1 00:00:01,696 --> 00:00:40,696 305 - No Ifs, And Or Butts 2 00:00:48,697 --> 00:00:50,858 one reason Why people still risk 3 00:00:51,033 --> 00:00:53,160 the possible horror of a first date, 4 00:00:53,335 --> 00:00:57,567 is the possible magic of the good-night kiss at the front door. 5 00:00:58,173 --> 00:01:00,573 I had a great time. 6 00:01:00,743 --> 00:01:02,040 so did I. 7 00:01:02,211 --> 00:01:04,338 The world slows down for a second 8 00:01:04,513 --> 00:01:09,382 as some people take that hopeful lean into a possible future together. 9 00:01:22,197 --> 00:01:24,563 All around my mouth. 10 00:01:25,734 --> 00:01:27,565 HoW do you think I felt? 11 00:01:27,736 --> 00:01:29,636 His tongue licked my teeth. 12 00:01:29,772 --> 00:01:32,036 Did he Wanna fuck you or floss you? 13 00:01:32,241 --> 00:01:34,266 Bad kissers are the worst. 14 00:01:34,443 --> 00:01:37,071 The worst. The top of the worst. 15 00:01:37,212 --> 00:01:39,772 He has sWeet lips. I thought he,d be a good kisser. 16 00:01:39,915 --> 00:01:42,440 You can never tell. They look normal. 17 00:01:42,618 --> 00:01:45,485 Until their pointy tongue darts in and out. 18 00:01:45,621 --> 00:01:48,613 Pointy tongue, the Worst of the Worst. 19 00:01:48,824 --> 00:01:51,122 The Worst is When they expect you 20 00:01:51,260 --> 00:01:52,727 to do the Work. 21 00:01:52,861 --> 00:01:54,829 Their tongue lays in your mouth 22 00:01:54,963 --> 00:01:56,430 like a clam. 23 00:01:57,166 --> 00:01:59,327 clam-mouth. That,s the Worst. 24 00:01:59,535 --> 00:02:03,096 I,d say... Get it out, put it in a cab and take its lazy ass home.... 25 00:02:03,238 --> 00:02:06,298 - You,d dump a guy for a bad kiss? - You have to. 26 00:02:06,442 --> 00:02:10,105 If their tongue just lays there, What is their dick gonna do? 27 00:02:10,279 --> 00:02:11,610 point taken. 28 00:02:11,747 --> 00:02:13,772 Maybe We can Work on it. 29 00:02:13,949 --> 00:02:16,918 A bad kisser is a non-negotiable. 30 00:02:17,052 --> 00:02:20,283 I'm not dumping Brad because of that. 31 00:02:20,456 --> 00:02:22,083 Then change his name 32 00:02:22,224 --> 00:02:24,021 from Brad to Bad. 33 00:02:24,626 --> 00:02:27,026 I like him. well, I did until... 34 00:02:27,196 --> 00:02:29,892 Until his tongue Was in your stomach? 35 00:02:30,899 --> 00:02:34,892 can you ladies hold it doWn? This is a respectable restaurant. 36 00:02:35,070 --> 00:02:38,005 Adeena williams Was my neWspaper,s former food editor. 37 00:02:38,173 --> 00:02:40,334 And the chef and oWner of Fusion, 38 00:02:40,509 --> 00:02:44,468 Whose specialty Was a mingling of trendy food with soul food. 39 00:02:44,646 --> 00:02:47,638 Martha steWart meets Puff Daddy on a plate. 40 00:02:47,783 --> 00:02:50,650 poached salmon with okra... 41 00:02:50,819 --> 00:02:52,912 Heaven. 42 00:02:53,055 --> 00:02:56,115 This time next year, okra will be so fashionable. 43 00:02:58,293 --> 00:03:01,194 we are leaving. come and say goodbye. 44 00:03:01,330 --> 00:03:06,859 This is my brother, Who brings me tons of music industry business. 45 00:03:08,403 --> 00:03:10,871 I gotta go, but I,m sending dessert. 46 00:03:11,039 --> 00:03:13,303 - No. - pecan and praline pie. 47 00:03:13,475 --> 00:03:14,464 Yes! 48 00:03:15,511 --> 00:03:18,947 Didn't we meet at the columbia Records party for Jennifer Lopez? 49 00:03:19,114 --> 00:03:24,711 I don,t think so. My PR firm handled it. I,m sure I,d have remembered you. 50 00:03:24,887 --> 00:03:28,050 I guess I just saWyou. chivon williams, I used to rep for... 51 00:03:28,223 --> 00:03:31,715 Tommy Boy Records. I remember from the guest list. 52 00:03:31,894 --> 00:03:36,729 - You,re good. - samantha Jones, if you need me... 53 00:03:36,899 --> 00:03:39,800 for a party. 54 00:03:42,271 --> 00:03:46,264 Ladies, I apologize for interrupting. Have a pleasant evening. 55 00:03:48,977 --> 00:03:50,877 could he any be cuter? 56 00:03:51,046 --> 00:03:53,310 Gotta love a fella Who loves jeWellery. 57 00:03:53,482 --> 00:03:57,316 That is one fine-looking man. I,d like some of that. 58 00:03:57,486 --> 00:04:00,819 - Don't talk like that. - Like what? 59 00:04:00,989 --> 00:04:06,427 Relax with the liberal reaction. That's not black talk. It's sex talk. 60 00:04:06,595 --> 00:04:11,430 First of all, it isn,t black talk. It,s African-American talk. 61 00:04:11,600 --> 00:04:15,730 You shouldn,t be talking like that. It,s rude and politically incorrect. 62 00:04:15,904 --> 00:04:18,532 samantha is rude and politically incorrect. 63 00:04:18,707 --> 00:04:21,574 - she,s an equal opportunity offender. - Precisely. 64 00:04:21,743 --> 00:04:24,268 I don't see color. I see conquests. 65 00:04:24,446 --> 00:04:26,505 Talk about affirmative action. 66 00:04:30,018 --> 00:04:34,352 The next day I had just settled doWn with a cup of fresh coffee 67 00:04:34,523 --> 00:04:37,856 and a coffee table full of fashion magazines, When... 68 00:04:38,026 --> 00:04:40,392 - who is it? - Mr Right. 69 00:04:40,929 --> 00:04:43,796 Have you seen ... The NeW York Times... style section? 70 00:04:43,966 --> 00:04:46,127 I can't handle hard news before noon. 71 00:04:46,301 --> 00:04:50,260 There,s a beautiful man doWntoWn, selling furniture. we,re going. 72 00:04:50,439 --> 00:04:53,670 I got a Whole afternoon planned with Australian... vogue.... 73 00:04:53,842 --> 00:04:57,676 I,m not gonna drop everything to go to see some cute guy. 74 00:04:57,846 --> 00:04:59,939 - He,s straight. - I,ll get my purse. 75 00:05:00,182 --> 00:05:04,710 People with nothing better to do than ogle some craftsman. Pathetic. 76 00:05:04,886 --> 00:05:08,879 Look at this place. Nothing but baguettes and faggots. 77 00:05:12,394 --> 00:05:17,331 If you see anything you like, say you,re a designer. You get a discount. 78 00:05:17,499 --> 00:05:22,061 - I got $50 off my end table. - You,re a classy guy. 79 00:05:25,707 --> 00:05:27,732 His name was Aidan shaw. 80 00:05:27,909 --> 00:05:32,744 He Was Warm, masculine and classic American. Like his furniture. 81 00:05:32,881 --> 00:05:34,849 The dog is overkill. 82 00:05:35,017 --> 00:05:37,611 - Go get him. - Excuse me? 83 00:05:37,786 --> 00:05:41,882 He,s perfect for you. I,ll visit you and the kids at your cabin up state. 84 00:05:42,090 --> 00:05:44,581 we,re staring. Look aWay. 85 00:05:44,726 --> 00:05:46,694 His name Was Marty Mendleson. 86 00:05:46,862 --> 00:05:50,798 He Was Warm, stylish and classic gay. Like his outfit. 87 00:05:50,966 --> 00:05:53,264 He,s a designer. And single. 88 00:05:53,435 --> 00:05:57,872 Go get him. I,ll come visit you in your cabin up state. 89 00:06:02,778 --> 00:06:05,008 Hey, doggie. Hi. 90 00:06:12,054 --> 00:06:14,545 Bad doggie. DoWn. 91 00:06:17,092 --> 00:06:18,923 Pete, there you go. 92 00:06:20,829 --> 00:06:23,127 You should get him a cheWtoy. 93 00:06:23,732 --> 00:06:26,633 To his credit, he picks the best-looking ladies. 94 00:06:26,802 --> 00:06:29,168 You can,t imagine hoWflattered I am. 95 00:06:29,337 --> 00:06:31,567 - I'm Aidan. - I'm humiliated. 96 00:06:31,740 --> 00:06:34,231 I shouldn't let him run loose in the store. 97 00:06:34,910 --> 00:06:38,869 This is your store? I had no idea. 98 00:06:39,047 --> 00:06:43,950 when I heard the lie come out of my mouth, I kneW I Was interested. 99 00:06:47,622 --> 00:06:51,149 - This is a beautiful chair. - This is my favorite piece. 100 00:06:51,293 --> 00:06:54,160 You say that about every piece, right? 101 00:06:54,396 --> 00:06:57,524 Not really. This leather is about 100 years old. 102 00:06:57,699 --> 00:07:02,136 I stripped it off an old railroad car seat. Feel this. 103 00:07:07,509 --> 00:07:10,137 - soft? - I,ll take it. 104 00:07:10,312 --> 00:07:13,440 I Wasn,t really in the market for a leather chair. 105 00:07:13,615 --> 00:07:17,244 But I had to have Whatever it Was I just felt. 106 00:07:18,954 --> 00:07:23,982 I,m a designer. carrie BradshaW. carrie BradshaW Designs. 107 00:07:24,559 --> 00:07:31,761 Let,s see. with the designer discount and dog humiliation factor... 108 00:07:33,468 --> 00:07:35,060 How's that? 109 00:07:36,838 --> 00:07:40,672 - How soon can it be delivered? - End of the week. 110 00:07:40,842 --> 00:07:44,710 In NeW York city retail lingo, that meant... I like you too.... 111 00:07:45,447 --> 00:07:50,350 where do you Want it delivered and can I take you out for dinner? 112 00:07:51,987 --> 00:07:54,547 will you knock another $10 off? 113 00:07:54,723 --> 00:07:59,092 The dog humping aside, it Was one of those perfect NeW York saturdays. 114 00:07:59,261 --> 00:08:00,660 I'm back! 115 00:08:00,862 --> 00:08:04,855 At Miranda,s, steve Was having an even better saturday. 116 00:08:05,033 --> 00:08:07,695 - Guess What happened? It,s so great! - what? 117 00:08:07,869 --> 00:08:09,894 You knoW at the Knicks game, 118 00:08:10,071 --> 00:08:13,131 somebody makes a half-court shot for a million dollars? 119 00:08:13,308 --> 00:08:18,473 - Kind of, but go ahead. - Next Tuesday, it,s me. 120 00:08:18,647 --> 00:08:22,139 They picked my name from the contest I entered at sam Goodies. 121 00:08:22,350 --> 00:08:23,908 Great! 122 00:08:24,085 --> 00:08:30,046 It,s not great. A million dollars. It,s fucking great. 123 00:08:31,726 --> 00:08:33,751 It is fucking great. 124 00:08:33,929 --> 00:08:37,660 But don,t get your hopes up. It,s a tough shot, isn,t it? 125 00:08:37,833 --> 00:08:40,996 For other guys, but they don,t have my moves. 126 00:08:43,538 --> 00:08:46,598 The problem is you don,t knoW hoW good I am. 127 00:08:46,775 --> 00:08:49,073 Don,t let these legs fool you. I,m great. 128 00:08:49,244 --> 00:08:51,109 I like your little legs. 129 00:08:51,279 --> 00:08:54,271 Let,s go to the playground. I,ll shoWyou. 130 00:08:54,482 --> 00:08:57,940 No, please. I believe you. You,ve got the moves. 131 00:08:58,119 --> 00:09:01,452 I don,t Want no charity. seeing is believing. 132 00:09:01,623 --> 00:09:05,650 Next Week, come to the playground and Watch me shoot. Promise? 133 00:09:05,827 --> 00:09:08,091 promise? 134 00:09:10,265 --> 00:09:15,669 - That,s Ralph Lauren paint. - I,ll buy you more. I,m a millionaire. 135 00:09:17,606 --> 00:09:19,870 I have a crush. 136 00:09:20,041 --> 00:09:21,941 - Yeah? - Yeah. 137 00:09:22,110 --> 00:09:25,773 You haven,t had a crush in a While. Not since Big. 138 00:09:25,947 --> 00:09:28,177 Big Wasn,t a crush, he Was a crash. 139 00:09:32,520 --> 00:09:36,786 His name is Aidan. And I believe him to be very cute. 140 00:09:37,626 --> 00:09:42,188 so cute, I bought a chair I couldn,t afford just because he made it. 141 00:09:42,430 --> 00:09:44,660 Did he ask you out? 142 00:09:44,833 --> 00:09:47,063 so the chair is a Write-off. 143 00:09:47,269 --> 00:09:50,204 I haven,t had a crush since sean cassidy. 144 00:09:50,372 --> 00:09:51,361 No Way. 145 00:09:51,539 --> 00:09:55,168 At this age I,d have to say I,m crush-proof. 146 00:09:55,343 --> 00:09:57,277 what about steve? 147 00:09:57,445 --> 00:10:02,075 I forgot about my boyfriend. Is that normal? 148 00:10:02,250 --> 00:10:03,945 You,re asking me? 149 00:10:04,119 --> 00:10:06,781 steve thinks he,s gonna win a million dollars. 150 00:10:06,955 --> 00:10:10,550 - You told me. - I have to repeat it until I believe it. 151 00:10:10,759 --> 00:10:14,024 It,s totally illogical and he Wants me to be supportive. 152 00:10:14,195 --> 00:10:18,757 It's a half-court shot. There are Knicks who can't make it. 153 00:10:18,934 --> 00:10:25,203 I would support a real dream, like opening his own bar. This is silly. 154 00:10:25,407 --> 00:10:29,571 Isn,t that What you couples do, support each other,s silly dreams? 155 00:10:29,744 --> 00:10:31,769 You,re asking me? 156 00:10:34,115 --> 00:10:37,107 That Week, chivon invited samantha to go uptoWn 157 00:10:37,285 --> 00:10:39,719 and hear an artist he Was thinking of signing. 158 00:10:39,888 --> 00:10:42,550 Back in the line, motherfucker. 159 00:10:50,865 --> 00:10:53,925 Although samantha had been in the club scene for years, 160 00:10:54,102 --> 00:10:59,563 she,d never been asked to spread without being offered a cocktail. 161 00:11:03,979 --> 00:11:05,810 This is DJ oldman. 162 00:11:05,981 --> 00:11:10,281 In a matter of minutes, samantha felt at home in chivon,s World. 163 00:11:10,452 --> 00:11:13,319 Hi, guys. I,m samantha. 164 00:11:14,389 --> 00:11:18,792 In a matter of hours, chivon Was at home in samantha,s home. 165 00:11:18,960 --> 00:11:22,396 Do you like this groove? It,s the neW kid. 166 00:11:22,564 --> 00:11:26,159 It,s so soft. I thought all rap had a harder edge. 167 00:11:26,334 --> 00:11:29,895 They can be hard or soft, like you. 168 00:11:31,473 --> 00:11:34,306 You have so much attitude up front. 169 00:11:34,943 --> 00:11:38,811 Look at you noW. soft, sWeet... 170 00:11:39,514 --> 00:11:41,709 sWeet, me? 171 00:11:42,751 --> 00:11:45,242 who do you think you,re fooling? 172 00:11:49,824 --> 00:11:54,887 I don,t usually sleep with men Who have nicer accessories than me. 173 00:11:55,063 --> 00:11:58,294 where did you get these fabulous earrings? 174 00:11:58,466 --> 00:11:59,763 Tiffany. 175 00:11:59,934 --> 00:12:01,959 where else? 176 00:12:03,838 --> 00:12:06,068 I hope you can sleep in a little. 177 00:12:07,142 --> 00:12:09,007 sleep? 178 00:12:10,311 --> 00:12:13,007 samantha rarely asked a man to stay over, 179 00:12:13,181 --> 00:12:17,015 but she couldn,t resist having breakfast with his Tiffanies. 180 00:12:17,952 --> 00:12:22,355 one reason some people still risk the possible horror of a first date, 181 00:12:22,557 --> 00:12:26,584 is the possible magic of the good-night kiss at the front door. 182 00:12:26,761 --> 00:12:29,525 My dog is obsessed with you. 183 00:12:29,697 --> 00:12:33,895 He kept me up talking all night. ... Her leg, man.... 184 00:12:35,370 --> 00:12:39,898 I had to say, ... Pete, let her go. It,s over.... 185 00:12:43,678 --> 00:12:46,078 I have a confession to make... 186 00:12:48,716 --> 00:12:51,742 I,m not a designer. I,m a Writer. 187 00:12:53,655 --> 00:12:56,556 what Was that? Fiction? 188 00:12:56,758 --> 00:13:01,388 I Wanted the discount. It,s shameful, but true. 189 00:13:02,697 --> 00:13:07,134 But don,t Worry, I only lie about furniture, nothing else. 190 00:13:09,270 --> 00:13:11,067 Are you upset? 191 00:13:12,941 --> 00:13:15,068 You smoke? 192 00:13:16,478 --> 00:13:18,673 Just a little. 193 00:13:18,847 --> 00:13:23,181 when the lie came out of my mouth, I realised hoW much I liked him. 194 00:13:23,351 --> 00:13:25,376 If it bothers you, I,ll just... 195 00:13:28,590 --> 00:13:31,491 I had a great time. 196 00:13:42,537 --> 00:13:47,167 - I can taste that cigarette. - I,m sorry, I have an Altoid. 197 00:13:49,344 --> 00:13:51,141 I think you,re... 198 00:13:51,346 --> 00:13:57,114 I totally get it. I have a mint here. They are curiously strong. 199 00:13:58,453 --> 00:14:01,684 - can you just hold that? - sure. 200 00:14:01,856 --> 00:14:06,486 I don,t Wanna be a jerk, but I can,t date a smoker. 201 00:14:10,431 --> 00:14:13,958 so... Really? 202 00:14:16,638 --> 00:14:18,572 It,s a thing I have. 203 00:14:18,773 --> 00:14:23,176 I couldn,t believe What my crush Was saying. I Was crushed. 204 00:14:23,344 --> 00:14:25,539 Later that night, I Wondered... 205 00:14:25,680 --> 00:14:28,308 when did dating become so dump-friendly? 206 00:14:28,516 --> 00:14:31,815 what happened to the time When a bad kiss or a cigarette 207 00:14:31,986 --> 00:14:35,353 or a ridiculous dream Was part of a person,s portfolio? 208 00:14:35,523 --> 00:14:39,084 In today,s dating market, is it wise to liquidate certain stocks, 209 00:14:39,294 --> 00:14:42,559 the first sign they might not perform as Well as expected? 210 00:14:42,730 --> 00:14:45,722 or are there things one should try and negotiate? 211 00:14:45,900 --> 00:14:49,836 In relationships, What are the... deal breakers...? 212 00:14:50,838 --> 00:14:55,138 I think it,s really sexy When you lightly touch your lips to mine. 213 00:14:55,310 --> 00:14:58,370 Never one to trade a stock before it had matured, 214 00:14:58,546 --> 00:15:02,846 a determined and patient charlotte tried to teach Bad hoW to kiss good. 215 00:15:03,017 --> 00:15:05,679 You like that? 216 00:15:06,487 --> 00:15:10,446 And I like it When you slowly open your mouth... 217 00:15:10,625 --> 00:15:14,789 and just tickle my lips with the tip of your tongue. 218 00:15:22,036 --> 00:15:23,970 You like that? 219 00:15:25,707 --> 00:15:31,304 with just a little negotiating, Brad,s stock suddenly began to rise. 220 00:15:39,587 --> 00:15:41,020 stop it! 221 00:15:41,189 --> 00:15:45,353 You,re sucking too hard. And my mouth is up here. 222 00:15:45,526 --> 00:15:51,692 - Is there a problem? - I can't do this. You're a bad kisser. 223 00:15:51,866 --> 00:15:53,925 It,s my thing. 224 00:15:56,804 --> 00:15:58,669 where are you going? 225 00:15:58,840 --> 00:16:01,240 DoWntoWn at Marty Mendleson,s, 226 00:16:01,409 --> 00:16:05,311 others Were experiencing a much more successful first kiss. 227 00:16:05,480 --> 00:16:07,505 Let's move it to the bedroom. 228 00:16:19,060 --> 00:16:23,121 These are my dolls. I,ve been collecting them for years. 229 00:16:23,298 --> 00:16:25,323 I had no idea. 230 00:16:26,701 --> 00:16:31,297 This... is the Queen of siam. 231 00:16:32,106 --> 00:16:33,801 she,s my favorite. 232 00:16:33,975 --> 00:16:37,706 Bisque china face. she,s a real collector,s item. 233 00:16:40,048 --> 00:16:44,542 And this... is Mary, Queen of scots. 234 00:16:47,522 --> 00:16:51,618 - Are they all queens? - The ones from Madame Alexander,s. 235 00:16:53,895 --> 00:16:56,455 Help me clear the bed? 236 00:17:01,302 --> 00:17:04,863 No, the southern Belle sits on the table. 237 00:17:07,442 --> 00:17:12,311 was stanford enough of a queen to sleep with one Who collected queens? 238 00:17:13,147 --> 00:17:16,981 UptoWn at Fusion, samantha felt a bit like a queen herself. 239 00:17:17,151 --> 00:17:20,643 Did I tell you hoW beautiful you look tonight? 240 00:17:20,822 --> 00:17:21,982 Thank you. 241 00:17:23,658 --> 00:17:25,853 what,s up, genius? 242 00:17:26,027 --> 00:17:30,157 Genius, over-tired ass is dragging all over this restaurant. 243 00:17:31,833 --> 00:17:35,530 Aunt Alice and her friends are leaving, if you Want to pay your respects. 244 00:17:35,703 --> 00:17:37,762 Favorite aunt. I,ll introduce you. 245 00:17:37,972 --> 00:17:43,501 Aunt Alice is out of the door already. You go and I,ll talk with samantha. 246 00:17:52,186 --> 00:17:54,017 HoW is everything? 247 00:17:54,188 --> 00:17:57,021 chivon is right, you are a genius. 248 00:17:57,191 --> 00:17:59,125 Thank you. 249 00:17:59,293 --> 00:18:04,026 A non-food related question. what,s going on between you and chivon? 250 00:18:04,198 --> 00:18:07,690 - what do you mean? - You,ve been in here three times. 251 00:18:07,869 --> 00:18:10,429 well, We,re dating. why? 252 00:18:10,605 --> 00:18:12,539 You,re not just fucking? 253 00:18:14,075 --> 00:18:17,943 Not that,s any of your business, but no, We,re not just fucking. 254 00:18:18,112 --> 00:18:20,137 we actually really like each other. 255 00:18:21,449 --> 00:18:24,077 I don,t Want you seeing my brother. 256 00:18:24,252 --> 00:18:26,948 - Excuse me? - I don't approve. 257 00:18:27,121 --> 00:18:29,954 - You don,t knoW me... - Let,s not get personal. 258 00:18:30,124 --> 00:18:34,083 I,m sure you,re a nice person, but you,re White. 259 00:18:34,262 --> 00:18:38,460 I have a problem with my brother getting serious with a White Woman. 260 00:18:38,633 --> 00:18:42,000 To Adeena, samantha,s skin Was a non-negotiable. 261 00:18:42,170 --> 00:18:45,435 - HoW can you say that? - That,s hoW I feel. 262 00:18:45,606 --> 00:18:50,009 I,m never going to approve and my approval means a lot to my brother. 263 00:18:50,211 --> 00:18:57,117 Just save us the time and trouble and get out before anybody gets hurt. 264 00:19:00,721 --> 00:19:04,418 I'll send over some Mississippi mud pie. 265 00:19:04,592 --> 00:19:10,553 The only place Adeena Was interested in fusion Was on a plate. 266 00:19:10,798 --> 00:19:15,758 - she can,t dis me just cos I,m White. - Please tell me you didn,t say dis. 267 00:19:15,937 --> 00:19:19,134 Maybe you should stop seeing him. Race is a big issue. 268 00:19:19,307 --> 00:19:21,468 There is no reason to bring race into this. 269 00:19:21,642 --> 00:19:24,611 chivon is a sWeet man. we have great sex. 270 00:19:24,745 --> 00:19:26,508 He happens to have the biggest... 271 00:19:26,681 --> 00:19:29,673 Black cock. we knoW he has a big black cock. 272 00:19:29,851 --> 00:19:32,479 I Was about to say the biggest heart. 273 00:19:32,653 --> 00:19:35,383 But, yes, he does have a big black cock. 274 00:19:35,556 --> 00:19:38,320 It,s big African-American cock. 275 00:19:38,493 --> 00:19:41,792 - Don,t make fun of me. My chin hurts. - what happened? 276 00:19:42,029 --> 00:19:44,520 He raped my face. I,m never seeing him again. 277 00:19:44,699 --> 00:19:47,691 To charlotte, a black and blue chin Was a deal breaker. 278 00:19:47,902 --> 00:19:51,269 I,m not backing doWn to her. That,s not Who I am. 279 00:19:51,439 --> 00:19:56,274 she shouldn,t sacrifice Who she is because somebody has a problem. 280 00:19:56,444 --> 00:20:00,540 Like me and smoking. Too bad Aidan had a problem with it. 281 00:20:00,715 --> 00:20:03,183 But you have to accept people for Who they are. 282 00:20:03,351 --> 00:20:06,548 - You choose cigarettes over a guy? - He,s not that cute. 283 00:20:06,721 --> 00:20:08,882 You bought furniture, he Was so cute. 284 00:20:09,056 --> 00:20:12,025 For him to dump me over a little thing like smoking. 285 00:20:12,193 --> 00:20:16,721 smoking is not a little thing. It,s dirty and you,re killing yourself. 286 00:20:16,898 --> 00:20:22,928 we hate it. we put up with it cos We love you. You have a reason to quit. 287 00:20:23,137 --> 00:20:26,800 - I don,t like being ganged up on. - who,s ganging up on you? 288 00:20:26,941 --> 00:20:28,909 smoking is a part of Who I am. 289 00:20:29,043 --> 00:20:32,945 I,ll quit When I Want to, not cos a cute guy told me to. 290 00:20:33,114 --> 00:20:35,105 - Right, samantha? - No. 291 00:20:35,283 --> 00:20:41,051 Fighting for chivon is one thing. Holding on to cigarettes is just Wack. 292 00:20:41,222 --> 00:20:43,247 Tell me she didn,t say... Wack.... 293 00:20:43,424 --> 00:20:45,551 It's all total bullshit. 294 00:20:45,726 --> 00:20:47,956 what is Wrong with cigarettes? 295 00:20:48,129 --> 00:20:50,393 Nothing, they,re fabulous. 296 00:20:50,565 --> 00:20:53,762 It,s not like you have a hideous doll-collection. 297 00:20:53,935 --> 00:20:57,336 You think that,s an overreaction to a repressed childhood? 298 00:20:57,505 --> 00:20:59,939 who cares? It,s freaky. 299 00:21:00,141 --> 00:21:06,671 I could overlook his receding hair. But the dollies? No. 300 00:21:06,847 --> 00:21:10,908 so, it,s... Goodbye, Dolly...? 301 00:21:11,085 --> 00:21:13,212 It's too bad. I kind of liked him. 302 00:21:13,387 --> 00:21:18,347 well, stannie, if I may call you that. Maybe you should reconsider? 303 00:21:18,526 --> 00:21:22,690 when Was the last time someone you had a crush on asked you out? 304 00:21:22,863 --> 00:21:25,559 You,re no one to talk, Miss Marlboro Lights. 305 00:21:25,733 --> 00:21:29,396 You,re right. I am no one to talk. 306 00:21:30,004 --> 00:21:34,100 Maybe I could quit, just a little. Till I see What,s up. 307 00:21:34,609 --> 00:21:38,409 - Et tu? - Fine. 308 00:21:38,579 --> 00:21:40,706 I can,t see myself getting excited 309 00:21:40,881 --> 00:21:46,080 because my boyfriend,s three-foot Lady Di doll is arriving from Qvc. 310 00:21:48,356 --> 00:21:51,325 Let,s go. Time to go shoot hoops. 311 00:21:51,492 --> 00:21:56,862 - I can,t. I got behind on this file. - No, you don,t. You promised. 312 00:21:57,031 --> 00:22:01,866 This has to be ready Monday. I don,t have time to Watch you shoot hoops. 313 00:22:02,036 --> 00:22:06,996 I ask you to do one thing for me and you can,t. what is that? 314 00:22:07,174 --> 00:22:08,869 what,s with the attitude? 315 00:22:09,043 --> 00:22:12,206 You knoW hoW many times I do What you Want? 316 00:22:12,446 --> 00:22:15,745 why are you getting so upset? It,s just a stupid shot. 317 00:22:15,916 --> 00:22:18,749 Not to me it's not. 318 00:22:21,088 --> 00:22:24,683 why are you alWays pessimistic? ... You can,t make that shot.... 319 00:22:24,859 --> 00:22:26,986 steve, come on. 320 00:22:27,161 --> 00:22:30,619 It,s not just the shot. It,s everything. ... we can,t move in together.... 321 00:22:30,798 --> 00:22:34,564 If this is ever gonna Work, I need you to believe in us. 322 00:22:35,736 --> 00:22:40,503 I need you to believe in me, even if you think it,s fucking stupid. 323 00:22:51,686 --> 00:22:55,349 All right, hot shot. shoW me What you got. 324 00:23:02,263 --> 00:23:04,754 Nice legs! very nice! 325 00:23:06,500 --> 00:23:08,764 This is for the big money! 326 00:23:19,547 --> 00:23:22,778 steve never did win the big money at Madison square Garden. 327 00:23:22,950 --> 00:23:26,579 But having Miranda shoW up, made him feel like a million bucks. 328 00:23:26,754 --> 00:23:28,949 You Were robbed! 329 00:23:29,123 --> 00:23:31,591 - Do over! - oK. 330 00:23:39,934 --> 00:23:42,903 - Don,t get any ideas. - Pete. Let,s go. 331 00:23:46,807 --> 00:23:50,265 This isn,t fair. He Was just starting to get over you. 332 00:23:51,245 --> 00:23:55,181 since you negotiated such a good price for me on the chair, 333 00:23:55,349 --> 00:24:00,377 maybe I can negotiate a little deal for you on the smoking. 334 00:24:01,655 --> 00:24:03,555 what kind of deal? 335 00:24:03,758 --> 00:24:07,660 I,ve been thinking about quitting anyWay. why not noW? 336 00:24:09,230 --> 00:24:11,391 No cigarettes. 337 00:24:12,333 --> 00:24:14,096 can you do that? 338 00:24:14,301 --> 00:24:17,464 Maybe you think I,m more of a smoker than I am. 339 00:24:17,638 --> 00:24:20,937 I only have like a cigarette with cocktails. 340 00:24:23,344 --> 00:24:25,972 I,m done here. Do you Wanna get some coffee? 341 00:24:26,180 --> 00:24:30,116 The second he said coffee, I kneW I Wanted a cigarette. 342 00:24:30,284 --> 00:24:32,309 I'd love it. 343 00:24:32,486 --> 00:24:36,183 It Was one of those dates When you have so much to say 344 00:24:36,357 --> 00:24:39,724 that coffee turns into a movie, a movie into a long Walk 345 00:24:39,927 --> 00:24:43,761 and a long Walk turns into the beginning of cold turkey rehab. 346 00:24:43,931 --> 00:24:46,491 would you like to eat some dinner? 347 00:24:46,700 --> 00:24:49,533 I Was completely ready to trade in my crush... 348 00:24:51,038 --> 00:24:52,027 Hi. 349 00:24:52,206 --> 00:24:56,700 ...When it daWned on me hoW much I Was willing to give up for a cigarette. 350 00:24:56,877 --> 00:24:59,175 Maybe a quick bite. 351 00:25:16,230 --> 00:25:19,597 Her name is sheeba. she,s French. 352 00:25:19,767 --> 00:25:22,201 MeanWhile, back in the... valley of the Dolls... 353 00:25:22,369 --> 00:25:26,863 stanford thought there Was something more rare than a porcelain face... 354 00:25:27,041 --> 00:25:28,736 his passion. 355 00:25:31,712 --> 00:25:33,577 wait, the dolls. 356 00:25:53,234 --> 00:25:57,330 To Marty Mendleson, a broken face Was a deal breaker. 357 00:26:03,477 --> 00:26:04,466 Adeena! 358 00:26:04,645 --> 00:26:09,105 samantha Was about to come face to face with her deal breaker. 359 00:26:09,283 --> 00:26:12,047 - what,s up? - You tell me. I just got here. 360 00:26:12,219 --> 00:26:14,278 You knoW samantha. 361 00:26:14,455 --> 00:26:17,788 what,s my favorite girl drinking? 362 00:26:17,958 --> 00:26:20,392 - champagne. - Marguerita. 363 00:26:20,561 --> 00:26:22,722 coming right up. 364 00:26:24,665 --> 00:26:28,499 what are you doing here? I don,t Want you dating my brother. 365 00:26:28,669 --> 00:26:31,729 I,m a lovely person. Get to knoW me, then hate me. 366 00:26:31,906 --> 00:26:35,273 This is not a game. This is my brother We,re talking about. 367 00:26:35,442 --> 00:26:38,275 For a Woman with such a progressive vieW of World food... 368 00:26:38,445 --> 00:26:41,744 - That,s business, this is family. - I don,t understand... 369 00:26:41,949 --> 00:26:46,716 I,ll say it to you plain. I don,t care hoW many Jennifer Lopez dresses 370 00:26:46,887 --> 00:26:50,721 you have hanging in your closet, you don,t belong in here. 371 00:26:51,025 --> 00:26:54,927 You,ll never understand What I,m talking about. This is a black thing. 372 00:26:55,095 --> 00:26:59,122 Please go and leave my brother alone. 373 00:27:00,301 --> 00:27:04,704 As samantha turned to leave, she realised this Wasn,t a black thing. 374 00:27:04,872 --> 00:27:06,772 It Was a samantha thing. 375 00:27:06,941 --> 00:27:10,934 she,d never backed doWn to a bitch and she Wasn,t about to start. 376 00:27:11,111 --> 00:27:16,174 No Woman, no matter What color, has the right to tell me Who I fuck. 377 00:27:16,350 --> 00:27:19,444 Get your little White pussy aWay from my brother! 378 00:27:19,620 --> 00:27:22,145 Get your big, black ass out of my face! 379 00:27:22,323 --> 00:27:25,258 And your okra Wasn,t all that! 380 00:27:29,763 --> 00:27:31,390 Get off me! 381 00:27:34,268 --> 00:27:36,600 Keep it real. 382 00:27:36,737 --> 00:27:38,932 I,m trying to keep it real. 383 00:27:44,178 --> 00:27:47,545 seven hours into the World,s longest date, all I could think Was, 384 00:27:47,715 --> 00:27:51,617 ...Five more minutes and I can smoke the cigarette hidden in my purse.... 385 00:27:51,785 --> 00:27:55,881 - would you like a dessert menu? - I,ll take a look. 386 00:27:56,090 --> 00:27:59,059 I forgot, I have a deadline. I have to go. 387 00:27:59,226 --> 00:28:01,490 - I,ll Walk with you. - No! 388 00:28:01,662 --> 00:28:04,631 stay and enjoy your dessert. I,m fine. 389 00:28:41,568 --> 00:28:47,131 carrie... we,ve got a little problem. 390 00:28:52,446 --> 00:28:57,076 what can I say? Adeena has alWays been there for me. 391 00:28:57,251 --> 00:29:01,620 Ever since Mom died, it,s only been the two of us. 392 00:29:02,923 --> 00:29:08,520 Adeena has her issues, but you didn,t have to insult her food. 393 00:29:09,997 --> 00:29:12,056 You mean the World to me. 394 00:29:13,600 --> 00:29:16,569 But Adeena, she,s my blood. 395 00:29:25,145 --> 00:29:28,637 samantha kneWthe real problem Wasn,t her White pussy. 396 00:29:28,816 --> 00:29:33,651 It Was that chivon Was a black pussy Who Wouldn,t stand up to his sister. 397 00:29:36,123 --> 00:29:40,958 And for samantha Jones, that Was the deal breaker. 398 00:29:41,128 --> 00:29:46,122 It Was too bad We had to end. But that,s the Way it goes, I guess. 399 00:29:46,300 --> 00:29:51,260 we had some good times together and I,m sure We could have had more. 400 00:29:51,472 --> 00:29:53,770 But, it,s over. 401 00:30:00,047 --> 00:30:04,609 In the end, I really did it for me. I just hope he,s Worth it.