1 00:00:03,371 --> 00:00:06,274 [ Man ] One, two! One, two, three! 2 00:00:33,533 --> 00:00:35,469 Good news, everyone. 3 00:00:35,569 --> 00:00:38,271 You all know the orphanarium where Leela grew up. 4 00:00:38,371 --> 00:00:40,774 - Sure. We talk about it all the time. - Really? 5 00:00:40,874 --> 00:00:42,942 No. Burn! 6 00:00:43,042 --> 00:00:46,045 Well done, fellows. Anyway, said orphanarium... 7 00:00:46,146 --> 00:00:49,082 has named Leela "Orphan of the Year." 8 00:00:49,182 --> 00:00:52,219 - [ All Cheering ] - Your parents must be so proud. 9 00:00:52,320 --> 00:00:56,090 - Ooh, sorry. - And the good news keeps on coming. 10 00:00:56,189 --> 00:00:58,991 Behold, my latest invention. 11 00:00:59,093 --> 00:01:01,094 [ Beeps ] 12 00:01:02,662 --> 00:01:04,965 [ All ] Whoa! [ Bender ] Neat. 13 00:01:05,998 --> 00:01:09,837 - [ Straining ] - [ Beeping ] 14 00:01:13,807 --> 00:01:16,609 Ta-da! It's a glow-in-the-dark nose... 15 00:01:16,710 --> 00:01:20,079 you can wear over your regular non-glowing nose. 16 00:01:20,180 --> 00:01:22,515 Observe. 17 00:01:22,615 --> 00:01:24,817 [ Amy ] Whoa! "Clool"! 18 00:01:24,918 --> 00:01:27,355 [ Bender ] Now I can punch you in the nose in the dark. 19 00:01:27,454 --> 00:01:29,489 [ Sneezes ] 20 00:01:29,590 --> 00:01:31,492 [ Nasal ] Where'd it go? 21 00:01:32,593 --> 00:01:34,527 Hey, Professor, what's all this groop... 22 00:01:34,628 --> 00:01:36,530 blurking out of the machine? 23 00:01:36,629 --> 00:01:39,766 That? It's, uh, nothing. Yes, nothing. 24 00:01:39,866 --> 00:01:43,036 If you think it's anything, you're a suspicious moron. 25 00:01:43,137 --> 00:01:45,173 It looks like toxic waste. 26 00:01:45,272 --> 00:01:47,941 [ Sniffs ] And it smells like toxic waste. 27 00:01:48,040 --> 00:01:50,311 What does it taste like? 28 00:01:50,411 --> 00:01:53,146 Delicious fig pudding! Ooh, that's good. 29 00:01:53,246 --> 00:01:56,317 But a distinct aftertaste of toxic waste. 30 00:01:56,417 --> 00:02:01,322 All right, all right! So the machine produces a few toxic by-products. 31 00:02:01,421 --> 00:02:03,490 You don't have to make a federal case out of it. 32 00:02:03,590 --> 00:02:06,626 - I'm afraid I do. - [ Farnsworth ] Ooh-ooh! 33 00:02:06,727 --> 00:02:09,462 I order you to dispose of that toxic waste properly. or bribe me. 34 00:02:09,562 --> 00:02:11,498 Either way, it'll cost $500. 35 00:02:11,598 --> 00:02:14,701 Five hundred real dollars? That's an outrage! 36 00:02:14,801 --> 00:02:20,073 Professor, I'll take care of that waste for $499 and 100 cents. 37 00:02:20,174 --> 00:02:24,245 Hmm. I know that's a rip, but I'll pay for the convenience. 38 00:02:24,344 --> 00:02:27,079 Do you take credit cards? Let's find out. 39 00:02:30,717 --> 00:02:33,420 All right, environment. You've met your match. 40 00:02:33,521 --> 00:02:36,189 [ Laughs, Grunts ] 41 00:02:38,025 --> 00:02:40,328 [ Glass Breaks ] 42 00:02:41,829 --> 00:02:43,730 [ Bender Grunting ] 43 00:02:46,334 --> 00:02:50,103 [ Whistling ] 44 00:02:51,204 --> 00:02:53,574 [ Coughing, Gasping ] 45 00:02:53,674 --> 00:02:56,843 Hey, get back in the sewer, weirdie. No mutants on the surface. 46 00:02:56,944 --> 00:02:59,045 But he ruined my wedding dress. 47 00:02:59,146 --> 00:03:02,049 Honey, that thing was ruined the minute it went on you. 48 00:03:02,149 --> 00:03:04,418 That's what I'm talkin' about. [ Inhales ] 49 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:09,757 You know, it's not easy being an orphan. 50 00:03:09,856 --> 00:03:11,759 Not if I have anything to do with it. 51 00:03:11,859 --> 00:03:13,894 [ Chuckles ] Oh, God! [ Clears Throat ] 52 00:03:13,993 --> 00:03:16,396 But today's honoree, Turanga Leela, 53 00:03:16,497 --> 00:03:19,466 has really made something of herself. 54 00:03:19,567 --> 00:03:23,704 I'll never forget the night that cute little alien baby was abandoned on our doorstep. 55 00:03:23,804 --> 00:03:27,775 Because I have a photographic memory, and I remember every night. 56 00:03:28,808 --> 00:03:30,978 [ Doorbell Rings ] 57 00:03:34,314 --> 00:03:38,786 [ Raining ] [ Baby Gurgling ] 58 00:03:38,885 --> 00:03:41,454 [ Gurgling ] 59 00:03:44,991 --> 00:03:48,996 What the-- An alien language. 60 00:03:49,096 --> 00:03:53,667 I guess you're an alien. What a beautiful, gigantic eye you have-- 61 00:03:53,766 --> 00:03:56,836 Well, come on in. 62 00:03:58,406 --> 00:04:00,407 [ Warden's Voice ] From those humble beginnings, 63 00:04:00,508 --> 00:04:03,576 Leela went on to become a county certified starship captain. 64 00:04:03,676 --> 00:04:06,847 And so it is my pleasure today, to nail her picture... 65 00:04:06,947 --> 00:04:10,016 alongside those of our most distinguished alumni. 66 00:04:10,116 --> 00:04:12,919 [ Cheering, Applause ] 67 00:04:17,824 --> 00:04:20,259 Thank you very much. 68 00:04:20,360 --> 00:04:23,331 Like many of you, I never knew my parents. Give me a-- 69 00:04:23,430 --> 00:04:26,300 I don't know if they were mighty alien overlords, [ Warden Yells ] That little-- 70 00:04:26,399 --> 00:04:28,836 or simply underpaid alien janitors, 71 00:04:28,935 --> 00:04:31,439 who fought crime on the side. There we are. Picture's up. 72 00:04:31,538 --> 00:04:33,774 - It's crooked! - [ Grumbling ] 73 00:04:33,874 --> 00:04:37,644 In the end though, it doesn't matter who my parents were. 74 00:04:37,745 --> 00:04:40,447 All that matters is what I learned here, 75 00:04:40,548 --> 00:04:42,649 within these unscalable walls, 76 00:04:42,750 --> 00:04:45,853 that I had the strength to make it on my own. 77 00:04:45,952 --> 00:04:49,822 Just like all of you kids here today. [ Cheering ] 78 00:04:49,923 --> 00:04:53,526 [ Chanting ] Leela! Leela! Leela! 79 00:04:53,627 --> 00:04:55,528 Look at me! I'm Leela! 80 00:04:55,629 --> 00:04:57,531 Uh-uh, 'cause I'm Double Leela. 81 00:04:57,630 --> 00:05:01,000 Whee! [ Grunts ] 82 00:05:01,100 --> 00:05:03,571 That's it, Albert. No more espresso for you. 83 00:05:03,670 --> 00:05:06,507 Mind if we get a picture of you with your picture for the news, ma'am? 84 00:05:06,607 --> 00:05:08,509 Yes! I mean, no! 85 00:05:08,608 --> 00:05:11,011 Just make sure you get my nonchalant side. 86 00:05:11,110 --> 00:05:13,680 Whoo! 87 00:05:16,817 --> 00:05:20,187 [ Leela Sniffling, Sobbing ] 88 00:05:27,026 --> 00:05:29,596 If those aren't tears of happiness, please stop crying. 89 00:05:29,697 --> 00:05:32,365 It's okay, Fry. I'm fine. 90 00:05:32,466 --> 00:05:34,867 I won an award today. 91 00:05:34,968 --> 00:05:37,004 Is it this room that's making you sad? 92 00:05:37,103 --> 00:05:40,007 It's probably the room. Come on. Let's go for a walk. 93 00:05:41,074 --> 00:05:43,711 I'm sorry you saw that, Fry. 94 00:05:43,810 --> 00:05:46,413 I usually try to keep my sadness pent up inside, 95 00:05:46,514 --> 00:05:49,016 where it can fester quietly as a mental illness. 96 00:05:49,115 --> 00:05:51,584 Yeah, I do that with my stupidness. 97 00:05:51,685 --> 00:05:55,389 I told a whole crowd today that being an orphan made me strong. 98 00:05:55,488 --> 00:05:57,957 But all I really wanted was a mom and dad... 99 00:05:58,057 --> 00:06:01,961 to hold me and stroke my hair and tell me they love me. 100 00:06:02,062 --> 00:06:04,297 Then today's your lucky day, because I happen to be... 101 00:06:04,398 --> 00:06:08,701 a holding, stroking, loving machine, also spanking. 102 00:06:08,802 --> 00:06:11,204 That's not even close to what I had in mind. 103 00:06:11,303 --> 00:06:14,141 Well, anyway, just remember that people care about you. 104 00:06:14,240 --> 00:06:16,543 I know. 105 00:06:16,644 --> 00:06:18,545 Sometimes, when I'm lonely, 106 00:06:18,646 --> 00:06:20,947 I look up at the sky, and I get this feeling... 107 00:06:21,048 --> 00:06:25,552 that somewhere on some unknown planet circling a distant star, 108 00:06:25,653 --> 00:06:29,322 my parents are up there, looking down on me. 109 00:06:38,165 --> 00:06:41,067 [ Truck Beeping ] 110 00:06:41,168 --> 00:06:45,338 ** [ Scatting ] 111 00:06:45,439 --> 00:06:47,307 Yo, yo, Ba-zender, what up? 112 00:06:47,406 --> 00:06:49,308 My dumping business is booming. 113 00:06:49,408 --> 00:06:52,646 I just got hired to clean up the set of Free Willy III. 114 00:06:52,745 --> 00:06:55,348 [ Whirring ] 115 00:06:57,584 --> 00:07:00,019 [ Grunting ] 116 00:07:00,120 --> 00:07:02,021 Bender, cut it out! 117 00:07:02,122 --> 00:07:04,290 First of all, the sewer mutants will be mad. 118 00:07:04,391 --> 00:07:07,495 Second, everything else that's horribly wrong with what you're doing. 119 00:07:07,595 --> 00:07:09,497 [ Grunts ] [ Splash ] 120 00:07:09,596 --> 00:07:11,764 Those stupid mutants can't do anything. 121 00:07:11,865 --> 00:07:14,367 You seem to be forgetting one simple fact. 122 00:07:14,468 --> 00:07:19,606 Namely, I'm up here, and they are safely down-- [ Yells ] 123 00:07:23,009 --> 00:07:25,278 [ All Yelling ] 124 00:07:29,649 --> 00:07:32,451 [ Crash ] 125 00:07:32,552 --> 00:07:35,822 What did I do to deserve this? 126 00:07:35,923 --> 00:07:39,659 Behold, our once beautiful mutagenic sewage lake. 127 00:07:39,759 --> 00:07:42,495 The radioactive waste you've dumped in it has made it bright enough... 128 00:07:42,596 --> 00:07:44,697 to see how ugly we really are. 129 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:46,966 Aah! Oh, man! 130 00:07:47,067 --> 00:07:49,502 As if our lives weren't miserable enough already. 131 00:07:49,603 --> 00:07:52,840 - Tell me about it. - Let the punishment commence! 132 00:07:52,939 --> 00:07:55,007 Punishment? No fair! Bender's innocent! 133 00:07:55,108 --> 00:07:57,711 The instant you touch these mutateous waters, 134 00:07:57,810 --> 00:08:00,213 your D.N.A. will be forever altered, 135 00:08:00,312 --> 00:08:02,583 turning you into horrible mutants like us. 136 00:08:02,682 --> 00:08:04,584 Especially him. Oh! 137 00:08:04,685 --> 00:08:08,487 - Allow me to demonstrate. - [ Pulley Whirring ] 138 00:08:10,723 --> 00:08:13,492 [ All Gasping, Groaning ] 139 00:08:14,995 --> 00:08:16,930 [ All ] Eww! 140 00:08:17,029 --> 00:08:18,932 Oh! [ Gags ] 141 00:08:19,031 --> 00:08:21,201 It's like that time I peeked in the kitchen at Imperial Hunan. 142 00:08:21,300 --> 00:08:24,004 Submerge the prisoners! 143 00:08:24,103 --> 00:08:26,540 [ Bender Yelling, Stammering ] 144 00:08:26,639 --> 00:08:30,009 Wait. I don't even have D.N.A. Why am I screaming? 145 00:08:30,110 --> 00:08:31,845 We're gonna beat you afterwards. 146 00:08:31,944 --> 00:08:35,182 [ Bender Yelling, Stammering ] Oh, God! 147 00:08:35,282 --> 00:08:37,850 [ Chanting ] Mutate! Mutate! Mutate! 148 00:08:37,951 --> 00:08:39,919 [ Gasps ] Turanga Leela! 149 00:08:40,019 --> 00:08:42,690 Who said that? How do you know my real name? 150 00:08:42,789 --> 00:08:45,859 [ Both Grunting ] 151 00:08:45,959 --> 00:08:48,394 Whee! 152 00:08:48,495 --> 00:08:50,931 [ Clamoring ] 153 00:08:51,030 --> 00:08:53,701 [ All Grunt ] What happened? 154 00:08:53,801 --> 00:08:56,937 I don't know. I think I saved us somehow. 155 00:08:57,037 --> 00:09:00,307 Go after them! The waters can't mutate us mutants! 156 00:09:00,407 --> 00:09:05,111 - [ All Yelling ] - [ Mutants Grunting ] 157 00:09:06,546 --> 00:09:09,149 [ All Panting ] 158 00:09:10,317 --> 00:09:12,284 [ Bender ] Duh, duh, duh! 159 00:09:13,886 --> 00:09:15,822 [ Mutant ] They went this way! 160 00:09:15,923 --> 00:09:17,924 [ Mutants Yelling ] 161 00:09:19,558 --> 00:09:21,494 Quick! In there! 162 00:09:21,595 --> 00:09:24,798 Huh? [ Grunts ] 163 00:09:24,898 --> 00:09:26,799 [ Fry Grunts, Groans ] 164 00:09:26,899 --> 00:09:30,003 [ Mutants Clamoring ] Kill! Kill! Kill! 165 00:09:30,102 --> 00:09:32,139 Kill! Kill! Kill! 166 00:09:35,341 --> 00:09:37,309 [ Gasps ] 167 00:09:37,409 --> 00:09:39,346 Great Cheech's ghost! 168 00:09:39,446 --> 00:09:42,481 What's this junk? It looks like... 169 00:09:42,581 --> 00:09:45,085 a time line of my whole life. 170 00:09:45,184 --> 00:09:48,087 That's when we saved Earth from a giant asteroid of garbage. 171 00:09:48,187 --> 00:09:51,290 And here's when I dropped out and bummed around India for a while. 172 00:09:51,390 --> 00:09:54,494 And this is just last year at Space Mardi Gras. 173 00:09:54,594 --> 00:09:58,798 It's like some kind of weird Leela museum. And I'm the Leela. 174 00:09:58,899 --> 00:10:01,333 Dude, over here. 175 00:10:02,769 --> 00:10:05,706 It's all the best stuff I ever flushed down the toilet. 176 00:10:05,806 --> 00:10:09,842 Those are some of my diary pages. And my screenplay! 177 00:10:09,942 --> 00:10:13,446 And also, for some reason, the letter I wrote you full of my personal feelings. 178 00:10:13,546 --> 00:10:15,716 Oh, I'm scared! 179 00:10:15,816 --> 00:10:20,687 My whole life has just been a show for some perverted mutant. 180 00:10:20,788 --> 00:10:22,722 They must be in here. Yeah, capture them! 181 00:10:22,822 --> 00:10:24,892 And then Bender ran. 182 00:10:24,991 --> 00:10:28,327 Leela, freak out later. We're not done escaping yet. 183 00:10:29,361 --> 00:10:32,565 [ Both Straining ] 184 00:10:32,665 --> 00:10:34,835 [ Mutants Yell ] Got ya. 185 00:10:34,934 --> 00:10:37,837 Take this! Aah! Ow! 186 00:10:37,937 --> 00:10:40,841 This time I'm calling for the death penalty. 187 00:10:40,941 --> 00:10:44,010 And not just because I'm running for reelection as supreme mutant. 188 00:10:44,110 --> 00:10:47,313 [ Chanting ] Four more years! Four more years! 189 00:10:47,413 --> 00:10:50,383 Psst. [ Whispering, Indistinct ] 190 00:10:50,482 --> 00:10:53,253 Oh, very well. Your attention. 191 00:10:53,352 --> 00:10:55,688 Instead of being tortured to death, 192 00:10:55,788 --> 00:10:58,759 the prisoners shall hereby be expelled from the sewers... 193 00:10:58,859 --> 00:11:01,094 and never allowed to return. 194 00:11:01,193 --> 00:11:03,096 Oh, cruel fate! 195 00:11:03,196 --> 00:11:06,666 Can we really never return to this dank pit of sewage? 196 00:11:06,767 --> 00:11:09,937 Wait a minute. Why aren't you gonna kill us anymore? 197 00:11:10,037 --> 00:11:13,440 Yeah, what are you, chicken? [ Clucking ] 198 00:11:13,539 --> 00:11:17,076 Shut up, you two. We can kill ourselves when we get home. 199 00:11:17,177 --> 00:11:19,678 They'll need transportation to the surface. 200 00:11:19,779 --> 00:11:22,850 Bring in the airship. 201 00:11:22,950 --> 00:11:25,184 - Eww! - We constructed it from the remnants... 202 00:11:25,284 --> 00:11:28,187 of old discarded Macy's Parade balloons-- 203 00:11:28,288 --> 00:11:32,524 Underdog's groin, Bart Simpson's left ear and right shin, 204 00:11:32,625 --> 00:11:35,461 Garfield's owner Jon's forehead. 205 00:11:35,562 --> 00:11:38,130 Fire up the sewer gas! 206 00:11:38,230 --> 00:11:41,969 [ Coughing ] 207 00:11:44,804 --> 00:11:48,808 [ Fish Sloshing ] 208 00:11:52,144 --> 00:11:54,748 - [ Metal Clangs ] - Move it, you ugly normals! 209 00:11:54,847 --> 00:11:58,985 [ Grunts, Whimpers ] Whoa! 210 00:11:59,086 --> 00:12:01,288 Huh? [ Yelling ] 211 00:12:01,388 --> 00:12:03,956 I'm getting dizzy. I can't walk straight. 212 00:12:05,826 --> 00:12:10,998 ** [ Vocalizing ] 213 00:12:11,097 --> 00:12:14,333 [ Fry Grunting ] Whoa! 214 00:12:14,433 --> 00:12:17,837 [ Leela ] Whoa. Whoa! 215 00:12:19,605 --> 00:12:21,673 [ Squeaking ] 216 00:12:24,812 --> 00:12:26,779 Come on, Leela. You can do it! 217 00:12:26,879 --> 00:12:28,849 [ Bender ] Hurry, we're missing our bus! 218 00:12:40,159 --> 00:12:42,495 [ Fry ] Hey, what are you doing? 219 00:12:42,595 --> 00:12:44,932 [ Bender ] I'm gettin' on the bus! 220 00:12:45,032 --> 00:12:47,700 Don't worry. I'll be fine. 221 00:12:48,836 --> 00:12:50,837 [ Leela ] They know something about me. 222 00:12:50,937 --> 00:12:54,474 And I've got to find out what. 223 00:13:07,453 --> 00:13:09,621 [ Bubbling ] 224 00:13:20,466 --> 00:13:22,870 Blech! 225 00:13:22,970 --> 00:13:27,006 The lake didn't mutate me. What is going on here? 226 00:13:27,106 --> 00:13:30,576 It worked for me. I used to be a little blonde girl named Virginia. 227 00:13:30,677 --> 00:13:32,711 Yech! [ Splash ] 228 00:13:32,812 --> 00:13:36,749 [ Gasps ] Who the hell are you? 229 00:13:36,850 --> 00:13:39,351 No one. And watch your language, young lady! 230 00:13:39,451 --> 00:13:42,688 - [ Leela Growling ] - [ Both Gasping ] 231 00:13:45,057 --> 00:13:47,360 Stop right there! I don't wanna hurt you. [ Karate Yell ] 232 00:13:47,460 --> 00:13:50,830 [ Grunts ] I didn't want you to hurt me either. 233 00:13:54,834 --> 00:13:57,336 Leela's going nuts, and I can't save her... 234 00:13:57,437 --> 00:13:59,538 unless I learn more about her mysterious past. 235 00:13:59,639 --> 00:14:01,607 Isn't there anything else you can tell me? 236 00:14:01,707 --> 00:14:04,110 Nah. Nothing that wouldn't be a waste of your time. 237 00:14:04,211 --> 00:14:06,613 That's impossible, because my time is worthless. 238 00:14:06,712 --> 00:14:09,381 Oh. Well, then there is one thing. 239 00:14:09,481 --> 00:14:12,219 It's the note I found with Leela the day she was abandoned. 240 00:14:12,318 --> 00:14:15,956 But it's written in Alienese, so no one on Earth can translate it. 241 00:14:16,056 --> 00:14:18,691 Not even Brainzilla. Hand it over! 242 00:14:18,791 --> 00:14:21,727 Sure. I just wish I could be more helpful. 243 00:14:21,827 --> 00:14:24,364 Would you like some dirt on any other orphans? 244 00:14:24,463 --> 00:14:28,567 Look. I'm trying to save someone here. I'll have to come back for those later. 245 00:14:31,538 --> 00:14:33,405 Can you translate it? Of course. 246 00:14:33,505 --> 00:14:35,408 But only into Beta-crypt-three. 247 00:14:35,508 --> 00:14:39,745 A language so complex, there's even less chance of understanding it. 248 00:14:39,846 --> 00:14:43,316 I didn't ask for a completely reasonable excuse. I asked you to get busy. 249 00:14:43,415 --> 00:14:45,552 Very well. [ Beeping ] 250 00:14:47,153 --> 00:14:49,255 [ Beeping ] [ Whirring ] 251 00:14:49,355 --> 00:14:51,224 Isn't that the same machine that makes noses? 252 00:14:51,323 --> 00:14:53,826 It can do other things. Why shouldn't it? 253 00:14:53,927 --> 00:14:55,827 [ Straining ] 254 00:14:57,397 --> 00:15:00,332 Of course, even if it is possible to analyze the message, 255 00:15:00,432 --> 00:15:03,169 there's no way of knowing how long it would take. 256 00:15:03,269 --> 00:15:06,940 It could take an hour, or it could take a hundred million years. 257 00:15:07,039 --> 00:15:08,942 - [ Bell Dings ] - Is it done? 258 00:15:09,042 --> 00:15:11,945 Certainly not. Two dings means it's done. 259 00:15:12,044 --> 00:15:15,182 [ Dings Twice ] But not like that. Slightly more rapid. 260 00:15:15,282 --> 00:15:17,183 - [ Dings Twice, Quickly ] - [ Fry Gasps ] 261 00:15:21,120 --> 00:15:24,624 [ Panting ] 262 00:15:31,130 --> 00:15:33,700 Where did they go? 263 00:15:35,201 --> 00:15:37,437 [ Clattering ] 264 00:15:37,537 --> 00:15:40,006 Good news, Leela. I landed the contract... 265 00:15:40,106 --> 00:15:44,144 to empty all the spittoons in Little Italy. [ Grunts ] 266 00:15:44,244 --> 00:15:46,879 [ Yells ] Eww! 267 00:15:46,980 --> 00:15:51,850 [ Snoring ] [ Bell Dings Twice ] 268 00:15:51,951 --> 00:15:54,953 That's it. It's done. [ Gasps ] 269 00:15:55,054 --> 00:15:57,956 I can't believe it. My mind is boggling. 270 00:15:58,057 --> 00:16:00,826 The analysis of the note is printing out now. 271 00:16:00,927 --> 00:16:03,529 [ Slowly Printing ] 272 00:16:18,245 --> 00:16:20,513 [ Gasps ] 273 00:16:21,681 --> 00:16:26,186 [ Baby Crying ] 274 00:16:26,286 --> 00:16:29,688 It's a girl. My God, she's beautiful. 275 00:16:29,788 --> 00:16:32,158 No extra anythings. 276 00:16:32,259 --> 00:16:34,594 [ Gurgling ] 277 00:16:34,693 --> 00:16:38,431 What people skills! She's completely perfect! 278 00:16:38,530 --> 00:16:43,870 In my professional opinion as an ear, ear, ear, nose and throat doctor, 279 00:16:43,970 --> 00:16:47,340 she is the least mutated mutant ever born. 280 00:16:47,440 --> 00:16:51,911 And yet, she's cursed to live the horrible, degrading life of a mutant. 281 00:16:52,010 --> 00:16:54,780 Like all of us. Especially him. 282 00:16:54,880 --> 00:16:56,749 [ Sniffles ] It's true. 283 00:16:56,849 --> 00:16:59,385 Maybe we can do better for her. 284 00:17:01,788 --> 00:17:04,022 [ Clanging ] 285 00:17:07,126 --> 00:17:09,461 [ Thunderclap ] 286 00:17:12,265 --> 00:17:14,534 [ Straining ] 287 00:17:18,204 --> 00:17:21,473 [ Baby Leela Gurgling ] 288 00:17:21,574 --> 00:17:26,746 I made this bracelet so that in some small way, we'll always be with you. 289 00:17:26,846 --> 00:17:29,048 Even when it doesn't seem like it. 290 00:17:29,148 --> 00:17:32,919 During your entire life, for example. [ Kissing Sound ] 291 00:17:33,019 --> 00:17:35,322 You won't pass for human, cutie. 292 00:17:35,422 --> 00:17:39,592 But if my Ph.D. in Excel-Linguistics is worth diddly-poop, 293 00:17:39,692 --> 00:17:43,163 this note should convince them you're an alien. 294 00:17:43,262 --> 00:17:46,398 And that'll be enough to give you a real life. 295 00:17:46,499 --> 00:17:49,801 [ Gurgling ] 296 00:17:51,438 --> 00:17:53,339 [ Doorbell Rings ] 297 00:18:00,480 --> 00:18:02,949 She'll never know we're her parents. 298 00:18:03,048 --> 00:18:04,983 That's our gift to her. 299 00:18:05,084 --> 00:18:09,489 Better we should die than have her learn the shameful truth of her origin. 300 00:18:09,588 --> 00:18:11,857 I'm with ya. 301 00:18:11,958 --> 00:18:13,859 I guess you're an alien. 302 00:18:13,960 --> 00:18:16,528 What a beautiful, gigantic eye you have-- 303 00:18:16,628 --> 00:18:19,165 Well, come on in. 304 00:18:19,266 --> 00:18:22,969 [ Both Inhale ] [ Splash ] 305 00:18:25,337 --> 00:18:27,339 [ Panting ] 306 00:18:28,775 --> 00:18:32,878 - [ Panting ] - [ Both Panting ] 307 00:18:40,519 --> 00:18:43,455 - Keep quiet so she doesn't hear us. - What's there to talk about? 308 00:18:43,556 --> 00:18:45,958 Shh! Hands up! [ Both Gasp ] 309 00:18:46,057 --> 00:18:49,162 - Tentacles too! - Don't say anything stupid, Morris. 310 00:18:49,261 --> 00:18:52,699 What is all this? Am I a game to you? 311 00:18:52,798 --> 00:18:55,634 Or some kind of even more boring Truman Show? 312 00:18:55,734 --> 00:18:57,737 Do you believe I'm your Messiah? 313 00:18:57,836 --> 00:19:00,807 The mutant Dalai Lama? Stop me if I guess it! 314 00:19:00,906 --> 00:19:02,808 Well, actually, they're-- Morris, shh! 315 00:19:02,909 --> 00:19:05,511 And what about this? [ Bracelet Jingling ] 316 00:19:09,182 --> 00:19:12,519 Where did you get this bracelet? Did you steal it from me when I was a baby? 317 00:19:12,618 --> 00:19:17,190 Or from my parents? You robbed my parents, didn't you? 318 00:19:17,289 --> 00:19:20,527 I bet you sick mutants killed them! 319 00:19:20,626 --> 00:19:25,096 My parents were confused aliens lost on Earth, and you killed them! 320 00:19:25,198 --> 00:19:27,900 Is that it? Admit it! 321 00:19:28,000 --> 00:19:30,237 Yes, we killed them. 322 00:19:30,336 --> 00:19:32,239 You guessed the truth. 323 00:19:32,338 --> 00:19:37,243 Aah! Because of you, I'll never know my parents! 324 00:19:37,344 --> 00:19:39,246 I'll kill you! 325 00:19:39,346 --> 00:19:41,381 That would be best. 326 00:19:45,518 --> 00:19:48,921 [ Beeping, Whirring ] 327 00:19:49,020 --> 00:19:52,525 [ Fry ] Stop! 328 00:19:52,625 --> 00:19:55,126 Thanks, Bender. Don't do it, Leela! 329 00:19:55,228 --> 00:19:57,930 They killed my parents! Close. 330 00:20:01,733 --> 00:20:04,936 - They are my parents. - Yes. 331 00:20:05,037 --> 00:20:08,575 I had the professor analyze the Alienese letter that was found with you. 332 00:20:08,674 --> 00:20:10,609 - What does it say? - I dunno. 333 00:20:10,710 --> 00:20:13,813 But the analysis showed it was printed on recycled toilet paper. 334 00:20:13,913 --> 00:20:18,317 A "squeezably" soft paper used mainly in the sewers. 335 00:20:18,417 --> 00:20:22,054 It says, "Your parents love you very much." 336 00:20:22,153 --> 00:20:24,056 We still do. 337 00:20:24,155 --> 00:20:27,759 So, I'm not an alien? I'm a mutant? 338 00:20:27,859 --> 00:20:31,230 We never wanted you to know. You deserved a better life. 339 00:20:31,330 --> 00:20:35,166 You must despise us. [ Sobbing ] 340 00:20:35,268 --> 00:20:37,169 You're my parents! 341 00:20:37,269 --> 00:20:39,338 All I've ever wanted is to know you. 342 00:20:39,439 --> 00:20:43,843 [ Sobbing ] This is the happiest moment of my life. 343 00:20:43,942 --> 00:20:46,645 [ All Sobbing ] 344 00:20:51,617 --> 00:20:53,786 Aw! 345 00:20:59,090 --> 00:21:01,327 * When I see you alone 346 00:21:01,428 --> 00:21:03,829 * I see what's in your mind 347 00:21:03,930 --> 00:21:05,964 * You want me Yes, you do * 348 00:21:06,065 --> 00:21:08,800 * You don't need to tell me 349 00:21:08,901 --> 00:21:10,869 * I know you love me most 350 00:21:10,970 --> 00:21:13,506 * No one else take my place 351 00:21:13,605 --> 00:21:15,642 * You need me Yes, you do * 352 00:21:15,741 --> 00:21:18,845 * Forever and ever 353 00:21:18,944 --> 00:21:23,115 * When we kiss I see what's in your heart * 354 00:21:23,214 --> 00:21:25,451 * You love me Yes, you do * 355 00:21:25,551 --> 00:21:27,854 * You don't need to tell me 356 00:21:27,953 --> 00:21:30,122 * I know you love me most 357 00:21:30,221 --> 00:21:32,791 * No one else take my place 358 00:21:32,892 --> 00:21:35,161 * You need me, you do 359 00:21:35,260 --> 00:21:38,631 * Forever and ever 360 00:21:38,730 --> 00:21:43,502 * We are baby love child 361 00:21:43,603 --> 00:21:47,973 * I'll take you so high groovy love child * 362 00:21:48,074 --> 00:21:53,045 * Give me a kiss baby love child * 363 00:21:53,144 --> 00:21:55,080 * Do it again *