1 00:00:47,580 --> 00:00:50,913 They say that New Yorkers will attend the opening of an envelope... 2 00:00:50,984 --> 00:00:53,282 ...as long as the champagne doesn't run dry. 3 00:00:53,353 --> 00:00:56,447 But tonight's opening at Charlotte's gallery for Yael... 4 00:00:56,523 --> 00:00:58,855 ...a lesbian painter from Brooklyn Heights... 5 00:00:58,925 --> 00:01:02,725 ...actually transcended the bad wine, stale cheese routine. 6 00:01:02,896 --> 00:01:05,694 It was lesbian chic meets art-world cool. 7 00:01:05,765 --> 00:01:09,531 A surprisingly fabulous combustion that no one saw coming. 8 00:01:10,070 --> 00:01:12,834 Charlotte was there with her latest fling, Gareth Davis. 9 00:01:12,906 --> 00:01:16,637 A toxic bachelor and the owner of Thorn, a downtown restaurant... 10 00:01:16,709 --> 00:01:20,975 ...frequented by second-tier models and the men who buy them salad. 11 00:01:22,582 --> 00:01:24,243 Miranda brought Ethan Watson... 12 00:01:24,384 --> 00:01:27,319 ...a documentary filmmaker she had met the week before... 13 00:01:27,420 --> 00:01:30,548 ...at a sparsely attended Harvard Alumni mixer. 14 00:01:32,525 --> 00:01:35,016 And my date for the evening was Samantha. 15 00:01:35,095 --> 00:01:37,757 Not entirely inappropriate given the circumstances. 16 00:01:37,831 --> 00:01:38,593 Here. 17 00:01:38,698 --> 00:01:40,632 Nobody told me it was B.Y.O. Man. 18 00:01:40,700 --> 00:01:43,100 What did you expect? It's a Iesbian art show. 19 00:01:43,169 --> 00:01:47,765 But don't straight guys follow them around to see what they're going to do? 20 00:01:48,241 --> 00:01:50,641 Wait a second. You see that guy? 21 00:01:50,810 --> 00:01:52,334 -Who? -I know him. 22 00:01:53,079 --> 00:01:55,309 -Who is he? -He's a trainer at my gym. 23 00:01:56,015 --> 00:01:59,849 And you should see his squat thrusts. I'm just gonna say hello. 24 00:02:00,186 --> 00:02:02,746 You know what, honey? I think I'm gonna go home. 25 00:02:02,822 --> 00:02:05,814 -Relax, I'II be right back. -I don't feel very well. 26 00:02:05,892 --> 00:02:08,360 -What's wrong? -I have a headache. It just hit me. 27 00:02:08,428 --> 00:02:11,864 -You want a Percodan? -I'm fine. I just need some sleep. 28 00:02:11,931 --> 00:02:13,228 Go on, make new friends. 29 00:02:13,566 --> 00:02:15,500 -I'II call you. -Okay. 30 00:02:19,672 --> 00:02:22,937 With Samantha, Miranda and Charlotte all suitably occupied... 31 00:02:23,042 --> 00:02:25,875 ...I figured there was no better time to make my escape. 32 00:02:27,881 --> 00:02:30,679 The truth was, I had another engagement. 33 00:02:32,118 --> 00:02:35,144 But I didn't dare tell any of my friends where I was going... 34 00:02:35,255 --> 00:02:37,485 ...or who I was planning to meet. 35 00:02:44,264 --> 00:02:47,927 -You Iook sensational. -You don't Iook so bad yourself. 36 00:02:48,001 --> 00:02:50,799 This old thing? I've had it for years. 37 00:02:52,805 --> 00:02:54,238 I knew it was wrong. 38 00:02:54,307 --> 00:02:58,038 Seeing an emotionally unavailable man I had sworn off months earlier. 39 00:02:59,179 --> 00:03:01,704 But the guilt worked like an aphrodisiac. 40 00:03:02,382 --> 00:03:06,546 I had never felt sexier or more alive in my entire life. 41 00:03:08,688 --> 00:03:11,623 By midnight, Charlotte discovered Manhattan 's latest group... 42 00:03:11,691 --> 00:03:14,285 ...to flaunt their disposable income: 43 00:03:14,827 --> 00:03:16,454 The power lesbian. 44 00:03:16,896 --> 00:03:19,057 They seem to have everything. 45 00:03:19,165 --> 00:03:22,657 Great shoes, killer eyewear and the secrets to invisible makeup. 46 00:03:23,169 --> 00:03:26,900 -I want that one. I'm gonna take it. -Didn't I say I was buying it? 47 00:03:26,973 --> 00:03:30,204 -I thought you were taking the Iarge one. -I want both. 48 00:03:30,276 --> 00:03:32,267 For God's sakes. 49 00:03:32,712 --> 00:03:35,545 Charlotte had never sold out a show before in her life. 50 00:03:35,615 --> 00:03:37,082 She was pleasantly surprised. 51 00:03:37,150 --> 00:03:41,348 Unfortunately, there was a not so pleasant surprise in store for her. 52 00:03:41,487 --> 00:03:42,852 We're out of champagne. 53 00:03:42,922 --> 00:03:46,517 I'm sure I have an extra case or two in the back storeroom. 54 00:03:59,806 --> 00:04:00,830 Excuse me. 55 00:04:02,775 --> 00:04:04,834 Relax, we're just kissing. 56 00:04:08,548 --> 00:04:10,539 I'II see you in there. 57 00:04:13,286 --> 00:04:17,382 I can't believe he had the nerve to kiss her and still pretend he wasn't cheating. 58 00:04:17,457 --> 00:04:19,584 Maybe he doesn't consider kissing cheating. 59 00:04:19,659 --> 00:04:22,093 Come on. It was only your second date. 60 00:04:22,161 --> 00:04:26,029 So? Doesn't that guarantee me fidelity until the end of the evening? 61 00:04:26,099 --> 00:04:28,829 Remember Ron, the married guy with kids on Park Avenue? 62 00:04:28,901 --> 00:04:31,597 He didn't consider fucking below 23rd Street cheating. 63 00:04:31,671 --> 00:04:32,865 That's insane. 64 00:04:33,006 --> 00:04:35,839 Men cheat for the same reason that dogs Iick their balls: 65 00:04:35,908 --> 00:04:38,638 Because they can. It's part of their biology. 66 00:04:38,745 --> 00:04:41,373 Instead of wasting all this energy condemning it... 67 00:04:41,447 --> 00:04:45,406 ...maybe it's time we all got in Iine with the reality of the situation. 68 00:04:45,585 --> 00:04:48,577 That sounds very empowering, but you're forgetting one detail. 69 00:04:48,655 --> 00:04:49,644 I hope so. 70 00:04:49,856 --> 00:04:52,017 -Women cheat. -But it's different. 71 00:04:52,091 --> 00:04:53,115 How? 72 00:04:53,192 --> 00:04:56,787 We don't go around randomly attacking any man we're attracted to. 73 00:04:56,996 --> 00:05:00,159 -Speak for yourself. -We're not driven by testosterone. 74 00:05:00,233 --> 00:05:02,497 Then what does drive us according to you? 75 00:05:02,635 --> 00:05:04,466 -Emotions. -You mean hormones. 76 00:05:04,537 --> 00:05:08,769 No. I mean that Iittle voice inside of me that says, "Mate for Iife." 77 00:05:08,841 --> 00:05:12,641 You can't Iisten to every fucking Iittle voice that runs through your head. 78 00:05:12,712 --> 00:05:14,577 It'II drive you nuts. 79 00:05:15,114 --> 00:05:19,448 The problem is that you two have very different definitions of cheating. 80 00:05:19,819 --> 00:05:20,877 I don't tolerate it. 81 00:05:20,953 --> 00:05:24,411 And I'm more forgiving and realistic about human nature. 82 00:05:24,691 --> 00:05:26,158 That's because you cheat. 83 00:05:26,726 --> 00:05:30,059 I just don't think that you can define cheating in absolute terms. 84 00:05:30,163 --> 00:05:31,892 You think it's okay to cheat? 85 00:05:31,998 --> 00:05:34,489 I think maybe there's a cheating curve. 86 00:05:34,734 --> 00:05:37,703 Someone's definition of what constitutes cheating... 87 00:05:37,837 --> 00:05:41,671 ...is in direct proportion to how much they themselves want to cheat. 88 00:05:41,774 --> 00:05:43,298 That's moral relativism. 89 00:05:43,576 --> 00:05:45,703 I prefer to think of it as quantum cheating. 90 00:05:45,778 --> 00:05:49,942 The fact is, the act of cheating is defined by the act of getting caught. 91 00:05:50,016 --> 00:05:52,644 One doesn't exist without the other. 92 00:05:52,719 --> 00:05:55,085 I wondered, was Samantha right? 93 00:05:55,588 --> 00:05:58,148 Is cheating like the proverbial tree in the forest? 94 00:05:58,224 --> 00:06:01,057 That it doesn't exist if there's no one around to catch you? 95 00:06:01,127 --> 00:06:05,860 In a gravity-free world of anything goes, what constitutes cheating? 96 00:06:06,733 --> 00:06:08,223 Everybody cheats. 97 00:06:08,401 --> 00:06:10,460 That's the great thing about having a trainer. 98 00:06:10,703 --> 00:06:12,568 Seven, keep your neck back. 99 00:06:12,638 --> 00:06:13,730 Eight. 100 00:06:14,440 --> 00:06:17,034 Pisses me off seeing people train improperly. 101 00:06:17,110 --> 00:06:19,044 I guess I better behave then. 102 00:06:19,145 --> 00:06:20,942 I'm all about form and discipline. 103 00:06:22,248 --> 00:06:24,409 Do it right or don't bother doing it at all. 104 00:06:24,984 --> 00:06:25,916 Yes. 105 00:06:26,085 --> 00:06:29,987 Samantha realized that while purity of form exacted a price... 106 00:06:30,056 --> 00:06:32,388 ...it also had its own rewards. 107 00:06:32,458 --> 00:06:33,789 So how do you feel? 108 00:06:34,093 --> 00:06:37,859 You got me all wet. I mean sweaty. 109 00:06:38,097 --> 00:06:39,394 Same time on Wednesday? 110 00:06:39,499 --> 00:06:40,761 It's a date. 111 00:06:41,467 --> 00:06:45,062 Later that day, Charlotte realized she was tired of listening... 112 00:06:45,171 --> 00:06:47,366 ...to another man 's weak justifications. 113 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:50,705 You don 't understand. She's a friend of my sister's from college. 114 00:06:50,877 --> 00:06:53,675 She just moved to the city and her uncle died Iast month. 115 00:06:53,746 --> 00:06:55,873 I was just trying to be supportive. 116 00:06:55,948 --> 00:06:57,108 Besides... 117 00:06:57,417 --> 00:06:59,214 ...you're the one I want to sleep with. 118 00:06:59,285 --> 00:07:02,345 When she felt her life take a fortuitous turn. 119 00:07:03,022 --> 00:07:05,081 Gareth, I've got to go. 120 00:07:05,158 --> 00:07:06,682 Wait. What-- 121 00:07:10,296 --> 00:07:12,059 Hi! Nice to see you. 122 00:07:12,131 --> 00:07:14,156 I just came in to pay for my painting. 123 00:07:14,267 --> 00:07:18,203 It's her painting for six months and then she's selling it back to me. 124 00:07:18,271 --> 00:07:19,329 Excuse me. 125 00:07:19,572 --> 00:07:23,440 I'm the one with the big Ioft and all the empty white walls. 126 00:07:23,543 --> 00:07:26,068 Look at it. I am so excited. 127 00:07:26,879 --> 00:07:29,848 Excuse me. By the way, I Iove the Prada Ioafers. 128 00:07:29,982 --> 00:07:31,142 Thanks. 129 00:07:31,918 --> 00:07:35,854 Power lesbians and their shoes are like Wall Street brokers and their cigars. 130 00:07:35,922 --> 00:07:38,220 AIice told me so many nice things about you. 131 00:07:38,291 --> 00:07:40,759 How Iong have you been doing the art thing? 132 00:07:40,827 --> 00:07:44,160 Ten years. No, 12 years. I'm Iosing track. 133 00:07:44,397 --> 00:07:47,025 AImost five years at this gallery. What do you do? 134 00:07:47,099 --> 00:07:50,091 I'm a V.P. at Warner Music. Eileen works on Wall Street. 135 00:07:50,169 --> 00:07:51,966 How Iong have you been together? 136 00:07:52,071 --> 00:07:54,767 Used to be together. Five years. We're just friends now. 137 00:07:55,341 --> 00:07:56,672 That is so cool. 138 00:07:57,443 --> 00:08:00,378 Want to join Melissa and Drew in about an hour for a drink? 139 00:08:00,446 --> 00:08:03,574 Sure. Would you Iike to join us for a drink? 140 00:08:05,251 --> 00:08:06,912 I wish I could, but-- 141 00:08:07,153 --> 00:08:08,415 But what? 142 00:08:08,488 --> 00:08:12,891 The truth is Charlotte couldn't think of one really good reason not to go. 143 00:08:12,959 --> 00:08:14,187 I'd Iove to. 144 00:08:16,429 --> 00:08:19,956 One drink at G-Spot, the hottest new girl bar in town... 145 00:08:20,066 --> 00:08:23,160 ...followed by dinner and scintillating conversation at Luke's... 146 00:08:23,236 --> 00:08:27,002 ...a hot new French-fusion restaurant with an even hotter chef... 147 00:08:27,073 --> 00:08:29,564 ...followed by late-night dancing at Love Tunnel... 148 00:08:29,709 --> 00:08:33,008 ...Ieft Charlotte exhilarated and happy as she'd been in ages. 149 00:08:33,112 --> 00:08:35,478 There was something relaxing and liberating... 150 00:08:35,581 --> 00:08:39,381 ...in traveling in an alternate universe that contained no thought of men. 151 00:08:39,485 --> 00:08:42,010 By the end of the night, Charlotte had truly made... 152 00:08:42,088 --> 00:08:44,420 ...some wonderful new friends. 153 00:08:53,666 --> 00:08:57,227 That night, Miranda was exhausted from her own night on the town. 154 00:08:57,303 --> 00:09:00,101 She had spent the last four hours in the dark with Ethan... 155 00:09:00,139 --> 00:09:03,472 ...watching the classic holocaust documentary Shoah. 156 00:09:03,543 --> 00:09:07,775 Shoah is so much better than that faky, stagy Schindler's List. 157 00:09:08,281 --> 00:09:13,241 Narrative film can't begin to touch the horror of experience. 158 00:09:13,686 --> 00:09:18,214 Only documentaries can really begin to capture the truth. 159 00:09:19,258 --> 00:09:23,024 In fact, the entire concept of narrative film... 160 00:09:23,429 --> 00:09:24,896 ...is just bogus. 161 00:09:24,964 --> 00:09:26,397 You know-- 162 00:09:32,338 --> 00:09:34,306 Want to come back to my place? 163 00:09:35,508 --> 00:09:39,410 Miranda was pleased to discover that Ethan was as passionate in bed... 164 00:09:39,512 --> 00:09:42,345 ...as he was on the subject of non-narrative film. 165 00:09:42,415 --> 00:09:44,849 But just as they were getting down to business... 166 00:09:44,917 --> 00:09:47,647 ...Miranda realized they were not alone. 167 00:09:52,825 --> 00:09:54,486 What's that for? 168 00:09:54,560 --> 00:09:57,256 Just something to get us in the mood. 169 00:09:57,496 --> 00:09:59,691 I think it's kind of sexy, don't you? 170 00:09:59,765 --> 00:10:02,325 Yeah, I guess it could be. 171 00:10:04,470 --> 00:10:07,337 Miranda realized that Ethan's passion for film... 172 00:10:07,406 --> 00:10:09,874 ...had taken on a new and interesting twist. 173 00:10:12,078 --> 00:10:15,707 A few nights later, after a late show of Gimme Shelter at the Waverly... 174 00:10:15,815 --> 00:10:19,911 ...Miranda discovered that Ethan's new friends were hard to shake. 175 00:10:25,224 --> 00:10:27,749 -Does that really need to be on? -No. 176 00:10:28,361 --> 00:10:30,591 It just really turns me on. 177 00:10:30,763 --> 00:10:33,732 -Aren't I enough? -You're great. 178 00:10:34,166 --> 00:10:36,498 I can turn off the sound if it bugs you. 179 00:10:40,806 --> 00:10:43,832 Could you move your head a bit to the right? 180 00:10:44,777 --> 00:10:46,677 Yeah. That's great. 181 00:10:49,015 --> 00:10:53,952 That night, in Mr. Big's kitchen, I performed an unnatural act of my own. 182 00:10:54,487 --> 00:10:55,749 I cooked. 183 00:10:55,821 --> 00:10:57,755 Voila. Fondue. 184 00:11:00,292 --> 00:11:02,590 You didn't cook. You just heated up cheese. 185 00:11:02,762 --> 00:11:04,696 And tore up Iittle pieces of bread. 186 00:11:04,830 --> 00:11:07,856 -I'm touched by your effort. -Okay. 187 00:11:08,401 --> 00:11:11,234 It's the only recipe I could ever master. 188 00:11:14,206 --> 00:11:15,503 AII righty. 189 00:11:15,841 --> 00:11:17,035 Now... 190 00:11:17,810 --> 00:11:19,835 ...tell me you Iove it. 191 00:11:23,849 --> 00:11:24,838 Tasty. 192 00:11:28,788 --> 00:11:30,915 Now you tell me. 193 00:11:35,394 --> 00:11:36,554 It's horrible. 194 00:11:37,430 --> 00:11:39,728 Can we go to a restaurant now? 195 00:11:42,234 --> 00:11:44,668 I take it back. You're an excellent cook. 196 00:11:47,606 --> 00:11:50,006 I haven't told my friends we're seeing each other. 197 00:11:52,545 --> 00:11:53,637 Neither have I. 198 00:11:54,080 --> 00:11:57,846 -That doesn't count. You have no friends. -I have interested parties. 199 00:11:57,917 --> 00:12:00,852 -Why haven't you told them? -I sensed you didn't want me to. 200 00:12:01,053 --> 00:12:02,350 Bullshit. 201 00:12:02,555 --> 00:12:05,183 What do you want me to tell people? 202 00:12:06,792 --> 00:12:09,283 -Nothing. -Good idea. Let's keep it quiet. 203 00:12:09,528 --> 00:12:12,656 -Why do you want to keep it quiet? -I just want to be agreeable. 204 00:12:18,037 --> 00:12:20,972 The truth is, I wasn't sure why I wanted to keep the fact... 205 00:12:21,107 --> 00:12:23,507 ...that I was seeing Big again so under wraps. 206 00:12:23,576 --> 00:12:26,340 All I knew is that it felt somehow illicit. 207 00:12:26,412 --> 00:12:28,972 I didn 't even want to be caught waking up there. 208 00:12:30,349 --> 00:12:32,010 That morning at 7:00 a.m... 209 00:12:32,118 --> 00:12:35,281 ...as I walked the Walk of Shame back to my apartment.... 210 00:12:37,723 --> 00:12:38,883 My god! 211 00:12:39,258 --> 00:12:42,022 -What are you doing up here? -Teeth cleaning. 212 00:12:42,094 --> 00:12:45,757 -At 7:00 a.m.? -I Iike to get it over with. How's Ethan? 213 00:12:46,565 --> 00:12:49,534 -Aside from his porn addiction? -Still? 214 00:12:49,602 --> 00:12:53,163 It was kind of sexy at first, but it's getting borderline humiliating. 215 00:12:53,239 --> 00:12:55,400 "Move your head here. Move your head there." 216 00:12:55,474 --> 00:12:58,170 Isn't the real thing more exciting than a tape? 217 00:12:58,944 --> 00:13:00,912 Maybe it's a force of habit. 218 00:13:01,080 --> 00:13:04,311 I get the feeling he's more interested in the video than me. 219 00:13:04,383 --> 00:13:08,285 Like he's cheating on me with them while we're having sex. I don't know. 220 00:13:08,387 --> 00:13:10,048 Am I expecting too much? 221 00:13:10,122 --> 00:13:12,852 No, you deserve his undivided attention. 222 00:13:13,092 --> 00:13:16,220 Thank you. I have to go. I have a breakfast meeting. 223 00:13:16,295 --> 00:13:19,230 -You're dressed up for the dentist! -Laundry day. 224 00:13:20,599 --> 00:13:22,066 -Got it. -Bye, sweetie. 225 00:13:22,134 --> 00:13:25,661 I felt horrible. I had never lied to Miranda before. 226 00:13:25,771 --> 00:13:28,638 But I was embarrassed to admit that I was seeing Big again. 227 00:13:28,707 --> 00:13:32,268 The truth was, I was cheating on her and all my friends with Mr. Big. 228 00:13:33,412 --> 00:13:37,712 That afternoon, Samantha got very personal with her new trainer, Thor. 229 00:13:37,783 --> 00:13:41,184 I feel Iike such a cliche. I bet you sleep with all your clients. 230 00:13:41,253 --> 00:13:44,984 I really don't, but it's always been kind of a fantasy for me. 231 00:13:45,057 --> 00:13:48,618 -Maybe I could train you. -Why don't we take a shower first? 232 00:13:49,595 --> 00:13:51,222 You got great Iegs. 233 00:13:51,297 --> 00:13:54,323 If I knew we were going to be doing this, I'd have shaved them. 234 00:13:54,433 --> 00:13:57,163 That's all right. I'II shave them for you. 235 00:14:09,815 --> 00:14:11,248 Are you a dirty girl? 236 00:14:12,685 --> 00:14:16,052 I guess that depends on your definition of dirty. 237 00:14:18,624 --> 00:14:21,787 And then to Samantha's surprise and delight... 238 00:14:22,728 --> 00:14:24,491 ...Thor kept right on shaving. 239 00:14:32,404 --> 00:14:36,841 What is this thing guys have these days about wanting to shave your pubic hair? 240 00:14:36,976 --> 00:14:39,308 It's obvious. They want a Iittle girl. 241 00:14:39,378 --> 00:14:43,474 Actually, in Thor's case, it was more Iike being branded. 242 00:14:43,816 --> 00:14:45,374 What are you talking about? 243 00:14:46,151 --> 00:14:49,643 He shaved me in a shape: a Iightning bolt. 244 00:14:49,989 --> 00:14:53,948 Where do you find these guys? Carrie, are you Iistening to this? 245 00:14:54,026 --> 00:14:56,426 That very personal trainer of Samantha's... 246 00:14:56,495 --> 00:14:59,692 ...shaved her crotch in the shape of a Iightening bolt. 247 00:14:59,798 --> 00:15:03,825 Really. It's very creative. Sort of Iike X marks the spot. 248 00:15:04,403 --> 00:15:06,530 You know, it's a very neglected area. 249 00:15:06,605 --> 00:15:09,130 But people are really starting to pay attention. 250 00:15:09,275 --> 00:15:10,936 You can't just Iet it grow wild. 251 00:15:11,443 --> 00:15:13,411 There's an entire business... 252 00:15:13,579 --> 00:15:16,070 ...devoted to the upkeep and management of pubic hair. 253 00:15:16,148 --> 00:15:17,775 It says as much about you as shoes. 254 00:15:18,017 --> 00:15:21,783 Congratulations, it sounds Iike you found yourself a very talented stylist. 255 00:15:22,955 --> 00:15:25,185 What are you doing in there? 256 00:15:25,557 --> 00:15:28,924 You know what? Can somebody get that? I'll be out in a sec. 257 00:15:28,994 --> 00:15:30,518 Sorry I'm Iate. 258 00:15:31,664 --> 00:15:33,928 You didn't have to get all dressed up for us. 259 00:15:34,033 --> 00:15:35,660 Why not? You did your hair. 260 00:15:37,970 --> 00:15:41,599 It's not for you guys. I'm meeting Lydia and her friends tonight. 261 00:15:41,674 --> 00:15:45,041 -Who's Lydia? -Haven't you heard? Charlotte's a Iesbian. 262 00:15:45,411 --> 00:15:48,642 I am not a Iesbian. I just have some new Iesbian friends. 263 00:15:48,814 --> 00:15:51,339 She's been out with them three times this past week. 264 00:15:51,617 --> 00:15:52,606 So? 265 00:15:53,218 --> 00:15:56,881 They're cool and they buy art and their Iives aren't complicated by men. 266 00:15:57,156 --> 00:15:59,784 I was a major Iesbian in the fourth grade. 267 00:15:59,858 --> 00:16:02,656 Wendy Kirsten. We kissed. It was nice. 268 00:16:02,728 --> 00:16:04,753 They know you're straight, right? 269 00:16:04,964 --> 00:16:09,230 I'm sure they do, but we don't even talk about sex. It's a non-issue. 270 00:16:11,003 --> 00:16:14,200 You have to tell them, otherwise you're just Ieading them on. 271 00:16:14,273 --> 00:16:16,673 You're nothing but a big clit tease. 272 00:16:16,742 --> 00:16:20,337 Are you saying that a straight woman and a gay woman can't be friends? 273 00:16:20,412 --> 00:16:25,475 Of course, but you can't expect to move to Wonder Woman's island and not go native. 274 00:16:27,419 --> 00:16:28,579 Where's Carrie? 275 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:31,646 If she doesn't get out of the bathroom, we'II miss the movie. 276 00:16:31,724 --> 00:16:33,885 Is everything okay in there? 277 00:16:37,496 --> 00:16:38,724 Actually, no. 278 00:16:39,231 --> 00:16:40,664 I need help. 279 00:16:42,334 --> 00:16:45,599 This is embarrassing. I got a new diaphragm and it's stuck. 280 00:16:46,405 --> 00:16:48,532 How Iong has it been in there? 281 00:16:48,607 --> 00:16:49,972 Since Iast night. 282 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:52,507 While you were getting your teeth cleaned-- 283 00:16:54,246 --> 00:16:57,943 I'm either gonna have to make an emergency visit to my gynecologist... 284 00:16:58,083 --> 00:17:00,017 ...or someone's gonna have to help me. 285 00:17:00,085 --> 00:17:02,110 I'd help you, but I'm not very dexterous. 286 00:17:02,788 --> 00:17:04,881 You're the Iesbian, go in there. 287 00:17:05,958 --> 00:17:07,084 No. 288 00:17:09,361 --> 00:17:10,350 Go. 289 00:17:13,198 --> 00:17:15,462 And I just had my nails done. 290 00:17:18,704 --> 00:17:20,899 You are so buying me dinner. 291 00:17:21,140 --> 00:17:23,108 Wait. Aren't we skipping a beat here? 292 00:17:23,175 --> 00:17:25,268 Who are you sleeping with? 293 00:17:26,211 --> 00:17:28,509 It's something that started again a few weeks ago. 294 00:17:28,580 --> 00:17:32,539 I don't know if it's real so I didn't want to say anything. 295 00:17:32,818 --> 00:17:34,080 It's Big. 296 00:17:34,453 --> 00:17:37,445 You're sleeping with Big? He was such an asshole to you. 297 00:17:37,523 --> 00:17:40,822 Not really. Maybe sometimes. 298 00:17:41,226 --> 00:17:43,524 Why do you think it'II be different this time? 299 00:17:43,662 --> 00:17:47,564 I don't know. I'm not sure they are, but it kind of feels okay. 300 00:17:48,333 --> 00:17:50,824 If it feels okay, why are you sneaking around? 301 00:17:51,070 --> 00:17:54,198 We've got this physical, chemical... 302 00:17:54,273 --> 00:17:56,741 ...kind of connection that's hard to shake. 303 00:17:56,809 --> 00:17:58,140 So Iay off, okay? 304 00:17:58,210 --> 00:18:00,906 -Now it's gonna be a casual sex thing? -Maybe. 305 00:18:00,979 --> 00:18:03,573 -That's gonna work. -Even I am not that naive. 306 00:18:03,816 --> 00:18:06,512 I'm really not in the mood to see a movie anymore. 307 00:18:10,055 --> 00:18:11,317 Come on! 308 00:18:12,591 --> 00:18:15,185 I couldn't sleep at all that night. 309 00:18:15,961 --> 00:18:17,952 The problem was, my friends were right. 310 00:18:18,030 --> 00:18:21,796 Falling into this casual thing with Big, without a sense of what happened... 311 00:18:21,867 --> 00:18:25,735 ...or where it was going, suddenly felt like a huge mistake. 312 00:18:29,875 --> 00:18:33,504 The next morning, Charlotte attended brunch at the home of Patty Aston... 313 00:18:33,579 --> 00:18:36,377 ...the ex-wife of a Hollywood television producer. 314 00:18:36,448 --> 00:18:40,077 If power lesbians represented Manhattan 's chicest new social hive... 315 00:18:40,352 --> 00:18:42,912 ...Charlotte was about to meet their queen bee. 316 00:18:42,988 --> 00:18:44,478 Patty is an amazing Iady. 317 00:18:44,556 --> 00:18:48,185 She's on the board of 100 charities and now she's taking flying Iessons. 318 00:18:48,327 --> 00:18:51,626 She's got a house in Telluride. We're all going there for Easter. 319 00:18:51,697 --> 00:18:53,324 -You should come. -I'd Iove to. 320 00:18:54,700 --> 00:18:58,101 She also has some very interesting art. 321 00:18:58,837 --> 00:19:00,737 Diana the Huntress. 322 00:19:01,406 --> 00:19:03,169 I got her on sale. 323 00:19:03,475 --> 00:19:05,102 This is Charlotte. 324 00:19:05,377 --> 00:19:09,245 A pleasure. I've heard so many wonderful things about you. 325 00:19:09,448 --> 00:19:10,437 Likewise. 326 00:19:10,516 --> 00:19:13,952 I was telling Charlotte about your amazing house in Telluride. 327 00:19:14,019 --> 00:19:15,350 Sounds wonderful. 328 00:19:15,420 --> 00:19:16,944 I'm gonna get us some drinks. 329 00:19:17,055 --> 00:19:18,852 -Champagne? -Sure. 330 00:19:18,991 --> 00:19:20,151 Do you ski? 331 00:19:20,359 --> 00:19:24,022 Yes, but not well. I guess I'm what you'd call a snow bunny. 332 00:19:24,096 --> 00:19:26,326 I just kind of hop down the bunny trail. 333 00:19:27,432 --> 00:19:29,900 It's not a prerequisite, believe me. 334 00:19:29,968 --> 00:19:32,630 It's wonderful to Ieave the city and be in the mountains. 335 00:19:32,838 --> 00:19:34,465 Absolutely. 336 00:19:34,840 --> 00:19:39,072 You should plan to join us the next time. I know Lydia would Iove it if you could. 337 00:19:39,144 --> 00:19:40,736 That's very generous of you. 338 00:19:40,879 --> 00:19:45,145 But before we get on a plane together, there's something we all want to know. 339 00:19:45,384 --> 00:19:46,749 Are you gay? 340 00:19:48,053 --> 00:19:50,453 No, I'm not. 341 00:19:50,522 --> 00:19:53,548 But I do so enjoy the company of all these women. 342 00:19:53,825 --> 00:19:56,658 Everyone's so smart and funny. 343 00:19:57,062 --> 00:19:59,656 After spending too much time and attention on men... 344 00:19:59,731 --> 00:20:02,825 ...it feels Iike such a safe, warm environment. 345 00:20:02,901 --> 00:20:05,927 And while sexually, I feel that I am straight... 346 00:20:06,672 --> 00:20:11,200 ...there's a very powerful part of me that connects to the female spirit. 347 00:20:11,543 --> 00:20:14,068 Sweetheart, that's all very nice... 348 00:20:14,146 --> 00:20:17,980 ...but if you're not going to eat pussy, you're not a dyke. 349 00:20:21,486 --> 00:20:25,582 Later that afternoon, following a particularly grueling workout with Thor... 350 00:20:25,657 --> 00:20:28,956 ...Samantha decided to take a relaxing steam. 351 00:20:39,905 --> 00:20:41,236 That asshole! 352 00:20:43,208 --> 00:20:44,573 That day at the gym... 353 00:20:44,643 --> 00:20:48,204 ...Samantha discovered that lightning does indeed strike twice. 354 00:20:52,150 --> 00:20:54,710 That evening, Miranda was treated to a double bill. 355 00:20:55,020 --> 00:20:57,454 Nanook of the North at Alice Tully Hall... 356 00:20:57,723 --> 00:21:01,352 ...and Steady as She BIows at Ethan Watson's Porn Palace. 357 00:21:01,460 --> 00:21:03,257 Hold it right there. 358 00:21:08,333 --> 00:21:10,392 AII right, that's enough! 359 00:21:10,469 --> 00:21:12,903 This is not a synchronized event. 360 00:21:14,339 --> 00:21:16,307 Look, I Iike you. 361 00:21:16,475 --> 00:21:19,967 But this is ridiculous. It's either the women in the video or me. 362 00:21:20,045 --> 00:21:22,570 Your choice, but you can't have both. 363 00:21:23,415 --> 00:21:24,973 It's not that simple. 364 00:21:25,450 --> 00:21:27,782 I've only known you for a few weeks. 365 00:21:28,153 --> 00:21:30,849 But I've been involved with these women for years. 366 00:21:31,657 --> 00:21:33,682 I am so out of here. 367 00:21:41,300 --> 00:21:45,464 That night, for the first time ever, Big took me out dancing. 368 00:21:45,570 --> 00:21:47,697 It was like he knew I needed to talk to him... 369 00:21:47,806 --> 00:21:51,105 ...and decided to make it as difficult as possible. 370 00:21:51,209 --> 00:21:54,235 Our attraction, or addiction, or whatever, was strong. 371 00:21:54,313 --> 00:21:55,940 But I knew I had to be stronger. 372 00:21:56,014 --> 00:21:59,780 Does this mean we're seeing each other again? Officially? 373 00:22:00,352 --> 00:22:01,910 If you say so. 374 00:22:02,120 --> 00:22:04,350 That is an infuriating response. 375 00:22:05,991 --> 00:22:08,585 I don't know what "officially" means. 376 00:22:08,660 --> 00:22:10,958 "Officially" means officially. 377 00:22:14,766 --> 00:22:16,563 You know, for real. 378 00:22:17,703 --> 00:22:20,604 Every moment of my Iife is for real, baby. 379 00:22:22,841 --> 00:22:26,607 Just answer me this: Why did we break up? 380 00:22:29,381 --> 00:22:30,609 You tell me. 381 00:22:30,682 --> 00:22:34,277 You're the one who Ieft me high and dry with two tickets to St. Barts. 382 00:22:34,353 --> 00:22:36,947 You didn't say what I wanted to hear. 383 00:22:40,926 --> 00:22:42,257 Is that it? 384 00:22:43,195 --> 00:22:44,753 No, not just that. 385 00:22:45,030 --> 00:22:47,897 I wanted to tell him I was afraid he could never love me... 386 00:22:47,966 --> 00:22:49,661 ...the way I wanted to be loved. 387 00:22:49,735 --> 00:22:52,226 I was afraid that he didn't really have the capacity... 388 00:22:52,304 --> 00:22:54,204 ...to love anyone but himself. 389 00:22:54,272 --> 00:22:57,503 I was afraid that, given the chance, he'd break my heart again. 390 00:22:57,576 --> 00:22:59,635 But I cheated and just said.... 391 00:22:59,711 --> 00:23:01,611 I guess I was afraid. 392 00:23:07,452 --> 00:23:09,477 I can tell you one thing. 393 00:23:10,689 --> 00:23:14,785 I sure did miss you officially. 394 00:23:17,829 --> 00:23:19,296 Did you cry? 395 00:23:22,200 --> 00:23:23,292 No. 396 00:23:25,170 --> 00:23:28,230 But I did Iisten to a hell of a Iot of Sinatra. 397 00:23:29,040 --> 00:23:33,238 And there it was. I guess we were back together officially. 398 00:23:34,079 --> 00:23:35,876 Whatever that means.