1 00:00:02,169 --> 00:00:03,709 ANNOUNCER: Cash, cash, cash for your bones! 2 00:00:03,796 --> 00:00:06,706 Too many bones? Not enough cash? Call Cash Bone! 3 00:00:06,799 --> 00:00:09,469 Ribs, skulls, spines, even certain tiny ear bones. 4 00:00:09,551 --> 00:00:12,051 The leg bone's connected to the Cash Bone! 5 00:00:43,168 --> 00:00:44,628 (TIRES SCREECHING) 6 00:00:46,213 --> 00:00:49,383 Aw! Nibbler made a bobo for Mama. 7 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:52,796 I'll pick it up with my supey-dupey poopy scoopy. 8 00:00:52,886 --> 00:00:54,046 (GRUMBLING) 9 00:00:54,138 --> 00:00:55,968 (BEEPING) 10 00:01:03,731 --> 00:01:06,441 Core magnetic field, 31 microteslas. 11 00:01:06,525 --> 00:01:07,645 Nice. 12 00:01:07,776 --> 00:01:09,856 Temperature? Whoa! 13 00:01:09,945 --> 00:01:12,815 The magma P. I. Is 10,000 degrees Selleck! 14 00:01:13,824 --> 00:01:14,874 (EXCLAIMS IN FRUSTRATION) 15 00:01:14,950 --> 00:01:16,870 (SPEAKING CANTONESE) 16 00:01:16,952 --> 00:01:18,832 Leela, I am collecting data. 17 00:01:18,912 --> 00:01:20,462 Could you dump that somewhere else? 18 00:01:20,539 --> 00:01:24,999 Not really. It's highly volatile dark matter and some corn. 19 00:01:25,169 --> 00:01:27,209 But I'm presenting my thesis tomorrow, 20 00:01:27,296 --> 00:01:29,416 and I've barely had time to prepare. 21 00:01:29,506 --> 00:01:33,586 Nonsense. You've been my grad student for 12 years. 22 00:01:33,677 --> 00:01:35,177 You were ready six years ago. 23 00:01:35,262 --> 00:01:36,262 What? 24 00:01:36,346 --> 00:01:38,346 I probably should have told you. 25 00:01:38,432 --> 00:01:41,772 Anyway, the important thing is to be relaxed tomorrow. 26 00:01:41,852 --> 00:01:42,852 Are you sure? 27 00:01:42,936 --> 00:01:43,936 Yes. 28 00:01:44,021 --> 00:01:46,441 Do what you young people do to unwind. 29 00:01:46,523 --> 00:01:48,693 Take a joyride in your jalopy. 30 00:01:48,776 --> 00:01:52,276 Wear a T-shirt and eat a fish stick. Go! 31 00:01:52,362 --> 00:01:54,742 (CLUB MUSIC PLAYING) 32 00:01:59,077 --> 00:02:03,207 Okay, amigos, one teensy drink to help Amy relax. 33 00:02:03,290 --> 00:02:04,460 ALL: Hear, hear! 34 00:02:04,541 --> 00:02:06,131 (GULPING) 35 00:02:07,920 --> 00:02:09,130 Hmm. 36 00:02:09,213 --> 00:02:11,173 I guess I'm still kind of nervous. 37 00:02:11,256 --> 00:02:14,216 One more teensy drink to help Amy relax. 38 00:02:18,430 --> 00:02:19,600 Still a little nervous? 39 00:02:19,681 --> 00:02:20,641 (BURPS) 40 00:02:20,724 --> 00:02:22,144 She's a nervous wreck! 41 00:02:34,446 --> 00:02:36,026 (BOTH LAUGHING) 42 00:02:39,201 --> 00:02:41,241 Well, I may not have a man, 43 00:02:41,328 --> 00:02:43,748 but at least I've got you, poopsie-doodle. 44 00:02:46,416 --> 00:02:49,836 Leela, it's time you and I had a talk. 45 00:02:49,920 --> 00:02:53,260 A talk? You can't break up with me. You're my pet! 46 00:02:53,382 --> 00:02:57,182 As much as I enjoy being the object of your misplaced affections, 47 00:02:57,261 --> 00:02:59,181 I am also a highly sophisticated being 48 00:02:59,263 --> 00:03:01,763 who longs for intelligent conversation. 49 00:03:01,932 --> 00:03:05,102 Aw! Is shnookums not feeling shtimuwated? 50 00:03:05,269 --> 00:03:07,189 An understatement, to say the least. 51 00:03:07,271 --> 00:03:09,521 It's time you treated me with respect. 52 00:03:09,815 --> 00:03:12,815 If you want to be treated like a fellow crew member, fine, 53 00:03:12,901 --> 00:03:14,531 but no more purse rides, 54 00:03:14,611 --> 00:03:17,531 and no more dressing you up in your cute little sailor suit. 55 00:03:17,614 --> 00:03:20,624 I keep telling you that's my real naval uniform. 56 00:03:21,952 --> 00:03:23,202 (BOTH MOAN) 57 00:03:23,662 --> 00:03:25,042 Your place or mine? 58 00:03:25,122 --> 00:03:27,712 Both. But first, this place. 59 00:03:27,791 --> 00:03:28,791 (CHUCKLING NERVOUSLY) 60 00:03:28,876 --> 00:03:30,286 (STUTTERING) 61 00:03:31,086 --> 00:03:34,256 Ooh! Room for one more? (LAUGHING SAUCILY) 62 00:03:36,717 --> 00:03:38,967 (ALARM BEEPING) 63 00:03:40,971 --> 00:03:42,011 (GASPS) 64 00:03:42,097 --> 00:03:44,307 I thought I set you for 7: 15! 65 00:03:44,474 --> 00:03:47,274 FEMALE VOICE: Sorry, I hooked up with Bender last night. 66 00:03:47,352 --> 00:03:49,732 Dude was all over my snooze button. 67 00:03:49,813 --> 00:03:54,153 But my doctoral exam is in 10 minutes. On Mars! 68 00:03:54,234 --> 00:03:55,234 (SPLASHING) 69 00:03:55,360 --> 00:03:58,860 Ew! Kif, did you yack on the floor? 70 00:03:59,156 --> 00:04:01,156 Yes, I did. 71 00:04:10,500 --> 00:04:12,290 Where's your candidate, Farnsworth? 72 00:04:12,419 --> 00:04:14,919 I have a long list of students to humiliate today. 73 00:04:15,005 --> 00:04:16,005 (DOOR CLANGING OPEN) 74 00:04:18,008 --> 00:04:19,428 You're late, Miss Wong. 75 00:04:19,509 --> 00:04:22,929 Oh, God, this is like one of those nightmares! 76 00:04:23,013 --> 00:04:24,063 (SHRIEKS) 77 00:04:24,139 --> 00:04:26,179 Here, take my lab coat. 78 00:04:27,309 --> 00:04:29,559 Allow me to introduce your examining committee 79 00:04:29,645 --> 00:04:31,645 in descending order of grumpiness. 80 00:04:31,730 --> 00:04:33,980 Professor Ogden Wernstrom. 81 00:04:34,066 --> 00:04:35,266 Wernstrom. 82 00:04:35,359 --> 00:04:39,109 KATZ: Downtown Professor of Applied Physics, Ethan "Bubblegum" Tate. 83 00:04:39,196 --> 00:04:42,906 I see by your curriculum vitae that you're a Sagittarius. 84 00:04:42,991 --> 00:04:45,661 KATZ: And Professor Fisherprice Shpeekenshpell. 85 00:04:46,411 --> 00:04:47,791 MALE VOICE: The cow says... 86 00:04:47,871 --> 00:04:49,121 (MOOING) 87 00:04:49,206 --> 00:04:53,496 He proved that 50 years ago, and he's been coasting on it ever since. 88 00:04:53,710 --> 00:04:58,340 I am the esteemed Professor Morris Katz, and you are wasting my time. 89 00:04:58,465 --> 00:04:59,545 Proceed. 90 00:04:59,675 --> 00:05:00,675 (CLEARING THROAT) 91 00:05:00,759 --> 00:05:02,129 Lmagine, if you will... 92 00:05:02,219 --> 00:05:03,179 Oh, God. 93 00:05:03,261 --> 00:05:07,811 A gigantic spherical generator, one that could provide unlimited energy 94 00:05:07,891 --> 00:05:10,311 because it's essentially in perpetual motion. 95 00:05:10,394 --> 00:05:11,444 (SCOFFING) 96 00:05:11,520 --> 00:05:13,690 Young lady, have you been drinking? 97 00:05:13,897 --> 00:05:16,567 (CHUCKLES) Well, yes, but that's not revelant. 98 00:05:16,900 --> 00:05:20,490 I'm talking about Earth. Earth's the generator. 99 00:05:21,238 --> 00:05:22,238 (SHEEP BLEATING) 100 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:25,072 Suppose this basketball is the whole world. 101 00:05:25,367 --> 00:05:28,287 To many young men in the inner city, it is. 102 00:05:28,370 --> 00:05:31,910 As it spins, it's producing an enormous magnetic field. 103 00:05:31,999 --> 00:05:35,129 If we could use that field to generate electric current, 104 00:05:35,210 --> 00:05:40,090 we could actually harness the Earth's rotational ener... Ener... (SNEEZES) 105 00:05:40,215 --> 00:05:43,085 Yes, tapping the Earth's ener-kerchoo. 106 00:05:43,176 --> 00:05:44,176 Go on. 107 00:05:44,428 --> 00:05:46,678 Sorry, I'm super-allergic to cats. 108 00:05:46,888 --> 00:05:48,678 Professor Katz, would you mind... 109 00:05:48,765 --> 00:05:50,595 Miss Wong, I mind everything. 110 00:05:52,310 --> 00:05:57,940 You just need to polarize the Earth's core with a huge static charge 111 00:05:58,859 --> 00:06:01,779 by ratcheting superconducting wire down into... 112 00:06:01,903 --> 00:06:03,903 (SNEEZES) Sorry. 113 00:06:04,489 --> 00:06:07,779 Enough. The committee members will now vote yea or nay. 114 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,578 Nay. Nay. 115 00:06:09,661 --> 00:06:11,001 Hell, nay. 116 00:06:11,788 --> 00:06:14,958 MALE VOICE: The horse says, "Doctorate denied." 117 00:06:25,135 --> 00:06:26,385 It's okay, Amy. 118 00:06:26,470 --> 00:06:28,260 I don't have a fancy degree either, 119 00:06:28,346 --> 00:06:32,136 but today I'm a prominent boy in the package delivery field. 120 00:06:32,267 --> 00:06:33,677 (DOOR SHUTS) 121 00:06:38,482 --> 00:06:41,362 Now that I am a full and equal member of the crew, 122 00:06:41,443 --> 00:06:44,243 I pledge my loyalty, my perspicacity 123 00:06:44,321 --> 00:06:47,031 and, dare I say it, my friendship. 124 00:06:47,240 --> 00:06:48,910 Leela, muzzle that skunk. 125 00:06:48,992 --> 00:06:51,332 We can't stop a meeting for some cute, fuzzy, little... 126 00:06:51,411 --> 00:06:53,331 (GASPS) Hey, look, a kitty cat. 127 00:06:53,413 --> 00:06:54,413 (STATIC CRACKLING) 128 00:06:54,498 --> 00:06:55,578 You again? 129 00:06:55,665 --> 00:06:59,165 (SNEEZES) Get away, you mangy ball of histamines. 130 00:06:59,252 --> 00:07:00,842 You leave kitty cat alone! 131 00:07:00,962 --> 00:07:02,882 ALL: (EXCLAIMING) Kitty cat. 132 00:07:02,964 --> 00:07:05,934 People, please, I'm trying to run a business, 133 00:07:06,009 --> 00:07:08,089 so I get to hold kitty. Here, puss, puss... 134 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:10,010 No, me. Over here. I wanna hold him. 135 00:07:10,722 --> 00:07:13,022 Its anus looks like an asterisk. 136 00:07:17,020 --> 00:07:21,110 Captain Fuzzy Toes reporting for duty. I mean, cutie. 137 00:07:21,191 --> 00:07:22,191 (ALL LAUGHING) 138 00:07:23,485 --> 00:07:26,025 My best friend died in that uniform. 139 00:07:26,279 --> 00:07:27,359 I hate that cat! 140 00:07:27,781 --> 00:07:31,121 If I had a spray bottle, I'd give him such a spritzing. 141 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:32,541 I'll tell you one thing, 142 00:07:32,619 --> 00:07:35,909 nothing acts that cute without some ulterior motive. 143 00:07:37,082 --> 00:07:38,542 (WHIMPERING) 144 00:07:39,376 --> 00:07:41,996 Aw! You want your dipey changed? 145 00:07:44,131 --> 00:07:46,631 We'll have to watch its every move. 146 00:07:47,843 --> 00:07:49,143 Powder, please. 147 00:07:59,855 --> 00:08:01,355 (CAGE CLANGS SHUT) 148 00:08:10,323 --> 00:08:13,743 Here's my new theory: That is one adorable cat. 149 00:08:13,869 --> 00:08:15,949 I guess I was just jealous. 150 00:08:16,163 --> 00:08:18,253 I do miss being Leela's shnookums. 151 00:08:18,707 --> 00:08:21,627 I'm going to apologize and hope for a pity pet. 152 00:08:21,877 --> 00:08:22,877 (BOTH GASP) 153 00:08:22,961 --> 00:08:24,131 Yes, my lord. 154 00:08:24,421 --> 00:08:26,671 Amy and Nibbler are a tewwible thweat. 155 00:08:26,798 --> 00:08:29,588 They must be spayed and neutered, wespectivewy. 156 00:08:31,761 --> 00:08:33,101 (SNARLING) 157 00:08:39,269 --> 00:08:40,899 (MEOWING IN TUNE) 158 00:08:43,940 --> 00:08:46,230 (MEOWING IN HUSKY TONE) 159 00:08:47,110 --> 00:08:48,110 (GLASS SHATTERING) 160 00:08:49,362 --> 00:08:51,822 The cat is evil! We have proof! 161 00:08:51,907 --> 00:08:53,237 It was summoning a saucer. 162 00:08:53,325 --> 00:08:56,195 Of course it wanted a saucer, you idiot. 163 00:08:56,620 --> 00:08:59,120 A saucer of dewicious cweam. 164 00:09:00,248 --> 00:09:02,628 You fool, this isn't about the cream! 165 00:09:02,792 --> 00:09:05,382 It's pwonounced "cweam"! 166 00:09:05,837 --> 00:09:08,047 I'm petting mine down to the bone. 167 00:09:08,590 --> 00:09:11,090 Just stwoke its fwuffy fur. 168 00:09:11,509 --> 00:09:13,589 Scwatch its fwubby chin. 169 00:09:13,845 --> 00:09:16,305 Fweeble its fwooby pwow. 170 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:18,806 ALL: Pet it. Pet it. 171 00:09:18,975 --> 00:09:22,055 Pet it. Pet it. 172 00:09:22,145 --> 00:09:23,095 No, no! 173 00:09:23,188 --> 00:09:24,188 Pet it. Pet it. 174 00:09:24,272 --> 00:09:27,022 (SNEEZES) ALL: Pet it. Pet it. 175 00:09:27,567 --> 00:09:29,147 (MEOWING) 176 00:09:37,827 --> 00:09:40,787 NIBBLER: What do cats need with that much yarn and cobalt? 177 00:09:40,872 --> 00:09:44,332 They're doing something downstairs. We've got to find out what. 178 00:09:46,044 --> 00:09:48,804 Where do you think you're going, No-cat? 179 00:09:49,673 --> 00:09:52,383 The basement. I think I left the air hockey table on. 180 00:09:52,467 --> 00:09:56,427 Without a cat, you ain't going nowhere. 181 00:09:56,513 --> 00:09:58,763 Can you at least tell us what's going on down there? 182 00:09:58,848 --> 00:10:01,598 We're certainly not building something sinister, 183 00:10:01,685 --> 00:10:03,185 if that's what you're implying. 184 00:10:03,270 --> 00:10:07,020 Now, come on, Bender, something sinister won't build itself. 185 00:10:10,902 --> 00:10:13,532 Professor Katz's last name is Katz. 186 00:10:13,613 --> 00:10:15,993 Do you think he has something to do with these cats? 187 00:10:16,074 --> 00:10:19,294 The conclusion is as inescapable as it is moronic. 188 00:10:19,369 --> 00:10:22,869 I say we pay him a visit, and if he won't talk to us, 189 00:10:23,081 --> 00:10:24,791 he'll talk to Smith & Wesson 190 00:10:24,874 --> 00:10:25,874 (COCKS GUN) 191 00:10:25,959 --> 00:10:28,499 Or, perhaps, Consolidated Head Melter. 192 00:10:49,482 --> 00:10:51,982 Professor Katz, we want answers! 193 00:10:54,696 --> 00:10:58,616 I warn you, if I have to get cute, it's gonna get ugly. 194 00:11:02,078 --> 00:11:04,198 (SCREAMS) He's dead! 195 00:11:04,289 --> 00:11:06,789 Wait. What are these strings on his lap? 196 00:11:08,543 --> 00:11:10,843 What the... He isn't dead. 197 00:11:11,171 --> 00:11:13,261 He's one of those dog-operated puppets 198 00:11:13,340 --> 00:11:15,420 that's been adapted for use by a cat! 199 00:11:15,592 --> 00:11:18,722 So, I had my doctorate denied by that fuzzball? 200 00:11:20,096 --> 00:11:21,136 Bad kitty! 201 00:11:39,699 --> 00:11:40,699 (BOTH GASP) 202 00:11:40,992 --> 00:11:44,702 AMY: They actually built the planetary ratchet from my thesis! 203 00:11:44,788 --> 00:11:46,288 (ALL GRUNTING) 204 00:11:48,792 --> 00:11:50,132 (SNEEZES) 205 00:11:50,418 --> 00:11:51,418 Uh-oh! 206 00:11:52,295 --> 00:11:53,375 What the... (GASPS) 207 00:11:55,757 --> 00:11:58,717 Well, look what the me dragged in. 208 00:11:58,968 --> 00:12:00,048 You can talk! 209 00:12:00,136 --> 00:12:01,386 You can talk? 210 00:12:01,471 --> 00:12:02,971 How ironic. 211 00:12:03,056 --> 00:12:07,556 Two hyper-intelligent beings both pretending to be simple house pets. 212 00:12:07,644 --> 00:12:09,604 Say, do you know Obliteron? 213 00:12:09,687 --> 00:12:12,107 He pretends to be a hamster, but... 214 00:12:12,190 --> 00:12:15,320 Yeah, that's really great. Could you please tell us what's going on? 215 00:12:15,402 --> 00:12:17,152 What? Oh! Right. 216 00:12:17,445 --> 00:12:20,565 You see, my associates and I are from the ninth planet 217 00:12:20,657 --> 00:12:22,567 of the star you call Thuban. 218 00:12:22,659 --> 00:12:25,449 Long ago, life there was ideal. 219 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:30,038 The sun provided plenty of warm, dozy light. 220 00:12:30,291 --> 00:12:32,171 The chicken-salmon roamed free. 221 00:12:34,129 --> 00:12:36,339 Yet disaster loomed. 222 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:39,303 Our planet's rotation was gradually slowing. 223 00:12:39,509 --> 00:12:41,429 At first, it seemed beneficial. 224 00:12:41,511 --> 00:12:43,761 Long, dark nights for sleeping, 225 00:12:43,847 --> 00:12:46,097 long, sunny days for sleeping. 226 00:12:46,349 --> 00:12:48,229 But then it got too hot. 227 00:12:48,309 --> 00:12:49,979 (MEOWING IN PAIN) 228 00:12:50,687 --> 00:12:51,897 And too cold. 229 00:12:51,980 --> 00:12:53,520 (SHUDDERING) 230 00:12:55,108 --> 00:12:57,228 Our top scientists went to work. 231 00:12:58,194 --> 00:13:01,454 At last, they located a planet with the necessary orientation 232 00:13:01,531 --> 00:13:04,871 and magnetic field to harness its rotational energy. 233 00:13:05,910 --> 00:13:07,790 Earth! Indubitably. 234 00:13:07,871 --> 00:13:09,621 Although we call it Blue Blue Shiny Ball. 235 00:13:15,128 --> 00:13:16,418 (MEOWING) 236 00:13:16,504 --> 00:13:18,134 In the area now known as Egypt, 237 00:13:18,214 --> 00:13:22,094 my people constructed a giant, semi-octahedral antenna 238 00:13:22,177 --> 00:13:24,717 to beam Earth's rotational energy to Thuban. 239 00:13:24,804 --> 00:13:26,724 AMY: The Great Pyramid at Giza! 240 00:13:26,806 --> 00:13:30,226 KATZ: Yes. The Egyptians viewed us as gods, 241 00:13:30,310 --> 00:13:32,980 but ironically, that was our downfall. 242 00:13:33,521 --> 00:13:38,151 They pampered us with feasts most fancy and victuals most tender. 243 00:13:38,568 --> 00:13:40,898 We grew fat and domesticated. 244 00:13:40,987 --> 00:13:41,987 (MEOWS) 245 00:13:42,572 --> 00:13:43,992 Thousands of years passed, 246 00:13:44,073 --> 00:13:47,083 and our home world was nearing total destruction. 247 00:13:47,160 --> 00:13:49,080 (CATS MEOWING IN AGONY) 248 00:13:51,873 --> 00:13:52,833 MAN: Shut up! 249 00:13:52,916 --> 00:13:53,916 (WINDOW SLAMS SHUT) 250 00:13:54,000 --> 00:13:57,340 But the technology to save our planet was lost. 251 00:13:57,420 --> 00:14:01,590 Lost, that is, until I heard you speak at Mars University. 252 00:14:01,758 --> 00:14:05,638 So, you called my thesis a fat sack of barf, and then you stole it? 253 00:14:05,720 --> 00:14:07,100 Welcome to academia. 254 00:14:07,263 --> 00:14:10,473 He intends to siphon off Earth's rotational energy! 255 00:14:10,558 --> 00:14:12,268 Earth will come to a stop, and... 256 00:14:12,352 --> 00:14:15,232 Half of you will cook, and half of you will freeze. 257 00:14:15,313 --> 00:14:20,033 Earth will be one big McDLT. We just got that commercial last year. 258 00:14:20,109 --> 00:14:22,029 Oh, yeah, smarty paws? 259 00:14:22,111 --> 00:14:25,071 You may have built the ratchet, but you can't reach the core 260 00:14:25,156 --> 00:14:28,076 without 4,000 miles of superconducting wire. 261 00:14:28,243 --> 00:14:29,913 (GASPS) The ball of yarn! 262 00:14:37,168 --> 00:14:38,208 Quite. 263 00:14:38,294 --> 00:14:42,174 Even so, you'd still need a tremendously powerful static charge 264 00:14:42,257 --> 00:14:43,507 to trigger the process. 265 00:14:43,591 --> 00:14:45,511 Ever had a cat rub up against you? 266 00:14:45,593 --> 00:14:48,513 If you're propositioning me, I'm not interested. 267 00:14:48,638 --> 00:14:50,508 I'm talking about the charge generated 268 00:14:50,598 --> 00:14:54,888 when 50,000 felines rub against a single surface. 269 00:14:55,103 --> 00:14:56,483 Professor? 270 00:14:57,772 --> 00:15:00,112 (WHIRRING) 271 00:15:00,817 --> 00:15:02,357 (CATS MEOWING) 272 00:15:08,741 --> 00:15:10,411 (STATIC CRACKLING) 273 00:15:24,507 --> 00:15:25,507 (EARTH SHUDDERING) 274 00:15:26,384 --> 00:15:28,684 Soon the world will come to a stop, 275 00:15:28,761 --> 00:15:31,181 and there's nothing you can do to stop it. 276 00:15:31,681 --> 00:15:34,891 The stopping of the world, that is. It's unstoppable. 277 00:15:35,018 --> 00:15:36,478 (LAUGHING EVILLY) 278 00:15:37,353 --> 00:15:38,353 Excuse me. 279 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:39,688 (PURRING) 280 00:15:42,734 --> 00:15:44,114 (RUMBLING) 281 00:15:46,029 --> 00:15:47,359 (GRUNTING) 282 00:15:48,740 --> 00:15:50,490 The Earth is coming to a stop! 283 00:15:50,575 --> 00:15:52,735 Keep your eyes on the kitties and push! 284 00:15:52,827 --> 00:15:53,867 (PURRING) 285 00:15:56,706 --> 00:16:01,746 These space cats seem to be employing some form of hypnotic hyper-cuteness. 286 00:16:01,878 --> 00:16:04,918 Well, two can play at that game. And one of them is me. 287 00:16:05,465 --> 00:16:07,045 (WHIMPERING) 288 00:16:08,259 --> 00:16:10,429 Nibbler? Poopsie-doodle? 289 00:16:12,388 --> 00:16:15,678 Mr. Winkles, Smudge-Smudge. Quick, dance with each other! 290 00:16:18,561 --> 00:16:19,561 ALL: Aw! 291 00:16:19,896 --> 00:16:21,056 Aw! 292 00:16:21,147 --> 00:16:23,107 Damn, they are good. 293 00:16:23,608 --> 00:16:25,278 (ALL GRUNTING) 294 00:16:26,903 --> 00:16:30,243 We're coming to a full stop. All cats, to your posts! 295 00:16:42,335 --> 00:16:44,625 Catastrophe Beach Party. Scene One. 296 00:16:44,962 --> 00:16:47,422 Cue disaster effects, and action! 297 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:49,014 (RUMBLING) 298 00:16:49,717 --> 00:16:51,257 (ALL SCREAMING) 299 00:16:53,096 --> 00:16:56,636 Cut! That extra looked at the camera. We'll have to do it again. 300 00:16:58,434 --> 00:16:59,854 (ALL GROAN) 301 00:17:00,269 --> 00:17:03,359 And now to transfer your planet's rotational energy 302 00:17:03,439 --> 00:17:04,559 to my home world. 303 00:17:21,582 --> 00:17:24,962 Well, now, this calls for a celebration. 304 00:17:25,169 --> 00:17:27,169 (MEWING TRIUMPHANT TUNE) 305 00:17:31,467 --> 00:17:32,967 (ALL GROANING) 306 00:17:35,096 --> 00:17:37,306 What's all this cat hair on my sweater? 307 00:17:38,766 --> 00:17:42,226 Why am I full of sand? And Tootsie Rolls? 308 00:17:42,311 --> 00:17:45,651 You were all under the spell of those obnoxious space cats! 309 00:17:46,023 --> 00:17:48,783 Enjoy being broiled alive by the sun, 310 00:17:48,860 --> 00:17:51,530 and also the dead bird we've left in your slipper. 311 00:17:51,612 --> 00:17:53,072 (LAUGHING) 312 00:17:55,324 --> 00:17:57,834 Quickly! If we turn the ratchet the other way, 313 00:17:57,910 --> 00:18:00,330 perhaps we can restart the Earth! 314 00:18:00,788 --> 00:18:02,658 (ALL GRUNTING) 315 00:18:03,374 --> 00:18:06,214 It won't turn. Push harder, Bender! 316 00:18:06,544 --> 00:18:09,344 I can't! You should have called my cousin, Turner. 317 00:18:10,757 --> 00:18:12,757 (SIGHS) It's hopeless. 318 00:18:12,842 --> 00:18:16,432 Even in theory, the device can only apply force in one direction. 319 00:18:16,512 --> 00:18:19,472 Can someone open a window? It's getting a little warm in here. 320 00:18:22,226 --> 00:18:23,806 Is that better? 321 00:18:31,652 --> 00:18:33,362 Shmeezus, it's hot! 322 00:18:33,446 --> 00:18:36,236 Why'd I have to invent that awful device? 323 00:18:36,324 --> 00:18:37,284 (CRYING) 324 00:18:37,366 --> 00:18:38,406 (HISSING) 325 00:18:38,493 --> 00:18:42,333 Amy, technology isn't intrinsically good or evil. 326 00:18:42,413 --> 00:18:45,543 It's how it's used. Like the death ray. 327 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:47,380 Maybe you're right. 328 00:18:47,460 --> 00:18:50,550 I guess science has to keep pushing forward with the hope that... 329 00:18:50,713 --> 00:18:53,803 (GASPS) That's it! Pushing forward! 330 00:18:53,883 --> 00:18:56,553 Professor, I know how to restart the Earth! 331 00:18:56,677 --> 00:18:58,927 (SCOFFS) You can't suddenly know something 332 00:18:59,013 --> 00:19:01,473 just by assembling a committee of words. 333 00:19:01,557 --> 00:19:05,057 (GASPS) That's it! I'll assemble your committee! 334 00:19:06,062 --> 00:19:07,732 The ratchet won't turn backwards, 335 00:19:07,814 --> 00:19:10,024 but what if we kept pushing it forward? 336 00:19:10,525 --> 00:19:12,475 Earth would start turning again! 337 00:19:12,568 --> 00:19:14,738 Yes, the wrong direction! 338 00:19:14,904 --> 00:19:16,454 (LAUGHING) 339 00:19:16,906 --> 00:19:18,026 So? 340 00:19:19,408 --> 00:19:23,908 Gentlemen, ladies, let's get this globe trotting. 341 00:19:24,330 --> 00:19:25,830 (ALL GRUNTING) 342 00:19:28,417 --> 00:19:31,457 It's working! Just a little faster! 343 00:19:31,671 --> 00:19:33,211 But we're plotzing here! 344 00:19:33,422 --> 00:19:34,802 Then look at Nibbler! 345 00:19:39,053 --> 00:19:40,263 ALL: Aw! 346 00:19:51,983 --> 00:19:54,783 On the whole, Earth's society is worthless. 347 00:19:54,861 --> 00:19:56,741 But they do have these things called 348 00:19:56,821 --> 00:19:59,491 antique rugs that are great for peeing on. 349 00:19:59,574 --> 00:20:00,994 (RUMBLING) 350 00:20:04,787 --> 00:20:05,947 (GROANING) 351 00:20:10,209 --> 00:20:11,879 (PEOPLE CHEERING) 352 00:20:12,587 --> 00:20:13,797 KATZ: Good show. 353 00:20:17,300 --> 00:20:22,350 And though the world is now spinning in the wrong direction, it's good enough. 354 00:20:22,430 --> 00:20:23,720 Well done, Amy. 355 00:20:23,806 --> 00:20:27,226 I'm honored to begrudgingly present you with your Ph. D. 356 00:20:27,351 --> 00:20:28,981 In applied physics. 357 00:20:29,061 --> 00:20:33,191 Also, some kind of sportsmanship award I had in my glove compartment. 358 00:20:33,399 --> 00:20:37,939 Yay! I'm finally done with school! How's the job market? 359 00:20:38,571 --> 00:20:39,651 (BARKING) Rough. 360 00:20:39,739 --> 00:20:42,319 Congratulations, Dr. Wong! 361 00:20:42,408 --> 00:20:43,578 (ALL CHEERING) 362 00:20:43,659 --> 00:20:45,239 Congratulations. 363 00:20:46,203 --> 00:20:48,083 Permission to come aboard? 364 00:20:48,164 --> 00:20:50,004 Granted, shnookums. 365 00:20:50,958 --> 00:20:52,498 (WHIMPERING) 366 00:20:52,793 --> 00:20:54,423 (PURRING) 367 00:20:58,007 --> 00:21:00,257 FARNSWORTH: You've got a bright future, Amy. 368 00:21:00,343 --> 00:21:03,433 As sure as the sun sets in the east. 369 00:21:37,088 --> 00:21:38,088 ENGLISH - US - PSDH