1 00:00:28,279 --> 00:00:30,447 ALIEN #1: You are a calamity! A disgrace! 2 00:00:30,613 --> 00:00:32,531 You've got no professional detachment, 3 00:00:32,697 --> 00:00:36,409 and you can't keep your big nose out of other people's business! 4 00:00:36,575 --> 00:00:39,202 ALIEN #2: As an intergalactic observer, you stink! 5 00:00:39,368 --> 00:00:42,287 Did anybody else see those big letters flying by? (LAUGHS) 6 00:00:42,453 --> 00:00:44,455 You are hopeless, "Kazoo"! 7 00:00:44,621 --> 00:00:48,666 Actually it's "Gazoo." "Ga!" Let's all say it together. 8 00:00:49,083 --> 00:00:54,296 Silence! We are sending you to a planet with virtually no civilization to muck up. 9 00:00:54,546 --> 00:00:56,089 Please, no. Anything but... 10 00:00:56,130 --> 00:00:57,923 BOTH: Earth! 11 00:00:57,964 --> 00:01:02,760 You are to document the earthlings' bizarre mating ritual of love and marriage. 12 00:01:02,801 --> 00:01:05,303 Why can't they reproduce like we do? 13 00:01:05,803 --> 00:01:07,387 (SHUDDERS) 14 00:01:10,139 --> 00:01:12,141 It's a boy! 15 00:01:14,143 --> 00:01:17,855 -And so green and slimy. -Quit sucking up! (SNAPS FINGERS) 16 00:01:18,272 --> 00:01:22,317 (GASPS) Wait. Surely there must be others more qualified than I. 17 00:01:22,692 --> 00:01:25,236 Of course. But why risk losing one of them? 18 00:01:25,778 --> 00:01:28,071 Not Earth! 19 00:01:28,237 --> 00:01:31,531 GAZOO: They haven't even invented pants yet! 20 00:01:31,697 --> 00:01:33,323 Have you seen my legs? 21 00:01:34,073 --> 00:01:38,577 Imagine the moron who's going to get stuck with "Kazoo." 22 00:02:10,358 --> 00:02:13,277 FRED: This is an exciting time for us, isn't it, Barney? 23 00:02:13,360 --> 00:02:14,569 BARNEY: Sure, Fred. 24 00:02:14,694 --> 00:02:18,197 No job, no money, no women. Things are really looking up. 25 00:02:20,157 --> 00:02:24,327 Don't worry. Everything's gonna change once we pass our finals tomorrow. 26 00:02:24,368 --> 00:02:25,494 Uh, Fred? 27 00:02:25,535 --> 00:02:27,537 And I know just how to ace this test. 28 00:02:27,870 --> 00:02:30,706 All these other mugs are gonna stay up all night studying. 29 00:02:30,789 --> 00:02:32,582 -Fred... -Don't interrupt. 30 00:02:32,873 --> 00:02:37,085 When they finally do get to sleep, all the information is gonna fall out of their heads. 31 00:02:37,543 --> 00:02:42,047 Now me, I'm way ahead of everybody. I'm not gonna study tonight. 32 00:02:42,213 --> 00:02:46,592 I'm gonna get a good night's rest, get up extra early and study in the morning. 33 00:02:46,675 --> 00:02:51,554 That way, everything will still be up front of my noggin by the time I take the test. 34 00:02:51,637 --> 00:02:53,930 -That's great. There's just one thing. -What's that? 35 00:02:54,138 --> 00:02:55,556 The test is today! 36 00:02:56,723 --> 00:02:58,224 Today? 37 00:03:00,726 --> 00:03:04,229 Flintstone! You're next! 38 00:03:04,270 --> 00:03:08,274 ANNOUNCER OVER SPEAKER: Next up on Bronto-simulator #3, Fred Flintstone. 39 00:03:09,233 --> 00:03:10,776 Go! 40 00:03:24,080 --> 00:03:28,250 You think you can handle a Brontocrane with a backfiring problem? 41 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:31,627 Crane's got trouble, just call Barney Rubble. 42 00:03:31,710 --> 00:03:33,294 (LAUGHING) 43 00:03:37,172 --> 00:03:40,925 (GROANING) Oh, my aching tummy! 44 00:03:45,930 --> 00:03:48,223 Here you go. 45 00:03:49,140 --> 00:03:51,058 (CHUCKLES) You wish. 46 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:59,899 (GROANING) 47 00:04:01,400 --> 00:04:05,153 Look out! She's gonna blow! 48 00:04:05,319 --> 00:04:07,612 (PASSES GAS LOUDLY) 49 00:04:10,740 --> 00:04:15,077 Hey, I got three stomachs! Cut me some slack. 50 00:04:17,496 --> 00:04:18,538 Yes! 51 00:04:24,544 --> 00:04:26,379 -Time! -(BRAKES SQUEALING) 52 00:04:30,508 --> 00:04:33,928 -How'd I do? -Well, Flintstone... 53 00:04:36,513 --> 00:04:38,139 You passed! 54 00:04:38,973 --> 00:04:41,141 Yabba-dabba... 55 00:04:41,975 --> 00:04:43,559 Oooh! 56 00:04:43,976 --> 00:04:46,395 -Congratulations. -Thank you, sir. 57 00:04:46,561 --> 00:04:48,145 Frederick Flintstone. 58 00:04:48,186 --> 00:04:50,396 (CHUCKLES) Way to go, Fred! 59 00:04:52,147 --> 00:04:54,774 -Congratulations, Frederick. -Thank you, sir. 60 00:04:55,107 --> 00:04:56,483 (GRUNTING) 61 00:04:57,525 --> 00:04:59,360 -Melvin Rennick. -Thank you. 62 00:04:59,443 --> 00:05:01,570 -Nice job. -Thank you. 63 00:05:02,571 --> 00:05:03,822 Thank you. 64 00:05:07,700 --> 00:05:09,827 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 65 00:05:12,037 --> 00:05:14,164 BRIDE-TO-BE: (GIGGLING) Gifts, gifts, gifts! 66 00:05:14,247 --> 00:05:17,833 I'm having the best bridal shower a girl could ever have. 67 00:05:18,083 --> 00:05:20,210 And this one's from Wilma. 68 00:05:20,293 --> 00:05:21,961 Oooh! 69 00:05:23,712 --> 00:05:27,173 Oh! A vacuum cleaner! Thank you, Wilma. 70 00:05:27,381 --> 00:05:30,675 Yeah, like she's gonna do any housework, right? 71 00:05:30,716 --> 00:05:33,218 I give this marriage six months, tops. 72 00:05:33,426 --> 00:05:36,470 -Wilma? -Where's Wilma? 73 00:05:45,937 --> 00:05:48,189 That girl will be the death of me. 74 00:05:51,859 --> 00:05:57,197 Wilma Slaghoople! Staring at that tar pit bedrock again. 75 00:05:57,363 --> 00:06:01,700 There's nothing down there but a bunch of flat-footed, flat-headed Neanderthals, 76 00:06:01,866 --> 00:06:05,327 clubbing each other and grunting. 77 00:06:05,493 --> 00:06:07,661 You know, I hear they're still afraid of fire. 78 00:06:08,328 --> 00:06:11,205 I think they're exactly like you and me. 79 00:06:11,246 --> 00:06:14,123 (CHUCKLES) This is all my fault. 80 00:06:14,373 --> 00:06:17,000 I should never have let you play with the servants' children. 81 00:06:17,667 --> 00:06:19,210 Darling, please. 82 00:06:19,251 --> 00:06:24,047 Come downstairs and at least pretend to be having a good time like everyone else. 83 00:06:24,088 --> 00:06:25,214 Come. 84 00:06:29,843 --> 00:06:31,845 Look! Oven mitts! 85 00:06:31,886 --> 00:06:33,554 (EVERYONE GIGGLING) 86 00:06:33,595 --> 00:06:35,555 Is that all the presents? 87 00:06:35,888 --> 00:06:38,181 Oh. What do we do now? 88 00:06:38,973 --> 00:06:42,184 Ladies, I have an idea. 89 00:06:43,101 --> 00:06:47,063 -What do you say we go for a drive? -To the club! 90 00:06:47,104 --> 00:06:52,067 Actually, I was thinking about going someplace a little different for a change. 91 00:06:52,150 --> 00:06:53,943 Someplace new. 92 00:06:54,234 --> 00:06:57,070 Like, going into Bedrock... 93 00:06:57,111 --> 00:06:59,404 And going bowling? 94 00:07:01,656 --> 00:07:03,866 (ALL GIGGLING) 95 00:07:07,178 --> 00:07:10,264 -Isn't she the best? -Oh, yes, she is! 96 00:07:12,182 --> 00:07:13,516 Yah! 97 00:07:15,017 --> 00:07:16,601 -Whoa. -(BRAYING) 98 00:07:21,230 --> 00:07:24,900 My Wilma! Beautiful and witty, 99 00:07:25,025 --> 00:07:26,526 a prize for any man. 100 00:07:27,193 --> 00:07:28,527 Hello, Chip. 101 00:07:29,152 --> 00:07:30,736 What are you doing here? 102 00:07:30,819 --> 00:07:34,239 I just came by to discuss some business with Colonel Slaghoople. 103 00:07:34,322 --> 00:07:37,325 There's a certain girl I'm thinking of investing in. 104 00:07:41,245 --> 00:07:42,371 Hello, ladies. 105 00:07:43,914 --> 00:07:48,668 Well, I guess the next bridal shower will be Wilma's! 106 00:07:48,834 --> 00:07:50,126 (ALL GIGGLING) 107 00:07:50,960 --> 00:07:53,212 Oh! Oh, no. 108 00:07:53,253 --> 00:07:57,507 Now, ladies, don't start chiseling those invitations yet. 109 00:07:57,548 --> 00:08:01,843 Wilma, you've hooked him. Now reel him in. 110 00:08:01,884 --> 00:08:03,760 If I thought I had a shot at Chip, 111 00:08:03,843 --> 00:08:06,762 I'd club my Eugene and leave him for the Raptors. 112 00:08:06,845 --> 00:08:12,183 Wilma, get real! Chip Rockefeller was first in his class at Princestone. 113 00:08:12,349 --> 00:08:16,061 -I know, but... -And he owns half of Rock Vegas. 114 00:08:16,102 --> 00:08:17,228 Colonel. 115 00:08:17,311 --> 00:08:20,897 Wilma, you and Chip are perfect for each other. 116 00:08:20,938 --> 00:08:23,482 Think of the kind of life he can buy you. 117 00:08:23,565 --> 00:08:26,693 We'll get to spend every day together shopping... 118 00:08:26,734 --> 00:08:28,318 -Playing tennis... -Getting facials... 119 00:08:28,401 --> 00:08:32,947 Browbeating our husbands! We'll be just like our mothers. 120 00:08:36,909 --> 00:08:38,410 (SCREAMS) 121 00:08:39,285 --> 00:08:40,619 Wilma! 122 00:08:40,702 --> 00:08:41,911 Wilma! 123 00:08:46,582 --> 00:08:48,417 BARNEY: Hey, Fred! 124 00:08:48,750 --> 00:08:50,293 Hey, Fred! 125 00:08:52,086 --> 00:08:53,378 Where you been? 126 00:08:53,419 --> 00:08:55,587 I've been lookin' all over for ya. 127 00:08:56,004 --> 00:08:57,964 I didn't feel much like celebrating. 128 00:08:58,422 --> 00:09:04,261 Are you kidding? We get to spend the rest of our lives working in a rock quarry! 129 00:09:04,761 --> 00:09:07,305 Who says dreams don't come true? 130 00:09:08,222 --> 00:09:13,268 I know I should be happy, but I guess I always figured by this point in my life, 131 00:09:13,309 --> 00:09:15,728 I'd have somebody special to share my success with. 132 00:09:15,769 --> 00:09:17,812 You always got me, Fred. 133 00:09:19,021 --> 00:09:22,607 Thanks, Barn. That's not really what I'm talking about. 134 00:09:24,609 --> 00:09:27,528 Yeah, I know. 135 00:09:28,695 --> 00:09:31,072 -What are you talkin' about? -A girl, Barn! 136 00:09:31,113 --> 00:09:33,740 Oh, yeah, right. That's what I thought. 137 00:09:34,615 --> 00:09:37,659 But I wouldn't worry about it. You'll meet somebody. 138 00:09:37,742 --> 00:09:42,538 It's like they always say, "It'll happen when you least expect it." 139 00:09:42,621 --> 00:09:45,290 Now, see, that's where you're wrong, Barn. 140 00:09:45,373 --> 00:09:48,626 I believe you create your own opportunities in life. 141 00:09:49,293 --> 00:09:52,296 You gotta go out there and make things happen. 142 00:09:52,379 --> 00:09:54,839 It's not like something's gonna just drop out of the sky, 143 00:09:54,922 --> 00:09:58,300 land in front of you and change your whole life. 144 00:10:03,346 --> 00:10:05,806 (BOTH SCREAMING) 145 00:10:19,361 --> 00:10:21,071 What was that? 146 00:10:33,208 --> 00:10:37,337 GAZOO: (COUGHING) Help! Is there anybody out there? 147 00:10:37,378 --> 00:10:39,797 "Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!" 148 00:10:39,838 --> 00:10:42,257 Fred, I think there's somebody in there. 149 00:10:42,340 --> 00:10:46,260 -Come on, let's try to open it up. -I'm right behind you, pal. 150 00:10:48,428 --> 00:10:50,596 (GAZOO BANGING ON SPACECRAFT) 151 00:10:54,141 --> 00:10:57,018 (BANGING CONTINUES) 152 00:10:57,560 --> 00:10:59,645 (GRUNTING) 153 00:11:11,406 --> 00:11:13,866 I don't know, Barn, the thing looks empty. 154 00:11:14,366 --> 00:11:17,118 GAZOO: Would you mind not holding me by the antennae? 155 00:11:17,201 --> 00:11:20,329 -It's not an altogether pleasant sensation. -(EXCLAIMS IN FEAR) 156 00:11:20,537 --> 00:11:24,874 -Oh, Barn, get me outta here. Get me up! -Come on, pal. 157 00:11:35,843 --> 00:11:37,094 What are you? 158 00:11:37,177 --> 00:11:40,471 I am the Great Gazoo. 159 00:11:40,554 --> 00:11:44,140 -The great "Kazoo"? -Gazoo. 160 00:11:44,223 --> 00:11:46,892 I come from a planet too far for you to fathom, 161 00:11:46,933 --> 00:11:50,645 and a civilization too advanced for you to comprehend. 162 00:11:50,728 --> 00:11:54,773 -Wait a minute, Fred. I'll bet we get wishes! -Pardon? 163 00:11:54,856 --> 00:11:57,900 We let you out of the fancy bottle. Now we get wishes, right? 164 00:11:57,941 --> 00:12:01,319 Yeah, Barney's right. Let's get this started. What do we have to rub? 165 00:12:01,694 --> 00:12:05,072 Now, look here. I am not some sort of friendly cartoon genie. 166 00:12:05,238 --> 00:12:08,032 And that is not a bottle. It is a spacecraft. 167 00:12:08,198 --> 00:12:11,367 I am of a highly-evolved alien species. 168 00:12:11,408 --> 00:12:14,953 I don't do funny voices. I don't sing catchy songs. 169 00:12:15,036 --> 00:12:19,623 And I do not possess a magic carpet for your big, bloated behinds to float upon! 170 00:12:19,706 --> 00:12:23,292 I am here to observe your species' mating rituals. 171 00:12:23,375 --> 00:12:25,919 -Okay, dum-dums? -FRED: Dum-dums? 172 00:12:26,002 --> 00:12:28,004 Hey, was that an insult? 173 00:12:28,087 --> 00:12:31,298 -If the shoe fits... -What's a shoe? 174 00:12:31,381 --> 00:12:34,801 -Yes, it was an insult. -That's what I thought. 175 00:12:35,426 --> 00:12:37,511 -You're here to observe. -Mm-hmm. 176 00:12:37,594 --> 00:12:40,847 Well, get ready to observe your teeth leaving your head. 177 00:12:42,765 --> 00:12:44,266 There he is, Fred! 178 00:12:46,601 --> 00:12:49,562 Ooh! Violent natives. That will put a damper on tourism. 179 00:12:52,022 --> 00:12:55,442 Perhaps you can satisfy my intellectual curiosity. 180 00:12:55,483 --> 00:12:58,068 -Fine. And you? -Oh, dear. 181 00:13:00,278 --> 00:13:02,697 (LAUGHING) 182 00:13:04,407 --> 00:13:08,160 We're gonna rock this town Rock it inside out 183 00:13:08,368 --> 00:13:12,288 We're gonna rock this town Make 'em scream and shout 184 00:13:13,247 --> 00:13:15,916 Let's rock, rock, rock, man, rock 185 00:13:16,082 --> 00:13:18,292 Rock till we pop We're gonna rock till we drop 186 00:13:18,458 --> 00:13:21,294 We're gonna rock this town Rock it inside out 187 00:13:27,383 --> 00:13:29,635 I'm Betty. I'll be your waitress. 188 00:13:29,676 --> 00:13:33,221 The fish is fresh, but be careful, so are the busboys. 189 00:13:33,304 --> 00:13:36,932 (GIGGLING) So, what are you having? 190 00:13:37,140 --> 00:13:40,184 What am I having? Oh! 191 00:13:40,350 --> 00:13:43,019 Ah, gosh. 192 00:13:43,310 --> 00:13:45,312 How much is a glass of water? 193 00:13:45,353 --> 00:13:46,937 Water? Free. 194 00:13:46,978 --> 00:13:48,980 Great. I'll have two. 195 00:13:51,983 --> 00:13:54,360 You want a burger to go with your water? 196 00:13:54,443 --> 00:13:56,963 Oh, no. Water's fine. I like water. 197 00:13:57,046 --> 00:14:01,383 Because if you're short on cash or something, I could spot you. 198 00:14:01,466 --> 00:14:03,759 Then you could go home and get your wallet and pay me back. 199 00:14:03,842 --> 00:14:06,469 No, that's impossible. I can't. 200 00:14:07,303 --> 00:14:09,555 I just... I can't go home, so... 201 00:14:09,596 --> 00:14:13,933 Oh, my! Are you caveless? 202 00:14:14,183 --> 00:14:16,435 But you're so clean! 203 00:14:16,601 --> 00:14:20,271 -Oh, no, you see... -You poor, poor thing. 204 00:14:20,312 --> 00:14:24,149 Oh, great. I just called you "poor." I'm so thoughtless sometimes. 205 00:14:24,274 --> 00:14:27,110 -Listen... -You're not poor. You're not. 206 00:14:27,151 --> 00:14:29,611 -No, I'm not. -You're just down on your luck, right? 207 00:14:29,986 --> 00:14:34,615 Well, don't you worry. You'll stay with me till you're back on your feet. 208 00:14:34,698 --> 00:14:36,658 And I'm gonna buy you lunch. 209 00:14:36,866 --> 00:14:40,202 -No, absolutely not. That's very sweet, but... -Please. 210 00:14:40,285 --> 00:14:45,206 I used to volunteer at the caveless shelter. And I know. 211 00:14:45,372 --> 00:14:47,874 I know you're not looking for a handout. 212 00:14:47,999 --> 00:14:50,334 You're just looking for your self-respect. 213 00:14:51,001 --> 00:14:53,795 I'm Betty. Betty O'Shale. 214 00:14:53,836 --> 00:14:56,088 -(GIGGLING) -Just call me Wilma. 215 00:14:56,171 --> 00:15:00,633 Okay, Wilma. Let's go get you something to eat. 216 00:15:00,716 --> 00:15:02,968 Then we'll set you up at my apartment. 217 00:15:03,051 --> 00:15:05,428 -You live in an apartment? -Mm-hmm. 218 00:15:05,469 --> 00:15:07,471 That must be so great! 219 00:15:07,512 --> 00:15:10,598 I always wondered what it would be like to live in an apartment. 220 00:15:12,308 --> 00:15:15,144 Life can be so cruel sometimes. 221 00:15:24,153 --> 00:15:26,488 (BARNEY WHISTLING) 222 00:15:31,117 --> 00:15:33,702 -Good night, Fred. -Good night, Barn. 223 00:15:33,785 --> 00:15:35,369 Good night, dum-dums. 224 00:15:35,452 --> 00:15:37,162 Oooh! 225 00:15:38,580 --> 00:15:41,457 Oh. Hey, look, it's that Kazoo. 226 00:15:41,540 --> 00:15:45,377 Gazoo. Why is that so difficult? 227 00:15:45,460 --> 00:15:47,503 What are you doing here? 228 00:15:47,586 --> 00:15:53,008 I am here to observe your species' mating rituals. So, get to it! 229 00:15:53,091 --> 00:15:56,511 (LAUGHS) Barney and me don't... 230 00:15:56,677 --> 00:15:58,470 (LAUGHING) 231 00:15:58,511 --> 00:16:01,096 Get off of me! 232 00:16:01,429 --> 00:16:05,015 Listen, pal, you've got a lot to learn about the way things work here. 233 00:16:05,098 --> 00:16:07,642 So who or what do you mate with, hmm? 234 00:16:07,683 --> 00:16:09,017 Girls! 235 00:16:09,100 --> 00:16:11,018 And where are these girls? 236 00:16:12,436 --> 00:16:14,813 I've been asking myself the same thing. 237 00:16:33,915 --> 00:16:35,958 Seven nights of rock 238 00:16:36,041 --> 00:16:38,043 Seven nights of roll 239 00:16:38,084 --> 00:16:42,463 Seven nights I'm gonna show my face with a different woman in a different place 240 00:16:43,088 --> 00:16:47,634 Seven nights of rock Well, I got seven nights of roll 241 00:16:47,717 --> 00:16:49,844 Monday I wanna rock with Jane 242 00:16:50,052 --> 00:16:52,054 Tuesday It's gonna be Lorraine 243 00:16:52,179 --> 00:16:53,930 Ohhh! 244 00:16:55,181 --> 00:16:57,558 -(SCREAMS) -I got it! 245 00:16:58,892 --> 00:17:00,935 Are you hurt, Wilma? 246 00:17:01,018 --> 00:17:02,519 Who's Wilma? 247 00:17:02,560 --> 00:17:06,397 Seven nights of rock Seven nights of roll 248 00:17:06,438 --> 00:17:11,025 Seven nights I'm gonna show my face with a different woman in a different place 249 00:17:11,066 --> 00:17:15,070 Seven nights of rock Well, I got seven nights of roll 250 00:17:20,408 --> 00:17:22,701 At last, some hormonal activity. 251 00:17:22,867 --> 00:17:27,079 Okay, boys, time to get busy. I don't get paid by the hour. 252 00:17:27,245 --> 00:17:28,704 Keep quiet, Gazoo. 253 00:17:28,745 --> 00:17:30,246 You want to see us meet some girls, 254 00:17:30,287 --> 00:17:31,746 you're gonna have to hang back. 255 00:17:31,787 --> 00:17:34,790 -We don't want you cramping our style. -Style? 256 00:17:34,956 --> 00:17:39,460 Ha! Numero uno, if you knew the first thing about style, 257 00:17:39,626 --> 00:17:42,128 you'd know that animal prints are passé. 258 00:17:42,294 --> 00:17:43,753 And secondly, dum-dum... 259 00:17:43,836 --> 00:17:46,338 That's another thing. Enough with the dum-dum. 260 00:17:46,421 --> 00:17:50,716 My name is Fred Flintstone. F-L-I-N... 261 00:17:50,882 --> 00:17:52,508 -T... -Stone. 262 00:17:52,674 --> 00:17:56,761 I don't care who you are. It doesn't give you any reason to shout. 263 00:17:56,927 --> 00:18:00,096 -I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to him. -Who, him? 264 00:18:00,429 --> 00:18:03,098 No, him, the little green guy. Don't you see him? 265 00:18:03,139 --> 00:18:04,807 (FEET SCAMPERING) 266 00:18:04,932 --> 00:18:07,726 Wait a minute. He thought I was... 267 00:18:08,977 --> 00:18:10,436 Wait a minute. 268 00:18:11,270 --> 00:18:13,689 Are you telling me we're the only people who could see you? 269 00:18:13,772 --> 00:18:15,732 Ding-ding-ding. You got one right. 270 00:18:15,773 --> 00:18:19,109 Care to take "prehistoric imbeciles" for 200? 271 00:18:19,192 --> 00:18:21,527 So all day, Barn and me have been talkin' to you, 272 00:18:21,610 --> 00:18:23,778 and everybody probably thought we were a couple of... 273 00:18:23,861 --> 00:18:25,279 Dum-dums? 274 00:18:29,199 --> 00:18:34,245 I got a good feeling. Today could be my day. Who knows? 275 00:18:34,286 --> 00:18:37,872 Why, I could turn around now and meet the girl of my dreams. 276 00:18:37,955 --> 00:18:39,957 (WILMA EXCLAIMING) 277 00:18:39,998 --> 00:18:42,125 What'll it be, boys? 278 00:18:43,251 --> 00:18:46,504 Pay attention, Barn. You'll never want for companionship again. 279 00:18:49,673 --> 00:18:51,675 Ahhh. 280 00:18:53,510 --> 00:18:54,969 Humina, humina, humina... 281 00:18:55,052 --> 00:18:57,012 Sorry, no substitutions. 282 00:18:57,095 --> 00:19:00,181 No, I... (MUTTERING) 283 00:19:01,974 --> 00:19:06,186 -Oh! You want a date? -(GRUNTING) 284 00:19:06,603 --> 00:19:10,732 Well, I've gone out with men who've said less. 285 00:19:12,358 --> 00:19:15,986 Why not? You can take me to the carnival tomorrow. 286 00:19:17,320 --> 00:19:18,487 (GIGGLES) 287 00:19:18,570 --> 00:19:19,779 (CHUCKLES) 288 00:19:22,156 --> 00:19:25,450 (GIGGLING CONTINUES) (CHUCKLING CONTINUES) 289 00:19:27,243 --> 00:19:29,286 Oh, ah... 290 00:19:30,453 --> 00:19:32,746 Your little friend want a date, too? 291 00:19:34,873 --> 00:19:38,167 Oh, help! 292 00:19:38,917 --> 00:19:40,501 (CRASHING SOUND) 293 00:19:40,584 --> 00:19:44,296 I got the perfect girl. Be right back. 294 00:19:45,255 --> 00:19:47,674 Barney, tonight we shower. 295 00:19:47,757 --> 00:19:49,633 (LAUGHING) 296 00:19:55,889 --> 00:19:57,348 (CHUCKLES) 297 00:19:57,389 --> 00:19:58,949 (GIGGLES) 298 00:20:13,296 --> 00:20:15,298 I may not know much about your courting rituals, 299 00:20:15,339 --> 00:20:18,925 but I'll go out on a limb and say this can't be going very well... 300 00:20:19,800 --> 00:20:21,635 (LAUGHING) 301 00:20:24,346 --> 00:20:26,306 (SCREAMING) 302 00:20:33,855 --> 00:20:36,816 See the 40-year-old man, one of nature's miracles. 303 00:20:36,899 --> 00:20:38,734 Step right up! Step right up! 304 00:20:38,817 --> 00:20:40,985 Only one clam gets two of you in. 305 00:20:46,824 --> 00:20:49,868 WILMA: This is amazing! I can't believe it! 306 00:20:50,159 --> 00:20:52,828 -It's so noisy! -BARNEY: Yeah, I noticed. 307 00:20:53,119 --> 00:20:56,705 That looks like bowling. Barney, can we play? 308 00:20:56,871 --> 00:21:01,250 Yeah, sure, but Fred and I go bowling all the time. 309 00:21:01,333 --> 00:21:05,587 FRED: That's a dumb idea! Who's gonna pay to see dinosaurs? 310 00:21:05,670 --> 00:21:08,089 I got dinosaurs in my backyard. 311 00:21:08,172 --> 00:21:10,799 (LAUGHING) (GIGGLING) 312 00:21:14,969 --> 00:21:18,973 Wow... You got a really great laugh. 313 00:21:19,556 --> 00:21:22,725 Yeah, so do you. 314 00:21:22,891 --> 00:21:25,768 (LAUGHING) (GIGGLING) 315 00:21:28,687 --> 00:21:31,523 Hey, do you like Brontocoasters? 316 00:21:31,606 --> 00:21:34,400 -I'll race you to it. -You're on. 317 00:21:38,862 --> 00:21:40,822 (GIGGLING) (LAUGHING) 318 00:21:50,498 --> 00:21:51,916 Whew! 319 00:21:56,712 --> 00:21:58,839 This is gonna be fun, huh? 320 00:22:03,426 --> 00:22:05,719 So, what do you wanna do first? 321 00:22:06,886 --> 00:22:08,262 Ah... 322 00:22:08,345 --> 00:22:09,971 What was your name again? 323 00:22:15,393 --> 00:22:17,937 Come on, pretty boy. Come on! 324 00:22:25,402 --> 00:22:27,237 Watch. 325 00:22:27,320 --> 00:22:29,322 (CHEERING) 326 00:22:32,283 --> 00:22:36,245 You don't got it, girl. You couldn't hit the broad side of a brontosaurus! 327 00:22:45,963 --> 00:22:49,508 That was a good shot. Wasn't it? 328 00:22:49,591 --> 00:22:52,218 FRED: Well, that's a pretty tough spare... 329 00:22:53,177 --> 00:22:54,887 For most people. 330 00:23:05,439 --> 00:23:07,190 We got a winner. 331 00:23:11,444 --> 00:23:14,613 Ah, these things never live longer than a week. 332 00:23:14,696 --> 00:23:18,366 Hey, Fred, do you think you could teach me how to throw like that? 333 00:23:18,949 --> 00:23:21,284 Sure. Let's see what you've got. 334 00:23:21,492 --> 00:23:23,577 Oh! Okay. 335 00:23:24,077 --> 00:23:26,037 (GRUNTS) 336 00:23:26,287 --> 00:23:28,330 Okay. (LAUGHS) 337 00:23:28,496 --> 00:23:30,623 Okay. Whoops! 338 00:23:30,664 --> 00:23:32,999 -(ALL SCREAM) -Ooh! 339 00:23:33,958 --> 00:23:36,877 -I'm done. -Oh, no, no, no, no, no. Let me help you. 340 00:23:38,461 --> 00:23:41,589 Give me your hand. Middle fingers. 341 00:23:41,964 --> 00:23:43,382 WILMA: Okay. 342 00:23:44,257 --> 00:23:47,218 Now take the weight. Oh! 343 00:23:53,224 --> 00:23:55,226 Now relax. 344 00:23:55,976 --> 00:23:57,519 (EXHALES) 345 00:23:57,602 --> 00:23:59,770 It's all in the toes. 346 00:24:02,439 --> 00:24:03,940 And... 347 00:24:24,293 --> 00:24:26,837 (SCREAMS HAPPILY) I did it! 348 00:24:28,088 --> 00:24:29,798 Oh, yeah! 349 00:24:35,220 --> 00:24:37,847 Hey, Fred! Fred! 350 00:24:38,097 --> 00:24:39,848 Hey, Fred! 351 00:24:40,723 --> 00:24:44,601 Look, I know I ran off with Betty, 352 00:24:44,684 --> 00:24:46,977 but Wilma was kinda my date. 353 00:24:47,394 --> 00:24:50,688 So I was wondering if it wouldn't be too much trouble if... 354 00:24:50,729 --> 00:24:52,522 Well, if, ah... (LAUGHS) 355 00:24:52,605 --> 00:24:55,107 (STAMMERS) What are you trying to say, Barn? 356 00:24:55,565 --> 00:24:58,025 Would you mind if I left with Betty? 357 00:24:59,151 --> 00:25:01,903 No! Not at all, buddy. Hey, take the car. 358 00:25:01,986 --> 00:25:03,862 Thanks, pal. Thanks a bunch. 359 00:25:03,945 --> 00:25:07,198 She says she wants to go back to our place and cook me breakfast. 360 00:25:07,281 --> 00:25:10,534 (LAUGHING) I don't know what we're gonna do until then. 361 00:25:10,575 --> 00:25:14,036 But you know I can't turn down a good meal! (LAUGHING) 362 00:25:24,796 --> 00:25:26,798 It's kinda chilly all of a sudden, isn't it? 363 00:25:26,881 --> 00:25:30,968 Chilly? Are you kiddin'? The earth's still coolin' around here. 364 00:25:32,511 --> 00:25:36,890 Still, I wish I'd brought something to drape over my shoulders. 365 00:25:38,600 --> 00:25:40,226 Oh! 366 00:25:41,810 --> 00:25:43,686 Thank you. 367 00:25:44,353 --> 00:25:46,521 Nice opening gambit, lover boy. 368 00:25:46,562 --> 00:25:49,523 Now, close the deal so I can get off this barren rock. 369 00:25:49,564 --> 00:25:51,566 I'm ignoring you right now. 370 00:25:51,816 --> 00:25:53,859 What did you say? 371 00:25:55,902 --> 00:25:59,739 I said, "I'm adoring you right now." 372 00:26:00,030 --> 00:26:03,575 Oh, Fred! That's so sweet. 373 00:26:03,783 --> 00:26:06,744 GAZOO: Come on, come on! 374 00:26:06,827 --> 00:26:08,703 You're in the red zone. 375 00:26:08,744 --> 00:26:12,664 La, la, la, la, la Isn't it all so romantic? 376 00:26:12,955 --> 00:26:14,998 Now, hurry up and kiss her 377 00:26:19,419 --> 00:26:22,755 Your eyes are like two big eyes. 378 00:26:37,227 --> 00:26:40,355 (CRACKING) (BLUBBERING SOUND) 379 00:26:40,438 --> 00:26:42,106 Oh, yuck! 380 00:26:42,272 --> 00:26:45,275 That's so cute! He thinks you're his mother. 381 00:26:45,441 --> 00:26:47,359 Down, boy, down! 382 00:26:47,525 --> 00:26:50,236 Whoa! 383 00:26:51,862 --> 00:26:54,281 Heh-heh-heh. (GROANS) 384 00:26:56,366 --> 00:26:58,409 (GROWLING PLAYFULLY) 385 00:26:58,450 --> 00:27:00,118 I lead a simple life. 386 00:27:00,952 --> 00:27:03,788 As long as I got a roof over my head, food on the table, 387 00:27:03,954 --> 00:27:06,373 and a sharp shell to shave with, I'm a happy guy. 388 00:27:08,375 --> 00:27:12,587 Fred, you are so different than the kind of guys I grew up with. 389 00:27:12,753 --> 00:27:16,506 -Really? What are they like? -Real different. 390 00:27:20,259 --> 00:27:22,177 This is it. 391 00:27:22,260 --> 00:27:23,636 (BARKS) 392 00:27:26,180 --> 00:27:28,307 I had a great time tonight. 393 00:27:31,018 --> 00:27:33,228 I sure hope you did, too. 394 00:27:34,145 --> 00:27:35,771 I wouldn't change a thing. 395 00:27:37,439 --> 00:27:38,898 (BARKING) 396 00:27:38,981 --> 00:27:41,400 Well... Good night. 397 00:27:43,318 --> 00:27:45,153 Good night. 398 00:27:45,695 --> 00:27:47,363 (WHIMPERING) 399 00:27:49,490 --> 00:27:53,243 -Good night. -Good night. 400 00:27:57,580 --> 00:27:59,039 Good night. 401 00:28:07,714 --> 00:28:10,174 (YELPING) 402 00:28:28,167 --> 00:28:31,628 FRED: (SHOUTING LOUDLY) Yabba-dabba-doo! 403 00:28:34,964 --> 00:28:39,009 One, two, one, two, three, ow 404 00:28:47,934 --> 00:28:51,896 Wake up, kids We got the dreamers' disease 405 00:28:52,313 --> 00:28:56,483 Age 14, it's got you down on your knees 406 00:28:56,649 --> 00:29:00,486 So polite, we're busy still sayin' please 407 00:29:04,198 --> 00:29:07,492 But when the night is falling 408 00:29:08,326 --> 00:29:12,330 You cannot find the light 409 00:29:12,955 --> 00:29:15,874 You feel your dreams are dyin' 410 00:29:16,082 --> 00:29:19,335 Hold tight 411 00:29:19,418 --> 00:29:21,586 You got the music in you 412 00:29:21,669 --> 00:29:23,545 Don't let go 413 00:29:23,670 --> 00:29:25,546 You got the music in you 414 00:29:25,921 --> 00:29:29,883 One dance left This world is gonna pull through 415 00:29:29,966 --> 00:29:34,011 Don't give up You got a reason to live 416 00:29:34,428 --> 00:29:39,015 Can't forget We only get what we give 417 00:29:45,312 --> 00:29:48,523 I'm comin' home, baby One dance left 418 00:30:01,327 --> 00:30:03,078 (BARKS) 419 00:30:06,164 --> 00:30:09,208 Good mornin', Fred. What a beautiful day! 420 00:30:09,249 --> 00:30:13,378 I was just thinkin' the same thing, Barney boy. Beautiful! 421 00:30:14,003 --> 00:30:17,047 So I take it you and Wilma had a nice evening. 422 00:30:17,130 --> 00:30:20,800 Are you kiddin'? Barn, I've never met anyone like her. 423 00:30:21,091 --> 00:30:23,635 This Wilma, I think she may be the one. 424 00:30:23,718 --> 00:30:26,137 I feel the same way about Betty. 425 00:30:26,220 --> 00:30:28,430 -She's smart. -She's hot. 426 00:30:28,513 --> 00:30:30,181 -Kind. -Funny. 427 00:30:30,222 --> 00:30:32,891 -Classy. -She's hot. 428 00:30:33,391 --> 00:30:36,227 BOTH: Beautiful! 429 00:30:41,440 --> 00:30:44,985 You know, Wilma, you really should wear your hair up. 430 00:30:45,068 --> 00:30:48,613 -Like I need more height! -No, look. 431 00:30:51,657 --> 00:30:53,784 It really brings out your smile. 432 00:30:55,827 --> 00:31:00,081 Well, I guess I just have a whole lot more to smile about these days. 433 00:31:00,706 --> 00:31:02,833 And I owe it all to you. 434 00:31:03,250 --> 00:31:05,377 You're the first real friend I've ever had. 435 00:31:05,752 --> 00:31:09,255 You've had a tough life. You deserve a few breaks. 436 00:31:09,880 --> 00:31:13,466 Actually, Betty, it hasn't been all that tough. 437 00:31:17,052 --> 00:31:20,263 You see, there's something I've been meaning to tell you... 438 00:31:20,346 --> 00:31:23,182 -And I've been real scared, but I think now... -(KNOCKING ON DOOR) 439 00:31:23,348 --> 00:31:26,267 -Pizza's here. -(SIGHS) 440 00:31:28,936 --> 00:31:32,522 Good evening. I'm looking for a... 441 00:31:32,605 --> 00:31:34,607 Mother? 442 00:31:34,773 --> 00:31:37,275 Wilma, is that you? 443 00:31:37,942 --> 00:31:39,944 What is this place? 444 00:31:40,486 --> 00:31:44,448 WILMA: This is an apartment. It's how a lot of people live. 445 00:31:44,489 --> 00:31:47,283 Well, that doesn't make it right. 446 00:31:47,449 --> 00:31:50,118 And who are you? The cleaning woman? 447 00:31:50,159 --> 00:31:53,120 You're obviously doing a terrible job. You're fired. Go on, shoo! 448 00:31:53,161 --> 00:31:58,291 Mother, Mother! This is my new best friend, Betty. 449 00:31:58,416 --> 00:32:01,127 She's been very good to me. 450 00:32:01,293 --> 00:32:03,253 And I've been a regular Joan Crawfish. 451 00:32:04,295 --> 00:32:09,466 Wilma, I'm going to take my bath now. Good luck. 452 00:32:09,507 --> 00:32:10,674 Yuck! 453 00:32:10,757 --> 00:32:14,010 Mother, how did you find me? 454 00:32:14,176 --> 00:32:17,637 I did what any concerned parent would do. Hired a detective. 455 00:32:17,803 --> 00:32:20,347 -You what? -We'll discuss everything on the way home. 456 00:32:20,513 --> 00:32:22,932 -Come on. -I am home, Mother. 457 00:32:22,973 --> 00:32:25,475 And I'm happier than I have ever been in my life. 458 00:32:25,892 --> 00:32:30,813 You can throw me in a sack and drag me home, but I'll just run away again. 459 00:32:31,480 --> 00:32:33,982 Fine, Wilma, fine. 460 00:32:34,023 --> 00:32:35,983 You've broken my heart. 461 00:32:36,942 --> 00:32:40,111 But I will not allow you to do the same thing 462 00:32:40,277 --> 00:32:42,070 to your dear, frail father. 463 00:32:43,029 --> 00:32:45,990 Oh, darling, he misses you so much. 464 00:32:46,115 --> 00:32:50,119 And if you're not home on Sunday to celebrate his birthday, 465 00:32:50,744 --> 00:32:54,831 well, I just don't know how many more birthdays 466 00:32:54,914 --> 00:32:58,876 he's going to be around to celebrate. 467 00:33:08,594 --> 00:33:11,680 I wonder why Wilma gave us these suits to wear for the party. 468 00:33:11,721 --> 00:33:13,973 Maybe it's a costume party. 469 00:33:18,936 --> 00:33:20,479 Stay. 470 00:33:20,520 --> 00:33:23,439 Dino, stay. 471 00:33:23,522 --> 00:33:25,357 (WHIMPERING) 472 00:33:27,067 --> 00:33:29,986 Come on, Barn, let's pick up the girls. 473 00:33:30,152 --> 00:33:32,112 (DINO WHIMPERING) 474 00:33:34,364 --> 00:33:35,865 (YIPPING) 475 00:33:49,044 --> 00:33:51,046 So, Barn, what do you think? 476 00:33:53,882 --> 00:33:56,301 Oh, Fred, you shouldn't have. 477 00:33:56,384 --> 00:33:58,761 It's not for you, nitwit. It's for Wilma. 478 00:33:58,844 --> 00:34:00,011 Oh. 479 00:34:00,052 --> 00:34:01,845 I'm gonna ask her to marry me. 480 00:34:02,846 --> 00:34:07,183 Dum-dum, there appears to be a tiny flake of something stuck to your ring. 481 00:34:07,266 --> 00:34:09,184 Look. Just there. 482 00:34:09,434 --> 00:34:12,353 -That's the stone, Gazoo. -Oops. 483 00:34:13,020 --> 00:34:15,981 -It's all I could afford. -Sorry. 484 00:34:16,147 --> 00:34:21,902 Well, I'm sure she'll be very impressed by your frugality. 485 00:34:22,068 --> 00:34:26,447 That's the great thing about Wilma. I don't feel the need to impress her. 486 00:34:26,613 --> 00:34:30,575 She's just a simple girl with simple tastes. 487 00:34:36,539 --> 00:34:38,374 You know, there are a couple things about me 488 00:34:38,415 --> 00:34:42,168 I haven't gotten around to telling you guys yet. 489 00:34:42,751 --> 00:34:46,045 Well, welcome to Slaghoople Manor. 490 00:34:46,086 --> 00:34:48,838 BARNEY: Your house has a name? 491 00:34:59,056 --> 00:35:00,849 (INDISCERNIBLE CHATTER) 492 00:35:04,269 --> 00:35:07,438 Fred, look! A Cadi-roc limo! 493 00:35:10,232 --> 00:35:12,692 (LAUGHING) 494 00:35:14,068 --> 00:35:18,113 Betty, I'm sorry. I was just so ashamed. 495 00:35:18,446 --> 00:35:22,324 I should have realized a caveless girl couldn't afford to wear Isaac Mizrocki. 496 00:35:22,407 --> 00:35:26,452 -Wilma! Wilma's home, everybody. -Genevieve... 497 00:35:27,035 --> 00:35:28,536 Barney. 498 00:35:31,956 --> 00:35:33,332 She's loaded. 499 00:35:33,415 --> 00:35:35,458 Fred, it looks like you really lucked out. 500 00:35:35,624 --> 00:35:37,792 No, Barn! This is terrible! 501 00:35:37,875 --> 00:35:40,377 I can't give her this measly ring. Look at her house! 502 00:35:40,543 --> 00:35:43,337 A girl like this is used to the best of everything. 503 00:35:43,503 --> 00:35:46,464 She's gonna take one look at this ring and laugh at me. 504 00:35:46,630 --> 00:35:50,151 Barn, it's a good thing I didn't get the chance to give it to her sooner. 505 00:35:50,234 --> 00:35:52,319 Hey, what are you doin'? Hey! 506 00:35:52,694 --> 00:35:54,904 This little mug's tryin' to steal my car! 507 00:35:54,987 --> 00:35:57,239 No, sir! I'm the valet! 508 00:35:57,280 --> 00:36:01,867 The ballet? I don't care if you're going to the opera. You're not going in my car! 509 00:36:02,075 --> 00:36:05,078 Fred! Barney! Get off of him! 510 00:36:05,369 --> 00:36:08,455 Fred, he's the valet. He parks the car. 511 00:36:09,539 --> 00:36:11,415 I knew that. 512 00:36:11,957 --> 00:36:13,583 Come on, Fred. 513 00:36:15,376 --> 00:36:19,797 Valet parking! First, cooked food, now this. What'll they think of next? 514 00:36:19,880 --> 00:36:22,257 (PLAYING ROCKABILLY PIANO) 515 00:36:29,597 --> 00:36:33,183 Wilma! Wilma, darling, we're over here. 516 00:36:37,270 --> 00:36:40,106 Wilma, darling, you look... Nice. 517 00:36:40,272 --> 00:36:43,149 Thank you, Mother. Hello. 518 00:36:43,315 --> 00:36:45,442 Happy birthday, Daddy. 519 00:36:45,525 --> 00:36:46,943 Huh? 520 00:36:47,026 --> 00:36:50,654 Oh, yes, yes. Any news from the front? 521 00:36:50,737 --> 00:36:52,947 -Ah. Morale is excellent, sir. -Good. 522 00:36:53,113 --> 00:36:57,408 Mother, Father, I'd like you to meet my new boyfriend, Fred. 523 00:36:58,450 --> 00:37:00,326 Cavalry, mount up. 524 00:37:00,617 --> 00:37:04,287 We're moving out. Charge! 525 00:37:09,959 --> 00:37:12,878 -A pleasure. -Charmed. 526 00:37:14,087 --> 00:37:15,630 Wilma, darling, 527 00:37:15,713 --> 00:37:19,842 there's somebody here who's simply dying to see you again. 528 00:37:19,925 --> 00:37:22,469 Chip, over here. 529 00:37:22,886 --> 00:37:24,137 Mother, Chip's here? 530 00:37:24,971 --> 00:37:26,555 Of course, Chip's here. 531 00:37:26,638 --> 00:37:28,473 -He's practically family. -Who's Chip? 532 00:37:28,639 --> 00:37:30,515 We used to date. "Used to," Mother. 533 00:37:30,681 --> 00:37:35,560 -Wilma, you look lovelier than ever. -Thank you. 534 00:37:36,477 --> 00:37:39,146 I love your hair up like that. 535 00:37:39,312 --> 00:37:43,566 -Oh, I see you've brought a... -Date. 536 00:37:43,732 --> 00:37:46,943 Wilma, Wilma, look, look. The Rathbones have arrived. 537 00:37:47,109 --> 00:37:50,237 You've got to come and see Tiffany's new nose. It's between her eyes now. 538 00:37:50,320 --> 00:37:51,321 Come on. 539 00:37:53,614 --> 00:37:56,658 We haven't been formally introduced. I'm Chip Rockefeller. 540 00:37:57,283 --> 00:37:59,618 Of the Mesozoic Rockefellers. 541 00:37:59,909 --> 00:38:01,952 I'm Fred Flintstone of the, uh, 542 00:38:01,993 --> 00:38:04,578 Fredizoic Flintstone stones. 543 00:38:05,996 --> 00:38:07,831 What line of work are you in? 544 00:38:07,872 --> 00:38:11,750 It so happens I'll be hanging my hat at the quarry. 545 00:38:11,916 --> 00:38:14,418 Oh, you bought Slate and Company! 546 00:38:14,501 --> 00:38:16,503 No, I'm a Brontocrane operator. 547 00:38:16,544 --> 00:38:20,214 (SCOFFING) Seriously, what do you do? 548 00:38:21,548 --> 00:38:24,300 I work down at the quarry. I'm a Brontocrane operator. 549 00:38:24,341 --> 00:38:29,137 (LAUGHING) You are serious! How embarrassing for you. 550 00:38:29,637 --> 00:38:32,765 Fellas, Wilma's date works 551 00:38:32,848 --> 00:38:34,307 at the quarry! 552 00:38:34,765 --> 00:38:36,224 (EVERYONE LAUGHING) 553 00:38:37,016 --> 00:38:39,059 He's a Brontocrane operator! 554 00:38:46,524 --> 00:38:48,901 (GRUNTING) 555 00:39:07,920 --> 00:39:11,465 Ahhh! Ooh-ooh-ooh! (CHUCKLING) 556 00:39:17,137 --> 00:39:18,721 Hi, Betty! 557 00:39:21,724 --> 00:39:25,102 Did I tell you that that's a really pretty dress? 558 00:39:25,268 --> 00:39:26,936 Thank you. 559 00:39:27,811 --> 00:39:32,315 -Oh, Betty, you're not still mad at me, are ya? -Mad? 560 00:39:33,357 --> 00:39:38,153 Just because you pretended to be poor, and I took you in and I felt sorry for you? 561 00:39:40,905 --> 00:39:43,616 Why would that make me mad? 562 00:39:50,414 --> 00:39:52,082 Yoo-hoo! 563 00:39:53,541 --> 00:39:55,376 Having fun, princess? 564 00:39:56,919 --> 00:39:59,588 -Not really. -That's my girl! 565 00:39:59,796 --> 00:40:05,426 -I have a little something for your birthday. -Daddy, it's your birthday! 566 00:40:05,592 --> 00:40:07,510 It is? Oh. 567 00:40:07,593 --> 00:40:10,429 Well, these won't fit me. 568 00:40:10,595 --> 00:40:12,305 (GASPS) 569 00:40:12,471 --> 00:40:14,681 Oh, they're beautiful! 570 00:40:14,764 --> 00:40:16,223 Yes! 571 00:40:17,349 --> 00:40:19,517 I know you don't like showy things, 572 00:40:19,600 --> 00:40:21,893 but these were your great-great-grandmother's. 573 00:40:22,059 --> 00:40:25,020 -Oh! -In fact, they came right out of her shell. 574 00:40:28,940 --> 00:40:32,568 Oh, Wilma. Whatever you decide to do, 575 00:40:32,734 --> 00:40:34,777 I want you to know something. 576 00:40:35,611 --> 00:40:37,571 Your daddy will always love you. 577 00:40:39,573 --> 00:40:41,449 -Thank you, Daddy. -Yes! 578 00:40:41,615 --> 00:40:43,575 (ALL CHATTERING) 579 00:40:53,126 --> 00:40:57,421 Wow, Wilma, sure are beautiful pearls! 580 00:40:57,879 --> 00:41:01,299 -Thank you, Fred. -They look really expensive. 581 00:41:08,014 --> 00:41:09,640 Ladies and gentlemen... 582 00:41:09,681 --> 00:41:12,225 (TAPPING GLASS) I'd like to propose a toast. 583 00:41:14,310 --> 00:41:16,312 To the Colonel on his birthday. 584 00:41:16,353 --> 00:41:18,897 Although he's a man of great wealth and power, 585 00:41:18,980 --> 00:41:23,150 he has the most precious gifts a man could ever want. A loving wife... 586 00:41:23,817 --> 00:41:28,279 And the most beautiful daughter the world has ever seen. 587 00:41:28,445 --> 00:41:31,573 CHIP: To the Colonel! ALL: To the Colonel! 588 00:41:37,287 --> 00:41:39,580 (CLEARS THROAT) 589 00:41:39,663 --> 00:41:41,873 (LAUGHS) 590 00:41:42,039 --> 00:41:45,333 -I'd also like to propose a toast. -Must you? 591 00:41:49,587 --> 00:41:51,839 To Mr. Slaghoople... 592 00:41:52,005 --> 00:41:54,841 -"Colonel" Slaghoople! -Yes? 593 00:41:55,091 --> 00:41:57,968 Mrs. Slaghoople, 594 00:41:58,009 --> 00:42:01,178 and most of all... Wilma. 595 00:42:03,763 --> 00:42:07,683 Ah, thanks for the invite. 596 00:42:08,600 --> 00:42:13,479 You know, I've never been inside a place this big without paying admission. 597 00:42:15,189 --> 00:42:18,400 At first I felt a little uncomfortable, 598 00:42:18,566 --> 00:42:23,070 much the same as you would if you were to stumble into one of my lodge meetings, 599 00:42:23,236 --> 00:42:26,197 the Loyal Order of the Water Buffalos. 600 00:42:26,447 --> 00:42:28,466 BOTH: Waka, waka, wee! 601 00:42:28,549 --> 00:42:30,634 Waka, waka, who? 602 00:42:32,302 --> 00:42:34,220 (YIPPING) 603 00:42:35,638 --> 00:42:37,973 No, no! Dino, bad! 604 00:42:46,439 --> 00:42:48,649 Dino, no! 605 00:42:50,317 --> 00:42:52,152 -(SCREAMS) -Dino! 606 00:42:58,283 --> 00:43:00,576 -(BARKS) -Oh, Dino! 607 00:43:00,742 --> 00:43:06,164 You! This is all your fault! You ruined my entire party. 608 00:43:06,330 --> 00:43:10,792 You idiot! You buffoon! You, you... Commoner! 609 00:43:10,958 --> 00:43:12,250 (YAPPING) 610 00:43:12,333 --> 00:43:13,709 Get out. 611 00:43:13,917 --> 00:43:16,169 Get out of my house now! 612 00:43:16,252 --> 00:43:17,920 FRED: Hey, watch it. 613 00:43:18,086 --> 00:43:19,670 Stop it! 614 00:43:22,673 --> 00:43:25,008 How can you treat people this way? 615 00:43:25,091 --> 00:43:28,177 Is it because they're not like you? You know what? 616 00:43:28,677 --> 00:43:31,846 That is why I like them, because they're not like you. 617 00:43:33,347 --> 00:43:36,600 They like me for who I am, not who I am. 618 00:43:38,059 --> 00:43:40,019 I mean... 619 00:43:40,936 --> 00:43:42,520 You know what I mean. 620 00:43:43,020 --> 00:43:45,230 How dare you talk to me like that, Wilma! 621 00:43:45,939 --> 00:43:49,317 No one has ever talked to me like that before! 622 00:43:49,692 --> 00:43:54,154 Well, Mother, maybe it's about time somebody did. 623 00:43:54,195 --> 00:43:55,946 Oh. 624 00:43:56,029 --> 00:43:57,864 -(BARKS) -Let's go, Fred. 625 00:44:00,324 --> 00:44:02,326 We're right behind you, Wilma. 626 00:44:02,534 --> 00:44:04,869 Thanks, Betty. 627 00:44:06,871 --> 00:44:09,540 (DINO YAPPING) 628 00:44:09,706 --> 00:44:12,834 CHIP: Wilma? Wilma, wait. 629 00:44:12,875 --> 00:44:14,626 Please don't go. 630 00:44:15,043 --> 00:44:18,921 You were right back there. The way I... The way everyone's behaved today 631 00:44:19,087 --> 00:44:21,380 -has been inexcusable. -Thank you, Chip. 632 00:44:21,546 --> 00:44:24,590 Congratulations, Flintstone. I really mean that. The better man won. 633 00:44:25,716 --> 00:44:27,718 And just to show that there are no hard feelings, 634 00:44:27,801 --> 00:44:31,888 I'd like to invite the four of you to the opening of my new casino in Rock Vegas. 635 00:44:31,971 --> 00:44:35,557 You lovebirds can take in the sites, relax in the luxury accommodations 636 00:44:35,640 --> 00:44:39,018 and enjoy the opening night concert gala by Mick Jagged and the Stones. 637 00:44:39,184 --> 00:44:40,894 The Stones? 638 00:44:41,060 --> 00:44:45,439 This isn't love This is destiny 639 00:44:46,064 --> 00:44:48,066 What do you say, Wilma? 640 00:44:48,232 --> 00:44:51,401 Well, Chip, I... 641 00:44:51,484 --> 00:44:55,905 We really appreciate your gesture, but I don't think now is a good time... 642 00:44:55,988 --> 00:44:58,490 Hmm, Rock Vegas, eh? 643 00:45:02,702 --> 00:45:04,453 (GASPS) 644 00:45:08,832 --> 00:45:10,458 We'd love to go. 645 00:45:15,045 --> 00:45:16,713 (SQUAWKING) 646 00:45:18,089 --> 00:45:21,008 Bright light city gonna set my soul 647 00:45:21,174 --> 00:45:24,385 Gonna set my soul on fire 648 00:45:24,927 --> 00:45:28,221 Got a whole lotta money that's ready to burn 649 00:45:28,262 --> 00:45:31,265 You better get those stakes up high 650 00:45:31,473 --> 00:45:34,851 There's a thousand guys waiting out there 651 00:45:35,184 --> 00:45:38,395 And they're all living devil-may-care 652 00:45:38,561 --> 00:45:41,981 And I'm just a little devil with a lot of love to spare 653 00:45:42,147 --> 00:45:45,441 Viva Rock Vegas 654 00:45:45,524 --> 00:45:48,443 Viva Rock Vegas 655 00:45:48,943 --> 00:45:51,946 Viva Rock Vegas 656 00:46:02,873 --> 00:46:05,625 How I wish that there were many more 657 00:46:05,708 --> 00:46:08,585 Than the 24 hours of a day 658 00:46:09,085 --> 00:46:12,463 But even if there were 40 more 659 00:46:12,796 --> 00:46:16,800 I wouldn't sleep a minute away No, no, no 660 00:46:16,966 --> 00:46:19,635 Blackjack and poker Roulette wheel 661 00:46:19,676 --> 00:46:23,096 A fortune won and lost on every deal 662 00:46:23,304 --> 00:46:26,432 All you need's a strong heart and nerves of steel 663 00:46:26,515 --> 00:46:29,142 Viva Rock Vegas 664 00:46:29,976 --> 00:46:32,853 Viva Rock Vegas 665 00:46:33,812 --> 00:46:36,397 Viva Rock Vegas 666 00:46:38,399 --> 00:46:40,109 FRED: Way to go, Barney! 667 00:46:40,317 --> 00:46:45,155 Viva Rock Vegas with your neon flashing and your one-arm bandits crashing 668 00:46:45,280 --> 00:46:48,658 And all those hopes down the drain 669 00:46:49,033 --> 00:46:52,453 Viva Rock Vegas turning day into nighttime 670 00:46:52,494 --> 00:46:54,329 Night into daytime 671 00:46:54,370 --> 00:46:58,874 If you see it once You'll never be the same again 672 00:46:58,957 --> 00:47:01,084 I guarantee it 673 00:47:02,835 --> 00:47:05,462 Viva Rock Vegas 674 00:47:06,337 --> 00:47:08,464 Viva Rock Vegas 675 00:47:09,339 --> 00:47:11,090 Viva 676 00:47:11,173 --> 00:47:15,343 Viva Rock Vegas 677 00:47:20,681 --> 00:47:23,350 (SLOW JAZZ PLAYING) 678 00:47:37,155 --> 00:47:39,323 Great day, huh? 679 00:47:39,489 --> 00:47:41,657 I hope it never ends. 680 00:47:47,496 --> 00:47:49,956 Oh, young love! 681 00:47:50,122 --> 00:47:53,792 -It's a shame it won't last, hmm? -Mm-hmm. 682 00:47:54,626 --> 00:47:57,378 (WHEEZING) 683 00:48:00,047 --> 00:48:02,257 Just you wait, Roxie, dear. 684 00:48:02,340 --> 00:48:06,594 This man is my puppet, and I've barely begun to pull the strings. 685 00:48:06,677 --> 00:48:10,931 Soon Wilma will see him for the pathetic primitive primate he really is. 686 00:48:11,181 --> 00:48:13,933 You told me you were over this Wilma person. 687 00:48:14,266 --> 00:48:17,185 CHIP: What do I have to do to convince you? 688 00:48:17,226 --> 00:48:21,021 Diamonds? A Maserocki? 689 00:48:21,062 --> 00:48:25,066 Your own show in the Stalactite Lounge? 690 00:48:25,232 --> 00:48:28,902 Very nice, Chip! But I prefer cash. 691 00:48:29,068 --> 00:48:32,613 -What a coincidence. So do we. -Yeah. 692 00:48:32,779 --> 00:48:36,908 Oh, Rocko and Rocko, my favorite made men! 693 00:48:37,074 --> 00:48:39,242 What can I do for you gentlemen? 694 00:48:39,408 --> 00:48:43,787 The boss wants his money. He says he don't think you got it. 695 00:48:43,870 --> 00:48:47,415 That's... Not entirely true, 696 00:48:47,456 --> 00:48:49,791 nor is it entirely false. 697 00:48:50,249 --> 00:48:52,251 He don't entirely care. 698 00:48:52,334 --> 00:48:55,754 But he wants all of his money by midnight Sunday, 699 00:48:55,837 --> 00:48:57,630 or he starts taking your casinos. 700 00:48:57,796 --> 00:49:01,734 -And breaking your legs! -This is a moot discussion, gentlemen, 701 00:49:01,817 --> 00:49:05,070 because by Sunday evening, I shall be married to Wilma Slaghoople 702 00:49:05,153 --> 00:49:09,448 and one of the greatest personal fortunes in the uncivilized world. 703 00:49:09,531 --> 00:49:13,493 -You'd better be... -Or you'll be sleepin' with the Tunasauruses! 704 00:49:17,538 --> 00:49:19,873 (SQUAWKING) 705 00:49:25,670 --> 00:49:27,755 The plot thickens. 706 00:49:41,018 --> 00:49:42,894 (GIGGLES) 707 00:49:43,144 --> 00:49:45,146 Oh, this is heaven! 708 00:49:45,521 --> 00:49:49,733 Could you get between my shoulder blades? That's where I carry my tension. 709 00:49:49,774 --> 00:49:53,569 Ha! She's tense. I just found out what calamari means. 710 00:49:54,319 --> 00:49:57,739 Wilma, can I ask you something? 711 00:49:57,780 --> 00:49:59,907 Sure, Betty. What's up? 712 00:50:00,782 --> 00:50:03,242 Do you think Barney's serious about me? 713 00:50:03,575 --> 00:50:07,203 What are you talkin' about? He's crazy about you. 714 00:50:07,244 --> 00:50:09,120 I hope so. 715 00:50:09,286 --> 00:50:12,747 I've never met anyone like Bernard Rubble. 716 00:50:13,330 --> 00:50:15,707 He's so loyal. 717 00:50:15,748 --> 00:50:21,128 And so sweet! He makes me feel like I'm the only girl in this whole flat world. 718 00:50:21,753 --> 00:50:26,424 That's exactly how Fred makes me feel. I mean, Chip, 719 00:50:26,882 --> 00:50:29,009 it was always about money. 720 00:50:30,427 --> 00:50:34,472 Fred doesn't have a greedy bone in his entire body. 721 00:50:34,555 --> 00:50:38,892 Yabba-dabba-dough! (LAUGHING) 722 00:50:39,309 --> 00:50:41,978 Look at all these clams! 723 00:50:42,061 --> 00:50:44,980 You got enough there to buy Wilma a ring for each finger. 724 00:50:45,063 --> 00:50:47,065 And maybe a little stud for me too. 725 00:50:47,106 --> 00:50:49,149 So, what do you say we go cash out? 726 00:50:49,315 --> 00:50:54,069 What, are you crazy? That's your problem, Barn. You think too small. 727 00:50:54,235 --> 00:50:56,278 I'm not just gonna stop at a ring. 728 00:50:56,444 --> 00:51:00,448 I'm gonna buy her a whole lifestyle, just like Chip Rockefeller. 729 00:51:00,614 --> 00:51:04,534 But she doesn't want some smart, rich, handsome guy. She wants you. 730 00:51:04,617 --> 00:51:08,579 Hey, buzz off, cave boy. The man's got magic hands. 731 00:51:09,788 --> 00:51:13,666 I know this will be difficult for you, but let's think for a moment. 732 00:51:13,832 --> 00:51:19,087 Chip Rockefeller flew you to his casino, in his plane, to play at his tables. 733 00:51:19,253 --> 00:51:22,965 And against odds of 247,000 to one, 734 00:51:23,131 --> 00:51:25,383 you have rolled 17 straight winners. 735 00:51:25,549 --> 00:51:27,509 Can we connect the dots? 736 00:51:27,592 --> 00:51:31,512 Sure! Today's my lucky day! 737 00:51:32,137 --> 00:51:36,099 Good luck, dum-dum. You'll need it. 738 00:51:36,265 --> 00:51:38,725 Come on, babies! 739 00:51:40,643 --> 00:51:43,562 CROUPIER: Lucky seven! 740 00:51:44,938 --> 00:51:47,148 What did I tell you, Barn? Magic! 741 00:51:47,231 --> 00:51:50,192 It's not magic. It's skill. 742 00:51:50,734 --> 00:51:54,821 A gentleman gambler like you should be playing with the high rollers. 743 00:51:55,363 --> 00:51:57,156 FRED: The high rollers? 744 00:51:57,239 --> 00:52:01,117 Well, I was just getting warmed up, building my bankroll. 745 00:52:01,283 --> 00:52:03,785 Bankroll? Please! I'll give you a line of credit. 746 00:52:03,951 --> 00:52:05,661 -Credit? -Sure! 747 00:52:05,702 --> 00:52:08,830 The house fronts you a little extra, you pay it back. A man of your skill? 748 00:52:09,163 --> 00:52:11,999 Please, I'd be honored to have you on a house account. 749 00:52:12,165 --> 00:52:14,834 Fred! Don't do it. 750 00:52:15,000 --> 00:52:17,669 That's how my uncle, the gambler, lost everything. 751 00:52:17,835 --> 00:52:20,420 He lost his wife, his house, his kids, his dog... 752 00:52:20,503 --> 00:52:23,088 Did you know we have an all-you-can-eat buffet by the pool? 753 00:52:23,171 --> 00:52:26,883 -Fred, please, I... All you can eat? -Absolutely! 754 00:52:26,966 --> 00:52:29,009 I'd like you to meet Roxie. She's my lead Rockette. 755 00:52:29,092 --> 00:52:31,844 Roxie, would you show Mr. Rubble the buffet? 756 00:52:32,010 --> 00:52:35,388 It would bring me great pleasure. 757 00:52:36,514 --> 00:52:38,516 Come on, Flintstone. I'll show you to your table, 758 00:52:38,599 --> 00:52:40,851 and I'll have the pit boss bring you a big pile of clams. 759 00:52:41,601 --> 00:52:43,019 CROUPIER: New shooter. 760 00:52:45,187 --> 00:52:48,982 Read 'em and weep, boys. Four lovely ladies. 761 00:52:49,023 --> 00:52:52,818 -Fred! -Make that six. Where have you two been? 762 00:52:53,360 --> 00:52:56,613 We've been waiting for you at the Kavern Klub. 763 00:52:56,696 --> 00:52:59,740 Oh, right, I'm sorry. I've been on a roll. 764 00:53:00,198 --> 00:53:01,699 Hey, where's Barney? 765 00:53:01,782 --> 00:53:05,619 Barney? He went off to the buffet with some showgirl. 766 00:53:05,702 --> 00:53:07,036 A showgirl? 767 00:53:07,202 --> 00:53:08,536 (CALYPSO MUSIC PLAYING) 768 00:53:08,702 --> 00:53:10,036 (PEOPLE CHATTERING) 769 00:53:13,205 --> 00:53:18,084 You know, when they say, "all you can eat," they don't mean till you explode. 770 00:53:18,250 --> 00:53:20,335 I'm just getting started. 771 00:53:21,544 --> 00:53:24,880 (SNIFFING) Ooh, look at the size of that pie. 772 00:53:25,046 --> 00:53:27,465 Waiter. Waiter, over here! 773 00:53:27,631 --> 00:53:29,966 Let me. Waiter! 774 00:53:31,384 --> 00:53:33,469 (GASPING) 775 00:53:37,306 --> 00:53:41,643 Ooh, uh, let me help. (CHUCKLING) 776 00:53:46,272 --> 00:53:48,482 (BARNEY MOANING) 777 00:53:48,565 --> 00:53:50,400 (CRYING) 778 00:53:50,858 --> 00:53:53,277 (ROXIE GROANS) 779 00:53:53,443 --> 00:53:54,735 (MUMBLES) 780 00:53:54,860 --> 00:53:56,111 Get off! 781 00:53:58,571 --> 00:54:00,698 MICK JAGGED: Thanks, darling. 782 00:54:00,864 --> 00:54:03,533 All right, babes, I love you, but I gotta go. 783 00:54:03,699 --> 00:54:06,618 -Catch you later! (GROWLS) -Ooh! 784 00:54:06,784 --> 00:54:08,911 (CRYING) 785 00:54:14,416 --> 00:54:16,459 Hello, love. 786 00:54:17,376 --> 00:54:21,171 (GASPS) Are you... 787 00:54:21,337 --> 00:54:24,631 Yeah. Mick Jagged. 788 00:54:24,714 --> 00:54:26,257 At your service. 789 00:54:27,716 --> 00:54:28,883 Oh. 790 00:54:29,008 --> 00:54:30,050 And you are? 791 00:54:30,175 --> 00:54:31,259 (SNIFFLES) 792 00:54:31,425 --> 00:54:34,678 Betty. Betty O'Shale. 793 00:54:34,803 --> 00:54:38,473 What's a lovely bird like you doing all on your lonesome, eh? 794 00:54:39,432 --> 00:54:42,601 -My boyfriend... He was... -Yeah? 795 00:54:43,059 --> 00:54:46,771 I saw him... With another girl. (CRYING) 796 00:54:46,854 --> 00:54:50,625 Aw, sweetheart. I'll tell you what. 797 00:54:51,500 --> 00:54:55,921 If you was my lady, you wouldn't catch me even touching another girl. Not never! 798 00:54:56,379 --> 00:54:58,005 (CRYING) 799 00:54:58,046 --> 00:55:00,381 Unless I'm on the road. On the road doesn't count. 800 00:55:01,048 --> 00:55:03,592 Here, here, here. 801 00:55:03,758 --> 00:55:06,427 Why don't you try stopping crying 802 00:55:06,593 --> 00:55:09,137 and give Mickie a little smile, eh? 803 00:55:09,929 --> 00:55:11,764 There, that's better. 804 00:55:13,724 --> 00:55:16,727 You do look lovely when you smile, Miss Betty O'Shale. 805 00:55:16,893 --> 00:55:20,396 (GIGGLING) Thank you. 806 00:55:21,939 --> 00:55:24,650 What do you say we go meet me band mates, 807 00:55:24,816 --> 00:55:28,528 then maybe go somewhere more quiet, so we can 808 00:55:28,694 --> 00:55:31,279 talk a little bit more, yeah? 809 00:55:38,494 --> 00:55:40,621 3,041, 3,042... 810 00:55:40,704 --> 00:55:43,665 -(CROWD SCREAMING ENTHUSIASTICALLY) -What's going on down there? 811 00:55:45,833 --> 00:55:48,544 Hey, Fred, look! There's Mick Jagged and the Stones! 812 00:55:55,592 --> 00:55:58,094 And there's Betty. She's with the band. 813 00:55:58,511 --> 00:56:01,388 What would Betty be doing with the Stones? 814 00:56:01,554 --> 00:56:04,515 Yeah. She doesn't even play an instrument. 815 00:56:04,598 --> 00:56:07,892 Betty! Betty, up here! It's me, Barney! 816 00:56:07,975 --> 00:56:09,559 Betty! 817 00:56:13,896 --> 00:56:16,106 -Betty! -Hello. 818 00:56:17,440 --> 00:56:20,943 Excuse me, excuse me. Betty! 819 00:56:21,109 --> 00:56:23,444 Wait a minute, Betty, please! 820 00:56:24,278 --> 00:56:28,031 14,542... 821 00:56:28,197 --> 00:56:30,449 15,542. 822 00:56:30,615 --> 00:56:35,786 Look, Fred, let's do something together, huh? We could go bowling. 823 00:56:36,286 --> 00:56:38,246 Bowling? 824 00:56:38,287 --> 00:56:40,580 Bowling's for poor people. 825 00:56:40,746 --> 00:56:42,330 (SIGHS) 826 00:56:43,122 --> 00:56:45,791 Looks like you and Chip have a little more in common than I thought. 827 00:56:45,916 --> 00:56:48,293 Why? 'Cause we're both big winners? 828 00:56:49,711 --> 00:56:53,256 Here, Fred. Buy yourself a clue. 829 00:56:53,506 --> 00:56:56,300 Hey, Wilma. Wilma, wait... 830 00:56:58,343 --> 00:57:02,180 Wilma, wait! Wilma! 831 00:57:02,263 --> 00:57:04,306 Wilma! 832 00:57:04,639 --> 00:57:08,392 Honey, baby, what's the matter? 833 00:57:20,070 --> 00:57:22,822 All right, Flintstone, you've lost Wilma. 834 00:57:22,863 --> 00:57:26,533 Now it's time to lose everything else. 835 00:57:33,873 --> 00:57:36,166 (CACKLING) 836 00:57:37,834 --> 00:57:41,003 Place your bets, folks! Place your bets. 837 00:57:48,760 --> 00:57:52,555 One red. One red is the winner! 838 00:57:54,390 --> 00:57:55,682 (GROANING) 839 00:57:56,974 --> 00:57:58,517 (CHUCKLING) 840 00:58:01,645 --> 00:58:03,229 (GROANS) 841 00:58:07,566 --> 00:58:09,818 (STAMMERING, SCREAMING) 842 00:58:13,696 --> 00:58:16,407 Hello, Wilma. Been for a walk? 843 00:58:16,573 --> 00:58:21,077 -Nothing gets by you, Chip. -Oh, forgive me for disturbing you. 844 00:58:22,286 --> 00:58:23,870 (SIGHING) 845 00:58:25,371 --> 00:58:29,833 Oh, Chip. I'm so sorry. 846 00:58:30,959 --> 00:58:35,713 -I've just got a lot on my mind. -I've been on edge too. 847 00:58:36,088 --> 00:58:41,218 Opening weekend, so many guests, and now, all the room robberies. 848 00:58:41,384 --> 00:58:44,303 -Robberies? -It's nothing. It's just... 849 00:58:44,386 --> 00:58:47,472 But just to be safe, I wish you'd let me 850 00:58:47,555 --> 00:58:51,308 put those beautiful pearls of yours in our safe. 851 00:58:54,060 --> 00:58:56,604 Good idea, Chip. 852 00:58:56,729 --> 00:58:58,856 -They mean a lot to me. -I know. 853 00:59:14,329 --> 00:59:15,955 (SIGHING) 854 00:59:18,374 --> 00:59:20,376 It's up to you, baby. 855 00:59:20,417 --> 00:59:22,460 Get me started again. 856 00:59:23,085 --> 00:59:25,921 No, no, no! No! 857 00:59:27,505 --> 00:59:30,633 Mr. Flintstone? Mr. Rockefeller has extended an invitation 858 00:59:30,799 --> 00:59:32,884 to join him at the fight. 859 00:59:32,925 --> 00:59:35,385 (CROWD SHOUTING) 860 00:59:39,430 --> 00:59:41,932 (GRUNTING) 861 00:59:41,973 --> 00:59:45,685 (LAUGHING) More credit? No. 862 00:59:45,768 --> 00:59:47,770 No chance, no way, no how. 863 00:59:47,853 --> 00:59:49,938 Do you know how much you owe already? 864 00:59:50,063 --> 00:59:51,439 Owe? 865 00:59:51,856 --> 00:59:55,484 One million four-hundred thousand clams. 866 00:59:57,360 --> 00:59:59,779 -Oh. -It's gonna be a real shame 867 00:59:59,862 --> 01:00:03,240 when Wilma finds out what a loser her new boyfriend is. 868 01:00:03,448 --> 01:00:07,118 Of course, she doesn't have to find out. 869 01:00:07,201 --> 01:00:11,914 She doesn't? See that? I knew you were a good guy. 870 01:00:12,497 --> 01:00:14,874 (CHUCKLING) I'm not. 871 01:00:15,040 --> 01:00:19,127 I said I wouldn't tell her. I didn't say you could still have her. 872 01:00:19,293 --> 01:00:23,463 I'll erase your debt, Flintstone, but you've gotta disappear. 873 01:00:23,504 --> 01:00:29,760 Out of town, out of Bedrock, and never see or speak to Wilma again. 874 01:00:29,926 --> 01:00:32,053 Wait a minute. 875 01:00:32,219 --> 01:00:34,763 You had this planned all along. 876 01:00:34,804 --> 01:00:38,808 Tell me, how do you even dress yourself in the morning? 877 01:00:38,933 --> 01:00:43,020 Normally, I just wear what I fell asleep in. What's that gotta do with anything? 878 01:00:43,228 --> 01:00:44,812 Goodbye, Flintstone. 879 01:00:47,022 --> 01:00:50,400 Hey, you won't get away with this, Rockefeller! 880 01:00:50,566 --> 01:00:53,151 (CROWD GASPING) (FRED GROANING) 881 01:00:54,318 --> 01:00:56,820 (GRUNTING) (CHEERING) 882 01:00:57,153 --> 01:01:00,156 Rockefeller! Hey, Rockefeller! 883 01:01:00,239 --> 01:01:03,533 You know what? I don't care what happens to me, 884 01:01:03,824 --> 01:01:07,118 but I'm not gonna let you weasel your way closer to Wilma. 885 01:01:07,618 --> 01:01:10,996 Soon as I find her, I'm gonna tell her exactly what's going on. 886 01:01:11,037 --> 01:01:13,831 Then we'll see how well your plan worked. 887 01:01:16,166 --> 01:01:18,418 (SQUAWKING) 888 01:01:21,587 --> 01:01:22,838 What the... 889 01:01:25,423 --> 01:01:28,259 There has been a robbery. All guests to the lobby. 890 01:01:28,342 --> 01:01:30,218 Uh-oh, there appears to have been a robbery. 891 01:01:30,676 --> 01:01:35,013 We'll have to continue this conversation later, Fred. Please, step this way. 892 01:01:38,057 --> 01:01:40,392 (MURMURING) 893 01:01:52,796 --> 01:01:55,799 -(COOING, GIGGLING) -Ladies and gentlemen! 894 01:01:55,965 --> 01:01:59,677 Ladies and gentlemen, I regret to inform you there is a criminal in our midst. 895 01:01:59,843 --> 01:02:03,805 -(CROWD GASPING) -How old did you say you were? 896 01:02:03,971 --> 01:02:05,973 But before I expose him to the public, 897 01:02:06,139 --> 01:02:09,392 I'd like to give him the chance to step forward and admit his wrongdoing, 898 01:02:09,558 --> 01:02:13,228 if only to take the first tiny step toward absolution. 899 01:02:13,394 --> 01:02:18,107 (CRYING) I stole all the towels in my room! 900 01:02:18,273 --> 01:02:21,067 Well, that is illegal, but still... 901 01:02:21,150 --> 01:02:23,068 I'm wearing someone else's underwear! 902 01:02:23,276 --> 01:02:24,694 CROWD: Eww! 903 01:02:25,653 --> 01:02:28,072 No, I was talking about a... 904 01:02:28,155 --> 01:02:32,075 I'm systematically poisoning the dinosaurs' water supply. 905 01:02:32,158 --> 01:02:35,953 In a matter of decades, their entire species will be extinct! 906 01:02:35,994 --> 01:02:38,329 (ALL LAUGHING) 907 01:02:38,495 --> 01:02:42,749 All right! This is obviously going nowhere. I was talking about a necklace. 908 01:02:42,915 --> 01:02:46,001 A very valuable necklace has been stolen from our hotel safe. 909 01:02:46,167 --> 01:02:50,796 A necklace belonging to my dear, dear friend, Wilma Slaghoople. 910 01:02:52,589 --> 01:02:55,216 -My pearls? -Wilma. 911 01:02:55,382 --> 01:02:58,009 All right, who did it? 912 01:02:58,175 --> 01:03:01,094 So help me, if you don't step forward right now, I will personally... 913 01:03:01,260 --> 01:03:03,971 I don't think violence will be necessary, Flintstone, 914 01:03:04,137 --> 01:03:07,181 because I know exactly who stole Wilma's pearls. 915 01:03:07,347 --> 01:03:10,808 A desperate man, drowning in gambling debts. 916 01:03:10,849 --> 01:03:12,058 Lowlife! 917 01:03:12,224 --> 01:03:16,519 Hey, doesn't anybody care about this whole dinosaurs-becoming-extinct thing? 918 01:03:16,685 --> 01:03:17,852 ALL: No! 919 01:03:19,019 --> 01:03:23,523 Fred, would you mind emptying your pockets? 920 01:03:24,524 --> 01:03:27,109 You think I stole Wilma's pearls? Chip, that's... 921 01:03:27,192 --> 01:03:28,943 Why? Do you have something to hide, Fred? 922 01:03:29,485 --> 01:03:31,945 Definitely not! See for yourself. 923 01:03:32,111 --> 01:03:33,362 I'm not... 924 01:03:33,487 --> 01:03:34,696 (CROWD GASPING) 925 01:03:37,699 --> 01:03:39,158 Fred. 926 01:03:40,701 --> 01:03:43,036 Wait a minute. I didn't take these. 927 01:03:43,703 --> 01:03:45,913 Wilma, why would I take your pearls? 928 01:03:46,371 --> 01:03:51,250 Do you deny that you owe the casino over a million clams with no way to pay it back? 929 01:03:51,333 --> 01:03:54,544 -(CROWD GASPING) -Fred, is that true? 930 01:03:56,254 --> 01:03:57,922 Yeah, but... 931 01:04:00,883 --> 01:04:03,427 Wilma, darling, I'm so sorry. 932 01:04:10,308 --> 01:04:12,727 Wilma. Wilma. 933 01:04:12,768 --> 01:04:15,395 Wilma, you can't believe him! He set me up! 934 01:04:15,561 --> 01:04:18,063 Security, take this man to jail! 935 01:04:18,229 --> 01:04:20,648 -(CROWD CHEERING) -You're coming with us. 936 01:04:20,814 --> 01:04:24,984 -Hey, hey, hey. -Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! 937 01:04:25,734 --> 01:04:27,777 You're all making a big mistake. 938 01:04:27,860 --> 01:04:31,905 Fred couldn't have stolen that necklace. It was locked up in a safe. 939 01:04:32,739 --> 01:04:35,658 Fred can't even remember the combination to his bowling locker. 940 01:04:35,824 --> 01:04:37,617 Look, he's gotta write it down on his hand, see? 941 01:04:37,700 --> 01:04:38,784 (CROWD LAUGHING) 942 01:04:38,867 --> 01:04:41,327 Ah, great, now everybody's seen it. 943 01:04:41,410 --> 01:04:45,580 Huh? Crack a safe? He couldn't even crack his knuckles without my help. 944 01:04:46,330 --> 01:04:50,500 Thank you, Mr. Rubble, for confessing to being Mr. Flintstone's accomplice. 945 01:04:50,583 --> 01:04:53,919 You're welcome. What? 946 01:04:54,002 --> 01:04:55,628 Take them both away! 947 01:04:55,753 --> 01:04:57,421 (CROWD CHEERING) 948 01:04:58,922 --> 01:05:01,507 Believe me! I'm innocent! 949 01:05:02,090 --> 01:05:04,550 Everybody, gamble! 950 01:05:11,598 --> 01:05:13,057 Where's my little girl? 951 01:05:13,098 --> 01:05:15,934 Oh, my poor, poor baby. 952 01:05:16,142 --> 01:05:18,102 (SIGHS) Perfect. 953 01:05:18,143 --> 01:05:21,938 Everything's going to be all right now, darling. Mummy's here. 954 01:05:22,438 --> 01:05:24,148 And I'm going. 955 01:05:29,153 --> 01:05:34,783 Wilma? I've already talked to Chip, and he's willing to take you back. 956 01:05:35,450 --> 01:05:37,827 What gives you the right to interfere with my life? 957 01:05:38,661 --> 01:05:42,998 I'm your mother, and I love you. And Chip loves you. 958 01:05:43,081 --> 01:05:44,457 Chip loves money. 959 01:05:44,540 --> 01:05:47,960 And you have money. It's a match made in heaven. 960 01:05:48,001 --> 01:05:50,586 -(SIGHS) -Oh, Wilma. 961 01:05:50,627 --> 01:05:53,254 Look, I think he's already proven his loyalty. 962 01:05:53,295 --> 01:05:55,672 He saved you from that beast. 963 01:05:55,963 --> 01:05:58,590 Fred is not a beast. He was just raised by them. 964 01:05:58,756 --> 01:06:02,009 Ah, that explains the missing piece of the puzzle. 965 01:06:02,175 --> 01:06:05,970 Wilma, listen to me. Go back to Chip. 966 01:06:06,136 --> 01:06:07,428 Please? 967 01:06:07,553 --> 01:06:08,845 (SIGHS) 968 01:06:12,056 --> 01:06:13,599 Darling, 969 01:06:13,765 --> 01:06:16,976 don't let Chip slip through your fingers again. 970 01:06:18,018 --> 01:06:21,730 I just don't know how much more pain that poor boy can endure. 971 01:06:22,105 --> 01:06:25,399 (GROANING) I said you'll have your money by midnight. 972 01:06:25,565 --> 01:06:28,568 The boss says he's got his doubts. See, a little birdie told him 973 01:06:28,651 --> 01:06:31,737 that you ain't even dating the Slaghoople dame no more. 974 01:06:32,988 --> 01:06:35,115 Hey, I might be out of a job tomorrow. 975 01:06:35,156 --> 01:06:37,825 Brother's got to have a little nest egg, you dig? 976 01:06:37,991 --> 01:06:42,704 Ah, that's preposterous! We're getting married this evening. Honest. 977 01:06:42,829 --> 01:06:45,665 Good. But if the bride don't show, 978 01:06:45,748 --> 01:06:47,666 you'll be spending your wedding night... 979 01:06:47,749 --> 01:06:49,041 With me. 980 01:06:49,499 --> 01:06:50,958 (LAUGHING) 981 01:06:51,249 --> 01:06:52,959 (PLAYING HARMONICA) 982 01:06:58,172 --> 01:07:00,299 I miss Betty. 983 01:07:00,465 --> 01:07:05,219 I know, Barn. I'd do anything to see Wilma again. 984 01:07:05,385 --> 01:07:09,180 We'd be with 'em right now if I hadn't been so stupid. 985 01:07:09,221 --> 01:07:12,033 Now, I could've told you that. 986 01:07:12,116 --> 01:07:13,158 Gazoo? 987 01:07:13,241 --> 01:07:16,035 Gazoo! Oh, boy, are you a sight for sore eyes! 988 01:07:16,118 --> 01:07:18,411 You gotta help us, buddy. You gotta get us out. 989 01:07:18,828 --> 01:07:21,747 "Buddy"? Did I hear that correctly? 990 01:07:21,872 --> 01:07:25,166 I'm sorry, but are you not the same Fred Flintstone who hurt my feelings so, 991 01:07:25,249 --> 01:07:29,795 that I spent the rest of my vacation in my room watching pay-per-view! 992 01:07:29,836 --> 01:07:32,296 You're right, you're right. I was wrong. 993 01:07:33,463 --> 01:07:36,716 I tried to impress Wilma with money, 994 01:07:36,882 --> 01:07:39,968 and all I did was ruin everything, like I always do. 995 01:07:40,468 --> 01:07:42,178 'Cause you know what I am? 996 01:07:42,636 --> 01:07:44,763 I'm nothing but a big... 997 01:07:46,473 --> 01:07:47,974 Yes? 998 01:07:49,308 --> 01:07:50,809 Dum-dum. 999 01:07:50,850 --> 01:07:52,685 All opposed? 1000 01:07:52,768 --> 01:07:54,895 The ayes have it. 1001 01:07:55,270 --> 01:07:57,480 Oh, now, look. 1002 01:07:57,563 --> 01:08:00,816 Just because you finally realized what I knew right away, 1003 01:08:00,857 --> 01:08:05,611 that doesn't mean I haven't developed a little soft spot for you. 1004 01:08:05,652 --> 01:08:09,614 -Really? So you're gonna bust us outta here? -Whoo-hoo! 1005 01:08:09,655 --> 01:08:12,532 Gazoo's gonna bust us out Gazoo's gonna bust us out 1006 01:08:12,615 --> 01:08:14,116 Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! 1007 01:08:14,157 --> 01:08:18,035 Do I look like the cavalry? Though those outfits are adorable. 1008 01:08:18,201 --> 01:08:20,953 No! You two know I can't actually interfere. 1009 01:08:20,994 --> 01:08:22,912 I'm only here to give you some information 1010 01:08:22,995 --> 01:08:26,373 I thought you might find enlightening. 1011 01:08:29,501 --> 01:08:31,503 Hey, I didn't know you could do that. 1012 01:08:31,669 --> 01:08:34,171 This is a moot discussion, gentlemen, because by Sunday evening, 1013 01:08:34,337 --> 01:08:36,172 I shall be married to Wilma Slaghoople 1014 01:08:36,338 --> 01:08:39,382 and one of the greatest personal fortunes in the uncivilized world. 1015 01:08:39,465 --> 01:08:42,134 Wilma's in trouble. We gotta get outta here. 1016 01:08:42,217 --> 01:08:46,262 -Come on, you gotta help us, Gazoo. -I wish I could. I really do. 1017 01:08:46,428 --> 01:08:48,221 So you're just gonna let this happen? 1018 01:08:48,888 --> 01:08:53,684 I've gotta sit in this cell while Wilma walks down the aisle with the wrong guy. 1019 01:08:54,476 --> 01:08:56,895 We were supposed to live happily ever after. 1020 01:08:57,145 --> 01:08:59,105 Same with me and Betty. 1021 01:08:59,188 --> 01:09:00,689 (BOTH CRYING) 1022 01:09:01,856 --> 01:09:04,692 Please, don't. Not emotions. 1023 01:09:05,192 --> 01:09:09,237 My race has prospered for eons without the slightest trace of personal emotions, 1024 01:09:09,320 --> 01:09:11,071 and we couldn't be happier. 1025 01:09:11,196 --> 01:09:14,407 Well, of course, we don't actually get happy because we don't have emotions. 1026 01:09:14,573 --> 01:09:16,825 (SOBBING) 1027 01:09:17,617 --> 01:09:19,285 Oh, this is so sad. 1028 01:09:19,785 --> 01:09:22,287 Somebody hold me! (CRYING) 1029 01:09:40,596 --> 01:09:44,141 (CRYING, LAUGHING) 1030 01:09:53,400 --> 01:09:57,445 -Blow. -Barney, Barney, you can fit through the bars. 1031 01:09:57,611 --> 01:10:01,823 I can? I guess I should have tried that earlier, huh? 1032 01:10:02,949 --> 01:10:05,368 Come on, come on, get the keys! 1033 01:10:11,415 --> 01:10:13,333 (SNORING) 1034 01:10:22,675 --> 01:10:24,093 (SCREAMING) 1035 01:10:24,134 --> 01:10:26,845 -Hey. Back in your cage, shorty! -Achoo! 1036 01:10:39,524 --> 01:10:41,192 Hi, Betty. 1037 01:10:42,276 --> 01:10:44,111 Hi, Wilma! 1038 01:10:44,277 --> 01:10:46,279 I just came to say goodbye. 1039 01:10:46,445 --> 01:10:49,281 I heard you're going to Stonehenge with Mick Jagged. 1040 01:10:49,364 --> 01:10:51,324 Yeah, I can't wait. 1041 01:10:51,949 --> 01:10:54,826 Chip's going around saying you're getting back together. 1042 01:10:54,992 --> 01:10:57,452 I'm so happy for you. 1043 01:10:58,411 --> 01:11:01,956 I'm so happy for you, too, Betty. 1044 01:11:02,331 --> 01:11:06,376 I've never been so happy. 1045 01:11:07,085 --> 01:11:10,546 Me neither. Oh, Betty! 1046 01:11:10,629 --> 01:11:14,799 -Oh, Wilma. -Oh, oh, oh, Betty. 1047 01:11:15,132 --> 01:11:17,217 (BOTH CRYING) 1048 01:11:17,383 --> 01:11:21,553 Hey, knock it off. You're big girls now. 1049 01:11:21,719 --> 01:11:25,806 Wilma, darling, you are doing the right thing. 1050 01:11:25,972 --> 01:11:29,642 I married the Colonel for his money and look how happy we are. 1051 01:11:35,189 --> 01:11:38,650 So... We meet again. 1052 01:11:43,404 --> 01:11:45,280 Spread out and find these guys. 1053 01:11:45,822 --> 01:11:47,532 All right, fellas, let's leave no stone unturned. 1054 01:11:47,615 --> 01:11:49,033 We'll get 'em. 1055 01:11:52,453 --> 01:11:55,164 They're looking for us, Barn. They got guards everywhere. 1056 01:11:55,330 --> 01:11:58,333 What are we gonna do, Fred? 1057 01:11:58,499 --> 01:12:01,835 -We're just gonna have to fight our way in. -But these guys are armed. 1058 01:12:02,126 --> 01:12:03,877 This is a war, Barn. 1059 01:12:03,960 --> 01:12:06,462 And in war, there's always gonna be casualties. 1060 01:12:06,628 --> 01:12:09,714 I just want you to know how much I appreciate your sacrifice. 1061 01:12:09,880 --> 01:12:11,798 Why do I gotta be the one that gets sacrificed? 1062 01:12:11,964 --> 01:12:14,675 Because I know I'm gonna get Wilma back. 1063 01:12:14,841 --> 01:12:17,552 Face it, Barn, there's no way Betty's gonna dump Mick Jagged for you. 1064 01:12:17,802 --> 01:12:21,514 Therefore, I got more reason to live. 1065 01:12:30,314 --> 01:12:32,858 Come on, girls! Let's go! Come on, come on! 1066 01:12:33,024 --> 01:12:35,359 Curtain's going up, curtain's going up! Let's see you, come on out! 1067 01:12:35,442 --> 01:12:38,361 Oh, you look lovely. Come on, opening night. Let's see smiles. 1068 01:12:38,694 --> 01:12:41,947 -There you go! -See, Fred? Worked like a charm. 1069 01:12:42,113 --> 01:12:46,700 -Go! -Come on, no chitchat! Let's go. And sparkle! 1070 01:13:12,600 --> 01:13:14,893 The one near the end looks like a man. 1071 01:13:14,934 --> 01:13:18,437 Yeah. Maybe your sister oughta try out. 1072 01:13:30,031 --> 01:13:33,117 (AUDIENCE LAUGHING, GASPING) 1073 01:13:36,829 --> 01:13:38,747 It's them! Get 'em! 1074 01:13:38,830 --> 01:13:41,249 Barn, come on, let's get outta here now! 1075 01:13:46,754 --> 01:13:48,672 -Look out! -Excuse me! 1076 01:13:48,838 --> 01:13:50,631 -Go, go! Get 'em! -There they are! 1077 01:13:55,010 --> 01:13:57,762 This isn't love This is... 1078 01:13:57,928 --> 01:14:00,597 What do you think, Betty? Should I stick my butt out a bit further? 1079 01:14:00,638 --> 01:14:02,473 Hmm? Does it look good like that? 1080 01:14:02,764 --> 01:14:06,267 Or maybe that's too much butt for the opening of the show. 1081 01:14:06,433 --> 01:14:09,811 It's really up to you, Mick. You are the artist. 1082 01:14:09,894 --> 01:14:13,480 Yeah, that I am, Betty. That I am. 1083 01:14:15,773 --> 01:14:17,709 Barney! 1084 01:14:18,167 --> 01:14:22,212 -Fred? -Wow, you really are with Mick Jagged. 1085 01:14:22,503 --> 01:14:25,172 -I hope you're not the two girls I sent for. -No. 1086 01:14:25,630 --> 01:14:28,090 Actually, the cuter one used to be my boyfriend. 1087 01:14:28,173 --> 01:14:29,382 What? 1088 01:14:29,423 --> 01:14:34,594 Betty, I understand if you want to be with this famous rock star instead of me. 1089 01:14:35,219 --> 01:14:38,513 But I just had to come back here and tell you... 1090 01:14:38,554 --> 01:14:39,930 I love you. 1091 01:14:43,516 --> 01:14:46,227 I don't think I ever told you that before. 1092 01:14:47,269 --> 01:14:49,646 But now I did, so goodbye. 1093 01:14:50,730 --> 01:14:53,023 Barney, wait! 1094 01:14:53,606 --> 01:14:55,232 Do you really mean it? 1095 01:14:55,273 --> 01:14:58,901 Of course I do. I've never felt this way about anyone before. 1096 01:14:59,109 --> 01:15:02,195 Then what about that showgirl you were with in the restaurant? 1097 01:15:02,236 --> 01:15:05,072 Roxie? That's Chip Rockefeller's girlfriend. 1098 01:15:05,155 --> 01:15:08,741 He sent her to take me to the buffet so I couldn't stop Fred from gambling. 1099 01:15:09,324 --> 01:15:13,619 Chip Rockefeller has a girlfriend? Somebody's gotta tell Wilma. 1100 01:15:13,702 --> 01:15:16,996 Don't worry, Betty. I'll handle Rockefeller. 1101 01:15:17,287 --> 01:15:20,790 All right, all right, would somebody mind telling me what the bloody hell's going on? 1102 01:15:20,956 --> 01:15:24,709 This is not cricket. I'm supposed to be on stage momentarily, 1103 01:15:24,875 --> 01:15:30,005 and it's preposterous to expect me to perform in my present palpitated state. 1104 01:15:30,171 --> 01:15:34,675 I'm sorry, Mick. I had a really great time with you and all... 1105 01:15:34,841 --> 01:15:38,886 -Yes? -But... I love Barney. 1106 01:15:40,178 --> 01:15:42,471 (GIGGLING) (LAUGHING) 1107 01:15:42,762 --> 01:15:46,390 Well, I don't care. I'm in love with Betty too. 1108 01:15:46,640 --> 01:15:48,933 She's the first decent, honorable woman I've ever met, 1109 01:15:48,974 --> 01:15:52,102 and I am, like, unbelievably turned on by her naiveté. 1110 01:15:52,435 --> 01:15:55,438 Watch your mouth, mister, or I'll give you a fat lip. 1111 01:15:55,688 --> 01:15:58,941 Although it kinda looks like somebody already has. 1112 01:16:02,778 --> 01:16:05,781 That's it, that's it! Nobody pinches my bird. 1113 01:16:05,822 --> 01:16:08,950 Not after I've gone to all the trouble of pinching her from him in the first place. 1114 01:16:09,033 --> 01:16:11,035 (SCREAMS) 1115 01:16:12,786 --> 01:16:14,204 Take this, you foreigner! 1116 01:16:15,622 --> 01:16:18,750 -Barney? -Come on, come on, then. 1117 01:16:18,791 --> 01:16:21,001 -Come on. -She's mine. 1118 01:16:21,126 --> 01:16:22,377 Oh, yeah? 1119 01:16:25,630 --> 01:16:28,215 Over my ridiculously-thin dead body. 1120 01:16:45,190 --> 01:16:50,153 -Wilma... I love you. I always have. -Oh. 1121 01:16:50,319 --> 01:16:52,654 I lost you once, but I won't lose you again. 1122 01:16:52,695 --> 01:16:55,030 -Ah... -Marry me. 1123 01:16:55,572 --> 01:16:57,824 Tonight. 1124 01:16:59,408 --> 01:17:02,828 Chip. You are terrific. 1125 01:17:04,246 --> 01:17:05,997 But... 1126 01:17:06,288 --> 01:17:09,207 It's just, a lot of things have happened recently. 1127 01:17:09,999 --> 01:17:13,627 And I need a little time to think, you know? 1128 01:17:13,918 --> 01:17:16,503 Wilma, I can't live without you. 1129 01:17:17,295 --> 01:17:21,007 Just say yes. Please. 1130 01:17:21,173 --> 01:17:24,426 (GROANING) That's okay. 1131 01:17:24,592 --> 01:17:28,262 EMCEE: Ladies and gentlemen, the fabulous Tardust Hotel 1132 01:17:28,428 --> 01:17:31,597 is proud to present the world's only rock n' roll band, 1133 01:17:31,763 --> 01:17:33,890 Mick Jagged and the Stones. 1134 01:17:54,201 --> 01:17:56,953 This isn't love 1135 01:17:57,244 --> 01:17:59,871 This is destiny 1136 01:18:02,707 --> 01:18:05,292 Somewhere above 1137 01:18:05,792 --> 01:18:08,211 This was planned for me 1138 01:18:10,630 --> 01:18:14,133 Life had no meaning 1139 01:18:14,216 --> 01:18:17,093 I never knew why 1140 01:18:17,885 --> 01:18:21,889 Till the dream came true 1141 01:18:22,222 --> 01:18:25,558 The dream is you 1142 01:18:26,559 --> 01:18:30,271 I never say never 1143 01:18:30,521 --> 01:18:33,732 But this love won't ever 1144 01:18:34,524 --> 01:18:36,400 Be over 1145 01:18:36,566 --> 01:18:38,401 Together 1146 01:18:38,567 --> 01:18:42,404 We'll share love wherever 1147 01:18:42,487 --> 01:18:48,576 We go 1148 01:18:51,245 --> 01:18:54,122 This isn't love 1149 01:18:54,205 --> 01:18:57,249 This is ecstasy 1150 01:18:59,918 --> 01:19:02,545 Somehow I knew 1151 01:19:02,586 --> 01:19:05,255 You would come to me 1152 01:19:07,173 --> 01:19:11,010 Never say never 1153 01:19:11,093 --> 01:19:13,595 Wilma, honey, I never meant to hurt you. 1154 01:19:14,304 --> 01:19:17,932 I've done some stupid things... Heck, a lot of stupid things. 1155 01:19:19,642 --> 01:19:22,519 But love makes you do stupid things. 1156 01:19:24,145 --> 01:19:28,816 Wilma, I'd never forgive myself if I didn't give this one last try. 1157 01:19:33,028 --> 01:19:35,113 Wilma Slaghoople, 1158 01:19:35,655 --> 01:19:40,618 I can't give you diamonds or fast cars or fancy houses. 1159 01:19:40,868 --> 01:19:43,495 -I can. -All I can give you 1160 01:19:43,620 --> 01:19:47,290 is just plain old Fred Flintstone from Bedrock, 1161 01:19:49,125 --> 01:19:51,001 and all the love in my heart. 1162 01:19:51,626 --> 01:19:53,377 I hope that's enough. 1163 01:19:54,461 --> 01:19:56,754 -It's enough, it's enough. -No, it's not! 1164 01:19:56,962 --> 01:20:01,091 Wilma, will you... (STAMMERING) 1165 01:20:03,718 --> 01:20:06,262 Will you... (STAMMERING) 1166 01:20:09,890 --> 01:20:13,351 Will you... Humina, humina, humina. 1167 01:20:13,434 --> 01:20:16,854 -Spit it out! -Wilma, will you marry me? 1168 01:20:18,897 --> 01:20:21,399 -(CROWD GASPING) -This is your last chance. 1169 01:20:21,482 --> 01:20:23,817 Stop me, or all the dinosaurs die. 1170 01:20:24,067 --> 01:20:26,152 ALL: Shut up! 1171 01:20:26,986 --> 01:20:30,322 Wilma... I am still waiting. 1172 01:20:33,533 --> 01:20:35,159 Yes! 1173 01:20:36,160 --> 01:20:38,704 Yabba-dabba-doo! 1174 01:20:39,079 --> 01:20:41,539 (CROWD CHEERING) 1175 01:20:58,222 --> 01:21:00,224 And do you, Fred Flintstone, 1176 01:21:00,849 --> 01:21:04,394 take Wilma Slaghoople to be your wife, 1177 01:21:04,477 --> 01:21:08,022 to have and to hold from this day forward? 1178 01:21:08,814 --> 01:21:10,941 I yabba-dabba-doo. 1179 01:21:12,067 --> 01:21:15,779 Do you, Wilma, take Frederick to be your husband, 1180 01:21:15,862 --> 01:21:18,364 to have and to hold, from this day forward? 1181 01:21:18,614 --> 01:21:19,740 I do. 1182 01:21:19,906 --> 01:21:21,532 (GROANING) 1183 01:21:23,217 --> 01:21:27,095 Then, by the power vested in me by the city of Rock Vegas, 1184 01:21:27,136 --> 01:21:30,514 I now pronounce you husband and wife. 1185 01:21:30,680 --> 01:21:32,390 You may kiss the bride. 1186 01:21:34,809 --> 01:21:37,895 -Mrs. Slaghoople. -Oh, where am I? What is this place? 1187 01:21:39,479 --> 01:21:40,855 (CRYING) 1188 01:21:41,981 --> 01:21:46,068 -Gazoo, are you crying? -No, no, no, of course not, dum-dum. 1189 01:21:46,151 --> 01:21:49,821 I'm simply overcome with information. 1190 01:21:50,321 --> 01:21:55,909 You see, I finally understand your complex mating rituals, all the emotions. 1191 01:21:55,992 --> 01:21:58,661 All this... Love. 1192 01:21:59,620 --> 01:22:05,584 And I've come to the conclusion that I'll never meet anybody. (CRYING) 1193 01:22:10,505 --> 01:22:16,219 Oh, you're very sweet, but believe me, it would never work out. 1194 01:22:16,510 --> 01:22:19,888 Ladies and gentlemen, I now present to you, 1195 01:22:19,971 --> 01:22:21,389 Mr. and Mrs. Flintstone... 1196 01:22:21,472 --> 01:22:23,265 Flintstones, meet the Flintstones 1197 01:22:23,390 --> 01:22:26,643 They're the modern stone-age family 1198 01:22:27,518 --> 01:22:32,606 From the town of Bedrock They're a page right out of history 1199 01:22:35,650 --> 01:22:38,736 And with the Rubbles by their side 1200 01:22:38,819 --> 01:22:41,696 They'll have a long and happy life 1201 01:22:41,779 --> 01:22:44,782 'Cause when you're with the Flintstones 1202 01:22:44,865 --> 01:22:48,451 Have a yabba-dabba-doo time A dabba-doo time 1203 01:22:49,034 --> 01:22:52,454 We'll have a gay old time 1204 01:22:58,751 --> 01:23:00,544 Viva Rock Vegas 1205 01:23:02,003 --> 01:23:04,380 Viva Rock Vegas 1206 01:23:05,172 --> 01:23:09,801 Viva Rock Vegas turning day into nighttime Turning night into daytime 1207 01:23:09,884 --> 01:23:15,055 If you see it once You'll never be the same again 1208 01:23:17,057 --> 01:23:19,684 Viva Rock Vegas 1209 01:23:19,934 --> 01:23:22,728 Viva Rock Vegas 1210 01:23:23,437 --> 01:23:25,021 Viva 1211 01:23:25,062 --> 01:23:29,983 Viva Rock Vegas 1212 01:23:36,948 --> 01:23:41,869 We'll have a gay old time 1213 01:23:43,537 --> 01:23:46,748 We'll have a gay 1214 01:23:46,831 --> 01:23:50,584 Old time 1215 01:24:02,929 --> 01:24:05,056 Come on, guys 1216 01:24:06,432 --> 01:24:09,143 -Let's rock! -Oh, yeah 1217 01:24:13,772 --> 01:24:16,775 Bright light city gonna set my soul 1218 01:24:16,816 --> 01:24:20,069 Gonna set my soul on fire 1219 01:24:20,611 --> 01:24:23,947 Got a whole lotta money that's ready to burn 1220 01:24:23,988 --> 01:24:26,865 You better get those stakes up high 1221 01:24:27,448 --> 01:24:30,868 There's a thousand guys waiting out there 1222 01:24:30,951 --> 01:24:34,245 And they're all living devil-may-care 1223 01:24:34,286 --> 01:24:37,789 And I'm just a little devil with a lot of love to spare 1224 01:24:37,872 --> 01:24:40,791 Viva Rock Vegas 1225 01:24:41,500 --> 01:24:44,085 Viva Rock Vegas 1226 01:24:45,044 --> 01:24:47,629 Viva Rock Vegas 1227 01:24:50,673 --> 01:24:51,965 -Whoo! -Let's rock! 1228 01:24:58,471 --> 01:25:01,765 How I wish that there were many more 1229 01:25:01,806 --> 01:25:04,683 Than the 24 hours of a day 1230 01:25:04,766 --> 01:25:08,478 But even if there were 40 more 1231 01:25:08,561 --> 01:25:12,523 I wouldn't sleep a minute away No, no, no 1232 01:25:12,606 --> 01:25:15,483 Blackjack and poker Roulette wheel 1233 01:25:15,524 --> 01:25:18,944 A fortune won and lost on every deal 1234 01:25:18,985 --> 01:25:22,405 All you need's a strong heart and nerves of steel 1235 01:25:22,655 --> 01:25:25,282 Viva Rock Vegas 1236 01:25:26,157 --> 01:25:29,034 Viva Rock Vegas 1237 01:25:29,743 --> 01:25:32,078 Viva Rock Vegas 1238 01:25:36,332 --> 01:25:38,292 Let's rock, rock, rock 1239 01:25:52,055 --> 01:25:55,016 Viva Rock Vegas with your neon flashing 1240 01:25:55,057 --> 01:25:56,683 And your one-arm bandits crashing 1241 01:25:56,766 --> 01:25:59,769 And all those hopes down the drain 1242 01:26:00,519 --> 01:26:03,772 Viva Rock Vegas turning day into nighttime 1243 01:26:03,855 --> 01:26:05,565 Night into daytime 1244 01:26:05,648 --> 01:26:10,444 If you see it once You'll never be the same again 1245 01:26:10,527 --> 01:26:12,362 I guarantee it, ooh 1246 01:26:14,364 --> 01:26:17,158 Live on the run I'm gonna have me some fun 1247 01:26:17,199 --> 01:26:20,577 If it costs me my very last dime 1248 01:26:20,660 --> 01:26:22,703 And if I wind up broke, well 1249 01:26:22,786 --> 01:26:27,248 Always remember that I had such a good time 1250 01:26:27,873 --> 01:26:31,209 I'm gonna give it up I got you 1251 01:26:31,250 --> 01:26:34,544 Lady luck, please, please Let the dice stay hot 1252 01:26:34,961 --> 01:26:37,254 Let me shoot a seven with every shot 1253 01:26:38,088 --> 01:26:40,882 Viva Rock Vegas 1254 01:26:41,757 --> 01:26:44,301 Viva Rock Vegas 1255 01:26:45,093 --> 01:26:48,012 Viva Rock Vegas 1256 01:26:48,721 --> 01:26:50,222 Viva 1257 01:26:50,430 --> 01:26:55,476 Viva Rock Vegas 1258 01:26:55,559 --> 01:26:57,894 Whoo! Hey, let's rock, baby! 1259 01:27:17,496 --> 01:27:19,748 This isn't love 1260 01:27:20,206 --> 01:27:23,250 This is destiny 1261 01:27:25,335 --> 01:27:27,879 Somewhere above 1262 01:27:28,212 --> 01:27:30,964 This was planned for me 1263 01:27:32,966 --> 01:27:36,260 Life had no meaning 1264 01:27:36,677 --> 01:27:39,805 I never knew why 1265 01:27:39,888 --> 01:27:43,141 Till the dream came true 1266 01:27:45,017 --> 01:27:48,103 The dream is you 1267 01:27:48,603 --> 01:27:52,690 I never say never 1268 01:27:52,773 --> 01:27:56,777 But this love won't ever 1269 01:27:56,860 --> 01:27:58,444 Be over 1270 01:27:58,610 --> 01:28:00,737 Together 1271 01:28:00,778 --> 01:28:04,531 We'll share love wherever 1272 01:28:05,073 --> 01:28:10,203 We go 1273 01:28:30,014 --> 01:28:32,141 This isn't love 1274 01:28:32,724 --> 01:28:35,601 This is ecstasy 1275 01:28:37,811 --> 01:28:40,522 Somehow I knew 1276 01:28:40,855 --> 01:28:44,108 You would come to me 1277 01:28:45,067 --> 01:28:48,987 I never say never 1278 01:28:49,237 --> 01:28:53,115 But this love won't ever 1279 01:28:53,156 --> 01:28:54,907 Be over 1280 01:28:54,990 --> 01:28:57,158 Together 1281 01:28:57,241 --> 01:29:01,119 We'll share love wherever 1282 01:29:01,160 --> 01:29:05,414 We go 1283 01:29:09,251 --> 01:29:12,629 I never say never 1284 01:29:13,087 --> 01:29:16,900 But this love won't ever 1285 01:29:17,609 --> 01:29:19,110 Be over 1286 01:29:19,151 --> 01:29:20,819 Together 1287 01:29:20,902 --> 01:29:25,197 We'll share love wherever 1288 01:29:25,363 --> 01:29:28,866 I never say never 1289 01:29:28,949 --> 01:29:32,911 But this love won't ever 1290 01:29:32,952 --> 01:29:35,079 Be over 1291 01:29:35,120 --> 01:29:36,746 Together 1292 01:29:36,787 --> 01:29:40,540 We'll share love wherever 1293 01:29:41,082 --> 01:29:43,417 I never... 1294 01:29:47,254 --> 01:29:49,673 Flintstones, meet the Flintstones 1295 01:29:49,756 --> 01:29:52,800 They're the modern stone-age family 1296 01:29:53,425 --> 01:29:56,136 From the town of Bedrock 1297 01:29:56,177 --> 01:29:59,555 They're a page right out of history 1298 01:30:01,723 --> 01:30:04,976 And with the Rubbles by their side 1299 01:30:05,017 --> 01:30:08,145 They'll have a long and happy life 1300 01:30:08,228 --> 01:30:11,022 'Cause when you're with the Flintstones 1301 01:30:11,147 --> 01:30:15,067 Have a yabba-dabba-doo time A dabba-doo time 1302 01:30:15,150 --> 01:30:18,653 We'll have a gay old time 1303 01:30:23,866 --> 01:30:26,785 We'll have a gay