1 00:01:17,036 --> 00:01:19,230 (BELL TOLLING) 2 00:02:05,918 --> 00:02:09,197 (CROWD MURMURING AND CHANTING) 3 00:02:35,823 --> 00:02:38,309 (BOTH SPEAKING PORTUGUESE) 4 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:54,200 (SPEAKS PORTUGUESE) 5 00:03:29,751 --> 00:03:32,864 (CROWD WHISPERING PRAYERS) 6 00:04:22,054 --> 00:04:24,624 (SHOUTING IN PORTUGUESE) 7 00:04:40,072 --> 00:04:42,141 (BEEPING) 8 00:05:00,300 --> 00:05:03,413 - (WOMAN SPEAKING PORTUGUESE) - (SCATTERED SHOUTING) 9 00:05:15,857 --> 00:05:17,385 - Si. - No, no. 10 00:05:20,696 --> 00:05:22,640 (CROWD MURMURS) 11 00:06:02,195 --> 00:06:05,308 (VOICES WHISPERING) 12 00:06:09,077 --> 00:06:11,230 WOMAN: Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee: 13 00:06:11,330 --> 00:06:13,190 Blessed art thou amongst women, and blessed is the... 14 00:06:13,290 --> 00:06:15,359 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 15 00:06:22,716 --> 00:06:24,701 (WOMAN SINGING) No virgin, me 16 00:06:24,801 --> 00:06:26,411 For I have sinned 17 00:06:26,511 --> 00:06:28,288 I sold my soul 18 00:06:28,388 --> 00:06:30,791 For sex and gin 19 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:32,709 Go call a priest 20 00:06:32,809 --> 00:06:34,670 All meek and mild 21 00:06:34,770 --> 00:06:36,672 And tell him Mary 22 00:06:36,772 --> 00:06:39,299 Is no more a child 23 00:06:39,399 --> 00:06:42,511 (WOMEN LAUGH) 24 00:06:42,611 --> 00:06:44,805 It's raining stones 25 00:06:44,905 --> 00:06:46,974 It's raining bile 26 00:06:47,074 --> 00:06:48,850 From the luxury 27 00:06:48,950 --> 00:06:50,852 Of your denial 28 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:52,854 I press alarms 29 00:06:52,954 --> 00:06:55,732 Place bets on truth 30 00:06:55,832 --> 00:06:59,403 I'm so up and down 31 00:06:59,503 --> 00:07:04,992 And now I'm growing old disgracefully 32 00:07:05,092 --> 00:07:08,162 Whatever happened to Mary? 33 00:07:09,096 --> 00:07:12,208 Whatever happened to Mary? 34 00:07:13,183 --> 00:07:16,254 Whatever happened to Mary? 35 00:07:17,187 --> 00:07:20,424 Whatever happened to Mary? 36 00:07:21,316 --> 00:07:23,427 Whatever happened to 37 00:07:28,281 --> 00:07:30,350 I'll spit on floors 38 00:07:30,450 --> 00:07:32,352 And do more drugs 39 00:07:32,452 --> 00:07:34,354 Burn every bill 40 00:07:34,454 --> 00:07:36,356 Get drunk on love 41 00:07:36,456 --> 00:07:38,483 Wear next to nothing... 42 00:07:38,583 --> 00:07:41,778 MAN: Hey, Frankie, sweetheart! Hey, Frankie! 43 00:07:41,878 --> 00:07:44,114 Let's get out of here. I got work in the morning. I'm trashed. 44 00:07:44,214 --> 00:07:46,616 Are you too tired to go home with me? 45 00:07:46,716 --> 00:07:48,493 I might be tired, but I'm not dead. 46 00:07:48,593 --> 00:07:50,871 I'll be uncareful 47 00:07:50,971 --> 00:07:52,497 I'll cause such scenes 48 00:07:52,597 --> 00:07:54,583 And I'll never talk 49 00:07:54,683 --> 00:07:56,585 Of used-to-bes 50 00:07:56,685 --> 00:07:58,754 Tattoo my face 51 00:07:58,854 --> 00:08:00,881 I won't go grey 52 00:08:00,981 --> 00:08:02,424 Be a dancing queen 53 00:08:02,524 --> 00:08:05,594 I'm growing old disgracefully 54 00:08:05,694 --> 00:08:08,847 I'm so up and down 55 00:08:08,947 --> 00:08:12,559 And I love what's not allowed 56 00:08:12,659 --> 00:08:14,561 I was lost 57 00:08:14,661 --> 00:08:17,147 Now I see 58 00:08:17,247 --> 00:08:22,903 And now I'm growing old disgracefully. 59 00:08:25,464 --> 00:08:27,116 (WATER DRIPPING) 60 00:08:38,768 --> 00:08:41,839 (FAINT WHISPERED VOICES) 61 00:09:02,292 --> 00:09:04,403 (VOICES GROWING LOUDER) 62 00:09:14,221 --> 00:09:17,124 - (PHONE RINGS) - (VOICES STOP) 63 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:24,423 Oh, hi, Mom. 64 00:09:24,523 --> 00:09:26,800 How do you do that? How did you know that was me? 65 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:28,009 Of course it's you. 66 00:09:28,109 --> 00:09:30,220 You have the most persistent ring I know. 67 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:32,806 Well, I just wanted to say hi while I'm near a phone. 68 00:09:32,906 --> 00:09:35,267 - How are you? - Where are you anyway? 69 00:09:35,367 --> 00:09:36,768 - Belo Quinto, near Rio. - (BEEPS) 70 00:09:36,868 --> 00:09:37,978 - It's beautiful... - Mom, hold on. 71 00:09:38,078 --> 00:09:40,188 - I'm getting another call. - (PHONE CLICKS) 72 00:09:40,288 --> 00:09:41,398 Hello? 73 00:09:41,498 --> 00:09:42,774 MAN: It's about time. Where you been, baby? 74 00:09:42,874 --> 00:09:45,610 Ha, ha. I hate it when you just leave. 75 00:09:45,710 --> 00:09:47,112 You could at least say good-bye. 76 00:09:47,212 --> 00:09:49,364 - Why? - "Why"? 77 00:09:49,464 --> 00:09:50,657 Forget it. 78 00:09:50,757 --> 00:09:53,243 Look, I got my mom on the other line long distance. 79 00:09:53,343 --> 00:09:55,413 - I'll see you tonight. - All right, I'll see you later. 80 00:09:56,513 --> 00:10:00,125 Mom? Hi, I'm back. So how do you like Rio? 81 00:10:00,225 --> 00:10:02,586 It was great. Did you get my package? 82 00:10:02,686 --> 00:10:04,296 Yeah, I got it yesterday. 83 00:10:04,396 --> 00:10:06,006 Well, what did you think? Did you like it? 84 00:10:06,106 --> 00:10:08,968 - Did you open it yet? - Hold on, I'm gonna change phones. 85 00:10:11,069 --> 00:10:13,973 (WHISTLING) 86 00:10:15,991 --> 00:10:17,100 Well, what do you think? 87 00:10:17,200 --> 00:10:18,643 Did you get a chance to look at everything? 88 00:10:18,743 --> 00:10:20,520 - I'm opening it now. - Uh-huh, and? 89 00:10:20,620 --> 00:10:23,815 - Ooh! Ah, pretty postcards. - Aren't those pretty? 90 00:10:23,915 --> 00:10:26,193 - Cute brush. - I saw a lady make that. 91 00:10:26,293 --> 00:10:27,986 - A little hat. - The ha... isn't that cute? 92 00:10:28,086 --> 00:10:30,405 - It's for a little doll or something. - A necklace. 93 00:10:30,505 --> 00:10:33,617 Well, no, it's not really a necklace. It's a rosary. 94 00:10:33,717 --> 00:10:34,826 Where'd you get it? 95 00:10:34,926 --> 00:10:36,453 This little village called Belo Quinto. 96 00:10:36,553 --> 00:10:39,581 - I didn't even know you went there. - I took a little side trip over here. 97 00:10:39,681 --> 00:10:41,583 So what do you think of the presents? Do you love 'em? 98 00:10:41,683 --> 00:10:43,668 I'm so glad I got a chance to talk to you. 99 00:10:43,768 --> 00:10:45,837 I'm going on that cruise. I'm not gonna talk to you for a month. 100 00:10:45,937 --> 00:10:47,881 - And I have to run. - Okay, have fun. I love you. 101 00:10:47,981 --> 00:10:50,259 - I love you, too, sweetie, bye-bye. - I'm glad you called, Mom. Bye. 102 00:10:55,322 --> 00:10:58,434 (VOICES WHISPERING) 103 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:12,280 Can I get two lattes, please? Low-fat. 104 00:11:12,380 --> 00:11:14,533 - Yeah, got it. - Just one. You know, I'm okay. 105 00:11:14,633 --> 00:11:16,577 Let me get a bacon and egg sandwich, too. 106 00:11:17,719 --> 00:11:19,246 - To go. - Coming up. 107 00:11:19,346 --> 00:11:20,789 What's up? You're not eating today? 108 00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:22,874 I threw up this morning from the smell of tea. 109 00:11:22,974 --> 00:11:24,292 Oh, God. 110 00:11:24,392 --> 00:11:25,544 Late? 111 00:11:25,644 --> 00:11:27,921 - Like, a week. - A week? 112 00:11:28,021 --> 00:11:30,799 I don't know, a few days. Kinda feel weird. 113 00:11:30,899 --> 00:11:32,510 You're so dramatic. 114 00:11:34,653 --> 00:11:36,596 I think you're just psyching yourself out. 115 00:11:36,696 --> 00:11:40,016 I feel like my heart went to go live in my stomach. 116 00:11:40,116 --> 00:11:43,270 - (LAUGHS) - Okay, it's not dramatic. 117 00:11:43,370 --> 00:11:45,355 - What if I'm having a baby? - With Steven? 118 00:11:45,455 --> 00:11:47,232 What if I'm bringing a person into this world? 119 00:11:47,332 --> 00:11:49,568 Man, what if? You've got options. 120 00:11:49,668 --> 00:11:50,819 You know what? I don't want to think about it. 121 00:11:50,919 --> 00:11:52,737 - It's making me cranky. - Here's your to-go. 122 00:11:52,837 --> 00:11:54,447 You know what, let's get our tired asses to work... 123 00:11:54,547 --> 00:11:56,408 - Thanks. Hold this. - ...'cause we are late. 124 00:11:56,508 --> 00:11:58,410 You're always late. There's nothing new. 125 00:11:58,510 --> 00:12:00,621 (BELLS TOLLING) 126 00:12:03,264 --> 00:12:05,375 (HONKING HORN) 127 00:12:05,475 --> 00:12:08,712 (WOMEN SPEAKING ITALIAN) 128 00:12:09,896 --> 00:12:13,259 (SPEAKING ITALIAN) 129 00:12:20,365 --> 00:12:22,852 (LAUGHING) 130 00:12:27,122 --> 00:12:30,150 - (ORGAN MUSIC PLAYING) - (MAN SPEAKING ITALIAN OVER RADIO) 131 00:12:54,733 --> 00:12:56,844 (DOOR CLOSES) 132 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:01,514 Father Andrew Kiernan, welcome back. 133 00:13:01,614 --> 00:13:02,891 Cardinal Houseman. 134 00:13:02,991 --> 00:13:05,352 These are interesting. What's the trick? 135 00:13:05,452 --> 00:13:07,896 Well, to be honest, I don't know. 136 00:13:07,996 --> 00:13:10,231 They probably made a fortune out of her. 137 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:12,817 And, uh, what's... what was this? 138 00:13:12,917 --> 00:13:14,402 Infrared photographs of tears. 139 00:13:14,502 --> 00:13:16,863 The statue is made of stone, therefore room temperature. 140 00:13:16,963 --> 00:13:19,574 But the tears show up as white because, um... 141 00:13:19,674 --> 00:13:21,660 because they're warm. 142 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:24,913 - Warm tears? - ANDREW: Yes. 143 00:13:25,013 --> 00:13:27,415 My lab report and analysis confirm 144 00:13:27,515 --> 00:13:31,378 that the blood from the statue is not only warm, but human. 145 00:13:34,647 --> 00:13:36,091 I know what you're thinking. 146 00:13:36,191 --> 00:13:38,885 But with all due respect, Daniel, this isn't a fake. 147 00:13:38,985 --> 00:13:40,720 It's a freestanding mass of solid stone. 148 00:13:40,820 --> 00:13:42,514 And there is no scientific explanation. 149 00:13:42,614 --> 00:13:45,016 Andrew, it's my understanding you were sent to Brazil 150 00:13:45,116 --> 00:13:47,602 in order to investigate the appearance of the Virgin Mary 151 00:13:47,702 --> 00:13:48,895 on the side of a building. 152 00:13:48,995 --> 00:13:51,981 Yes, but while I was in Sao Paulo, I heard about the statue, 153 00:13:52,081 --> 00:13:53,692 - so I decided to go and investigate. - And? 154 00:13:53,792 --> 00:13:54,984 And what? 155 00:13:55,084 --> 00:13:56,486 The face of the Virgin Mary on the building. 156 00:13:56,586 --> 00:14:00,740 It's an oxidation stain caused by rainwater 157 00:14:00,840 --> 00:14:02,575 running down untreated side walls, 158 00:14:02,675 --> 00:14:05,078 causes an optical illusion of a veiled woman. 159 00:14:05,178 --> 00:14:07,747 Good. We'll consider the matter closed, then. 160 00:14:07,847 --> 00:14:10,959 Father Dario has your next assignment. 161 00:14:11,059 --> 00:14:14,671 I was hoping that perhaps you could send me back to, um... 162 00:14:14,771 --> 00:14:16,297 to Belo Quinto. 163 00:14:16,397 --> 00:14:17,507 Why? 164 00:14:17,607 --> 00:14:20,593 Because I need to do some more tests on the statue. 165 00:14:20,693 --> 00:14:23,388 You're telling me you left the statue in Belo Quinto? 166 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:24,973 Yes. 167 00:14:25,073 --> 00:14:26,641 I was going to take it back, obviously, 168 00:14:26,741 --> 00:14:29,310 but when I saw the effect that it had on the people... it's amazing. 169 00:14:29,410 --> 00:14:32,939 It's become almost like a cornerstone of their faith. 170 00:14:33,039 --> 00:14:36,401 Andrew, the cornerstone of their faith is the Church, 171 00:14:36,501 --> 00:14:38,111 not a crying statue. 172 00:14:38,211 --> 00:14:39,696 When you're in the field, 173 00:14:39,796 --> 00:14:41,823 you're a representative of the Catholic Church 174 00:14:41,923 --> 00:14:43,992 and the Congregation of the Causes of the Saints. 175 00:14:44,092 --> 00:14:45,744 Yes, I'm very well aware of that, Daniel. 176 00:14:45,844 --> 00:14:48,955 I am also a scientist and I observe the facts. 177 00:14:49,055 --> 00:14:52,667 And the facts are that this statue has tears of blood. 178 00:14:52,767 --> 00:14:55,795 Well, if that's the case, you know the policy. 179 00:14:55,895 --> 00:14:58,131 The statue is brought back to the Vatican. 180 00:14:58,231 --> 00:14:59,924 We conduct expert tests... 181 00:15:00,024 --> 00:15:03,136 geologists, engineers, medical examiners. 182 00:15:03,236 --> 00:15:07,307 We've examined 50 or 60 crying statues in the last 12 months. 183 00:15:07,407 --> 00:15:08,808 Not a single one of them has turned out... 184 00:15:08,908 --> 00:15:11,853 Yes, I'm very well aware of that, but I just wanted you to know 185 00:15:11,953 --> 00:15:15,774 that in my opinion, I think that this is different. 186 00:15:15,874 --> 00:15:18,318 I'm not going to allow you to go back to Brazil. 187 00:15:18,418 --> 00:15:21,112 We'll get a geologist down there, and if he sees fit, 188 00:15:21,212 --> 00:15:23,531 we'll get the statue sent back for further tests. 189 00:15:23,631 --> 00:15:25,492 Father Dario, get me all the information you can 190 00:15:25,592 --> 00:15:27,994 on this church in Belo Quinto, would you? 191 00:15:28,094 --> 00:15:30,414 Thank you, Andrew. 192 00:15:32,015 --> 00:15:33,625 Thank you. 193 00:15:40,940 --> 00:15:42,675 (DOOR OPENS) 194 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:45,303 DARIO: I have never seen him this way before. 195 00:15:45,403 --> 00:15:48,681 Andrew's problem is he can't decide if he's a scientist or a priest. 196 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:50,976 (THUNDER RUMBLES) 197 00:15:53,161 --> 00:15:54,270 Frankie, come on. 198 00:15:54,370 --> 00:15:57,148 - You are gonna drive yourself crazy. - No. 199 00:15:57,248 --> 00:15:58,650 If you're worried about being pregnant, 200 00:15:58,750 --> 00:16:01,486 why don't we go to the store right now and get a test? 201 00:16:01,586 --> 00:16:03,279 Well, let's just give it a couple of days, okay? 202 00:16:03,379 --> 00:16:04,572 - Are you sure? - I'm fine. 203 00:16:04,672 --> 00:16:06,115 And stop mothering me. Yes. 204 00:16:06,215 --> 00:16:08,785 All right, girlfriend. I'll call you later. 205 00:16:08,885 --> 00:16:10,996 Okay, bye. Drive safe. 206 00:16:37,872 --> 00:16:39,607 - DONNA: Late? - FRANKIE: Like, a week. 207 00:16:39,707 --> 00:16:42,902 DONNA: You're always late. There's nothing new. 208 00:16:43,002 --> 00:16:45,154 FRANKIE: What if I'm bringing a person into this world? 209 00:16:45,254 --> 00:16:47,324 DONNA: Frankie, you've got options. 210 00:17:15,827 --> 00:17:18,438 (WATER DRIPPING) 211 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:21,525 (VOICES WHISPERING) 212 00:17:30,633 --> 00:17:32,286 (WIND HOWLING) 213 00:17:38,599 --> 00:17:39,710 (GASPS) 214 00:18:08,963 --> 00:18:11,158 (SCREAMING) 215 00:18:32,987 --> 00:18:34,681 (SCREAMING) 216 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:48,362 (SIREN WAILING) 217 00:18:54,717 --> 00:18:57,286 DONNA: Nurse, somebody needs to tell me what's going on. 218 00:18:57,386 --> 00:18:59,664 - I don't understand. - NURSE: Get out of the way! 219 00:18:59,764 --> 00:19:02,208 DONNA: Frankie, can you hear me? I'm right here with you. 220 00:19:02,308 --> 00:19:03,751 Let's go! 221 00:19:03,851 --> 00:19:06,212 I don't understand why there's so much blood. 222 00:19:06,312 --> 00:19:07,755 - DOCTOR: Get me a clamp right now. - DONNA: Frankie! 223 00:19:07,855 --> 00:19:10,883 All right, CBC, electrolytes, UA, tox screen. 224 00:19:10,983 --> 00:19:13,469 (OVERLAPPING CHATTER) 225 00:19:13,569 --> 00:19:14,721 Get me a pulse ox, STAT! 226 00:19:14,821 --> 00:19:17,557 - Get me a tox screen and a STAT CT. - Right away. 227 00:19:17,657 --> 00:19:18,975 Heart rate is irregular. 228 00:19:19,075 --> 00:19:22,186 Blood pressure's off the map. 195 over 120. 229 00:19:22,286 --> 00:19:24,397 - Let's change cuffs. - Where's the IV? 230 00:19:24,497 --> 00:19:28,277 - (OVERLAPPING CHATTER CONTINUES) - (SCREAMS) 231 00:19:33,047 --> 00:19:35,658 I'm calling it, code blue! Get the paddles. 232 00:19:35,758 --> 00:19:37,201 Get some gel. Okay, ready? 233 00:19:37,301 --> 00:19:40,121 - Mark, get the paddle. - All right, clear! 234 00:19:40,221 --> 00:19:42,623 Temperature and blood pressure are back to normal. 235 00:19:42,723 --> 00:19:44,834 (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) 236 00:19:44,934 --> 00:19:46,252 Who are you? 237 00:19:46,352 --> 00:19:49,422 I'm Dr. Reston. Do you know what your name is? 238 00:19:49,522 --> 00:19:51,257 What happened? Where am I? 239 00:19:51,357 --> 00:19:52,842 You're in the emergency room. 240 00:19:52,942 --> 00:19:55,011 You were found unconscious in your apartment. 241 00:19:55,111 --> 00:19:57,263 - Do you remember anything? - No. 242 00:19:57,363 --> 00:20:00,516 Oh, Jesus. Can I get some more help over here? 243 00:20:00,616 --> 00:20:03,686 We need some four-by-fours. We have a very deep laceration here. 244 00:20:03,786 --> 00:20:06,272 Oh, my God, it's gone right through. 245 00:20:06,372 --> 00:20:07,732 Miss, you can't go in there. 246 00:20:07,832 --> 00:20:09,442 - I'm sorry, Doctor, I just need to... - Please have a seat. 247 00:20:09,542 --> 00:20:11,110 I just need to know what's going on with her. 248 00:20:11,210 --> 00:20:13,322 She'll be fine. Please have a seat. Thank you. 249 00:20:15,715 --> 00:20:19,327 These are puncture wounds, Frankie, caused by the entry of a sharp object. 250 00:20:19,427 --> 00:20:20,953 Are you in any pain? 251 00:20:21,053 --> 00:20:23,873 No. That's weird, isn't it? 252 00:20:23,973 --> 00:20:27,460 Wow, will you look at that? It only bleeds when I touch it. 253 00:20:27,560 --> 00:20:29,087 Maybe you should not touch it. 254 00:20:29,187 --> 00:20:32,006 Both wounds are identical... the same size, same shape. 255 00:20:32,106 --> 00:20:35,009 She missed the main artery by less than a centimeter. 256 00:20:35,109 --> 00:20:37,346 You keep saying "she," but I didn't do this. 257 00:20:39,238 --> 00:20:41,432 What's happening in your life, Frankie? 258 00:20:41,532 --> 00:20:43,351 Do you have a lot of stress at work? 259 00:20:43,451 --> 00:20:45,186 I cut hair. 260 00:20:45,286 --> 00:20:48,189 Do you have any trouble with a significant other? 261 00:20:48,289 --> 00:20:50,608 - Yes. - And that is? 262 00:20:50,708 --> 00:20:52,652 I'm not very significant. 263 00:20:53,878 --> 00:20:56,072 Look, how long is this gonna take? I wanna go home. 264 00:20:56,172 --> 00:20:58,741 I think you should stay here at least 24 hours for observation. 265 00:20:58,841 --> 00:21:01,369 - We need to get a handle on this. - There's nothing to get a handle on. 266 00:21:01,469 --> 00:21:03,621 Frankie, I'm not gonna kid you... with wounds like this, 267 00:21:03,721 --> 00:21:06,916 it's pretty obvious that they were self-inflicted. 268 00:21:07,016 --> 00:21:08,418 You think I did this? 269 00:21:09,560 --> 00:21:12,004 It would never happen. 270 00:21:12,104 --> 00:21:15,800 I love being me. Ask anyone. 271 00:21:15,900 --> 00:21:18,553 - (THUNDER RUMBLES) - (SIRENS WAILING) 272 00:21:32,500 --> 00:21:36,196 Frankie, turn the light off, honey, and come to bed. 273 00:21:44,553 --> 00:21:47,665 DONNA: Do you smell flowers in here or something? 274 00:21:47,765 --> 00:21:50,877 (FRANKIE SNIFFS) No. 275 00:21:50,977 --> 00:21:54,089 Smells like jasmine or hyacinth or something. 276 00:21:55,690 --> 00:21:57,592 I don't smell anything. 277 00:21:58,985 --> 00:22:02,471 Mmm. You need anything? 278 00:22:02,571 --> 00:22:04,015 No. 279 00:22:05,116 --> 00:22:08,478 - Good night. - Good night. 280 00:22:18,462 --> 00:22:21,866 (MONKS CHANTING) 281 00:22:21,966 --> 00:22:24,994 (DOOR BUZZES) 282 00:22:25,094 --> 00:22:28,331 (BOTH SPEAKING ITALIAN) 283 00:22:32,226 --> 00:22:34,504 - Grazie, signore. - (INTERCOM BEEPS) 284 00:22:37,565 --> 00:22:38,925 Duty-free. 285 00:22:40,860 --> 00:22:43,596 - Welcome back, Andrew. - Gianni, come stai? 286 00:22:43,696 --> 00:22:46,724 Sto bene. Ah, God is good. 287 00:22:46,824 --> 00:22:48,726 So how was Belo Quinto? 288 00:22:48,826 --> 00:22:51,646 How do you know about Belo Quinto? I was sent to Sao Paulo. 289 00:22:51,746 --> 00:22:54,065 God lives here, remember? We know everything. 290 00:22:54,165 --> 00:22:56,817 - Oh, yes, I forgot. - So how are you doing? 291 00:22:56,917 --> 00:22:59,528 (SIGHS) I don't know. 292 00:22:59,628 --> 00:23:01,739 I don't know. 293 00:23:01,839 --> 00:23:06,535 I travel round the world investigating miracles. 294 00:23:06,635 --> 00:23:08,120 And then I disprove them. 295 00:23:08,220 --> 00:23:10,581 The real miracle is anybody believes anything. 296 00:23:10,681 --> 00:23:13,334 I don't know what I'm doing, to tell you the truth. 297 00:23:13,434 --> 00:23:15,544 None of us know what we are doing. 298 00:23:15,644 --> 00:23:18,172 - So what are you working on? - I have no idea. 299 00:23:18,272 --> 00:23:20,716 Well, how can you translate something if you've no idea? 300 00:23:20,816 --> 00:23:23,094 (CHUCKLES) I'm a linguist, Andrew. 301 00:23:23,194 --> 00:23:25,596 I translate words, not their relevance. 302 00:23:25,696 --> 00:23:28,307 But this one is a second century gospel. 303 00:23:28,407 --> 00:23:30,017 How many is that you're up to now? 304 00:23:30,117 --> 00:23:32,895 I've helped translate about 15. 305 00:23:32,995 --> 00:23:35,523 That only leaves 20 still to go. 306 00:23:35,623 --> 00:23:38,985 So there are, what, 35 gospels? 307 00:23:39,085 --> 00:23:41,487 Everyone had a different experience of Jesus, 308 00:23:41,587 --> 00:23:43,781 so they all wrote different stories. 309 00:23:43,881 --> 00:23:47,118 You see, all the gospels, they're interpretations. 310 00:23:47,218 --> 00:23:51,330 They're memories, dreams, reflections. 311 00:23:51,430 --> 00:23:55,001 And there's no one gospel in Jesus' actual words? 312 00:23:55,101 --> 00:23:57,878 We're all blind men in a cave 313 00:23:57,978 --> 00:24:02,174 looking for a candle that was lit 2,000 years ago. 314 00:24:02,274 --> 00:24:03,968 So what's in this text? 315 00:24:04,068 --> 00:24:07,596 - I was only given every third page. - Why? 316 00:24:07,696 --> 00:24:12,059 The most sensitive documents are always divided into threes among us... 317 00:24:12,159 --> 00:24:15,062 one-third to the Dominicans, one-third to the Franciscans, 318 00:24:15,162 --> 00:24:17,356 and one-third to us Jesuits. 319 00:24:17,456 --> 00:24:22,403 The truth of any document is only known to a very powerful few. 320 00:24:22,503 --> 00:24:24,906 That's typical of this place, isn't it? 321 00:24:26,173 --> 00:24:29,869 We live in a highly competitive world, Andrew. 322 00:24:29,969 --> 00:24:32,831 - The Church is no exception. - Hmm. 323 00:24:34,014 --> 00:24:36,709 Nothing ever gets out of here, does it? 324 00:24:36,809 --> 00:24:39,587 Unless, of course, they want it to. 325 00:24:39,687 --> 00:24:40,880 (THUNDER RUMBLES) 326 00:24:43,107 --> 00:24:46,761 RESTON: Both wounds are identical... same size, same shape. 327 00:24:46,861 --> 00:24:49,263 She missed the main artery by less than a centimeter. 328 00:24:49,363 --> 00:24:51,098 FRANKIE: You think I did this? 329 00:24:51,198 --> 00:24:53,351 RESTON: What's happening in your life, Frankie? 330 00:25:01,167 --> 00:25:03,110 DONNA: So, Jen, tell us about your date. 331 00:25:03,210 --> 00:25:04,862 It was with a tax lawyer. 332 00:25:04,962 --> 00:25:07,031 - A tax lawyer? - Yeah. 333 00:25:07,131 --> 00:25:08,824 But when I first met him, he seemed really cool. 334 00:25:08,924 --> 00:25:11,494 - Hey. - Hey, hi, guys. 335 00:25:11,594 --> 00:25:12,787 - Hey, Frankie. - How you feeling? 336 00:25:12,887 --> 00:25:14,331 Fine. 337 00:25:17,850 --> 00:25:19,460 Really okay or just okay? 338 00:25:19,560 --> 00:25:21,379 I'm fine. 339 00:25:21,479 --> 00:25:22,713 So how's my day looking? 340 00:25:22,813 --> 00:25:25,633 Well, I started your first client, and you're booked solid until 7:00. 341 00:25:25,733 --> 00:25:27,093 Thanks. 342 00:25:27,193 --> 00:25:28,386 Wanna come over here? 343 00:25:28,486 --> 00:25:30,304 Okay, well, go back to Jen and dish the dirt. 344 00:25:30,404 --> 00:25:32,890 (LAUGHS) 345 00:25:32,990 --> 00:25:36,102 So, uh, he seemed pretty cool. 346 00:25:36,202 --> 00:25:39,105 Divorced, but no kids. 347 00:25:39,205 --> 00:25:42,566 But he left the table in the middle of dinner 348 00:25:42,666 --> 00:25:44,777 to call his mother in Oregon. 349 00:25:44,877 --> 00:25:47,238 Major points for the long-distance mom. 350 00:25:47,338 --> 00:25:50,866 Yeah. You know, I thought I'd give him a shot. 351 00:25:50,966 --> 00:25:53,452 - But you won't believe what he did. - (WOMAN SHOUTING) 352 00:25:53,552 --> 00:25:57,289 Every single time he took a bite of his steak... 353 00:25:57,389 --> 00:25:58,791 he growled. 354 00:25:58,891 --> 00:26:00,251 He growled! 355 00:26:00,351 --> 00:26:03,171 (VOICES WHISPERING) 356 00:26:04,563 --> 00:26:08,343 (BABY CRYING) 357 00:26:41,600 --> 00:26:42,752 (NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE) 358 00:26:46,855 --> 00:26:49,008 (HORN HONKS) 359 00:26:52,820 --> 00:26:54,930 (SCREAMS) 360 00:26:55,030 --> 00:26:56,307 Shit! 361 00:26:56,407 --> 00:26:58,184 Stop! There's a baby! 362 00:26:58,984 --> 00:27:00,519 - Frankie! - (TIRES SCREECH) 363 00:27:00,619 --> 00:27:02,688 - Stop! Wait! - MAN: Hey, lady! 364 00:27:02,788 --> 00:27:06,108 - There's a baby! Stop! - MAN 2: Crazy bitch! 365 00:27:06,208 --> 00:27:07,610 Frankie, what are you doing?! 366 00:27:07,710 --> 00:27:09,487 - MAN 3: What's your problem? - MAN 4: You crazy or what? 367 00:27:09,587 --> 00:27:11,572 (HORN HONKS) 368 00:27:11,672 --> 00:27:13,991 Where's the baby? 369 00:27:14,091 --> 00:27:15,910 - Frankie! - Watch it, lady! 370 00:27:16,010 --> 00:27:17,746 - Frankie! - Where's the lady? Did you see her? 371 00:27:19,096 --> 00:27:20,831 - Frankie. - She dropped her baby! 372 00:27:20,931 --> 00:27:24,001 - Frankie, there's no baby, honey. - Jeez. 373 00:27:24,101 --> 00:27:26,170 There's no baby and there's no lady. 374 00:27:26,270 --> 00:27:28,672 - What's happening? - No, honey, it's... 375 00:27:28,772 --> 00:27:31,425 - (SOBS) - It's okay, honey. 376 00:27:32,125 --> 00:27:33,844 Take the night off, okay? 377 00:27:33,944 --> 00:27:36,472 There was a lady. I saw her! 378 00:27:36,572 --> 00:27:38,849 - There was not a lady. - She dropped her baby. 379 00:27:38,949 --> 00:27:41,936 I swear. I swear. 380 00:27:42,036 --> 00:27:44,272 I just wanna get you home, okay? 381 00:27:56,050 --> 00:27:57,660 You all right? 382 00:27:59,470 --> 00:28:01,164 We'll be home in a minute. 383 00:28:48,519 --> 00:28:50,129 - Frankie... - Hey, you! 384 00:28:50,229 --> 00:28:53,257 - Are you speaking to me? - Are you Andrew Kiernan? 385 00:28:53,357 --> 00:28:56,511 Andrew Kiernan? No. My name's Father Durning. 386 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:02,016 May I help you? 387 00:29:02,116 --> 00:29:05,103 No one can help me now. I'm fucked. 388 00:29:06,954 --> 00:29:08,481 (CRIES OUT) 389 00:29:16,088 --> 00:29:19,242 - (HORN HONKS) - (SCREAMING) 390 00:29:28,308 --> 00:29:30,837 - (WHIP CRACKS) - (SCREAMS) 391 00:29:37,693 --> 00:29:41,848 - (WHIP CRACKING) - (SCREAMS) 392 00:29:48,495 --> 00:29:52,650 (GRUNTING, SCREAMING) 393 00:30:14,813 --> 00:30:16,715 (SQUEALING) 394 00:30:16,815 --> 00:30:20,053 (ALL CLAMORING) 395 00:30:23,530 --> 00:30:25,183 (CRYING) 396 00:30:31,789 --> 00:30:34,108 MAN ON PA: All passengers, please exit the train. 397 00:30:34,208 --> 00:30:36,610 Wait on the platform for assistance. 398 00:30:36,710 --> 00:30:37,946 DONNA: Somebody help! 399 00:30:41,507 --> 00:30:44,202 (HEART MONITOR BEEPING) 400 00:30:53,685 --> 00:30:55,296 (INHALES SHARPLY) 401 00:30:59,900 --> 00:31:02,678 - Ah! - MAN: Frankie Paige? 402 00:31:02,778 --> 00:31:07,182 We're gonna schedule some more tests for this afternoon around 4:00. 403 00:31:07,282 --> 00:31:09,351 Did you run a pregnancy test? 404 00:31:09,451 --> 00:31:11,562 Um... yes. 405 00:31:11,662 --> 00:31:13,314 Am I pregnant? 406 00:31:14,414 --> 00:31:15,774 No. 407 00:31:15,874 --> 00:31:18,736 - Was I? - I don't know. 408 00:31:31,223 --> 00:31:33,209 - (AIR HISSES) - (FRANKIE GASPS) 409 00:31:34,810 --> 00:31:37,880 (HIGH-PITCHED TONE) 410 00:31:41,275 --> 00:31:43,302 (NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE) 411 00:31:43,402 --> 00:31:46,430 ANDREW: Take this, all of you, and drink from it, 412 00:31:46,530 --> 00:31:48,807 for this is the cup of my blood, 413 00:31:48,907 --> 00:31:52,770 shed for you and for all men so that sins may be forgiven. 414 00:31:52,870 --> 00:31:55,189 Do this in memory of me. 415 00:31:56,957 --> 00:31:58,568 This is the blood of Christ. 416 00:32:04,590 --> 00:32:06,367 This is the blood of Christ. 417 00:32:13,390 --> 00:32:15,418 This is the blood of Christ. 418 00:32:22,900 --> 00:32:25,845 (MACHINE HUMMING) 419 00:32:28,614 --> 00:32:31,476 - (BEEPS) - (CLANKING, WHIRRING) 420 00:32:39,082 --> 00:32:42,319 Well, am I psychotic or dying or both? 421 00:32:42,419 --> 00:32:45,197 - (BOTH CHUCKLE) - Well, none of the above. 422 00:32:45,297 --> 00:32:47,741 Actually, I think that you're quite rational, 423 00:32:47,841 --> 00:32:52,037 and despite the wounds you suffered, you're in very good health. 424 00:32:52,137 --> 00:32:55,874 There is another possibility that is of concern. 425 00:32:55,974 --> 00:32:58,210 Epilepsy. 426 00:32:58,310 --> 00:33:00,170 Epilepsy? 427 00:33:00,270 --> 00:33:02,714 We've run some preliminary tests, 428 00:33:02,814 --> 00:33:06,385 and all things considered, I think it might explain a lot. 429 00:33:06,485 --> 00:33:08,888 But that seems impossible. (CHUCKLES) 430 00:33:09,947 --> 00:33:12,808 How can you just wake up one day and have that? 431 00:33:12,908 --> 00:33:16,937 Well, you can't, but, uh, you've described blunt trauma to the head, 432 00:33:17,037 --> 00:33:18,981 disturbing hallucinations. 433 00:33:19,081 --> 00:33:22,317 You're hearing voices. These could all indicate epilepsy. 434 00:33:22,417 --> 00:33:23,902 So what do we do now? 435 00:33:24,002 --> 00:33:28,991 We're going to insert some electrodes into the upper neocortex. 436 00:33:29,091 --> 00:33:30,868 Wait a minute, wait. 437 00:33:30,968 --> 00:33:33,704 You want to put wires inside my head? 438 00:33:33,804 --> 00:33:38,625 Frankie, we're gonna do whatever we can to find out what's causing this. 439 00:33:38,725 --> 00:33:40,336 You hang in there. 440 00:33:56,994 --> 00:33:59,855 DONNA: Epilepsy? They don't know what they're talking about, Frankie. 441 00:33:59,955 --> 00:34:01,565 I think you should get a second opinion. 442 00:34:01,665 --> 00:34:04,401 Miss Paige? I'm Father Durning. 443 00:34:04,501 --> 00:34:06,445 You spoke to me on the train? 444 00:34:06,545 --> 00:34:08,071 Oh. Yeah? 445 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:10,073 I'd like to talk to you about what happened. 446 00:34:10,173 --> 00:34:11,283 Why? 447 00:34:11,383 --> 00:34:13,327 Do you know what the stigmata are? 448 00:34:13,427 --> 00:34:16,955 DONNA: Uh, Father, I gotta get Frankie home, thanks. 449 00:34:17,055 --> 00:34:21,084 I understand how you feel, but please call me if you change your mind. 450 00:34:21,184 --> 00:34:22,545 Okay. 451 00:34:26,481 --> 00:34:27,591 (BELL TOLLING) 452 00:34:27,691 --> 00:34:29,718 DANIEL: Ah, Andrew, come in. 453 00:34:29,818 --> 00:34:31,929 I think we've found your next assignment. 454 00:34:32,029 --> 00:34:33,931 I was hoping that perhaps you'd changed your mind 455 00:34:34,031 --> 00:34:35,682 about sending me to Belo Quinto. 456 00:34:35,782 --> 00:34:38,769 We have no record of a church in Belo Quinto. 457 00:34:38,869 --> 00:34:40,938 What? 458 00:34:41,038 --> 00:34:43,190 That's impossible. There must be some mistake. 459 00:34:43,290 --> 00:34:46,568 No mistake, Father. I have checked into it myself. 460 00:34:46,668 --> 00:34:50,072 If there is a church in Belo Quinto, it is not one of ours. 461 00:34:50,172 --> 00:34:53,325 And no record of a priest assigned to that village either. 462 00:34:53,425 --> 00:34:56,203 This was sent to us by a Father Durning in Pittsburgh 463 00:34:56,303 --> 00:34:58,163 from the train's security camera. 464 00:34:58,263 --> 00:35:01,583 What, uh... what are we supposed to be looking for? 465 00:35:01,683 --> 00:35:03,044 Watch. 466 00:35:04,436 --> 00:35:06,380 Stop. 467 00:35:08,648 --> 00:35:11,093 Obviously it is some sort of attack. 468 00:35:11,193 --> 00:35:13,053 Maybe possession. 469 00:35:13,153 --> 00:35:14,638 ANDREW: The wrists are bandaged. 470 00:35:14,738 --> 00:35:16,306 According to Father Durning, 471 00:35:16,406 --> 00:35:20,727 she was whipped repeatedly by an unseen force. 472 00:35:20,827 --> 00:35:23,438 How important is this really, Daniel? 473 00:35:23,538 --> 00:35:25,732 We don't know yet. 474 00:35:25,832 --> 00:35:27,317 Then why are you sending me? 475 00:35:27,417 --> 00:35:30,613 Because of this clipping from the "Pittsburgh Globe." 476 00:35:32,422 --> 00:35:35,450 "20 terrified witnesses, unexplained wounds, 477 00:35:35,550 --> 00:35:37,285 Catholic priest." 478 00:35:37,385 --> 00:35:38,787 The publicity is unfortunate, 479 00:35:38,887 --> 00:35:41,957 but I'm sure by the time I get there, it'll be completely blown over. 480 00:35:42,057 --> 00:35:44,168 We're investigating this one. 481 00:36:03,995 --> 00:36:05,272 (BUZZING) 482 00:36:05,372 --> 00:36:06,690 WOMAN: You know what I heard? 483 00:36:06,790 --> 00:36:09,318 Catholic priest in the paper said that it was some like... 484 00:36:11,378 --> 00:36:14,072 - Hey, Frankie! - Hey, Frankie. 485 00:36:14,172 --> 00:36:16,533 - Hey, Frankie. - Hey, Frankie. 486 00:36:16,633 --> 00:36:19,161 Hey, I feel like I should do a monologue or something. 487 00:36:19,261 --> 00:36:20,495 (WOMEN LAUGH) 488 00:36:20,595 --> 00:36:22,289 Hey, Cheryl. 489 00:36:22,389 --> 00:36:25,208 Come on over here and have a seat. I'll just be a second. 490 00:36:25,308 --> 00:36:28,838 Um, you know what? I think I'm just gonna wait for Donna. 491 00:36:29,813 --> 00:36:32,008 Oh. Okay. 492 00:36:38,780 --> 00:36:40,098 (WHISPERING) What's going on with her? 493 00:36:40,198 --> 00:36:43,060 (WHISPERING) She wants to get a second opinion. 494 00:36:43,160 --> 00:36:45,437 They think she might have epilepsy. 495 00:36:45,537 --> 00:36:47,939 Epilepsy? She doesn't look too good. 496 00:36:48,039 --> 00:36:50,400 (DOOR BELL JINGLES) 497 00:36:50,500 --> 00:36:52,152 WOMAN: Why is she even at work? 498 00:36:52,252 --> 00:36:56,365 Hey, would you guys stop whispering like this was a goddamn church? 499 00:37:00,552 --> 00:37:03,330 (CHUCKLES) Hi. 500 00:37:03,430 --> 00:37:04,539 Hello. 501 00:37:04,639 --> 00:37:06,374 You have an appointment or...? 502 00:37:06,474 --> 00:37:08,418 No, I... I don't. 503 00:37:08,518 --> 00:37:11,588 Well, would you like a haircut, a manicure, 504 00:37:11,688 --> 00:37:14,216 or maybe you'd like to have your nipples pierced? 505 00:37:16,151 --> 00:37:18,011 Well, maybe if we just start with a trim, 506 00:37:18,111 --> 00:37:20,305 we could go from there? 507 00:37:20,405 --> 00:37:21,515 - (LAUGHS) - Thank you. 508 00:37:21,615 --> 00:37:22,892 Come on. Have a seat. 509 00:37:26,328 --> 00:37:27,437 All right, here we go. 510 00:37:27,537 --> 00:37:30,107 I'm gonna put this cape on so you don't get a scratchy neck. 511 00:37:30,207 --> 00:37:31,692 Ah, thank you. 512 00:37:33,877 --> 00:37:35,445 So where are you from? 513 00:37:35,545 --> 00:37:37,197 I live in Rome, actually. 514 00:37:37,297 --> 00:37:38,949 Ooh, cool. 515 00:37:39,049 --> 00:37:41,868 - And you? - I'm from Naples. 516 00:37:41,968 --> 00:37:44,121 - Ah, Naples. - Mm-hmm. 517 00:37:44,221 --> 00:37:47,207 Naples, la citta piu bella del mondo. 518 00:37:47,307 --> 00:37:49,668 - Naples, Florida. - Ah. (CHUCKLES) 519 00:37:49,768 --> 00:37:53,046 - I moved here to go to school. - Which school? 520 00:37:53,146 --> 00:37:56,633 Claudia's University of Cosmetology. 521 00:37:56,733 --> 00:38:00,429 - See? I'm accredited. - Oh. Cool. 522 00:38:01,363 --> 00:38:04,891 Am I going crazy or is Frankie hitting on a priest? 523 00:38:04,991 --> 00:38:06,143 What do I call you? 524 00:38:06,243 --> 00:38:08,937 I feel kind of weird calling a guy I could date "Father." 525 00:38:09,037 --> 00:38:10,981 Uh... 526 00:38:11,081 --> 00:38:13,775 I mean, I couldn't date you, but... you know. 527 00:38:13,875 --> 00:38:16,069 Oh, no, no, no. You just made my day. 528 00:38:16,169 --> 00:38:17,821 (CLEARS THROAT) Thank you. 529 00:38:17,921 --> 00:38:19,739 You can call me Andrew. 530 00:38:19,839 --> 00:38:22,284 Andrew Kiernan, that's my name. 531 00:38:26,954 --> 00:38:28,930 - (WHISPERS) Donna. - (MOUTHS WORDS) 533 00:38:34,521 --> 00:38:38,383 I know this is gonna sound kinda strange, but... 534 00:38:38,483 --> 00:38:40,302 I've sorta been expecting you. 535 00:38:47,200 --> 00:38:49,311 FRANKIE: So you live in Rome? 536 00:38:49,411 --> 00:38:52,063 Yes, but I travel a great deal, so I'm rarely there. 537 00:38:52,163 --> 00:38:53,607 - Thank you. - Coffee, honey? 538 00:38:53,707 --> 00:38:56,651 No, thanks. So what brings you to Pennsylvania? 539 00:38:56,751 --> 00:38:59,446 Well, Father Durning asked us to come and speak to you, Miss Paige. 540 00:38:59,546 --> 00:39:02,365 Us? Who's us? I thought you were a priest. 541 00:39:02,465 --> 00:39:04,576 Well, I am a priest, but I'm also an investigator. 542 00:39:04,676 --> 00:39:06,328 I work for a division in the Vatican 543 00:39:06,428 --> 00:39:10,415 called the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints. 544 00:39:10,515 --> 00:39:12,500 Do you mind if I switch this on? 545 00:39:12,600 --> 00:39:14,586 - No, go ahead. - Thank you. 546 00:39:14,686 --> 00:39:17,005 What is... what is your full name? 547 00:39:17,105 --> 00:39:19,424 Frankie Paige. 548 00:39:19,524 --> 00:39:22,010 - And your age? - 23. 549 00:39:22,110 --> 00:39:24,262 And which church do you attend? 550 00:39:24,362 --> 00:39:26,098 I don't attend church. 551 00:39:27,115 --> 00:39:28,225 But you are Catholic. 552 00:39:28,325 --> 00:39:30,603 No, I don't go to church because I don't believe in God. 553 00:39:35,332 --> 00:39:38,693 Well, that's... gonna be it for me. 554 00:39:38,793 --> 00:39:41,029 That's all I need to know, Miss Paige. 555 00:39:41,129 --> 00:39:43,865 - That's it? - Yes. 556 00:39:43,965 --> 00:39:48,036 You see, stigmatics are deeply religious people. 557 00:39:48,136 --> 00:39:50,872 - And there's no exceptions? - No. 558 00:39:50,972 --> 00:39:52,791 Well, why do they get stigmata? 559 00:39:52,891 --> 00:39:58,004 When Christ died on the cross, he... he died with five wounds. 560 00:39:58,104 --> 00:40:00,215 His back was scourged by whips. 561 00:40:00,315 --> 00:40:04,094 There were gashes in his forehead from a crown of thorns. 562 00:40:04,194 --> 00:40:07,389 There were nails driven through his hands and feet. 563 00:40:09,991 --> 00:40:13,812 And finally, a spear driven through his side. 564 00:40:15,121 --> 00:40:19,776 Throughout history, only deeply devout people 565 00:40:19,876 --> 00:40:22,862 have been afflicted with these wounds. 566 00:40:22,962 --> 00:40:24,572 Well, why? 567 00:40:24,672 --> 00:40:27,367 There really is no satisfactory scientific explanation. 568 00:40:27,467 --> 00:40:31,621 All stigmatics are haunted by such intense spiritual pain, 569 00:40:31,721 --> 00:40:33,915 in some ways it affects them physically. 570 00:40:34,015 --> 00:40:36,293 They're assaulted by their own visions of evil, 571 00:40:36,393 --> 00:40:39,129 and they manifest this battle in their bodies. 572 00:40:39,229 --> 00:40:42,465 The Church, on the other hand, regards it as a gift, 573 00:40:42,565 --> 00:40:44,009 a gift from God. 574 00:40:44,109 --> 00:40:46,636 (CHUCKLES) A gift? Can I give it back? 575 00:40:46,736 --> 00:40:48,514 (LAUGHS) 576 00:40:51,616 --> 00:40:53,476 Listen, Father... 577 00:40:53,576 --> 00:40:57,439 ahem, can I show you these, and you could tell me what you think? 578 00:40:57,539 --> 00:40:59,525 Yes. Yes, of course. 579 00:41:30,238 --> 00:41:31,724 Coffee, honey? 580 00:41:33,783 --> 00:41:35,518 (CLEARS THROAT) Well, what do you think? 581 00:41:35,618 --> 00:41:38,104 Well, it doesn't really matter what I think, Miss Paige. 582 00:41:38,204 --> 00:41:39,481 What does that mean? 583 00:41:39,581 --> 00:41:42,359 It means officially, this is not a case for the Church. 584 00:41:42,459 --> 00:41:47,113 To say that a self-confessed atheist exhibits the wounds of Christ 585 00:41:47,213 --> 00:41:48,406 is a contradiction in terms. 586 00:41:48,506 --> 00:41:51,701 Look, you know what? Here. Read that. 587 00:41:51,801 --> 00:41:53,787 I found that on my kitchen table the other morning. 588 00:41:53,887 --> 00:41:57,290 Now, I don't know what that says, but that handwriting is mine. 589 00:41:57,390 --> 00:41:59,000 It's Italian. 590 00:41:59,100 --> 00:42:03,838 It says, "Split a piece of wood, and I'm there. 591 00:42:03,938 --> 00:42:06,716 Lift a stone, and you will find me." 592 00:42:06,816 --> 00:42:09,344 It's quite beautiful, actually. 593 00:42:09,444 --> 00:42:12,055 This isn't beautiful. This is a warning! 594 00:42:12,155 --> 00:42:13,807 - It means no matter what I do... - Miss Paige! 595 00:42:13,907 --> 00:42:16,101 ...no matter where I go, I can't escape this. 596 00:42:16,201 --> 00:42:18,978 Miss Paige, I would really like to help you... 597 00:42:19,078 --> 00:42:20,939 You know what? You know what? This is not going anywhere. 598 00:42:21,039 --> 00:42:23,608 You don't know what this is. You can't give me any kind of answer. 599 00:42:23,708 --> 00:42:25,611 Coffee's on me. Here. 600 00:42:26,794 --> 00:42:28,322 (DOOR OPENS) 601 00:42:56,366 --> 00:42:59,937 ANDREW: There really is no satisfactory scientific explanation. 602 00:43:04,290 --> 00:43:06,652 Stigmatics are deeply religious people. 603 00:43:08,253 --> 00:43:11,573 DOCTOR: We're gonna do whatever we can to find out, 604 00:43:11,673 --> 00:43:15,285 but, all things considered, I think it might explain a lot. 605 00:43:15,385 --> 00:43:19,497 ANDREW: Throughout history, only people who believe deeply in God 606 00:43:19,597 --> 00:43:21,499 have been afflicted with these wounds. 607 00:43:21,599 --> 00:43:23,501 The nearer they come to God, 608 00:43:23,601 --> 00:43:26,547 the more open they are to the torment of their demons. 609 00:43:27,855 --> 00:43:31,677 The Church regards it as a gift, a gift from God. 610 00:43:37,574 --> 00:43:40,602 (ROCK MUSIC PLAYING) 611 00:43:40,702 --> 00:43:42,729 DONNA: Whoo-hoo! 612 00:43:42,829 --> 00:43:46,442 - Here's to Friday night! - JEN: Yeah, Friday night, honey. 613 00:43:50,503 --> 00:43:51,739 Frankie! 614 00:43:54,340 --> 00:43:56,117 Don't worry about it. Just order another drink. 615 00:43:56,217 --> 00:43:58,369 I'll be right back. I'm gonna go check it out. 616 00:43:58,469 --> 00:44:00,163 (MAN SINGING) But you just can't tell 617 00:44:00,263 --> 00:44:03,333 Don't hold your breath, but the pretty things are going to hell... 618 00:44:03,433 --> 00:44:05,460 - Hey, girlfriend. What's up? - Hey. 619 00:44:05,560 --> 00:44:07,170 I thought you were staying home to get some rest. 620 00:44:07,270 --> 00:44:08,463 Have you seen Steven? 621 00:44:08,563 --> 00:44:11,633 Man, forget about Steven. What's up with that priest? 622 00:44:11,733 --> 00:44:16,304 Believe me, he's all business. Hey, can we get two doubles each? 623 00:44:16,404 --> 00:44:18,932 Hey, you know what's scarier than not believing in God? 624 00:44:19,032 --> 00:44:20,433 Believing in Him. 625 00:44:20,533 --> 00:44:23,269 I mean, really believing in Him is a fucking terrifying thought. 626 00:44:23,369 --> 00:44:24,479 It's Friday night. 627 00:44:24,579 --> 00:44:27,232 I think you're taking things a little too seriously. 628 00:44:27,332 --> 00:44:29,150 'Cause If there is a God, then He hates me 629 00:44:29,250 --> 00:44:30,610 'cause He's ruining my life. 630 00:44:30,710 --> 00:44:32,529 Come on, Frankie, it's gonna be all right, man. 631 00:44:32,629 --> 00:44:34,739 - Relax. - You don't get it, do you? 632 00:44:34,839 --> 00:44:37,617 I have fucking holes through my wrists! 633 00:44:37,717 --> 00:44:39,619 I have slashes across my back! 634 00:44:39,719 --> 00:44:44,207 If it isn't God that's doing this to me, then who is? 635 00:44:44,307 --> 00:44:46,543 I think you're losing it, man. 636 00:44:49,354 --> 00:44:51,214 Where you goin'? 637 00:44:51,314 --> 00:44:54,092 - (SCREAMS) - Frankie! 638 00:45:03,660 --> 00:45:06,437 Frankie! Oh, God! 639 00:45:06,537 --> 00:45:08,773 Frankie, get up! Get up! 640 00:45:08,873 --> 00:45:10,984 - (SCREAMS) - Frankie... 641 00:45:11,084 --> 00:45:13,487 Frankie, it's all right. Frankie! 642 00:45:19,801 --> 00:45:22,912 Don't just fuckin' stand there! Somebody call an ambulance! 643 00:45:23,012 --> 00:45:24,122 Damn. 644 00:45:26,557 --> 00:45:30,837 (HORNS HONK) 645 00:45:30,937 --> 00:45:32,422 (SCREAMS) 646 00:45:36,109 --> 00:45:37,845 Frankie, where are you? 647 00:45:41,572 --> 00:45:44,726 (HORNS HONKING) 648 00:45:50,748 --> 00:45:52,734 - (SCREAMS) - MAN: Get outta there! 649 00:45:53,793 --> 00:45:55,904 (SCREAMS) 650 00:46:18,860 --> 00:46:20,053 Miss Paige? 651 00:46:25,241 --> 00:46:26,727 Miss Paige! 652 00:46:38,546 --> 00:46:40,115 Miss Paige? 653 00:46:42,508 --> 00:46:44,452 Miss Paige! 654 00:46:44,552 --> 00:46:46,580 (WIND HOWLING) 655 00:46:48,806 --> 00:46:51,251 (VOICES WHISPERING) 656 00:47:31,724 --> 00:47:33,293 Miss Paige? 657 00:47:37,980 --> 00:47:39,341 Miss Paige! 658 00:47:40,650 --> 00:47:43,762 (MUTTERING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) 659 00:47:52,787 --> 00:47:54,439 Miss Paige? 660 00:48:00,211 --> 00:48:01,989 (BUTTON CLICKS) 661 00:48:11,138 --> 00:48:12,665 ANDREW: Ah! 662 00:48:12,765 --> 00:48:14,668 (SHOUTING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) 663 00:48:21,816 --> 00:48:23,135 Frankie! 664 00:48:26,362 --> 00:48:28,849 (CRYING) 665 00:48:37,039 --> 00:48:39,734 - Let's get you out of here. - Frankie. 666 00:48:39,834 --> 00:48:42,361 We need to get her to a safe place. 667 00:48:42,461 --> 00:48:45,532 Here, I got you. I got you. 668 00:48:48,426 --> 00:48:50,537 (BELL TOLLING) 669 00:49:21,000 --> 00:49:22,527 Welcome back. 670 00:49:22,627 --> 00:49:24,195 Where am I? 671 00:49:24,295 --> 00:49:26,448 You're in Father Durning's church. 672 00:49:29,050 --> 00:49:30,785 DONNA: Hey. 673 00:49:30,885 --> 00:49:32,954 ANDREW: I think she should get some rest. 674 00:49:34,597 --> 00:49:36,708 You all right? 675 00:49:39,685 --> 00:49:42,630 You look like shit. (CHUCKLES) 676 00:49:42,730 --> 00:49:44,883 It smells like... 677 00:49:46,108 --> 00:49:48,135 flowers. 678 00:49:48,235 --> 00:49:50,889 You got stuff all in your hair. 679 00:49:59,372 --> 00:50:02,317 (FRANKIE SHOUTING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) 680 00:50:06,545 --> 00:50:10,116 (TOUCH TONES BEEPING) 681 00:50:10,216 --> 00:50:12,285 (PHONE RINGING) 682 00:50:14,011 --> 00:50:15,329 Pronto. 683 00:50:15,429 --> 00:50:18,332 - ANDREW: Gianni, come stai? - Andrew, how are you? 684 00:50:18,432 --> 00:50:20,960 Gianni, listen, could you help me with a translation? 685 00:50:21,060 --> 00:50:23,629 - Si. Do you have it there? - Yes, I have it here. 686 00:50:23,729 --> 00:50:25,674 - Read it to me. - I'll play it for you now. 687 00:50:27,274 --> 00:50:29,386 (FRANKIE SHOUTING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE) 688 00:50:35,700 --> 00:50:37,560 Thama... 689 00:50:37,660 --> 00:50:39,937 Well, what is it? Is it gibberish? 690 00:50:40,037 --> 00:50:42,148 No, no, no, it's not gibberish at all. 691 00:50:42,248 --> 00:50:44,234 Andrew, who is speaking these words? 692 00:51:54,028 --> 00:51:56,097 Good morning, Miss Paige. You're up early. 693 00:51:56,197 --> 00:51:58,182 Hey. I think you made a mistake. 694 00:51:58,282 --> 00:52:00,810 - What do you mean? - I can't have stigmata. 695 00:52:00,910 --> 00:52:04,230 Jesus was crucified through the palms of his hands, not his wrists. 696 00:52:04,330 --> 00:52:06,273 And look at my wounds. They're through the wrists. 697 00:52:06,373 --> 00:52:07,566 So you're wrong. 698 00:52:07,666 --> 00:52:11,362 Actually, scientists have discovered that in Roman times, 699 00:52:11,462 --> 00:52:15,574 people were crucified through the wrists, not the palms. 700 00:52:15,674 --> 00:52:18,119 There's no way that the hands could have supported the weight of body, 701 00:52:18,219 --> 00:52:21,998 so they did crucify them through the wrists. 702 00:52:22,098 --> 00:52:25,626 No, wait, you're telling me that every painting, 703 00:52:25,726 --> 00:52:29,171 every statue of Christ, every single crucifix 704 00:52:29,271 --> 00:52:31,716 in the whole world is wrong? 705 00:52:31,816 --> 00:52:34,468 No, no, just inaccurate. 706 00:52:34,568 --> 00:52:36,595 They're impressions of the truth. 707 00:52:36,695 --> 00:52:39,473 Icons are meant to be inspirational. 708 00:52:39,573 --> 00:52:43,644 Miss Paige, there's something else you should know. 709 00:52:43,744 --> 00:52:47,398 The words you keep repeating that, uh, you thought were nonsense... 710 00:52:47,498 --> 00:52:49,734 well, it's not. 711 00:52:49,834 --> 00:52:52,153 It's actually a very specific language. 712 00:52:52,253 --> 00:52:54,280 It's a form of Aramaic. 713 00:52:54,380 --> 00:52:55,781 What? 714 00:52:55,881 --> 00:52:59,118 It's a form of Aramaic that hasn't been used for 1,900 years. 715 00:52:59,218 --> 00:53:02,664 It's a dialect that was used in Galilee around the time of Jesus. 716 00:53:43,971 --> 00:53:47,374 "Split a piece of wood and I am there. 717 00:53:47,474 --> 00:53:50,337 Lift a stone and you will find me." 718 00:53:59,570 --> 00:54:02,557 (VOICES WHISPERING) 719 00:54:23,260 --> 00:54:25,288 (VOICES STOP) 720 00:54:37,691 --> 00:54:40,887 - (TATTOO GUN BUZZING) - (LINE RINGING) 721 00:54:45,241 --> 00:54:47,852 - Did you get through? - No. 722 00:54:47,952 --> 00:54:49,854 Her machine didn't even pick up. 723 00:54:54,708 --> 00:54:57,112 (DOOR BUZZES) 724 00:55:13,727 --> 00:55:15,838 - (DOOR KNOCKER KNOCKS) - ANDREW: Miss Paige? 725 00:55:15,938 --> 00:55:18,841 - (DOOR OPENS) - Miss Paige? 726 00:55:18,941 --> 00:55:21,553 (WATER DRIPPING) 727 00:55:25,114 --> 00:55:27,600 (VOICES WHISPERING) 728 00:55:50,681 --> 00:55:52,416 Frankie? 729 00:55:52,516 --> 00:55:54,043 (BUTTON CLICKS) 730 00:55:59,982 --> 00:56:01,384 Frankie? 731 00:56:08,407 --> 00:56:10,351 (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) 732 00:56:15,831 --> 00:56:17,650 Frankie... 733 00:56:22,212 --> 00:56:23,740 Frankie. 734 00:56:27,009 --> 00:56:28,745 Who are you? 735 00:56:33,599 --> 00:56:36,252 (MALE VOICE SPEAKS ITALIAN) 736 00:58:21,415 --> 00:58:24,777 I feel like my heart is breaking. 737 00:58:27,880 --> 00:58:30,617 (CRYING) Why am I so sad? 738 00:58:37,806 --> 00:58:40,877 It smells like flowers in here. 739 00:58:42,936 --> 00:58:44,671 Like... 740 00:58:44,771 --> 00:58:46,924 jasmine or... 741 00:58:47,941 --> 00:58:50,636 rose or something. 742 00:58:50,736 --> 00:58:53,640 - Can you smell that? - Yes, I can. 743 00:58:57,242 --> 00:58:59,812 - Who wrote that? - You did. 744 00:58:59,912 --> 00:59:03,107 - I wrote that? - Yes. 745 00:59:16,678 --> 00:59:18,038 DANIEL: Have you heard from Father Andrew? 746 00:59:18,138 --> 00:59:19,248 DARIO: No, Eminence. 747 00:59:19,348 --> 00:59:21,542 He hasn't filed a report since he got there. 748 00:59:21,642 --> 00:59:22,751 DONNA: What are these? 749 00:59:22,851 --> 00:59:25,504 DARIO: These are newspaper clippings from our office in New York. 750 00:59:25,604 --> 00:59:28,048 The first one is from Pennsylvania. 751 00:59:28,148 --> 00:59:31,385 The others are from New York and Washington. 752 00:59:31,485 --> 00:59:35,556 DANIEL: These are even more damaging. This one mentions the stigmata. 753 00:59:35,656 --> 00:59:38,183 He doesn't seem to be defusing the situation. 754 00:59:38,283 --> 00:59:39,810 DARIO: Shall I call him home? 755 00:59:39,910 --> 00:59:42,438 Have him conclude his investigation immediately, 756 00:59:42,538 --> 00:59:45,065 present his report to me in New York at the end of next week. 757 00:59:45,165 --> 00:59:47,985 (ALL SPEAKING ITALIAN) 758 00:59:49,711 --> 00:59:53,615 Frankie, can you please come over here and have a look at this? 759 00:59:53,715 --> 00:59:56,827 I... I just can't believe that none of this means anything to you. 760 00:59:56,927 --> 00:59:58,705 (COOING) 761 01:00:01,139 --> 01:00:02,500 Frankie? 762 01:00:04,518 --> 01:00:08,089 - (CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING) - Frankie. 763 01:00:10,440 --> 01:00:12,719 Frankie, can you please? 764 01:00:15,529 --> 01:00:17,682 Can you please look at this? 765 01:00:18,907 --> 01:00:21,935 Sometimes subjects retain fragments or images 766 01:00:22,035 --> 01:00:24,771 that can be transmitted subconsciously and... 767 01:00:24,871 --> 01:00:28,775 This subject doesn't retain fragments of images. 768 01:00:28,875 --> 01:00:31,278 You don't get it, do you, Father Kiernan? 769 01:00:31,378 --> 01:00:33,655 I don't know what the hell that means! 770 01:00:33,755 --> 01:00:37,868 I don't know what the hell this means. I just want my life back, okay? 771 01:00:37,968 --> 01:00:41,581 - (DOOR OPENS, CLOSES) - (POP MUSIC PLAYING) 772 01:00:44,224 --> 01:00:49,087 (WOMAN SINGING) I'm sitting amongst yourselves 773 01:00:49,187 --> 01:00:53,884 Don't think you can see me 774 01:00:53,984 --> 01:00:58,472 I haven't gone anywhere 775 01:00:58,572 --> 01:01:02,143 But out of my body 776 01:01:03,619 --> 01:01:08,273 Reach out and touch me 777 01:01:08,373 --> 01:01:13,111 Make effort to speak to me 778 01:01:13,211 --> 01:01:17,866 Call out and you'll hear me 779 01:01:17,966 --> 01:01:22,663 Be happy for me... 780 01:01:22,763 --> 01:01:23,997 Miss Paige? 781 01:01:24,097 --> 01:01:27,417 Miss Paige, I, uh... I'm sorry. 782 01:01:27,517 --> 01:01:30,963 Don't "Miss Paige" me just because you messed up. 783 01:01:31,063 --> 01:01:33,048 I'm not gonna let you off the hook. 784 01:01:33,148 --> 01:01:36,593 Okay, but, uh... I am sorry. 785 01:01:36,693 --> 01:01:39,805 You know, for a priest, you're pretty relentless. 786 01:01:39,905 --> 01:01:44,351 Yeah, I guess I stopped being a priest and slipped back into being a scientist. 787 01:01:44,451 --> 01:01:46,562 It, uh... it happens. 788 01:01:46,662 --> 01:01:49,773 Hey, what kind of a scientist is a priest, anyway? 789 01:01:49,873 --> 01:01:51,817 You don't want to know. 790 01:01:51,917 --> 01:01:54,611 (LAUGHS) Oh, yes, I do. 791 01:01:54,711 --> 01:01:56,738 You were an organic chemist? 792 01:01:56,838 --> 01:01:59,408 Okay, did you walk around with those glasses 793 01:01:59,508 --> 01:02:03,328 with Scotch tape around the sides and pocket protectors? 794 01:02:03,428 --> 01:02:06,290 - (BOTH LAUGH) - I did, actually. 795 01:02:06,390 --> 01:02:10,210 Anyway, one day, I just decided that I was going to become a priest. 796 01:02:10,310 --> 01:02:11,420 Well, why? 797 01:02:11,520 --> 01:02:13,547 - The holes. - The holes? 798 01:02:13,647 --> 01:02:16,341 - Mm, the holes in the theories. - What theories? 799 01:02:16,441 --> 01:02:18,969 The world is six billion years old, right? 800 01:02:19,069 --> 01:02:21,263 There's been life on this planet for three billion years, 801 01:02:21,363 --> 01:02:23,974 but for three billion years before that, there was nothing. 802 01:02:24,074 --> 01:02:27,436 No life. Just a bunch of elements swirling around. 803 01:02:27,536 --> 01:02:30,814 And then one day, for no apparent reason whatsoever, 804 01:02:30,914 --> 01:02:33,400 all these elements came together in perfect harmony, 805 01:02:33,500 --> 01:02:36,028 and there was suddenly life, 806 01:02:36,128 --> 01:02:39,823 living things like lilac and... and hedgehogs and snails... 807 01:02:39,923 --> 01:02:43,285 - Beer and cheesecake. - Beer and cheesecake. 808 01:02:43,385 --> 01:02:45,287 Did you know that monks invented alcohol? 809 01:02:45,387 --> 01:02:47,581 - Yeah. Everybody knows that. - You knew that? 810 01:02:47,681 --> 01:02:49,207 - Yeah. Yeah. - Okay. 811 01:02:49,307 --> 01:02:51,501 Well, anyway, to get back to the big hole. 812 01:02:51,601 --> 01:02:53,086 - There really... - (LAUGHS) 813 01:02:53,186 --> 01:02:55,797 There really isn't any explanation. 814 01:02:55,897 --> 01:02:59,968 And I figured that there was something more than... 815 01:03:00,068 --> 01:03:02,638 well, more important than organic chemistry going on, 816 01:03:02,738 --> 01:03:05,223 and I figured that it was God 817 01:03:05,323 --> 01:03:08,810 and that God was responsible for all this life. 818 01:03:08,910 --> 01:03:12,397 - I really can't get a line on you. - Why not? 819 01:03:12,497 --> 01:03:14,858 First of all, I can't understand a man who's never, you know. 820 01:03:14,958 --> 01:03:16,610 Never made love to a woman? 821 01:03:16,710 --> 01:03:20,364 Well, ahem, this may come as a great surprise to you, 822 01:03:20,464 --> 01:03:24,034 but... I wasn't born a priest. 823 01:03:24,134 --> 01:03:27,746 - But you didn't like it? - Well, what's not to like? 824 01:03:27,846 --> 01:03:30,457 - But you don't miss it? - Yes, of course I miss it. 825 01:03:30,557 --> 01:03:32,834 I mean, I'm human, you know? 826 01:03:32,934 --> 01:03:36,963 I struggle with it, but I've made a choice. 827 01:03:37,063 --> 01:03:38,882 Basically, what I've done is I've exchanged 828 01:03:38,982 --> 01:03:42,136 one set of complications for another. 829 01:03:43,987 --> 01:03:47,016 (NO AUDIBLE DIALOGUE) 830 01:04:09,596 --> 01:04:11,874 (SCREAMING) 831 01:04:22,400 --> 01:04:24,762 - Frankie. - (WHIP CRACKING) 832 01:04:41,837 --> 01:04:43,948 - (CROWD GASPING) - Frankie... 833 01:04:46,508 --> 01:04:48,619 (SIREN WAILING) 834 01:04:55,350 --> 01:04:56,960 FRANKIE: So this is the fourth? 835 01:04:57,060 --> 01:04:59,463 - What do you mean? - When I first met you, 836 01:04:59,563 --> 01:05:02,632 didn't you say that there were five wounds? 837 01:05:02,732 --> 01:05:05,051 Well, this is the fourth. 838 01:05:05,151 --> 01:05:06,929 What's the fifth? 839 01:05:08,363 --> 01:05:09,849 The spear. 840 01:05:11,199 --> 01:05:13,059 That's the wound that killed him. 841 01:05:13,159 --> 01:05:15,103 Don't worry, Frankie. 842 01:05:15,203 --> 01:05:18,774 No stigmatic has ever received the full five wounds. 843 01:05:18,874 --> 01:05:22,319 Have you ever met another person who had stigmata? 844 01:05:22,419 --> 01:05:24,780 I did make a pilgrimage to a small village 845 01:05:24,880 --> 01:05:27,324 in the mountains of Southern Italy. 846 01:05:27,424 --> 01:05:30,410 There I met a priest called Padre Pio. 847 01:05:30,510 --> 01:05:34,080 He first received the wounds when he was 23 years of age, 848 01:05:34,180 --> 01:05:36,416 the same age as Saint Francis of Assisi. 849 01:05:36,516 --> 01:05:38,335 Who's Saint Francis of Assisi? 850 01:05:38,435 --> 01:05:41,713 Saint Francis was the first person to receive the stigmata, 851 01:05:41,813 --> 01:05:44,299 in the 13th century. 852 01:05:44,399 --> 01:05:48,053 He was a wild young man, but he suddenly changed his ways 853 01:05:48,153 --> 01:05:51,431 after he'd had a vision of being crucified alongside Christ. 854 01:05:51,531 --> 01:05:53,517 When he woke up, 855 01:05:53,617 --> 01:05:56,896 his hands and his feet were... were bleeding. 856 01:05:58,079 --> 01:06:00,607 This priest, were his wounds as bad as mine? 857 01:06:00,707 --> 01:06:02,108 Padre Pio. 858 01:06:02,208 --> 01:06:04,361 Sometimes he lost a pint of blood a day 859 01:06:04,461 --> 01:06:07,072 and he suffered terrible demonic attacks. 860 01:06:07,172 --> 01:06:08,281 A priest? 861 01:06:08,381 --> 01:06:12,994 All stigmatics suffer the most intense spiritual conflict. 862 01:06:13,094 --> 01:06:14,955 The nearer they come to God, 863 01:06:15,055 --> 01:06:18,542 the more open they are to temptation, to evil visions... 864 01:06:20,018 --> 01:06:22,045 to the torment of their demons. 865 01:06:22,145 --> 01:06:25,674 There was also a smell which accompanied the wounds, 866 01:06:25,774 --> 01:06:27,551 the odor of sanctity, the smell of... 867 01:06:27,651 --> 01:06:29,010 Flowers. 868 01:06:29,110 --> 01:06:31,931 Yes, flowers. 869 01:06:33,865 --> 01:06:36,059 Well, what happened to him? 870 01:06:36,159 --> 01:06:37,978 How many wounds did he receive? 871 01:06:38,078 --> 01:06:40,522 He, um... 872 01:06:40,622 --> 01:06:43,191 (CLEARS THROAT) He lived to old age. 873 01:06:43,291 --> 01:06:45,861 How many wounds did he receive? 874 01:06:50,090 --> 01:06:51,367 Two. 875 01:06:58,348 --> 01:07:00,042 I'm dying, aren't I? 876 01:07:02,936 --> 01:07:04,922 This thing is killing me. 877 01:07:28,712 --> 01:07:30,447 Here's a closer shot. 878 01:07:30,547 --> 01:07:32,616 My guess is it's probably Aramaic. 879 01:07:32,716 --> 01:07:35,494 Aspetta. I'm looking at it. 880 01:07:37,220 --> 01:07:40,123 Is there a... is there a problem, Gianni? 881 01:07:40,223 --> 01:07:42,459 Yes, don't send me any more of these pictures. 882 01:07:42,559 --> 01:07:44,961 - How many did you send? - Six. Why? 883 01:07:45,061 --> 01:07:47,797 - The problem is what it says. - Well, what does it say? 884 01:07:47,897 --> 01:07:52,344 It says, "The kingdom of God is inside you 885 01:07:52,444 --> 01:07:54,095 and all about you." 886 01:07:54,195 --> 01:07:56,973 Andrew, forget you saw this. Drop it immediately. 887 01:07:57,073 --> 01:07:59,100 - Don't send me any more... - Gianni, what is the problem? 888 01:07:59,200 --> 01:08:00,602 Do you remember the Gospels... 889 01:08:00,702 --> 01:08:02,438 (SPEAKS ITALIAN) 890 01:08:03,496 --> 01:08:05,231 ANDREW: Gianni? 891 01:08:05,331 --> 01:08:07,984 Gianni, are you still there? Gianni? 892 01:08:08,084 --> 01:08:09,736 Do you remember the Gospels Commission? 893 01:08:09,836 --> 01:08:13,239 It was closed down suddenly by your friend Cardinal Houseman. 894 01:08:13,339 --> 01:08:15,241 Yes, a few years ago, yes. 895 01:08:15,341 --> 01:08:18,912 We discovered a document that looked like it was a completely new gospel. 896 01:08:19,012 --> 01:08:20,997 Well, what's the significance of that? 897 01:08:21,097 --> 01:08:24,042 I was one of the three translators of this gospel. 898 01:08:24,142 --> 01:08:26,628 It was written entirely in Aramaic, 899 01:08:26,728 --> 01:08:30,090 the language of Jesus and his disciples. 900 01:08:30,190 --> 01:08:33,594 It may be Jesus' actual words. His own... 901 01:08:34,611 --> 01:08:38,431 - Where is it now? - (SPEAKING ITALIAN) 902 01:08:38,531 --> 01:08:40,809 Gianni? What's going on? 903 01:08:40,909 --> 01:08:43,687 Gianni, are you there? Gianni? 904 01:08:48,500 --> 01:08:49,902 Buona sera. 905 01:08:54,672 --> 01:08:55,908 What's this? 906 01:09:01,304 --> 01:09:03,623 - Is that a painting? - No, it's a mirror. 907 01:09:03,723 --> 01:09:04,958 Well, who else was in the room? 908 01:09:05,058 --> 01:09:06,501 I don't know. 909 01:09:06,601 --> 01:09:09,337 I thought you said it was just you two. 910 01:09:09,437 --> 01:09:11,423 16-A. Do you have the neg? 911 01:09:13,191 --> 01:09:14,927 Who is that? 912 01:09:21,199 --> 01:09:23,102 ANDREW: I'll be back as soon as I can. 913 01:09:48,434 --> 01:09:51,296 - Cardinal Houseman. - I'm late for a meeting with a courier. 914 01:09:51,396 --> 01:09:54,049 At your discretion, but I think this might be of interest. 915 01:09:54,149 --> 01:09:55,384 What is it? 916 01:10:00,321 --> 01:10:01,765 Where did you get this? 917 01:10:01,865 --> 01:10:04,309 It was emailed to Father Delmonico. 918 01:10:04,409 --> 01:10:07,146 - By whom? - Father Kiernan in Pittsburgh. 919 01:10:08,496 --> 01:10:10,774 - Do you know what it means? - No. 920 01:10:10,874 --> 01:10:12,817 Is it important? 921 01:10:12,917 --> 01:10:15,696 Uh, will you tell the meeting I'll be with them in a few minutes? 922 01:10:17,130 --> 01:10:20,825 (TOUCH TONES BEEPING) 923 01:10:20,925 --> 01:10:24,496 (PHONE RINGS) 924 01:10:26,181 --> 01:10:27,457 Who is it? 925 01:10:27,557 --> 01:10:29,918 (GIANNI SPEAKING ITALIAN) 926 01:11:01,507 --> 01:11:03,619 (SPEAKS ITALIAN) 927 01:11:07,722 --> 01:11:11,251 - (INTERCOM BUZZES) - FRANKIE: Hi, come in. The door's open. 928 01:11:11,351 --> 01:11:13,337 (DOOR BUZZES) 929 01:11:19,692 --> 01:11:22,095 - Frankie? - I'm in here! 930 01:11:22,195 --> 01:11:23,888 (MAN SINGING) Raise me to your lips 931 01:11:23,988 --> 01:11:26,766 Two undernourished egos, four rotating hips 932 01:11:26,866 --> 01:11:29,102 Hold on to me tightly, I'm a sliding scale... 933 01:11:29,202 --> 01:11:32,355 How you doin'? Want a beer? 934 01:11:32,455 --> 01:11:33,816 Sure. 935 01:11:38,628 --> 01:11:41,156 Check these out. Looks like they're getting better. 936 01:11:42,298 --> 01:11:44,450 - That's great. - Mm-hmm. 937 01:11:44,550 --> 01:11:46,202 Really good. 938 01:11:46,302 --> 01:11:48,372 You'll be able to get these stitches out soon. 939 01:11:49,555 --> 01:11:52,292 That's great. Let me see your forehead. 940 01:11:53,685 --> 01:11:56,171 Mm-hmm. Right. 941 01:11:56,271 --> 01:11:59,382 - Does this... does this hurt? - It's good. 942 01:11:59,482 --> 01:12:01,551 Right, you'll... 943 01:12:01,651 --> 01:12:04,470 Between us is our kitchen 944 01:12:04,570 --> 01:12:07,348 Where she found my irritants itching 945 01:12:07,448 --> 01:12:10,018 Been here before 946 01:12:10,118 --> 01:12:12,896 Been here forever 947 01:12:14,163 --> 01:12:17,150 Moving up slowly, inertia keeps 948 01:12:17,250 --> 01:12:19,986 Moving up slowly, inertia creeps 949 01:12:20,086 --> 01:12:22,906 Moving up slowly, inertia keeps 950 01:12:23,006 --> 01:12:26,910 Moving up slowly, she comes moving up slowly... 951 01:12:27,010 --> 01:12:28,870 Why did you paint over the wall? 952 01:12:28,970 --> 01:12:32,665 Well, I got bored and I got sick of looking at that thing. 953 01:12:32,765 --> 01:12:36,336 Inertia creeps, moving up slowly... 954 01:12:47,113 --> 01:12:50,099 There be no sound in my eiderdown 955 01:12:50,199 --> 01:12:53,019 Awake I lie in the morning's bloom 956 01:12:53,119 --> 01:12:56,231 Hold me still, my antenna in you 957 01:12:58,916 --> 01:13:01,527 Nylon burns the bedspread with two 958 01:13:01,627 --> 01:13:04,239 Gravity zero, see me stall 959 01:13:04,339 --> 01:13:07,200 I bounce off walls, lose my footing and fall 960 01:13:07,300 --> 01:13:10,828 Can be sweet though incomplete, though... 961 01:13:10,928 --> 01:13:13,873 FRANKIE: I really wish you weren't wearing that uniform right now. 962 01:13:13,973 --> 01:13:16,542 It's got nothing to do with the uniform, believe me. 963 01:13:16,642 --> 01:13:17,752 Well, what is it, your vow? 964 01:13:17,852 --> 01:13:20,339 You took a vow to be dead from the neck down? 965 01:13:22,023 --> 01:13:23,800 Come on. 966 01:13:23,900 --> 01:13:25,885 I've seen the way you look at me. 967 01:13:25,985 --> 01:13:28,930 You know the way that I feel about you. 968 01:13:29,030 --> 01:13:31,349 Come on, I'm not blind. It's okay. 969 01:13:31,449 --> 01:13:32,684 It's okay. 970 01:13:32,784 --> 01:13:34,519 No. 971 01:13:34,619 --> 01:13:36,896 Why? Because I... I painted the wall out? 972 01:13:36,996 --> 01:13:39,399 Is that it? So now I'm no use to you, right? 973 01:13:39,499 --> 01:13:40,692 Is that it? 974 01:13:40,792 --> 01:13:42,611 (DEEP VOICE) Answer me! 975 01:13:44,128 --> 01:13:47,324 (DISTORTED VOICE) You are so proud of your holy abstinence! 976 01:13:50,093 --> 01:13:52,704 Like touching a woman would kill you! 977 01:13:52,804 --> 01:13:56,166 Women are dirty little complications! 978 01:13:59,060 --> 01:14:01,296 That's why you became a priest! 979 01:14:01,396 --> 01:14:05,259 It has nothing to do with your convenient little stories! 980 01:14:11,072 --> 01:14:16,770 Oh, you're so proud of your church, of virgins and eunuchs! 981 01:14:33,845 --> 01:14:35,622 (GRUNTS) 982 01:14:47,483 --> 01:14:49,344 (MALE VOICE) How's your faith these days, Father? 983 01:14:50,611 --> 01:14:52,556 How's your faith these days? 984 01:14:53,448 --> 01:14:56,518 This is what you fucking call God? 985 01:14:58,119 --> 01:14:59,687 Huh? Huh? 986 01:14:59,787 --> 01:15:02,190 Blood of Christ! 987 01:15:06,294 --> 01:15:08,488 (SCREAMING) 988 01:15:08,588 --> 01:15:11,700 (SCREAMING IN NORMAL VOICE) 989 01:15:23,811 --> 01:15:26,673 - (GASPS) - (DEEP GROWL) 990 01:17:27,518 --> 01:17:29,629 (WATER DRIPPING) 991 01:18:17,193 --> 01:18:19,845 I've never seen you pray before. 992 01:18:19,945 --> 01:18:22,516 I haven't prayed for a very long time. 993 01:18:25,117 --> 01:18:26,603 Come here. 994 01:18:28,371 --> 01:18:30,565 It's okay. Come on. 995 01:19:27,138 --> 01:19:29,124 (DOOR KNOCKER KNOCKS) 996 01:19:34,311 --> 01:19:35,839 Go in. 997 01:19:51,036 --> 01:19:52,480 Daniel. 998 01:19:52,580 --> 01:19:54,316 We've come to help. 999 01:19:56,000 --> 01:19:58,612 Take her to the archdiocese straightaway. 1000 01:20:18,522 --> 01:20:20,592 I'll be downstairs if you need me, Sister. 1001 01:20:26,322 --> 01:20:29,600 Where did you get this from, hmm? What does it mean? 1002 01:20:29,700 --> 01:20:32,603 The girl wrote it. I don't know what it means. 1003 01:20:32,703 --> 01:20:34,939 Neither does she. 1004 01:20:35,039 --> 01:20:39,110 Why was it painted over? What language is it in? 1005 01:20:39,210 --> 01:20:40,361 It's Aramaic. 1006 01:20:40,461 --> 01:20:41,946 How do you know that? 1007 01:20:42,046 --> 01:20:44,490 That's completely irrelevant. 1008 01:20:44,590 --> 01:20:47,702 See, what I don't understand is why you would send this 1009 01:20:47,802 --> 01:20:49,578 to anyone other than me. 1010 01:20:49,678 --> 01:20:50,996 What are you hiding from me, Andrew? 1011 01:20:51,096 --> 01:20:54,583 Look, all I know is that the girl is fighting for her life. 1012 01:20:54,683 --> 01:20:58,170 If she receives another wound, she's going to die unless we help her. 1013 01:20:58,270 --> 01:21:01,048 Right. I'm taking over this case. Go back to Father Durning's. 1014 01:21:01,148 --> 01:21:03,134 - Get some rest. - I'm not leaving her alone. 1015 01:21:03,234 --> 01:21:04,593 You're not leaving her alone. 1016 01:21:04,693 --> 01:21:06,262 You're leaving her in the care of the sisters. 1017 01:21:06,362 --> 01:21:08,764 Look, you sent me here. I didn't want to come. 1018 01:21:08,864 --> 01:21:11,559 You told me to deal with her! That's what I'm doing! 1019 01:21:11,659 --> 01:21:13,936 She's in no condition to take on you or the Church. 1020 01:21:14,036 --> 01:21:17,690 This is not about a girl taking on me or taking on the Church! 1021 01:21:17,790 --> 01:21:20,067 Why are you so concerned about those photographs? 1022 01:21:20,167 --> 01:21:22,069 Why is that more important than a girl bleeding to death? 1023 01:21:22,169 --> 01:21:23,988 Andrew, what's happened to you? Where's your loyalty? 1024 01:21:24,088 --> 01:21:26,365 Don't you lecture me about loyalty, Daniel. 1025 01:21:26,465 --> 01:21:29,702 The only reason you've been tolerated by the congregation for so long 1026 01:21:29,802 --> 01:21:33,205 is because you were a good scientist, because of your objectivity. 1027 01:21:33,305 --> 01:21:34,874 But you've lost that. 1028 01:21:34,974 --> 01:21:38,335 The last thing I expected to see when I walked into that girl's apartment 1029 01:21:38,435 --> 01:21:40,337 was the two of you lying on a bed together. 1030 01:21:40,437 --> 01:21:41,547 Oh, come on. 1031 01:21:41,647 --> 01:21:43,841 Look, I know you think you're helping her, but you're not. 1032 01:21:43,941 --> 01:21:46,719 If anything, she's getting worse. 1033 01:21:46,819 --> 01:21:49,430 Andrew, you're in no state to help anyone right now. 1034 01:21:49,530 --> 01:21:50,806 You're exhausted. Look at you. 1035 01:21:50,906 --> 01:21:53,142 Go to Father Durning's. Get some rest. 1036 01:21:53,242 --> 01:21:54,769 We'll talk about it tomorrow. 1037 01:21:54,869 --> 01:21:57,938 Why are you so concerned with these photographs? 1038 01:21:58,038 --> 01:21:59,565 Father Delmonico showed them to us. 1039 01:21:59,665 --> 01:22:01,317 He seemed to think they were important. 1040 01:22:01,417 --> 01:22:02,526 What do they mean? 1041 01:22:02,626 --> 01:22:04,695 We've no idea, but we're working on it. 1042 01:22:04,795 --> 01:22:07,323 Does it have anything to do with the Gospel Commission? 1043 01:22:07,423 --> 01:22:09,868 We don't know. Good night, Andrew. 1044 01:22:30,905 --> 01:22:33,099 (BELL TOLLING) 1045 01:22:41,498 --> 01:22:43,193 MAN: Andrew Kiernan? 1046 01:22:45,419 --> 01:22:48,155 - I'm Kiernan. - I want to see Alameida. 1047 01:22:48,255 --> 01:22:50,032 I don't know any Alameida. 1048 01:22:50,132 --> 01:22:54,286 Delmonico faxed me this copy of his document. 1049 01:22:54,386 --> 01:22:56,747 A girl wrote this. I saw her do it. What is this? 1050 01:22:56,847 --> 01:23:02,002 It's maybe the most significant Christian relic ever found. 1051 01:23:02,102 --> 01:23:03,295 Why? 1052 01:23:03,395 --> 01:23:06,465 It's an Aramaic scroll from the first century 1053 01:23:06,565 --> 01:23:09,385 discovered near the caves of the Dead Sea Scrolls 1054 01:23:09,485 --> 01:23:11,512 outside Jerusalem. 1055 01:23:11,612 --> 01:23:16,976 Alameida and I concluded that it is a gospel 1056 01:23:17,076 --> 01:23:22,022 of Jesus Christ in his own words, Aramaic. 1057 01:23:22,122 --> 01:23:24,441 But there are some factions in the Vatican 1058 01:23:24,541 --> 01:23:27,570 who believe that this document could destroy 1059 01:23:27,670 --> 01:23:29,780 the authority of the modern Church. 1060 01:23:29,880 --> 01:23:31,616 How? 1061 01:23:33,300 --> 01:23:37,872 It was Jesus' words to his disciples on the night of his last supper, 1062 01:23:37,972 --> 01:23:39,874 his instructions to them 1063 01:23:39,974 --> 01:23:43,752 on how to continue his church after his death. 1064 01:23:43,852 --> 01:23:46,714 Why would that be so... so threatening? 1065 01:23:46,814 --> 01:23:50,467 When we gave our initial conclusions to the Gospel Commission, 1066 01:23:50,567 --> 01:23:53,262 Houseman ordered us to stop our work immediately. 1067 01:23:53,362 --> 01:23:56,432 Alameida refused. He stole the document and disappeared. 1068 01:23:56,532 --> 01:23:59,727 Houseman excommunicated us in our absence. 1069 01:23:59,827 --> 01:24:01,645 You have no idea where he is? 1070 01:24:01,745 --> 01:24:06,692 He doesn't want to be caught until he finishes the translation. 1071 01:24:06,792 --> 01:24:10,571 I'll show you this guy. That's Delmonico, me, and Alameida. 1072 01:24:10,671 --> 01:24:12,823 We were all translating the new gospel together. 1073 01:24:12,923 --> 01:24:16,368 I've seen this man. Three weeks ago in Brazil. 1074 01:24:16,468 --> 01:24:19,246 - Yeah? - He's dead. 1075 01:24:19,346 --> 01:24:20,497 How do you know this? 1076 01:24:20,597 --> 01:24:23,417 Because I saw him in his coffin in a church in Belo Quinto. 1077 01:24:23,517 --> 01:24:24,960 I'm sorry. 1078 01:24:25,060 --> 01:24:26,421 (SIGHS) 1079 01:24:28,063 --> 01:24:31,634 Then it's all over. It's gone forever. 1080 01:24:31,734 --> 01:24:33,386 Why was your work stopped? 1081 01:24:34,945 --> 01:24:37,181 What was so threatening about this gospel? 1082 01:24:37,281 --> 01:24:39,433 Look around you, Father. What do you see? 1083 01:24:39,533 --> 01:24:42,561 - I see a church. - It's a building. 1084 01:24:42,661 --> 01:24:46,482 The true church of Jesus Christ is so much more, 1085 01:24:46,582 --> 01:24:49,318 not in buildings made of wood and stone. 1086 01:24:49,418 --> 01:24:51,904 I love Jesus. 1087 01:24:52,004 --> 01:24:54,573 I don't need an institution between him and me. 1088 01:24:54,673 --> 01:24:57,034 You see? Just God and man. 1089 01:24:57,134 --> 01:24:59,244 No priests, no churches. 1090 01:24:59,344 --> 01:25:02,456 The first words in Jesus' gospel are, 1091 01:25:02,556 --> 01:25:07,336 "The kingdom of God is inside you 1092 01:25:07,436 --> 01:25:09,338 and all around you, 1093 01:25:09,438 --> 01:25:12,591 not in buildings of wood and stone. 1094 01:25:12,691 --> 01:25:15,886 'Split a piece of wood, and I'm there. 1095 01:25:15,986 --> 01:25:18,013 Lift a stone and"'... 1096 01:25:18,113 --> 01:25:20,015 "'You will find me."' 1097 01:25:20,115 --> 01:25:21,351 Yes, Father. 1098 01:25:24,286 --> 01:25:28,148 Why is Father Alameida wearing gloves? 1099 01:25:28,248 --> 01:25:30,567 Alameida was a tormented man. 1100 01:25:30,667 --> 01:25:33,946 Holy man. A very holy man. 1101 01:25:34,046 --> 01:25:37,867 He wore the gloves to cover the marks of the stigmata. 1102 01:25:43,347 --> 01:25:45,290 She has the stigmata. 1103 01:25:45,390 --> 01:25:47,418 That's why. 1104 01:25:49,812 --> 01:25:52,589 She's just his messenger. 1105 01:25:52,689 --> 01:25:55,385 Houseman will never let this gospel get out. 1106 01:25:57,444 --> 01:26:00,806 Almighty God, bless Your humble servant. 1107 01:26:00,906 --> 01:26:03,726 Guide me with Your Holy Spirit and forgive me, 1108 01:26:03,826 --> 01:26:07,480 for I have sinned exceedingly in thought, word, and deed. 1109 01:26:22,219 --> 01:26:25,039 (HORN HONKING) 1110 01:26:27,599 --> 01:26:30,085 My sins deserve Your punishments 1111 01:26:30,185 --> 01:26:34,757 because they have crucified my loving savior, Jesus Christ, amen. 1112 01:26:41,572 --> 01:26:43,266 (HORN HONKS) 1113 01:27:06,722 --> 01:27:10,584 Lord, do not remember our sins or those of our forefathers. 1114 01:27:10,684 --> 01:27:13,337 - Where's Andrew? - And do not punish us for our offences. 1115 01:27:13,437 --> 01:27:16,215 - Lead us not into temptation. - But deliver us from evil. 1116 01:27:16,315 --> 01:27:18,550 Save this woman, your servant. 1117 01:27:18,650 --> 01:27:21,345 Spirit of lust, by the power of Jesus Christ, 1118 01:27:21,445 --> 01:27:24,723 I command you, come out of her body now and for always. 1119 01:27:24,823 --> 01:27:28,143 In the name... in the name of Jesus Christ, I command you, 1120 01:27:28,243 --> 01:27:30,020 come out of her body now and for always. 1121 01:27:30,120 --> 01:27:31,438 (DEEP GROWLING) 1122 01:27:31,538 --> 01:27:32,815 In the name of Jesus Christ... 1123 01:27:32,915 --> 01:27:34,984 (MALE VOICE SPEAKING ITALIAN) 1124 01:27:37,794 --> 01:27:40,239 Be a tower of strength to her, O Lord! 1125 01:27:40,339 --> 01:27:43,283 Why do you persecute me? 1126 01:27:43,383 --> 01:27:45,452 Send her help from the holy place, O Lord! 1127 01:27:45,552 --> 01:27:48,539 (SCREAMS) 1128 01:27:48,639 --> 01:27:49,915 Give her heavenly protection! 1129 01:27:50,015 --> 01:27:53,127 Lord, hear my prayer! Let the enemy have no victory over... 1130 01:27:53,227 --> 01:27:55,170 Behold! 1131 01:27:55,270 --> 01:27:58,466 Your servant, dripping with blood! 1132 01:28:03,487 --> 01:28:06,307 Embrace me, my child. I am the Church! 1133 01:28:09,284 --> 01:28:10,644 - I'm the Church. - Stop! Stop! 1134 01:28:10,744 --> 01:28:14,314 - No! Get away from me! - (GRUNTING) 1135 01:28:14,414 --> 01:28:17,734 Get them out of here! Get out of here! Get out! 1136 01:28:17,834 --> 01:28:19,612 - Eminenza. - Get out! 1137 01:28:22,256 --> 01:28:24,408 Save this woman from woe, O Lord! 1138 01:28:24,508 --> 01:28:27,245 - Save this woman, your servant! - (GROWLS) 1139 01:28:28,428 --> 01:28:30,706 (TIRES SCREECHING) 1140 01:28:32,641 --> 01:28:35,252 Send her help from the holy place, O Lord. 1141 01:28:35,352 --> 01:28:37,713 Give her heavenly protection. 1142 01:28:41,275 --> 01:28:44,846 Save this woman, O Lord! Let the enemy have no victory over her! 1143 01:28:50,325 --> 01:28:52,394 Send her help from the holy place, O Lord. 1144 01:28:52,494 --> 01:28:54,272 (CHOKING) 1145 01:28:56,707 --> 01:28:57,816 Frankie! 1146 01:28:57,916 --> 01:29:01,279 You will not destroy my Church. 1147 01:29:09,886 --> 01:29:11,539 Frankie! 1148 01:29:12,597 --> 01:29:14,542 You must not interrupt... 1149 01:29:15,434 --> 01:29:18,587 What are you doing? Get away from her! 1150 01:29:18,687 --> 01:29:20,881 - Get away from her! - No! No! 1151 01:29:20,981 --> 01:29:22,508 Get away! 1152 01:29:23,525 --> 01:29:26,637 - (GASPS, COUGHS) - It's all right. It's okay. 1153 01:29:26,737 --> 01:29:28,764 - I know what... - Andrew! 1154 01:29:28,864 --> 01:29:31,141 Get away from her! You don't know what's going on here! 1155 01:29:31,241 --> 01:29:34,061 You get off me! You lied to me! 1156 01:29:34,161 --> 01:29:38,523 You tried to silence her. You lied to me, you bastard. 1157 01:29:38,623 --> 01:29:41,151 - Andrew... - You tried to kill her! 1158 01:29:41,251 --> 01:29:42,444 No! 1159 01:29:42,544 --> 01:29:44,821 Listen! I know everything. 1160 01:29:44,921 --> 01:29:47,199 I know why you closed down the Gospel Commission. 1161 01:29:47,299 --> 01:29:50,827 I know why you had Petrocelli and Alameida excommunicated. 1162 01:29:50,927 --> 01:29:53,413 I know all about the lies you've been telling for years. 1163 01:29:53,513 --> 01:29:55,832 There is no way you'll get away with what you did to her! 1164 01:29:55,932 --> 01:29:58,169 I will not let you destroy the Church. 1165 01:30:00,187 --> 01:30:03,799 I promise you, you've spent your last days in the Church. 1166 01:30:07,778 --> 01:30:09,847 (VOICES WHISPERING) 1167 01:30:18,163 --> 01:30:19,857 Are you Paolo Alameida? 1168 01:30:28,340 --> 01:30:31,827 Give me your wisdom. Let me be your messenger. 1169 01:30:34,012 --> 01:30:36,206 FRANKIE AND PAOLO: A messenger believes. 1170 01:30:36,306 --> 01:30:39,377 A messenger has faith. You have only doubt. 1171 01:31:02,207 --> 01:31:06,653 (FRANKIE WHISPERING) Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is inside you 1172 01:31:06,753 --> 01:31:11,450 and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone. 1173 01:31:11,550 --> 01:31:14,453 Split a piece of wood, and I am there. 1174 01:31:14,553 --> 01:31:18,416 Lift a stone... and you will find me." 1175 01:31:21,852 --> 01:31:25,797 Brother Alameida, I call upon you to release this woman. 1176 01:31:25,897 --> 01:31:28,717 Give her grace and let her not come into the ways of harm. 1177 01:31:28,817 --> 01:31:30,260 - (SCREAMS) - Through Jesus Christ, 1178 01:31:30,360 --> 01:31:31,595 we have all been saved. 1179 01:31:31,695 --> 01:31:34,014 Let us not fear any ill, 1180 01:31:34,114 --> 01:31:36,850 for Jesus is with us in the unity of the Holy Spirit, 1181 01:31:36,950 --> 01:31:39,686 world without end, forever and ever. 1182 01:31:39,786 --> 01:31:42,273 - (SCREAMING) - (WHIP CRACKING) 1183 01:31:43,290 --> 01:31:44,941 God bless your soul, Brother Alameida. 1184 01:31:45,041 --> 01:31:47,194 (SCREAMING) 1185 01:31:47,294 --> 01:31:48,820 And go in peace. 1186 01:31:48,920 --> 01:31:50,489 (SCREAMS) 1187 01:32:01,683 --> 01:32:03,419 (SCREAMS) 1188 01:32:52,984 --> 01:32:55,262 (SOFTLY) Don't go, Frankie. 1189 01:33:03,787 --> 01:33:05,523 Stay with me. 1190 01:35:04,908 --> 01:35:09,354 FRANKIE: Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is inside you 1191 01:35:09,454 --> 01:35:14,150 and all around you, not in mansions of wood and stone." 1192 01:35:14,250 --> 01:35:18,071 ALAMEIDA: The kingdom of God is inside you and all around you, 1193 01:35:18,171 --> 01:35:20,657 not in buildings of wood and stone. 1194 01:35:20,757 --> 01:35:23,076 Split a piece of wood, and I am there." 1195 01:35:23,176 --> 01:35:26,496 ANDREW: These are the hidden sayings that the living Jesus spoke. 1196 01:35:26,596 --> 01:35:31,710 Whoever discovers the meaning of these sayings will not taste death. 1197 01:36:18,440 --> 01:36:21,677 (POP MUSIC PLAYING) 1198 01:36:29,909 --> 01:36:34,398 (WOMAN SINGING) Your eyes, they send me 1199 01:36:36,791 --> 01:36:41,280 To eternity 1200 01:36:43,006 --> 01:36:46,951 Your heart may cast me 1201 01:36:47,051 --> 01:36:52,832 Down to hell 1202 01:36:52,932 --> 01:36:56,336 I'm bound 1203 01:36:56,436 --> 01:36:59,005 But lately 1204 01:36:59,105 --> 01:37:02,092 It's your love 1205 01:37:02,192 --> 01:37:08,682 It's condemnation enough 1206 01:37:10,742 --> 01:37:16,856 Identify 1207 01:37:16,956 --> 01:37:22,571 Please identify 1208 01:37:23,463 --> 01:37:26,408 If it's me you want 1209 01:37:26,508 --> 01:37:29,869 Standing by your side 1210 01:37:29,969 --> 01:37:36,251 Identify 1211 01:37:36,351 --> 01:37:42,882 These tears of mine 1212 01:37:42,982 --> 01:37:45,719 Am I lonely 1213 01:37:45,819 --> 01:37:50,057 Or am I just alive? 1214 01:37:55,745 --> 01:38:01,192 I let time decide 1215 01:38:01,292 --> 01:38:06,698 Who and what will stand this test 1216 01:38:06,798 --> 01:38:09,534 Of love 1217 01:38:09,634 --> 01:38:13,788 Your hands were speaking 1218 01:38:13,888 --> 01:38:15,957 No 1219 01:38:16,057 --> 01:38:20,170 I felt the movement 1220 01:38:20,270 --> 01:38:22,589 Go 1221 01:38:22,689 --> 01:38:26,384 The ice was breaking 1222 01:38:26,484 --> 01:38:33,099 So I wonder why 1223 01:38:33,199 --> 01:38:36,603 Did I 1224 01:38:37,662 --> 01:38:43,777 Identify 1225 01:38:43,877 --> 01:38:49,824 With you, my life? 1226 01:38:49,924 --> 01:38:52,994 To leave me empty 1227 01:38:53,094 --> 01:38:59,418 And see if I'd survive? 1228 01:39:33,468 --> 01:39:39,666 For every questioned hour 1229 01:39:39,766 --> 01:39:46,256 For every second devoured 1230 01:39:46,356 --> 01:39:51,594 You let me wander you 1231 01:39:51,694 --> 01:39:56,724 Into a myth 1232 01:39:56,824 --> 01:40:01,271 That I live 1233 01:40:01,371 --> 01:40:07,569 Identify 1234 01:40:07,669 --> 01:40:14,033 Please identify 1235 01:40:14,133 --> 01:40:17,120 If it's me you want 1236 01:40:17,220 --> 01:40:20,540 Standing by your side 1237 01:40:20,640 --> 01:40:26,754 Identify 1238 01:40:26,854 --> 01:40:33,094 These tears of mine 1239 01:40:33,194 --> 01:40:36,431 Am I lonely 1240 01:40:36,531 --> 01:40:42,229 Or am I just alive? 1241 01:40:43,204 --> 01:40:45,857 Am I lonely 1242 01:40:45,957 --> 01:40:51,029 Or am I just alive? 1243 01:40:52,296 --> 01:40:54,408 (INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC PLAYING)