1 00:00:47,414 --> 00:00:49,814 Once upon a second time around... 2 00:00:51,051 --> 00:00:54,953 ...in a mythical land between Carmine and Mulberry streets... 3 00:00:57,023 --> 00:01:00,220 ...two mere mortals were having a wonderful time. 4 00:01:04,264 --> 00:01:06,664 This is the gangster I was telling you about. 5 00:01:06,733 --> 00:01:08,894 Gangster? No. No gangster. 6 00:01:09,069 --> 00:01:10,696 Come, this way. 7 00:01:20,280 --> 00:01:21,508 Grazie. 8 00:01:21,815 --> 00:01:23,248 This is Paolo. 9 00:01:23,550 --> 00:01:25,780 This is my girlfriend, Carrie. 10 00:01:26,586 --> 00:01:27,553 Bread? 11 00:01:27,854 --> 00:01:30,482 You've never called me your girlfriend before. 12 00:01:30,890 --> 00:01:33,484 Sure, I have. Just not to your face. 13 00:01:44,704 --> 00:01:46,035 Bravo! 14 00:01:53,847 --> 00:01:56,873 And now you wise guy, come on, it's your turn. 15 00:01:56,950 --> 00:01:59,510 -Come on, come on. -Me? Okay. 16 00:01:59,586 --> 00:02:03,647 -Not funny, Mr. Sambuca. -Relax, I'm a regular. 17 00:02:03,723 --> 00:02:05,088 A regular? 18 00:02:10,363 --> 00:02:14,527 I'd Iike to dedicate this song to the Iovely Iady sitting right over there. 19 00:02:17,303 --> 00:02:19,498 "When I was 17 20 00:02:21,474 --> 00:02:24,375 "It was a very good year 21 00:02:25,979 --> 00:02:28,777 "It was a very good year 22 00:02:28,848 --> 00:02:33,308 "For small town girls and soft summer nights 23 00:02:34,787 --> 00:02:37,517 "We'd hide from the Iights 24 00:02:38,892 --> 00:02:41,258 "In the village green 25 00:02:43,296 --> 00:02:45,560 "When I was 17" 26 00:02:46,499 --> 00:02:48,023 It was perfect. 27 00:02:48,868 --> 00:02:50,995 I felt like I was in heaven. 28 00:02:54,340 --> 00:02:57,468 Meanwhile across town, Miranda was in hell... 29 00:02:58,178 --> 00:02:59,645 Douche products.... 30 00:02:59,712 --> 00:03:02,806 ...or its modern day equivalent: the comedy club. 31 00:03:03,016 --> 00:03:06,110 -Are we having fun yet? -When does the comedy start? 32 00:03:06,186 --> 00:03:08,586 I've never been this close to suicide. 33 00:03:08,755 --> 00:03:10,484 Not pussy.... 34 00:03:10,823 --> 00:03:13,553 -I'II get the check. -If you ditch me in this place... 35 00:03:13,626 --> 00:03:16,117 ...I will hunt you down and kill you. 36 00:03:17,897 --> 00:03:22,300 Alan Miller was a divorced architect she met in aisle three at the Food Emporium. 37 00:03:22,769 --> 00:03:26,830 They immediately bonded over a shared hatred of designer croutons. 38 00:03:28,741 --> 00:03:31,437 If all I was interested in was freshness... 39 00:03:31,678 --> 00:03:34,738 ...then I would be fucking my salad crisper! 40 00:03:40,153 --> 00:03:41,279 Yo, Red. 41 00:03:43,389 --> 00:03:45,880 You wanna answer your fuckin' phone? 42 00:03:46,125 --> 00:03:48,389 It's not my phone. 43 00:03:49,362 --> 00:03:51,330 Go ahead. Answer it. 44 00:03:52,098 --> 00:03:53,725 Answer it! 45 00:04:02,208 --> 00:04:04,176 AIan Miller's phone. 46 00:04:05,078 --> 00:04:07,740 No, this is his date. Who's this? 47 00:04:07,814 --> 00:04:08,906 Who is it? 48 00:04:12,352 --> 00:04:15,116 I'm sorry, his date can't speak right now. 49 00:04:15,188 --> 00:04:17,281 Whom may I say is calling? 50 00:04:19,025 --> 00:04:20,959 His wife! 51 00:04:23,429 --> 00:04:25,954 Numb-nuts, your wife's on the phone. 52 00:04:27,100 --> 00:04:29,091 You told me you were divorced. 53 00:04:29,269 --> 00:04:31,863 I'm not really divorced. I'm really separated. 54 00:04:31,938 --> 00:04:33,701 No, we're really separated. 55 00:04:34,073 --> 00:04:36,439 See, this is me, separating. 56 00:04:38,011 --> 00:04:40,002 Red, not so fast. 57 00:04:40,146 --> 00:04:41,943 I'II fuck you. 58 00:04:44,250 --> 00:04:45,649 Honey.... 59 00:04:45,752 --> 00:04:48,983 If they're not married, they're gay, or burned from a divorce... 60 00:04:49,055 --> 00:04:51,421 ...or aliens from the planet "Don't date me." 61 00:04:51,491 --> 00:04:53,755 It's amazing how many of them walk among us. 62 00:04:53,826 --> 00:04:56,420 Only recognizable by their slightly Iarger heads. 63 00:04:56,496 --> 00:04:58,191 I asked him, point blank: 64 00:04:58,264 --> 00:04:59,993 "How Iong have you been divorced?" 65 00:05:00,066 --> 00:05:02,296 "Three years." Just Iike that. 66 00:05:02,502 --> 00:05:03,969 Guys are such Iiars. 67 00:05:04,037 --> 00:05:06,528 97 percent of them can't fuck you worth a damn! 68 00:05:06,606 --> 00:05:10,007 He tells me how much he Iikes me, and boom, I believe him. 69 00:05:10,076 --> 00:05:12,909 -Am I that needy? -Maybe he really did Iike you. 70 00:05:12,979 --> 00:05:15,277 If you "Pollyanna-out" on me today... 71 00:05:15,348 --> 00:05:17,714 ...I'II have to hit you with this rice pudding. 72 00:05:17,784 --> 00:05:19,251 This married man... 73 00:05:19,319 --> 00:05:22,550 ...fell madly in Iove with my friend, Amanda's friend, Ashley... 74 00:05:22,622 --> 00:05:25,113 ...and he said he would get a divorce and he did. 75 00:05:25,191 --> 00:05:29,628 They got married, moved to Connecticut and he is this amazing husband and father. 76 00:05:29,696 --> 00:05:31,527 -Never happened. -Excuse me? 77 00:05:31,597 --> 00:05:33,326 Urban relationship myth. 78 00:05:33,399 --> 00:05:35,663 Unbelievable fairy tales concocted by women... 79 00:05:35,735 --> 00:05:38,067 ...to make their Iove Iives seem Iess hopeless. 80 00:05:38,137 --> 00:05:40,970 Except it makes you feel even more hopeless... 81 00:05:41,040 --> 00:05:44,976 ...because this fabulous, magical relationship is never happening to you. 82 00:05:45,044 --> 00:05:46,272 It did happen. 83 00:05:46,346 --> 00:05:48,780 Like the one about the guy who couldn't commit... 84 00:05:48,848 --> 00:05:51,510 ...and the woman broke up with him and moved to Kansas. 85 00:05:51,584 --> 00:05:54,052 -One night, she comes walking home-- -In the rain! 86 00:05:54,120 --> 00:05:55,781 AIways, in the rain. 87 00:05:56,155 --> 00:05:59,647 He stands there in front of her door with an engagement ring. 88 00:05:59,859 --> 00:06:02,555 He says, "Marry me," and they Iive happily ever after. 89 00:06:02,628 --> 00:06:05,927 But, it can happen. People do Iive happily ever after. 90 00:06:05,998 --> 00:06:08,262 It happened to my friend, Amanda's friend. 91 00:06:08,334 --> 00:06:10,802 It's always a friend who knows a friend.... 92 00:06:11,204 --> 00:06:12,432 Honey. 93 00:06:12,505 --> 00:06:16,874 Have you ever known anyone who's relationship changed magically overnight? 94 00:06:17,510 --> 00:06:18,499 Yes. 95 00:06:21,080 --> 00:06:22,877 Look at Carrie and Big. 96 00:06:22,949 --> 00:06:25,611 Their relationship is totally different than before. 97 00:06:25,985 --> 00:06:27,043 How? 98 00:06:27,286 --> 00:06:29,220 How is it different? 99 00:06:29,689 --> 00:06:30,951 It just is. 100 00:06:31,524 --> 00:06:33,287 I can't explain it. 101 00:06:33,893 --> 00:06:36,691 I can, but you're so scary right now, I won't. 102 00:06:36,929 --> 00:06:38,692 No, really, tell me. 103 00:06:40,733 --> 00:06:43,668 It's just a feeling. 104 00:06:44,804 --> 00:06:46,601 Something shifted.... 105 00:06:47,006 --> 00:06:48,598 Maybe we both know that... 106 00:06:49,108 --> 00:06:52,475 ...if we came together again it must be for a reason. 107 00:06:54,514 --> 00:06:56,539 Why is that so hard to believe? 108 00:06:56,616 --> 00:06:58,345 How much time have you got? 109 00:06:58,885 --> 00:07:02,787 That afternoon, I got to thinking about myths and relationships. 110 00:07:02,989 --> 00:07:06,686 Heroes, boyfriends, Cyclopses, divorced guys. 111 00:07:06,959 --> 00:07:08,950 Are they really that different? 112 00:07:09,128 --> 00:07:11,722 The primitive Greeks clung desperately to myths... 113 00:07:11,798 --> 00:07:15,632 ...to explain the random hopelessness of their miserable lives. 114 00:07:15,701 --> 00:07:18,067 Do modern day singles need modern day myths... 115 00:07:18,137 --> 00:07:22,665 ...just to help us get through our random and sometimes miserable relationships? 116 00:07:22,742 --> 00:07:24,471 What about Big and me? 117 00:07:24,710 --> 00:07:29,044 After what seemed like an eternity of not quite fitting together, we suddenly fit. 118 00:07:29,115 --> 00:07:30,810 Had the relationship God smiled? 119 00:07:30,883 --> 00:07:33,909 Or was that something I desperately needed to believe? 120 00:07:33,986 --> 00:07:36,887 Are we willing to believe anything to date? 121 00:07:38,224 --> 00:07:41,990 While Samantha had little belief in the idea of happily ever after... 122 00:07:42,228 --> 00:07:44,389 ...she had a strong belief in the idea... 123 00:07:44,464 --> 00:07:47,297 ...of a smart cocktail at the end of the work day. 124 00:07:48,801 --> 00:07:51,531 Samantha, a Cosmopolitan and Donald Trump. 125 00:07:52,071 --> 00:07:54,904 You don't get more New York than that. 126 00:07:55,074 --> 00:07:56,507 I gotta go. 127 00:07:57,076 --> 00:08:00,341 Think about it. I'II be at my office at Trump Tower. 128 00:08:08,054 --> 00:08:09,385 Excuse me. 129 00:08:09,522 --> 00:08:12,116 I was so distracted by your beauty... 130 00:08:12,391 --> 00:08:16,122 ...I think I just agreed to finance Mr. Trump's new project. 131 00:08:16,195 --> 00:08:18,322 You owe me 150 million dollars. 132 00:08:18,464 --> 00:08:20,022 Will you take a check? 133 00:08:20,099 --> 00:08:21,760 May I buy you a drink? 134 00:08:21,834 --> 00:08:23,563 I have one, thanks. 135 00:08:24,136 --> 00:08:26,104 Can I buy you an island? 136 00:08:28,975 --> 00:08:31,603 -I don't know, can you? -The name's Ed. 137 00:08:34,046 --> 00:08:35,172 Samantha. 138 00:08:35,414 --> 00:08:38,008 So, Samantha, do you come here often? 139 00:08:38,885 --> 00:08:41,353 Honey, that Iine's older than you are. 140 00:08:41,687 --> 00:08:43,086 You are a pistol. 141 00:08:43,256 --> 00:08:45,053 You have no idea. 142 00:08:45,558 --> 00:08:48,026 A bottle of their best champagne later... 143 00:08:48,094 --> 00:08:51,063 ...Samantha had learned that Ed was single, available... 144 00:08:51,297 --> 00:08:54,130 ...and a millionaire many, many times over. 145 00:08:54,667 --> 00:08:57,067 What's your age ceiling with men? 146 00:08:57,436 --> 00:08:58,403 Fifty? 147 00:08:58,604 --> 00:09:01,232 Factor in millions and millions of dollars. 148 00:09:01,307 --> 00:09:02,274 Fifty? 149 00:09:03,042 --> 00:09:05,909 Well, I just met the cutest older man. 150 00:09:06,178 --> 00:09:08,146 How old, fifty? 151 00:09:09,916 --> 00:09:11,042 Sixty? 152 00:09:12,919 --> 00:09:15,717 -Is he on Medicare? -I'm guessing 72. 153 00:09:16,055 --> 00:09:17,488 A young 72. 154 00:09:19,759 --> 00:09:22,023 Your silence reeks of ageism. 155 00:09:22,728 --> 00:09:25,561 -Are you serious? -He took me to dinner at Jean Georges. 156 00:09:25,631 --> 00:09:27,929 We got right in, no reservation needed. 157 00:09:28,034 --> 00:09:30,969 I wasn't aware that Jean Georges had an early bird special. 158 00:09:31,037 --> 00:09:33,062 He's vibrant and powerful and generous. 159 00:09:33,139 --> 00:09:36,267 He's just Iooking for someone to have a Iittle fun with. 160 00:09:36,342 --> 00:09:38,173 Would that include bedroom fun? 161 00:09:38,244 --> 00:09:40,144 We haven't discussed it yet. 162 00:09:40,212 --> 00:09:44,945 Are you telling me that you are seriously capable of having sex with a senior? 163 00:09:45,017 --> 00:09:48,111 You know the saying: "AII cats Iook the same in the dark." 164 00:09:48,187 --> 00:09:50,155 It was pure urban legend. 165 00:09:50,222 --> 00:09:52,656 Alligators in the sewer, pets in the microwave... 166 00:09:52,725 --> 00:09:54,784 ...and now an old man and Samantha. 167 00:09:55,761 --> 00:09:58,321 Is this a piece of veal or is this a piece of veal? 168 00:09:58,397 --> 00:10:00,262 That is a piece of veal. 169 00:10:00,499 --> 00:10:04,663 In every myth, there comes a point when the mere mortals are given a test. 170 00:10:04,737 --> 00:10:08,503 The way they respond usually determines whether they find paradise... 171 00:10:08,808 --> 00:10:11,777 ...or are tied to a big rock for all eternity. 172 00:10:13,245 --> 00:10:15,008 I have a huge request. 173 00:10:16,148 --> 00:10:18,412 I want you to know my friends better. 174 00:10:18,618 --> 00:10:20,279 I know your friends fine. 175 00:10:20,353 --> 00:10:22,321 Charlotte is the brunette. 176 00:10:22,855 --> 00:10:24,686 Miranda is the redhead. 177 00:10:25,825 --> 00:10:27,793 And Samantha is trouble. 178 00:10:28,294 --> 00:10:30,626 I want them to know you better. 179 00:10:30,997 --> 00:10:33,625 They've never really spent time with you... 180 00:10:34,000 --> 00:10:36,298 ...and you're so funny and cute. 181 00:10:37,670 --> 00:10:39,433 What is it you need? 182 00:10:40,339 --> 00:10:43,206 I want us all to have dinner Saturday night at Denial. 183 00:10:43,275 --> 00:10:46,073 Denial was a very popular Manhattan hot spot. 184 00:10:46,178 --> 00:10:49,375 Apparently, everyone in Manhattan wanted to be "in Denial." 185 00:10:49,949 --> 00:10:50,916 Okay. 186 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:53,377 Why are you suddenly so-- 187 00:10:53,519 --> 00:10:55,248 -Cute? -Yes. 188 00:10:55,921 --> 00:10:57,582 Why are you so cute? 189 00:11:05,231 --> 00:11:06,163 Hello? 190 00:11:06,399 --> 00:11:09,300 Where are you? I've been waiting here forever. 191 00:11:09,702 --> 00:11:12,728 Didn't you get the message I Ieft on your machine an hour ago? 192 00:11:12,805 --> 00:11:16,070 No. Is everything all right? I thought you were dead or something. 193 00:11:16,308 --> 00:11:18,435 I'm fine. I'm at Big's. 194 00:11:18,678 --> 00:11:21,875 You're at Big's? You and I are having dinner tonight. 195 00:11:22,648 --> 00:11:25,242 Well, he got this veal. 196 00:11:25,918 --> 00:11:29,149 You blew me off for a piece of politically incorrect meat? 197 00:11:29,355 --> 00:11:32,051 Well, he wanted to make me dinner. 198 00:11:32,191 --> 00:11:35,592 You just dropped your Iife and ran right on over to his? 199 00:11:36,095 --> 00:11:38,393 I can't get into that right now. 200 00:11:38,931 --> 00:11:40,193 You know what? 201 00:11:40,266 --> 00:11:44,134 You're relationship is the same as always. It's all about him. 202 00:11:44,370 --> 00:11:46,304 Could you put Miranda on, please? 203 00:11:46,405 --> 00:11:47,997 Enjoy your veal. 204 00:11:51,077 --> 00:11:52,305 Problem? 205 00:11:52,411 --> 00:11:53,935 No. 206 00:11:56,082 --> 00:11:58,778 I'II have another glass of wine. 207 00:12:03,289 --> 00:12:04,620 PIease. 208 00:12:05,591 --> 00:12:06,819 PIease what? 209 00:12:07,126 --> 00:12:10,027 I'II have another glass of wine, please. 210 00:12:10,162 --> 00:12:12,494 Are you allowed to talk to me Iike that? 211 00:12:13,232 --> 00:12:14,790 I think I am. 212 00:12:15,468 --> 00:12:16,765 Enjoy. 213 00:12:17,536 --> 00:12:18,867 Thank you. 214 00:12:18,971 --> 00:12:21,166 Steve, thank you, Steve. 215 00:12:22,441 --> 00:12:25,604 That's really very cute but I'm not in the mood. 216 00:12:26,345 --> 00:12:28,711 I'm not really in the mood, Steve. 217 00:12:29,148 --> 00:12:31,878 I'm not a total bitch, I just had a fight with somebody. 218 00:12:31,951 --> 00:12:33,782 I heard. Boyfriend? 219 00:12:33,853 --> 00:12:35,252 None of your business. 220 00:12:35,321 --> 00:12:37,152 Girlfriend? Butcher. 221 00:12:37,656 --> 00:12:39,385 -Butcher? -The veal. 222 00:12:40,459 --> 00:12:41,949 I took a shot. 223 00:12:44,396 --> 00:12:45,920 What are you reading? 224 00:12:46,599 --> 00:12:48,760 The Joy of Bartending, Hemingway. 225 00:12:50,002 --> 00:12:52,061 So, what, you're funny? 226 00:12:56,542 --> 00:12:59,272 SIow down, that's a nice Cotes du Rhone. 227 00:12:59,678 --> 00:13:00,975 Enjoy. 228 00:13:03,716 --> 00:13:05,206 It's on me. 229 00:13:06,819 --> 00:13:08,184 Why would that be? 230 00:13:08,254 --> 00:13:10,882 A bribe, so, you'II hang out and talk. 231 00:13:11,123 --> 00:13:13,887 If you Ieave, I'II have to Iisten to those NYU kids... 232 00:13:13,959 --> 00:13:16,587 ...with the Amstel Lights discuss Fiona Apple. 233 00:13:17,096 --> 00:13:18,996 I'm begging you. 234 00:13:29,875 --> 00:13:31,809 They did a little more than talk. 235 00:13:31,877 --> 00:13:35,210 After work they went back to her place where Steve, the bartender... 236 00:13:35,281 --> 00:13:38,148 ...served Miranda two orgasms, straight up. 237 00:13:43,923 --> 00:13:45,049 So... 238 00:13:45,791 --> 00:13:47,918 ...that was really special. 239 00:13:49,361 --> 00:13:50,293 Sure. 240 00:13:50,362 --> 00:13:52,592 Is that your shirt over there? 241 00:13:56,569 --> 00:13:58,594 Can I get your phone number? 242 00:13:59,839 --> 00:14:00,828 Why? 243 00:14:00,906 --> 00:14:03,534 To call you up and ask you for a date. 244 00:14:04,510 --> 00:14:05,499 Look.... 245 00:14:05,711 --> 00:14:07,872 Steve. Look, Steve. 246 00:14:08,614 --> 00:14:10,343 You don't have to do this. 247 00:14:10,583 --> 00:14:13,108 You don't have to make believe you're gonna call. 248 00:14:13,185 --> 00:14:16,211 Let's just call this what this was: a one-night stand. 249 00:14:19,658 --> 00:14:21,523 You're a real pisser. 250 00:14:27,032 --> 00:14:29,432 Stop by the bar, see me sometime. 251 00:14:30,069 --> 00:14:32,299 Sure, okay. Whatever. Thanks. 252 00:14:32,671 --> 00:14:33,899 Bye. 253 00:14:34,573 --> 00:14:36,006 Great sex. 254 00:14:42,047 --> 00:14:44,845 Three dinners and two extravagant lunches later... 255 00:14:45,017 --> 00:14:47,485 ...Ed invited Samantha over to his townhouse. 256 00:14:47,586 --> 00:14:50,020 Up until now, she would never have believed... 257 00:14:50,089 --> 00:14:52,751 ...she would consider a relationship with an older man. 258 00:14:52,825 --> 00:14:54,952 Bu there was something about Ed. 259 00:14:57,563 --> 00:14:59,531 How did that get there? 260 00:15:01,000 --> 00:15:02,558 I wonder if.... 261 00:15:11,877 --> 00:15:14,573 Ed, no. 262 00:15:28,527 --> 00:15:31,257 After an impressive six-course dinner... 263 00:15:31,363 --> 00:15:33,456 ...Ed put the moves on Samantha. 264 00:15:33,732 --> 00:15:36,292 Ed's moves were from a different dating time. 265 00:15:36,368 --> 00:15:38,768 Moves she had heard of or seen in old movies... 266 00:15:38,837 --> 00:15:42,068 ...but moves she never thought she'd experience firsthand. 267 00:15:42,274 --> 00:15:44,742 I used to groove with these cats in Cuba. 268 00:15:47,813 --> 00:15:49,440 What's the matter? 269 00:15:49,581 --> 00:15:51,708 Can't afford the Iight bill? 270 00:15:51,917 --> 00:15:54,886 You're fun. A toast to fun. 271 00:15:59,725 --> 00:16:01,192 What the hell! 272 00:16:02,161 --> 00:16:04,322 I'm gonna Iay my cards on the table. 273 00:16:07,166 --> 00:16:10,431 -I've only got a handful of good years Ieft. -No-- 274 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:12,361 10 to 12, tops. 275 00:16:12,638 --> 00:16:15,368 I'm Iooking for someone to have some fun with. 276 00:16:15,441 --> 00:16:19,502 I'm aware that a gorgeous woman Iike you can get any young man you want. 277 00:16:20,279 --> 00:16:23,043 I'm willing to make it worth your wild. 278 00:16:23,649 --> 00:16:25,514 And speaking of wild... 279 00:16:26,118 --> 00:16:27,642 ...don't worry. 280 00:16:27,953 --> 00:16:31,480 I got a big, old pocketful of Viagra. 281 00:16:33,025 --> 00:16:34,390 Why, Ed. 282 00:16:35,627 --> 00:16:37,527 That's not Viagra. 283 00:16:38,964 --> 00:16:42,297 Samantha was suddenly living her own urban relationship myth. 284 00:16:42,534 --> 00:16:47,198 The woman who stopped for a cocktail after work and lived happily ever after. 285 00:16:47,272 --> 00:16:48,967 For 10 to 12 years, tops. 286 00:16:49,041 --> 00:16:53,068 I think in the dark is sexier. 287 00:16:53,445 --> 00:16:55,879 Could you get that Iight behind you? 288 00:16:59,718 --> 00:17:04,348 In the dark, she learned that all cats not only look the same but felt the same. 289 00:17:04,423 --> 00:17:07,017 Ed's lips were not the lips of an older man. 290 00:17:08,427 --> 00:17:11,396 Ed's touch was not the touch of an older man. 291 00:17:11,530 --> 00:17:14,226 Excuse me, baby. Little boy's room. 292 00:17:17,002 --> 00:17:20,494 Unfortunately Ed's ass was the ass of an older man. 293 00:17:27,880 --> 00:17:31,839 She told him it was a bad reaction to the shellfish from dinner. 294 00:17:36,455 --> 00:17:38,582 Saturday afternoon, Miranda was at home... 295 00:17:38,657 --> 00:17:41,455 ...enjoying a cup of coffee and her New York Times... 296 00:17:41,527 --> 00:17:43,654 ...when fate came knocking. 297 00:17:52,104 --> 00:17:52,968 Yes? 298 00:17:53,138 --> 00:17:54,264 It's Steve. 299 00:17:54,606 --> 00:17:55,698 Steve who? 300 00:17:55,874 --> 00:17:58,001 Steve Brady, the bartender. 301 00:17:58,544 --> 00:17:59,772 What do you want? 302 00:17:59,845 --> 00:18:02,109 You want your neighbors to hear? 303 00:18:07,586 --> 00:18:09,076 Hi. 304 00:18:09,888 --> 00:18:12,755 -Thanks for Ietting me in. -Did you forget something? 305 00:18:12,991 --> 00:18:16,893 No, I didn't have your number and I wanted to tell you something. 306 00:18:17,663 --> 00:18:18,755 I Iike you. 307 00:18:20,132 --> 00:18:24,034 Translation: "I think you're an easy Iay and I'd Iike to have sex again." 308 00:18:24,103 --> 00:18:25,798 It's not Iike that. 309 00:18:27,406 --> 00:18:28,998 Have dinner with me. 310 00:18:29,775 --> 00:18:30,799 Why? 311 00:18:31,143 --> 00:18:33,941 I don't know, because we're hungry. 312 00:18:34,113 --> 00:18:36,741 I can't have dinner with you. I don't even know you. 313 00:18:36,815 --> 00:18:39,181 -You slept with me. -It's a different thing. 314 00:18:40,419 --> 00:18:42,819 -How 'bout tonight? -I have plans. 315 00:18:43,255 --> 00:18:45,189 -You don't have plans. -I do. 316 00:18:45,257 --> 00:18:47,487 What plans? Quick, before you make one up. 317 00:18:47,559 --> 00:18:50,187 I'm meeting my friends downtown at Denial for dinner. 318 00:18:50,596 --> 00:18:53,588 My buddy works there. I'II meet you for a drink. What time? 319 00:18:53,665 --> 00:18:54,996 7:00. 320 00:18:55,501 --> 00:18:56,627 Okay. 321 00:19:00,906 --> 00:19:03,101 What time are you really meeting them? 322 00:19:06,845 --> 00:19:07,937 9:00. 323 00:19:16,455 --> 00:19:18,685 At 8:15, I arrived at Big's. 324 00:19:18,757 --> 00:19:21,419 One quick drink and we'd be out the door. 325 00:19:21,493 --> 00:19:24,929 I told myself all day it was just another dinner with friends. 326 00:19:25,164 --> 00:19:28,691 But, as I stood waiting, in my new, very favorite dress... 327 00:19:28,834 --> 00:19:30,961 ...I realized it meant a lot more. 328 00:19:32,538 --> 00:19:34,130 Hi, baby, c'mon in. 329 00:19:34,273 --> 00:19:38,437 You're not properly attired to meet my friends, mister. Hop to it. 330 00:19:38,911 --> 00:19:40,538 About that.... 331 00:19:43,682 --> 00:19:45,707 Do you mind if I don't go? 332 00:19:46,685 --> 00:19:49,381 I've been out all day, it's gonna rain. 333 00:19:50,856 --> 00:19:52,915 But my friends are expecting you. 334 00:19:52,991 --> 00:19:55,459 I know, but they're your friends and... 335 00:19:55,794 --> 00:19:57,887 ...they'II be fine with just you. 336 00:19:58,263 --> 00:19:59,696 Is it okay? 337 00:20:01,033 --> 00:20:02,227 Sure. 338 00:20:02,901 --> 00:20:05,734 I was afraid if I looked up into his eyes... 339 00:20:05,804 --> 00:20:07,669 ...I'd turn to stone. 340 00:20:13,111 --> 00:20:17,548 How could I have let myself believe things would be different the second time around? 341 00:20:17,616 --> 00:20:22,644 I'd never heard of a myth in which a self-centered, 42-year-old baby... 342 00:20:22,721 --> 00:20:26,714 ...magically transformed into a grown man that you could bring out in public. 343 00:20:32,331 --> 00:20:34,856 They won't seat us 'til all of our party is here. 344 00:20:34,933 --> 00:20:36,958 How Iong do you think Big will be? 345 00:20:37,035 --> 00:20:38,969 I'm not sure, he's coming from work. 346 00:20:39,037 --> 00:20:42,063 I didn't have the strength to tell them about my fallen hero. 347 00:20:42,140 --> 00:20:43,767 Not without a cocktail. 348 00:20:43,842 --> 00:20:47,039 I figured as long as I was "in Denial," I might as well stay there. 349 00:20:47,112 --> 00:20:48,807 Look at you. 350 00:20:49,381 --> 00:20:52,441 If you want good service, send a bartender. 351 00:20:52,517 --> 00:20:55,418 If you want a good fuck, go home with one. 352 00:20:57,422 --> 00:20:59,788 Hello! It was funny! 353 00:20:59,891 --> 00:21:02,655 Can I talk to you over there, for a second? 354 00:21:03,061 --> 00:21:06,087 The gods are punishing me for having casual sex. 355 00:21:13,572 --> 00:21:14,732 Thank you. 356 00:21:14,973 --> 00:21:17,373 One quick question and I'm out of here. 357 00:21:17,442 --> 00:21:19,603 Why do you hate guys so much? 358 00:21:19,678 --> 00:21:21,043 Excuse me? 359 00:21:21,113 --> 00:21:23,911 We just met, so I know that it ain't all about me. 360 00:21:24,216 --> 00:21:25,376 Wait. 361 00:21:25,684 --> 00:21:27,345 What do you want? 362 00:21:27,653 --> 00:21:30,178 I just wanna get to know you better. 363 00:21:30,322 --> 00:21:32,347 Do me a favor. 364 00:21:32,824 --> 00:21:37,557 Can you, for a second, believe that maybe I'm not some "full-of-shit" guy? 365 00:21:38,030 --> 00:21:40,021 That maybe I do Iike you? 366 00:21:40,232 --> 00:21:42,928 That maybe the other night was special? 367 00:21:43,001 --> 00:21:45,993 -Do you think maybe you can believe that? -No. 368 00:21:46,071 --> 00:21:49,131 Maybe I've just slept with too many bartenders. 369 00:21:54,179 --> 00:21:55,441 Are you okay? 370 00:21:55,580 --> 00:21:57,844 I don't wanna talk about it. 371 00:21:59,584 --> 00:22:01,984 Nice meeting you all, excuse me. 372 00:22:08,560 --> 00:22:11,427 -Maybe we should get a table for four. -I knew it. 373 00:22:12,431 --> 00:22:14,592 Big's not coming. Men are shit. 374 00:22:14,833 --> 00:22:17,734 What are you talking about? He's coming, isn't he? 375 00:22:17,803 --> 00:22:21,637 I didn't know if I had the heart to tell Charlotte that "happily ever after..." 376 00:22:21,707 --> 00:22:23,937 ...really was just a myth. 377 00:22:25,410 --> 00:22:27,344 See, there he is! 378 00:22:42,761 --> 00:22:45,025 It's really coming down out there. 379 00:22:45,097 --> 00:22:47,657 -You remember my friends? -Of course, I do. 380 00:22:47,733 --> 00:22:49,064 Hello, Iadies. 381 00:22:49,134 --> 00:22:50,931 Seeing Big show up for me... 382 00:22:51,002 --> 00:22:54,267 ...shook Miranda's lack of belief system to the very core. 383 00:22:54,339 --> 00:22:55,806 Excuse me. 384 00:22:56,975 --> 00:22:58,135 More drinks? 385 00:22:58,643 --> 00:23:01,043 Just like that, Miranda left Denial. 386 00:23:03,382 --> 00:23:04,508 Steve! 387 00:23:11,857 --> 00:23:13,757 Maybe I can believe it. 388 00:23:18,597 --> 00:23:21,498 From that night on, promiscuous women everywhere... 389 00:23:21,566 --> 00:23:24,057 ...would tell the tale of the one-night stand... 390 00:23:24,136 --> 00:23:26,366 ...that turned into a relationship. 391 00:23:26,605 --> 00:23:28,095 As for Big and me.... 392 00:23:28,507 --> 00:23:29,906 So, tell me. 393 00:23:30,642 --> 00:23:33,133 Did you ever get it on with that old coot? 394 00:23:35,280 --> 00:23:39,512 That was the night we stopped being a myth and started becoming real.