1 00:00:49,082 --> 00:00:52,916 There is nothing more humiliating for a woman than a visit to the gynecologist... 2 00:00:53,586 --> 00:00:55,349 Do you need more OrthoNovum? 3 00:00:55,422 --> 00:00:57,913 ...unless it's having to tell your gynecologist... 4 00:00:57,991 --> 00:01:00,050 ...you don 't need the pill anymore. 5 00:01:00,126 --> 00:01:02,321 Actually, I'm going off it. 6 00:01:02,495 --> 00:01:05,191 -Are you trying to have a baby? -No! 7 00:01:07,267 --> 00:01:11,727 I sort of jumped the gun going on it in the first place because Steve... 8 00:01:11,805 --> 00:01:17,038 ...the guy that I went on it for, the first real relationship I've had in years, is over... 9 00:01:17,110 --> 00:01:20,739 ...and I don't need a daily reminder that I'm not having sex. 10 00:01:20,814 --> 00:01:23,578 So that's the story with the pill. 11 00:01:24,384 --> 00:01:26,181 Okay, I'm quiet now. 12 00:01:26,586 --> 00:01:29,146 Just when Miranda thought she'd hit rock bottom... 13 00:01:29,255 --> 00:01:32,952 ...she discovered a new geological layer of humiliation. 14 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:36,194 We got your tests back and everything Iooks fine. 15 00:01:36,529 --> 00:01:37,518 Great! 16 00:01:37,597 --> 00:01:41,431 Just one small thing. It appears you have a Iazy ovary. 17 00:01:42,035 --> 00:01:43,593 A Iazy ovary? 18 00:01:44,137 --> 00:01:46,833 Your right ovary has stopped producing eggs. 19 00:01:47,540 --> 00:01:50,065 Is it possible it's just on strike? 20 00:01:51,277 --> 00:01:52,801 I know what this is. 21 00:01:52,879 --> 00:01:56,679 My right ovary has given up hope that I will ever get married and have kids. 22 00:01:57,117 --> 00:02:00,280 It's Iike a case you know will settle out of court. Why bother? 23 00:02:00,620 --> 00:02:03,919 -The Ieft one still believes. -I'm a biological underachiever. 24 00:02:03,990 --> 00:02:06,322 It's ironic because that ovary went to Harvard. 25 00:02:07,327 --> 00:02:08,658 I have a tilted uterus. 26 00:02:10,997 --> 00:02:14,694 The sperm have to jump over that hurdle to get to my egg. 27 00:02:14,901 --> 00:02:17,165 But once they get there, there will be an egg. 28 00:02:17,237 --> 00:02:19,637 I need a new gynecologist. Do you Iike yours? 29 00:02:19,739 --> 00:02:21,104 Not right now. No. 30 00:02:21,207 --> 00:02:22,674 At Ieast she's a woman. 31 00:02:22,742 --> 00:02:25,336 I tried to go to a man, but it was too strange... 32 00:02:25,411 --> 00:02:29,871 ...him spending all that time down there and Ieaving without an orgasm, and a bill. 33 00:02:29,949 --> 00:02:31,678 Here. I'm going to get this. 34 00:02:32,619 --> 00:02:34,610 I don't think these are accepted here. 35 00:02:37,457 --> 00:02:39,357 I'm spending the night at Big's. 36 00:02:39,425 --> 00:02:42,861 After all this time, you don't have so much as a drawer there? 37 00:02:42,929 --> 00:02:44,396 Big is weird about stuff. 38 00:02:44,464 --> 00:02:47,661 AII men are. That's why you have to just stake out some territory. 39 00:02:47,767 --> 00:02:52,204 -It's not a Iand run, it's a relationship. -Exactly! Talk to him about it! 40 00:02:52,338 --> 00:02:56,365 With Big, I think it's best to walk softly and carry a big purse. 41 00:02:56,442 --> 00:03:00,674 Yes, she shouldn't Ieave anything there to remain a creature of mystery. 42 00:03:00,747 --> 00:03:03,511 What's the big mystery? He knows she wears underwear. 43 00:03:03,750 --> 00:03:06,548 I never Ieave underwear because I never see it again. 44 00:03:06,686 --> 00:03:09,154 -What happens to it? -Nothing. I never go back. 45 00:03:09,222 --> 00:03:13,591 Isn't it a Iittle expensive disposing of Iingerie every time you sleep with a guy? 46 00:03:13,726 --> 00:03:16,092 That's why I stopped wearing underwear on dates. 47 00:03:16,162 --> 00:03:19,222 That's why I'm never borrowing a dress from you again. 48 00:03:19,299 --> 00:03:22,496 I once found another woman's underwear in a man's bed. 49 00:03:22,569 --> 00:03:24,059 Maybe it was Samantha's! 50 00:03:26,139 --> 00:03:31,167 Once in Steve's bathroom, I found one of those hair scrunchies from the '80s. 51 00:03:31,244 --> 00:03:35,305 I'm not sure what was more disturbing: the fact that he had a girlfriend before... 52 00:03:35,381 --> 00:03:38,214 ...or the fact that he dated someone who wore a scrunchie. 53 00:03:38,284 --> 00:03:41,151 Half my music collection was Ieft behind by past boyfriends. 54 00:03:41,221 --> 00:03:43,655 -I always give that stuff back. -I don't. 55 00:03:43,790 --> 00:03:45,655 I consider it a parting gift. 56 00:03:45,725 --> 00:03:48,956 "Thanks for playing. Here's Hootie and the BIowfish." 57 00:03:49,028 --> 00:03:50,825 They're sexual souvenirs. 58 00:03:50,930 --> 00:03:52,955 Okay, then I want a T-shirt that says: 59 00:03:53,099 --> 00:03:56,535 "I dated a bartender and all I got was this Iousy ovary." 60 00:04:00,707 --> 00:04:03,198 The next morning at Big's, I started to think. 61 00:04:03,276 --> 00:04:05,039 If the things we leave behind... 62 00:04:05,111 --> 00:04:08,478 ...become the archeological relics of our sexual history... 63 00:04:08,548 --> 00:04:11,244 ...I should be able to leave something. 64 00:04:17,290 --> 00:04:20,657 Ancient man left cave drawings to prove they existed. 65 00:04:21,261 --> 00:04:23,354 I left a Hair Pro 1200. 66 00:04:28,234 --> 00:04:29,792 And I didn't stop at that. 67 00:04:36,676 --> 00:04:38,644 Man may have discovered fire... 68 00:04:38,711 --> 00:04:41,544 ...but women discovered how to play with it. 69 00:04:43,216 --> 00:04:45,446 Charlotte was making history as well. 70 00:04:45,518 --> 00:04:48,351 Tired of the Neanderthals she'd been dating... 71 00:04:48,421 --> 00:04:52,915 ...she spent her night with a gay friend who catered parties for the gallery: 72 00:04:52,992 --> 00:04:55,017 Dessert chef, Stephan Bodean. 73 00:04:55,094 --> 00:04:58,359 I had no idea that Betty Buckley was so talented! 74 00:04:58,431 --> 00:05:00,797 PIease! She is the cat's pajamas. 75 00:05:01,134 --> 00:05:02,465 Why do people say that? 76 00:05:02,535 --> 00:05:05,163 I have no idea. Maybe because she was in Cats. 77 00:05:06,105 --> 00:05:09,632 Let's start another one. Like, "She's the dog's tuxedo." 78 00:05:11,778 --> 00:05:14,508 -Thank you so much for inviting me. -No, please. 79 00:05:14,580 --> 00:05:16,946 Thank you for accepting my Iast minute invite. 80 00:05:17,016 --> 00:05:19,951 My friend Don canceled and we had had tickets forever. 81 00:05:20,019 --> 00:05:21,384 Call me anytime. 82 00:05:21,454 --> 00:05:24,218 It's refreshing to go out with a man I can talk to. 83 00:05:24,590 --> 00:05:28,048 -You want to grab a cappuccino? -No, I've just got to get on home. 84 00:05:28,127 --> 00:05:29,992 -You're uptown? -Yeah, and you're.... 85 00:05:30,063 --> 00:05:32,588 Chelsea. I'II hail you a cab. 86 00:05:42,709 --> 00:05:46,008 -Or you could get one yourself. -It helps to show a Iittle Ieg. 87 00:05:46,212 --> 00:05:48,874 You know, I tried that and nothing. 88 00:05:50,249 --> 00:05:51,876 Thank you. Goodnight. 89 00:06:02,195 --> 00:06:03,526 Goodnight. 90 00:06:09,168 --> 00:06:11,033 What happened? What do you think? 91 00:06:11,104 --> 00:06:14,267 I am so confused. Is he gay or is he straight? 92 00:06:14,440 --> 00:06:16,203 It's not that simple anymore. 93 00:06:16,275 --> 00:06:17,833 The real question is: 94 00:06:17,910 --> 00:06:21,505 Is he a straight gay man, or is he a gay straight man? 95 00:06:21,581 --> 00:06:24,607 The gay straight man was a new strain of heterosexual male... 96 00:06:24,684 --> 00:06:28,176 ...spawned in Manhattan as the result of overexposure to fashion... 97 00:06:28,254 --> 00:06:31,246 ...exotic cuisine, musical theater and antique furniture. 98 00:06:31,524 --> 00:06:33,458 Hopefully, he's a gay straight man... 99 00:06:33,526 --> 00:06:35,994 ...meaning he's straight with great gay qualities. 100 00:06:36,062 --> 00:06:37,620 Whereas a straight gay guy... 101 00:06:37,697 --> 00:06:40,598 ...is just a gay guy who plays sports and won't fuck you. 102 00:06:40,733 --> 00:06:44,726 He must be a gay straight man because he asked Charlotte out for a second date. 103 00:06:44,804 --> 00:06:47,272 Unless he's a straight gay man in denial. 104 00:06:47,540 --> 00:06:49,701 But Saturday night wasn't even a date. 105 00:06:49,776 --> 00:06:52,040 I didn't wash my hair and I wore my glasses! 106 00:06:52,178 --> 00:06:55,739 Are those recreational, because this drink isn't doing it for me. 107 00:06:55,815 --> 00:06:58,807 They're hormones. I'm trying to jump-start my ovary. 108 00:06:58,885 --> 00:07:02,787 -My mother's taking those for menopause. -Does she have a tilted uterus, too? 109 00:07:04,657 --> 00:07:07,182 Isn't anybody going to notice my purse? 110 00:07:07,660 --> 00:07:10,151 Cute! Is it new? 111 00:07:10,229 --> 00:07:13,062 No, but it is quite small and panty-free. 112 00:07:13,132 --> 00:07:15,362 You Ieft your underwear at Big's. 113 00:07:15,435 --> 00:07:19,633 No, but I did Ieave a hair brush, a hair dryer, razors... 114 00:07:19,705 --> 00:07:22,265 ...tampons and eye-makeup remover. 115 00:07:22,575 --> 00:07:23,837 Good for you! 116 00:07:24,911 --> 00:07:26,640 And something else. 117 00:07:27,513 --> 00:07:29,105 What? 118 00:07:32,051 --> 00:07:35,350 For the first time at Big's, I did a number two. 119 00:07:38,724 --> 00:07:41,056 I think it's a good sign... 120 00:07:41,127 --> 00:07:44,153 ...that I feel comfortable enough with Big to do a number two. 121 00:07:44,297 --> 00:07:47,596 It is not a good sign! It's the end of romance. 122 00:07:47,667 --> 00:07:48,929 This is a big deal! 123 00:07:49,001 --> 00:07:52,232 I went through a relationship never doing that at the guy's place... 124 00:07:52,305 --> 00:07:54,102 ...including a weekend in Bermuda... 125 00:07:54,173 --> 00:07:56,733 ...where I spent the whole time running to the Iobby. 126 00:07:56,809 --> 00:07:58,140 It's tough in New York. 127 00:07:58,211 --> 00:08:01,203 Small apartments, one bathroom. You can hear everything. 128 00:08:01,280 --> 00:08:03,111 That's why I only date rich men. 129 00:08:03,182 --> 00:08:07,141 Money means that there's enough space to distance yourself from the number two. 130 00:08:07,220 --> 00:08:11,156 I have never done a number two at a boyfriend's place. 131 00:08:11,224 --> 00:08:14,523 Honey, you're so uptight, you need to do a number seven. 132 00:08:15,528 --> 00:08:18,429 Excuse me, it's from that guy at the end of the bar. 133 00:08:19,332 --> 00:08:20,526 Really? 134 00:08:25,004 --> 00:08:26,801 My God, it's Dominic. 135 00:08:27,673 --> 00:08:30,506 Dominic Delmonico was a publishing magnate... 136 00:08:30,576 --> 00:08:33,807 ...and the first and only man Samantha really loved. 137 00:08:34,113 --> 00:08:37,105 He wined and dined her, set the bar for hot sex... 138 00:08:37,183 --> 00:08:40,641 ...then dumped her for an Icelandic supermodel named Anka. 139 00:08:40,720 --> 00:08:43,746 Once, on the cover of Fortune, he'd fallen to tabloid level... 140 00:08:43,823 --> 00:08:46,257 ...due to a messy public divorce. 141 00:08:47,026 --> 00:08:48,857 I'm just gonna say hello. 142 00:08:49,095 --> 00:08:50,528 After what he did to you? 143 00:08:50,630 --> 00:08:52,996 -What did he do? -He broke her heart. 144 00:08:53,132 --> 00:08:55,259 Imagining Samantha with a broken heart... 145 00:08:55,334 --> 00:08:58,770 ...was more confusing to Charlotte than a French kiss from a gay man. 146 00:08:59,005 --> 00:09:02,031 Ancient history. I'm the one with the power now. 147 00:09:02,508 --> 00:09:04,476 I've evolved past him. 148 00:09:17,557 --> 00:09:19,889 -Hey, beautiful. -Hiya, handsome. 149 00:09:26,465 --> 00:09:29,992 -What's this? -Just a few things you Ieft at my place. 150 00:09:34,206 --> 00:09:35,400 Thanks. 151 00:09:40,379 --> 00:09:42,313 It's like I had one too many items... 152 00:09:42,381 --> 00:09:45,646 ...and I was being kicked out of the relationship express lane. 153 00:09:45,718 --> 00:09:48,084 What is it about Big's apartment? 154 00:09:48,154 --> 00:09:51,248 Nothing ever sticks. It's like Teflon for women. 155 00:09:58,798 --> 00:10:01,824 I meant to Ieave that stuff at your apartment. 156 00:10:02,935 --> 00:10:03,799 Why? 157 00:10:06,172 --> 00:10:09,767 For one thing, I don't wake up Iooking Iike this. 158 00:10:09,842 --> 00:10:13,801 I actually need stuff to Iook Iike this and it would be nice... 159 00:10:14,146 --> 00:10:18,048 ...not to have to carry it around all day with me Iike a nomad. 160 00:10:18,584 --> 00:10:22,281 It's just a few things. And you can Ieave stuff here. 161 00:10:22,488 --> 00:10:25,150 -I don't want to Ieave stuff here. -Not a Iot of stuff. 162 00:10:25,224 --> 00:10:28,955 Just Iike, you know, if you want to shave in the morning. 163 00:10:29,328 --> 00:10:31,125 I shave at the gym. 164 00:10:31,564 --> 00:10:33,725 I don't know, socks. 165 00:10:34,467 --> 00:10:36,401 You want me to Ieave socks here? 166 00:10:36,569 --> 00:10:38,628 Never mind what I want. What do you want? 167 00:10:38,838 --> 00:10:42,535 I don't know. Let's save an hour. Why don't you just tell me what I want? 168 00:10:42,775 --> 00:10:44,902 No, really, in your mind... 169 00:10:45,444 --> 00:10:50,143 ...what is the ideal Iiving situation for two people in a relationship? 170 00:10:55,121 --> 00:10:56,918 Exactly what we have. 171 00:10:57,490 --> 00:11:01,620 -And what is that? -I have my place, you have yours. 172 00:11:02,361 --> 00:11:05,694 We're together when we want to be, we're apart when we want to be. 173 00:11:06,065 --> 00:11:08,590 -Like Woody and Mia. -Before Soon-Yi. 174 00:11:09,669 --> 00:11:13,662 Ever since Woody Allen described waving to Mia Farrow across the Park... 175 00:11:13,739 --> 00:11:18,039 ...single men in Manhattan had yearned for that kind of separate togetherness. 176 00:11:18,110 --> 00:11:22,103 I felt like the last dinosaur. Was I the one who needed to adapt? 177 00:11:22,615 --> 00:11:25,243 Was my view of a relationship extinct? 178 00:11:26,786 --> 00:11:28,583 I couldn 't stop thinking about it. 179 00:11:28,654 --> 00:11:31,418 This is a city where gay men are so out, they're in... 180 00:11:31,490 --> 00:11:36,018 ...where women are so chronically single, ovaries may be the next vestigial organ. 181 00:11:36,095 --> 00:11:38,120 We can have anything delivered anytime. 182 00:11:38,197 --> 00:11:41,462 We can have our dogs walked, our clothes cleaned, our food cooked. 183 00:11:41,534 --> 00:11:43,798 Who needs a husband when you have a doorman? 184 00:11:43,869 --> 00:11:46,633 Are New Yorkers evolving past relationships? 185 00:11:46,706 --> 00:11:49,436 Relationships have declined since women Ieft the cave... 186 00:11:49,508 --> 00:11:51,772 ...Iooked around and said, "This isn't hard." 187 00:11:51,844 --> 00:11:54,312 So you don't need a man, but do you still want one? 188 00:11:54,380 --> 00:11:55,813 I want more than one. 189 00:11:55,881 --> 00:11:59,749 I can't decide whether you represent our future or our demise. 190 00:11:59,819 --> 00:12:01,343 I am the future! 191 00:12:01,554 --> 00:12:05,456 Seeing Dominic reminded me of how needy I was and how far I've come. 192 00:12:05,524 --> 00:12:08,459 -We're going out Friday night. -Sweetie! 193 00:12:08,661 --> 00:12:12,495 It took you a year to get over him. He treated you Iike shit. 194 00:12:12,565 --> 00:12:15,932 -Why do you go out with him again? -Because he treated me Iike shit. 195 00:12:16,001 --> 00:12:18,469 -I'm Ieaning toward demise. -It's called revenge. 196 00:12:18,537 --> 00:12:21,335 I'm gonna make him want me and right before we do it... 197 00:12:21,407 --> 00:12:23,534 ...I'm gonna drop him Iike he dropped me. 198 00:12:23,609 --> 00:12:27,443 -As Iong as you've got a plan. -Not only a plan, I have a dress. 199 00:12:28,180 --> 00:12:32,708 Samantha's revenge fantasy, like all her fantasies, was even better live. 200 00:12:33,219 --> 00:12:35,619 You're more beautiful than ever. 201 00:12:35,688 --> 00:12:38,384 So successful and I'm getting gray hair... 202 00:12:38,457 --> 00:12:41,654 ...and Anka is taking me for everything I've got. 203 00:12:41,761 --> 00:12:45,253 I read that she got the sailboat. 204 00:12:45,331 --> 00:12:47,390 We had good times in that boat. 205 00:12:47,466 --> 00:12:49,832 -You and Anka? -You and I. 206 00:12:52,204 --> 00:12:55,970 Have I mentioned how unbelievable you Iook in that dress? 207 00:13:01,113 --> 00:13:03,138 Since Stephan hadn't come out... 208 00:13:03,215 --> 00:13:06,378 ...Charlotte accepted his invitation to stay in. 209 00:13:14,226 --> 00:13:15,625 That's delicious. 210 00:13:15,694 --> 00:13:20,495 Grilled Portobello pizzas topped with fresh basil and Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese. 211 00:13:21,333 --> 00:13:23,164 It's Martha's recipe. 212 00:13:23,836 --> 00:13:26,896 -I Iove Martha Stewart. -She's the dog's tuxedo! 213 00:13:28,374 --> 00:13:32,470 Look, you have the silk placemats I've been eyeing at Bergdorf's. 214 00:13:33,112 --> 00:13:37,845 -You have good taste. -This is my fantasy kitchen. 215 00:13:38,384 --> 00:13:40,215 This is my fantasy. 216 00:13:51,730 --> 00:13:53,960 Is that dress Cynthia Rowley? 217 00:13:55,868 --> 00:13:57,859 Charlotte wanted to be open-minded... 218 00:13:57,937 --> 00:14:01,100 ...but Stephan seemed to be making it as hard as possible. 219 00:14:03,242 --> 00:14:07,201 Meanwhile, Samantha was making Dominic as hard as possible. 220 00:14:10,549 --> 00:14:12,278 So do you want me? 221 00:14:14,854 --> 00:14:16,344 Do I want you? 222 00:14:22,328 --> 00:14:25,855 This was the moment Samantha had waited years and years for. 223 00:14:25,931 --> 00:14:28,126 What was another couple hours? 224 00:14:40,012 --> 00:14:42,071 I tried to call you. Were you at Big's? 225 00:14:42,181 --> 00:14:43,876 No, I was out shopping. 226 00:14:44,049 --> 00:14:47,644 My relationship is at a standstill, so instead, I'm evolving my Iook. 227 00:14:47,720 --> 00:14:49,187 How did it go with Dominic? 228 00:14:49,355 --> 00:14:50,845 I slept with him. 229 00:14:50,923 --> 00:14:52,413 That wasn't part of the plan. 230 00:14:52,558 --> 00:14:56,050 It's the new plan. I wanted to remind him what he was missing. 231 00:14:56,128 --> 00:14:58,926 I can't believe I thought he was such a great Iover. 232 00:14:58,998 --> 00:15:00,329 I'm better than him now. 233 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:01,796 Bye. 234 00:15:04,270 --> 00:15:07,398 In order to survive two decades of dating in New York... 235 00:15:07,473 --> 00:15:10,169 ...Samantha had become a powerful hybrid: 236 00:15:10,242 --> 00:15:12,972 The ego of a man trapped in the body of a woman. 237 00:15:14,179 --> 00:15:16,909 Charlotte feared the opposite was true of Stephan. 238 00:15:16,982 --> 00:15:21,578 She still needed help classifying her find, so she brought in a team of experts. 239 00:15:21,820 --> 00:15:24,846 Carrie, Stanford, this is Stephan. 240 00:15:25,090 --> 00:15:26,557 -Hi. -Ciao! 241 00:15:27,092 --> 00:15:31,529 -You changed your hair. -It's just straightened. Have we met? 242 00:15:31,697 --> 00:15:33,392 No, I've seen your column. 243 00:15:33,465 --> 00:15:36,866 In that photo, your hair is free flowing and Botticelli-esque. 244 00:15:38,003 --> 00:15:39,436 It's fabulous either way. 245 00:15:41,240 --> 00:15:43,674 Cannolis and cream puffs and tarts, oh my! 246 00:15:46,111 --> 00:15:47,874 I put a Iittle bit of everything. 247 00:15:48,814 --> 00:15:52,648 This one's an experiment. It's a date tart with pumpkin custard. 248 00:15:53,252 --> 00:15:54,685 This is all for us? 249 00:15:54,887 --> 00:15:57,378 -Sweets for my sweet. -And her freeloading friends. 250 00:15:57,823 --> 00:16:01,020 My nutritionist will kill me, but somebody hand me a fork. 251 00:16:01,093 --> 00:16:02,685 -Can you join us? -I'd Iove to. 252 00:16:02,761 --> 00:16:05,025 I have got to glaze my wedding cake. 253 00:16:08,600 --> 00:16:10,192 Get back to me on the tart. 254 00:16:15,374 --> 00:16:19,037 I find him very attractive. Which, of course, means he's straight. 255 00:16:19,345 --> 00:16:21,575 He's obviously choosing to be straight... 256 00:16:21,647 --> 00:16:24,343 ...because he seems to be head over heels about her. 257 00:16:25,284 --> 00:16:27,684 What if he's gay and he doesn't know it yet? 258 00:16:27,753 --> 00:16:29,914 Honey, we are aware. 259 00:16:30,556 --> 00:16:33,992 When I was a boy, my father gave me a book about the female body... 260 00:16:34,059 --> 00:16:35,993 ...to teach me about sex. 261 00:16:36,061 --> 00:16:39,588 I took one Iook at it and said, "No." 262 00:16:40,265 --> 00:16:43,359 -How is he in bed? -I don't know. I haven't slept with him yet. 263 00:16:44,403 --> 00:16:46,667 -Really? -But he wants to. 264 00:16:47,106 --> 00:16:51,839 It's so not fair. AII the good ones are straight, even the gay ones. 265 00:16:52,644 --> 00:16:53,872 Give me a cannoli. 266 00:17:06,025 --> 00:17:08,892 -Are you Iooking at my forehead? -No! 267 00:17:09,428 --> 00:17:11,862 That night, Miranda went out with Joseph Adler... 268 00:17:11,930 --> 00:17:15,422 ...a labor-relations lawyer who'd been after her since the firm retreat. 269 00:17:15,501 --> 00:17:17,196 The Iamb is delicious. 270 00:17:17,269 --> 00:17:19,737 You can Iook if you want. I've got nothing to hide. 271 00:17:20,372 --> 00:17:22,840 It's actually starting to fill in. 272 00:17:24,910 --> 00:17:28,676 She'd refused him twice before, but since she was down to her last ovary... 273 00:17:28,747 --> 00:17:33,207 ...Miranda decided she was in no position to eliminate men on the basis of hair plugs. 274 00:17:33,485 --> 00:17:36,818 -I'm telling you, I was practically bald. -I remember. 275 00:17:37,056 --> 00:17:39,251 Now I have hair. This is a miracle. 276 00:17:40,592 --> 00:17:42,992 -Some more bistee? -Sure. 277 00:17:45,364 --> 00:17:47,264 You probably think I'm crazy. 278 00:17:47,766 --> 00:17:50,758 Actually, I was thinking you seem very happy. 279 00:17:50,936 --> 00:17:54,702 The funny thing is, I never thought that I'd be the kind of guy to get plugs. 280 00:17:54,773 --> 00:17:57,469 But I've Iearned that you should never say never. 281 00:17:58,577 --> 00:18:00,101 I know what you mean. 282 00:18:00,179 --> 00:18:04,878 There are things that I've considered Iately that I never thought I would consider. 283 00:18:04,950 --> 00:18:06,042 Like what? 284 00:18:07,252 --> 00:18:09,516 -Do you really want to know? -Sure. 285 00:18:11,223 --> 00:18:15,057 I recently found out that I have a Iazy ovary. 286 00:18:15,527 --> 00:18:19,827 Which is no big deal. It just means that I only produce an egg every other month. 287 00:18:19,898 --> 00:18:23,664 I'm not even sure that I want kids, but all of a sudden it hit me... 288 00:18:23,735 --> 00:18:27,728 ...that if the other ovary shuts down, I'm out of business. 289 00:18:28,207 --> 00:18:33,167 I've started taking hormones and now I'm actually considering freezing my eggs. 290 00:18:34,446 --> 00:18:36,073 Freezing your eggs? 291 00:18:36,815 --> 00:18:40,945 Like a fertility savings account. I think it would take the pressure off. 292 00:18:41,086 --> 00:18:43,884 It removes the whole biological clock issue. 293 00:18:43,956 --> 00:18:47,619 -Yeah, but it raises a Iot of other issues. -Such as? 294 00:18:47,960 --> 00:18:51,794 Such as, what is all this reproductive technology doing for us? 295 00:18:52,197 --> 00:18:55,928 Do we want desperate women having babies at 50? 296 00:18:57,136 --> 00:18:59,764 Maybe some people aren't supposed to procreate. 297 00:18:59,872 --> 00:19:03,239 Maybe this is the world's way of weeding out the weak. 298 00:19:03,842 --> 00:19:06,811 If you ask me, this is a ridiculous abuse of science. 299 00:19:06,879 --> 00:19:11,282 You have now designer sperm and these simulated wombs. 300 00:19:11,717 --> 00:19:13,184 Here's a good idea. 301 00:19:13,418 --> 00:19:15,943 Why don't we just eliminate men altogether? 302 00:19:16,021 --> 00:19:18,581 I don't need to be Iectured about science... 303 00:19:18,657 --> 00:19:21,285 ...by a man who's doing crop rotation on his forehead. 304 00:19:21,927 --> 00:19:23,588 Miranda went off the hormones. 305 00:19:23,662 --> 00:19:27,564 Not because of what Joseph said, but because she was only 33... 306 00:19:27,633 --> 00:19:31,797 ...she still had her left ovary and she wasn 't ready to settle out of court. 307 00:19:33,338 --> 00:19:37,172 Maybe someday there would be eggs in her freezer. But not yet. 308 00:19:41,146 --> 00:19:42,135 Meanwhile... 309 00:19:42,214 --> 00:19:47,550 ...Charlotte decided to stop trying to figure out her creature of mystery and just enjoy. 310 00:19:48,120 --> 00:19:50,611 -Cher? -I Iove her! 311 00:19:50,989 --> 00:19:52,889 She's such a survivor. 312 00:20:00,065 --> 00:20:01,555 Wait. 313 00:20:02,668 --> 00:20:04,465 I have to ask you something. 314 00:20:08,440 --> 00:20:10,305 Have you ever been with a man? 315 00:20:12,844 --> 00:20:15,404 No. Have you ever been with a woman? 316 00:20:15,781 --> 00:20:17,806 I'm sorry, it's just.... 317 00:20:20,018 --> 00:20:25,012 Betty Buckley and Martha Stewart and Cynthia Rowley! 318 00:20:27,259 --> 00:20:28,487 Are you gay? 319 00:20:33,632 --> 00:20:36,931 I'm a 35-year-old pastry chef who Iives in Chelsea. 320 00:20:37,736 --> 00:20:40,728 If I were gay, I would be gay. 321 00:20:43,875 --> 00:20:46,605 You're the one who doesn't want to make Iove. 322 00:20:48,547 --> 00:20:50,947 I wouldn't be so sure about that. 323 00:21:01,059 --> 00:21:03,823 Charlotte was relieved and delighted to discover... 324 00:21:03,895 --> 00:21:07,797 ...Stephan was definitely straight, or at least a gay straight man. 325 00:21:08,634 --> 00:21:11,762 Frankly, after two orgasms, who the hell cares? 326 00:21:17,175 --> 00:21:20,872 The next morning, it dawned on Samantha that her desire for revenge... 327 00:21:20,946 --> 00:21:23,972 ...was not as strong as her desire for Dominic. 328 00:21:25,584 --> 00:21:27,017 You're awake. 329 00:21:28,387 --> 00:21:29,547 Yes. 330 00:21:31,923 --> 00:21:33,754 You're so incredibly beautiful. 331 00:21:40,732 --> 00:21:43,929 -I'm gonna miss you. -What do you mean? 332 00:21:44,703 --> 00:21:46,671 Anka and I are giving it another shot. 333 00:21:47,873 --> 00:21:50,239 It's mostly financial. 334 00:21:51,576 --> 00:21:52,975 You can't do this to me. 335 00:21:53,045 --> 00:21:55,206 -I know. I'm sorry. -No! 336 00:21:58,317 --> 00:22:02,253 I'm supposed to do this to you! I had a plan! This is all wrong! 337 00:22:02,421 --> 00:22:03,752 I should go. 338 00:22:04,656 --> 00:22:07,181 -Get out! -I said I was going. 339 00:22:09,027 --> 00:22:11,257 Stop beating me to the punch! 340 00:22:11,530 --> 00:22:14,124 As she watched history repeat itself... 341 00:22:14,199 --> 00:22:17,225 ...Samantha realized she couldn 't do what Dominic did... 342 00:22:17,302 --> 00:22:20,499 ...because she hadn 't evolved past having feelings. 343 00:22:20,739 --> 00:22:23,333 In a way, that was nice to know. 344 00:22:30,215 --> 00:22:33,184 -Good morning. -Good morning, sleepy. 345 00:22:33,952 --> 00:22:35,783 Something smells amazing! 346 00:22:35,854 --> 00:22:39,517 It's warm cranberry buttermilk scones and Iemon curd. 347 00:22:40,258 --> 00:22:43,318 If I continue dating you, I'm gonna gain 10 pounds. 348 00:22:43,395 --> 00:22:44,828 You'II still be gorgeous. 349 00:22:49,801 --> 00:22:51,598 -You want some tea? -Yes, please. 350 00:22:53,972 --> 00:22:56,634 -What is that noise? -What noise? 351 00:22:56,708 --> 00:22:58,938 It's kind of Iike a squeaking. 352 00:23:03,415 --> 00:23:06,009 My God! It's a mouse! 353 00:23:06,151 --> 00:23:08,119 -Are you sure? -It's in that glue trap. 354 00:23:08,186 --> 00:23:09,778 -Where? -There. 355 00:23:10,922 --> 00:23:13,288 -My God! -His Iegs are stuck! 356 00:23:15,227 --> 00:23:18,424 -Do something! Don't kick it to me! -Get it out! 357 00:23:24,469 --> 00:23:25,663 Get it away! 358 00:23:30,041 --> 00:23:31,201 My God! 359 00:23:33,044 --> 00:23:34,204 At that moment... 360 00:23:34,279 --> 00:23:37,407 ...Charlotte realized her masculine side wasn 't evolved enough... 361 00:23:37,482 --> 00:23:41,578 ...for a man whose feminine side was as highly evolved as Stephan 's. 362 00:23:44,456 --> 00:23:49,792 I spent the night at Big's for the first time since my stuff was kicked out of the nest. 363 00:24:03,642 --> 00:24:06,406 -Where you going? -Home. 364 00:24:09,915 --> 00:24:12,440 It's where my hair dryer is. 365 00:24:16,655 --> 00:24:18,350 I may have to dry my hair. 366 00:24:18,690 --> 00:24:21,352 I'm wearing it straight, in case you didn't notice. 367 00:24:21,693 --> 00:24:23,092 I noticed. 368 00:24:24,129 --> 00:24:26,461 But I think it Iooks pretty amazing right now. 369 00:24:35,507 --> 00:24:37,668 Bring that gorgeous ass back into bed. 370 00:24:38,810 --> 00:24:41,472 I just have to make sure I didn't Ieave anything else. 371 00:24:53,425 --> 00:24:57,691 Suddenly, I realized I didn't have to worry about leaving something behind... 372 00:24:58,396 --> 00:25:00,261 ...because I was there. 373 00:25:08,340 --> 00:25:09,500 Okay. 374 00:25:10,442 --> 00:25:12,205 I'II stay a Iittle Ionger. 375 00:25:13,011 --> 00:25:15,206 But I'm Ieaving this underwear here. 376 00:25:15,413 --> 00:25:16,778 Is it clean? 377 00:25:27,926 --> 00:25:28,915 Okay... 378 00:25:28,994 --> 00:25:33,658 ...it was a small step for mankind, but it was a really big step for Big.