1 00:01:40,100 --> 00:01:42,351 When I look at the great pyramid... 2 00:01:42,519 --> 00:01:46,396 ...the marvel there for me is not the stonework... 3 00:01:46,564 --> 00:01:51,151 ...as much as the level of organization... 4 00:01:51,319 --> 00:01:54,196 ...that these ancient Egyptians had... 5 00:01:54,364 --> 00:01:58,075 ...getting this society to pull together in such a way... 6 00:01:58,243 --> 00:02:04,414 ...that they not only had blocks of stone, but bread on the table. 7 00:02:05,291 --> 00:02:08,460 Stone-setters were all fairly accomplished. 8 00:02:08,628 --> 00:02:10,462 Very good craftsmen. 9 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:15,676 It shouldn't have come as a surprise... 10 00:02:15,844 --> 00:02:20,597 ...they have such a long history of thousands of years doing this. 11 00:02:22,350 --> 00:02:23,392 Hello? 12 00:02:23,560 --> 00:02:27,855 Meet me in 20 minutes at the old Webendorfer factory parking lot. 13 00:02:30,108 --> 00:02:32,276 Well, the real gigantic pyramids were built... 14 00:02:32,443 --> 00:02:36,530 ...within the space of about three, maybe four generations. 15 00:02:37,782 --> 00:02:40,159 Jesus Christ. 16 00:02:45,874 --> 00:02:47,749 It's true. They're gonna start a draft. 17 00:02:48,042 --> 00:02:50,419 There's no fucking way I'm going in the Army. 18 00:02:50,628 --> 00:02:54,089 Yeah, because his old man will put a horse's head in some senator's bed. 19 00:02:54,757 --> 00:02:57,885 - Insert foot in mouth, Jason. - No big. 20 00:02:58,052 --> 00:03:01,013 Ever get paranoid they'll shoot up your house like in Godfather II? 21 00:03:01,389 --> 00:03:05,142 - Probably got armed guards at night. - That shit doesn't happen anymore. 22 00:03:05,351 --> 00:03:07,686 You have attack dogs on the property? 23 00:03:07,937 --> 00:03:09,605 No. 24 00:03:09,772 --> 00:03:13,817 I mean, we did, but she got hit by a car. 25 00:03:13,985 --> 00:03:16,361 Jason said your old man's mostly legit now anyway. 26 00:03:16,863 --> 00:03:18,447 Yeah? Like what? 27 00:03:19,157 --> 00:03:20,490 He's in waste management. 28 00:03:20,867 --> 00:03:23,744 - Garbage? - Recycling. 29 00:03:23,912 --> 00:03:26,330 What about drugs and prostitution and shit? 30 00:03:26,956 --> 00:03:27,998 No. 31 00:03:28,416 --> 00:03:30,918 - His dad owns a strip club though. - Let's go. 32 00:03:31,127 --> 00:03:33,545 - We'd get carded. - We can just stop by. 33 00:03:33,713 --> 00:03:36,924 Watch the strippers coming in and out, right? 34 00:03:51,439 --> 00:03:53,315 Okay. 35 00:04:00,156 --> 00:04:02,157 What's going on? 36 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:06,578 Truckload the other night, from Port Elizabeth? 37 00:04:06,788 --> 00:04:09,164 Give the washing machines to Frank Contino. 38 00:04:09,332 --> 00:04:11,291 You got it. 39 00:04:12,001 --> 00:04:14,461 Vacuum cleaners too? 40 00:04:15,463 --> 00:04:18,632 No, Patsy's got a buyer for those. 41 00:04:19,634 --> 00:04:21,260 You been drinking? 42 00:04:22,136 --> 00:04:25,222 Me and Ade had some wine at the house. 43 00:04:26,933 --> 00:04:28,809 Been wanting to talk to you. 44 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,770 Yeah, been wanting to talk to you too. 45 00:04:32,480 --> 00:04:34,815 I'll go first. 46 00:04:35,275 --> 00:04:38,443 I gotta make it my number one priority to limit my exposure... 47 00:04:38,611 --> 00:04:41,947 ...to potentially damaging conversations and wiretaps, shit like that. 48 00:04:42,156 --> 00:04:44,574 Sure. A guy in your position. 49 00:04:47,036 --> 00:04:48,704 So... 50 00:04:48,871 --> 00:04:51,415 ...over the next couple of years, more and more... 51 00:04:51,582 --> 00:04:54,293 ...I'm gonna be giving my orders through you. 52 00:04:54,460 --> 00:04:57,170 And then finally, only through you. 53 00:04:58,965 --> 00:05:01,508 What about Sil? You got that with him. And Paulie. 54 00:05:01,676 --> 00:05:05,053 Those other guys, Sil, Paulie... 55 00:05:06,347 --> 00:05:08,640 ...one thing they're not... 56 00:05:09,684 --> 00:05:11,893 ...they're not my blood. 57 00:05:12,937 --> 00:05:15,939 You hear what I'm saying to you? It's a matter of trust. 58 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:19,568 - It's very wise. - Sil's a good consigliere. 59 00:05:19,736 --> 00:05:24,448 He's gonna continue as such. But he's no fucking spring chicken either. 60 00:05:24,991 --> 00:05:27,617 But it's no reason to be giving him a fucking attitude. 61 00:05:27,827 --> 00:05:29,953 No. Of course not. 62 00:05:30,163 --> 00:05:33,123 Now, there's gonna be a period of transition. 63 00:05:33,708 --> 00:05:35,500 Jesus Christ, T. 64 00:05:35,710 --> 00:05:38,670 You're gonna take this family into the 21 st century. 65 00:05:38,838 --> 00:05:42,716 We're already in the 21 st century though, T. 66 00:05:43,468 --> 00:05:47,095 Whatever you say, T. I'd follow you into the gates of hell. 67 00:05:47,263 --> 00:05:48,930 That's what I was gonna say to you. 68 00:05:49,098 --> 00:05:52,642 What you did for me, that fuck who killed my father... 69 00:05:52,810 --> 00:05:55,228 ...I'll never forget that. 70 00:05:55,396 --> 00:05:58,023 I only hope I'm worthy. 71 00:05:58,441 --> 00:06:02,694 - Why wouldn't you be worthy? - I'm just saying. 72 00:06:13,081 --> 00:06:15,123 Yeah. This looks familiar. 73 00:06:15,750 --> 00:06:17,626 The pizza parlor... Pull over, Matt. 74 00:06:21,172 --> 00:06:24,257 - This is it? - It's closed. 75 00:06:24,425 --> 00:06:28,762 Oh, shit. This place. This is the pork store. 76 00:06:28,930 --> 00:06:30,263 It's a gay strip club? 77 00:06:30,431 --> 00:06:33,850 Dude, obviously it's not a strip club. It's a fucking butcher shop. 78 00:06:34,060 --> 00:06:35,852 I think I got it all messed up. 79 00:06:36,020 --> 00:06:38,271 This is where my dad's office is. 80 00:06:38,815 --> 00:06:40,857 Okay. It's a front. 81 00:06:41,067 --> 00:06:44,319 - Like Genco Olive Oil. - Yeah. It's like Genco. 82 00:06:44,487 --> 00:06:46,029 It looks really clandestine. 83 00:06:46,239 --> 00:06:50,242 - So where is the strip club, A.J? - Maybe Route 17 or Route 4. 84 00:06:50,410 --> 00:06:54,955 - Lodi or something. - This is stupid, let's go. 85 00:06:59,419 --> 00:07:02,003 I heard a car. Your son's out past curfew again. 86 00:07:02,380 --> 00:07:05,841 - Call his cell? - Oh, my goodness. 87 00:07:07,802 --> 00:07:09,636 I didn't know anybody else was here. 88 00:07:10,346 --> 00:07:13,640 I just use the men's room. 89 00:07:30,950 --> 00:07:34,161 Sometimes I worry about Furio. 90 00:07:35,496 --> 00:07:38,165 Doesn't he seem lonely? 91 00:07:39,417 --> 00:07:41,626 I was telling Jessica about him this morning... 92 00:07:41,794 --> 00:07:43,712 ...the hygienist in Dr. Mascera's office. 93 00:07:44,422 --> 00:07:47,007 I know I shouldn't gossip, but... 94 00:07:47,175 --> 00:07:50,469 ...I think she was having an affair with Dr. Mascera. 95 00:07:51,471 --> 00:07:53,680 Here she is. 96 00:07:54,599 --> 00:07:57,517 - Their office Christmas card. - There's his hand on her ass. 97 00:07:57,810 --> 00:08:01,480 Stop it. Anyway, I think she's ready for somebody nice. 98 00:08:01,647 --> 00:08:04,983 And she seemed very receptive when I described Furio to her. 99 00:08:05,193 --> 00:08:07,068 She's not his type. 100 00:08:07,737 --> 00:08:09,988 What's his type? 101 00:08:10,781 --> 00:08:12,699 Don't worry about him. 102 00:08:12,867 --> 00:08:15,160 - Stay out of it. - One date won't hurt. 103 00:08:15,328 --> 00:08:19,331 Why do you wanna bother her, my little Hello Dolly. 104 00:08:21,834 --> 00:08:24,419 Speaking of gossip. 105 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:27,839 That noise in the Mercedes... 106 00:08:28,216 --> 00:08:29,549 Yeah? 107 00:08:29,717 --> 00:08:32,219 Brought it over to Globe Motors to have it looked at. 108 00:08:32,386 --> 00:08:35,764 And I was talking to Jerry in the service department. 109 00:08:35,932 --> 00:08:39,226 Now, remember that nice saleslady? 110 00:08:40,520 --> 00:08:42,395 I don't think so. 111 00:08:42,605 --> 00:08:45,941 Gloria Trillo, she gave me a ride home that day. 112 00:08:46,108 --> 00:08:48,318 You know what Jerry told me about her? 113 00:08:48,486 --> 00:08:50,570 She died. 114 00:08:53,241 --> 00:08:54,574 She what? 115 00:08:54,742 --> 00:08:58,411 She committed suicide. Isn't that awful? 116 00:09:01,999 --> 00:09:03,833 Mr. Empathy over there. 117 00:09:04,418 --> 00:09:08,547 She hung herself from a chandelier. 118 00:09:10,174 --> 00:09:12,968 Good evening. Vesuvio. 119 00:09:13,678 --> 00:09:16,304 I'm sorry, we are not taking any more reservations. 120 00:09:16,472 --> 00:09:17,806 The kitchen is closing. 121 00:09:18,182 --> 00:09:21,518 Fifty thousand dollars. That's a lot of scarole. 122 00:09:21,686 --> 00:09:24,354 - Did you try the bank? - Scarole? 123 00:09:24,564 --> 00:09:29,025 - Escarole? Money? - Oh, escarole, money, good. 124 00:09:29,193 --> 00:09:33,822 No, the bank, red tape. I have only until the end of the week. 125 00:09:34,991 --> 00:09:38,618 I told my brother you know people who lend money. 126 00:09:38,786 --> 00:09:41,204 Little pitchers have big ears, huh? 127 00:09:42,999 --> 00:09:45,417 I need it for 10 days and then, pas de problème. 128 00:09:45,626 --> 00:09:48,253 - Do you mind if I ask what for? - Business in France. 129 00:09:48,462 --> 00:09:50,797 A group is purchasing an Armagnac property. 130 00:09:51,173 --> 00:09:55,760 I got the... The pre... The dossier right here. 131 00:09:58,306 --> 00:10:00,056 Jesus. 132 00:10:01,183 --> 00:10:05,437 Domaine Vézelay. After Darroze, one of the oldest, largest producers... 133 00:10:05,646 --> 00:10:08,898 ...of Bas Armagnac, which is on fire right now in France and Europe. 134 00:10:09,066 --> 00:10:11,443 It's the next vodka. 135 00:10:12,653 --> 00:10:14,654 This is a $10 million worldwide launch. 136 00:10:15,406 --> 00:10:19,743 I got 100,000 into it, and I need 50 more to secure North American distribution. 137 00:10:19,994 --> 00:10:21,036 Armagnac. 138 00:10:21,537 --> 00:10:24,039 I'll bring you a bottle of Vézelay, unbelievable. 139 00:10:24,206 --> 00:10:26,082 And with cigars, which are now very hot. 140 00:10:26,500 --> 00:10:29,294 You only need the money for 10 days. How's that? 141 00:10:29,503 --> 00:10:33,381 Because when the deal is done, the advertising money is released to me. 142 00:10:33,591 --> 00:10:37,927 You understand, these people that I might know, they don't know you. 143 00:10:38,638 --> 00:10:43,099 So I wouldn't be just vouching for you. I, in essence, would be the lender. 144 00:10:43,267 --> 00:10:45,185 And it's gonna cost you. 145 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:48,605 - How much? - Ten thousand dollars. 146 00:10:48,814 --> 00:10:51,441 Merde, Artie. 147 00:10:51,651 --> 00:10:54,527 - Five. - Seven and a half. 148 00:10:57,198 --> 00:10:59,032 Okay. 149 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:04,120 Charmaine, I don't think you know Elodi's brother, Jean-Philippe. 150 00:11:04,288 --> 00:11:07,582 Nice to meet you. But, Elodi, please... 151 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,502 ...can you clear off table four? 152 00:11:11,504 --> 00:11:13,505 Thank you. 153 00:11:17,551 --> 00:11:21,638 - Charmaine? She's French? - Not remotely. 154 00:11:27,228 --> 00:11:30,605 She's a hostess, not a busboy. 155 00:11:30,773 --> 00:11:33,566 What was... about, Arthur, huh? 156 00:11:33,734 --> 00:11:36,027 It's a venture-capital thing with Jean-Philippe. 157 00:11:36,195 --> 00:11:38,863 I'm sure it wouldn't pass your Wharton School standards. 158 00:11:39,365 --> 00:11:41,032 You wanna bring in some money... 159 00:11:41,200 --> 00:11:44,035 ...why don't you get your friend Anthony to pay his tab? 160 00:11:44,203 --> 00:11:46,204 It's close to $6000, Arthur. 161 00:11:46,372 --> 00:11:49,374 I could have an empire like Bobby Flay. 162 00:11:49,542 --> 00:11:52,377 And it still wouldn't be good enough for you. 163 00:11:52,545 --> 00:11:54,254 Okay, I'll make you a deal, Artie. 164 00:11:54,422 --> 00:11:56,381 We'll start working on your empire... 165 00:11:56,549 --> 00:11:58,675 ...right after we pay the $10,000... 166 00:11:58,843 --> 00:12:02,303 ...of orthodonture Melissa's gonna need this year. 167 00:12:34,754 --> 00:12:37,005 They're on allocation from the factory. 168 00:12:37,173 --> 00:12:39,507 I don't know when we're going to get any more in. 169 00:12:39,675 --> 00:12:42,844 But I'm free if you wanna take it for a spin. 170 00:12:44,764 --> 00:12:48,391 Actually, I was working with one of your other salespeople last year. 171 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:52,270 She was really very helpful. I ought to give her the business. 172 00:12:52,438 --> 00:12:56,566 - Gloria Trillo. - Oh, well, she's no longer with us. 173 00:12:56,776 --> 00:12:58,860 Do you know where she went? 174 00:12:59,028 --> 00:13:00,904 Actually, she died. 175 00:13:02,323 --> 00:13:04,282 What happened? 176 00:13:04,450 --> 00:13:06,618 Well... 177 00:13:07,036 --> 00:13:08,703 ...she committed suicide. 178 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:12,123 Why? 179 00:13:13,042 --> 00:13:18,755 I mean, she was salesperson of the year or something. 180 00:13:19,340 --> 00:13:21,341 I didn't know her that well... 181 00:13:21,509 --> 00:13:24,761 ...but I got the impression she wasn't very lucky with men. 182 00:13:24,929 --> 00:13:27,138 That sort of thing. 183 00:13:27,765 --> 00:13:30,266 - When was this? - Month ago, maybe two. 184 00:13:30,684 --> 00:13:32,227 What'd she say? 185 00:13:32,436 --> 00:13:38,358 I mean, you know, in the papers, you read they always leave a note. 186 00:13:38,567 --> 00:13:40,485 She did leave a note on her desk. 187 00:13:40,653 --> 00:13:42,862 The police took it. 188 00:13:44,031 --> 00:13:47,158 Later they told us it was just copy for a classified ad. 189 00:13:47,326 --> 00:13:48,993 She was selling her wolf stole. 190 00:13:49,620 --> 00:13:52,997 Anyway, let me give you my card. 191 00:14:05,553 --> 00:14:07,887 Chef Osso Bucco. 192 00:14:09,223 --> 00:14:11,349 This is a rare pleasure. 193 00:14:11,517 --> 00:14:13,768 Or is it medium-well? 194 00:14:13,936 --> 00:14:15,979 A little restaurant humor. 195 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:19,691 So, you know, if you brought along a pair of dirty chef whites... 196 00:14:19,859 --> 00:14:22,944 ...my friend here will suck out the stains for you. 197 00:14:25,155 --> 00:14:26,948 Sit. 198 00:14:35,749 --> 00:14:39,669 Okay. In a nutshell, I'd like to borrow a little money. 199 00:14:40,045 --> 00:14:41,129 How little? 200 00:14:41,338 --> 00:14:43,548 Fifty thousand, just for a couple of weeks. 201 00:14:43,716 --> 00:14:47,343 - Upgrading the kitchen in the restaurant. - Get the fuck out of here! 202 00:14:47,511 --> 00:14:53,057 What you take out of that bar, you must be sitting on money like King Cresus. 203 00:14:53,893 --> 00:14:55,643 Hey, I wish. 204 00:14:55,811 --> 00:14:58,855 I'm not gonna be able to lend money for less than two points. 205 00:14:59,064 --> 00:15:01,983 - It's not a problem. - Just out of curiosity... 206 00:15:02,735 --> 00:15:05,320 ...what's gonna happen in two weeks? 207 00:15:06,322 --> 00:15:09,657 The insurance check's gonna come. 208 00:15:16,081 --> 00:15:18,499 I hate to do it, Artie... 209 00:15:18,959 --> 00:15:21,711 ...but I think I'm gonna pass. Sorry. 210 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:25,632 - Why not? - Because if you don't pay me back... 211 00:15:25,799 --> 00:15:28,343 ...I ain't gonna be able to hurt you. 212 00:15:34,892 --> 00:15:37,018 So how you doing? 213 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:41,814 - What's going on? - Nothing. 214 00:15:42,191 --> 00:15:44,108 How about you? 215 00:15:45,110 --> 00:15:46,903 Fine, thank you. 216 00:15:47,071 --> 00:15:48,863 Really? 217 00:15:49,156 --> 00:15:52,450 Business okay? Everybody hunky-dory? 218 00:15:52,618 --> 00:15:56,037 Well, you know, onward and upward. 219 00:15:56,205 --> 00:15:59,749 How's Gloria Trillo? She still hanging around? 220 00:16:02,628 --> 00:16:06,005 - It's a terrible tragedy. - So you fucking knew. 221 00:16:06,882 --> 00:16:09,717 You fucking lied! You let me fucking sit there! 222 00:16:10,844 --> 00:16:11,886 Please sit down. 223 00:16:12,096 --> 00:16:14,889 How the fuck am I supposed to trust you? You're my doctor. 224 00:16:15,057 --> 00:16:18,184 Please sit down, you're scaring me. 225 00:16:18,978 --> 00:16:20,269 You've been drinking. 226 00:16:20,479 --> 00:16:24,524 - Why the fuck didn't you help her? - Sometimes you can't. 227 00:16:24,692 --> 00:16:26,609 I bet you charged her enough, didn't you? 228 00:16:26,777 --> 00:16:29,278 Bet you didn't cut her a deal because you're incompetent. 229 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:33,950 I give my patients everything I've got. 230 00:16:34,493 --> 00:16:38,871 And when something like this happens, I'm devastated. 231 00:17:11,447 --> 00:17:13,656 She was a good kid. 232 00:17:13,991 --> 00:17:17,660 But she was fucking crazy, and I told you. 233 00:17:18,912 --> 00:17:21,456 And I want you to know that I was upfront with her. 234 00:17:21,623 --> 00:17:24,792 - She knew I was married. - I'm aware of that. 235 00:17:25,002 --> 00:17:28,629 Suicide. Jesus Christ, what the fuck? 236 00:17:28,839 --> 00:17:33,051 I have to respect confidentiality even after a patient is dead. 237 00:17:33,761 --> 00:17:36,304 But with something like this... 238 00:17:36,472 --> 00:17:39,015 ...there's no one cause. 239 00:17:40,100 --> 00:17:44,520 You yourself just referred to her emotional problems. 240 00:17:45,064 --> 00:17:48,357 She slipped through everyone's grasp. 241 00:17:48,609 --> 00:17:52,278 She did it after me. I mean, admit it. 242 00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:55,782 You know, she... 243 00:17:56,992 --> 00:18:00,661 ...reached out to me, for me to care... 244 00:18:00,829 --> 00:18:02,288 ...and I wasn't there for her. 245 00:18:02,456 --> 00:18:05,583 Why are you so quick to blame yourself? 246 00:18:13,425 --> 00:18:15,176 Capitano! 247 00:18:17,471 --> 00:18:19,222 Come in. 248 00:18:20,849 --> 00:18:24,102 - What's up? You want a coffee? - No. 249 00:18:27,523 --> 00:18:29,857 Artie, you... 250 00:18:30,359 --> 00:18:32,485 You need a favor. 251 00:18:32,653 --> 00:18:35,738 - Why don't you reach out to me? - What are you talking about? 252 00:18:35,906 --> 00:18:40,451 Ralph Cifaretto called me and told me you came to him for money? 253 00:18:40,661 --> 00:18:43,371 You need something, you don't come to me? 254 00:18:43,997 --> 00:18:46,415 - I'm your friend. - Right. 255 00:18:46,583 --> 00:18:48,876 So I didn't impinge on our friendship. 256 00:18:49,086 --> 00:18:51,879 But, Artie, this is me. 257 00:18:52,047 --> 00:18:55,424 - Tony. - Ton, if I was desperate... 258 00:18:55,592 --> 00:18:58,010 ...if Melissa had a tumor instead of an overbite... 259 00:18:58,178 --> 00:19:01,848 ...Madonna santa, knock wood, you'd be the first place I went to. 260 00:19:02,015 --> 00:19:05,017 But this was a business venture. 261 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:06,644 What kind of deal? 262 00:19:06,812 --> 00:19:09,897 Elodi's brother needs a bridge loan. Fifty thousand dollars. 263 00:19:10,065 --> 00:19:13,860 - And I get back 57 and a half in 10 days. - Thought it was for the restaurant. 264 00:19:14,027 --> 00:19:17,822 I told Ralphie that. I don't want him going around me to the principals. 265 00:19:18,615 --> 00:19:21,576 - What for, then? - North American distribution rights... 266 00:19:21,785 --> 00:19:26,247 ...for Domaine Vézelay Armagnac. 267 00:19:30,836 --> 00:19:32,587 Yeah. 268 00:19:34,006 --> 00:19:36,883 It's the new vodka. This stuff is sweeping Europe. 269 00:19:37,092 --> 00:19:39,343 It's gonna be bigger than Stoli, Goose. 270 00:19:39,511 --> 00:19:43,431 Who ever heard of Goose before? It's French vodka. 271 00:19:44,099 --> 00:19:45,725 These guys, they're big players. 272 00:19:45,893 --> 00:19:48,895 They're throwing millions behind product introduction. 273 00:19:49,062 --> 00:19:51,898 - All right, you got it. - I told you, Tony, no. 274 00:19:52,107 --> 00:19:54,692 What the fuck am I? A toxic person or something? 275 00:19:54,902 --> 00:19:56,611 No, Tony. Come on, please. 276 00:19:56,778 --> 00:19:58,696 I'll charge you a point and a half. 277 00:19:58,864 --> 00:20:03,034 And believe me, I know that's a lot fucking better than Ralph would do. 278 00:20:05,454 --> 00:20:07,538 I insist. 279 00:20:07,873 --> 00:20:11,751 - Look, here's, like, $3000. - Ton. 280 00:20:11,919 --> 00:20:14,253 Somebody's gonna come by, give you the rest. 281 00:20:17,716 --> 00:20:19,383 You a great guy, Ton. 282 00:20:21,261 --> 00:20:23,137 Come here. 283 00:20:32,689 --> 00:20:35,650 It's a good idea. Snifter, a nice cigar. 284 00:20:35,859 --> 00:20:37,985 You'll see what I mean. 285 00:20:44,451 --> 00:20:46,577 - Hey. - Dinner's almost ready. 286 00:21:31,790 --> 00:21:33,833 Oh, shit. 287 00:22:13,123 --> 00:22:14,874 Tony? 288 00:22:15,042 --> 00:22:16,834 Anthony. 289 00:22:17,002 --> 00:22:19,211 Which you wanna see? 290 00:22:19,588 --> 00:22:21,422 This... 291 00:22:21,757 --> 00:22:23,674 ...or this? 292 00:22:46,365 --> 00:22:51,077 Tony! Cousin Brian's here! 293 00:22:59,628 --> 00:23:01,420 Ton! 294 00:23:02,547 --> 00:23:04,924 Be right down! 295 00:23:07,094 --> 00:23:10,763 - Hey, Brian, how you doing? - Good, Ton. Great to see you. 296 00:23:12,974 --> 00:23:14,600 Brian brought the papers, Tony. 297 00:23:14,768 --> 00:23:17,478 He said you called him last night to hurry things along? 298 00:23:17,687 --> 00:23:20,439 The Soprano Family Living Trust, as discussed. 299 00:23:20,607 --> 00:23:23,275 Now when I croak, it's her problem. 300 00:23:24,694 --> 00:23:29,073 You have... You have made me so happy, Tony. 301 00:23:29,741 --> 00:23:34,286 And if I was, like, obnoxious about this, I'm sorry. 302 00:23:34,913 --> 00:23:37,331 Hey, come on. 303 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:39,959 That's my lava cookies for the bake sale. 304 00:23:40,127 --> 00:23:43,129 - Would you like a couple, Bri? - Thanks, but I gotta get back. 305 00:23:43,296 --> 00:23:44,338 New client lunch. 306 00:23:44,548 --> 00:23:47,299 We're gonna see you and Janelle at Billy Joel, right? 307 00:23:47,509 --> 00:23:49,301 Wouldn't miss it. 308 00:23:50,679 --> 00:23:53,889 You know what, Ton? It's a shame you didn't get eight tickets. 309 00:23:54,057 --> 00:23:56,392 That way Furio and Jessica could've come with us. 310 00:23:56,560 --> 00:24:00,438 - It takes the pressure off of a blind date. - Well, Hesh's guy could only get six. 311 00:24:05,652 --> 00:24:08,112 All right. I'll get the originals back to you. 312 00:24:08,280 --> 00:24:11,073 I'll have a copy, get one to your lawyer. 313 00:24:11,241 --> 00:24:13,200 All right. 314 00:24:20,167 --> 00:24:22,376 You know, that's a... 315 00:24:22,836 --> 00:24:25,880 That's a nice suit. What is it? Oh, Boss. 316 00:24:26,047 --> 00:24:28,799 - Yeah, I notice you like the good stuff. - My only vice. 317 00:24:30,760 --> 00:24:33,012 Call this number. 318 00:24:33,597 --> 00:24:35,347 You ask for Patsy. 319 00:24:35,515 --> 00:24:39,185 - Tell him I said to take care of you. - Thanks, Tony. 320 00:24:39,352 --> 00:24:42,354 Wow. You're a great guy. 321 00:24:42,564 --> 00:24:44,356 All right. 322 00:25:15,764 --> 00:25:17,973 Artie, don't forget to call in that meat order. 323 00:25:18,183 --> 00:25:20,017 No problem. 324 00:26:03,853 --> 00:26:06,230 - Hi. - Hi. 325 00:26:06,815 --> 00:26:08,816 Hi, Ma. This is Devin. 326 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:11,902 - Hi, Devin, how are you? - Really well. It's nice to meet you. 327 00:26:12,112 --> 00:26:13,153 Thank you. 328 00:26:13,321 --> 00:26:17,700 - Anthony, you wanna turn that down? - Oh, yeah. 329 00:26:21,162 --> 00:26:23,789 If you kids are hungry, I can make a couple sandwiches. 330 00:26:23,957 --> 00:26:26,917 No, we're fine, Ma. 331 00:26:27,335 --> 00:26:29,628 Careful of my Lladró, please. 332 00:26:30,422 --> 00:26:32,881 Yeah. Don't worry. 333 00:26:33,174 --> 00:26:35,342 - What do you call it? - Lladró. 334 00:26:35,510 --> 00:26:38,637 I don't even wanna say how much it costs. 335 00:26:41,516 --> 00:26:43,726 Three thousand dollars. 336 00:26:46,062 --> 00:26:49,023 I really wanted to be alone with you. 337 00:26:49,190 --> 00:26:51,692 Your house is out, right? 338 00:26:51,860 --> 00:26:54,028 My mom's boyfriend's using it as an office... 339 00:26:54,237 --> 00:26:57,072 ...and I'm not at my dad's till next week. 340 00:26:59,743 --> 00:27:03,078 - My sister's dorm. - At Columbia? 341 00:27:03,246 --> 00:27:05,914 Sure. Sure, let's go. 342 00:27:06,750 --> 00:27:09,168 The 33 bus goes into the city every hour. 343 00:27:09,336 --> 00:27:11,837 They're so smelly. I'll call a car service. 344 00:27:12,589 --> 00:27:15,215 - How much is that? - Well, I'll put it on my Amex. 345 00:27:16,259 --> 00:27:17,885 I'll call her cell. 346 00:27:24,601 --> 00:27:26,435 - Hello? - Hey, it's me. 347 00:27:26,603 --> 00:27:28,687 I'm on my way into the city with a friend... 348 00:27:28,855 --> 00:27:30,731 ...and I thought maybe we could hook up? 349 00:27:30,899 --> 00:27:34,401 Wow. Great. I'm not on campus, but you could meet me. 350 00:27:34,569 --> 00:27:38,572 Take the Cross Bronx Expressway to the corner of Brook Ave. and 161 st Street. 351 00:27:38,740 --> 00:27:41,992 - Brook Avenue and what? - 161 st Street. 352 00:27:42,202 --> 00:27:45,204 - Okay. - All right. See you soon. 353 00:27:47,624 --> 00:27:49,458 I pictured your house different. 354 00:27:49,876 --> 00:27:52,211 I thought it'd be like Don Corleone's compound... 355 00:27:52,379 --> 00:27:56,465 ...with gate, wall, big old Cadillacs. Isn't that stupid? 356 00:27:56,633 --> 00:27:59,259 Our place in Tahoe looks exactly like Michael's in II. 357 00:27:59,469 --> 00:28:01,303 Wow. Really? 358 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:05,683 No. We don't have a place in Tahoe. 359 00:28:05,850 --> 00:28:07,309 We have a boat though. 360 00:28:07,519 --> 00:28:10,270 I'm like a gangster dude's girlfriend. 361 00:28:23,743 --> 00:28:27,538 - Are you sure this is it? - Brook Avenue and 161 st Street. 362 00:28:28,581 --> 00:28:31,375 - Columbia? This looks like Harlem. - South Bronx. 363 00:28:43,138 --> 00:28:45,848 Don't leave, okay? 364 00:28:58,528 --> 00:29:00,112 Help you? 365 00:29:00,321 --> 00:29:01,655 They're mine. 366 00:29:03,616 --> 00:29:06,577 When did you get taller than me? 367 00:29:06,786 --> 00:29:10,080 Cheokay, this is my brother. Cheokay just got accepted at Yale Law. 368 00:29:10,290 --> 00:29:12,082 What's happening? 369 00:29:13,626 --> 00:29:15,794 I'm Meadow, Politeness Man's sister. 370 00:29:15,962 --> 00:29:17,004 - I'm Devin. - Hi. 371 00:29:17,172 --> 00:29:19,173 Can I talk to you? 372 00:29:21,551 --> 00:29:23,510 Is this what you do on a Friday night? 373 00:29:23,678 --> 00:29:25,345 The South Bronx Law Center. 374 00:29:25,513 --> 00:29:29,266 It's a free criminal-defense service for those who can't afford legal counsel. 375 00:29:29,434 --> 00:29:30,476 I intern here. 376 00:29:30,685 --> 00:29:32,978 - I need to use your room. - What for? 377 00:29:35,190 --> 00:29:36,315 You know. 378 00:29:40,653 --> 00:29:43,280 You've gotta be kidding. Anthony, no. 379 00:29:43,448 --> 00:29:45,282 Just for a little while. Why not? 380 00:29:45,450 --> 00:29:47,451 I don't wanna think about it. It's my bed. 381 00:29:47,619 --> 00:29:50,329 - How am I gonna go in there? - We'll stay on the coverlet. 382 00:29:50,497 --> 00:29:52,915 - No. - We came all the way over here. 383 00:29:53,124 --> 00:29:56,668 I thought you wanted to go into the city. There's all this stuff going on. 384 00:29:56,836 --> 00:30:00,714 I thought we'd go to the Alphabets. A friend of mine's sister's reading. 385 00:30:07,138 --> 00:30:12,059 The greatest cultural center in the world, and you came over here for sex? 386 00:30:13,770 --> 00:30:15,562 Probably just gonna cruise. 387 00:30:15,730 --> 00:30:18,732 Is the tree up at Rockefeller Center yet? 388 00:30:20,610 --> 00:30:22,611 Look at the way these people have to live. 389 00:30:22,779 --> 00:30:24,446 Yeah. 390 00:30:26,074 --> 00:30:27,866 I think they're overwhelmed. 391 00:30:28,034 --> 00:30:31,787 I mean, they're in a cycle, they keep having kids. 392 00:30:32,872 --> 00:30:34,289 I know. 393 00:30:34,582 --> 00:30:36,500 We're just so insulated from reality. 394 00:30:36,668 --> 00:30:39,670 I mean, we have everything we want. 395 00:30:39,963 --> 00:30:41,421 When you think about it... 396 00:30:41,631 --> 00:30:44,091 They're on food stamps and welfare. 397 00:30:44,300 --> 00:30:47,469 And my mom could go out and buy a statue for $3000. 398 00:30:47,637 --> 00:30:49,179 Three thousand dollars. 399 00:30:49,347 --> 00:30:51,223 We have a housekeeper three days a week. 400 00:30:51,391 --> 00:30:53,016 We have one too. 401 00:30:53,852 --> 00:30:58,689 I guess I just lucked out to be rich and live in a big house. 402 00:30:58,898 --> 00:30:59,940 Yeah. 403 00:31:00,108 --> 00:31:02,484 Even somebody like Steve Mussel. 404 00:31:02,652 --> 00:31:05,904 He's got all-right clothes, but have you ever been to his house? 405 00:31:06,114 --> 00:31:07,489 I don't think so. 406 00:31:07,740 --> 00:31:09,950 His dad's a math teacher. 407 00:31:10,118 --> 00:31:12,035 They don't even have a dining room. 408 00:31:12,787 --> 00:31:16,331 There's five people living there. It's just this little box. 409 00:31:21,462 --> 00:31:22,713 Here. 410 00:31:22,881 --> 00:31:26,174 Arthur, already 80 seats tonight. 411 00:31:26,384 --> 00:31:29,720 - They come to see you. - Hey, you. 412 00:31:29,929 --> 00:31:31,680 You! 413 00:31:32,765 --> 00:31:36,476 I eat so much of your gnocchi, I'm gonna get a belly. 414 00:31:43,568 --> 00:31:46,904 Elodi, is Jean-Philippe okay? 415 00:31:48,448 --> 00:31:49,489 What do you mean? 416 00:31:49,657 --> 00:31:52,743 He was gonna call me. I left him a couple of messages. 417 00:31:52,911 --> 00:31:55,913 Did you hear from him? Does he call your mother? 418 00:31:56,080 --> 00:31:58,707 Well, he always works strange hours. 419 00:31:58,875 --> 00:32:00,834 The time difference. 420 00:32:01,002 --> 00:32:02,544 By the time we're waking up... 421 00:32:02,712 --> 00:32:06,173 ...they're already at home eating dinner in Toulouse. 422 00:32:07,300 --> 00:32:09,760 I almost forget. 423 00:32:11,220 --> 00:32:12,971 I bring you something. 424 00:32:13,139 --> 00:32:16,642 Boulevard des Slows. It's for the P.A. 425 00:32:17,977 --> 00:32:21,021 I have to put the flowers in the vases. 426 00:32:23,024 --> 00:32:25,275 Problems with the investment, Arthur? 427 00:32:25,443 --> 00:32:27,402 - What do you mean? - Please. 428 00:32:27,570 --> 00:32:28,820 What do you think? 429 00:32:28,988 --> 00:32:33,033 She suddenly wants to play hide the boudin blanc with you? 430 00:32:39,999 --> 00:32:42,751 We don't see you here anymore. 431 00:32:45,254 --> 00:32:47,214 Or up at the house either. 432 00:32:47,423 --> 00:32:49,633 Christopher, he can't seem to shake this flu. 433 00:32:49,926 --> 00:32:52,427 Yeah, I noticed his skin doesn't look so good. 434 00:32:53,596 --> 00:32:56,181 He's just stressed out. 435 00:32:56,391 --> 00:32:57,724 Which reminds me... 436 00:32:58,101 --> 00:33:00,435 ...Billy Joel, maybe you shouldn't count on us. 437 00:33:00,979 --> 00:33:03,397 You mean, you might not be able to come? 438 00:33:03,564 --> 00:33:06,900 Well, there's been all these problems at the Crazy Horse and... 439 00:33:07,068 --> 00:33:09,403 I don't know. 440 00:33:09,612 --> 00:33:11,655 What a shame, that's awful. 441 00:33:13,491 --> 00:33:15,367 What am I gonna do with those tickets? 442 00:33:27,797 --> 00:33:29,923 God, I love marrow. 443 00:33:32,135 --> 00:33:33,468 Remember Ma with the bone? 444 00:33:33,636 --> 00:33:36,263 Sounded like half-price day at the liposuction center. 445 00:33:36,431 --> 00:33:37,806 Please. 446 00:33:38,725 --> 00:33:41,268 It's nice, us having dinner together. 447 00:33:41,436 --> 00:33:43,478 Catching up. 448 00:33:44,689 --> 00:33:47,899 I'm just glad I'm in a position to do it. 449 00:33:51,571 --> 00:33:53,280 Chocolate soufflé. 450 00:33:53,448 --> 00:33:56,324 Gelato, sorbet sampler. 451 00:33:56,492 --> 00:33:58,785 - On the house. - Thank you. 452 00:33:58,953 --> 00:34:01,872 Something for after dinner? I got a nice Armagnac. 453 00:34:02,040 --> 00:34:05,125 I used to drink that in France. Histamines. 454 00:34:05,293 --> 00:34:07,210 I think it's good. 455 00:34:07,420 --> 00:34:10,338 I know, Tony. Can I have a Nonino Picolit? 456 00:34:10,506 --> 00:34:12,924 - I know it's expensive. - Yeah, bring me one too. 457 00:34:17,889 --> 00:34:21,516 - So you and Bobby Bacala, huh? - So that's it. 458 00:34:21,684 --> 00:34:24,352 What is so compelling to you about my personal business? 459 00:34:24,645 --> 00:34:29,816 Jesus Christ, am I such an ogre? I was just gonna say he's a nice guy, a salute. 460 00:34:30,109 --> 00:34:33,862 - I gotta have an agenda? - No, Tony. 461 00:34:34,572 --> 00:34:35,697 I'm sorry. 462 00:34:35,907 --> 00:34:39,910 - What am I, a toxic person? - You're a great brother. 463 00:34:40,286 --> 00:34:43,330 We can go at it pretty good... 464 00:34:43,498 --> 00:34:46,792 ...but you always seem to reach out when it counts. 465 00:34:47,210 --> 00:34:48,919 Yeah? 466 00:34:52,632 --> 00:34:55,842 Did you ever know anybody that... 467 00:34:57,345 --> 00:34:59,846 ...ever committed suicide? 468 00:35:00,014 --> 00:35:03,391 Plenty. I used to live in Seattle, Tony. 469 00:35:03,976 --> 00:35:06,269 Anybody close? 470 00:35:06,729 --> 00:35:08,021 Murray Furlong. 471 00:35:09,524 --> 00:35:12,943 A good, good friend. He lived upstairs. 472 00:35:13,111 --> 00:35:17,114 People said he was in the CIA, gone for long periods of time and... 473 00:35:17,281 --> 00:35:19,282 I always thought he was gay. I don't know. 474 00:35:19,450 --> 00:35:25,122 Maybe that's not mutually exclusive... Anyway, one day... 475 00:35:27,375 --> 00:35:30,460 ...he sucked on the end of a deer rifle. 476 00:35:31,712 --> 00:35:33,755 Did you feel responsible? 477 00:35:34,757 --> 00:35:36,174 Well... 478 00:35:36,717 --> 00:35:38,301 ...yeah, I did. 479 00:35:38,886 --> 00:35:41,763 You know, partly, we all did. 480 00:35:41,931 --> 00:35:45,851 My last conversation with him was an argument. 481 00:35:46,269 --> 00:35:47,435 If you can call it that. 482 00:35:47,603 --> 00:35:52,274 About him always asking me to accept FedEx packages for him. 483 00:35:54,068 --> 00:35:57,696 But you never really know why. 484 00:35:57,864 --> 00:36:00,198 Probably it was his name. 485 00:36:07,999 --> 00:36:09,708 You can leave the bottle. 486 00:36:11,252 --> 00:36:14,504 And, Artie, put that on my tab, huh? 487 00:36:15,423 --> 00:36:17,549 Of course. 488 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:28,685 Ton. 489 00:36:29,312 --> 00:36:31,396 Can I talk to you? 490 00:36:31,898 --> 00:36:33,732 Yeah. 491 00:36:34,275 --> 00:36:35,692 What's going on? 492 00:36:35,860 --> 00:36:38,153 I just wanna give you a little heads-up. 493 00:36:38,321 --> 00:36:41,406 I know the money's due in a couple of days. 494 00:36:42,074 --> 00:36:47,037 I'm concerned. I can't get ahold of Jean-Philippe. He won't return my calls. 495 00:36:49,957 --> 00:36:54,044 - Did you go over there? - Well, not yet. 496 00:37:01,802 --> 00:37:03,511 Well... 497 00:37:03,679 --> 00:37:05,513 ...Artie... 498 00:37:05,890 --> 00:37:07,641 ...you gotta go over there. 499 00:37:07,808 --> 00:37:10,769 - The guy's not returning your calls. - I know. 500 00:37:11,187 --> 00:37:14,564 They miss a payment, they start acting like they're doing you a favor... 501 00:37:14,732 --> 00:37:16,107 ...if they give you anything. 502 00:37:16,275 --> 00:37:19,527 And then you gotta spend all your time hounding them. 503 00:37:19,695 --> 00:37:22,239 You gotta get your arms around this thing. 504 00:37:23,157 --> 00:37:24,908 Now. 505 00:37:27,245 --> 00:37:29,287 You know what I'm saying? 506 00:37:39,215 --> 00:37:42,008 Oh, Jean-Philippe, you're home. 507 00:37:42,218 --> 00:37:45,887 I called you five times. Qu'est-ce que c'est, message machine broken? 508 00:37:46,097 --> 00:37:47,305 Nice crib. 509 00:37:47,473 --> 00:37:50,141 What is that, Berber carpet? 510 00:37:50,309 --> 00:37:52,310 Those... 511 00:37:52,603 --> 00:37:55,772 ...fucking shoes you wear, what are they... 512 00:37:55,940 --> 00:37:57,857 ...designer? 513 00:37:58,401 --> 00:38:01,152 You fucking avoiding me, motherfucker? 514 00:38:01,320 --> 00:38:02,654 Where's my money? 515 00:38:02,822 --> 00:38:05,198 Oh, what, are you gonna cry now? 516 00:38:05,366 --> 00:38:07,784 Stand up, you frog-eating faccia di cazzo. 517 00:38:07,952 --> 00:38:11,121 I will fuck you up, man. 518 00:39:20,858 --> 00:39:23,443 Oh, Arthur, hello. 519 00:39:23,611 --> 00:39:26,029 - Come in. - Jean-Philippe, you're home. 520 00:39:26,238 --> 00:39:29,866 Qu'est-ce que c'est, man, message machine broken? 521 00:39:30,576 --> 00:39:33,036 I'm sorry. I been wishing to call you. 522 00:39:33,537 --> 00:39:34,704 Nice crib. 523 00:39:34,997 --> 00:39:37,415 You were supposed to give me my money two days ago. 524 00:39:37,583 --> 00:39:40,251 I know. But Credit Lyonnais, they didn't come through... 525 00:39:40,419 --> 00:39:43,380 ...with the second round of financing yet. 526 00:39:43,547 --> 00:39:46,216 - My partners are sick about it. - Well... 527 00:39:46,425 --> 00:39:49,302 ...that's not my problem, Jean-Philippe. 528 00:39:49,470 --> 00:39:52,097 - I want my money. - I just told you, I don't have it. 529 00:39:52,306 --> 00:39:53,932 Well... 530 00:39:54,433 --> 00:39:57,143 - ...when are you gonna get it? - I don't know, okay? 531 00:39:57,311 --> 00:40:01,064 I don't know. It doesn't look too good. 532 00:40:02,191 --> 00:40:03,525 What does that mean? 533 00:40:04,402 --> 00:40:05,985 I mean... 534 00:40:06,153 --> 00:40:08,780 ...I don't know if it's going to happen, all right? 535 00:40:08,948 --> 00:40:11,658 They were not convinced to our business model. 536 00:40:11,826 --> 00:40:15,120 They didn't agree there was as much potential for Armagnac. 537 00:40:16,330 --> 00:40:17,705 The problem has been... 538 00:40:17,873 --> 00:40:21,960 ...it seems that people cannot figure out how to market Armagnac. 539 00:40:22,837 --> 00:40:26,548 The hip approach, like with Stoli, fails. 540 00:40:26,882 --> 00:40:28,716 Well, you said it was the next vodka! 541 00:40:28,926 --> 00:40:31,219 Hey, so we are big boys, we must move on. 542 00:40:31,429 --> 00:40:34,848 Frog-eating, fucking faccia di cazzo. 543 00:40:35,057 --> 00:40:37,559 - What did you say? - I said, I want my money. 544 00:40:37,768 --> 00:40:40,145 Are you stupid? That money's spent. 545 00:40:40,312 --> 00:40:43,940 - Operating expenses, notaires, travel... - No. 546 00:40:44,108 --> 00:40:48,611 - You have my $50,000. - It's business. It's a risk. 547 00:40:48,821 --> 00:40:52,407 - I have a daughter who needs braces! - Listen to me, I don't have it now. 548 00:40:52,616 --> 00:40:56,828 You fucking French fucking lying cocksucker! 549 00:40:59,999 --> 00:41:02,167 Fuck to your mother! 550 00:41:11,260 --> 00:41:13,303 Get off me. 551 00:41:17,099 --> 00:41:18,391 My earring! 552 00:41:19,935 --> 00:41:22,562 You ripped my fucking ear! 553 00:41:25,858 --> 00:41:28,693 - I want my money! - Fuck you! 554 00:41:28,861 --> 00:41:31,446 I see you again, I'll kill you. 555 00:41:38,704 --> 00:41:41,664 Keep knocking on the door without going in right away. 556 00:41:41,832 --> 00:41:45,919 You gotta poke the perimeter until she's out of her fucking mind and begging. 557 00:41:46,086 --> 00:41:49,255 Then you own that shit. That pussy's yours. 558 00:41:49,423 --> 00:41:51,382 I think she's ready. 559 00:41:51,550 --> 00:41:54,135 We shall know forsooth. 560 00:41:54,720 --> 00:41:57,222 Liz has been to her house. She says it's nice. 561 00:42:00,059 --> 00:42:01,809 Doesn't look that great. 562 00:42:01,977 --> 00:42:04,854 It's kind of Bo Peep-ish. 563 00:42:06,690 --> 00:42:08,983 Can I help you? 564 00:42:10,819 --> 00:42:14,948 - We're here to see Devin Pillsbury. - Proceed on up. Park in the auto court. 565 00:42:30,339 --> 00:42:32,715 - Help you guys? - It's okay, Ted. 566 00:42:32,883 --> 00:42:34,551 Hi, guys. 567 00:42:34,718 --> 00:42:37,679 - You wanna pull it over here for me, sir? - Hi, A.J. 568 00:42:45,604 --> 00:42:47,522 Wow. 569 00:42:47,856 --> 00:42:49,357 Nice place. 570 00:43:23,976 --> 00:43:26,686 - Get out of here. - No, it's true. 571 00:43:26,895 --> 00:43:30,857 - Iceland is a volcano. - Hawaii is a volcano. 572 00:43:37,156 --> 00:43:40,325 Come here. Okay... 573 00:43:44,204 --> 00:43:47,874 - Hello? - I just want you to know that I tried... 574 00:43:48,083 --> 00:43:50,376 ...and I didn't mean to hurt anybody. 575 00:43:50,628 --> 00:43:55,548 And I love you, and I'm sorry I let you down. 576 00:43:56,675 --> 00:43:57,508 Artie? 577 00:43:59,136 --> 00:44:01,054 What's the matter? What's wrong with you? 578 00:44:01,263 --> 00:44:04,641 I'm a complete and total failure. 579 00:44:07,603 --> 00:44:09,520 You take care of Charmaine. 580 00:44:09,730 --> 00:44:11,439 What did you do, Artie? 581 00:44:11,607 --> 00:44:14,567 - What did you do? - I'm just gonna go to sleep. 582 00:44:14,777 --> 00:44:17,278 Artie, did you take something? 583 00:44:17,446 --> 00:44:18,821 Don't go to sleep! 584 00:44:19,031 --> 00:44:21,324 Artie, you hear me? Don't go to sleep! 585 00:44:24,119 --> 00:44:27,955 - Jesus fucking Christ. - What's wrong? You gotta go? 586 00:44:28,123 --> 00:44:29,666 A friend of mine. 587 00:44:29,833 --> 00:44:33,753 Fucking idiot took some pills or something, he's trying to kill himself. 588 00:44:35,422 --> 00:44:37,882 All right, what the fuck am I doing? 589 00:44:41,303 --> 00:44:43,680 I'm gonna call 911. 590 00:44:43,847 --> 00:44:46,099 It'll do him more good than I can. 591 00:44:51,605 --> 00:44:55,024 - Are these real? - Yeah. 592 00:44:56,026 --> 00:44:59,987 - So this is, like, a real Picasso? - Well, my dad collects his later stuff. 593 00:45:01,657 --> 00:45:03,408 They're all cocks. 594 00:45:03,617 --> 00:45:05,368 Well, Picasso was an old man by then. 595 00:45:05,577 --> 00:45:07,787 Shit, they must be worth millions at least. 596 00:45:07,955 --> 00:45:11,541 - Isn't your dad afraid we'll steal them? - No. 597 00:45:15,671 --> 00:45:17,463 What is that, a Sota turntable? 598 00:45:17,798 --> 00:45:21,092 Patrick, little Mr. Consumer. 599 00:45:23,637 --> 00:45:26,055 You don't like that? Do you want something else? 600 00:45:26,265 --> 00:45:28,349 No, just... 601 00:45:28,642 --> 00:45:30,935 ...I wish you would've said something. 602 00:45:31,103 --> 00:45:33,146 It doesn't mean anything. 603 00:45:33,522 --> 00:45:35,356 I feel so stupid. 604 00:45:35,524 --> 00:45:37,734 My mother's stupid Lladró, and... 605 00:45:37,901 --> 00:45:39,986 "We have a housekeeper three days a week." 606 00:45:40,195 --> 00:45:42,155 I don't care. 607 00:45:42,322 --> 00:45:44,365 I like you. 608 00:45:44,533 --> 00:45:47,952 Rubber Soul in mint condition. This has gotta be worth what? 609 00:45:49,496 --> 00:45:51,038 You should've told me. 610 00:45:51,206 --> 00:45:54,250 - And what would you have done if I did? - I don't know. 611 00:45:54,418 --> 00:45:58,838 I mean, if it wasn't such a big deal, why didn't you say something? 612 00:46:07,723 --> 00:46:11,350 - Jesus. - Artie, what happened? 613 00:46:11,894 --> 00:46:13,936 It all went to shit. 614 00:46:14,104 --> 00:46:16,147 The next vodka. 615 00:46:16,356 --> 00:46:19,734 - So this is what you do? - But you don't understand. 616 00:46:19,902 --> 00:46:21,527 The money's gone. 617 00:46:24,490 --> 00:46:26,491 Can't you come and talk to me? 618 00:46:26,658 --> 00:46:29,327 Hey. Hey, I'm your friend. 619 00:46:30,954 --> 00:46:34,832 Suppose you hadn't reached me and I come to your house and I find you dead. 620 00:46:36,168 --> 00:46:37,794 How am I supposed to feel? 621 00:46:42,633 --> 00:46:44,509 Take the restaurant. 622 00:46:47,054 --> 00:46:49,680 I don't want the fucking restaurant. 623 00:46:51,892 --> 00:46:54,727 Then how am I gonna pay you back? 624 00:46:54,978 --> 00:46:58,648 Fifty thousand dollars, it'd take the rest of my life. 625 00:46:58,816 --> 00:47:02,443 Well, it's 51,500, vig-wise, Artie, and... 626 00:47:02,611 --> 00:47:05,863 ...technically, you already missed a payment. 627 00:47:09,535 --> 00:47:11,953 All right, look, let's just... 628 00:47:12,621 --> 00:47:15,373 We'll wipe my tab at the restaurant. 629 00:47:15,582 --> 00:47:17,542 Thank you. 630 00:47:21,880 --> 00:47:25,883 But, Tony, that's what, $6000? 631 00:47:26,051 --> 00:47:27,844 What about the rest of the money? 632 00:47:28,053 --> 00:47:31,639 I'll assume the guy's debt, collect the 50 G's. 633 00:47:31,807 --> 00:47:33,474 Thank you. 634 00:47:45,320 --> 00:47:48,823 The cobwebs are now removed. 635 00:47:48,991 --> 00:47:52,660 - What the fuck are you talking about? - You saw this whole thing, didn't you? 636 00:47:52,828 --> 00:47:57,331 You knew exactly what was gonna happen. 637 00:47:59,751 --> 00:48:02,336 You can see 20 moves down the road. 638 00:48:02,546 --> 00:48:05,631 Please, I don't blame you, I envy you. 639 00:48:05,799 --> 00:48:06,841 It's like an instinct. 640 00:48:07,009 --> 00:48:10,344 Like a hawk sees a mouse moving around a corn field from a mile up. 641 00:48:10,554 --> 00:48:13,389 You think it's my fault you're fucking lying in here? 642 00:48:13,599 --> 00:48:18,686 It's just that somebody mentions 50 grand to bankroll a French digestif... 643 00:48:18,854 --> 00:48:21,814 ...and your mind goes through all the permutations... 644 00:48:21,982 --> 00:48:24,483 ...at, like, Internet speed, and realizes: 645 00:48:24,651 --> 00:48:28,279 "Worst-case scenario, I eat for free." 646 00:48:32,075 --> 00:48:35,077 You fucking suicide! You're disgraceful! 647 00:48:35,287 --> 00:48:38,664 - I'm sorry. - No, fuck that! 648 00:48:43,378 --> 00:48:45,421 Anybody else know I loaned you the money? 649 00:48:45,589 --> 00:48:47,256 - Like who? - I don't give a fuck who. 650 00:48:47,424 --> 00:48:49,508 Adriana, Father Intintola, my wife. 651 00:48:49,718 --> 00:48:51,469 Anybody? 652 00:48:54,264 --> 00:48:56,557 All right, you got mugged... 653 00:48:56,725 --> 00:48:59,268 ...outside of your house. It was a street crime, kids. 654 00:48:59,603 --> 00:49:01,896 They took your wallet and watch. Where are they? 655 00:49:02,272 --> 00:49:04,732 - Why? - Come on. 656 00:49:09,905 --> 00:49:11,614 Why? 657 00:49:11,782 --> 00:49:14,158 You don't care what people think? 658 00:49:14,868 --> 00:49:17,578 Well, I do. Enough people hate me. 659 00:49:19,164 --> 00:49:20,706 You fought back. 660 00:49:20,874 --> 00:49:23,542 They ripped your earring out, you went inside... 661 00:49:23,710 --> 00:49:25,503 ...you took pills to kill the pain... 662 00:49:25,671 --> 00:49:28,631 ...because you knew you'd have to wait at the emergency room. 663 00:49:28,799 --> 00:49:31,926 Ton, they pumped my stomach. 664 00:49:32,094 --> 00:49:34,303 They saw the Armagnac. 665 00:49:34,513 --> 00:49:37,306 You got fucking mugged. Do you understand me? 666 00:49:37,724 --> 00:49:40,184 I didn't loan you shit. 667 00:50:09,798 --> 00:50:11,590 That night, I had this dream. 668 00:50:12,467 --> 00:50:15,886 My grandfather's at a table, and in front of him is steak pizzaiola. 669 00:50:16,096 --> 00:50:18,014 Standing next to him is my grandmother. 670 00:50:18,223 --> 00:50:21,183 She's wearing a blue dress and pouring him a glass of wine. 671 00:50:21,351 --> 00:50:24,186 And he says to me, "You see this? 672 00:50:24,354 --> 00:50:27,773 If you got a good wife, you're a millionaire." 673 00:50:28,066 --> 00:50:31,777 So the next day, I go over Carmela's house for dinner with her family. 674 00:50:31,945 --> 00:50:34,864 And in front of me is steak pizzaiola. 675 00:50:36,116 --> 00:50:38,743 Before I could realize the déjà vu that was going on... 676 00:50:38,910 --> 00:50:41,245 ...Carmela's standing next to me in a blue dress. 677 00:50:41,872 --> 00:50:44,165 Pouring me a glass of soda. 678 00:50:45,876 --> 00:50:47,835 The next day, I bought the ring. 679 00:50:50,088 --> 00:50:53,507 That is so incredible, so romantic. 680 00:50:55,594 --> 00:50:58,387 She's a romantic one, this one. 681 00:50:58,597 --> 00:51:00,598 - She gonna clean my teeth for me. - Really? 682 00:51:00,766 --> 00:51:04,143 I have to confess. You know, sometimes, I find the dentist erotic. 683 00:51:04,436 --> 00:51:06,854 Brian, all night I admire your suit. 684 00:51:07,022 --> 00:51:09,231 My man, Mr. Soprano, turned me on to it. 685 00:51:09,441 --> 00:51:10,983 Nice. Patsy? 686 00:51:12,194 --> 00:51:15,196 I'd like to propose a toast to our host. 687 00:51:15,363 --> 00:51:17,573 Hear, hear. 688 00:51:17,741 --> 00:51:22,036 Tony, great tickets, great meal, great wine... 689 00:51:22,204 --> 00:51:27,083 ...and for being a great guy who I'm proud to call a new friend. 690 00:51:36,093 --> 00:51:38,260 So he says I planned it all along. 691 00:51:38,553 --> 00:51:41,889 That I could see 20 steps down the road how it was gonna go... 692 00:51:42,057 --> 00:51:44,308 - ...and how he was gonna get screwed. - Did you? 693 00:51:45,811 --> 00:51:48,896 - See it? - I don't know. 694 00:51:50,857 --> 00:51:56,070 According to him, it's subconscious, second nature. 695 00:51:56,279 --> 00:51:57,780 But the accusation bothers you. 696 00:51:57,948 --> 00:52:01,408 Is that the kind of person I am? A hawk? 697 00:52:01,576 --> 00:52:03,202 That's an animal. 698 00:52:03,370 --> 00:52:07,540 Well, as I understand it, you make a lot of your living through usury. 699 00:52:07,707 --> 00:52:11,877 So why the pangs of conscience this time? 700 00:52:12,045 --> 00:52:16,257 Do you think your reaction would have been the same if it all? 701 00:52:16,424 --> 00:52:19,885 Your friend taking the pills, all of it... 702 00:52:20,345 --> 00:52:25,933 ...hadn't happened a week or so after you found out about Gloria? 703 00:52:27,310 --> 00:52:28,936 I'll tell you one thing. 704 00:52:29,104 --> 00:52:31,730 One suicide is bad enough, but two? 705 00:52:31,898 --> 00:52:34,817 They can both go fuck themselves. 706 00:52:35,902 --> 00:52:39,738 I made a donation to the suicide hot line in her name, and... 707 00:52:40,031 --> 00:52:41,949 ...that's it. 708 00:52:52,419 --> 00:52:56,422 The projection screen in their media room was as big as the small ones at AMC. 709 00:52:56,631 --> 00:53:00,759 I heard Mr. Pillsbury is some kind of financial corporate whiz or something. 710 00:53:01,386 --> 00:53:05,014 - Dude, you're the Pillsbury Doughboy. - Shut up. 711 00:53:07,392 --> 00:53:11,187 Hey, A.J., how come your dad doesn't have that Don Corleone money? 712 00:53:13,607 --> 00:53:15,774 I don't know.