi! 487 00:21:22,018 --> 00:21:25,008 [Carrie] There we were, me, my ex, 488 00:21:25,014 --> 00:21:27,014 the jazz guy, the model, 489 00:21:27,013 --> 00:21:30,013 the lesbian, and her friend Samantha. 490 00:21:30,015 --> 00:21:32,005 Sha? 491 00:21:33,009 --> 00:21:35,999 She's a supermodel. 492 00:21:36,005 --> 00:21:37,015 Super for you. 493 00:21:38,001 --> 00:21:39,011 Think we'll ever get our mee krob? 494 00:21:39,015 --> 00:21:40,015 Oh, I love mee krob. 495 00:21:40,020 --> 00:21:42,010 It's their specialty here. 496 00:21:42,011 --> 00:21:44,011 Is there any more wine in there? 497 00:21:48,016 --> 00:21:49,016 Thanks. 498 00:21:53,003 --> 00:21:54,023 I'll be back. 499 00:21:58,006 --> 00:22:00,006 -[scatting] -Stop. 500 00:22:05,021 --> 00:22:06,021 Hey. 501 00:22:08,004 --> 00:22:09,004 [giggles] 502 00:22:12,000 --> 00:22:14,020 Look at me, I grabbed some mee krob. 503 00:22:15,000 --> 00:22:16,000 Mm. 504 00:22:19,017 --> 00:22:21,007 Mmm... 505 00:22:21,016 --> 00:22:23,016 Mee krob-alicious. 506 00:22:24,001 --> 00:22:25,021 How'd you get this? 507 00:22:25,017 --> 00:22:28,017 Turns out the chef worked at one of my clubs. 508 00:22:28,018 --> 00:22:30,018 You know all the right people. 509 00:22:30,020 --> 00:22:32,010 I got the in on the noodles. 510 00:22:32,008 --> 00:22:33,008 Mm... 511 00:22:34,007 --> 00:22:35,007 If it's okay with you, 512 00:22:35,015 --> 00:22:37,015 I'm gonna camp out here for a while. 513 00:22:38,000 --> 00:22:39,010 It's okay by me. 514 00:22:39,009 --> 00:22:40,019 That table is bad. 515 00:22:40,018 --> 00:22:42,998 [laughs] Yeah, man. 516 00:22:43,003 --> 00:22:45,013 Good thing we weren't fuckin' hungry. 517 00:22:46,011 --> 00:22:48,021 I'm gonna go to the bathroom. 518 00:22:50,015 --> 00:22:53,015 Turn right at the Buddha, honey. 519 00:22:54,001 --> 00:22:58,011 So, just to, you know, get things straight, 520 00:22:58,013 --> 00:23:02,013 you and Carrie are just friends now, right? 521 00:23:02,013 --> 00:23:04,023 You're available? 522 00:23:05,020 --> 00:23:08,000 Yes, ma'am. 523 00:23:08,005 --> 00:23:10,015 So, if you're just friends, 524 00:23:11,001 --> 00:23:14,011 what exactly do you think you're doing? 525 00:23:14,007 --> 00:23:15,017 Because that girl might come off 526 00:23:15,017 --> 00:23:18,017 like she's all strong and over it... 527 00:23:18,017 --> 00:23:22,007 but she's fragile, and she's my best friend. 528 00:23:23,012 --> 00:23:26,002 So, I suggest you back off. 529 00:23:26,004 --> 00:23:28,014 Can't we all just get along? 530 00:23:30,004 --> 00:23:31,014 Excuse me. 531 00:23:45,016 --> 00:23:46,006 [Samantha sighs] 532 00:23:46,014 --> 00:23:49,004 Hey. Hey, hey. You okay? 533 00:23:49,004 --> 00:23:52,014 I'm fine, I'm sorry. 534 00:23:52,010 --> 00:23:55,000 That guy's not good for her. 535 00:23:55,006 --> 00:23:57,016 Look... Um... I'm gonna go. 536 00:23:57,017 --> 00:23:59,007 No, no, don't go. 537 00:23:59,015 --> 00:24:01,005 We can get another table. 538 00:24:01,015 --> 00:24:02,015 I lied. 539 00:24:04,005 --> 00:24:07,005 I can't just be your friend. 540 00:24:08,002 --> 00:24:10,012 What I saw back there... 541 00:24:10,018 --> 00:24:11,998 You... 542 00:24:12,004 --> 00:24:13,024 [exhales] 543 00:24:13,017 --> 00:24:15,007 You were magnificent. 544 00:24:16,017 --> 00:24:19,017 And how do you say that, um... 545 00:24:19,019 --> 00:24:22,019 Oh... You kick ass. 546 00:24:22,018 --> 00:24:24,998 And I see where this is going 547 00:24:25,006 --> 00:24:28,006 and you don't do relationships. 548 00:24:28,015 --> 00:24:32,005 And it would be very bad for me. 549 00:24:32,011 --> 00:24:35,011 So we can't even be friends? 550 00:24:35,012 --> 00:24:36,022 I'm gonna go in here 551 00:24:37,001 --> 00:24:40,011 and you, you go back there. 552 00:24:41,000 --> 00:24:42,020 And... 553 00:24:42,018 --> 00:24:44,018 You're really something. 554 00:24:49,014 --> 00:24:50,024 [Carrie] Right then and there, 555 00:24:50,022 --> 00:24:54,022 Samantha decided to let down her boundaries. 556 00:24:55,000 --> 00:24:58,020 And opened herself up to the possibility of a relationship... 557 00:25:00,004 --> 00:25:02,014 with a woman. 558 00:25:13,016 --> 00:25:15,996 And in a different bathroom... 559 00:25:16,004 --> 00:25:17,024 -Oh. -[Sha snorts] 560 00:25:17,020 --> 00:25:19,010 Oh, jeez, I'm sorry. 561 00:25:19,016 --> 00:25:21,996 Oh, no, it's okay, come in. 562 00:25:22,002 --> 00:25:23,012 Come in. 563 00:25:27,005 --> 00:25:27,995 Want some? 564 00:25:28,002 --> 00:25:29,022 Oh, no, no. All set, thanks. 565 00:25:30,000 --> 00:25:31,020 [laughs] Okay. 566 00:25:31,019 --> 00:25:33,019 Um... You can go, it's okay. 567 00:25:33,022 --> 00:25:37,012 Oh, I don't really have to go. 568 00:25:37,007 --> 00:25:38,007 Oh, thank God. 569 00:25:42,000 --> 00:25:43,000 Oh. 570 00:25:44,000 --> 00:25:46,020 Um... He talks about you. 571 00:25:47,012 --> 00:25:48,012 Oh? 572 00:25:48,010 --> 00:25:50,020 Hm. Did, um... 573 00:25:51,021 --> 00:25:55,011 Did you two used to date or something? 574 00:25:55,013 --> 00:25:58,013 Uh, something like that. 575 00:26:03,002 --> 00:26:04,022 Okay, I'm gonna-- 576 00:26:04,023 --> 00:26:06,023 My date's waiting for me. 577 00:26:06,021 --> 00:26:08,011 Okay. [giggles] 578 00:26:09,010 --> 00:26:10,020 [laughs] 579 00:26:10,022 --> 00:26:13,012 Um, sorry, sorry. 580 00:26:16,004 --> 00:26:17,014 [Carrie] I couldn't avoid it. 581 00:26:17,012 --> 00:26:18,022 Everywhere I went, 582 00:26:18,018 --> 00:26:21,018 I was confronted by my Big relationship. 583 00:26:22,000 --> 00:26:25,000 Hey, I just left silent "y" in the bathroom 584 00:26:25,002 --> 00:26:28,012 and P.S., apparently the 80s are back. 585 00:26:28,008 --> 00:26:30,018 Um, listen, we're gonna go. 586 00:26:31,001 --> 00:26:34,011 Okay, well, Ray and I were gonna go first. 587 00:26:34,016 --> 00:26:35,016 [laughs] 588 00:26:38,012 --> 00:26:40,012 -Bye. -See you later. 589 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:41,995 Okay. 590 00:26:45,002 --> 00:26:47,022 You know what I love about this city? 591 00:26:48,001 --> 00:26:50,011 Everything can sound like a jazz riff. 592 00:26:50,022 --> 00:26:53,002 Like, uh... 593 00:26:53,005 --> 00:26:56,005 That garbage truck is, uh... 594 00:26:57,013 --> 00:27:04,003 [scatting] 595 00:27:07,006 --> 00:27:08,016 Really? 596 00:27:08,019 --> 00:27:10,009 Really, 'cause I, um... 597 00:27:10,013 --> 00:27:12,003 I get more of a... 598 00:27:14,003 --> 00:27:16,013 Like a... 599 00:27:16,010 --> 00:27:21,010 [scatting] 600 00:27:21,007 --> 00:27:21,997 [Ray laughs] 601 00:27:22,004 --> 00:27:23,004 I don't know. 602 00:27:23,003 --> 00:27:25,013 You really don't know jazz, do you? 603 00:27:25,008 --> 00:27:26,008 -Hey! -[Ray laughs] 604 00:27:26,012 --> 00:27:28,022 I just scatted on my first date, man, 605 00:27:28,018 --> 00:27:29,998 give me some credit. 606 00:27:30,005 --> 00:27:32,005 [Carrie] Somewhere between the mee krob and the model, 607 00:27:32,015 --> 00:27:34,005 I was dating again. 608 00:27:34,012 --> 00:27:36,002 It was nice. 609 00:27:36,005 --> 00:27:37,005 This is me. 610 00:27:38,019 --> 00:27:39,999 You know what you are? 611 00:27:41,003 --> 00:27:42,023 You're, um... 612 00:27:43,014 --> 00:27:46,014 [scatting] 613 00:27:48,003 --> 00:27:50,003 [laughs softly] 614 00:27:50,004 --> 00:27:52,014 Well... 615 00:27:53,022 --> 00:27:56,022 -Do-do-do, right back at ya. -[Ray laughs] 616 00:27:56,018 --> 00:27:57,998 [Carrie giggles] 617 00:28:03,013 --> 00:28:05,013 [Carrie] With every second of our kiss, 618 00:28:05,008 --> 00:28:06,998 it was becoming clearer, 619 00:28:07,006 --> 00:28:09,016 I really liked this guy. 620 00:28:11,017 --> 00:28:12,997 So maybe that's it. 621 00:28:13,004 --> 00:28:15,014 What ultimately defines a relationship 622 00:28:15,015 --> 00:28:17,015 is another relationship.