1 00:01:43,645 --> 00:01:46,688 Ton, will you get that? 2 00:01:50,110 --> 00:01:52,236 - Hello. - Tony, it's me. 3 00:01:53,613 --> 00:01:54,988 Don't hang up. 4 00:01:56,616 --> 00:01:59,243 Why are you calling here? You know who could answer this phone? 5 00:01:59,452 --> 00:02:04,123 Please. You're so conceited. Do you think I want to call you? 6 00:02:04,290 --> 00:02:07,960 I think you're drinking and dialing. I can smell the Stoli from here. 7 00:02:08,169 --> 00:02:11,922 Yell to your sister, not to me. My poor cousin... 8 00:02:12,132 --> 00:02:14,466 ...has not had her prosthetic leg. 9 00:02:14,676 --> 00:02:17,511 - What do you want me to do? - Tony, please. 10 00:02:17,720 --> 00:02:22,141 I miss you so much. Can't you come over here? 11 00:02:22,350 --> 00:02:24,476 Don't you ever call here again. 12 00:02:29,023 --> 00:02:32,359 - Didn't you see my favorite patient? - Tomorrow. 13 00:02:32,569 --> 00:02:36,029 - How's that going? - Let's not, Richard. 14 00:02:36,239 --> 00:02:39,783 - I wish you hadn't taken him back. - I took you back. 15 00:02:39,993 --> 00:02:43,787 I see the synergy. Treat him, we start seeing each other. 16 00:02:43,997 --> 00:02:46,456 - Richard, Richard. - No, seriously. 17 00:02:46,666 --> 00:02:50,502 If you want to know, he had a breakthrough last week. 18 00:02:50,712 --> 00:02:55,716 - What? Through somebody's jaw? - You're right, I'm wasting my time. 19 00:02:55,967 --> 00:02:59,803 Better I boycott with the Italian American Foundation... 20 00:03:00,013 --> 00:03:05,434 ...and save the world from what is it this week? Gangster? 21 00:03:05,810 --> 00:03:11,231 The very idea ABC would even think of producing that stereotypical goombah fest. 22 00:03:11,441 --> 00:03:16,820 Richard, we are an advertisement for the American experiment. We did great. 23 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:22,409 I'm fed up with people assuming I'm a thug because my name ends in a vowel. 24 00:03:22,702 --> 00:03:26,205 Undershirts, yelling. Hollywood gives these sociopaths... 25 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:29,082 ...the tragic grandeur of Al Pacino. 26 00:03:29,292 --> 00:03:32,711 He's an expert at this. The guy's conning you. 27 00:03:33,213 --> 00:03:37,799 Condescend to me, Richard. It gets me so hot. 28 00:03:39,219 --> 00:03:43,513 Tell me about this breakthrough. You said he's alexithymic. 29 00:03:43,723 --> 00:03:45,224 Nothing will get through. 30 00:03:45,391 --> 00:03:50,103 Not if it threatens that straw house he's built inside his head to shelter his criminality. 31 00:03:50,313 --> 00:03:55,442 It concerns me you don't see this. Pink-slip this guy. He's dangerous. 32 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:58,862 I'll pink-slip you if you don't get the chicken in the oven. 33 00:04:02,825 --> 00:04:04,952 Is that new? 34 00:04:06,162 --> 00:04:08,872 - Looks good. - Did you bring your log? 35 00:04:10,625 --> 00:04:15,003 - My log? - Remember? You were to keep a record. 36 00:04:15,255 --> 00:04:17,673 I asked you to write down any feelings... 37 00:04:17,924 --> 00:04:22,010 ...of anxiety or memories of past anxiety attacks. 38 00:04:22,262 --> 00:04:25,138 My parents and the pork store. I know. 39 00:04:25,348 --> 00:04:29,142 That was... it was interesting. 40 00:04:30,061 --> 00:04:33,188 Have you thought at all about that? 41 00:04:34,023 --> 00:04:37,442 - How do people find the time? - To get well? 42 00:04:41,656 --> 00:04:46,493 Look, my mother's dead. I haven't had a panic attack since. 43 00:04:46,786 --> 00:04:51,581 You've gone months without them before. The conflicts that cause them... 44 00:04:51,791 --> 00:04:55,335 ...and your depression are buried deep inside you. 45 00:04:57,588 --> 00:05:01,049 - Are you happy? - Am I happy? 46 00:05:01,926 --> 00:05:04,094 That's not even... 47 00:05:06,514 --> 00:05:11,476 Look, I'm sorry I didn't bring the list. 48 00:05:11,686 --> 00:05:13,395 I'll bring it next week. 49 00:05:18,651 --> 00:05:21,320 Will you ever think about bringing your wife into this? 50 00:05:21,487 --> 00:05:23,697 In here? Carmela? 51 00:05:23,906 --> 00:05:27,951 You're the one who wanted to take a more proactive approach. 52 00:05:28,161 --> 00:05:30,287 That's not in the future. 53 00:05:31,456 --> 00:05:36,877 Let's talk frankly. You demanded more of me. Fine. 54 00:05:38,129 --> 00:05:41,340 - But you're not trying. - I know. 55 00:05:41,507 --> 00:05:42,924 The past. 56 00:05:45,345 --> 00:05:49,639 But shit happens in my daily life that needs attention now. 57 00:05:49,849 --> 00:05:53,143 I got some genuine concerns, you know. 58 00:05:53,353 --> 00:05:57,773 About my son. He shies away from anything that requires effort... 59 00:05:57,982 --> 00:06:00,609 ...and I think he picks that up from me. 60 00:06:00,860 --> 00:06:05,197 He's in football now. Carmela's as guilty about this as I am. 61 00:06:05,406 --> 00:06:06,615 She indulges him. 62 00:06:08,910 --> 00:06:10,744 Richard was right. 63 00:06:10,995 --> 00:06:14,915 I've been charmed by a sociopath. Why didn't I listen? 64 00:06:15,124 --> 00:06:16,416 Why do you think? 65 00:06:16,626 --> 00:06:20,170 Why did I reject a good man like Richard in the first place? 66 00:06:20,380 --> 00:06:23,590 If you think about my life, it's so textbook. 67 00:06:23,800 --> 00:06:26,218 Marry a man 10 years my senior. 68 00:06:26,427 --> 00:06:31,056 Of course Richard's gonna be protective and patriarchal. 69 00:06:31,307 --> 00:06:34,142 Then I reject him for being just that. 70 00:06:34,394 --> 00:06:37,646 There's nothing wrong with wanting to be safe. 71 00:06:37,897 --> 00:06:41,191 I know Richard's right. I should get Tony Soprano... 72 00:06:42,443 --> 00:06:43,652 Shit. 73 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:49,282 I always thought it was that other guy. Little Augie Aprile. 74 00:06:50,535 --> 00:06:54,496 - I can't believe I revealed his name. - Why did you? 75 00:06:57,041 --> 00:06:59,501 Does Richard know who he is? 76 00:06:59,752 --> 00:07:04,714 I think he saw it in my Day-Timer. That's why he's been so adamant. 77 00:07:04,966 --> 00:07:07,926 Because Soprano is very high up. 78 00:07:08,094 --> 00:07:11,304 If he was some button man you wouldn't treat him? 79 00:07:11,514 --> 00:07:13,682 Please, with the terminology. 80 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:19,896 You know psychotherapy is limited in the treatment of anxiety disorder. 81 00:07:20,231 --> 00:07:25,444 You've medicated Soprano and helped him gain what insight he's able to absorb. 82 00:07:25,653 --> 00:07:29,156 It's time to send him on to a behaviorist. 83 00:07:46,966 --> 00:07:48,258 Janice! 84 00:07:59,645 --> 00:08:01,229 Janice. 85 00:08:05,151 --> 00:08:06,693 I was cleaning up. 86 00:08:06,986 --> 00:08:09,196 When did you change the locks? 87 00:08:09,489 --> 00:08:13,241 The minute that Ukrainian dye-job was out the door. 88 00:08:14,410 --> 00:08:16,995 Don't mess with the Russians, Janice. 89 00:08:17,246 --> 00:08:21,666 She can have her leg when she returns Ma's record collection. 90 00:08:21,876 --> 00:08:27,255 - You would've done the same thing. - I'm getting calls from her cousin. 91 00:08:27,507 --> 00:08:29,716 Miss Carburetor Works of 1987? 92 00:08:29,926 --> 00:08:33,345 Don't fuck with me on this. Give back the leg. 93 00:08:33,596 --> 00:08:38,433 Tony, those records are yours too. It's sad that you don't care. 94 00:08:38,643 --> 00:08:43,230 Those old albums... They're a window into Ma's soul. 95 00:08:44,607 --> 00:08:47,651 In fact, I'm making a documentary. 96 00:08:48,611 --> 00:08:52,239 World War II generation's music, exemplified by Ma. 97 00:08:52,448 --> 00:08:56,535 Who are you kidding? You're gonna sell them on the Internet! 98 00:08:56,702 --> 00:08:59,454 - I have work to do. - Cleaning the cellar. 99 00:08:59,705 --> 00:09:04,084 Good luck finding gold. You'd make more money working a real job. 100 00:09:04,293 --> 00:09:10,423 Like the minute I'm out you won't have contractors tearing apart the walls. 101 00:09:10,633 --> 00:09:12,342 Oh, Janice. 102 00:09:25,815 --> 00:09:27,148 EH-EH-EH. 103 00:09:29,193 --> 00:09:34,072 You finished? I wanna meet my bud at the gym, we're gonna spar. 104 00:09:35,992 --> 00:09:38,410 You got a girlfriend? 105 00:09:39,787 --> 00:09:44,833 You know who's turning into a little mink, though? Meadow Soprano. 106 00:09:45,084 --> 00:09:46,793 Look at him perk up. 107 00:09:47,003 --> 00:09:50,755 - I've known her since we were kids. - Speaking of the royal family... 108 00:09:50,965 --> 00:09:53,341 I heard you did a stickup with Chris. 109 00:09:53,593 --> 00:09:57,137 I wanted to fly to South Beach. Mom wouldn't pay. 110 00:09:57,346 --> 00:09:59,764 Don't worry. I'm won't tell her. 111 00:10:00,391 --> 00:10:02,434 Look, kid... 112 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:06,479 I'm trying real hard here. 113 00:10:07,273 --> 00:10:09,024 I know it's tough on you. 114 00:10:09,233 --> 00:10:12,611 - I'm the guy that's dating your mom. - Dating? 115 00:10:12,862 --> 00:10:14,946 Don't get fucking filthy about it. 116 00:10:17,867 --> 00:10:19,701 Anyway this... 117 00:10:20,453 --> 00:10:24,247 This was a good idea she had, us going out to dinner. 118 00:10:24,457 --> 00:10:27,959 Not that one conversation ever solved anybody's problems. 119 00:10:28,210 --> 00:10:32,339 I'm only here so I don't have to hear her bitching and crying. 120 00:10:34,675 --> 00:10:36,343 The gym, huh? 121 00:10:41,891 --> 00:10:44,267 Mind if I make a stop first? 122 00:10:53,152 --> 00:10:55,695 My brother is out. He said you knew. 123 00:10:55,905 --> 00:10:57,864 I get the bad-tempered one. 124 00:10:58,157 --> 00:11:01,451 Bashir said that this payment could be late... 125 00:11:01,661 --> 00:11:03,870 ...because we had truck problems. 126 00:11:04,080 --> 00:11:06,665 Three of them needed new hydraulics. 127 00:11:06,874 --> 00:11:10,085 - Nobody talked to me. - He said you approved. 128 00:11:10,336 --> 00:11:14,255 You're collecting on my routes. You gotta pay me. 129 00:11:14,465 --> 00:11:16,925 They're only your routes because you say they are. 130 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:21,388 You wanna question New Jersey business practice that goes back 70 years? 131 00:11:23,140 --> 00:11:24,224 Hey! 132 00:11:24,350 --> 00:11:26,434 What is this, Ralphie? 133 00:11:26,686 --> 00:11:29,521 I ought to stick a shish kebab up your ass. 134 00:11:30,690 --> 00:11:33,233 Why do you provoke me? 135 00:11:33,484 --> 00:11:35,819 This young buck. 136 00:11:37,488 --> 00:11:40,490 He'll fuck your wife until she moans. 137 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:45,704 - You fucking wop. You began it. - What did you call me? 138 00:11:45,871 --> 00:11:48,581 - Bringing my wife in this! - Put it down! 139 00:11:48,791 --> 00:11:50,625 - Mister, come on! - Hey! 140 00:11:51,252 --> 00:11:51,876 OW! 141 00:11:51,919 --> 00:11:54,212 - Get the fucking bat! - Let go! 142 00:11:56,257 --> 00:11:58,341 - You all right? - Asshole! 143 00:11:58,551 --> 00:12:01,803 School this prick. In the breadbasket! 144 00:12:03,013 --> 00:12:07,100 Good, kid. Introduce him to his desk. 145 00:12:09,729 --> 00:12:12,439 Take an anger management course. 146 00:12:12,648 --> 00:12:14,232 Fucking racial slurs. 147 00:12:14,483 --> 00:12:16,359 Why you doing this to me? 148 00:12:23,033 --> 00:12:25,410 That's what you get for using a baseball bat. 149 00:12:32,418 --> 00:12:33,918 Let's go, kid. 150 00:12:50,060 --> 00:12:54,647 - Yeah? - Ginny. It's Tony Soprano. 151 00:12:55,399 --> 00:13:00,361 What's wrong with me? I'm a mess here with the moving. I'll get John. 152 00:13:03,157 --> 00:13:07,660 John! John, get down here! You got company! 153 00:13:08,412 --> 00:13:10,497 Look who's here. 154 00:13:10,790 --> 00:13:14,083 - The guinea welcome wagon. - This is for you. 155 00:13:14,293 --> 00:13:17,879 Carmela's bringing something nice to the housewarming for Ginny. 156 00:13:21,717 --> 00:13:25,428 This is the Great Room. I don't see what's so great. 157 00:13:25,679 --> 00:13:28,723 It's mediocre. We got a living room right over there. 158 00:13:31,602 --> 00:13:33,812 I didn't know you were moving. 159 00:13:33,979 --> 00:13:38,191 Ginny wanted to be near her sisters, you know, and the schools out here. 160 00:13:39,819 --> 00:13:43,655 We were with Carmine. You never mentioned this place. 161 00:13:43,864 --> 00:13:46,074 It's not his favorite subject. 162 00:13:46,325 --> 00:13:49,202 It's what, half an hour, 40 minutes over the bridge? 163 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:53,164 Why didn't you say you were moving? 164 00:13:53,415 --> 00:13:55,875 - Why? - I gotta find out second hand? 165 00:13:56,126 --> 00:13:58,920 You care? You working in a tollbooth? 166 00:13:59,129 --> 00:14:01,673 Besides, I already got the condo in Point Pleasant. 167 00:14:03,425 --> 00:14:06,427 - You should have told me. - I'm telling you now. 168 00:14:06,637 --> 00:14:11,349 This is a place to live. I got no intention of sticking my beak in. 169 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:15,103 I mean, there's our family and then there's the Soprano family. 170 00:14:17,481 --> 00:14:20,066 Don't I get to see the rest of this? 171 00:14:20,276 --> 00:14:23,027 You can help me unstick this rain bird. 172 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:26,197 I'm a stranger in a strange land out here. 173 00:14:38,586 --> 00:14:40,628 Look at this pair. 174 00:14:41,797 --> 00:14:45,008 How many Neapolitans to screw in a light bulb? 175 00:14:45,259 --> 00:14:50,013 There's only candles in Naples. The cardinal controls that racket. 176 00:14:50,764 --> 00:14:52,891 That's a good one. 177 00:14:53,142 --> 00:14:55,184 Use it on your paesans. 178 00:14:55,394 --> 00:14:59,772 We don't have those bulb jokes. They don't translate. 179 00:15:00,733 --> 00:15:03,693 Tony, I go get a cappuccino. 180 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:06,070 Two thousand of that is mine. 181 00:15:06,280 --> 00:15:09,407 Sand monkey on 17 is holding out on us. 182 00:15:09,658 --> 00:15:13,661 - So you put his brother in an ambulance? - He said a bad word. 183 00:15:13,913 --> 00:15:17,999 Why would you take Jackie's kid on something like that? 184 00:15:18,208 --> 00:15:21,920 He's got to know how it works. Kid's got a chip on his shoulder. 185 00:15:22,087 --> 00:15:24,339 23 and still living at home? 186 00:15:24,465 --> 00:15:27,425 So he can keep an eye on the prick that's banging his mom. 187 00:15:29,428 --> 00:15:32,680 No matter how nice I am, he still hates me. 188 00:15:32,932 --> 00:15:36,351 I got a daughter that age. It's all a mystery. 189 00:15:36,560 --> 00:15:37,644 Amen. 190 00:15:37,937 --> 00:15:41,147 Being a parent, that's the hardest job. 191 00:15:41,357 --> 00:15:43,608 It's harder than this other shit. 192 00:15:43,817 --> 00:15:49,113 - Like my first marriage and my kid... - I got news you're not gonna like. 193 00:15:50,074 --> 00:15:53,534 - I'm putting our friend in as captain. - What? 194 00:15:56,997 --> 00:15:58,373 No. 195 00:16:01,877 --> 00:16:05,171 - Fucking Gigi, are you shitting me? - I'm sorry. 196 00:16:06,173 --> 00:16:11,094 This shit with the Arab? I went too far. I'll take care of it. 197 00:16:11,303 --> 00:16:12,762 This isn't the first. 198 00:16:12,972 --> 00:16:18,393 At least tell the truth. You want your own there to spy on the Aprile crew. 199 00:16:18,602 --> 00:16:20,979 Yeah. But I shouldn't have to. 200 00:16:21,605 --> 00:16:25,566 You got bad tendencies. I sympathize because I do too. 201 00:16:25,776 --> 00:16:29,654 You partnering with Joe Brooklyn on shit at the port. 202 00:16:29,863 --> 00:16:31,072 A bum decision. 203 00:16:31,281 --> 00:16:34,367 The bottom line speaks. I'm earning my ass off for you. 204 00:16:34,618 --> 00:16:35,910 It's my decision. 205 00:16:37,496 --> 00:16:42,667 Jesus Christ, Ton. I eat dinner at your house. 206 00:16:42,876 --> 00:16:44,377 This is business. 207 00:16:52,261 --> 00:16:54,303 See? Turned it off. 208 00:16:56,557 --> 00:17:00,143 I've been thinking about your course of therapy. 209 00:17:00,352 --> 00:17:02,103 You're the doctor. 210 00:17:04,231 --> 00:17:08,276 You're ready to move on to behavior modification therapy. 211 00:17:08,694 --> 00:17:10,987 What's that mean? Talk to somebody else? 212 00:17:12,823 --> 00:17:14,907 Is this because of what happened last time? 213 00:17:18,203 --> 00:17:23,374 Look, I'm sorry. But like you said, it's hard to think about that stuff. 214 00:17:23,584 --> 00:17:27,128 - It took how long to even remember? - I realize that. 215 00:17:27,337 --> 00:17:31,924 You know, you're unbelievable. I ask you to get serious in here. 216 00:17:32,134 --> 00:17:35,094 When it gets hard, you pawn me off on somebody else. 217 00:17:39,308 --> 00:17:44,562 I'm just introducing the idea. Something for you to think about. 218 00:17:44,730 --> 00:17:50,151 I'm going to bring in things for you about behavior modification therapy. 219 00:17:54,073 --> 00:17:56,657 Yes, he was here earlier today. 220 00:17:56,867 --> 00:18:00,995 Yes, we talked about behavior mod, but... 221 00:18:01,205 --> 00:18:03,289 Maybe you could. 222 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:07,877 Listen, I told you I would discharge him... 223 00:18:08,087 --> 00:18:11,672 ...and I will, in my own good time. 224 00:18:12,925 --> 00:18:17,845 I'm going into the garage. I'm gonna lose you. See you later. 225 00:18:27,439 --> 00:18:29,607 Shut up. Don't turn around. 226 00:18:29,775 --> 00:18:33,194 I said, shut up. I got a knife. I'll cut you, bitch. 227 00:18:33,695 --> 00:18:34,529 AH! 228 00:18:34,863 --> 00:18:35,905 Help! 229 00:18:38,200 --> 00:18:41,119 - Get off! - Shut up! 230 00:18:45,165 --> 00:18:47,583 - I'll give you all my money. - Get in! 231 00:18:51,630 --> 00:18:54,215 - No! - Shut up! 232 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:57,135 - Get the panties off. - Stop! 233 00:18:57,302 --> 00:19:01,013 - I'm gonna fuck you, bitch! - No! 234 00:19:04,393 --> 00:19:07,019 Please! No! 235 00:19:08,647 --> 00:19:10,606 You fucking bitch! 236 00:19:14,653 --> 00:19:18,614 Stop it! 237 00:19:38,177 --> 00:19:41,179 She's almost done. We just need a few more swabs. 238 00:19:43,265 --> 00:19:46,976 - For God's sake, Jen. - Richard. 239 00:19:51,106 --> 00:19:53,733 You're gonna be all right. 240 00:19:53,984 --> 00:19:56,986 I thought that I broke my leg... 241 00:19:57,237 --> 00:20:01,782 ...but it's just really badly sprained. 242 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:06,037 Jesus. Oh, God. 243 00:20:07,122 --> 00:20:08,206 Bastard. 244 00:20:08,373 --> 00:20:11,584 - Did they tell you they caught him? - Thank God. 245 00:20:11,793 --> 00:20:16,339 We nabbed somebody with the description not far from the scene. 246 00:20:16,548 --> 00:20:19,550 He's denying it, but he had her Palm Pilot. 247 00:20:19,968 --> 00:20:21,886 Says he found it. 248 00:20:22,137 --> 00:20:25,973 This is Detective Piersol. She's been great. 249 00:20:26,600 --> 00:20:30,311 - There's no way to describe this. - Of course. 250 00:20:30,562 --> 00:20:34,106 - The son of a bitch. Who is he? - Jesus Rossi. 251 00:20:34,316 --> 00:20:38,152 - Rossi? - Lives in Elizabeth. 28, no priors. 252 00:20:38,362 --> 00:20:41,739 - That's an Italian name. - Am I missing something? 253 00:20:41,949 --> 00:20:45,785 The girl said he was a Puerto Rican, that's all. 254 00:20:46,036 --> 00:20:50,373 - I just wanna take a shower, okay? - We'll be done here soon. 255 00:20:50,916 --> 00:20:52,083 All right. 256 00:20:52,751 --> 00:20:53,751 Mom! 257 00:20:53,961 --> 00:20:57,505 - Jason. - Jesus, Mom. 258 00:20:58,298 --> 00:21:00,716 What did these lousy fuckers do? 259 00:21:01,802 --> 00:21:03,261 I'll be all right. 260 00:21:03,470 --> 00:21:06,180 I'm gonna kill these fuckers. 261 00:21:06,306 --> 00:21:07,682 - Jason. - Fuck it, Dad! 262 00:21:07,891 --> 00:21:11,602 You know the world is a sewer! Nothing but a sewer! 263 00:21:11,812 --> 00:21:15,564 It's animals out there running wild! They're winning! 264 00:21:15,774 --> 00:21:19,193 The police caught the man that did it. 265 00:21:19,403 --> 00:21:22,571 I want five minutes with that asshole! 266 00:21:22,781 --> 00:21:24,824 She doesn't need to hear it. 267 00:21:25,033 --> 00:21:27,326 Why don't you go outside and settle down? I'll be right out. 268 00:21:27,494 --> 00:21:28,744 Go ahead. 269 00:21:35,836 --> 00:21:39,380 - Hello? - May I speak to Anthony Soprano? 270 00:21:39,631 --> 00:21:42,550 He's not available now. Who's calling? 271 00:21:42,801 --> 00:21:47,847 This is Jennifer Melfi. Is this Mrs. Soprano? 272 00:21:48,807 --> 00:21:50,725 Yes, it is. How are you? 273 00:21:50,934 --> 00:21:54,520 That's why I'm calling, to cancel his appointment. 274 00:21:54,730 --> 00:21:57,523 He'll be disappointed. Nothing serious, I hope. 275 00:21:58,567 --> 00:22:00,735 A car accident, but I'm fine. 276 00:22:00,944 --> 00:22:05,197 I hope they had insurance. You weren't hurt, I hope? 277 00:22:05,407 --> 00:22:10,703 My knee got the worst of it. But I'll be up and about in a couple of days. 278 00:22:10,912 --> 00:22:13,622 I'll tell him. You stay off of it. 279 00:22:13,832 --> 00:22:15,124 Who ate the cake? 280 00:22:15,334 --> 00:22:17,126 Thank you, I will. 281 00:22:17,336 --> 00:22:20,171 Thank you for giving him the message. 282 00:22:22,132 --> 00:22:24,508 That's gotta be some marriage. 283 00:22:24,760 --> 00:22:27,678 Hello, Kate? This is Jennifer Melfi. 284 00:22:27,888 --> 00:22:32,641 I know talking on the phone upsets you, but I need to cancel our appointment. 285 00:22:34,644 --> 00:22:38,356 - Tell him what? - That was your therapist. 286 00:22:39,024 --> 00:22:42,651 Why don't you just announce it on WFAN? Go find some dust! 287 00:22:44,571 --> 00:22:47,782 She was in a car accident. She has to cancel. 288 00:22:48,241 --> 00:22:52,286 - She all right? - She was okay. She hurt her knee. 289 00:22:52,496 --> 00:22:56,749 Her knee? Really? What happened? 290 00:22:56,958 --> 00:22:58,751 I don't know. She didn't say. 291 00:23:01,880 --> 00:23:07,009 I hope she don't need stitches. Stitches on the knee never heal right. 292 00:23:07,219 --> 00:23:09,095 Can leave a very bad scar. 293 00:23:12,099 --> 00:23:14,683 Any knee injury can be very serious. 294 00:23:14,935 --> 00:23:18,813 You can get arthritis for the rest of your life. 295 00:23:19,231 --> 00:23:21,899 - Ask Joe Namath. - No, thanks. 296 00:23:26,530 --> 00:23:30,282 Listen, last time... 297 00:23:30,492 --> 00:23:35,538 ...she mentioned that maybe you would come into my therapy. 298 00:23:36,748 --> 00:23:41,460 Give your perspective on the panic attacks and kind of... 299 00:23:42,421 --> 00:23:46,132 ...our home life. Whatever. 300 00:23:48,593 --> 00:23:49,635 Sure. 301 00:23:51,763 --> 00:23:53,681 But not now. She's sick. 302 00:24:01,857 --> 00:24:05,526 - They call yet? - No, not yet. 303 00:24:06,820 --> 00:24:08,988 I thought they'd call by now. 304 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:14,452 They said they'd call when they want us to come down. 305 00:24:14,953 --> 00:24:20,332 Look, I'm gonna call them. Where's that detective's card? 306 00:24:20,584 --> 00:24:24,211 They said they'd call. I don't want to bother them. 307 00:24:24,463 --> 00:24:28,841 I'm not gonna let you just wait here. I'm gonna call them. 308 00:24:32,554 --> 00:24:34,972 Hello. Hi, Detective Piersol? 309 00:24:35,223 --> 00:24:38,100 I'm on hold. 310 00:24:42,230 --> 00:24:46,817 She is? Then maybe you can help me. This is Dr. La Penna. 311 00:24:47,027 --> 00:24:49,528 I'm calling for Jennifer Melfi. 312 00:24:49,738 --> 00:24:53,282 The rape. Right, Detective Piersol was gonna call... 313 00:24:53,533 --> 00:24:56,827 ...when you were ready for us to come down. 314 00:24:57,078 --> 00:24:59,038 What? Why not? 315 00:24:59,998 --> 00:25:01,415 What's going on? 316 00:25:01,625 --> 00:25:05,044 - Why? That's ridiculous. - What happened? 317 00:25:05,253 --> 00:25:07,546 It isn't Piersol. She's moved. 318 00:25:07,756 --> 00:25:09,507 She never said anything. 319 00:25:09,716 --> 00:25:12,801 You just let him go? Are you fucking crazy? 320 00:25:13,053 --> 00:25:16,514 Yes, I do need to use this kind of language! 321 00:25:16,765 --> 00:25:19,600 - I don't care if you're sorry. - Richard. 322 00:25:19,851 --> 00:25:21,435 Fine, you do that. 323 00:25:21,645 --> 00:25:26,190 You haven't heard the end of this. I'm contacting my attorney. Asshole! 324 00:25:27,859 --> 00:25:30,444 - What? - Chain of custody was mishandled... 325 00:25:30,654 --> 00:25:34,532 ...so they let him go. They let him go? 326 00:25:34,699 --> 00:25:38,160 Somebody misplaced the evidence kit or something... 327 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:41,288 I don't know what they did, those idiots! 328 00:25:41,540 --> 00:25:45,167 Is he just out until the trial? I can identify him. 329 00:25:45,377 --> 00:25:48,712 It's a legal thing. I think they just have to let him skip. 330 00:25:51,091 --> 00:25:54,176 That's impossible. You misunderstood. 331 00:25:54,427 --> 00:25:56,387 Give me the phone. 332 00:25:56,596 --> 00:26:01,058 - I told you what he told me. - Before or after you cursed at him? 333 00:26:01,226 --> 00:26:05,896 - Give me the phone. I'll call them. - All right. I'll call. 334 00:26:13,238 --> 00:26:16,991 Detective Lindheim, please. Yes, I'll hold. 335 00:26:17,242 --> 00:26:18,909 Now it's not even the same cop. 336 00:26:22,205 --> 00:26:27,167 Hello. Dick La Penna again. I want to apologize for losing my temper. 337 00:26:27,419 --> 00:26:30,379 Could I please have the phone? 338 00:26:30,589 --> 00:26:32,131 Just a second. 339 00:26:38,597 --> 00:26:42,600 Hello? I'm sorry, I don't understand what's going on. 340 00:26:42,809 --> 00:26:46,562 I don't know what you people did, but I can identify him. 341 00:26:53,194 --> 00:26:57,031 I don't know what to say. I'm stunned. 342 00:27:03,496 --> 00:27:08,042 They had to let him go... 343 00:27:08,293 --> 00:27:11,337 ...because they fouled up the chain of custody. 344 00:27:12,422 --> 00:27:14,465 What am I gonna do? 345 00:27:14,674 --> 00:27:18,135 You're gonna have someone escort you to your car. 346 00:27:18,345 --> 00:27:23,265 - What's that supposed to mean? - That's what the counselor told me. 347 00:27:23,475 --> 00:27:26,685 Deserted garages are where attacks happen. 348 00:27:26,936 --> 00:27:31,482 You think this is my fault. Do you blame me for what happened? 349 00:27:31,983 --> 00:27:35,319 I told you to call security when it's late. 350 00:27:35,528 --> 00:27:37,780 It wasn't late. 351 00:27:38,156 --> 00:27:41,533 - This isn't doing any good. - Let me tell you something. 352 00:27:41,743 --> 00:27:44,662 If I hadn't have been on the phone with you... 353 00:27:44,871 --> 00:27:48,791 ...maybe I would've seen that guy in the stairwell. 354 00:27:49,042 --> 00:27:52,503 - What? - You and your hard-on about my patient! 355 00:27:53,672 --> 00:27:55,005 So it's my fault? 356 00:27:55,215 --> 00:27:58,300 You should've seen your face... 357 00:27:58,510 --> 00:28:03,931 ...when you heard that that shitbag that raped me had an Italian name. 358 00:28:04,599 --> 00:28:08,519 You're the one who told them he was Puerto Rican. 359 00:28:08,728 --> 00:28:10,979 What difference does it make? 360 00:28:11,189 --> 00:28:13,607 Are you so ashamed of your background... 361 00:28:13,858 --> 00:28:18,696 ...that any misdeed by an Italian somehow damages your self-esteem? 362 00:28:19,197 --> 00:28:20,864 This is so misdirected. 363 00:28:21,074 --> 00:28:25,077 The whole fucking world's about your self-esteem. 364 00:28:25,286 --> 00:28:27,538 Or maybe you don't have enough. 365 00:28:28,039 --> 00:28:29,748 Jennifer, come on. 366 00:28:29,999 --> 00:28:32,292 Fuck you, Richard. 367 00:28:32,544 --> 00:28:33,961 Jen! 368 00:28:44,723 --> 00:28:47,141 How's Ralphie? With you over him? 369 00:28:47,350 --> 00:28:48,600 He busts balls. 370 00:28:48,810 --> 00:28:53,397 He played like it was his idea for me to be Aprile crew captain. 371 00:28:53,606 --> 00:28:56,859 What is he gonna do? Tony cut off his cazzi. 372 00:28:57,068 --> 00:29:01,113 Very prudently. Not that you ain't gonna hear more later. 373 00:29:01,322 --> 00:29:04,992 Most of the conversation was about Johnny moving. 374 00:29:05,243 --> 00:29:07,911 Ginny told Gabriella she needs a big house. 375 00:29:08,121 --> 00:29:12,124 Ginny Sacrimoni? What she needs is her own zip code. 376 00:29:12,333 --> 00:29:16,670 Jersey's a small state. She moves in, she could tip it over. 377 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:18,756 I like something to grab onto. 378 00:29:18,965 --> 00:29:22,342 You grab onto her, your hands will disappear. 379 00:29:22,552 --> 00:29:26,930 - She's so fat, her blood type is Ragú. - When she goes camping... 380 00:29:27,182 --> 00:29:28,807 ...bears hide their food. 381 00:29:29,017 --> 00:29:32,561 When Ginny hauls ass, she's gotta make two trips. 382 00:29:32,771 --> 00:29:36,648 Two guys could fuck her at the same time and never meet. 383 00:29:36,858 --> 00:29:38,567 Johnny! 384 00:29:39,652 --> 00:29:42,154 - Fuck who? - What? 385 00:29:42,363 --> 00:29:43,864 What's so funny? 386 00:29:44,073 --> 00:29:46,992 Nothing. We're just talking about a girl. 387 00:29:47,202 --> 00:29:50,037 Is that all you do, is talk about cooze? 388 00:29:50,288 --> 00:29:54,541 When we're not planting potatoes. Welcome. You wanna drink? 389 00:29:54,793 --> 00:29:57,628 I mean it. You don't keep up with events? 390 00:29:58,379 --> 00:30:00,464 - What? - It's all over 1010 WINS. 391 00:30:00,715 --> 00:30:04,218 It's right there in front of you. Turn it up. 392 00:30:05,053 --> 00:30:09,973 After years of planning and delays, there's good news for Newark. 393 00:30:10,183 --> 00:30:14,603 Coming from the Passaic River where Assemblyman Ronald Zellman... 394 00:30:14,813 --> 00:30:19,483 ...held a press conference to announce the release of $25 million... 395 00:30:19,734 --> 00:30:21,944 ...in state and federal funds. 396 00:30:22,153 --> 00:30:24,404 25 million. 397 00:30:24,864 --> 00:30:30,118 The time has come to return Newark and its waterfront to its past glory. 398 00:30:30,870 --> 00:30:35,165 By the year 2003, this long-neglected stretch of riverfront... 399 00:30:35,375 --> 00:30:39,920 ...will be alive with condominiums, film studios and public parks. 400 00:30:40,171 --> 00:30:42,923 A self-perpetuating revenue base. 401 00:30:43,174 --> 00:30:47,386 The $100 million Newark Museum of Science and Trucking... 402 00:30:47,595 --> 00:30:53,016 ...will serve to make this the attraction of the area and beyond. 403 00:30:53,601 --> 00:30:57,938 This fucking busted valise, he's worth every cent of his cut. 404 00:30:58,147 --> 00:31:00,774 Fucking dry wall contracts alone. 405 00:31:01,401 --> 00:31:03,026 Thank you very much. 406 00:31:13,413 --> 00:31:15,622 Jen, can I come in? 407 00:31:22,088 --> 00:31:23,672 I'm sorry. 408 00:31:27,176 --> 00:31:29,386 I'm just so frustrated. 409 00:31:30,930 --> 00:31:32,055 We both are. 410 00:31:32,265 --> 00:31:36,894 I just want to go find that bastard and kill him with my hands. 411 00:31:37,103 --> 00:31:41,899 And I could and I would. But I can't. 412 00:31:42,942 --> 00:31:46,194 They'd put me in jail, that's how things are. 413 00:31:46,696 --> 00:31:47,946 I know. 414 00:31:55,580 --> 00:31:59,666 - You said Satriale's at 1. - So now you know how it feels. 415 00:31:59,918 --> 00:32:04,713 I know why I'm here and I apologize. I won't let it happen again. 416 00:32:04,839 --> 00:32:06,423 Don't step in that, that's my mother's flowers. 417 00:32:06,549 --> 00:32:07,841 Let's go. 418 00:32:15,308 --> 00:32:18,060 I asked you to watch out for Jackie, Jr. 419 00:32:18,311 --> 00:32:21,688 I said, "Don't let the kid get involved in this." 420 00:32:21,940 --> 00:32:25,359 I hear about a joint, and Jackie's a part of it. 421 00:32:25,568 --> 00:32:30,989 He only drove. I said I was sorry. Let me tell you, he was an asset. 422 00:32:31,366 --> 00:32:35,786 He pissed on the car seats, but he handled himself very good. 423 00:32:35,995 --> 00:32:38,622 You listening? Leave him out of it. 424 00:32:39,499 --> 00:32:42,960 He begged me for a taste. He's the heir apparent. 425 00:32:43,169 --> 00:32:47,339 I don't want him mixed up in this. I promised his old man. 426 00:32:47,548 --> 00:32:51,218 - But it's all right for me? - I didn't say that. 427 00:32:51,469 --> 00:32:56,264 What did you say? The life's good for me, but not for Lord Fuckpants? 428 00:32:56,975 --> 00:33:01,853 Look, he's not suited to it. He's not like you. Like us. 429 00:33:02,522 --> 00:33:05,899 Kids today, they're bored, they're spoiled. 430 00:33:08,778 --> 00:33:13,240 - I promised his old man. - What? You promised him what? 431 00:33:13,992 --> 00:33:15,409 I don't know. 432 00:33:16,744 --> 00:33:18,537 I was his best friend. 433 00:33:20,331 --> 00:33:22,249 Don't bust my balls. 434 00:33:23,376 --> 00:33:25,669 I gotta go make a stop in Nutley. 435 00:33:27,588 --> 00:33:28,922 Come here. 436 00:33:35,263 --> 00:33:36,555 I love you. 437 00:33:37,432 --> 00:33:39,099 You're a good boy. 438 00:33:49,318 --> 00:33:52,612 Lord Fuckpants? Whose moniker is that? 439 00:33:52,864 --> 00:33:55,073 I'm not sure it is a moniker. 440 00:34:31,069 --> 00:34:33,779 Hi. Come on in. 441 00:34:34,697 --> 00:34:39,493 Jesus. What's the other guy look like? 442 00:34:51,464 --> 00:34:54,925 That must have been some accident. What happened? 443 00:34:55,134 --> 00:34:58,929 Someone ran a stop sign on Eisenhower Parkway. 444 00:34:59,514 --> 00:35:03,517 - It was one of those things. - I know a woman with one leg. 445 00:35:03,893 --> 00:35:05,268 Terrible thing. 446 00:35:06,521 --> 00:35:11,942 Last time we met we talked about getting you into behavioral therapy. 447 00:35:12,318 --> 00:35:15,904 I brought a couple of things for you to look at. 448 00:35:18,533 --> 00:35:23,453 "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway." You gotta be fucking kidding me. 449 00:35:26,415 --> 00:35:29,626 The title leaves something to be desired. 450 00:35:33,798 --> 00:35:35,882 It's okay, it's just your... 451 00:35:36,509 --> 00:35:40,262 It's okay. I'm sorry. Sorry. 452 00:35:41,639 --> 00:35:42,889 You want me to? 453 00:35:43,141 --> 00:35:47,561 - It startled me, that's all. - Maybe you came back too soon. 454 00:35:47,770 --> 00:35:51,022 - It's better for me to be busy. - Right. 455 00:35:57,989 --> 00:36:01,241 I'm okay. Really. 456 00:36:02,577 --> 00:36:04,911 And I appreciate your concern. 457 00:36:12,670 --> 00:36:15,255 That's what's wrong with the world. 458 00:36:15,506 --> 00:36:18,466 An innocent person is minding their own business... 459 00:36:18,718 --> 00:36:22,429 ...and some fucking asshole comes out and smashes into them. 460 00:36:25,975 --> 00:36:29,853 - You can't control everything. - You can get pissed off. 461 00:36:30,104 --> 00:36:32,939 And then what? Lose control? 462 00:36:33,191 --> 00:36:36,067 You direct your anger where it belongs. 463 00:36:36,277 --> 00:36:37,986 You have panic attacks. 464 00:36:38,196 --> 00:36:43,617 Panic occurs when feelings of anger, revenge, whatever, overwhelm you. 465 00:36:44,243 --> 00:36:47,204 That's where behavioral therapy comes in. 466 00:36:47,413 --> 00:36:51,082 It can teach you to control those triggers. 467 00:36:53,961 --> 00:36:56,963 How do you get people to do what you want? 468 00:36:57,423 --> 00:37:00,884 You tell your mother it's hers anytime she wants it. 469 00:37:01,636 --> 00:37:05,597 - How was your cousin's shower? - It sounded like a bunch of screaming. 470 00:37:05,806 --> 00:37:09,726 I wondered whose Z24 was in the driveway. You get a car? 471 00:37:09,894 --> 00:37:11,519 Yeah. 472 00:37:12,313 --> 00:37:14,898 Where did I put the sleeves to that samovar? 473 00:37:17,151 --> 00:37:20,946 - You want anything? A Coke? - No, I'm set, Ton. 474 00:37:21,239 --> 00:37:24,074 I heard Ralph Cifaretto got passed over. 475 00:37:24,325 --> 00:37:26,076 You heard about what? Who? 476 00:37:26,285 --> 00:37:28,912 I'm saying that was probably smart. 477 00:37:29,163 --> 00:37:33,291 - He's kind of a cool guy... - That's none of your concern. 478 00:37:33,542 --> 00:37:37,087 You were going to college. I hear shit from Chris? 479 00:37:37,296 --> 00:37:40,966 - You didn't talk to Chris. Shit. - That's right. 480 00:37:42,009 --> 00:37:44,010 I promised your dad. 481 00:37:44,262 --> 00:37:47,681 Don't make this hard. I got a son to bust my balls. 482 00:37:47,932 --> 00:37:49,599 I'm home! 483 00:37:51,060 --> 00:37:52,269 Ma? 484 00:37:53,688 --> 00:37:56,398 Hey, Jackie. What are you doing here? 485 00:37:56,607 --> 00:37:58,316 I'm waiting for you. 486 00:38:01,529 --> 00:38:02,654 What? No hello? 487 00:38:02,863 --> 00:38:05,782 I need $200 to put in my student account. 488 00:38:05,992 --> 00:38:08,159 We haven't talked for weeks. 489 00:38:08,369 --> 00:38:11,997 I look forward to total independence, believe me. 490 00:38:12,206 --> 00:38:15,875 African-Americans go to Columbia. Some are my friends. 491 00:38:16,085 --> 00:38:20,797 My ass. On my couch, watching TV with his shoes off with you? 492 00:38:20,965 --> 00:38:23,133 Meadow, when did you get here? 493 00:38:31,225 --> 00:38:33,310 See you. Say hi to your mom. 494 00:38:33,477 --> 00:38:36,104 Come into the city, we'll do sushi. 495 00:38:36,689 --> 00:38:38,940 I won't say anything. 496 00:38:39,150 --> 00:38:41,234 You just remember what we talked about. 497 00:38:46,657 --> 00:38:51,369 I'll have a chicken avocado wrap, no dressing. And a Coke. 498 00:38:51,620 --> 00:38:55,248 One number three, dressing on the side. 499 00:38:56,500 --> 00:38:57,625 Thanks. 500 00:40:02,942 --> 00:40:04,901 Excuse me. Wait a minute. 501 00:40:05,069 --> 00:40:07,946 Let go of me! Let the fuck go of me! 502 00:40:08,155 --> 00:40:12,242 - We don't wanna continue. Give us leg. - What leg? 503 00:40:12,451 --> 00:40:16,204 Don't do this to me. Don't push me to edge. Repent! 504 00:40:16,414 --> 00:40:19,749 Motherfucker, do you know who my brother is? 505 00:40:19,959 --> 00:40:22,460 - Mother, what did you say? - Mother... 506 00:40:27,800 --> 00:40:33,221 Those records were all I had of my mother. What could they mean to her? 507 00:40:34,682 --> 00:40:38,017 - Are you people really so callous...? - Fuck you. You are callous. 508 00:42:04,647 --> 00:42:05,980 AH! 509 00:42:06,023 --> 00:42:08,650 Oh, my God! Help me, please! 510 00:42:09,193 --> 00:42:10,485 AH! 511 00:42:28,921 --> 00:42:31,422 I felt such a sense of relief. 512 00:42:32,216 --> 00:42:35,051 I felt safe for the first time since it happened. 513 00:42:35,219 --> 00:42:36,553 Empowered. 514 00:42:38,973 --> 00:42:40,682 The vending machine? 515 00:42:40,933 --> 00:42:44,310 My guilt for putting myself in harm's way. 516 00:42:44,562 --> 00:42:47,855 I read about that too, that honeymooner... 517 00:42:48,107 --> 00:42:51,317 ...who rocked a vending machine and it fell on him and killed him. 518 00:42:53,654 --> 00:42:57,782 The dog though, I don't know. 519 00:42:58,075 --> 00:43:02,954 The forbidden part of your psyche, murderous rage. 520 00:43:03,872 --> 00:43:07,417 Yeah, but at first I thought he was after me. 521 00:43:07,835 --> 00:43:09,502 The door said, "Danger." 522 00:43:09,545 --> 00:43:17,135 Actually, no, it said, "High Voltage. Call NJGE Before Digging." 523 00:43:17,344 --> 00:43:19,637 "Jersey Gas and Electric." 524 00:43:19,888 --> 00:43:23,600 - Was Richard anywhere in all this? - No. 525 00:43:25,436 --> 00:43:27,895 Oh, my God. The dog. 526 00:43:28,147 --> 00:43:30,398 - What? - A rottweiler, Elliot. 527 00:43:30,608 --> 00:43:33,401 Big head. Massive shoulders. 528 00:43:33,652 --> 00:43:38,615 Descendent of the dog used by the Roman armies to guard their camps. 529 00:43:38,782 --> 00:43:40,742 - I didn't know that. - Digging? 530 00:43:40,951 --> 00:43:44,495 Who do I dig with? And who's dangerous? 531 00:43:44,705 --> 00:43:49,667 Who could I sic on that son of a bitch to tear him to shreds? 532 00:43:51,879 --> 00:43:52,503 OH. 533 00:43:52,796 --> 00:43:54,922 Let me tell you something. 534 00:43:55,174 --> 00:44:00,637 No feeling has ever been so sweet as to see that pig beg... 535 00:44:01,013 --> 00:44:03,264 ...and plead and scream for life. 536 00:44:03,515 --> 00:44:07,852 Because the justice system is fucked up, Elliot. 537 00:44:08,520 --> 00:44:12,231 Richard's got his attorney looking into this at $300 an hour. 538 00:44:12,483 --> 00:44:16,152 Meanwhile, that employee of the month cocksucker... 539 00:44:16,362 --> 00:44:20,114 ...is back on the street, and who's gonna stop him? You? 540 00:44:22,284 --> 00:44:23,743 Jennifer... 541 00:44:26,038 --> 00:44:29,374 - Civilization... - Don't worry. 542 00:44:30,501 --> 00:44:33,670 I'm not going to break the social compact. 543 00:44:34,171 --> 00:44:38,925 But that's not saying there's not a certain satisfaction in knowing... 544 00:44:39,176 --> 00:44:43,721 ...that I could have that asshole squashed like a bug. 545 00:44:43,972 --> 00:44:45,515 If I wanted. 546 00:44:56,777 --> 00:44:58,403 What happened? 547 00:45:01,407 --> 00:45:02,615 Janice? 548 00:45:05,244 --> 00:45:09,455 I can't drive. And they broke three ribs. 549 00:45:09,707 --> 00:45:15,086 What did I tell you? I told you not to mess with those people. 550 00:45:15,337 --> 00:45:18,464 I was supposed to be married at this point. 551 00:45:18,716 --> 00:45:21,467 - Yeah? So? - The man I loved died. 552 00:45:27,558 --> 00:45:30,935 This is all I fucking need. Thanks, Janice. 553 00:45:32,396 --> 00:45:34,021 - What? - What do you mean? 554 00:45:34,231 --> 00:45:36,566 They slapped my sister around. 555 00:45:36,775 --> 00:45:39,986 I have to get payback. It's always something. 556 00:45:40,237 --> 00:45:44,157 Every time I hear your voice, I know it's gonna cost me. 557 00:45:44,366 --> 00:45:49,245 Time. Money. You never do anything to simplify my life. 558 00:45:49,455 --> 00:45:55,668 I stole a woman's prosthetic leg. When did I get like this? 559 00:45:55,878 --> 00:45:58,963 - You really wanna know? - When Richie died. 560 00:45:59,840 --> 00:46:03,676 Till that time, I was functioning at a very high level. 561 00:46:06,263 --> 00:46:09,098 There's only one trajectory for me. 562 00:46:10,309 --> 00:46:11,392 Really? 563 00:46:12,770 --> 00:46:16,230 - God. - You see what I mean? 564 00:46:16,899 --> 00:46:20,485 All this soul-searching, it's always on my dime. 565 00:46:20,694 --> 00:46:22,612 I've hit bottom, Tony. 566 00:46:24,698 --> 00:46:30,411 But it's odd because I feel born again in the Lord. 567 00:46:32,372 --> 00:46:32,914 HMM. 568 00:46:32,998 --> 00:46:37,126 And I prayed to God and I asked him... 569 00:46:37,336 --> 00:46:40,880 ...to forgive Svetlana for what she's done. 570 00:46:43,383 --> 00:46:48,471 We've been here before. With Vishnu and Richard-fucking-Alpert... 571 00:46:48,680 --> 00:46:52,600 ...and the Coyote Spirit. You know what it always spells? 572 00:46:52,851 --> 00:46:57,688 Trouble for the rest of us. So put your fucking clothes on. 573 00:46:57,940 --> 00:47:01,234 Seriously. I gotta get out of here. 574 00:47:01,485 --> 00:47:06,906 I give myself up utterly and totally to God. 575 00:47:07,825 --> 00:47:10,326 If this is the bottom. 576 00:47:10,494 --> 00:47:11,828 If not... 577 00:47:12,830 --> 00:47:14,038 You can go now. 578 00:47:14,248 --> 00:47:17,625 Billing needs to see you. Follow the blue line. 579 00:47:29,680 --> 00:47:30,847 Carmela. 580 00:47:32,891 --> 00:47:35,726 - Gorgeous as ever. - My God, this house. 581 00:47:35,978 --> 00:47:37,144 You already got one. 582 00:47:40,566 --> 00:47:44,986 Move to Jersey, but maybe take a little bit of a halfway step? 583 00:47:45,195 --> 00:47:46,904 Fucking wife of mine. 584 00:47:54,204 --> 00:47:55,580 Gentlemen. 585 00:47:55,873 --> 00:48:00,585 "What we do in life echoes in eternity." 586 00:48:00,794 --> 00:48:03,004 He's obsessed with Gladiator. 587 00:48:03,213 --> 00:48:08,092 Come on, it's a great fucking film. "Strength and honor." 588 00:48:08,385 --> 00:48:12,471 Scotch and soda. Long as you're on the way to the bar. 589 00:48:12,723 --> 00:48:14,140 Ball breaker. 590 00:48:14,391 --> 00:48:16,309 J & B, right, Ton? 591 00:48:16,560 --> 00:48:19,729 T, what do you think a place like this... 592 00:48:19,938 --> 00:48:22,732 ...set John back? Who gives a shit? 593 00:48:22,941 --> 00:48:25,735 Landscape alone's gotta be 100, 150 G's. 594 00:48:25,944 --> 00:48:29,739 - To keep up this lawn... - Property taxes. Gotta pay those. 595 00:48:29,948 --> 00:48:30,990 Taxes. 596 00:48:31,199 --> 00:48:34,243 Use the money to fix air traffic control? 597 00:48:34,494 --> 00:48:36,412 We should fight terrorism. 598 00:48:36,580 --> 00:48:40,416 How about that stampede in Zimbabwe? Soccer game. 599 00:48:40,584 --> 00:48:43,127 No assigned seating. Always a problem. 600 00:49:00,938 --> 00:49:02,980 You're not using the cane anymore. 601 00:49:10,906 --> 00:49:15,326 Been making my list. 602 00:49:17,037 --> 00:49:21,082 Even bought a little notebook. 603 00:49:22,751 --> 00:49:24,377 Good. That's good. 604 00:49:26,797 --> 00:49:32,051 I've been thinking about your behavior therapy idea. You got a point. 605 00:49:32,511 --> 00:49:37,473 I could use some help with a few things. If they can help me there... 606 00:49:37,641 --> 00:49:39,308 ...I should go there. 607 00:49:39,518 --> 00:49:40,559 No. 608 00:49:41,019 --> 00:49:45,064 You sure about that? Because the last couple of times... 609 00:49:45,315 --> 00:49:48,901 ...I've been getting the feeling that you're giving me the boot. 610 00:49:59,454 --> 00:50:00,204 OH! 611 00:50:00,622 --> 00:50:02,081 What's the matter? 612 00:50:02,749 --> 00:50:04,500 Hey, come on. 613 00:50:05,252 --> 00:50:06,544 What did I do? 614 00:50:07,546 --> 00:50:09,046 Come on, huh? 615 00:50:10,215 --> 00:50:11,882 Hey, Hey, Hey. 616 00:50:12,676 --> 00:50:13,759 Come on. 617 00:50:16,513 --> 00:50:19,640 Now, what did I do? What's the matter? 618 00:50:20,851 --> 00:50:22,476 Tell me. What's the matter? 619 00:50:23,270 --> 00:50:24,770 Go sit over there. 620 00:50:25,230 --> 00:50:26,856 We'll do this. 621 00:50:28,066 --> 00:50:29,025 Go. 622 00:50:31,611 --> 00:50:34,530 It's just my knee. 623 00:50:46,960 --> 00:50:48,627 It's okay. Go on. 624 00:50:52,466 --> 00:50:53,507 What? 625 00:50:55,093 --> 00:50:57,011 I mean, you wanna say something? 626 00:51:05,353 --> 00:51:06,562 No.