1 00:00:46,846 --> 00:00:51,681 They say that the women in New York are the most beautiful women in the world. 2 00:00:55,655 --> 00:00:59,648 Which explains why men in New York spend all their time looking at them. 3 00:01:00,460 --> 00:01:04,191 The city is a veritable playground for men's roving eyes. 4 00:01:04,330 --> 00:01:08,790 Unfortunately, they need both of them looking straight ahead to survive. 5 00:01:11,271 --> 00:01:15,002 This New York woman was pretty happy. I was seeing Big again. 6 00:01:15,075 --> 00:01:19,205 Unfortunately, my New York guy was still seeing other women. 7 00:01:21,915 --> 00:01:25,510 If checking out other women is the biggest problem, you're Iucky. 8 00:01:25,585 --> 00:01:29,578 -If it's so small, he should be able to stop. -You can't change that about a man. 9 00:01:29,656 --> 00:01:31,988 It's part of their genetic code, Iike farting. 10 00:01:32,058 --> 00:01:35,494 -You're gonna put me off my pretzel. -You must take Big the way he is. 11 00:01:35,562 --> 00:01:38,759 Once you try to change a man, it's doomed. They won't budge. 12 00:01:38,832 --> 00:01:41,995 I know, but you can subtly manipulate and cajole. 13 00:01:42,068 --> 00:01:44,502 The things you can work on are hair and wardrobe. 14 00:01:44,571 --> 00:01:47,836 -Even then, it's a constant battle. -I Iike the hair and wardrobe. 15 00:01:47,907 --> 00:01:51,001 Then be happy. Honey, no man is perfect. 16 00:01:51,144 --> 00:01:55,171 I'm not asking for perfection, I'm just Iooking for slight alterations. 17 00:01:55,248 --> 00:01:57,079 Be careful with alterations. 18 00:01:57,317 --> 00:02:00,218 If you pull the wrong thread, everything falls apart. 19 00:02:00,620 --> 00:02:03,248 While Samantha and I discussed the theory of change... 20 00:02:03,323 --> 00:02:05,450 ...Miranda was going through it for real. 21 00:02:05,525 --> 00:02:08,494 She had a new apartment, a new boyfriend... 22 00:02:09,195 --> 00:02:12,528 ...and a new dating schedule that was killing her. 23 00:02:18,404 --> 00:02:22,272 Hey. I'm sorry. I thought we'd be closing the bar earlier. 24 00:02:23,276 --> 00:02:27,076 -You were asleep. -No, I'm up. Hi. 25 00:02:28,915 --> 00:02:30,280 Come on in. 26 00:02:31,918 --> 00:02:33,510 Come here. You okay? 27 00:02:34,621 --> 00:02:35,918 Let's see. 28 00:02:40,560 --> 00:02:43,529 -Is that better? -That's better. Thank you. 29 00:02:44,164 --> 00:02:45,791 How was your night? 30 00:02:47,167 --> 00:02:49,761 I don't know. I was asleep. 31 00:02:50,170 --> 00:02:52,229 I'm sorry I was Iate. 32 00:02:56,876 --> 00:02:58,741 We were gonna close the bar at 2:00. 33 00:02:58,945 --> 00:03:02,005 Then we got this big group of Japanese bankers came in. 34 00:03:02,182 --> 00:03:04,673 And all they want is these big flaming drinks. 35 00:03:04,751 --> 00:03:07,185 Then one of them got sick and.... 36 00:03:15,094 --> 00:03:16,584 Never mind. 37 00:03:17,997 --> 00:03:21,455 Everything was great about Steve except for one thing. 38 00:03:24,938 --> 00:03:26,200 Morning. 39 00:03:28,641 --> 00:03:29,938 Morning. 40 00:03:30,610 --> 00:03:32,703 Come here. 41 00:03:33,913 --> 00:03:36,211 They had completely opposite schedules. 42 00:03:36,282 --> 00:03:38,876 Steve had all the time in the world in the morning. 43 00:03:38,952 --> 00:03:42,547 Miranda got right up at 7:00. Unfortunately, Steve did, too. 44 00:03:42,655 --> 00:03:45,351 -I have to go to work. -Not yet. 45 00:03:45,491 --> 00:03:48,051 The only thing she liked inside her in the morning... 46 00:03:48,127 --> 00:03:51,426 ...was the cup of take-out coffee she drank on the way to the subway. 47 00:03:51,998 --> 00:03:54,159 That night, in a bed across town... 48 00:03:54,234 --> 00:03:58,261 ...Charlotte was seeing a lot of Mike, a cute, but feared restaurant critic... 49 00:03:58,338 --> 00:04:01,603 ...famous for his patented five-whisk rating system. 50 00:04:01,774 --> 00:04:03,537 -Mike? -Yeah? 51 00:04:04,744 --> 00:04:06,371 Let's make Iove. 52 00:04:07,480 --> 00:04:10,005 You are a five-whisk woman. 53 00:04:10,083 --> 00:04:13,246 But just when Charlotte had become comfortable with the penis... 54 00:04:13,319 --> 00:04:15,480 ...she got a very unexpected surprise. 55 00:04:19,525 --> 00:04:21,049 You're.... 56 00:04:21,427 --> 00:04:22,758 It's.... 57 00:04:23,296 --> 00:04:25,890 Uncircumcised. Is that okay? 58 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:28,567 No. Sure. 59 00:04:30,570 --> 00:04:32,060 Of course it is. 60 00:04:32,472 --> 00:04:33,632 It was not okay. 61 00:04:33,973 --> 00:04:36,908 The only uncut version of anything Charlotte had ever seen... 62 00:04:36,976 --> 00:04:39,444 ...was the original Gone with the Wind. 63 00:04:39,979 --> 00:04:42,777 There was so much skin, it was Iike a Shar-Pei! 64 00:04:42,849 --> 00:04:46,114 -You've never seen an uncircumcised one? -I'm from Connecticut! 65 00:04:46,185 --> 00:04:48,710 Reminder: you're dating the guy, not the penis. 66 00:04:48,788 --> 00:04:50,722 Aesthetics are important to me. 67 00:04:50,790 --> 00:04:53,816 It's not what it Iooks Iike, it's what they can do with it. 68 00:04:53,893 --> 00:04:56,487 I don't need one that can make its own carrying case! 69 00:04:57,563 --> 00:05:00,657 Personally, I Iove an uncircumcised dick. 70 00:05:01,000 --> 00:05:02,433 It's Iike a Tootsie Pop. 71 00:05:02,502 --> 00:05:06,461 Hard on the outside, with a delicious surprise inside. 72 00:05:06,639 --> 00:05:09,904 I don't Iike surprises. I Iike it all out there where I can see it. 73 00:05:10,276 --> 00:05:12,403 Same here. I'm sorry, it is not normal. 74 00:05:12,478 --> 00:05:15,311 Actually, it is. Something Iike 85% aren't circumcised. 75 00:05:15,715 --> 00:05:19,515 -Great, now they're taking over the world! -It's a penis, not Godzilla. 76 00:05:20,353 --> 00:05:22,753 If 85% aren't circumcised... 77 00:05:22,822 --> 00:05:26,258 ...that means I've only slept with 15% of the population, tops. 78 00:05:26,392 --> 00:05:28,053 You're practically a virgin. 79 00:05:28,194 --> 00:05:30,856 You know, he's a nice, Waspy guy. What went wrong? 80 00:05:30,930 --> 00:05:33,660 Maybe his parents were hippies and didn't believe in it. 81 00:05:33,766 --> 00:05:38,396 -I am so circumcising my kids. -I think you can pay people to do that now. 82 00:05:38,638 --> 00:05:43,007 I don't ever wanna know there's a woman out there calling my son a Shar-Pei. 83 00:05:43,076 --> 00:05:47,012 AII I'm saying is, uncut men are the best. They try harder. 84 00:05:47,413 --> 00:05:50,314 I should know. I've slept with five of them. 85 00:05:50,583 --> 00:05:52,676 -Out of how many? -Infinity. 86 00:05:54,287 --> 00:05:58,724 That night, Big and I went out to celebrate absolutely nothing. 87 00:05:59,859 --> 00:06:02,726 -More grappa? -No, thank ya. 88 00:06:04,464 --> 00:06:06,864 Listen, my editor called me today and she's.... 89 00:06:11,504 --> 00:06:14,098 -You were saying? -Yes, I was. 90 00:06:15,508 --> 00:06:17,908 Excuse me, you can't smoke that in here. 91 00:06:18,845 --> 00:06:22,337 Really? You're absolutely, positively sure about that? 92 00:06:22,915 --> 00:06:26,351 Because I checked the zoning on this particular table... 93 00:06:26,419 --> 00:06:29,411 ...and I'm pretty sure this table is in a cigar-friendly zone. 94 00:06:29,655 --> 00:06:32,351 I don't mind, but it's for the other patrons. 95 00:06:34,293 --> 00:06:37,820 You mean if those five patrons don't mind, it's okay with you? 96 00:06:38,064 --> 00:06:40,624 -Sir, I'm gonna have to-- -Just one second. 97 00:06:42,268 --> 00:06:45,203 Excuse me, this is my Iast day on earth. 98 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:50,069 I'm being executed tomorrow morning. That's my parole officer there. 99 00:06:50,143 --> 00:06:53,408 Would you mind terribly if I smoked this, Iadies? 100 00:06:54,080 --> 00:06:55,308 Thank you. 101 00:06:56,282 --> 00:06:59,740 Excuse me, I'm sorry. Would it be okay if I smoked this? 102 00:06:59,819 --> 00:07:04,756 PIease, Iet me preface this by saying: I'd Iike to buy everybody a round of drinks. 103 00:07:07,593 --> 00:07:10,994 Apparently, the other patrons aren't bothered at all. 104 00:07:11,697 --> 00:07:15,497 I didn't have the guts to tell Big that he was actually kind of bothering me. 105 00:07:15,568 --> 00:07:17,160 They won't tell you the truth. 106 00:07:17,236 --> 00:07:20,069 No one is gonna say to your face they hate your cigar. 107 00:07:20,139 --> 00:07:21,128 Good. 108 00:07:21,974 --> 00:07:24,408 You are very arrogant. 109 00:07:26,879 --> 00:07:29,347 I thought that's what you Iiked about me. 110 00:07:30,082 --> 00:07:31,413 Maybe Big was right. 111 00:07:31,918 --> 00:07:34,853 Maybe we were at that inevitable point in the relationship... 112 00:07:34,921 --> 00:07:39,585 ...when the little things you loved about the person become huge liabilities. 113 00:07:39,659 --> 00:07:43,527 And just then, a huge liability walked by. 114 00:07:48,434 --> 00:07:49,696 What? 115 00:07:52,071 --> 00:07:54,335 I hate that cigar. 116 00:07:59,946 --> 00:08:02,437 And you told me right to my face. 117 00:08:06,285 --> 00:08:08,583 New York City is all about change. 118 00:08:08,654 --> 00:08:11,179 New Yorkers change their haircuts, their politics... 119 00:08:11,257 --> 00:08:13,521 ...even their friends in the blink of an eye. 120 00:08:13,593 --> 00:08:16,790 If change was so easy, why was it so hard for Big? 121 00:08:17,964 --> 00:08:22,560 Was I banging my head against the wall, thinking he'd stop and notice me? 122 00:08:22,635 --> 00:08:26,332 Did I have to change my expectations or was it possible.... 123 00:08:27,406 --> 00:08:29,237 Can you change a man? 124 00:08:29,442 --> 00:08:33,674 My husband used to be obsessed with watching sports 24 hours a day. 125 00:08:33,779 --> 00:08:36,509 Then I started fooling around with his best friend. 126 00:08:36,582 --> 00:08:38,777 And now he's obsessed with watching me. 127 00:08:38,851 --> 00:08:41,513 Every girlfriend I've had wants me to change something. 128 00:08:41,587 --> 00:08:44,647 Change your job, change your friends, change your attitude. 129 00:08:44,724 --> 00:08:47,454 The only thing I ever change is girlfriends. 130 00:08:52,798 --> 00:08:56,234 Meanwhile, Charlotte was about to discover that some men can change. 131 00:08:56,302 --> 00:08:58,634 Thanks for dinner. It was great. 132 00:09:04,410 --> 00:09:06,708 Can I come upstairs with you? 133 00:09:08,014 --> 00:09:10,915 I have to get up really early, and my place is just a mess. 134 00:09:11,117 --> 00:09:12,948 Look, I understand. 135 00:09:13,319 --> 00:09:16,777 -You do? -Yeah, what happened the other night. 136 00:09:16,923 --> 00:09:21,121 You're not the first woman to react to it that way. I've gotten it most of my Iife. 137 00:09:21,360 --> 00:09:22,349 Really? 138 00:09:22,428 --> 00:09:24,919 Yeah, and I've decided to do something about it. 139 00:09:25,498 --> 00:09:29,935 I've been uncomfortable for too Iong, so I'm getting circumcised. 140 00:09:34,941 --> 00:09:36,306 Can you do that? 141 00:09:36,475 --> 00:09:40,104 Yeah. I mean, it hurts. It takes a Iong time to heal. 142 00:09:40,179 --> 00:09:44,206 But I'm willing to do that. I want to feel good about making Iove. 143 00:09:44,450 --> 00:09:46,850 That is so sweet. 144 00:09:48,087 --> 00:09:51,056 -Do you mind waiting? -No, not at all. 145 00:10:01,968 --> 00:10:04,300 Apparently, Samantha was wrong. 146 00:10:04,604 --> 00:10:06,765 Some men could budge an inch. 147 00:10:06,839 --> 00:10:10,832 In Mike's case, it may have been more like an inch and a half. 148 00:10:12,478 --> 00:10:16,346 The next morning, Miranda was getting her usual wake-up call. 149 00:10:25,024 --> 00:10:26,753 Where you going? 150 00:10:28,260 --> 00:10:30,490 -I'm getting up. -Come on, it's Saturday. 151 00:10:30,563 --> 00:10:33,555 Come on, Iay down, slow down. Come here. 152 00:10:37,303 --> 00:10:39,601 How Iong are we gonna do this? 153 00:10:42,041 --> 00:10:45,067 -You want a time frame for cuddling? -Yeah. 154 00:10:45,144 --> 00:10:46,668 Like 20 minutes? 155 00:10:47,179 --> 00:10:48,373 Thirty? 156 00:10:48,881 --> 00:10:50,405 You're kidding me. 157 00:10:50,716 --> 00:10:54,777 It helps if I have an end point in mind. I respond well to Iimits. 158 00:10:54,854 --> 00:10:59,382 That's your problem, you got too many Iimits. You gotta Iet go a Iittle. 159 00:10:59,592 --> 00:11:02,527 Look. Saturday is my free day, right? 160 00:11:02,662 --> 00:11:05,096 I have spinning and then I get my dry cleaning. 161 00:11:05,164 --> 00:11:08,691 Then I get my nails done and I do my grocery shopping for the week. 162 00:11:08,768 --> 00:11:11,794 -Okay? -You're not sounding very free to me. 163 00:11:15,675 --> 00:11:18,405 Do you want to come with me and get my dry cleaning? 164 00:11:18,644 --> 00:11:20,578 No, I didn't think so. 165 00:11:26,919 --> 00:11:29,114 An hour and a half, tops. 166 00:11:30,656 --> 00:11:32,988 Twelve hours later, Steve went to work. 167 00:11:35,161 --> 00:11:37,925 About the same time, we went out to our favorite bar... 168 00:11:37,997 --> 00:11:41,228 ...which on Saturdays changes into drag queen bingo. 169 00:11:41,801 --> 00:11:43,769 Come on, N-23. 170 00:11:44,003 --> 00:11:47,131 I really Iike him, but this morning thing is killing me. 171 00:11:47,206 --> 00:11:49,436 It's bad enough we've never done it at night. 172 00:11:49,508 --> 00:11:52,500 After we do it in the morning, he wants to Iie there with me. 173 00:11:52,578 --> 00:11:54,637 Everyone wants a guy who wants to cuddle. 174 00:11:55,081 --> 00:11:56,412 O-33, Iadies. 175 00:11:57,283 --> 00:11:58,307 Shit! 176 00:11:58,384 --> 00:12:01,683 I'm jealous. Big won't even spend the night at my place. 177 00:12:01,821 --> 00:12:05,018 -What you have is real intimacy. -It's bed arrest. 178 00:12:05,157 --> 00:12:09,150 I've been horizontal all day, and I had errands to do. I missed spinning. 179 00:12:09,495 --> 00:12:11,725 You don't have to spin if you're having sex. 180 00:12:12,131 --> 00:12:13,598 B-12! 181 00:12:13,666 --> 00:12:17,625 -How about N-23? -I don't know why I play this, I never win. 182 00:12:17,703 --> 00:12:20,501 Why do I have to be the one to change my routine? 183 00:12:20,573 --> 00:12:24,339 Maybe because you really Iike him. It wouldn't kill you to slow down a Iittle. 184 00:12:24,410 --> 00:12:25,570 Miranda's right. 185 00:12:25,644 --> 00:12:28,670 Why is it the woman who always has to change and never the guy? 186 00:12:28,914 --> 00:12:31,974 -Because we are more adaptable. -I Iove morning sex. 187 00:12:32,051 --> 00:12:36,886 I haven't done morning sex since college when I didn't have class till 11:00. 188 00:12:36,956 --> 00:12:39,322 Maybe you should come up with a schedule. 189 00:12:39,391 --> 00:12:41,757 A sex schedule? Very romantic! 190 00:12:41,861 --> 00:12:45,422 Surprise him at the bar wearing nothing but a trench coat and a smile. 191 00:12:45,498 --> 00:12:47,625 That would be a happy hour. 192 00:12:48,501 --> 00:12:52,597 I think that if you really believe in the relationship you should work at it. 193 00:12:52,671 --> 00:12:55,196 This from a woman who dumped a guy over foreskin. 194 00:12:55,274 --> 00:12:57,105 Actually, we're still dating. 195 00:12:57,343 --> 00:12:59,903 -The Shar-Pei? -He's getting circumcised. 196 00:13:02,648 --> 00:13:05,879 PIease tell me that we're not invited to the Bris. 197 00:13:06,952 --> 00:13:09,580 Can I get another board, please? 198 00:13:10,723 --> 00:13:12,782 -Samantha? -Yes. 199 00:13:13,125 --> 00:13:15,389 It's me, Brad. 200 00:13:16,695 --> 00:13:17,923 Brad McColskey? 201 00:13:18,164 --> 00:13:20,530 Brad was a semi-professional hockey player... 202 00:13:20,599 --> 00:13:22,658 ...Samantha had dated a few years back. 203 00:13:22,735 --> 00:13:26,762 The only thing he was checking these days were his pants at the door. 204 00:13:26,839 --> 00:13:30,036 Look at you, Miss Thing. You Iook fabulous. 205 00:13:30,509 --> 00:13:32,909 So do you. 206 00:13:33,879 --> 00:13:38,873 -When did you start doing.... -About five years ago, right after you. 207 00:13:40,753 --> 00:13:44,245 Maybe Samantha was wrong. Apparently, she could change a man. 208 00:13:44,323 --> 00:13:47,121 -How are the kids? -Good. Jake is in second grade. 209 00:13:47,426 --> 00:13:49,189 Jake has two mommies. 210 00:13:49,261 --> 00:13:52,389 There are other people here who need boards, Samantha. 211 00:13:52,464 --> 00:13:54,557 Take a chill pill, Miss Saigon! 212 00:13:54,633 --> 00:13:55,622 Samantha? 213 00:13:57,603 --> 00:14:00,572 Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. 214 00:14:02,208 --> 00:14:04,438 Gotta go. Enjoy the game. 215 00:14:05,377 --> 00:14:06,844 N-23. 216 00:14:07,213 --> 00:14:08,202 Bingo! 217 00:14:08,314 --> 00:14:10,782 I am so much prettier than him. 218 00:14:13,652 --> 00:14:17,247 Two hours later, I was supposed to meet Big at his place. 219 00:14:18,657 --> 00:14:21,421 Two and a half hours later, he showed up. 220 00:14:25,631 --> 00:14:26,962 Sorry. 221 00:14:27,099 --> 00:14:30,796 You're a half hour Iate. Your doorman thinks I'm a hooker. 222 00:14:31,036 --> 00:14:33,095 -Did you make any money? -Not funny. 223 00:14:33,172 --> 00:14:36,300 I hate waiting here for you. 224 00:14:37,209 --> 00:14:41,373 There's a coffee shop around the corner you could have waited in. 225 00:14:41,747 --> 00:14:44,238 -You know what? I'm gonna go. -Don't be pissed. 226 00:14:44,316 --> 00:14:45,806 I'm pissed. 227 00:14:46,919 --> 00:14:48,284 Come upstairs. 228 00:14:48,354 --> 00:14:52,814 You know, if you gave me a key, I could wait upstairs next time. 229 00:14:53,292 --> 00:14:54,281 A key? 230 00:14:55,861 --> 00:14:59,388 Or you can stay at my place sometimes. It's easy to pick my Iocks. 231 00:14:59,465 --> 00:15:01,865 Yeah, but then I Iike my bed. 232 00:15:04,270 --> 00:15:06,135 Look at that service. 233 00:15:07,273 --> 00:15:08,570 Come on. 234 00:15:11,810 --> 00:15:16,008 That night, something else changed. Neither of us wanted to make love. 235 00:15:16,916 --> 00:15:21,182 If this was all I was ever gonna get out of Big, was it enough for me? 236 00:15:21,253 --> 00:15:24,780 Then at 3:00 a.m., somewhere between sleep and waking... 237 00:15:25,090 --> 00:15:26,523 ...I got my answer. 238 00:15:27,760 --> 00:15:29,728 -Dammit! -What? 239 00:15:31,463 --> 00:15:33,397 -Are you all right? -No! 240 00:15:33,465 --> 00:15:35,899 -What the fuck? -My God! 241 00:15:37,336 --> 00:15:40,430 -What the hell was that? -You knocked me out of bed! 242 00:15:40,506 --> 00:15:43,339 -You didn't even know I was here! -I do now. 243 00:15:43,409 --> 00:15:45,877 Why don't you break my arm the next time? 244 00:15:46,011 --> 00:15:48,275 -I'm sorry. -Jesus! 245 00:15:49,415 --> 00:15:52,680 AII right, Sugar Ray, the bed's all yours. 246 00:15:53,018 --> 00:15:55,282 -Where you going? -To sleep on the couch. 247 00:15:55,354 --> 00:16:00,087 -Wait, would you just Iet me explain? -Don't talk now. Bad to talk now. 248 00:16:01,961 --> 00:16:03,826 But I couldn't sleep. 249 00:16:04,063 --> 00:16:08,090 And at 4:00 a.m., I decided he couldn't sleep either. 250 00:16:15,407 --> 00:16:17,534 It's ice for your face. 251 00:16:18,477 --> 00:16:20,502 Yes, I can feel that. 252 00:16:24,183 --> 00:16:26,674 Okay, I know I've Iost a Iittle of my power. 253 00:16:26,752 --> 00:16:29,846 I'm pretty sure that most women's magazines... 254 00:16:29,922 --> 00:16:33,255 ...would say that what I just did was a very bad idea. 255 00:16:33,892 --> 00:16:38,591 But the thing is, the other night wasn't just about the cigar. 256 00:16:39,498 --> 00:16:40,897 It never is. 257 00:16:42,668 --> 00:16:44,602 I hate that you Iook at other women. 258 00:16:44,670 --> 00:16:48,936 I hate that I don't have a key to your place. You've never spent the night at my place. 259 00:16:49,008 --> 00:16:52,068 You can't even make space for me in your bed. 260 00:16:52,878 --> 00:16:55,574 And it's not your fault because I never say it. 261 00:16:56,615 --> 00:16:59,516 So now I punched you. So now I have to say it. 262 00:17:00,619 --> 00:17:02,780 So now I'm gonna say it. 263 00:17:07,960 --> 00:17:14,331 I feel Iike I'm back in your Iife and nothing has really changed. 264 00:17:14,400 --> 00:17:18,530 I know you can't change a man, and you definitely can't change a man Iike you. 265 00:17:18,604 --> 00:17:19,593 But... 266 00:17:21,740 --> 00:17:23,435 ...I still want... 267 00:17:24,276 --> 00:17:27,109 ...something to change a Iittle bit... 268 00:17:28,480 --> 00:17:29,811 ...for me. 269 00:17:30,516 --> 00:17:33,280 Physical violence is never the answer. 270 00:17:37,056 --> 00:17:38,455 I'm gonna go. 271 00:17:40,659 --> 00:17:42,593 -Does it hurt? -Yes. 272 00:17:47,032 --> 00:17:51,731 Look, I'm sure there are things you don't Iike about me. 273 00:17:51,870 --> 00:17:53,929 I'm not falling for that one. 274 00:17:56,909 --> 00:18:01,312 That was one thing I liked about Big. He definitely knew when to shut up. 275 00:18:03,816 --> 00:18:07,946 The next night, Charlotte took Mike out for a post-operative scotch. 276 00:18:08,020 --> 00:18:09,612 Did it hurt? 277 00:18:10,689 --> 00:18:14,125 On a scale of one to five, I'd give it a 72. 278 00:18:14,560 --> 00:18:17,120 -You poor thing. -That's all right. 279 00:18:17,196 --> 00:18:20,825 The worst is over. Now I just accept sympathy and heal. 280 00:18:21,467 --> 00:18:24,061 -For how Iong? -About another week or so. 281 00:18:24,136 --> 00:18:26,832 -I can't wait. -Me either. 282 00:18:27,973 --> 00:18:31,033 God, you really turn me on. 283 00:18:40,119 --> 00:18:41,780 You should go. 284 00:18:46,592 --> 00:18:49,857 Much later that night, bolstered by coffee... 285 00:18:49,928 --> 00:18:53,420 ...Miranda decided to perform a 2:00 a.m. seduction. 286 00:18:59,705 --> 00:19:00,831 Hello. 287 00:19:00,906 --> 00:19:04,740 Look at you! You Iook great. What's the occasion? 288 00:19:04,810 --> 00:19:07,244 It's 2:00 a.m. and I am still awake. 289 00:19:07,312 --> 00:19:10,713 I thought we could celebrate. I've had five cups of coffee. 290 00:19:11,416 --> 00:19:13,111 That's worth a party. 291 00:19:17,022 --> 00:19:19,650 Meet me in the bedroom. I'II get the wine. 292 00:19:29,768 --> 00:19:32,100 -Get up. -What? 293 00:19:32,171 --> 00:19:35,072 I think you should spend the night at your place tonight. 294 00:19:35,140 --> 00:19:38,598 -Why? -Because I'd Iike to catch up on my sleep. 295 00:19:38,677 --> 00:19:42,272 I really don't want to worry about having sex with you in the morning... 296 00:19:42,347 --> 00:19:45,180 ...and then just Iying there and being Iate. 297 00:19:46,818 --> 00:19:50,015 -You don't Iike having sex with me. -No, I do. I Iove it. 298 00:19:50,088 --> 00:19:53,751 But once I would Iike to do it at night, Iike other normal Homo sapiens. 299 00:19:53,825 --> 00:19:57,625 -Relax, we can have sex now. -We can't have sex now! 300 00:19:57,930 --> 00:20:00,728 I had a window, and it happened half an hour ago! 301 00:20:01,033 --> 00:20:04,560 -You had a window for sex? -I'm sorry, I'm a Iawyer. I get tired. 302 00:20:04,836 --> 00:20:09,637 I'm a bartender and I get awfully tired of dealing with other people's neuroses. 303 00:20:11,109 --> 00:20:14,408 When you get, you know... 304 00:20:15,180 --> 00:20:18,411 ...a picture window, or a whole doorway of time... 305 00:20:20,118 --> 00:20:21,551 ...call me. 306 00:20:24,990 --> 00:20:28,949 Miranda had never felt less like a successful lawyer in her life. 307 00:20:30,362 --> 00:20:34,856 Even though she'd won her case, she'd also been left with all the damages. 308 00:20:36,068 --> 00:20:40,698 A week later, Charlotte finally got her chance to break in the new merchandise. 309 00:20:42,975 --> 00:20:44,533 What do you think? 310 00:20:45,477 --> 00:20:46,705 It's perfect. 311 00:20:46,812 --> 00:20:50,179 It was like her birthday and Christmas rolled into one. 312 00:20:50,315 --> 00:20:52,806 You realize this makes me a virgin. 313 00:20:54,686 --> 00:20:56,244 I'II be gentle. 314 00:21:04,763 --> 00:21:06,628 That was really wonderful. 315 00:21:06,765 --> 00:21:08,926 It was. A five. 316 00:21:13,071 --> 00:21:15,232 So what do you want to do Saturday night? 317 00:21:15,307 --> 00:21:17,741 Saturday? Did we have plans? 318 00:21:18,076 --> 00:21:21,910 No, but I thought maybe we could go to this drama Ieague benefit... 319 00:21:22,047 --> 00:21:26,507 ...or we could, you know, go Iow-key and stay in and rent videos. 320 00:21:28,253 --> 00:21:29,948 Hang on, Iisten. 321 00:21:30,822 --> 00:21:34,656 I don't think I'm ready for this to be, you know, Iike a big thing. 322 00:21:36,995 --> 00:21:38,223 A big thing? 323 00:21:39,564 --> 00:21:42,624 I just feel Iike I can't be tied down right now. 324 00:21:43,001 --> 00:21:46,869 There's a whole new me happening. I should get out there and share it. 325 00:21:48,974 --> 00:21:50,965 You want to share your penis? 326 00:21:51,543 --> 00:21:52,805 Well... 327 00:21:53,745 --> 00:21:55,042 ...yeah. 328 00:21:55,881 --> 00:22:00,978 I feel Iike I owe it to myself to take the doggie out for a walk around the block... 329 00:22:01,753 --> 00:22:02,981 ...you know? 330 00:22:03,055 --> 00:22:05,250 Charlotte never saw Mike again. 331 00:22:05,324 --> 00:22:08,316 She realized you can take the Shar-Pei out of the penis... 332 00:22:08,393 --> 00:22:11,419 ...but you could never take the dog out of the man. 333 00:22:12,364 --> 00:22:15,629 A few days later, I realized you could change a man. 334 00:22:15,701 --> 00:22:18,534 You could change him into not calling you. 335 00:22:25,444 --> 00:22:26,468 Hi. 336 00:22:28,113 --> 00:22:29,580 Look at that. 337 00:22:30,082 --> 00:22:32,380 No, you Iook at it. I've seen it already. 338 00:22:33,285 --> 00:22:34,718 Sorry. 339 00:22:36,355 --> 00:22:38,755 Easy, no hands near the face. 340 00:22:41,326 --> 00:22:42,384 Come in. 341 00:22:43,962 --> 00:22:46,453 I just came over to tell you something. 342 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:49,963 You're suing me, right? 343 00:22:53,705 --> 00:22:58,005 Look, maybe you need a key to know that I'm crazy about you. 344 00:22:59,077 --> 00:23:02,535 But the thing is, I've given out, Iike, five keys... 345 00:23:04,082 --> 00:23:06,175 ...and you never get 'em back. 346 00:23:06,785 --> 00:23:09,379 And maybe I hog my bed. 347 00:23:09,454 --> 00:23:13,823 But it's my bed and I Iike you in it. 348 00:23:16,027 --> 00:23:18,962 -I should hit you more often. -And the oranges. 349 00:23:19,030 --> 00:23:21,294 -What? -The oranges have to go. 350 00:23:21,433 --> 00:23:23,958 This is something I don't Iike about you. 351 00:23:24,035 --> 00:23:27,300 -I hate that you eat oranges in my bed. -You do? 352 00:23:28,173 --> 00:23:30,437 They're sticky and they make the sheets stink. 353 00:23:30,675 --> 00:23:33,143 -That's it? -I Iike my sheets. 354 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:36,740 What are you gonna give me for the oranges? 355 00:23:37,015 --> 00:23:38,915 -A negotiation? -Yep. 356 00:23:39,951 --> 00:23:43,114 -This could take a while. -It could. 357 00:23:46,892 --> 00:23:49,156 It Iooks Iike I may have to spend the night. 358 00:23:50,395 --> 00:23:55,094 That night, for the first time, Big spent the night at my place. 359 00:23:56,802 --> 00:24:00,135 I realized that neither of us would ever fundamentally change... 360 00:24:00,172 --> 00:24:01,867 ...but we were talking about it. 361 00:24:01,940 --> 00:24:04,841 And maybe that was the biggest change of all. 362 00:24:05,977 --> 00:24:10,038 The next day my sheets stunk of cigars. I changed them immediately. 363 00:24:11,917 --> 00:24:16,513 Across town, it was 2:00 a.m. and Miranda was no closer to sleeping. 364 00:24:23,295 --> 00:24:24,990 -Hello. -Hey! 365 00:24:28,867 --> 00:24:29,856 Hi. 366 00:24:30,702 --> 00:24:32,226 Sorry to wake you. 367 00:24:32,370 --> 00:24:34,395 It's okay, I was awake. 368 00:24:34,706 --> 00:24:36,867 Look, I don't wanna bug you. 369 00:24:37,609 --> 00:24:40,976 Do me a favor. Go to the window. 370 00:24:44,950 --> 00:24:45,974 Okay. 371 00:24:46,751 --> 00:24:48,343 Now look up. 372 00:24:49,721 --> 00:24:51,416 My God. 373 00:24:52,157 --> 00:24:53,784 It's amazing, isn 't it? 374 00:24:54,693 --> 00:24:57,992 It's a blue moon. It's really rare. 375 00:24:58,563 --> 00:25:00,656 I just wanted you to see it. 376 00:25:00,732 --> 00:25:03,929 It was right then, that Miranda finally slowed down... 377 00:25:04,002 --> 00:25:05,833 ...and gave into Steve. 378 00:25:06,605 --> 00:25:08,835 Come over when you're done, okay? 379 00:25:10,175 --> 00:25:11,164 Yeah. 380 00:25:13,111 --> 00:25:14,408 Night. 381 00:25:15,347 --> 00:25:18,578 That night, Miranda and Steve made love. 382 00:25:19,618 --> 00:25:21,848 And they did it again in the morning. 383 00:25:22,220 --> 00:25:25,383 Miranda was an hour late for work and didn't even notice. 384 00:25:25,824 --> 00:25:27,985 So maybe you can't change a man... 385 00:25:28,093 --> 00:25:31,392 ...but once in a blue moon, you can change a woman.