1 00:00:04,644 --> 00:00:07,549 Sync and correction by Mlmlte www.addic7ed.com 2 00:00:38,709 --> 00:00:43,103 Okay Mister Thompson, voting line is right over there. 3 00:00:43,642 --> 00:00:46,421 - Next, please. - Mom? 4 00:00:46,587 --> 00:00:49,487 Mommy? Where's my mommy? 5 00:00:49,612 --> 00:00:52,651 Oh dear, did you lose your mother, little boy? 6 00:00:52,972 --> 00:00:55,520 - Mom! - Security! 7 00:00:57,014 --> 00:01:00,559 - Huh? - This little boy lost his mom! 8 00:01:00,684 --> 00:01:04,325 She said to wait for her by the plastic boxes if I got lost! 9 00:01:04,708 --> 00:01:06,854 It's alright come on. 10 00:01:21,052 --> 00:01:23,804 Mom, where's my mom? 11 00:01:23,929 --> 00:01:26,920 Oh dear, did you lose your mommy, little boy? 12 00:01:31,647 --> 00:01:33,262 Would you like some warm nuts, sir? 13 00:01:33,387 --> 00:01:36,202 Ha ha haa! Warm nuts she says! 14 00:01:43,595 --> 00:01:46,940 Mom! I lost my mom! 15 00:01:51,208 --> 00:01:53,442 Warm nuts, sir? Warm nuts? 16 00:01:54,309 --> 00:01:57,034 No way, dude. No way. 17 00:02:01,459 --> 00:02:04,791 Mom! I can't find my mom! 18 00:02:07,794 --> 00:02:11,298 - You like warm nuts, sir? - Ahah! Okay, okay, it's getting old. 19 00:02:15,736 --> 00:02:17,372 Mom! 20 00:02:17,497 --> 00:02:19,014 Mom! 21 00:02:25,868 --> 00:02:27,564 The people have spoken 22 00:02:27,730 --> 00:02:32,152 and the President of the United States is once again, Barack Obama. 23 00:02:32,318 --> 00:02:35,352 I assure you all that I am heading back to the White House 24 00:02:35,477 --> 00:02:39,076 more motivated, more titillated than ever. 25 00:02:41,253 --> 00:02:43,401 Don't be sad, ike. Just be happy that you live in a 26 00:02:43,526 --> 00:02:45,668 country where people get to elect a president at all. 27 00:02:48,355 --> 00:02:50,504 - Hello? - Hey, Kyle, what's up? 28 00:02:50,804 --> 00:02:52,422 Nothing, watching the election results. 29 00:02:52,588 --> 00:02:54,288 Yeah, I figured. It's the day after the election 30 00:02:54,413 --> 00:02:55,792 so you're probably sitting on the couch telling your little 31 00:02:55,917 --> 00:02:58,011 brother how great it is to live in a Democratic society. 32 00:02:59,109 --> 00:03:00,778 Listen, Kyle, could you come over for a second. 33 00:03:00,903 --> 00:03:02,099 I've got something I need to show you. 34 00:03:02,265 --> 00:03:03,487 - What? - Please, Kyle. 35 00:03:03,612 --> 00:03:05,268 It's kind of important. 36 00:03:07,019 --> 00:03:08,771 Alright, what is this all about, Fat Ass? 37 00:03:08,896 --> 00:03:10,958 You happy with the election results last night, Kyle? 38 00:03:11,083 --> 00:03:12,359 It doesn't matter if I am or not. 39 00:03:12,525 --> 00:03:14,611 People voted and I stand behind the President. 40 00:03:15,024 --> 00:03:17,237 Oh, it's such a Democratic thing to say, Kyle. 41 00:03:17,362 --> 00:03:18,772 What if I were to tell you... 42 00:03:18,897 --> 00:03:22,160 that I have something in my room that could change the entire election? 43 00:03:22,326 --> 00:03:24,454 - Sure you do. - What if I did, Kyle? 44 00:03:24,620 --> 00:03:26,243 What could you possibly have in your room 45 00:03:26,368 --> 00:03:27,791 that could change the outcome of the election? 46 00:03:34,453 --> 00:03:35,841 Pretty sweet, huh? 47 00:03:36,235 --> 00:03:37,481 What the hell is this? 48 00:03:37,606 --> 00:03:38,468 What's it look like? 49 00:03:38,634 --> 00:03:41,388 Hundreds of thousands of votes from all the swing states. 50 00:03:41,803 --> 00:03:42,889 I don't believe it. 51 00:03:43,055 --> 00:03:44,761 No, really, there are states full of swingers. 52 00:03:44,886 --> 00:03:46,143 Bunch of perverts if you ask me. 53 00:03:46,309 --> 00:03:47,477 Why do you have these? 54 00:03:47,643 --> 00:03:49,547 Funny how voting works in this country, isn't it, Kyle. 55 00:03:49,672 --> 00:03:53,306 Each one of these a person... someone who took the time to get 56 00:03:53,431 --> 00:03:56,206 themselves informed, actually got up and drove to a voting 57 00:03:56,331 --> 00:03:57,904 area to make sure their voice was heard. 58 00:04:01,365 --> 00:04:02,211 Dude! 59 00:04:02,437 --> 00:04:04,253 Here's another patriotic American. 60 00:04:04,378 --> 00:04:06,855 He probably spent hours listening to all those presidential ads 61 00:04:06,980 --> 00:04:08,417 and tuned in to every debate. 62 00:04:09,373 --> 00:04:10,267 Knock it off, Cartman! 63 00:04:10,392 --> 00:04:12,836 Now believe it or not, Kyle. I actually need your help. 64 00:04:12,961 --> 00:04:15,160 But first, you have to promise not to tell anyone. 65 00:04:15,285 --> 00:04:17,103 You're not getting away with this, you fat turd!! 66 00:04:27,568 --> 00:04:30,995 Run now, little firefly. It's all part of the plan. 67 00:04:31,723 --> 00:04:34,942 Sweetie, there's a Mr. Pun Lee Tsao on the phone for you. 68 00:04:35,067 --> 00:04:37,881 Thanks Mom. I'll take that... in the study. 69 00:04:38,006 --> 00:04:40,218 Do I have a study? I don't think I have a study. 70 00:04:40,343 --> 00:04:41,531 That's fine. 71 00:04:45,159 --> 00:04:46,661 Mr. President. 72 00:04:46,827 --> 00:04:47,464 Yes. 73 00:04:47,589 --> 00:04:49,548 Line two from China for you, sir. 74 00:04:49,673 --> 00:04:51,416 It's General Tsao. 75 00:04:53,163 --> 00:04:54,544 Yes, hello, General. 76 00:04:54,710 --> 00:04:58,048 We presume you are pleased with the election results? 77 00:04:58,214 --> 00:05:00,383 Very pleased. Thank you for your help. 78 00:05:00,549 --> 00:05:04,554 And you, no doubt, will now begin filling your side of the bargain. 79 00:05:04,720 --> 00:05:07,300 You'll have what you want. I'll meet you in three hours. 80 00:05:09,262 --> 00:05:11,567 Sir, the election may have gone the way they said, 81 00:05:11,692 --> 00:05:14,731 but we can't possibly give the Chinese what you promised. 82 00:05:15,207 --> 00:05:18,169 I don't know how they did it but the Chinese secured my victory. 83 00:05:18,294 --> 00:05:20,153 I have to fulfill my obligation. 84 00:05:20,392 --> 00:05:22,632 And what if General Tsao suddenly gets the courage 85 00:05:22,757 --> 00:05:24,402 to go to the press with all this? 86 00:05:24,527 --> 00:05:25,627 Don't worry. 87 00:05:25,958 --> 00:05:28,331 Everyone knows General Tsao's chicken. 88 00:05:34,596 --> 00:05:35,585 Eric Cartman? 89 00:05:35,751 --> 00:05:38,880 We have a report you might be involved in voter fraud. 90 00:05:39,250 --> 00:05:40,505 Mmm, no. 91 00:05:40,881 --> 00:05:42,592 You mind if we search your room? 92 00:05:43,050 --> 00:05:44,299 I'm sorry, but I know my rights. 93 00:05:44,424 --> 00:05:45,922 You can't search my room without a warrant, 94 00:05:46,047 --> 00:05:47,722 and I'm afraid I can't give you permission. 95 00:05:47,888 --> 00:05:49,402 This isn't a joke, Cartman! 96 00:05:49,527 --> 00:05:50,896 You have to believe me, Officer, 97 00:05:51,021 --> 00:05:52,565 the outcome of the election depends on it. 98 00:05:52,816 --> 00:05:54,104 Let's just see. 99 00:05:54,270 --> 00:05:55,689 Hey! You can't do that! 100 00:05:56,504 --> 00:05:58,108 Upstairs! First door on the left! 101 00:05:58,969 --> 00:06:00,801 I know my rights! Stop right now! 102 00:06:05,808 --> 00:06:08,285 But... they were here. 103 00:06:08,451 --> 00:06:09,341 I swear it! 104 00:06:09,466 --> 00:06:12,038 Stacks and stacks of ballots from states all over the country! 105 00:06:12,204 --> 00:06:16,167 I was always told that we lived in a country based on freedom. 106 00:06:16,333 --> 00:06:18,076 That the one thing that made America different was 107 00:06:18,201 --> 00:06:20,498 that the government could never barge into our lives unwarranted. 108 00:06:20,623 --> 00:06:22,088 But it's all changing, isn't it? 109 00:06:22,556 --> 00:06:24,571 Ever since Obama was first elected, 110 00:06:24,696 --> 00:06:25,955 it's all changing. 111 00:06:26,734 --> 00:06:28,439 Oh my God, what have we done? 112 00:06:28,564 --> 00:06:30,223 I guess this country is changing. 113 00:06:30,389 --> 00:06:32,796 We're sorry, little boy. We're so sorry. 114 00:06:33,476 --> 00:06:34,813 Please, you've got to believe me! 115 00:06:34,938 --> 00:06:36,039 They've still got to be here somewhere! 116 00:06:36,164 --> 00:06:37,383 We have to find them! 117 00:06:38,426 --> 00:06:39,682 But where could they be? 118 00:06:39,807 --> 00:06:40,648 Where? 119 00:06:40,773 --> 00:06:43,132 And why would I care so much about the election results? 120 00:06:43,257 --> 00:06:44,964 So many questions, Kyle. 121 00:06:45,089 --> 00:06:46,910 So little time. 122 00:06:53,425 --> 00:06:55,402 Guys! You guys! 123 00:06:55,751 --> 00:06:56,491 Listen, 124 00:06:56,616 --> 00:06:59,113 Cartman has tens of thousands of voter ballots hidden somewhere! 125 00:06:59,238 --> 00:07:01,223 He's changed the outcome of the election! 126 00:07:01,763 --> 00:07:03,506 Wow, really. That's pretty impressive. 127 00:07:03,672 --> 00:07:06,267 Come on you guys, he's hid them somewhere we have to find them. 128 00:07:06,392 --> 00:07:08,498 But I thought Obama won pretty easily last night. 129 00:07:08,623 --> 00:07:10,034 Dude, because of the electoral college 130 00:07:10,159 --> 00:07:11,980 these votes in swing states can really matter! 131 00:07:12,105 --> 00:07:13,498 I don't understand that stuff at all. 132 00:07:13,623 --> 00:07:15,044 I need Morgan Freeman to explain it to me. 133 00:07:15,169 --> 00:07:17,437 Yeah, I love when Morgan Freeman explains stuff. 134 00:07:17,603 --> 00:07:19,712 Whenever I'm confused about what's going on in a movie 135 00:07:19,837 --> 00:07:23,271 I'm always so relieved when Morgan Freeman shows up and explains the plot to me. 136 00:07:23,396 --> 00:07:25,024 God dammit, this is serious, you guys! 137 00:07:25,149 --> 00:07:26,839 Cartman has stolen the election! 138 00:07:26,964 --> 00:07:28,784 Well, maybe Cartman had a good reason. 139 00:07:30,598 --> 00:07:33,261 Butters, you know something, don't you? Huh? 140 00:07:33,386 --> 00:07:34,704 Uh, no! Why? 141 00:07:34,870 --> 00:07:37,073 - What did Cartman tell you?! - He didn't tell me nothing! 142 00:07:37,198 --> 00:07:39,545 And I swore to secrecy! It's really important, Kyle, 143 00:07:39,670 --> 00:07:41,064 and it isn't what you think. 144 00:07:41,189 --> 00:07:44,255 - Don't make me say any more. - Tell us what you know, right now. 145 00:07:44,421 --> 00:07:46,067 I can't, don't you see? 146 00:07:48,053 --> 00:07:50,553 Don't make me swallow this! I'll do it! 147 00:07:51,068 --> 00:07:53,094 - Is that an M&M? - It's an almond M&M! 148 00:07:53,219 --> 00:07:55,544 I'm very allergic to almonds! Please! 149 00:07:55,669 --> 00:07:56,893 Just leave me alone! 150 00:07:57,059 --> 00:07:58,478 Then you have to tell us. 151 00:07:59,796 --> 00:08:01,909 Well... huh... 152 00:08:03,941 --> 00:08:05,598 Oh, shit! Don't let him swallow it! 153 00:08:05,723 --> 00:08:07,821 - Pry his mouth open! - He ate it! 154 00:08:08,307 --> 00:08:09,675 Butters, where are the ballots going? 155 00:08:09,800 --> 00:08:10,824 Where are they going? 156 00:08:10,990 --> 00:08:14,449 I... I... I hate almonds. 157 00:08:28,544 --> 00:08:31,309 - More melted butter, sir? - Mmm, mmm. 158 00:08:33,611 --> 00:08:34,703 Little boy, 159 00:08:34,828 --> 00:08:37,420 the President is on his way to pick up the ballots. 160 00:08:37,545 --> 00:08:38,476 Where are they? 161 00:08:39,561 --> 00:08:40,452 They're nearby. 162 00:08:40,577 --> 00:08:41,783 Very safe and sound. 163 00:08:42,205 --> 00:08:45,150 I just might want to alter our deal a lite bit. 164 00:08:46,365 --> 00:08:47,763 Alter our... 165 00:08:47,888 --> 00:08:50,488 the President will be here in moments with what we want! 166 00:08:50,654 --> 00:08:53,491 Yeah, tell me again exactly what you plan on doing with it. 167 00:08:53,657 --> 00:08:55,491 Oh my God, it's the President! 168 00:08:57,430 --> 00:08:59,527 - The President! - Congratulations, sir! 169 00:08:59,891 --> 00:09:02,614 Thank you, thank you all for your votes of confidence. 170 00:09:02,969 --> 00:09:04,629 If I could just be a little rude 171 00:09:04,754 --> 00:09:07,171 and ask to have a nice quiet meal in private? 172 00:09:07,296 --> 00:09:08,565 Oh, of course! 173 00:09:08,690 --> 00:09:10,754 Come on, let's let the President have some peace and quiet! 174 00:09:10,879 --> 00:09:13,274 Wow, the President eats at Red Lobster! 175 00:09:13,399 --> 00:09:15,133 He's just a normal guy like me! 176 00:09:15,258 --> 00:09:16,973 Come on, guys! President says get out! 177 00:09:17,139 --> 00:09:19,360 I didn't actually vote for him. Huh. 178 00:09:23,570 --> 00:09:24,571 Alright. 179 00:09:24,926 --> 00:09:26,081 Where are the ballots? 180 00:09:31,653 --> 00:09:34,603 {pub}Your friend has had a severe allergic reaction. 181 00:09:34,835 --> 00:09:36,442 Can we please just try and talk to him? 182 00:09:36,567 --> 00:09:38,703 Alright, but don't take too long. 183 00:09:41,789 --> 00:09:43,904 Butters, you have to tell us what Cartman is up to. 184 00:09:46,195 --> 00:09:48,350 I didn't want to have to do this, but if you don't tell us, 185 00:09:48,475 --> 00:09:51,424 I'm gonna tell your dad you helped get the wrong person elected president. 186 00:09:51,982 --> 00:09:53,718 No! Please, you can't! 187 00:09:53,884 --> 00:09:55,428 Then just tell me what Cartman is up to! 188 00:09:55,594 --> 00:09:56,980 Okay! Okay! 189 00:09:57,217 --> 00:09:59,326 (he burbles something incomprehensible) 190 00:10:00,130 --> 00:10:01,046 What'd he say? 191 00:10:01,171 --> 00:10:03,393 (incomprehensible) 192 00:10:03,518 --> 00:10:04,286 Oh. 193 00:10:04,411 --> 00:10:07,106 What do you mean the election isn't the biggest thing that happened this week? 194 00:10:07,272 --> 00:10:10,026 (incomprehensible) 195 00:10:10,192 --> 00:10:10,883 What? 196 00:10:11,008 --> 00:10:13,211 (incomprehensible) 197 00:10:13,336 --> 00:10:14,935 You mean the missile defense program? 198 00:10:15,060 --> 00:10:18,117 Butters, where is Cartman supposed to hand over the ballots? 199 00:10:18,283 --> 00:10:19,744 At Red Lobster. 200 00:10:20,872 --> 00:10:21,914 At Red Lobster. 201 00:10:22,661 --> 00:10:23,373 Where? 202 00:10:23,539 --> 00:10:24,874 Red Lobster. 203 00:10:25,040 --> 00:10:27,961 - Huh? - He said, at r-r-red... 204 00:10:28,127 --> 00:10:29,379 Red Lobster! 205 00:10:29,545 --> 00:10:31,172 - Red Lobster! - What? 206 00:10:31,484 --> 00:10:33,049 R-r-r-red, r-r-r-red... 207 00:10:33,215 --> 00:10:34,384 Red Lobster! 208 00:10:34,550 --> 00:10:35,624 Red Lobster! 209 00:10:35,749 --> 00:10:37,142 Oh, Red Lobster. 210 00:10:37,678 --> 00:10:41,307 General Tsao, do you have the missing ballots or not? 211 00:10:41,939 --> 00:10:43,232 Sure, we have the ballots. 212 00:10:43,357 --> 00:10:46,771 But we don't have them right here with us now. 213 00:10:48,661 --> 00:10:52,026 Okay, you want me to come in again, we can start over. What the fuck is this? 214 00:10:52,192 --> 00:10:54,340 Alright! Where are the missing ballots?! 215 00:10:54,740 --> 00:10:55,744 President Obama? 216 00:10:56,114 --> 00:10:58,491 Oh, God dammit, Kyle, I was just about to get what I wanted! 217 00:10:58,657 --> 00:11:00,655 Mr. President, we got you re-elected. 218 00:11:00,780 --> 00:11:03,237 Now you will give us the Star Wars technology 219 00:11:03,362 --> 00:11:05,039 so that we can make the sequels! 220 00:11:05,205 --> 00:11:08,465 I told you China would get the rights to Star Wars from Disney 221 00:11:08,590 --> 00:11:10,814 as long as my presidency was secure. 222 00:11:10,939 --> 00:11:13,380 Until I have those ballots it is not secure. 223 00:11:13,505 --> 00:11:16,738 Wait a minute. The rights to "Star Wars," the movies? 224 00:11:16,863 --> 00:11:18,249 What the hell is going on here? 225 00:11:18,374 --> 00:11:22,010 What's going on is the sale of America's greatest asset. 226 00:11:23,544 --> 00:11:26,833 You see, when the United States created Star Wars 227 00:11:26,958 --> 00:11:29,619 it made this country incredibly powerful. 228 00:11:30,134 --> 00:11:31,524 Morgan Freeman? 229 00:11:31,931 --> 00:11:36,215 Earlier this week, Lucas signed the rights to Star Wars over to Disney, 230 00:11:36,340 --> 00:11:39,595 and the Chinese saw a way to obtain it for themselves. 231 00:11:39,720 --> 00:11:42,917 The Chinese government knew that President Obama would help them 232 00:11:43,042 --> 00:11:46,414 take the rights from Disney if they helped him get re-elected. 233 00:11:47,064 --> 00:11:48,065 Oh. 234 00:11:48,540 --> 00:11:51,638 But the child who actually stole the ballots has hidden them 235 00:11:51,763 --> 00:11:54,975 and won't give them to anyone until his demands are met. 236 00:11:55,766 --> 00:11:58,113 You've all got quite a mess on your hands. 237 00:11:58,427 --> 00:12:00,134 I wish you well with it. 238 00:12:01,888 --> 00:12:03,306 Just one thing Morgan Freeman. 239 00:12:04,028 --> 00:12:06,893 How come every time something convoluted needs explaining, you show up? 240 00:12:07,059 --> 00:12:11,064 Because every time I show up and explain something, I earn a freckle. 241 00:12:16,401 --> 00:12:18,696 So here's the deal, General Tsao. Mr. President. 242 00:12:18,862 --> 00:12:20,507 When the Chinese make the sequels, 243 00:12:20,896 --> 00:12:23,188 I get to play the part of Luke Skywalker's son. 244 00:12:23,439 --> 00:12:25,078 Cartman Skywalker. 245 00:12:25,244 --> 00:12:28,665 That was not the deal! We will not be bullied by you! 246 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:32,921 Well, then I guess we're about to play a game of chicken, General Tsao. 247 00:12:37,316 --> 00:12:40,090 I get it. General Tsao's ch-chi-chicken. 248 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:42,876 You are absolutely sure about this? 249 00:12:43,001 --> 00:12:46,441 It's been confirmed, Mike. My God, we may have won this thing. 250 00:12:47,477 --> 00:12:48,377 Sir? 251 00:12:48,502 --> 00:12:51,062 Sir, we have some incredible news. 252 00:12:51,228 --> 00:12:54,280 There are rumors of hundreds of thousands of stolen ballots. 253 00:12:54,405 --> 00:12:56,752 You might have won the election after all 254 00:13:03,343 --> 00:13:04,649 There's nothing here, Kyle. 255 00:13:04,774 --> 00:13:06,160 Anything in the basement, Jimmy? 256 00:13:06,326 --> 00:13:08,588 Just old junk and boxes of Eric's mom's dildos. 257 00:13:08,713 --> 00:13:09,664 Well, keep looking! 258 00:13:10,802 --> 00:13:12,710 Oh, my goodness, what's going on? 259 00:13:12,835 --> 00:13:13,585 Sorry, Ms. Cartman, 260 00:13:13,710 --> 00:13:15,581 but your son took some things that didn't belong to him. 261 00:13:15,706 --> 00:13:19,164 I've told him to respect people's property. What did he take? 262 00:13:19,289 --> 00:13:20,567 He stole ballots in all the swing states 263 00:13:20,692 --> 00:13:22,073 so the wrong person was elected president. 264 00:13:22,198 --> 00:13:24,948 Oh, well, no TV for him for a few days. 265 00:13:25,579 --> 00:13:28,808 There's nothing here, Kyle. Not even one Scooby clue. 266 00:13:28,974 --> 00:13:30,949 Oh, my God, you guys! Look! 267 00:13:34,299 --> 00:13:36,232 Dude, it's Boba Fett's ship! 268 00:13:49,331 --> 00:13:51,664 Just what the Dickens is going on here, ha ha? 269 00:13:51,830 --> 00:13:53,374 Oh shit, it's him again. 270 00:13:53,540 --> 00:13:55,815 What's this about a deal with the Chinese?! 271 00:13:55,940 --> 00:13:58,003 I own all this shit now! 272 00:13:58,128 --> 00:14:02,566 I own the death star, I own Tatooine, it's all mine. 273 00:14:03,795 --> 00:14:04,899 Alright, fuckers. 274 00:14:05,024 --> 00:14:06,870 Where are the missing ballots? 275 00:14:10,849 --> 00:14:11,850 Butters. 276 00:14:13,101 --> 00:14:15,342 You just couldn't keep your mouth shut, could you, Butters? 277 00:14:15,467 --> 00:14:17,732 I didn't say anything! I promise. 278 00:14:18,132 --> 00:14:20,985 I guess we learned that when it comes to Star Wars we can't trust anyone. 279 00:14:21,151 --> 00:14:24,238 Not the president, not the Chinese. And not you. 280 00:14:24,404 --> 00:14:27,074 Please, Eric! I tried to be quiet, I swear! 281 00:14:27,323 --> 00:14:28,785 Shhhh, it's okay, Butters. 282 00:14:29,162 --> 00:14:31,140 Nobody's going to find the election ballots. 283 00:14:31,265 --> 00:14:34,683 I have them hidden away, somewhere nobody would ever look. 284 00:14:36,243 --> 00:14:39,143 A place in town people barely even know exists. 285 00:14:43,102 --> 00:14:46,093 Hey, guys! Lookin' to buy a Hummer today? 286 00:14:46,663 --> 00:14:50,389 We're having a Rocktober sales event that's goin' into Rockvember. 287 00:14:55,746 --> 00:14:56,776 Hey, there! 288 00:14:56,901 --> 00:14:59,148 Interested in test driving a Hummer today? 289 00:15:00,089 --> 00:15:03,686 I can see you... the Ray Bans, got that nice bicep hanging out 290 00:15:03,811 --> 00:15:05,863 the window rolled down. What do you think? 291 00:15:09,839 --> 00:15:15,164 Rockvember sales event, guys! Every Hummer comes with a free Segway. 292 00:15:16,007 --> 00:15:17,701 Hey, why don't you shut up? 293 00:15:18,291 --> 00:15:20,784 Just excited about these deals, that's all. 294 00:15:35,930 --> 00:15:39,438 We found him, sir. But still no sign of the missing ballots. 295 00:15:39,604 --> 00:15:41,774 Go on, leave us alone. 296 00:15:43,547 --> 00:15:44,929 Now listen, little boy, 297 00:15:45,054 --> 00:15:49,046 the reason this country works is because people go out and vote. 298 00:15:49,351 --> 00:15:52,038 - Every vote counts, and... - Cut the crap, Mouse. 299 00:15:52,163 --> 00:15:53,900 You only care about the election results because 300 00:15:54,025 --> 00:15:55,788 Romney would have been tougher on the Chinese. 301 00:15:55,954 --> 00:15:58,451 Why don't you just tell me where the missing ballots are? 302 00:15:58,576 --> 00:16:01,225 It'll make your death a lot less painful, ha, ha. 303 00:16:01,466 --> 00:16:04,566 Trust me, they're somewhere nobody will ever find them. 304 00:16:05,386 --> 00:16:07,746 If you kill me then Obama will stay president and you'll lose 305 00:16:07,871 --> 00:16:09,634 Star Wars to the Chinese forever. 306 00:16:14,101 --> 00:16:16,963 Pretty neat, huh? How would you like to have one? 307 00:16:17,880 --> 00:16:20,655 I can get those at Kmart. If you want me to switch sides 308 00:16:20,780 --> 00:16:22,648 you'll have to do better than that. 309 00:16:23,479 --> 00:16:26,391 - Like what? - I want a part in the new movies. 310 00:16:26,861 --> 00:16:29,911 Well, then, why didn't you just come to me in the first place? 311 00:16:30,036 --> 00:16:33,075 If you wanna be in the next Star Wars, I'm your guy. 312 00:16:33,577 --> 00:16:35,196 I get to be Luke Skywalker's son. 313 00:16:35,321 --> 00:16:37,496 And there has to be a character called Jewbacca! 314 00:16:37,662 --> 00:16:39,910 You can be Luke's son, you can be Han Solo's son, 315 00:16:40,035 --> 00:16:41,959 I don't give two shits in a ****. 316 00:16:42,125 --> 00:16:42,673 Really? 317 00:16:42,798 --> 00:16:45,227 Well, then, I suppose that making the votes public 318 00:16:45,352 --> 00:16:46,720 is the right thing to do. 319 00:16:46,845 --> 00:16:48,252 I can get the ballots for you. 320 00:16:48,490 --> 00:16:51,465 But if I'm gonna smuggle them here, I'm gonna need a blaster and a Tonton. 321 00:16:51,709 --> 00:16:55,161 Sure thing! I got a Tonton coming up my asshole. Haha. 322 00:16:55,286 --> 00:16:56,592 - Haha! - Haha! 323 00:16:56,717 --> 00:16:57,370 Hehe. 324 00:16:58,651 --> 00:17:01,024 This is Breaking Election News! 325 00:17:01,353 --> 00:17:02,618 Hold that phone! 326 00:17:02,743 --> 00:17:05,580 The election may be over, but rumors are running rampant 327 00:17:05,705 --> 00:17:09,153 that hundreds of thousands of ballots for Mitt Romney were stolen. 328 00:17:09,319 --> 00:17:12,153 We need everyone's help here. What you're looking for are big 329 00:17:12,278 --> 00:17:13,689 boxes of ballots, hundreds of them. 330 00:17:13,814 --> 00:17:15,548 Please check your basements, your attics. 331 00:17:15,673 --> 00:17:22,003 And you claim that a General Tsao hired your friend Fat Ass to steal the ballots. 332 00:17:22,128 --> 00:17:24,848 But so far the Chinese are refusing to speak with us. 333 00:17:24,973 --> 00:17:27,245 Yeah, well, probably because General Tsao's chicken. 334 00:17:29,454 --> 00:17:31,092 Is that it? Did he just... did he just... 335 00:17:31,258 --> 00:17:34,261 Yes, Chris we are getting confirmation that was the millionth time! 336 00:17:34,427 --> 00:17:37,853 Excitement and revelry in South Park as a little boy has just 337 00:17:37,978 --> 00:17:41,514 made the General Tsao's chicken joke for the one millionth time! 338 00:17:41,639 --> 00:17:43,798 - What? - Little boy, the General Tsao's chicken joke, 339 00:17:43,923 --> 00:17:47,269 a favorite for years, you've just hit the magic number how's it feel? 340 00:17:48,157 --> 00:17:49,864 I... what? 341 00:17:50,630 --> 00:17:52,308 He's being presented the check now. 342 00:17:52,433 --> 00:17:55,116 A five thousand dollar gift certificate to PF Chang's. 343 00:17:55,657 --> 00:17:58,922 This has been a long campaign but someone's finally done it, wolf. 344 00:18:01,690 --> 00:18:03,322 Well, we tried dude. 345 00:18:04,084 --> 00:18:06,002 It just seems so unfair. 346 00:18:06,168 --> 00:18:09,069 People won't ever even know that the wrong man is in the White House. 347 00:18:09,751 --> 00:18:11,359 Well, I mean, look at it this way. 348 00:18:11,484 --> 00:18:13,878 Almost half the country did actually vote for Obama. 349 00:18:14,003 --> 00:18:16,630 If the election really just came down to a bunch of boxes Cartman stole, 350 00:18:16,755 --> 00:18:18,274 then, does it matter that much? 351 00:18:18,399 --> 00:18:20,746 It matters, Stan. It matters. 352 00:18:24,352 --> 00:18:26,390 Come on down to Stephenson Hammer 353 00:18:26,515 --> 00:18:29,358 for our big Christmas in Humvember sale! 354 00:18:29,524 --> 00:18:32,028 Not sure what to get your loved one this holiday season? 355 00:18:32,194 --> 00:18:33,962 Why not give them a nice Hummer? 356 00:18:34,087 --> 00:18:36,532 Nothing beats a Hummer on Christmas morning! 357 00:18:37,853 --> 00:18:41,098 Stan... when's the last time you saw somebody drive a Hummer? 358 00:18:41,692 --> 00:18:44,541 Uh, forever ago. Like 2010. 359 00:18:45,332 --> 00:18:46,542 Oh my God. 360 00:18:48,721 --> 00:18:51,297 Hey! Looking for a Hummer today? 361 00:18:51,463 --> 00:18:53,470 Got some 2009s here. 362 00:18:53,843 --> 00:18:57,421 Never been driven... ever. 363 00:19:00,222 --> 00:19:01,562 Go on, get outta here. Shoo! 364 00:19:02,138 --> 00:19:05,102 - Look! There they are! - Hey! Hi there! 365 00:19:05,643 --> 00:19:08,625 You kids like hummers, huh? Lemme show you these babies! 366 00:19:08,750 --> 00:19:10,333 We found it, you guys! 367 00:19:11,050 --> 00:19:12,485 Oh, no! They followed us! 368 00:19:16,696 --> 00:19:19,867 Oh hell yes! Asians! Hey guys! 369 00:19:20,274 --> 00:19:22,203 - Get out of our way. - No! 370 00:19:22,369 --> 00:19:24,997 These don't belong to you. They belong to the people! 371 00:19:25,932 --> 00:19:29,651 I am tired of playing games! This little farce is over! 372 00:19:31,811 --> 00:19:35,351 I don't think so, General Tsao. This way, Officers!! 373 00:19:40,011 --> 00:19:41,764 Oh my God, it's a sales rush! 374 00:19:42,598 --> 00:19:43,432 Oh my God. 375 00:19:44,766 --> 00:19:46,769 Are those what I think they are? 376 00:19:46,935 --> 00:19:50,481 Yes, we must show these to the public for democracy's sake! Right, Kyle? 377 00:19:50,647 --> 00:19:54,944 Sir, we found something. At the Hummer sales lot outside of town. 378 00:19:55,235 --> 00:19:56,706 You don't understand! 379 00:19:57,011 --> 00:20:00,616 We are trying to protect the greatest film series ever made! 380 00:20:00,925 --> 00:20:01,951 Protect it? 381 00:20:02,117 --> 00:20:03,900 What the hell is going on here? 382 00:20:04,025 --> 00:20:06,455 Perhaps I can explain it to you. 383 00:20:10,213 --> 00:20:12,088 You see, it turns out 384 00:20:12,213 --> 00:20:16,193 the only reason the Chinese so desperately wanted Star Wars 385 00:20:16,618 --> 00:20:21,254 is because they're afraid that Disney might not be the right place for it. 386 00:20:21,794 --> 00:20:26,851 The Chinese simply want to guard Star Wars' impeccable legacy. 387 00:20:27,551 --> 00:20:28,811 Is that Morgan Freeman? 388 00:20:28,977 --> 00:20:30,950 And now we are at a crossroads. 389 00:20:31,075 --> 00:20:32,853 If these ballots are made public 390 00:20:32,978 --> 00:20:36,435 then the man that people voted for will be president, 391 00:20:36,560 --> 00:20:40,186 but he will no doubt keep Star Wars from the Chinese 392 00:20:40,508 --> 00:20:42,780 and allow Disney to keep it instead. 393 00:20:43,533 --> 00:20:45,893 And so we have to ask ourselves: 394 00:20:46,018 --> 00:20:47,386 What's more important? 395 00:20:47,863 --> 00:20:50,273 That the right man is elected president, 396 00:20:50,640 --> 00:20:54,318 or that Star Wars is with people who will protect it most? 397 00:21:02,466 --> 00:21:04,983 Unit four, what is it? Over? 398 00:21:05,108 --> 00:21:06,393 Well, kid? 399 00:21:06,518 --> 00:21:09,393 Well, if you put it that way. 400 00:21:09,559 --> 00:21:12,988 Come in! Unit four, come in! What have you found? 401 00:21:14,018 --> 00:21:15,198 Nothing, sir. 402 00:21:15,323 --> 00:21:18,594 We just found some tremendous deals on cars nobody wants, that's all. 403 00:21:18,719 --> 00:21:19,653 Barkley, out. 404 00:21:23,573 --> 00:21:26,785 No! But Obama wasn't really elected. Don't you people care?! 405 00:21:38,378 --> 00:21:41,634 Sync and correction by Mlmlte www.addic7ed.com