1 00:00:11,615 --> 00:00:16,347 (SQPRANOS THEME SONG) 2 00:01:51,714 --> 00:01:53,278 Gkay, listen up 3 00:01:53,968 --> 00:01:58,614 This is the NASD Series 7 stockbroker's exam. 4 00:01:58,766 --> 00:02:02,659 It will test your knowledge of stocks bonds and other securities. 5 00:02:02,854 --> 00:02:07,372 If your last name starts with A through L, you should be next door 6 00:02:09,193 --> 00:02:12,545 The exam is in two parts, each part is three hours long... 7 00:02:12,736 --> 00:02:14,507 there will be a one-hour break 8 00:02:14,697 --> 00:02:17,800 As I oall your name please answer "here 9 00:02:17,157 --> 00:02:19,136 lVlartin, Samantha -Here. 10 00:02:19,326 --> 00:02:21,970 lVloClure, Peter -Here. 11 00:02:21,287 --> 00:02:24,891 lVloltisanti, Christopher -Here! 12 00:02:38,595 --> 00:02:43,161 (PoP soNo PLAYING) 13 00:04:44,137 --> 00:04:47,868 (PGP SUNG CGNTINUES) 14 00:07:04,734 --> 00:07:06,490 Tony! 15 00:07:08,655 --> 00:07:10,303 Jesus Christ! 16 00:07:11,450 --> 00:07:12,763 Can I talk to you? 17 00:07:12,912 --> 00:07:15,472 \/\/here the fuck you been? -\/\/e're gonna talk here? 18 00:07:20,545 --> 00:07:23,314 -Come in the house. I got your word, I walk in 19 00:07:23,504 --> 00:07:24,817 I'm walking back out 20 00:07:27,800 --> 00:07:30,448 No word. Nothing 21 00:07:30,637 --> 00:07:32,199 This is how you come back? 22 00:07:32,596 --> 00:07:33,909 Do I got your word? 23 00:07:49,362 --> 00:07:50,593 Coffee? 24 00:07:56,370 --> 00:07:57,725 You look good 25 00:07:58,790 --> 00:08:01,479 -Tan. Yeah, right 26 00:08:01,625 --> 00:08:02,730 The tan ghost 27 00:08:02,879 --> 00:08:06,523 You're a good guy, Tony, but you abuse that jokey shit 28 00:08:06,716 --> 00:08:09,610 \/\/hat you gotta say to me? -I'm back, Tony. 29 00:08:09,799 --> 00:08:10,697 I'm tan 30 00:08:12,178 --> 00:08:14,407 I'm in a fucking tan nightmare 31 00:08:14,555 --> 00:08:16,201 What, you think I'm stupid? 32 00:08:16,393 --> 00:08:20,911 I don't know it when every one of my friends turns against me? Fuck! 33 00:08:21,105 --> 00:08:24,875 All right, easy, okay? I don't think you're stupid 34 00:08:25,274 --> 00:08:27,337 There was a fucking rat 35 00:08:27,985 --> 00:08:29,131 So you finger me? 36 00:08:30,865 --> 00:08:33,510 You think I didn't know what was going on... 37 00:08:33,243 --> 00:08:36,970 when you come to my house telling me you're my friend? 38 00:08:37,162 --> 00:08:39,308 That's when I knew I was in trouble 39 00:08:39,499 --> 00:08:42,893 When out of the blue you start telling me you're my friend! 40 00:08:47,171 --> 00:08:49,670 ( anthony ) I think I'm sick! 41 00:08:53,597 --> 00:08:56,823 You owe me the fucking explanation! You know it! 42 00:08:59,687 --> 00:09:03,663 Never to have a serious illness, because with you, Sylvio and Paulie 43 00:09:03,857 --> 00:09:07,209 .and all you pricks, weakness spreads as fucking treason! 44 00:09:07,402 --> 00:09:10,796 Fuck you! I don't want to hear about your back anymore! 45 00:09:10,947 --> 00:09:15,425 Who's your fucking boss, huh? Who gets the explanation? 46 00:09:15,660 --> 00:09:19,470 Am I supposed to trust you? You off-the-reservation cocksucker! 47 00:09:21,790 --> 00:09:24,435 It was a broad, Tony It was complicated. 48 00:09:24,879 --> 00:09:28,938 l\/ly back was for shit, you knew that. I don't want to hear about your back! 49 00:09:29,132 --> 00:09:32,260 That's how we met. This fucking "spondyIoIisth 50 00:09:32,219 --> 00:09:36,779 That's why I was popping Percocets like freaking Jujubes. 51 00:09:37,557 --> 00:09:41,451 So my doctor, he prescribes this clinic for me in Puerto Rico 52 00:09:42,395 --> 00:09:45,998 I didn't exactly object, given the vibes around here 53 00:09:46,146 --> 00:09:47,251 Go ahead, check 54 00:09:47,401 --> 00:09:50,877 -You don't tell your wife? That twat brought on most of this 55 00:09:51,235 --> 00:09:52,465 -How? Listen 56 00:09:52,862 --> 00:09:54,967 Down there I met this girl 57 00:09:55,155 --> 00:09:56,302 Twenty-six 58 00:09:57,119 --> 00:10:01,304 _.an acupuncturist. It was the only thing that helped my sciatic nerve. 59 00:10:01,746 --> 00:10:03,309 Cne thing led to another 60 00:10:03,500 --> 00:10:06,642 You can't send one feeler to me? -I'm gonna trust you? 61 00:10:06,836 --> 00:10:10,731 Paulie? Take the word of a degenerate cop over me? 62 00:10:10,924 --> 00:10:13,984 ( carmela ) Tony, who are you talking to down there? 63 00:10:15,510 --> 00:10:17,238 Jesus! ( DCCR SLAIVIS ) 64 00:10:19,766 --> 00:10:23,760 So why'd you come back, huh? What changed? 65 00:10:24,478 --> 00:10:27,207 Nothing changed. That's the problem 66 00:10:28,901 --> 00:10:32,919 Still got two kids in college. Cne just got married, needs my help 67 00:10:33,569 --> 00:10:35,632 I gotta get my action back 68 00:10:35,946 --> 00:10:37,510 Ch, just like that? 69 00:10:38,325 --> 00:10:41,512 I came to you, Tony I'm in your hands. 70 00:10:41,747 --> 00:10:44,973 Bring up two cases of bottled water with you, then! 71 00:10:51,711 --> 00:10:52,900 Come here 72 00:10:54,382 --> 00:10:56,237 Come here, you fat fuck 73 00:11:03,309 --> 00:11:08,121 Hey, my back! I still gotta get these frigging shots. 74 00:11:10,815 --> 00:11:12,711 You fucking beached whale 75 00:11:12,857 --> 00:11:14,470 Hey! 76 00:11:14,360 --> 00:11:16,890 Want to pat this down too? 77 00:11:19,406 --> 00:11:20,303 Come here 78 00:11:21,783 --> 00:11:22,680 Come on 79 00:11:30,668 --> 00:11:32,772 Don't ever pull this shit again 80 00:11:39,846 --> 00:11:43,823 So your uncIe's under indictment? -12 RIC() predicates. 81 00:11:46,308 --> 00:11:48,413 Piss boy. Philly Parisi 82 00:11:48,769 --> 00:11:50,291 oh, yeah, Philly 83 00:12:09,750 --> 00:12:12,770 That's my favorite bag Don't lose it. 84 00:12:40,445 --> 00:12:42,930 Yo, Philly! 85 00:12:51,791 --> 00:12:53,270 Were you waiting long? 86 00:12:53,421 --> 00:12:57,647 Not bad. We were late landing anyhow Thanks for doing this, Philly. 87 00:12:57,839 --> 00:13:00,735 Coming off the Iam every nickel counts 88 00:13:01,508 --> 00:13:04,281 These fucking cabs! 89 00:13:06,391 --> 00:13:09,701 It was good to be back for a while, then, you know 90 00:13:09,894 --> 00:13:14,810 Do I? That place is Scranton with clams. 91 00:13:16,691 --> 00:13:18,337 So, what's been going on? 92 00:13:18,483 --> 00:13:20,756 Same tale of woe 93 00:13:21,615 --> 00:13:25,967 What's this I hear about Tony Soprano's mother, some accident? 94 00:13:28,454 --> 00:13:30,806 Had her in a nursing home -Get out of here. 95 00:13:30,955 --> 00:13:33,600 This upset Junior no end 96 00:13:33,332 --> 00:13:35,187 When Junior come after him 97 00:13:35,336 --> 00:13:38,521 ...Tony went to the home, tried to suffocate his own mother 98 00:13:38,882 --> 00:13:42,670 You shouIdn't spread that rumor That's some ugly shit. 99 00:13:42,341 --> 00:13:43,404 Cnly telling you 100 00:13:45,471 --> 00:13:48,281 Listen, you'd be fucking amazed -There's more? 101 00:13:50,140 --> 00:13:52,380 No, what? 102 00:13:54,689 --> 00:13:57,207 He was seeing a psychiatrist -Tony? 103 00:13:57,774 --> 00:14:00,170 Fucking broad from lVIontcIair 104 00:14:00,817 --> 00:14:01,714 Anyway 105 00:14:02,151 --> 00:14:03,299 is 106 00:14:03,654 --> 00:14:05,134 is who leads us now 107 00:14:08,952 --> 00:14:10,550 I Philly) Here you go, kid 108 00:14:10,205 --> 00:14:14,141 There you go, you big mouth fuck! Fuck! 109 00:14:39,982 --> 00:14:42,380 ( phone ringing ) 110 00:14:42,859 --> 00:14:44,382 It's done 111 00:14:52,537 --> 00:14:54,600 lVIaybe she's seeing someone 112 00:14:55,373 --> 00:14:58,145 You know, the way I see you 113 00:14:59,543 --> 00:15:01,898 See why she'd never tell me 114 00:15:07,385 --> 00:15:09,364 I'm afraid we have to stop now 115 00:15:14,644 --> 00:15:19,121 When will your office be finished? -lVIy new carpet's not in yet. 116 00:15:19,314 --> 00:15:22,627 I'm sorry. I know this is awkward 117 00:15:22,984 --> 00:15:25,671 l\/ly old therapist worked out of his home. 118 00:15:26,695 --> 00:15:30,260 That's...not convenient for me 119 00:15:38,916 --> 00:15:40,813 (PHoNE RINGING) 120 00:15:41,334 --> 00:15:41,898 Yes? 121 00:15:44,463 --> 00:15:45,817 How'd you get this number? 122 00:15:46,507 --> 00:15:48,278 Where are you calling from? 123 00:15:48,967 --> 00:15:51,114 Are you watching me? 124 00:15:57,561 --> 00:16:01,122 You know, Webistics would be perfect for your portfolio. 125 00:16:01,272 --> 00:16:03,626 I know you're on a fixed income but 126 00:16:03,818 --> 00:16:07,170 with Webistics you could triple your money in a year. 127 00:16:18,538 --> 00:16:19,810 What time is it? 128 00:16:19,999 --> 00:16:24,523 So, "E.F." I'm listening 129 00:16:24,712 --> 00:16:26,817 It's fucking tedious, this shit 130 00:16:29,635 --> 00:16:33,710 If it's your executive decision to go down the shore... 131 00:16:33,261 --> 00:16:34,868 fuck it 132 00:16:35,430 --> 00:16:36,995 Yeah 133 00:16:44,647 --> 00:16:46,170 Yo, lVIatthew 134 00:16:46,694 --> 00:16:49,713 I gotta take a meeting. Keep things in control here 135 00:16:50,154 --> 00:16:52,900 Word up. Later, chief! 136 00:16:55,244 --> 00:16:59,514 I shouIdn't be telling you this Webistics is the next Yahoo 137 00:16:59,706 --> 00:17:02,226 We're only selling it to preferred clients. 138 00:17:02,418 --> 00:17:07,210 American Forestry? 19 1/2, up 3/8. Very sound company 139 00:17:07,253 --> 00:17:08,192 Uh-huh 140 00:17:19,352 --> 00:17:22,786 Depends on whether you want to go for growth or value. 141 00:17:22,981 --> 00:17:25,957 We've got hundreds of mutual funds to choose from-- 142 00:17:28,860 --> 00:17:30,922 You're supposed to push Webistics! 143 00:17:31,114 --> 00:17:34,490 I was just giving them alternatives Shit! 144 00:17:34,240 --> 00:17:36,261 Webistics is our pick of the week 145 00:17:36,453 --> 00:17:41,130 Why? It's got a 3 million float, the competition's robust and their 146 00:17:41,207 --> 00:17:44,558 technoIogy's two years behind! Your stock's a dog! 147 00:17:44,749 --> 00:17:45,981 Ahh! 148 00:17:52,173 --> 00:17:53,445 Please! Stop! 149 00:17:54,384 --> 00:17:55,698 Hey! Stop that! 150 00:17:57,307 --> 00:18:00,866 I'm still manager. This is unacceptable. Where's lVIoItisanti? 151 00:18:04,562 --> 00:18:07,292 Get back in your fucking office 152 00:18:10,192 --> 00:18:12,171 Anybody else got a problem? 153 00:18:19,743 --> 00:18:21,223 (Doon oPEN|No) 154 00:18:23,166 --> 00:18:26,590 -Tony. Hey, counselor, how are you? 155 00:18:27,334 --> 00:18:28,521 How are you? -Good. 156 00:18:28,712 --> 00:18:32,316 -You look good. Thanks, have a seat 157 00:18:35,259 --> 00:18:36,821 You want a drink? -No. 158 00:18:37,472 --> 00:18:40,865 Before we commence, a thousand thank-yous for Webistics. 159 00:18:43,600 --> 00:18:44,497 l\/ly pleasure 160 00:18:45,269 --> 00:18:47,873 So, where do we stand this month? 161 00:18:48,316 --> 00:18:51,917 Your uncIe's petitioning to get out on a medical, pending trial. 162 00:18:53,109 --> 00:18:54,700 Let him 163 00:18:54,406 --> 00:18:59,258 -He thinks they might let him out. lVIaybe as a temptation for you to act 164 00:18:59,452 --> 00:19:03,513 Since you're at the helm, it gets back to putting up bigger blinds. 165 00:19:03,664 --> 00:19:06,600 Limiting your exposure to potential RICC boo-boos. 166 00:19:06,751 --> 00:19:09,810 Cnly way to run a family these days is bunker-style... 167 00:19:11,670 --> 00:19:12,482 (PHoNE RINGING) 168 00:19:12,545 --> 00:19:14,260 Excuse me 169 00:19:15,651 --> 00:19:18,528 You're not gonna believe this Your sister's here. 170 00:19:18,719 --> 00:19:20,741 -Barbara? No, Janice 171 00:19:20,930 --> 00:19:22,575 You're shitting me -No. 172 00:19:25,103 --> 00:19:28,662 I'm gonna be 5 grand lighter before she rain-dances back to the commune 173 00:19:32,482 --> 00:19:34,129 Tell her she can stay. 174 00:19:34,442 --> 00:19:35,964 Are you sure? 175 00:19:36,986 --> 00:19:37,926 Yeah 176 00:19:38,241 --> 00:19:42,427 We 'll get Barbara, Tom and the kids and make a reunion out of it. 177 00:19:42,786 --> 00:19:46,556 -But obviously .... Your mother isn't welcome 178 00:19:46,705 --> 00:19:48,143 Give Janice my love 179 00:19:49,165 --> 00:19:50,729 See you later 180 00:19:55,215 --> 00:19:58,276 l\/ly sister's here from Seattle -Nice. 181 00:20:05,309 --> 00:20:09,286 Let me pinch those bulldog cheeks Come over here! 182 00:20:11,566 --> 00:20:15,751 That water down there. You think you'd have shit some weight off. 183 00:20:16,404 --> 00:20:19,297 You say we were gonna crab the river looking for him? 184 00:20:19,740 --> 00:20:22,383 What's the matter with you? -Tony explained it. 185 00:20:23,953 --> 00:20:26,637 -Listen to this. You heard about Jimmy Altieri? 186 00:20:26,787 --> 00:20:28,475 Flipped, fucking asshole 187 00:20:32,753 --> 00:20:36,607 ...all those payments, I guess just evaporated? 188 00:20:42,885 --> 00:20:43,991 No shit 189 00:20:45,141 --> 00:20:49,284 -They all paid up to the letter? Few things got lost in the confusion 190 00:20:49,768 --> 00:20:50,998 You can picture 191 00:20:51,146 --> 00:20:53,790 Did what we could with the information we had. 192 00:20:53,981 --> 00:20:56,627 Boss of the family deserves the credit 193 00:20:59,110 --> 00:21:00,965 ( Speaking Italian ) 194 00:21:01,362 --> 00:21:04,100 Salute! Salute! 195 00:21:05,951 --> 00:21:07,389 Hey, Silv -What? 196 00:21:07,827 --> 00:21:08,683 What ? 197 00:21:09,122 --> 00:21:11,975 I've been gone a long time Let me hear it. 198 00:21:20,298 --> 00:21:21,195 All right, Kay 199 00:21:21,969 --> 00:21:25,739 Just this one time, I'II let you ask me about my affairs." 200 00:21:27,389 --> 00:21:30,913 Is it true, lVIichaeI? 201 00:21:35,772 --> 00:21:38,253 You fucking schifosa 202 00:21:41,195 --> 00:21:44,176 Cur true enemy has yet 203 00:21:44,322 --> 00:21:45,927 to reveal himself 204 00:21:47,326 --> 00:21:48,597 (WHY) He's on a roll! 205 00:21:49,787 --> 00:21:52,308 I gotta get the fuck out of here! 206 00:21:53,958 --> 00:21:56,813 Ch, Tony, I hate to ruin the party 207 00:21:57,170 --> 00:22:00,107 Got a call from Loiaco down at brokerage. 208 00:22:00,340 --> 00:22:03,485 Chip and DaIe" sent one of the brokers... 209 00:22:03,677 --> 00:22:07,300 ...to the emergency room. Ch, fuck me! These kids! 210 00:22:08,180 --> 00:22:10,452 lVIy fucking nephew, right? 211 00:22:11,602 --> 00:22:15,497 You call him and tell him I want to see him right away 212 00:22:26,656 --> 00:22:28,178 It all checks out 213 00:22:28,369 --> 00:22:32,764 Puerto Rico, the clinic. All that shit, from what I can tell 214 00:22:45,511 --> 00:22:49,290 How was the guest bed, sleep okay? -Great. 215 00:22:49,181 --> 00:22:52,158 Except usually I bring my own pillow. Ergonomic. 216 00:22:52,768 --> 00:22:55,537 Got ripped off at a bus stop in Rapid City. 217 00:22:55,686 --> 00:22:57,873 LinoIeum's not good enough no more? 218 00:23:01,609 --> 00:23:03,378 How you doing, Jan? -Good. 219 00:23:03,529 --> 00:23:06,256 -"Parvati." I'm her brother, I get a pass 220 00:23:06,698 --> 00:23:09,592 You look good. You look like a teenager 221 00:23:10,703 --> 00:23:13,846 l\/ly therapist says I'm regressing -Your therapist? 222 00:23:13,997 --> 00:23:16,267 -Who pays for that? State of Washington 223 00:23:16,457 --> 00:23:18,519 Total disability -Ch, yeah... 224 00:23:18,668 --> 00:23:20,521 the Epstein-Barr -Was. 225 00:23:20,712 --> 00:23:23,647 Carpal tunnel from my last job Steam milk machine. 226 00:23:23,838 --> 00:23:25,527 No worse pain 227 00:23:30,762 --> 00:23:32,617 Late, you know, morning 228 00:23:35,141 --> 00:23:36,413 What's that smell? 229 00:23:37,185 --> 00:23:38,623 lVIiso soup with seaweed 230 00:23:38,771 --> 00:23:40,792 She was telling us about Seattle 231 00:23:40,940 --> 00:23:43,377 I better not see those grunge pants on you. 232 00:23:43,694 --> 00:23:46,629 Dad, how do you stay so hip? -I'II be back in a sec. 233 00:23:46,781 --> 00:23:49,924 Don't let your father near my soup He makes fun... 234 00:23:56,790 --> 00:23:59,809 Don't see her in years and you start in on her diet? 235 00:23:59,960 --> 00:24:02,686 Believe me, she gives as good as she gets. 236 00:24:09,300 --> 00:24:11,300 Give me a hit off that 237 00:24:12,137 --> 00:24:15,367 Ch, ho! Who's in charge here? 238 00:24:23,276 --> 00:24:28,870 Beautiful kids. You must be proud -Yeah, how about that, huh? 239 00:24:28,945 --> 00:24:31,900 Even with our genes 240 00:24:33,283 --> 00:24:36,680 So, you still with that...AdoIf? 241 00:24:36,869 --> 00:24:38,393 Ro 242 00:24:38,830 --> 00:24:41,644 No. Rolf went back to Andorra 243 00:24:44,381 --> 00:24:49,191 -You seem good. lVIood-wise. Yeah, things are very good nowadays 244 00:24:50,300 --> 00:24:52,696 How are things really with lVIa? 245 00:24:53,886 --> 00:24:55,617 She's dead to me 246 00:24:57,641 --> 00:24:59,412 I don't want to get in your way 247 00:24:59,601 --> 00:25:01,705 You stayed and took the brunt 248 00:25:01,896 --> 00:25:04,375 Barb and I, we're never gonna forget 249 00:25:06,193 --> 00:25:10,504 You forgot it okay for about 20 years. At least Barb pitched in 250 00:25:10,657 --> 00:25:15,634 I've made my share of mistakes. But l\/Ia can't stay in the hospital forever. 251 00:25:15,828 --> 00:25:20,473 I'II tell you about her stroke. It's called a conversion reaction 252 00:25:20,666 --> 00:25:24,394 It's a big opera brought on by repressed rage. It's bullshit. 253 00:25:24,584 --> 00:25:26,272 No infarc-whatever-the-fuck 254 00:25:26,463 --> 00:25:29,189 But the symptoms were the same as a stroke... 255 00:25:29,381 --> 00:25:32,690 so she can't take care of herself 256 00:25:32,219 --> 00:25:34,653 She's on the Iam in that hospital From me. 257 00:25:38,184 --> 00:25:42,202 lVIom is bewildered. I mention you and her eyes fill up with tears. 258 00:25:42,351 --> 00:25:44,541 Ch, boy! 259 00:25:45,439 --> 00:25:48,419 I'm not asking you to step in, Tony 260 00:25:48,567 --> 00:25:51,421 It's my turn now. That's why I came 261 00:25:51,945 --> 00:25:54,800 She's a strega. She's the devil 262 00:25:55,201 --> 00:25:59,177 She was. Now she's just a confused frightened old woman. 263 00:26:05,252 --> 00:26:08,603 to fix her car so I can get back and forth to the hospital. 264 00:26:13,174 --> 00:26:14,738 Gh, I doubt that 265 00:26:14,929 --> 00:26:17,822 I just put her house on the market -Ch. 266 00:26:20,139 --> 00:26:21,120 Look 267 00:26:25,312 --> 00:26:28,000 I'm glad you're here. Ckay? 268 00:26:28,318 --> 00:26:31,710 You want to play Florence Nightingale that's your choice. 269 00:26:34,281 --> 00:26:37,717 Cnly this is the last time we mention her in this house 270 00:26:38,657 --> 00:26:40,970 Ckay 271 00:26:54,715 --> 00:26:56,238 Hey, Ti 272 00:27:00,849 --> 00:27:04,952 Seven and Seven, over here. Whoa, what's the matter now? 273 00:27:05,312 --> 00:27:08,956 Loiaco called. Your two friends beat the shit out of a broker. 274 00:27:09,150 --> 00:27:11,917 -Two others quit. He was pushing some other stock! 275 00:27:12,109 --> 00:27:14,714 It attracts negative attention 276 00:27:14,905 --> 00:27:18,256 Then the fucks rip off a Porsche from our own building 277 00:27:18,492 --> 00:27:21,844 -I'II call them. No, you'II go down there. Now 278 00:27:28,251 --> 00:27:31,520 I told you, spend more time down at the brokerage. 279 00:27:31,714 --> 00:27:35,649 You're the SEC compliance officer for chrissake! 280 00:27:36,300 --> 00:27:38,988 You gotta exercise impulse control 281 00:27:39,761 --> 00:27:43,159 Ckay, Ton. I'm sorry 282 00:27:43,180 --> 00:27:44,161 Ckay 283 00:27:45,266 --> 00:27:46,497 /-\|| right 284 00:27:52,943 --> 00:27:55,878 I can't show it in this condition -What is this? 285 00:28:00,450 --> 00:28:02,177 You don't even want to see the toilets. 286 00:28:02,200 --> 00:28:02,846 (PHoNE RINGING) 287 00:28:02,888 --> 00:28:03,638 Excuse me 288 00:28:08,540 --> 00:28:10,562 Wait'II I catch these kids 289 00:28:10,794 --> 00:28:12,853 Break a few windows, think they're Johnny Badass 290 00:28:12,896 --> 00:28:14,220 The fuckin' jackals 291 00:28:15,966 --> 00:28:18,734 Your sister Barbara and the kids are coming down. 292 00:28:18,967 --> 00:28:20,905 You better not be in this mood 293 00:28:21,139 --> 00:28:25,573 -And I need you to pick up sausage. Yeah, how many pounds, hot or sweet? 294 00:28:25,809 --> 00:28:29,495 Don't you act like it's a chore This party was your idea. 295 00:28:29,687 --> 00:28:32,582 You said you were happy Janice was home. 296 00:28:33,148 --> 00:28:35,544 And my parents are coming and 297 00:28:36,442 --> 00:28:37,798 Ch, really? 298 00:28:41,992 --> 00:28:45,302 She said some horrible things to them over the years. 299 00:28:47,789 --> 00:28:51,309 Hey, I'm not defending her She's dead to me. 300 00:28:51,585 --> 00:28:54,520 lVIope your way through this I'II cut your throat. 301 00:28:54,713 --> 00:28:58,190 I've been in a great mood lately -Right. 302 00:28:58,425 --> 00:29:01,860 You need to start therapy again You're self-medicating. 303 00:29:02,179 --> 00:29:05,531 We haven't had sex since -Forget it. No therapy. 304 00:29:05,850 --> 00:29:09,910 You should take a look at what they did to your mother's bedroom. 305 00:29:15,901 --> 00:29:19,753 They're rookies. They're not used to this kind of stress .... 306 00:29:19,946 --> 00:29:22,715 He better not say a word -It won't happen again. 307 00:29:22,866 --> 00:29:26,801 -You got my word on that. I appreciate it, Chris, thank you 308 00:29:28,702 --> 00:29:30,141 Come on in 309 00:29:31,582 --> 00:29:34,103 Hey, Chris, brought you a little capp 310 00:29:34,708 --> 00:29:36,190 Thanks 311 00:29:36,460 --> 00:29:37,858 Sit down 312 00:29:45,389 --> 00:29:48,657 Refresh my memory on this play we're making on Webistics. 313 00:29:52,477 --> 00:29:54,456 Trade on the bulletin board, CTC 314 00:29:54,647 --> 00:29:57,458 If we cold-call enough seniors, pump and dump 315 00:29:57,651 --> 00:30:01,628 Yeah, yeah. You guys ain't spent much time in the NFL, face it. 316 00:30:01,820 --> 00:30:03,757 What? Two years with Eddie Stags 317 00:30:03,905 --> 00:30:05,635 Besides waxing his car 318 00:30:05,784 --> 00:30:08,677 -When he was in county-- When you're bleeding a guy 319 00:30:08,828 --> 00:30:11,264 you don't squeeze him dry right away. 320 00:30:11,456 --> 00:30:15,600 Contrarily, you let him do his bidding. Suavely 321 00:30:16,295 --> 00:30:20,397 So you can bleed next week and the week after. At a minimum. 322 00:30:24,970 --> 00:30:28,780 We don't need a guy getting pissed and running to the SEC. 323 00:30:36,855 --> 00:30:38,875 You'II know when you need to know 324 00:30:39,273 --> 00:30:40,629 Excellent 325 00:30:42,235 --> 00:30:43,965 This is cold, by the way 326 00:30:47,322 --> 00:30:48,762 Guys 327 00:30:49,412 --> 00:30:54,560 Any more Porsches disappear, make it two towns over. And I want a taste. 328 00:30:54,205 --> 00:30:55,644 You're the man 329 00:31:04,383 --> 00:31:06,445 She's gonna be so happy to see you 330 00:31:22,525 --> 00:31:24,630 Grandma, you've got to eat 331 00:31:24,860 --> 00:31:26,910 Let me die 332 00:31:26,320 --> 00:31:28,176 Don't say that 333 00:31:28,739 --> 00:31:30,110 I saw alight 334 00:31:31,117 --> 00:31:33,138 And voices calling out to me 335 00:31:33,580 --> 00:31:36,807 What went on with you and Dad? lVIom won't tell me. 336 00:31:43,255 --> 00:31:44,942 He blames me for everything 337 00:31:45,297 --> 00:31:46,277 I know. l\/Ie too 338 00:31:47,300 --> 00:31:49,948 At night...they hit us 339 00:31:50,389 --> 00:31:54,310 Why can't our family just get along? -Some people don't want to. 340 00:31:54,350 --> 00:31:58,370 But you, you listen to him You do what he says. 341 00:31:58,561 --> 00:32:00,166 He's your father 342 00:32:02,401 --> 00:32:06,961 I won't leave you here like this. They can't stop me from seeing you 343 00:32:08,154 --> 00:32:10,927 lVIeadow. lVIeadow 344 00:32:11,660 --> 00:32:16,347 Take that, in the drawer, in the drawer. Take it. 345 00:32:22,921 --> 00:32:26,481 Ch, my God. This was your grandmother's, wasn't it? 346 00:32:26,631 --> 00:32:29,403 It's so you won't forget me 347 00:32:43,857 --> 00:32:47,421 (RCCK iviusic PLAYING) 348 00:33:10,133 --> 00:33:11,446 Come on, motherfuck! 349 00:33:13,928 --> 00:33:16,242 (CD IVICRPHING) 350 00:33:17,139 --> 00:33:18,912 Ch, fuck 351 00:33:24,898 --> 00:33:27,586 (RCCK MUSIC PICKS UP) 352 00:33:35,909 --> 00:33:40,390 I told my family I got broadsided. 353 00:33:41,331 --> 00:33:43,727 but I passed out behind the wheel 354 00:33:47,839 --> 00:33:52,485 See, my mother and me we had a falling out. 355 00:33:54,595 --> 00:33:58,658 And since then, things have been good. 356 00:33:59,892 --> 00:34:02,620 -Clean break. What kind of falling out? 357 00:34:06,189 --> 00:34:09,795 A lot of screaming, profanity 358 00:34:11,319 --> 00:34:12,882 Anyway, things were good 359 00:34:13,657 --> 00:34:17,926 And then my sister came back It's good to see her, I guess. 360 00:34:18,161 --> 00:34:20,596 Cues from childhood kick in Clder sister. 361 00:34:20,787 --> 00:34:22,641 That should be obvious enough 362 00:34:22,831 --> 00:34:25,268 It's starting to bleed into my business. 363 00:34:25,416 --> 00:34:26,771 What sort of business? 364 00:34:27,127 --> 00:34:29,814 Commercial and non-putrescible waste 365 00:34:34,508 --> 00:34:35,822 Spears 366 00:34:38,556 --> 00:34:42,118 I know who you are. And I saw Analyze This 367 00:34:42,311 --> 00:34:46,704 I don't need the ramifications that could arise from treating someone. 368 00:34:47,313 --> 00:34:48,543 like yourself 369 00:34:50,482 --> 00:34:51,462 Analyze This? 370 00:34:53,110 --> 00:34:54,299 It's a comedy 371 00:34:54,988 --> 00:34:56,801 I'm not taking new patients 372 00:35:15,966 --> 00:35:17,905 Ch, my baby sister! 373 00:35:18,178 --> 00:35:21,782 Ch, you look great! Who is this little guy? 374 00:35:26,269 --> 00:35:27,810 (J/-\N|cE SCREAIVIING ) 375 00:35:27,269 --> 00:35:28,375 Ch, fuck! 376 00:35:43,664 --> 00:35:48,225 -Carm, the fire's almost ready. Great, Parv, I'II be out in a second 377 00:35:51,252 --> 00:35:53,565 Parvati," she's a cheese now? 378 00:35:53,797 --> 00:35:56,359 It's a Hindu goddess -Nice for her. 379 00:35:56,593 --> 00:36:00,111 She still answers to "Janice" if it makes you more comfortable 380 00:36:06,937 --> 00:36:10,955 Canned pears, not fresh. That's the secret to my pound cake 381 00:36:11,482 --> 00:36:14,169 And get some basilico while you're there. 382 00:36:14,403 --> 00:36:18,754 -The pears, you want the Dole? I'm not even gonna answer this time 383 00:36:18,991 --> 00:36:23,133 There's a new market, Dad, on Pike. Lot of changes since you've been here 384 00:36:23,579 --> 00:36:27,180 With that lVIommy Dearest around? Never again, I swore it. 385 00:36:27,415 --> 00:36:30,892 It's exactly what she wanted. You played right into her hands 386 00:36:34,756 --> 00:36:38,274 She said it was a mistake. Tony would get bored with you. 387 00:36:44,763 --> 00:36:46,760 Hey, take it easy 388 00:36:46,223 --> 00:36:47,328 (CHATTERING ) 389 00:36:47,853 --> 00:36:51,955 Tom, let me ask you something You ever go down to Cape .... 390 00:36:53,733 --> 00:36:56,836 I love seeing them like that over a fire. 391 00:36:57,401 --> 00:36:59,548 They're better over a spit 392 00:37:01,573 --> 00:37:03,926 Who does Anthony look like right now? 393 00:37:04,699 --> 00:37:06,140 Da 394 00:37:11,708 --> 00:37:14,312 lVIa? A little weak but she's all there 395 00:37:14,588 --> 00:37:18,148 Some family reunion, our mother is barred from the premises. 396 00:37:18,342 --> 00:37:21,776 You shouIdn't get too close. Look what she tried to do to Tony 397 00:37:22,636 --> 00:37:25,198 I have no fantasies about my mother 398 00:37:25,599 --> 00:37:29,368 You know he's selling the house? lVIa's house. 399 00:37:31,855 --> 00:37:37,410 That's what I'm talking about. Don't get involved, let Tony handle it. 400 00:37:39,321 --> 00:37:43,715 I called you 'cause I thought you'd want to know if your mother was ill 401 00:37:43,992 --> 00:37:48,636 180 grand he's asking for that place Like he needs that. 402 00:37:48,787 --> 00:37:51,683 I'm glad someone's taking charge 403 00:37:52,122 --> 00:37:53,477 You'II get your cut 404 00:37:58,296 --> 00:38:02,235 What? I mean, lVIa still has rights 405 00:38:07,140 --> 00:38:12,243 Take it easy. According to you, that couId've been Robert lVIitchum 406 00:38:12,645 --> 00:38:16,498 Jesus Christ. Fucking Paulie Gualtieri. Isn't he dead yet? 407 00:38:19,778 --> 00:38:24,500 You're not gonna stay for dessert? It's grappa cake my mother made. 408 00:38:24,239 --> 00:38:26,509 l\/ly friends are having a gallery opening... 409 00:38:26,742 --> 00:38:29,552 and I'm trying to get them to finance my video. 410 00:38:29,744 --> 00:38:31,723 I'II leave some cake out for you 411 00:38:32,579 --> 00:38:33,976 Hey, I'm sorry 412 00:38:36,208 --> 00:38:37,604 -Hey. What's up? 413 00:39:13,662 --> 00:39:15,310 What the fuck? 414 00:39:17,335 --> 00:39:21,229 I am sure there's an explanation -Ch, there is. There is. 415 00:39:21,381 --> 00:39:26,250 Take l\/Ia back to Seattle. She came for the house and a $400 car. 416 00:39:26,260 --> 00:39:29,112 That was the con. That's the level she works at 417 00:39:29,306 --> 00:39:33,408 lVIaybe the sign was broken or fell -I'm still a little fat kid to her. 418 00:39:33,560 --> 00:39:36,787 She think she's gonna stop the sale, picking up a sign? 419 00:39:36,938 --> 00:39:39,915 She were here, I'd bounce her head against the wall! 420 00:39:42,441 --> 00:39:44,630 Look at yourself, Tony! 421 00:39:44,819 --> 00:39:47,423 What do you care about that house? 422 00:39:47,783 --> 00:39:51,509 It's not gonna stop with the house The $300 pillow... 423 00:39:51,704 --> 00:39:56,263 -...then the video equipment. When are you getting back to therapy? 424 00:39:56,414 --> 00:39:58,768 Hey, don't start with that. Ckay? 425 00:39:59,127 --> 00:40:02,645 I'm not insane and I'm not overreacting. You don't know 426 00:40:02,796 --> 00:40:05,274 this little pucchiac -All right! 427 00:40:05,424 --> 00:40:07,818 This is getting you no place Go outside... 428 00:40:14,351 --> 00:40:17,868 -Fucking bitch! Tony! Go ahead. Go have a beer 429 00:40:28,948 --> 00:40:32,134 -What the fuck you doing? Second seating coming up 430 00:40:32,699 --> 00:40:34,305 Fucking moron 431 00:40:36,662 --> 00:40:38,308 Look at my wife over there 432 00:40:38,458 --> 00:40:41,851 No, wait, Ton. The neighbor's dog is on your property. 433 00:40:50,218 --> 00:40:52,531 Anyway, we flew first class 434 00:40:52,677 --> 00:40:53,616 What service? 435 00:40:53,847 --> 00:40:55,909 You get frequent flyer upgrades? 436 00:41:01,898 --> 00:41:04,498 Where'd you get the tickets? Cuban? -Yeah. 437 00:41:04,735 --> 00:41:08,294 There must be a way to divert frequent flyer miles on a grand scale 438 00:41:08,445 --> 00:41:11,298 You gotta break into the main computer. 439 00:41:11,532 --> 00:41:13,717 What is that, "cracking"? -Hacking. 440 00:41:14,492 --> 00:41:17,970 Shelley Hack! Remember her? 441 00:41:17,955 --> 00:41:20,849 Yeah, those were the days -Good actress. 442 00:41:25,673 --> 00:41:30,240 I used to go down to lVIuIberry St. when I was a kid. Sausage and peppers. 443 00:41:30,177 --> 00:41:34,280 Now you go down there and there's these guys with towels .... 444 00:41:47,483 --> 00:41:50,673 (PAULIE SINGING) 445 00:42:02,665 --> 00:42:05,478 You didn't like it? -Fuck off. 446 00:42:07,712 --> 00:42:09,774 So when do we get to roll with Tony? 447 00:42:10,507 --> 00:42:12,152 -What? Are you tripping? 448 00:42:12,758 --> 00:42:14,321 We gotta work our way up 449 00:42:15,887 --> 00:42:17,991 lVIust be deep, hanging out with him 450 00:42:18,221 --> 00:42:19,910 Who? lVIr. T. 451 00:42:26,649 --> 00:42:31,850 We don't mind, we'II do anything Wet work, pick up his shirts. 452 00:42:33,112 --> 00:42:35,633 Does Tony ever...taIk about us? 453 00:42:42,415 --> 00:42:44,849 You gonna drink orjust sit there? -Sit. 454 00:42:45,127 --> 00:42:48,853 What the fuck's the matter with you? -You leave my gas burner on. 455 00:42:52,508 --> 00:42:56,152 Why you can't use a lighter to cook your shit is beyond me. 456 00:42:56,555 --> 00:42:59,696 When things were finally going good -Shut up! 457 00:42:59,933 --> 00:43:03,368 Why? They'II still kiss ass. They don't care if you're a junkie 458 00:43:06,186 --> 00:43:07,375 Sit down! 459 00:43:07,607 --> 00:43:10,749 I hate you, fucking pig. Get off me! -Fucking whore! 460 00:43:10,944 --> 00:43:13,628 -Fuck you. Go home! Get my dinner ready! 461 00:43:32,671 --> 00:43:35,986 Don't yell. Don't scream 462 00:43:36,843 --> 00:43:39,948 All cutlery stays right where it is 463 00:43:44,683 --> 00:43:46,204 How's the bagels here? 464 00:43:48,981 --> 00:43:51,249 You don't answer my calls I got no choice. 465 00:43:51,443 --> 00:43:55,200 Walking away is a choice. Ruining my practice, it's a choice. 466 00:43:55,153 --> 00:43:57,381 You got your office back No harm done. 467 00:43:57,532 --> 00:44:02,426 Cne of my patients committed suicide because I wasn't available to her. 468 00:44:02,660 --> 00:44:04,348 Know what that means to me? 469 00:44:05,746 --> 00:44:07,685 She can't eat bagels 470 00:44:12,380 --> 00:44:15,398 She's gone. She's in the ground because of you. 471 00:44:21,428 --> 00:44:23,575 I don't deserve your help 472 00:44:24,391 --> 00:44:26,618 And I hate your system -Fuck you! 473 00:44:31,688 --> 00:44:33,544 But I got a family 474 00:44:33,943 --> 00:44:37,212 Believe it or not, they're better off with me than without 475 00:44:37,736 --> 00:44:39,799 And I don't know what else to do 476 00:44:40,782 --> 00:44:43,428 I drove off the road -You look fine. 477 00:44:43,575 --> 00:44:45,140 The airbag 478 00:44:47,874 --> 00:44:50,892 You told me if I was driving and -That... 479 00:45:01,885 --> 00:45:03,324 I don't blame you 480 00:45:04,975 --> 00:45:07,741 lVIaybe you can recommend somebody -I would never... 481 00:45:08,185 --> 00:45:11,205 .ask another colleague to get involved in this. 482 00:45:11,439 --> 00:45:14,625 How many more have to die for your personal growth? 483 00:45:14,772 --> 00:45:16,128 Look at me 484 00:45:16,361 --> 00:45:19,963 I swear to Jesus Christ, nobody got killed 'cause of you 485 00:45:24,950 --> 00:45:26,639 Get out of my life! 486 00:46:07,950 --> 00:46:09,265 He 487 00:46:09,828 --> 00:46:11,974 What are you doing home? 488 00:46:13,456 --> 00:46:14,687 Nothing 489 00:46:17,587 --> 00:46:19,899 I thought it was AJ home from school 490 00:46:36,397 --> 00:46:39,860 You all right? -Yeah. 491 00:46:47,450 --> 00:46:50,137 Want a little cold pasta? I could microwave it. 492 00:47:34,454 --> 00:47:35,643 Looks good 493 00:47:35,792 --> 00:47:38,935 Want cheese, something to drink? -Nah. 494 00:47:47,175 --> 00:47:48,531 Sit down 495 00:48:14,536 --> 00:48:20,812 (PCP SCNG PLAYING)