1 00:00:10,611 --> 00:00:13,847 ♪ I'm goin' down to South Park, gonna have myself a time ♪ 2 00:00:13,847 --> 00:00:15,616 ♪ Friendly faces everywhere ♪ 3 00:00:15,616 --> 00:00:17,484 ♪ Humble folks without temptation ♪ 4 00:00:17,484 --> 00:00:20,454 ♪ Goin' down to South Park, gonna leave my woes behind ♪ 5 00:00:20,454 --> 00:00:22,122 ♪ Ample parking day or night ♪ 6 00:00:22,122 --> 00:00:24,057 ♪ People spouting, "Howdy, Neighbor!" ♪ 7 00:00:24,057 --> 00:00:27,127 ♪ Heading on up to South Park, gonna see if I can't unwind ♪ 8 00:00:27,127 --> 00:00:30,531 ♪ Mrph rmhmhm rm! Mrph rmhmhm rm! ♪ 9 00:00:30,531 --> 00:00:34,434 ♪ Come on down to South Park and meet some friends of mine ♪ 10 00:00:35,233 --> 00:00:37,629 {\an7}[ School bell rings ] 11 00:00:37,629 --> 00:00:40,266 {\an7}\h\h\hOkay, children, let’s take our seats! 12 00:00:40,266 --> 00:00:43,662 {\an7}\hGood morning, kids. So great to see you! 13 00:00:43,662 --> 00:00:46,530 {\an7}I know it’s always a little hard coming back from a break. 14 00:00:46,530 --> 00:00:49,233 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hYou know, you know, we’ve had a few distractions 15 00:00:49,233 --> 00:00:52,035 {\an7}but let’s just pick up \h\hwhere we left off. 16 00:00:52,035 --> 00:00:57,101 {\an7}Kids, over this last break, \h\h\h\h\h\hI met somebody. 17 00:00:57,101 --> 00:00:59,827 {\an7}And, uh, I’m pretty excited. 18 00:00:59,827 --> 00:01:01,200 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hAnd, uh, we’ve been really enjoying 19 00:01:01,200 --> 00:01:05,200 {\an7}\h\heach other’s company, and, you know, things got physical. 20 00:01:05,200 --> 00:01:08,893 {\an7}\h\h\hHis name is Rick, and, uh, well, anyway, 21 00:01:08,893 --> 00:01:10,662 {\an7}\hI really wanted you to meet him, just -- 22 00:01:10,662 --> 00:01:12,728 {\an7}\h\hyou know he’s a -- he’s a little nervous, 23 00:01:12,728 --> 00:01:14,629 {\an7}so just be cool, okay? 24 00:01:14,629 --> 00:01:15,530 {\an7}Come on, Rick. 25 00:01:15,530 --> 00:01:19,497 {\an7}Oh, come on, you big silly, they’re not gonna bite you. 26 00:01:19,893 --> 00:01:21,464 {\an7}Class... 27 00:01:21,464 --> 00:01:23,431 {\an7}this is Rick. 28 00:01:23,431 --> 00:01:26,662 {\an7}Now, look, we’re not gettin’ married tomorrow or anything. 29 00:01:26,662 --> 00:01:28,134 {\an7}\hWe’re just enjoying each other’s company 30 00:01:28,134 --> 00:01:31,200 {\an7}\h\hand seeing where this whole thing takes us. 31 00:01:31,200 --> 00:01:32,200 {\an7}This is really awkward. 32 00:01:32,200 --> 00:01:34,959 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hI-I told you I thought this was a bad idea. 33 00:01:34,959 --> 00:01:36,101 {\an7}He’s very shy, 34 00:01:36,101 --> 00:01:39,332 {\an7}but I wanted you kids to know that he treats me really well. 35 00:01:39,332 --> 00:01:43,662 {\an7}Way better than that narcissistic psychopath Marcus! 36 00:01:43,662 --> 00:01:45,101 {\an7}I-I should be going. 37 00:01:45,101 --> 00:01:48,530 {\an7}Okay, okay, well, you’re gonna come pick me up after school? 38 00:01:48,530 --> 00:01:50,134 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hYeah, yeah, you’re done at 4:00? 39 00:01:50,134 --> 00:01:52,101 {\an7}I’ll be ready like 3:30. 40 00:01:52,101 --> 00:01:52,926 {\an7}They like you. 41 00:01:52,926 --> 00:01:56,596 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThey do! No, that’s just them being them. 42 00:01:56,596 --> 00:01:58,728 {\an7}Okay, text me at lunch! 43 00:01:58,728 --> 00:02:00,992 {\an7}Bye Ri-i-i-i-ck! 44 00:02:08,299 --> 00:02:09,596 {\an7}[ Cellphone chiming ] 45 00:02:09,596 --> 00:02:13,926 {\an7}Oh, shit, it’s Marcus! \hShould I answer it?! 46 00:02:14,299 --> 00:02:16,068 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI have to answer it. He’s gonna suspect something. 47 00:02:16,068 --> 00:02:19,695 {\an7}Just keep quiet about Rick! \h\h\h\hDon’t say anything! 48 00:02:19,695 --> 00:02:23,068 {\an7}H-Hey, Marcus. \h\h\hWhats up? 49 00:02:23,068 --> 00:02:25,035 {\an7}No. 50 00:02:25,035 --> 00:02:26,596 {\an7}No. 51 00:02:26,596 --> 00:02:29,266 {\an7}[ Scoffs ] I’m in the classroom \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwith the kids. 52 00:02:29,266 --> 00:02:30,860 {\an7}Aren’t -- Aren’t I, kids?! 53 00:02:30,860 --> 00:02:35,464 {\an7}O-Okay, you couldn’t really hear them, but I’m with the kids. 54 00:02:35,464 --> 00:02:37,464 {\an7}No. 55 00:02:37,464 --> 00:02:39,035 {\an7}Who’s Rick? 56 00:02:39,035 --> 00:02:42,497 {\an7}We’ve never heard of Rick, \h\h\h\h\h\hhave we, kids?! 57 00:02:42,761 --> 00:02:44,464 {\an7}Will you [bleep] \hsay something! 58 00:02:44,464 --> 00:02:49,332 {\an7}\h\h\h\hMarcus, Marcus, I really don’t -- why?! 59 00:02:49,332 --> 00:02:50,728 {\an7}Fine! Go ahead! 60 00:02:50,728 --> 00:02:54,992 {\an7}That’s fi-fine! \h\hOkay, geez! 61 00:02:55,530 --> 00:02:57,596 {\an7}Well, nice going, kids. 62 00:02:57,596 --> 00:02:59,563 {\an7}What is wrong with you?! 63 00:02:59,563 --> 00:03:00,464 {\an7}You don’t listen, 64 00:03:00,464 --> 00:03:02,893 {\an7}and you blatantly go against my direction! 65 00:03:02,893 --> 00:03:04,464 {\an7}What’s going on here, \h\h\h\h\h\hstudents? 66 00:03:04,464 --> 00:03:06,200 {\an7}I ask them for a response, and nothing! 67 00:03:06,200 --> 00:03:08,530 {\an7}First they just sit there when I need their focus 68 00:03:08,530 --> 00:03:10,134 {\an7}and their energy and when I ask them for -- Hey! 69 00:03:10,134 --> 00:03:11,398 {\an7}\h\h\hYou kids know that these teachers 70 00:03:11,398 --> 00:03:12,893 {\an7}are doing their very best \h\h\h\h\h\hfor your benefit?! 71 00:03:12,893 --> 00:03:14,431 {\an7}I don’t know how much more I can take of this. 72 00:03:14,431 --> 00:03:16,167 {\an7}\hI am sick and tired of students thinking 73 00:03:16,167 --> 00:03:17,761 {\an7}they can walk all over \h\h\h\h\htheir teachers 74 00:03:17,761 --> 00:03:19,068 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hwho gave you everything they’ve got! 75 00:03:19,068 --> 00:03:21,827 {\an7}I’ve got enough problems as it is. 76 00:03:21,827 --> 00:03:22,794 {\an7}I tell you what else. 77 00:03:22,794 --> 00:03:24,827 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hThis Friday, for pajama day at school, 78 00:03:24,827 --> 00:03:27,860 {\an7}this class does not get to wear \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\htheir pajamas. 79 00:03:27,860 --> 00:03:29,200 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h-What?! -What’d he say?! 80 00:03:29,200 --> 00:03:31,827 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou heard me. No pajama day for this class. 81 00:03:31,827 --> 00:03:33,893 {\an7}Now maybe you’ll remember \h\h\h\h\hto have some respect 82 00:03:33,893 --> 00:03:35,761 {\an7}for your teacher! 83 00:03:35,761 --> 00:03:37,794 {\an7}This is bullshit! 84 00:03:37,794 --> 00:03:39,167 {\an7}They can’t take our pajamas \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hfrom us! 85 00:03:39,167 --> 00:03:40,563 {\an7}Who does the principal \h\h\h\h\hthink he is?! 86 00:03:40,563 --> 00:03:43,167 {\an7}\h\h\hAfter everything we’ve been through the past couple years, 87 00:03:43,167 --> 00:03:45,101 {\an7}they’re gonna take pajama day \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hfrom us, too. 88 00:03:45,101 --> 00:03:46,530 {\an7}We didn’t even do \hanything wrong! 89 00:03:46,530 --> 00:03:48,464 {\an7}We didn’t do [bleep] \h\h\hanything wrong! 90 00:03:48,464 --> 00:03:50,266 {\an7}We keep not doing \hanything wrong, 91 00:03:50,266 --> 00:03:51,464 {\an7}and we keep getting [bleep] 92 00:03:51,464 --> 00:03:54,101 {\an7}Guess that’s just part of being a kid these days. Yup. 93 00:03:54,101 --> 00:03:57,860 {\an7}Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait. We are not going to just stand for this?! 94 00:03:57,860 --> 00:03:58,893 {\an7}What else can we do, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbrah? 95 00:03:58,893 --> 00:04:00,959 {\an7}\hBrah, we can have some Goddamn balls. 96 00:04:00,959 --> 00:04:03,365 {\an7}\hWhat does Matt Damon say on that Bitcoin commercial? 97 00:04:03,365 --> 00:04:05,167 {\an7}Fortune favors the brave. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hMy dad said 98 00:04:05,167 --> 00:04:07,332 {\an7}he listened to Matt Damon \h\hand lost all his money. 99 00:04:07,332 --> 00:04:10,332 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYes, everyone did. But they were brave in doing so. 100 00:04:10,332 --> 00:04:12,497 {\an7}\h\h\hWe have to stand up for ourselves, you guys. 101 00:04:12,497 --> 00:04:14,365 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI say we go right to the principal’s office 102 00:04:14,365 --> 00:04:17,035 {\an7}and tell him what’s up, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hbrah. 103 00:04:21,332 --> 00:04:23,200 {\an7}[ Phone beeps ] \h\h\h\h\hYeah. 104 00:04:23,200 --> 00:04:26,629 {\an7}Woman: Some kids want to speak with you about pajama day. 105 00:04:26,629 --> 00:04:28,860 {\an7}Alright, send ’em in. 106 00:04:29,365 --> 00:04:32,629 {\an7}[ Sobbing ] 107 00:04:33,893 --> 00:04:34,860 {\an7}Mr. Principal, sir, 108 00:04:34,860 --> 00:04:37,860 {\an7}can we please wear our pajamas \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hon pajama day? 109 00:04:37,860 --> 00:04:40,167 {\an7}[ Sobbing continues ] 110 00:04:40,167 --> 00:04:41,101 {\an7}I’m sorry, ladies. 111 00:04:41,101 --> 00:04:43,134 {\an7}I have made a decision, and I’m sticking to it. 112 00:04:43,134 --> 00:04:46,662 {\an7}Mr. Principal, we really didn’t do anything wrong. 113 00:04:46,662 --> 00:04:50,497 {\an7}\hI appreciate your sentiment, but as principal of the school, 114 00:04:50,497 --> 00:04:52,167 {\an7}it’s my job to make decisions 115 00:04:52,167 --> 00:04:53,827 {\an7}\hand stand by them to maintain order. 116 00:04:53,827 --> 00:04:56,728 {\an7}Do you know how long we’ve waited for pajama day?! 117 00:04:56,728 --> 00:04:59,134 {\an7}\hYou can’t force us to wear normal clothes! 118 00:04:59,134 --> 00:05:00,629 {\an7}\hWhat is this, Nazi Germany?! 119 00:05:00,629 --> 00:05:02,629 {\an7}\hHey! How many times have I told you kids 120 00:05:02,629 --> 00:05:03,761 {\an7}not to bring up \hNazi Germany 121 00:05:03,761 --> 00:05:05,761 {\an7}when you don’t get something \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hyou want?! 122 00:05:05,761 --> 00:05:07,101 {\an7}-You’re a fascist! \h\h\h\h\h-Get out! 123 00:05:07,101 --> 00:05:10,761 {\an7}You’re a fascist, and this whole school stinks of Nazis! 124 00:05:10,761 --> 00:05:14,464 {\an7}\hI can’t believe the things these students say sometimes. 125 00:05:14,464 --> 00:05:17,629 {\an7}\h\hYou better quit while you’re ahead. 126 00:05:17,629 --> 00:05:18,398 {\an7}What? 127 00:05:18,398 --> 00:05:22,794 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYou don’t understand how important pajama day is to kids. 128 00:05:22,794 --> 00:05:25,629 {\an7}It’s like the Met Gala \h\h\h\h\h\hfor children. 129 00:05:25,629 --> 00:05:29,266 {\an7}If I change my mind now, \h\h\h\h\h\hI look weak. 130 00:05:29,266 --> 00:05:30,827 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hMkay... But I don’t think 131 00:05:30,827 --> 00:05:34,794 {\an7}\h\h\hthis is gonna end up the way you want it to. 132 00:05:43,530 --> 00:05:47,101 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[ Laughter, indistinct conversations ] 133 00:05:49,299 --> 00:05:52,134 {\an7}[ Camera shutters clicking ] 134 00:05:52,134 --> 00:05:59,695 {\an7}♪ 135 00:05:59,695 --> 00:06:03,365 {\an7}\h\h\h\hHey, look! It’s Eric Cartman! 136 00:06:07,200 --> 00:06:10,365 {\an7}[ Screaming ] 137 00:06:11,431 --> 00:06:12,563 {\an7}Eric! Eric! 138 00:06:12,563 --> 00:06:14,728 {\an7}\hIt’s okay! What’s wrong? 139 00:06:14,728 --> 00:06:15,794 {\an7}\hOh, God! [ Panting ] 140 00:06:15,794 --> 00:06:19,233 {\an7}I-I was at the school and it -- it was pajama day 141 00:06:19,233 --> 00:06:21,596 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hand I -- and I didn’t have pajamas on 142 00:06:21,596 --> 00:06:23,068 {\an7}and then I died! 143 00:06:23,068 --> 00:06:25,398 {\an7}And then I died! \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hShh! Eric! 144 00:06:25,398 --> 00:06:28,035 {\an7}Eric, it’s okay, sweetie. \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hShh. 145 00:06:28,035 --> 00:06:29,695 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hPC Principal: Yes hello, Ms. Cartman. 146 00:06:29,695 --> 00:06:33,266 {\an7}This is the school principal returning your call. What can I do for you? 147 00:06:33,266 --> 00:06:36,101 {\an7}\hUh, yes, I understand that you told my child 148 00:06:36,101 --> 00:06:38,827 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthat he isn’t allowed to wear pajamas this Friday? 149 00:06:38,827 --> 00:06:41,959 {\an7}What is this, Nazi Germany? 150 00:06:42,398 --> 00:06:43,530 {\an7}Your son is part of a class 151 00:06:43,530 --> 00:06:46,068 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hthat lost their pajama-day privilege, correct. 152 00:06:46,068 --> 00:06:48,464 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hWell, I’m sorry, but I don’t think it’s safe 153 00:06:48,464 --> 00:06:52,464 {\an7}for Eric to not wear his pajamas on pajama day. 154 00:06:52,464 --> 00:06:53,464 {\an7}He could die. 155 00:06:53,464 --> 00:06:56,332 {\an7}\h\h\hWell, I’ve already made my decision, and it’s final. 156 00:06:56,332 --> 00:06:59,200 {\an7}Well, I’m not really sure \h\h\h\h\h\h\hwhere you get off 157 00:06:59,200 --> 00:07:01,893 {\an7}telling me what my son \h\h\hcan and can’t wear. 158 00:07:01,893 --> 00:07:03,530 {\an7}What do you think \h\h\habout that? 159 00:07:03,530 --> 00:07:04,761 {\an7}Yeah, get him, Mom! 160 00:07:04,761 --> 00:07:05,761 {\an7}Tell him to [bleep] off! 161 00:07:05,761 --> 00:07:08,398 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hIn fact, I think you can [bleep] off. 162 00:07:08,398 --> 00:07:10,761 {\an7}Ms. Cartman if you are worried \h\h\habout your son’s safety, 163 00:07:10,761 --> 00:07:13,398 {\an7}then perhaps you should just keep him home for pajama day. 164 00:07:13,398 --> 00:07:15,959 {\an7}Uh, I can just keep him home \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hon pajama day? 165 00:07:15,959 --> 00:07:18,068 {\an7}No, I can’t stay home because you have to go to work 166 00:07:18,068 --> 00:07:20,695 {\an7}because [bleep] Matt Damon told you fortune favors the brave 167 00:07:20,695 --> 00:07:22,068 {\an7}\h\hand now you lost all your [bleep] money! 168 00:07:22,068 --> 00:07:24,629 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hMatt Damon told me fortune favors the brave, 169 00:07:24,629 --> 00:07:27,200 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hand I lost all my [bleep] money! 170 00:07:27,200 --> 00:07:28,431 {\an7}I’m sorry? 171 00:07:28,431 --> 00:07:30,299 {\an7}I am going rally all the parents, 172 00:07:30,299 --> 00:07:31,893 {\an7}and I am going \hto the press! 173 00:07:31,893 --> 00:07:34,464 {\an7}\h\hIf my son can’t wear his pajamas to school, 174 00:07:34,464 --> 00:07:37,992 {\an7}then no kids are going to wear \h\h\h\h\h\htheir pajamas to school! 175 00:07:37,992 --> 00:07:39,629 {\an7}\h\h[Bleep] yes, Mom, that was [bleep] sweet! 176 00:07:39,629 --> 00:07:42,827 {\an7}Wait, no, I want to wear my [bleep] pajamas to school! 177 00:07:42,827 --> 00:07:44,398 {\an7}You [bleep] it up, Mom! 178 00:07:44,398 --> 00:07:46,728 {\an7}\hTom, guten tag and Heil Hitler. 179 00:07:46,728 --> 00:07:49,266 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hApparently, we are living in Nazi Germany. 180 00:07:49,266 --> 00:07:52,233 {\an7}The elementary school behind me \h\h\his telling some students 181 00:07:52,233 --> 00:07:55,068 {\an7}they can’t wear their pajamas \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto pajama day. 182 00:07:55,068 --> 00:07:56,992 {\an7}The principal of the school \h\h\h\h\hsays the students 183 00:07:56,992 --> 00:07:59,200 {\an7}are being reprimanded \h\hfor bad behavior. 184 00:07:59,200 --> 00:08:01,827 {\an7}\h\hBut many parents are left wondering... 185 00:08:01,827 --> 00:08:04,167 {\an7}[ Speaks German ] 186 00:08:04,167 --> 00:08:06,926 {\an7}The school’s mandate has caused a backlash 187 00:08:06,926 --> 00:08:08,101 {\an7}with members of the community 188 00:08:08,101 --> 00:08:13,365 {\an7}\hwho are now wearing their pajamas to work in protest! 189 00:08:15,431 --> 00:08:18,233 {\an7}Woman: Pajama time! 190 00:08:19,068 --> 00:08:20,860 {\an7}Man: Whoo! 191 00:08:20,860 --> 00:08:22,992 {\an7}Pajama time! 192 00:08:22,992 --> 00:08:26,497 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hWoman: ♪ Snuggle, snuggle, snuggle ♪ 193 00:08:26,497 --> 00:08:27,893 {\an7}♪ When the sun goes down ♪ 194 00:08:27,893 --> 00:08:28,926 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 195 00:08:28,926 --> 00:08:30,299 {\an7}♪ At the end of the day ♪ 196 00:08:30,299 --> 00:08:31,299 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 197 00:08:31,299 --> 00:08:32,695 {\an7}♪ When I’ve played my game ♪ 198 00:08:32,695 --> 00:08:33,662 {\an7}♪ What time is it? 199 00:08:33,662 --> 00:08:34,827 {\an7}♪ And I’ve put them away ♪ 200 00:08:34,827 --> 00:08:35,959 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 201 00:08:35,959 --> 00:08:38,563 {\an7}♪ There’s one thing I need to ask you ♪ 202 00:08:38,563 --> 00:08:40,893 {\an7}♪ What, what, what, what time is it? ♪ 203 00:08:40,893 --> 00:08:43,365 {\an7}♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪ 204 00:08:43,365 --> 00:08:44,695 {\an7}♪ What time time is it? ♪ 205 00:08:44,695 --> 00:08:47,035 {\an7}♪ Pajama time ♪ 206 00:08:47,365 --> 00:08:48,530 {\an7}♪ When my dinner’s done ♪ 207 00:08:48,530 --> 00:08:49,629 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 208 00:08:49,629 --> 00:08:51,167 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h[ Gun cocks ] ♪ And I’m in for the night ♪ 209 00:08:51,167 --> 00:08:52,200 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 210 00:08:52,200 --> 00:08:53,398 {\an7}♪ When I’ve had my fun ♪ 211 00:08:53,398 --> 00:08:54,464 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 212 00:08:54,464 --> 00:08:55,959 {\an7}♪ Before you turn out \h\h\h\h\hthe light ♪ 213 00:08:55,959 --> 00:08:57,035 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 214 00:08:57,035 --> 00:08:58,926 {\an7}♪ There’s one thing I need to ask you ♪ 215 00:08:58,926 --> 00:09:01,530 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h♪ What, what, what, \h\h\h\h\h\h\hwhat time is it? ♪ I’ve got my jammies on! 216 00:09:01,530 --> 00:09:04,068 {\an7}\h\h♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪ We’ve got our jammies on! 217 00:09:04,068 --> 00:09:06,728 {\an7}♪ What time is it? \h\h\hPajama time ♪ 218 00:09:06,728 --> 00:09:07,794 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 219 00:09:07,794 --> 00:09:08,827 {\an7}♪ When I start to yawn ♪ 220 00:09:08,827 --> 00:09:09,926 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 221 00:09:09,926 --> 00:09:12,893 {\an7}♪ And you get that look, \hand you get that look ♪ 222 00:09:12,893 --> 00:09:13,926 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 223 00:09:13,926 --> 00:09:15,233 {\an7}Making a difference \h\h\h\hcan be fun! 224 00:09:15,233 --> 00:09:16,761 {\an7}♪ Well, there’s one thing \h\h\hI need to ask you ♪ 225 00:09:16,761 --> 00:09:18,827 {\an7}♪ What, what, what, what time is it? ♪ 226 00:09:18,827 --> 00:09:20,992 {\an7}♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪ 227 00:09:20,992 --> 00:09:23,893 {\an7}♪ What time is it? \h\h\hPajama time ♪ 228 00:09:23,893 --> 00:09:25,794 {\an7}♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪ 229 00:09:25,794 --> 00:09:28,563 {\an7}♪ What time is it? \h\h\hPajama time ♪ 230 00:09:28,563 --> 00:09:29,695 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 231 00:09:29,695 --> 00:09:30,893 {\an7}♪ Pajama time ♪ 232 00:09:30,893 --> 00:09:32,200 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 233 00:09:32,200 --> 00:09:33,332 {\an7}♪ Pajama time ♪ 234 00:09:33,332 --> 00:09:34,530 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 235 00:09:34,530 --> 00:09:35,728 {\an7}♪ Pajama time ♪ 236 00:09:35,728 --> 00:09:37,101 {\an7}♪ What time is it? ♪ 237 00:09:37,101 --> 00:09:39,662 {\an7}♪ Pajama time ♪ 238 00:09:43,233 --> 00:09:44,959 {\an7}Testaburger! \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hOh! [Bleep] 239 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:47,464 {\an7}\h\h\h\hI need to talk to you now! 240 00:09:50,860 --> 00:09:52,794 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hYes? Miss Testaburger... 241 00:09:52,794 --> 00:09:55,893 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\h\hI need you to get me out of this. 242 00:09:55,893 --> 00:09:57,068 {\an7}Sir? 243 00:09:57,068 --> 00:09:58,200 {\an7}I made a tactical decision. 244 00:09:58,200 --> 00:10:01,596 {\an7}\h\h\hNow if I go back and say maybe I was wrong, I look weak. 245 00:10:01,596 --> 00:10:03,926 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hWell, Mr. Principal, \h\h\h\h\h\h\h\hif you just -- Zip it! 246 00:10:03,926 --> 00:10:05,893 {\an7}\h\h\h\h\hI need you to get everyone in your class 247 00:10:05,893 --> 00:10:08,827 {\an7}to work together and have Mr. Garrison come to me 248 00:10:08,827 --> 00:10:10,860 {\an7}saying your pajama day should be reinstated. 249 00:10:10,860 --> 00:10:14,101 {\an7}You get the girls and the boys \h\h\h\h\h\h\hto work together. 250 00:10:14,101 --> 00:10:17,695 {\an7}This is your problem now, \h\h\h\h\h\hTestaburger. 251 00:10:28,668 --> 00:10:30,803 Hey, guys -- I just wanna say 252 00:10:30,803 --> 00:10:33,439 I'm really proud to be a part of this office. 253 00:10:33,439 --> 00:10:35,074 Wearing our pajamas shows 254 00:10:35,074 --> 00:10:37,510 that we care about those school kids -- 255 00:10:37,510 --> 00:10:39,679 that we care about other people. 256 00:10:39,679 --> 00:10:41,481 South Park Realtors! 257 00:10:41,481 --> 00:10:43,716 All: South Park Realtors! 258 00:10:44,984 --> 00:10:46,686 Hey, guys -- sorry I'm a little late. 259 00:10:46,686 --> 00:10:48,521 Got a flat tire on the interstate. 260 00:10:48,521 --> 00:10:49,889 What's the latest news? 261 00:10:51,658 --> 00:10:53,493 What's going on, Mike? 262 00:10:53,493 --> 00:10:54,861 Well, what do you mean? 263 00:10:54,861 --> 00:10:57,497 You're not wearing... pajamas. 264 00:10:57,497 --> 00:11:02,135 Oh -- yeah -- I-I didn't really wanna wear pajamas. 265 00:11:02,135 --> 00:11:03,870 We're all wearing pajamas. 266 00:11:03,870 --> 00:11:07,273 Yeah, I just didn't want to with the rain and slush outside. 267 00:11:07,273 --> 00:11:10,810 It just...didn't make any sense to wear pajamas. 268 00:11:10,810 --> 00:11:13,279 Uh, Mike, we're trying to do the right thing, 269 00:11:13,279 --> 00:11:16,115 and it only works if we all wear pajamas. 270 00:11:16,115 --> 00:11:18,952 Well, you can't force me to wear pajamas. 271 00:11:18,952 --> 00:11:20,486 What is this, Nazi Germany? 272 00:11:20,486 --> 00:11:22,856 We aren't telling you to wear pajamas -- 273 00:11:22,856 --> 00:11:25,525 But I'm pretty sure the sign right here on the door 274 00:11:25,525 --> 00:11:27,827 says you have to wear pajamas! 275 00:11:27,827 --> 00:11:29,896 Hey, Mike, just put on some pajamas. 276 00:11:29,896 --> 00:11:31,197 It's not a big deal. 277 00:11:31,197 --> 00:11:32,465 Good. If it's not a big deal 278 00:11:32,465 --> 00:11:35,134 then I'll choose not to wear pajamas. 279 00:11:35,134 --> 00:11:38,538 You redneck, gun toting piece of shit. 280 00:11:38,538 --> 00:11:41,474 Ladies and gentlemen. 281 00:11:41,474 --> 00:11:43,476 We have been at war for too long. 282 00:11:43,476 --> 00:11:45,745 Yesterday, Wendy Testaburger came to me 283 00:11:45,745 --> 00:11:47,981 and said we need to get the boys and girls together 284 00:11:47,981 --> 00:11:49,883 to find a solution for pajama day. 285 00:11:49,883 --> 00:11:53,086 I was delighted. 286 00:11:53,086 --> 00:11:55,021 We must put our differences aside, 287 00:11:55,021 --> 00:11:57,223 because we all want one thing. 288 00:11:57,223 --> 00:12:00,827 The right to be in our jam jams this Friday all cozy wozy. 289 00:12:00,827 --> 00:12:02,495 It's comfy womfy. 290 00:12:02,495 --> 00:12:03,763 Comfy womfy, cozy wozy, 291 00:12:03,763 --> 00:12:05,498 the point is we are getting [bleep] 292 00:12:05,498 --> 00:12:08,034 We all have to be on the same page, here. 293 00:12:08,034 --> 00:12:10,036 That's right. We need all of us. 294 00:12:10,036 --> 00:12:12,772 Boys and girls working together. 295 00:12:14,574 --> 00:12:17,310 And so together, what are we going to do? 296 00:12:18,845 --> 00:12:21,281 We could shoot up the school! 297 00:12:21,281 --> 00:12:22,415 Shoot up the school, nice. 298 00:12:22,415 --> 00:12:23,583 It's just done a lot. 299 00:12:23,583 --> 00:12:24,884 Anything a little more original? 300 00:12:24,884 --> 00:12:26,853 We burn down the cafeteria? 301 00:12:26,853 --> 00:12:29,189 We smear human shit on all the windows? 302 00:12:29,189 --> 00:12:31,090 We apologize. 303 00:12:32,458 --> 00:12:34,727 You guys want a chance to save pajama day? 304 00:12:34,727 --> 00:12:38,464 Then join us in telling Mr. Garrison we're all sorry. 305 00:12:38,464 --> 00:12:40,266 We didn't [bleep] do anything. 306 00:12:40,266 --> 00:12:43,436 At school tomorrow we all tell Mr. Garrison he was right 307 00:12:43,436 --> 00:12:45,038 and that we've been terrible students. 308 00:12:45,038 --> 00:12:46,272 That we weren't listening 309 00:12:46,272 --> 00:12:48,241 and that he deserves to be angry with us. 310 00:12:48,241 --> 00:12:49,742 We tell him how much we care 311 00:12:49,742 --> 00:12:51,477 and that we want to see him more as a human being 312 00:12:51,477 --> 00:12:52,779 than just a teacher. 313 00:12:52,779 --> 00:12:54,547 That is just the kind of manipulative, 314 00:12:54,547 --> 00:12:56,216 psychotic thinking that we needed. 315 00:12:56,216 --> 00:12:58,818 We can do this! We just have to be brave. 316 00:12:58,818 --> 00:13:00,453 But not too brave or else Matt Damon will come 317 00:13:00,453 --> 00:13:01,588 and take all our money. 318 00:13:01,588 --> 00:13:02,622 Alright, dude, can we lay off 319 00:13:02,622 --> 00:13:03,623 the Matt Damon jokes, please? 320 00:13:03,623 --> 00:13:05,258 They're just getting old. 321 00:13:05,258 --> 00:13:08,495 Tom, warm up the wienerschnitzel and put on your lederhosen 322 00:13:08,495 --> 00:13:10,430 because now people are being told 323 00:13:10,430 --> 00:13:12,899 to stop making Matt Damon jokes. 324 00:13:12,899 --> 00:13:15,835 Opponents are claiming that the jokes are already tired 325 00:13:15,835 --> 00:13:19,172 and Matt Damon had every right to make a Bitcoin commercial, 326 00:13:19,172 --> 00:13:21,074 so the jokes need to stop. 327 00:13:21,074 --> 00:13:25,144 All we can say is -- [ Speaks German ] 328 00:13:25,144 --> 00:13:28,348 Cuz it's gettin' real Nazi Germany up in here. 329 00:13:28,348 --> 00:13:29,983 Back to you, Tom. 330 00:13:29,983 --> 00:13:32,819 This is totally ridiculous. You know that, right? 331 00:13:32,819 --> 00:13:34,854 I'm sorry, sir, but we aren't seating anyone 332 00:13:34,854 --> 00:13:36,422 who isn't wearing their pajamas. 333 00:13:36,422 --> 00:13:39,092 Please, ma'am, I just want to sit down and eat. 334 00:13:39,092 --> 00:13:41,928 I understand, but the management prefers that everyone inside 335 00:13:41,928 --> 00:13:43,363 be nice and comfy womfy. 336 00:13:43,363 --> 00:13:44,731 So I have to be comfy wumfy 337 00:13:44,731 --> 00:13:46,299 to get a Rooty Tooty Fresh 'N Fruity? 338 00:13:46,299 --> 00:13:48,601 Sir, I'm just the hostess here. 339 00:13:48,601 --> 00:13:51,004 If you prefer, you only need to wear your pajamas to get in. 340 00:13:51,004 --> 00:13:52,305 You don't have to wear them at your table 341 00:13:52,305 --> 00:13:53,540 while you're actively eating. 342 00:13:53,540 --> 00:13:55,375 So it's ok if we put on our pajamas, 343 00:13:55,375 --> 00:13:57,544 walk through the whole restaurant to the table, 344 00:13:57,544 --> 00:13:59,179 and then take our pajamas off. 345 00:13:59,179 --> 00:14:01,548 What is the [bleep] point?! [ Siren chirps ] 346 00:14:04,984 --> 00:14:07,187 What seems to be the problem here? 347 00:14:08,354 --> 00:14:09,389 Oh, I see! 348 00:14:09,389 --> 00:14:13,560 [ Speaking German ] 349 00:14:20,834 --> 00:14:23,970 Remember...no matter how angry he is, tell him he's right. 350 00:14:23,970 --> 00:14:26,206 [ Bell ringing ] 351 00:14:28,708 --> 00:14:31,477 Good morning, class! 352 00:14:31,477 --> 00:14:33,746 ♪ Good mornin'! Good mornin! ♪ 353 00:14:33,746 --> 00:14:35,715 ♪ Good mornin', good morning' ♪ 354 00:14:35,715 --> 00:14:39,185 ♪ To you and you and you and you! ♪ 355 00:14:39,185 --> 00:14:42,222 So...how are you guys? 356 00:14:43,189 --> 00:14:46,860 You're probably wondering how things are with Rick. 357 00:14:46,860 --> 00:14:49,929 I just flat out told him that Marcus was still calling me 358 00:14:49,929 --> 00:14:51,731 and you know what Rick said? 359 00:14:51,731 --> 00:14:55,001 He said, "If you're not over Marcus, then take some time. 360 00:14:55,001 --> 00:14:56,569 I'll be here." 361 00:14:56,569 --> 00:14:59,205 Is that not the sweetest thing you've ever heard? 362 00:14:59,205 --> 00:15:02,375 I called him back like three minutes later 363 00:15:02,375 --> 00:15:05,778 and I said, "I don't need time. I need you." 364 00:15:05,778 --> 00:15:07,914 I said, "Can I just come over?" 365 00:15:07,914 --> 00:15:11,618 And the way he held me when I got to his house, 366 00:15:11,618 --> 00:15:16,756 it was like, "Ohhh, this is security." 367 00:15:16,756 --> 00:15:20,026 And then later on when we were in bed, 368 00:15:20,026 --> 00:15:21,761 I'd had my head on his chest, 369 00:15:21,761 --> 00:15:24,564 and I was just playing with his chest hairs a little bit, 370 00:15:24,564 --> 00:15:26,065 and I said -- 371 00:15:26,065 --> 00:15:28,067 Excuse me, Butters, are you paying attention? 372 00:15:29,135 --> 00:15:30,937 Could somebody wake Butters up, please? 373 00:15:30,937 --> 00:15:33,773 Dude! Wuh huh huh?! Yes?! 374 00:15:33,773 --> 00:15:35,742 I'm sorry, Butters, am I boring you? 375 00:15:35,742 --> 00:15:37,410 Uh, no, sir! 376 00:15:37,410 --> 00:15:39,445 Okay, well, then maybe you can tell me what Rick said 377 00:15:39,445 --> 00:15:41,114 when I told him about Marcus?! 378 00:15:41,114 --> 00:15:43,816 Uh...huh...He... 379 00:15:43,816 --> 00:15:47,787 Anybody? Does anyone know what I said when Rick held me tight?! 380 00:15:48,788 --> 00:15:49,923 "This is..." 381 00:15:49,923 --> 00:15:51,925 "This is really nice"? 382 00:15:51,925 --> 00:15:53,960 "This is security!" 383 00:15:53,960 --> 00:15:55,762 None of you are paying attention! 384 00:15:55,762 --> 00:15:57,831 None of you know the answers, do you! 385 00:15:57,831 --> 00:15:59,132 What's going on, students?! 386 00:15:59,132 --> 00:16:01,534 Aw, God dammit! 387 00:16:06,380 --> 00:16:10,417 Jesus, I've never seen so many arrests in one day! 388 00:16:10,417 --> 00:16:13,854 Sir, we got another one. But she's wearing pajamas. 389 00:16:13,854 --> 00:16:15,589 Yeah but she was caught shitting on the car 390 00:16:15,589 --> 00:16:17,558 of a guy who wasn't wearing pajamas. 391 00:16:17,558 --> 00:16:19,593 That's right, and I'd do it again. 392 00:16:19,593 --> 00:16:21,762 Alright, put her in with the others. 393 00:16:21,762 --> 00:16:24,932 Hey, don't put that pajama wearing slut in here with us! 394 00:16:24,932 --> 00:16:26,400 Chief, they're asking for your assistance 395 00:16:26,400 --> 00:16:28,435 down on Brighton Street. What now? 396 00:16:28,435 --> 00:16:30,404 Looks like we got a domestic dispute. 397 00:16:30,404 --> 00:16:32,673 Oh, finally something normal! 398 00:16:32,673 --> 00:16:34,007 [ Police radio chatter ] 399 00:16:34,007 --> 00:16:36,043 I told her I just wanna go to bed! 400 00:16:36,043 --> 00:16:37,444 If you're not gonna let me go to bed 401 00:16:37,444 --> 00:16:38,879 then I'm calling the police! 402 00:16:38,879 --> 00:16:40,113 He's just gonna go to bed 403 00:16:40,113 --> 00:16:41,448 wearing the clothes he wore all day! 404 00:16:41,448 --> 00:16:43,684 I don't want to sleep in that filth! 405 00:16:43,684 --> 00:16:46,119 Well, I don't have to wear pajamas! 406 00:16:46,119 --> 00:16:48,121 Okay, Mr. Billings, but... 407 00:16:48,121 --> 00:16:50,857 you have to understand, it is bedtime. 408 00:16:50,857 --> 00:16:52,125 So what? 409 00:16:52,125 --> 00:16:53,694 Well, you should just understand 410 00:16:53,694 --> 00:16:55,262 where your wife is coming from. 411 00:16:55,262 --> 00:16:57,631 if anytime makes sense to wear pajamas, 412 00:16:57,631 --> 00:17:00,300 it would be as you're going to sleep at night. 413 00:17:00,300 --> 00:17:04,238 I don't care what time of day it is, I don't ever wear pajamas! 414 00:17:04,238 --> 00:17:05,606 Alright, alright, listen. 415 00:17:05,606 --> 00:17:07,608 What if you were on a ski vacation. 416 00:17:07,608 --> 00:17:11,612 Hmm? A nice, cozy condo after a long day hitting the slopes. 417 00:17:11,612 --> 00:17:14,314 The fire is crackling. You've got a cup of cocoa. 418 00:17:14,314 --> 00:17:16,483 You're telling me you wouldn't wear pajamas then? 419 00:17:16,483 --> 00:17:18,452 No! I wouldn't wear pajamas! 420 00:17:18,452 --> 00:17:21,655 You would beg me for pajamas if we had a condo and cocoa! 421 00:17:21,655 --> 00:17:23,223 No, I wouldn't! No, I wouldn't! 422 00:17:23,223 --> 00:17:26,293 Alright, alright, is there any way the two of you 423 00:17:26,293 --> 00:17:28,662 can go to sleep tonight in this house together? 424 00:17:28,662 --> 00:17:31,465 He's not getting in bed in his clothes. 425 00:17:31,465 --> 00:17:34,234 Okay, then you can just come sleep downtown at the station. 426 00:17:34,234 --> 00:17:35,269 Take her in, boys. 427 00:17:35,269 --> 00:17:37,271 What?! 428 00:17:37,271 --> 00:17:39,907 Oh, my God! Ha ha! Bye bye! 429 00:17:39,907 --> 00:17:42,476 They're arresting people in pajamas! [ Crowd booing ] 430 00:17:42,476 --> 00:17:44,878 What is this, Nazi Germany?! 431 00:17:46,346 --> 00:17:47,848 Take him in, too! 432 00:17:47,848 --> 00:17:50,150 [ Crowd cheering and booing ] 433 00:17:50,150 --> 00:17:53,053 Arrest those people and all of those people! 434 00:17:55,589 --> 00:17:59,293 This whole town is a powder keg about to go off. 435 00:17:59,293 --> 00:18:03,096 And tomorrow is pajama day. 436 00:18:03,096 --> 00:18:05,532 [ Polka music plays ] 437 00:18:05,532 --> 00:18:14,708 ♪♪ 438 00:18:14,708 --> 00:18:18,512 Tom... [ Speaking German ] 439 00:18:38,966 --> 00:18:41,001 Back to you, Tom! 440 00:18:41,001 --> 00:18:47,207 [ Speaking German ] 441 00:18:47,207 --> 00:18:49,743 [ Gunshots ] 442 00:18:49,743 --> 00:18:52,246 What the [bleep] bro? 443 00:18:52,246 --> 00:18:54,214 You wanted to see me, sir? 444 00:18:54,214 --> 00:18:57,985 Bro... What am I supposed to do? 445 00:18:57,985 --> 00:18:59,620 [ Sobs ] 446 00:19:01,388 --> 00:19:03,924 [ Sniffles ] 447 00:19:06,526 --> 00:19:08,528 Do you know what a principle is? 448 00:19:08,528 --> 00:19:13,533 A principle is something that you see as a fundamental truth. 449 00:19:13,533 --> 00:19:18,338 You do something that you think is right out of principle! 450 00:19:18,338 --> 00:19:22,276 That's why I wanted to be principal. 451 00:19:26,113 --> 00:19:28,882 Tell your class they can run back home 452 00:19:28,882 --> 00:19:30,417 and put on their pajamas. 453 00:19:30,417 --> 00:19:34,121 I'll hand in my resignation this afternoon. 454 00:19:34,121 --> 00:19:37,190 Sir, maybe people won't lose respect for you 455 00:19:37,190 --> 00:19:38,191 if you change your mind. 456 00:19:38,191 --> 00:19:39,593 Saying you were wrong 457 00:19:39,593 --> 00:19:42,963 is sometimes the strongest thing you can do. 458 00:19:42,963 --> 00:19:46,133 You're totally wrong about that. 459 00:19:46,133 --> 00:19:48,435 When all these people see I caved in to their insults 460 00:19:48,435 --> 00:19:51,038 and their offensive World War II comparisons, 461 00:19:51,038 --> 00:19:52,873 I'll be done. 462 00:19:52,873 --> 00:19:56,877 Then we can't put on our pajamas. Out of principle. 463 00:19:56,877 --> 00:19:58,478 The kids will be ok. 464 00:19:58,478 --> 00:20:01,148 At least we still have opposite day to look forward to. 465 00:20:01,148 --> 00:20:02,816 No, you -- Wait. 466 00:20:02,816 --> 00:20:04,084 What did you say? 467 00:20:04,084 --> 00:20:05,385 I said we'll be ok. 468 00:20:05,385 --> 00:20:07,888 No, what day is opposite day at school? 469 00:20:07,888 --> 00:20:09,756 It's always the second Friday in March. 470 00:20:09,756 --> 00:20:11,959 Testaburger! That's it! 471 00:20:13,093 --> 00:20:16,897 Attention all students, this is your principal. 472 00:20:16,897 --> 00:20:19,800 I need to inform you that a mistake has been made. 473 00:20:19,800 --> 00:20:21,235 Mr. Mackey, your counselor, 474 00:20:21,235 --> 00:20:22,970 totally screwed up the calendar. 475 00:20:22,970 --> 00:20:26,406 Today is not pajama day. It is in fact opposite day. 476 00:20:26,406 --> 00:20:28,342 [ Students stammering ] 477 00:20:28,342 --> 00:20:31,678 So we will be having breakfast for lunch in the cafeteria, 478 00:20:31,678 --> 00:20:33,647 and anything else you've been told to do, 479 00:20:33,647 --> 00:20:35,582 you can now do the opposite. 480 00:20:35,582 --> 00:20:37,784 [bleep] yes, it's opposite day! 481 00:20:37,784 --> 00:20:39,419 All: Yay! 482 00:20:39,419 --> 00:20:41,755 [ Students cheering ] 483 00:20:41,755 --> 00:20:43,690 ♪ Pajama time ♪ 484 00:20:43,690 --> 00:20:46,026 ♪ When the sun goes down... ♪ ♪ What time is it? ♪ 485 00:20:46,026 --> 00:20:48,362 ♪ At the end of the day... ♪ ♪ What time is it? ♪ 486 00:20:48,362 --> 00:20:50,864 ♪ When I play my games... ♪ ♪ What time is it? ♪ 487 00:20:50,864 --> 00:20:53,667 ♪ And I put them away... ♪ ♪ What time is it? ♪ 488 00:20:53,667 --> 00:20:55,936 ♪ There's one thing I need to ask you ♪ 489 00:20:55,936 --> 00:20:58,038 ♪ What, what, what, what time is it? ♪ 490 00:20:58,038 --> 00:21:00,507 ♪ Pajama time, pajama time ♪ 491 00:21:00,507 --> 00:21:03,343 ♪ What time is it? ♪ ♪ Pajama time ♪ 492 00:21:04,344 --> 00:21:06,346 Hey, Frank! It looks like its over! 493 00:21:06,346 --> 00:21:08,181 The school said the kids can wear what they want 494 00:21:08,181 --> 00:21:10,083 because it's opposite day. 495 00:21:10,083 --> 00:21:11,652 It's opposite day? 496 00:21:11,652 --> 00:21:13,954 Well, shit, we gotta go put some normal clothes on! 497 00:21:13,954 --> 00:21:15,355 Aw, how come? 498 00:21:15,355 --> 00:21:17,691 Because we are people who believe very strongly 499 00:21:17,691 --> 00:21:19,293 in wearing pajamas to the workplace. 500 00:21:19,293 --> 00:21:21,461 If we're wearing pajamas on opposite day, 501 00:21:21,461 --> 00:21:23,163 that means we don't normally wear pajamas 502 00:21:23,163 --> 00:21:25,132 and we're douchebags like Mike! 503 00:21:25,132 --> 00:21:28,569 Alright, you can all go home. It's opposite day. 504 00:21:28,569 --> 00:21:30,737 Oh. Then should I be wearing pajamas? 505 00:21:30,737 --> 00:21:32,472 I don't know what to wear now. 506 00:21:32,472 --> 00:21:34,141 You can't make me wear pajamas! 507 00:21:34,141 --> 00:21:35,242 ♪ Whoo! ♪ That's fine. 508 00:21:35,242 --> 00:21:36,710 You can all wear whatever you want 509 00:21:36,710 --> 00:21:39,146 as long as it covers your dick and tits. 510 00:21:39,146 --> 00:21:41,348 You can't make me cover my dick and tits! 511 00:21:41,348 --> 00:21:43,817 ♪ Whoo! ♪ 512 00:21:43,817 --> 00:21:44,952 ♪ Pajama time ♪