1 00:01:39,891 --> 00:01:43,441 MAN:... a guy that really understands you people. And that really frightens me. 2 00:01:43,604 --> 00:01:47,108 Hey, while there have been some turnover in the elite teams of last year... 3 00:01:47,274 --> 00:01:50,118 one thing remains consistent, the Eagles. 4 00:01:50,277 --> 00:01:52,496 The Cowboys have remained fairly healthy this year... 5 00:01:52,497 --> 00:01:53,863 ( BEEPER) 6 00:01:53,864 --> 00:01:57,585 - Come on, don't answer it. You just got in. - I have to. It's football season. 7 00:01:57,784 --> 00:02:01,334 Oh, come on. There is no game tonight. 8 00:02:01,788 --> 00:02:04,041 - Paulie, what's up? - Forget that betting. 9 00:02:04,249 --> 00:02:08,379 - I was making cheese dogs for you. - Why, what's going on? 10 00:02:08,587 --> 00:02:10,464 Okay. 11 00:02:10,672 --> 00:02:12,140 All right. 12 00:02:12,341 --> 00:02:13,934 I'll be there. 13 00:02:14,134 --> 00:02:15,932 Chrissy! 14 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:20,725 Plus it was a bitch getting off of work tonight. 15 00:02:21,475 --> 00:02:25,025 - Adriana, I think this could be it. - What? 16 00:02:25,228 --> 00:02:28,482 He told me to look sharp and meet him at Modell's in half an hour. 17 00:02:28,649 --> 00:02:30,697 He told me to shine my shoes. 18 00:02:31,276 --> 00:02:35,247 Oh, my God. Christopher! 19 00:02:36,031 --> 00:02:40,662 Find me a shirt and tie to go with this. Not the camellia. Paulie's got one just like it. 20 00:02:40,869 --> 00:02:45,215 I can't believe it. I mean, I knew it would happen, but... 21 00:02:45,415 --> 00:02:49,545 So now can we get out of here, you know? Get a big loft, maybe? 22 00:02:50,212 --> 00:02:53,637 - You're giving notice today. - You wish. 23 00:02:57,761 --> 00:03:00,560 The wife of a made guy doesn't hostess. 24 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:03,768 I'm so proud of you. 25 00:03:03,975 --> 00:03:07,445 - I love you, Christopher. - You better. 26 00:03:19,282 --> 00:03:23,003 - What? - I don't know. 27 00:03:23,203 --> 00:03:29,836 You getting called like this and going off all happy. I worry, that's all. 28 00:03:30,836 --> 00:03:32,930 You've seen too many movies. 29 00:03:47,519 --> 00:03:49,942 - How you doing, kid? - Good. 30 00:03:50,397 --> 00:03:52,695 No, no, no. Ride up front. 31 00:03:52,899 --> 00:03:55,152 Where we going? 32 00:03:56,486 --> 00:04:00,241 You look good. Shoot your cuffs. 33 00:04:07,748 --> 00:04:10,251 Where we going, Sil? 34 00:04:12,461 --> 00:04:14,259 Here he is. 35 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:19,267 So this is it. 36 00:04:19,468 --> 00:04:21,596 All right. 37 00:04:21,803 --> 00:04:26,855 He sat on one ass cheek the whole way over! 38 00:04:27,809 --> 00:04:31,313 - Too many fucking movies, that's his problem. - Bullshit, I sat funny. 39 00:04:31,605 --> 00:04:36,406 All right. Let's get started. Come on. 40 00:04:41,656 --> 00:04:44,751 PAULIE: All right, finish up over there. 41 00:04:44,951 --> 00:04:46,703 TONY: All right, you know why we're here. 42 00:04:46,912 --> 00:04:50,507 So if you've got any doubts or reservations, now's the time to say so. 43 00:04:50,707 --> 00:04:53,256 No one will think any less of you. 44 00:04:53,668 --> 00:04:58,515 Because once you enter this family, there's no getting out. 45 00:04:58,715 --> 00:05:02,390 This family comes before everything else. Everything. 46 00:05:02,803 --> 00:05:07,604 Before your wife, and your children, and your mother and your father. 47 00:05:07,808 --> 00:05:09,981 It's a thing of honor. 48 00:05:10,185 --> 00:05:13,314 And God forbid, if something happens and you can't earn... 49 00:05:13,480 --> 00:05:16,233 we'll take care of you, because that's part of it. 50 00:05:16,441 --> 00:05:20,321 If you got a problem, you just gotta let somebody know. 51 00:05:20,529 --> 00:05:23,874 This man right here, he's like your father. 52 00:05:26,535 --> 00:05:30,039 It doesn't matter if it's with somebody here or on the outside... 53 00:05:30,580 --> 00:05:34,380 you bring it to him, he'll solve it. 54 00:05:34,626 --> 00:05:38,676 You stay within the family. 55 00:05:39,923 --> 00:05:42,972 All right, give me your hand. 56 00:06:05,031 --> 00:06:06,328 Okay. 57 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:10,287 That's St. Peter, my family saint. Now, as that card burns... 58 00:06:10,453 --> 00:06:14,959 so may your soul burn in hell if you betray your friends in the family. 59 00:06:17,711 --> 00:06:21,966 Now rub your hands together like this and repeat after me. 60 00:06:22,173 --> 00:06:25,177 - May I burn in hell... - May I burn in hell... 61 00:06:25,385 --> 00:06:30,061 - ...if I betray my friends. - ...lf I betray my friends. 62 00:06:33,602 --> 00:06:35,104 Congratulations. 63 00:06:47,407 --> 00:06:49,250 Beautiful. 64 00:07:03,006 --> 00:07:06,977 - My fucking heart's still pounding. - You been doing good with the sports book. 65 00:07:07,260 --> 00:07:11,811 - Yeah, it's been good. - I'm gonna give it to you, my boy. It's yours. 66 00:07:12,015 --> 00:07:16,316 - I was wondering what it was gonna be. - You're a made guy now. 67 00:07:16,519 --> 00:07:20,695 It's your turn to make some real money, and I get to relax a little. 68 00:07:20,857 --> 00:07:25,738 Your only problem in life now is you give me 10 points of your take every settle-up day. 69 00:07:26,154 --> 00:07:28,657 Other than that, you got no problem. 70 00:07:28,865 --> 00:07:34,292 My only problem in life? I gotta kick my points to that man over there. 71 00:07:34,871 --> 00:07:37,920 And onward goes this thing of ours. 72 00:07:38,124 --> 00:07:41,469 When you think of all the headaches most human beings have in life... 73 00:07:41,628 --> 00:07:45,383 ours are all boiled down to only one. Not a bad deal, huh? 74 00:07:45,590 --> 00:07:47,183 You got it. 75 00:07:47,258 --> 00:07:50,683 Only thing, there's a six-G minimum every week. 76 00:07:50,887 --> 00:07:56,235 I gotta get something out of this. But six grand, that could be a lot or a little. 77 00:07:56,434 --> 00:07:59,904 Depends on you, and how much you grow the business. 78 00:08:00,105 --> 00:08:03,530 I love you, Paulie. We're in it together now. 79 00:08:03,984 --> 00:08:06,237 I love you too, kid. 80 00:08:10,657 --> 00:08:14,161 Anything on the Riverfront Esplanade project in Newark? 81 00:08:14,369 --> 00:08:17,498 My guy says the matching funds are this close. 82 00:08:17,706 --> 00:08:22,507 The development agency, they added plans for a Newark Museum of Science and Trucking. 83 00:08:22,877 --> 00:08:25,881 More cement. More everything. 84 00:08:27,048 --> 00:08:30,018 Answer the fucking thing. 85 00:08:30,885 --> 00:08:33,354 So you feeling okay? 86 00:08:33,555 --> 00:08:38,026 Oh, you mean about my mother? Well, I mean, what're you gonna do? 87 00:08:38,184 --> 00:08:41,734 - You pick up the pieces and go on. - I meant your spells. 88 00:08:41,938 --> 00:08:43,690 They're not spells. 89 00:08:43,898 --> 00:08:46,117 How do you know about that in New York? 90 00:08:46,317 --> 00:08:49,412 Everybody knows. There's nothing to be ashamed of, Tony. 91 00:08:49,612 --> 00:08:53,116 - For chrissakes, Julius Caesar was an epileptic. - I'm not an epileptic. 92 00:08:53,324 --> 00:08:57,204 Whatever it is, you gotta take care of yourself. It's your health. 93 00:08:57,412 --> 00:09:00,131 - Is the psychiatrist helping? - Oh, you know about that too. 94 00:09:00,290 --> 00:09:02,759 So what? There's no stigmata these days. 95 00:09:02,917 --> 00:09:07,263 My kid saw a shrink. He got court-ordered for that thing with his wife. 96 00:09:07,464 --> 00:09:10,593 - They're very happy now. - Whatever happened to privacy? 97 00:09:11,176 --> 00:09:15,101 Our family's been doing our Jersey business a long time with the Sopranos. 98 00:09:15,305 --> 00:09:21,438 In a peaceful and profitable way. And I wanna keep it like that. Take care of this. 99 00:09:21,644 --> 00:09:25,945 - All right, Carmine. - Why fuck around? Be a better friend to yourself. 100 00:09:26,149 --> 00:09:29,619 I will. I appreciate your concern. Really. 101 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:41,460 Jayne was determined to bust into the business, so to speak. 102 00:09:41,664 --> 00:09:45,419 Hollywood folklore has it that she called Paramount Pictures and said: 103 00:09:45,585 --> 00:09:48,589 "My name's Jayne Mansfield and I wanna be a movie star." 104 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:51,429 Nowadays you get a dial tone. But back in 1954... 105 00:09:51,591 --> 00:09:55,312 You got a phone call from some young kid. 106 00:09:55,804 --> 00:09:59,980 - Drew. Asked when you were coming home. - How'd he sound? 107 00:10:00,183 --> 00:10:03,107 Like he was about 15 years old. 108 00:10:03,311 --> 00:10:09,819 - Wait. Is that your so-called fiancé? - He's 19, actually, and he can go all night. 109 00:10:11,945 --> 00:10:15,290 When are you going back to Seattle, Janice? 110 00:10:15,448 --> 00:10:19,419 It depends on how long it takes to settle Ma's estate. 111 00:10:21,496 --> 00:10:26,673 Estate? A falling-down house and some old-lady underwear. 112 00:10:26,876 --> 00:10:31,848 - Sad, isn't it? What it all comes down to. - Janice, you know how much we love you. 113 00:10:32,048 --> 00:10:34,847 And you know how much we love having you around. 114 00:10:35,051 --> 00:10:40,308 But there's a whole big house over there. And I know you want maximum value. 115 00:10:40,473 --> 00:10:47,106 So maybe for security reasons, or so it don't fall into disrepair, you could stay there. 116 00:10:47,355 --> 00:10:51,781 I been thinking the same thing. I just don't wanna push Svetlana out. 117 00:10:52,152 --> 00:10:56,908 Yeah, well, I talked to her. She's moving out tomorrow, maybe the next day. 118 00:10:57,115 --> 00:10:59,709 - Really? - Yeah. 119 00:10:59,993 --> 00:11:01,961 Great. 120 00:11:05,206 --> 00:11:07,755 I better go pack. 121 00:11:33,359 --> 00:11:36,329 Jesus Christ. Let me come around. 122 00:11:36,529 --> 00:11:38,907 How you doing, Roy? 123 00:11:40,033 --> 00:11:42,377 Congratulations. 124 00:11:42,702 --> 00:11:46,798 Hector, large Old Blue Eyes for this gentleman. Soft drinks of choice. 125 00:11:46,998 --> 00:11:48,796 Look. 126 00:11:53,338 --> 00:11:56,933 - Take away Tony Soprano, he's a zero with shoes. - He's wearing a stripe now. 127 00:11:57,133 --> 00:12:00,763 - My uncle Richie was gonna... - Yeah, but he never did. 128 00:12:10,980 --> 00:12:14,450 - Chris. My propers. - Dino. 129 00:12:14,651 --> 00:12:16,779 Hey, Benny. 130 00:12:20,907 --> 00:12:23,285 Congratulations. 131 00:12:23,576 --> 00:12:27,797 - When'd you get out, Benny? - D.A. tossed it. The witness bailed. 132 00:12:27,997 --> 00:12:31,467 - So, Jackie, how's Rutgers? - Fuck that. I'm dropping out. 133 00:12:31,668 --> 00:12:33,796 Come on. "Boola Boola." 134 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:38,554 We were just talking about our former alma mater. They got the coffeehouse. 135 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:42,479 It's a pure cash operation. And the beauty part is... 136 00:12:43,054 --> 00:12:47,025 I mean, who's gonna stop you? Kids? Campus security? 137 00:12:47,225 --> 00:12:51,150 What are you telling him about that? That's ours. 138 00:12:54,774 --> 00:12:58,449 - Watch where the fuck you're going! - Kiss my ass! 139 00:12:58,653 --> 00:13:02,123 Take that shit outside! Don't disrespect the pizza parlor. 140 00:13:02,323 --> 00:13:06,373 - Fucking asshole! I know where you live! - You hear what I said? 141 00:13:11,666 --> 00:13:14,761 Yo, it was good talking to you, Chris. Keep Dino in mind. 142 00:13:14,961 --> 00:13:20,092 I don't wanna sound like an asshole, but I can't be seen in a place like this anymore. 143 00:13:30,560 --> 00:13:31,857 All right. 144 00:13:32,770 --> 00:13:36,240 This has gotta start showing results or end. 145 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:40,662 Now, I talked to a business associate, a man I respect, about these panic attacks. 146 00:13:40,862 --> 00:13:44,366 Enough fucking around. Enough money in your pocket. 147 00:13:44,574 --> 00:13:47,418 What's the story here? 148 00:13:48,411 --> 00:13:53,292 The latest treatment of Panic Attack Syndrome is a three-pronged approach. 149 00:13:53,499 --> 00:13:54,625 So it's a syndrome? 150 00:13:54,834 --> 00:13:58,213 Medication to treat the depression, psychotherapy... 151 00:13:58,421 --> 00:14:01,220 and cognitive behavioral therapy. 152 00:14:01,424 --> 00:14:02,971 We've got you on medication. 153 00:14:03,426 --> 00:14:06,771 If you feel you're ready, you could see a behaviorist. 154 00:14:07,305 --> 00:14:12,653 - You mean talk to somebody else? - You seem unhappy with my approach. 155 00:14:13,644 --> 00:14:18,115 If you're really ready to commit to mental health, I say great. 156 00:14:18,316 --> 00:14:21,240 Let's get going, I'm ready to help. 157 00:14:21,903 --> 00:14:25,328 But we'll have to delve deeper. Focus. 158 00:14:27,658 --> 00:14:30,411 This latest incident, for starters. 159 00:14:31,537 --> 00:14:34,507 All right. Fine. 160 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:41,056 My daughter brought home a black. 161 00:14:41,422 --> 00:14:46,269 They were on the couch, watching TV. Snuggling. 162 00:14:48,930 --> 00:14:51,103 And? 163 00:14:52,392 --> 00:14:57,819 And she went upstairs, and I had a frank conversation with Buckwheat. 164 00:14:57,980 --> 00:15:00,950 You know? I told him to stay the fuck away from my daughter. 165 00:15:01,150 --> 00:15:05,155 And she came downstairs and they left. 166 00:15:06,697 --> 00:15:08,449 And then you had the attack? 167 00:15:08,950 --> 00:15:15,299 Well, no, not right then. I went to the kitchen to fix a sandwich, I opened the cabinet... 168 00:15:15,498 --> 00:15:18,968 I saw a box of Uncle Ben's rice. Boom! 169 00:15:19,168 --> 00:15:21,887 I see. The rice logo. 170 00:15:22,463 --> 00:15:27,970 The first onset of hyperventilation, that occurred upon seeing the rice? 171 00:15:32,014 --> 00:15:36,269 No, no. I was taking the capocollo and shit out of the fridge. 172 00:15:36,477 --> 00:15:42,200 I'm thinking when you first came here, the panic attack with ducks... 173 00:15:42,400 --> 00:15:46,325 as I remember it, you were grilling meat, weren't you? 174 00:15:46,529 --> 00:15:48,657 The memory on you. 175 00:15:48,865 --> 00:15:52,995 - Sausages, wasn't it? - Sausages. Steaks. Yeah. 176 00:15:54,412 --> 00:15:57,666 Let's get back to that capocollo. 177 00:15:58,124 --> 00:16:02,721 I gotta take that. My busy season. 178 00:16:04,714 --> 00:16:06,387 Yeah? 179 00:16:06,591 --> 00:16:08,593 Fifty? 180 00:16:09,051 --> 00:16:11,520 That's pretty rich for one game. 181 00:16:12,138 --> 00:16:14,516 All right. If he's good for it, take it. 182 00:16:14,724 --> 00:16:18,103 But keep me posted on Duke-Wake Forest. 183 00:16:18,478 --> 00:16:20,230 All right. 184 00:16:24,650 --> 00:16:26,323 Sorry. 185 00:16:27,445 --> 00:16:29,243 Where were we? 186 00:16:29,989 --> 00:16:33,619 The connection between your anxiety attacks and meat. 187 00:16:33,826 --> 00:16:35,373 Right. 188 00:16:36,913 --> 00:16:39,416 What was it again? 189 00:16:40,458 --> 00:16:43,132 Closing Ohio State, guys. They're kicking off. 190 00:16:43,336 --> 00:16:47,136 - Who you like? Iowa? - No difference, as long as it pays out. 191 00:16:47,423 --> 00:16:50,427 Chris, fuck. Oregon vs. USC? 192 00:16:50,635 --> 00:16:54,390 See, I told you we should have fucking laid off some of that action. 193 00:16:54,597 --> 00:16:59,398 Spread's 11. Oregon's down by 12, they're on the 45-yard line, no timeouts. 194 00:16:59,602 --> 00:17:02,981 Oregon's got an All-American fucking field-goal kicker. 195 00:17:03,189 --> 00:17:05,567 Why didn't somebody tell me? 196 00:17:05,816 --> 00:17:08,490 - See'? - And it's good! 197 00:17:09,237 --> 00:17:11,706 Forty-three yarder. 198 00:17:11,906 --> 00:17:15,786 USC, that spread could've opened at 18, fucking top-10 team! 199 00:17:15,993 --> 00:17:19,839 Even so, we should have laid off some of the action. Paulie did it all the time. 200 00:17:20,039 --> 00:17:22,457 You see him here? 201 00:17:22,458 --> 00:17:23,550 (PHONES RINGING) 202 00:17:23,584 --> 00:17:27,760 What's the matter with you people? You deaf? Answer the fucking phones! 203 00:17:31,592 --> 00:17:35,222 - Minor setback, that's all. - Oh, yeah? 204 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:38,483 - The frost is on the pumpkin. - Supposed to warm up again. 205 00:17:38,641 --> 00:17:41,110 Good football weather. 206 00:17:41,602 --> 00:17:44,446 Mom said to tell you she's waiting for the meat. 207 00:17:44,647 --> 00:17:47,275 - Did Jackie Jr. show yet? - I don't know. 208 00:17:47,483 --> 00:17:53,035 - Little fuck promised his mother he'd be here. - Watch your language in front of my kid. 209 00:17:54,699 --> 00:17:59,375 Probably keeping a booth warm at the O.F., him and Dino Zerilli. 210 00:18:03,082 --> 00:18:07,633 What's Jackie Jr. doing? I promised his old man I'd try to keep him out of this shit. 211 00:18:07,837 --> 00:18:10,807 - He's the heir apparent. - Not this kid. 212 00:18:11,007 --> 00:18:14,102 Do me a favor. You watch out for Jackie, okay? 213 00:18:14,302 --> 00:18:17,476 You ought to turn that one link there. 214 00:18:19,515 --> 00:18:21,313 Little setback, huh? 215 00:18:24,228 --> 00:18:28,153 Ro, your kid's late. He's being rude, he should be set straight. 216 00:18:28,357 --> 00:18:32,112 He'll be here. I paged him. Honey, the poor kid lost his dad. 217 00:18:32,320 --> 00:18:34,539 I lost mine when I was 6. 218 00:18:34,739 --> 00:18:38,835 Ralph had to drop out in the 11th grade to raise his brothers and sisters. 219 00:18:39,035 --> 00:18:41,254 You'd never know it. 220 00:18:41,454 --> 00:18:46,506 I'm Satan to this kid, just because I'm in love with his mom. 221 00:18:46,876 --> 00:18:50,881 - What are we talking about? - Hey, A.J. The cheerleaders. Any hotties? 222 00:18:51,088 --> 00:18:54,558 There's no cheerleaders for freshman ball. 223 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:59,264 These are Mario Batali's string beans, with Parmesan. 224 00:18:59,472 --> 00:19:01,315 (PHONE) 225 00:19:06,437 --> 00:19:09,111 - You are very late, young man. - It's me. 226 00:19:09,315 --> 00:19:11,317 - Meadow! Hi, babe. - Who is it? 227 00:19:11,525 --> 00:19:15,575 - It's Meadow. What are you doing? - Nothing. What's going on there? 228 00:19:15,780 --> 00:19:18,954 - Well, Sunday dinner. - Yeah? 229 00:19:19,158 --> 00:19:22,583 - You wanna talk to your father? He's outside. - Burning a cross? 230 00:19:23,120 --> 00:19:26,966 I'm not sure I know what you're driving at, but I know now is not the proper time. 231 00:19:27,208 --> 00:19:31,054 - Here, your brother wants to talk to you. - No, I don't. 232 00:19:32,880 --> 00:19:35,224 - Hello? - Hey. What's up? 233 00:19:35,424 --> 00:19:38,894 - Everybody's here. It's really boring. - Is that Jackie? 234 00:19:39,095 --> 00:19:43,145 It's not him. It's Meadow from school. 235 00:19:43,349 --> 00:19:46,444 Hold on, call waiting. Hello? 236 00:19:46,644 --> 00:19:48,612 - My mother there? - Yeah. One minute. 237 00:19:49,563 --> 00:19:53,284 Aunt Ro? Yeah, I gotta go. 238 00:19:53,984 --> 00:19:55,861 Thank you. 239 00:19:56,821 --> 00:19:59,244 - Jackie, where are you? - I can't make it. 240 00:19:59,448 --> 00:20:04,454 - We're all waiting. You promised. - Fuck it. 241 00:20:12,294 --> 00:20:15,264 The way he talks to me... 242 00:20:16,507 --> 00:20:19,977 You know what? I'll bring it up to Tony, maybe he'll talk to him. 243 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:30,695 (SNORING ) 244 00:20:34,483 --> 00:20:36,485 Paulie? 245 00:20:45,286 --> 00:20:47,505 What time is it? 246 00:20:47,705 --> 00:20:53,508 That's almost all of it. Warren probably told you about Oregon-USC. 247 00:20:55,796 --> 00:20:59,346 - This is unacceptable. - It's $4000, Paulie. 248 00:20:59,508 --> 00:21:03,012 - I'll have the rest in a couple days. - I thought I made myself clear. 249 00:21:03,220 --> 00:21:07,976 Fucking college ball. But I learned a valuable lesson. 250 00:21:09,852 --> 00:21:11,900 I'm not running a school here, kid. 251 00:21:12,271 --> 00:21:15,320 Paulie, this is me. You know I'm good for it. 252 00:21:15,524 --> 00:21:19,654 Don't fucking drag in our friendship. This isn't about that. You work for me. 253 00:21:19,862 --> 00:21:22,331 - Yeah, I want to... - Just shut your mouth and listen. 254 00:21:22,531 --> 00:21:24,408 I'll give you a few days... 255 00:21:24,617 --> 00:21:29,248 but it'll cost you another two G's as a reminder not to fuck it up. 256 00:21:29,455 --> 00:21:31,878 I make myself clear? 257 00:21:32,792 --> 00:21:37,719 And don't give me the malocchio. I'm not the one with the short bag. 258 00:21:47,515 --> 00:21:53,067 Any word from your Ivy Leaguer? And how's Carm with the empty nest? 259 00:21:53,270 --> 00:21:57,571 What empty? Meadow's always home with laundry or hauling food out. 260 00:21:57,775 --> 00:22:00,369 All that talk, she didn't go far. 261 00:22:00,569 --> 00:22:04,540 We created too nice a home life. They don't wanna go out in the world. 262 00:22:04,740 --> 00:22:10,213 But, hey, if they're closer to us than we were with our parents, is that bad? 263 00:22:18,170 --> 00:22:20,719 - What time is it? - I'm here, aren't I? 264 00:22:20,923 --> 00:22:25,349 - Out of respect to my father. - I gotta make two phone call. 265 00:22:25,553 --> 00:22:27,647 Sit down. 266 00:22:35,396 --> 00:22:38,741 - You want something to eat? - I'm not hungry. 267 00:22:39,358 --> 00:22:42,703 That's too bad. I said lunch meeting. 268 00:22:43,279 --> 00:22:45,623 You want a drink? 269 00:22:52,788 --> 00:22:55,086 Lose the glasses. 270 00:23:00,129 --> 00:23:02,723 I'm gonna say a few things. 271 00:23:03,632 --> 00:23:09,310 I'm gonna say some bad words, and you're just gonna have to deal with it. 272 00:23:09,763 --> 00:23:13,688 Now, I know what you're thinking. You're thinking I clipped your uncle. 273 00:23:13,893 --> 00:23:18,148 On the one hand, you'd be a shithead to believe me when I told you I didn't do it. 274 00:23:18,355 --> 00:23:20,483 But I didn't. 275 00:23:22,151 --> 00:23:25,325 And I got some bad news for you. Look at me. 276 00:23:26,113 --> 00:23:28,081 Look at me. 277 00:23:31,285 --> 00:23:33,788 - Your uncle was a rat. - No fucking way! 278 00:23:33,996 --> 00:23:37,626 Sit down. Sit down. Sit the fuck down. 279 00:23:42,546 --> 00:23:46,301 Your uncle was a rat, and now he's in the Witness Protection Program. 280 00:23:46,592 --> 00:23:53,191 - That's my father's brother you're talking about. - I'm a member of your family, almost. 281 00:23:53,974 --> 00:23:57,820 You think I'm the only one that knows this about Richie? 282 00:23:58,020 --> 00:24:03,026 You ask anybody. This hurt all of us. 283 00:24:11,784 --> 00:24:14,207 Jesus Christ. 284 00:24:14,411 --> 00:24:17,631 Your dad and me, you know how close we were? 285 00:24:18,832 --> 00:24:23,679 He never wanted this for you. He wanted you to be a doctor. 286 00:24:24,046 --> 00:24:25,719 Give me a fucking break. 287 00:24:25,923 --> 00:24:31,054 Let me tell you something. Besides the money, doctor's a very powerful position. 288 00:24:31,261 --> 00:24:32,934 I'm no doctor. 289 00:24:33,138 --> 00:24:37,484 You know how hard you have to work to get your MD'? How many years it takes? 290 00:24:37,685 --> 00:24:42,191 I was even thinking maybe osteopathy, but I don't think I have the grades for that even. 291 00:24:42,398 --> 00:24:45,402 You're not gonna drop out of Rutgers, are you? 292 00:24:45,901 --> 00:24:50,452 No. But those fucking premed courses almost killed me. 293 00:24:50,614 --> 00:24:52,457 I only did it because my dad was sick. 294 00:24:52,658 --> 00:24:57,380 But you should know, he never wanted this life for you. 295 00:24:57,579 --> 00:25:02,210 And I'll tell you something. I don't want it for my son either. 296 00:25:02,418 --> 00:25:03,510 Hut! 297 00:25:05,087 --> 00:25:10,560 Come on! Let's go, I wanna see you hit them! Get off the ball! 298 00:25:16,598 --> 00:25:21,354 Fourth and three and this cetriolo is going for it? With that offensive line? 299 00:25:21,562 --> 00:25:23,860 And why's my kid still sitting on the bench? 300 00:25:24,064 --> 00:25:28,444 The coach will let him in. Freshman rules, they all get to play one quarter. 301 00:25:28,652 --> 00:25:30,871 Pucillo in for Sposato! 302 00:25:31,071 --> 00:25:33,745 Hey, Pucillo played already! Put my kid in! 303 00:25:36,618 --> 00:25:37,835 It's the rules. 304 00:25:38,037 --> 00:25:39,254 Hut! 305 00:25:40,205 --> 00:25:41,673 (WHISTLING ) 306 00:25:43,042 --> 00:25:45,465 I told you they wouldn't make it. 307 00:25:45,669 --> 00:25:49,515 Are you fucking crazy, ref? Are you fucking crazy? What? 308 00:25:49,673 --> 00:25:52,176 What did you say? No! Come here and say that to me! 309 00:25:52,384 --> 00:25:55,604 - Romano. The periodontist. - Get off the field, you asshole! 310 00:25:55,804 --> 00:25:57,932 I'll rip your fucking heart out! 311 00:25:58,140 --> 00:26:01,986 - Look. Anthony's going in. - All right, A.J.! 312 00:26:06,065 --> 00:26:08,159 Okay, defense, 41 stack. 313 00:26:08,358 --> 00:26:12,989 - A.J.! Stick them, baby! - Stick them! Do it! 314 00:26:15,365 --> 00:26:17,450 - Fumble! - Fumble! 315 00:26:17,451 --> 00:26:19,169 (CHEERING ) 316 00:26:19,745 --> 00:26:22,214 Up! Up! Everybody up! Wait, get up. 317 00:26:31,590 --> 00:26:33,934 Red ball. 318 00:26:41,266 --> 00:26:42,643 (CHEERING IN SLOW MOTION ) 319 00:26:50,484 --> 00:26:54,489 It's A.J.! Yeah! Yeah! Good job, A.J.! 320 00:26:54,696 --> 00:26:57,040 Good job, good job. Yeah! 321 00:26:58,033 --> 00:27:00,161 Hey! Hey! 322 00:27:00,369 --> 00:27:02,622 That's my son. 323 00:27:05,415 --> 00:27:09,215 You got a nose for the ball, and that can't be taught. 324 00:27:09,419 --> 00:27:13,014 The defensive lineman, you gotta have leverage and footwork. 325 00:27:13,215 --> 00:27:18,221 I remember staying after practice every day, hitting that sled till my shoulder was raw. 326 00:27:18,387 --> 00:27:20,435 But then you gotta reward yourself. 327 00:27:20,639 --> 00:27:23,939 So I'll take you to Stewart's and buy you some dogs. 328 00:27:24,143 --> 00:27:26,111 I just wanna go home. 329 00:27:26,311 --> 00:27:30,316 You should be riding high after what you did on the field today. Come on! 330 00:27:30,524 --> 00:27:33,744 Wanna play some Nintendo? You and me? 331 00:27:33,944 --> 00:27:36,914 When are you gonna throw that thing out the freaking window? 332 00:27:37,114 --> 00:27:41,620 - Why? - Well, all right. Play Nintendo. 333 00:27:43,704 --> 00:27:46,207 Okay, let's go to Stewart's. 334 00:27:46,748 --> 00:27:48,625 - Yeah? - Yeah. 335 00:27:49,668 --> 00:27:51,716 (PHONE) 336 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:03,478 - Yeah? - I need you home, Tony, for dinner. 337 00:28:03,682 --> 00:28:07,027 - Now? It's our busiest season. - I know. 338 00:28:07,227 --> 00:28:11,983 It's important with Meadow gone that we not turn into a family who eats standing at the counter. 339 00:28:12,274 --> 00:28:14,117 All right. I'll be there. 340 00:28:16,862 --> 00:28:19,411 Pass the potatoes, please. 341 00:28:21,158 --> 00:28:24,503 Anthony? The potatoes? 342 00:28:25,537 --> 00:28:28,086 - Sorry. - Every night. 343 00:28:29,917 --> 00:28:32,636 Go ahead. Pour yourself another glass. 344 00:28:32,836 --> 00:28:36,557 You need good bones for those open-field tackles. 345 00:28:39,676 --> 00:28:43,476 So... How was everybody's day today? 346 00:28:43,680 --> 00:28:45,182 Busy. 347 00:28:49,645 --> 00:28:53,616 So Nana was asking me today where you might wanna go to college. 348 00:28:53,815 --> 00:28:55,658 - I don't know. - West Point. 349 00:28:55,943 --> 00:28:58,287 - West Point? - Yeah, that's what you said. 350 00:28:58,487 --> 00:29:01,206 - No, I didn't. - You did. You were sitting right there. 351 00:29:01,406 --> 00:29:07,379 - You said either Harvard or West Point. - No way I'd ever have said that. I'd never get in. 352 00:29:13,627 --> 00:29:16,050 - Can we eat with the TV on? - No. 353 00:29:17,381 --> 00:29:19,258 (PHONE) 354 00:29:20,759 --> 00:29:23,638 I gotta take that. It's my busy season. 355 00:29:25,264 --> 00:29:28,188 - Yeah? - Mom there? 356 00:29:28,392 --> 00:29:30,611 Hey, how are you? 357 00:29:30,811 --> 00:29:32,654 Is Mom there? 358 00:29:32,854 --> 00:29:36,984 - Yeah, she's here. How's school? - Fine. 359 00:29:37,192 --> 00:29:39,240 Is Mom there? 360 00:29:42,322 --> 00:29:46,293 - Is that Meadow? Can I talk? - Yeah, you can have her. 361 00:29:47,244 --> 00:29:49,042 Hello? 362 00:29:50,080 --> 00:29:53,254 Did you hear what happened to Bobby Capodianco? 363 00:30:05,470 --> 00:30:08,223 I feel bad. Taking your old room. 364 00:30:08,432 --> 00:30:11,732 Don't worry about it. You're all settled in. 365 00:30:11,935 --> 00:30:14,984 You could sleep in your mother's room. 366 00:30:15,188 --> 00:30:17,566 - Pass. - Won't be for long. 367 00:30:17,774 --> 00:30:24,453 Bill's children going to live with their mother, end of week. I stay with him. 368 00:30:27,826 --> 00:30:31,831 A few days is not a problem. I'm glad I can help you out. 369 00:30:32,039 --> 00:30:36,465 God knows my brother used to sleep like a fucking dead man in there. 370 00:30:38,086 --> 00:30:41,431 I'm sorry about how I behaved at the cemetery. 371 00:30:41,631 --> 00:30:45,135 Janice. I cannot give records back. 372 00:30:45,677 --> 00:30:47,395 I wish you'd reconsider. 373 00:30:47,596 --> 00:30:52,978 I know Livia left no will, but possession is 9/10 of law. 374 00:30:53,185 --> 00:30:55,563 Let's not descend into that. 375 00:30:55,854 --> 00:31:00,360 Feeling in me is, she is not here to ask. 376 00:31:00,567 --> 00:31:05,243 I know. I'm sorry. Just this is an emotional issue for me. 377 00:31:05,447 --> 00:31:08,792 I thought that if we had the chance to talk one-on-one... 378 00:31:08,992 --> 00:31:13,748 I could make you understand how much those records mean to me. 379 00:31:14,623 --> 00:31:17,593 Just promise me you'll sleep on it. 380 00:31:31,556 --> 00:31:33,399 ( DOOR CLOSING ) 381 00:31:39,606 --> 00:31:42,780 it was that bird! It was that fucking bird in the window! 382 00:31:43,026 --> 00:31:46,121 It was a coincidence. 383 00:31:46,321 --> 00:31:51,327 I was making good jack at that betting parlor! I was in the zone. Now everything turns to shit? 384 00:31:51,535 --> 00:31:56,883 The bird thing is if it's in the house, flapping around. And that's death, not bad luck. 385 00:31:57,082 --> 00:32:00,928 - Will your mother loan me the money? - She's still paying for her hysterectomy. 386 00:32:01,086 --> 00:32:03,088 Where's that fucking bracelet I got you? 387 00:32:03,255 --> 00:32:08,352 Why don't you get rid of that stupid fucking Range Rover? 388 00:32:09,678 --> 00:32:11,929 I'm sorry. 389 00:32:11,930 --> 00:32:13,352 ( BEEPER) 390 00:32:13,432 --> 00:32:16,777 Jesus-fucking-Christ. 391 00:32:45,213 --> 00:32:50,344 Janice! Janice! Janice! 392 00:32:59,436 --> 00:33:02,155 Janice? Janice! 393 00:33:04,733 --> 00:33:08,112 ( In Russian ) Fucking whore. 394 00:33:08,653 --> 00:33:10,121 May she burn alive. 395 00:33:22,042 --> 00:33:23,043 Hello. 396 00:33:23,210 --> 00:33:25,804 Hello, it's Svetlana. 397 00:33:26,421 --> 00:33:29,300 That slut sow stole my leg. 398 00:33:29,508 --> 00:33:35,686 - The fuck is this? You owe me $300! - I ain't using. Chris, I got mugged... 399 00:33:36,389 --> 00:33:39,142 That's it! I want my money! I want my money! 400 00:33:40,977 --> 00:33:42,695 Fuck! 401 00:33:44,689 --> 00:33:47,533 (GROANING ) 402 00:33:53,657 --> 00:33:55,159 ( KNOCKING ) 403 00:34:03,542 --> 00:34:07,137 - Janice call yet? - No. 404 00:34:11,049 --> 00:34:12,426 Hello, Tony. 405 00:34:14,344 --> 00:34:18,099 - How have you been? - What is she doing here? 406 00:34:18,348 --> 00:34:23,229 She brings old leg. Piece of shit, made in Russia. 407 00:34:23,436 --> 00:34:27,282 I have losted weight, cannot wear it no more. 408 00:34:27,482 --> 00:34:30,201 Only an hour, then starts to hurt. 409 00:34:30,402 --> 00:34:34,782 - I'm getting married. Did you know? - You told me. 410 00:34:35,740 --> 00:34:41,588 - Wish you all the best. - She put into my Sprite three Halcyon. 411 00:34:41,871 --> 00:34:43,669 I miss you so much, Tony. 412 00:34:43,873 --> 00:34:47,673 Why don't we just stick to the subject? Your cousin's missing a leg. 413 00:34:47,877 --> 00:34:52,633 $20,000. That's how much it cost, leg she took. 414 00:34:52,841 --> 00:34:56,562 Flex foot, latest technology with vertical shock pylon. 415 00:34:57,387 --> 00:34:59,810 Plus, calfskin boot. 416 00:35:00,682 --> 00:35:03,026 Kenneth Cole. 417 00:35:03,685 --> 00:35:10,364 You don't even want to talk to me anymore. I don't see why we can't be friends. 418 00:35:10,609 --> 00:35:15,410 You know what? I don't even know what I'm doing here, except you worked it this way. 419 00:35:16,781 --> 00:35:20,411 - We could have talked about this on the phone. - I'm sorry, Tony. 420 00:35:20,619 --> 00:35:22,496 It's not your fault. 421 00:35:22,996 --> 00:35:25,419 Look, I'm sorry about your leg. 422 00:35:26,291 --> 00:35:28,885 I'll reach Janice. 423 00:35:29,753 --> 00:35:33,223 - Janice put any food in there? - No, but I have orange juice. 424 00:35:33,381 --> 00:35:36,601 Plus there are two Miller Genuines. 425 00:35:36,801 --> 00:35:41,557 And your mother's meat delivery still is coming every week. 426 00:35:44,559 --> 00:35:52,559 ( SPEAKING RUSSIAN ) 427 00:36:04,621 --> 00:36:07,716 ( RUSSIAN ) 428 00:36:20,387 --> 00:36:23,140 Southern California vs. Notre Dame. 429 00:36:23,348 --> 00:36:27,069 We're in Indiana, where we have a perfect football afternoon. 430 00:36:27,268 --> 00:36:29,691 - See you next week. - Thank you. 431 00:36:30,814 --> 00:36:33,488 Talk about good timing. I was just gonna call you, Johnny. 432 00:36:33,650 --> 00:36:35,275 Ch, yeah? 433 00:36:35,276 --> 00:36:36,323 (BELLS ON DOOR RINGING) 434 00:36:37,946 --> 00:36:41,917 - Someplace we can talk in private? - I'm kind of busy. 435 00:36:42,117 --> 00:36:44,370 Gonna call. 436 00:36:45,120 --> 00:36:46,713 Now you're busy. 437 00:36:46,913 --> 00:36:51,510 - Something I could get you, Junior? - No, I'm good. 438 00:36:54,629 --> 00:36:56,927 It'll just take a minute. 439 00:36:57,966 --> 00:37:01,641 Anthony, I told you to wait in the car! 440 00:37:06,099 --> 00:37:09,103 Listen to your old man, Anthony. 441 00:37:12,981 --> 00:37:16,576 So, what were you gonna call me about? 442 00:37:16,901 --> 00:37:18,323 I don't got it. 443 00:37:19,988 --> 00:37:21,535 Weasely son of a bitch! 444 00:37:21,740 --> 00:37:24,835 You got payments you can't make, you come see me, work out a plan. 445 00:37:25,034 --> 00:37:28,629 - I swear, I got a vendor owes me $300. - Shut the fuck up! 446 00:37:28,997 --> 00:37:34,345 Your wife's weekly order's all ready. It's gotta be $30 worth of meat there. 447 00:37:34,544 --> 00:37:37,263 Capocollo, chops and a beautiful standing roast. 448 00:37:37,464 --> 00:37:40,889 You gonna backtalk me? Junior, get him over here. 449 00:37:41,092 --> 00:37:43,891 No, wait, please! What are you gonna do? 450 00:37:49,893 --> 00:37:53,193 Anthony, what did I fucking tell you?! 451 00:37:57,275 --> 00:38:00,996 What, your father never cut off anybody's pinky? 452 00:38:04,199 --> 00:38:08,830 That's traumatic for anyone to witness, much less an 11-year-old. 453 00:38:09,037 --> 00:38:10,710 Actually, it wasn't. 454 00:38:12,999 --> 00:38:16,219 It was a rush, if you wanna know the truth. 455 00:38:16,920 --> 00:38:21,346 - You want me to delve? - Go on. 456 00:38:22,217 --> 00:38:24,970 (MUSIC PLAYING) 457 00:38:35,647 --> 00:38:37,615 Dinner's ready. 458 00:38:42,195 --> 00:38:43,993 Come here. 459 00:38:45,281 --> 00:38:48,034 Come on, I wanna talk to you. 460 00:38:57,961 --> 00:39:03,183 What you seen today, Anthony, a very sad thing. 461 00:39:03,383 --> 00:39:08,480 You disobeyed your old man, and I ought to give you the belt. 462 00:39:09,305 --> 00:39:11,558 But I gotta say that... 463 00:39:13,351 --> 00:39:18,733 a lot of boys your age would have run like a little girl. But you stayed. 464 00:39:21,025 --> 00:39:25,155 I know you like Mr. Satriale. We all do. He's a lovely man. 465 00:39:25,446 --> 00:39:29,167 The man is a gambler. 466 00:39:29,742 --> 00:39:34,373 He got over his head in debt. He owed me money and refused to pay. 467 00:39:34,581 --> 00:39:36,128 He avoided me. 468 00:39:37,667 --> 00:39:42,093 That's why you should never gamble, Anthony. 469 00:39:46,384 --> 00:39:48,682 What was I supposed to do? 470 00:39:49,012 --> 00:39:54,269 That's my livelihood. It's how I put food on the table. 471 00:39:55,184 --> 00:39:58,859 You should never gamble, Anthony. 472 00:40:00,064 --> 00:40:06,538 Johnny, dinner's ready! Anthony! Janice, turn that off. 473 00:40:06,779 --> 00:40:09,453 Let this be a lesson to you. 474 00:40:09,657 --> 00:40:13,878 A man honors his debts. 475 00:40:19,125 --> 00:40:20,923 Beautiful cut he sent. 476 00:40:21,127 --> 00:40:24,256 You like it standing with the bone in, Lee? 477 00:40:24,505 --> 00:40:27,258 Look at those juices. 478 00:40:31,763 --> 00:40:35,313 (CROONING GENTLY) 479 00:40:46,653 --> 00:40:48,280 Go, Wayne Newton. 480 00:41:02,543 --> 00:41:04,637 Can I have the end piece? 481 00:41:06,130 --> 00:41:08,883 Johnny, let's eat while it's still hot. 482 00:41:09,425 --> 00:41:15,307 You bet, baby. The lady loves her meat. 483 00:41:29,988 --> 00:41:32,207 Four stitches. Ruined dinner. 484 00:41:32,407 --> 00:41:37,208 - This was your first panic attack? - Fainted, that's what my old man called it. 485 00:41:37,412 --> 00:41:41,462 Obviously, we've finally touched on something here. 486 00:41:41,666 --> 00:41:46,843 What you witnessed that day, where the meat came from. 487 00:41:47,005 --> 00:41:49,099 And your mother's great pleasure in it. 488 00:41:49,298 --> 00:41:52,393 It was the only time she'd be in a good mood... 489 00:41:52,593 --> 00:41:55,938 when the weekly meat delivery from Satriale's showed up. 490 00:41:56,139 --> 00:41:59,609 Or Fusco, the vegetable man, maybe. 491 00:42:00,268 --> 00:42:02,521 Probably the only time the old man got laid. 492 00:42:02,770 --> 00:42:05,774 - Probably. - Pretty sick, huh? 493 00:42:05,982 --> 00:42:08,201 Getting turned on by free cold cuts? 494 00:42:08,359 --> 00:42:12,114 Do you think that your mother questioned why the meat was free? 495 00:42:12,321 --> 00:42:15,495 The meat that was going into her children's mouths? 496 00:42:15,700 --> 00:42:20,922 I don't know. I don't wanna know. I don't wanna think about any of this shit. 497 00:42:21,080 --> 00:42:27,133 I'm sure it was too much for you then too. That's why you short-circuited. 498 00:42:27,336 --> 00:42:32,934 Puberty. Witnessing not only your mother and father's sexuality... 499 00:42:33,134 --> 00:42:36,980 but also the violence and blood so closely connected... 500 00:42:37,138 --> 00:42:40,642 to the food you were about to eat. 501 00:42:40,850 --> 00:42:43,899 And also, the thought that someday... 502 00:42:44,103 --> 00:42:48,324 you might be called upon to bring home the bacon. 503 00:42:48,524 --> 00:42:52,449 - Like your father. - All this from a slice of capocollo? 504 00:42:52,987 --> 00:42:56,742 Kind of like Proust's madeleines. 505 00:42:56,949 --> 00:42:59,543 - What? - Marcel Proust. 506 00:42:59,744 --> 00:43:04,966 Wrote a seven-volume classic, Remembrance of Things Past. 507 00:43:05,124 --> 00:43:07,092 He took a bite of a madeleine. 508 00:43:07,585 --> 00:43:11,886 It's a kind of tea cookie he used to have as a child. 509 00:43:12,090 --> 00:43:17,472 And that one bite unleashed a tide of memories of his childhood... 510 00:43:17,678 --> 00:43:20,522 and ultimately of his entire life. 511 00:43:21,099 --> 00:43:24,603 This sounds very gay. I hope you're not saying that. 512 00:43:24,811 --> 00:43:26,688 No. 513 00:43:28,189 --> 00:43:33,537 Understanding root causes will make you less vulnerable to future episodes. 514 00:43:33,903 --> 00:43:36,577 My fucking head is swimming here. 515 00:43:36,781 --> 00:43:42,288 We're gonna have to stop. It's a lot to process. 516 00:43:42,620 --> 00:43:46,716 But we've made real progress today. Good work. 517 00:43:47,834 --> 00:43:52,681 And I'd really like you to write down any thoughts or associations. 518 00:43:55,967 --> 00:43:57,469 You see the left tackle? 519 00:43:57,677 --> 00:44:01,352 He fakes inside, and then gets a spin move on the guy. 520 00:44:01,556 --> 00:44:04,605 Now he's charging the quarterback. See? 521 00:44:04,809 --> 00:44:07,983 - I thought the tailback had it. - You gotta keep your eye on the ball. 522 00:44:08,146 --> 00:44:09,898 The ball. That's what it's all about. 523 00:44:10,690 --> 00:44:13,193 - Okay, I'm going. - Where? 524 00:44:13,401 --> 00:44:18,032 I gotta bring Med her biking shoes, she's been missing my braciole. 525 00:44:18,447 --> 00:44:21,792 - Can I come? - Hey, we're watching the game. 526 00:44:21,993 --> 00:44:25,088 I like going to the city. I can catch the game in the car. 527 00:44:25,246 --> 00:44:28,250 It's nice he wants to visit his sister. 528 00:44:29,167 --> 00:44:33,172 - You're right. I'll get my shoes. - Why don't you watch your game? 529 00:44:33,379 --> 00:44:36,053 What, I shouldn't go now? 530 00:44:36,549 --> 00:44:40,474 A.J., why don't you bring this stuff out to the car? 531 00:44:47,476 --> 00:44:51,822 This is about Sambo, right? I'm paying for that goddamn college. 532 00:44:52,023 --> 00:44:56,824 I don't know what's going on. But if you wanna make a big scene at your daughter's new college... 533 00:44:57,028 --> 00:45:01,158 then comb your hair and come right along. Embarrass her. 534 00:45:01,365 --> 00:45:04,790 Alienate her. Or better yet, cut her off. 535 00:45:04,994 --> 00:45:09,545 Let her drop out and go to a state school. Or maybe move back in here. 536 00:45:12,126 --> 00:45:18,384 I was just trying to protect her from herself. And I'll do that till the day I die. 537 00:45:22,136 --> 00:45:26,482 I'm not gonna tell you you can't come. She's your daughter. 538 00:45:30,186 --> 00:45:32,814 I'll probably watch the game. 539 00:45:48,829 --> 00:45:49,830 ( DOOR CLOSING ) 540 00:45:50,623 --> 00:45:53,342 (DANCE MUSIC PLAYING) Come on, find the open man! 541 00:45:54,669 --> 00:45:56,012 You gotta throw the ball. 542 00:45:56,170 --> 00:45:58,673 Let it rip, already! 543 00:46:00,591 --> 00:46:05,267 ANNOUNCER: Garcia handing off at the 40-yard line across to the 43. 544 00:46:06,222 --> 00:46:09,476 I got your favorite Santa Barbara olives. 545 00:46:09,976 --> 00:46:12,695 Leave me the fuck alone. 546 00:46:18,985 --> 00:46:24,833 Chicken shit cocksuckers. Go for the touchdown. I need another five points to cover the spread. 547 00:46:28,035 --> 00:46:30,413 Hi. Pardon me. 548 00:46:31,163 --> 00:46:34,667 Here she is. Come on. Meadow! 549 00:46:35,376 --> 00:46:37,549 We're here. 550 00:46:38,045 --> 00:46:40,139 - Hi. - Hi. 551 00:46:40,715 --> 00:46:44,140 - This is my mom and my little brother, A.J. - Hey. 552 00:46:44,343 --> 00:46:48,314 - Dad didn't come? - No, he didn't. Did you want him to? 553 00:46:52,226 --> 00:46:55,901 - Noah, would you mind? - Noah told me what Dad said to him. 554 00:46:56,105 --> 00:47:01,327 - It's out in the open, so fuck this. - Let's watch the latrine-lip. 555 00:47:02,361 --> 00:47:04,784 Oh, well, what'd Dad say? 556 00:47:04,989 --> 00:47:09,745 Anthony, would you go downstairs and wait for me? I would like to talk to your sister. 557 00:47:10,911 --> 00:47:14,757 - Oh, I know what he said. - Go. 558 00:47:16,751 --> 00:47:21,552 I'm always being sent away. Why do I bother going anywhere? 559 00:47:23,549 --> 00:47:27,019 - What did your father say? - Like he didn't tell you. Please. 560 00:47:27,553 --> 00:47:31,854 - Well, believe what you like... - He called Noah things that are so ugly... 561 00:47:32,058 --> 00:47:33,856 I can't even repeat it. 562 00:47:35,561 --> 00:47:40,032 - You're right. There's no excuse. - He's lucky I didn't punch his fucking lights out. 563 00:47:40,232 --> 00:47:44,453 - Because you're a civilized person. - So this was gonna be a big drama? 564 00:47:44,653 --> 00:47:48,703 You wanted your father to come here for what? To subject your friend to this again? 565 00:47:49,075 --> 00:47:51,544 Wait. So I'm in the wrong? 566 00:47:51,744 --> 00:47:53,997 The rest of the world should work around... 567 00:47:54,163 --> 00:47:59,044 his racist, retrograde, fucking-asshole personality? 568 00:47:59,251 --> 00:48:04,223 He comes from a place and a time where he thinks it's in your best interest. 569 00:48:04,423 --> 00:48:08,018 New Jersey? The third millennium? 570 00:48:08,219 --> 00:48:10,642 Noah, I'm sure you must know what I'm talking about. 571 00:48:10,805 --> 00:48:14,776 Coming from a racially-mixed marriage must have been a difficult burden. 572 00:48:15,017 --> 00:48:19,443 Don't slam his family background. Look what you wound up in! 573 00:48:20,272 --> 00:48:23,742 Noah, would you excuse us a moment? I want a word with my daughter. 574 00:48:23,943 --> 00:48:27,197 I'm not going anywhere unless she wants me to. 575 00:48:28,072 --> 00:48:31,167 It's okay. I'll be up in a little while. 576 00:48:54,390 --> 00:48:57,815 I would hate to think you're airing your family's business in public. 577 00:48:57,977 --> 00:49:02,653 Noah's not stupid. It took him a while, but he caught on. 578 00:49:02,857 --> 00:49:05,076 But he keeps his opinions to himself. 579 00:49:05,234 --> 00:49:10,081 Unlike some people, he's brilliant and sensitive. 580 00:49:10,281 --> 00:49:11,954 I'll keep my mouth shut. 581 00:49:12,158 --> 00:49:16,163 Anything I say to you or your father will just fuel this. 582 00:49:16,370 --> 00:49:19,419 I'm not gonna stop seeing Noah. 583 00:49:19,790 --> 00:49:25,763 I put your helmet in there and your padded shorts. Though I'd rather you not bike in the city. 584 00:49:25,963 --> 00:49:29,513 If you must know, I'm going to Litchfield, Connecticut... 585 00:49:29,675 --> 00:49:35,603 to the weekend home of Noah's parents' friends, who work at NBC. 586 00:49:50,070 --> 00:49:53,745 But Hegel is talking about... 587 00:50:10,925 --> 00:50:14,350 - Svetlana, get out here! - Oh, hi. 588 00:50:14,553 --> 00:50:17,557 You must be the famous Bill. It's moving day, huh? 589 00:50:17,765 --> 00:50:22,521 Oh, I didn't think you would have the nerve to show your face to me. 590 00:50:22,728 --> 00:50:27,529 - Why? What happened? What's wrong? - Don't bullshit me. Where is my leg? 591 00:50:27,733 --> 00:50:32,284 - Your leg? Oh, yeah, where's your...? - I know you took it. 592 00:50:32,488 --> 00:50:35,287 That's preposterous. What possible use would I have for it? 593 00:50:35,491 --> 00:50:40,247 Because you think that will make me give records back, but you are wrong. 594 00:50:40,454 --> 00:50:43,958 If you see some karmic connection between your taking my mother's records... 595 00:50:44,124 --> 00:50:47,424 and the disappearance of your leg, wow! 596 00:50:47,628 --> 00:50:52,134 The records return, and so does the leg. I can see how you got there. 597 00:50:52,675 --> 00:50:55,144 I don't know how you can live with yourself. 598 00:50:55,344 --> 00:50:58,063 Bill, don't waste breath. 599 00:50:58,264 --> 00:51:02,735 This cunt is gonna be sorry she ever fuck with me. 600 00:51:03,978 --> 00:51:10,076 You better hope you have all your shit because I'm calling the locksmith. 601 00:51:16,073 --> 00:51:18,917 Doc. Where's Dino? 602 00:51:19,368 --> 00:51:21,291 - They got him for possession. - Shit. 603 00:51:21,453 --> 00:51:22,579 What do you care? 604 00:51:22,788 --> 00:51:26,588 He mentioned that job over at Rutgers. A coffeehouse. 605 00:51:26,792 --> 00:51:31,093 Coffeehouse, shit. We were gonna jack a benefit concert there tonight. 606 00:51:31,255 --> 00:51:34,350 - Jewel and Amnesty International. - You know the details? 607 00:51:34,508 --> 00:51:37,682 - Can you make it work without Dino? - It was my fucking idea. 608 00:51:49,690 --> 00:51:52,364 I know this must be hard for you, Anthony. 609 00:51:52,568 --> 00:51:56,664 Your sister off at college, you here at home all by yourself with us. 610 00:51:56,864 --> 00:51:59,117 But it won't be for long. 611 00:51:59,325 --> 00:52:02,920 Pretty soon, you'll be heading off to college yourself. 612 00:52:03,162 --> 00:52:07,133 - I don't think I'm gonna go. - What, college? Of course you will. 613 00:52:08,125 --> 00:52:11,049 I don't wanna talk about it right now. 614 00:52:11,879 --> 00:52:16,180 There's so many people there, all smarter than me. A bunch of freaks. 615 00:52:16,383 --> 00:52:18,056 What? 616 00:52:22,139 --> 00:52:24,733 You're not excused! 617 00:52:24,933 --> 00:52:29,814 - You're punished! - He's all right. 618 00:52:38,656 --> 00:52:42,160 Under no circumstances move this car or your life will not be worth shit. 619 00:52:42,368 --> 00:52:45,167 - Get me Jewel's autograph. - You're a good kid. 620 00:52:45,329 --> 00:52:48,333 I'll bring you her underpants. 621 00:52:56,840 --> 00:52:59,935 - All goes in there, no one gets shot. - Oh, my God! Oh, my God! 622 00:53:12,815 --> 00:53:15,659 - You're robbing a benefit concert. - Is that all there is? 623 00:53:15,818 --> 00:53:17,286 I'll fucking blow your head off! 624 00:53:17,444 --> 00:53:21,745 - Most people used student cards. - Hey! What's going on, you? 625 00:53:21,990 --> 00:53:25,868 Say one word on that fucking thing and you're dead! 626 00:53:25,869 --> 00:53:27,041 (SCREAMING ) 627 00:53:32,126 --> 00:53:33,343 ( FEMALE SCREAMING ) 628 00:53:38,966 --> 00:53:40,058 Hit it! 629 00:54:05,659 --> 00:54:08,003 There's your money. 630 00:54:12,207 --> 00:54:16,337 - You ought to hit a tanning salon. - I had a late night. 631 00:54:17,212 --> 00:54:21,763 You gotta give that shit a rest. A man needs his seven hours to keep sharp. 632 00:54:21,967 --> 00:54:27,189 This was work. Little Jackie hyped us to a score at Rutgers, not bad. 633 00:54:27,389 --> 00:54:30,484 What's the matter, Chrissy? Tell Uncle Paulie. 634 00:54:30,684 --> 00:54:34,780 This being made isn't like I thought. A lot of responsibilities. 635 00:54:35,063 --> 00:54:38,988 - Fucking A. What did you think? - You're only as smart as the week's lines. 636 00:54:39,193 --> 00:54:42,697 One false move and you spend your time chasing it, instead of making money. 637 00:54:42,905 --> 00:54:46,455 Welcome to the NFL, rookie. Go home, get some sleep. 638 00:54:46,658 --> 00:54:49,127 Tomorrow's a new day. 639 00:54:59,713 --> 00:55:03,513 Sorry I'm late. I had to make a few stops. 640 00:55:04,218 --> 00:55:08,064 - Have a smelt. - No. 641 00:55:08,263 --> 00:55:11,107 We had a very good week this week, boss. 642 00:55:12,935 --> 00:55:16,109 - How's our little friend doing? - He had a few knocks... 643 00:55:16,271 --> 00:55:18,444 but it came out all right. 644 00:55:18,607 --> 00:55:21,360 Wait'll he hears the policy on newly-made guys. 645 00:55:21,568 --> 00:55:24,697 They're subject to strip search for wires and shit. 646 00:55:24,905 --> 00:55:27,203 He'll love that. 647 00:55:27,407 --> 00:55:32,163 He had to augment his kick with a stickup at Rutgers tittle Jackie put him onto. 648 00:55:32,371 --> 00:55:34,669 Jackie Aprile? 649 00:55:35,040 --> 00:55:39,011 - He did the thing in the papers? - Don't worry. He was only the wheel man. 650 00:55:39,211 --> 00:55:44,889 - I told Christopher to leave him the fuck out. - I'm just telling you what I know. 651 00:55:48,428 --> 00:55:50,556 (PHONE) 652 00:55:51,557 --> 00:55:53,559 ( PHONE AND BEEPER) 653 00:55:59,439 --> 00:56:03,364 Don't be too hard on Chrissy. He's having a hard enough time as it is. 654 00:56:03,569 --> 00:56:06,869 Yeah, but what's wrong with the kid? When's he gonna grow up? 655 00:56:08,073 --> 00:56:10,201 - Where's Soprano? - Here. 656 00:56:10,409 --> 00:56:16,633 Guys, take a good look at Soprano here and remember his performance last week. 657 00:56:16,832 --> 00:56:21,554 Soprano's on the sidelines three whole quarters, waiting. But does his mind go soft? 658 00:56:21,753 --> 00:56:25,223 No. Does his fire go out? Heck, no. 659 00:56:25,424 --> 00:56:28,268 When the call came, he brought his A game. 660 00:56:28,468 --> 00:56:31,563 This young man may have a big future. He may be a leader. 661 00:56:31,930 --> 00:56:36,731 And that's what it takes. And that's why I'm naming him defensive captain. 662 00:56:40,230 --> 00:56:45,327 All right! All right. So let's hit those showers, one thought in mind... 663 00:56:45,527 --> 00:56:48,497 Soprano! Soprano, you all right?