1 00:00:00,127 --> 00:00:04,779 Encoded by Hunter Crazy4TV.com 2 00:00:28,154 --> 00:00:29,155 B E N D E RI "Free Beer"? 3 00:00:29,239 --> 00:00:30,281 (PANTING) 4 00:00:33,618 --> 00:00:34,786 Free beer. Free beer. 5 00:00:35,119 --> 00:00:36,454 Free beer. Free beer. 6 00:00:36,579 --> 00:00:39,374 Free beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer, beer! 7 00:00:39,457 --> 00:00:40,625 Free... 8 00:00:43,044 --> 00:00:44,254 (SQUAWKING) 9 00:00:44,629 --> 00:00:45,630 (GRUNTS) 10 00:00:47,882 --> 00:00:49,133 (SCREAMING) 11 00:00:55,014 --> 00:00:56,349 Ah! 12 00:00:56,432 --> 00:00:59,018 Hello. I'm here for the free beer. 13 00:00:59,310 --> 00:01:00,562 You got it. 14 00:01:00,645 --> 00:01:03,189 Right after these 800 people get it. 15 00:01:03,273 --> 00:01:04,274 (CHATTERING) 16 00:01:04,649 --> 00:01:06,568 Beer, beer-beer, beer, beer. 17 00:01:06,651 --> 00:01:08,486 (FANFARE PLAYING) Beer? 18 00:01:11,239 --> 00:01:12,991 Ah... yeah! 19 00:01:13,533 --> 00:01:16,077 Thank you, Headless Clone of Agnew. 20 00:01:16,160 --> 00:01:17,662 My fellow Earthicans, 21 00:01:17,745 --> 00:01:20,832 I'm proud to announce I'm running for reelection 22 00:01:20,915 --> 00:01:24,711 as president of Earth, the greatest planet in the world. 23 00:01:24,919 --> 00:01:26,254 ALL: Yeah! 24 00:01:26,713 --> 00:01:29,173 Is everyone enjoying their free beer? 25 00:01:29,424 --> 00:01:30,633 ALL: Yeah! 26 00:01:31,718 --> 00:01:34,345 Well, there's plenty more where that came from. 27 00:01:36,014 --> 00:01:37,932 We're all out of beer. 28 00:01:41,519 --> 00:01:43,354 All right, listen up, nitwits. 29 00:01:43,479 --> 00:01:47,692 Who here is tired of illegal space aliens taking our good Earth jobs? 30 00:01:47,775 --> 00:01:49,235 (CROWD CHEERING) 31 00:01:49,944 --> 00:01:52,572 Me, too. So, if I'm reelected, 32 00:01:52,655 --> 00:01:55,867 I promise to build a really big Dyson fence 33 00:01:55,950 --> 00:01:58,453 across the southern border of our solar system. 34 00:01:58,536 --> 00:01:59,829 (CHEERING) 35 00:02:00,538 --> 00:02:04,584 And furthermore, by golly, I promise to cut taxes for the rich 36 00:02:04,667 --> 00:02:08,546 and use the poor as a cheap source of teeth for aquarium gravel. 37 00:02:08,755 --> 00:02:11,174 Yeah! That'll show those poor! 38 00:02:11,257 --> 00:02:13,885 Why are you cheering, Fry? You're not rich. 39 00:02:13,968 --> 00:02:16,137 True, but someday I might be rich. 40 00:02:16,262 --> 00:02:19,515 And then people like me better watch their step. (snens) 41 00:02:19,599 --> 00:02:21,017 Let's just find Bender. 42 00:02:26,147 --> 00:02:28,066 Ah, that hit the spot. 43 00:02:28,316 --> 00:02:29,651 I found Bender! 44 00:02:34,155 --> 00:02:36,449 Good news, everyone. (STUTTERS) 45 00:02:36,532 --> 00:02:38,368 What? I've repaired myself 46 00:02:38,451 --> 00:02:42,330 with these convenient "Reeleot Nixon" ass stickers. Go, Nixon! 47 00:02:42,580 --> 00:02:45,667 Bender, you can't even vote. You're a convicted felon. 48 00:02:45,917 --> 00:02:48,211 Convicted, sentenced and executed. 49 00:02:48,294 --> 00:02:51,089 But Nixon passed a law that says ex-cons can vote again 50 00:02:51,172 --> 00:02:52,590 as long as they vote for Nixon. 51 00:02:52,715 --> 00:02:56,886 But Nixon's the worst president in history and alternate history. 52 00:02:56,969 --> 00:02:59,013 The rest of you aren't voting for him, are you? 53 00:02:59,097 --> 00:03:00,348 Sure, we are! Why not? 54 00:03:00,932 --> 00:03:02,141 He may not be perfect, 55 00:03:02,225 --> 00:03:04,686 but do we really want some unknown new guy? 56 00:03:04,811 --> 00:03:08,022 I'll stick with the evil maniac I know, thank you. 57 00:03:08,231 --> 00:03:09,774 Well, I think we can do better. 58 00:03:09,857 --> 00:03:12,860 This year, I'm going to get involved in the political process 59 00:03:12,944 --> 00:03:14,904 and make my voice heard. 60 00:03:15,405 --> 00:03:16,739 What? 61 00:03:22,954 --> 00:03:25,373 Welcome to Debate 3012, 62 00:03:25,456 --> 00:03:30,044 the 3,012th debate of the 3012 election year. 63 00:03:30,128 --> 00:03:31,921 We have a crowded field of candidates, 64 00:03:32,004 --> 00:03:34,549 so I will dispense with the informal terrorizing 65 00:03:34,632 --> 00:03:35,967 and begin the questions. 66 00:03:36,217 --> 00:03:37,969 Is this the political process? 67 00:03:38,052 --> 00:03:39,595 'Cause I'm here to get involved in it. 68 00:03:39,887 --> 00:03:40,972 SHence! 69 00:03:42,265 --> 00:03:46,561 Question one. Will you pledge today to somehow reduce taxes 70 00:03:46,644 --> 00:03:48,896 while simultaneously lowering the deficit? 71 00:03:49,230 --> 00:03:50,940 Hey, that's a good idea. Sure. 72 00:03:51,023 --> 00:03:52,984 If it'll win me the election, then yes. 73 00:03:53,317 --> 00:03:56,320 We have a saying up in Alaska. 74 00:03:56,404 --> 00:03:57,697 That's all. 75 00:03:58,865 --> 00:03:59,991 Senator Travers? 76 00:04:00,283 --> 00:04:03,453 Look, let's be honest here. No one likes taxes, 77 00:04:03,536 --> 00:04:07,665 but they pay for our basic needs. Roads, schools, defense. 78 00:04:07,915 --> 00:04:11,335 If we hope to realize our aspirations as a great planet, 79 00:04:11,419 --> 00:04:15,715 we must each pay our fair share to achieve those noble goals. 80 00:04:17,341 --> 00:04:18,968 (ALL BOOING) 81 00:04:23,181 --> 00:04:25,850 Thank you, Senator. A thoughtful and lucid answer. 82 00:04:25,933 --> 00:04:27,643 You will be destroyed! 83 00:04:27,727 --> 00:04:30,772 Question two. The environment. Yes or no? 84 00:04:31,022 --> 00:04:32,648 No. It's junk science. 85 00:04:32,732 --> 00:04:34,776 Two words. Condor attack. 86 00:04:34,859 --> 00:04:36,611 Don't want that. Got to say no. 87 00:04:36,694 --> 00:04:40,031 Now, just a minute. These are important issues. 88 00:04:40,114 --> 00:04:42,158 We can't just reduce them to sound bytes. 89 00:04:42,241 --> 00:04:43,701 (ALL BOOING) 90 00:04:44,410 --> 00:04:46,120 According to reputable scientists... 91 00:04:46,204 --> 00:04:47,288 (ALL BOOING) 92 00:04:48,456 --> 00:04:50,124 Enviromite! 93 00:04:50,208 --> 00:04:51,751 (ALL CHEERING) 94 00:04:58,090 --> 00:05:02,094 Hello? I'd like to volunteer. Is anyone lurking? 95 00:05:02,220 --> 00:05:03,387 (GRUNTING) 96 00:05:05,765 --> 00:05:07,308 Hey, stop that. 97 00:05:09,018 --> 00:05:10,228 Senator Travers? 98 00:05:10,561 --> 00:05:12,104 That's no way to win an election. 99 00:05:12,355 --> 00:05:15,483 (SIGHS) I give up. No one cares about my message. 100 00:05:15,566 --> 00:05:18,694 I never should have used the same PR guy as One Hour Hot Dog. 101 00:05:19,529 --> 00:05:23,491 People will wait for something good. 102 00:05:23,825 --> 00:05:25,159 No, don't quit. 103 00:05:25,409 --> 00:05:27,078 You have great ideas. 104 00:05:27,161 --> 00:05:29,497 You just need to get them out there with social media. 105 00:05:29,622 --> 00:05:30,623 (BEEP S) 106 00:05:30,790 --> 00:05:33,543 Look, I posted your debate video on Faoebag. 107 00:05:34,085 --> 00:05:35,837 10,000 views? 108 00:05:35,920 --> 00:05:38,381 That's more than most water-skiing squirrels get. 109 00:05:38,464 --> 00:05:40,216 You really think I have a chance? 110 00:05:40,383 --> 00:05:41,717 Absolutely. 111 00:05:41,801 --> 00:05:43,636 We just need to conceal your intelligence 112 00:05:43,719 --> 00:05:46,180 and honesty in a hipper, dumber package. 113 00:05:46,556 --> 00:05:48,349 Well, what have I got to lose? 114 00:05:48,432 --> 00:05:50,935 I'm making you my new campaign manager. 115 00:05:51,018 --> 00:05:52,019 You, out! 116 00:05:52,270 --> 00:05:56,107 You haven't heard the last of... 117 00:05:57,066 --> 00:05:58,985 (LINDA READING) 118 00:06:01,195 --> 00:06:03,030 As the Iowa caucus approaches, 119 00:06:03,114 --> 00:06:07,577 the state's hippest citizens turned out for an old-fashioned flash mob. 120 00:06:08,786 --> 00:06:11,581 MORBO: Chris Travers got a bump in the New Hampshire polls today, 121 00:06:11,664 --> 00:06:15,751 where he simuldined in 250 diners at once via hologram. 122 00:06:16,002 --> 00:06:18,713 This pie at this diner is the best pie. 123 00:06:18,796 --> 00:06:20,131 (ALL CHEERING) 124 00:06:21,757 --> 00:06:25,344 LINDA: Chris Travers wins the South California primary handily, 125 00:06:25,428 --> 00:06:28,639 thanks to a series of well-placed cameo appearances. 126 00:06:29,974 --> 00:06:31,642 MORBO: Super Tuesday is in the books, 127 00:06:31,726 --> 00:06:35,813 with Eurasia, Australia and Kentucky turning out in big numbers. 128 00:06:36,063 --> 00:06:37,315 With the race a dead heat, 129 00:06:37,398 --> 00:06:40,484 it's all come down to a final tally at the convention. 130 00:06:44,780 --> 00:06:46,282 (CROWD CHEERING) 131 00:06:47,074 --> 00:06:48,394 CALCULON: And the first runner-up, 132 00:06:48,659 --> 00:06:53,122 who will take over if the nominee is caught with a dead girl, a live boy 133 00:06:53,205 --> 00:06:55,416 or any kind of sexy ghost, 134 00:06:55,541 --> 00:06:57,084 Mr. Greenland! (GASPS) 135 00:06:57,168 --> 00:06:58,794 (CROWD APPLAUDING) 136 00:07:01,005 --> 00:07:03,341 Which means our nominee is the senator 137 00:07:03,424 --> 00:07:06,135 from the nation-state of Hawaii, 138 00:07:06,385 --> 00:07:07,887 Chris Travers! 139 00:07:07,970 --> 00:07:09,430 (CROWD CHEERING) 140 00:07:10,598 --> 00:07:11,933 He won the nomination! 141 00:07:12,099 --> 00:07:13,768 We, the people, did it! 142 00:07:13,851 --> 00:07:16,771 It wasn't "we, the people," it was you, the mutant. 143 00:07:16,854 --> 00:07:19,440 Your insightful nagging really won us over. 144 00:07:19,523 --> 00:07:21,567 Yeah. You explained his positions 145 00:07:21,651 --> 00:07:23,861 in a way even an idiot could understand. 146 00:07:23,945 --> 00:07:26,322 And that appealed to me, for whatever reason. 147 00:07:26,489 --> 00:07:28,991 Thanks, guys, but we have a lot of work ahead of us. 148 00:07:29,200 --> 00:07:30,618 If we're going to win the election, 149 00:07:30,701 --> 00:07:32,370 we've all got to get involved. 150 00:07:32,536 --> 00:07:34,288 You said it! That's right. 151 00:07:34,538 --> 00:07:36,040 If you want my opinion, 152 00:07:36,123 --> 00:07:38,292 Nixon's only chance to defeat Travers 153 00:07:38,376 --> 00:07:40,711 is with filthy lies, dirty tricks 154 00:07:40,795 --> 00:07:43,297 and good old Quaker thuggery. 155 00:07:43,381 --> 00:07:46,133 And I'm just the guy for the job. 156 00:07:46,425 --> 00:07:47,843 (LAUGHS) 157 00:07:48,928 --> 00:07:49,929 (BOTH LAUGHING) 158 00:07:52,390 --> 00:07:54,642 (BOTH HOWLING) 159 00:07:59,689 --> 00:08:02,525 I'm not sure if it's safe to talk. Are you wearing a wire? 160 00:08:02,692 --> 00:08:03,901 I'm 40% wire. 161 00:08:04,193 --> 00:08:05,569 Excellent. Now, listen. 162 00:08:05,653 --> 00:08:07,697 We got to get some dirt on this Travers guy. 163 00:08:07,780 --> 00:08:09,407 Really McGovern him up. 164 00:08:09,490 --> 00:08:10,770 You know who McGovern was, right? 165 00:08:11,033 --> 00:08:12,743 I don't even know who you are. 166 00:08:22,586 --> 00:08:23,796 Hello, dirt. 167 00:08:24,547 --> 00:08:27,425 I'll start at "N" for nude pictures. 168 00:08:28,259 --> 00:08:30,594 Aw, Nobel Prize? That's no good. 169 00:08:31,512 --> 00:08:33,431 How about "A" for adultery? 170 00:08:34,223 --> 00:08:36,517 What? Straight-A transcript? 171 00:08:37,101 --> 00:08:39,854 (DOOR OPENS) TRAVERS: Hey, what's that rifling sound? 172 00:08:39,937 --> 00:08:41,105 Uh-oh. (GULPS) 173 00:08:50,322 --> 00:08:51,615 (MOANS) 174 00:08:53,617 --> 00:08:54,618 (UNZIPPING) 175 00:08:59,957 --> 00:09:02,710 All right. I'm going to catch Travers on video 176 00:09:02,793 --> 00:09:04,795 at this sleazy strip club. 177 00:09:06,088 --> 00:09:08,799 BENDER: In and out of the club 13 times in one night. 178 00:09:09,133 --> 00:09:11,052 That's a record. Where's Travers? 179 00:09:11,135 --> 00:09:12,928 All I see is you going in and out. 180 00:09:13,012 --> 00:09:14,638 Yeah, me. I set the record. 181 00:09:14,930 --> 00:09:15,931 (SCOFFS) 182 00:09:16,015 --> 00:09:19,143 This is as useless as those pictures you photoshopped. 183 00:09:19,226 --> 00:09:21,854 Look, just give me one more ohanoe. I got a source. 184 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:25,816 Well, you did manage to get a tremendous urine sample. 185 00:09:26,150 --> 00:09:28,110 Let's not talk about that. 186 00:09:34,116 --> 00:09:35,201 (METAL CLAN KS) 187 00:09:35,284 --> 00:09:36,577 Is that you, Big Throat? 188 00:09:36,660 --> 00:09:38,287 In the flesh. (GIGGLES) 189 00:09:38,996 --> 00:09:41,624 Listen, I need some dirt on Senator Chris Travers. 190 00:09:41,832 --> 00:09:43,084 How quaint. 191 00:09:43,167 --> 00:09:48,214 Butlsuppose I should do my part for political intercourse. 192 00:09:48,297 --> 00:09:51,634 Come closer, and I'll expose what I know. 193 00:09:52,676 --> 00:09:53,677 There's nothing. 194 00:09:53,928 --> 00:09:56,764 He's as clean as a freshly waxed buttock. 195 00:09:57,014 --> 00:09:58,933 Hey! Did you put your tongue in my ear? 196 00:09:59,016 --> 00:10:01,352 Certainly not. I don't have a tongue. 197 00:10:01,602 --> 00:10:03,437 Oh, good. 'Cause I don't have an ear. 198 00:10:03,854 --> 00:10:04,897 (CHITTERING) 199 00:10:05,898 --> 00:10:07,608 Come on, come on, fall. 200 00:10:07,691 --> 00:10:09,443 Fall, damn it, fall! (DOOR OPENS) 201 00:10:10,111 --> 00:10:11,612 Well? What did you get on Travers? 202 00:10:11,821 --> 00:10:14,949 Is he a draft dodger? Sex offender? Sex dodger? 203 00:10:15,199 --> 00:10:16,534 Nada. He's clean. 204 00:10:16,867 --> 00:10:19,161 I'm sorry, but there's not one unusual thing 205 00:10:19,245 --> 00:10:21,539 about Senator Chris Zaxxar Travers. 206 00:10:21,872 --> 00:10:24,500 Wait, wait. His middle name is Zaxxar? 207 00:10:24,583 --> 00:10:26,043 Sounds kind of alien. 208 00:10:26,127 --> 00:10:27,294 The voters hate aliens. 209 00:10:27,545 --> 00:10:30,339 They sure do, but this guy's as human as you or me. 210 00:10:31,132 --> 00:10:34,677 I don't care what he is. We'll start a rumor that he's an alien. 211 00:10:34,885 --> 00:10:36,971 Hey, yeah. That'll cost him votes. 212 00:10:37,096 --> 00:10:39,140 Then, when he says he was born on this planet, 213 00:10:39,223 --> 00:10:41,392 we make him cough up his Earth certificate. 214 00:10:41,475 --> 00:10:43,602 Keep it on the news, put him on the defensive. 215 00:10:43,686 --> 00:10:49,066 Oh, this is sneaky. I feel a jowl movement coming on. 216 00:10:49,316 --> 00:10:50,943 (HOWLING) 217 00:10:52,153 --> 00:10:54,196 And that's how you end hunger. 218 00:10:54,572 --> 00:10:55,823 Does anyone have any questions? 219 00:10:55,906 --> 00:10:57,992 I do, I do! Me, Bender! 220 00:10:58,325 --> 00:11:00,744 Yes, the robot with the megaphone jumping up and down. 221 00:11:01,162 --> 00:11:06,167 I have a question for Senator C. Zaxxar Travers. 222 00:11:06,250 --> 00:11:07,293 (INDISTINCT CHATTER) 223 00:11:08,961 --> 00:11:11,005 Tell me, Zaxxar, 224 00:11:11,088 --> 00:11:13,340 were you even born on Earth? 225 00:11:13,424 --> 00:11:16,260 Becausethe Earth constitution clearly states 226 00:11:16,343 --> 00:11:19,388 that only people born on Earth can be president. 227 00:11:19,471 --> 00:11:21,849 Isn't that right, Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg? 228 00:11:21,932 --> 00:11:24,268 You Ruth Bader believe it! 229 00:11:24,518 --> 00:11:25,644 But I... 230 00:11:25,728 --> 00:11:27,521 Of course I was born on Earth. 231 00:11:27,771 --> 00:11:29,190 Oh, really? 232 00:11:29,273 --> 00:11:32,610 Then we voters demand you release your Earth certificate 233 00:11:32,693 --> 00:11:34,486 so I can then claim it's a fake. 234 00:11:34,820 --> 00:11:37,531 I'm not going to dignify this preposterous charge. 235 00:11:37,615 --> 00:11:39,283 Are there any realquesflons? 236 00:11:39,533 --> 00:11:41,535 Scoop Chang, Fox Quote-Unquote News. 237 00:11:41,785 --> 00:11:43,287 Senator, in the last 10 seconds, 238 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,664 I've heard reports you weren't actually born on Earth. 239 00:11:45,748 --> 00:11:47,374 Care to evade these compelling charges? 240 00:11:47,625 --> 00:11:49,293 No. I mean, yes. 241 00:11:49,376 --> 00:11:50,628 I mean... (GROANS) 242 00:11:54,256 --> 00:11:56,467 Okay, let's nip this Earther movement in the bud 243 00:11:56,550 --> 00:11:58,135 by releasing your Earth certificate. 244 00:11:58,219 --> 00:11:59,220 Where were you born? 245 00:11:59,303 --> 00:12:01,138 Our Lady of Patriotism Hospital. 246 00:12:01,347 --> 00:12:03,307 Patriotism, good. Where is it? 247 00:12:03,641 --> 00:12:05,559 Kenya. Cradle of humanity. 248 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:09,355 Leela, this is just a stupid distraction from the issues. 249 00:12:09,480 --> 00:12:12,358 Please don't look for my Earth certificate. 250 00:12:12,650 --> 00:12:14,860 Hey! That was my favorite window. 251 00:12:14,944 --> 00:12:16,528 I better see what they want. 252 00:12:16,737 --> 00:12:18,572 (CHANTING) We want an Earthling, 253 00:12:18,656 --> 00:12:20,783 not a dirty space thing! 254 00:12:20,866 --> 00:12:22,493 Why are you rednecks doing this? 255 00:12:22,743 --> 00:12:24,245 Leela, don't stereotype. 256 00:12:24,662 --> 00:12:26,455 Why are you yokels doing this? 257 00:12:26,664 --> 00:12:29,458 I may be just a backwoods septic tank, 258 00:12:29,541 --> 00:12:32,419 but I've had it up to here with you foreigners. 259 00:12:32,628 --> 00:12:34,296 But I come from Earth. 260 00:12:34,505 --> 00:12:37,132 Then show us your Earth whatchacallit. 261 00:12:37,341 --> 00:12:40,719 Long-form certificate of live birth. (snczns) 262 00:12:40,803 --> 00:12:42,763 What would it take to convince you people? 263 00:12:42,846 --> 00:12:44,974 Would I have to have been born right before your eyes? 264 00:12:45,182 --> 00:12:46,433 It wouldn't hurts. 265 00:12:46,517 --> 00:12:47,768 Hit it, rubes! 266 00:12:47,893 --> 00:12:49,853 (CHANTING) We don't want a foreigner! 267 00:12:49,979 --> 00:12:51,814 We want someone born here! 268 00:12:52,523 --> 00:12:54,233 Eh, I'm still working on that one. 269 00:12:54,483 --> 00:12:55,943 (GROANS) 270 00:12:56,026 --> 00:12:57,319 What's wrong with you? 271 00:12:57,403 --> 00:13:00,239 Why are you sabotaging a decent, honest candidate? 272 00:13:00,364 --> 00:13:03,492 'Cause they won't let me near the Hoover Dam anymore. Ooh! 273 00:13:03,575 --> 00:13:05,661 What a bunch of xenophobes. 274 00:13:05,828 --> 00:13:08,163 It's time to find Senator Travers' Earth certificate 275 00:13:08,247 --> 00:13:09,832 and put an end to this nonsense. 276 00:13:10,207 --> 00:13:12,459 Who wants to help me break into the hospital in Kenya? 277 00:13:12,835 --> 00:13:15,963 I'll come. As long as there's no xenophobes there. 278 00:13:16,046 --> 00:13:17,047 (SHUDDERS) 279 00:13:17,256 --> 00:13:19,717 I want to come, too. You? Why? 280 00:13:19,967 --> 00:13:23,262 To prove that I can put divisive partisan politics aside 281 00:13:23,345 --> 00:13:25,264 to participate in a break-in. 282 00:13:37,359 --> 00:13:38,861 Hospflalhol 283 00:13:41,989 --> 00:13:43,574 (GRUNTING) 284 00:13:47,369 --> 00:13:48,746 (GRUNTING) 285 00:13:56,837 --> 00:13:58,339 (HOOF BEATS APPROACHING) Shh! 286 00:13:58,422 --> 00:14:00,424 It's a herd of night watchmen. 287 00:14:08,932 --> 00:14:09,975 (GASPS) I found it! 288 00:14:12,353 --> 00:14:15,272 I don't understand. There's no Earth certificate in here. 289 00:14:15,397 --> 00:14:16,523 TRAVERS: No, there isn't. 290 00:14:18,442 --> 00:14:19,568 (ALL GASP) 291 00:14:19,651 --> 00:14:21,695 I told you not to look. 292 00:14:22,029 --> 00:14:23,947 So, you're not from Earth after all. 293 00:14:24,198 --> 00:14:25,574 Of course I'm from Earth. 294 00:14:25,908 --> 00:14:28,285 Wait a second. There's no Earth certificate, 295 00:14:28,410 --> 00:14:30,162 but it does say your mother was admitted 296 00:14:30,287 --> 00:14:32,539 to the maternity ward. This morning! 297 00:14:32,831 --> 00:14:35,042 (GASPS) (SIGHS) 298 00:14:35,125 --> 00:14:37,628 I should have known the truth would come out sooner or later. 299 00:14:38,087 --> 00:14:41,423 The fact is, I really was born on Earth 300 00:14:41,507 --> 00:14:42,591 tomorrow. 301 00:14:42,674 --> 00:14:45,344 You see, I'm not from another planet. 302 00:14:45,427 --> 00:14:47,179 I'm from the future. 303 00:14:48,389 --> 00:14:49,640 (GASPING) 304 00:14:51,767 --> 00:14:53,143 (GAGGING) 305 00:15:06,198 --> 00:15:08,700 This is crazy. You're from the future? 306 00:15:08,784 --> 00:15:11,495 Yes. I was sent back from the year 3028 307 00:15:11,578 --> 00:15:13,163 to prevent Nixon from getting elected. 308 00:15:13,372 --> 00:15:15,707 I was sent forward from the year 2000, 309 00:15:15,791 --> 00:15:18,085 but you don't hear me gassing on about it. 310 00:15:18,168 --> 00:15:20,879 But why would it be so important to stop Nixon? 311 00:15:21,130 --> 00:15:24,007 Because of the horrific events he's going to set in motion. 312 00:15:24,091 --> 00:15:25,467 (SOBS) on, God. 313 00:15:25,551 --> 00:15:27,511 I can't bring myself to describe it. 314 00:15:27,845 --> 00:15:29,685 Oh, well. VVant to hear about how I got frozen? 315 00:15:30,722 --> 00:15:31,890 Not really. 316 00:15:33,058 --> 00:15:34,810 It all started with Nixon's promise 317 00:15:34,893 --> 00:15:37,688 to build an alien-proof fence around the solar system. 318 00:15:37,938 --> 00:15:41,400 Without cheap alien labor for menial jobs like harvesting crops, 319 00:15:41,775 --> 00:15:42,776 teaching math, 320 00:15:42,860 --> 00:15:45,779 and curing disease, the economy collapsed. 321 00:15:46,864 --> 00:15:49,867 Starvation. Desperation. Despair. 322 00:15:50,075 --> 00:15:51,994 So far, so good. Then what? 323 00:15:52,202 --> 00:15:54,788 TRAVERS: Unable to feed the world's starving masses, 324 00:15:54,872 --> 00:15:56,582 Nixon took bold action. 325 00:15:56,832 --> 00:16:00,586 In this time of crisis, I call upon the soylent... 326 00:16:00,669 --> 00:16:02,629 I mean, silent majority. 327 00:16:02,713 --> 00:16:04,173 (ALL CHEERING) 328 00:16:05,382 --> 00:16:06,467 (ALL SCREAMING) 329 00:16:11,638 --> 00:16:12,639 Still good. 330 00:16:12,723 --> 00:16:14,433 TRAVERS: With the working class gone, 331 00:16:14,516 --> 00:16:17,561 robots were forced to do all the menial labor. 332 00:16:20,397 --> 00:16:23,317 Before long, they rose up in revolt... 333 00:16:29,907 --> 00:16:33,577 Led by a bending unit named B.B. Rodriguez. 334 00:16:33,660 --> 00:16:35,078 (CACKLING) 335 00:16:36,914 --> 00:16:40,417 BENDER: Wait... I know a robot named B.B. Rodriguez! 336 00:16:40,709 --> 00:16:44,171 Wait... I am a robot named B.B. Rodriguez. 337 00:16:44,254 --> 00:16:45,923 So, I become ruler of Earth? 338 00:16:46,173 --> 00:16:47,174 Indeed. 339 00:16:47,257 --> 00:16:50,093 Yes! In your face, high school guidance counselor. 340 00:16:50,511 --> 00:16:54,014 TRAVERS: The robots crushed our most treasured monuments and celebrities, 341 00:16:54,097 --> 00:16:56,808 but they couldn't crush the human spirit. 342 00:16:56,892 --> 00:16:58,060 We went into hiding, 343 00:16:58,143 --> 00:17:01,522 and after careful research, located a xeroxed copy 344 00:17:01,605 --> 00:17:04,274 of an ancient time travel code. 345 00:17:04,608 --> 00:17:05,943 Though I was only 15, 346 00:17:06,026 --> 00:17:09,530 mankind entrusted me with its last remaining suit and tie 347 00:17:09,613 --> 00:17:11,365 and sent me back in time. 348 00:17:11,448 --> 00:17:13,200 I would be raised by my grandparents, 349 00:17:13,283 --> 00:17:15,077 somehow get into Harvard Law School, 350 00:17:15,160 --> 00:17:17,287 become a community organizer, a senator, 351 00:17:17,579 --> 00:17:18,664 and finally, 352 00:17:18,747 --> 00:17:20,582 defeat Richard Nixon. 353 00:17:23,252 --> 00:17:25,754 I escaped just as the robots arrived. 354 00:17:27,381 --> 00:17:30,175 All right, I'm low on bullets. Everybody, scooch together. 355 00:17:30,592 --> 00:17:33,011 It's not too late. You can still win the election. 356 00:17:33,262 --> 00:17:35,472 No, I can't. The Earthers are right. 357 00:17:35,556 --> 00:17:37,182 I have no Earth certificate. 358 00:17:37,432 --> 00:17:39,935 But you will have one in just a few hours. 359 00:17:40,018 --> 00:17:41,770 And everyone will know it's real, 360 00:17:41,937 --> 00:17:44,982 'cause we'll broadcast your birth on live TV. 361 00:17:46,441 --> 00:17:48,819 If it's on TV, it has to be real. 362 00:17:50,737 --> 00:17:53,574 Morbo interrupts Bowling For Quatloos 363 00:17:53,782 --> 00:17:57,828 to present breaking coverage of the birth of Senator Chris Travers. 364 00:17:57,953 --> 00:18:00,247 We now go live to the delivery room, 365 00:18:00,497 --> 00:18:02,165 where we're already at there. 366 00:18:02,249 --> 00:18:03,792 (MOANS) 367 00:18:05,294 --> 00:18:06,461 Ow! 368 00:18:06,545 --> 00:18:08,547 Back, please. She needs room. 369 00:18:08,714 --> 00:18:10,299 Thanks. Not you. 370 00:18:10,382 --> 00:18:11,967 The camerawoman needs room. 371 00:18:12,134 --> 00:18:13,969 This is it, ladies and gentlemen. 372 00:18:14,052 --> 00:18:15,304 The candidate is... 373 00:18:15,387 --> 00:18:17,222 I believe he's crowning! 374 00:18:17,431 --> 00:18:19,600 Push, Mom, push. You can do it. 375 00:18:19,975 --> 00:18:22,978 I bet nothing comes out. Just you watch. 376 00:18:23,061 --> 00:18:24,771 Here comes the head. 377 00:18:24,855 --> 00:18:26,356 And now the neck. 378 00:18:26,690 --> 00:18:28,859 Linda, I'm down here at the pelvis, 379 00:18:28,942 --> 00:18:32,070 and folks round these parts can't remember the last time 380 00:18:32,154 --> 00:18:36,074 a time-traveling senator attended his own birth. Back to you. 381 00:18:36,366 --> 00:18:39,036 Thanks, Morbo. You be careful down there. 382 00:18:39,119 --> 00:18:40,495 (BABY CRYING) 383 00:18:40,579 --> 00:18:42,873 LINDA: And the candidate is born! 384 00:18:43,248 --> 00:18:46,835 We have a birth. Repeat, we have a birth. 385 00:18:46,960 --> 00:18:48,086 (ALL GASPING) 386 00:18:49,588 --> 00:18:50,631 Aw... 387 00:18:50,714 --> 00:18:52,215 He's got his own eyes. 388 00:18:52,591 --> 00:18:54,468 Well, who'd have thunk it? 389 00:18:54,551 --> 00:18:58,096 He was born all right, just like he said. 390 00:19:06,980 --> 00:19:10,776 And with the polls now closed in every time zone worldwide, 391 00:19:10,942 --> 00:19:13,820 from Tomorrowland to the Republic of Yesterday, 392 00:19:13,904 --> 00:19:15,572 we are able to declare a winner. 393 00:19:15,864 --> 00:19:18,533 Chris Travers, who leapt backwards in time 394 00:19:18,617 --> 00:19:21,870 and ahead in the polls, has defeated Richard Nixon. 395 00:19:21,953 --> 00:19:23,246 (ALL CHEERING) 396 00:19:24,373 --> 00:19:25,957 LEELAI He did it! He did it! 397 00:19:27,042 --> 00:19:29,795 Yes! Congratulations, Mr. President. 398 00:19:29,878 --> 00:19:31,505 It's all thanks to you, Leela. 399 00:19:31,588 --> 00:19:34,883 You stood by me and exposed my private medioal reoords, 400 00:19:34,966 --> 00:19:36,677 even after I begged you not to. 401 00:19:36,927 --> 00:19:38,178 Aw, thanks. 402 00:19:38,261 --> 00:19:41,515 Now, get up to that podium and change the world. 403 00:19:41,598 --> 00:19:43,934 Too bad your pal Nixon lost, Bender. 404 00:19:44,059 --> 00:19:45,644 You must be pretty glorked off. 405 00:19:45,769 --> 00:19:48,480 Nope. I don't give a bag of butts who won the election. 406 00:19:48,563 --> 00:19:49,690 Nothing's going to change. 407 00:19:49,981 --> 00:19:51,858 What? How can you say that? 408 00:19:52,109 --> 00:19:53,944 Watch and learn. 409 00:19:56,446 --> 00:19:57,864 My fellow Earthicans, 410 00:19:57,948 --> 00:20:01,118 lam honored and humbled to stand before you tonight 411 00:20:01,201 --> 00:20:03,120 as your next president. 412 00:20:03,370 --> 00:20:04,788 Together, we will... 413 00:20:04,871 --> 00:20:06,373 Hey, what's going on? 414 00:20:06,456 --> 00:20:08,083 What's happening? 415 00:20:09,793 --> 00:20:11,878 You see, since Nixon wasn't elected, 416 00:20:11,962 --> 00:20:13,880 the robot uprising didn't happen 417 00:20:13,964 --> 00:20:16,550 and Travers never got sent back from the future. 418 00:20:16,842 --> 00:20:18,677 It's Politics 101. 419 00:20:18,885 --> 00:20:20,470 (SCREAMING) 420 00:20:24,224 --> 00:20:25,475 And the votes are in. 421 00:20:25,684 --> 00:20:27,602 Richard Nixon, running unopposed, 422 00:20:27,686 --> 00:20:30,480 has been reelected by a narrow landslide. 423 00:20:30,647 --> 00:20:31,647 Say what? 424 00:20:31,690 --> 00:20:33,525 My fellow Earthicans, 425 00:20:33,608 --> 00:20:36,737 I am honored and humbled to gloat before you tonight 426 00:20:36,820 --> 00:20:39,197 as your next president. 427 00:20:39,573 --> 00:20:42,826 Wow, it really doesn't matter who you vote for. 428 00:20:42,909 --> 00:20:46,371 At least we tried to make a difference by supporting Senator... 429 00:20:46,455 --> 00:20:48,123 Senator... 430 00:20:48,206 --> 00:20:49,541 What was his name again? 431 00:20:49,624 --> 00:20:50,876 I don't remember. 432 00:20:50,959 --> 00:20:52,794 We never even left this building. 433 00:20:52,878 --> 00:20:53,879 What? 434 00:20:53,962 --> 00:20:57,424 Nixon always wins! 435 00:20:57,507 --> 00:20:59,092 (HOWLING)