1 00:05:36,177 --> 00:05:40,308 It's an impressive collection. You have some very rare editions here. 2 00:05:41,003 --> 00:05:42,744 Are you sure you want to send them all? 3 00:05:42,961 --> 00:05:45,178 They're of no use to father, not anymore. 4 00:05:45,570 --> 00:05:47,831 Not since he's been this way. 5 00:05:48,049 --> 00:05:50,485 His library was his whole world. Now it's just... 6 00:05:50,745 --> 00:05:52,094 ...a painful memory. 7 00:05:52,268 --> 00:05:53,963 Unbearably painful. 8 00:05:55,834 --> 00:05:57,094 I understand. 9 00:05:58,704 --> 00:05:59,541 Well, 10 00:06:00,270 --> 00:06:03,792 at a rough preliminary estimate 11 00:06:04,054 --> 00:06:05,706 you have a collection here 12 00:06:06,488 --> 00:06:08,837 - worth around 600,000 dollars. - 600,000? 13 00:06:09,489 --> 00:06:11,534 Yes, worth that about. 14 00:06:12,838 --> 00:06:14,751 I have picked up one or two volumes 15 00:06:14,752 --> 00:06:16,491 that merit special attention. 16 00:06:16,753 --> 00:06:19,362 This "Persiles", for example, is important. 17 00:06:19,710 --> 00:06:22,188 I'd hang on to that. It'll never depreciate. 18 00:06:22,406 --> 00:06:24,580 - It's a good investment. - Valuable? 19 00:06:24,971 --> 00:06:26,233 Very valuable. 20 00:06:26,886 --> 00:06:30,060 As for this "Hypneratomachia di Poliphilo" 21 00:06:30,626 --> 00:06:33,191 by Colonna, Venice, 1545, 22 00:06:34,409 --> 00:06:36,714 I'm sure I can find you a buyer. 23 00:06:36,931 --> 00:06:39,888 But I wouldn't let the rest go for less than 500,000 24 00:06:40,150 --> 00:06:41,803 under any circumstances. 25 00:06:43,454 --> 00:06:45,151 It may take a month to sort of place them 26 00:06:45,325 --> 00:06:47,152 so in the meantime I advise you to be patient 27 00:06:47,282 --> 00:06:48,238 A month? 28 00:06:48,412 --> 00:06:50,544 Yes, a month or two, depends on how much of a hurry you're in, and see, 29 00:06:50,545 --> 00:06:53,196 more hurry, less money. 30 00:06:53,371 --> 00:06:57,067 - Of course. - Well, that's my advice anyway. 31 00:06:57,371 --> 00:06:59,625 I'm sure you wouldn't want to rush things 32 00:06:59,626 --> 00:07:01,878 but please feel free to consult another expert 33 00:07:01,982 --> 00:07:04,243 aand if you have any questions you know where to reach me. 34 00:07:04,461 --> 00:07:07,765 Incidentally, this four-volume edition 35 00:07:07,983 --> 00:07:12,028 of "Don Quixote" is quite nice, but not particularly valuable. 36 00:07:12,245 --> 00:07:14,637 Now, I could 37 00:07:14,898 --> 00:07:17,116 take it off your hands 38 00:07:18,203 --> 00:07:19,246 right away. 39 00:07:23,074 --> 00:07:25,336 How much were you thinking of? 40 00:07:25,771 --> 00:07:29,206 Oh, I couldn't go more than 4,000 - 4,200 41 00:07:29,815 --> 00:07:31,032 Oh, fine. 42 00:07:40,165 --> 00:07:41,470 - You here? - Hello Witkin. 43 00:07:41,601 --> 00:07:42,687 You didn't waste much time. 44 00:07:42,688 --> 00:07:45,080 Listen, there's a small fortune in there. Help yourself. 45 00:07:45,210 --> 00:07:47,645 You're a vulture Corso! A vulture! 46 00:07:47,646 --> 00:07:50,603 - Who isn't in our business? - You'd stuck to anything. 47 00:07:50,604 --> 00:07:52,908 For a Quixote by Ybarra? You bet I would. 48 00:07:52,909 --> 00:07:56,039 Unscrupulous! Thoroughly unscrupulous! 49 00:07:56,387 --> 00:07:57,692 Happy hunting. 50 00:08:17,436 --> 00:08:21,264 I've just got on the phone with Witkin. He's spitting blood. 51 00:08:21,959 --> 00:08:23,916 Really? What's his problem? 52 00:08:26,395 --> 00:08:29,961 He said you're a double-dealing moneygrabbing bastard. 53 00:08:31,092 --> 00:08:35,267 He thought he had that deal sold up. He said you queered his pitch. 54 00:08:35,310 --> 00:08:37,441 He should have been quicker and offer them more. 55 00:08:37,746 --> 00:08:40,268 - May I? - Sure. 56 00:08:40,442 --> 00:08:43,530 And he said your evaluation was way over the top. 57 00:08:43,922 --> 00:08:46,574 And those people coming out in a rash 58 00:08:47,009 --> 00:08:50,140 now they're asking twice what those books are worth. 59 00:08:56,316 --> 00:08:57,056 Let's face it. 60 00:08:57,273 --> 00:09:00,577 - You screw it off, that's what it's called. - That's what it's called. 61 00:09:00,578 --> 00:09:03,274 He also said that you snatched the "Don Qui-" 62 00:09:10,581 --> 00:09:14,321 Ybarra, "Don Quixote", 1780. 63 00:09:14,886 --> 00:09:17,234 All four volumes. 64 00:09:17,408 --> 00:09:21,235 Son of a bitch. Fantastic. 65 00:09:21,236 --> 00:09:23,671 Fantastic, you are the best. 66 00:09:24,366 --> 00:09:27,716 That client of yours, the Swiss, d'ya think he'd still be interested in this edition? 67 00:09:27,933 --> 00:09:30,891 I have Witkin on my ass, I really told him I had no part in this operation. 68 00:09:31,325 --> 00:09:32,978 Except 10%. 69 00:09:33,934 --> 00:09:36,370 20%. The Swiss is my client. 70 00:09:36,979 --> 00:09:37,979 No deal. 71 00:09:38,197 --> 00:09:41,371 - 15, for my children's sake. - You don't have any children. 72 00:09:41,545 --> 00:09:42,981 I'm still young, give me time. 73 00:09:44,155 --> 00:09:45,036 Ten. 74 00:10:26,644 --> 00:10:30,384 ...and earlier in 1580, in "De la Dèmonomanie des sorciers" 75 00:10:30,601 --> 00:10:32,428 by the French Jean Bodin. 76 00:10:32,863 --> 00:10:37,673 Bodin was probably the first to attempt to estabilish a system, 77 00:10:37,738 --> 00:10:41,419 if the term "system" may be applied to the Middle Ages, 78 00:10:41,765 --> 00:10:44,539 for classifying the contemporary perceptions of evil. 79 00:10:45,301 --> 00:10:49,781 In Bodin we find one of the first definitions of the word "witch". 80 00:10:49,998 --> 00:10:51,172 I quote: 81 00:10:52,404 --> 00:10:53,597 "A witch is a person 82 00:10:53,598 --> 00:10:56,304 who, though cognizant in the laws of God, 83 00:10:56,478 --> 00:11:00,434 endeavours to act thorugh the medium of a pact with the Devil. 84 00:11:00,435 --> 00:11:04,436 To assist them in their work, many witches kept familiars, 85 00:11:04,784 --> 00:11:07,567 that is to say creatures such as cats or toads 86 00:11:07,829 --> 00:11:12,091 in which supernatural spirits or demons were thought to reside. 87 00:11:12,526 --> 00:11:15,570 For those of you, ladies and gentlemen who wish to dare more deeply 88 00:11:15,744 --> 00:11:18,136 into the controvertial subject of witchcraft, 89 00:11:18,353 --> 00:11:20,091 a great deal of relevant information 90 00:11:20,092 --> 00:11:22,562 may be found in the following works: 91 00:11:23,398 --> 00:11:25,790 Nicolas Remis "Demonolatriae libri" 92 00:11:26,008 --> 00:11:29,443 and "Compendium Maleficarum", by Francesco Maria Guazo. 93 00:11:39,011 --> 00:11:43,229 I see you were stimulated by my little talk, Mr. Corso. 94 00:11:47,143 --> 00:11:48,057 Did I snore? 95 00:11:48,274 --> 00:11:52,102 Most nice of you to ask. No, not that I noticed. 96 00:11:52,797 --> 00:11:53,580 Shall we go? 97 00:12:03,322 --> 00:12:05,714 - Don't you sleep nice? - Like a baby. 98 00:12:05,975 --> 00:12:07,453 Strange. 99 00:12:07,497 --> 00:12:09,757 I'd have bet a brace of Gutenberg Bibles 100 00:12:09,758 --> 00:12:12,716 you spend half the night with your eyes peeled 101 00:12:12,846 --> 00:12:15,847 You're one of those lean, hungry restless types 102 00:12:15,890 --> 00:12:17,673 that put the wind up Julius Caesar. 103 00:12:17,847 --> 00:12:20,848 Men who stab their friends in the back. 104 00:12:24,414 --> 00:12:27,676 Not that I suspect you have many friends, do you Mr. Corso? 105 00:12:27,677 --> 00:12:29,763 Your kind seldom does. 106 00:12:30,286 --> 00:12:31,894 That makes two of us. 107 00:12:39,201 --> 00:12:40,897 You're right, of course. 108 00:12:41,158 --> 00:12:43,680 Your friendships don't concern me in the least. 109 00:12:43,854 --> 00:12:47,420 Our relations have always been strictly commercial, and that's the way I like it. 110 00:12:47,595 --> 00:12:50,769 The professional and the personal should be mutually exclusive. 111 00:12:50,986 --> 00:12:54,118 Listen, I came here to do some business, not to shoot to breeze. 112 00:12:54,553 --> 00:12:58,119 If you want to expound you personal philosophies, write another book. 113 00:12:58,293 --> 00:12:59,467 You don't like me, do you? 114 00:12:59,685 --> 00:13:02,119 I don't have to like you. You're a client and you pay well. 115 00:13:17,385 --> 00:13:19,428 You're a priviledged, Mr. Corso. 116 00:13:19,951 --> 00:13:22,690 Very few people ever set foot in here. 117 00:13:22,691 --> 00:13:24,821 This is my private collection. 118 00:13:25,604 --> 00:13:29,257 Some bibliophiles specialise in gothic novels, 119 00:13:29,519 --> 00:13:30,431 others in Books of Hours. 120 00:13:31,779 --> 00:13:34,998 All my own rare editions have the same protagonist: 121 00:13:35,650 --> 00:13:36,521 the Devil. 122 00:13:36,694 --> 00:13:39,043 - May I take a look? - Yes. 123 00:13:39,304 --> 00:13:40,521 That's why I brought you here. 124 00:13:56,699 --> 00:13:58,178 Beautiful, aren't they? 125 00:13:59,048 --> 00:14:02,396 Their soft sheen, their superb guilding, 126 00:14:03,310 --> 00:14:06,355 not to mention the centuries of wisdom they contain. 127 00:14:06,571 --> 00:14:09,181 I know people who would kill for a collection like this. 128 00:14:10,225 --> 00:14:11,878 The "Ars Diavoli". 129 00:14:12,486 --> 00:14:16,530 You'll never see as many books on the subject anywhere else in the world. 130 00:14:17,009 --> 00:14:20,271 They're the rarest, the choicest editions in existence. 131 00:14:20,488 --> 00:14:22,706 It's taken me a lifetime to assemble them. 132 00:14:23,055 --> 00:14:25,663 Only the supreme masterpiece was missing. 133 00:14:26,359 --> 00:14:27,403 Come. 134 00:14:36,361 --> 00:14:38,610 "The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows". 135 00:14:38,841 --> 00:14:43,103 - You're familiar with it. - Yes, Venice 1666. 136 00:14:43,233 --> 00:14:47,452 The author and printer Aristide Torchia was burned by the Holy Inquisition 137 00:14:47,756 --> 00:14:48,974 together with all his works. 138 00:14:49,974 --> 00:14:52,671 - Only three copies survived. - One. 139 00:14:52,975 --> 00:14:55,802 The Catalogue has three copies surviving, of private ownership: 140 00:14:55,803 --> 00:14:58,323 the Fargas, the Kessler and the Telfer. 141 00:14:58,324 --> 00:15:02,021 It's true, you know your business. But you're mistaken nonetheless. 142 00:15:02,282 --> 00:15:04,978 According to my own research, only one is authentic. 143 00:15:05,109 --> 00:15:06,630 Well, three are known. 144 00:15:07,414 --> 00:15:08,806 That's the trouble. 145 00:15:09,762 --> 00:15:12,937 - Where did you get it? - I bought it from Telfer. 146 00:15:13,502 --> 00:15:15,981 - Telfer? - Yes, he fnally sold it to me. 147 00:15:16,242 --> 00:15:18,243 The day before he killed himself. 148 00:15:19,199 --> 00:15:20,722 That's good timing. 149 00:15:29,246 --> 00:15:31,333 "Silentium est aureum". 150 00:15:32,247 --> 00:15:35,247 - Silence is golden. - Precisely. 151 00:15:36,595 --> 00:15:38,596 Ever heard of the "Delomelanicon"? 152 00:15:39,031 --> 00:15:41,727 I have heard of it, yes. It's a myth, isn't it? 153 00:15:42,249 --> 00:15:44,510 A book reputed to have been written by Satan himself 154 00:15:44,728 --> 00:15:47,424 No myth. That book existed. 155 00:15:47,729 --> 00:15:49,816 Torchia actually acquired it. 156 00:15:53,122 --> 00:15:58,297 The engravings you are now admiring were adapted by Torchia from the "Delomelanicon". 157 00:15:59,080 --> 00:16:01,907 They form a kind of satanic riddle. 158 00:16:02,820 --> 00:16:05,451 Correctly interpreted with the aid of the original text, 159 00:16:05,452 --> 00:16:06,821 and sufficient inside information, 160 00:16:06,822 --> 00:16:11,039 they're reputed to conjure up the Prince of Darkness in person. 161 00:16:11,865 --> 00:16:13,126 You don't say. 162 00:16:14,823 --> 00:16:16,824 Are you a religious man, Mr. Corso? 163 00:16:17,084 --> 00:16:19,955 I mean, do you believe in the supernatural? 164 00:16:20,216 --> 00:16:22,259 I believe in my percentage. 165 00:16:24,912 --> 00:16:26,826 Aren't you getting dizzy standing there? 166 00:16:31,306 --> 00:16:33,175 What is it that you want from me, Balkan? 167 00:16:39,394 --> 00:16:41,612 I want you to go to Europe and investigate. 168 00:16:41,916 --> 00:16:44,830 The other two copies are in Portugal and France. 169 00:16:44,831 --> 00:16:47,810 I want you to find some way of comparing them with mine. 170 00:16:47,811 --> 00:16:50,789 Every page, every engraving, the binding, everything. 171 00:16:50,833 --> 00:16:53,746 I'm convinced only one is authentic I wanna know which. 172 00:16:53,747 --> 00:16:55,529 That can be an expensive trip. 173 00:16:57,400 --> 00:17:00,791 That's to get you started. Spend what you need. 174 00:17:02,923 --> 00:17:05,191 What if I find that your copy's a forgery? 175 00:17:05,358 --> 00:17:06,418 It's quite possible. 176 00:17:07,315 --> 00:17:08,315 Really? 177 00:17:10,229 --> 00:17:11,838 It doesn't appear to be. 178 00:17:15,013 --> 00:17:16,665 Even the paper sounds couture. 179 00:17:16,796 --> 00:17:19,361 Even so, something's wrong. 180 00:17:19,623 --> 00:17:21,492 You mean the Devil won't show up. 181 00:17:24,145 --> 00:17:28,582 If all three copies turn out to be bogus or incomplete your work will be done. 182 00:17:28,583 --> 00:17:33,017 If, on the other hand, one of them turns out to be genuine, I'll finance you further. 183 00:17:33,234 --> 00:17:34,583 I want you to get it for me. 184 00:17:35,322 --> 00:17:37,714 At all costs. Nevermind how. 185 00:17:37,801 --> 00:17:39,584 "Nevermind how" sounds illegal. 186 00:17:39,801 --> 00:17:42,672 It wouldn't be the first time you've done something illegal. 187 00:17:42,673 --> 00:17:45,543 - Not that illegal. - Hence the size of the check. 188 00:17:50,631 --> 00:17:53,153 Do a good job. I'll double it. 189 00:17:57,154 --> 00:18:00,025 There's gotta be something wrong with it if you're letting it out of your hands. 190 00:18:00,026 --> 00:18:02,503 I have the outmost faith in you, Mr. Corso. 191 00:18:02,590 --> 00:18:06,852 There's nothing more reliable than a man whose loyalty can be bought for hand cash. 192 00:19:06,520 --> 00:19:08,651 Good morning. Dean Corso. 193 00:19:09,912 --> 00:19:12,609 I'm terribly sorry to disturb you at a time like this. 194 00:19:24,003 --> 00:19:28,656 It would be very helpful ma'am if you could tell me what you know about 195 00:19:28,874 --> 00:19:30,004 this book. 196 00:19:38,528 --> 00:19:41,355 - Isn't this one of my husband's books? - Right. 197 00:19:41,920 --> 00:19:45,704 It was in his collection until very recently. He sold it to a client of mine. 198 00:19:45,835 --> 00:19:47,661 I'm trying to authenticate it. 199 00:19:47,878 --> 00:19:49,227 He sold it, you say? 200 00:19:49,836 --> 00:19:52,576 How strange, this was one of his most treasured possessions. 201 00:19:52,662 --> 00:19:55,924 - He never mentioned this sale? - No, it's news to me. 202 00:19:56,837 --> 00:19:59,969 - Who bought it? - A private collector. 203 00:20:00,665 --> 00:20:02,013 May I know his name? 204 00:20:03,362 --> 00:20:04,970 I'm afraid that's confidential. 205 00:20:05,405 --> 00:20:08,667 - I suppose he has a bill of sale. - No problem there. 206 00:20:08,668 --> 00:20:11,928 Is this your job? Authenticating rare books? 207 00:20:11,930 --> 00:20:13,581 And tracking them down, yes. 208 00:20:14,538 --> 00:20:17,278 - You're a book-detective. - Kind of. 209 00:20:19,279 --> 00:20:22,410 Do you recall when and where your husband acquired this book? 210 00:20:24,453 --> 00:20:25,628 In Spain. 211 00:20:26,194 --> 00:20:30,760 We were vacationing at Toledo. Andrew was very excited. 212 00:20:31,151 --> 00:20:33,326 He paid a great deal of money for it. 213 00:20:34,370 --> 00:20:36,370 He was a fanatical collector. 214 00:20:36,631 --> 00:20:37,615 So I gather. 215 00:20:39,545 --> 00:20:40,458 I'll show you. 216 00:21:02,421 --> 00:21:03,855 It's impressive. 217 00:21:04,073 --> 00:21:06,552 Andrew used to spend many hours in here. 218 00:21:08,552 --> 00:21:09,335 Too many. 219 00:21:09,857 --> 00:21:11,031 Did he ever try it out? 220 00:21:12,423 --> 00:21:13,510 I don't understand. 221 00:21:14,119 --> 00:21:14,858 The book. 222 00:21:16,032 --> 00:21:18,707 Did he ever use it to perform some kind of ritual 223 00:21:18,708 --> 00:21:21,381 intended to produce a supernatural effect? 224 00:21:21,643 --> 00:21:24,382 - Are you serious? - Yes, absolutely. 225 00:21:25,209 --> 00:21:28,775 Andrew was a trifle eccentric, Mr. Corso, 226 00:21:28,819 --> 00:21:30,688 But he wasn't insane. 227 00:21:30,993 --> 00:21:33,211 It's true he'd been acting 228 00:21:34,647 --> 00:21:36,472 strange in those last few days, 229 00:21:36,690 --> 00:21:41,039 he shut himself up in here, he seldom emerged, except for meals. 230 00:21:42,083 --> 00:21:46,258 That morning I was awoken by the screams of the maid. 231 00:21:50,738 --> 00:21:52,086 He'd hanged himself. 232 00:21:55,956 --> 00:21:57,555 Whatever he was up to, 233 00:21:57,556 --> 00:22:02,480 I certainly can't see him chanting mambo jambo or trying to raise the dead. 234 00:22:02,481 --> 00:22:07,655 The Devil, Mrs. Telfer. This book is designed to raise the Devil. 235 00:22:59,756 --> 00:23:02,931 "Sic luceat lux". 236 00:23:04,148 --> 00:23:06,279 "Thus might the light shine". 237 00:26:03,935 --> 00:26:06,718 Son of a bitch. Where did you get this? 238 00:26:06,936 --> 00:26:07,936 Balkan. 239 00:26:08,327 --> 00:26:10,240 He wants me to research it. 240 00:26:10,980 --> 00:26:13,241 Balkan owns a "Nine Gates"? 241 00:26:13,459 --> 00:26:16,372 Recently acquired by the late lamented Andrew Telfer. 242 00:26:16,590 --> 00:26:17,678 Trust Balkan... 243 00:26:17,894 --> 00:26:21,156 What does he need you for? I don't suppose he plans to sell it? 244 00:26:21,591 --> 00:26:24,112 He wants me to compare it with the other two survival copies 245 00:26:24,113 --> 00:26:26,513 which are in Portugal and France. 246 00:26:26,723 --> 00:26:28,550 So I'm off to Europe. 247 00:26:28,724 --> 00:26:29,724 Compare it? 248 00:26:30,550 --> 00:26:33,551 Yes. Only one of the three is authentic, he says. 249 00:26:34,420 --> 00:26:36,595 But this looks genuine enough. 250 00:26:37,291 --> 00:26:41,510 Chrissake, it's gotta be worth a million. Take care of it. 251 00:26:41,684 --> 00:26:44,858 That's why I'm here. I need you to stash it for me. 252 00:26:45,685 --> 00:26:47,207 'Cause I'm starting to see things. 253 00:26:47,250 --> 00:26:50,643 - Like what? - Uninvited visitors, unfamiliar faces. 254 00:26:51,555 --> 00:26:53,904 I don't trust anyone, not even Balkan. 255 00:26:54,818 --> 00:26:56,469 I come to think I'm not even sure I trust you. 256 00:26:57,383 --> 00:26:59,710 You know I wouldn't screw you unless there was a good reason: 257 00:27:00,367 --> 00:27:01,984 money, women, business... 258 00:27:02,124 --> 00:27:03,776 Other than that you can relax. 259 00:27:05,168 --> 00:27:07,560 - I'll take it up on my way to the airport. - Sure. 260 00:27:09,387 --> 00:27:11,386 These engravings are terrific. 261 00:27:11,779 --> 00:27:13,822 Or horrific, whichever. 262 00:27:14,301 --> 00:27:17,258 Sensational, absolutely sensational. 263 00:28:00,965 --> 00:28:02,183 May I come in? 264 00:28:12,751 --> 00:28:13,795 Please, sit down. 265 00:28:17,665 --> 00:28:19,709 I've come to talk business. 266 00:28:22,014 --> 00:28:24,711 Yesterday, when you came to see me about that book, 267 00:28:27,320 --> 00:28:30,234 I was too surprised to react as I should have done. 268 00:28:30,451 --> 00:28:32,843 I mean it really was one of Andrew's favourites. 269 00:28:33,582 --> 00:28:34,626 So you said. 270 00:28:35,061 --> 00:28:36,757 I'd like to get it back. 271 00:28:38,627 --> 00:28:41,323 - That could be a problem. - Not necessarily, it all depends. 272 00:28:41,324 --> 00:28:43,977 - On what? - On you. 273 00:28:44,542 --> 00:28:47,934 I don't understand, Mrs. Terfel. The book is not mine to dispose of. 274 00:28:57,763 --> 00:28:59,329 You work for money, I take it? 275 00:28:59,502 --> 00:29:00,459 What else? 276 00:29:00,589 --> 00:29:03,156 - I have a great deal of money. - I'm very happy for you. 277 00:29:03,373 --> 00:29:04,852 You could stage a theft. 278 00:29:05,069 --> 00:29:07,331 I imagine your client is well insured. 279 00:29:09,891 --> 00:29:09,939 - I'm a professional, ma'am. - You're a professional mercenary. 280 00:29:10,115 --> 00:29:12,204 Mercenaries work for the highest bidder. 281 00:29:14,506 --> 00:29:16,072 I could throw in a bonus. 282 00:29:17,812 --> 00:29:21,421 - This has happened before in some place. - I know, in the movies. 283 00:29:21,422 --> 00:29:23,117 She had an automatic her stocking... 284 00:29:27,597 --> 00:29:29,206 No automatic. 285 00:29:38,948 --> 00:29:41,209 - Would you like a drink? - Why not? 286 00:31:13,364 --> 00:31:15,147 Okay. Where is it? 287 00:31:15,712 --> 00:31:17,016 Where's what? 288 00:31:17,843 --> 00:31:19,713 Don't fuck with me! 289 00:31:21,758 --> 00:31:23,367 I thought I already did. 290 00:31:54,896 --> 00:31:59,463 You have reached "Bernie's Rare Books". Please leave your message after the beep. 291 00:32:01,116 --> 00:32:02,985 Bernie, you there? 292 00:32:04,812 --> 00:32:05,856 Pick up. 293 00:32:35,560 --> 00:32:37,299 Give me a minute, I won't be long. 294 00:32:37,429 --> 00:32:40,256 - Then you can take me on the "Kennedy" - No problem sir. 295 00:33:16,004 --> 00:33:17,266 Oh Jesus! 296 00:33:33,748 --> 00:33:35,184 Jesus Christ... 297 00:34:37,244 --> 00:34:38,504 None problem? 298 00:35:15,166 --> 00:35:15,993 Stop. 299 00:35:16,514 --> 00:35:18,255 Stop by that phone booth, pull over. 300 00:35:18,297 --> 00:35:19,733 No problem sir. 301 00:35:26,605 --> 00:35:28,822 He isn't available at the time. May I know who's calling? 302 00:35:30,083 --> 00:35:33,954 - You'd like to leave a message? - No, I have to talk with him at once. 303 00:35:34,172 --> 00:35:35,338 I'm afraid he is in transit. 304 00:35:35,339 --> 00:35:36,505 If you can give me your number, 305 00:35:36,506 --> 00:35:38,715 I'll have him return it when he checks us. 306 00:35:38,999 --> 00:35:42,131 No, I'm in a phone booth. It's an emergency. 307 00:35:42,782 --> 00:35:45,957 I have to speak with him right now. Right now, do you hear me? 308 00:35:45,958 --> 00:35:46,957 Right now. 309 00:35:48,828 --> 00:35:49,784 One moment. 310 00:36:08,006 --> 00:36:09,573 - Are you there, Mr. Corso? - Yeah. 311 00:36:09,574 --> 00:36:10,877 Ok, I'll put him through. 312 00:36:15,835 --> 00:36:17,618 Mr. Corso, what have you got for me? 313 00:36:17,879 --> 00:36:19,401 More than I'd bargained for. 314 00:36:19,748 --> 00:36:22,054 - What do you mean? - I mean I quit. 315 00:36:22,489 --> 00:36:24,402 I wanna return you the book. Where are you? 316 00:36:24,620 --> 00:36:28,751 I'm disappointed in you, Mr. Corso. You never let me down before. 317 00:36:29,142 --> 00:36:31,013 Well, this is different. 318 00:36:31,534 --> 00:36:33,361 Do you remember Bernie Orenstein? 319 00:36:34,649 --> 00:36:35,716 The dealer? 320 00:36:35,821 --> 00:36:37,900 I gave him your book to stash it for me 321 00:36:38,145 --> 00:36:40,189 and now he's dead, murdered. 322 00:36:40,450 --> 00:36:42,973 - Because of the book? - What else? 323 00:36:44,277 --> 00:36:48,191 Look, I've never said it would be easy. If it's a question of money... 324 00:36:48,322 --> 00:36:49,931 It isn't the money, I want out. 325 00:36:50,105 --> 00:36:52,714 This matter means a great deal to me, Mr. Corso. 326 00:36:52,932 --> 00:36:54,845 I'm not an ungenerous man, you know that. 327 00:36:55,063 --> 00:36:59,368 Proceed as arranged, and you can tack another zero onto your fee. 328 00:37:00,759 --> 00:37:02,890 What... Hey, where are you? 329 00:37:57,818 --> 00:38:01,254 - Good evening. - Good evening. Come in. 330 00:38:02,080 --> 00:38:04,428 - You speak English? - Yes, I do. 331 00:38:05,820 --> 00:38:08,168 I would like to get your opinion on this. 332 00:38:19,563 --> 00:38:22,303 What a habit for a book binder... 333 00:38:22,911 --> 00:38:26,521 "The Nine Gates" - superb edition. Very rare. 334 00:38:27,174 --> 00:38:28,522 The Telfer copy. 335 00:38:29,131 --> 00:38:31,479 Yes. You used to own it, right? 336 00:38:31,523 --> 00:38:33,131 - We used to, yes. - We sold it. 337 00:38:33,132 --> 00:38:36,524 ...when the opportunity presented itself. It was too good to.. 338 00:38:36,525 --> 00:38:38,959 ...too good to miss. An excellent sale. 339 00:38:39,003 --> 00:38:41,699 An excellent buying! Impeccable condition. 340 00:38:41,700 --> 00:38:44,439 Impeccable. Are you the present owner? 341 00:38:44,613 --> 00:38:46,266 No, A client of mine. 342 00:38:46,701 --> 00:38:50,180 I would never have believed she would part with it. Never. 343 00:38:50,615 --> 00:38:52,572 - She? - Mrs. Telfer. 344 00:38:55,399 --> 00:38:58,182 I understood that it was Mr. Telfer that had bought it. 345 00:38:58,268 --> 00:38:59,530 He'd pay for it. 346 00:39:00,095 --> 00:39:02,190 It was Mrs. Telfer who made him buy it. 347 00:39:02,191 --> 00:39:04,285 - He didn't seem particularly... - ...interested. 348 00:39:06,184 --> 00:39:08,445 An exceptional specimen. 349 00:39:08,619 --> 00:39:12,055 - Do you think it could be a forgery? - Forgery? Hear that, Pablo? 350 00:39:12,142 --> 00:39:15,926 I took you for a professional. You speak too lightly of forgeries. 351 00:39:15,927 --> 00:39:17,230 Far too lightly. 352 00:39:17,665 --> 00:39:20,492 Forging a book is very expensive. 353 00:39:20,710 --> 00:39:25,015 Paper of the period, right inks, Too expensive to be profitable. 354 00:39:25,233 --> 00:39:27,580 - Still it can be done. - Of course. 355 00:39:27,581 --> 00:39:29,973 It requires a great skill, but yes it can be done. 356 00:39:30,234 --> 00:39:32,060 Do you think that could be the case here? 357 00:39:32,408 --> 00:39:33,409 What makes you ask? 358 00:39:33,626 --> 00:39:37,279 My client wishes to satisfy himself on the book's authenticity. 359 00:39:37,584 --> 00:39:40,626 His name's Balkan. Boris Balkan of New York. 360 00:39:40,627 --> 00:39:44,237 - All books have a destiny of their own. - And a life of their own. 361 00:39:44,802 --> 00:39:47,717 Mr. Balkan is a celebrated collector. 362 00:39:47,934 --> 00:39:50,848 He's no fool, he must know this book is authentic. 363 00:39:51,195 --> 00:39:52,674 - We know it. - So must he. 364 00:39:52,675 --> 00:39:54,979 - We've had this book for years. - Many years. 365 00:39:55,023 --> 00:39:57,197 With ample opportunity to study it thoroughly. 366 00:39:57,806 --> 00:39:59,284 The printing, the binding, 367 00:39:59,285 --> 00:40:03,069 are magnificent examples of 17th century Venetian craftsmanship. 368 00:40:03,155 --> 00:40:07,090 Finest rag-paper. Resistent to the passage of time. 369 00:40:07,347 --> 00:40:09,839 None of your modern wood-pulp. 370 00:40:10,419 --> 00:40:12,202 Watermarks, ink, 371 00:40:12,419 --> 00:40:14,071 typefaces... 372 00:40:14,376 --> 00:40:15,375 If this is a forgery, 373 00:40:15,376 --> 00:40:19,290 or a copy with missing pages restored, is the work of a master. 374 00:40:21,812 --> 00:40:26,901 Have you studied the engravings? They seem to have some underlying significance. 375 00:40:26,987 --> 00:40:28,422 But of course. 376 00:40:28,423 --> 00:40:29,641 Here, for example. 377 00:40:29,902 --> 00:40:33,272 This one could be interpreted as a warning: 378 00:40:33,273 --> 00:40:36,643 "Venture too far" it seems to say, "and danger will descend on you from above". 379 00:40:37,861 --> 00:40:40,556 These types of books often contain little puzzles. 380 00:40:40,730 --> 00:40:43,775 Especially in the case of such an illustruous collaborator. 381 00:40:44,254 --> 00:40:45,384 Collaborator? 382 00:40:45,602 --> 00:40:48,341 You could have not proceeded, very far in your research, Señor. 383 00:40:49,037 --> 00:40:50,298 Here. look close. 384 00:40:50,472 --> 00:40:55,169 Don't you see? Only six of the nine engravings were signed by Aristide Torchia. 385 00:40:55,517 --> 00:40:57,735 Yes. And the other three? 386 00:40:58,431 --> 00:40:59,996 This is one of them. 387 00:41:00,954 --> 00:41:02,867 L, C, F. 388 00:41:04,476 --> 00:41:05,433 Who's LCF? 389 00:41:05,694 --> 00:41:06,563 Think. 390 00:41:13,087 --> 00:41:14,088 Lucifer? 391 00:41:15,783 --> 00:41:18,784 Very perceptive of you, Señor. 392 00:41:19,741 --> 00:41:21,749 Torchia was burnt alive 393 00:41:21,750 --> 00:41:24,713 because he wrote this book in collaboration with someone else. 394 00:41:24,742 --> 00:41:26,524 Come on. You can't honestly believe... 395 00:41:26,525 --> 00:41:30,265 The man who wrote this book did so in alliance with the Devil 396 00:41:30,395 --> 00:41:32,136 and went to the stake for it. 397 00:41:32,222 --> 00:41:34,963 Even hell has its heroes, Señor. 398 00:43:30,122 --> 00:43:32,428 - I have seen you before. - Have you? 399 00:43:32,958 --> 00:43:33,878 Yes. 400 00:43:34,559 --> 00:43:38,081 - Are you travelling in this car? - The next one. 401 00:43:38,168 --> 00:43:41,257 The sleeper... I travel on the cheap. 402 00:43:43,040 --> 00:43:45,953 - Are you a student? - Something like that. 403 00:43:47,171 --> 00:43:48,563 I like trains. 404 00:43:48,954 --> 00:43:52,129 - Trains I'm on? - Just trains. 405 00:43:55,347 --> 00:43:56,565 What's your name? 406 00:43:57,174 --> 00:43:58,173 Guess. 407 00:44:00,391 --> 00:44:02,436 - Green eyes? - That'll do. 408 00:44:02,827 --> 00:44:05,175 - What's yours? - Corso. 409 00:44:05,349 --> 00:44:06,567 Strange name. 410 00:44:07,437 --> 00:44:09,350 Italian, it means "to run". 411 00:44:10,047 --> 00:44:14,004 You don't look like a runner to me. You're more the quiet type. 412 00:44:18,135 --> 00:44:23,311 Well, give my regards to Balkan. Tell him I'm doing my best. 413 00:44:23,702 --> 00:44:26,790 - Balkan? - Nevermind. 414 00:44:27,529 --> 00:44:28,877 See you around. 415 00:44:29,748 --> 00:44:30,791 Maybe. 416 00:44:32,575 --> 00:44:34,444 I wouldn't be surprised. 417 00:46:12,876 --> 00:46:13,808 Yes? 418 00:46:14,688 --> 00:46:16,862 Yes... Dean Corso, Mr. Fargas. 419 00:46:17,167 --> 00:46:22,734 - Corso? Oh yes, please come in. - Thank you. 420 00:46:27,909 --> 00:46:29,257 Please. 421 00:46:34,780 --> 00:46:36,259 Home sweet home. 422 00:46:40,564 --> 00:46:43,130 You won't say no to a brandy I take it? 423 00:46:43,478 --> 00:46:44,696 Thank you very much. 424 00:46:58,996 --> 00:46:59,866 Thank you. 425 00:47:01,570 --> 00:47:03,396 What handsome glasses. 426 00:47:03,658 --> 00:47:05,919 They're the only ones I have left. 427 00:47:10,137 --> 00:47:13,138 - It has to have been a beautiful place. - It was. 428 00:47:13,486 --> 00:47:16,444 But old families are like ancient civilisations, 429 00:47:16,445 --> 00:47:18,227 they wither and die. 430 00:47:21,662 --> 00:47:25,445 There they are, 834 of them. 431 00:47:25,619 --> 00:47:28,664 What a pity you didn't see them in better times. 432 00:47:28,708 --> 00:47:30,491 I used to have 5,000. 433 00:47:30,708 --> 00:47:32,926 But these are the survivors. 434 00:47:33,100 --> 00:47:35,231 So this is the Fargas collection. 435 00:47:35,883 --> 00:47:38,014 Not quite as I imagined it I must say. 436 00:47:38,362 --> 00:47:39,928 C'est la vie, my friend. 437 00:47:40,232 --> 00:47:44,842 But I keep them in perfect conditions, safe from damp, light, heat, rats. 438 00:47:45,277 --> 00:47:47,278 I dust and air them every day. 439 00:47:52,279 --> 00:47:54,105 These are the occult. 440 00:47:54,802 --> 00:47:57,671 - What do you think? - Not bad. 441 00:47:57,845 --> 00:48:01,020 Not bad indeed. At least ten of them are extremely rare. 442 00:48:01,629 --> 00:48:04,630 Here: Plancy, "Dictionnaire Infernal", 443 00:48:05,630 --> 00:48:09,022 first edition, 1844. 444 00:48:11,197 --> 00:48:15,546 Leonardo Fioravanti's "Compendi dei Secreti", 1571. 445 00:48:21,635 --> 00:48:23,244 And there it is, 446 00:48:23,853 --> 00:48:25,680 in perfect condition. 447 00:48:29,985 --> 00:48:32,523 It has travelled the world for three and a half centuries, 448 00:48:32,524 --> 00:48:34,852 yet it might have been printed yesterday. 449 00:48:35,855 --> 00:48:39,030 Is it in order? I mean you haven't detected anything unusual? 450 00:48:39,248 --> 00:48:40,683 Unusual? no. 451 00:48:40,770 --> 00:48:44,510 The text is complete, the engravings too, nine plus the title page's, 452 00:48:44,945 --> 00:48:49,120 as the catalogue states, just like the Kessler in Paris and the Telfer in New York. 453 00:48:50,163 --> 00:48:52,860 Yes... It isn't the Telfer anymore. 454 00:48:53,295 --> 00:48:54,730 Telfer killed himself. 455 00:48:55,035 --> 00:48:57,767 But he sold his copy to Boris Balkan first. 456 00:48:58,192 --> 00:48:59,584 Oh, Balkan. 457 00:49:00,166 --> 00:49:03,776 If he sets his eye on a book no price is too high. 458 00:49:03,994 --> 00:49:07,560 Not that I would ever sell this one. Not at any price. 459 00:49:09,299 --> 00:49:14,039 It's strange that he should have sent you here if he... 460 00:49:14,648 --> 00:49:15,648 ...already had... 461 00:49:17,910 --> 00:49:19,258 Do you have it here? 462 00:49:20,824 --> 00:49:22,042 May I see it? 463 00:49:40,872 --> 00:49:43,178 Oh, superb. 464 00:49:47,874 --> 00:49:51,832 Beautiful. Identical. 465 00:49:52,049 --> 00:49:54,355 Two of the only three to escape the flames 466 00:49:54,572 --> 00:49:57,181 reunited for the first time in over three centuries. 467 00:49:58,921 --> 00:50:00,052 Yes. 468 00:50:00,965 --> 00:50:04,128 Look at this slight imperfection here, the damaged "S"... 469 00:50:05,053 --> 00:50:07,619 The same type, the same impression. 470 00:50:08,445 --> 00:50:10,097 Oh, incredible. 471 00:50:13,012 --> 00:50:17,099 As you see if it wasn't for this slight discoloration on the back of your copy 472 00:50:17,187 --> 00:50:18,882 no one could tell them apart. 473 00:50:19,535 --> 00:50:23,449 If you don't mind I would like to stay for a while and examine them in detail. 474 00:50:27,102 --> 00:50:29,320 What are you looking for, Mr. Corso? 475 00:50:30,016 --> 00:50:31,669 I'm not quite sure. 476 00:50:32,278 --> 00:50:35,626 Some books are dangerous, not to be opened with impunity. 477 00:50:36,844 --> 00:50:37,974 Very true. 478 00:51:13,289 --> 00:51:15,202 I'll be damned! 479 00:54:16,970 --> 00:54:17,930 Hello again. 480 00:54:19,180 --> 00:54:21,730 - You didn't say you were bound for Sintra. - Neither did you. 481 00:54:21,877 --> 00:54:23,249 What are you doing here? 482 00:54:23,567 --> 00:54:24,392 Reading. 483 00:54:24,989 --> 00:54:26,050 I can see that. 484 00:54:26,219 --> 00:54:29,182 And bumping into people unexpectedly. 485 00:54:29,645 --> 00:54:32,532 Yes, unexpected is right. 486 00:54:33,499 --> 00:54:37,942 Are you on a business trip? Is that why you always carry that thing around? 487 00:54:43,921 --> 00:54:46,238 - Just part of your course? - My course? 488 00:54:46,775 --> 00:54:50,566 "Winning friends and influencing people". You said you're a student. 489 00:54:50,671 --> 00:54:51,468 Did I? 490 00:54:52,369 --> 00:54:55,018 So I am, in a way. 491 00:54:56,626 --> 00:54:59,547 I like books. Do you? 492 00:55:03,205 --> 00:55:05,262 - You been travelling long? - A while. 493 00:55:06,696 --> 00:55:08,406 I don't suppose you ever travel by motorbike? 494 00:55:08,407 --> 00:55:11,085 Sir? Excuse me sir. Phone call for you, sir. 495 00:55:11,690 --> 00:55:15,169 - For me? Are you sure? - Yes sir. Please sir... 496 00:55:22,258 --> 00:55:24,250 - Yes? - Mr. Corso? 497 00:55:24,519 --> 00:55:26,502 My God, how did you find me? 498 00:55:26,972 --> 00:55:31,269 - Made any progress? - Progress? Yeah, you can call it that. 499 00:55:31,429 --> 00:55:32,357 Well? 500 00:55:33,322 --> 00:55:36,662 Look, I can't talk here, I'm in the lobby. Let me call you back, where are you? 501 00:55:36,826 --> 00:55:39,247 Nevermind that. Get them to transfer it to your room. 502 00:55:39,390 --> 00:55:41,185 - I'll wait. - Alright. 503 00:55:41,850 --> 00:55:45,766 Señor, pardon me. Could you send this up to my room? 504 00:55:45,823 --> 00:55:47,151 - Yes. - Thank you very much. 505 00:55:56,719 --> 00:55:58,387 - Still there? - Yes. 506 00:55:58,859 --> 00:56:01,642 Alright. I've examined the Fargas copy. 507 00:56:01,908 --> 00:56:04,287 It's authentic enough, at least it looks that way. 508 00:56:04,361 --> 00:56:07,240 It's like yours, but there are discrepancies. 509 00:56:07,507 --> 00:56:08,714 Discrepancies? 510 00:56:10,414 --> 00:56:12,682 The engravings are not identical. 511 00:56:13,385 --> 00:56:15,221 Just like keys in different hands, 512 00:56:15,609 --> 00:56:18,504 doorways open in one copy and bricked up in the other... 513 00:56:18,899 --> 00:56:22,096 - And there's another thing. - Yes. Yes, go on. 514 00:56:22,896 --> 00:56:27,725 The ones that differ aren't signed Torchia. They're signed LCF. 515 00:56:30,572 --> 00:56:32,381 - Still there? - LCF. 516 00:56:32,407 --> 00:56:33,796 Listen, where are you anyway? 517 00:56:33,897 --> 00:56:36,433 I must have that copy, Mr. Corso. 518 00:56:37,032 --> 00:56:38,322 Get it for me. 519 00:56:39,521 --> 00:56:42,905 The old man wouldn't sell it to save his life. He said as much. 520 00:56:43,191 --> 00:56:44,283 Did he? 521 00:56:46,012 --> 00:56:49,434 Hello? Hello? 522 00:57:21,189 --> 00:57:22,329 Just a minute! 523 00:57:41,451 --> 00:57:44,173 - What time is it? - Early, but you have to go. 524 00:57:45,565 --> 00:57:47,783 - Go? Go where? - To Fargas' place. 525 00:57:47,784 --> 00:57:49,262 I've already seen Fargas. 526 00:57:49,436 --> 00:57:50,784 I think you should see him again. 527 00:57:51,436 --> 00:57:53,811 What is this, some kind of practical joke? Who are you? 528 00:57:53,915 --> 00:57:57,637 - What do you know about Fargas? - Get dressed. I'll wait for you outside. 529 00:58:41,336 --> 00:58:43,815 Don't bother. He isn't there. 530 00:58:44,163 --> 00:58:47,468 - Oh really, then where is he? - Over there. 531 00:59:17,563 --> 00:59:19,042 God Almighty... 532 00:59:32,915 --> 00:59:34,524 You want to get inside? 533 00:59:35,438 --> 00:59:37,003 I had thought about it, yes. 534 01:00:00,400 --> 01:00:01,879 You wait here. 535 01:00:26,799 --> 01:00:27,582 Shit! 536 01:00:50,153 --> 01:00:51,849 Well, did you find it? 537 01:00:52,806 --> 01:00:56,067 You know, it's come to my attention that you know too goddam much. 538 01:00:56,284 --> 01:00:58,675 Why do you keep following me around? Who are you working for? 539 01:00:58,676 --> 01:01:01,459 You're wasting time asking all these questions. We better get out of here. 540 01:01:01,460 --> 01:01:04,634 There's a flight from Lisbon to Paris at noon. We should just make it. 541 01:01:04,852 --> 01:01:07,505 - What's with the "we"? - There are two of us, aren't there? 542 01:01:07,506 --> 01:01:09,071 What happened back there? 543 01:01:15,899 --> 01:01:18,377 The old man caught someone stealing, I guess. 544 01:01:19,116 --> 01:01:21,901 - And what do you guess happened to him? - He drowned. 545 01:01:23,031 --> 01:01:25,988 - With a little help from who? - He's dead, who cares? 546 01:01:25,989 --> 01:01:26,858 I do. 547 01:01:28,033 --> 01:01:29,989 I could easily end up the same way. 548 01:01:30,642 --> 01:01:32,773 Not with me around to look after you. 549 01:01:33,773 --> 01:01:37,209 - Oh I see, you're my guardian angel. - If you say so... 550 01:01:42,167 --> 01:01:46,124 - Someone is playing a game with me. - Of course, you're part of it. 551 01:01:47,560 --> 01:01:49,864 And you're getting to like it. 552 01:02:26,442 --> 01:02:27,390 Keep the change. 553 01:02:36,694 --> 01:02:37,668 Hello Gruber. 554 01:02:38,190 --> 01:02:41,234 Hello Mr. Corso. Delighted to see you again. 555 01:02:41,387 --> 01:02:43,770 We don't have any vacancies, but... 556 01:02:44,931 --> 01:02:47,236 I'm sure I'll be able to organise something. 557 01:02:50,819 --> 01:02:52,621 - Thank you very much. Please... - Thank you, sir. 558 01:03:46,632 --> 01:03:48,272 - Excuse me? - Good morning madam. 559 01:03:48,273 --> 01:03:49,962 The Kessler Foundation, please. 560 01:03:49,963 --> 01:03:51,652 - Second floor. - Thank you. 561 01:04:20,443 --> 01:04:21,486 Good afternoon. 562 01:04:22,053 --> 01:04:25,314 I'm Dean Corso, I have an appointment with Baroness Kessler. 563 01:04:30,663 --> 01:04:31,533 This way. 564 01:04:41,231 --> 01:04:43,144 You have thirty minutes. 565 01:04:48,842 --> 01:04:50,843 - Yes? - Monsieur Corso. 566 01:04:51,973 --> 01:04:54,713 Oh yes, Mr. Corso. Come in. 567 01:04:55,278 --> 01:04:57,105 I've heard a great deal about you. 568 01:04:58,801 --> 01:05:01,453 - Nothing good I hope. - You hoped right. 569 01:05:01,541 --> 01:05:02,671 Thanks, Simone. 570 01:05:02,933 --> 01:05:05,151 Well, I'm reassured, Baroness, because 571 01:05:05,412 --> 01:05:07,526 in my trade to be spoken well of 572 01:05:07,572 --> 01:05:10,275 can be professionally disastrous. 573 01:05:12,013 --> 01:05:12,938 My God. 574 01:05:12,978 --> 01:05:16,979 Yes, there it is. The Kessler Collection. 575 01:05:19,806 --> 01:05:21,633 You know I know your catalogue almost by heart? 576 01:05:21,747 --> 01:05:23,366 Strange we haven't met before. 577 01:05:23,440 --> 01:05:26,313 Your name is a byword among dealers and collectors. 578 01:05:27,026 --> 01:05:30,418 But I imagine you know your own reputation better than I do. 579 01:05:30,678 --> 01:05:33,984 Yes, well it does keep the wolf from the door, so to speak. 580 01:05:34,071 --> 01:05:35,724 I'm sorry Baroness. Where you in the middle of something? 581 01:05:35,941 --> 01:05:37,636 Of my latest work: 582 01:05:37,638 --> 01:05:40,986 "The Devil, History and Myth". A kind of biography. 583 01:05:41,073 --> 01:05:43,596 It will be published early next year. 584 01:05:43,856 --> 01:05:46,292 - Why the Devil? - I saw him one day. 585 01:05:46,509 --> 01:05:50,597 I was 15 years old and I saw him as plain as I see you now. 586 01:05:50,598 --> 01:05:52,336 It was love at first sight. 587 01:05:52,337 --> 01:05:54,484 You know, 300 years ago 588 01:05:54,485 --> 01:05:56,719 you'd have been burned at the stake for saying something like that. 589 01:05:56,773 --> 01:05:59,208 300 years ago I wouldn't have said it. 590 01:05:59,773 --> 01:06:02,774 Nor would I have made a million by writing about it. 591 01:06:03,209 --> 01:06:04,122 Yeah. 592 01:06:04,471 --> 01:06:07,384 What is it you wish to discuss, Mr. Corso? 593 01:06:08,080 --> 01:06:10,907 There's a book in your collection I'd like to examine if possible. 594 01:06:11,124 --> 01:06:13,348 It's the book of "The Nine Gates of the Kingdom of Shadows". 595 01:06:13,349 --> 01:06:16,381 The "Nine Gates"? An interesting work. 596 01:06:16,735 --> 01:06:18,953 Everyone's been asking me about it lately. 597 01:06:19,388 --> 01:06:20,127 Is that so? 598 01:06:20,171 --> 01:06:21,257 Follow me. 599 01:06:25,215 --> 01:06:27,781 You truly believe in the Devil, Baroness? 600 01:06:27,824 --> 01:06:31,347 Enough to devote my life and my library to him. 601 01:06:32,347 --> 01:06:34,652 Not to mention many years of work. 602 01:06:35,522 --> 01:06:36,392 Don't you? 603 01:06:36,739 --> 01:06:38,045 Almost. 604 01:06:39,914 --> 01:06:42,698 This book demands a certain amount of faith. 605 01:06:42,741 --> 01:06:45,525 Well, I'm afraid my faith's in short supply these days. 606 01:06:45,656 --> 01:06:49,569 I know this work extremely well. I studied it for years. 607 01:06:49,873 --> 01:06:51,439 Do you have any doubts about its authenticity? 608 01:06:52,874 --> 01:06:53,918 Not wheresoever. 609 01:06:54,048 --> 01:06:54,874 Are you sure? 610 01:06:54,875 --> 01:06:57,397 My knowledge of this book is profound. 611 01:06:57,658 --> 01:06:59,355 I wrote a biography of its author. 612 01:06:59,572 --> 01:07:02,660 Yes, I read it: "Aristide Torchia, the Devil's Apprentice", 613 01:07:02,877 --> 01:07:03,704 Excellent work. 614 01:07:04,139 --> 01:07:05,704 A corageous man. 615 01:07:06,008 --> 01:07:10,314 He died for the sake of this very book in 1667. 616 01:07:10,401 --> 01:07:13,056 While studying the Black Arts in Prague, 617 01:07:13,057 --> 01:07:16,098 he acquired a copy of the dread "Delomelanicon". 618 01:07:16,794 --> 01:07:19,142 This is Torchia's adaptation of that work 619 01:07:19,143 --> 01:07:21,490 which was written by Lucifer himself. 620 01:07:22,143 --> 01:07:24,709 After they burned him at the stake, a secret society 621 01:07:24,710 --> 01:07:27,275 was founded, to perpetuate its memory, 622 01:07:27,362 --> 01:07:29,404 and preserve its secrets. 623 01:07:29,406 --> 01:07:32,102 "The Order of the Silver Serpent". 624 01:07:32,755 --> 01:07:33,798 What, a sect? 625 01:07:34,015 --> 01:07:36,102 A kind of witches' coven. 626 01:07:36,103 --> 01:07:39,148 For centuries they've met to read from this book 627 01:07:39,149 --> 01:07:41,322 and worship the Prince of Darkness. 628 01:07:41,714 --> 01:07:44,437 Today it's degenerated into a social club 629 01:07:44,438 --> 01:07:46,802 for bored millionaires and celebrities, 630 01:07:47,019 --> 01:07:49,324 who use its meetings as an excuse 631 01:07:49,541 --> 01:07:52,542 to indulge their jaded sexual appetites. 632 01:07:53,499 --> 01:07:55,152 I myself belonged to the Order, 633 01:07:55,934 --> 01:07:57,021 years ago. 634 01:07:57,022 --> 01:07:59,588 But time is too precious at my age 635 01:07:59,632 --> 01:08:02,415 besides my orgy days are over. 636 01:08:02,545 --> 01:08:04,023 I told them to go to the Devil. 637 01:08:06,111 --> 01:08:08,242 You mean it's all about sex or... 638 01:08:08,329 --> 01:08:09,286 Of course not. 639 01:08:09,765 --> 01:08:12,896 They're under the illusion that they owe their money and success 640 01:08:13,070 --> 01:08:14,940 to membership in the Order. 641 01:08:14,941 --> 01:08:16,897 - Do they still meet? - Every year, 642 01:08:16,941 --> 01:08:19,115 on the anniversary of Torchia's death. 643 01:08:19,506 --> 01:08:21,332 They'll be meeting very soon now. 644 01:08:21,593 --> 01:08:24,159 - And you said they read from this book. - Not this one. 645 01:08:24,377 --> 01:08:28,508 I took mine back when Liana Telfer acquired the one in Toledo. 646 01:08:28,769 --> 01:08:30,742 Victor Fargas is an unbeliever, 647 01:08:30,770 --> 01:08:35,424 he's always refused to partecipate so naturally they use the Telfer copy. 648 01:08:35,728 --> 01:08:37,424 Not that it has ever worked. 649 01:08:38,076 --> 01:08:39,641 Did Andrew Telfer ever take part? 650 01:08:39,772 --> 01:08:42,816 Telfer? Oh, no, no... 651 01:08:43,556 --> 01:08:46,948 That creature Liana, married him for his money. 652 01:08:47,382 --> 01:08:51,036 She comes from an old and aristocratic French family, 653 01:08:51,037 --> 01:08:53,384 The "De Saint-Martins", but they were penniless. 654 01:08:53,428 --> 01:08:57,081 So Liana used his dollars to restore her castle 655 01:08:57,299 --> 01:08:59,168 and buy the "Nine Gates". 656 01:08:59,473 --> 01:09:02,952 If he ever finds out what his wife gets up to at these gatherings 657 01:09:02,953 --> 01:09:04,691 he'll probably kill himself. 658 01:09:05,605 --> 01:09:08,998 Funny you should say that, Baroness. He hung himself last week. 659 01:09:13,346 --> 01:09:16,825 Who exactly are you working for, Mr. Corso? 660 01:09:17,174 --> 01:09:19,566 My client's name is irrelevant, Baroness. 661 01:09:19,567 --> 01:09:21,958 I'm simply trying to authenticate his copy, 662 01:09:22,044 --> 01:09:24,262 just the one that Telfer sold him before he died. 663 01:09:24,350 --> 01:09:27,654 How stupid of me! I should have guessed. 664 01:09:28,567 --> 01:09:32,395 You've out stage of welcome, Mr. Corso. 665 01:09:32,656 --> 01:09:35,134 I was hoping to examine your copy in detail. 666 01:09:35,222 --> 01:09:36,396 Certainly not. 667 01:09:37,352 --> 01:09:40,223 Tell your client, who can only be Boris Balkan, 668 01:09:40,224 --> 01:09:43,919 to come and examinate himself, if he dares. 669 01:09:44,876 --> 01:09:48,486 Tell him not to send any more wolves in sheep clothing. 670 01:09:49,660 --> 01:09:52,531 Now kindly leave. 671 01:09:55,400 --> 01:09:59,280 Well, I'm sorry if I troubled you. 672 01:09:59,385 --> 01:10:00,689 Thank you very much for your time. 673 01:10:00,793 --> 01:10:03,620 You don't know what you're getting yourself into, Mr. Corso. 674 01:10:05,317 --> 01:10:07,491 Get out before it's too late. 675 01:10:08,274 --> 01:10:11,796 I'm afraid it already is, Baroness. Good day. 676 01:11:26,555 --> 01:11:27,599 Thanks. 677 01:14:03,988 --> 01:14:05,031 They're broken. 678 01:14:06,728 --> 01:14:08,685 You should be more careful. 679 01:14:24,298 --> 01:14:27,516 - I need a favour, Gruber. - Certainly, Mr. Corso. 680 01:14:27,733 --> 01:14:29,299 Liana Telfer, 681 01:14:29,647 --> 01:14:33,605 Maiden name De Saint-Martin, 40ish, brunette, dishy, 682 01:14:34,083 --> 01:14:36,214 probably accompanied by 683 01:14:38,345 --> 01:14:41,128 a black gentleman with 684 01:14:42,041 --> 01:14:43,215 closely cropped 685 01:14:43,433 --> 01:14:46,805 platinum blonde hair, and a moustache. 686 01:14:46,999 --> 01:14:49,435 I wanna know if they're staying in some hotel here in Paris. 687 01:14:49,522 --> 01:14:50,484 It'll take a little time... 688 01:14:50,485 --> 01:14:53,348 Yes, of course. Start with the "Five Stars". That's your best bet. 689 01:14:53,610 --> 01:14:55,349 - Very well sir. - Alright. 690 01:14:55,516 --> 01:14:56,929 Are you feeling alright? 691 01:14:58,176 --> 01:15:00,698 I've felt better, Gruber. Thanks. 692 01:15:01,438 --> 01:15:03,439 Let me know if you locate. 693 01:15:17,138 --> 01:15:18,094 Put this 694 01:15:19,530 --> 01:15:21,617 against the back of your neck. 695 01:15:33,968 --> 01:15:36,404 You were really great on there by the river. 696 01:15:36,904 --> 01:15:38,990 I haven't thanked you for that. 697 01:16:20,109 --> 01:16:22,021 Alright. Look... 698 01:16:23,220 --> 01:16:25,840 I think it's about time you told me what's going on here. 699 01:16:26,612 --> 01:16:29,157 - Someone's after your book. - No kidding. 700 01:16:29,214 --> 01:16:31,179 And you? what do you feed into it? 701 01:16:40,558 --> 01:16:41,352 Yeah? 702 01:16:47,008 --> 01:16:49,053 Can I take it in the reception please? 703 01:16:50,662 --> 01:16:52,452 Alright. I'll be right down. 704 01:17:06,701 --> 01:17:08,550 - Yes? - Anything new? 705 01:17:09,015 --> 01:17:11,145 Oh, His Master's voice again. 706 01:17:11,493 --> 01:17:12,870 No, not much, 707 01:17:12,870 --> 01:17:16,447 aside from the fact somene has tried to take my life a couple of times 708 01:17:17,277 --> 01:17:20,104 Oh yes. Fargas has been murdered. 709 01:17:22,192 --> 01:17:24,471 Murdered? How do you know? 710 01:17:24,825 --> 01:17:26,761 I saw him. And his copy. 711 01:17:26,916 --> 01:17:29,063 Or what was left of it anyway. 712 01:17:29,455 --> 01:17:32,891 Someone had snatched the engravings and tried to burn the rest. 713 01:17:33,238 --> 01:17:36,552 - What do you make of it? - It's tragic, it's tragic... 714 01:17:36,804 --> 01:17:39,592 What about Baroness Kessler? How did you get on today? 715 01:17:39,697 --> 01:17:42,809 - Where exactly are you? - What about her copy? 716 01:17:42,936 --> 01:17:47,509 No, why do I get the impression that you've been breathing down my neck the entire time? 717 01:17:47,729 --> 01:17:51,846 You're an investment of mine, Mr. Corso. I'm really looking after it. 718 01:17:55,114 --> 01:17:57,519 The old woman swears her copy's authentic. 719 01:17:57,679 --> 01:17:59,810 But I didn't get the chance to examine it closely. 720 01:18:00,506 --> 01:18:03,985 She threw me out as soon as she guessed that you were behind my visit. 721 01:18:04,725 --> 01:18:07,421 You're not exactly in her good books, if you know what I mean. 722 01:18:07,856 --> 01:18:09,323 You must see her again. 723 01:18:09,630 --> 01:18:11,510 Are you kidding? Have you seen her secretary? 724 01:18:11,901 --> 01:18:13,698 Try the launch break. 725 01:18:16,063 --> 01:18:17,026 Hello? 726 01:18:45,991 --> 01:18:49,707 - Do you have a photocopy machine back there? - Yes sir. 727 01:18:49,766 --> 01:18:52,971 - Can I use it? - Of course, sir. 728 01:18:56,930 --> 01:18:58,102 Thank you. 729 01:21:51,272 --> 01:21:55,307 Yes. Hello, Baroness. It's me, the wolf in sheep's clothing. 730 01:21:56,003 --> 01:21:59,873 I thought I made myself bright clear, Mr. Corso. 731 01:22:00,073 --> 01:22:00,895 Well... 732 01:22:01,961 --> 01:22:04,310 I've got something for you, Baroness. 733 01:22:04,571 --> 01:22:08,448 Kind of peace offering. Will you allow me to give it to you? 734 01:22:09,134 --> 01:22:10,261 Please? 735 01:22:36,666 --> 01:22:38,406 First let me apologise. 736 01:22:38,710 --> 01:22:41,841 I should have told you right away that I work for Boris Balkan. 737 01:22:42,711 --> 01:22:46,778 It was foolish of me to think that I could deceive someone as astute as yourself, so 738 01:22:46,886 --> 01:22:47,993 please forgive me. 739 01:22:48,104 --> 01:22:51,105 Flattering will get you nowhere, Mr. Corso. 740 01:22:51,974 --> 01:22:53,236 Get on with it. 741 01:22:53,935 --> 01:22:54,744 Right. 742 01:22:56,770 --> 01:22:58,154 These 743 01:23:00,107 --> 01:23:01,413 are for you. 744 01:23:03,977 --> 01:23:05,325 What is this? 745 01:23:05,934 --> 01:23:07,849 What is this supposed to be? 746 01:23:08,805 --> 01:23:12,765 You said that your knowledge of "The Nine Gates" was extensive, but 747 01:23:12,960 --> 01:23:15,366 did you ever compare your copy with the other two? 748 01:23:15,521 --> 01:23:16,514 No. 749 01:23:17,207 --> 01:23:18,041 Why? 750 01:23:18,136 --> 01:23:19,700 Well, you should. 751 01:23:20,242 --> 01:23:23,267 These are copies of the engravings in Balkan's book. 752 01:23:23,983 --> 01:23:27,416 - You'll find that some of them differ from yours. - Differ? 753 01:23:28,854 --> 01:23:32,138 So you question my book's authenticity, do you? 754 01:23:32,681 --> 01:23:35,612 It that's your peace offering you can take it and go. 755 01:23:35,682 --> 01:23:37,926 Mine "Nine Gates" is absolutely genuine. 756 01:23:37,927 --> 01:23:39,770 I don't dispute that, Baroness. 757 01:23:39,901 --> 01:23:42,684 In my opinion all three copies are genuine. 758 01:23:42,900 --> 01:23:45,292 But the fact remains they display variations. 759 01:23:45,510 --> 01:23:46,945 Variations? 760 01:23:48,076 --> 01:23:51,034 If that were true it would be a revelation. 761 01:23:51,512 --> 01:23:53,164 What makes you so sure? 762 01:23:54,774 --> 01:23:57,255 I've already compared these with the Fargas engravings. 763 01:23:58,035 --> 01:23:59,209 In his book 764 01:24:01,080 --> 01:24:03,993 th keys were in the other hand. 765 01:24:05,167 --> 01:24:08,125 Here the doorway wasn't bricked up. 766 01:24:09,038 --> 01:24:12,882 And in this one the man was hanging by the other leg. 767 01:24:29,609 --> 01:24:32,239 - Well? - Well what? 768 01:24:35,176 --> 01:24:37,480 Look closely, Baroness. 769 01:24:38,960 --> 01:24:39,960 The turrets. 770 01:24:40,264 --> 01:24:43,743 Three in yours, four in Balkan's. 771 01:24:55,964 --> 01:24:56,920 Amazing. 772 01:24:57,834 --> 01:25:00,747 I'm convinced there'll be a third one in here somewhere. 773 01:25:01,574 --> 01:25:04,749 Three variations in three copies makes nine. 774 01:25:05,314 --> 01:25:07,639 Coincidence or something more. 775 01:25:08,358 --> 01:25:12,402 Maybe Torchia hid the secret of "The Nine Gates" in three books, not one. 776 01:25:14,794 --> 01:25:16,926 I must admit I'm impressed. 777 01:25:17,144 --> 01:25:20,499 This puts an entirely different complexion on the matter. 778 01:25:21,187 --> 01:25:24,885 You have my permission to investigate further, Mr. Corso. 779 01:25:25,406 --> 01:25:27,450 Take as long as you need. 780 01:25:43,237 --> 01:25:47,273 My permission did not extend to that, Mr. Corso. 781 01:25:48,108 --> 01:25:50,993 Nobody smokes in my library. 782 01:28:35,133 --> 01:28:35,994 Baroness? 783 01:29:26,647 --> 01:29:27,679 Idiot! 784 01:31:24,066 --> 01:31:26,958 Excuse me. There's something missing from my room. 785 01:31:27,153 --> 01:31:30,502 - Has anyone been up there while I was out? - Only your wife, sir. 786 01:31:31,198 --> 01:31:32,981 My wife? I don't have a wife! 787 01:31:33,757 --> 01:31:34,573 Excuse me sir. 788 01:31:35,286 --> 01:31:37,809 Yes? Yes, he's in front of me. 789 01:31:38,461 --> 01:31:39,418 Alright. 790 01:31:39,678 --> 01:31:41,940 For you sir. Booth nomber two. 791 01:31:47,551 --> 01:31:48,300 Yes? 792 01:31:48,616 --> 01:31:49,725 What news? 793 01:31:51,986 --> 01:31:52,943 News? 794 01:31:53,551 --> 01:31:55,727 Let me see... Well, 795 01:31:56,378 --> 01:32:00,423 yes, the good news is that I got to examine the old woman's book. 796 01:32:01,076 --> 01:32:03,380 and three of her engravings were signed LCF. 797 01:32:03,598 --> 01:32:06,381 The bad news is that someone strangled her 798 01:32:06,685 --> 01:32:09,774 and made a bonfire of her collection. Now that's tragic, wouldn't you say? 799 01:32:10,367 --> 01:32:12,035 You put the words out of my mouth. 800 01:32:12,643 --> 01:32:15,732 Yes. It's the Fargas story all over again. 801 01:32:15,949 --> 01:32:19,994 I'm of the mind that they tore out the engravings before they torched the place. 802 01:32:20,385 --> 01:32:22,081 That makes two sets they've got. 803 01:32:22,255 --> 01:32:23,560 And my copy? 804 01:32:24,517 --> 01:32:27,300 Well, I learnt my lesson fortunately. 805 01:32:27,518 --> 01:32:29,704 I don't carry it around with me anymore 806 01:32:30,053 --> 01:32:31,953 Otherwise it would have gone up in smoke. 807 01:32:32,551 --> 01:32:34,706 Excellent. Good thinking. 808 01:32:34,780 --> 01:32:38,607 Well, with the two copies gone that seems to conclude your assignment. 809 01:32:38,825 --> 01:32:40,912 It only remains of you to return my book. 810 01:32:41,129 --> 01:32:44,032 I'm staying at the Ritz. You can pick up your check at the same time. 811 01:32:44,223 --> 01:32:46,244 Shall we say in half an hour? 812 01:32:48,045 --> 01:32:50,002 There is more bad news. 813 01:32:52,176 --> 01:32:54,532 - I don't have it. - You don't have it? 814 01:32:55,676 --> 01:32:57,525 Someone lifted it from my room. 815 01:33:02,055 --> 01:33:04,658 Listen to me very carefully, Mr. Corso. 816 01:33:06,248 --> 01:33:08,571 I think you may already have some idea 817 01:33:08,789 --> 01:33:12,355 of the length at which I'm prepared to go when I want something. 818 01:33:13,747 --> 01:33:18,053 Unless you recuperate my property in double-quick time 819 01:33:19,212 --> 01:33:22,488 you'll discover just how far that can be. 820 01:33:34,660 --> 01:33:35,450 Where is it? 821 01:33:35,451 --> 01:33:37,231 - Where is what? - The book. Where is it? 822 01:33:37,902 --> 01:33:40,319 Would I be here if I took it? 823 01:33:40,537 --> 01:33:42,233 You should know better by now. 824 01:33:48,278 --> 01:33:50,960 I must apologise on my young colleague, Mr. Corso 825 01:33:50,961 --> 01:33:52,679 Was unpardonable. 826 01:33:53,018 --> 01:33:54,236 Is that her? 827 01:33:54,931 --> 01:33:59,106 No sir, she was tall, dark hair, very chic, very elegant. 828 01:33:59,116 --> 01:34:02,104 Which reminds me sir, I have the information you wanted. 829 01:34:02,239 --> 01:34:04,337 The lady and gentleman you mentioned 830 01:34:04,544 --> 01:34:07,771 they're staying at the Plaza Athen?Hotel 831 01:34:07,979 --> 01:34:10,841 suite 209-211. 832 01:34:11,562 --> 01:34:14,873 Thank you very much Gruber, I owe you one. I need a taxi, quick. 833 01:34:14,874 --> 01:34:16,352 A taxi, quick. 834 01:34:18,025 --> 01:34:22,116 Send this to Mr. Balkan at the Ritz. it's B-A-L-K-A-N. 835 01:34:24,809 --> 01:34:27,381 - Fax it immediately. - Certainly, sir. 836 01:34:29,419 --> 01:34:31,594 It was a pleasure to be at your service. 837 01:34:31,855 --> 01:34:32,768 Ain't coming? 838 01:34:53,202 --> 01:34:54,904 What do you plan to do if you see them? 839 01:34:55,208 --> 01:34:57,296 Probably hide behind you. 840 01:35:51,310 --> 01:35:53,093 Oh, that's them. 841 01:35:56,531 --> 01:35:58,747 We should grab a taxi before they take off. 842 01:36:00,198 --> 01:36:01,197 Let's go. 843 01:36:19,225 --> 01:36:20,361 They're going. 844 01:36:54,240 --> 01:36:54,979 Coming? 845 01:37:06,764 --> 01:37:08,748 Couldn't you have picked something a little less conspicuous? 846 01:37:08,852 --> 01:37:10,461 Don't be so picky. 847 01:37:10,635 --> 01:37:13,071 Some people would give their eyeteeth for driving this. 848 01:37:50,254 --> 01:37:53,212 Listen we can't sit on their tail forever, they'll bound and smell a rat. 849 01:38:18,044 --> 01:38:19,262 How do I look? 850 01:38:21,350 --> 01:38:22,219 Ridiculous. 851 01:38:30,874 --> 01:38:32,092 Sit tight. 852 01:39:21,440 --> 01:39:22,470 Take your pick. 853 01:39:23,789 --> 01:39:26,198 No, you. You know everything. 854 01:39:26,256 --> 01:39:27,518 If you say so... 855 01:39:41,696 --> 01:39:43,102 We lost them. 856 01:39:43,459 --> 01:39:44,850 No, not at that speed. 857 01:39:45,623 --> 01:39:47,073 They must have gone the other way. 858 01:39:47,223 --> 01:39:49,101 You mean I don't know everything after all? 859 01:39:50,371 --> 01:39:51,410 Turn around. 860 01:40:05,352 --> 01:40:07,552 30ish, brunette, dishy? 861 01:40:08,109 --> 01:40:10,639 - What was her name again? - Telfer, Liana Telfer. 862 01:40:10,980 --> 01:40:12,378 No, her maiden name. 863 01:40:14,290 --> 01:40:16,141 - Saint-Martin. - Look. 864 01:40:57,767 --> 01:40:58,667 Excuse me? 865 01:41:02,890 --> 01:41:05,223 We're looking for the house of Madame De Saint-Martin. 866 01:41:05,262 --> 01:41:06,635 The castle you mean? 867 01:41:06,654 --> 01:41:07,915 The castle, I knew that. 868 01:41:09,177 --> 01:41:10,659 Where's the castle? 869 01:41:10,892 --> 01:41:12,895 Take the road behind the Church there. 870 01:41:15,171 --> 01:41:16,769 - Thanks. - Not at all. 871 01:41:31,821 --> 01:41:32,675 Keep going. 872 01:41:36,472 --> 01:41:37,325 Keep going. 873 01:43:56,076 --> 01:43:57,145 See them anywhere? 874 01:44:01,639 --> 01:44:02,393 No. 875 01:45:31,506 --> 01:45:33,159 Sorry to have to intrude on you like this. 876 01:45:33,199 --> 01:45:34,770 What are you doing here? 877 01:45:36,540 --> 01:45:39,035 I jumped like to pick up the book you stole from my room. 878 01:45:39,036 --> 01:45:41,901 - That book is mine. - We've been through all this before. 879 01:45:42,948 --> 01:45:44,610 My husband gave it to me. 880 01:45:44,788 --> 01:45:46,387 It wasn't his to sell. 881 01:45:46,423 --> 01:45:47,818 He sold it to get back at you? 882 01:45:47,819 --> 01:45:49,762 What happened? Did he catch you with that albino? 883 01:45:49,763 --> 01:45:50,772 How dare you? 884 01:45:51,778 --> 01:45:52,882 Keep an eye on her. 885 01:45:54,779 --> 01:45:55,549 Don't! 886 01:45:56,389 --> 01:45:57,482 Be careful, she bites. 887 01:46:09,677 --> 01:46:10,518 Hi. 888 01:46:14,344 --> 01:46:17,357 Don't move! Either one of you. 889 01:46:18,040 --> 01:46:19,041 Get the book. 890 01:46:34,467 --> 01:46:36,678 Don't kill them up here, you'll make a mess. 891 01:46:37,288 --> 01:46:38,766 Take them downstairs. 892 01:46:40,299 --> 01:46:41,297 You'll go first. 893 01:46:41,986 --> 01:46:42,792 Then you. 894 01:46:55,902 --> 01:46:56,729 Down. 895 01:47:11,993 --> 01:47:13,211 Open the door. 896 01:47:26,475 --> 01:47:27,476 Watch out! 897 01:47:45,585 --> 01:47:47,677 I didn't know you had it in you. 898 01:47:51,110 --> 01:47:56,350 Eight Gates preceed the Serpent who guards the Word. 899 01:47:56,351 --> 01:48:00,261 We give loyalty to you, Lord. 900 01:48:00,262 --> 01:48:04,316 We devoted our bodies and souls to you. 901 01:48:04,970 --> 01:48:08,559 The Serpent is a beast that never sleeps. 902 01:48:08,560 --> 01:48:14,237 A beast whose eyes can see through the mirror of science. 903 01:48:14,293 --> 01:48:17,813 We give loyalty to you, Lord. We... 904 01:48:18,794 --> 01:48:21,925 Stay here and cover me. I'm going down. 905 01:48:22,079 --> 01:48:28,263 We won't be afraid of the noose, or the blade, or the poison. 906 01:48:28,264 --> 01:48:31,400 We give loyalty to you, Lord. 907 01:48:31,609 --> 01:48:35,884 We devoted our bodies and souls to you. 908 01:48:36,666 --> 01:48:41,879 We'll walk intact through the lepers and the plague. 909 01:48:42,028 --> 01:48:45,021 We give loyalty to you, Lord. 910 01:48:45,319 --> 01:48:49,089 We devoted our bodies and souls to you. 911 01:48:49,203 --> 01:48:52,756 The last hidden one behind which is the Word 912 01:48:52,860 --> 01:48:57,244 is the Ninth one. Teth, Enneae, Oded. 913 01:48:57,561 --> 01:49:00,670 We give loyalty to you, Lord. 914 01:49:00,914 --> 01:49:04,917 We devoted our bodies and souls to you. 915 01:49:04,993 --> 01:49:10,233 - Glory to Eloy, Agla, Zate... - Mambo Jambo! Mambo Jambo! 916 01:49:18,462 --> 01:49:20,724 Look around you, all of you. What do you see? 917 01:49:21,506 --> 01:49:24,876 A bunch of buffoons in fancy dress. 918 01:49:25,608 --> 01:49:27,421 Do you think the Prince of Darkness would actually 919 01:49:27,422 --> 01:49:29,042 deign to manifest himself 920 01:49:29,074 --> 01:49:32,422 before the lights of you? He never has and he never will. Never. 921 01:49:34,640 --> 01:49:36,075 You read from his book, 922 01:49:36,466 --> 01:49:39,554 but you have no conception of its true power. 923 01:49:40,143 --> 01:49:42,120 I alone have grasped its secret, 924 01:49:42,294 --> 01:49:45,467 I alone have fathomed the Master's grand design. 925 01:49:45,681 --> 01:49:48,301 I alone am worthy to enjoy the fruits 926 01:49:48,588 --> 01:49:53,080 of that discovery: absolute power to determine my own destiny. 927 01:49:53,081 --> 01:49:54,983 You're insane, Boris. Give it back to me! 928 01:49:56,290 --> 01:49:58,437 You, Liana de Saint-Martin, 929 01:49:58,994 --> 01:50:01,603 you're even guiltier than the rest of this pathetic rabble. 930 01:50:02,168 --> 01:50:05,643 You have at least some idea of what this book can do in the right hands. 931 01:50:05,727 --> 01:50:09,167 Yet you grant yourself to this farsical proceedings, 932 01:50:09,168 --> 01:50:11,065 to these orgies of aging flesh 933 01:50:11,066 --> 01:50:14,258 conducted in the Master's name. You're a charlatan! 934 01:50:41,834 --> 01:50:43,870 Don't Corso, don't! 935 01:50:53,269 --> 01:50:54,618 Let it be. 936 01:51:28,800 --> 01:51:29,931 What is it with you? 937 01:51:30,192 --> 01:51:33,409 He just murdered someone in public. You're off the hook 938 01:51:33,756 --> 01:51:36,492 for the other killings. You should be grateful. 939 01:51:36,628 --> 01:51:37,584 I'm ecstatic! 940 01:51:37,802 --> 01:51:39,369 You're out of the job, it's over. 941 01:51:39,629 --> 01:51:41,368 - What more do you want? - You know what. 942 01:51:45,254 --> 01:51:46,259 Wait for me! 943 01:52:08,064 --> 01:52:09,988 Not taking me for a ride? 944 01:52:10,489 --> 01:52:12,233 You were working for him all along. 945 01:52:12,308 --> 01:52:14,165 Funny, I thought you were. 946 01:53:01,158 --> 01:53:02,246 Shit! 947 01:54:43,416 --> 01:54:45,798 - Here you are sir. All's dry. - Thanks madam. 948 01:54:47,352 --> 01:54:49,030 - Excuse me? - Yes? 949 01:54:51,462 --> 01:54:53,072 Where is that? 950 01:54:56,115 --> 01:54:58,421 Bernard I need you to show something to... 951 01:55:07,940 --> 01:55:08,849 Here it is. 952 01:57:13,804 --> 01:57:16,805 Yes, that's it. 953 01:57:21,632 --> 01:57:23,589 Exactly. 954 01:57:24,728 --> 01:57:27,037 One, 955 01:57:27,217 --> 01:57:28,183 four, 956 01:57:28,459 --> 01:57:29,224 three, 957 01:57:30,286 --> 01:57:31,461 six, 958 01:57:32,026 --> 01:57:33,244 seven, 959 01:57:33,766 --> 01:57:35,027 five, 960 01:57:35,375 --> 01:57:38,550 eight, two, nine. 961 01:57:40,028 --> 01:57:42,952 The enigma is solved at last. 962 01:57:44,318 --> 01:57:48,422 "To travel in silence by a long, unsecured road 963 01:57:48,639 --> 01:57:53,076 to brave the arrows of misfortune and fear neither noose or fire, 964 01:57:53,292 --> 01:57:55,718 to play the greatest of all games and win, 965 01:57:55,774 --> 01:57:58,044 forgoing no expense 966 01:57:58,472 --> 01:58:00,138 is to walk the vicissitudes of Fate 967 01:58:00,139 --> 01:58:01,842 and gain at last the key 968 01:58:02,588 --> 01:58:07,418 that will unlock the Ninth Gate ". 969 01:58:12,871 --> 01:58:13,713 Corso? 970 01:58:14,385 --> 01:58:17,125 What were you expecting? An apparition? 971 01:58:18,836 --> 01:58:21,700 You're not wanted here Mr. Corso. Leave. 972 01:58:22,677 --> 01:58:25,263 I'm the only apparition you'll see tonight. 973 01:58:26,088 --> 01:58:28,264 You'll find a check waiting in my New York office, 974 01:58:28,496 --> 01:58:29,751 payment in full. 975 01:58:30,608 --> 01:58:33,825 You've killed for those. They're worth more than money. 976 01:58:34,043 --> 01:58:37,874 Infinitely more, but they happen to be mine, 977 01:58:38,087 --> 01:58:39,072 not yours. 978 01:58:41,044 --> 01:58:42,958 Do you know something, Corso? 979 01:58:44,045 --> 01:58:45,872 In spite of our differences 980 01:58:46,611 --> 01:58:48,699 I have a sort of bug for you. 981 01:58:49,138 --> 01:58:51,855 - I'm touched. - We have something in common, you and I. 982 01:58:52,336 --> 01:58:56,703 We share the same passion. You've developed the same obsession, haven't you? 983 01:58:57,480 --> 01:59:01,188 Unfortunately for you only one of us is destined to fulfil it. 984 01:59:01,239 --> 01:59:03,965 You're out of your depth. Kindly go. 985 01:59:05,051 --> 01:59:08,530 - I'm not leaving here empty handed. - Don't even think about it. 986 01:59:10,250 --> 01:59:11,428 Stand aside. 987 01:59:12,618 --> 01:59:14,415 I credited you with more finesse. 988 01:59:14,671 --> 01:59:17,635 - You heard me? Stand back! - Put that away, it's not your style. 989 01:59:17,749 --> 01:59:18,822 Don't come near! 990 01:59:40,669 --> 01:59:43,365 Seems you found your proper niche at last. 991 01:59:44,107 --> 01:59:45,009 I like that. 992 01:59:46,279 --> 01:59:47,279 Now, 993 01:59:48,947 --> 01:59:50,585 you can watch. 994 01:59:58,950 --> 02:00:01,892 I'm entering an uncharted territory. 995 02:00:02,332 --> 02:00:07,067 taking the road that leads to equality with God. 996 02:00:22,984 --> 02:00:26,420 You can't come with me. I must travel alone. 997 02:00:26,637 --> 02:00:30,421 But you may look on me and marvel. 998 02:00:30,682 --> 02:00:33,726 - That's very kind of you. - Indeed it is. 999 02:00:36,857 --> 02:00:39,815 There have been men who have been burned alive 1000 02:00:40,032 --> 02:00:43,250 or disembowelled for just a glimpse 1001 02:00:43,686 --> 02:00:47,991 of what you are about to witness. 1002 02:00:56,079 --> 02:00:58,341 I give you my allegiance, Master. 1003 02:00:58,733 --> 02:01:01,386 I pledge myself to you body and soul. 1004 02:01:01,603 --> 02:01:05,038 Let me fear neither noose, nor fire nor poison. 1005 02:01:05,256 --> 02:01:09,388 Erase me from the Book of Life, inscribe me in the Black Book of Death. 1006 02:01:09,605 --> 02:01:12,779 Admit me to the Ninth Gate. 1007 02:01:12,997 --> 02:01:14,432 Let it be so. 1008 02:01:17,521 --> 02:01:20,217 Let it be so now! 1009 02:01:34,916 --> 02:01:38,656 I feel the power surge through me like an electric current, 1010 02:01:38,873 --> 02:01:40,917 rendering me capable of any feat 1011 02:01:40,918 --> 02:01:42,473 of mind or body. 1012 02:01:42,613 --> 02:01:45,737 I'm invulnerable, I'm invincible! 1013 02:01:47,876 --> 02:01:51,660 I can float on air, I can walk on water. 1014 02:01:57,700 --> 02:01:59,662 I'm plunging my hands in fire, 1015 02:02:00,010 --> 02:02:01,314 I feel no heat! 1016 02:02:02,272 --> 02:02:04,141 This is great, here's another one. 1017 02:02:16,522 --> 02:02:22,571 Sic dedo me. Sic exeo me! Sic damno me! 1018 02:02:25,234 --> 02:02:27,060 It's miraculous! 1019 02:02:27,669 --> 02:02:30,365 I feel nothing, nothing at all! 1020 02:05:41,199 --> 02:05:42,329 Is that it? 1021 02:05:43,764 --> 02:05:45,069 Is the game over? 1022 02:05:45,721 --> 02:05:48,418 For Balkan yes. Not for you. 1023 02:05:48,435 --> 02:05:50,258 Why didn't it work for Balkan? 1024 02:05:50,326 --> 02:05:52,636 The ninth engraving was a forgery. 1025 02:05:56,116 --> 02:05:57,377 Where is the real one? 1026 02:05:59,678 --> 02:06:00,824 I want it. 1027 02:06:03,900 --> 02:06:05,466 You're running low in gas. 1028 02:07:37,889 --> 02:07:42,511 - Hello. Ceniza brothers. - Sorry? 1029 02:07:43,113 --> 02:07:48,227 - Ceniza brothers? - Pepe Lopez. Ricardo Herrera. 1030 02:07:49,018 --> 02:07:49,873 Sure... 1031 02:07:51,770 --> 02:07:53,253 Do you speak English? 1032 02:13:06,067 --> 02:13:06,067 # Transcripted and synched by lyliakar #