1 00:01:48,191 --> 00:01:51,068 While you slept, we found out Hunter got into Reed. 2 00:01:51,319 --> 00:01:54,196 - Sayonara! - Can't you be happy for Hunter? 3 00:01:54,405 --> 00:01:57,574 It's her first choice. She'd die if she didn't get in. 4 00:01:57,784 --> 00:01:59,952 Why do you think everything has to do with me? 5 00:02:00,161 --> 00:02:01,328 Because you didn't get in. 6 00:02:01,579 --> 00:02:04,248 Anthony! Nobody is hearing anything for months. 7 00:02:04,499 --> 00:02:07,126 Hunter took early acceptance to find out early. 8 00:02:07,335 --> 00:02:09,670 That meant she could only apply to one college. 9 00:02:09,921 --> 00:02:11,839 Your sister has a lot of options. 10 00:02:12,090 --> 00:02:16,301 Such as: Bowdoin, Holy Cross, Georgetown... 11 00:02:16,511 --> 00:02:18,428 Georgetown is a reach for me. 12 00:02:18,638 --> 00:02:20,681 They'd be crazy not to want you. 13 00:02:20,932 --> 00:02:23,267 If I can get in, I can get into Berkeley. 14 00:02:23,476 --> 00:02:25,144 - Over my dead body. - There are more... 15 00:02:25,353 --> 00:02:28,939 ...Nobel Prize winners in the San Francisco area than anywhere. 16 00:02:29,149 --> 00:02:31,316 Nobel Prize for what? Packing fudge? 17 00:02:33,319 --> 00:02:37,281 You know that you can go anywhere you want to go to college. 18 00:02:37,490 --> 00:02:39,366 But I'm not gonna pay for Berkeley. 19 00:02:39,576 --> 00:02:41,660 I want to go to Harvard or West Point. 20 00:02:41,870 --> 00:02:44,705 You may get to see them on TV, but that's about it. 21 00:02:44,956 --> 00:02:47,124 To go there you gotta crack the books. 22 00:03:01,890 --> 00:03:04,474 Stockings, Chris. How many do you gotta sell... 23 00:03:04,684 --> 00:03:06,685 ...to pay the nut on this place? 24 00:03:06,936 --> 00:03:09,062 How can I express how little I give a fuck? 25 00:03:09,772 --> 00:03:11,690 Sh! What's that? 26 00:03:13,067 --> 00:03:14,318 Fucking rent-a-geek. 27 00:03:14,527 --> 00:03:16,987 Want me to cave the rest of your head in? 28 00:03:18,323 --> 00:03:21,992 All right, that's bent enough. Get the crowbar, pop the plate. 29 00:03:23,870 --> 00:03:26,205 Without fail, every time we're on a job... 30 00:03:26,456 --> 00:03:28,290 The adrenaline affects everybody differently. 31 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:31,710 Big Pussy Bompensiero, he started out as a cat burglar. 32 00:03:31,961 --> 00:03:35,422 One time he left a load so big, cop thought a bear did it. 33 00:03:35,757 --> 00:03:38,300 Bompensiero started off chipping safes like this? 34 00:03:38,551 --> 00:03:41,929 Until he stepped up for Soprano during the unrest of '83. 35 00:03:42,138 --> 00:03:44,932 Back then when you did something, you got recognized. 36 00:03:45,183 --> 00:03:49,353 When your time comes, you either step up or you look for a new career. 37 00:03:49,562 --> 00:03:51,605 Selling stockings door-to-door. 38 00:03:57,779 --> 00:04:01,865 The Profile Toner is a wonderful, affordable... 39 00:04:02,116 --> 00:04:05,744 ...easily used alternative to undergoing facelift surgery. 40 00:04:06,287 --> 00:04:09,539 The Profile Toner is great for any age and body type... 41 00:04:09,749 --> 00:04:13,418 ...even for those hereditary conditions you've given up on. 42 00:04:13,670 --> 00:04:14,962 Carm... 43 00:04:15,838 --> 00:04:17,965 Why don't you take a Xanax or something? 44 00:04:20,802 --> 00:04:23,095 What is this obsession with Berkeley? 45 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:24,972 Is she trying to get away from us? 46 00:04:25,223 --> 00:04:27,516 Absolutely. That's her job. 47 00:04:27,767 --> 00:04:29,184 Yeah, go ahead, laugh. 48 00:04:29,435 --> 00:04:32,813 What if she gets into Berkeley and not into Georgetown? 49 00:04:34,524 --> 00:04:37,192 She's in the National Honor Society. 50 00:04:37,443 --> 00:04:39,444 Don't be naive, Tony. Please. 51 00:04:39,654 --> 00:04:42,072 How do you think Hunter got into Reed? 52 00:04:42,282 --> 00:04:46,576 Her uncle, that's how. Him and his wife are graduates. 53 00:04:46,828 --> 00:04:49,329 That's the only way that freak's gonna get in. 54 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:51,498 Second baby boom. 55 00:04:51,749 --> 00:04:54,209 Great SAT scores. It's not enough anymore. 56 00:04:54,460 --> 00:04:57,546 It's all who you know or how many buildings you give. 57 00:04:57,797 --> 00:04:59,798 What do you want me to do? 58 00:05:18,985 --> 00:05:22,321 - He here? - Hey! 59 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:25,949 Someone leave a cage open at Turtleback Zoo? 60 00:05:28,661 --> 00:05:29,745 Sit down, for chrissake. 61 00:05:30,330 --> 00:05:32,456 I want to talk to you about Beansie Gaeta. 62 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:35,208 - He may never walk again. - Never say never. 63 00:05:35,752 --> 00:05:40,672 No, say never. He's a shopping cart, from here on out. 64 00:05:40,923 --> 00:05:43,633 He gets home from rehab soon, poor fucker. 65 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:46,720 - You should help him out. - Help him out? 66 00:05:46,971 --> 00:05:49,890 You should build him a ramp for the wheelchair. 67 00:05:50,141 --> 00:05:54,770 You know, make the place, whatchamacallit? Handicap accessible. 68 00:05:54,979 --> 00:05:56,980 Maybe when I'm there I'll fuck his wife. 69 00:05:57,231 --> 00:05:59,733 Come on. You're a fucking captain now. 70 00:06:01,152 --> 00:06:02,402 So exert some pressure. 71 00:06:02,612 --> 00:06:05,739 Call that nephew of yours, Vito, and the other one. 72 00:06:05,990 --> 00:06:07,908 They're in the building trades. 73 00:06:08,117 --> 00:06:11,578 - Wait, are you fucking serious? - Richie, it's a gesture. 74 00:06:12,413 --> 00:06:16,958 - The man has a lot of friends. - You're out of your fucking minds. 75 00:06:18,419 --> 00:06:21,254 Don't take that attitude, Richie 76 00:06:21,464 --> 00:06:23,256 You're gonna build Beansie a ramp. 77 00:06:25,051 --> 00:06:30,180 I'll build a ramp up to your ass, drive a Lionel up in there. 78 00:06:39,649 --> 00:06:40,941 Jeannie, hi! 79 00:06:41,192 --> 00:06:42,859 You're putting your roses to bed? 80 00:06:43,069 --> 00:06:45,320 Carmela, hi. 81 00:06:45,571 --> 00:06:47,697 I haven't seen you at spinning class. 82 00:06:47,907 --> 00:06:50,367 I rang the bell, you weren't home, either. 83 00:06:50,576 --> 00:06:53,203 - Really? - The other day, I am at the mall... 84 00:06:53,413 --> 00:06:56,915 ...I see you on the escalator, and I'm yelling, "Jeannie!" 85 00:06:57,166 --> 00:07:01,753 Then I realized it was your sister. Now, didn't she go to Georgetown? 86 00:07:01,963 --> 00:07:04,339 Georgetown Law. Georgetown Law Review. 87 00:07:04,590 --> 00:07:08,927 Regional secretary of the Georgetown Alumni Association of Short Hills. 88 00:07:09,178 --> 00:07:11,430 Because my Meadow applied to Georgetown. 89 00:07:11,681 --> 00:07:14,391 I hope and pray to Jesus that she gets in. 90 00:07:14,600 --> 00:07:18,270 She keeps talking about Berkeley. Madonna, Berkeley! 91 00:07:18,521 --> 00:07:22,023 College already, huh? They get big so fast. 92 00:07:22,275 --> 00:07:23,900 Oh, God, is that the time? 93 00:07:24,735 --> 00:07:28,280 Jeannie, I need to ask you a favor. 94 00:07:28,948 --> 00:07:31,032 I wonder if you'd ask your sister... 95 00:07:31,284 --> 00:07:34,161 ...to write Meadow a recommendation. Is that too much? 96 00:07:34,370 --> 00:07:36,746 But she doesn't really know Meadow. 97 00:07:36,956 --> 00:07:41,084 But you do. You could give her the transcripts, which are excellent. 98 00:07:41,294 --> 00:07:45,255 Her paper on the melting ice cap made me cry, it's so poignant. 99 00:07:45,465 --> 00:07:49,926 - It was published in the Caduceus. - My sister's so busy. That's all. 100 00:07:50,136 --> 00:07:53,597 If there's any way you could find your way to helping me out. 101 00:07:57,894 --> 00:07:59,144 I'll ask her. 102 00:08:00,771 --> 00:08:02,481 Thank you, Jeannie. 103 00:08:02,773 --> 00:08:04,983 I'll let you get back to your plants. 104 00:08:07,111 --> 00:08:08,653 Good, Good, Good. 105 00:08:08,821 --> 00:08:13,533 That's it. Push up. Now, bracing yourself on the bedside hand... 106 00:08:15,453 --> 00:08:16,703 Richie. 107 00:08:17,997 --> 00:08:21,082 - Could you excuse us for a moment? - No. 108 00:08:21,334 --> 00:08:22,709 Are you all right, Mr. Gaeta? 109 00:08:22,960 --> 00:08:28,089 He's fine. He's so proud, he won't accept some friendly concern. 110 00:08:30,551 --> 00:08:32,636 Just stay right out in the hall. 111 00:08:38,184 --> 00:08:39,142 What do you want? 112 00:08:39,352 --> 00:08:41,811 Why don't you kill me, you cocksucker? 113 00:08:42,772 --> 00:08:46,191 - Christ, look what you did to me. - Whose idea was the ramp? 114 00:08:46,400 --> 00:08:48,860 - What ramp? - The fucking ramp. 115 00:08:49,695 --> 00:08:53,490 If you need help, I'll fucking help you, you understand? 116 00:08:53,699 --> 00:08:57,202 - You talk to me. - I don't want jack shit from you. 117 00:08:59,372 --> 00:09:02,749 Okay. I'll leave. 118 00:09:04,085 --> 00:09:09,047 But if you go crying to Tony Soprano one more time... 119 00:09:09,298 --> 00:09:11,299 ...if you open your mouth... 120 00:09:13,052 --> 00:09:16,721 ...I'm gonna send your arms where your legs are. 121 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:33,822 - Liz, I gotta see Adriana. - She's not here. 122 00:09:34,073 --> 00:09:38,201 - Let me in, I gotta talk to her. - You are not welcome in this house. 123 00:09:39,495 --> 00:09:43,248 What the fuck, Adriana! I'm sorry. How many times I gotta call? 124 00:09:43,499 --> 00:09:46,251 Go! I hate you! I never want to speak to you again! 125 00:09:46,502 --> 00:09:47,627 I'm calling the police. 126 00:09:47,878 --> 00:09:51,798 Don't be like that. I love you. I'm going crazy. I miss you. 127 00:09:52,049 --> 00:09:54,801 - I'm dialing 911. - Why should I listen to you? 128 00:09:55,011 --> 00:09:58,305 So you can dump more wine in your soup and embarrass me? 129 00:09:58,514 --> 00:10:01,516 - Give me the phone! - Go in the other room! 130 00:10:01,684 --> 00:10:02,684 Ow. 131 00:10:03,185 --> 00:10:05,145 - I want to marry you. - What? 132 00:10:05,396 --> 00:10:09,941 I mean it, Adriana. I love you. I want to marry you. 133 00:10:10,192 --> 00:10:12,569 - Got you a ring. - Don't listen to him. 134 00:10:12,778 --> 00:10:14,529 He's jerked you around for years. 135 00:10:14,780 --> 00:10:17,407 - You're wasting your whole youth. - Ma... 136 00:10:20,286 --> 00:10:21,578 Open it. 137 00:10:21,829 --> 00:10:24,080 I bet it was in Zane's window this morning. 138 00:10:24,332 --> 00:10:26,499 I bet there's bits of broken glass in it. 139 00:10:26,709 --> 00:10:28,168 Ma, would you leave us alone? 140 00:10:28,377 --> 00:10:31,671 Adriana, I hear you sobbing in your bed at night. 141 00:10:31,881 --> 00:10:33,131 Ma! 142 00:10:35,217 --> 00:10:39,929 When you get hurt next time, this door is closed to you. 143 00:10:48,147 --> 00:10:49,939 Oh, my God. 144 00:10:51,651 --> 00:10:54,736 - Christopher. - It's three carats. 145 00:10:56,155 --> 00:11:00,784 The guy said you could bring it in and have it sized if it's loose. 146 00:11:01,619 --> 00:11:03,912 Oh, Christopher. 147 00:11:05,956 --> 00:11:08,917 He had The Mummy before it was in the theaters. 148 00:11:09,919 --> 00:11:13,338 Look, we're wondering why the squirrels went quiet. 149 00:11:13,589 --> 00:11:17,384 Oh, this nephew of yours, what a ball-breaker. 150 00:11:17,635 --> 00:11:18,843 I told him about the tapes. 151 00:11:19,095 --> 00:11:20,804 Yeah, these are the real... 152 00:11:21,055 --> 00:11:23,556 ...Hollywood quality broadcast movies. 153 00:11:23,808 --> 00:11:28,937 None of that time-coding bullshit, blurry pictures those Nigerians sell. 154 00:11:29,146 --> 00:11:32,190 - Oh, you're in on this? - Ten thousand units. 155 00:11:32,441 --> 00:11:35,402 - What's Johnny Sack say about that? - Fuck New York. 156 00:11:39,657 --> 00:11:41,449 Better run before your wife gets home. 157 00:11:41,659 --> 00:11:44,703 I can't be seen associating with known felons. 158 00:11:44,954 --> 00:11:48,248 What's your excuse for hanging out with this undesirable? 159 00:11:48,499 --> 00:11:53,545 The terms of my house arrest allow me to do my grocery shopping. 160 00:11:54,964 --> 00:11:58,133 Don't put handprints on the finish! 161 00:11:59,051 --> 00:12:01,094 Last arugula raab from the garden. 162 00:12:01,345 --> 00:12:03,555 Don't drench it in oil this time. 163 00:12:03,806 --> 00:12:06,891 He likes to mop with his bread, it's not my fault. 164 00:12:08,227 --> 00:12:11,062 What brings you to an English- speaking neighborhood? 165 00:12:11,313 --> 00:12:13,898 Fucking winghead came to see me. 166 00:12:14,150 --> 00:12:15,859 Paulie? 167 00:12:16,569 --> 00:12:20,447 He said I gotta build a fucking ramp on Beansie's house. 168 00:12:20,823 --> 00:12:24,409 - Yeah, I know. - Wait, this was your idea? 169 00:12:25,745 --> 00:12:29,456 Jesus Christ, Tony. Is this how you spend your time? 170 00:12:29,707 --> 00:12:31,958 Beansie Gaeta would still sell nickel bags... 171 00:12:32,168 --> 00:12:35,545 ...on Jefferson Avenue if it wasn't for Jackie. 172 00:12:35,755 --> 00:12:37,756 Build Beansie the ramp. 173 00:12:38,632 --> 00:12:41,092 Terrible accident that kid had. 174 00:12:43,262 --> 00:12:45,263 Yeah, it's done. 175 00:12:45,931 --> 00:12:47,557 Come on, come here. 176 00:12:49,435 --> 00:12:51,519 I got something for you. 177 00:12:58,486 --> 00:13:02,447 - What's this? - What's this? It's the jacket! 178 00:13:02,656 --> 00:13:04,908 - The jacket? - The jacket... 179 00:13:05,117 --> 00:13:08,578 ...I took off Rocco DiMeo. Oh, yeah. Yeah. 180 00:13:08,788 --> 00:13:11,164 Toughest reputation in Essex County. 181 00:13:11,373 --> 00:13:13,833 Didn't come back after I finished with him. 182 00:13:14,084 --> 00:13:16,961 - He later died of Alzheimer's. - Oh, yeah? 183 00:13:17,838 --> 00:13:20,673 - Try it on. - It's your fucking jacket. 184 00:13:20,883 --> 00:13:24,677 You love this jacket. You and my brother would've killed for it. 185 00:13:24,887 --> 00:13:27,472 Silk lining. Fine Corinthian leather. 186 00:13:27,681 --> 00:13:31,142 Nobody believed with my size I could carry this jacket. 187 00:13:31,352 --> 00:13:33,353 But with a belt, it was like Rommel. 188 00:13:33,604 --> 00:13:34,771 It's a... 189 00:13:35,606 --> 00:13:37,315 ...nice jacket. 190 00:13:37,566 --> 00:13:39,901 It's a beautiful jacket. 191 00:13:40,194 --> 00:13:41,778 But it's yours to have now. 192 00:13:42,029 --> 00:13:44,113 - Why? - I gotta let go of the past. 193 00:13:44,365 --> 00:13:49,494 Like the Tao says, you gotta shut one door before another one can open. 194 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:54,916 Was that so hard to do? You did it. 195 00:13:58,921 --> 00:14:03,258 That's it. That's it. Oh! 196 00:14:03,509 --> 00:14:06,177 Huh? Perfect. 197 00:14:07,096 --> 00:14:09,305 You look like Robert Evans over there. 198 00:14:16,981 --> 00:14:18,565 Thanks. 199 00:15:08,949 --> 00:15:12,619 Is that all Tony said? Did he say anything else? 200 00:15:13,370 --> 00:15:14,579 What do you want him to do? 201 00:15:14,830 --> 00:15:18,458 Give you a kiss? He said nice swag, and where's his end? 202 00:15:18,709 --> 00:15:21,044 To kick up to Tony Soprano will be an honor. 203 00:15:21,295 --> 00:15:22,462 He the man. 204 00:15:23,005 --> 00:15:26,799 Thought you said I was the man. He the man, who the man? 205 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:28,593 Are we not men? 206 00:15:35,100 --> 00:15:39,187 Oh, listen. Tony's cut from this thing and that one... 207 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:42,565 ...comes out of your end. That's how it is in the beginning. 208 00:15:42,816 --> 00:15:45,276 Dues concept. We're down with it. Right, Gis? 209 00:15:45,527 --> 00:15:47,779 I laid out my take on the diamond for Ade. 210 00:15:48,030 --> 00:15:52,575 Adriana La Cerva. There's one hottie! 211 00:15:52,826 --> 00:15:55,787 She loves me and these are her childbearing years. 212 00:15:56,038 --> 00:15:57,580 Don't see myself getting married. 213 00:15:57,831 --> 00:16:01,626 I get all I need, and I can hire somebody to wash and iron. 214 00:16:01,877 --> 00:16:03,753 Yeah, I could see that. 215 00:16:04,505 --> 00:16:06,172 No more burritos before work. 216 00:16:09,718 --> 00:16:13,972 Look at this place. Can you imagine spending day after day here... 217 00:16:14,056 --> 00:16:15,306 ...year after year? 218 00:16:52,678 --> 00:16:54,679 - Can I help you? - Mrs. Gaeta? 219 00:16:54,930 --> 00:16:56,431 - We're here for the ramp. - Ramp? 220 00:16:56,682 --> 00:16:57,932 For your husband. 221 00:16:58,183 --> 00:17:00,143 You from Outreach at Saint Erasmus? 222 00:17:00,394 --> 00:17:01,894 We're also supposed to... 223 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:06,482 ...alter the toilets and widen the doorways and so on... 224 00:17:06,692 --> 00:17:08,526 ...to make the house accessible. 225 00:17:08,777 --> 00:17:10,028 Who sent you here? 226 00:17:11,655 --> 00:17:15,324 - Richie Aprile. - Richie Aprile? 227 00:17:15,576 --> 00:17:18,494 We'll be done before Beansie's home from the hospital. 228 00:17:18,620 --> 00:17:19,328 Get out of here. 229 00:17:19,455 --> 00:17:22,749 I don't want anything to do with that man after what he did. 230 00:17:25,961 --> 00:17:30,548 She's got problems, but I'm not gonna tell Richie this isn't getting done. 231 00:17:43,312 --> 00:17:45,813 - Richie. - Tony. 232 00:17:46,065 --> 00:17:49,650 Rich, this is Matthew Bevilaqua and Sean Gismonte. 233 00:17:49,902 --> 00:17:52,236 - From West Orange. - I'm back to Drinkwater. 234 00:17:52,488 --> 00:17:53,696 It's good to meet you. 235 00:17:53,906 --> 00:17:57,450 My cousin Louis worked with you in the prison sign shop. 236 00:17:57,659 --> 00:18:00,703 Oh, yeah. Lou. 5'8," about 225. 237 00:18:01,497 --> 00:18:03,915 I'll take them to Uncle Joey's to look at IROCs. 238 00:18:04,124 --> 00:18:06,417 They asked if they could come and say hello. 239 00:18:06,627 --> 00:18:08,711 You been doing things for Christopher Moltisanti? 240 00:18:08,962 --> 00:18:12,381 - This and that. - The attitude on that camel-nose fuck. 241 00:18:12,633 --> 00:18:15,176 He lays his hand on my niece again... 242 00:18:15,469 --> 00:18:16,928 ...I'm gonna tear him apart. 243 00:18:17,137 --> 00:18:19,472 - Camel-nose. - You can't make that shit up. 244 00:18:19,723 --> 00:18:21,224 What are you talking about? 245 00:18:21,475 --> 00:18:24,060 I just did. Ever notice, he's the only guy... 246 00:18:24,311 --> 00:18:27,730 ...who can smoke in the rain with his hands on his back? 247 00:18:27,981 --> 00:18:30,650 That nose is a natural canopy. 248 00:18:33,737 --> 00:18:37,657 - The kid has his good points. - I know. He's my homie. 249 00:18:38,408 --> 00:18:40,952 - Your what? - He lives up near me. 250 00:18:41,203 --> 00:18:43,079 Why didn't you say that? 251 00:18:43,330 --> 00:18:47,750 If you talk like a melanzane, I'll send you to slip-and-fall school. 252 00:18:48,001 --> 00:18:50,002 Fellas, come on. Times up, let's go. 253 00:18:50,212 --> 00:18:52,213 Richie, it was good meeting you. 254 00:18:52,464 --> 00:18:56,259 If there's ever anything you can do for me, let me know. 255 00:19:02,182 --> 00:19:04,934 - Hi. - Oh, my God. Did we have a lunch? 256 00:19:05,144 --> 00:19:08,271 - I'm rushing to a deposition. - I was in the neighborhood. 257 00:19:08,480 --> 00:19:12,108 - Downtown Newark? - I think I goofed, Joanie. 258 00:19:12,317 --> 00:19:14,610 I don't know how I got into this conversation. 259 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:17,864 But Carmela Soprano, from next door, trapped me... 260 00:19:18,115 --> 00:19:22,702 ...into asking you to write her kid a recommendation to Georgetown. 261 00:19:22,911 --> 00:19:25,788 - The gangster's wife? - I'm sorry. 262 00:19:25,998 --> 00:19:29,417 She blind-sided me in the back yard. What was I supposed to say? 263 00:19:29,626 --> 00:19:33,379 That I'm busy, which I am. That I don't even know the girl. 264 00:19:33,630 --> 00:19:37,175 Come on, you met Meadow. Fourth of July, at our barbecue. 265 00:19:37,426 --> 00:19:40,970 That's not what I mean. You can't expect me to do this. 266 00:19:41,180 --> 00:19:45,183 It's just a letter. Bruce just wrote one to UVM. 267 00:19:45,767 --> 00:19:47,685 You do it all the time! 268 00:19:48,103 --> 00:19:51,189 Gangsters, on the Georgetown campus? I don't think so. 269 00:19:51,398 --> 00:19:53,482 Oh, spare me the elitist bullshit. 270 00:19:53,692 --> 00:19:56,068 - They're neighbors! - Have you lost your mind? 271 00:19:56,278 --> 00:19:58,237 Carmela asked me, Joan. 272 00:19:58,447 --> 00:20:00,948 Are you frightened? What are they gonna do? 273 00:20:01,200 --> 00:20:03,826 Put you in cement boots over an application? 274 00:20:04,036 --> 00:20:07,371 It's not that. It's about manners. What will I say? 275 00:20:07,623 --> 00:20:10,499 I'm writing a letter for someone else, which I am. 276 00:20:10,709 --> 00:20:14,670 A wonderful Dominican boy from the projects, with a 5.2 average. 277 00:20:14,922 --> 00:20:16,923 I have a reputation to protect. 278 00:20:18,091 --> 00:20:22,261 - I knew you wouldn't do it. - You want to be a doormat forever? 279 00:20:22,429 --> 00:20:25,223 Just deal with it, Jeannie, okay? 280 00:20:28,727 --> 00:20:31,229 It's no trouble at all to add two more. 281 00:20:31,480 --> 00:20:33,231 Especially with Ms. Meadow missing. 282 00:20:33,440 --> 00:20:38,069 Don't be silly. We dropped by to get Ma's furniture from the basement. 283 00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:41,239 - "Ma," now? - Hugh, sit with me and Anthony. 284 00:20:41,448 --> 00:20:43,908 Let Janice's friend sit at the foot. 285 00:20:44,159 --> 00:20:46,077 Grandpa, after dinner, Hot Wheels? 286 00:20:46,286 --> 00:20:47,370 Ooh. 287 00:20:47,871 --> 00:20:49,288 Something smells good. 288 00:20:49,539 --> 00:20:52,667 It's much cozier this way. The more the merrier. 289 00:20:52,918 --> 00:20:57,046 This is what it's all about. Friends, family. 290 00:20:57,256 --> 00:20:58,965 It's what I missed all those years. 291 00:20:59,174 --> 00:21:01,384 You are always welcome, Richie. 292 00:21:01,635 --> 00:21:03,094 I hope you're hungry for roast. 293 00:21:03,345 --> 00:21:05,888 - Let me help. - Ma, sit down. Janice, sit. 294 00:21:06,098 --> 00:21:08,266 Everything's under control. 295 00:21:09,810 --> 00:21:13,521 Oh, Janice, sit. Really, sit. 296 00:21:13,730 --> 00:21:16,357 - Hey, how's the jacket? - What jacket? 297 00:21:16,566 --> 00:21:20,152 I gave your little brother a beautiful leather jacket. 298 00:21:20,404 --> 00:21:23,447 - You still liking the jacket? - It's terrific. 299 00:21:23,657 --> 00:21:26,617 Excuse me, I gotta get the Ginzu. 300 00:21:26,868 --> 00:21:28,953 - What jacket? - With the belt. 301 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:34,125 Where's my knife? 302 00:21:34,376 --> 00:21:37,378 I want to compliment you on your behavior out there. 303 00:21:37,629 --> 00:21:39,130 I want him where I can see him. 304 00:21:39,381 --> 00:21:42,258 That's what we mean when we say "family." 305 00:21:48,056 --> 00:21:50,641 I'm sorry. I know I'm late. 306 00:21:50,892 --> 00:21:53,686 Said you could stay overnight, not miss dinner. 307 00:21:53,937 --> 00:21:56,272 I said I'm sorry. You could've paged me. 308 00:21:56,523 --> 00:21:59,191 - Any mail yesterday? - It's where it always is. 309 00:21:59,443 --> 00:22:01,569 But go set yourself a place, we have company. 310 00:22:09,161 --> 00:22:10,536 What happened to this? 311 00:22:11,955 --> 00:22:14,290 - Hello? - Carmela? Hi. 312 00:22:14,499 --> 00:22:18,169 - It's Jeannie Cusamano. - Oh, hi! Hi, how are you? 313 00:22:18,378 --> 00:22:21,672 Listen, Carmela. I spoke to my sister about the letter. 314 00:22:21,923 --> 00:22:25,676 And she's sorry, but she just can't do it. I'm sorry. 315 00:22:25,886 --> 00:22:27,720 She can't? Why not? 316 00:22:27,971 --> 00:22:31,057 Because she already wrote a letter for someone else. 317 00:22:31,308 --> 00:22:34,602 A wonderful Dominican man from the housing projects... 318 00:22:34,811 --> 00:22:37,313 ...with a 5.2 average and... 319 00:22:37,522 --> 00:22:41,525 ...crack-addict mother, and cerebral palsy. 320 00:22:44,196 --> 00:22:46,322 What does that mean? She can't send two? 321 00:22:46,531 --> 00:22:49,325 Did you think to ask one of the priests at church? 322 00:22:49,576 --> 00:22:53,287 A letter from Father Intintola would mean more, I bet. 323 00:22:53,538 --> 00:22:55,164 Especially at Georgetown. 324 00:22:55,374 --> 00:22:58,667 I gotta go. Bye. Good luck! 325 00:23:01,171 --> 00:23:02,755 Who was that? 326 00:23:04,257 --> 00:23:07,093 - Can't send two what? - It's nothing. 327 00:23:14,309 --> 00:23:16,977 Joan, I don't want to interrupt you... 328 00:23:17,229 --> 00:23:20,606 ...but a Carmela Soprano is here. You're kidding. 329 00:23:20,816 --> 00:23:23,609 She's not in your Day-Timer. Want me to handle it? 330 00:23:23,985 --> 00:23:27,405 Oh, Christ. Send her in. 331 00:23:29,282 --> 00:23:30,533 Excuse me. 332 00:23:30,784 --> 00:23:33,536 Joan, hi. Is this a bad time? 333 00:23:33,787 --> 00:23:36,705 Always. Come on in. 334 00:23:37,833 --> 00:23:40,709 - Ricotta pie with pineapples. - Oh, well. 335 00:23:40,961 --> 00:23:44,296 I was in the neighborhood. My mother's foot surgeon is here. 336 00:23:44,548 --> 00:23:46,006 Thank you. 337 00:23:47,551 --> 00:23:49,969 Listen, I think I know why you're here. 338 00:23:50,178 --> 00:23:55,307 My sister told me you want me to write a letter to Georgetown for Fielder? 339 00:23:55,684 --> 00:23:58,060 - Meadow. - Oh, sorry. 340 00:23:58,603 --> 00:23:59,895 But I just can't do it. 341 00:24:00,105 --> 00:24:05,234 I thought you would at least want to look at her grades and SAT scores... 342 00:24:05,485 --> 00:24:07,736 ...and teacher comments before you decide. 343 00:24:07,946 --> 00:24:10,656 She'd be a wonderful addition to Georgetown. 344 00:24:10,907 --> 00:24:13,451 Then the admissions officers will see that. 345 00:24:13,660 --> 00:24:18,456 I'm not sure that's true. The sad fact is, that's not enough these days. 346 00:24:18,665 --> 00:24:22,334 I'm sorry, Carmela. But I can't do it. 347 00:24:23,211 --> 00:24:24,670 I don't think you understand. 348 00:24:26,047 --> 00:24:27,631 I want you to write that letter. 349 00:24:28,967 --> 00:24:31,760 - Excuse me? - I want you to write the letter. 350 00:24:31,970 --> 00:24:34,930 - Are you threatening me? - Threat? What threatening? 351 00:24:35,182 --> 00:24:38,392 I brought a pie, and a transcript so you could write... 352 00:24:38,643 --> 00:24:41,270 ...a letter for my daughter to Georgetown. 353 00:24:41,521 --> 00:24:44,607 - I'm an officer of the court. - A lawyer. 354 00:24:47,402 --> 00:24:49,195 Don't make me beg here. 355 00:24:49,905 --> 00:24:54,116 I've written my last letter of support for this academic year. 356 00:24:54,326 --> 00:24:57,745 How about this? You could write a letter to Georgetown... 357 00:24:57,954 --> 00:25:01,457 ...about discovering it wasn't that person's first choice... 358 00:25:01,666 --> 00:25:04,668 ...and that he was using Georgetown as a backup. 359 00:25:04,920 --> 00:25:06,462 I'm not telling you what to write. 360 00:25:08,173 --> 00:25:11,091 Oh, I left my mother in the car with that foot. 361 00:25:12,427 --> 00:25:13,677 Thanks for this. 362 00:25:25,106 --> 00:25:27,358 Ask the kid to fix me a burger. 363 00:25:27,567 --> 00:25:29,693 - Holy fuck. Shit. - It's him. 364 00:25:29,945 --> 00:25:33,822 - We should've said hello. - Or asked him what time it was. 365 00:25:36,993 --> 00:25:38,744 Think we should go in? 366 00:25:38,995 --> 00:25:40,496 Wait, you got... 367 00:25:40,789 --> 00:25:42,873 - How do I look? - Good. 368 00:25:43,250 --> 00:25:45,501 Your hair... 369 00:25:55,178 --> 00:25:57,846 - Hi, Tony. How the fuck's it going? - How you doing? 370 00:25:58,056 --> 00:26:01,350 Matt Drinkwater. Bevilaqua's nephew. Sean Gismonte. 371 00:26:01,560 --> 00:26:04,270 Friends of Christopher. Worked the card game. 372 00:26:04,771 --> 00:26:06,021 I know. How you doing? 373 00:26:07,148 --> 00:26:08,774 That dancer, Destinee out there? 374 00:26:08,984 --> 00:26:11,527 I'd like to break my dick off in her ass. 375 00:26:23,957 --> 00:26:28,085 Chrissy spoke to us about it. We should give you a taste from... 376 00:26:28,295 --> 00:26:30,713 Jesus Christ, you stupid shit-eating twat. 377 00:26:30,922 --> 00:26:33,048 You ever hear of wiretaps? 378 00:26:35,093 --> 00:26:38,429 - Look what you did. - You made me do all the talking. 379 00:26:38,638 --> 00:26:41,140 You always do that. You get all quiet... 380 00:26:41,349 --> 00:26:43,726 ...you leave me hanging in the fucking wind. 381 00:26:45,645 --> 00:26:49,356 What's so important you make a man late for the first post? 382 00:26:49,608 --> 00:26:51,108 We heard from Gia Gaeta... 383 00:26:51,318 --> 00:26:55,988 ...your nephews ripped up the house and then haven't been back there. 384 00:26:56,239 --> 00:26:59,116 I needed them to do work on Janice's mom's house. 385 00:26:59,326 --> 00:27:02,786 Which, all do respect, is also your boss's mother's house. 386 00:27:04,080 --> 00:27:06,415 - Gentlemen. - Ton, these guys... 387 00:27:07,500 --> 00:27:09,585 ...won't shut up about this ramp. 388 00:27:10,837 --> 00:27:15,174 Richie, relax, sit down. I'll buy you a cup of coffee. 389 00:27:24,225 --> 00:27:27,811 Where's the jacket? You're not wearing the jacket. 390 00:27:28,063 --> 00:27:30,314 It's in the car. You want it back? 391 00:27:30,899 --> 00:27:34,109 I gave Tony a jacket I took off Rocco DiMeo. 392 00:27:34,319 --> 00:27:39,156 Cocksucker had a reputation as being the toughest guy in Essex County. 393 00:27:39,949 --> 00:27:42,701 He didn't come back when I got through with him. 394 00:27:43,578 --> 00:27:46,580 We did an interview. She was the first celebrity... 395 00:27:48,208 --> 00:27:49,166 Carmela? 396 00:27:50,001 --> 00:27:51,293 Oh, hi. 397 00:27:52,003 --> 00:27:52,544 Hi. 398 00:27:52,545 --> 00:27:53,962 Jean, hi. Come on in. 399 00:27:54,214 --> 00:27:58,801 Your plate. My sister said the ricotta pie was delicious. 400 00:27:59,010 --> 00:28:00,469 The family loved it. 401 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:03,472 She also said she reviewed Meadow's transcripts... 402 00:28:03,723 --> 00:28:07,351 ...and she was knocked the fuck out by those recommendations. 403 00:28:07,560 --> 00:28:10,145 She wrote a terrific letter to Georgetown. 404 00:28:10,355 --> 00:28:13,065 That's wonderful. Do you have a copy? 405 00:28:13,316 --> 00:28:16,694 No, but I'll get you one. No problem. 406 00:28:16,903 --> 00:28:21,073 Thank you so much. Jean, you are a wonderful friend. 407 00:28:23,535 --> 00:28:27,579 Did I tell you how impressed Joan was with Meadow's transcripts? 408 00:28:27,831 --> 00:28:29,498 You did, thank you. 409 00:28:37,507 --> 00:28:40,884 Howie T, bro, blood's flaying on the mix. 410 00:28:42,178 --> 00:28:46,724 We ought to score some Vegas, kick the fucking bass up on this TV. 411 00:28:49,310 --> 00:28:51,520 What the fuck was that? 412 00:29:15,879 --> 00:29:18,297 Fuck! It's that zip Furio and somebody. 413 00:29:18,506 --> 00:29:21,341 Fuck, let him in before he kicks the door down. 414 00:29:33,438 --> 00:29:36,148 - Furio, right? - We're here for the money. 415 00:29:36,983 --> 00:29:39,985 - Money? - The boss's money. 416 00:29:40,195 --> 00:29:44,907 Oh, the money. Okay, yeah, sure. Sean, get out Antonio's money. 417 00:29:48,787 --> 00:29:50,370 Bella televisione. 418 00:29:50,622 --> 00:29:52,873 HDTV Compatible. 419 00:29:55,543 --> 00:29:57,836 You guys want something to drink? Beer? 420 00:29:58,087 --> 00:29:59,338 Just the money. 421 00:30:06,888 --> 00:30:10,140 Ten percent, right? $7500. It's all there. 422 00:30:12,727 --> 00:30:14,269 Give me $1000. 423 00:30:16,356 --> 00:30:17,564 One thousand more? 424 00:30:17,816 --> 00:30:20,150 - Chris said 10 percent. - One thousand dollars. 425 00:30:20,735 --> 00:30:25,364 I can't believe this. You're ripping us off. This is bullshit. 426 00:30:31,454 --> 00:30:33,080 Come on, hurry up. 427 00:30:46,010 --> 00:30:48,846 These two suck each other's cocks. 428 00:30:49,055 --> 00:30:50,597 What'd you say to him? 429 00:30:52,851 --> 00:30:54,226 Have a nice day. 430 00:31:10,201 --> 00:31:13,745 Jesus-fucking-Mother-of-Christ, Christopher. 431 00:31:17,792 --> 00:31:21,670 - You want one? - No, I'll have a puff of yours. 432 00:31:24,382 --> 00:31:27,301 - Man. - I know. 433 00:31:32,348 --> 00:31:35,017 If I knew it was gonna keep getting better... 434 00:31:35,226 --> 00:31:37,728 ...I would've asked you to marry me sooner. 435 00:31:37,979 --> 00:31:39,813 Like it wasn't always good? 436 00:31:40,064 --> 00:31:40,939 Ow. 437 00:31:43,234 --> 00:31:46,278 - Christopher? - What? 438 00:31:47,363 --> 00:31:51,491 Nothing. Just, I love my ring. 439 00:31:56,664 --> 00:32:01,084 T was right. He set me straight, that shit he said to me: 440 00:32:01,294 --> 00:32:04,713 "No more distractions. Focus. 441 00:32:04,923 --> 00:32:08,634 No drugs. Eye on the prize." 442 00:32:08,885 --> 00:32:10,677 I'm back on track, Adriana. 443 00:32:11,012 --> 00:32:13,972 I'm rededicating myself right down the line. 444 00:32:16,351 --> 00:32:21,480 - I don't know why we always fight. - My fault. I don't express my needs. 445 00:32:22,857 --> 00:32:26,318 - We waste so much time. - You're right. 446 00:32:27,153 --> 00:32:28,612 Let's not... 447 00:32:31,741 --> 00:32:35,494 - I love you so much. - I love you too. 448 00:32:50,343 --> 00:32:52,594 Lilliana, can you get that? 449 00:32:55,890 --> 00:32:59,685 Richie, what a surprise! What brings you this way? 450 00:32:59,936 --> 00:33:01,895 How are you today, dear? 451 00:33:02,146 --> 00:33:06,358 This is a thank-you for Sunday dinner, some tripe and tomatoes I made. 452 00:33:06,567 --> 00:33:09,528 We gotta be the only two people who still like tripe. 453 00:33:09,779 --> 00:33:12,406 Oh, my God, Richie. Thank you. 454 00:33:12,615 --> 00:33:15,993 It's for you, for dinner, for whatever you want to do with it. 455 00:33:16,244 --> 00:33:19,913 Oh, my God, the kids are gonna freak out when they see this. 456 00:33:21,040 --> 00:33:25,127 - I made some fresh drip, want a cup? - Sure, why not? 457 00:33:27,088 --> 00:33:30,757 So, Richie, you and Par... "Janice." 458 00:33:31,009 --> 00:33:32,884 This is no flash in the pan. 459 00:33:34,971 --> 00:33:39,016 It's ironic how life works. She goes to Sri Lanka, or wherever... 460 00:33:39,225 --> 00:33:44,312 ...I go where I went, and here we are back where we started, 20 years ago. 461 00:33:46,774 --> 00:33:48,483 For every shoe there is a mate. 462 00:33:49,694 --> 00:33:53,947 Mrs. Carmela, sorry, but my husband has come to get extra TV set... 463 00:33:54,198 --> 00:33:57,242 ...you said I could have. Sure, go right ahead. 464 00:34:01,706 --> 00:34:05,083 If there's one thing we don't lack here, it's TV sets. 465 00:34:06,794 --> 00:34:11,006 Lilliana, the remote is down there somewhere too, it's on the shelves. 466 00:34:11,674 --> 00:34:16,011 - Hello, missus. Thank you for TV. - Oh, Stasiu, please. Enjoy. 467 00:34:18,806 --> 00:34:22,184 The poor thing. In Poland he was a mechanical engineer... 468 00:34:22,393 --> 00:34:24,770 ...here, he's driving a cab. 469 00:34:25,480 --> 00:34:27,189 What's the matter? You all right? 470 00:34:27,398 --> 00:34:28,857 No, I'm fine. I'm fine. 471 00:34:31,110 --> 00:34:32,486 I gotta go. 472 00:34:43,122 --> 00:34:45,540 Answering machine. Christopher, where is he? 473 00:34:45,792 --> 00:34:47,042 He's always here. 474 00:35:06,562 --> 00:35:09,648 - This is fucked. - What? 475 00:35:09,899 --> 00:35:13,401 This. Us. Look at us. We're like two scared rabbits. 476 00:35:13,611 --> 00:35:15,278 - Douche bags. - Don't say that. 477 00:35:15,530 --> 00:35:18,573 Sean, grow up to reality. We are nowhere. 478 00:35:18,825 --> 00:35:22,786 Buying fish? Punching safes? What is that? And for what? 479 00:35:23,037 --> 00:35:24,788 We're just starting. It's what you do. 480 00:35:24,997 --> 00:35:28,208 We got stockbroker licenses. I went to Pace College! 481 00:35:36,384 --> 00:35:41,304 - Fuck. It's true, huh? - We're fucked. 482 00:35:41,556 --> 00:35:44,015 We gotta do something to get ahead. 483 00:35:47,645 --> 00:35:49,855 Mom, I don't believe it, and don't deny it! 484 00:35:50,064 --> 00:35:52,566 I told you not to let Lilliana into my room! 485 00:35:52,775 --> 00:35:55,527 Look at the money they waste on these CD-ROMs. 486 00:35:55,778 --> 00:35:59,239 MindSpring, Earthlink, what are these exactly? 487 00:35:59,490 --> 00:36:02,200 Don't change the subject! It's my room! 488 00:36:02,451 --> 00:36:04,661 There were clothes a foot deep on the floor. 489 00:36:04,912 --> 00:36:06,329 You had half the bath towels. 490 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:09,666 - Don't exaggerate. - Wet! It was starting to smell. 491 00:36:09,917 --> 00:36:12,377 It's my room, and that's the way I want it! 492 00:36:12,628 --> 00:36:16,506 - I don't bitch about your room! - Your room is in my house. 493 00:36:16,716 --> 00:36:18,675 As long as you live here, there are limits. 494 00:36:18,926 --> 00:36:21,011 I won't be here for long! I'm 18... 495 00:36:21,220 --> 00:36:24,514 ...going to college. I can take care of myself, so bug out! 496 00:36:24,765 --> 00:36:27,184 - Oh, you can? - That's right! 497 00:36:31,147 --> 00:36:34,065 You know what? You're right. 498 00:36:34,692 --> 00:36:37,694 You are right. You can take care of yourself. 499 00:36:38,154 --> 00:36:39,696 Thank you. 500 00:36:40,156 --> 00:36:43,658 You're going off on your own to a wonderful college. 501 00:36:43,910 --> 00:36:45,994 What right do I have to interfere? 502 00:37:03,429 --> 00:37:07,224 - What's going on? - Nothing I can think of. 503 00:37:07,433 --> 00:37:10,769 Except it's Tuesday, 3:00. 504 00:37:10,978 --> 00:37:13,021 So we gotta talk about something. 505 00:37:17,151 --> 00:37:18,568 Okay, spin the wheel. 506 00:37:20,738 --> 00:37:23,073 Here's something that's been bothering me. 507 00:37:23,574 --> 00:37:25,575 - I gave my daughter a car. - Really? 508 00:37:25,826 --> 00:37:29,955 Yeah, a used car. One of those SUVs. You know, a '92 Pathfinder. 509 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:33,333 It belonged to a friend of hers from school. 510 00:37:33,584 --> 00:37:37,504 It came into my possession because of a debt by the kid's father. 511 00:37:37,755 --> 00:37:39,798 This is the way he made payment. 512 00:37:40,800 --> 00:37:42,717 You gave her her friend's car? 513 00:37:42,927 --> 00:37:46,471 It was a nice, safe car to which I had the pink slip. 514 00:37:46,722 --> 00:37:47,973 What's bothering you? 515 00:37:49,433 --> 00:37:52,936 I must've known she'd know that it was this kid's car... 516 00:37:53,271 --> 00:37:58,233 ...and how I got it. You know, and she'd freak out. 517 00:37:58,442 --> 00:38:01,444 - Then why'd you give it to her? - I don't know. 518 00:38:04,532 --> 00:38:08,243 For all these years I been shielding and protecting her... 519 00:38:08,494 --> 00:38:10,412 ...from certain truths. 520 00:38:13,207 --> 00:38:16,126 - So now I want to rub her nose in it? - Any thoughts on that? 521 00:38:21,966 --> 00:38:26,386 Well, this kid's father, he's a fucking degenerate gambler. 522 00:38:26,637 --> 00:38:31,182 But also a respected businessman in the community and so on. 523 00:38:31,392 --> 00:38:34,436 - One of your "Happy Wanderers." - How do you remember this? 524 00:38:37,982 --> 00:38:40,859 So it becomes my fault he lost his kid's car? 525 00:38:41,110 --> 00:38:44,946 I gotta look out for this bastard? My friend Artie's got a restaurant. 526 00:38:45,156 --> 00:38:49,034 Now, no one's telling him to refuse a plate of fettuccine... 527 00:38:49,285 --> 00:38:52,454 ...to some fat fuck wandering in eating himself to death. 528 00:38:54,457 --> 00:38:56,499 Maybe that's what you said to her. 529 00:38:56,751 --> 00:38:59,294 - What? - By giving her the SUV. 530 00:38:59,503 --> 00:39:04,049 - Wanting her to confront ambiguities. - English. 531 00:39:05,885 --> 00:39:09,137 Meadow's going to be going away to college next year. 532 00:39:09,388 --> 00:39:11,973 - That's why she needs the car. - Leaving the nest. 533 00:39:12,183 --> 00:39:14,976 - Not those fucking ducks again. - Maybe you were... 534 00:39:15,186 --> 00:39:19,314 ...preparing her for reality, to fly. You people are something. 535 00:39:19,523 --> 00:39:24,152 I give my little daughter a car to rub her face in shit... 536 00:39:24,403 --> 00:39:26,321 ...and you tell me I did something noble? 537 00:39:26,572 --> 00:39:27,989 We're getting to something here. 538 00:39:32,787 --> 00:39:36,081 - Times up. - Look, we're doing good work. 539 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:39,501 What? You feel you're cured? 540 00:39:39,710 --> 00:39:43,088 Fine, I'll sit here. But I got nothing else to say. 541 00:39:50,137 --> 00:39:55,266 Yeah. Did you call me? Oh, get the fuck out of here. 542 00:39:55,601 --> 00:39:58,561 I'm supposed to go all the way there to check a ramp? 543 00:39:58,771 --> 00:40:01,856 - Christopher, what's up? - Hey, what's up, man? 544 00:40:04,527 --> 00:40:05,777 Get that motherfucker! 545 00:40:09,782 --> 00:40:11,616 - Get him! - Fucking seat belt! 546 00:40:39,353 --> 00:40:41,020 - Richie. - Yeah, what? 547 00:40:41,272 --> 00:40:42,814 Matt Drinkwater, Bevilaqua. 548 00:40:43,441 --> 00:40:44,899 Hear what happened to Christopher? 549 00:40:45,109 --> 00:40:48,319 - Yeah, somebody blew him up. - It was us. Me and Sean. 550 00:40:49,738 --> 00:40:53,450 - It was what? You? - Sean's dead. Christopher killed him. 551 00:40:53,659 --> 00:40:57,245 - So, what are you doing here? - We did it for you. A favor. 552 00:40:57,496 --> 00:41:00,081 - What are you saying? - You don't like him. 553 00:41:00,291 --> 00:41:01,916 - So what? - He hit your niece. 554 00:41:05,045 --> 00:41:08,923 Jesus, are you crazy? That's all I need now for that fuck... 555 00:41:09,175 --> 00:41:10,592 ...to think I had a part of this. 556 00:41:10,843 --> 00:41:15,430 - You gotta help me, man. - I'll help you. I'll fucking help you! 557 00:41:17,516 --> 00:41:19,392 Hide me, I'm with you now. 558 00:41:19,643 --> 00:41:24,772 Who told you to do that? Get out of here, you dumb fuck! I'll kill you! 559 00:41:41,123 --> 00:41:45,835 How can this happen? How could this happen?