1 00:00:04,171 --> 00:00:06,440 [ Man ] One, two! One, two, three! 2 00:00:32,265 --> 00:00:36,436 Up next, daring daylight robbery at a municipal swimming pool. 3 00:00:36,536 --> 00:00:39,972 Ooh, this is it! Turn me up. 4 00:00:40,073 --> 00:00:43,944 Earlier today, a foul-mouthed bandit robbed the municipal pool, 5 00:00:44,043 --> 00:00:47,148 making off with the contents of over three lockers. 6 00:00:47,247 --> 00:00:49,817 More like three lockers and a sink. 7 00:00:49,917 --> 00:00:53,554 Bender, did you have something to do with this? Of course not! 8 00:00:53,654 --> 00:00:56,890 Holy Spitz! He's sporting skintight Speedos! 9 00:00:56,990 --> 00:00:58,892 They don't leave much to the imagination. 10 00:00:58,991 --> 00:01:01,295 Actually, on a robot, they sorta do. 11 00:01:01,395 --> 00:01:03,496 One puny human got a look at the robber-- 12 00:01:03,597 --> 00:01:05,498 Here we go. Here we go! 13 00:01:05,599 --> 00:01:08,436 Describing him as a short, nasty, muscular-- 14 00:01:08,536 --> 00:01:10,403 Yeah! Make me famous, big head! 15 00:01:10,504 --> 00:01:12,272 Caucasian human male. 16 00:01:12,373 --> 00:01:15,075 - What? - [ Gasps ] 17 00:01:15,176 --> 00:01:18,111 Hey, now what am I supposed to watch and drink all day? 18 00:01:18,212 --> 00:01:20,114 This is an outrage! 19 00:01:20,213 --> 00:01:24,152 What's the point of pullin' the biggest pool caper ever if nobody knows you did it? 20 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:28,489 - Well, there's the material rewards. - You mean this junk? 21 00:01:28,588 --> 00:01:30,490 Whee! 22 00:01:30,591 --> 00:01:33,760 All I ever wanted was for people to remember my name. 23 00:01:33,860 --> 00:01:36,096 [ Sobs ] It's Bender. 24 00:01:36,197 --> 00:01:39,500 Oh, fuff! Why bother remembering anything? 25 00:01:39,599 --> 00:01:42,170 You're just going to forget it five seconds later. 26 00:01:42,270 --> 00:01:44,171 It's so unfair. 27 00:01:44,271 --> 00:01:48,108 A debonair robot with a zesty, in-your-face outlook, 28 00:01:48,209 --> 00:01:52,846 doomed to obscurity like the rest of you, especially Leela! 29 00:01:52,945 --> 00:01:57,651 [ Sobs ] If I died tomorrow, no one would even notice. 30 00:02:02,656 --> 00:02:06,727 Boy, I've never seen him so down... or ever before. 31 00:02:06,826 --> 00:02:10,163 How does a nobody like me get famous? 32 00:02:10,264 --> 00:02:13,032 [ Gasps ] I know! 33 00:02:13,133 --> 00:02:16,304 Hey, look! I'm stuck, but I haven't given up hope. 34 00:02:16,403 --> 00:02:18,338 Call a soft-news journalist. 35 00:02:18,438 --> 00:02:21,408 You're not stuck. Shut up. 36 00:02:21,509 --> 00:02:25,413 ** [ Dance ] [ People Whooping, Chattering ] 37 00:02:26,813 --> 00:02:29,550 Hey, everybody! Do the Bender! 38 00:02:29,650 --> 00:02:32,051 This move's called the Bender. 39 00:02:32,151 --> 00:02:34,021 ** [ Stops ] Yo, hot wheels. 40 00:02:34,121 --> 00:02:37,324 This circle's about free expression, not fascist moves! 41 00:02:37,425 --> 00:02:40,328 Whoa-oa-oa! 42 00:02:43,364 --> 00:02:47,367 [ Gasps ] A blank wall! Fame is mine! 43 00:02:50,002 --> 00:02:52,439 [ Rattling ] [ Cackling ] 44 00:02:52,539 --> 00:02:55,942 [ Giggling ] 45 00:03:01,282 --> 00:03:05,385 [ Dog Barking ] [ Grunts ] 46 00:03:05,485 --> 00:03:09,856 There! Now no one will forget how I lived or my attitude regarding butt. 47 00:03:09,956 --> 00:03:11,859 [ Vehicles Approaching ] 48 00:03:11,959 --> 00:03:16,028 All rights, ladies. Let's flush these artist lofts straights to hell! 49 00:03:18,632 --> 00:03:22,134 No! 50 00:03:25,072 --> 00:03:26,973 [ Men Laughing ] 51 00:03:35,883 --> 00:03:39,719 I'm the first one to work. A new low. 52 00:03:39,819 --> 00:03:42,990 [ All ] Surprise! [ Fry ] Happy funeral, Bender! 53 00:03:43,090 --> 00:03:46,093 [ Gasps ] A surprise funeral for me? 54 00:03:46,192 --> 00:03:49,096 We just wanted to show you that you really will be remembered. 55 00:03:49,195 --> 00:03:53,734 Now, if the deceased will kindly take his place of honor. 56 00:03:53,834 --> 00:03:56,804 Ooh! Cushiony. And a mini bar. 57 00:03:56,903 --> 00:03:59,573 ** [ "Funeral March": Upbeat ] 58 00:04:03,743 --> 00:04:07,314 Dearly beloved, we are here today to remember Bender, 59 00:04:07,414 --> 00:04:09,317 taken from us in the prime of life... 60 00:04:09,417 --> 00:04:13,287 when he was crushed by a runaway semi driven by the Incredible Hulk. 61 00:04:13,387 --> 00:04:16,290 Aw, you knew my favorite cause of death. 62 00:04:16,389 --> 00:04:19,992 Now let us each remember the best things about Bender in our own way. 63 00:04:20,093 --> 00:04:21,995 Professor? 64 00:04:22,095 --> 00:04:25,365 [ Grunts, Coughing ] 65 00:04:25,466 --> 00:04:30,170 Your standard bending unit is made of an iron-osmium alloy, 66 00:04:30,269 --> 00:04:32,172 but Bender was different. 67 00:04:32,271 --> 00:04:35,709 Bender had a .04 percent nickel impurity. 68 00:04:35,808 --> 00:04:38,346 [ Sobs ] It's what made me me. 69 00:04:38,446 --> 00:04:42,149 If you ever needed a small package brought into the country... 70 00:04:42,249 --> 00:04:44,451 without a lot of x-rayin' and such, 71 00:04:44,552 --> 00:04:47,053 Bender always had a free body cavity. 72 00:04:47,153 --> 00:04:48,855 Ah, the professor's was better. 73 00:04:48,956 --> 00:04:51,324 Bender, shush. You're supposed to be dead. 74 00:04:51,425 --> 00:04:54,327 Say more about how great I am. And where's the cryin'? 75 00:04:54,427 --> 00:04:57,398 You people look like you're waitin' for the bus. 76 00:04:57,497 --> 00:04:59,399 ** [ High-pitched Note ] 77 00:04:59,500 --> 00:05:01,901 * Oh, Danny boy 78 00:05:02,002 --> 00:05:04,471 * The pipes, the pipes 79 00:05:04,572 --> 00:05:06,706 * Are calling 80 00:05:06,807 --> 00:05:10,310 Who-y boy? * From glen to glen 81 00:05:10,411 --> 00:05:12,980 * And down-- * Danny Boy? 82 00:05:13,079 --> 00:05:17,250 You're at my funeral singing about some dead stiff named Danny Boy? 83 00:05:17,350 --> 00:05:19,752 You really are a massive bonehead! 84 00:05:19,853 --> 00:05:22,589 - I'm expressing my sorrow. - Get lost! 85 00:05:22,689 --> 00:05:26,059 I'd say don't quit your day job, but you're awful at that too! 86 00:05:26,158 --> 00:05:29,228 - We're trying our best. - Your best is an idiot. 87 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:33,165 Let's pick it up, people. So far it's been crap after crap. 88 00:05:33,266 --> 00:05:36,870 I croaked. Now show me some love. 89 00:05:38,170 --> 00:05:40,173 Bender was a truly special-- 90 00:05:40,273 --> 00:05:43,110 Louder and sadder! 91 00:05:43,209 --> 00:05:45,846 [ Shouting ] Bender was a truly special-- 92 00:05:45,946 --> 00:05:49,048 Next! [ Sobbing ] 93 00:05:49,149 --> 00:05:51,619 Dear Lord-- Oh, next! 94 00:05:51,718 --> 00:05:56,590 * Oh, Danny boy Ohh! 95 00:05:56,689 --> 00:06:00,728 Come on! Surely there must be someone here who knows how great I was. 96 00:06:00,827 --> 00:06:03,362 Yes, there is, Bender. 97 00:06:03,463 --> 00:06:06,966 Bender was a lot of things to a lot of people, but looking back, 98 00:06:07,067 --> 00:06:11,271 the number-one thing I can say about him is this, and simply this-- 99 00:06:11,370 --> 00:06:14,641 Bender was my friend. 100 00:06:14,742 --> 00:06:18,711 What? That's it? Who are you? You're nobody! 101 00:06:18,812 --> 00:06:21,281 This is the worst funeral ever! 102 00:06:22,483 --> 00:06:24,485 I hope you're all happy. 103 00:06:24,584 --> 00:06:27,654 You've succeeded in convincing me life is worth living... 104 00:06:27,754 --> 00:06:31,290 by showing how bad my funeral will suck! 105 00:06:31,391 --> 00:06:33,461 [ Grunts ] 106 00:06:33,560 --> 00:06:35,995 I know whose funeral we'll be attending next. 107 00:06:36,096 --> 00:06:37,997 Oh, stop! 108 00:06:42,836 --> 00:06:44,572 News, everyone! 109 00:06:44,672 --> 00:06:46,939 Today you're going to Osiris Four... 110 00:06:47,040 --> 00:06:50,343 to deliver this enormous sandstone block. 111 00:06:50,444 --> 00:06:52,446 I thought something looked different in here. 112 00:06:52,545 --> 00:06:55,816 [ Angry Grumbling ] 113 00:07:07,427 --> 00:07:10,197 Hi. We have a giant stone to deliver. Sign here. 114 00:07:13,966 --> 00:07:15,869 Ah, very nice. 115 00:07:15,968 --> 00:07:20,673 Much like the 10 million identical stones already used in the future tomb... 116 00:07:20,774 --> 00:07:23,209 of our great Pharaoh Hamenthotep. [ Leela ] Impressive. 117 00:07:23,310 --> 00:07:25,946 - Who's building it? - You. - Say again? 118 00:07:26,045 --> 00:07:29,048 You are now slaves of the great Pharaoh Hamenthotep. 119 00:07:29,149 --> 00:07:32,119 Guards? [ Shackles Clanking Shut ] 120 00:07:33,954 --> 00:07:37,858 Call it a hunch, but I've got a bad feeling about this. 121 00:07:50,903 --> 00:07:53,406 You know the worst thing about being a slave? 122 00:07:53,507 --> 00:07:56,343 They make you work, but they don't pay you or let you go. 123 00:07:56,442 --> 00:07:59,045 That's the only thing about being a slave. Attention! 124 00:07:59,146 --> 00:08:02,249 You are now possessions of the great Pharaoh Hamenthotep, 125 00:08:02,348 --> 00:08:04,250 heir to the Tenth Dynasty, 126 00:08:04,350 --> 00:08:06,987 bringer of the good aspects of the annual floods. 127 00:08:07,086 --> 00:08:10,356 Incredible! This place is just like the ancient Egypt of my day. 128 00:08:10,456 --> 00:08:12,526 That is no coincidence, 129 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:16,028 for our people visited your Egypt thousands of years ago. 130 00:08:16,129 --> 00:08:20,000 I knew it! Insane theories, one. Regular theories, a billion. 131 00:08:20,100 --> 00:08:22,670 We learned many things from the mighty Egyptians, 132 00:08:22,769 --> 00:08:25,237 such as pyramid building, space travel... 133 00:08:25,338 --> 00:08:29,776 and how to prepare our dead so as to scare Abbott and Costello. 134 00:08:29,877 --> 00:08:33,113 [ Chuckling ] Also Wolfman. 135 00:08:33,212 --> 00:08:36,683 [ Wolf Whistle ] Look at these swanky tombs. 136 00:08:36,783 --> 00:08:40,019 These people really know how to die. Are you crazy? 137 00:08:40,120 --> 00:08:43,523 They worked thousands of people to death to make these stupid monuments. 138 00:08:43,624 --> 00:08:47,961 Hey, you spend your whole life building a guy's toe, you're gonna remember him. 139 00:08:48,061 --> 00:08:50,230 [ Screams ] 140 00:08:50,330 --> 00:08:52,966 I think I'm gonna like it here. 141 00:08:53,066 --> 00:08:57,303 Yeah, I noticed your sign. I thought I'd learn a bit about your program here. 142 00:08:57,403 --> 00:08:59,306 What we do is make you starve to death. 143 00:08:59,405 --> 00:09:02,142 [ Grunting ] 144 00:09:02,241 --> 00:09:04,644 One, two, three! Pull! 145 00:09:04,745 --> 00:09:07,447 [ All Grunting ] One, two, three! Pull! 146 00:09:07,547 --> 00:09:09,582 [ Australian Accent ] Ah, bloody chunder! 147 00:09:09,682 --> 00:09:12,820 Pick it up, people. We're enslaved here to do a job! 148 00:09:12,919 --> 00:09:15,154 Master, do we have to count to three every time? 149 00:09:15,254 --> 00:09:19,458 Couldn't we just count to one? Or better yet, one half? Good idea, slave. 150 00:09:19,558 --> 00:09:23,296 - One half! Pull! One half! Pull! - Now we're slavin'. 151 00:09:24,998 --> 00:09:28,168 [ Grunting ] 152 00:09:34,975 --> 00:09:38,611 [ All Grunting ] Come on, guys. Pharaoh's counting on us. 153 00:09:38,711 --> 00:09:40,614 Work faster-- like this! 154 00:09:40,713 --> 00:09:45,786 [ Fast Grunting ] 155 00:09:45,885 --> 00:09:48,321 [ Panting ] You call that motivating me? 156 00:09:48,421 --> 00:09:52,125 Don't just whip with your arms. The power comes from your hips. 157 00:09:52,225 --> 00:09:55,195 - Like this! Ow! - [ Panting, Grunting ] 158 00:09:55,294 --> 00:09:58,130 Bender, quit giving the slave drivers pointers. 159 00:09:58,230 --> 00:10:00,167 Yeah, remember who your real friends are. 160 00:10:00,267 --> 00:10:02,335 I'll tell you who I remember! 161 00:10:02,434 --> 00:10:06,673 Anupsis! Pleotut! What's-his-name! 162 00:10:06,774 --> 00:10:10,043 He was the greatest of all. 163 00:10:10,143 --> 00:10:12,645 ** [ Fanfare ] 164 00:10:12,745 --> 00:10:15,048 Pharaoh Hamenthotep approaches! 165 00:10:15,148 --> 00:10:19,952 - [ All ] Ohh! - ** [ Fanfare ] 166 00:10:20,052 --> 00:10:22,489 [ Rhythmic Grunting ] 167 00:10:22,588 --> 00:10:27,394 [ Gasping, Coughing ] 168 00:10:28,628 --> 00:10:30,496 Hurry, hurry! Pharaoh's coming! 169 00:10:30,596 --> 00:10:32,499 Get that nose in place! Come on! 170 00:10:32,599 --> 00:10:36,202 [ Loud Grunting ] 171 00:10:52,485 --> 00:10:56,423 Excellent work. I am very proud of all you slaves. 172 00:10:56,523 --> 00:11:00,393 [ All Grumbling ] Whoo-hoo! Viva Hamenthotep! 173 00:11:00,493 --> 00:11:03,230 And now I have a grand announcement. 174 00:11:03,330 --> 00:11:06,866 In honor of your achievement, you are all hereby-- 175 00:11:06,966 --> 00:11:10,437 [ Gasping ] No! 176 00:11:11,772 --> 00:11:13,841 [ Grunting ] 177 00:11:16,009 --> 00:11:18,912 Tell the slaves they can all go. 178 00:11:19,011 --> 00:11:21,948 Go faster? I told them, but they're so damn lazy. 179 00:11:22,048 --> 00:11:25,085 No. I mean they are all free. 180 00:11:25,184 --> 00:11:27,086 Freeloading off you? I agree. 181 00:11:27,187 --> 00:11:31,191 No. I-- [ Gasping ] 182 00:11:34,394 --> 00:11:36,730 Pharaoh Hamenthotep is dead. 183 00:11:36,830 --> 00:11:39,532 [ Sobs ] He's whippin' angels now. 184 00:11:39,631 --> 00:11:41,467 [ Inhales, Sighs ] 185 00:11:44,604 --> 00:11:48,375 [ All Grunting, Groaning ] 186 00:11:49,809 --> 00:11:52,479 We commend the body of the great Hamenthotep... 187 00:11:52,578 --> 00:11:54,547 to the abode of the damned. 188 00:11:54,647 --> 00:11:56,783 The damned good-looking. 189 00:11:56,884 --> 00:11:59,485 Pharaoh commanded me to tell that joke at his funeral. 190 00:11:59,586 --> 00:12:02,721 [ Grunting ] 191 00:12:02,822 --> 00:12:07,326 [ Sobs ] I'll always remember you, Hamenthotep! 192 00:12:07,427 --> 00:12:09,495 To equip Pharaoh for his journey, 193 00:12:09,596 --> 00:12:13,232 we bury him with his favorite possessions, such as his heart and liver... 194 00:12:16,469 --> 00:12:19,572 and the many goods he left in his royal garage. 195 00:12:23,643 --> 00:12:27,246 Also, this bag of cats our culture considers holy. [ Meowing ] 196 00:12:27,346 --> 00:12:29,817 [ Screeching ] [ Thuds ] 197 00:12:32,019 --> 00:12:34,520 * Pharaoh, my god king 198 00:12:34,620 --> 00:12:37,456 * You are cold and deceased * 199 00:12:37,557 --> 00:12:41,327 * Are you still half insane 200 00:12:41,427 --> 00:12:44,030 * P-P-P-Pharaoh and his pets * 201 00:12:47,299 --> 00:12:50,669 * But the years went by and Pharaoh died * 202 00:12:50,769 --> 00:12:54,040 * Susie went and joined him in the afterlife-- ** 203 00:12:54,140 --> 00:12:56,043 [ Grunts ] [ Clattering ] 204 00:12:56,143 --> 00:13:00,513 Hamenthotep is gone. The time to designate a new pharaoh is at hand. 205 00:13:01,981 --> 00:13:04,484 [ Crowd ] Ooh! [ Bender ] Wow. 206 00:13:04,583 --> 00:13:07,988 At dawn tomorrow, the high priest will consult the Wall of Prophecy... 207 00:13:08,087 --> 00:13:10,823 to determine Hamenthotep's successor. 208 00:13:12,692 --> 00:13:15,662 - Whoo! - That concludes the funeral. 209 00:13:15,761 --> 00:13:18,831 You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. 210 00:13:22,034 --> 00:13:24,471 Can you believe it? Pharaoh's dead! 211 00:13:24,571 --> 00:13:27,340 Yes, tonight we are slaves to no one, 212 00:13:27,440 --> 00:13:29,909 except the rhythm. 213 00:13:30,009 --> 00:13:32,511 [ All Whooping ] [ Leela ] Yeah! Play those bongos. 214 00:13:32,611 --> 00:13:37,017 I'm gonna spin till I fall down! Whoo-oo-oo! 215 00:13:37,116 --> 00:13:39,186 [ Sinister Chuckling ] 216 00:13:44,823 --> 00:13:47,995 [ Barking ] 217 00:13:53,533 --> 00:13:57,703 We interrupt this ancient prophecy to bring you a late-breaking bulletin. 218 00:13:57,803 --> 00:14:01,673 [ Grunting ] 219 00:14:05,177 --> 00:14:07,214 Great Wall of Prophecy, 220 00:14:07,313 --> 00:14:10,918 reveal to us God's will that we may blindly obey. 221 00:14:11,018 --> 00:14:14,187 [ Together ] Free us from thought and responsibility. 222 00:14:14,287 --> 00:14:16,523 We shall read things off you. 223 00:14:16,623 --> 00:14:18,524 Then do them. 224 00:14:18,625 --> 00:14:20,961 Your words guide us. We're dumb. 225 00:14:21,061 --> 00:14:25,097 You know what else stinks about being a slave? The hours. 226 00:14:25,197 --> 00:14:29,536 The prophecy is strange and crudely drawn, at best. 227 00:14:29,635 --> 00:14:32,871 It indicates that we are here... 228 00:14:32,972 --> 00:14:37,777 and our next pharaoh is over there near some... tents. 229 00:14:37,876 --> 00:14:40,147 [ Bender ] Those are weeds, jackass! 230 00:14:40,246 --> 00:14:43,216 It's supposed to be a river! [ All Murmuring ] 231 00:14:43,316 --> 00:14:46,619 Hey, I think I know who the next pharaoh is. Oh, Lord. 232 00:14:46,719 --> 00:14:49,556 We hear your voice, oh great Pharaoh. 233 00:14:49,655 --> 00:14:53,493 Reveal yourself to us. Behold! 234 00:14:53,592 --> 00:14:56,729 I have emerged from the place of spells and fairies. 235 00:14:56,828 --> 00:14:58,730 [ Crowd Gasping ] 236 00:14:58,831 --> 00:15:03,302 It is he, just as the Wall of Prophecy prophesied. 237 00:15:03,403 --> 00:15:05,304 [ Murmuring ] 238 00:15:05,404 --> 00:15:07,740 Long live Pharaoh Bender! 239 00:15:07,840 --> 00:15:10,643 [ Together ] Long live Pharaoh Bender! 240 00:15:10,743 --> 00:15:12,745 This society is a bunch of idiots. 241 00:15:16,582 --> 00:15:18,485 People of Osiris Four, 242 00:15:18,585 --> 00:15:21,587 please welcome a man who started as a slave, 243 00:15:21,687 --> 00:15:24,957 but worked his way up to lord of all creation, 244 00:15:25,057 --> 00:15:27,826 our new pharaoh... Bender! 245 00:15:27,927 --> 00:15:29,861 [ Crowd Cheering ] 246 00:15:37,636 --> 00:15:39,639 Citizens of me! 247 00:15:39,739 --> 00:15:43,143 The cruelty of the old pharaoh is a thing of the past. 248 00:15:43,243 --> 00:15:45,144 [ All ] Hooray! 249 00:15:45,245 --> 00:15:48,014 Let a whole new wave of cruelty... 250 00:15:48,115 --> 00:15:50,182 wash over this lazy land. 251 00:15:50,283 --> 00:15:53,153 Yea! What? What did he say? 252 00:15:53,253 --> 00:15:55,388 Hear the word of Pharaoh! 253 00:15:55,488 --> 00:15:58,691 Build unto me a statue of ridiculous proportion-- 254 00:15:58,790 --> 00:16:01,293 one billion cubits in height-- 255 00:16:01,394 --> 00:16:05,032 that I might be remember-ed for all eternity! 256 00:16:05,131 --> 00:16:07,033 And be quick about it! 257 00:16:07,134 --> 00:16:09,668 [ All Groaning ] 258 00:16:11,538 --> 00:16:14,407 [ Grunting ] 259 00:16:14,506 --> 00:16:18,544 - Lowly slave, why are you not working? - I am. 260 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:20,712 I meant yourself to death. 261 00:16:20,812 --> 00:16:23,682 [ Groaning ] Mighty Pharaoh, it hurts when I breathe. 262 00:16:23,783 --> 00:16:27,386 Well, then what do you think you should stop doing? 263 00:16:27,486 --> 00:16:30,322 Crawl, pigs! Ow! Ohh. 264 00:16:30,423 --> 00:16:33,192 The pharaoh has spoken. 265 00:16:39,999 --> 00:16:42,402 [ Whip Cracking ] 266 00:16:53,613 --> 00:16:55,548 [ Grunting ] 267 00:17:01,587 --> 00:17:03,755 [ Bender ] Your task is nearly completed. 268 00:17:03,855 --> 00:17:07,859 Don't let down Pharaoh now. 269 00:17:14,300 --> 00:17:19,306 The great monument is finished, oh Pharaoh, and now... the unveiling! 270 00:17:19,405 --> 00:17:21,807 Hmm. 271 00:17:21,907 --> 00:17:24,243 Remember me! 272 00:17:25,244 --> 00:17:28,147 Remember me! 273 00:17:28,248 --> 00:17:30,150 Remember me! 274 00:17:30,250 --> 00:17:32,484 Does it please you, my lord? 275 00:17:32,585 --> 00:17:35,454 Mmm. It's a good start. 276 00:17:35,555 --> 00:17:38,990 Uh, yeah, it's definitely big, all right. 277 00:17:39,092 --> 00:17:41,728 I just wonder if it's too big, you know? 278 00:17:41,827 --> 00:17:45,498 I mean, are people gonna be remembering me or the statue? 279 00:17:45,597 --> 00:17:48,800 But, sire, we made it to your exact specifications. 280 00:17:48,901 --> 00:17:50,903 Too exact, if you ask me. 281 00:17:51,002 --> 00:17:52,971 Tear it down and try again, 282 00:17:53,072 --> 00:17:55,607 but this time don't embarrass yourselves. 283 00:17:55,708 --> 00:17:58,177 [ Slurping ] Ahh. [ Muttering ] 284 00:18:00,078 --> 00:18:03,349 Wait-- [ Muffled ] I'm really sorry, guys. 285 00:18:03,450 --> 00:18:06,618 Ladies and gentlemen, the pharaoh suddenly died. 286 00:18:06,719 --> 00:18:08,621 [ All Cheering ] 287 00:18:11,423 --> 00:18:16,328 - Good riddance. - [ Bender Yelling ] What about my service? 288 00:18:16,429 --> 00:18:18,498 [ Grumbling ] 289 00:18:18,597 --> 00:18:23,836 [ Grunting, Screaming ] 290 00:18:25,438 --> 00:18:27,440 [ Thuds, Groaning ] 291 00:18:28,807 --> 00:18:31,544 Bender, I really hope that's you, 'cause if it isn't, 292 00:18:31,644 --> 00:18:35,047 [ Wheezing ] we're in trouble. 293 00:18:35,147 --> 00:18:38,218 You jerk! Why'd you have to drag us along? 294 00:18:38,317 --> 00:18:41,052 I wanted to watch you remember me. 295 00:18:41,153 --> 00:18:43,990 [ Machines Clinking ] 296 00:18:44,089 --> 00:18:47,160 Did you really think you'd need all this junk in the afterlife? 297 00:18:47,259 --> 00:18:49,162 Afterlife? [ Blows Raspberry ] 298 00:18:49,261 --> 00:18:52,999 If I thought I had to go through a whole 'nother life, I'd kill myself right now. 299 00:18:53,098 --> 00:18:56,035 Well, rot in peace. Fry and I are leaving. 300 00:18:56,134 --> 00:18:58,637 Sorry, but we're totally sealed in. 301 00:18:58,738 --> 00:19:03,509 Nothing can get in or out... except millions of snakes. [ Screams ] 302 00:19:03,609 --> 00:19:06,712 Here, have a pomegranate schnapps from my private distillery... 303 00:19:06,813 --> 00:19:09,816 and start sharing fond memories of me, Bender. 304 00:19:10,849 --> 00:19:13,885 What proof is this-- some huge number? 305 00:19:15,188 --> 00:19:17,088 It's explosive. 306 00:19:17,190 --> 00:19:20,026 Maybe we could escape by setting fire to the distillery... 307 00:19:20,125 --> 00:19:22,729 and blowing this whole place to rubble. 308 00:19:24,364 --> 00:19:27,700 Let's get a little kindling going. 309 00:19:30,169 --> 00:19:33,673 No! You can't blow up my monument. I won't be remembered. 310 00:19:33,772 --> 00:19:36,709 Oh, right. How selfish of me. 311 00:19:36,808 --> 00:19:38,744 We'll just stay here forever. 312 00:19:38,845 --> 00:19:42,781 Hey, Fry, remember that robot Bender? 313 00:19:42,882 --> 00:19:45,285 Bend-er? Doesn't ring a bell. 314 00:19:45,384 --> 00:19:47,686 - [ Gasps ] - Did you hear something, Leela? 315 00:19:47,787 --> 00:19:51,357 No, but I bet it wasn't someone who was good at stealing. 316 00:19:51,458 --> 00:19:54,861 Stop it. Stop it! It's not right! You've crossed a line! 317 00:19:54,961 --> 00:19:57,896 - Hey, Leela, you know who I remember? - Oh, please let it be me. 318 00:19:57,997 --> 00:20:00,366 That guy who used to bend things. You know. 319 00:20:00,467 --> 00:20:02,034 - Me. Please. - Hermes. 320 00:20:02,134 --> 00:20:04,471 All right, all right! 321 00:20:04,570 --> 00:20:08,307 If it means that much to you, blow up my statue. 322 00:20:08,407 --> 00:20:11,310 Oh, Bender! When did you come in? 323 00:20:11,411 --> 00:20:15,146 Hold still. [ Blubbering ] 324 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:24,324 Let's blow this tomb. 325 00:20:32,499 --> 00:20:34,467 [ Bender Yelling ] 326 00:20:34,567 --> 00:20:38,170 Pharaoh Bender! He once more walks among the living. 327 00:20:38,270 --> 00:20:40,172 How we doin'? [ Whimpering ] 328 00:20:41,773 --> 00:20:44,143 [ Beeping ] 329 00:20:52,183 --> 00:20:54,453 [ Statue ] Remember me! 330 00:20:54,554 --> 00:20:57,789 [ Sobs ] I will. I will. 331 00:21:05,365 --> 00:21:07,967 [ Sobbing ] 332 00:21:08,067 --> 00:21:11,170 Please, just leave me alone. 333 00:21:11,269 --> 00:21:15,141 [ Loud Wailing ] 334 00:21:15,240 --> 00:21:18,444 Bender, I understand your desire to be remembered, 335 00:21:18,545 --> 00:21:20,446 but you don't need a statue for that. 336 00:21:20,547 --> 00:21:22,449 [ Sniffles ] I don't? 337 00:21:22,548 --> 00:21:27,019 No, you have your legacy as a brutal, tyrannical dictator, 338 00:21:27,118 --> 00:21:29,321 and that will outlive any monument. 339 00:21:29,422 --> 00:21:31,990 [ Sniffles ] You really think they'll remember me? 340 00:21:32,090 --> 00:21:33,992 Absolutely. 341 00:21:34,093 --> 00:21:37,296 Well, in that case, one planet down. 342 00:21:37,396 --> 00:21:39,999 Helmsman, set course... 343 00:21:40,098 --> 00:21:42,034 for Earth! 344 00:21:42,134 --> 00:21:47,138 [ Sinister Laughing ] 345 00:21:47,239 --> 00:21:50,343 [ Leela ] That's not Earth. [ Bender ] Oh.