1 00:02:13,800 --> 00:02:14,562 Goa 1958. 2 00:02:18,037 --> 00:02:21,598 India attained freedom in 1947. 3 00:02:22,275 --> 00:02:25,904 But Goa was under Portuguese rule till 1961. 4 00:02:28,982 --> 00:02:31,007 This is a city of Goa, Vasco. 5 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:40,949 And this is Alberto Vasco. 6 00:02:41,294 --> 00:02:43,387 He owns the maximum land here. 7 00:02:43,897 --> 00:02:46,365 In a way, he is the king. 8 00:02:46,966 --> 00:02:50,527 That is why this city is named after him. 9 00:02:52,906 --> 00:02:56,569 And his statue is put up in the central square. 10 00:02:57,977 --> 00:03:00,878 Before him, nobody had been honored thus. 11 00:03:02,582 --> 00:03:04,550 That day, the scene was festive. 12 00:03:05,285 --> 00:03:06,912 All the townsfolk had gathered. 13 00:03:07,820 --> 00:03:09,685 Everyone was cheerful. 14 00:03:09,956 --> 00:03:12,652 They were congratulating him with heartfelt wishes. 15 00:03:13,793 --> 00:03:15,385 Except for one woman. 16 00:03:20,233 --> 00:03:21,257 You pig!! 17 00:03:24,404 --> 00:03:28,135 What do you think of yourself? May worms feed on your body! 18 00:03:32,178 --> 00:03:35,579 Nobody will give you a sip of water when you die! 19 00:04:49,088 --> 00:04:51,522 Forget it. We are not to go into that area! 20 00:04:55,028 --> 00:04:56,359 I'll see you! 21 00:05:04,103 --> 00:05:07,561 This is the statue of Alberto Vasco, the biggest land owner. 22 00:05:09,008 --> 00:05:10,805 He owned more than half the city. 23 00:05:11,444 --> 00:05:13,173 That is how this city was named Vasco. 24 00:05:13,846 --> 00:05:16,474 When the Portuguese left Goa 20 years ago... 25 00:05:17,050 --> 00:05:19,848 These big landlords left their property behind. 26 00:05:21,921 --> 00:05:25,516 They grabbed everything, but it's good for us. 27 00:05:25,958 --> 00:05:29,553 You'll get the kind of place you want. 28 00:05:29,896 --> 00:05:31,488 Because there's no real owner. 29 00:05:32,398 --> 00:05:33,592 Driver, stop the car. 30 00:05:36,836 --> 00:05:38,030 I want that house. 31 00:05:38,805 --> 00:05:42,605 - For the company guesthouse. - Sure. You'll get it. 32 00:05:48,047 --> 00:05:50,982 Bihari, stop these hoodlums! Why are they breaking my house? 33 00:05:51,417 --> 00:05:53,282 Does the house become yours if you encroach on it? 34 00:05:53,886 --> 00:05:59,324 You are the tenant. Sign here and you'll get 5000 or you get nothing. 35 00:06:03,963 --> 00:06:06,261 All right. 36 00:06:09,936 --> 00:06:11,528 I'll meet you at the shop. 37 00:06:11,871 --> 00:06:13,236 Your stool, uncle. 38 00:06:17,143 --> 00:06:19,441 He went there to steal and the Eagles beat him up! 39 00:06:21,114 --> 00:06:23,514 Idiot! Come on. 40 00:06:41,567 --> 00:06:42,864 Jojo! Run! 41 00:07:37,490 --> 00:07:38,752 The Bichhus (Scorpions) have come to thrash us! 42 00:07:39,025 --> 00:07:40,458 Come on, Michael. 43 00:08:25,171 --> 00:08:26,468 Hey you dog! 44 00:08:28,174 --> 00:08:31,974 Didn't I say, you guys must not step into our area? 45 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:42,920 A dozen of you have ensconced yourselves here for 2 years. 46 00:08:44,123 --> 00:08:47,581 Since then Vasco has had problems. 47 00:08:48,961 --> 00:08:51,930 Before that, you Christians did the ball dance here! 48 00:08:55,134 --> 00:08:57,762 Hey pig, have you forgotten last time's thrashing? 49 00:08:59,038 --> 00:09:00,630 You escaped because Father Jacob intervened. 50 00:09:00,973 --> 00:09:02,406 Remember what I said then? 51 00:09:03,209 --> 00:09:06,508 This side of the ground is ours and that side is yours. 52 00:09:07,079 --> 00:09:09,274 Now you must live there, and die there. 53 00:09:09,882 --> 00:09:11,349 Get the buildings and homes on that side vacated. 54 00:09:11,518 --> 00:09:13,451 Or I'll break your legs and place them on your hands! 55 00:09:15,087 --> 00:09:16,418 Do you think I'm easy meat? 56 00:09:16,956 --> 00:09:18,947 Does your father own Vasco? 57 00:09:21,460 --> 00:09:22,950 Why? Didn't your mother tell you? 58 00:09:46,886 --> 00:09:48,148 We are in our spirits 59 00:09:51,057 --> 00:09:52,581 So be in your senses 60 00:10:00,032 --> 00:10:01,932 Don't you glare at us 61 00:10:08,374 --> 00:10:09,898 Let's hear that again 62 00:10:19,452 --> 00:10:20,919 We're in the spirits too 63 00:10:24,056 --> 00:10:25,546 You had better be in your senses 64 00:10:32,865 --> 00:10:35,333 Don't you give us those dirty looks... 65 00:10:40,673 --> 00:10:42,698 What did you say? ...come again 66 00:11:26,719 --> 00:11:29,917 I've come across several guys like you 67 00:11:30,322 --> 00:11:33,291 Just tell us what you're getting at 68 00:11:35,428 --> 00:11:42,300 Go away; don't come here. And don't mess with us 69 00:12:01,787 --> 00:12:05,723 Go on, get lost... Stop fibbing... we're not scared 70 00:12:06,025 --> 00:12:07,993 You're ignorant. If you have the guts... 71 00:12:08,227 --> 00:12:09,956 Come and face me... - You have a fight! 72 00:12:10,629 --> 00:12:12,256 What do you take me for? 73 00:12:22,241 --> 00:12:24,004 What did you say...? Come again 74 00:13:21,834 --> 00:13:28,433 Beware... careful! You had better be careful of us 75 00:13:29,875 --> 00:13:37,407 Lay off! Keep away... they're all scared of us 76 00:13:56,101 --> 00:13:59,901 Stop making a noise. Come out in the open, if you want a fight 77 00:14:00,172 --> 00:14:02,197 - I'm alert... - And ready 78 00:14:02,474 --> 00:14:06,342 What are you worth...? Who the hell are you? 79 00:14:20,693 --> 00:14:22,160 We are in the spirits... 80 00:14:24,964 --> 00:14:26,454 Talk sense 81 00:14:29,001 --> 00:14:32,334 We are in the spirits... - So talk sense 82 00:14:33,405 --> 00:14:35,896 Don't you glare at us 83 00:14:39,044 --> 00:14:41,410 What did you say...? Come again 84 00:15:09,275 --> 00:15:11,106 Arrest all these boys! 85 00:15:11,477 --> 00:15:14,207 Sir, what have I done? I was just arm wrestling with brother. 86 00:15:14,781 --> 00:15:19,081 Sir, I said I'd drop him to Calangute on my mobike, isn't it? 87 00:15:19,986 --> 00:15:23,919 Yes Sir, and I said I'd drop him in my Mercedes tempo. 88 00:15:24,423 --> 00:15:25,856 So... coming pal? 89 00:15:26,158 --> 00:15:29,088 That is why we thought we'd wrestle arms to decide. 90 00:15:31,464 --> 00:15:36,401 See that, D'costa? Sometimes they fight, sometimes they love... 91 00:15:36,969 --> 00:15:39,164 They should have been married! 92 00:15:43,476 --> 00:15:45,800 The mention of marriage makes you laugh, huh? 93 00:15:46,979 --> 00:15:49,539 Bichhu married to an Eagle. Where? 94 00:15:50,983 --> 00:15:52,314 In prison! 95 00:15:54,186 --> 00:15:55,915 Did these children fight again? 96 00:15:56,322 --> 00:15:59,186 Children, Father...? These children? 97 00:15:59,825 --> 00:16:03,283 Last week they broke 4 street lights, the entire vegetable market... 98 00:16:03,963 --> 00:16:06,193 And Rodriques' new car. 99 00:16:10,936 --> 00:16:13,734 I would handcuff them even in jail! 100 00:16:17,142 --> 00:16:20,771 Why do you fight? Want to show your strength to each other? 101 00:16:22,148 --> 00:16:25,280 I know you are young, full of spirit. 102 00:16:25,718 --> 00:16:29,849 Instead of breaking each others' bones, make something of yourselves. 103 00:16:30,556 --> 00:16:32,446 Live together like brothers. 104 00:16:32,925 --> 00:16:35,758 Remember my words, life is very precious. 105 00:16:36,529 --> 00:16:39,662 Once this time is lost, it will never return. 106 00:16:42,101 --> 00:16:43,434 Remember my words. 107 00:16:46,806 --> 00:16:48,940 Spare them this time. They are immature. 108 00:16:49,642 --> 00:16:52,602 - They won't repeat this. - You're making a mistake. 109 00:16:53,178 --> 00:16:55,112 They are dangerous, not immature! 110 00:16:55,547 --> 00:16:56,980 Yet I spare them for your sake. 111 00:16:59,852 --> 00:17:02,850 Even if you pluck a leaf from a tree, watch it! 112 00:17:04,623 --> 00:17:07,092 Come on. Move! 113 00:17:09,661 --> 00:17:10,923 Now all of you go away. 114 00:17:11,997 --> 00:17:13,396 Get on with your jobs. 115 00:17:20,939 --> 00:17:23,407 - You got into a fight again? - No father, they started it! 116 00:17:23,909 --> 00:17:25,342 The dogs...! 117 00:17:26,879 --> 00:17:28,904 But if they start a fight, we can't keep quiet... 118 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:36,180 This bloodshed will not help. 119 00:17:36,455 --> 00:17:38,889 But they started it. We were just... 120 00:17:39,191 --> 00:17:40,681 I want to see you in church. 121 00:17:41,960 --> 00:17:43,928 - This Sunday? - Every Sunday. 122 00:18:33,079 --> 00:18:36,343 You come in last, yet want to leave first. 123 00:18:38,651 --> 00:18:43,417 It's Max' fault. It takes so long to wake him up! He's still sleeping! 124 00:19:10,482 --> 00:19:13,576 - There's a jam session in college on Saturday. - So...? 125 00:19:15,220 --> 00:19:19,054 - Why? - The Purple Riot Band has come from Bombay. 126 00:19:32,504 --> 00:19:33,732 What happened? 127 00:19:36,074 --> 00:19:37,473 Look at her hand! 128 00:19:43,815 --> 00:19:45,009 May I read your palm? 129 00:19:48,287 --> 00:19:49,345 You have a terrific lifeline! 130 00:19:50,589 --> 00:19:52,056 And take a look at this love line... 131 00:19:59,097 --> 00:20:00,860 Never seen one like this! 132 00:20:02,067 --> 00:20:04,001 Solid...! 133 00:20:07,306 --> 00:20:08,330 What's his name? 134 00:20:14,279 --> 00:20:17,806 Okay, I'll answer that. Does his name begin with T? 135 00:20:23,088 --> 00:20:26,580 - Dog! Want one? - No! 136 00:20:27,025 --> 00:20:28,959 No? Of course you'll want one! 137 00:20:29,361 --> 00:20:30,919 - Yes! - Then why did you say no? 138 00:20:32,097 --> 00:20:36,056 Next time you flirt with my sister, you'll get thrashed! 139 00:20:49,047 --> 00:20:50,947 It's going to be twelve. Let's meet the strike. 140 00:20:52,217 --> 00:20:55,015 We must reach home before the twelve gongs. 141 00:20:56,021 --> 00:20:58,489 But you must only count the gong. Don't tell me to turn. 142 00:21:06,198 --> 00:21:09,065 - Careful! - What are you doing? 143 00:21:30,122 --> 00:21:33,023 - Look ahead! - Aunt, give way! 144 00:21:43,602 --> 00:21:44,967 No problems now! 145 00:21:49,241 --> 00:21:51,266 Leave her and turn right! 146 00:22:21,006 --> 00:22:21,938 But why did you scream? 147 00:22:24,109 --> 00:22:25,508 Who screamed? I... 148 00:22:32,117 --> 00:22:33,778 - You tell him... - No, you! 149 00:22:36,021 --> 00:22:37,386 The brakes had failed. 150 00:22:42,194 --> 00:22:44,492 But you didn't make it. 151 00:22:45,997 --> 00:22:47,965 I'll go get my bike serviced. 152 00:22:49,234 --> 00:22:50,531 The bike is fine. It was your mistake. 153 00:22:51,002 --> 00:22:52,867 Why did you get involved with Rose Anne? 154 00:22:54,239 --> 00:22:57,731 - Today is not a good day. - Rubbish! It's very special. 155 00:22:58,009 --> 00:22:59,567 What's special about today? 156 00:23:08,019 --> 00:23:09,281 I'm sorry, I forgot. 157 00:23:10,956 --> 00:23:13,322 What little sister? We were born on the same day at the same time... 158 00:23:13,525 --> 00:23:14,856 But I was born 15 seconds early. 159 00:23:38,183 --> 00:23:39,377 Do you like it? 160 00:23:42,087 --> 00:23:43,281 You made it yourself? 161 00:23:49,127 --> 00:23:51,425 - It's not for this! - But this fits best in it. 162 00:23:54,065 --> 00:23:55,259 For me? 163 00:24:01,973 --> 00:24:04,669 Whether Max remembers your birthday or not, I will. 164 00:24:08,079 --> 00:24:11,708 You remember it only because I too was born on the same day, same time. 165 00:24:40,846 --> 00:24:43,007 ...5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. 166 00:24:44,049 --> 00:24:45,573 One thousand and one. 167 00:24:47,018 --> 00:24:48,952 Your fees for getting the house evacuated. 168 00:24:50,989 --> 00:24:52,684 You may keep the one buck. 169 00:24:55,160 --> 00:24:57,560 Bihari, you are great! 170 00:24:58,063 --> 00:24:59,428 It looks absolutely real! 171 00:25:00,999 --> 00:25:04,901 Here's your share of ...10, 10 and 5. 25000. 172 00:25:07,305 --> 00:25:09,239 We do the threatening and breaking. 173 00:25:09,941 --> 00:25:11,875 And this scoundrel, Bihari reaps the rewards 174 00:25:14,579 --> 00:25:15,876 I say to hell with Bihari. 175 00:25:16,882 --> 00:25:18,850 Why don't we do direct dealing with Chaudhary? 176 00:25:19,918 --> 00:25:24,912 The idea is good but Bihari forges the property papers. 177 00:25:25,957 --> 00:25:27,549 Who will do the writing for us? 178 00:25:34,132 --> 00:25:35,565 Little guy! 179 00:25:36,001 --> 00:25:37,434 My brother! 180 00:25:38,937 --> 00:25:41,838 You rogue! You've turned stylish! Like a Bombayite! 181 00:25:42,941 --> 00:25:45,239 But you are just the same. 182 00:25:45,977 --> 00:25:48,775 Come on, Vasco is that way. 183 00:25:53,184 --> 00:25:56,585 Mother! Come downstairs! Rahul has come back! 184 00:26:02,427 --> 00:26:04,224 Chottu, get the bags out. 185 00:26:15,073 --> 00:26:16,938 He looks terrific! 186 00:26:17,475 --> 00:26:18,965 Then what? Whose brother is he? 187 00:26:21,012 --> 00:26:22,877 I've thought of a great plan for us. 188 00:26:23,348 --> 00:26:24,940 - Me too. - You say first. 189 00:26:25,283 --> 00:26:27,274 We all will live in Bombay. 190 00:26:28,853 --> 00:26:31,378 Life is great there. 191 00:26:31,957 --> 00:26:33,982 Man's luck changes in a minute. 192 00:26:35,093 --> 00:26:38,756 What is left in Vasco? Will mother agree to come to Bombay? 193 00:26:40,031 --> 00:26:41,896 The guys selling the caftan made a fool out of you. 194 00:26:44,002 --> 00:26:45,560 There's a hole in this. 195 00:26:46,171 --> 00:26:49,197 Give it back to Rahul. He'll return it. He's going back. 196 00:26:49,975 --> 00:26:53,376 - You're going back? - Not alone. All of us will go. 197 00:26:53,878 --> 00:26:56,176 I'll open a big fast food restaurant. 198 00:26:56,481 --> 00:26:58,176 Indian, foreign every style. 199 00:26:58,850 --> 00:27:01,683 Mr. Shetty will put up the capital and my training. 200 00:27:02,354 --> 00:27:04,914 In a year, I'll take you to the skies, mother! 201 00:27:05,490 --> 00:27:07,458 I don't want to reach anywhere. I will stay here. 202 00:27:07,859 --> 00:27:09,918 - But mother, over there... - You may go. 203 00:27:12,030 --> 00:27:13,895 - Leave tomorrow itself. - No, mother. 204 00:27:14,165 --> 00:27:17,862 - I'm here for a month. - Why are you wasting time? 205 00:27:18,236 --> 00:27:20,568 You've seen the place. You've fixed everything. 206 00:27:20,939 --> 00:27:24,238 Why did you come here? You could have written. 207 00:27:25,944 --> 00:27:30,347 Pack this in his bag. Invest what you get on returning it in your hotel. 208 00:27:31,016 --> 00:27:34,247 Mother! Did you have to tell her right now? 209 00:27:34,919 --> 00:27:36,716 I'd have explained to her. Now she is angry with me. 210 00:27:37,288 --> 00:27:39,153 So? She saw you after two years. 211 00:27:39,924 --> 00:27:42,586 You've been home for barely 5 hours and you're talking of returning! 212 00:27:42,894 --> 00:27:44,953 Pinhead, see Vasco. 213 00:27:45,296 --> 00:27:47,560 I am confident you won't leave it. 214 00:27:55,206 --> 00:27:58,698 Rest tonight. I'll show you the sights of Vasco tomorrow. 215 00:28:18,229 --> 00:28:20,754 Come here. Sorry, I'm late. Some important work cropped up. 216 00:28:21,332 --> 00:28:23,061 This is my brother, Rahul. 217 00:28:23,968 --> 00:28:27,904 He's very educated, a chef. That means an English cook. 218 00:28:28,473 --> 00:28:31,670 And these are my pals. That is Lafdu. Chandu. 219 00:28:35,013 --> 00:28:37,982 That is Chottu and Dasan. 220 00:28:39,017 --> 00:28:41,713 And he's special, Bheja Fry. 221 00:28:45,090 --> 00:28:46,990 Those two are the newcomers, Dev and Pepsi. 222 00:28:49,260 --> 00:28:52,718 Why are you smiling? Show Rahul the sights of Vasco. 223 00:28:57,135 --> 00:28:58,932 So Prakash is the boss of the Bichhu gang? 224 00:28:59,370 --> 00:29:02,430 Do you know from dogs and cats to important men, salute him? 225 00:29:04,442 --> 00:29:05,875 We saw Maria's house on the way? 226 00:29:06,244 --> 00:29:10,044 He pays expenses to the guys who forcibly live there, to evacuate it. 227 00:29:11,049 --> 00:29:12,949 He'll thrash them... 228 00:29:14,986 --> 00:29:16,920 so this is the business of Bicchu gang 229 00:29:19,491 --> 00:29:21,925 In a while, everyone will salute you too. 230 00:29:24,629 --> 00:29:25,926 Don't call me a hood! 231 00:29:27,031 --> 00:29:28,965 And there's no need to be my guide. 232 00:29:29,667 --> 00:29:30,929 I'll see the place myself. 233 00:29:40,278 --> 00:29:41,973 - Rahul! - Sir! 234 00:29:43,047 --> 00:29:45,015 - Don't go ahead. - Why? 235 00:29:45,283 --> 00:29:46,614 We're standing on the borderline! 236 00:29:46,985 --> 00:29:50,421 - What border? - That side of the ground belongs to the eagles! 237 00:29:54,092 --> 00:29:56,287 Eagle gang is the sworn enemy of the Bichhu gang! 238 00:29:57,061 --> 00:29:59,928 Nobody from that gang can come to our area. 239 00:30:00,431 --> 00:30:02,456 And our boys can't go there! 240 00:30:02,934 --> 00:30:04,265 Not even by mistake! 241 00:30:05,103 --> 00:30:08,266 Not by mistake. But he can go on purpose. 242 00:30:12,010 --> 00:30:13,500 You must not go ahead! 243 00:31:41,933 --> 00:31:46,597 You are the princess of my dreams... 244 00:31:48,539 --> 00:31:51,440 You put everything around to shade 245 00:31:51,676 --> 00:31:54,338 So come and take my hand 246 00:31:55,747 --> 00:32:00,013 You put everything around to shade... 247 00:32:48,132 --> 00:32:52,091 Here she comes... bathed in roses 248 00:32:54,505 --> 00:32:58,874 She brings the fragrance with her 249 00:33:14,525 --> 00:33:19,326 It's your eyes... they're intoxicating 250 00:33:21,366 --> 00:33:26,360 Your beauty, I behold 251 00:33:28,106 --> 00:33:34,511 You are the Princess of my dreams... 252 00:33:35,279 --> 00:33:38,339 You have put everything around to shade 253 00:33:38,583 --> 00:33:40,915 Come and take my hand 254 00:34:29,333 --> 00:34:33,429 It's magic... you have cast a spell 255 00:34:36,140 --> 00:34:40,304 I can't control my heart anymore 256 00:34:57,962 --> 00:35:02,956 Tell me at least so much, O celestial beauty... 257 00:35:04,569 --> 00:35:09,370 Where do you live? And what is your name? 258 00:35:11,776 --> 00:35:17,544 O Princess of my dreams... 259 00:35:18,282 --> 00:35:21,274 You have put everything around to shade 260 00:35:21,786 --> 00:35:24,414 So take my hand 261 00:35:51,149 --> 00:35:54,680 I don't know you but I felt like talking to you. 262 00:36:01,793 --> 00:36:04,694 - Are you new to this place? - Yes. I came on Friday. 263 00:36:06,831 --> 00:36:10,892 My family is here for 2 years but I was studying in Bombay. 264 00:36:12,670 --> 00:36:14,763 This is the first time I've come to Goa. 265 00:36:15,807 --> 00:36:17,001 It's a beautiful place. 266 00:36:24,782 --> 00:36:25,749 Just a minute. 267 00:36:29,086 --> 00:36:32,954 I thought it would be great if somebody could show me around. 268 00:36:37,995 --> 00:36:40,259 - My name is... - What have you seen in Vasco? 269 00:36:42,867 --> 00:36:45,768 The ground, the beach and the old fort 270 00:36:48,573 --> 00:36:50,063 Have you seen Max? 271 00:36:51,843 --> 00:36:53,242 What is that? 272 00:36:54,912 --> 00:36:58,075 You must meet him. He'll show you everything. 273 00:36:58,750 --> 00:37:00,775 Lights at night, stars in the day... 274 00:37:03,755 --> 00:37:05,086 You too will like him a lot. 275 00:37:16,834 --> 00:37:18,495 He's a first rate scoundrel! 276 00:37:21,205 --> 00:37:23,503 Why should we talk of that hood, Max? 277 00:37:27,245 --> 00:37:30,214 Do you know why I've called you here? 278 00:37:30,748 --> 00:37:32,010 For lunch. 279 00:37:33,785 --> 00:37:38,620 - Then...? - For many days I've been wanting to say something. 280 00:37:39,891 --> 00:37:44,794 Each time I see you, my heart says something. 281 00:37:48,666 --> 00:37:51,061 - What did you say? - Not to you. There... 282 00:37:52,570 --> 00:37:55,330 - There's nobody there. - There isn't? 283 00:37:57,709 --> 00:38:00,107 Do you know I met your Daddy? 284 00:38:00,345 --> 00:38:02,472 - When? - Two day ago. 285 00:38:02,814 --> 00:38:04,247 He was buying brandy. 286 00:38:07,885 --> 00:38:09,753 He was fighting for 3 bucks. 287 00:38:10,288 --> 00:38:12,483 I looked at him and said... 288 00:38:13,525 --> 00:38:15,759 You scoundrel! You've come here too! 289 00:38:16,661 --> 00:38:19,361 - I didn't mean you. - You meant my Daddy! 290 00:38:19,497 --> 00:38:20,794 Not even your Daddy! 291 00:38:21,833 --> 00:38:23,095 These hoods have come here! 292 00:38:26,838 --> 00:38:30,103 - May I sit here? - No, we're having a private lunch. 293 00:38:33,511 --> 00:38:34,808 What have you ordered? 294 00:38:36,848 --> 00:38:39,214 - Why are you abusing me? - It's the name of the dish. 295 00:38:39,817 --> 00:38:42,843 Then say so. What is added to it? 296 00:38:43,888 --> 00:38:47,153 - What? - It's a Chinese dish. It will have cockroaches. 297 00:38:48,426 --> 00:38:50,826 No, I'll tell you its ingredients. 298 00:38:52,163 --> 00:38:54,028 It's got noodles and chicken. 299 00:38:54,832 --> 00:38:57,198 Prawns and a few carrots. 300 00:38:57,869 --> 00:38:59,564 Capsicum and mushrooms... 301 00:38:59,804 --> 00:39:01,328 But no cockroaches. 302 00:39:01,972 --> 00:39:03,467 How does one eat it? 303 00:39:03,741 --> 00:39:05,174 Chew it with your teeth. 304 00:39:06,344 --> 00:39:08,403 - And how is the taste? - Spicy. 305 00:39:08,746 --> 00:39:10,771 A little sweet; a little spicy. 306 00:39:12,283 --> 00:39:14,478 Must be a delicious, sweet feeling. 307 00:39:14,685 --> 00:39:17,119 - Take it away and eat it! - That's what I think. 308 00:39:18,256 --> 00:39:20,247 - This... - I thought you meant Rose. 309 00:39:20,758 --> 00:39:22,055 I can't eat your lunch. 310 00:39:24,262 --> 00:39:25,456 These days we're dieting. 311 00:39:25,796 --> 00:39:28,230 - Yes. - You eat it. - I don't want it. 312 00:39:28,432 --> 00:39:29,763 - Eat it. - I don't want it! 313 00:39:31,802 --> 00:39:33,099 We're leaving. 314 00:39:40,878 --> 00:39:47,147 Were you not here, I'd have beaten, cut him and made Manchurian of him! 315 00:39:48,853 --> 00:39:50,150 Eat quietly now. 316 00:39:50,688 --> 00:39:56,355 How can I eat? I wanted to tell you something special. 317 00:39:56,827 --> 00:40:00,729 You are the largest part of my life... 318 00:40:02,967 --> 00:40:04,400 Cockroach! 319 00:40:21,886 --> 00:40:25,287 Hooligan! Max! Why are you after me? 320 00:40:29,860 --> 00:40:31,225 Don't you know? 321 00:40:42,707 --> 00:40:45,676 Rose Anne humiliated you in front of Savio once again. 322 00:40:46,978 --> 00:40:51,009 She loves me a lot but her style of flirting is different. 323 00:40:53,884 --> 00:40:58,253 I was in church and this boy came and sat right next to me. 324 00:40:58,756 --> 00:41:00,451 Right under Father's nose. 325 00:41:02,526 --> 00:41:05,290 And said, this is the first time I've come to Goa. 326 00:41:05,730 --> 00:41:07,755 I wish somebody would take me around Vasco town, etc, etc... 327 00:41:10,568 --> 00:41:12,160 - Who was he? - I don't know. 328 00:41:12,370 --> 00:41:13,735 He was openly flirting. 329 00:41:14,739 --> 00:41:16,832 Next time you see him, tell me. 330 00:41:28,019 --> 00:41:30,779 Wow! So many potato chips? 331 00:41:31,188 --> 00:41:33,816 I'll give you two box fulls. Take them to Bombay. 332 00:41:34,425 --> 00:41:35,756 And think of your mother there! 333 00:41:37,828 --> 00:41:39,762 How about if I eat all these chips right here? 334 00:41:40,798 --> 00:41:42,060 What do you mean? 335 00:41:42,733 --> 00:41:44,200 I mean, I have made a decision. 336 00:41:44,502 --> 00:41:45,799 I won't go to Bombay. 337 00:41:47,838 --> 00:41:51,797 - Really? - Yes, I'll stay here. With you. 338 00:41:52,843 --> 00:41:55,437 - I'll open a small shop here. - That's great! 339 00:41:55,780 --> 00:41:58,881 Are you happy, mother? Don't worry about the shop. 340 00:41:59,116 --> 00:42:01,050 I'll fix everything tomorrow. Little guy! 341 00:42:03,988 --> 00:42:05,983 You've won the jackpot, uncle! 342 00:42:06,724 --> 00:42:10,125 My brother adores your shop that's lying vacant. 343 00:42:10,328 --> 00:42:13,092 I'll take it on rent. I'll pay 500 a month. 344 00:42:14,298 --> 00:42:16,664 Okay, I'll pay 600 but paint it. 345 00:42:17,768 --> 00:42:19,292 I want 25000 as deposit. 346 00:42:19,704 --> 00:42:22,764 And 5000 rent per month. Talk if it's acceptable. 347 00:42:23,040 --> 00:42:24,405 Are you giving the Taj? 348 00:42:25,176 --> 00:42:26,700 Why are you interrupting? 349 00:42:27,044 --> 00:42:30,241 - Give it happily or... - Let me talk. 350 00:42:32,550 --> 00:42:33,744 What do you want to say? 351 00:42:34,251 --> 00:42:37,812 I'm just beginning. I need your co-operation. 352 00:42:38,756 --> 00:42:41,725 - If you... - I see, I see everything! 353 00:42:42,193 --> 00:42:44,525 He's threatening me from there! Hooligan! Ruffian! 354 00:42:45,196 --> 00:42:47,187 Old man! You think we're crazy? 355 00:42:47,465 --> 00:42:49,592 Even pigeons don't lay eggs in that ruin of yours! 356 00:42:52,102 --> 00:42:53,936 If I don't go what will you do, you land grabbing swindler? 357 00:42:55,473 --> 00:42:57,236 He took the land when his landlord died. 358 00:42:57,608 --> 00:42:59,673 He's asking for 5000 when he doesn't pay the rent himself! 359 00:43:00,945 --> 00:43:02,242 You bald...! 360 00:43:02,847 --> 00:43:05,441 Call a midi or a bell-bottom! 361 00:43:05,783 --> 00:43:07,478 - Call anybody... - Brother, let go! 362 00:43:08,753 --> 00:43:10,152 I'll see who comes to your help! 363 00:43:28,572 --> 00:43:29,737 Let go of uncle. 364 00:43:30,841 --> 00:43:32,706 Should I hold you? 365 00:43:52,830 --> 00:43:54,821 Let go or I'll chop you right here! 366 00:44:00,871 --> 00:44:03,169 I say, leave him! Let go! 367 00:44:11,081 --> 00:44:14,273 Why did you interfere? I'd have dealt with Max! 368 00:44:15,786 --> 00:44:17,913 Mother is right, you are out of hand! 369 00:44:18,155 --> 00:44:19,349 The shop is our of our hands. 370 00:44:19,723 --> 00:44:21,384 Would your fisticuffs have got it for us? 371 00:44:21,725 --> 00:44:24,216 - Of course! - That is how we have to set tenants right. 372 00:44:24,728 --> 00:44:26,559 You being a gentleman won't work in this business. 373 00:44:26,764 --> 00:44:28,698 Then what will work? Bichhu's gang hooliganism? 374 00:44:32,169 --> 00:44:35,468 That's not true. We deal with business like business. 375 00:44:35,673 --> 00:44:37,106 We never create fights for no reason. 376 00:44:42,947 --> 00:44:46,781 - They came to talk of marriage... - Your brother is like that... 377 00:44:47,818 --> 00:44:50,753 - I'm scared of him. - You dog! Cad! 378 00:44:51,021 --> 00:44:52,613 - Flirting in my area! - Help! 379 00:44:52,823 --> 00:44:54,723 Teasing girls in our area! 380 00:44:56,794 --> 00:44:58,125 You rotten Eagle! 381 00:45:09,874 --> 00:45:12,308 Prakash! Let go! 382 00:45:14,512 --> 00:45:15,706 Leave him! 383 00:45:16,881 --> 00:45:18,746 That bastard Eagle was flirting with one of our girls! 384 00:45:19,016 --> 00:45:20,449 Stop it! I don't want to hear anything! 385 00:45:40,471 --> 00:45:41,995 Prakash has sent us. 386 00:45:42,840 --> 00:45:44,068 He apologizes. 387 00:45:47,044 --> 00:45:49,945 Why are you quiet? You should apologize. 388 00:45:50,648 --> 00:45:52,782 You cut the noses of Bichhu gang in front of the Eagles! 389 00:45:54,151 --> 00:45:56,249 Look, you are new here. 390 00:45:56,787 --> 00:45:58,379 You don't know the problems here. 391 00:45:59,557 --> 00:46:01,549 It's good he thrashed that Eagle. 392 00:46:01,692 --> 00:46:04,290 Had I been there, I'd have castrated him! 393 00:46:08,065 --> 00:46:12,363 If anyone even looks at Max's sister, Shirley, he blinds him! 394 00:46:13,571 --> 00:46:15,705 Is Shirley, Max' sister? 395 00:46:16,006 --> 00:46:18,174 Twin! She's his twin sister! 396 00:46:18,709 --> 00:46:21,377 How can we spare anyone who takes a girl from our area out? 397 00:46:24,515 --> 00:46:27,040 We've come here because Prakash is the leader of Bichhu gang. 398 00:46:27,951 --> 00:46:29,275 He's standing there. 399 00:46:34,091 --> 00:46:35,217 Go and meet him. 400 00:46:38,028 --> 00:46:39,352 He maybe your boss. 401 00:46:40,197 --> 00:46:43,028 He's my brother. Don't teach me what I must do! 402 00:46:46,904 --> 00:46:50,996 - She's coming! - Butterfly, where are you going? 403 00:46:54,912 --> 00:46:57,779 My rain cloud. Shower on me! 404 00:47:00,751 --> 00:47:02,719 Spare me a glance... 405 00:47:06,590 --> 00:47:08,785 Rent of 1000 bucks and zero deposit. 406 00:47:10,761 --> 00:47:12,695 A job can be done without spending money. 407 00:47:17,234 --> 00:47:21,364 I give up, man! You're really smart! Lafdu, take this. 408 00:47:27,010 --> 00:47:28,334 Do you forgive me? 409 00:47:29,446 --> 00:47:30,680 On one condition. 410 00:47:32,249 --> 00:47:37,243 Only if you give up fighting and help me in setting my shop. 411 00:47:38,255 --> 00:47:40,655 Is that all? Then listen... 412 00:47:43,761 --> 00:47:45,126 You're with Rahul from today. 413 00:47:46,029 --> 00:47:48,354 - And you? - I am with you. 414 00:47:49,066 --> 00:47:50,131 What guys? 415 00:47:54,104 --> 00:47:55,396 Will you do it or not? 416 00:47:59,910 --> 00:48:01,673 You've said it. Assume it done. 417 00:48:27,104 --> 00:48:29,499 Having a fancy name won't make the cakes sweeter? 418 00:49:02,840 --> 00:49:04,803 Look at that Bichhu entering our area unflinchingly! 419 00:49:05,042 --> 00:49:07,107 Yes, Prakash's brother. Come on! 420 00:49:14,151 --> 00:49:17,814 You Bichhu's don't get visa to come to our area. 421 00:49:18,088 --> 00:49:21,285 - Don't you know? - Answer him! 422 00:49:23,093 --> 00:49:25,618 He forgot the answer and the road. 423 00:49:30,200 --> 00:49:32,725 I have to deliver this cake there. Make way for me. 424 00:49:33,337 --> 00:49:38,934 Else what will you do? Beat us? Show us some punch, fair villager! 425 00:49:40,110 --> 00:49:43,273 This Captain Cook can only show examples of cake and pastries. 426 00:49:43,547 --> 00:49:47,779 The baboon! Just watch how the coward will flee! 427 00:49:50,087 --> 00:49:51,748 Those who run away are cowards. 428 00:49:53,056 --> 00:49:54,990 But those fighting for no reason are not valiant. 429 00:49:55,492 --> 00:49:56,857 They are fools. 430 00:50:01,665 --> 00:50:02,427 What man...? 431 00:50:04,001 --> 00:50:06,333 Do you have to deliver the cake with your own hands? 432 00:50:09,506 --> 00:50:11,940 But if you don't have hands...? 433 00:50:14,177 --> 00:50:18,079 Now get out fast or your hands and legs will be here and the body there. 434 00:50:18,915 --> 00:50:21,509 What border? I don't see any border. 435 00:50:22,052 --> 00:50:27,285 You'll see it. You will see it before you go blind! 436 00:50:29,159 --> 00:50:31,992 What is this? Sold just one biscuit all day? 437 00:50:34,097 --> 00:50:39,330 Keep this on your nose and draw a borderline pushing it to the ground. 438 00:50:40,203 --> 00:50:41,397 There... 439 00:50:43,073 --> 00:50:46,042 Come on! You cook boy! 440 00:51:17,641 --> 00:51:20,007 I'd kept it for a beggar. 441 00:51:22,112 --> 00:51:23,374 You may each take 5 paise. 442 00:51:24,014 --> 00:51:25,276 You dog#$@! 443 00:51:29,519 --> 00:51:30,952 What a collar! 444 00:51:32,122 --> 00:51:33,919 Not a sign of dirt. 445 00:51:34,491 --> 00:51:36,015 Do you get an imported washer man to wash it? 446 00:51:38,061 --> 00:51:39,653 What is going on? 447 00:51:41,031 --> 00:51:43,556 We were discussing laundering. 448 00:51:44,000 --> 00:51:46,230 Laundering shirts or him? 449 00:51:47,337 --> 00:51:48,702 What were they telling you? 450 00:51:51,041 --> 00:51:53,509 - Showing me the way. - Then? 451 00:51:55,112 --> 00:51:57,444 The wrong path. I was going right. 452 00:52:00,750 --> 00:52:01,910 Get on with your work. 453 00:52:03,086 --> 00:52:04,348 Come with me. 454 00:52:05,989 --> 00:52:08,287 We were doing our work. You came and spoilt matters. 455 00:52:09,025 --> 00:52:12,961 Come on guys. What was the score? 456 00:52:25,008 --> 00:52:26,942 Do you like my new car? 457 00:52:27,444 --> 00:52:28,911 It's nice but look ahead and drive. 458 00:52:43,126 --> 00:52:44,388 Quiet... 459 00:52:49,099 --> 00:52:51,363 My bike is new. Pinch me. 460 00:52:53,069 --> 00:52:55,367 - Get lost! - Give you a shove? 461 00:52:57,407 --> 00:52:58,840 My car is new. 462 00:53:00,010 --> 00:53:01,739 Much faster than your bullock cart! 463 00:53:03,947 --> 00:53:05,278 Savio is throwing you a challenge. 464 00:53:07,484 --> 00:53:08,746 No, it's not fair. 465 00:53:09,019 --> 00:53:10,987 My bike, his jalopy. 466 00:53:12,189 --> 00:53:13,349 I'm a man and Savio... 467 00:53:21,097 --> 00:53:22,587 We'll have a race. 468 00:53:24,034 --> 00:53:26,434 Forget it. If you race I'll get off here. 469 00:53:27,037 --> 00:53:28,299 It's a matter of my honor! 470 00:53:28,972 --> 00:53:30,405 ...which I'm going to plunder. 471 00:54:01,137 --> 00:54:04,664 Don't you just love to fool simple people? 472 00:54:05,942 --> 00:54:07,239 You too fool him. 473 00:54:08,011 --> 00:54:10,536 You love me but go out with him. 474 00:54:11,982 --> 00:54:13,415 Someday God will punish you! 475 00:54:14,351 --> 00:54:15,716 What happened? 476 00:54:16,886 --> 00:54:18,444 God turned into an ant and bit me! 477 00:54:22,092 --> 00:54:24,560 Come with me. Why are you playing hard to get? 478 00:54:25,962 --> 00:54:27,827 To how many girls have you said this? 479 00:54:28,098 --> 00:54:29,292 Only you, Sandra. 480 00:54:35,138 --> 00:54:37,606 Only to you, Rose Anne, My love. 481 00:55:00,797 --> 00:55:02,822 I said, you are my Juliet 482 00:55:03,300 --> 00:55:05,928 And she said... you're fibbing! 483 00:55:06,369 --> 00:55:10,533 Why does she think I'm lying whenever I speak the truth?! 484 00:55:10,940 --> 00:55:16,310 That must be her style... she must be consenting at heart 485 00:55:22,152 --> 00:55:26,282 She'll soon say she loves you... why are you worried? 486 00:56:06,129 --> 00:56:09,860 I suggest, you invite her... and treat her to lunch in a hotel 487 00:56:11,101 --> 00:56:15,435 Take her to the sea-shore and just pop the question 488 00:56:16,206 --> 00:56:20,267 I did invite her... and treated her to the sour-soup 489 00:56:21,277 --> 00:56:25,373 I found an opportunity and went for it... I told her everything 490 00:56:26,149 --> 00:56:28,242 What did you tell her? 491 00:56:28,518 --> 00:56:33,512 I said, you're my Juliet. And she... - She said you're lying 492 00:56:34,424 --> 00:56:38,690 Why does she think I'm lying whenever I speak the truth? 493 00:56:39,696 --> 00:56:44,360 That must be her style... She must be willing at heart 494 00:56:50,206 --> 00:56:54,267 She'll come around one of these days... why are you worried? 495 00:57:36,152 --> 00:57:40,282 I've dealt with so many problems... yours is different 496 00:57:41,057 --> 00:57:45,357 You're through with everything... yet, where's the hitch? 497 00:57:49,299 --> 00:57:54,293 Elope with her... if she knows what you want 498 00:57:54,537 --> 00:57:59,304 I went to elope with her in the middle of the night 499 00:57:59,809 --> 00:58:01,401 Was that really set up? 500 00:58:42,719 --> 00:58:45,051 So that was your Eagle brother, Max. 501 00:58:46,055 --> 00:58:47,420 Quite a specimen. 502 00:58:48,091 --> 00:58:49,683 Did you like him? 503 00:58:50,360 --> 00:58:53,193 Why don't you join him for tea? 504 00:58:56,065 --> 00:58:58,499 Do you cycle to college daily? 505 00:58:59,435 --> 00:59:01,300 No, I go with Max on his bike. 506 00:59:03,039 --> 00:59:06,338 Why don't you come with us, triple seat? 507 00:59:06,943 --> 00:59:09,434 Do you think I fear Max? 508 00:59:11,080 --> 00:59:12,707 Why should I fear him? 509 00:59:13,883 --> 00:59:15,475 Because he wears a leather jacket? 510 00:59:16,920 --> 00:59:18,285 And rings in his ears? 511 00:59:18,955 --> 00:59:21,321 Rides a bike and considers himself the local thug? 512 00:59:22,025 --> 00:59:23,959 That's stupidity not bravery. 513 00:59:25,161 --> 00:59:26,924 Maybe he scares kids not me. 514 00:59:34,170 --> 00:59:35,694 What do you study? 515 00:59:42,145 --> 00:59:44,010 I've done a course in Hotel Management. 516 00:59:48,151 --> 00:59:51,052 Why don't you come to my shop? I make wonderful cakes. 517 01:00:09,439 --> 01:00:12,340 Why would I fear Maxi? I am this and that... 518 01:00:12,942 --> 01:00:15,672 If you're so brave, meet me in front of Maxi. 519 01:00:16,012 --> 01:00:17,877 All right. Want to bet? 520 01:00:20,817 --> 01:00:24,810 But if I win, you have to kiss me. 521 01:00:28,024 --> 01:00:29,924 If you have a face left. 522 01:04:35,471 --> 01:04:36,665 So I win! 523 01:04:39,008 --> 01:04:40,407 When will I get my prize? 524 01:04:42,345 --> 01:04:44,176 Will you help me shop? 525 01:04:48,017 --> 01:04:50,747 Give me two melons. 526 01:04:54,056 --> 01:04:57,287 I must admit, you were great that day. 527 01:04:58,060 --> 01:05:00,324 - You're very brave! - I told you so. 528 01:05:00,596 --> 01:05:02,791 - I'm not scared of Max. - But I was scared. 529 01:05:03,232 --> 01:05:06,531 When Max looked at you, for a second, I... 530 01:05:07,270 --> 01:05:08,567 I was really scared! 531 01:05:09,939 --> 01:05:11,964 - For me? - Are you okay? 532 01:05:12,875 --> 01:05:14,342 Scared for me? 533 01:05:16,112 --> 01:05:19,309 I don't know why... I never felt like this before. 534 01:05:19,949 --> 01:05:21,280 What did you feel? 535 01:05:27,123 --> 01:05:30,524 I have to make fruit salad today. 536 01:05:33,262 --> 01:05:35,423 You said you never felt like this before. 537 01:05:35,965 --> 01:05:39,594 - What did you feel? - Yes, that's it. 538 01:05:41,070 --> 01:05:45,370 Possibly... I felt... 539 01:05:47,076 --> 01:05:48,270 As if... 540 01:05:50,112 --> 01:05:51,306 As if...? 541 01:05:59,021 --> 01:06:00,579 We're home. 542 01:06:02,525 --> 01:06:03,958 And my prize? 543 01:06:04,293 --> 01:06:06,591 Won't you come in? 544 01:06:08,965 --> 01:06:10,227 Maxi is not home. 545 01:06:16,505 --> 01:06:17,870 What a beautiful house! 546 01:06:24,013 --> 01:06:27,881 Now I'll give you your prize. 547 01:06:29,018 --> 01:06:32,146 Now it's not just the prize. Much more than that. 548 01:06:34,023 --> 01:06:36,890 This is proof that you love me. 549 01:06:54,210 --> 01:06:55,643 That's the prize for cheaters! 550 01:06:58,114 --> 01:07:00,309 Anyone can wear a mask and win a bet. 551 01:07:00,983 --> 01:07:02,416 Sorry, you lose. 552 01:07:06,055 --> 01:07:07,750 Thanks for carrying so many fruits for me. 553 01:07:12,294 --> 01:07:13,556 Where are you going? 554 01:07:17,166 --> 01:07:19,964 Maxi will soon be home. Looks like you want to get beaten! 555 01:07:21,203 --> 01:07:24,229 - No, I want to feed him. - What? 556 01:07:27,476 --> 01:07:30,604 He'll make a fruit salad out of you, Romeo! 557 01:07:31,013 --> 01:07:33,641 - And you'll enjoy it. - Sure. 558 01:07:34,417 --> 01:07:36,044 So enjoy it. Do you have lime? 559 01:07:37,119 --> 01:07:38,984 No but we have a first aid box. Want it? 560 01:07:43,559 --> 01:07:46,528 You'll know when he breaks your bones. 561 01:07:46,996 --> 01:07:50,363 - Then don't tell me. - I won't. 562 01:08:11,253 --> 01:08:13,118 I say... Maxi is here... 563 01:08:58,167 --> 01:08:59,964 - What? - What...? 564 01:09:01,537 --> 01:09:03,869 What, what? My bike... 565 01:09:07,009 --> 01:09:08,442 I just got it painted. 566 01:09:16,218 --> 01:09:17,583 Looks like such a beauty! 567 01:09:18,020 --> 01:09:20,215 I'll take you for a ride. Let's go. 568 01:09:20,990 --> 01:09:22,924 - Not now... - Why not? Come on. 569 01:09:23,526 --> 01:09:24,993 - I have lots of work. - Forget it, come on! 570 01:09:25,294 --> 01:09:27,421 - I don't want to come! - Don't want to come? 571 01:09:36,238 --> 01:09:37,603 Don't take it to heart. 572 01:09:44,413 --> 01:09:45,607 I'll come with you tomorrow. 573 01:09:50,186 --> 01:09:52,814 I made it, specially for you. 574 01:09:54,089 --> 01:09:55,750 Like it? 575 01:10:04,099 --> 01:10:05,259 What was that sound? 576 01:10:05,701 --> 01:10:07,225 Sound...? No. 577 01:10:07,636 --> 01:10:08,933 There was. Where...? 578 01:10:09,371 --> 01:10:10,599 Outside... 579 01:10:13,108 --> 01:10:14,370 No, in here. 580 01:10:36,398 --> 01:10:37,956 Who locked you in? Shirley? 581 01:10:42,171 --> 01:10:44,571 You don't want to come? I'll take Maggie. 582 01:11:15,104 --> 01:11:17,572 It will be great fun when Max returns! 583 01:11:38,127 --> 01:11:39,560 The pastry is no good today. 584 01:11:41,230 --> 01:11:43,289 Then go to the shop in front! Why do you come here? 585 01:11:44,800 --> 01:11:45,630 Where is aunt? 586 01:11:46,068 --> 01:11:47,763 Go to Treat House. 587 01:11:50,139 --> 01:11:52,699 Hurry up! We have a big contract. 588 01:11:53,542 --> 01:11:55,567 Henceforth this contract will always come to us. 589 01:11:58,280 --> 01:12:01,249 He takes away my contract and then gloats over it! 590 01:12:01,950 --> 01:12:03,918 - What's the matter? - I know everything! 591 01:12:04,253 --> 01:12:05,845 This is that rascal Prakash' trick! 592 01:12:06,288 --> 01:12:08,882 He grabbed the Goa Liberation Day contract under threats. 593 01:12:09,992 --> 01:12:12,483 But one mustn't use force. 594 01:12:14,096 --> 01:12:17,964 You just tell me, I'll break the cad's legs and hang them in your shop! 595 01:12:18,334 --> 01:12:21,565 What will I do with his leg? I want the contract! 596 01:12:21,904 --> 01:12:23,872 I'm a God fearing man. 597 01:12:44,293 --> 01:12:45,920 Shall I get my tempo tomorrow? 598 01:12:47,096 --> 01:12:48,757 No, Mr. Mascarenhas will collect his order personally. 599 01:12:49,031 --> 01:12:50,293 Need anything else? 600 01:12:51,066 --> 01:12:52,693 Nothing. Carry on. 601 01:13:18,994 --> 01:13:21,554 I want to place a special order. 602 01:13:30,706 --> 01:13:32,469 It should have 7 colors. 603 01:13:34,009 --> 01:13:36,978 Red, blue, pink. 604 01:13:38,080 --> 01:13:40,981 Green, black and white. 605 01:13:43,018 --> 01:13:45,316 There should be no yellow. 606 01:13:45,821 --> 01:13:46,981 There should be no yellow. 607 01:14:00,068 --> 01:14:01,558 ...should be there. 608 01:14:02,171 --> 01:14:03,604 Should be there. 609 01:14:06,942 --> 01:14:08,807 Write on that... 610 01:14:17,186 --> 01:14:18,483 And keep in mind... 611 01:14:37,306 --> 01:14:40,002 Have we stopped accepting advance? 612 01:14:40,442 --> 01:14:44,173 One has to adjust depending on the customer. 613 01:14:45,047 --> 01:14:46,537 Come on, we have enough work. 614 01:14:51,220 --> 01:14:52,812 8 o'clock tomorrow. 615 01:15:20,249 --> 01:15:22,012 I hope the chloroform wasn't too much. 616 01:15:22,351 --> 01:15:23,875 Or they'll sleep till morning. 617 01:15:27,723 --> 01:15:28,553 This is the job of an expert. 618 01:16:26,848 --> 01:16:27,712 But why did you change the name? 619 01:16:39,161 --> 01:16:40,321 Come in, sir. 620 01:17:56,438 --> 01:17:57,905 Please listen to me. 621 01:17:58,140 --> 01:17:59,334 What a tiny shop! 622 01:18:01,143 --> 01:18:02,542 Full of rats! 623 01:18:03,078 --> 01:18:06,605 - You cheated me! - Sir, listen to me. 624 01:18:06,915 --> 01:18:09,577 - What to listen? - I'll do something. - What? 625 01:18:09,785 --> 01:18:10,945 What's wrong? 626 01:18:13,689 --> 01:18:15,884 I'll lose my job thanks to this idiot! 627 01:18:17,492 --> 01:18:18,584 What was the order? 628 01:18:23,031 --> 01:18:25,727 I'll give it to you. Take them from my shop. 629 01:18:37,179 --> 01:18:39,374 You saved my job. 630 01:18:40,048 --> 01:18:42,346 I'll pay you 20% extra. 631 01:18:44,119 --> 01:18:45,677 Rats running all over the place! 632 01:19:10,679 --> 01:19:13,477 I don't understand how so many rats got in. 633 01:19:14,015 --> 01:19:16,381 - Maybe a window was open. - Which window? 634 01:19:17,385 --> 01:19:18,647 I don't know. 635 01:19:20,021 --> 01:19:21,921 Did anyone come to the shop? 636 01:19:24,126 --> 01:19:27,152 - No. - You are very innocent. 637 01:19:28,029 --> 01:19:29,724 I know it's those Catholics at fault! 638 01:19:30,065 --> 01:19:31,930 You blame the Eagle gang for everything! 639 01:19:32,934 --> 01:19:34,959 Can't a rat get in by chance? 640 01:19:35,370 --> 01:19:38,931 And by chance Pascal had a thousand sandwiches and pastries ready that day 641 01:19:40,041 --> 01:19:43,977 Should I ready Francis' order? I'd asked you to get 4 dozen breads. 642 01:19:46,148 --> 01:19:47,945 I'll get it. Come on. 643 01:20:02,097 --> 01:20:03,655 Another order? 644 01:20:05,000 --> 01:20:08,299 - How much for the first order? - Only 200 rupees. 645 01:20:13,742 --> 01:20:14,936 The cake was very good. 646 01:20:30,125 --> 01:20:31,717 You're forgetting something. 647 01:20:53,281 --> 01:20:54,976 Do something. It makes such a racket. 648 01:20:55,417 --> 01:20:57,783 When I go to pick her up, the old man comes down before her. 649 01:20:59,221 --> 01:21:00,415 The old man is her father. 650 01:21:00,689 --> 01:21:01,917 The silencer is worn out. 651 01:21:02,891 --> 01:21:04,722 Put in a new one. It's urgent. 652 01:21:05,327 --> 01:21:07,522 We don't have it. You'll only get it there, in Hell. 653 01:21:07,896 --> 01:21:09,295 Hell... what do you mean? 654 01:21:09,998 --> 01:21:12,728 In their area. Who will go there? 655 01:21:15,537 --> 01:21:17,198 I'll go. Tonight. 656 01:21:29,084 --> 01:21:31,882 - Come on. - I won't come in. 657 01:21:34,089 --> 01:21:36,319 Sit near the bikes. Michael, come on. 658 01:21:54,109 --> 01:21:56,339 Look at this. Will it fit? 659 01:21:56,645 --> 01:21:58,203 Put it on the bike. I'll find another. 660 01:22:30,178 --> 01:22:31,702 Setting rats out? 661 01:22:33,081 --> 01:22:35,606 Let's beat this louse into a rat! 662 01:22:41,222 --> 01:22:42,655 Catch him! 663 01:24:02,937 --> 01:24:03,995 Fight by yourself if you have the guts 664 01:24:11,046 --> 01:24:13,276 Brought his complete rural gang! 665 01:24:14,015 --> 01:24:15,312 And asks me to fight alone. 666 01:24:17,085 --> 01:24:19,986 Know what? He ruined my bike. 667 01:24:22,090 --> 01:24:24,320 But who will save his shop? 668 01:24:24,993 --> 01:24:26,483 I'll save his shop! 669 01:25:39,134 --> 01:25:41,468 Come on! Prakash and Maxi are having a brawl! 670 01:26:24,914 --> 01:26:25,938 Kill him! 671 01:26:35,692 --> 01:26:36,954 Prakash! Stop! 672 01:26:37,627 --> 01:26:39,424 Stop them! This is madness! 673 01:26:39,829 --> 01:26:42,525 - They'll kill each other! - This is a man's game. 674 01:26:42,732 --> 01:26:43,994 You get the hell out of here. 675 01:26:45,601 --> 01:26:46,898 Hit him, Prakash! 676 01:27:29,645 --> 01:27:31,169 Let go of my brother! 677 01:28:02,211 --> 01:28:03,508 Let go of him, Maxi! 678 01:28:04,547 --> 01:28:06,447 He will die! 679 01:28:57,066 --> 01:28:58,192 Are you all right? 680 01:29:01,904 --> 01:29:05,362 What happened to you? Why did you have to intervene in the fight? 681 01:29:05,708 --> 01:29:09,610 - I was frightened. - Why? You've seen fights earlier. 682 01:29:10,746 --> 01:29:12,441 What if you'd been hurt? 683 01:29:13,215 --> 01:29:16,309 What would happen to me? Yes? 684 01:29:16,685 --> 01:29:18,448 And if he'd died? 685 01:29:18,788 --> 01:29:20,085 Who? That cook? 686 01:29:20,823 --> 01:29:22,950 There'd be one Bichhu less. 687 01:29:27,797 --> 01:29:29,731 Nothing will happen to me. 688 01:29:30,699 --> 01:29:32,189 But the funeral of two guys is definite. 689 01:29:32,802 --> 01:29:35,930 That rascal Prakash and his brother, Rahul. 690 01:29:40,709 --> 01:29:42,700 I'll always be with you. 691 01:29:43,746 --> 01:29:45,338 To look after you. 692 01:29:46,782 --> 01:29:48,079 Nothing will happen. 693 01:29:49,852 --> 01:29:51,444 Nothing will happen, Maxi? 694 01:30:19,315 --> 01:30:23,342 Who were they? Who broke the shop? 695 01:30:25,387 --> 01:30:26,649 It was not us. 696 01:30:29,125 --> 01:30:31,252 I'll break your legs! 697 01:30:33,829 --> 01:30:35,558 What...? I went for a film. 698 01:30:37,700 --> 01:30:41,158 - And you? - I'd already seen that film. 699 01:30:42,705 --> 01:30:44,673 You fly real high as an eagle. 700 01:30:45,674 --> 01:30:47,699 I'll thrash you so hard with no clothes on... 701 01:30:48,577 --> 01:30:51,375 Why do you have to take off your clothes to thrash me? 702 01:30:55,718 --> 01:30:58,209 The day I find one witness against you... 703 01:30:59,421 --> 01:31:02,879 That day you'll see how I cut you down to size! 704 01:31:05,794 --> 01:31:09,457 I'm telling you Inspector! They ransacked my shop! 705 01:31:10,733 --> 01:31:12,724 Did you see us? 706 01:31:13,769 --> 01:31:16,567 - I didn't but... - Then call the one who saw. 707 01:31:18,674 --> 01:31:21,336 Ask Rahul! He saw the culprits! 708 01:31:38,727 --> 01:31:40,160 Who broke your shop? 709 01:31:44,733 --> 01:31:48,635 Just one complaint. They will all rue their existence! 710 01:31:51,707 --> 01:31:52,969 I didn't see it. 711 01:31:53,375 --> 01:31:56,674 Didn't see? Fine, blind bat. Who did this to you? 712 01:31:56,979 --> 01:31:58,241 Did you see him? 713 01:32:05,721 --> 01:32:06,983 Or Max? 714 01:32:10,793 --> 01:32:12,158 So you too have become a Bichhu? 715 01:32:12,661 --> 01:32:14,185 Like your brother! 716 01:32:15,731 --> 01:32:20,634 Listen... you will pay every penny of the loss suffered by D'mello. 717 01:32:21,070 --> 01:32:23,595 Two lakhs. Within a month! 718 01:32:29,712 --> 01:32:31,646 Coward! - Let's go. 719 01:34:16,419 --> 01:34:19,217 Love is loving... 720 01:34:19,788 --> 01:34:22,722 Loving, loving... 721 01:34:25,728 --> 01:34:28,427 It's the first time. 722 01:34:28,698 --> 01:34:35,726 It happens just once. It will never happen again. 723 01:34:49,452 --> 01:34:54,120 Oh my heart, he has stolen it. 724 01:34:54,893 --> 01:34:59,661 The thief is my assassin. 725 01:35:10,839 --> 01:35:20,611 Oh my heart, she's stolen it. The thief is my assassin! 726 01:35:46,942 --> 01:35:52,639 I have fallen for you. 727 01:35:54,917 --> 01:36:01,150 The ache leaves the heart in no time at all. 728 01:36:01,857 --> 01:36:04,223 Are we awake or asleep? 729 01:36:04,560 --> 01:36:07,128 We're both lost. 730 01:36:07,396 --> 01:36:11,532 We're by ourselves, having fun. 731 01:36:12,234 --> 01:36:16,663 The weather is meant for love. 732 01:37:07,055 --> 01:37:13,687 It's difficult to last through the lonely nights. 733 01:37:15,030 --> 01:37:21,663 Your words send a shiver down my spine. 734 01:37:22,104 --> 01:37:27,406 Let me be anxious and live in your eyes. 735 01:37:27,643 --> 01:37:32,143 In your arms and in your path... 736 01:37:32,481 --> 01:37:37,508 My beloved, my aim in life. 737 01:38:46,822 --> 01:38:49,290 Where's Bihari? And what's wrong with your face? 738 01:38:49,691 --> 01:38:51,659 He's gone home. He'll return in 2 months. 739 01:38:52,694 --> 01:38:57,097 This man! He will never be around when opportunity knocks! 740 01:39:06,742 --> 01:39:10,200 It's a big job. This is an international company. 741 01:39:10,679 --> 01:39:12,112 And Bihari...! 742 01:39:12,447 --> 01:39:13,709 Does he have a contact number? 743 01:39:16,752 --> 01:39:18,014 If I do the job...? 744 01:39:18,720 --> 01:39:21,450 - I told you it's a big job. - How big? 745 01:39:21,757 --> 01:39:23,987 How much land do you need for a colony for 150 officers? 746 01:39:24,726 --> 01:39:26,091 About 8 to 10 buildings. 747 01:39:26,695 --> 01:39:28,959 Only Bihari can do this job not you. 748 01:39:29,264 --> 01:39:30,595 But we get them vacated. 749 01:39:32,734 --> 01:39:36,693 OK. If the job is done before he returns, the commission is yours. 750 01:39:37,239 --> 01:39:38,638 Isn't it fair? 751 01:39:50,050 --> 01:39:51,915 I think Shirley is having an affair. 752 01:39:53,020 --> 01:39:54,282 What did you say? 753 01:39:55,456 --> 01:39:57,253 She was with a boy in the fair. 754 01:40:01,996 --> 01:40:03,588 Many boys flirt with her. 755 01:40:05,132 --> 01:40:06,258 To get thrashed by me. 756 01:40:07,001 --> 01:40:09,561 - Who was he? - That's what I'm saying... 757 01:40:10,004 --> 01:40:11,437 I couldn't see him. He was too far. 758 01:40:12,973 --> 01:40:14,463 Shirley was waving out to him. 759 01:40:15,943 --> 01:40:17,205 And that smile... 760 01:40:18,312 --> 01:40:20,337 I've never seen that smile on her face. 761 01:40:26,120 --> 01:40:27,644 She never hides things from me. 762 01:40:28,789 --> 01:40:29,949 She will tell me. 763 01:40:31,058 --> 01:40:33,925 And then I'll bash up the Romeo. 764 01:40:49,977 --> 01:40:51,137 What are you doing in the dark? 765 01:40:53,047 --> 01:40:56,016 What's the matter? Very busy these days. 766 01:40:58,185 --> 01:40:59,982 The same, studies, college... 767 01:41:03,123 --> 01:41:04,715 You don't have time for me. 768 01:41:09,063 --> 01:41:13,022 So much to study and this project... 769 01:41:13,500 --> 01:41:15,934 Michael said a boy was waving out to you at the beach. 770 01:41:18,038 --> 01:41:19,938 I don't know what Michael said. 771 01:41:20,507 --> 01:41:21,940 I was with Mansi. 772 01:41:22,910 --> 01:41:25,538 Some boys did try to talk to me. 773 01:41:31,051 --> 01:41:32,313 Who was he? 774 01:41:37,057 --> 01:41:38,319 Who was he? 775 01:41:42,162 --> 01:41:45,029 He's in my college. Always troubles me for my notes. 776 01:41:49,103 --> 01:41:51,663 I don't like anybody troubling you. 777 01:41:55,843 --> 01:41:57,834 And I don't like another thing. 778 01:42:01,148 --> 01:42:02,513 ...that you hide things from me. 779 01:42:06,353 --> 01:42:09,880 Tell him, if he troubles you... 780 01:42:10,157 --> 01:42:12,022 ...for History or anything else... 781 01:42:14,061 --> 01:42:15,926 I'll ruin his geography! 782 01:42:34,248 --> 01:42:36,375 But what is worrying you? 783 01:42:37,117 --> 01:42:38,482 This was bound to happen. 784 01:42:43,657 --> 01:42:45,022 I'll talk to Max. 785 01:42:46,126 --> 01:42:49,960 No! If you do that, I'll stop meeting you. 786 01:42:51,065 --> 01:42:53,533 - You don't know Max. - Then what do we do? 787 01:42:53,834 --> 01:42:56,667 - Do we stop meeting? - Only for 9 weeks. 788 01:42:57,438 --> 01:43:02,398 If you pray with a true heart for 9 Wednesdays, God grants your wishes. 789 01:43:04,111 --> 01:43:07,171 - You believe this? - Yes. 790 01:43:08,015 --> 01:43:10,483 - I believe it. - But I believe in the truth. 791 01:43:11,018 --> 01:43:13,452 And the truth is that we love each other. 792 01:43:13,987 --> 01:43:16,581 We can never meet unless we do something ourselves. 793 01:43:16,957 --> 01:43:18,288 Even God can't do anything! 794 01:43:18,959 --> 01:43:23,953 I've done 3 Novenas. For my sake wait for another 6 weeks. 795 01:43:33,073 --> 01:43:34,301 All right. 796 01:43:46,186 --> 01:43:50,122 The crazy heart cries for you every moment. 797 01:43:52,059 --> 01:43:55,620 It neither sleeps nor stays awake without you. 798 01:43:57,064 --> 01:44:01,797 It often calls out to you. 799 01:44:03,270 --> 01:44:06,501 Can't control the heart. 800 01:44:09,109 --> 01:44:12,169 Yes, oh yes... 801 01:44:15,082 --> 01:44:17,243 I concede defeat to the heart. 802 01:44:32,132 --> 01:44:35,829 Crazy with your memories, it cries for you every moment. 803 01:44:38,071 --> 01:44:41,973 Without you, it neither cries nor stays awake. 804 01:44:44,144 --> 01:44:47,113 Calls out to you when alone. 805 01:44:49,149 --> 01:44:52,550 Can't control the heart anymore. 806 01:44:56,056 --> 01:44:57,990 I concede defeat. 807 01:45:01,028 --> 01:45:03,496 I concede defeat to my heart. 808 01:45:41,335 --> 01:45:46,972 Now I know what love is. 809 01:45:47,376 --> 01:45:52,744 Dear love, it is very tough. 810 01:45:52,913 --> 01:45:58,710 It doesn't pay heed to me. 811 01:45:59,187 --> 01:46:03,889 It is adamant. 812 01:46:04,625 --> 01:46:08,992 How do I convince it, dear love? 813 01:46:59,980 --> 01:47:05,008 Every mirror appears broken. 814 01:47:05,186 --> 01:47:11,120 The truth too appears a falsehood. 815 01:47:11,525 --> 01:47:16,622 Who knows where we have come? 816 01:47:16,998 --> 01:47:21,957 The entire world appears angry. 817 01:47:22,903 --> 01:47:26,669 What an ache the heart has given. 818 01:48:50,123 --> 01:48:53,115 What are you doing up there? I've been looking for you. 819 01:49:03,837 --> 01:49:04,599 Still mad? 820 01:49:05,405 --> 01:49:07,600 Sorry brother. It just happened. Forget it. 821 01:49:09,676 --> 01:49:12,008 I'll break Max's leg someday! 822 01:49:14,915 --> 01:49:16,382 There I go again... 823 01:49:17,050 --> 01:49:19,678 Don't worry, I'll return D'mello's money. 824 01:49:20,086 --> 01:49:22,213 I'll return it myself. 825 01:49:22,989 --> 01:49:26,015 At least listen. It's a fantastic deal! 826 01:49:26,359 --> 01:49:28,259 A party wants 10 to 12 buildings. 827 01:49:28,929 --> 01:49:32,296 Bihari isn't here. If we can swing it, We'll get 20 lakhs! 828 01:49:32,666 --> 01:49:36,033 - What do you say? - Go and break legs. 829 01:49:36,369 --> 01:49:37,927 Get the buildings evacuated. 830 01:49:38,438 --> 01:49:41,134 How many legs do you have to break for 10 buildings? 831 01:49:49,182 --> 01:49:51,047 I have to break legs. 832 01:49:52,018 --> 01:49:53,508 Or how will the building be vacated? 833 01:49:55,121 --> 01:49:58,454 Where in Vasco city is there so much vacant land? 834 01:50:20,247 --> 01:50:22,977 Stop. And if I get a vacant plot...? 835 01:50:23,784 --> 01:50:25,046 Where is Vasco is an empty plot? 836 01:50:26,920 --> 01:50:28,410 On what we're standing now. 837 01:50:34,895 --> 01:50:37,022 This ground? It's public property. 838 01:50:38,799 --> 01:50:40,460 Everybody says this land is Vasco's. 839 01:50:40,834 --> 01:50:42,028 But he is dead. 840 01:50:45,605 --> 01:50:46,765 Whom does it belong to now? 841 01:50:58,218 --> 01:51:00,015 - Found it? - No, sir. 842 01:51:00,320 --> 01:51:01,844 How will you find it when there's no file? 843 01:51:05,692 --> 01:51:06,852 Wasted so much of my time! 844 01:51:12,099 --> 01:51:14,465 There was so much junk! Had you pried, you'd have found it! 845 01:51:14,668 --> 01:51:17,796 I've found it. The ground was Alberto Vasco's property. 846 01:51:18,905 --> 01:51:20,270 Then some Mary Ann bought it. 847 01:51:23,677 --> 01:51:24,769 13 Churchill Road. 848 01:51:29,950 --> 01:51:31,349 This has been locked for years. 849 01:51:45,031 --> 01:51:46,555 Is this Mary Ann's house? 850 01:51:51,138 --> 01:51:53,197 No Mary Ann Louise. 851 01:51:53,874 --> 01:51:56,672 She was the tenant. She died long ago. 852 01:52:01,014 --> 01:52:02,914 Where does Mrs. D'Costa live? 853 01:52:03,950 --> 01:52:06,646 Gone to her village. 15 years ago. 854 01:52:11,024 --> 01:52:13,891 - Shall we go to the village? - Why? 855 01:52:14,394 --> 01:52:15,986 The one who owned the land died. 856 01:52:16,430 --> 01:52:18,295 Why should we run after D'Costa? 857 01:52:22,202 --> 01:52:23,635 No, we should go. 858 01:52:24,905 --> 01:52:28,807 Are you mad? Who will find out? 859 01:52:29,342 --> 01:52:30,866 We'll just sell it. 860 01:52:31,945 --> 01:52:35,244 Bihari sorted out huge properties by forging papers. 861 01:52:37,384 --> 01:52:41,480 Listen to me. I'll get a fake sale deed from Bihari. 862 01:52:42,289 --> 01:52:43,688 You make a similar one. 863 01:52:45,091 --> 01:52:47,491 And 20 lakhs is ours. What? 864 01:53:19,059 --> 01:53:21,357 I'm Rahul. Do you know Mary Anne? 865 01:53:21,661 --> 01:53:23,356 She died long ago. Now why have you come? 866 01:53:25,932 --> 01:53:27,957 Does she have any relatives? 867 01:53:28,969 --> 01:53:31,767 - Where have you come from? - Vasco. 868 01:53:42,482 --> 01:53:43,915 Now what does he want from Mary? 869 01:53:44,251 --> 01:53:46,651 Mary is dead. Now what does he want? 870 01:53:49,956 --> 01:53:52,151 Vasco gave her some land. 871 01:53:56,029 --> 01:53:58,497 Please listen to me. 872 01:53:58,999 --> 01:54:00,864 I'll call the police! 873 01:54:19,386 --> 01:54:23,789 Mary was my tenant when I was in Vasco. 874 01:54:25,992 --> 01:54:27,254 She had nobody. 875 01:54:28,194 --> 01:54:30,754 She owed me a lot of money. 876 01:54:32,265 --> 01:54:34,825 But Mary lived with me. 877 01:54:36,937 --> 01:54:42,534 One night Mary returned, all wet. 878 01:54:46,012 --> 01:54:47,536 You're all wet. 879 01:54:48,982 --> 01:54:50,847 Join us for dinner. 880 01:55:05,031 --> 01:55:06,623 I've got you piping hot soup. 881 01:55:07,601 --> 01:55:08,829 Drink it. 882 01:55:22,949 --> 01:55:24,883 Mary was pregnant. 883 01:55:25,919 --> 01:55:28,945 When she went to tell this to Alberto Vasco... 884 01:55:29,956 --> 01:55:34,825 He said he was to marry a Portuguese girl. 885 01:55:36,062 --> 01:55:37,529 It broke Mary's heart. 886 01:55:39,165 --> 01:55:42,692 Vasco told her he'd give her a house. 887 01:55:43,870 --> 01:55:46,338 He'd give her money, anything she wanted. 888 01:55:47,107 --> 01:55:50,770 But Mary didn't want these. 889 01:55:52,012 --> 01:55:54,572 She was already dead. 890 01:55:56,415 --> 01:55:59,578 Father Jacob talked to her. 891 01:56:00,287 --> 01:56:02,814 Gave her strength to live. 892 01:56:05,058 --> 01:56:06,892 Took her to Nandgoan. 893 01:56:07,494 --> 01:56:08,861 For her delivery. 894 01:56:10,029 --> 01:56:13,831 Told the people here that she was married there. 895 01:56:15,902 --> 01:56:17,392 After a few years... 896 01:56:18,838 --> 01:56:20,203 Mary returned to Vasco. 897 01:56:21,207 --> 01:56:22,469 With her children. 898 01:56:23,843 --> 01:56:25,868 Children? What do you mean? 899 01:56:27,013 --> 01:56:28,344 She delivered twins. 900 01:56:31,518 --> 01:56:33,681 A girl and a boy. 901 01:56:34,954 --> 01:56:37,081 - Now where are they? - In Vasco. 902 01:56:44,998 --> 01:56:46,932 Max and Shirley. 903 01:57:03,149 --> 01:57:05,743 If you won't practice, I won't dance with you. 904 01:57:06,019 --> 01:57:07,611 Why? Isn't the step right? 905 01:57:13,626 --> 01:57:14,718 Why have you come here? 906 01:57:15,895 --> 01:57:17,157 I told you, Max has found out! 907 01:57:17,797 --> 01:57:19,094 I want to talk to him. 908 01:57:25,438 --> 01:57:26,471 Who is it? 909 01:57:30,576 --> 01:57:31,566 What's wrong? 910 01:57:32,578 --> 01:57:33,511 Open the door. 911 01:57:36,816 --> 01:57:37,806 Open it. 912 01:57:54,367 --> 01:57:55,361 What do you want? 913 01:57:56,603 --> 01:57:59,731 I want to talk to you. 914 01:58:01,541 --> 01:58:02,940 Something very important. 915 01:58:05,211 --> 01:58:06,742 Something very important. 916 01:58:11,050 --> 01:58:12,181 Go to Michael's house. 917 01:58:16,523 --> 01:58:19,089 I said, go to Michael's house. 918 01:58:26,733 --> 01:58:27,791 Shut the door. 919 01:58:39,546 --> 01:58:41,844 So what do you want to say? 920 01:58:43,583 --> 01:58:48,110 Look, I have nothing to do with your problem with Prakash. 921 01:58:51,691 --> 01:58:53,088 Have you come to tell me this? 922 01:58:55,995 --> 01:59:00,159 No. There's something in which I can help you. 923 01:59:00,434 --> 01:59:02,129 I don't need your help! 924 01:59:06,239 --> 01:59:07,263 Okay. 925 01:59:08,908 --> 01:59:10,773 I am not in the habit of helping. 926 01:59:12,278 --> 01:59:16,180 I've only come here because I love Shirley. 927 01:59:18,117 --> 01:59:19,414 Wretch! 928 01:59:22,388 --> 01:59:23,821 You dog! You won't understand! 929 01:59:27,060 --> 01:59:28,823 You're not worthy of being spoken to politely! 930 01:59:31,898 --> 01:59:35,265 Now I won't tell. Find out for yourself! 931 01:59:37,036 --> 01:59:38,936 Remember Mrs. D'Costa who lived in Zilla? 932 01:59:40,039 --> 01:59:41,700 Yes, Mrs. D'Costa... 933 01:59:44,010 --> 01:59:45,443 She's now in Asagaon. 934 01:59:46,612 --> 01:59:49,711 Go and ask her who Alberto Vasco was. 935 01:59:51,050 --> 01:59:53,348 Go. Ask her if you have the guts! 936 01:59:54,888 --> 01:59:56,719 Ask who Alberto Vasco was! 937 02:00:12,905 --> 02:00:13,902 I'm Maxi. 938 02:00:16,342 --> 02:00:17,969 The son of Mary Ann and Philip. 939 02:00:50,844 --> 02:00:53,945 If I'm alive, it's for your love. 940 02:00:54,748 --> 02:00:57,746 Else I'd have died long back. 941 02:00:58,518 --> 02:01:01,578 Don't break my heart. 942 02:01:54,641 --> 02:01:57,666 Don't love me so much. 943 02:01:58,210 --> 02:02:01,570 Such talk instills fear in me. 944 02:02:02,181 --> 02:02:05,173 Tell me how you want to love. 945 02:02:05,919 --> 02:02:07,977 Why do you fear Maria? 946 02:02:09,088 --> 02:02:12,489 What the heck, he flips for me! 947 02:02:12,925 --> 02:02:16,226 Looks like he loves me. 948 02:03:21,060 --> 02:03:23,927 Don't forget me, beloved. 949 02:03:24,864 --> 02:03:27,833 Don't go far from me. 950 02:03:28,801 --> 02:03:31,895 If I've taken your heart, I've given mine in exchange. 951 02:03:32,839 --> 02:03:35,569 I'm not disloyal. 952 02:03:36,943 --> 02:03:39,878 I'll do something drastic if you break my heart. 953 02:03:40,913 --> 02:03:43,882 I feel I will die. 954 02:03:44,917 --> 02:03:48,148 How much I love you. 955 02:03:48,988 --> 02:03:51,252 How do I tell you, Maria? 956 02:04:52,985 --> 02:04:56,853 I want to tell you all that I couldn't tell Max. 957 02:05:29,121 --> 02:05:30,452 Tell me whom you've told this to! 958 02:05:32,058 --> 02:05:33,525 What did you tell Shirley? 959 02:05:34,226 --> 02:05:36,091 What did you tell her? 960 02:05:36,929 --> 02:05:38,260 Nothing at all. 961 02:05:43,235 --> 02:05:45,000 What do you think, you rat...? 962 02:05:49,108 --> 02:05:50,837 I'll sort you out and get locked up! 963 02:05:52,211 --> 02:05:53,535 And you'll get Shirley! 964 02:05:59,151 --> 02:06:00,311 Thief! 965 02:06:02,021 --> 02:06:05,650 The villagers are here to rob! 966 02:06:08,627 --> 02:06:11,726 Must have been the eagles. Must kill the rascals! 967 02:06:12,064 --> 02:06:13,998 - Tonight... - No. 968 02:06:15,968 --> 02:06:17,196 - Call the doctor. - Yes. 969 02:06:19,238 --> 02:06:20,363 Tell mother Rahul is with me. 970 02:06:20,507 --> 02:06:23,241 He'll return in the morning. Say it convincingly. 971 02:06:24,844 --> 02:06:26,311 You guys get lost. 972 02:06:37,990 --> 02:06:40,618 That day I hadn't come to embarrass Max. 973 02:06:41,427 --> 02:06:46,057 I came to say that your real father is Alberto Vasco. 974 02:06:46,699 --> 02:06:49,124 He willed the land to your mother. 975 02:06:49,969 --> 02:06:51,937 Other than me, nobody knows this. 976 02:06:53,973 --> 02:06:58,535 If you explain to Max, I can help this land be yours legally. 977 02:06:59,912 --> 02:07:03,040 If not, even then I won't tell anyone. 978 02:07:03,983 --> 02:07:05,416 Not even to Prakash. 979 02:07:08,888 --> 02:07:10,355 But remember one thing. 980 02:07:22,068 --> 02:07:24,059 You put me under a lot of tension. 981 02:07:25,938 --> 02:07:27,963 - Are you all right now? - Yes. 982 02:07:28,507 --> 02:07:29,906 Who did this? 983 02:07:32,378 --> 02:07:35,870 Don't tell us. In any case, we've decided to crush the Eagles tomorrow. 984 02:07:37,049 --> 02:07:38,346 It was only Max. 985 02:07:39,952 --> 02:07:41,214 So what's the problem? 986 02:07:43,656 --> 02:07:45,351 He has found out about Shirley and me. 987 02:07:47,159 --> 02:07:48,490 And you kept it from me. 988 02:07:49,895 --> 02:07:53,194 - I was going to tell you. - I see. But you didn't. 989 02:07:55,201 --> 02:07:57,863 - Anything else? - No. 990 02:07:59,572 --> 02:08:01,938 - Is that all? - Yes. 991 02:08:04,210 --> 02:08:07,338 Relax. Stay here tonight. 992 02:08:08,013 --> 02:08:09,480 Or mother will worry. 993 02:08:17,390 --> 02:08:19,722 - What do you think of Shirley? - Good item. 994 02:08:20,059 --> 02:08:21,356 Have fun and discard her. 995 02:08:27,366 --> 02:08:29,266 - Where are you going? - Home. 996 02:08:31,003 --> 02:08:32,470 Don't tell mother anything. 997 02:08:40,512 --> 02:08:42,880 Our own coin was a fake. 998 02:08:45,851 --> 02:08:47,546 My own real brother! 999 02:08:48,521 --> 02:08:49,852 What are you saying? 1000 02:08:50,956 --> 02:08:55,950 You mean that ground, all that land belongs to the rascal Max? 1001 02:08:57,163 --> 02:08:59,597 That rascal doesn't even know it. 1002 02:09:00,900 --> 02:09:04,802 My own brother went to tell him! 1003 02:09:07,072 --> 02:09:08,198 And not me. 1004 02:09:10,042 --> 02:09:14,877 When it was I who gave him the idea of selling the ground. 1005 02:09:20,052 --> 02:09:21,314 Deserter! 1006 02:09:27,960 --> 02:09:30,258 Look, all this land is Max and Shirley's. 1007 02:09:31,030 --> 02:09:32,463 And Shirley is Rahul's. 1008 02:09:36,001 --> 02:09:37,628 If something happens to Max... 1009 02:09:39,071 --> 02:09:40,163 Then...? 1010 02:09:40,940 --> 02:09:42,635 The land is ours. 1011 02:09:44,343 --> 02:09:45,435 How is that? 1012 02:09:47,980 --> 02:09:49,140 Suicide. 1013 02:09:54,086 --> 02:09:57,253 His neck, his own blood. 1014 02:09:59,091 --> 02:10:00,456 Finish! 1015 02:10:18,043 --> 02:10:19,533 What happened? 1016 02:10:24,183 --> 02:10:25,575 What did you do to him? 1017 02:10:31,190 --> 02:10:32,287 You hurt him? 1018 02:10:35,995 --> 02:10:37,360 What did that rascal tell you? 1019 02:10:39,231 --> 02:10:40,425 What about? 1020 02:10:41,967 --> 02:10:44,902 About yourself. And me. 1021 02:10:45,871 --> 02:10:47,532 About anyone. What did he tell you? 1022 02:10:48,440 --> 02:10:51,568 He said, he loves me a lot. 1023 02:10:52,511 --> 02:10:53,505 And...? 1024 02:10:54,947 --> 02:10:56,380 He will marry me. 1025 02:10:57,483 --> 02:10:58,848 Yes. honest. 1026 02:11:09,028 --> 02:11:12,589 Listen to me. He doesn't trouble me. 1027 02:11:13,665 --> 02:11:15,128 He loves me a lot. 1028 02:11:16,802 --> 02:11:19,803 And... I love him too. 1029 02:11:21,507 --> 02:11:22,940 He's a very nice boy. 1030 02:11:26,011 --> 02:11:27,876 Even I want to marry him. 1031 02:11:29,882 --> 02:11:31,176 What do you think? 1032 02:11:36,121 --> 02:11:37,752 I think I'll kill him. 1033 02:13:07,146 --> 02:13:09,307 - Mother? - She has gone to the temple with aunt 1034 02:13:10,015 --> 02:13:12,313 - Will you have tea? - I'll make it. 1035 02:13:13,919 --> 02:13:15,079 Why? I too can make it. 1036 02:13:16,955 --> 02:13:18,479 I thought a lot last night. 1037 02:13:20,225 --> 02:13:23,022 About myself... and you. 1038 02:13:25,197 --> 02:13:27,766 If you'd lost your life because of my smartness... 1039 02:13:29,001 --> 02:13:30,798 Forget all that. 1040 02:13:32,270 --> 02:13:36,001 Max is my enemy! Why should you and Shirley suffer? 1041 02:13:37,309 --> 02:13:39,607 And what did I get by acting smart? 1042 02:13:40,245 --> 02:13:41,945 15-20 goons saluting me? 1043 02:13:42,214 --> 02:13:43,842 And the label of the boss of Bichhu gang! 1044 02:13:47,219 --> 02:13:51,412 It's enough. Now I want to be like you. 1045 02:13:52,424 --> 02:13:54,489 What's wrong with you today? 1046 02:13:54,893 --> 02:13:56,417 It's not sudden. 1047 02:13:58,897 --> 02:14:00,387 You've forced me to think. 1048 02:14:03,035 --> 02:14:05,435 I swear I'm mad at that Max. 1049 02:14:06,104 --> 02:14:08,334 But I love you much more. 1050 02:14:09,207 --> 02:14:12,443 You are my little master. 1051 02:14:13,145 --> 02:14:17,206 Don't worry. I'll beg and plead but make up with Max. 1052 02:14:18,383 --> 02:14:19,350 But Max...? 1053 02:14:20,285 --> 02:14:22,651 He's abuse me a little, slap me a little... 1054 02:14:23,822 --> 02:14:25,790 But I will unite you with Shirley. 1055 02:14:28,861 --> 02:14:32,160 Till yesterday I thought you'd gone far from all of us. 1056 02:14:33,932 --> 02:14:37,299 But today I know you're the same. 1057 02:14:38,003 --> 02:14:41,200 The same. My elder master. 1058 02:15:09,300 --> 02:15:10,832 Breakfast is ready. 1059 02:15:11,622 --> 02:15:12,514 No. 1060 02:15:30,257 --> 02:15:31,590 What are you doing here? 1061 02:15:32,092 --> 02:15:34,854 I'd come to meet you yesterday too but... 1062 02:15:36,962 --> 02:15:38,759 I want to tell you something very good. 1063 02:15:39,865 --> 02:15:41,628 Prakash knows about us. 1064 02:15:42,467 --> 02:15:43,934 And he has agreed. 1065 02:15:45,304 --> 02:15:46,965 He'll talk to Max about us. 1066 02:15:58,083 --> 02:15:59,509 What are you doing here all alone? 1067 02:16:18,136 --> 02:16:19,626 Are you mad at me? 1068 02:16:20,205 --> 02:16:22,833 - No. - Then why don't you meet me? 1069 02:16:23,976 --> 02:16:25,170 No reason. 1070 02:16:26,244 --> 02:16:28,576 You don't love me anymore. 1071 02:16:31,516 --> 02:16:33,074 Last night, I hid his gun. 1072 02:16:34,486 --> 02:16:35,851 We'll have to throw it away. 1073 02:16:44,029 --> 02:16:45,291 Max has found the gun! 1074 02:16:50,102 --> 02:16:51,626 Real jackpot! 1075 02:16:52,070 --> 02:16:53,503 I said, go away! 1076 02:17:05,150 --> 02:17:08,244 You keep him engrossed in talk. I'll shoot him from the back. 1077 02:17:28,740 --> 02:17:30,503 - Where's Maxi? - Why? What's wrong? 1078 02:17:30,842 --> 02:17:32,366 Do you know where he'll be? 1079 02:17:32,878 --> 02:17:36,279 He's always in the graveyard. He acts weird. 1080 02:17:45,958 --> 02:17:48,825 What is it? Why have you come here? 1081 02:17:49,461 --> 02:17:50,985 I want to talk to you. 1082 02:17:54,032 --> 02:17:55,122 Talk from a distance. 1083 02:17:56,301 --> 02:17:59,563 I thought we must give up these fights, spats, all of it. 1084 02:17:59,704 --> 02:18:00,896 Nothing left in it. 1085 02:18:01,840 --> 02:18:06,137 - Got cold feet? - No, I want to make friends with you. 1086 02:18:06,277 --> 02:18:08,107 Friendship with you? 1087 02:18:09,147 --> 02:18:12,048 Don't abuse me. Soon we're going to be related. 1088 02:18:30,402 --> 02:18:31,494 Hey, listen... 1089 02:18:31,870 --> 02:18:33,360 My brother wants to marry your sister. 1090 02:18:34,973 --> 02:18:37,441 Pig! I'll kill you if you say that! 1091 02:18:37,943 --> 02:18:42,175 - He'll die without her. - In any case, I'll kill him! 1092 02:18:50,355 --> 02:18:51,845 But your sister too loves him. 1093 02:18:54,727 --> 02:18:55,818 Will you kill her too? 1094 02:19:00,866 --> 02:19:02,731 Even I talk of death. 1095 02:19:03,835 --> 02:19:05,359 It's easy to talk. 1096 02:19:05,971 --> 02:19:07,636 But giving up your life is tough. 1097 02:19:12,177 --> 02:19:14,673 I'm ready to die for both of them. 1098 02:19:17,416 --> 02:19:18,508 Do you have it in you? 1099 02:19:19,284 --> 02:19:20,615 Arguing with me? 1100 02:19:23,955 --> 02:19:25,245 What did you say? 1101 02:19:28,093 --> 02:19:30,926 I said, they love each other a lot. 1102 02:23:16,187 --> 02:23:17,518 What happened to you? 1103 02:23:21,092 --> 02:23:23,322 Brother! Wake up! 1104 02:23:28,166 --> 02:23:29,861 Brother, get up! 1105 02:23:31,036 --> 02:23:32,833 Brother! Anybody around? 1106 02:23:37,042 --> 02:23:38,600 Elder brother! 1107 02:23:39,944 --> 02:23:41,206 What happened to you, my brother? 1108 02:23:58,096 --> 02:23:59,859 What happened to you, my brother? 1109 02:24:44,809 --> 02:24:46,873 Prakash pulled out a knife to stab me. 1110 02:24:48,279 --> 02:24:50,277 So I shot to defend myself. 1111 02:24:51,450 --> 02:24:56,885 No knife or blade was found at the scene of murder or on Prakash's body. 1112 02:24:59,958 --> 02:25:03,450 I'm telling the truth. Believe me. 1113 02:25:04,028 --> 02:25:05,188 It's very late. 1114 02:25:05,997 --> 02:25:07,760 Nobody can save you. 1115 02:25:26,018 --> 02:25:27,310 Does it hurt a lot? 1116 02:25:31,956 --> 02:25:34,823 I can bear much more. 1117 02:25:40,165 --> 02:25:43,623 But I can't bear you crying. 1118 02:26:07,358 --> 02:26:08,955 You've come very early, father. 1119 02:26:10,094 --> 02:26:11,987 There's time for me to be hanged. 1120 02:26:15,033 --> 02:26:16,500 Don't say that. 1121 02:26:17,836 --> 02:26:21,397 Have faith in God. He is with you even now. 1122 02:26:22,774 --> 02:26:24,264 I only came to say this. 1123 02:26:28,880 --> 02:26:31,280 I've hurt many, father. 1124 02:26:34,752 --> 02:26:36,743 I've hurt many, father. 1125 02:26:42,861 --> 02:26:44,488 But I never wanted to kill anyone! 1126 02:26:49,467 --> 02:26:51,560 I'm speaking the truth! 1127 02:26:52,070 --> 02:26:53,799 I never wanted to kill anyone. 1128 02:26:58,009 --> 02:26:59,271 Your case is very strong. 1129 02:27:00,879 --> 02:27:04,178 The police, witnesses, evidence everything goes against him. 1130 02:27:09,020 --> 02:27:10,544 I'll return in 5 minutes. 1131 02:27:20,965 --> 02:27:24,196 He has made a mistake. He must be punished! 1132 02:27:25,837 --> 02:27:27,099 Please help him! 1133 02:27:30,074 --> 02:27:32,702 Yesterday, in court, he said it was an accident. 1134 02:27:33,745 --> 02:27:35,207 He didn't use the gun on purpose. 1135 02:27:37,048 --> 02:27:39,544 You want me to tell a lie? 1136 02:27:43,988 --> 02:27:48,550 Do you remember you said you trusted in God? 1137 02:27:49,327 --> 02:27:51,454 And I said, I believed in the truth. 1138 02:27:52,797 --> 02:27:54,890 I'm not asking you to give up your belief. 1139 02:27:56,801 --> 02:27:58,826 Then why are you asking me to give up the truth? 1140 02:28:03,841 --> 02:28:07,868 And the truth is that Max killed my brother. 1141 02:28:10,848 --> 02:28:12,839 And I can never forget it. 1142 02:30:03,027 --> 02:30:05,393 I killed Prakash! 1143 02:30:07,699 --> 02:30:08,893 What? 1144 02:30:11,135 --> 02:30:14,232 The bullet that killed Prakash was fired from this pistol. 1145 02:30:15,507 --> 02:30:19,636 The finger prints on this pistol belong to Max! 1146 02:30:20,478 --> 02:30:24,580 All these prove that Max committed the murder! 1147 02:30:25,683 --> 02:30:28,516 Now I'd like to call in one last witness. 1148 02:30:29,086 --> 02:30:33,855 ...who saw Max with this gun a few minutes after the murder. 1149 02:30:35,193 --> 02:30:36,990 That is Prakash's brother, Rahul. 1150 02:30:45,169 --> 02:30:49,631 I will speak the truth and nothing but the truth. 1151 02:30:52,477 --> 02:30:55,207 When you and Shirley reached the old church graveyard... 1152 02:30:56,080 --> 02:30:57,604 Max was running away from there. 1153 02:30:58,950 --> 02:31:01,942 - Yes. - And Max had this gun in hand. 1154 02:31:03,054 --> 02:31:07,957 - Yes. - And Max killed Prakash with this gun and no license! 1155 02:31:09,060 --> 02:31:12,894 - He shot at him. - Shot or killed, same thing. 1156 02:31:13,998 --> 02:31:15,488 Not the same. 1157 02:31:17,234 --> 02:31:21,530 Because when Max went to the graveyard he didn't have the gun. 1158 02:31:26,944 --> 02:31:31,381 I'd thought Prakash had gone to talk to Max about Shirley and me. 1159 02:31:33,484 --> 02:31:34,917 But he had something else in mind. 1160 02:31:37,822 --> 02:31:39,915 He had gone there to kill Max with his own gun. 1161 02:31:44,462 --> 02:31:47,397 Gotiya had stolen Max's gun one night earlier. 1162 02:31:49,000 --> 02:31:51,298 But suddenly over there the gun was in Max's hand and... 1163 02:31:53,938 --> 02:31:56,839 Prakash tried to stab Max with a knife. 1164 02:31:58,042 --> 02:31:59,703 But no knife was found. 1165 02:32:01,078 --> 02:32:02,443 Here it is. 1166 02:32:04,048 --> 02:32:05,413 Gotiya escaped with it. 1167 02:32:06,083 --> 02:32:12,109 Gotiya has passed away. He told me this on his deathbed. 1168 02:32:14,492 --> 02:32:17,791 But why did Prakash want to kill Max? 1169 02:32:18,296 --> 02:32:21,265 I don't see any reason that proves it. 1170 02:32:21,933 --> 02:32:23,366 There was a reason! 1171 02:32:24,402 --> 02:32:26,802 Prakash wanted to grab the ground of Vasco. 1172 02:32:27,972 --> 02:32:31,601 Which belongs to Max and Shirley according to these papers. 1173 02:32:33,978 --> 02:32:35,673 This land of 25000 square yards. 1174 02:32:36,380 --> 02:32:41,283 They are the heirs because Alberto Vasco willed it to their mother. 1175 02:32:42,320 --> 02:32:45,847 Alberto Vasco was the father of Max and Shirley. 1176 02:32:46,991 --> 02:32:50,392 He gave them life but not his name. 1177 02:32:58,536 --> 02:32:59,968 Max did kill my brother. 1178 02:33:00,738 --> 02:33:02,228 But only in self defense. 1179 02:33:03,207 --> 02:33:04,602 That's the truth. 1180 02:33:06,043 --> 02:33:07,567 Max is innocent. 1181 02:33:08,379 --> 02:33:09,869 Set him free. 1182 02:33:30,201 --> 02:33:31,969 According to Rahul Sharma's testimony... 1183 02:33:32,370 --> 02:33:39,100 It is proved that Max Diaz fired in self-defense, not intent to kill. 1184 02:33:40,177 --> 02:33:45,774 Under the circumstances, the court finds him innocent and sets him free. 1185 02:34:27,291 --> 02:34:31,323 I always fought and hated. 1186 02:34:32,229 --> 02:34:33,858 I never paid heed to anyone. 1187 02:34:35,766 --> 02:34:37,597 I also hated you a lot. 1188 02:34:39,804 --> 02:34:42,364 You wanted to help me but I hated you too. 1189 02:34:45,776 --> 02:34:47,710 Your brother lost his life because of me. 1190 02:34:49,413 --> 02:34:50,937 Yet you saved my life. 1191 02:34:54,251 --> 02:34:55,513 Forgive me. 1192 02:34:59,924 --> 02:35:02,984 It's enough that you realize it. 1193 02:35:10,034 --> 02:35:11,899 Shirley and I have nobody. 1194 02:35:15,239 --> 02:35:17,234 Don't leave us.