1 00:00:00,127 --> 00:00:04,779 Encoded by Hunter Crazy4TV.com 2 00:00:42,168 --> 00:00:44,087 (LAUGHING AND WHOOPING) 3 00:00:44,504 --> 00:00:46,172 Remember this place, Leela? 4 00:00:46,256 --> 00:00:49,008 Yep. The moon. It's been here for quite a while. 5 00:00:49,092 --> 00:00:50,718 Yeah, but it's also where we came 6 00:00:50,843 --> 00:00:52,470 on our very first delivery together. 7 00:00:52,554 --> 00:00:53,888 Oh, right. 8 00:00:54,013 --> 00:00:57,267 Man, we sure used to try harder back then. 9 00:00:57,433 --> 00:00:58,434 (PLAYING JAZZ) 10 00:00:59,978 --> 00:01:03,356 Get your likeness in the form of a balloon sculpture. 11 00:01:03,439 --> 00:01:07,193 A cherished family keepsake for hours to come. 12 00:01:07,277 --> 00:01:08,570 One Leela, please. 13 00:01:08,653 --> 00:01:11,072 And use your finest balloons. 14 00:01:20,790 --> 00:01:22,083 Wow, you're good. 15 00:01:22,166 --> 00:01:24,669 Five years of art school. (LAUGHS) 16 00:01:25,753 --> 00:01:26,754 (CRIES) 17 00:01:27,547 --> 00:01:28,548 Ow! 18 00:01:35,388 --> 00:01:37,473 Want a corn dog? Sure. 19 00:01:37,557 --> 00:01:39,851 Then your mom should have bought you one. 20 00:01:39,934 --> 00:01:40,935 (LAUGHS) 21 00:01:46,524 --> 00:01:48,943 Ooh, fancy. MAN: Hold tight. 22 00:01:49,110 --> 00:01:53,656 The Mecha-Hexadecapus is about to flail erratically into action. 23 00:01:56,367 --> 00:01:57,368 (ALL SCREAMING) 24 00:01:59,871 --> 00:02:01,914 Yeah. 25 00:02:02,373 --> 00:02:04,667 You know, I'm feeling a little... (RETCHES) 26 00:02:12,634 --> 00:02:13,635 (LEELA SCREAMING) 27 00:02:14,010 --> 00:02:15,428 FRY: Leela! 28 00:02:18,139 --> 00:02:20,058 Oh! Ah! 29 00:02:24,687 --> 00:02:25,688 (sesame) 30 00:02:25,772 --> 00:02:29,233 Poor Leela. I never even told her I loved her. 31 00:02:29,317 --> 00:02:31,903 What! You told her, like, 140 times. 32 00:02:32,111 --> 00:02:34,906 Yeah, but she paid very little attention to me. 33 00:02:34,989 --> 00:02:36,199 Oh, Bender. 34 00:02:36,282 --> 00:02:39,452 I always thought me and her would grow old together. 35 00:02:39,535 --> 00:02:41,954 (IMITATES BUZZER) You gotta live in the moment, baby. 36 00:02:42,080 --> 00:02:44,624 And in this moment, Leela's dead. 37 00:02:44,999 --> 00:02:46,834 Sir, we have some good news and some bad news. 38 00:02:46,959 --> 00:02:49,837 The good news is, we found your stuffed animal. 39 00:02:49,921 --> 00:02:51,339 What's the bad news? 40 00:02:51,422 --> 00:02:52,465 Your wife is dead. 41 00:02:52,548 --> 00:02:53,675 She wasn't my wife. 42 00:02:53,758 --> 00:02:56,219 Oh, then there is no bad news. 43 00:02:57,970 --> 00:02:59,722 (sesame) 44 00:03:02,517 --> 00:03:03,518 (GASPS) 45 00:03:03,893 --> 00:03:04,893 (GASPING) 46 00:03:04,936 --> 00:03:05,937 (BREATHES DEEPLY) 47 00:03:06,312 --> 00:03:08,147 Leela. You're alive. 48 00:03:10,108 --> 00:03:11,109 (GRUNTS) 49 00:03:13,528 --> 00:03:16,114 She gave her life to save mine. 50 00:03:20,201 --> 00:03:21,202 (KNOCKING AT DOOR) 51 00:03:21,285 --> 00:03:23,121 FRY: Bender, can I come in and talk? 52 00:03:23,204 --> 00:03:25,373 I'm kind of busy. 53 00:03:26,416 --> 00:03:28,292 Seeing Leela fly off the Hexadecapus 54 00:03:28,459 --> 00:03:30,378 and crash through the moon dome 55 00:03:30,461 --> 00:03:33,047 and survive inside a stuffed animal by breathing a balloon 56 00:03:33,131 --> 00:03:34,716 was a dose of reality. 57 00:03:34,799 --> 00:03:36,384 Come in. 58 00:03:36,467 --> 00:03:38,052 All this time, I've been wondering 59 00:03:38,177 --> 00:03:39,762 if I can spend my life with her. 60 00:03:39,846 --> 00:03:43,683 But what I realize now is, I can't spend my life without her. 61 00:03:43,766 --> 00:03:46,644 So, tomorrow, I'm asking her to marry me. 62 00:03:47,311 --> 00:03:49,272 Uh-huh. Good talk. We're done here. 63 00:03:52,275 --> 00:03:54,736 (SNIFFLES) My little meatbag's growing up. 64 00:03:57,655 --> 00:04:00,324 Computer, Jamaican Joy Juice, hot. 65 00:04:05,705 --> 00:04:07,832 G.N.E. 66 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:09,917 Behold the Time Button. 67 00:04:10,001 --> 00:04:11,919 A pocket-sized device that sends the 68 00:04:12,003 --> 00:04:14,964 entire universe 10 seconds into the past. 69 00:04:15,506 --> 00:04:17,508 I will now demonstrate. 70 00:04:19,635 --> 00:04:21,095 Joy Juice, hot. 71 00:04:25,558 --> 00:04:27,143 Pretty cool, eh? 72 00:04:27,226 --> 00:04:30,021 I'm over here where I was 10 seconds ago. 73 00:04:30,104 --> 00:04:32,732 Something's cool? Show it to us. 74 00:04:33,399 --> 00:04:34,442 Oh, right. 75 00:04:34,525 --> 00:04:36,402 You were outside the button ball, 76 00:04:36,527 --> 00:04:38,446 so you don't remember a thing I said. 77 00:04:38,529 --> 00:04:41,240 Let's try again, but this time, 78 00:04:41,365 --> 00:04:44,118 everyone cram into my time shelter. 79 00:04:44,202 --> 00:04:45,244 Wow. 80 00:04:45,369 --> 00:04:46,454 LEELAI Nice. 81 00:04:46,537 --> 00:04:49,415 It's coated with antichroniton-resistant grout 82 00:04:49,499 --> 00:04:51,918 to shield you from the effects of the button. 83 00:04:52,001 --> 00:04:53,753 Come on. Get in. Hurry up. 84 00:04:56,214 --> 00:04:58,549 Friends, I found $10. 85 00:04:58,633 --> 00:05:01,636 $10, you say? Let me see. 86 00:05:01,719 --> 00:05:02,845 It fell off a man. 87 00:05:02,929 --> 00:05:05,890 The man got into a taxi, but the money did not. 88 00:05:10,561 --> 00:05:12,897 Friends, I found $10. 89 00:05:12,980 --> 00:05:15,149 You found some money? Show me. 90 00:05:17,235 --> 00:05:18,236 Ah... 91 00:05:19,028 --> 00:05:21,364 Say, check out the money I found. 92 00:05:21,447 --> 00:05:23,616 It fell off a chump. (LAUGHS) 93 00:05:26,661 --> 00:05:28,079 Hey, Professor, 94 00:05:28,162 --> 00:05:30,039 couldn't you go back in time as far as you want 95 00:05:30,122 --> 00:05:32,083 by pressing the button over and over? 96 00:05:32,166 --> 00:05:33,167 Certainly not. 97 00:05:33,251 --> 00:05:35,837 Each time the button sends you back 10 seconds, 98 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:38,130 it takes 10 seconds to recharge. 99 00:05:39,006 --> 00:05:40,675 There, it's recharged. 100 00:05:44,345 --> 00:05:45,346 Ah... 101 00:05:45,972 --> 00:05:47,139 Again, again. 102 00:05:47,265 --> 00:05:48,474 Question? 103 00:05:48,558 --> 00:05:50,101 What if you had a special moment 104 00:05:50,226 --> 00:05:51,769 that you wished could go on forever? 105 00:05:51,853 --> 00:05:54,438 Could the Time Button make it last as long as you wanted? 106 00:05:54,522 --> 00:05:58,651 Hell, no. This button is for scientific use only. 107 00:06:03,072 --> 00:06:04,073 Ah... 108 00:06:10,121 --> 00:06:12,415 Yes, I'd like an engagement diamond, please? 109 00:06:12,498 --> 00:06:14,292 You come to the rightjoint, ace. 110 00:06:14,375 --> 00:06:16,210 I'll take this one. 111 00:06:16,294 --> 00:06:18,921 Classy choice, chief. She'll crap her pants. 112 00:06:21,924 --> 00:06:25,261 That'll be five bills. Hey, give me back my stones. 113 00:06:28,639 --> 00:06:31,350 Hello, stranger. This is my first time here. 114 00:06:31,434 --> 00:06:32,894 Do you sell diamonds? 115 00:06:32,977 --> 00:06:35,646 You come to the rightjoint, ace. 116 00:06:35,855 --> 00:06:36,856 (BOTH CHUCKLING) 117 00:06:42,194 --> 00:06:45,573 I guess what I'm saying is, the next time you almost die, 118 00:06:45,656 --> 00:06:47,575 I want it to be as my wife. 119 00:06:47,658 --> 00:06:48,659 (GASPS) 120 00:06:49,327 --> 00:06:50,995 The clam, Elzar. 121 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:53,456 Clam, barn, thank you, ma'am. 122 00:06:53,956 --> 00:06:54,999 Fry? 123 00:06:58,336 --> 00:06:59,670 Wow. 124 00:06:59,837 --> 00:07:02,173 Leela, my love, 125 00:07:02,798 --> 00:07:04,091 will you... 126 00:07:04,175 --> 00:07:05,176 (SCREAMS) 127 00:07:08,346 --> 00:07:10,097 I'll have what she's having. 128 00:07:12,141 --> 00:07:13,142 (CONTINUES SCREAMING) 129 00:07:14,518 --> 00:07:18,606 Oh, God. I ruined everything. I blew my one chance to... 130 00:07:18,689 --> 00:07:20,858 Hey, wait a second. 131 00:07:23,277 --> 00:07:25,071 Clam, barn, thank you, ma'am. 132 00:07:25,696 --> 00:07:26,739 Fry? 133 00:07:27,531 --> 00:07:30,534 Wait. Allow me. 134 00:07:31,786 --> 00:07:33,955 Leela, my love, 135 00:07:34,080 --> 00:07:35,456 will you marry me? 136 00:07:35,623 --> 00:07:39,835 Oh, my gosh. This is all so sudden after 13 years. 137 00:07:39,919 --> 00:07:41,003 Don't answer yet. 138 00:07:41,087 --> 00:07:42,630 I want this to be a special moment, 139 00:07:42,713 --> 00:07:44,507 so I rented the roof garden on top of 140 00:07:44,632 --> 00:07:46,425 the tallest building in New New York. 141 00:07:46,550 --> 00:07:48,219 The Vampire State Building? 142 00:07:48,302 --> 00:07:52,139 Uh-huh. If your answer's yes, be there tonight at 6:30, 143 00:07:52,264 --> 00:07:53,766 half hour before sunset. 144 00:07:53,891 --> 00:07:55,518 And if my answer's no? 145 00:07:55,601 --> 00:07:58,729 Then just don't show up. I'll get the message. 146 00:07:59,522 --> 00:08:00,523 (COUGHS) 147 00:08:11,075 --> 00:08:13,327 Big night, eh, Mr. Fry? 148 00:08:13,411 --> 00:08:15,746 The biggest, Janos. Check this out. 149 00:08:15,830 --> 00:08:18,541 What is that? Some kind of time button? 150 00:08:18,624 --> 00:08:20,501 Exactly. If she says yes, 151 00:08:20,584 --> 00:08:24,255 I'll use it to make the sunset last as long as we want. 152 00:08:24,338 --> 00:08:29,010 Strange things happen when the shadows lengthen. 153 00:08:29,093 --> 00:08:32,388 WOMAN: (ON INTERCOM) Janitor to the 237th floor men's room. 154 00:08:34,765 --> 00:08:37,727 Six o'clock. She'll be here in half an hour. 155 00:08:42,106 --> 00:08:45,526 6:30? Maybe she's stuck in slow traffic. 156 00:08:48,988 --> 00:08:51,449 I know she'll come. I know it. 157 00:08:54,493 --> 00:08:56,996 I really thought she was gonna come. 158 00:08:58,622 --> 00:09:00,916 I traveled a thousand years forward in time, 159 00:09:01,042 --> 00:09:03,335 but without Leela, I have no future. 160 00:09:05,838 --> 00:09:07,923 This is the end. (SNIFFLES) 161 00:09:08,007 --> 00:09:09,967 Good-bye, my love. 162 00:09:11,177 --> 00:09:12,178 (GROANS) 163 00:09:16,182 --> 00:09:17,683 Leela? 164 00:09:19,977 --> 00:09:22,396 Hey. It's only 6:25. 165 00:09:22,480 --> 00:09:25,191 So why does my watch say 7:03? 166 00:09:25,274 --> 00:09:27,318 Of course. My watch is fast because it 167 00:09:27,485 --> 00:09:29,570 kept running every time I hit the button. 168 00:09:29,653 --> 00:09:31,572 So Leela's actually on time. 169 00:09:31,655 --> 00:09:33,240 Hi, Leela. 170 00:09:33,324 --> 00:09:34,575 FT'!- 171 00:09:34,658 --> 00:09:36,952 It's okay, I'm gonna die happy. 172 00:09:37,036 --> 00:09:40,164 No, wait. I'll go back 1O seconds till when I was on the roof. 173 00:09:43,167 --> 00:09:46,337 Rats. Guess I was falling for more than 10 seconds. 174 00:09:46,420 --> 00:09:47,671 Hi, Leela. 175 00:09:47,755 --> 00:09:48,839 FT'!- 176 00:09:48,923 --> 00:09:50,800 Everything's cool. 177 00:09:54,178 --> 00:09:57,431 Wait a second. There's no possible way out of this situation. 178 00:09:57,515 --> 00:09:59,767 Help, help! 179 00:09:59,850 --> 00:10:00,935 FT'!- 180 00:10:01,018 --> 00:10:03,020 I'm stuck in a loop. This isn't the 181 00:10:03,145 --> 00:10:05,147 moment I wanted to last forever. 182 00:10:11,695 --> 00:10:15,449 Careful. This is the most valuable thing we've ever delivered. 183 00:10:15,533 --> 00:10:16,534 Oh! 184 00:10:16,826 --> 00:10:18,619 (EXCLAIMS) 185 00:10:19,912 --> 00:10:21,914 Careful. This is the most... 186 00:10:22,039 --> 00:10:24,041 Quickly. Into the time shelter. 187 00:10:27,211 --> 00:10:30,965 Someone stole the Time Button, and they're pressing it every 1 O seconds. 188 00:10:31,048 --> 00:10:33,884 The universe is caught in a time loop. 189 00:10:37,763 --> 00:10:39,557 Then let's go out and stop them. 190 00:10:39,640 --> 00:10:40,724 Are you mad? 191 00:10:40,808 --> 00:10:42,643 Because that would make two of us. 192 00:10:42,726 --> 00:10:45,312 (SIGHS) You're right. We'd never get anywhere. 193 00:10:45,396 --> 00:10:47,523 We'd just keep jumping back to where we started. 194 00:10:47,606 --> 00:10:50,109 Also, we'd die horribly. 195 00:10:50,192 --> 00:10:52,153 You see, we're shielded in here. 196 00:10:52,236 --> 00:10:53,612 So if we leave the time shelter 197 00:10:53,696 --> 00:10:56,699 and the button gets pressed less than 10 seconds later, 198 00:10:57,241 --> 00:11:00,578 the antichronitons wouldn't know where to send us back to. 199 00:11:00,661 --> 00:11:05,040 We'd be shredded across the time-space continuum like human coleslaw. 200 00:11:05,166 --> 00:11:07,501 Yum. Observe. 201 00:11:09,753 --> 00:11:10,754 Ah... 202 00:11:11,297 --> 00:11:13,215 Listen, I know who stole the button. 203 00:11:13,299 --> 00:11:16,093 I wasn't gonna tell, because I don't like being helpful. 204 00:11:16,177 --> 00:11:18,846 But I do like ratting people out, so, 205 00:11:18,929 --> 00:11:20,764 it was Fry. (ALL GASP) 206 00:11:20,931 --> 00:11:22,850 He took it to the Vampire State Building. 207 00:11:22,933 --> 00:11:24,935 We've got to get to him. But how? 208 00:11:25,060 --> 00:11:27,062 We can't leave the time shelter. 209 00:11:27,146 --> 00:11:30,900 Hooray. I'm trapped in a tiny fun room with friends. 210 00:11:35,738 --> 00:11:37,656 Man, falling from a great height an 211 00:11:37,781 --> 00:11:39,700 infinite number of times can be stressful. 212 00:11:39,783 --> 00:11:43,245 At least I have Leela's comforting scream to look forward to. 213 00:11:43,329 --> 00:11:44,830 FT'!- 214 00:11:45,122 --> 00:11:46,123 (YAWN S) 215 00:11:47,917 --> 00:11:48,918 (SNORING) 216 00:11:50,878 --> 00:11:52,296 LEELA: Fry! (SCREAMS) 217 00:11:59,053 --> 00:12:01,847 FARNSWORTH: Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry, stop. 218 00:12:03,307 --> 00:12:06,560 Hurry, hurry, hurry, hurry hurry, hurry, hurry... 219 00:12:06,644 --> 00:12:09,230 (SINGING) My boyfriend gave me a diamond 220 00:12:09,313 --> 00:12:10,981 Hurry, hurry, hurry... Oh! 221 00:12:11,815 --> 00:12:14,902 Fry. We're here to rescue you. 222 00:12:14,985 --> 00:12:16,320 (SNORES AND GASPS) Professor? 223 00:12:16,737 --> 00:12:17,738 Oops! 224 00:12:18,155 --> 00:12:19,156 (YELPING) 225 00:12:19,323 --> 00:12:20,741 FT'!- 226 00:12:20,824 --> 00:12:21,992 Professor? 227 00:12:31,293 --> 00:12:33,087 He's... He's dead. 228 00:12:33,170 --> 00:12:34,713 Itdoeslook that way. 229 00:12:34,797 --> 00:12:36,548 My poor sweet puddle. 230 00:12:36,632 --> 00:12:39,051 (GASPS) The button. I can still save him. 231 00:12:39,176 --> 00:12:40,176 No, don't. 232 00:12:40,219 --> 00:12:42,554 You'll shred me into a zillion... 233 00:12:45,557 --> 00:12:46,600 It worked. 234 00:12:46,684 --> 00:12:48,185 But you killed the Professor. 235 00:12:48,310 --> 00:12:49,812 Yeah, but it worked. 236 00:12:49,937 --> 00:12:51,522 (YELPING) 237 00:12:51,855 --> 00:12:53,399 I died. I'm dead. 238 00:12:53,482 --> 00:12:54,858 I'm gonna die. 239 00:12:58,279 --> 00:12:59,989 Come on, come on. 240 00:13:02,408 --> 00:13:05,286 Fry, what's happening? Did you fall off the building? 241 00:13:05,369 --> 00:13:07,871 Actually, that's kind of a funny story... 242 00:13:10,499 --> 00:13:13,085 He sure has a lot of blood for a skinny guy. 243 00:13:16,338 --> 00:13:18,090 And I didn't want to go on living 244 00:13:18,215 --> 00:13:20,050 without you, so ljumped, and, well... 245 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:22,761 Ohh... 246 00:13:22,886 --> 00:13:24,888 That's so sweet, Fry. 247 00:13:27,599 --> 00:13:29,279 You know those dreams where you're falling, 248 00:13:29,310 --> 00:13:31,729 and right before you hit the ground you wake up? 249 00:13:31,812 --> 00:13:33,022 Those are great. 250 00:13:34,732 --> 00:13:36,567 If only there were a way to make Fry 251 00:13:36,734 --> 00:13:38,610 land softly, this would all be over. 252 00:13:40,321 --> 00:13:42,031 Ooh, I know. My airbag. 253 00:13:42,114 --> 00:13:44,366 Leela. I'm coming to save the day. 254 00:13:44,450 --> 00:13:45,701 Hang on, Fry. 255 00:13:45,784 --> 00:13:48,620 You're just one death away from being saved. 256 00:13:48,704 --> 00:13:51,415 And then we can be marry me? 257 00:13:52,583 --> 00:13:54,668 Okay, I'm gonna run out there. 258 00:13:54,752 --> 00:13:56,670 Then, you guys form a human bus 259 00:13:56,795 --> 00:13:58,756 and crash into me at 40 miles an hour. 260 00:13:58,839 --> 00:13:59,965 Ready? 261 00:14:00,341 --> 00:14:01,425 Go. 262 00:14:02,551 --> 00:14:03,552 (PANTING) 263 00:14:05,971 --> 00:14:06,972 (GRUNTS) 264 00:14:08,223 --> 00:14:09,350 We did it. 265 00:14:09,433 --> 00:14:10,433 Whoo! 266 00:14:10,476 --> 00:14:11,477 (ALL CHEERING) 267 00:14:22,071 --> 00:14:24,156 What happened? Did I break the button? 268 00:14:24,239 --> 00:14:25,866 I think you broke the universe. 269 00:14:25,949 --> 00:14:28,118 Everything but us is frozen. 270 00:14:34,625 --> 00:14:36,377 What are we gonna do? 271 00:14:36,460 --> 00:14:40,047 First, I'm gonna get back these earrings I loaned Amy three years ago. 272 00:14:40,130 --> 00:14:41,965 After that, I don't know. 273 00:14:50,307 --> 00:14:52,101 This is surreal. 274 00:14:52,184 --> 00:14:54,770 Whatever we want is ours for the taking. 275 00:15:02,319 --> 00:15:04,071 Hello? 276 00:15:04,154 --> 00:15:05,864 Anyone? 277 00:15:17,251 --> 00:15:20,337 I guess it's just us for all eternity. 278 00:15:20,421 --> 00:15:23,257 Listen, Leela, I'm not sure what kind of life 279 00:15:23,340 --> 00:15:24,925 we can make together in this frozen 280 00:15:25,008 --> 00:15:27,594 time-sicle, but if it's not too weird... 281 00:15:28,262 --> 00:15:29,972 Will you still marry me? 282 00:15:30,055 --> 00:15:33,392 I would marry you even if you weren't the last man on Earth. 283 00:15:33,475 --> 00:15:34,476 (BOTH GASP) 284 00:15:34,685 --> 00:15:36,520 What was that? I don't know... 285 00:15:36,603 --> 00:15:37,896 But I'm scared. 286 00:15:37,980 --> 00:15:39,773 Well, maybe we just need some rest. 287 00:15:39,857 --> 00:15:42,067 We can get married in the morning. 288 00:15:42,151 --> 00:15:44,027 Except there won't be morning. 289 00:15:44,111 --> 00:15:46,196 We can worry about that in the morning. 290 00:16:28,071 --> 00:16:30,908 Do I, Philip J. Fry, take you, 291 00:16:31,074 --> 00:16:33,952 Turanga Leela, to be my lawful wedded wife? 292 00:16:34,036 --> 00:16:35,162 You do. 293 00:16:35,245 --> 00:16:39,124 Do I, Turanga Leela, take you, Philip J. Fry, 294 00:16:39,208 --> 00:16:41,043 to be my lawful wedded husband? 295 00:16:41,126 --> 00:16:42,920 Uh, yes? 296 00:16:43,086 --> 00:16:44,254 Absolutely. 297 00:16:46,757 --> 00:16:47,758 (GRUNTING) 298 00:16:48,133 --> 00:16:51,261 There it is again. Leave my wife alone, you glimmer. 299 00:16:51,345 --> 00:16:52,679 It's okay, Fry. 300 00:16:52,763 --> 00:16:55,641 If it keeps bugging us, we'll either kill it or adopt it. 301 00:16:55,724 --> 00:16:57,768 Meanwhile, what do you say we get started 302 00:16:57,851 --> 00:17:00,812 on a very, very, very long honeymoon? 303 00:17:45,899 --> 00:17:46,900 (BLOWS) 304 00:18:29,693 --> 00:18:30,694 (BOTH GROANING) 305 00:18:32,362 --> 00:18:33,780 I think it's about time 306 00:18:33,864 --> 00:18:38,035 we drank the champagne Janos poured all those years ago. 307 00:18:38,869 --> 00:18:41,288 May I read the toast I was going to make? 308 00:18:41,371 --> 00:18:42,414 Go for it. 309 00:18:42,497 --> 00:18:46,460 I'm in no rush, after walking up 240 flights of steps. 310 00:18:46,543 --> 00:18:48,086 And across those oceans. 311 00:18:48,170 --> 00:18:49,212 "To us. 312 00:18:49,296 --> 00:18:51,715 "If I could make one moment last forever, 313 00:18:51,840 --> 00:18:54,217 "this is the one I would choose." 314 00:18:54,301 --> 00:18:55,636 I'm glad you did. 315 00:18:55,719 --> 00:18:57,471 It was a good life. 316 00:18:58,055 --> 00:19:00,432 Kind of lonely, though? Maybe? 317 00:19:00,515 --> 00:19:01,975 I was never lonely. 318 00:19:02,059 --> 00:19:03,852 Not even for a minute. 319 00:19:07,397 --> 00:19:10,651 I guess we'll never figure out what that glimmer is. 320 00:19:10,734 --> 00:19:12,486 Nope. Pretty, though. 321 00:19:12,819 --> 00:19:14,780 Hey, hey, wait... It's doing something. 322 00:19:17,240 --> 00:19:18,575 I'll protect you. 323 00:19:18,659 --> 00:19:20,035 Hi... OW! 324 00:19:31,755 --> 00:19:32,964 Professor? 325 00:19:33,048 --> 00:19:34,299 You're alive? 326 00:19:34,424 --> 00:19:35,717 Yes, it's me. 327 00:19:35,801 --> 00:19:39,388 Boy, did somebody hit you two with an old-and-ugly stick. 328 00:19:39,471 --> 00:19:41,473 I thought I killed you with the Time Button. 329 00:19:41,556 --> 00:19:43,350 Ithoughtso, too, at first. 330 00:19:43,433 --> 00:19:46,978 But it seems I was simply rotated into an orthogonal time 331 00:19:47,062 --> 00:19:49,272 that runs at right angles to this one. 332 00:19:49,356 --> 00:19:51,233 I've been tunneling for decades, 333 00:19:51,316 --> 00:19:55,028 searching every instant from yesterday to tomorrow. 334 00:19:55,112 --> 00:19:56,988 We've been right now the whole time. 335 00:19:57,072 --> 00:20:01,076 I wasn't looking for you, I was looking for the Time Button. 336 00:20:02,744 --> 00:20:03,745 Oh! 337 00:20:04,037 --> 00:20:05,831 I landed on it and time froze. 338 00:20:05,914 --> 00:20:09,292 I tried to fix it once, but then I got mad and hit it some more. 339 00:20:09,376 --> 00:20:11,461 I guess it's good we didn't have children. 340 00:20:11,545 --> 00:20:14,464 Oh, give me that, you senile old idiot. 341 00:20:14,798 --> 00:20:15,882 Let me see... 342 00:20:15,966 --> 00:20:19,803 That goes there... Lefty loosey, righty tighty, 343 00:20:19,886 --> 00:20:21,388 and, fixed! 344 00:20:21,471 --> 00:20:23,932 What? I could've fixed it that easily? 345 00:20:24,015 --> 00:20:25,058 You'? 346 00:20:25,142 --> 00:20:26,143 (LAUGHS) 347 00:20:27,018 --> 00:20:29,604 Okay. I've modeled the device to release 348 00:20:29,730 --> 00:20:32,274 a single huge antichroniton blast. 349 00:20:32,357 --> 00:20:34,192 It should rip us out of stasis, 350 00:20:34,276 --> 00:20:37,612 back to the instant before I conceived of the Time Button. 351 00:20:37,696 --> 00:20:40,574 You mean we'll all get to live our lives over again? 352 00:20:40,657 --> 00:20:41,950 Oh, my, yes. 353 00:20:42,033 --> 00:20:44,536 Even that nasty robot, what's-his-name. 354 00:20:44,619 --> 00:20:48,790 Of course, we won't remember anything that's happened. 355 00:20:49,082 --> 00:20:50,709 What do you say? 356 00:20:50,792 --> 00:20:52,544 Want to go around again? 357 00:20:53,170 --> 00:20:54,337 I do.