1 00:00:46,613 --> 00:00:49,047 There are only two times when it's appropriate... 2 00:00:49,115 --> 00:00:51,447 ...to wear the little black dress in daylight. 3 00:00:51,518 --> 00:00:54,043 One involves leaving a party way too late. 4 00:00:54,120 --> 00:00:57,146 The other involves leaving the party way too early. 5 00:00:57,524 --> 00:00:59,014 The New York funeral. 6 00:00:59,092 --> 00:01:00,821 Javier was a hot Cuban designer... 7 00:01:00,894 --> 00:01:03,226 ...and the toast of the New York fashion elite. 8 00:01:03,296 --> 00:01:04,820 He was also a good friend. 9 00:01:04,931 --> 00:01:06,796 I had known him since he was Harvey. 10 00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:08,697 Javier loved clothes. 11 00:01:08,868 --> 00:01:11,166 Unfortunately, he loved heroin more. 12 00:01:12,572 --> 00:01:13,596 Shit. 13 00:01:16,142 --> 00:01:17,200 Okay. 14 00:01:18,511 --> 00:01:20,172 Wow, Iook at you! 15 00:01:20,246 --> 00:01:21,679 You Iike? 16 00:01:21,781 --> 00:01:25,979 Isn't it a Iittle wrong to wear a dead man's design to his own funeral? 17 00:01:26,052 --> 00:01:27,280 It's wrong not to. 18 00:01:27,353 --> 00:01:29,947 Besides, at $2,000, I better get some wear out of it. 19 00:01:30,023 --> 00:01:31,684 $2,000? You're kidding. 20 00:01:31,758 --> 00:01:34,124 Marked up 30 percent since yesterday. 21 00:01:34,194 --> 00:01:37,357 That's the thing about New York. You're always more popular dead. 22 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:38,829 I have to Iook fabulous. 23 00:01:38,898 --> 00:01:40,365 Everyone is gonna be there. 24 00:01:40,433 --> 00:01:44,130 Reminder, honey: this is a funeral, not Friday night at Bond Street. 25 00:01:44,204 --> 00:01:46,866 That's your grief talking. Get your purse, Iet's go. 26 00:01:48,475 --> 00:01:49,874 Sorry I'm Iate. 27 00:01:49,943 --> 00:01:53,401 -Is everyone in town invited to this? -Carrie invited me. 28 00:01:53,680 --> 00:01:55,375 You got invited with a guest? 29 00:01:55,448 --> 00:01:57,882 We were supposed to see a show together. 30 00:01:57,951 --> 00:02:00,146 That dress is really inappropriate. 31 00:02:01,421 --> 00:02:04,618 Apparently, Charlotte and I were the inappropriate ones. 32 00:02:04,757 --> 00:02:08,056 There it was, Javier's entire new spring line. 33 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,823 It was his best show ever. 34 00:02:09,896 --> 00:02:11,625 Everyone's wearing a Javier. 35 00:02:11,831 --> 00:02:12,957 Told you. 36 00:02:13,233 --> 00:02:14,791 Lend me your hat, please? 37 00:02:16,069 --> 00:02:17,127 Fine. 38 00:02:17,837 --> 00:02:21,238 But if anyone asks, it was a gift from the designer. 39 00:02:21,574 --> 00:02:23,906 Christ, my heels keep getting stuck. 40 00:02:24,043 --> 00:02:26,238 So much for death with dignity. 41 00:02:35,989 --> 00:02:37,320 Hello. 42 00:02:37,590 --> 00:02:38,557 Buenos dias. 43 00:02:38,725 --> 00:02:41,455 Look at the number they did on Josephina. 44 00:02:41,528 --> 00:02:42,688 She is beautiful. 45 00:02:42,762 --> 00:02:44,093 She wasn't a week ago. 46 00:02:44,197 --> 00:02:48,463 Josephina was Javier's sister and heir apparent to the Javier industry. 47 00:02:48,635 --> 00:02:52,196 In a day she had gone from ugly duckling to Donatella Versace. 48 00:02:52,405 --> 00:02:53,963 Death definitely became her. 49 00:02:55,041 --> 00:02:56,531 You're smoking at a funeral? 50 00:02:56,643 --> 00:02:58,577 Javier would have wanted it that way. 51 00:03:00,647 --> 00:03:02,274 We are asking today... 52 00:03:02,415 --> 00:03:04,076 ...that in Javier's memory... 53 00:03:04,450 --> 00:03:06,941 ...all donations be made to Javier House... 54 00:03:07,020 --> 00:03:10,217 ...a home we are building to house those in the fashion industry... 55 00:03:10,456 --> 00:03:12,219 ...who suffer from... 56 00:03:12,458 --> 00:03:13,755 ...substance abuse. 57 00:03:15,995 --> 00:03:16,984 No, don't. 58 00:03:17,063 --> 00:03:18,724 -No? -No. 59 00:03:20,600 --> 00:03:22,431 I'm gonna help them raise money. 60 00:03:22,502 --> 00:03:24,060 That's unusually nice of you. 61 00:03:24,137 --> 00:03:26,503 Forget nice, the mailing Iist will be priceless. 62 00:03:26,573 --> 00:03:29,940 And I'II have every unlisted 212 number in Manhattan. 63 00:03:30,810 --> 00:03:34,143 You had to give Samantha credit. She always saw the positive. 64 00:03:34,214 --> 00:03:36,910 One man's death was another woman 's p.r. opportunity. 65 00:03:37,016 --> 00:03:41,248 Josephina, I'm Samantha Jones from Samantha Jones Public Relations. 66 00:03:41,354 --> 00:03:44,118 I was so touched by your speech, that I wanted to.... 67 00:04:00,940 --> 00:04:02,168 I'm sorry. 68 00:04:03,076 --> 00:04:05,135 It's nothing to Iose your hat over. 69 00:04:06,613 --> 00:04:07,910 She Ioved hats. 70 00:04:08,881 --> 00:04:10,246 It's... 71 00:04:10,316 --> 00:04:11,715 ...fitting really. 72 00:04:12,685 --> 00:04:14,118 Your mother? 73 00:04:15,388 --> 00:04:16,377 My wife. 74 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:19,687 I'm so sorry. 75 00:04:19,892 --> 00:04:21,018 It's okay. 76 00:04:21,928 --> 00:04:23,088 Thanks. 77 00:04:27,000 --> 00:04:28,058 Kids? 78 00:04:28,701 --> 00:04:29,759 Nope. 79 00:04:34,073 --> 00:04:35,199 It's just a drink. 80 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:37,402 He works on the same block as my gallery. 81 00:04:37,610 --> 00:04:39,771 You picked up a man at a cemetery? 82 00:04:39,846 --> 00:04:41,871 He's handsome and he went to Princeton. 83 00:04:41,948 --> 00:04:44,348 -The widower thing is a definite no-no. -Why? 84 00:04:44,417 --> 00:04:45,748 The dead wife factor. 85 00:04:45,818 --> 00:04:48,378 No matter how bitchy she was alive, now she's dead... 86 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:50,888 ...and you're the bitch who can't Iive up to her. 87 00:04:50,957 --> 00:04:54,188 -Don't talk about his wife Iike that. -See? Happening already. 88 00:04:54,260 --> 00:04:56,228 It's not his fault she died. 89 00:04:56,296 --> 00:05:00,130 And besides, going through something Iike that makes him more sensitive. 90 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:03,497 He's felt really deeply. He's in touch with his emotions. 91 00:05:03,870 --> 00:05:05,167 It's kind of romantic. 92 00:05:05,471 --> 00:05:07,666 Think about it. He's been married. 93 00:05:07,907 --> 00:05:09,238 It shows he can commit. 94 00:05:09,309 --> 00:05:10,742 Then date a divorced guy. 95 00:05:10,810 --> 00:05:13,040 They've committed and everyone's still alive. 96 00:05:13,112 --> 00:05:14,443 It didn't work for Big. 97 00:05:14,514 --> 00:05:17,142 AII marriage did was convince him he hated committing. 98 00:05:17,216 --> 00:05:18,615 You broke up with him. 99 00:05:18,685 --> 00:05:20,846 So I'm the one with the commitment problem? 100 00:05:20,920 --> 00:05:22,080 I'm just saying.... 101 00:05:22,822 --> 00:05:26,121 While we were watching them break ground on Javier's last location... 102 00:05:26,426 --> 00:05:29,224 ...Miranda was breaking new ground of her own. 103 00:05:29,395 --> 00:05:31,363 So, it's just you? 104 00:05:31,497 --> 00:05:32,657 Yep. 105 00:05:32,732 --> 00:05:33,994 Just me. 106 00:05:34,067 --> 00:05:37,525 Such a big apartment to buy for just you. 107 00:05:37,603 --> 00:05:39,400 I have a Iot of shoes. 108 00:05:42,141 --> 00:05:43,904 Maybe the boyfriend will move in? 109 00:05:44,043 --> 00:05:45,567 No boyfriend. 110 00:05:45,645 --> 00:05:46,976 Just me. 111 00:05:47,580 --> 00:05:51,141 I have a son who owns his own business. 112 00:05:51,284 --> 00:05:52,546 No, thanks. 113 00:05:56,322 --> 00:05:57,687 I'II take it. 114 00:05:58,424 --> 00:06:02,986 With that, Ms. Miranda Hobbes Esquire, a.k.a. "just me"... 115 00:06:03,129 --> 00:06:07,088 ...bought herself her first apartment and promptly took herself out for a drink. 116 00:06:09,369 --> 00:06:11,837 While Miranda was out celebrating her future... 117 00:06:11,938 --> 00:06:14,771 ...I was in contemplating my own. 118 00:06:15,308 --> 00:06:19,404 In a city that moves so fast, you get the Sunday paper on Saturday... 119 00:06:19,479 --> 00:06:22,380 ...how did any of us know how much time we had left? 120 00:06:22,548 --> 00:06:25,381 There was so much I hadn't done. I'd never been to Greece. 121 00:06:25,451 --> 00:06:30,081 I hadn't finished painting my bathroom My Visa bill still wasn't paid in full. 122 00:06:30,490 --> 00:06:33,152 Hell, sometimes I felt like I was barely living. 123 00:06:34,093 --> 00:06:35,082 Hello. 124 00:06:39,165 --> 00:06:40,598 It's just me. 125 00:06:42,268 --> 00:06:44,168 So, how are you? 126 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:47,134 Just got back from a funeral. 127 00:06:47,440 --> 00:06:49,408 And you thought of me? I'm flattered. 128 00:06:50,643 --> 00:06:51,735 Listen... 129 00:06:53,513 --> 00:06:55,572 ...do you want to have dinner some time? 130 00:06:55,648 --> 00:06:58,776 I'd Iike to have dinner any old time. Who am I having dinner with? 131 00:06:59,085 --> 00:07:00,143 Me. 132 00:07:00,453 --> 00:07:02,683 In that case, I better check my book. 133 00:07:02,889 --> 00:07:04,447 -I'm hanging up now. -Fine. 134 00:07:05,458 --> 00:07:09,121 Saturday, 8:00, Roberto's. Be there or be square. 135 00:07:09,529 --> 00:07:10,791 God, you're old. 136 00:07:10,897 --> 00:07:12,262 It was so easy. 137 00:07:12,365 --> 00:07:16,062 Just like that, I had made a Saturday night date with Big. 138 00:07:16,135 --> 00:07:19,662 In under 30 seconds, we had resuscitated a relationship... 139 00:07:19,739 --> 00:07:22,230 ...that had taken six months to die. 140 00:07:23,075 --> 00:07:26,806 The next day, Samantha set out to break some records of her own. 141 00:07:26,946 --> 00:07:29,278 You know, I rarely make personal contributions. 142 00:07:29,549 --> 00:07:32,017 We'd Iove to have you on the Javier House board. 143 00:07:32,084 --> 00:07:34,951 Maybe in this case you can make an exception? 144 00:07:35,755 --> 00:07:37,552 I'II tell you what's exceptional. 145 00:07:38,124 --> 00:07:40,718 Getting solicited by a woman as beautiful as you. 146 00:07:40,793 --> 00:07:43,660 Richard Cranwell, senior partner at Bear Sterns... 147 00:07:43,729 --> 00:07:47,529 ...philanthropist, playboy. His specialty was hostile takeovers. 148 00:07:47,600 --> 00:07:50,626 FIattery will get you everywhere, Mr. Cranwell. 149 00:07:51,137 --> 00:07:52,570 PIease, call me Dick. 150 00:07:53,840 --> 00:07:54,932 Dick. 151 00:07:55,007 --> 00:07:58,170 In Samantha's case, it was more like a friendly merger. 152 00:07:58,311 --> 00:08:01,769 Perhaps we could discuss Javier House over dinner sometime. 153 00:08:01,981 --> 00:08:04,472 I believe that could be arranged. 154 00:08:05,751 --> 00:08:09,687 Samantha groped Cranwell for the good of all strung-out designers everywhere. 155 00:08:11,123 --> 00:08:14,559 Unfortunately, she was not expecting Sandy Cranwell... 156 00:08:14,827 --> 00:08:18,058 ...back early from groping a sweater set at Bendels. 157 00:08:19,031 --> 00:08:20,396 Get out. 158 00:08:20,666 --> 00:08:22,725 I'II just Ieave the proposal. 159 00:08:29,242 --> 00:08:33,338 Apparently, Sandy was not feeling as charitable as her husband. 160 00:08:34,247 --> 00:08:36,681 Meanwhile, at her mortgage company across town... 161 00:08:36,749 --> 00:08:39,479 ...Miranda was having her own troubles closing the deal. 162 00:08:39,552 --> 00:08:40,644 So, it's just you. 163 00:08:41,187 --> 00:08:43,553 Yeah, just me. 164 00:08:46,959 --> 00:08:49,723 Check the "single woman" box. 165 00:08:50,396 --> 00:08:51,624 Initial. 166 00:08:53,399 --> 00:08:56,300 And the down payment's coming from your father? 167 00:08:57,970 --> 00:08:58,959 No. 168 00:09:00,640 --> 00:09:02,335 Just me. 169 00:09:07,346 --> 00:09:09,712 Check the "single woman" box. 170 00:09:12,785 --> 00:09:14,275 In the course of one hour... 171 00:09:14,353 --> 00:09:17,754 ...Miranda had checked more single women 's boxes than her gynecologist. 172 00:09:19,759 --> 00:09:23,422 I'm telling you, if I was a single man, none of this would be happening. 173 00:09:23,496 --> 00:09:25,828 If you were a single man, I'd date you. 174 00:09:25,932 --> 00:09:29,663 I've got the money, I've got a great job, and I still get, "it's just you?" 175 00:09:29,735 --> 00:09:33,034 They're threatened. Buying a place alone means you don't need a man. 176 00:09:33,105 --> 00:09:34,094 I don't. 177 00:09:34,173 --> 00:09:36,664 Everyone needs a man. That's why I rent. 178 00:09:36,742 --> 00:09:40,143 If you own and he still rents, then the power structure is all off. 179 00:09:40,212 --> 00:09:41,304 It's emasculating. 180 00:09:41,414 --> 00:09:43,848 Men don't want a woman who's too self-sufficient. 181 00:09:43,916 --> 00:09:47,113 I'm sorry, did someone just order a Victorian straight up? 182 00:09:48,487 --> 00:09:51,354 I'm sorry, Miss Jones, your card's not accepted. 183 00:09:51,424 --> 00:09:53,255 That's not possible. Try it again. 184 00:09:53,326 --> 00:09:55,521 Maybe I'm not making myself clear. 185 00:09:55,595 --> 00:09:59,087 Your card and you are not accepted here. 186 00:09:59,665 --> 00:10:02,065 Samantha had messed with the wrong woman. 187 00:10:02,401 --> 00:10:06,701 Sandy Cranwell practically owned Manhattan and wanted Samantha off it. 188 00:10:06,772 --> 00:10:09,206 Come on, Iet's go. 189 00:10:09,408 --> 00:10:12,866 Sandy Cranwell had done what any well-heeled socialite would do. 190 00:10:12,945 --> 00:10:15,436 She took out a social hit on Samantha. 191 00:10:15,514 --> 00:10:19,780 In 12 hours, Sam had gone from "a" list to blacklist. 192 00:10:21,854 --> 00:10:24,687 The next night, Charlotte met Ned the widower for drinks. 193 00:10:24,790 --> 00:10:26,018 This was fun. 194 00:10:26,592 --> 00:10:28,856 Maybe we could meet for a real meal next time. 195 00:10:28,961 --> 00:10:30,019 I'd Iike that. 196 00:10:30,129 --> 00:10:33,292 They talked about architecture, art, the Ivy League. 197 00:10:33,366 --> 00:10:35,493 The ex-wife wasn 't even in the picture... 198 00:10:35,568 --> 00:10:36,796 Is this her? 199 00:10:36,936 --> 00:10:39,461 ...until the ex-wife's picture showed up. 200 00:10:40,740 --> 00:10:41,934 Yeah. 201 00:10:43,242 --> 00:10:45,472 She's so pretty. 202 00:10:48,681 --> 00:10:50,239 Let's get out of here, okay? 203 00:10:51,250 --> 00:10:52,512 I'm sorry. 204 00:10:52,618 --> 00:10:56,110 That was really thoughtless of me. I know this must be hard for you. 205 00:10:56,188 --> 00:10:59,021 It's just a Iittle weird talking about her on a date. 206 00:10:59,225 --> 00:11:01,090 I understand. 207 00:11:08,534 --> 00:11:10,331 It's a beautiful night. 208 00:11:12,204 --> 00:11:13,637 Are you okay? 209 00:11:15,675 --> 00:11:17,074 I'm sorry. 210 00:11:17,243 --> 00:11:18,676 It's just-- 211 00:11:20,646 --> 00:11:24,946 Seeing Liz's picture and thinking about her.... 212 00:11:26,686 --> 00:11:30,315 Oh, God! I'm sorry. 213 00:11:30,756 --> 00:11:31,745 Here. 214 00:11:31,824 --> 00:11:34,349 Ordinarily, Charlotte hated when men cried. 215 00:11:34,560 --> 00:11:37,654 But on Ned, it only made him more romantic. 216 00:11:44,870 --> 00:11:45,962 Wow. 217 00:11:46,605 --> 00:11:48,470 So embarrassing. 218 00:11:49,241 --> 00:11:50,538 I'm just... 219 00:11:51,510 --> 00:11:53,740 ...feeling so much right now. 220 00:11:54,013 --> 00:11:56,607 Those were magic words to Charlotte's ears. 221 00:11:56,949 --> 00:11:57,881 It's okay. 222 00:11:57,950 --> 00:12:00,316 You just take as much time as you need. 223 00:12:00,386 --> 00:12:02,684 Okay? It's okay. 224 00:12:22,308 --> 00:12:25,106 Apparently, all the time Ned needed was 45 minutes. 225 00:12:27,279 --> 00:12:30,339 That night, under the watchful eyes of a dead woman... 226 00:12:30,416 --> 00:12:33,010 ...Ned came back to life... 227 00:12:33,452 --> 00:12:34,646 ...twice. 228 00:12:45,431 --> 00:12:46,625 One word: 229 00:12:46,832 --> 00:12:49,858 -Rebound. -Not when the other person's dead. 230 00:12:49,935 --> 00:12:51,129 She has a point. 231 00:12:51,270 --> 00:12:53,830 He's moving on. I'm helping him to get over his wife. 232 00:12:53,906 --> 00:12:56,602 This guy has "project" written all over him. 233 00:12:56,675 --> 00:12:57,767 That's not fair. 234 00:12:57,843 --> 00:12:59,003 So how was the sex? 235 00:12:59,078 --> 00:13:00,340 Amazing. 236 00:13:00,479 --> 00:13:03,915 It was Iike Liz was Iooking over us, giving us her blessing. 237 00:13:04,049 --> 00:13:05,573 A threesome in absentia. 238 00:13:05,651 --> 00:13:08,381 I mean, my hat blew right into her headstone. 239 00:13:08,454 --> 00:13:10,354 She was clearly sending a message. 240 00:13:10,422 --> 00:13:13,118 Yeah, "don't fuck my husband, you hat-Ioving bitch." 241 00:13:13,526 --> 00:13:16,586 He invited me to a memorial service at her grave next week. 242 00:13:16,662 --> 00:13:17,720 That is huge. 243 00:13:17,830 --> 00:13:20,492 Excuse me, but when did cemeteries get so happening? 244 00:13:20,566 --> 00:13:24,263 It's a sign that he's ready to move on. And he's ready to do it with me. 245 00:13:24,336 --> 00:13:26,497 You're saying you fucked him back to Iife? 246 00:13:26,572 --> 00:13:28,437 In a way, yes. 247 00:13:28,541 --> 00:13:29,974 Man, you're good. 248 00:13:30,109 --> 00:13:32,600 That night I had my date with Big. 249 00:13:32,945 --> 00:13:34,674 I was feeling everything... 250 00:13:34,780 --> 00:13:37,476 ...fear, happiness, dread. 251 00:13:37,783 --> 00:13:40,616 Was I ready to jump back into a life with Big in it? 252 00:13:40,686 --> 00:13:43,348 Was seeing him again a huge mistake? 253 00:13:43,656 --> 00:13:44,953 And if it was... 254 00:13:45,024 --> 00:13:46,651 ...why was I so excited? 255 00:13:47,393 --> 00:13:49,452 I had never felt so confused. 256 00:13:49,628 --> 00:13:51,027 Was Charlotte right? 257 00:13:51,096 --> 00:13:54,156 In a world where everyone's dying to make a connection... 258 00:13:54,233 --> 00:13:56,701 ...can a relationship bring you back to life? 259 00:13:56,802 --> 00:13:58,565 I never really thought about it. 260 00:13:58,637 --> 00:14:01,663 Come on, everybody wonders what happens after you die. 261 00:14:01,740 --> 00:14:05,005 I'm too busy wondering who's dinging my car in the garage. 262 00:14:05,578 --> 00:14:07,478 I think we reincarnate. 263 00:14:08,180 --> 00:14:10,114 That's the easy way out. 264 00:14:10,716 --> 00:14:12,946 What are you gonna come back as? 265 00:14:14,353 --> 00:14:16,617 Someone who knows better. 266 00:14:17,556 --> 00:14:19,183 You smell nice. 267 00:14:19,258 --> 00:14:21,192 I'm serious. 268 00:14:21,393 --> 00:14:23,691 -Do you believe in heaven? -Yeah. 269 00:14:23,762 --> 00:14:25,093 Really? 270 00:14:25,397 --> 00:14:27,297 What's your idea of heaven? 271 00:14:28,133 --> 00:14:29,464 A big bed. 272 00:14:29,668 --> 00:14:32,466 And they're just saying, "Come on in." 273 00:14:35,207 --> 00:14:37,175 You're idea of heaven is a bed? 274 00:14:37,710 --> 00:14:39,337 It depends on who's in it. 275 00:14:39,411 --> 00:14:41,276 I'm not sleeping with you tonight. 276 00:14:41,347 --> 00:14:43,281 I thought we were just having dinner. 277 00:14:43,449 --> 00:14:44,882 We are. 278 00:14:48,487 --> 00:14:53,390 A half hour later, and I was back at Big's, the site of so many past little deaths. 279 00:14:53,559 --> 00:14:56,585 It felt great and weird and... 280 00:14:56,829 --> 00:14:57,853 ...wrong. 281 00:14:57,963 --> 00:14:59,726 -We can't do this. -Yes, we can. 282 00:14:59,798 --> 00:15:01,026 Not Iike this. 283 00:15:01,133 --> 00:15:03,397 You're right, Iet's go inside. 284 00:15:03,569 --> 00:15:04,695 No. 285 00:15:04,770 --> 00:15:06,032 I have to go. 286 00:15:08,807 --> 00:15:10,604 I didn 't know what had happened... 287 00:15:10,676 --> 00:15:14,669 ...but suddenly, getting back together with Big seemed like a very bad idea. 288 00:15:14,747 --> 00:15:19,081 I was scared to death. The first time we got involved, I got out just in time. 289 00:15:19,151 --> 00:15:21,085 Would I be as lucky the second? 290 00:15:21,487 --> 00:15:24,615 Across town, Samantha was facing her own uncertain future. 291 00:15:24,690 --> 00:15:27,591 -Check it again: Samantha Jones. -Sorry. 292 00:15:27,660 --> 00:15:30,754 The first time, she thought it was an unfortunate oversight. 293 00:15:30,829 --> 00:15:32,820 The second time was just unfortunate. 294 00:15:32,898 --> 00:15:35,366 -I'm sorry, we're all full. -I'II wait for a table. 295 00:15:35,935 --> 00:15:37,027 Don't bother. 296 00:15:38,704 --> 00:15:42,538 By the third time she was turned away, it had all become clear. 297 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:45,573 She was deader in this town than Javier. 298 00:15:46,645 --> 00:15:48,135 Teddy, take her out of here. 299 00:15:49,515 --> 00:15:51,847 The next day, Miranda met her new neighbor. 300 00:15:51,917 --> 00:15:53,111 Hello! 301 00:15:53,886 --> 00:15:56,081 Are you my new neighbor? 302 00:15:56,155 --> 00:15:57,986 Yeah. Hi, I'm Miranda Hobbes. 303 00:15:58,223 --> 00:15:59,554 Nice to meet you. 304 00:15:59,858 --> 00:16:03,055 I haven't actually moved in yet. I'm just taking some measurements. 305 00:16:03,128 --> 00:16:06,723 I'm so glad to have a young person moving in. 306 00:16:06,899 --> 00:16:08,799 Brings a Iittle Iife to the place. 307 00:16:09,802 --> 00:16:12,066 Ruthie kept pretty much to herself. 308 00:16:12,371 --> 00:16:13,360 Never married. 309 00:16:14,673 --> 00:16:16,368 She died in there, you know. 310 00:16:18,344 --> 00:16:19,333 She did? 311 00:16:19,411 --> 00:16:20,844 Oh, yes. 312 00:16:21,080 --> 00:16:24,982 It was a week before anyone realized she passed. 313 00:16:25,884 --> 00:16:29,012 Rumor has it, the cat ate half her face. 314 00:16:30,055 --> 00:16:32,046 So, just you? 315 00:16:35,494 --> 00:16:39,624 That night, Miranda had another disconcerting experience. 316 00:16:42,534 --> 00:16:45,025 Halfway through her Three Delicacy Delight... 317 00:16:45,204 --> 00:16:47,502 ...a delicacy got stuck. 318 00:17:12,698 --> 00:17:14,962 After Miranda was done saving her own life... 319 00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:17,502 ...she called someone who could commiserate. 320 00:17:17,970 --> 00:17:20,530 Unfortunately, I was deep into screening mode. 321 00:17:20,606 --> 00:17:23,905 Big had called twice and I didn't know what I wanted to say to him. 322 00:17:23,976 --> 00:17:26,274 Oh my God, I just choked! 323 00:17:26,378 --> 00:17:28,346 I just almost died and you are not-- 324 00:17:28,514 --> 00:17:30,106 Hey, sweetie, you all right? 325 00:17:30,182 --> 00:17:33,549 I was watching Hard Copy, and I kept thinking when they found me... 326 00:17:33,619 --> 00:17:36,417 ...I would forever be the dead girl who watched bad TV. 327 00:17:36,522 --> 00:17:38,217 Why didn't you call me? 328 00:17:38,290 --> 00:17:41,418 I couldn't breathe. I'm gonna die alone, Carrie. 329 00:17:41,527 --> 00:17:43,995 No, you are not. Do you want me to come over? 330 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:45,690 No, I'm okay. 331 00:17:45,931 --> 00:17:47,728 I'II call you tomorrow. 332 00:17:49,201 --> 00:17:51,726 The fact was, Miranda was not okay. 333 00:17:52,137 --> 00:17:55,573 She went to bed hungry and locked the cat in the kitchen for two days. 334 00:17:56,241 --> 00:17:59,074 After a week of being a social pariah... 335 00:17:59,144 --> 00:18:03,410 ...Samantha realized if she ever wanted to get her life back, she'd have to beg for it. 336 00:18:03,515 --> 00:18:05,847 She went to the top, the Godfather. 337 00:18:05,951 --> 00:18:07,578 Samantha Jones. 338 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:09,353 The name sounds familiar. 339 00:18:09,421 --> 00:18:13,323 Shippy Shipman was the queen of the ladies who lunch. 340 00:18:13,425 --> 00:18:17,657 And was personally responsible for the demise of at least 70 social lives. 341 00:18:17,729 --> 00:18:20,562 You might know me from the Javier House Foundation? 342 00:18:20,666 --> 00:18:22,258 No, that's not it. 343 00:18:22,334 --> 00:18:23,323 No? 344 00:18:23,402 --> 00:18:27,395 I believe you were the whore who once groped my husband at a Whitney benefit. 345 00:18:27,773 --> 00:18:30,469 It was bad. Not only was Samantha dying... 346 00:18:30,576 --> 00:18:33,204 ...but her entire sex life was flashing before her. 347 00:18:33,278 --> 00:18:36,042 Maybe. I don't really remember. 348 00:18:36,115 --> 00:18:37,173 I do. 349 00:18:39,885 --> 00:18:42,820 You're good friends with Sandy Cranwell? 350 00:18:42,921 --> 00:18:44,616 Yes, we go back to Chapin. 351 00:18:45,124 --> 00:18:47,786 Could you maybe talk to her for me? 352 00:18:47,860 --> 00:18:51,159 I think you made your own bed and you need to Iie in it. 353 00:18:51,463 --> 00:18:54,591 And you're good at that, aren't you, Samantha? 354 00:18:54,900 --> 00:18:57,027 What do you want me to say, Shippy? 355 00:18:57,936 --> 00:18:59,767 That I'm a whore? 356 00:19:00,339 --> 00:19:03,570 That I've slept with every man in New York and some in Brooklyn? 357 00:19:04,376 --> 00:19:06,936 AII right, maybe I have. 358 00:19:07,146 --> 00:19:09,080 Is that what it's gonna take? 359 00:19:09,148 --> 00:19:11,241 Okay, I'm a big whore. 360 00:19:12,384 --> 00:19:15,080 Now, will you help me? 361 00:19:19,291 --> 00:19:20,622 I don't think so. 362 00:19:22,594 --> 00:19:23,686 Fine. 363 00:19:26,465 --> 00:19:29,730 And I only groped your husband's flat preppy ass at that benefit... 364 00:19:29,801 --> 00:19:31,132 ...because I was drunk. 365 00:19:31,937 --> 00:19:33,529 I'II see myself out. 366 00:19:38,410 --> 00:19:42,073 The next day, Miranda decided to check out her new neighborhood. 367 00:19:44,216 --> 00:19:46,548 But suddenly, she was the one checking out. 368 00:20:06,371 --> 00:20:08,601 That was the peculiar thing about New York... 369 00:20:08,674 --> 00:20:11,700 ...you never knew if a cab was going to save you or kill you... 370 00:20:11,777 --> 00:20:13,802 Columbia Presbyterian Hospital, please. 371 00:20:13,879 --> 00:20:14,868 ...or both. 372 00:20:16,915 --> 00:20:19,008 That was freaky. 373 00:20:19,418 --> 00:20:22,410 I felt Iike I was drowning and dying at the same time. 374 00:20:22,487 --> 00:20:24,352 They said you had a panic attack. 375 00:20:24,423 --> 00:20:29,122 Yeah, and I had to pay $500 of my single person's salary to find that out. 376 00:20:31,563 --> 00:20:32,996 What's wrong? 377 00:20:34,466 --> 00:20:37,765 Take a good Iook at my face, because at my funeral... 378 00:20:37,836 --> 00:20:39,497 ...there'II only be half of it. 379 00:20:39,571 --> 00:20:42,369 I'II be dead and my cat will be happy. 380 00:20:42,474 --> 00:20:45,466 Charlotte will be picking up men at the next grave site over. 381 00:20:45,577 --> 00:20:47,875 Breathe, sweetie, breathe. 382 00:20:48,981 --> 00:20:50,573 I'm all alone, Carrie. 383 00:20:51,116 --> 00:20:54,643 The first people on my "call in case of emergency" Iist are my parents. 384 00:20:54,820 --> 00:20:57,584 And I don't Iike them. And they Iive in Pennsylvania. 385 00:20:57,689 --> 00:20:59,953 Sweetie, you can put me on there. 386 00:21:00,025 --> 00:21:02,858 I can't! You screen! 387 00:21:02,995 --> 00:21:04,485 I'II pick up. 388 00:21:04,896 --> 00:21:06,295 I promise. 389 00:21:08,700 --> 00:21:09,894 Listen... 390 00:21:10,602 --> 00:21:13,435 ...you did the right thing buying that apartment. 391 00:21:13,705 --> 00:21:15,400 -You Iove it, right? -Yeah. 392 00:21:16,541 --> 00:21:18,771 And you won't be alone forever. 393 00:21:19,111 --> 00:21:22,342 The truth was, I didn't know if any of us would end up alone. 394 00:21:22,447 --> 00:21:25,541 But I did know Miranda couldn't afford another panic attack. 395 00:21:30,289 --> 00:21:32,519 Meanwhile, over in Queens... 396 00:21:32,591 --> 00:21:35,890 ...Charlotte was about to get a surprise of her own. 397 00:21:37,462 --> 00:21:38,759 You brought Iilies. 398 00:21:38,864 --> 00:21:40,559 You said they were her favorite. 399 00:21:51,677 --> 00:21:53,645 PIease tell me those are your sisters. 400 00:21:54,346 --> 00:21:56,246 I don't have any sisters. 401 00:21:56,648 --> 00:21:59,708 Charlotte realized she wasn't the only woman resuscitating Ned. 402 00:22:04,756 --> 00:22:07,554 Charlotte's relationship died right where it started. 403 00:22:08,293 --> 00:22:10,989 She was prepared to live in the shadow of a dead woman. 404 00:22:11,096 --> 00:22:14,691 She wasn 't prepared to live in the shadow of three live ones. 405 00:22:24,476 --> 00:22:27,445 That Saturday, Samantha hit rock bottom... 406 00:22:27,646 --> 00:22:29,580 ...also known as Javier House. 407 00:22:29,648 --> 00:22:33,140 No one would return her phone calls. She hadn 't raised any money. 408 00:22:33,218 --> 00:22:36,051 All she could do for Javier House was construct it. 409 00:22:36,254 --> 00:22:40,987 But six hours of hard labor later, Samantha experienced her own rebirth. 410 00:22:41,560 --> 00:22:44,757 It was Leonardo DiCaprio, ex machina. 411 00:22:45,564 --> 00:22:48,965 That day, Leonardo and Samantha became fast friends. 412 00:22:49,201 --> 00:22:50,828 The nightmare was over. 413 00:22:50,936 --> 00:22:55,202 Leonardo DiCaprio had brought Sam back to social life. 414 00:22:58,110 --> 00:22:59,975 To add insult to panic attack... 415 00:23:00,045 --> 00:23:02,707 ...Miranda had just gotten some unsettling news. 416 00:23:03,048 --> 00:23:06,017 The mortgage officer had messed up Miranda's application. 417 00:23:06,084 --> 00:23:08,814 They had inadvertently labeled her as "separated. " 418 00:23:08,887 --> 00:23:10,582 And to clear up the confusion... 419 00:23:10,655 --> 00:23:14,216 ...Miranda had to write a rather humiliating letter. 420 00:23:20,198 --> 00:23:24,828 Miranda had a choice. She could panic or she could just type. 421 00:23:28,240 --> 00:23:32,267 Miranda killed her panic attacks right then and there. 422 00:23:41,953 --> 00:23:44,387 She realized she probably wouldn't die alone. 423 00:23:47,826 --> 00:23:50,818 But she kept overfeeding her cat just in case. 424 00:23:54,633 --> 00:23:58,967 Meanwhile, four unreturned calls later, my number was up. 425 00:24:00,138 --> 00:24:02,003 Good, you're alive. 426 00:24:02,207 --> 00:24:03,970 Wait, where are you going? 427 00:24:04,042 --> 00:24:05,134 Home. 428 00:24:05,210 --> 00:24:07,371 I'm old. It's past my bedtime. 429 00:24:08,380 --> 00:24:10,371 -I'm sorry. -You should be. 430 00:24:10,449 --> 00:24:12,610 I had box seats to a Yankee double header. 431 00:24:12,684 --> 00:24:14,174 Damn! 432 00:24:14,286 --> 00:24:15,310 Who'd you take? 433 00:24:15,487 --> 00:24:17,819 Someone who returned my calls. 434 00:24:18,490 --> 00:24:20,822 It was deja vu all over again: 435 00:24:20,959 --> 00:24:23,792 Me, Big, a doorway... 436 00:24:24,095 --> 00:24:25,858 ...and mixed emotions. 437 00:24:26,298 --> 00:24:27,560 Wait, not here. 438 00:24:27,632 --> 00:24:29,463 Don't do this, Carrie. 439 00:24:31,403 --> 00:24:32,597 Come on. 440 00:24:34,339 --> 00:24:35,931 We're going out. 441 00:24:37,042 --> 00:24:40,637 I took him to the most non-sexual place I could think of. 442 00:24:40,812 --> 00:24:43,246 "Just you 443 00:24:43,482 --> 00:24:45,609 "Just me" 444 00:24:52,591 --> 00:24:54,183 I'm good! 445 00:24:54,359 --> 00:24:56,793 -Did you see that? -Wow, I sure did. 446 00:24:56,962 --> 00:25:01,023 Two pitchers of cheap beer later, Big and I were having a great time. 447 00:25:07,572 --> 00:25:09,665 You know what my version of hell is? 448 00:25:09,941 --> 00:25:12,000 Wearing rented two-tone shoes. 449 00:25:12,344 --> 00:25:14,778 "Just us 450 00:25:14,913 --> 00:25:16,608 "Just we" 451 00:25:16,748 --> 00:25:18,272 Hey, batter batter! 452 00:25:19,818 --> 00:25:21,445 No heckling the bowler. 453 00:25:32,464 --> 00:25:33,522 Did you see that? 454 00:25:33,598 --> 00:25:34,826 Yeah. 455 00:25:35,033 --> 00:25:36,591 That was nice. 456 00:25:36,668 --> 00:25:37,828 Look at that. 457 00:25:38,737 --> 00:25:40,102 I won. 458 00:25:40,772 --> 00:25:42,137 Okay, two out of three. 459 00:25:43,308 --> 00:25:45,071 You want to play a second game? 460 00:25:46,511 --> 00:25:47,876 Maybe. 461 00:25:48,046 --> 00:25:50,844 Are you sure you're ready to get killed all over again? 462 00:25:50,916 --> 00:25:53,350 I didn't know what we were talking about anymore. 463 00:25:53,418 --> 00:25:55,750 But either way, I knew the answer. 464 00:25:55,987 --> 00:25:57,682 Yep, Iet's do it. 465 00:25:59,824 --> 00:26:01,917 We never made it to the second game. 466 00:26:05,497 --> 00:26:07,965 I didn't know if it was suicide or not. 467 00:26:08,633 --> 00:26:12,501 All I knew was Big and I had been reincarnated... 468 00:26:12,771 --> 00:26:16,263 ...and I'd never felt more alive.