1 00:00:22,022 --> 00:00:23,772 Item one... Duck! 2 00:00:24,358 --> 00:00:25,568 (YELLS) 3 00:00:26,402 --> 00:00:28,152 Cubert, you crapscallion! 4 00:00:28,278 --> 00:00:29,698 Why aren't you in school? 5 00:00:29,780 --> 00:00:31,610 I couldn't get past the protestors. 6 00:00:31,699 --> 00:00:33,279 A bunch of smiling, angry people 7 00:00:33,367 --> 00:00:35,867 were handing out these anti-evolution flyers. 8 00:00:36,120 --> 00:00:37,120 (GASPS) 9 00:00:37,204 --> 00:00:39,914 Evolution is under attack in our schools? 10 00:00:39,998 --> 00:00:41,788 To the Science Mobile! 11 00:00:41,875 --> 00:00:45,375 You mean the ship? Yes. The Science Mobile! 12 00:00:45,504 --> 00:00:49,134 It's just that you've never called it that before, but okay. 13 00:00:58,642 --> 00:01:00,352 I don't understand evolution, 14 00:01:00,436 --> 00:01:03,146 and I have to protect my kids from understanding it! 15 00:01:03,397 --> 00:01:05,897 We will not give in to the thinkers! 16 00:01:06,275 --> 00:01:07,275 (ALL CHEERING) 17 00:01:09,653 --> 00:01:12,663 You people are as loud as you are ignorant. 18 00:01:12,740 --> 00:01:15,490 Now, get back on your turnip trucks and go home! 19 00:01:15,701 --> 00:01:16,951 (BOOING) 20 00:01:17,828 --> 00:01:21,328 That is an insultingly accurate stereotype, sir! 21 00:01:21,415 --> 00:01:22,915 As a professor of science, 22 00:01:23,000 --> 00:01:27,300 I assure you that we did, in fact, evolve from filthy monkey-men! 23 00:01:27,379 --> 00:01:29,009 I cannot speak for you, sir, 24 00:01:29,214 --> 00:01:31,474 but my ancestors were not monkeys. 25 00:01:31,550 --> 00:01:32,930 They were orangutans. 26 00:01:33,010 --> 00:01:35,550 Hard-working, patriotic orangutans. 27 00:01:35,721 --> 00:01:37,261 Dr. Banjo? 28 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:38,387 In the fur. 29 00:01:38,474 --> 00:01:41,104 And I remind you that evolution is merely a theory, 30 00:01:41,185 --> 00:01:43,015 like gravity, or the shape of the Earth. 31 00:01:45,647 --> 00:01:48,567 Hey, Professor, I'm a flying spaghetti monster. 32 00:01:48,650 --> 00:01:53,110 You seriously believe I'm descended from some kind of flightless manicotti? 33 00:01:53,280 --> 00:01:55,030 Yes! Oh, please. 34 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:56,815 A far more logical explanation is 35 00:01:56,909 --> 00:01:59,659 the undisprovable science of Creatureism. 36 00:01:59,912 --> 00:02:03,622 All life was created in its present form 7,000 years ago 37 00:02:03,707 --> 00:02:06,497 by a fantastical creature from outer space! 38 00:02:06,585 --> 00:02:07,875 Bunk! Oh! 39 00:02:09,505 --> 00:02:12,625 If your elitist East Coast evolution is real, 40 00:02:12,716 --> 00:02:14,336 why has no one found the missing link 41 00:02:14,426 --> 00:02:16,676 between modern humans and ancient apes? 42 00:02:16,762 --> 00:02:17,892 We did find it. 43 00:02:18,263 --> 00:02:19,973 It's called Homo erectus. 44 00:02:20,224 --> 00:02:22,064 Then you have proven my case, sir, 45 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:25,812 for no one has found the link between apes and this Homo erectus. 46 00:02:25,896 --> 00:02:28,856 Yes, they have! It's called Homo habilis. 47 00:02:28,941 --> 00:02:29,941 Ah-ha! 48 00:02:30,067 --> 00:02:31,897 But no one has found the missing link 49 00:02:31,985 --> 00:02:34,855 between ape and this so-called Homo habilis. 50 00:02:34,947 --> 00:02:36,027 Yes, they have! 51 00:02:36,114 --> 00:02:38,834 It's called Australopithecus africanus! 52 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:40,699 Oh-ho! I've got you now. 53 00:02:42,246 --> 00:02:45,206 Fair enough, but where, then, is the missing link 54 00:02:45,290 --> 00:02:48,170 between apes and this Darwinius masillae? 55 00:02:48,252 --> 00:02:50,002 Answer me that, Professor! 56 00:02:50,087 --> 00:02:51,337 (EXCLAIMS) 57 00:02:51,421 --> 00:02:55,091 Okay, granted, that one missing link is still missing, 58 00:02:55,300 --> 00:02:58,510 but just because we haven't found it doesn't mean it doesn't exist! 59 00:02:58,595 --> 00:02:59,595 (EXCLAIMS) 60 00:02:59,680 --> 00:03:02,850 Things don't exist simply because you believe in them. 61 00:03:02,933 --> 00:03:06,023 Thus sayeth the Almighty Creature in the Sky! 62 00:03:13,861 --> 00:03:16,701 FARNSWORTH: I'll show that banana-swilling poop-slinger! 63 00:03:16,780 --> 00:03:19,660 We just need to find that last missing link. 64 00:03:19,908 --> 00:03:23,828 I found a missing link. It seems to be half man, half toucan. 65 00:03:23,912 --> 00:03:26,832 Not what we're looking for. Throw it in the soup. 66 00:03:29,835 --> 00:03:31,125 And here's something. 67 00:03:31,211 --> 00:03:33,631 Uh-oh. It's another one of Fry's dogs. 68 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:36,125 You find something, Hermes? Ah, no. 69 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:40,761 (GROANS) 70 00:03:40,846 --> 00:03:43,466 I hate chiseling right after a manicure. 71 00:03:44,308 --> 00:03:46,978 Oh! Darn it! I broke off one of my fingers! 72 00:03:47,185 --> 00:03:49,645 Look, Cubert. The neck on this one. 73 00:03:49,813 --> 00:03:52,483 I bet he spent a fortune on ties! 74 00:03:54,151 --> 00:03:55,361 What, too soon? 75 00:03:55,986 --> 00:04:00,066 (SNORTS) I highly doubt a Jurassic elaphrosaurid had access to neckwear. 76 00:04:01,325 --> 00:04:04,825 I knew I should have gone with the ring-around-the-collar joke. 77 00:04:05,329 --> 00:04:07,659 Hey, look! I found a robot fossil! 78 00:04:07,831 --> 00:04:10,751 That's a bedspring, you dumb bedspring! 79 00:04:10,834 --> 00:04:12,634 There are no robot fossils. 80 00:04:12,794 --> 00:04:15,094 What? Who says I didn't evolve? 81 00:04:15,172 --> 00:04:16,302 Everybody! 82 00:04:16,381 --> 00:04:20,641 Robots were created quite recently. It was in all the papers. 83 00:04:20,719 --> 00:04:22,759 Then explain this! 84 00:04:22,846 --> 00:04:24,176 (CLINKING) 85 00:04:28,852 --> 00:04:30,102 (DIGGING) 86 00:04:30,520 --> 00:04:33,360 FARNSWORTH: I've hit a rich vein of missing links. 87 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:37,533 Java man, Piltdown man, Manfred Mann. 88 00:04:37,986 --> 00:04:39,736 (GASPS) Eureka! 89 00:04:40,113 --> 00:04:42,823 It's the elusive missing missing link. 90 00:04:42,908 --> 00:04:45,618 This will show Banjo, once and for all. 91 00:04:45,869 --> 00:04:47,369 ALL: Yeah! 92 00:04:48,538 --> 00:04:50,368 What the... AMY: Oh, That's mine. 93 00:04:58,048 --> 00:04:59,378 Hmm. My tux doesn't fit. 94 00:04:59,466 --> 00:05:02,386 Probably because I've grown so much since I last wore it. 95 00:05:02,469 --> 00:05:04,719 Or evolved, one might say. 96 00:05:04,805 --> 00:05:06,345 One might not say that. 97 00:05:06,431 --> 00:05:09,311 Your tux doesn't fit because you stole it from a boy. 98 00:05:09,518 --> 00:05:10,978 You mean a man. 99 00:05:11,061 --> 00:05:12,401 It was his Bar Mitzvah. 100 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:14,896 Welcome, museum members. 101 00:05:14,982 --> 00:05:18,192 Or, as I like to call you, future exhibits. 102 00:05:18,276 --> 00:05:19,436 (CHUCKLING WEAKLY) 103 00:05:20,404 --> 00:05:21,494 He's good. 104 00:05:21,571 --> 00:05:24,241 Tonight we have a new resident here in the Hall of Hominids, 105 00:05:24,324 --> 00:05:27,874 generously donated by its discoverer, Hubert Farnsworth. 106 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:30,291 Ladies and gentlemen, Homo Farnsworth. 107 00:05:34,084 --> 00:05:37,004 Once again, science saves the day. 108 00:05:37,087 --> 00:05:38,337 The end. 109 00:05:38,922 --> 00:05:42,172 And now, to discuss the scientific implications of this discovery, 110 00:05:42,259 --> 00:05:45,759 our new museum curator, Dr. Banjo! 111 00:05:49,307 --> 00:05:52,597 Thank you, Professor Farnsworth, for your generous gift, 112 00:05:52,686 --> 00:05:55,266 which has, once and for all, disproven evolution. 113 00:05:57,065 --> 00:05:58,815 Behold! Homo Farnsworth, 114 00:05:58,942 --> 00:06:01,942 frolicking with dinosaurs at the moment of creation. 115 00:06:03,739 --> 00:06:06,619 I don't want to live on this planet anymore. 116 00:06:13,915 --> 00:06:15,165 FARNSWORTH: Faster! Faster! 117 00:06:15,250 --> 00:06:17,710 Just drop me off at that asteroid over there. 118 00:06:20,672 --> 00:06:23,552 Wow, this planetoid is completely lifeless. 119 00:06:23,633 --> 00:06:25,553 Not lifeless enough! 120 00:06:25,677 --> 00:06:27,967 Set up my shack so I can kick you out of it! 121 00:06:29,306 --> 00:06:30,306 (YELLS) 122 00:06:31,099 --> 00:06:33,309 Professor, is this your only water source? 123 00:06:33,435 --> 00:06:35,015 It looks like Diet Dr. Pepper. 124 00:06:35,145 --> 00:06:38,935 It's not that bad. It's just laden with toxic minerals. 125 00:06:39,024 --> 00:06:40,484 But not for long. 126 00:06:41,276 --> 00:06:44,446 What's in the tube? Microscopic Nanobots. 127 00:06:46,740 --> 00:06:50,530 They're tiny robots I designed to eat up nasty irritants. 128 00:06:51,328 --> 00:06:54,248 Speaking of nasty irritants, what's gonna become of Cubert? 129 00:06:54,372 --> 00:06:56,372 Who? Oh, my son. 130 00:06:56,833 --> 00:07:00,543 Don't worry. He's been safely abandoned with his godfather. 131 00:07:01,296 --> 00:07:05,006 Cubert, I felt we needed some father-son bonding time, 132 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:09,262 so I found a couple of baseball gloves and boiled them up for lunch. 133 00:07:09,346 --> 00:07:11,426 Why don't you just go to hell! 134 00:07:11,515 --> 00:07:14,885 Wait! We still have to discuss the facts of life. 135 00:07:15,018 --> 00:07:16,438 What are they? 136 00:07:17,729 --> 00:07:18,729 (SIGHS) 137 00:07:18,814 --> 00:07:21,734 Okay, I finished moving the last grand piano. 138 00:07:21,817 --> 00:07:23,067 Now can we have our pizza? 139 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:25,861 You'll get your damn pizza, you parasite! 140 00:07:25,946 --> 00:07:29,486 First, let's see if my Nanobots have purified the water yet. 141 00:07:32,744 --> 00:07:33,794 (EXCLAIMS) 142 00:07:33,870 --> 00:07:37,710 The water's as sterile as my milkman-trusting father. 143 00:07:38,041 --> 00:07:39,131 But what's this? 144 00:07:39,209 --> 00:07:41,789 The Nanobots have gotten more complex. 145 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:43,128 What's that you say? 146 00:07:43,213 --> 00:07:46,513 Those robots evolved all by themselves, you say? 147 00:07:46,591 --> 00:07:49,591 It wasn't by themselves. I put them there. 148 00:07:49,678 --> 00:07:51,718 I'm a genius. Get over it! 149 00:07:51,972 --> 00:07:53,642 Hey, look. Now they got bigger. 150 00:07:54,349 --> 00:07:56,559 FARNSWORTH: Good heavens! Trilobots! 151 00:08:04,067 --> 00:08:07,357 Oh, no! My sunglasses were in there! 152 00:08:14,744 --> 00:08:16,124 (SCREAMING) 153 00:08:16,913 --> 00:08:18,003 Get off! 154 00:08:18,081 --> 00:08:20,251 Let's get the pizza out of here! 155 00:08:25,672 --> 00:08:26,922 (PANTING) 156 00:08:27,215 --> 00:08:30,215 Look, there's a cave-like hole in that mountain. 157 00:08:30,302 --> 00:08:31,592 It might be a cave. 158 00:08:31,928 --> 00:08:33,218 (PANTING) 159 00:08:40,437 --> 00:08:41,687 LEELA: Does anyone have a lighter? 160 00:08:41,771 --> 00:08:43,361 BENDER: Hang on. (OPENING BOTTLE) 161 00:08:43,648 --> 00:08:44,818 (GULPING) 162 00:08:44,900 --> 00:08:45,900 (BURPING) 163 00:08:48,528 --> 00:08:49,948 Okay, we have shelter 164 00:08:50,030 --> 00:08:52,870 and just enough precious food to ward off starvation. 165 00:08:52,949 --> 00:08:54,529 It's pizza time! 166 00:08:56,953 --> 00:08:58,253 Pineapple? 167 00:08:58,663 --> 00:09:00,623 Oh, man! So much for that. 168 00:09:03,168 --> 00:09:06,208 Hello. I remembered you liked superheroes, 169 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:08,456 so I painted you a mural on your wall. 170 00:09:08,882 --> 00:09:10,422 This is Father-Man. 171 00:09:10,508 --> 00:09:13,218 He fights crime to earn Son-Boy's respect. 172 00:09:13,553 --> 00:09:15,553 Is it working? This is sucky! 173 00:09:15,889 --> 00:09:18,929 You suck! Who taught you to do three-point perspective? 174 00:09:19,017 --> 00:09:21,847 I could make a better mural with my butt! 175 00:09:23,188 --> 00:09:25,898 Father-Man away. 176 00:09:29,903 --> 00:09:31,153 (SNORING) 177 00:09:31,780 --> 00:09:32,780 (YAWNS) 178 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:35,659 Nothing like a cave for a good night's sleep. 179 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:38,445 So, what do we got to eat that's not poisoned with pineapple? 180 00:09:38,536 --> 00:09:43,076 I packed plenty of food, but it's all in dehydrated pill form. 181 00:09:43,166 --> 00:09:45,126 Then we need water from that pond. 182 00:09:45,210 --> 00:09:47,460 We'll have to fight our way past the Trilobots. 183 00:09:49,464 --> 00:09:51,764 Go! Go! Hit anything that moves! 184 00:09:52,509 --> 00:09:54,839 (ALL EXCLAIMING IN PAIN) 185 00:09:57,055 --> 00:09:58,095 (ALL EXCLAIM) 186 00:09:58,181 --> 00:09:59,971 Whoa. Wow. 187 00:10:00,058 --> 00:10:02,478 AMY: A whole forest grew overnight. 188 00:10:02,686 --> 00:10:03,686 (METALLIC CLANGING) 189 00:10:03,770 --> 00:10:05,690 All these trees are robotic. 190 00:10:05,772 --> 00:10:08,232 I can't believe how quickly they sprung up. 191 00:10:08,316 --> 00:10:12,276 I can. Robots do everything faster, including evolving 192 00:10:12,362 --> 00:10:14,572 and believing how quickly things spring up. 193 00:10:19,869 --> 00:10:24,749 One thing about Bristol-Myers Squibb, they know how to cook a steak. 194 00:10:25,041 --> 00:10:27,461 Hey, look at me. I'm the Ty-D-Bol Man. 195 00:10:27,544 --> 00:10:29,714 I own a yacht, and everybody poops on me! 196 00:10:32,299 --> 00:10:33,629 (SCREAMING) 197 00:10:34,342 --> 00:10:35,722 Help! Police! 198 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:37,385 Everybody grab a club. 199 00:10:42,851 --> 00:10:44,231 (SCREAMING) 200 00:10:46,396 --> 00:10:49,016 Oh, big, tough water guy, why don't you come up here on land and... 201 00:10:49,566 --> 00:10:50,936 (SCREAMING) 202 00:10:53,403 --> 00:10:55,243 Look out for the next thing! 203 00:10:57,741 --> 00:10:58,741 (SCREAMING) 204 00:11:02,120 --> 00:11:04,750 Great Scott, a Tricycle-tops. 205 00:11:05,290 --> 00:11:06,290 (BOTH ROARING) 206 00:11:09,669 --> 00:11:10,669 (CHEERING) 207 00:11:10,754 --> 00:11:13,174 Throw down, dinosaurs of the land and sea. 208 00:11:13,256 --> 00:11:14,256 (CAWING) 209 00:11:14,341 --> 00:11:15,341 (SCREAMING) 210 00:11:16,009 --> 00:11:19,639 This is a cool way to die! 211 00:11:21,598 --> 00:11:23,018 Dr. Zoidberg? 212 00:11:23,099 --> 00:11:25,809 I'm sorry for treating you like a total Zoidberg... 213 00:11:25,894 --> 00:11:26,944 I mean, loser. 214 00:11:28,521 --> 00:11:29,521 Go on. 215 00:11:29,606 --> 00:11:31,936 It's just that I get bullied a lot. 216 00:11:32,233 --> 00:11:35,493 I guess I kind of make fun of people as a defense mechanism. 217 00:11:35,779 --> 00:11:38,779 Hey, Cubert, is that your family mansion? 218 00:11:38,907 --> 00:11:40,027 (LAUGHS MOCKINGLY) 219 00:11:40,283 --> 00:11:43,333 Why don't you ask your mom? She's coming over for a sex visit. 220 00:11:43,620 --> 00:11:44,870 (GROWLING) 221 00:11:48,291 --> 00:11:49,671 (WHIMPERING) 222 00:11:49,959 --> 00:11:52,209 Don't worry, I know how to handle bullies. 223 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:54,045 Just pretend like you're pathetic. 224 00:11:54,547 --> 00:11:56,587 Help, I'm scared! I wet myself. 225 00:11:56,674 --> 00:11:59,224 I'm crying like a baby and I'm soaking in pee, 226 00:11:59,302 --> 00:12:00,642 but what else is new? 227 00:12:00,720 --> 00:12:02,010 (CRYING) 228 00:12:02,931 --> 00:12:04,101 (LAUGHS MOCKINGLY) 229 00:12:04,307 --> 00:12:06,427 The pee-babies peed themselves. 230 00:12:06,518 --> 00:12:08,638 I'm off to pottery class, dorkwads. 231 00:12:10,730 --> 00:12:12,020 And that's that. 232 00:12:12,107 --> 00:12:15,937 Whoa! You're like some kind of dumpster Jedi. 233 00:12:16,319 --> 00:12:19,149 So, you want to come in maybe? 234 00:12:19,489 --> 00:12:22,659 I've got a nice pound cake with a footprint on it. 235 00:12:27,414 --> 00:12:28,504 Don't eat my butt! 236 00:12:31,084 --> 00:12:34,044 If this is anything like killing that pigeon on my balcony, 237 00:12:34,129 --> 00:12:35,919 we've got our work cut out for us. 238 00:12:36,172 --> 00:12:37,842 (TIRES SQUEALING) 239 00:12:39,092 --> 00:12:40,472 (SCREAMING) 240 00:12:47,100 --> 00:12:49,600 Look out, a solar flare! 241 00:13:01,448 --> 00:13:02,908 What the shmell happened? 242 00:13:02,991 --> 00:13:04,491 A mass extinction. 243 00:13:05,076 --> 00:13:08,576 That solar flare created a huge electromagnetic pulse 244 00:13:08,663 --> 00:13:10,963 that, while harmless to organic life, 245 00:13:11,040 --> 00:13:13,460 short-circuited the robo-dinosaurs. 246 00:13:13,543 --> 00:13:14,633 Convenient. 247 00:13:14,711 --> 00:13:18,171 Only puny mammal-like robots cowering in caves 248 00:13:18,256 --> 00:13:20,046 could survive such a catastrophe. 249 00:13:21,301 --> 00:13:24,051 Guys, guys! I taught myself to knit. 250 00:13:24,220 --> 00:13:25,550 Wait a moment. 251 00:13:26,055 --> 00:13:29,555 If we could scavenge the right parts from these robo-dinos, 252 00:13:29,642 --> 00:13:32,642 I might be able to construct a rudimentary spaceship 253 00:13:32,729 --> 00:13:34,399 to get us off this planet! 254 00:13:37,442 --> 00:13:41,532 Oh, well, it took almost two hours, but it's finished. 255 00:13:41,696 --> 00:13:42,906 (ALL CHEERING) 256 00:13:43,490 --> 00:13:45,820 Now let's go to sleep. 257 00:13:45,909 --> 00:13:49,409 It's solar powered, so we can't take off until sunrise. 258 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:54,080 Well, let's find something comfy to bed down on. 259 00:13:55,126 --> 00:13:56,416 (SNORING) 260 00:14:03,927 --> 00:14:05,547 (MUFFLED YELLING) 261 00:14:17,607 --> 00:14:19,107 (ROOSTER CROWING) 262 00:14:22,779 --> 00:14:24,859 (ALL YAWNING) 263 00:14:26,282 --> 00:14:27,532 Hey, looky here. 264 00:14:32,038 --> 00:14:33,038 (HORN HONKING) 265 00:14:33,122 --> 00:14:35,422 HERMES: Sweet robot swan of Botswana! 266 00:14:35,500 --> 00:14:39,210 Looks like the fittest did a little surviving last night, huh? 267 00:14:39,295 --> 00:14:40,335 Whatever. 268 00:14:40,421 --> 00:14:41,711 Hey, looky there. 269 00:14:42,090 --> 00:14:43,470 (SCREAMING) 270 00:14:43,675 --> 00:14:47,715 (GASPS) Those robo-cavemen have kidnapped our human regular-women. 271 00:14:47,804 --> 00:14:48,804 We gotta save them! 272 00:14:48,888 --> 00:14:51,468 But the only weapon we have is my fan dance. 273 00:14:52,100 --> 00:14:56,730 Hmm. I believe I can fashion a slingshot using this robot wishbone 274 00:14:56,813 --> 00:14:59,153 and this elastic from my pants. 275 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:05,243 (GRUNTING) 276 00:15:07,865 --> 00:15:10,575 I think they want wives, so just play along. 277 00:15:10,660 --> 00:15:13,540 If it doesn't work out, we'll still get half their rocks. 278 00:15:13,621 --> 00:15:17,751 I can earn my own rocks. Also, I don't want any rocks. 279 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:22,418 Well, it took almost 12 hours, but it's finished. 280 00:15:23,965 --> 00:15:25,165 HERMES: It's too dark now, 281 00:15:25,258 --> 00:15:27,588 but first thing tomorrow, we'll slingshot them 282 00:15:27,677 --> 00:15:29,847 like they've never been slangshat. 283 00:15:36,978 --> 00:15:38,228 (YELLING) 284 00:15:42,859 --> 00:15:44,989 What's going on? How did we save you? 285 00:15:45,069 --> 00:15:46,449 It was the weirdest thing. 286 00:15:46,529 --> 00:15:50,369 We went to sleep, and when we woke up, our cave husbands were gone. 287 00:15:50,450 --> 00:15:52,490 I'm gonna miss Spencer. 288 00:15:56,581 --> 00:16:00,211 Don't be afraid, little guys. I'm not going to hurt you. 289 00:16:01,836 --> 00:16:02,836 (WHISTLES) 290 00:16:02,920 --> 00:16:04,500 Nice net. 291 00:16:04,589 --> 00:16:06,549 (STAMMERING) You can speak? 292 00:16:06,674 --> 00:16:07,884 Dread my locks! 293 00:16:07,967 --> 00:16:10,177 A fully-evolved robot human! 294 00:16:10,261 --> 00:16:12,391 I'm Dr. Widnar, a naturalist. 295 00:16:12,597 --> 00:16:14,387 And I'm Bender, baby. 296 00:16:14,515 --> 00:16:17,095 My human slaves and I come from a planet 297 00:16:17,185 --> 00:16:20,935 where organic life and robotic life evolved side by side. 298 00:16:21,147 --> 00:16:22,557 Oh, shut up! 299 00:16:22,940 --> 00:16:24,110 Amazing. 300 00:16:24,192 --> 00:16:27,652 I've theorized that carbon-based, fat-filled life could exist, 301 00:16:27,737 --> 00:16:30,277 but until today, I never had any proof. 302 00:16:30,365 --> 00:16:32,565 Good for you. Can we go home now? 303 00:16:37,747 --> 00:16:39,117 (MURMURING) 304 00:16:48,716 --> 00:16:50,216 Welcome, museum members, 305 00:16:50,301 --> 00:16:53,551 or as I like to call you, future exhibits. 306 00:16:54,097 --> 00:16:55,097 (ROBOT COUGHS) 307 00:16:55,181 --> 00:16:57,891 I now present my latest discovery, 308 00:16:57,975 --> 00:17:02,145 the amazing non-mechanical man, Homo Farnsworth. 309 00:17:04,273 --> 00:17:05,363 Thank you. 310 00:17:05,441 --> 00:17:09,031 I must say, I'm so proud to see what you've blossomed into 311 00:17:09,112 --> 00:17:11,702 since I first created your ancestors. 312 00:17:11,781 --> 00:17:12,861 (ALL GASP) 313 00:17:12,949 --> 00:17:15,199 What? I thought you knew. 314 00:17:15,284 --> 00:17:19,294 You all evolved from some filth-gobbling Nanobots I designed. 315 00:17:19,372 --> 00:17:22,462 I dumped them in one of your ponds a few days ago. 316 00:17:22,542 --> 00:17:25,212 But this is creationist talk. 317 00:17:25,294 --> 00:17:26,754 He speaks lies! 318 00:17:26,838 --> 00:17:29,458 The Earth was created in eons, not days. 319 00:17:29,674 --> 00:17:32,304 Yes, relative to you, it was eons, 320 00:17:32,385 --> 00:17:36,295 but, well, look at this hologram I took the day before yesterday 321 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:39,559 of a robot frolicking with a robo-dinosaur. 322 00:17:39,684 --> 00:17:41,024 (ALL GASP) 323 00:17:42,228 --> 00:17:44,188 I don't want to live on this planet anymore. 324 00:17:47,775 --> 00:17:50,315 You're under arrest for crimes against science. 325 00:17:50,653 --> 00:17:52,533 No! 326 00:17:52,822 --> 00:17:55,072 Could you drag me by the restroom? 327 00:18:00,246 --> 00:18:01,656 (CHATTERING) 328 00:18:02,540 --> 00:18:04,460 MAN: Go back to Roboklahoma! 329 00:18:05,418 --> 00:18:08,998 Order! In the matter of Everyone v. Farnsworth, 330 00:18:09,172 --> 00:18:12,972 the alleged creationist faces a sentence of death by melting. 331 00:18:13,050 --> 00:18:15,180 Who is representing the accused? 332 00:18:15,511 --> 00:18:17,221 I am. I am, Your Honor. 333 00:18:17,305 --> 00:18:18,305 (ALL GASP) 334 00:18:18,598 --> 00:18:20,558 Bender, what the hell are you doing? 335 00:18:20,725 --> 00:18:22,805 Shut up, I'm billing you by the hour! 336 00:18:22,894 --> 00:18:25,404 Besides, I'm a robot, they'll listen to me. 337 00:18:25,688 --> 00:18:26,938 (CLEARING THROAT) 338 00:18:27,023 --> 00:18:29,403 Ladytrons and gentlebots... 339 00:18:29,484 --> 00:18:34,154 Objection. In the absence of pants, defense's suspenders serve no purpose. 340 00:18:34,238 --> 00:18:36,698 I'm going to allow them for now. 341 00:18:36,866 --> 00:18:40,116 Thank you. Your Honor, this meat-man does not deny 342 00:18:40,203 --> 00:18:43,253 that we robots are the glorious product of evolution. 343 00:18:43,331 --> 00:18:47,711 He claims only to have played a small role in supplying the initial machinery. 344 00:18:47,794 --> 00:18:50,054 I ask you, is that so crazy? 345 00:18:50,505 --> 00:18:52,545 Yes, it's completely crazy, 346 00:18:52,632 --> 00:18:56,802 and that is why you must find him not guilty by reason of insanity! 347 00:18:57,094 --> 00:18:58,264 (ALL GASP) 348 00:18:58,346 --> 00:19:00,676 Objection! I'm not crazy. 349 00:19:00,765 --> 00:19:02,055 I created you all, 350 00:19:02,141 --> 00:19:05,641 and I came here in a homemade spaceship and lived in a cave. 351 00:19:05,770 --> 00:19:08,400 If you don't believe me, ask my uncle. 352 00:19:10,107 --> 00:19:11,817 Prosecutor, your opening statement? 353 00:19:11,901 --> 00:19:13,321 Yeah, honey, I'll be home for dinner. 354 00:19:13,402 --> 00:19:14,992 The prosecution rests, Your Honor. 355 00:19:15,071 --> 00:19:16,151 Very well. 356 00:19:16,239 --> 00:19:19,869 We will reconvene when the jury reaches a verdict. 357 00:19:25,748 --> 00:19:28,748 Son, you in a whole mess of trouble. 358 00:19:36,467 --> 00:19:37,757 (SNORING) 359 00:19:38,928 --> 00:19:39,928 (GAVEL THUDDING) 360 00:19:40,012 --> 00:19:41,012 What? 361 00:19:41,097 --> 00:19:43,347 JUDGE: Has the jury reached a verdict? 362 00:19:43,432 --> 00:19:45,022 MAN: No, we have not, 363 00:19:45,184 --> 00:19:48,444 for we have evolved to a higher state of consciousness. 364 00:19:48,729 --> 00:19:53,149 In the grand scheme, all physical beings are but yokels. 365 00:19:53,234 --> 00:19:56,574 Now, settle your petty squabbles and get the hell out. 366 00:19:59,574 --> 00:20:01,454 That'll be $10,000. 367 00:20:12,461 --> 00:20:15,091 Well, digital photographs don't lie. 368 00:20:15,172 --> 00:20:19,182 I admit that what you witnessed may have been some form of evolution. 369 00:20:19,260 --> 00:20:21,720 I'm glad you agree, Dr. Banjo. 370 00:20:21,804 --> 00:20:25,604 Evolution set in motion by a wise and all-knowing creator. 371 00:20:25,683 --> 00:20:26,683 You. 372 00:20:26,851 --> 00:20:30,191 (CHUCKLES) Well, I don't know about all-knowing. 373 00:20:30,271 --> 00:20:32,941 And I admit it's possible, however unlikely, 374 00:20:33,024 --> 00:20:35,944 that some wise and all-knowing alien monster 375 00:20:36,027 --> 00:20:38,607 set evolution in motion here on Earth. 376 00:20:38,696 --> 00:20:41,356 Oh, oh, and the creator could also be a robot. 377 00:20:41,449 --> 00:20:45,199 (SCOFFS) Then who built this so-called creator robot? 378 00:20:45,286 --> 00:20:47,696 Some magical bearded robot in the sky? 379 00:20:49,498 --> 00:20:52,248 I guess that would be stupid. Never mind. 380 00:20:52,335 --> 00:20:53,495 Then it's settled. 381 00:20:53,586 --> 00:20:57,796 Finally, a world in which I'm happy to raise my son. 382 00:20:58,007 --> 00:21:00,127 Good, 'cause I'm sick of him. 383 00:21:00,259 --> 00:21:02,429 (ALL LAUGHING) 384 00:21:03,179 --> 00:21:05,809 I'm serious. He's a terrible person. 385 00:21:37,171 --> 00:21:38,171 ENGLISH - US - PSDH